#and THEN it felt like the day was complete
joonieskinks · 3 days
Simon “please will you be my fake girlfriend” Riley
Simon couldn’t be happier for John. Finally, he’s met a woman whose head over heels for him, who will stick around during the hard times. The man deserves this, deserves her. It’s about time they got married after all.
Today is his wedding day, and Simon was actually delighted to receive an invite. Although he had to dress up a bit for the event and all, he didn’t mind. It was for one of his greatest friends, and the energy in the room was so positive, so supportive. He can honestly say he felt happy to be here.
That was until he spotted eager mamas eyeing him at the reception, no doubt coming over to set him up with their daughters. Nope- he was not having that whatsoever. He went into full panic mode, trying to avoid their eyes, their presence that was ever closing in on him. Simon turned straight around and made his way to the bar where he found you.
“Gosh, how long does it take to find a Pinot-?” You complain under your breath before the handsome stranger from the corner of your eye interrupts you.
“Pleasewillyoubemyfakegirlfriend?” The rather tall man asks frantically as your eyes finally meet. Yours, rather confused, and his, rather desperate.
“Uh- sure?” You laugh nervously as you sip your wine that just arrived.
“Great- M’ Simon, I work in the military, we’ve been together six months, ‘right love?.” He explains rather quickly, eyes darting back and forth between you and the mamas rapidly approaching.
But you get the message.
“You can call me that “love” of yours, I work for the government if you should know and you have to act like you want me for this to work, Simon.” You pull him down by his tie to whisper in his ear.
“If you want them to stay away, touch me.” You kiss his cheek and pull away, performing with a laugh.
It disarms Simon how effortless you make this seem, how quick witted you are - this mysterious yet willing woman at the bar. You’ve truly peaked his interest and he’s so grateful. So yea, absolutely he will touch you, a gorgeous woman in this gorgeous dress.
Simon takes you by the waist, pulling you to his body, whispering back how beautiful you look. It makes you blush, looking back at him rather shocked. He’s equally shocked at his own bold actions, but he plays it off and smiles. Glancing at your pink cheeks with a “good” as you’re both interrupted.
“Simon, darling! There you are!” One woman says.
“I’ve been looking for you! May I present my daughter, Bridgette. She’s a nurse in London as a matter of fact.” Another states proudly.
“I’m terribly sorry, mam”, you interrupt, turning towards Simon and tidying up his tie. Your fingers brushing up against his chest, his throat, it gives him shivers. Any excuse to touch him really was your thought process-
“But I’m afraid he’s already spoken for. As of six months ago tonight, actually. Isn’t that right, darling?.” A proud smile on your face, and Simon just thinks you’re absolutely hypnotizing. Tongue in cheek, yes, but he already wants it to be real, to be yours. He just hopes you’ll say yes to dinner after this, and that you actually didn’t accompany anyone here.
“Yea, this is my girlfriend…” he starts, completely blanking.
My God, he didn’t even know your name, and yet he’s utterly entranced. Talk about a backwards way to start off a relationship.
“Y/N,” you stick out a hand to the mama and her nurse daughter, but they just painfully smile, clearly trying to decline “politely”. With that, they mutter an excuse and walk away, already sniffing for the next eligible bachelor around this evening.
“Well. That’s that then. You’re very welcome, boyfriend dearest.” You tease, bringing your wine glass back up to your lips, admiring his features. He really is a handsome man, it surprises you he doesn’t have anyone special in his life.
“Thank you for your help, Y/N.” He says your name on purpose, he wants to test it out on his tongue. He finds he rather likes it. You do as well.
“Can I get you another drink? On me…” Simon shyly asks, leaning against the bar.
“If it means you’ll stay and have one with me, then yes.” You flirt, waiting for his reaction. Alas, a blush appears on his cheeks. It makes you smile, a big, gorgeous man like this- yet he’s rather timid. It’s sweet really.
“It’s nice to meet you Simon, formally.” You stick out your hand for him to shake. His eyes meet your own and he smiles before taking it. Your hands are so soft, he wants to touch you always if it’s like this.
“Likewise, love.”
You two spent the rest of the night together, by the bar chatting, walking through the gardens getting to know one another, he asked you to dance. Hell, even Price and his new bride thought you two were together by the end of the night.
It took an official date or two, but eventually you were.
Who knows, maybe you two would be the next to get hitched. Simon certainly hopes so.
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claypgeon · 2 days
little norris — f1 grid
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pairing. f1 grid x norris!reader
summary: everyone loves when landon’s little sister attends races, especially the racers. 2.4K
warning; multiple people are interested in reader. fluff. reader gets so extremely spoiled.
notes; i got kinda lazy towards the end :( hope you all still enjoy! thank you for reading, comments, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated :)
. . .
“What do you mean little norris is here?” Carlos Sainz spluttered, looking around the group of men, seeing the same bewildered expression on their faces.  
It was two hours before the race, Charles, George, Oscar, Max, Carlos, Daniel, and Lando were catching up inside of Mclaren’s hospitality, that was until Lando dropped the bomb, his sister, more well known as little norris, was there. 
“Yeah, I’m going to go meet her at the gate,” Lando muttered, turning around to the couch and picking up his phone before pocketing it. “You could join me-” he turned back around, only to find that the space, which was previously occupied by his friends, was now completely empty. Looking around, with furrowed brows, he scoffed, “Assholes.” 
Walking up to the gate, Lando smiled at the sight of his baby sister, he was well aware of the cameras on them. And while he was very well used to it, you still seemed slightly uncomfortable. It had been a while since you had come to a race, a year or so. So being around this many cameras, was not your usual day-to-day. 
Still, you smiled brightly walking up to your big brother. Greeting each other, you hugged tightly, although you hadn’t been at a race for more than a year, you had Lando had seen each other less than a week ago. Only a year apart, you two had always been close, basically being best friends since your birth. 
“Can you explain why your friends are very persistent about me visiting them today?” you questioned, now in the great comfort of Mclaren’s hospitality, you sipped on your orange juice, raising a brow to your brother. 
Confused, Lando questioned who and what you were talking about. You explained that for the past ten minutes or so, you had been bombarded by messages from some of his closest friends. All begging you to visit them. 
“Those Muppets!” Lando scoffed loudly, shaking his head in disbelief. “The second I brought you up, they ran away to do god knows what!” he rambled.
You shrugged, pausing for a second before pulling yourself up with a groan. Lando watching your movements in confusion. “Where are you going?” 
You avoided eye contact, pursing your lips, and slowly walking towards the exit. “You’re going to see them!” Lando pointed an accusing finger at you, standing up and staring at you with betrayal.  
You sped up, looking over your shoulder with a frown, “I’ve missed them!” 
.  .  . 
Your first pit stop was the Ferrari garage. Charles had been the most persistent of the group, pleading with you to meet Leo, his new puppy. 
You felt out of place in the sea of red, but you trotted through, making it up to hospitality with only a handful of dirty looks. 
“Mon Amour!” a loud, excited voice broke through your thoughts. Charles. Smiling brightly, you look up to find Charles quickly making his way to you, the brightest smile on his gorgeous face. 
He wrapped his arms around you with lightning speed, swaying side to side, placing what felt like hundreds of kisses on your cheek. “It’s been too long,” he murmured sweetly. You laughed, leaning deeper into his chest, “You visited me two months ago.”
Two months ago, you were met with the surprise of a very cheerful Charles in your college dorm, claiming he ‘couldn’t go another day without seeing your face.’ He had only stayed for a day in a half, but you had to admit, it was nice to have a distraction from your studies. 
“Too long.” He murmured once more. You pulled away, choosing to ignore the deep frown on his face. You reminded him of what you came here first for; Leo. With a pout on his face, he led you to where a cute tiny puppy stood on the ground. 
Getting on your knees, you cooed, “Oh you’re so beautiful.” you muttered, too entranced with the adorable puppy, to see Charles slip away for a quick moment. 
Charles walked over to a Ferrari employee, continuously turning to make sure you were still focused on Leo. The employee slipped him a tiny paper bag, Charles thanked him, and without another word, he walked back over to you. 
You continued playing with Leo, ignoring Charles, making him scowl. He was aware Leo was cute, but wasn’t he cuter? 
“Amour?” he called for you, looking up, you raised a brow, and he held out his hands for you, pulling up. “I got something for you.” he led you to the red couch, placing you down as if you were a delicate doll. 
And it started. You thought. Every time you would visit the paddock, you were bombarded by different gifts from some of Lando’s closets friends. Not that it bothered you. It was probably wrong, but getting so much attention, by so many gorgeous men, ignited a flame in you. And you never wanted it to stop.
“Oh, yeah?” you batted your eyelashes up at him, and you visibly saw him gulp. He sat next to you and nodded vigorously while handing you a small paper bag. Looking inside, you saw a velvet box, your eyes widened. Jewelry?
Pulling out the box, you blinked at Charles, he smiled at you reassuringly. Opening the box, you gulped loud enough for someone on the other side of the room to hear. You were used to nice gifts from Charles, but this? This was next level. Inside the velvet box was a tennis bracelet that no doubt cost more than your entire outfit combined. 
You blinked, looking up at Charles, who was staring down at you with puppy eyes, “Do you like it? We can exchange it if you don’t. It just…your brother only told us you were coming like ten minutes ago, and I needed to get you something-” you cut off his rambling, by placing a small kiss on the corner of his lips, he instantly froze. 
“I love it.” You breathly mumbled, carefully taking the bracelet out of the box, “Help me put it on?” 
.  .  . 
You were beaming as you walked out of Ferrari hospitality and into Carlos’s garage. The bracelet Charles had gifted you was gorgeous, and it made you feel like you were walking on air. Lando could die, and you would still be shining. 
Arriving at the garage, you frowned, not seeing Carlos anywhere. You spent the next five minutes looking around, but no trace of him. Just as you turned to leave, you saw him. He ran into the garage with a giant bouquet of red roses in hand. He looked around urgently until his eyes landed on you.
Everyone in the room noticed how when he set eyes on you, it was like he became entranced. His eyes looked you up and down about ten times, in between the time when you walked over to him. 
You didnt speak, instead choosing to bring him into a tight hug, smelling of his expensive cologne. You spent the next seconds in each other’s tight embrace. Out of everyone on the grid, other than your brother. You knew Carlos the longest, and it was evident with how tightly you clung to each other. 
You felt the bouquet digging into your back, pulling back, Carlos instantly held it out to you, “Para ti,” for you. 
“Thank you, Carlos,” you took the flowers with a pouty smile, they were bigger than your head. 
“I got you something,” he muttered, pulling you towards a corner in the garage, shielding you from prying eyes. You tilted your head, eyes trailing down to his perfect lips, he reached into his back pocket, pulling out two tickets. 
He wordlessly handed them you to, taking the flowers with one hand. You stared at the tickets confused, you gasped, reading them. Greece, June 15, one-person ticket. You flipped the ticket looking over the other one, Greece, June 15, one-person ticket. You looked by at the Spanish man, with a gasp, “You didnt.” 
