#and bc her and i share one braincell she cut it EXACTLY like i wanted her to
perilegs · 8 months
i cut several inchess of my hair off (it reached past my shoulders now its back at like. chin/neck length) and no one at work has said anything bc it still looks the exact same
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tiredassmage · 2 years
👊 …someone who hates my muse. <- For any or all of your OCs!!
Hmmmm... another good thinkie thought one... 'Hate' is usually a bit too strong a sentiment for most of my characters bc irl I'm actually a baby about conflict adknflskdfn, but I am also complicating this by trying to avoid the more glaringly obvious ones I could take like notable enemies and family disagreements I may have already addressed with characters on the blog. sO
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For Astor... I'm going to say... Fordola. Not exactly because they hate each other - Astor certainly doesn't harbor ill-will against her, but he is a bit of a goody-two-shoes for her and they have certainly butted heads over it. Astor being the bleeding heart against Fordola's incredible stubbornness and resistance has made their interactions a bit strained. Astor may genuinely want to help, but, frankly, he also wouldn't be really surprised if she decked him across the jaw for trying too hard. He thinks some progress is made in the Endwalker role quests to build a better bridge of understanding, but let no one hold any false illusions that they're probably never going to call each other friends, and that's okay.
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Now, I did say I was trying to avoid obvious major villains, but I am going to call Emet-Selch for Shay, and I'm pulling this one because it's not something I've focused on. It's something I've put some thought and headcanons into, but it hasn't made it into any writing yet, and it's not all presented exactly in the game, either.
For those that may not know, Shay has had a sort of uncanny comprehension of past lives and the sundering for... a fair while longer than you'd think. Ares was his unsundered self, and fractured bits of those memories have been rattling around like loose, lost bolts in Shay's crowded, dark closet of a headspace since approximately the late stages of Heavensward.
By Shadowbringers, this is a more frontal element, though something he still keeps under wraps from fellow Warrior of Light and girlfriend, Airi (@fatewalker-phoenix). Emet-Selch, on the other hand, knows about this whether or not Shay would like him to.
They spend plenty of Shadowbringers playing, not to make a horrible pun, something of a shadow game, where Emet spends plenty of quiet time needling him about this while Airi's attention is occupied elsewhere.
So, I draw this one from probably something like the shared fandom braincell where Emet has some feelings about how this shade of someone he once knew is managing to do so well, and it grinds on his gears a bit that Shay stubbornly holds his line that his loyalty is to Airi, and he will not be swayed away from that by any promise of power and missing memories restored.
In a similar vein, and in a spoiler for side content (the Eden raids of Shadowbringers), so I'll throw this under a cut...
... Similar things bring him into particular conflict with Mitron in the course of the Eden raid series. His loyalty to Loghrif paints a sort of interesting mirror scenario for the depth of Shay's loyalty to Airi (and, by association, Ares's to Iris, Airi's unsundered self).
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mr-walkingrainbow · 3 years
Kings, Queens, Royalty, what are our (yes obvi collective bc we're all sharing a braincell here with everything Abimel) thoughts on Miss Abigael trying to bind her powers? And what are our theories about Miss Abigael and Miss Jordan being stuck in (I'm calling it a prison world because I deadass cannot remember the right word for) those separate prison-y worlds? Who's going to notice they're missing, Maggie or Mel??
TW Mentions of suicide and suicidal behaviors. TW cutting mention
TW depression
TW self harm
1. I fucking lost my shit with this episode. The writers are just fucking up huge. Abby is now moved to the most dangerous level of her depression, EXTREME self harm. Before she’d do things but she’d always wake up before it actually hurt her. Hell, this time she literally grabbed shards of glass and went ham on her skin like it was a piece of cake! How did she even reach her shoulder???? They didn’t even show all her wounds and that’s terrifying. she literally fully took sharp things and tried to kill herself from self injury and blood loss. I just.
i can’t.
the charmed writers have still not acknowledge this is depression, or done a thing on how self harm is horrible. Or have anyone actually recognize what Abby is doing without some cruel insult.
and considering the leap that happened, I’m honestly terrified she’s going make the final leap and they will barely even acknowledge it, nevertheless treat it as the delicate and important subject it is.
Literally every scene. Every scène in this was gut wrenching. Waking up in disarray and a desttoyed room, only to be covered in your own blood. (Ok technically she wasn’t, which is also logically incorrect, like what, her demon side decide to be nice and clean up the blood that was 100% no doubt pouring down her arms and body?) yeah no.
