#and Yuuko will die to prove it
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10/10 stunning Yuuko moment. 
(secretly every Yuuko moment is a 10/10 stunning Yuuko moment BUT THIS ONE IS PARTICULARLY NICE)
BUT WAIT MORE THOUGHTS MORE THOUGHTS. It turns out Clow Reed stopped Yuuko at the point of her death, but I have questions! Did he know about her death ahead of time and stopped it as it was happening? Or did she Actually Die and he turned back time to save her, like Lava Lamp? Because I would expect something a bit more Universe Breaking from Clow Reed. 
DID he Reverse Time to save her, and if he did, did he end up creating a clone person in the process? And who was it? Was it the Other Clow Reed who ended up in the Clow Kingdom, or was it Evil Wolverine maybe? 
Or! Is Yuuko maybe actually a clone? Like, a clone of the person who actually died and frozen at that exact moment of her existence forever? 
We have some fun options here.
But also that looks like it's the end of the chapter.
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sasorisroom · 8 months
World's most insane harowota has something to say
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Beware: this is extremely delulu, extremely insane, extremely lesbian, and you shouldn't really take it seriously.
Do you believe in destiny? Little signs? Things that are meant to be? If you watch the 5th Gen debut MV, Mr. Moonlight ~Ai no Bigband~ you'll clearly see that Yossy (butchest butch from back in the days) was the main character and that Makocchan was her love interest.
Then, when you look at Hello! Morning episodes and other shows from the time Makocchan was in the group, you see that lesbian ass longing for Yossy.
I can't possibly watch every single episode featuring them because the torrent archive is so big my computer can't, well, compute it, but I will present you some clips. There are a couple videos on YouTube of other yoshimako appreciators like me that would also prove some points. You can search for yourself if you type
よしまこ or 吉澤ひとみ×小川麻琴集 or something like that. How do I make the text smaller.
Ok I got it. Before that, a kissy kiss:
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So, here: https://youtu.be/Tl_dY0ZEL7c?list=PLmlM3gny637_gZQg450gOIjpL2hhy4QHJ&t=307
Makocchan is basically saying she likes Yoshizawa (actually, she's calling her Hitomi which is A BIG ASS DEAL since Yossy is her senpai and MM takes it very seriously!!), but Yossy is all the time rejecting her and saying their compability is low (15%). But the other girls are like "these two are dating, right?"
https://youtu.be/Uh5hWBdgHIk?list=PLmlM3gny637_gZQg450gOIjpL2hhy4QHJ&t=43: Makocchan complains about some of the girls (including Yossy) calling her "kimoi" (in the lines of disgusting). And Yossy says "well, I do believe she is, but I also am."
Also, this: https://youtu.be/1iLRmIlXa0U?t=1486 please take your own conclusions. Basically the other girls are all the time saying they act like a couple and that they go out together a lot. Yossy promises to take Makocchan to the beach. ~
And THIS? https://youtu.be/Nds_q5IEnQg?t=714. SORRY, but...
Also, I can't find this clip subbed on YouTube, so let's use Twitter a little. Makocchan talked so easily about their relationship, just as if they were a real couple. Jealousy and fights included! https://x.com/boaiover/status/1495152833821388805?s=20
And for anyone who says it's one-sided:
Yossy being the clingy one: https://youtu.be/NteOkT8Wrsw?t=111
Going a little more bittersweet, though, when Yossy did THAT, Makoto's words seemed very... personal... like, of course, other members got really affected, like Nono and Gomaki, and others expressed their anger, like Yuuko and Kei... but Makoto's message feels different, maybe because I'm crazy.
Ogawa tweeted:
I am shocked, it’s painful, sad and it’s really hard to understand and I am very angry.
First, those who were hurt in the accident, I am very glad they are doing well.
In my heart, I feel the clock has stopped, but even so, the world continues on and I have to work hard today in order to keep myself moving.
Source: https://neotokyo2099.com/2018/09/08/former-morning-musume-member-ogawa-makoto-tweets-a-message-to-yoshizawa-hitomi-and-the-victims-from-the-accident/
I'll watch more clips later and maybe I'll have more content so I can add to this post or whatever. But you can search it yourself too, if you feel like that. I'm not obligating you or anything. I'm not your father and YoshiMako isn't christianity. Although, humanity would be happier if it was for what we prayed instead. #joking #dontcomeforme
Let's be real: the world is probably ending on fire anyways. Life is about working for people you hate and recieving little money as a reward. We don't even know what happens after we die. So am I too clinically insane for saying that Makoto and Hitomi were a butch4butch couple?
Well, you can't deny that there was a little bit of love, at least from Makocchan's side (who is certainly a lesbian, sorry for everyone who cannot swallow the truth).
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tsubasaclones · 2 years
me trying to explain to my friends who dont know shit about tsubasa that theres a parallel between yuuko being about to die + clow stopping her from dying right before she was supposed to + fei wang trying to find a way to stop her death completely, and princess tsubasa being about to die + nadeshiko stopping her from dying right before she was supposed to + tsubasa li trying to find a way to stop her death completely, except the difference is that fei wang was willing to fucking kidnap people and create artificial beings solely to use in his schemes, as well as manipulate other unrelated peoples lives so they would also eventually become involved in his plan, not to mention yuuko like straight up did not want him to save her from dying and in the end i think it was less about him caring about yuuko and more about him trying to prove he could do the impossible that even clow couldnt achieve
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happyandticklish · 3 years
Hi! :) If it's not a problem, can you do Yuuri Katsuki for the ask meme, please? I miss my boy so much! Also have a nice day!
Hi! I totally can, of course! Sorry this is so late by the way, headcannon type things sometimes take me a second.
1. On a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they?
The poor guy is a 10, god help him.
2. Where is their most ticklish spot (s)?
His stomach, I will die on that hill. Although his sides are probably a close second.
3. Which spots are they not ticklish?
He's ticklish pretty much everywhere, but I guess his face and hands? His calves aren't that bad either, but he'll still giggle and squirm.
4. What is their laugh like?
It starts out as these quiet giggles at first, but grows into this wild, bubbly laughter that takes over his whole body-he also snorts, a lot.
5. Do they enjoy tickling? If so is it a fun platonic/familial thing, or a kinky thing to them, or can it be both depending on the circumstance?
I would say he does enjoy it, to an extent. If he gets tickled for too long, than it can become a bit much for him. It can be either platonic or romantic.
6. Are they more often a lee or ler, generally?
Definitely a lot more lee than ler, but he can ler occasionally. Usually if he does it's with Victor.
7. Who is someone in their life that they tickle often?
Victor, and occasionally Yuri, when the other has been in a mood all day.
8. Who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often?
Victor, Minako, his family, Yuuko, Yuri on occasion... let's just say once the others found out he was ticklish he didn't know a moment of peace afterwards.
9. Does the word "tickle" or any variation of it embarrass them?
Omg yes, he dies. The mere mention of the word turn his face red. Victor finds it endlessly endearing. Sometimes he'll just wiggle his fingers towards the others, saying the word teasingly just to watch Victor dissolve into instant giggles.
10. Are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it?
He is, but he doesn’t really try to hide it. There’s no use anyway-a mere poke will prove the truth of that. 
11. Would gentle tickling or rough tickling affect them more?
I think rough tickling is a bit more effective, overall. There’s a couple places where light tickling will have him down for the count, though (*cough* his stomach *cough*). 
12. Is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? What is it?
He finds it really relaxing if someone lightly traces their nails over his arms. It tickles, but it’s more bearable than most other places on his body. 
13. Is there a spot that they can’t stand to be tickled, either because it’s just too sensitive, or it’s uncomfortable/painful/etc? What is it?
If his stomach is tickled for too long, than it can become unpleasant, but generally, he’s mostly okay with being tickled anywhere. 
14. Would they ever purposefully bug a friend/partner/sibling into tickling them, and if so, how would they go about it?
A lot of times he’ll purposefully mess up moves during training, until Victor gets fed up with it and decides to help him “focus better”.
15. Does teasing affect them?
Immensely. He is deceased. 
Thank you for the ask! ^^ Sorry about how late it was 😅
(by the way, I’m not taking any more requests for these, just filling out the couple remaining ones in my inbox)
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firstagent · 3 years
Since it popped up on the Podcast, how would you rank the sibling dynamics from healthy to trainwreck?
This is an innocent-sounding question until you go over the franchise and realize just how many sibling relationships there are in Digimon and that all but like three of them have elements that might raise eyebrows. In the interest of being comprehensive, this includes all named characters in any anime, manga, and game I’m familiar with, treating the reboot separately and including Survive because... (looks at Kaito and Miu’s bios) ...holy crap.
Sibling Relationship Rankings! (Healthy is Higher)
Joe & Shin Kido (Adventure): Shin understands Joe’s hang-ups and offers support to make his own choices without steering him in any specific direction, for or against the family. And Shuu exists too (depending on the language you’re watching in)
Juri & Masahiko Kato (Tamers): For all of the awkwardness and potential points of fracture in the family, Juri and Masahiko are very close. Fun Fact: She started carrying around her iconic hand puppet to amuse and entertain him!
Keito & Nozomi Tamada (Re:Arise): Even with very different personalities, Keito and Nozomi have a lot of respect for each other. Unlike some big brothers, he comes to a mature conclusion when he realizes she’ll be just fine with Pumpmon at her side.
Yamato Ishida & Takeru Takaishi (Adventure 2020): Yamato’s worry over Takeru only affects his reluctance to take on time-consuming side quests when he might be in danger. Far more chill about trusting Takeru with the rest of the team, he’s a motivation rather than a mental handicap.
Masaru & Chika Daimon (Savers): Perhaps a more controversial pick for the healthier side, but Masaru and Chika have a playful relationship that proves that Chika dishes out as much as anyone in the family. Given how much harm DATS and Digimon have done to the family, Masaru risks her love to keep them away from her.
Joe & Shin Kido (Adventure 2020): Shin’s still supportive and still encourages Joe to make choices for himself, but having that bugout bag ready to go raises some serious questions about that family and which side Shin’s really on.
Ai & Makoto (Tamers): Toddlers fight. It’s okay. They come together for Impmon’s sake and the fact that they’re the only duo in the franchise with mutual custody over a digivice has to say something about the strength of their relationship.
Nene & Kotone Amano (Xros Wars Manga): Nene’s tactics are still desperate but not quite as extreme as the anime, and it counts for so much that Kotone fights so hard for Nene once the tables are turned. And good lord that backstory...
Takuya & Shinya Kanbara (Frontier): There’s definitely a sense of Takuya lapsing into thinking Shinya encapsulates everything frustrating about having an older brother, but he gets over it.
Miyako Inoue + Three (Zero Two): Perfectly normal large household. And while wondering what it would be like to be an only child is something every youngest does... top of mind fantasy, Miyako? Really?
Jianliang & Shaochung Lee (Tamers): Speaking of four-packs... there’s no doubting how much they care about each other, but Jian’s occasional short fuse with Shaochung betrays his usual calm demeanor, and we never get a picture of the full family dynamic once Rinchei and Jaarin are included.
Daisuke & Jun Motomiya (Zero Two): Everyone likes to paint Jun and Daisuke as something uglier than it really is. As much as they annoy each other, it’s still a pretty conventional sibling dynamic and they’d still fight hard for the other... even if the feeling’s closer to obligation.
Koji Minamoto & Koichi Kimura (Frontier): There’s no questioning the bond they develop, but there’s no way Koji and Koichi go from “don’t know the other exists” to “ZOMG Twinzies!” without a ton of awkwardness and feeling each other out. They’ll get better, but from our standpoint this is where we start to drift into trainwreck territory.
Tomoki & Yutaka Himi (Frontier): Tomoki can spin it all he wants but Yutaka comes off as a real jerk. Not that some resentment isn’t a little justified given how much Tomoki is coddled, but taking it upon himself to be the bearer of tough love is still not cool.
Taichi & Hikari Yagami (Adventure 2020): Hikari has a blind faith that Taichi can save the day in any circumstance, up to and including international shipping crisis. Meanwhile Taichi sees Hikari lapsing between typical friendly eight year old to brainwashed robot and doesn’t find any problem with it.
Yamato Ishida & Takeru Takaishi (Adventure): Lessons in how not to be an overprotective big brother. Yamato freaks out at the slightest notion that Takeru might be exposed to danger, including his very presence in the Digital World. When you have a complete nervous breakdown realizing that little bro’s actually pretty capable on his own, it’s not about your relationship with him anymore.
Touma & Relena Norstein (Savers): There’s caring about a little sister, making her plight a central cause in your life, and then involving her in a chess match with a madman. There’s a lot to forgive here (they are raised in a family where your kneejerk reaction to Grandma is “I bet she supported the Nazis in World War II”), but everything about their relationship just makes you uncomfortable.
Kaito & Miu Shinonome (Survive): Maybe it’s not fair since their game is the franchise’s unicorn, but their bios have warning flags all over it. He’s overprotective, ready to fight at the slightest hardship, and she repays this attitude by being rebellious and weird and eager to pursue trouble. May end up being worse once the game actually comes out.
Rei & Hajime Katsura (Appmon): Another one where their backstory makes you sympathize with the lengths they go to in order to stay together, but risking the security of actual guardians to go it alone? Jesus. Even with their ride or die attitude, you still sense a bit of friction in their relationship, and so many of their hardships are their own doing. 
Nene & Yuu Amano (Xros Wars): There’s nothing seemingly wrong on the surface between Nene and Yuu, but that’s why their actions are so extreme. Yuu’s more than happy to treat her as an enemy general in his game, while Nene’s aligning herself with dark forces and causing real trouble to get him back. It’s all very loud and intense for a relationship that, without external influences, is just nice and cordial.
Yuuko & Yuugo Kamishiro (Cyber Sleuth): You can be anything you want on the internet! So why not take the identify of your big brother who was stricken with a mystery illness at a young age and lead a legion of hackers? And if you’re Yuugo, use your digital body to take control of that avatar! Nothing weird about any of this!
Ken & Osamu Ichijouji (Zero Two): Like Tomoki, Ken can come up with whatever rationale for Osamu’s abuse he wants, and Osamu at least had some kind moments, but there’s no denying that this family was a mess. And of course Ken’s reaction to Osamu’s death... could have been better.
Taichi & Hikari Yagami (Adventure): Hikari’s introduction to the series was intended to be a little creepy, and that just sets the tone. Her blind loyalty to Taichi is a primary point of emphasis through three series, and Taichi sometimes goes ballistic worrying about her... when not accidentally endangering her life. And that’s before she unleashes a world-destroying abomination at the mere suggestion that Taichi’s dead, and why telling him “what you’re doing is wrong and I kind of hate you for it” is a big moment for her, even though she’s wrong.