The man smiled, leaning closer, “I did.” he whispered, placing a deep kiss on your forehead. “For us?” you held up the tickets, needing clarification.
“For us.” he confirmed. Holy shit you were going to Greece. 
.  .  .
You hadn’t been in the paddock for more than thirty minutes and you already had a tennis bracelet, a bouquet of flowers, and a trip to Greece. 
Then came the ethical dilemma. Was it okay to take all these gifts, knowing they were given to you with the intent they had, probably not. Did you care? No. 
Some might call you shameless, but you didnt care. You loved feeling loved. You loved knowing you had these men wrapped around your finger. You loved knowing they would do anything for you. 
It had been this way for years, them buying you things with the hopes of a relationship. And you weren’t planning on putting a stop to it any time soon. It might seem impossible, but you loved them all. And you didnt see why you had to pick one. Why couldn’t you have them all?
And it’s not like they don’t know about each other. They do. Each one of them are aware of the others. That just makes it all more competitive. And with more competitiveness, came more gifts for you. Perfect.  
“Max!” you laughed, feeling someone pick you up from behind. The broad shoulders and ruff hands gave it away. You heard him let out a deep chuckle, leading you to some high chairs. 
Once he placed you down on the chair, you were finally able to get a good look at him, he was perfect as always. “Hi.” you whisper as he wraps his arms around your waist, with a content sigh. 
“Hi, schatje.” he leaned into your neck, placing small kisses, not caring about those around you too. 
“How are you?” you whispered, placing your hands around his neck, but he didnt answer, he focused himself on your right wrist, where the bracelet Charles had gifted you lay.
Silently, he turned to you with a raised brow. “Charles?” he guessed with an eye roll. You nodded, giggling brightly, “It’s cute, no?” 
“Yeah, adorable.” he grumbled, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his phone. You frowned, not liking how his attention wasn’t on you. That was until he handed you his phone, nuzzling back into your neck without a care in the world.
You took the iPhone, holding it up to your eyes. “A boat?” you questioned looking down at a smiling Max, he hummed, nodding. On the phone was a page, dedicated to what you assumed was selling boats. 
“You bought one?” you whispered in wonder, swiping through teh pictures of said boat. It was huge, with three stories: the bottom deck, the middle deck, and the very top deck. Your eyes widened looking at the price tag. Holy shit that was a lot of money. 
“For you,” he mumbled, placing a final kiss on teh side of your neck before standing up straight, looking at you expectingly. 
You froze. No fucking way. This, this was crazy. “Max-” you started shaking your head, but his puppy dog’s eyes froze you in place instantly. 
“Just take it okay?” he leaned his forehead against yours, “I need to one up Charles.” 
.   .  .
“Daniel!” you laughed in joy as he wrapped his arms around you swinging you around. 
“Little Norris!” he cherred, carefully placing your feet on the ground, and pating your hair down with a beaming smile. 
He stood staring for a smile, admiring your beaming smile as you looked up at him, “How did you get even prettier?” he wondered in amazement. 
“The same way you got prettier.” you grinned cheekily, he blushed, taking your hand and learning you out of the garage. 
“Remember when you told me you wanted to take golf lessons?” he reminisced, waving over to some fans who were calling out for his attention with his free hand. 
You nodded thoughtfully. You had talked about wanting golf lessons for years, never having the time to actually do them. 
He stared down at you with a glint in his eyes, you paused, gasping with a big smile, “You didn’t!” 
He laughed, wrapping his arms around you once more, “I thought since you were finishing school soon, it was the perfect time.” 
You stared up at him in adoration, “Have I ever told you how much I adore you.”
“Hm.” he whispered in your ear, “I wouldn’t mind hearing it again.”
.  .  .
“Don’t you look pretty?” Georges’s voice cut through your thoughts, as he walked over to you, placing a deep kiss on your cheek while holding your hands. 
You thanked him, pulling him down to the couch, and leaning against his chest. Yawing. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you, “Tired?” 
You nodded, closing your eyes, “It’s so tiring being wanted by so many handsome men..” you sighed dramatically, George laughed loudly, leaning against your back as his body shook in joy
“Cheeky girl.” he giggled, before placing a smooch against your head. “Ready to know what I got you?” he whispered. 
You rolled your eyes with a smile, “I guess..” you sighed, turning to him, and giving him a chaste kiss on his cheek, letting him know you were just joking.
He handed you his phone, you quickly scanned through the screen. You opened your mouth in shock, throwing his phone down on the couch, “You got me land on the fucking moon?”
.  .  . 
 “Like the actual moon?” Oscar gasped, staring up at you with an open mouth, he was lying on your chest, you were both in his small drivers room, passing time.
“The actual fucking moon.” you laughed, shaking your head. You had just finished recalling your encounter with the others, Oscar sighed, “How am I going to top that?”
You frowned, “I don’t think anyone would ever top that. I mean…” you shuddered, “it’s the literal moon Oscar. The moon.”
“That is pretty cool.” he leaned closer to you, “But I’m still going to live the rest of my life trying to top that.” 
You smiled at him, suddenly bashful, “You don’t have to.” 
“But I want to.” he held your hand with a teasing smile. “Ready for the spa day tomorrow?” 
That was Oscar’s gift to you, a very luxurious day with him, where he will take you shopping, get you pampered, and eat at the best restaurants Monaco has to offer. 
“I’m so ready.” you groaned, “Walking around all day was exhausting.” 
“But worth it, no?” he glanced at the tennis bracelet on your wrist, you giggled, nodding vigorously, “Totally worth it.”
tag list; @tinyhrry @bokutos-babyowl @ririyulife @iamspeed16 @inblurtub @lillysbigwilly @w00d1and @evie-119 @rexit-mo @annabellelee
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jesuistrestriste · 3 days
art would be so enthusiastic about trying for a baby. he’d wanna be balls deep in your pussy at all times 😭🫨😵‍💫
oh YEAH. art donaldson loves to creampie you. once you two have been together for over several years and are actively trying to get pregnant, he realizes something about himself that he hadn't before: he has a breeding kink.
at first it started simple. you tracked your ovulation and whatnot with that little app on your phone, and you two would have sex nearly every night. and nearly every night he'd cum inside of you. it was heaven for him; feeling your gooey walls clench and throb around him as your body milked him for every drop.
one time, when he had you flat on your back in bed, moaning and holding onto his shoulders as he rutted tenderly into your cunt, he caught himself wanting to say hyper-specific dirty things.
"gonna fill you and make you a mommy," he'd wanted to say, "gonna cum until it leaks out of you."
but he hadn't. it was embarrassing, wasn't it? who knows if you'd even like that kinda stuff. this was purely to make a baby. not to indulge him in some secret kink he had. he had kept his mouth shut, and he had finished copiously inside of you. just like he did every time. and he withered afterwards on top of your chest and pouted, but he hid this from you well.
and then a few days later, it all changed.
he was fucking you gently in bed, nothing surprising, when you had started to reach down and rub your clit. he felt you tighten around him, and he thrusted into you a bit faster. as you got closer and closer, some words spilled from your parted lips that caught him fully by surprise.
"fuck me, art," you moaned out, "fill me up completely! i want your babies so bad-!"
and it was like something in him completely snapped.
he let out a guttural groan and instantly shot milky white ropes into your pussy, right up against cervix. spurt after spurt after spurt of him flooded into your body, and he kept himself buried in you up to the hilt for as long as he could. his hands clutched your hips, his eyes rolled back. the orgasm had caught him utterly and wholly off-guard, and he moaned and trembled furiously over you as he rode it out.
after that, he was always vocal during sex about his want to get you pregnant. or rather, to express his love for the process that resulted in getting you pregnant..
he'd put you in doggy, and prone-bone, and cowgirl; claiming that all of these positions helped with conception, but you knew that he just wanted to be able to look and squeeze at all of your curves and soft, plush skin—in all his favorite ways—as he bred your hole.
"fuck, FUCK—! you're gonna be such a good mommy—!" he would gasp into your shoulder when he'd take you from behind.
"you want me to cum deep inside? give you my kids?"
"you wanna make me a daddy? oh god, let me cum— i'm gonna cum! i'm gonna give you everything i've got!"
"keep it all inside!"
you got pregnant that same month. twins.
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bratzforchris · 3 days
Red Looks Good on You (Pt. 1)
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Summary: In which cutting your foot at the beach leads to an unexpected summer fling <3
Pairing: Lifeguard!Chris x feminine reader
(Series) Warnings: Smut, making out, hickeys, nipple play, shower/hot tub sex, p in v, fingering, exhibitionism/semi public sex if you squint, thigh riding, belly bulge, squirting, praise kink, non established relationship, mentions of blood
Word Count: 3k
A/N: First summer fic is here and ready for you, my loves 𓆉⋆。˚⋆❀ 🐚🫧𓇼 ˖° I hope you enjoy!! Part 2 will be out within the next twoish weeks! PLEASE SEND ME LIFEGUARD CHRIS THOUGHTS 𓅮 ✺ 👣 🀦 ͡ i ͡ ☼
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You smiled to yourself, hitching your beach bag further up your shoulder as you hiked over the white dunes. “What’s the chances that we’ll meet a summer fling while we’re here?” You looked over your shoulder at your friend, Tori, who was tugging the wagon that held your beach chairs. 
“Girl, we better. All this money and not meeting a single hot guy? I’ll be wanting a refund.” she laughed. 
To celebrate both of you receiving your associates’ degrees, the two of you had decided to take a girl’s trip to Hawaii. After almost a year of saving, you’d finally made it happen, and today was your first official day on the sandy beaches of Waikiki. Despite it only being just past ten am, the beach was already crowded with both a mixture of tourists and renowned surfers. You quickly found a spot and staked your umbrella, sitting down in the chairs beneath the shade. 
Your eyes were wide as you took in the scene around you, until Tori nudged your shoulder. “That lifeguard is hot as fuck. He’s your type, too.”
“Who?” You pushed your sunglasses up onto your head, looking around at all the lifeguard stands. “There’s like three within this radius, Tor. Be specific.”
Your friend not-so-subtly pointed to the brunette lifeguard sitting in the stand closest to you, aviator sunglasses on and twirling his whistle around his finger. You had to admit, he really was just your type. His brown curls fell softly around his ears, already damp with sweat despite the tropical breeze. You studied the boy for a moment, taking in his tanned skin and toned body, your eyes raking downwards towards the happy trail that dipped into the waistband of his red lifeguard trunks. 
“He’s working,” You stated after a moment, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. “I’m not gonna go bother him.”
“And suddenly, you don’t know how to swim!” Tori joked. 
You swatted her arm playfully, standing and removing your coverup. “Wanna go tan?”
Tori quickly nodded, ditching her own sundress and grabbing both of your towels. The two of you made your way closer to where the sand met the sea, laying your towels out in a secluded part of the warm, white sand. In just a glance of your head, you caught the cute lifeguard looking your way, lips tugged upward in a smirking smile. You shook your hair out as a way to release the sudden tension you felt in your tummy, silently telling yourself that he wasn’t looking at you. He was just watching every person on this part of the beach, just like all lifeguards were supposed to do. 