Walkinh up to Jorden. Asking him to help her do a binding spell.
Im gonna take a second here to establish that this is Abby. Abigael Jameson-fucking-Caine. the literal DEMON OVERLORD.
she lives for her magic. Magic is who she is and how she lives and she practically breaths the stuff. She’s the most magical out of all of the people on the show. It was how she was raised. It was ingrained into her more then anything else
the fact that she made a split second decision to get rid of ALL of her powers FOREVER.
It just is truly the ultimate show of how desperate she is. How much pain mentally and physically this is causing her.
im not even comment on the fact that I nearly cried from how soft Jordan was patching her up.
ALMOST! That’s a very hard almost. Overwitch is what gets my heart pumping in the morning.
bro just FUCKING bro! She was so scared. So so scared of the binding ritual. She didn’t want to do it but she had too. It was pure fear and desperation. (I flinched when she whimpered as she cut her hand. She’s already cut herself way to much in the last 24 hours. I’m not even gonna begin on the rollercoaster of thought’s she might have been feeling)
Also, is it just me, or is she ALWAYS too eager to go and slice her palm if they need demon blood for a spell. Like she generally doesn’t care if she hurts herself in the process. hell she proved that by literally poisoning herself painfully to get Harry’s attention.
and that was BEFORE getting a suicidal demon side.
god she’s been a mess for so long and no ones realizing it.
Bro. BRO. JORDAN. WAS. SO. FUCKING. SOFT when he was about to apparently STAB her??? Like what the fuck was that??? Oh to get rid of your powers we need EVEN MORE BLOOD or for you to flat out die, NO BIGGIE!
but look at him as he does it. He stands and gently caresses Her shoulder. I fucking sobbed at that. He holds her like she’s a fragile broken sparrow. A innocent bird. I NEED more of that.
haha if that’s not enought let’s add some MORE PAIN. onto this overwhelming ANGST SESH.
THE PERFECTI DECIDE TO SEND HER TO THE TOMB OF FUCKING CHAOS BY BURNINH A SYMBOL INTO THE BACK OF HER NECK??? WHERE SHE APPARENTLY FINDS A (hammer??) SOMEWHERE! (not gonna lie I didn’t know what I was missing till my life was complete with Abby with a hammer) anywho-
you fucked up perfecti!
the tomb of chaos is for the most evil of monsters and demons, who even murderers are afraid of
bruh her scream though
🥺 jorden was so concerned
when she says ‘Anyone?’ That KILLED ME.
i SWEAR. If she’s gonna see hallucinations of her family I WILL loose my shit.
MY GOD. If in her dream cell she’s dating Mel??? like maybe that’s her incorrect thing.
also WHAT THE FUCK was that beginning scene??? So we all agreed that when she’s in her full on body length let’s bring out the angsty lace dress state, that shes “Asleep” and “Unconscious.” And “NOT LUCID OR SANE AT ALL”
like a normal person
so your telling Me, UNCONSCIOUSLY. She went to the CHARMED ONES HOUSE??
to do exactly WHAT exactly??? She’s not gonna kill them? She wants to kill herself! and she doesn’t even want them to die in real life.
so that’s un probable.
unless the reason she came their wasnt violence related at all!
she’s first in the house , and the first thing she says is MEL.
theirs a dramatic long pause and then she says the other sisters names
as if mels the soul purpose and Maggie and Macy are the unwilling spares.
(i swtg if they hurt her next episode I will RANT AND BOYCOTT SO AHRD!)
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queer-crusader · 3 years
How do you think Silver & Flint's relationship would have evolved if things hadn't ended the way they did in S4? How do you think things would have progressed through time? I tend to think about the what ifs a lot. I'm just curious what your thoughts are on it.
OOFT. I mean i have many thoughts! It’s... very hard to say really. Because i think one thing Black Sails does incredibly well is the way it builds a story and a character. Many choices made in this show are so dependent on what the characters want and who they intrinsically are and how they influence each other (willingly/knowingly or not), and i feel like there are many very complex interwoven roads that led them to the conclusion they got to. Which is one of the many reasons the finale felt like such a tragedy; you know things are going to end badly because you kind of see it coming. And dear god it does hurt, even with Flint being reunited with Thomas.