Neo & Rei Saiba (V-Tamer): There’s going a little overboard to keep your family together or save a sibling’s life, and then there’s aligning yourself with evil forces to avoid having to deal with your sister’s manageable disability. Call it being jaded or delusional, but when it drives your sister to attempt suicide there are definitely issues you two need to work through.
Erika & Ryuji Mishima (Cyber Sleuth Hackers Memory): Because aligning oneself with Arkadimon is always a fantastic idea. He’s overprotective, she manipulates him because of it, there’s resentment, there’s anger, and basically the entire game is spent watching these two outdo each other in terms of causing wanton destruction throughout the city and cyberspace.
Honorable Mention: Bagramon & DarkKnightmon (Xros Wars): The battle of who can stab the other in the back last.
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dainarps · 5 years
An AU inside an AU
@claudrps “And what do you have to offer me in exchange for your education?” Kimihiro Watanuki stared up at the woman, feeling his throat go dry. He was fifteen, an orphan, and looking for an opportunity to better himself. Cultivation — that was a path to true success. When Mistress Yuuko Ichihara announced that she would be looking for new students, the whole sect was abuzz. Youths came from far and wide to answer her call, many of them turned away.
Watanuki needed this. He lived on the streets, trading chores and odd jobs for shelter during the night, when spirits roamed freely. A roof over his head was only one perk, though. There was fame and notoriety, too, but even that wasn’t why Watanuki wanted this.
He had watched cultivation masters before, admiring their work from wherever his home happened to be that night. They freed lost and wandering spirits, guiding them to return to their afterlives, helping them achieve satisfaction in life. They assisted humans, saving them from wandering corpses or vengeful ghosts looking for anyone to kill and satisfy their bloodlust. No matter what they did, their work was fulfilling.
Watanuki had no sense of purpose. He didn’t remember his parents and neither did anyone else, leaving him a mystery to even those in his clan. Some people considered him cursed — a human born from thin air was only destined to cause trouble. Watanuki paid them no mind. He knew he had parents out there somewhere, whether he grew up orphaned or not. People didn’t just appear out of the ground like flowers.
He’d never felt a calling toward anything until he watched a group of cultivators exorcise the spirit of an angry mother from a baby, saving the child’s life. He wondered if cultivators had been present during his early days, if he would still have his parents.
He wondered if he could make a difference in someone’s life like that.
“I’m offering you…myself,” Watanuki said, his voice firm.
Yuuko smirked and brought her pipe to her lip, inhaling slow, then exhaling, blowing smoke in Watanuki’s face. “So…you’re offering me nothing?”
“Eh?” “That’s how you think of yourself, is it not? You are worth nothing, you came from nothing, you will never achieve anything. You are valued at nothing.” Watanuki’s eyes went wide and he stared at Yuuko, unsure of how to respond to that. Maybe sometimes thoughts like that crossed his mind. There were many days where he thought that about himself. She wasn’t wrong.
He stared down at the ground, his fists clenched at his side. It was one thing for himself to say those things, but it was another entirely for someone else to do so. “That’s what I thought,” Yuuko said, raising her hand to dismiss him. “I’m worth more than nothing,” Watanuki said. “I may have nothing, but I’m worth more than nothing. I’m good with my hands. I can cook and clean. I can sew. I can work. I have value.” He looked up at Yuuko again, his eyes set firm. He wouldn’t be turned away. He could do this. He had worth. He had the determination and the grit.
Yuuko didn’t seem offended by his outburst. In fact…she grinned, and Watanuki immediately felt uneasy. “Prove it.”
Watanuki spent his time at the Ichihara compound on his hands and knees, scrubbing, weeding, painting, and when his knees grew red and raw from that, he stood and cooked, dusted, and catered to each whim Yuuko had. He became a servant, working alone in a house far too big for one person to clean. It seemed that those who were actually the servants had been given some time off, and most of them stood by and watched him. He often heard them talking about how much longer he’d last until he gave up.
They didn’t know just how far stubbornness could take a young man.
It put him through each day of Yuuko calling his name, demanding ridiculous things, begging for sake early in the morning or breakfast late at night. At first, Watanuki delivered these things. His attitude changed quite quickly, though, the more he thought about what got him here in the first place. He valued himself…and he wasn’t going to let this lady take advantage of him. “Watanukiiii,” Yuuko whined, interrupting one of her classes to find him in the hallway, dusting cobwebs off of old paintings. “Bring me the wine from the cellar — you know the one with—“ “No,” Watanuki said. “No?” “No! I’m busy doing the other ridiculous chores on this list, and you’re not drinking in the middle of the morning, and in the middle of your class! What would your students think of you?! Shoo! Shoo! I’m busy!”
Yuuko raised a brow and several of her students were peeking out of the room, looking shocked at his behavior.
“If you say so,” Yuuko said, turning back to her classroom. She repeated this experiment a few more times, and each time, Watanuki fought her on it. She didn’t know if that made him brave or stupid, but it was a good thing regardless. It meant he had a spine.
She allowed Watanuki into the classroom a month later, when his hands were forming callouses from raking the yard, when his knees were black and bruised from scrubbing the floor, when the bags under his eyes were almost as long as his eyes themselves.
Watanuki was a special case, though. He needed more than lessons and practice. He needed a guiding hand — not with cultivation, but with himself. Most of her students came from well-known families, raised with love and kindness. They had brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. Watanuki had nothing and nobody to fall back on. He had nobody to support him, so Yuuko took him under her wing. He was still young, so she raised him. She brought him on various trips, allowed him into meetings he shouldn’t have been privy to.
Some of the other leaders turned their noses up at it, but none said a word. They couldn’t. This was Yuuko’s student and this was her way of teaching. Worse than that was that Watanuki was actually good at what he did. He was a natural talent, and Yuuko was sure that his ancestors had to have been great cultivators. It was abnormal for someone to have this level of power, but not know where it came from. To be frank, Yuuko was fascinated with Watanuki, and that fascination eventually turned into an almost parental bond.
She tried not to play favorites in class, but Watanuki made it difficult not to. He was a hard worker and skilled in more ways than one. And while she plenty enjoyed pestering him in class, teasing him outside of it was even better. Hardly a night went by where he didn’t show to make her tea or cook her dinner. It had been ages since he’d arrived here, but he hardly acted any different than he had on day one.
“What will you name it?” Yuuko asked. Watanuki looked down at the sword in his hands. Yuuko had gone to the smith with a very specific request, and he’d delivered. The silvery sword looked almost liquid under the sunlight, the bird wings on the delicate hilt practically glittering. Watanuki was strong, but not like some, and the sword was light enough for him to swing it easily.
Naming a sword was a big deal. It would be with him for, hopefully, a long time. It would bind to him, protect him, and serve him well. It needed a name that was worthy of it.
“Fenghuang,” Watanuki said after a few moments.
Yuuko hummed and nodded her name approvingly.  “A good name.”
The sword’s color shifted in the light, and Watanuki liked to think that it agreed with his choice. ——
Most of the cultivators from his class spread out around the country, returning only occasionally to make reports or reunite with old friends. Watanuki never traveled far, though. He took care of this sect, joined Yuuko when her presence was demanded elsewhere, and left only when she sent him somewhere she was incapable of going.
There were rumors now regarding her behavior, with many wondering if he was being groomed to be her heir. She was unmarried and had no children to speak of. Watanuki, with his family situation — or lack thereof — was a perfect candidate. He was strong, his cultivation skills were admirable for his age, and as he grew he only became more powerful.
He wanted to make Yuuko proud. She had done so much for him, and each time she smiled he felt a little more fulfilled.
“A present,” Yuuko said, holding a large box out to Watanuki.
“Eh? What for?”
“Oh, an old friend owed me a favor, so he paid me back with this. I don’t want it, so I thought you might have some use for it.”
“So it’s not a present,” Watanuki said, narrowing his eyes at Yuuko. “It’s leftovers.” “Mm, maybe,” she said. He took the box and set it on his lap — for as big as it was, it wasn’t particularly heavy.
“Some ghost isn’t going to jump out of this at me, right?” Yuuko threw her head back and cackled, as if appreciating that vision more than anything else in the world. He reminded himself to be wary of any future gifts she gave him.
Inside the box was a brand new shamisen, a bird painted elegantly across the front. A plectrum with a similar design laid next to it. Some of the best cultivators practiced with music and instruments, and though Yuuko was already turned around and gone, Watanuki had the feeling that this wasn’t just some secondhand gift.
Tendrils of magic swirled around Yuuko — her own cultivation — devouring her from the inside out. Watanuki had only just arrived, summoned by her at the last second. He wondered…if that was her last act. What had she been fighting? What had taken her away?
“Yuuko!” Watanuki screamed, reaching through her spell and grabbing hold of her, trying to free her. Yuuko was one of the most powerful cultivators in history — she couldn’t just die! It was impossible! She…She was Yuuko!
When pulling her free didn’t work he stood back, pulling the shamisen around and strumming — his cultivation combatting against hers. It was a futile idea. Useless from the start.
“Watanuki,” Yuuko spoke, her voice sounding far away and causing Watanuki’s song to cut off suddenly. “You were always meant for greatness, but not even you can stop death.”
Watanuki blinked tears out of his eyes, ignoring how they stained his glasses. “I can try! It’s not supposed to be like this! You’re supposed to be here!” He lifted his plectrum again, only to be cut off by Yuuko’s voice again. “Not all good things can last, Kimihiro. Promise me, though, that you won’t stop,” she said. “Promise me…that you’ll go on existing.” Watanuki looked up to say something more, but Yuuko’s body was all that was left of her, her soul vanished and her corpse just that — a corpse.
An anguished cry fell from his lips and he leaned forward, his tears soaking the ground.
Watanuki prayed for several days at her grave, staying there through the night. Visitors from other clans came and went, and even folks from other countries knelt by her grave. Her disciples were all sent to learn under new teachers, and when Watanuki did eventually return to the temple, he was alone. His footsteps echoed in the halls and he muffled his wretched sobs in the bath.
It wasn’t fair. There had to be a way to bring her back to life. She should’ve been immortal. It wasn’t right. Someone like her shouldn’t have been taken away — all the criminals, the thieves, the rapists in this world — and the heavens took Yuuko.
Watanuki couldn’t eat and he didn’t sleep. The other masters were concerned, coming over every now and then to force him to rest. It was only when he was confronted by one of the eldest, that he realized what he could do. He could keep working — he could become immortal — and that would give him an eternity to search for a way to bring back Yuuko.
With newfound vigor, Watanuki began putting himself back on track, fueled by a new goal — a selfish one. His goal of wanting to help others was put on the back burner, but Yuuko would understand that, right? She’d get it, right? He was doing this for her! He was researching, studying, and reading for her.
For some time he was left alone in the temple, left to mourn and do his bidding. He answered his calls and assisted other cultivators as needed, but eventually reality caught back up to him.
He knew what the others said about him — that he was selfish, that he was tainting his cultivation, that the immortality he earned wasn’t rightly given. He’d heard worse things before.
The big issue was that, if he was going to remain in this temple, if he was going to continue practicing cultivation, he was going to have to start accepting students. He would have to open the temple back up to his sect, let people enroll.
The news was delivered to him and he grumbled about it for weeks. Didn’t they know he had better things to do?! Didn’t they understand his work here?! He could really make a difference if he accomplished this! He could bring Yuuko back — and so many other great leaders!
He knew, though, that if he mentioned it to anyone…it’d be frowned upon. It went against the natural order.
To be frank, fuck the natural order.
Several years after Yuuko’s death, Watanuki opened the front doors to the temple for the first time. He stepped outside wearing her long robes and lit the oil lamps out front. He planted new flowers, hung flags, and let it spread that he would finally be accepting students — those he deemed worthy. Yuuko’s task had been a difficult one for him — what was worth his education here?
Watanuki had volunteered his life in exchange for her teachings. What did he want these children to do? If he had to teach, he wouldn’t bother with those who couldn’t stand on their own two feet. They should be wise — worldly — but not stuck up. They should know the value of hard work and labor, while knowing what it took to be poised and refined.
So, when his first potential student arrived at his door, begging to be educated, Watanuki inhaled slow on his pipe and exhaled, letting the smoke waft lazily around the ceiling. “I’d like a cup of tea before I make my decision,” he said.
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jumpsitehq · 6 years
Top 30 Greatest Anime Quotes of All Time
Are you an anime fan? Who among your many favorite anime characters said the most inspiring and meaningful quote? Here are my Top 30 Best Anime Quotes to encourage you in finding out which one is the best. I know there are hundreds of other anime quotes out there that I’ve forgotten so please don’t hesitate to leave a comment if you know any that is far better than the ones on my list. Have a good read and I hope these best anime quotes will inspire you to do your best and stay hopeful in achieving your goals in life!
Archer Quotes (Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works)
"I am the bone of my sword Steel is my body and fire is my blood I have created over a thousand blades Unknown to Death, Nor known to Life Have withstood pain to create many weapons Yet, those hands will never hold anything So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works."
Jiraiya Quotes (Naruto)
“The true measure of a shinobi is not how he lives but how he dies. It’s not what they do in life but what they did before dying that proves their worth."
Monkey D. Luffy Quotes (One Piece)
“I don’t want to conquer anything. I just think that the guy with the most freedom in this ocean is the Pirate King!”
Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
“If you only face forward, there is something you will miss seeing.”
Hitsugaya Toushiro (Bleach)
“We are all like fireworks. We climb, shine, and always go our separate ways and become further apart. But even if that time comes, let’s not disappear like a firework, and continue to shine forever.”
Clare (Claymore)
“Don’t be so quick to throw away your life. No matter how disgraceful or embarrassing it may be, you need to keep struggling to find your way out until the very end.”
Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist)
“The world’s not perfect, but it’s there for us trying the best it can. That’s what makes it so damn beautiful.”
Charles Beams Quotes (Eureka Seven)
"Freedom is something that you need to actively acquire. It's not something that's given with no strings attached. To be free means to take responsibility, and to prepare yourself for what's to come."
Deneil Young Quotes Uchuu Kyoudai (Space Brothers)
"All we can do is live until the day we die. Control what we can...and fly free!"
Edward Elric Quotes (Fullmetal Alchemist)
"A lesson without pain is meaningless. For you cannot gain something without sacrificing something else in return. But once you have recovered it and made it your own... You will gain an irreplaceable Fullmetal heart."