It wasn’t long until the sound of the waves pounding against the shore, the happy giggles of small children, and Tori’s incessant chattering pulled you away from all thoughts of the lifeguards. The tropical breeze ruffled the small tassels on your neon pink bikini, putting you completely at ease. Your mind had become floaty with happiness as you and Tori laid out on your towels, trying to garner a tan from the bright, early afternoon sun. 
“Now’s your chance,” Tori elbowed you suddenly, pulling you out of your trance. “He’s off the stand and he’s coming this way.”
You were thankful that your sunglasses disguised any movement of your eyes, because you immediately averted your gaze to see the boy walking along the beach, holding the yellow rescue buoy under his arm, red whistle in his mouth. 
“Hey,” he smiled nonchalantly as he walked past the two of you. “Everything okay?”
You found yourself cursing under your breath at the way your focus seemed to be more on how the whistle hanging from his plump, pink lips complimented his red swimsuit rather than the fact that he was actually talking to you. 
“We’re perfectly fine.” Tori spoke for you, a knowing glance cast your way at the word. 
The lifeguard smirked, sensing the vibes between the two of you. “Cool. Stay safe, mamas.”
As soon as he was out of earshot, your friend rolled her eyes. “Is he serious? Mamas? He’s totally your type.”
“I thought it was kind of cute, actually,” You hummed, not hiding the smile on your face this time. “But like I said, he’s working. I’m not gonna hit on him.”
You moved on from the topic of cute lifeguard, chatting about the end of the academic year and what your plans were for the fall. You planned to continue attending college to obtain your degree in English, hoping to teach at the high school you had graduated from. The silly part of you that had always loved to daydream, though, started to imagine what your life would be like if you lived here in Hawaii and hung out with the cute lifeguard every day. 
“You’re down bad already, aren’t you?” Tori asked. 
You nodded shyly, earning a goofy chuckle from your friend. “He’s cute.”
Your friend shook her head with a laugh, standing up and shaking out her towel. “I’m gonna go get ice cream, okay? I’ve been eyeing that shop down the block. Do you want anything?”
You shook your head no, bidding Tori a goodbye as she started the trek for ice cream. Laying back against your beach towel once more, you allowed the sand beneath you and the sun above you to warm your skin. This was already shaping up to be the perfect vacation, and you had been here for less than a day. 
As much as you wanted to lay and continue to tan, you had to admit that the clear, blue water of the ocean looked inviting, especially considering the fact that you were starting to sweat. You stood up, shaking your towel out and wrapping it around your neck, before walking down to the water, allowing the small, cresting waves to lap over your jade green pedicure. Feeling the warmth of the water, you walked further into the ocean, letting the water lap around your ankles. 
It wasn’t until you moved your foot that you felt a sudden, sharp pain course up your leg. You cursed, lifting your foot out of the water, examining the stinging wound. Sure enough, the cut was already dripping blood, puddling red with the clear water below. You turned your head back towards the beach, only to see that Tori had not yet returned. It looked like you were going to have to limp back up towards your bag and scavenge for a bandaid on your own. 
You turned back towards the beach, starting to limp your way to the shore. You were so caught up in the stinging pain of your foot that you didn’t even notice the same lifeguard from before approaching you, already opening his hip pack. 
“What happened?” he asked you gently, placing his large hand on your shoulder to steady you. 
“I cut my foot.” You hissed through the pain, jaw clenched. 
“I can get you a bandaid and get you all cleaned up, don’t worry,” the lifeguard smiled the same, goofy smile from before, and despite your pain, you found your heart fluttering. “Do you need me to carry you? I’m sure the water stings.”
“I don’t need you to carry me,” You chuckled. “I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?” the boy asked, eyes raking over how you were limping, almost refusing to put your foot in the water.
“I’m not going to let someone whose name I don’t even know carry me.” You hummed, suddenly shocked at the flirtatious nature that had come over you. 
“I’m Chris,” he smiled wider, rezipping his hip pack. “May I?” he gestured to your wobbly frame. 
You nodded shyly, your cheeks flaming as Chris carefully picked you up. His hold was strong and tactile, and if it weren’t for the fact that he was literally holding you, you would’ve wondered how often he did this. The brunette carried you to shore, earning several looks from other beachgoers. Once you had reached the lifeguard stand, Chris sat you down on a small wooden bench. 
“Wait here.” he murmured, rummaging around under the stand for the first aid box. 
“I dunno where you think I’m gonna go,” You retorted playfully. “If I did go somewhere, you could just follow the trail of blood down the beach.”
“Are you always sassy?” Chris asked as he gently wiped your foot off, examining the cut. “Or do I make you feel that way?”
Your jaw practically dropped at the lifeguard’s nonchalant flirting. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
Chris chuckled, carefully smearing some antibiotic cream on the cut and then placing a bandaid over the wound. You watched him as he worked, admiring the way he kneeled in the sand, tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated. The combination of his tanned, muscular back beneath the sun, his soft, beachy curls, and his kind demeanor had you thinking less about the pain in your foot and more about the sensation that was causing you to unconsciously clench your thighs. 
“All done!” Chris smiled as he finished the bandage to your foot one last time. “Should I kiss your booboo all better?”
You blushed, hoping the boy took it for the heat and not the way he was making you feel. “Not my foot.”
The blue-eyed boy smiled at your open-ended sentence, staring up at you from his spot in the sand. “I didn’t get your name.”
“It’s Y/N. Nice to meet you, Chris.” You smiled shyly. 
Before Chris could respond, Tori appeared beside you, looking both worried and confused. “What happened?”
“I cut my…”
“She cut her foot,” Chris interrupted you. “I cleaned it and put a bandaid on it. She’s good to go.”
Tori looked between you and Chris, a knowing smile on her face. “Thank you,” she nodded towards the lifeguard. “C’mon girl, I got you ice cream anyway.”
Chris smiled, standing up and brushing off his shorts. “See you around. Careful on that foot, okay?” he nodded towards you with a smirk as he began the climb back up the lifeguard stand. 
“I will.” You murmured, suddenly shy as Tori pulled you back towards your umbrella. 
“I left you alone for thirty minutes and suddenly I come back to you with a hurt foot and flirting with him? What did I miss?” Your friend asked as the two of you sat down in your chairs again, passing you the bowl of mango sorbet she’d brought you. 
“I tried to go for a swim, but I cut my foot on a shell and he helped me. That’s all you missed. And we weren’t flirting,” You insisted, spooning a bite of sorbet into your mouth. “He was being nice because I got hurt.”
“You missed your chance.” Tori sing-songed. 
“We’re here for another week. I’m sure he’ll be working again before we leave.” 
As you spoke, your eyes once again drifted over to where Chris was sitting. He had become more focused on the beach, most likely because your injury had shocked him back to reality, but you didn’t miss the way those oh-so-blue eyes strayed over to where you and Tori were sitting every now and then. 
𓆉⋆。˚⋆❀ 🐚🫧𓇼 ˖°
“Hey! You’re back! How’s the foot?”
You whipped around from where you were setting up the umbrella, only to see Chris standing next to you, once again in his guard uniform with his whistle in his mouth. Now that you were no longer in pain and he was this close up, you could see the constellation of freckles scattered across Chris’ tanned nose. It was endearing at best, annoying at worst, simply because it only added to his cute factor. 
“I’m back,” You stated confidently. “And the foot is just fine, thank you. A wonderful lifeguard fixed me right up. You wouldn’t happen to know him, would you?” You were surprised Chris had remembered you based off of just your first name and looks, which was adding to your confidence around him. 
Chris shook his head with a chuckle, brown curls bouncing. “Nope. I don’t. Where’s your friend?”
“Sleeping off a hangover.” You replied with a laugh. 
In order to give your foot time to heal without the sand and waves beating on it, you and Tori had taken a break from the beach yesterday. Instead, you two had decided to explore the wonderful shopping opportunities and restaurants Waikiki Beach had to offer, only to be roped into a party by a group of local surfers later that night. You’d refrained from drinking, but Tori had gotten absolutely hammered, hence why she had (grumpily) declined your offer to join you at the beach. 
“I mean that sucks, but hey, more for me,” Chris chattered on, not noticing your raised eyebrow at his statement. “I mean…I need to check on your foot, obviously.” he snorted. 
“Aren’t you on a break?” You asked, noting the lack of rescue buoy in his hands. 
Chris blushed at you pointing out his faulty lie, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Yeah.”
“Well, I did bring two beach chairs. Wanna sit until you’re done?” You asked, gesturing to the cart that held two chairs. 
“Only if you’ll get a shaved ice with me first. My treat. I do feel bad that you got hurt on my watch…” Chris looked genuinely sorry, and it made your heart clench for him; it wasn’t his fault that you’d cut your foot on a shell. 
However, that didn’t stop you from blushing at the idea of a possible date. “Why not?”
“May I?” Chris reached his hand out for your own, intertwining your fingers. 
You blushed as you followed him down to the beach, still not quite believing this was real. Less than a block later, the two of you came up to a small shaved ice shack, the line extending down the beach. 
“This place is popular, huh?” You chewed the inside of your lip, ignoring the way Chris’ hand in your own was making the butterflies in your stomach soar. 
“Best on the beach.” he winked. 
“So, Chris,” You smiled. “You’re holding my hand, but I barely know anything about you. Care to share?” You teased. 
“Well besides being super hot and funny and hilarious, I’m a lifeguard. I’m 20, y’know. Normal stuff.”
“Got a bit of an ego too, huh?” You smirked. 
“Hey, I’ve got you here. You actually got me off the stand the other day. Gotta keep up with you.” he smiled. 
You blushed again as the two of you stepped up to the counter, quickly ordering the cold treats. You went to pull your wallet from your beach bag until Chris grabbed your hand with a gentle look, the same, dopey smile as before on his lips. 
“My treat, remember?”
You said nothing else, allowing Chris to pay. You couldn’t believe how nice he was being to you. Part of it made you think that maybe he felt something towards you the way you felt something towards him. “Thank you.”
By the time the two of you had sat down on a small, wooden bench with your shaved ice, you had decided to make your move. You had spent the entirety of your first two years in college playing it safe when it came to boys, and you felt that now, with an adorable lifeguard, on vacation in Hawaii, was the perfect time to change that. 
“What time do you get off tonight?” You asked nonchalantly, spooning a bite into your mouth. 
“Eight. Why?” Chris asked shyly, looking at you with blue eyes akin to that of a puppy. 
“Would you wanna come over?” You smiled. “The house my friend and I are renting has a hot tub. I thought maybe we could chill?”
Chris’ cheeks and ears tinged pink, despite his tanned skin. “Really?”
“Why not? Unless you’re busy, of course.” You teased. 
The brunette immediately shook his head no, making way for the two of you to quickly exchange phone numbers and socials. You continued to talk for a while, until Chris checked his watch and cursed. 