So. I think there are two ways to answer this question, and you can sort of divide them into canon-ish versus fanon wish. These may not exactly be clearly indicated bc like i said i have Many Thoughts, and i apologise in advance 😅 Another thing i’ll be looking at here is something we had to lay out for our characters when i studied acting - the goals/objectives/motivations of the character, and their emotional/mental state. None of this is meant to be critical against any character. I simply adore analyising them and the paths of the story, and I love each and every character i talk about here deeply.
So, looking at that finale. There’s several things that i could take from what you say about things not ending the way they did - for now, i’m looking at the confrontation between Flint and Silver in the woods, where Silver forces Flint to quit his war and reunites him with Thomas.
Firstly, let’s analyse what we get from the canon, and what i believe motivates these characters to bring them to the point they end up at. There’s that famous line i think of Silver where he says he doesn’t know anymore where he ends and Flint begins - their thinking patterns have become so intertwined, they basically share a braincell. The tricky thing about this is, just because he and Flint think similarly, share tactics, and a knowledge of how to use people in their means, just because they understand each other well, doesn’t mean they share opinions and morals. Flint especially seems to forget this. He believes Silver is with him in his cause to end Imperial rule. But from Silver’s final actions, it’s clear Silver values his personal wants and needs above that of this abstract crowd of people. He’s not oppressed - or hasn’t felt the effects of Imperial/religious oppression (as far as we canonically know) like Flint and Madi have. And that means he doesn’t have the same drive. He’s driven by his personal connections to these people, i believe, purely from his own point of view. Like, i suspect he struggles to place himself in the shoes of Madi or Flint to feel their pain and motivation. He can see it, he just... doesn’t fully grasp it. (There’s also a question of whether he wishes to, but i feel nowhere NEAR qualified on answering that, nor do i think the canon gives us enough material to give a perfectly cut & dry answer.)
So you have this big miscommunication. Flint believes that, because he and Silver have basically become one shared braincell, they have the same goals, while Silver is still driven from a point of selfishness. (Side-note: there was a moment in the show he became selfless! He wouldn’t give up his crew when faced with torture from Vane’s quartermaster! But then he lost a leg over it and it seemed to dampen that selflessness. I think from there on, moments where he seems to be motivated by the good of the crew come instead from an internal need to belong and be loved more so than a genuine sense of brotherhood. That brotherhood may still have been there, but i think he might have suppressed that instinct a little and instead let the more selfish needs take more of a front seat. Understandable and not bad/evil, like that’s super valid of him. But my point is, he’s not exactly ready to fight for another man’s cause he doesn’t have as much of a personal emotional profit in, especially when he knows it’ll end in certain death for everyone he cares about and he knows cares about him.)
So that’s sort of where the characters are mentally in that climax. I may be skirting details and summarising a bit hastily, but it’s also been a GOOD while since i’ve watched season 4, so i apologise. Flint (and Madi as well - she plays an equally important role i think!) is fuelled by a mix of rage born from oppression/discrimination, and a protectiveness for others who may suffer the same fate. Silver meanwhile is fuelled by a need much closer to home - to be loved and to keep those he cares for and deems important to him alive and around. I’ve framed it as their emotional drive, but really it is also their goal, their objective in that finale. Flint and Madi are looking to burn down an oppressive system while Silver... isn’t. For him, their goals stand directly in the way of his. And by the end of the show, he’s gained enough power to prevail in his objective, cancelling out those of Flint and Madi.
So, could it have gone differently? I think, if we wanna play with canon and keep it as close to canon as possible... It seems almost impossible. These people’s goals just do not align. (There’s that sweet sweet tragedy again.) So what you need for it to go differently in short is for one of, if not several, of these people to change their goal. But we’re talking their MAIN objective, their main driving force at this point in the show - so like, the chances of that are slim. ESPECIALLY if we’re talking about the canon characters. After all, for that, the characters would need to look inside themselves and fucking face up to some of their issues and work on them. (This is something which these characters are not very prone to do, bc jesus it’s a mess in there and if that were me i’d preferably not turn introspective either and be forced to look at all that.)