Gildarts Clive Quotes (Fairy Tail)
"Fear is not evil. It tells you what weakness is. And once you know your weakness, you can become stronger as well as kinder."
Gintoki Sakata Quotes (Gintama)
"The country? The skies? You can have them. I’m busy just protecting what’s right in front of me. I don’t know what’ll happen to me in the future, but if something has fallen at my feet, then the least I can do is pick it up."
Hiluluk (One Piece)
"When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It’s when they are forgotten."
Ikki Kurogane Quotes (Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry) (Chivalry of a Failed Knight)
"In order for a mediocre man to defeat a genius, he has to become a monster."
Jae-ha (Akatsuki no Yona) (Yona of the Dawn)
"If you simply obey orders without question to protect your master, that isn't your greatest wish, but your greatest tragedy."
Kaitou Kuroba (Magic Kaitou 1412)
"I'm not here tonight as the son of Touichi Kuroba, your mentor in magic, nor as the second-year high school student you call 'Young Master'. Tonight I'm the one they're all talking about. I'm the villain putting on a show."
Kenshin Himura Quotes (Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan)
"Whatever you lose, you'll find it again. But what you throw away you'll never get back."
Kenshirou (Hokuto no Ken) (Fist of the North Star)
"You are already dead."
Kino (Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World) (Kino's Journey)
"The world is not beautiful, and that is why it is beautiful."
Kuu Quotes (Haibane Renmei)
"Inside my mind, there's a beautiful cup. A very beautiful, clear cup. And tiny drops kept falling into it, 'drip, drip, drip', slowly but steadily, everyday. And today, I felt the cup had finally become completely full."
Mikasa Ackerman Quotes (Shingeki no Kyojin) (Attack on Titan)
"The world is cruel, but also very beautiful."
Mitsuyoshi Anzai (Slam Dunk)
"When you give up, that's when the game ends."
Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence)
"We weep for the blood of a bird, but not for the blood of a fish. Blessed are those with a voice. If the dolls could speak, no doubt they'd scream, "I didn't want to become human."
Satsuki Kiryuuin Quotes (Kill la Kill)
"Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth! Those are the facts of this world! And you will all surrender to them, you pigs in human clothing!"
Son Goku Quotes (Dragon Ball Z)
"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good! Nightmare to you!"
Usagi Tsukino Quotes (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon)
"You can't judge how beautiful a girl really is by the way she looks."
Yuu Himura (ef: A Tale of Memories)
"There are no miracles in this world. There is only coincidence and necessity, and what people make of it."
Yuuko Ichihara (xxxHOLiC)
"There is no such thing as a coincidence in this world. There is only the inevitable."
Yuuta Takemoto (Hachimitsu to Clover) (Honey and Clover)
"As time passes, the day will come when everything will fade to memories. But those miraculous days, when you and I, along with everyone else, searched together for just that one thing, will continue revolving forever somewhere deep in my heart, as my bittersweet memory."
Ending Title Card (Cowboy Bebop)
"You're gonna carry that weight."
Sachi (Sword Art Online)
"Even if I die, you keep living okay? Live to see the end of this world, and to see why it was born. Live to see why a weak girl like me ended up here… And the reason you and I met."
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lazulisong · 7 years
Yuri!!! on .... Chocobo? Midgar? idk
But would Yuuri truly be the simple chocobo rancher or the obsessive rancher determined to breed the ultimate, elusive, mythical Golden Chocobo for his beloved SOLDIER, on his quest to save the planet.
Yuri would be the simple chocobo rancher who occasionally shows up at the Golden Saucer with a new breed of chocobo to race and leaves a trail of broken hearts behind him. He’s dressed in black. His hair is done. He’s wearing contacts. (Minako said do it or Else, and Yuri is not dumb enough to ask what Else is.) He looks as sleek and handsome as his black chocobo. He’s convinced everybody is wondering why that hick is trying to race with the big boys when in fact his nickname is Eros and there’s serious money on being the first one to prove you got him in bed. General Nikiforov is a big fan of the way his competent hands stroke chocobos as they push their heads affectionately against his chest. 
This hit me right in the kokoro and sent right back to when I was a trash fangirl who made my first trip to Japan just to buy ff7 doujinshi and reading a million fanfics. Of course yuuri would breed the mythical golden chococbo for General Viktor and secretly dream of raising baby chicobos for the general in his dreams, right up until general Viktor slam dunks a midgar zolom on a handy tree while yuuri is short sightedly wrangling suicidal chicabos out of the swamp.
1. oh god i read so much shitty FF7 fic in my time???
2. yes okay but I submit to u: General Nikiforov going after a Midgar Zolom and it escaping -- and then as he’s chasing after it he hears a CRUNCH. He follows the sound and finds A Regular Normal Dime A Dozen Unspecial Just A Chocobo Farmer covered in swamp muck, draped in chicobos, and scolding a mother chocobo for nesting in the swamp AGAIN. The Zolom is very, very dead. After General Nikiforov picks up his jaw the A Regular Normal Dime a Dozen Just a Chocobo Farmer (whose muddy clothes cling to his muscles) squints at him and says “What are you doing here this swamp is dangerous” and General Nikiforov finds himself being scolded onto the chocobo with the chicobos and taken to the Chocobo Ranch.
 Yuri announces to his sister he’s tired of chocobos nesting in weird places and also, he broke his glasses and needs his spares. He puts his spares on and turns to scold the lost traveler again and promptly tries to die in shame. 
General Nikiforov is ENCHANTED. Then he sees the black chocobo and realizes that this cute soft birb nerd is in fact the mysterious and beautiful jockey of the Golden Saucer and loses his shit. 
Yuri briefly considers moving into a chocobo nest. But he still wants to breed General Nikiforov a golden chocobo even if it does turn out he’s a huge absentminded dingus who is allergic to shirts.
(Item: may make Yuuko a chocobo or at least the triplets into chicobos? For the laffs, of course.)
Anyway it turns out Yuri tried to enter the SOLDIER program and failed out, like Cloud Stife, but unlike Cloud Strife did not have a mental collapse and decide he was his BFF, just moved back to the ranch and then come to find out he just got unnatural strength and reflexes out of it, which is not a bad thing when you are dealing with horse-sized chickens for a living, tbh. 
Then ??? ???? ???? a lot of mutual saving later VIctor is cured from the bad effects of being shot up with pure earth magic and then they raise chocobos together. 
HOLY WOW HOW THE HELL DO YOU KEEP COMING UP WITH THE B E S T IDEAS please for the love of all that's good in this world TELL US MORE.
sleep deprivation and injudicious amounts of caffiene :|b
also @hystericblue, we’ll see lmao this may be an ask box only thing like Yuri on Layer. It was just you know 11:30pm and it suddenly dawned on me that Victor has the same coloring as a Jenova Clone. Y I K E S @ me.
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sunshinepupps · 7 years
Yuuri and Victor taught each other Life & Love.
Everyone wants success. When you choose a field or career, you always aim for the ultimate post or the ultimate title. No one wants to fail. Certainly not Yuuri Katsuki. I feel that he would not have retired even if Victor hadn’t come into his life. More than anything Yuuri failed to notice the love and support he had around him. For the longest time he felt that he was fighting alone. What do you do when you are at the lowest? You go home to mom. 
Brace yourselves for the longass meta no one asked for starring Yuuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov
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When you feel you have failed, you call mom and tell her you are sorry. Yuuri felt that he had left everyone down, his town people, his parents and his rink mates and most of all his whole country. That is a big burden to carry. 
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Yuuri might have had reasonable success before he crashed and burned. Morooka says he did not perform his usual today, which means Yuuri had been getting better, he had put his nerves behind and managed to qualify for Grand Prix. 
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There is no reason for Yurio to single out Yuuri and tell him to retire. In Yurio’s case he probably thought it would anger Yuuri into getting his ass in gear and compete with renewed determination. Yurio knew about Yuuri and even admired him in a way,in certain ways even more than Victor. Anyone who had encountered Yuuri had been enamored by him and no one ever underestimated him. All they ever did wonder was “What is his problem? He is good. Why can’t he make it?”
In certain ways, the biggest enemy Yuuri had was Yuuri himself. 
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His parents are happy to see him and even welcome him home with open arms. They never once ask him what he is going to do and that was support. No matter what every person in Yuuri’s life has supported him in one way or the other. I think they would put him before all the things they wanted. Toshiya and Hiroko seem to the type of parents who let their kids do whatever they wanted with their lives. If Mari is working in the inn, its her choice (mostly to protect her heritage). It’s her way of ensuring Yuuri has a place to come back to. Always. Katsukis also seem to be the type of parents who do not force their ideals on their children. Yuuri also would not be asked to help around the inn all too much and they are used to his mood swings. He seems to be the type of person who holes up in his room. They also seem to be the type of parents who will not tell their problems to their children and prefer them to have a good life. If Yuuri helps them it’s good or if he doesn’t that’s fine too. They must have learnt early on that Yuuri hates being coddled and the only hing that feeds Yuuri is ice skating. 
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Yuuri has had the support of his family and friends for the longest time. It is more than what anyone could ask for. Even at the lowest his family never stopped encouraging him or asked him to stop. I think Yuuri needed to realize that. I think that’s why he came home. He needed time to heal. And I’m pretty sure he would have gone back to figure skating eventually even without Victor showing up. I also think his family would have a comfortable income to support his skating. Toshiya strikes me as a very shrewd businessman. I also feel they would have supported him monetarily even if he hadn’t asked. Asian families do have a different way of working. I think there would have an equal give and take between them. But the way they strike me, they seem to be a very close set of people who deal in favors rather than money as they come from a small town and Most often small towns work on a barter system. So when Victor arrived, they would’ve just offered him a place to stay knowing how much he meant to Yuuri. Maybe it started of as money in the first place and some where down the line it might have all blurred. Yuuri could also be seen as a source of income to Hasetsu, being the local hero and Victor Nikiforov arriving there activated the small town again. 
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Another person who had always encouraged and supported him was Yuuko. Even when Yuuri was young his only goal had been to skate on the same ice as that Victor Nikiforov. Yuuri originally started skating because he loved the ice so much and he wanted to skate with his friends, Yuuko and Nishigori. It was Yuuko who introduced him to Victor. There he sees this beautiful boy dancing like he belonged on the ice and Yuuri became inspired. Yuuri at this point would already be a good skater in Novice level and would have decided to compete. Victor was a goal, one of the inspirations but not the only one. Yuuri skated for his friends, his pet his town, all the experiences he had in Detroit, homesickness and many more. To say Victor was the only inspiration would be belittling Yuuri’s hard work and his love for the ice. Only when you love something with your whole art will you be able to give as much as Yuuri did. For Yuuri, ice would have been solace, a place where he can be himself, a place where he felt at home and felt invincible. His anxiety could’ve stemmed up from the necessity to excel in something he loved to keep on moving forward. 
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Yuuri wanted to get his love skating back and that’s why he skated Victor’s program to Yuuko-chan, to live a part of his childhood back. To bring back all the feelings of love he had for skating. Imagine you failed hard at the one thing you truly love, you start questioning yourself if that was what you were meant to do. It would be easier giving it up, easier to stop than hurting again and again. 
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Yuuri never meant to give up. He probably took a lot of damage in ranking and sponsorship. Let’s assume that Figure Skating in Yuri on Ice world is like baseball or NFL or NBA to USA or Cricket to India which means that an athlete like Yuuri would have had some damage but not by much and he certainly would have had supporters if had chosen to go back to skating. But even then he wouldn’t have gone to Celestino. Yuuri knew that he needed something very strong to make a comeback. It was all in or nothing, do or die. He sat there and contemplated how he would do it. I strongly feel that he would have tried to everything by himself if Victor hadn’t shown up which wouldn’t have been the greatest thing for Yuuri. He needed support yet he constantly refused to accept it and that was the flaw in the gem called Yuuri Katsuki. He refused to get help and constantly worried about his failure. There were tiny sparks of confidence in and even that was extinguished soon.And that is where Victor came in.   Victor is like Federer is to Tennis, I’m sure he must have plenty of sponsors & endorsements and if Chris is Nadal, then I would say Yuuri is like Andy Murray. Andy Murray is a hard worker, he is also a good Tennis player but he hasn’t won any titles when Fedex or Nadal were playing. Just because Yuuri did not win a medal doesn’t necessarily mean he is bad. Also, we do not know much of Yuuri’s past competitions so we really cannot tell that he is bad altogether. Yuuri and Victor might have met in passing and Victor could have seen some aspects of Yuuri’s skating because Victor knows Yuuri is a fan.Also Yuuri could have purposely not met Victor because he felt he wasn’t in the same spectrum as that of Victor.
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Victor was the still had the fake media demeanor here. The main reason he showed was because he thought Yuuri needed his help. He had plenty of gold medals to go around but he wanted to give something back to the boy who breathed life into his stale life. He had inspiration now and he could have very well put it into programs of his own, won his sixth gold medal but instead for the first time in his life Victor put his career on hold.
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Here you can see that Yuuri clearly put Victor on a pedestal and never wanted to approach him because he never felt good enough. And that would have happened plenty of times in Victor’s life which made him lonely. Also, Yurio, Yakov, Minako and Yuuri, none of them believe that Victor is serious about the entire coaching thing. They thought he was just playing around or looking for  a change. They had already set him up as a failure, a person who only thinks of himself in Yakov’s own words. 
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Yuuri looks at Victor and Yurio’s interaction and he is very intimidated by it. A certain part of him is sure that Victor will go back. And the only way he knew how to handle it is by running away. Where Yuuri had little confidence, Yurio had too much of it. Yuuri not only helped Victor but also Yurio in finding humility eventually.
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Here we witness the first genuine smile of Victor when Yuuri says I want to eat Katsudon with you. That is the first time Yuuri shared something personal with Victor, something that resoundingly said I need you, stay with me. That was when the distance between them was humanized. Yuuri reached out to him saying he wanted to do something and that for Victor meant more than any gold medals. 
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This would be the first move Victor made on Yuuri. He wanted Yuuri to show him the Eros from the banquet that Yuuri didn’t remember. Even after all that when Nishigori tells him to just make up something and skate Eros, Yuuri’s tells him that Victor can get away with it whereas he can’t. Yuuri believed he wasn’t capable enough to do it. In a way Eros was about Yuuri’s rejection of Victor. Victor was clearly disappointed when Yuuri said Katsudon was his Eros. Meanwhile, Makkachin grew really close to Yuuri and they have become somewhat comfortable with each other.