“Fuck. I need to be back on the stand in five minutes. See you tonight?” he offered. 
“Tonight.” You smiled. 
You watched as Chris trekked back to the lifeguard stand down the beach, the sun illuminating his broad back. Part of you couldn’t believe you had invited a boy you had just met two days ago over, but the bigger part of you couldn’t wait to see what the night had in store. 
𓆉⋆。˚⋆❀ 🐚🫧𓇼 ˖°
You jumped off the couch where you heard a knock at the back door. With the way the beach house was set up, Chris had to walk up the back steps to get inside, scaring you slightly. Tori was still in bed, hangover raging, and you had been simply scrolling on your phone since you’d gotten back from the beach earlier in the day. 
“Hey!” You said happily, flinging open the door and stepping out onto the wooden deck. 
Chris ran his hands through his hair, eyes not-so-sneakily roaming over your scanty outfit. “Hey.”
“Do you want something to drink?” You asked, suddenly shy at the closeness between the two of you. 
The sun was now setting, lighting the sky up in a mixture of pinks, purples, and oranges. Unlike earlier in the day, there was a significant lack of tourists around, leaving just you and Chris on the deck, the only sound the gentle crashing of the waves in the distance and the far-off noises of people grilling out. 
“I brought Pepsi,” Chris grinned cheekily, pulling two cans from each pocket of his red guard shorts that he always seemed to be clad in. “Never leave home without them.”
For some reason unknown to you, you burst out laughing. You weren’t sure why you found him pulling Pepsi out of his trunks so hilarious, but you double over, snorting giggles leaving your mouth. Chris smiled to himself, starting to laugh too. 
“I’m sorry,” You wiped your eyes after a moment, standing up. “I just…who carries Pepsi in their swim trunks?”
“Me,” Chris grinned proudly. “So, are you trying to get in the hot tub or what?”
To be continued...
tags ˖°🌊🎐𓇼⋆🦪₊: @sturnlovr @matthewsturniologirly @pkfferoo @jetaimevous @blahbel668 @sturniolowhore @pepsiluvr0209 @calumsrockstar @ashley9282828 @starlace111 @luvr4miya @vividmemory @patscorner @bellasturn @thelittlelightwhenthetvisoff @ryli3sworld @urmomabby @pepsienthusiasts @faygo-frog
note ˖°🌊🎐𓇼⋆🦪₊: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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intromortal · 2 days
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PAIRING: bff!jay x f!reader x bff!sunghoon
WARNINGS: mdni. smut, threesome, oral (f!receiving), no protection, creampie, a little mxm never hurt anybody, name calling (slut, whore), praise, degradation, exhibitionism and voyeurism (?), choking, bondage, two dicks in one hole yessir, squirting, cum eating, snowballing, heeseung is a cheater, sunghoon is sneaky, i think that's all
WC: 5.4k
SUMMARY: you find out Heeseung cheated on you, but thankfully your two best friends are there to console you.
a/n: if this sounds familiar it's because it's an old fic that was originally divided into two parts! since i was not happy with it, this is the edited version. both parts together and with some changes💗
Jay peered through the crack of the door, one leg still not entirely in the pyjama shorts he grabbed off the floor when he stumbled through his apartment to find out who the hell was knocking so damn hard at three am in the morning.
He felt his breath knocked out of his lungs when he found you standing on the old ragged mat citing ‘welcome-ish, depends who you are, and how long you stay’ that Jake had gifted them when he and Sunghoon moved, tears silently streaming down your pretty face.
He swung the door open and engulfed you in his arms when he noticed you shivering like a leaf. He walked you over to the couch, sobs starting to shake your body despite the comforting weight of his hands on your shoulders.
Sunghoon rushed in not long after, eyes puffy and hair all messy from sleep. He recognized your sobs as he walked into the room, his heart shattering with each sound. It had become a recurrence ever since you started to date Heeseung, one they both insisted was not a burden every time you felt bad about taking time off their day because of your fights with your moody boyfriend.
Despite it happening so often, Sunghoon never got used to seeing you hurt.
“What did he do this time?” Jay seethed.
Jay loved Heeseung like he would love a brother, but he did not think he could go on seeing him hurt you like this time and time again. You always put him on a pedestal, forgiving any harsh word he uttered, claiming he was a completely different person when not mad at you. He could not figure out why you didn’t seem to understand that you deserved nothing but sweet words, regardless of Heeseung’s emotional state.
You tried to speak through your sniffles, slowly calming down as Sunghoon drew soothing circles on your back with his warm hand under your shirt, raising goosebumps all over your skin.
“Take your time princess”, he muttered, his breath slowing to coax you into mimicking it, helping you calm down. “There we go.”
You sighed deeply one more time before gathering the courage to speak, doing anything to avoid your best friends’ worried gazes.
“I caught him cheating.”
The room felt unnaturally silent, their movements on your skin also stopping as they processed your words.
“I’m gonna actually fucking kill him this time Hoon,” Jay gritted through his teeth, his blood loud in his ears.
Your head shot to the other man, finding him with a deep-set frown on his face. He intertwined your fingers with his and gently caressed your hand with his thumb, not uttering a word.
Not that you needed it, his touch was always enough comfort for you. Both him and Jay your safe space.
“Wanna talk about it?” Jay asked, pushing any violent thought in his mind for later. You needed him there with you, and he would not let you down.
You shook your head, tears drying against your lashes and making them appear longer as you looked up to him pleadingly. “Just wanna forget about him."
Your back was propped against Jay’s defined chest as he sloppily trailed wet kisses down your neck, his fingers playing with one of your nipples while Sunghoon’s lips were wrapped around the other one, his fingers grazing your poor hole teasingly once more.
You had lost count of how many times Sunghoon had you coming on his fingers. He insisted you needed all of the prep you could take for what was about to come, the dangerous promise making you clench around his digits.
“Please just put it in,” you keened. Not that you didn’t enjoy being fucked open by Sunghoon’s fingers, but the thought of how delicious their cocks must feel inside you had you begging for more anyway. “I’m ready, please.”
Sunghoon cooed mockingly at your state, “Our baby says she’s ready Jay, what do you think?”
The silver-haired male just chuckled and grabbed his cock, adjusting it over your pussy from behind. You wailed, head thrown back against his chest when his red tip caught on your abused clit, the movements of his hips tortuous as he ground his member between your folds.
Sunghoon sprung into action and grabbed his friend's member, slapping it over your pussy multiple times, ripping out little pleasured whines from you. Jay was also affected, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he hissed at the feeling of his friend’s touch.
Sunghoon brought his hand to your mouth, his brows quirked up in silent request, you caught on immediately and spat in his palm. He used the wetness to jerk off Jay a few times, the latter letting a guttural moan from his throat as he threw his head back and started to thrust in Sunghoon’s grip, quite literally fucking it.
The hot sensation in your stomach felt unbearable as you watched the scene unfold, your own mouth hung open in a silent moan.
You tried to get the men’s attention back on you, your poor cunt craving to be filled again, but you were cut off by Sunghoon positioning Jay’s thick cock against your hole. You yelped in surprise when you it slid in one single swift motion, the sting you felt oh so delicious. You were both a moaning mess, unaware of Sunghoon’s sly smirk as Jay gave you no time to get used to his girth. One of his rough hands wrapped lightly around your neck while the other kept your hips in place, using them as leverage to piston into you, the heels of his feet pushing into the mattress at his pace brutal.
Neither of you noticed Sunghoon sneaking down to your core, the sudden feeling of something wet inside you other than Jay’s cock making your back arch and curses fall from your lips, the sensation like nothing you had ever experienced.
You made the mistake of looking down, only for the sinful image of Sunghoon’s tongue pushing inside your cunt as he grabbed the other man’s balls with his hands to slowly massage them to push you straight over the edge. You came so hard your vision turned spotty for a few seconds, a white creamy ring forming around Jay’s member as his own load shot right up into you. Jay’s moans as he fucked you both through your orgasms were nothing short of lewd, the roughness of his sounds so different from his slower thrusts, yet both of them working to prolong your bliss.
Sunghoon giggled against your sensitive cunt, swallowing a mouthful of both of your releases while you regained your breaths from your intense orgasms.
Jay was about to slide out of your cunt, but the sound of a ringtone reverberating through the room stopped his movements, his brows knitted as he waited for Sunghoon to go get it. You didn’t need to see the name on the display to know who it was, your body tensing right in Jay’s grip as anxiety flooded through your veins; talking to him was the last thing you wanted.
Sunghoon walked to the windowsill where he had left his phone to charge, a sinister grin widening on his features when he read Heeseung as the contact name on his display.
The air in the room was thick with lust and anticipation as he answered the call, acting like the situation he was in was completely normal. Like one of his best friends wasn’t still deep inside his other, right in front of him.
He only gave you a casual shrug of his shoulders when you glared at him, the warm dim lighting of the room carving out his features beautifully, but doing nothing to hide the deviousness of his expression.
“Hee, you need something?” Sunghoon said, his tone impassive as he kneeled again before you, the soft mattress dipping underneath his weight.
“She’s with you, isn’t she?” You barely heard Heeseung say before Sunghoon stepped away, whatever was being said on the other end now out of your hearing range. You wished you missed the bitter edge in Heeseung’s tone, a hint of displeasure at the thought of you with the guys so late at night. Had you not known better, you would have thought he was jealous maybe. Except you refused to indulge in that fantasy, your naive days were over.
Jay, being so intimately familiar with your emotions, felt your uneasiness right away. He moved to ghost his lips down your neck while his fingertips moved against the skin of your waist, an attempt to soothe your nerves.
You were grateful for him, his touch grounding and leading you away from your thoughts, the feeling of his warmth raising goosebumps wherever it reached.
“He can’t hurt you anymore,” he whispered before taking the shell of your ear in his mouth and biting it gently, eliciting an almost inaudible gasp from you.
Hoon fixed his gaze on you before replying to Heeseung’s question, “Yes, she’s here right now.”
Your eyes widened at his answer. You expected him to deny knowing anything about your whereabouts, end the call and go back to pick up right from where he left off. But he seemed to have other plans.
If the way Sunghoon’s knuckles were turning white while gripping his phone was anything to go by, the man on the other end must have not had a lot of nice words to spare. You thought about all the hurt he had been causing you ever since you got together, the earlier despair turning into searing red anger.
You forgave him for so much. You were so dumb to think he would ever change, would love you the way you loved him. You felt your hands shake as you realized you had been nothing but a commodity for Heeseung all that time. Nothing but a safety net to always catch him if anything went wrong. You thought about all the useless nights spent awake biting your fingernails while waiting for a simple text back; anything that would confirm he was safe. His habit of going for late-night drives on his bike ‘to collect his mind’ after an argument always stressing you out beyond belief. The nights spent crying on the phone to Sunghoon and Jay, that truly always did their best to bring back a smile on your face. You’d promise you would end things with Heeseung for your own good. Yet, you failed to keep your word every time, the magnetic pull you felt to your boyfriend so strong it managed to always reel you back in.