So if we wanted Flint to change his goal, he’d need to come to terms with the Empire being untouchable - which is bullshit bc like my man has a POINT, just because they seem to be able to be brought down doesn’t mean they ain’t - and to accept the homophobia and oppression they treated him and Thomas with, which, yeah fuck that, absolutely not, his rage and his goals are valid as FUCK. If we wanted to change Madi’s - lmao like listen i understand wanting her and Silver happy together bc we ship EVERYTHING in this house, but she’s poc and proper royalty and wants to end slavery. We ain’t touching her goals. So that just leaves Silver. Silver would need to face a part of himself that keeps him from placing Flint’s goals, or Madi’s goals, over his own. (I suspect we circle back to that insecurity and need to be loved, which defo stems from whatever trauma he swears doesn’t affect who he is today.) So for that he’d uhh... need therapy. And a shit tonne of it. But then you still have the issue that Flint and Madi will likely fight their war (bc they DESERVE IT), which may lead to what Silver considers inevitable - that they will die early and horribly, and he ends up all alone.
So, looking at playing with the canon-ish to change things? It’s gonna end in tragedy. There’s doesn’t seem any other way about it, i fear; not with the way these characters were written, with who they are and what drives them and what they want. If it doesn’t end in tragedy in one way, then almost certainly in another.
So what are our other options? What if we look at the fanon wish - whether it’s silverflint, or silvermadi, or madisilverflint, or just to have these kids be fucking happy? Well, you know what? Maybe it DOESNT have to end up in tragedy. Maybe, if Silver does align himself with the goals of the people he loves - after learning to communicate and place himself in other people’s shoes and prioritise the needs of his loved ones and compromising and all that jazz (god this boy needs therapy that only the fanon can likely give him, rip) - he could join them in their war. And maybe, his genius and creativity and quick wit will in fact propel their cause forward and help so much, none of them dies an early gruesome death. It’s not impossible! It just requires that sweet sweet character growth he doesn’t get the opportunity for in canon.
Another option, and this one is perhaps a little more plausible if the show had no episode limit or a desire to end in tragedy and “align” itself with “history” (they’ve played fast and loose with real history i’ve learned, and like,, it’s a story about fictional characters so why did it have to align itself with history?? Okay fine, as a prequel to Treasure Island, it still needed to end in tragedy for Silver bc we know where he ends up. Were there no Treasure Island and no rules and we could do what we wanted with the show and write a new ending, then what?). This one is more popular, you see it in loads of fics and i like it a lot. Silver sends Flint to the plantation. Flint and Thomas break out and get their war anyway. They’re pissed at Silver for a bit for being a selfish dick shitting on Flint’s dreams, but like,, it’s not as if it stopped Flint. (We can even look at it like Silver knew they’d probably fight their war and have better odds with Thomas in the mix, giving them a better opportunity - but like, that’s just a fun headcanon to play with that i don’t think aligns with what he explicitly states to want in canon.) And then, after some years, everyone learns to communicate and talk things out and maybe, maybe, Silver grows a bit and things become healthier between him and Flint.
Listen, the moral of the story is this. I love all the ships in this show. I think they’re all neat, and i love the different iterations in which people bring them to life and try to align them with canon. Do i think that with the canon we’ve been given, silverflint could happen? Maybe. Would it be healthy?? I mean... Probably not 😅 but like, that doesn’t prevent me from shipping it. (That’s not the point of shipping - sometimes you just wanna see that sweet sweet chemistry pay off, even tho u know it ain’t healthy. The characters are fictional. It’s okay. No-one will get hurt - apart from maybe you if you end up romanticising it and taking that into real life but ooft that’s a whole other kettle of fish.) But god, that’s the fucking JOY of fanfics ya know?? It may also be why i enjoy writing my modern au so much xD therapy is an option, and canon means even less than usual. All im saying is, when it comes to the relation between silver and flint, the fan community are a fucking godsend. You want them to be friends?? We got fics for that! Want them to bone? SO many fics for that! Want a sort of father-son role?? Uhh nowhere near enough fics for that, but the fandom’s still active so you never know! Partners in crime?? Hell YEAH that has potential, even in canon i think if u just stretch out fan-written episodes far enough!! (God can you imagine the POTENTIAL?? Ignore the war, the grittiness, the drama. Get me some pirate hijinks where the stakes are low but they’re still sharing a braincell.)
(Hmm. Now i need to add another idea to my WIP list lmao xD)
Anywayyy, hope this satisfies ur curiosity anon!!