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The way Victor looked at Yuuri and the way he forgot everything reminded us and Yurio how enraptured Victor was with Yuuri. He never once thought about leaving Yuuri. They had decided to go to Grand Prix together and win the medal. The fact why he always considered it as one season is because Yuuri mainly wanted to compete with Victor on the same ice and prove himself a worthy rival.Among all those people, even Yuuri felt that he was stealing talent from the world. And he was also scared that he would end up disappointing everyone again and the time & effort Victor took on him will all be wasted.  
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This shot of Yuuri’s legs is such a powerful image. It’s not only for him, it’s true for any figure skater/ dancer. How much strain they out on their feet and how ugly they look. That’s their battle scars. That’s their sacrifice. That’s the hard work they provide for their career, relatively short yet difficult. Figure Skating in real life is not a profitable sport, it’s for their love they do it. Very few people still stay in the field after retiring as successful people, like coaches, trainers and choreographers. 
As I stated previously, In yuri on ice world, figure skating is an elite world. Which means its very popular. Like there is no homophobia in this world, figure skating is also very well paid. So it would be extremely false to assume that only Victor has money. Yuuri would also have money but considerably lesser. Let’s not forget that Yuuri fails to mention that he is the top male skater of JSF. You just don’t get to be that and not have money. The Katsukis also named a dish after Yuuri. Remember like Po’s dad did in Kung Fu panda and people would be interested in “oh this is where Yuuri Katsuki grew up”. So I firmly believe that Yuuri often undersells himself and oversells Victor. Again that is how Yuuri is.  
Yuuri always felt that people intruded on his feelings. Being a very sensitive kid, he grew up with people not intruding on his feelings even a little bit. In some ways that made Yuuri spoiled because you can expect everyone to be the same. Victor made him open up  in ways that others couldn’t. He made Yuuri realize that he needed to be more confident in himself and he needed to believe in himself more. Yuuri himself admitted that he wouldn’t have done that if Victor hadn’t been in his life. Victor also drops hints of being Yuuri’s boyfriend (though not seriously). If anything, I would say Victor developed a romantic interest here. They also have a kind of a fight when Victor talks to Yuuri in an insulting way (saying you have never had a gf/lover). This leads to the beautiful beach scene. Yuuri also bought a soft side of Victor which Yuuri never really realizes until much later. Yuuri’s flaw is that he undermines himself but also undermines how much he means to others. Yuuri also admits he didn’t want Victor to see his shortcomings. When Yuuri decided to open up more, Yuri on ice was born. His music was never complete because Yuuri only gave Ketty half the story, half of his person. Eventually, he realized his mistakes and overcame them with the help of Victor which he couldn’t have been able to deal with alone, not that he wasn’t capable. Even the best coach might not be the right fit for someone. It’s most often the entrance of the right person in the right in your life that often leads to great success. Yuuri also tells here how short the career of an athlete is and how scared he is that his body will give out on him. Competitive athletes only have that, they have given a better part of their lives to it and must achieve success in that short window of time. This is also when Victor and Yuuri meet on middle ground as two individuals. And Victor also says “this is how I show my love”, by being tough on them and making sure they achieve success. A main thing to be noted in ep 4 is that when Yuuri said he will compete again, his entire family supported him and his  father talks about selling Yuuri’s autographs and merch which tells us how significant Yuuri’s popularity is in Japan which he doesn’t tell us. He could have encouraged countless skaters without knowing that he did. Yuuri is an extremely unreliable narator, we recieve the first hints of that here. 
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Yuuri told Victor about the girl who tried to hug him and comfort him. Victor has always been good at giving Yuuri space. Yuuri did not want to be touched when he was the most vulnerable. It was probably a rink mate who injured themselves while skating. It would have scared Yuuri thinking how his future was so unreliable and that he had so much to achieve. But all that can be taken away in the blink of an eye. And that girl would not been a close friend and she intruded in his space. if it had been Phichit or someone closer it would have been an entirely different case. Yuuri did not want to seek comfort because he felt it made him weak which is why Victor tells him he is not weak nor do anyone think he is weak. It is also significant because Victor understands Yuuri and where he is coming from which is why Yuuri is the first one to touch Victor and that’s when the distance between them decrease. Victor does touch him before this but it makes Yuuri shy not wary or invasive. 
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This is the first time Yuuri willingly touched Victor, he accepts that Victor is just another human and there is more to him than the persona he shows the world. After that their touches become more and more casual. 
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(like this)
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Victor gives Yuuri the courage to say that he will win the gold medal for his country, for his town people and also redeem himself. Though he calls everyone else abstract, I think it’s because he sucks at saying Thank You. It just proves that Victor is very very special to Yuuri.
Victor teaches Yuuri to motivate young skaters who look up to him. Yuuri dedicates his season to Victor, about his love for Victor. Victor was the one person who could step over the line but Yuuri often forgets all the people who have motivated him till now, his friends and family and calls them abstract feelings (not very nice of Yuuri). Victor tries to stress the fact that there is more to skating than jumps. Victor often stresses that Yuuri is a real good skater, he just has to believe in himself. Yuuri’s PCS scores are out of the world, it’s  the technical aspect where he scores the detentions. Yuuri’s previous GPF FS has to be complete failure for Yuuri to score that low. 
Yuuri might have had a ritual of speaking to his parents, his doggo before he skated. Otherwise, there  is no way they would have informed Yuuri about VIcchan knowing how much it would affect him. Katsukis first nature would have been always to protect Yuuri, they wouldn’t have informed him unless they had absolutely no choice. Yuuri might have started to question himself, all this for what?, a stupid gold medal? All those feelings, doubts and sacrifices would have weighed on him at once and he crashed. Him being anxious and nervous wouldn’t have helped him at all. When Yuuri went back home, it was to put behind his doubts, his guilt and focus on the future. Just because Victor showed doesn’t magically give you determination. It’s the combintion of Yuuri’s determination and Victor’s confidence in Yuuri that led to the GPF silver medal. 
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Victor had previously told Yuuri that he felt he was the only one who could give him the strongest program. Yuuri could already skate, he needed moral support and a program that played to his strengths. Victor also tells Yuuri to toss aside Katsudon and Femme Fatale and dance using his own charm. Yuuri often gets caught up with the little things whereas Victor glosses over it. Victor still doesn’t know completely how to handle Yuuri. Everyone who knows him, his mother, his former coach, up to some point Chris, know that Yuuri is not used being in first place a feeling Victor wouldn’t be able to understand. He has been the Russian protege and then Russian Hero, maybe he would have faced difficulties in the past, but he might have forgotten the feeling, save the years (17-22). He was five time World Champion (23-27) . Victor had started winning medals, being unbeatable the same age Yuuri crashed and burned and set out to redeem himself.However, Victor would have had plenty of Silvers and Bronzes before that unlike Yuuri. We also see a silly side of Victor compared to before. Victor has finally got the chance to enjoy his life. 
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Chris words here are very apt. Victor has lived for the ice most of his life. He had never thought about protecting others or coaching others. It takes a special kind of person to take you off your path and that is what Yuuri did to Victor. Yuuri bought a side of Victor which Victor himself didn’t know it exitsted. Even when he saw Yuuri nervous, he really wanted to help him but didn’t know how. Victor learns empathy and what it really means to be there for another person and no one except Yuuri could have taught him that.
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Victor wondered why Yuuri is nervous which gives us a clue that Yuuri’s career is more illustrious than Yuuri led us to believe. He is far more advanced and might have been successful as a junior. So why is such a veteran skater nervous about a competition which he can skate without any problem. You have to notice that Yuuri is comfortable around senior skaters like he is known them for a while unlike Phichit, Leo or Gaung Hong. Yuuri is a kind of person who is humble, who talks himself lesser than what he actually is worth. He would be the kind of person who doesn’t pay heed to hierarchy or seniority. So when he says his career is a limbo it might not be the case. 
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I’m using this car park scene to bring up certain things in the past episodes. when Victor arrived, he thought Yuuri was a confident playboy who just had a bad day (in a way), so when he actually got to know Yuuri’s personality, he did not know how to deal with it. He even wonders ‘what would Yakov do at a time like this, maybe i should have asked him’. Victor has no clue how to comfort Yuuri. The only way he could think of to motivate Yuuri was to give him a shock, by saying he would retire as Yuuri’s coach if Yuuri doesn’t make the podium. Victor was also testing Yuuri here which Yuuri didn’t like. That’s why Yuuri tells him to be himself and have faith in him, more than himself. Without knowing, Victor confirmed Yuuri’s deepest fears when Victor said he would quit, it played on his fears that Victor would/ wants leave him when it clearly isn’t the case.. Haven’t we all made mistakes, saying something we don’t mean just get under the other person’s skin (not a good thing to do, but we have done it). When he realizes he hurt (shatters) Yuuri’s glass heart, as a way of apology says ‘do you want me to kiss you’. This sentence tells us how inexperienced Victor actually is at relationships. He wants the world to believe he is suave man, but inside he is the same mess as all of us. This also proves that Victor isn’t perfect. He is blunt, he says what he feels, he forgets things and he hurts people with careless words. He is humanized in Yuuri’s eyes, Victor also makes mistakes. Later when Yuuri says Victor, you idiot, its an exasperated tone, almost a fond one. Yuuri accepted all his flaws and told him to stay beside him no matter what, no matter what mistakes he makes “Stay beside me/stay by my side”. Yuuri taught Victor to be sensitive to other people feelings. More than that, Yuuri taught him how to love. When Yuuri changes the last jump to Quad Flip, it’s like saying you are it for me, you are the ending and the beginning and that’s why landing that jump was so important to Yuuri and Victor understood it and that’s why he kissed Yuuri at the end of Ep 7.  
Victor can only speak in actions, his communication is terrible and often he does things that clearly puts his foot in his mouth. But one thing is for certain, he is passionate about coaching Yuuri, about making him a winner and helping him be the skater Yuuri has always dreamed to be. That is what is Victor Nikiforov. He does not believe in manipulating. Victor believes in hard work and reaching your goals. Victor taught Yuuri that it is ok to say you wanted to win, no one is going to question your passion or berate you or call you as weak.
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Victor in an interview in Rostelecom cup says that Yuuri Katsuki is a charming skater and that media should focus on him. When they ask him if he felt that Yuuri was that charming why didn’t he return to skating? for which Victor gives a very secretive smile. It could be interpreted that Victor had always planned to come back to figure skating eventually. It was like Victor was building his own rival. Of course this could also be nothing but wanting to help the person he had genuinely come to like. A tiny spark of competition arises in him. Every competitor’s worst fear is to be surpassed and eventually forgotten. Victor might have made a decision here that he himself didn’t know.
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Victor also hates when some one disses Yuuri which is very evident from the way he dealt with JJ. Victor doesn’t really make an effort to talk to other skaters except Yuuri and Chris at times. He talks to his Russian rinkmates and people who are connected to Yuuri. He also seems like a person who hates showing off his talent. Victor is naturally talented but also kind to people who mean a lot to him. Thoough, he seems the most natural and kindest to Yuuri. The way Victor interacts with Yuuri and others is extremely different and very evident.
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(Ok Russia very rude!) Yuuri was clearly underestimated which really lit a spark in him and that was the best Eros he skated. It was truly delightful to watch a confident Yuuri. He was so motivated and prove to Russia that he deserves Victor. He wanted to be known as the man who stole Victor Nikiforov and he wasn’t returning him back.
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Victor is nothing but a smitten fool here, honestly I don’t understand why people even argue that they aren’t a couple. That is a look of someone who is clearly in love and is happy that his lover got to see that he is so amazing that he took first place, not once but twice in SP. Everyone knows its not a fluke. They can all see Yuuri is really talented. You don’t look like that at just anybody!
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Honestly, if Victor had been only falling up to this point, this is when he would have fallen for real. Yuuri decides to face the FS alone to give him the chance to see Makkachin. He didn’t want the same thing to happen like what happened with Vicchan. I’m sure Victor decided to marry him then. 
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This would have been the most conflicted Victor would have been to leave Yuuri at the most important competition in his life knowing how paranoid Yuuri gets before competitions. This leads to major decisions for both Victor and Yuuri. In his way, Victor tells him he will always be with Yuuri.
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Yuuri overthinks at first in his Fs, the most painful FS to watch of Yuuri’s knowing how far he had come from last year. It was very sad watching him struggle to prove Victor had changed him.However much I would have liked to see him be independent and skate with love and prove to Victor he can do it, that wasn’t what happened. Yuuri missed Victor for an entirely different reason. They have been attached at the hip for close to 8 months, following their kiss at Cup of China, their life would have changed. They have reached a point where one cannot survive without the other.But Yuuri proves his strength by finishing it and getting a decent score. He manages to qualify with difficulty. Yuuri had been struggling with the question what if Victor leaves. He is given a dose how it would feel like and  that forced Yuuri to take a decision.
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Yuuri is a lot like Victor in some aspects. He doesn’t listen to his coach (for instance). It also proves that Victor taught Yuuri what he knew best
1. Skate a difficult program
2. play to your strengths
3. believe in yourself 
Victor didn’t have the necessity to think about failure the last few seasons. He knew Yuuri strength is his stamina that’s why he gave Yuuri Eros and Yuuri proved him right. He never was going to give Eros to Yurio ever! Victor made the choreography for Eros with Yuuri in mind. 
This also proves that Victor took most of his coaching tips from Yakov and Yakov has been his coach for a very long time. I also think Victor doesn’t know how to fail or deal with failure. The only solution he would have thought of is be more better, surprise people, do what others don’t expect, yet Yuuri manages to surprise him every time. Yuuri doesn’t fit into any of the things Victor has known till now. 
Yuuri is a wonderful contradiction. He is mentally weak but ensured he was physically strong by working on his stamina. He didn’t have the innate naturalness Victor has, so he closed the gap with hardwork. He is generous but at the same time stubborn.He is graceful and beautiful on the ice yet hides away off ice and most of all he didn’t fall into Victor’s arms like others did. Victor was seduced by Yuuri. Once you know something good, you can never go back. 
Even Yakov got a glimpse of Yuuri’s grace on ice and that is when Yakov forgives Victor (when he offers advice to Yuuri). In the bottom of his heart, Yakov wants Victor to be happy and seeing Yuuri understand him better than anyone else made Yakov accept Yuuri. Victor always must have hugged Yakov when things didn’t work out for him and that’s why Victor told Yuuri to hug Yakov if needed. 