This time, you were actually done with him. How dare he pretend to care about what you were doing? You refused to be his little plaything for a second longer.
So you made up your mind.
“Hoon,” you whined quietly, interrupting the hushed conversation taking place at the end of the bed. You took a deep breath, preparing yourself to say what was on your mind. “Want to make him regret everything he ever did to me.”
The man in question flashed you a proud grin, one of his canines peeking out slightly, “I think I have an idea then. You okay with being watched?”
Your breath hitched in your throat at the lewd suggestion, lust pooling in the pit of your stomach. You nodded, your bottom lip caught between your teeth.
“Gonna need to hear you say it,” Jay spoke softly into your ear while Sunghoon looked at you expectantly.
“Want him to watch you two fuck me, please.”
“Anything you want, doll.” Jay grinned against your skin, teeth poking out to nibble on your throat.
Sunghoon retuned his attention to the device in his hands, and put Heeseung on speaker. “So? Can I talk to her? Can I see her?”
His voice sent a pang of shame and guilt through your body, one you knew he did not deserve. What he did deserve though was to know, to see how good his brothers were fucking you.
“Oh, you’ll see her alright,” Sunghoon laughed, sending him a request to switch the call to video.
“Sunghoon? Hello? What’s this all about?”
Sunghoon ignored him, his full dark eyebrows furrowed in concentration while he was too busy trying to get the perfect angle on the comforter next to his bed, opting to use the lamp as a stand for his phone. Once he was satisfied enough he stepped back a bit to check one last time before returning back to you and Jay, finally revealing you wholly to Heeseung; your naked form spread over Jay’s and your stuffed cunt on full display for him.
It was silent for a while on the other end of the call, while Sunghoon settled next to Jay, the side of his lip tilted upwards cockily. “Hot right?”
Your blood ran cold for a moment at how flat and detached Heeseung’s voice sounded when he opened his mouth again. “Jay? What the fuck? What’s the meaning of this?”
Heeseung was absolutely floored by the scene playing out in front of him. He expected you to run crying to them as soon as you found out about him cheating like you always did every time something went wrong between you two, just for you to crawl back to him in no time. That was what he was anticipating. A few apologies and maybe a dinner date to win you back, that's what it took all the other times. But this?
He wanted to end the call and drive to his best friends’ apartment, and then god knows what he'd do to them once he got there. But he also could not help but stay frozen in place, sitting on the end of the bed in his own dark room, chest constricted with so many conflicting feelings
Why did he think you had never looked as gorgeous as in that instant, with Jay’s thick hands all over your body? He should not be feeling like this. He should be way angrier than he was. Especially when someone else was touching what was his.
Before Heeseung could even try to recover from the shock he was experiencing, Sunghoon gently reached for your chin— fingers warm and delicate on your skin— and angled your face towards his, soft eyes holding your gaze reassuringly. He leaned down to capture your lips in a delicate kiss, the tenderness of it surprising you.
You yelped when he unexpectedly bit your lip, taking that as a chance to slide his wet tongue inside your mouth, savoring your sweet taste.
One of his hands cupped your face tenderly while the other traveled down your body, groping any inch of flesh he could reach, the contrast between the slow movements of his tongue and the roughness of his touch leaving you dizzy, putty in his hands.
You realized then Sunghoon had you wrapped around his fingers, his scorching touch the only thing you could pay attention to. A siren luring you to him with his inviting song.
He drew back slightly, smiling when he noticed you chase after his lips, “I think Jay might be feeling a little left out.”
Your attention was forced back on Jay as he thrusted his hard girth inside you once again, fucking the mixture of both of your releases inside you, your cheeks flushing at the lewd squelching sounds his movements caused.
You wondered how it would sound like if Sunghoon’s cum was also inside of you, your moans so loud in the room as Jay’s pace never relented.
Sunghoon inched two of his long fingers into your cunt to collect some of the mess seeping out of you and brought it up to Jay’s mouth, who obediently took them in as he kept eye contact with you, your head tilted back on his shoulder. He hummed at the taste and made a point to lap the fingers completely clean before releasing them with a pop, knowing how much the little show he put on affected you. Watching him enjoy eating his own cum did inexplicable things to you, and you knew it clearly reflected on your expression when he tried uselessly to stifle a little giggle at how desperate you looked right then.
His thrusts were teasingly slow and shallow. You needed more, so much more, your cunt desperately clenching around him. So you grabbed his hand and brought it down to your clit, big glossy doe eyes begging him silently. Jay was visibly amused at your silent command, but ignored it. He gave you nothing more than a bite on your shoulder, and moved his hand to rest on your inner thigh. The warmth of his skin contrasted with the chill of his rings, sending waves of shivers coursing through your body.
Sunghoon cradled your face and kissed you again, this time a lot more messily and wet, his own lust leaking through his composure. He pushed the fingers that Jay licked clean inside you unexpectedly, making you gasp in his mouth and draw back a bit with a string of spit following you. The way your airy moans resounded in the room had him think he could cum untouched anytime soon.
Despite having done a good job at keeping his composure, Sunghoon was getting desperate. Seeing you enjoy yourself brought him great amounts of pleasure, but his weeping cock had been neglected for far too long, and he knew he couldn't go on like that for much longer.
As if reading his friend’s mind, Jay slipped out of you with a grunt and left you suddenly empty and clenching around nothing. Sounds of protest bubbled in your throat but Jay’s hand harshly grabbed your face, his lips smashing with yours to shut you up, “Patience, sweet thing," he said as he drew back, his lips still ghosting over yours and eyes clouded with need.
He maneuvered your body towards the phone and slipped under you, grabbing your thighs to settle you over his lap, except this time you were facing his chest. Truth be told, you had forgotten about the fact that Heeseung could see everything, but now that you were aware of him again you could make out faint squelching sounds coming from the phone. Your eyes widened at the realization that Lee Heeseung was fucking his fist to the little show you guys had been putting on for him.
You already knew him to be a pervert, but this seemed like a new low even for him.
You wanted to think you felt utterly insulted by this new information, but all you could find within yourself was deep satisfaction. Ecstasy coursed through your veins at the thought of how humiliating this must be for him, how pathetic he must feel.
You were itching to make him feel even worse about his situation, so you mustered up the most distressed look you could manage turned to Sunghoon, swaying your behind a little to encourage him to come closer.
“Please Hoonie? Want you both to stuff me full,” you said as you wiggled your hips for the camera pointed at you.
You looked back at him when he didn’t comply right away, finding him with a slight arch on one of his eyebrows while he stared at you, clearly amused by your behaviour. You couldn’t question what his deal was, Jay speaking before you got even a word out. His voice was sultry, warm breath fanning over your ear and sending tingles down your spine. “Aren’t you a dirty little slut mmh? Begging to get fucked just to make Heeseung jealous?”
The way your thighs closed tighter around his hips at the name he called you didn’t go unnoticed, his rough hand clasping around your throat to squeeze lightly, just enough to keep you silent in his grasp. “You enjoy this, mhh? Being called a whore.” He brought you closer to his face, warm breath tickling your own. "You’re still thinking about that bastard, acting like a little slut for him, I thought you wanted to forget about him? Are we not doing enough?”
You struggled to shake your head in his grasp, prompting him to apply more pressure on your throat. “Words.”
“You are,” you barely managed to choke out, voice raw from being suppressed, even if for a short amount of time. He released you from his hold, leaving you gasping for air.
Sunghoon barely gave you any time to recover as he took hold of your wrists, just one of his hands big enough to keep them in place. You felt the smooth leather on your wrists before you realised what was happening; Sunghoon’s belt secured tightly around your skin, binding your arms together.
The way Jay talked to you and now Sunghoon depriving you of your freedom of movement made you feel like you were there just to be their cocksleeve, there to just be fucked. And while you knew they did not feel that way about you, ever the so caring best friends, this forbidden side to them made you feel things you never thought you would. You liked this, you needed them to fuck you like you belonged to them and them alone.
Jay interrupted your train of thought by sliding in your abused cunt, hissing at the feeling of your walls enveloping him.
“Still so tight, how are you gonna fit both of us, doll?” His hand came down to grab a handful of your ass, pushing you up and down on his cock, your tits bouncing before his face at the repeated movements.
Sunghoon moved to grab the phone propped on the lamp and finally addressed Heeseung again, “Still here? You’re enjoying this mhh? Nasty freak.” He punctuated the last words, almost seething at him. The smile that took over his features was feral, not the usual flirtatious grin you were used to seeing on him. "Gonna give you an even better view, one you will never forget.”
He pointed the camera towards you, giving Heeseung a clear view of you riding Jay, your ass slapping against his thighs. He fisted his cock with his free hand, smearing the obscene amount of precum he produced all over his shaft. He gave himself a few more pumps before he aligned it on your entrance, finally pushing in with difficulty next to Jay with a groan.
They both stayed still for a moment to let you adjust to their combined girths, though you knew you could ever get used to it, no matter how long they gave you. The stretch was almost unbearable for the first few moments, white-hot pain blinding your vision.
Jay threw his head back against the bed and let out a loud drawn-out moan at the feeling of Sunghoon nestled right next to him. His hand rested on your waist, the warmness of it an anchor to help you ground yourself. Sunghoon grabbed your bound wrists and pushed your body to lay against Jay’s fully, giving himself and Heeseung a perfect view of your overly stretched hole as the man under you resumed to gently thrust up into you.
Heeseung thought he must have gone insane when he had to physically stifle a moan at the sight of Sunghoon’s hips slowly matching Jay's movements, cock dragging deliciously next to his. He felt betrayed, not by you but by his best friends. He wondered how long they had been waiting to stick their weeping cocks inside you, how long they’d eyed you like prey without him ever noticing, how many nights they must’ve spent fucking their fists thinking about you while he pounded you sweet little cunt. He wanted to call them fucking perverts for this, but he knew he was not in a position to judge anyone. Not when he was getting off to the sight of your cunt stuffed by them. He might be even worse.
The sight on his phone was unbearably lewd to begin with, but your cries of pleasure made it so much worse. Never have you sounded like that for him. You were so fucking wet for them Sunghoon almost accidentally slipped out a few times. Heeseung thought about how snug it must feel, how hard you must be clamping around them, and he clenched his fist tighter to mimic the feeling, Adam's apple bobbing as your moans got louder. He wanted to be the one fucking you right now so badly, so desperate to cum inside you. Instead, he couldn’t stop a pitiful sob from escaping from his lips as he came without warning all over his hand in thick spurts, coating his skin and drenching the fabric of his shorts rolled down on the floor. He kept stroking himself, riding out his orgasm as pathetic whines fell from his slack jaw, even more shame setting in.
Your friends would have laughed at how pathetic he was had any of you kept their attention on him, but he was easily forgotten as Sunghoon bent down so his chest pressed on your back. He dropped the phone somewhere on the bed, denying Heeseung the glimpse of your hole being split open and leaving him with only the sounds and his imagination.