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I still want to make a descendants au but I cant decide who would be who so im gonna describe some of the characters and you guys give me suggestions
First some world building: there's two places, Auradon where all the good guys and their kids live and the Isle of the lost where all the villains and their kids live. The Isle of the lost has a barrier around it keeping everyone in. In the first film, a program is started where 4 villain kids will be brought to Auradon prep to have a chance at a good life and learn to be a better person
The rest is under the cut bc it got long on accident oops
Mal - Maleficent and Hades' daughter. Basically the main character. In the first film she initially puts a love spell on soon-to-be-King Ben with plans to open the barrier so her mother can get through and take over Auradon, in the end she falls in love with Ben and decides not to go through with it. But the barrier still gets opened bc of another girl (Jane) and Mal has to fight her Mom
Evie - the peace keeper, Mal's best friend with a love for fashion. She's the evil queen's daughter and always seemed most eager to go to Auradon. In the beginning she pretends to be dumb to try and get Chad (cinderella's son) to like her, but she ends up falling for Local Nerd™ Doug
Jay - Big beefy dude, respects women but also likes to charm the ladies. When Chad said mulans daughter couldnt join the sports team bc the rule book said it had to be 'a captain and eight men' Jay made her the captain.
Carlos - Cruella's son, an absolute sweetheart. Loves dogs and wants to be a vet. Has the personality of a labrador istg. In the second film he spends half the film trying to get the courage to ask out Jane and its adorable
Ben - the King, it was his idea to give the villains a second chance. He's very diplomatic and prefers to sort out issues through negotiation rather than a fight. Didn't care about Mal putting a love spell on him because he liked her anyway
Jane - the fairy godmothers daughter, she has big "teachers pet" vibes. The reason she opened the barrier is bc she wanted a magic make over and so grabbed her mothers wand. A while before this she had got a magic makeover from Mal but when Mal heard Jane insulting her she undid it. So Jane was trying to get her pretty makeover back
Uma - my favourite <3, Uma is Ursula's daughter and she's a pirate. In the second film she wants revenge on Mal and Ben because she's bitter that she got left behind on the Isle. In the third film she agrees to help Mal defeat Audrey (i'll explain audrey later) in return for the barrier being opened permanently. It becomes clear that she really just wants everyone on the Isle to have the same chance Mal and co had
Harry - Uma's second in command, son of captain Hook. Chaotic bisexual vibes, kinda dresses like the next member of Maneskin. Flirts with at least 3 girls in one film but redeems himself by simping for Uma every 5 minutes
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Audrey - sleeping beauty's daughter. She was Ben's girlfriend before Mal appeared. She was under a lot of pressure from her family to be the next Queen. In the third film she becomes evil and tries to take over Auradon after Ben proposes to Mal
Chad - #1 Audrey simp. Has exactly the kind of personality you expect from someone named Chad. Immediately offered to be Audrey's lackey when she turned evil tho
Lonnie - Mulan's daughter, just really damn cool. She disarmed a guy while fighting him, gave him her sword, then disarmed him again and took her sword back
Dizzy - babyyy, she's a younger girl from the Isle that Evie is fond of. She loves hair styling and wants to go to Auradon and pursue her dreams. Very perky and upbeat personality. Drizella's daughter, evil step mothers granddaughter. Actually has a decent relationship with her grandmother
Hades - the best worst dad. Ignored his kid for 16 years but hey, he came through for her in the end and didn't try to take over the world. I genuinely love him. Wears eye liner.
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Celia - Dr Faciliers daughter. One of the few villain kids with a good relationship with her parent. Very cool vibes. Apparently one of the particularly mischievous kids. She's part of the second set of VKs selected to go to Auradon Prep but she ends up returning to the Isle because she misses it too much
Doug - nerd (affectionate). Loves Evie. I dont actually remember much else about him but he's pretty sweet.
I cant think of anyone else particularly important, there's all the parents I've mentioned, plus Uma's pirate crew and various other students at Auradon but most of them don't really have proper character or anything. Oh wait actually I remembered someone.
Dude - Carlos's dog who can talk. Him and Carlos share a single braincell
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velvetinewitch · 4 years
tell us about other ocs from FaF!!
asdjask hi Tyler, thank you for seeing my rambling and asking haha
there’s a lot of ocs to talk about, because i wanted to make the magical school everyone goes to seem realistic in the way that there are tons of classmates… so um, here are my three hundred ocs, plus some extras. this got way longer than i expected lol
Pallet: her name is technically Penelope, but no one calls her that. she’s an artist, which means she can bring her art to life for a short period of time. she uses this skill to get revenge on the other art students who steal her brushes. she has a crush on the cute girl who works in the school gardens, but they’ve never actually done anything more than make eye contact. Pallet is also mute and uses ASL, although she also likes to mess with people by playing “living pictionary.”