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Yuuri knows Victor will go back to Russia soon. He assumes what Victor wants instead of talking to him. Plain classic Yuuri and Victor expects that Yuuri will read between the lines. They both love each other and can’t separate at this point but they don’t talk about. When you love someone so much, it’s sometimes difficult to find the words. 
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Yuuri feels he has to give Victor back to Russia. So he makes another selfish decision. 
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I’m just leaving this here because I love Makkachin and Yuuri relationship so much.
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Victor says “I have been thinking Yuuri about coaching and the future”. Victor had already come to the conclusion not to leave Yuuri or stop being his coach. If Yuuri had let him, no matter how competitive he felt, Victor wouldn’t have returned to the ice. Victor was content coaching Yuuri and staying behind the line. 
This also means that Victor was willing to sacrifice his career for Yuuri and that is important. And Yuuri was willing to sacrifice his career because he thought Victor would be happier skating as he witnessed how much Victor enjoyed watching his former competitors excel on the ice. .  
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The way they run towards each other, their expressions so raw, you can tell they missed each other very badly. Especially Victor who is always put together very well and has a cheerful demeanor, looks sleep deprived and sad. He must have been beating himself up for leaving Yuuri alone.
The airport scene is so brutal because Yuuri decides to end it after Grand Prix and Victor decided it’s a new beginning. It’s the very same day two people come to a mutual decision but word it very vaguely. Victor has decided never to leave Yuuri and Yuuri decided to leave Victor as a coach for his future.
The Russian Figure skaters, Italian twins and Emil are all supportive of Yuuri and they seem to know Yuuri, especially Mila who seems close to Victor. She wants Yuuri to succeed for Victor and vice versa. 
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Victor talks about Vacations, how you should use it to decompress. But Victor himself has neglected his life for the past 20 years. He says Life and Love are the most important things and he had neither.  
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When Victor talks of Yuuri, it’s with fondness and love. The voice over of Victor, the points at which they show Victor, you can see that Yuuri is exceedingly pretty. That’s how you know Victor loves Yuuri. You love someone so much everything they do is so beautiful. All the shots of Yuuri from Victor’s perspective are beautiful. And Victor had come a long way from referring to him as a piglet to calling him sleeping beauty and he is the prince that will wake the sleeping beauty.
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The minute Victor looked st Yuuri it was like “omg, bae is here. Quick say something impressive”. And he is blushing, ever so slightly at seeing Yuuri after months. But Victor being Victor, doesn’t know how to mince words lol. But that was the only way Victor knew to act,, it took him weeks to warm up to Yuuri like Yuuri took time to warm up to him. In the end it all worked out didn’t it?
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Victor’s monologue is almost childlike here, he says “It’s almost been 8 months since I went to Hasetsu. I can’t remember the last I spent so much time with Makkachin. Everyday I get to bath in a large pool and delicious food. Yuuri’s life and love has taught me about a brand new world that I’d never known before.” 
From Victor’s perspective, he thinks of the same things Yuuri does, so the key points which changed the way Yuuri felt about Victor were the same events which also made Victor fall in love with Yuuri. Meaning they both treasure the memories with each other. 
Even though Yuuri no longer thinks that Victor is going to leave him because Yuuri is not good enough, he now thinks that he can’t hog Victor at the peak of his career. 
Victor wants to take time off to live his life and try something different and he found someone to protect and make them blossom. Not only did the others blame Yuuri for taking him away from the sport, they also said that Victor is a terrible pretend coach who is capable of only thinking of himself and they were all content as long as Victor died for the ice. Even Chris, one of his closest friends wasn’t supportive of Victor telling him to come back to the ice as he couldn’t find motivation without him. Everyone in the series are tied to Victor one way or the other. They were either motivated to beat him or coveted what had (the fame, the money and his medals). In a way, Yuuri was refreshing to Victor because Yuuri asked for Victor himself and Yuuri did not want Victor to be anything except himself and that meant the world to him.
Also Victor wanted to spend more time with Makkachin being on his last years.  
Victor himself admits that Yuuri’s life and LOVE has taught him a lot of things. At this point they loved each other and knew about the other’s feelings but failed to address them. 
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Victor also acts more carefree, lovable and childish around Yuuri because Victor knows Yuuri will take care of him and vice versa. It’s a refreshing side of Victor bought out by Yuuri.
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A Victuuri date with them being absolutely adorable dorks. Victor is also surprised that Yuuri asked him to go shopping when it’s not the way Yuuri typically unwinds.
Yuuri carrying Victor’s bags 
Victor buying him a suit
they fight over a bag of nuts
(and ppl still doubt Victuuri is a couple)
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Victor also notes that Yuuri is acting strangely, he is astute to Yuuri’s feelings. This Victor isn’t same as that of Ep 7 parking lot Victor, he had learned a lot about Yuuri and Victor learns to put Yuuri’s needs before everything else. Thats how much Victor grows through the 8 months.    
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The stupid couple’s first argument shown to us. Victor is comfortable enough to squabble with Yuuri and Yuuri called him out when he was being rude instead of running away, telling us how close they have become. They seem to be the type of couple who would have tiny squabbles sorted within five minutes. Neither tries to wrestle the control out of the other’s hand. Victor at times is petulant with Yuuri. They even offer compromises to each other, like Yuuri talks about Victor’s birthday who says we never celebrate before the actual day. Victor’s birthdays are probably a big party,then home and Victor is probably is a kind of person who gets depressed he is aging. Victor offers hot wine which Yuuri rejects because he doesn't drink before the competition. They still are in early stages where one person doesn’t get the other person is offering a compromise, but they like each other well enough to look over the small fight. It’s a very very significant reveal in Victuuri’s relationship.
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Victor had come to understand Yuuri so much that he hangs back and watches when he knows Yuuri is looking for something. That’s how cute their relationship is. Victor has learnt to give Yuuri some space till he comes back to him. It’s true that their relationship started as a coach and a student, but somewhere along the line they developed love for each other. It’s not sudden, it’s gradual like a quite flow of a river and permanent. They bring out the better part in each other.
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Victor clearly didn’t expect Yuuri to that forward. Yuuri says its a thank you gift. But we all know it’s an engagement ring. 
Yuuri even as he decided to retire tied them with the ultimate bond. He was going to quit skating but not leave Victor. Even if he had said he will retire, I don’t see him quitting for long. Athlete's have an high when they win, it’s like a drug and it would be very very hard to stay away, eventually he will be lured back by Yurio or Minami, they are younger and they can achieve more.
It’s not the older ones that scare the athletes/dancers, it’s more often the younger ones. They have no injuries, even if they fail, they have no place but to go up and time is on their side. It’s often the younger ones that intimidate them. 
Yuuri again acts selfishly here, he gives Victor a lot of hope and less time to process the information. He makes the ultimate romantic gesture all the while deciding to end things/retire. 
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(I’m adding this screen cap because Yuuri looks so cute here). 
I think this is the frame where Victor looks at Yuuri, note how adorable he is!
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This is the frame where Yuuri looks at Victor. (again note how gorgeous he looks here). Victor is still shook, he can’t comprehend what’s really happening to him in front of a church (cue fan girl screams)
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(OK the blushing face is so cute)
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Ok the ring exchange in itself is a thing of beauty. You can really see how much they mean to each other. When Victor puts on the ring on Yuuri’s finger, there is no hesitation. Me thinks, Yuuri beat him to the punch. Well jokes apart, Yuuri keeps surprising him like no one has ever surprised him. And Yuuri picked him a snowflake ring (still dying over this detail). He picked a ring with is a part of two halvs. Even as they purchased it, they knew the significance of the ring. They feel complete together. Yuuri called the ring a good luck charm, when in actuality, he meant Victor’s is his good luck charm.
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And they leave hand in hand after the ring exchange, being cute boy friends getting something to eat soon. 
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You can see in this picture that Victor is intrigued by Yuuri and Yurio has his beedy eye on Yuuri. Celestino wants to cheer up Yuuri but Yuuri has none of it. I feel Yuuri’s anxiety is connected to Victor and his hometown. All Yuuri ever wanted in his life is t show his town people that they have set their hopes on the right person. He wants to thank everyone for the support by winning but never felt confident enough to say it loud till Victor.Though Yuuri says Victor is the first person he ever wanted to hold on to, he obviously loved them and wanted to win for them but Yuuri is terrible at expressing it And another he had always wanted was to show Victor that he was a worthy skater to compete on the same ice on him. The fact that he can’t meet these things, that he would fail on the only things he had ever wanted in his life is the reason Yuuri’s anxiety sprouts out a lot. I’m not talking down Yuuri’s anxiety here. I have many things I’m good at, yet the only thing I want to succeed at is the one thing that makes me anxious and nervous. It’s possible Yuuri also felt that here.
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This screen cap is so funny! Yuuri looks blissfully unaware of how much of a seducer he is and Victor clearly shocked and it all fell into place for him.
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Not only was Yuuri drunk off his ass, he challenged everyone to a dance off and won. What a perfect guy!
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Even when Yuuri tells that it just is a good luck charm. He still has no qualms showing off that it is a pair. 
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And of course, Victor uses this situation to start off a riot by telling Yuuri would win the Gold and they would get married. He just wants to get married gold or not but just doesn’t want to say because he is Victor and set off five others skaters because he can. 
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Yurio’s famous words. 
Don’t get me wrong, but as much as Victor was happy getting the ring from Yuuri, it ignited the passion of competing again in his heart. Here is where Victor really started contemplating his future.He was afraid that his career was dying. He wanted to go back on the ice like never before. The need to compete coursed through his veins like a drug and then Yurio came and said these words which Victor himself might have been contemplating in his head.
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In these words you can clearly see that Victor was not happy before. Victor has been happy coaching Yuuri more than he was happy competing. Maybe yurio was jealous at being ignored by the two people who have driven him till now or he was jealous Victor and Yuuri constantly chose each other ignoring the others. Or Yurio is angry that Victor left his side just when he started competing. Yurio really didn’t need Victor as his coach. He knew Victor’s programs were special, so he thought if he had those programs he would be successful and h would win everything. The only thing that drives Yuri Plisetsky is winning.
Yuuri was driven to win, to meet his idol and to make his town proud, Victor wanted to do do something new always and surprise everyone and Yurio just wanted win for his family. 
Another interesting thing about Yurio is, to Yuuri, he is rude but also encouraging at times bordering on friendly and even friendly at times. Yurio is clearly inspired by Yuuri more than Victor. When he thinks of Victor, he only thinks of the promise of programs. However with Yuuri, he thinks of how beautiful his skating his and even teaches him jumps when Yuuri asked him.   
But To Victor, he speaks insultingly of Yuuri knowing it would rile Victor up.He degrades Yuuri on purpose.
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Victor knows exactly how  to rile others up. He is often blunt and good at egging people on. And Victor also despite being a bit ditzy is very very good at reading people, especially if had been around them considerable amount of time.Victor only shows emotions when he really cares but otherwise tends to stick to his media face. 
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If Yurio doesn’t look up to Victor, who else does it he look up to? I would say Yuuri or he just said to get under Victor’s skin. 
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These words right here was the reason I wanted Yuuri to win so bad. I mean come on, Yuuri’s programs were superb. And just a couple of jumps just undermines his  artistry, it is a crime. Even when he was angry, Victor is controlled. This was rude by even Yurio’s standards. No matter how difficult your life is, you just cant say shit about the other person. And to call Victor Yuuri’s owner is terrible and insolent. 
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Victor gets it, Yurio has never really seen anyone as a rival before. Sure, he has seen JJ has one but he wants to take JJ down a peg due to his arrogance. Yurio really does consider Yuuri as a big rival, for his medal, for Victor and for his pride.
 It’s because Victor left Russia, Victor has been able to gain his love for competing, for the sport.
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Yurio as a way of apology says the ocean reminds him of Hasetsu knowing how much that place means to Victor because that’s where Victor found his life and love. Victor in this picture is the epitome of contentment. He looks refreshed, happy and more relaxed than ever before and that’s all thanks to Yuuri.  Here for Victor, Hasetsu becomes home, Yuuri becomes his home. It is very very similar to the scene in ep 4 where Victor talks about St. Petersburg where he says he never thought he will leave it, however he made the journey for Yuuri and in the process discovered himself again. It was like being reborn as a whole different person. But there is also a lingering sadness to him that speaks of his past, it’s like he finally lets himself go and seeks his happiness. This episode truly sparks the curiosity in us that really wants to see Victor’s past and what made him so lonely.
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These words reflect how lonely Victor really is. In Yuuri’s life there were many to encourage and love him, many looked up to him but Yuuri doesn’t realise this. But Victor saw it. This is a way of Victor accepting that he knew he is Yuuri’s life and love and vice versa. This means they knew each loved the other very well, their feelings have been quite obvious, but clearly they did not talk about as they felt they have enough time to do so. 
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Yuuri is determined to win as the last Grand Prix Final. (I just put it here because Yuuri looks so handsome.)
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Yuuri gave Victor the time of his life at the banquet.
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The moment was when Victor truly fell in love. If there is a love at first thing, this is what it looks like. yuuri blew through Victor’s life like a strom and left him. Yuuri made his life happy again and he wanted to help the boy who helped find his life agian and that’s why Victor decided to become his coach. It’s rather a very simple reason actually. 
Victor is a very romantic person and over time he might have buried it underneath his celebrity veneer but it doesn’t change the fact that Victor pulls all sorts of grand gestures to help people. 
He inspires young skaters, takes a minute out of his life to talk to his fans, promises to help younger skaters. Frankly, Yuuri’s position isn’t all that bad. Yes, he messed up but he could have still back from it. Had Victor met Yuuri in different conditions, he would have still fallen for him and would have still tried to help him, that’s the way Victor is built. 
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Yuuri often tells that he isn’t well known or doesn’t know anyone, yet the other skaters constantly show up to cheer him on, especially the Crispinos, Emil, Mila and Georgi. Maybe the banquet upped Yuuri’s popularity but Yuuri had always had supporters. All the other skaters are supporting because they want to see him have a great comeback. JJ crashed and burned, true they were all shocked and wanted to support him but he didn’t have the same level of support as Yuuri had. In one part they told him that he took Victor from the world, in other part they wanted to see what they could accomplish together which proves that Victor and Yuuri are stringer together than they are alone. 
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Yuuri wants to up the strength of his programs in order to beat JJ. That’s why he asks Victor “don’t you want to see the Quad Flip worth +3 GOE” 
Yuuri goes for the Quad Flip but earns a detection for the touch down on ice. Not only that, Yuur made certain to use difficult entries to score more points. Victor agrees to it despite the fact he feels that another clean Quad would earn him more points. But that doesn’t justify the lower score as Yuuri’s program is more difficult than most of the skaters at the GPF. 