Jay’s pace suddenly got more frantic, his rhythm a lot faster inside you with his feet planted on the bed and hips slightly lifted to fuck into you, while Sunghoon’s were still slow and languid. You were lost in the pleasure by then, incoherent babbles of praises and sweet moans the only thing leaving your mouth.
“Has anyone ever fucked you this good, doll?” Jay asked, already aware of the answer but wanting to hear it from you anyway. In fact, it was all you could think about at that moment: how no one had ever fucked you so good, how they were ruining sex with anyone else for you, how every time you found yourself needy from now on the only plausible option would be to just go back to them and beg them to do anything in their power to make you cum; to use you how they better saw fit.
You eagerly nodded your head to him, eyes closed when you struggled to form words against their onslaught on your poor stretched hole, “Fuck- yeah, no one ever.”
Jay chuckled and you felt the vibrations of it on the skin of your cheek, his lips brushing against it while Sunghoon cooed at your enthusiasm. “Is that so mmh? Not even our Heeseung?” You were quick to shake your head.
“No, not even him.''
That seemed to only spur the men further, Jay’s thrusts becoming somehow more rapid and Sunghoon’s more precise and so deep you thought he was pistoning straight in your guts.
Sunghoon grabbed your bounded wrists and used them to slide you over their cocks, the slick mess between your legs coating their thighs too, leaving you no room for movement. All you could do was sit there prettily for them and take it, your mouth falling open and eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt them hit the spot deep inside you that had your toes curling at the same time.
“Your cunt was made for our cocks,” Jay grunted in your ear, one of his hands leaving your hips to grab your chin. “Gonna ruin you for everyone else."
You helplessly clenched around them even harder at his words, so snug they could barely move, throaty gasps and moans filling the air. You were basically dumb on their cocks, greedily trying to suck them in further. So they were not surprised when your front collapsed on Jay’s chest as you came undone around them, your vision blinded and hearing muffled for a few seconds from the sheer strength of your bliss. Sunghoon was still putting his weight on your back, his thrust losing precision and becoming rougher and messier, matching Jay’s erratic ones.
You still hadn’t come down from your high when you felt Sunghoon’s fingers trace circles on your puffy abused nub, earning whines of protests from you that got immediately swallowed by Jay’s mouth, his teeth grazing your bottom lip sensually. "Just one more, you’re doing so good doll.”
The coil in your stomach built once more at a frightening pace, and you tried to fuck your hips back against Sunghoon’s, but hypocritically tried to get away from their grips at the same time, the pain of overstimulation so good and addicting you didn't know what to do with yourself.
“Inside please,” you sniffled pathetically as tears formed on your lashes. Sobs heaved from your chest and eyes rolled in the back of your head when you came for them a final time, your breath getting knocked out of your chest as your essence splashed out of you, making a mess on both of their thighs.
“Did you just squirt baby? Fuck, that’s hot," Sunghoon moaned, his hips stuttering for a moment.
As soon as Jay realized what just happened he stilled his hips against yours and painted your walls with his hot cum. Sunghoon whined as he felt both of your slicks push against his throbbing member, prompting his own high to wash over him.
You all tried to catch your breaths as Sunghoon kept fucking the mix of your releases inside you, not wanting any of it to slip out and go to waste. Jay had to tap his hips a few times to get him to stop, the stimulation of his raw cock too much to handle.
A mewl left your lips when they carefully slid out of you, the emptiness so sudden you found yourself missing the way they filled you completely right away.
You were so spent you could barely move, but you managed a small smile when Jay kissed your temple softly, caging you in his arms while Sunghoon grabbed a towel to clean up the sticky mess you made.
He retrieved his phone too, taking note of the ended call, before opening the camera app and grabbing your ankles, parting your sore legs as far as you were able to take.
He pointed the camera down and easily slid two fingers back inside your pussy, earning tired weak sounds of protest from you.
“Shh baby, am only showing our Heeseungie what he missed,” he whispered, lowering his face down to your cunt and replacing his fingers with his tongue. He took as much cum as he could in his mouth, then came up back again and kissed you softly, tongue sliding some of the essences from his mouth into yours. He parted from your lips and scooted closer to Jay, repeating the same action. his hands gripping the other male's head to angle it backwards.
Butterflies wreaked havoc in your stomach when you looked at Jay, his eyes closed as he savored the taste, Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed and licked inside of Sunghoon’s mouth, careful not to miss any drop.
Sunghoon parted from him with a smile and grabbed the warm wet towel he had set next to you, finally cleaning you up, careful not to stimulate you any further. When he finished, he took you in his arms and walked to the bathroom. He set you down carefully, hands hovering close to your body making sure you could stand up on your own despite how shaky your legs were, before stepping back and signalling you to pee. Your cheeks heated up at his suggestion, earning a full chest laugh from him, “I just fucked the daylights out of you, and this is what you’re embarrassed about?” He set a shirt and a pair of Jay’s clean underwear on the sink for you to change in before walking out of the room.
You were drowsy by the time you got back in bed with them, Jay whispering sweet nothings in the crown of your hair—sometimes giving you tiny pecks— and Sunghoon with his arms wrapped around your shoulders, one of his hands caressing your arm gently. You had no idea how you let Heeseung get away with treating you like he did when this is what you could have had all along. You don’t know how this was gonna change your relationship with everyone involved, but you decide you'll worry about it another time, the comfortable silence lulling you to sleep as the men next to you continued to swoon over you.
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dante-mightdie · 1 day
Wait wait hear me out PLEASE:
What if price found out someone among the followers, was slowly realizing this whole thing wasn’t just a loving community and instead something… more?
at first, one of his trusted guards (maybe gaz or soap) came up to him and mentioned someone lurking around the gates way too often, or maybe they heard someone talking about “ the outside”,
And just the thought of everything falling apart because of an unruly follower, boiled his blood,
So he asks the guard to show him the person trying to ruin the loving community he had made, and when the guard points to the sweetest girl just walking around, with naivety written all over her, he understood that the “threat” he was so worried about was just a cute little thing with too much time on her hands, and the suspicious behavior was just because of her curiosity
His frown instantly changed into his signature smile that made everyone in the community to adore him, and he decided to have a “talk” with her parents about marrying her off to his most devoted man: simon.
Having a family and a husband to take care of would keep her busy enough for her to stay out of trouble.
And the girl’s parents were unbelievably happy about price’s decision, after all as the leader he knows best for each and every one of them, right?
And so the night before the wedding price gives simon a speech about his duty as a husband to make sure his wife wouldn’t cause any problems and his responsibility to payback the community with kids of his own
and that speech just changed something in simon, he knew that price trusted him and he took pride in that, but this? Gifting him a beautiful wife to mold into a loving member of the community? He was filled with emotions he had never felt before
And so during the wedding ceremony poor simon was holding himself back to not just fuck her right then and there, his mind was completely filled with the thought of his wife walking around pregnant with his kids and helping out the other followers with chores and price praising him for creating such a wonderful family.
(Also ps, i LOVE your writing so so much 🙏, you can ignore my request but i would be so very happy if you didn’t 😢)
anon you have summarised everything I have been trying to capture about this AU fucking perfectly
now come and claim your forehead kiss 😙
c/w: cult!au, arranged marriage, traditional gender roles in relationships, if that’s not your thing then go away, nsfw, masturbation, implied virginity loss, breeding kink
he can’t help the relived sigh that leaves his lips when he comes to realises the big bad threat that everyone was so worried about, was nothing more than a sweet girl like you who just needs a few babies and a house to keep her hands full :(
he could’ve gifted you off to kyle or johnny, with their ladykiller smiles and warm eyes but they’ve got time to fulfill their purpose to the community. plenty of years to find a lovely girl and settle down but simon didn’t have that luxury, and he certainly wasn’t trying to achieve it in anyway
he was perfectly content to stay in his home in the near the woods by himself or keeping himself locked up in the armoury all day, cleaning every nook and cranny of the weapons inventory before dragging his feet home to sleep by himself the same way he’s done for the past decade
he knew simon wouldn’t say no, he didn’t really have a choice anyway. besides, what’ll happen if your curiosity gets the better of you and you figure out that everything really isn’t what it seems? john would really hate to make a lovely girl like you disappear :( he can only afford a few loose ends before people start to get suspicious and he really didn’t see a need to waste one of those on a harmless, bored young woman
simon thought he’d hate this more than he does, but he must admit that walking into his bedroom and seeing his new bride kneeling on the edge of the bed waiting eagerly, really did it for him. he has to tell himself not to rip you apart right there, to taste and appreciate you rather than devour you whole
obsessed with the way you squeeze your eyes shut, fingers digging into the sheets when he pushes into you for the first time. a few quiet squeaks leaving your throat as you adjust to the feel. you don’t expect his gaze to be boring directly into yours when you finally let your eyelids flick open
he’ll hold that eye contact when he slowly drags his hips back, only to bury himself all the way to the hilt in one smooth thrust. there’s a tightness in his balls when he watches your mouth form into a little ‘o’ shape after his tip bumps against your cervix
the timidness shared between you doesn’t lessen as time goes on. you fall into a comfortable routine, however. wake up, cook breakfast for your husband, clean whilst he’s at work, have dinner ready when he gets home, wait for him on the bed in your modest nightgown as he showers
it’s like that for a few months until he finally gets the validation he’s been seeking. the way you shuffle up to him, mumbling something about your menstrual cycle being late with warmed cheeks, couldn’t have come sooner. the clap on the back he gets from price is enough to send him spiralling
you pretend to be asleep when you feel your husband’s fingertips dragging over your tummy delicately. you had only just found out but the lack of swell on your pregnancy progress didn’t seem to bother him. he has plenty of time to enjoy your pregnancies pregnancy
and the gradual shift of watching you meekly shuffle around his house, too shy to say a word to him despite him casually spreading your thighs open every night, to a woman that one would comfortably assume was his wife rather than his maid. you’ve begun to make use of all that empty space in his home
he’ll occasionally catch a glimpse of you waddling around, hand resting on the underswell of your belly as you hold a laundry basket on your hip. even though he’s your husband, he had to admit it felt perverted to hide behind a tree, hurriedly jerking his cock to the sight of you hanging his boxers and shirts on the washing line <3
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nathaslosthershit · 2 days
New Neighbors and Interrupted Streams [Part 1] (LN4)
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Read Part 2 here! Summary: Desperate for new friends, maybe it's time to revert to the tried and true neighborly American cookie exchange.  A/N: I know Lando lives in Monaco but in this he is still in the UK. Also I really love fics that have something to do with Lando streaming and being teased the entire time.
This was stupid. This was probably so stupid. But she had to do something.
Two weeks she had been in her new apartment, in a new country. In that time, she had gotten increasingly lonelier, seemingly unable to make friends.
She had moved to the UK for work but with another month till she actually began her new job, she didn’t know how to make friends in her free time.
God, why was it so hard to make friends as an adult? 
So, after a call with her mom expressing her issues with making friends, she was reminded of a good-old US custom.
Baking cookies for your neighbor.