Tinilia: Ara’s absolute best friend/vague crush. separate from Ara, she has braincells, but when you put the two together it’s just “wow i’m gay and want to commit arson with you.” Tinilia has a lot of nicknames… Tils, Tilly, Tinsel, etc. she’s pretty popular, probably because she’s such a generally funny person. however… she has a lot of secrets. the first one being, what exactly is her magic?? and why is she so friendly with that crow? she’s also… not having a fun time with all of these time resets.
Ella: the “mean girl” with a famous dad and a modelling career already set in action. her magic is makeup art and swimming- giving her water and shapeshifting-like powers. she hates Ara for seemingly no reason, but later they end up being amazing friends. their relationship development is my favorite thing. watching them go from disastrous rivals who hate each others guts to roommates who are disgustingly domestic and act like a couple is… fun. it sucks that it takes a tragedy to get them to bond, though.
Caden: one of the schools triplets (one of them is adopted but no one is allowed to mention it), Caden is possibly the most horrifying magic user. he’s a Nursing Gifted who spends a large amount of school time interning with the school nurse. he can speed up the rate someone’s wounds heal at the cost of his own energy. he can also slow your heartbeat, stop it, inflict wounds, transfer wounds from one person to another, or anything along these lines. luckily, he’s a pacifist. he’s also one of the three “parents” of their grade, a major Mom friend.
Maryline: she’s the one who gives Caden nightmares. we’re not… entirely sure what her Gift is, actually, we just know she can do things like float and pull really fun pranks. she’s… a cat-loving mischief-maker who skips class all of the time. ngl she’s a bit of a mystery, but she’s incredibly important for some of her secrets. such as- her relation to Ara, her source of magic, why she seems so nervous when everyone mentions the antagonist (although not for the reason you’d think), and what exactly a Keeper is. she also is one of the few who are aware of the time resets that Ara keeps doing, and she’s not thrilled- but she’ll never tell Ara that.
Rain: a musician! her violin, trumpet, piano, and vocal skills are formidable, and if she wants to she can use them like a siren would. she’s the second parent, the Dad friend, who’s incredibly exhausted but still manages to reign everyone else in. her best friend, Orange (no that’s not her actual name, she’s just a redhead who has a citrus allergy), has a very interesting character arc- she starts out very quiet and reclusive and ends up a major flirt who wrecks havoc everywhere. Orange is a painter, a photographer, and a theatre kid- she has magic with all three, which means she’s always falling asleep in class.
Bri: Asrian’s half-sister! she’s the school Mood Ring- her eyes change color depending on the emotions of the people around her. her magic is psychology, she’s a Counselling Gifted, which allows her to sense people’s emotions and understand why. she also, uh, bottles her own up. 
andddd some extra ocs, who aren’t students at their magic school:
Reve and Persephone: the last queens of the largest kingdom in Ancient Aromae. they were involved in a lot. long story short, Reve was a princess who went undercover during a war and ended up hiding in a captured kingdom with Persephone, an engineer/pilot who pretended to know her to protect her from authorities. after a very long adventure to win the war, the two got married, and…. well, i can’t reveal much, but they were involved in the end of Aromae. there was a reason that Aromae and Earth collided, forming Aromayan Earth and wiping everyone’s memories, making it seem like nothing had ever happened and that Earth still existed. 
Elena: majorcharactermajorcharactermajorcharacter- Elena is the High Goddess of Ancient Aromae. there were plenty of smaller gods and religions worshipping them, but Elena was in charge of overseeing everything. she’s also the woman who created my worlds version of soulmates- reincarnation had already existed, and she invented a way for relationships to grow strong enough that, while still breakable, they could transcend lifetimes. in the process, she took three souls and permanently made them soulmates, with no way for the bond to be broken. there’s a big reason for this! 
Raine: one of Rain’s past lives! they share a name, lmao. Raine is the Ancient Aromayan version of King Arthur- she was a queen who ruled over a great kingdom during a time where magic-users were prosecuted. she also incidentally fell in love with a witch, but that’s besides the point. the common time system in Ancient Aromae was centered around her- BC was “before coronation” and AD was “after Dolivaesal” (referring to her kingdom’s fall). the years of her reign (and the few years her daughter reigned) are called the Negative Years! imagine being so powerful they name time after you.
okay, i’m going to cut myself off before i go on too long. thank you sooo much for asking!
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