Yuuri wanted to prove himself and he felt that he could have with the Quad Flip. If figure skating is the Victuuri love story, then Quad Flip is their climax (their ultimate love confession). There is a reason Yuuri did the Quad Flip at the end, it is show Victor his love.So every time Yuuri does the Quad Flip, it signifies their love, their journey and what they have been through together.  
Yuuri does not take into account how far Victor has come in the past eight months. Of course, Yuuri does not see Victor jump along with him during the SP. That’s how much Victor is dedicated to Yuuri. Victor knows what Yuuri wants. Yet another thing Yuuri does not take into account is how far he has come from the disaster of last GPF. He climbed all the way up with his sheer determination and hard work. However, Yuuri equated his success to the gold medal and he wanted to give that gold medal to Victor. That was his only goal in the GPF. Yuuri did not understand that he had stolen Victor’s heart a very long time ago and it is due to that reason that the very quiet flame in Victor’s heart lit again, COMPETITION! Love for Figure skating! A new look at his rivals! Desire to win again!
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This would have been the most broken down Yuuri had ever felt or looked. From  his perspective, he has done so much and iit’s still not enough and then he sees Victor looking conflicted over Yurio breaking his record. Victor was left thinking should I just let me be replaced or go back to claim my titles? No athlete wants to see his legacy, his records be replaced, of course it’s going to light a fear in you. 
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(Everyone supports Yuuri at the SP, especially Mickee knows how far Yuuri has come. Mickey, Emiland Sara are moved by Yuuri’s performance later at the FS. No matter how much he says Yuuri is a closet perverted Japanese man, he understands because he was there when Yuuri competed last GPF and placed fifth with 28 points between them.)
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Sounds familiar? Yuuri said he always felt he was fighting alone but he stopped feeling that when he let Victor inside. Victor feels new emotions from Yuuri which in turn inflames Victor, causes emotions to stir in him. Victor stopped fighting alone too which he learnt through Yuuri. It’s the most important lesson Victor learnt. Victor always thought as long as he kept surprising the audience, he would be fine. But when he really showed a piece of him to the people when he skated Stammi Vicino, it was not well received. True, he won the gold medal for that but that does not mean he wasn’t criticized. What he felt al along was suddenly naught. And Yuuri came blazing into his life when he was at the lowest, not really knowing where he was career wise.
Also Victor unlike, all the other times where he was all praise or lectures did not know what to say or do after that particular SP performance. However, he thought to himself how do I make Yuuri feel better? What should I say no that would motivate him? That is how much he grew as a coach, as a person! Thanks to Yuuri Katsuki. 
Their shock is evident at the score because Victor expected more, sure Yuuri did not skate a perfect program, but he was still go enough to score over a 100 points. Victor also made a promise to Yuuri. that he would make him win a gold medal at the GPF becuse he thought Yuuri needed his help. But all that changed as they got to know each other and Victor was seriously considering quitting for good to help Yuuri become the champion he knew was well within Yuuri and that is how much Victor loved Yuuri. There is really no doubt in it. 
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(I hope this gif works, it’s just a series of images as a gif, admiring other skaters talent which affects Yuuri.)
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I really think Yuuri wouldn’t have said this to Victor before the FS, true they might have had that conversation after the final. But Yuuri looking at how much enjoyed watching the other skaters routines clearly affected him and Yuuri thought that he was holding Victor back. 
This is a parallel to ep 7 when Victor said he will resign as Yuuri’s coach if he doesn’t make the podium. Yuuri was at a all time low when he failed (what he felt like failure) at the SP. So he decided to set Victor free. It was a selfish decision he took on his own and he agrees wholeheartedly. However, Victor was really having the time of his life and for the first time he could sit back and enjoy watching others skate. He could see how each one was different thanks to Yuuri’s skating. Yuuri’s skating opened Victor’s eyes to a world of opportunities, it made him see the beauty in everything. And that was why Victor was so hurt when Yuuri said let’s end this. 
It is possible that Victor thought that Yuuri didn’t need him anymore and I also strictly believe that Yuuri wouldn’t have left Victor. He said go back to skating, not let’s break up. Victor was also mad that Yuuri was throwing everything down the trash when Yuuri had just found it. Yuuri is special, everyone has been saying this, had been believing this except himself. 
Yuuri only wanted Victor to be happy and he made a decision/ made a gesture which he thought would give Victor happiness. Yuuri was being selfless by being selfish. And also Victor wouldn’t have packed up and left just because Yuuri said let’s end this. I’m sure Victor would have fought that skating isn’t the only thing he wanted in his life. Victor isn’t a sort of person who just gives up and never looks back and don’t meet for years  and down the line he wouldn’t even recognize Yuuri (that’s just bullshit). There is no way you would ever forget someone who changed your life so much. 
Whether Yuuri wants to admit it or not, Yuuri did change Victor's life. When Yuuri is on the ice, he skates as two parts of a whole. Had Yuuri retired Victor wouldn’t have gone back to skating. 
However that is not what happened, Victor would have fought and they would have decided to talk about it later. Lets face it, Yuuri is a stubborn brick wall when he has made up his mind. Nothing/no one can change his mind unless he arrives to the conclusion himself. That’s how stubborn Yuuri is. 
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When Yuuri says let’s end this, Victor starts crying. Victor could have forgotten how to cry and Yuuri says something that really hurts him. He might have thought that Yuuri was different from all the others and that would have crushed him. Yuuri is very surprised to see him cry. Yuuri is a crier whereas Victor is not atleast not until Yuuri. For a while, Victor had been feeling that he was fighting alone with no one to inspire him or be with him, then the one person he wanted to stay close to decides that he doesn’t want Victor from Victor’s perspective, that is the reason Victor cried and he had no idea about Yuuri’s turmoil. Victor gets very angry and it surprises Yuuri showing us how carefree Victor acts. He is childish, cheerful with Yuuri and charismatic to the outside world. The fact that he shows emotions like anger is very strange to Yuuri. Victor is often blunt and sarcastic but he might not have showed his bad side to Yuuri. Just like he said the wrong things to Yuuri in ep 7, Yuuri said the wrong things in ep 12, these main two events in their relationship when they learn how selfish/ how hurtful the other person can be.
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Victor was mad that Yuuri asked him to return to the ice without him. I firmly believe that Victor would have retired no matter what he felt about his records being replaced.Even if Yuuri is content living by himself, there is no way Victor would be able to go back to his empty life after knowing the katsukis and Hasetsu. I’m not saying Victor is dependent, just that Yuuri would have totally fooled himself into thinking it’s for the best. He is much happier without me. However to Victor being on the ice equated being with Yuuri and he wasn't going to give up either of them. Somewhere along the way it became Victor’s dream too, to skate on the same ice as Yuuri, as his competitor, as his coach, as his everything. To Victor, Yuuri became the goal and that is how we come a full circle.  
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Mooroka states that Yuuri stayed away from public practice worrying his fans which means he has done it before, perhaps when he was feeling low or under confident. Even when Victor was his lowest, uncertain what is going to happen, Victor asked Japan to cheer for Yuuri which shows how much Victor loves Yuuri and wants him to succeed. Victor and Yuuri would have fought bitterly after that showing us why they have such low moods. Even Stephane Lambiel went on to comment that they were not as energetic as always, which could only mean that Victuuri are very touchy feely and depend on each other a lot. And it is also proof that the world saw them as a couple rather than just a coach and a skater. 
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Victor is cheerful by nature and possibly never shows his depressed side to the press or the other competitors and that’s how much Victor hated Yuuri leaving him or leaving skating for him walk dejected and downcast. This happens right after Victor was saying this
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And the next day Yuuri threw a bomb shell on him. Victor also had only one night to process what Yuuri had been processing over the period of 8 months. Victor was planning their life together and Yuuri only saw an expiration date, in ways that was a very cruel thing to do. But they necer really communicated except in half truths so there is really no one too blame. 
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Usually we don’t see Victor and Yuuri away from each other. But in this competition they give each other a lot space. A lot of things are going on behind the scenes of the anime. Rather than wash over the small stuff, we are given small hints as to what each character thinks. Ep 12 might not be the best of the series, it does have significant details about the resolution of each character. Every character who competes come to some sort of conclusion to their career or where is it that they are going. For Yuuri, we seem him sitting alone lacing up his skates by himself with a determined look on his face, he is not even nervous. I think that Yuuri learnt to quell his nerves by the Final, but we won’t be able to tell if that is the case until we have further material. Also, Yuuri sets himself aside from them saying they will continue to battle whereas he will stop.
 Yuuri also says “no tale is more compelling than one that never ends”.This also tells us that he really doesn’t want his skating days to end. 
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When Victor says Yuuri, you will do fine. Yuuri doesn’t want him to be a coach. He wants Victor to be proud of him seeing him on the ice skate for Victor and that is all what he has ever wanted. That is what ticks Victor off here. Victor in turn says how long are you going t be in warm up mode, show me how talented you are and they proceed to hug the fight out. They make up in the middle of a rink.  
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They obviously are not talking like coach and student here. For Yuuri and Victor, skating and each other are tied up. They can no longer view themselves as a separate being. So when Victor tells him, puts him in his place saying “I took off for you. especially for you (do you think I would it for anyone else). Victor tels Yuuri in clear terms that Yuuri is the one who made him leave the ice and Yuuri is the one who will bring him back. Yuuri has all the power, just like Victor has power over Yuuri. When Victor says I want to kiss the gold medal, he meant Yuuri , not his medal. Yuuri is Victor’s gold!
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And Yuuri also says that he has made up his mind about his goal, he has made up him mind about retiring. However, Yuuri never thought or never voted in on how much he would miss Victor, how much it would separate them. It would not be the end of them but it would have made being with each other difficult. 
Their hands show us a great deal of their feelings. When Yuuri holds Victor’s hand at first it is to tell him to smile. The second one is right before Yuuri goes onto the ice. Yuuri is the one who lets goes of Victor’s hands. In all the other episodes we see them together or Victor lets goes first. It also shows how comfortable he became touching Victor. Every step of the way the entire episode Yuuri is one step ahead of Victor. It’s Victor way of saying, if this what you want I will let it go, I will do it just for you. That is also Victor’s love for Yuuri, letting him go and meeting him where he is. Victor has always done that and that is why Yuuri fell in love with the real Victor (not the idol, not the one in the posters).
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Yuuri thanks Victor for bringing him so far, Yuuri also thanks Yurio for teaching him Salchow, the shot of Minako tells us that she played a huge role in getting Yuuri where he is now. Also his sister, representing his family and friends. Yuuri has realized the importance of treasuring and showing them he treasures them through Victor. 
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Yuuri never intended to break up with Victor at and was going to stay by his side forever. Yuuri did not want to extinguish the embers of inspiration he gained from the other skaters over the past 8 months. It’s like Victor wanted to return to the ice but Yuuri did not want to stay in the way of his return to the ice. Yuuri felt that it would be a loss and he’d rather sacrifice his career than stand in the way of his lover’s career. 
Yuuri also wanted to show that he carried Victor’s love in him and that he would be alright, that Victor need not worry about him. I also think that Yuuri got over his anxiety or stopped his anxiety from getting in the way of his goal. Victor has made Yuuri stronger, strong enough to face all the obstacles in his way. Yuuri also says he wants to skate with Victor forever, which means that Yuuri never intended to let Victor go. That is the way Yuuri knew how to show his love. 
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For Yuuri, Quad Flip is not just another jump. It’s to show Victor that he is the happy ending of hi fairy tale and he finally landed it successfully.
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The free skate is complete opposite of the SP. Yuuri knows he did well but he was wondering if he did well enough to get that medal. Not only did he do well, he broke Victor’s record. Yuuri also has a lot supporters which contradicts his statement of dime-a-dozen skater. His sister, Minako, Emil, Mila and the Crispinos clearly support him. Mickey had a stern face at the rest of the skaters programs but he was emotional at Yuuri’s program. Mainly because Mickey, Mila and Sara had a front row ticket to his crash and burn his previous year and they were happy to see their friend get the recognition he deserves.  
Victor wanted to help a fellow skater but he fell in love with him and helped him break his own record. 
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For Victor, it was bittersweet. It is possible the moment Yuuri broke the record is when he decided to return. It is also possible that Victor thought that Yuuri might be lured back if he were to retire with the opportunity to skate against his idol. Victor would have made sure to make Yuuri return or Yurio would have.Even though Yuuri is happy Victor looks kind of sad to have made that decision. Yuuri was leaving him to the ice and Victor felt lonely again. 
After that, looking at the Makkachin doll was the first time Yuuri realized that he put a wall between himself and Victor. He realized that their relationship would not be the same if he called it quits here. Yuuri proudly said that he had stolen Victor from the world, it’s only right that he returned Victor. 
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There are two instances when Yuuri decided to return, the first was when he watched the Makkachin doll. The second was when he watched Yurio skate. Yuuri finally understood what Victor felt. The bitter sweetness of your program being surpassed, the feeling of rivalry. For Yuuri, he hated losing yes, but none of the other skaters as much as pinged on his board. For Yuuri, it’s always been Victor, yes the others wanted to beat Victor, but to Yuuri it’s been a goal, THE THING TO DO, THE THING TO BEAT, it went beyond competition. When Yuuri  decided to skate Yuri on ice, he set all this aside.
When Yuuri beat Victor’s record all that ceased to exist completely. All along Victor has been telling him he is only human.
Victor also realized he will be forgotten and all his records will be beaten. 
Yuuri and Victor, they just want to skate together. 
When Yuuri and Victor are with each other, the rest of the world ceases to exist. They are very similar in certain aspects, their disregard for their fellow skaters, it’s not that they don’t care, they are just so completely occupied with each other, so much so Chris messes up his free skate watching them. Maybe Victor did not idolize Yuuri from when he was young, but Victor’s world now is completely filled with Yuuri. Yuuri was needlessly worried because Victor is as mesmerized by Yuuri as Yuuri is mesmerized by him. 
Yuri also realises that there is much more to it than winning. Medals are not all that matters. Yuuri won a medal and he realized he cannot be happy without Victor. 
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The way Yuuri grabbed on to Victor abandoning his medal tells us Yuuri chose Victor, he wanted to win that gold medal for Victor, for them and he asks for more time. Yuuri chooses Victor yet again and that moves Victor. But Victor tells him to keep going and he also comes back to skating. This shows us that Victor is willing to do anything to keep his beloved by his side and those are the reasons Victor returned to figure skating.