Usually, this was reserved for pre-existing residents to introduce themselves to the new folks moving in, but after all this time she didn’t expect her neighbors to reach out, so it seemed she had to do it herself. 
After that phone call, she tried it twice with some of her neighbors. The first time, she left them at the door with a note introducing herself to them, saying she hoped they could meet up sometime. She found the cookies still in the box, with the opened note on her doorstep later that day. 
The second time, she got so excited when she saw from down the hall that her neighbor had grabbed them, swiftly moving inside his own flat with the cookies while reading the note. But a week later and no sign of any desire from the neighbor to connect with her, she gave up. 
She had one last person she could try with, the ridiculously cute boy who lived in the apartment across from her. She hadn’t actually talked to him, just spied on him a few times from her peephole when she heard him leaving his flat. Creepy, she knew, but she was far too shy to say anything.
But she was so desperate, and she could tell he was around her age… she thinks. After sitting at her table for an hour staring at the home baked goods, she finally grabbed them and knocked on his door before she could chicken out. 
Lando was streaming with Max next to him, when he got a notification that someone was by his door. Thinking it was the takeaway he ordered, he swiftly excused himself to go grab it. What he didn’t expect was the pretty girl who had just moved across from him to be at the door.
There was a beat of silence as they both stared at each other. In all honesty, she was just going to knock, wait a few seconds, then leave the cookies. She hadn't expected him to answer the door so she was unsure what to say. 
Finally he spoke up.
“Sorry, are we being too loud? We can totally quiet down if you need to.” He said while awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
She still didn’t reply, too stunned by seeing him for the first time not through a small and dirty peephole. God, he was beautiful.
Seconds of silence went by until she finally managed to get everything she wanted out.
“No, no I am so sorry. You are completely fine, that's not why I am here. I just didn’t think you'd actually answer the door. Anyway, I know this is probably strange and I don’t think they actually do this here but I just wanted to introduce myself to my neighbors, so I made cookies! Again this is probably so weird of me so it's totally fine if you don’t want them or something, the other neighbors clearly didn’t but that's okay. Anyway- Hi, I live across from you and now I am here with cookies!” She managed to get out in one breath while sticking the cookies out for him to grab.
This time, Lando took a few seconds to reply, trying to process what she said. “You’re American.” Was all he managed to get out.
She didn’t know what to reply, it wasn’t a question but felt like he needed reinforcement about that statement.
“I am.”
“I didn’t realize they actually did this, thought it was a movie thing.”
“Uh- I am sorry?”
“No. no! It's sweet, thank you for them. I really appreciate it… sorry what's your name? I’m Lando by the way” 
How she managed to not actually say her name while she spent a full minute rambling about how she wanted to introduce herself was beyond her, but after quickly introducing herself, properly this time, she finally felt the tension and awkwardness leave her body.
He took the cookies from her, promising that he was excited to eat them even though he knew his trainer wouldn’t be too happy, and took this opportunity to get her phone number. Promising to text her, he closed the door and immediately looked out his peephole, wanting to get one more look at her. He was surprised, and amused, to see she did a little celebratory dance in the hallway, before taking a breath and entering her own apartment, excited she had just made a new potential friend.
“What took you so long, Mate? And why are you so red? And why do you have cookies? Where is the food we ordered?” Max asked when Lando entered the room again, a stupid grin adorning his face.
“It wasn’t our delivery, the new neighbor just stopped by to introduce herself.”
“The cute one you kept going on about?” Max teased, earning a kick to the shin as that wasn’t information Lando wanted everyone watching the stream to know.
“Anyway- she brought cookies as a little hello. It's sweet. I've never gotten cookies made for me before.”
“She brought cookies? The hell would she do that for?”
“Like I said, to introduce herself. She’s american.”
Before Max could ask anymore questions, specifically about why Lando was smiling so much and why he was beet-red, which Max already knew the answer to, their actual takeaway came, saving Lando for the time being.
When he came back and they started eating, Lando wasn’t interrogated on the topic, at least not until he began giggling on his phone.
“Mate, what are you- Oh my god guys he is giggling and texting his new neighbor. Chat, this is unbelievable.” Max yelled as he stole Lando’s phone from his hand. Reading the messages with disgust, he added, “God, you need to work on your flirting, you sound like an absolute muppet right now.”
Lando quickly took his phone back and tried to change the topic. Throughout the rest of the stream, he tried his best to not look at the new messages she had sent in order to not be teased, as the chat seemed to still be mentioning every time he would secretly text her, trying to be stealthy as to not let Max find out.
He just hoped this whole thing stayed on the stream, and that it wouldn’t come to the press, who loved to question him on his relationships. The last thing he needed was to be asked this during media after a race.
He wouldn’t be so lucky, he soon would find out after the next race.
Read Part 2 here!
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yandereend · 2 days
Yandere nerd x gn reader x yandere pretty boy
TW : faked death, yandere stuff, i dunno bad things, reader is kinda delulu
Special thanks to -👠anon
Your dead.
He was devastated, you were his life, his saving grace, his entire existence.
It all started when you meet Jake in class. He was the kind of nerd everyone picked on. Tall but scrawny, his clothes were past down from his brothers, his hair overgrown and his acne scars didn’t make him any more appealing.
He felt like he had nothing in life. His family didn’t care for him, his parents even told him straight up at some point that he was a mistake. His grades were bad, i know shocker. Sadly he only appeared like a nerd. The only thing he had going on for him were yandere stories.
He was the type of guy to listen to the asmr, to read the stories, to write with character AI and hope to find the love of his life.
He often pondered during class if one of his classmates could be the one, or the guy on the bus, maybe the girl at the supermarket, a teacher, there was that guy with-
Class this is yn, be nice.
Its you, it was always you.
This is the moment he always dreamed of, your his darling.
The moment he saw you he knew it was over. He followed you in the halls, watched you every moment in school, he even signed up in the same classes as you.
And the best part about it all was you. You treated him so well, you never made fun of him, even in class you helped him with math. That must mean you love him, thanks darling.
He never had any type of real friends but this must be it. And next you will be his partner. He planned everything out, ask you out, then go to a restaurant and then to the cinema.
But then there was Dorian.
The biggest asshole in school his complete opposite. Pretty, rich, popular, charismatic and you new boyfriend.
Jake never stopped watching. He wanted to make sure Dorian didn’t mistreat you. He always wanted you to be safe…
So here he was at you’re funeral.
He cried harder than everyone else, standing out beside your family and friends who tried to stay put together. He was a mess and he felt anger knowing you never knew how much he loved you.
But where is Dorian ?
He knew Dorian shared feelings similar to his, that much was clear after all his stalking. So why didn’t anyone see your dead body and the person you were closest to was nowhere to be seen?
Jake was maybe not the smartest but far from the fool Dorian took him for.
He will find you and bring you to your actual home.
💛Thanks for reading let me know if you want more <3 requests are open and i hope you have a great day 💛
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carajilloplz · 3 days
Omg can u write a fic abt Art Donaldson and Patrick trying to hit on foreign exchange student!reader, could end in fluff or smut
no bc this is literally my fantasy i’m an international student at a D1 tennis school IM GONNA GO FERAL. loosely based off of my experience with the cornell men’s tennis team but we’re not talking about that.
warnings: SMUT 18+ MDNI, patrick x international student!tennis player!reader, this might be bad i wrote this over the course of like 3 days and changed the plot completely lol, smoking and drinking, oral!male and female receiving, facesitting, technically cheating? vague but everything is morally dubious with these three, unprotected p in v, hair pulling
uh enjoy ig i hope it's not too bad
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Tashi? You’d known her since forever. You attended the same tennis camp when you were girls and never lost contact. Having played a few matches during Juniors, you stayed pretty close. So when you saw her on your match schedule for the upcoming month, you shot her a text saying you had to go out together when you were at Stanford for the weekend.
Your match rolled around and you were definitely focused. Winning meant you stayed at the top of your conference, which wasn’t the ATP ranking but it was still important to you. So you trained, and hard. You were a good player, quick on your feet, and the training paid off in your first doubles game that weekend. Before your game, you got to catch a wave and a smile from Tashi sitting in the stands, next to a mousy-looking blonde guy and a very cocky brunette. You noted that the brunette was more your type, but the blonde was cute enough. Must have been Tashi’s friends.
You started your match, extremely harmonious with your partner, and you swiftly caught every ball headed your way. From the stands, Art and Patrick were shamelessly throwing around comments as they saw the ball bounce back and forth.
 “She has an insane serve. I heard she’s like a tennis prodigy in her country.” Art gushes, getting cut off by Patrick quickly with “I don’t know how you’re paying attention to her serve when she has such nice legs. I’d like to have those wrapped around my head soon.” 
Winning the game 4-6, you were happy with the result. 
You watched Tashi play her doubles match, flawlessly annihilating your teammates. When the time came for yours and Tashi’s match, you felt the playfully challenging energy in the air. Patrick and Art were at the edge of their seats, and as the game started they both were practically drooling at the match. They couldn’t decide whether to look at you, or Tashi, or the ball. Both you and Tashi were smoothly tearing each other to shreds, grunting and running around, you always catching the ball just in time. 
“I don’t know how she’s doing it but I think she’s going to beat Tashi” Art mumbles, slumped into his seat as he switched his focus from the ball, to the way you moved, to your figure.
“I call dibs” replies Patrick. He was staring at you too, staring intently and admiring the way your arm smoothly hit the ball with a thwack in a way that threw Tashi off. 
“Don’t do that to Tashi.” mumbled Art again, playfully hitting the brunette next to him. He didn’t even take his eyes off of you. He knew too damn well that Patrick could not care less, and didn’t know whether to feel for you or Tashi. Pat and Tashi had been having a rough time anyways, so it was really a matter of time before either of them caved.
Finishing the match, you and Tashi gave each other a friendly hug. You noticed that the two boys that had been sitting with Tashi were rushing down to congratulate the two of them. 
“Great game, babe.” The brunette said, giving Tashi a small peck. You noticed that she didn’t really appreciate the gesture. The boy turned to you, “And this is?”
Tashi introduced you, explaining that you went to tennis camp together, the whole history. “And these two idiots are Art and Patrick.”
“Nice to meet you too, you guys play tennis?” you ask, intrigued but it was kind of obvious.
Art answers before Patrick can open his mouth— “Yeah, I play here at Stanford too, I’m just injured right now,” he says, pointing to his shoulder, which had muscle tape peeking from the sleeve of his shirt. “Pat’s just… there.”
“Hey! I play too, dipshit. I’m playing the Miami Open in a few weeks.”
Tashi was done with her games of the day, and said she’d be taking a short break. “I’m going to take a shower and heading to bars later, want to come?” She asks.”You can come and get ready in my dorm with me.” You nod in approval, following them as you headed to the locker rooms. Patrick and Tashi were walking together as he was clearly rambling about something that she was unfazed by. 
“So they’re a thing huh?” you ask Art, who was walking next to you.