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Yuri on ice is about two men, one who was lonely, one who was isolating himself learning to fight together, fight for each other. It’s about their journey to be with each other, found through ordeals and failure. Both of them have never knelt on another person, never knew what absolute love was. It’s about two halves learning to sacrifice for each other, putting the other’s needs over their own needs. It is a love story.
Love comes in different forms and different gestures. Some might argue that Victor and Yuuri are platonic or that it’s friendship. This meta contains the reasons why I don’t think they are just friends. Victuuri are friends, lovers, soulmates and much more. The reason they were created is so that we can enjoy two characters who have a healthy relationship with reasonable amount of jealously and negative feelings. Hey, no one is perfect! Victor and Yuuri are not shipped or worshiped this wide because they are a same sex couple, it’s because that’s how a honest, down to earth relationship is supposed to look like without finding the necessity to label what they are. Yuuri isn’t a character who is entirely dependent on Victor, he is fiercely independent to the point he tries to do everything by himself and bottles up his feelings. He tries to deal with his anxiety by himself. He hated being babied or seen as weak. He certainly doesn’t look for support or the presence of another person to deal with it. And Victor was the same.
And mainly they learnt to stop fighting alone and that is how they became each other’s life and love.
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They became each other’s dream and bore it together, if that isn’t love then what is?
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kiaronna · 7 years
Hi friends. I put out a fic rec list a while back, and since then I’ve read a lot more, cried a lot more, laughed a lot more. So here’s another fic rec list for YOI! Most of these are different authors, in an attempt to spread the love. 
As before, it goes fewer bookmarks -> more bookmarks, in a very blatant attempt to give exposure.
Resting pulse by cafecliche: I’m crying all the time, when I read this fic. It’s amusing and witty, while capturing the Victuuri characterizations perfectly, and also THERE IS PINING. This author’s other fic also address anxiety beautifully, so go forth. Go read all of the cafecliche. Do it for your wellbeing.
Kiss, You’re On Camera by Ashida: THIS IS SO SWEET. They’re at a baseball game, and Yuuri’s neighboring seat gets taken by an attractive stranger. God, it’s cute. Please check it out.
Stay the Night by Shadow_sensei: Your heart won’t be ready for the twist at the end of this. You could never be ready. This story is haunting and I mean that pun in all the best ways—it’s also got a beautiful dreamlike, fairytale (more like scary story) feel to most of it.
Shall We Skate (Through Time) by counterheist: counterheist has written MANY quality fics (also see BREAKING NEWS: Local Man Would Like to Date Other Local Man), most of which have me laughing. God, counterheist is great. This time travel AU also INVOLVES PHICHIT, my man, deals with consequences and, finally, provides great plot.
Yuri Plisetsky Saves the (Figure Skating) World by Dawn on ICE (Dawn_Blossom): Yuri Plisetsky’s interpretation of Viktor running off to “coach” Yuuri. It’s so canon compliant it HURTS—like hurts your stomach, because you’ll be laughing. Also the author is a darling.
A Heart of Paper Cranes by missmichellebelle: Besides being a fantastic human being, this author handles fluff, first time meetings, and anything your heart could desire with aplomb. I love this fic to pieces, and I love the sweet honesty of the Victuuri in it. *swoons*
Meet me halfway (in the future) by MissSpock:  I LOVE THIS FIC?? I love MissSpock, who I discovered and promptly blazed through all the fic of. This excellent time travel fic explores jealousy in a ironic but honest way.
Nuclear Hearts Club by butterbeerbitch:  The best of mutual pining and high school. I think I recc’d butterbeerbitch on my last list too, but I need you to listen to me. This fic has beautiful musings on childhood, which are giving me nostalgia in ways nothing else I’ve read has, and it is heartbreakingly gorgeous. This is poetry, it is prose, I cannot believe this is a real human being writing this. While they have stunning imagery, they also aren’t scared to make gross, hilarious comparisons. Please read this. Do it for me.
Like a design by jinlian: Canon-verse, and very sweet and humorous.
Life Unwoven by rougeandtonic:  TIME TRAVEL AU. WHERE YUURI TIME TRAVELS… BOTH WAYS. You get double the Victuuri, all of the pining, all of the miscommunication being healed, and just… oh. I love this fic. I think about it constantly. I’ve totally already screamed a lot about rougeandtonic on my Tumblr, but I. Do Not. Care. Like, this author probably hates me at this point, but I can’t help it.  Please read their work: kokoro no kaze is another of my favorites.
Lullaby of Birdland by Orchids_and_Fictional_Cities: Yuuri is a figure skater and Viktor is a jazz pianist. It doesn’t hesitate to deal with heavy topics, and the author knows. Their. Jazz. I’m drooling over this fic as we speak. Listen. I don’t understand how this has only 142 bookmarks at 7 chapters. I DON’T UNDERSTAND.
Meet Me by the River by c0rnfl0wer: do you want Slavic mythology and traditions handled masterfully and presented along with high quality love and pining? Then read this fic! Also, check out c0rnfl0wer’s other works, I can’t imagine how much research and effort he puts into his writing.
The Way to a Man’s Heart is Through His Stomach by futuresoon: I can’t figure this mystery fic out for the life of me. IT DOESN’T MATTER. Do you like mythical creatures? Do you like mysterious and handsome men? Do you like food? Check this out. This quirky, supernatural fic leaves you curious, and ironically hungry for more. Might be on a hiatus, as a warning, but word on the street is that it’s not abandoned.
I see the universe in your eyes by fangirlandiknowit: Oh god. From Yuuri’s POV, and it’s so descriptive, so emotional. This was written a while back, but I just discovered it and it is quality.
(offer me) that Deathless Death by melonbug: VIKTOR IS DEATH in this beautiful and moving fic that’s wrapped up in mystery and prose, but which I want to continue reading forever. There’s some phenomenal life observations in here, too.
Shut up and let me hold you by shysweetthing: I’ll never be over shysweething’s writing. I KNOW I recc’d this author on the last list, but you have to understand that it has brilliant dialogue, clearly understands YOI and episodes 11 and 12, and presents what was absent/only hinted at from them in a way that simultaneously soothes and breaks your heart.
These Frozen Nights by viciously: GEEZ so Yuuri can see ghosts, and Viktor doesn’t know… This fic is just ethereal and shocking, but still domestic and the Victuuri is sweet.
Taking the long way home by thankyouforexisting: Vicchan doesn’t die (so you already know this is gonna be good) and Yuuri doesn’t get drunk, so this fic explores how things change. It’s just… lovely. The dialogue is hilarious and magnificent, the AU is a great idea, and I’m loving this slow build.  NO, THANK YOU for existing, thankyouforexisting.
cover story by fan_nerd: Every frickin time I think back to my pre-AO3 account days, I remember a great fic and have to search for it. Every time I do, IT IS BY FAN_NERD. I love fan_nerd. This is a roommates AU, and is top notch.
Just Like a Stranger With the Weeds in Your Heart by MooseFeels: This ABO fic is just. Just. I tend to obsess over rhythm in my writing, and this fic has rhythm in excess. It just slides smoothly into your head, and astounds you.
Prove Me Wrong by homsantoft (tofsla): I started reading this and thought, oh, another soulmate AU, it could be decent. BUT I WAS A FOOL. This is not any old soulmate fic—it is beautifully handled, and I am unworthy of this and the one other fic by this author for YOI. PLEASE READ IT.
America goals by magnetic wave: Phichit is probably my favorite YOI character that isn’t Viktor or Yuuri, and this fic captures him so well. It also is a fic where you can see a perfect Phichit and Yuuri dynamic, without having to rely on Victuuri at all. I am in love.
Singularity by springsoldier (ladydaredevil):  I think I also recc’d this author on the last list. Do you care? I don’t care. You have to see this. It’s a STAR WARS AU. It’s so understated, and glorious, and hilarious. The Yurio is excellent, and the storyline is handled realistically. Finally, a Star Wars fic that shows you how a good Jedi deals with love.
A Lesson in Wanting by awesometinyhumanbeing:  I AM FANNING MYSELF. I love this fic! I love the trope of being in love with someone you’re married to, but being unable to deal with it. Reading the lines here just make me want to cry, and by the time things are finally resolved you will be incredibly invested in their happy ending.
Butt Stuff by Plumpie:  Yuuri gets an invasive… butt procedure. And Viktor is his nurse. Every moment in this is amusing.
At Home by SuggestiveScribe: SuggestiveScribe is pretty prolific, or was back a few months ago, and all of their works are breathtaking. Please check them out. This one’s fluffy, domestic despite the travel, and fun.
Katsuki Yuuri: Ascended Fanboy by Defiant-Dreams (DefiantDreams):  I’M LAUGHING SO HARD. Yuuri is a commentator, Viktor is still a skater, and everyone is exposed to their mutual and very obvious crushes in this great comedy.
Blackbird by sixpences: If you read nothing else I’ve recced to you but you still read this fic, I will be happy. This extremely well thought-out and planned fic showcases Yuuri and Viktor as intelligence operatives during WWII and the Cold War, and is brilliant in its complex portrayal of the issues at the time. Also, they’re ridiculously cute together even in heartbreaking circumstances. There is homophobia in-universe, but the handling of it is sublime and it’s there for a reason. I JUST UM. DEEP BREATHS EVERYBODY. THIS FIC IS SO GOOD.
Aria: Stammi Vicino, Non Te Ne Andare by exile_wrath:  Okay so listen. I am a very sensitive kid. This fic made me have a LOT OF FEELINGS, and is sublime. I will say there is definitely some violence, but it’s handled as well as this author handles everything, and the story as a whole transports you to this whole other Beauty-And-The-Beast but darker world! It’s very imaginative.
Constellations (Things You Left Unsaid) by DasWarSchonKaputt: I love Yuuko, and anytime she shows up in this fic I scream. This fic is just hilarious and deals with Yuuri’s feelings of inadequacy quite well. A+ role reversal AU!
Take Hold by Lavender Prose: Have I ever mentioned that I’m a complete sucker for soulmate AUs? I am, and this one is stunning and thorough in its worldbuilding. Also, check out the author’s tumblr for short but effective drabbles.
Kings in Couture by slightlied: I think a lot of people have also heard of this one, but I don’t care. The first two chapters are excellent, and accompanying drabbles for this universe can be found on the author’s tumblr, and they are also engaging. Just visit the author’s tumblr—it’s a lot of quality content of all kinds, and she’s bursting with ideas.
Now When Arrows Don’t Penetrate, Cupid Grabs the Pistol by ken_ichijjouji (dommific): AHAHAHA this fic, it’s funny. Also, it stars Phichit and almost every possible couple in YOI, so you know it’s going to be an exciting ride!
Worthwhile by surveycorpsjean: People like to watch Viktor suffer, but it’s always from pining. This fic handles the concept that Viktor can have major insecurities and struggles too, showing through heart-rending metaphor. And of course, it shows that Viktor can still deal with these things while having and deserving a loving relationship. Ah, homophobia warning here, but it’s a fic dealing with a lot of real world issues.
Twenty-Five Hours by 0lizzybennet0: Listen here. This is my favorite identity reveal fic. Somehow this author takes a plane ride (normally a terrible experience for all) and makes it into a rollercoaster of good times and cuddles and wrenching revelations. I love this Viktor, and this Yuuri, and the pacing is just right, as well as the Viktor/Yurio dynamic.
Beside the Dancing Sea by lily_winterwood and MapleTreeway: probably a fic that everybody knows, but it’s so well planned and such a great take on selkies that I can’t help but recommend it. There’s actual poetry in here, folks, as well as great prose—dream scenes, sweet romantic getaways in bays, CUTE SEALS. And, for a time, a mystery! Just… read this fic, if you’ve somehow missed it.
Centripetal force by braveten: Braveten is pretty well known, so you’re probably like “kiaronna why are you showing us this, of course we all know this fic” but this is my FAVORITE OF HER FICS and it’s going to get recommended, dang it. If you somehow missed this adorable masterpiece and like college fic, check it out. One of the chapters also made me hide in a bathroom for a while to deal with my freakout about emotions.
 Unfortunately, because of life, I haven’t had as much time to explore the tag... or much time in general. so if you’re one of the works I love but I missed you, I’m sorry! 
Hopefully you readers will share my enjoyment of these amazing works!
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radialarch · 7 years
an analytic approach to proving the nikiforov theorem
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so a little while back i was briefly contemplating the mathematicians au of yuri on ice (why), and today it came back with a vengeance and hit me in the face. believe me, i deeply regret all the life choices that have led me to this place.
victor nikiforov is a rising star in russian mathematics, particularly known for his off-beat approach to familiar problems and a certain elegance that’s unmistakable. at sixteen he gets invited to a young mathematicians conference in sofia, where he gives a talk about certain properties of the elliptic curve.
some weeks later, yuuko, who’s been sharing little puzzles and problems with yuuri for as long as he can remember, finds him with a handful of papers printed from arxiv and says, “look.”
it’s the first time yuuri looks at a chain of logic, ruthlessly solid from beginning to end, and feels that certainty all the way through.
victor goes from sixteen to twenty to twenty-two, making contributions to several fundamental number theoretical problems. yuuri reads every one of his papers and chooses a college in america. when his advisor asks what he’d like to study, he says, without hesitation, “number theory.”
yuuri is -- okay, as a mathematician. it doesn’t always come easy for him. he spends a lot of time in the math lounge, pacing in front of a blackboard and getting chalk all over his sleeves. he makes mistakes. his proofs come out unsatisfying, labored. he doesn’t always know how to put down on paper the leap he can feel on the tip of his tongue.
it’s nothing like the clean way victor writes his proofs. yuuri grits his teeth anyway, does his thesis working on some properties of the l-function, and gets accepted to grad school.
at twenty-six, victor extends a result of kolyvagin to elliptic curves of prime rank, which represents a major breakthrough in a complete solution to the birch & swinnerton-dyer conjecture. the proof is quite algebraic, markedly different in tone from his usual methods. he just misses the window to be considered for the 2014 fields medal, and is thought to be a certain winner for 2018.
in 2015, yuuri katsuki is invited to present a paper about his work on elliptic curves defined over the complex plane. victor nikiforov is set to speak at the same conference, to talk about the newly-named nikiforov theorem.
yuuri’s presentation does not go well; he freezes a quarter way through and stumbles through the rest on autopilot, seeing the audience lose interest with every slide. afterwards, yuuri considers bequeathing every one of his yellow-bound springer books to phichit and going to retire in the woods for the rest of his short life.
phichit, who is mostly into computational graph theory, does not need fifty books on analytic number theory, thank you very much, and would like yuuri to go to the mixer after the conference anyway and try to cheer up a little.
there’s cheese and wine and a bunch of mathematicians arguing over whether the axiom of choice is intuitive or ridiculous. yuuri tries not to make eye contact with anyone, which means he spends a lot of time with the wine.
(yuuri will not remember most of this night.)
he goes back home for the summer, wondering if he can really do this or if it was all a stupid dream. at some point he finds victor’s very first paper, which yuuri at 18 had marked all over, and tries to remember that same feeling he’d had when he first laid eyes on it.
yuuko is married now, with children. she still has a whiteboard hung up on a wall. she once read over all of yuuri’s thesis and sent it back with margins full of comments.
“yuuko,” he says, when the summer’s at its peak. “will you listen to something i’ve been working on?”
half an hour, while yuuri talks through an alternate proof of victor’s work, and he thought it was only yuuko there but apparently nishigoris ring, field, and group had recorded it all -- even the part where he says, decisively, “i think this is a better approach than victor’s.”
the video, uploaded as [katsuki yuri] an analytic approach to proving the nikiforov theorem, bounces around listservs, jumping from university to university. yuuri wonders if a person can die of sheer mortification.
a week later, victor nikiforov flies into hasetsu and asks yuuri, standing in an onsen, “come work on a problem with me.”
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askthedespairkids · 7 years
//Welcome to Maverick's candy store, bitches.
Candy Store - DespairKids Edition
Are we gonna have a problem?
You got a bone to pick?
You’ve come so far,
Why now are you pulling on my dick?
I’d normally slap your face off,
And everyone here could watch -
But I’m feeling nice.
Here’s some advice:
Listen up, Byatch.
Yuuko and Jirami:
I like
looking hot;
buying stuff they cannot.
I like drinking hard;
maxing Dad’s credit card.
I like skipping gym;
scaring her, screwing him.
I like killer clothes;
kicking nerds in the nose!
If you lack the balls,
you can go play dolls -
Have your Mommy fix you a snack.
Whoa, whoa!
Or you could come smoke,
Pound some rum and coke
in my porsche with the quarterback.
Oh, whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa!
Honey, what you waiting for?
All three:
Step into my candy store!
Time for you to prove you’re
not a loser anymore…
Then step into my candy store!
Guys fall
At your feet.
Buy you stuff!
Help you cheat!
All Three:
All you
Have to do:
Say goodbye to Shamu.
All Three:
That freak’s
Not your friend.
I can tell, in the end,
All Three:
If she
Had your shot,
All three:
She would leave you to rot!
‘Course if you don’t care,
Fine. Go braid her hair -
Maybe “Sesame Street” is on.
Maverick & Yuuko:
Whoa, whoa!
Or forget that creep,
and get in my Jeep…
Let’s go tear up someone’s lawn!
Yuuko & Jirami
Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa!
All three:
Honey, what you waiting for?
Welcome to my candy store!
You just gotta prove you’re
not a pussy anymore…
Then step into my candy store!
You can join the team…
Yuuko & Jirami:
Or you can bitch and moan.
You can live the dream…
Yuuko & Jirami:
Or you can die alone.
You can fly with eagles,
Yuuko & Jirami:
Or if you prefer
Keep testing me
All Three:
And end up like her!
Junpei, look! Toson invited me to his homecoming party! This proves he’s been thinking about me!
(Lamely.) … Color me stoked.
I’m so happy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa -
Honey what you waiting for! -
(Maverick shoves Yuuko aside)
Shut up, Mori!
Step into my candy store!
Yuuko & Jirami:
Oh, oh, oh,
time for you
to prove
you’re not
a lame-ass
All Three:
Then step into my candy store!
It’s my candy store, it’s my candy. (x2)
It’s my candy store! (x2)
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colmfahey-archive · 7 years
Marisa’s ficrecs: VIKTUURI
Katsuki Yuuri/Viktor Nikiforov (Yuri!!! on Ice)
This list includes 35 works and will only include completed works, which have all been read and approved by me.
*** means recently added.
(You can check out my other ficrecs here!)
Fascination by smudgesofink (Teen | 1,198 words)
Viktor didn’t understand it at first, but Yuuri has such a deep fascination with every part of his body.
Who’s the Fool Now? by broodywolf (General | 1,235 words)
You feel like an idiot?” Yuuri exclaimed, gaping at Viktor. “You didn’t turn into a drunken fool in front of everybody at the Grand Prix banquet!”
“No,” Viktor said quietly. “I just fell in love with a drunken fool at the Grand Prix banquet.”
Unprecedented by fan_nerd (Explicit | 1,472 words | AU)
Viktor is sweating straight through his clothes.
"You shouldn't have to see me like this," the older man wheezes, voice sounding terribly broken.
He's in heat and Yuuri's heart lurches, because he has absolutely no idea how to handle that.
Once We Were Perfect Strangers by spaceburgers (General | 1,606 words)
Wherein Yuuri is really, really sleepy, and then they talk about it. 
Instagram Is Not an Ice Rink by ladanse (Teen | 1,835 words)
Phichit's phone buzzes. christophe-gc has posted a new photo, it tells him. When he thumbs the screen, it brightens to reveal a shot of Christophe Giacometti, lounging on a bench, wearing nothing but a speedo and his skates. greetings from your local king of selfies, says the caption.
Phichit doesn't actually know Chris - not personally. He has nothing to prove. But Phichit is also, categorically, a competitive little shit, and he knows he can do better.
So it begins.
Dushka by OperaGoose (Teen | 1,911 words | AU)
Viktor's first words say 'I'm sorry. I'm a little drunk.'
Viktor isn't his soulmate.
Yuuri will still have him.
With a Boy Like That It’s Serious by kevystel (General | 2,191 words)
“I’m dating Viktor,” Yuuri says, nervous despite himself.
“Seriously?” Yurio demands. “I thought the two of you were already married.”
Fall Behind by emilyenrose (Teen | 2,284 words)
Yuuri starts to say goodbye after the Grand Prix.
Viktor doesn’t see it at first, and then he can’t believe it.
There Is No Space for Anything But Dreaming by perennials (Teen | 2,754 words)
“Gotcha.” Yuuri grins breathlessly down at him. His cheeks are lipstick-pink and flushed with exertion, and it’s cold enough out to warrant scarves and sweaters but he’s sweating like it’s the middle of summer. His hair is in an absolute mess, strands twisting around his ear and clumping together haphazardly over his forehead. He’s an absolute, gorgeous mess.
Viktor’s chest tightens. I love this man, he thinks. I love him so much I could die.
Silliness and Stolen Shirts by smudgesofink (Teen | 2,764 words)
“You’re,” Viktor begins in a stammer, and wait, are the tips of his ears turning pink? “You’re wearing my shirt.” Yuuri looks down at himself once again, and sure enough, it’s Viktor’s wine red shirt that’s hanging off his body.
Silver by pageleaf (Explicit | 2,940 words)
"Oh? You can't kiss silver?"
Viktor makes a mock-horrified face. "Silver? No way!"
Ah. Yuuri recognizes this – Viktor getting into one of his bratty moods. Yuuri's never really tried to do anything about it before, and eventually Viktor always tones it back down, but this time, Yuuri wonders...
He shrugs. "Well, I guess I just won't be able to kiss you then."
Some Things Require Leaving by idrilka (Teen | 3,051 words)
It still amazes Viktor, how much one person can feel like home.
The Clean Tongue, the Clear Head by Anonymous_Ostrich (Teen | 3,445 words)
It had been a long time since Viktor had danced with someone. A really, really long time.
And Yuuri knew how to flamenco. Drunk.
Five Kisses by oh_imintrouble (General | 4,338 words)
It hadn’t seemed out of the ordinary at the time. Viktor had always been free with his affection; throwing out compliments, light caresses, even the occasional peck to the cheek. After a little over a week of having him as his coach, Yuuri was sure he had gotten used to it. It was just a Westerner thing, no use getting riled up if Viktor wasn’t going to be stopping it anytime soon.
Then it happened.
Of Glass and Gold by smudgesofink (Teen | 4,436 words)
“Just hear me out,” Yuuri presses. He can feel heat burning behind his eyes and he grits his teeth, fighting back the tears. If he cries now, Viktor will be too occupied with comforting him to actually pay attention to what he’s saying. “I want you to be happy.”
“I am,” Viktor grounds out, confused and hurt. “I’m happy with you. What even gave you the idea that I’m not?"
“Because I’m never going to win gold!” Yuuri shouts. His words echo like a gunshot, and the silence that follows it is haunting.
Worthwhile by surveycorpsjean (Explicit | 6,276 words)
In which, it's Viktor that breaks.
Five Times Viktor and Yuuri Were Jealous of Makkachin (and the One Time They Weren’t) by braveten (Teen | 6,450 words)
Viktor will do whatever is necessary in order to never see Yuuri cry again. He’d walk miles across broken glass. He’d relinquish all of his gold medals to JJ Leroy. He’d let Phichit hack his Instagram account.
Unworthy by heartsdesire456 (Teen | 6,521 words)
Five times Viktor overheard people saying Yuuri wasn't good enough for him and one time someone told him Yuuri was too good for him.
Accidentally Seductive by braveten (Teen | 7,612 words)
Katsuki Yuuri is a walking contradiction.
(And it’s driving Viktor mad.)
A Glide in Your Step by Yuu_chi (Teen | 10,087 works)
Ah, Yuuri thinks as his skates touch down on the ice, and even as Yuuko watches him it’s the weight of Viktor’s eyes he feels on his shoulder blades, I’m not ready to let this go.
Now When Arrows Don’t Penetrate, Cupid Grabs the Pistol by ken_ichijouji (Teen | 10,673 words)
Phichit Chulanont doesn't know how he ended up the skating world's wingman, but he ain't mad at it.
Question and Answer by chellethewriter (Teen | 10,727 words)
Viktor is growing old, and his competitors seem to be growing younger and younger. Thus, with every passing year, Viktor finds fewer familiar faces at his Grand Prix banquets, and he wonders whether his attendance has become pointless. What he doesn’t realize, however, is that one unfamiliar, alcohol-reddened face can make the whole night more than worthwhile.
Stay Close to Me by dasedandconfuzed (Teen | 11,373 words | AU)
At the Grand Prix Final, Yuuri misses the podium by fractions of a point. Embroiled in a skating controversy, he tells himself he'll prove his worth in the World Championships, but there's a long time in between.
(Or, in which Vicchan lives.)
Hold Me Tight by smudgesofink (Teen | 11,556 words)
Katsuki Yuuri is not a tactile man. Anyone who’s spent a minute with him can tell you that much.
Viktor, however—
To say that Viktor is touchy-feely is the understatement of the century.
So when Viktor just stops touching Yuuri, without explanation, without reason, it makes for a painfully jarring experience.
Viktor Effing Nikiforov by shysweetthing (Explicit | 13,259 words | AU)
Viktor turned back to him, supernova smile in place once more. “I really, really like you. Promise you’ll still dance with me at the banquet if you take gold this time around.”
Yuuri stared at the man. He looked at their entwined hands – he hadn’t wanted to pull away – and their thighs, pressed together despite there being plenty of room in the backseat of the cab. That scent of Victor’s cologne – just a dab, lightly applied somewhere on his neck – swirled around him. This was too real to be a dream, too physical for him to have imagined it.
“I’m sorry,” Yuuri said slowly. “But… have we talked before?”
Easy As Pie by awkwardedgeworth (General | 14,525 words)
"Vi...Viktor..." His English this time isn't muddled by champagne and it comes out in a soft tremble, "... why are you here?"
"Yuuri!" He lets the name roll off his tongue, hoping to ease the man whose cheek is still glistening wet from either drool or Makkachin's wet kisses, "Starting today, I am your coach, and I'll make you win the Grand Prix Final!"
Then he winks, because he's Viktor Nikiforov.
(Or, wherein the universe laughs at Viktor when he meets Yuuri again after the banquet.)
Fever by MilkTeaMiku (Explicit | 15,830 words | AU)
Yuuri had always known he was a little bit different when compared to other figure skaters. Of course, the fact that he was socially awkward and rather ungraceful kind of made him stand out anyway, but it was more than that.
It was biology.
Quadruple Flip by haganenoheichou (Mature | 16,977 words)
Viktor Nikiforov didn't quit skating to look for inspiration.
He quit skating because of his damn knee.
Yuuri needs a hero. He can never know.
A Silhouette of Three by Anna (Explicit | 21,426 words | AU)
Yuuri and Viktor are aiming for a third consecutive Grand Prix gold as the new skating season rolls around. Halfway through the qualifiers, however, Yuuri realises that he's pregnant. He can either tell Viktor, who he knows would freak out and demand that he withdraw from the Grand Prix, or he can keep his mouth shut, keep his mate at bay, and win the gold that he's worked so hard for.
Easier said than done.
The Time(s) the Internet Collectively Exploded by MEIXIU (Teen | 22,416 words)
It started with Viktor Nikiforov's departure from figure skating to suddenly pursue a career in coaching with a certain Japanese man and then it escalated quickly from then on.
Unwritten by kaizuka (Teen | 34,279 words | AU)
Whatever you write on your own skin appears on your soulmate, but when there is a language barrier, meeting becomes just a little more difficult than it should be.
*** Star Fire and Silver by elesssar (General | 38,535 words | AU)
Not the stars in the sky, but the stars on the stage – or: in a high school production of Romeo & Juliet, Katsuki Yuuri is cast as Juliet. His long-time crush and the golden boy of the theatre department Viktor Nikiforov is cast as Romeo. The problem is, Yuuri can’t tell if Viktor’s flirtatiousness is just method acting, or if it might be something more.
*** Melodies Unheard, But Felt All the Same by Watermelonsmellinfellon (Mature | 76,359 words | AU)
Yuuri wanted to make history as the first deaf man to win the Grand Prix Final. Of course he's a little skeptical of Viktor Nikiforov's presence, especially considering the reactions from others who have learned about his lack of hearing.
But Viktor proves to be different, and Yuuri appreciates that. Now all that's left is to tell the figure skating world about it.
*** Centripetal Force by braveten (Explicit | 85,797 words | AU)
Viktor speaks seven languages.
(Physics isn't one of them.)
Luckily, though, he ends up rooming with his antithesis: a shy, black-haired boy who just so happens to be a physics major.
*** Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya (Explicit | 197,691 words | AU)
‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Katsuki Yuuri…’
A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries.
Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
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