“Yeah I mean, he comes to visit every once in a while but I don’t think that they’ve quite put a label on it yet.” He answers quite honestly, “She’s a very focused person.”
“I know, that’s why it was strange to me that she was with somebody.”
Art nodded in understanding, “I know, I say the same thing and they’re surprisingly sticking it out.”
“Honestly I don’t know how she does it.” you admit. The few times you had been involved with someone it went to shit because of your schedule.
“What do you mean? I thought Tashi said you were dating someone.” Art asks, furrowing his brow.
“Oh no, I broke up with him forever ago, he was on my team before he had to stop playing because of an injury. He’s a full-on NARP now and that really got in the way.” You scoff slightly, laughing to yourself and shaking your head. “Doesn’t seem strange to me that Tash wouldn’t check my Facebook, I’ve deleted all my posts with him since.”
“Yeah she’s like that,” muses Art. “Lives in her own world and we’re all moons revolving around it.”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
After changing in the locker rooms and staying to watch the rest of the singles games, you headed to your hotel to freshen up a little to head to Tashi’s and get ready. 
Walking over to the dorm, you run into Patrick, already wearing what you assumed to be his bar clothes — some jeans, nikes, and a gray shirt that says ‘I told ya’. 
“Hey Patrick, you heading to Tashi’s?” you say amicably, trying to strike conversation with your friend’s…? You don’t know what he was.
“Yeah, you?” he asks, pulling out a carton of cigarettes and lighting one. Pat sends the pack your way as an offering “Want one?”
“Yes please, and yeah, I’m getting ready at Tashi’s for tonight. She’d said we would go to bars?”
Patrick goes to light your cigarette and you two continue your walk towards the dorm. “I think you look gorgeous just like that, but to each their own.”
You roll your eyes and fill the rest of the walk with small talk, which to your relief was a relatively short walk so it didn’t get too awkward. As you headed into the elevator, you went to press the button and couldn’t remember what floor Tashi had mentioned. “On what floor does she live?” You ask, as the elevator comes to a close. You could feel his eyes on you. Looking back at him, you catch him staring and give him a questioning look. 
“6th floor”
A moment of silence passes between you two. He, of course, breaks it. “Your accent is cute. I don’t know, it fits you.” Patrick is very clearly snaking his eyes up and down your figure, and you didn’t know whether you wanted to stop yourself. “You’re not from around here are y-”
“I don’t know what you’re playing at, Patrick, but you’re with my friend and that is not something I want to intrude in.” You snap. It felt a little mean but it’s not something you’d want to do to Tashi. 
He snorts, laughing to himself and furrowing his brow, “I’m not with Tashi, if you haven’t noticed. She barely gives me the time of day unless she wants me to fuck her.”
You’re surprised at his statement, a little less so at his crass choice of words, but you realized that that’s the kind of person he was. Extremely conflicted with how to react, you noticed the lustful look in his eye and the little bite he gave the inside of his cheek. You couldn’t. You turned away and looked at the numbers of the floors go up excruciatingly slow. Pat hesitated, but at this point he had nothing to lose. 
“If it raises the chances of you being interested in me, then no. For all intents and purposes I am not with Tashi.”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
Later that night, at some dingy college bar, both Patrick and Art were inquisitively leaning towards you and Tashi. You'd all had your fair share of drinks and there was something in the air, you didn't know what it was but it made you feel magnetic, especically towards Art and Patrick. You liked Art and everything, but you couldn’t help but notice how he would always be catching a look at Tash and sweeping in to mediate when she and Pat would begin a harmless spat. Patrick, on the other hand, had very much caught your eye. Something about him made you curious, maybe it was his nonchalance and light cockiness towards everything. But from your previous conversation, you now knew that he was clearly intrigued by you, leaning his head to the side like a confused puppy as he listened to you explain that you were an international student.
“Oh so you’re far far from home” He comments, “And you’re not from the US?”
“Don’t act too surprised Pat, a lot of international students come to US universities to play tennis.” you reply, “And yes, I’m pretty far from home”
He nods in understanding. “That’s cool, honestly. I’d love to visit and see what your country’s like.”
You smile back, looking up at him through half-lidded eyes and the liquid confidence taking over, “You can come anytime.”
Eventually, you and Patrick keep up the conversation, drinks flowing, and notice that Art and Tashi had disappeared, God knows where.
“Did they really leave us here?” Patrick asks, bewildered when he noticed that Art and Tashi were nowhere to be seen. You shrugged. “I mean, I don’t mind it to be honest. I had to head to my hotel so I would have been going back alone anyways.”
“I can’t let you do that, that’s dangerous.” Patrick said, quickly inserting himself as the hero of the situation. “I’ll take you to your hotel. Where are you staying?”
“Oh just at a Holiday Inn down the street.”
“No way! I’m staying in that one too,” he says. “C’mon I’ll walk you back.”
You don’t know if it was the drinks or the tension you still had from today’s game but somehow, you ended up making out with Patrick in the elevator on your way up to your room. Patrick’s lips clashed against yours, bringing you closely into his embrace as you two killed the time before getting to your room. You separated the kiss for a moment, looking Pat dead in the eye.
“Not a word to Tashi about this.”
“No worries baby, she wouldn’t even care. She’s probably busy doing Art right now. She prefers him.” he admits, shrugging unconcerned and leaning back in to kiss you.
Luckily, your room was one of the first ones accessible as you got out of the elevator, so you reached into your pocket as you both stumbled towards the door. You fumbled with the key for a moment as Pat left some kisses on your throat, lost in you and your every move.
Finally being able to open the door, you two connected in a kiss once more and clumsily moved towards the bed, clothes coming off sloppily. Bumping against the end of the bed, you and Patrick fall onto the soft and fluffy duvet, heavenly on your tired muscles, heightening the pleasurable sensations of Pat’s lips on yours. 
His kisses were desperate, frantic, rushed, matching all the possible descriptive words for the way he was reaching at all of the grippable parts of you as he sloppily kissed you, teeth clashing. He was panting, and you were also desperately clawing at his t-shirt, moving your tongue against his and travelling your hands back into his hair. There was something about how the two of you just melded together, maybe fuelled by the underlying guilt of what you were doing, but also the insatiable need to blow off some fuckin’ steam.
You could feel how he was starting to grow hard in his jeans, starting to kiss your jaw and neck.
“Let me get on top, Patrick” you gasp, out of breath, pulling him back into the kiss and rolling over so you’re straddling him. He’s reaching up to you, grabbing your ass as you wrap your arms around his neck in order to keep him close. You start rolling your hips, bringing yourself to hit that sweet spot, easily accessible through under your skirt, and moaning into his mouth at the feeling. Gripping the edges of his shirt, he follows your lead of taking it off as you remove your top as well. For a moment he stops, slowly leaning back into his elbows, taking the sight of you squirming on top of him.
“Suck my dick.” He says, something so gluttonous yet pleading in his eyes. “Please.”
You look down at him, licking your bottom lip at the mere though of hearing his moans with your mouth on him. Nodding, slowly, you start kissing at his body, making your way down and occasionally looking back up at him. He’s got his head thrown back taking in the tenderness of your touch. You get to his jeans, tented up by his hard cock and start unbuckling his belt. Making your way through his layers, you reach into his jeans and start palming him, feeling how hard you had made him feel. You hear him moan shamelessly at this, saying your name and encouraging you to continue. 
He starts pulling his jeans and underwear down, barely enough for you to be able to access his cock, which you grab in your hand and spit on, beginning to pleasure him. His moans are loud as you continue, licking his tip and sending him into a spiral, moaning a load of curses and your name. As you keep going, he starts tangling his hands in your hair and trying his best to get it out of your face. 
“God, baby you look so good like that sucking my cock, fuck.” He groans, throwing his head back. You look up at him, and his blissed out expression just fuels you even more, his stomach muscles contracting and his eyes scrunching closed giving you more of a reason to keep bobbing your head up and down on his cock. You gag around him, your mouth already salivating and sloppy, and you went up to take a breath.
“Want to return the favor, Pat?” you ask, looking up at him through half-lidded, pleading eyes while you kept languidly stroking his cock. He took a single look at you and nodded. 
“Yeah, of course baby,” he says as you sit up. “C’mon, get on me.”
You furrow your brow— “You want me to sit on your face?” You reply with a smirk, climbing up his body
He smirks back, “How else would I return the favor?” Pat leans in to give you one, long hard kiss, the taste of himself in your mouth making his dick twitch. “Can’t wait to taste ya, babe”
You giggle, straddling him as he moves backwards a little in order to reach under you. At the first contact his lips have with your throbbing pussy, you let out a surprised moan and you grip his hair. He grabs your hips, a strong grip pulling you down towards him and making you have to find support against the headboard. 
“Fuck, Patrick that feels so good.” You moan, throwing your head back and leaning into his grip. You didn’t care if he suffocated right now, at this point what was of utmost importance was the pressure in your stomach building as he continued to run his tongue along your folds, taking his time to kiss at your sensitive clit. He really did know what he was doing. 
“Patrick please, shit you’re gonna make me come.” He doesn’t budge, just pulls you closer and nods his head against you, speeding up his movements and making you a moaning mess, gripping at his hair and rocking your hips against his mouth to keep that momentum and buildup in your belly. Patrick clearly senses this, moving his tongue faster and more intensely.
“Cum, baby” you feel him mumble. Immediately at his words, you feel yourself snap and a rush of energy archs your back and makes you gush all over his face. He comes up, making you straddle him, and he smiles at you with his mouth still glistening with your release, looking voraciouslt at you. 
“You have no idea what you do to me.”
Patrick brings you into a passionate kiss, once again sloppily coming together with him manouvering himself to be on top of you. All of your clothes had come off at some point, all of the contact had been so frantic, truly taking your mind off of everything else as you felt him on you. He was rock hard, still aroused from your blowjob, and he started nudging the tip of his cock on your entrance. You come back to your senses, pushing him away for a moment and giving him a look, which he quickly realized what it meant.
“Fuck I— I’ll just buy you a pill tomorrow.”
This was enough for you to give him a nod and make him start sliding inside you, letting out a heavy groan as he bottomed out. You let out a tense moan, grabbing at the bedsheets next to your head, and bringing your arms around his back as he began his thrusts, breathing hard into your neck, kissing it erratically between moans. 
“You’re so tight, oh my God” He groans, picking up his pace, making you a moaning mess and pulling him closer to you. He was hitting a spot inside you that was bringing your orgasm back, the pressure in your belly building again as he roughly grabbed your hips. Patrick brought his lips back to yours, sloppily kissing you with tongue to shut your high-pitched whines up. “Don’t be too loud baby, your neighbors are going to complain.”
A solution clearly comes into his mind as he sits back and turns you around to be on all fours, the sudden force on you making you yelp as he pushed you down against the pillow. He teases his cockhead against your folds, then reaches down to speak wantonly into your ear. “Now you can be as loud as you want baby.”
At that, you melt in his touch and let out a long, languid moan at the feeling of him slipping into your cunt, sopping with your arousal and absorbing his hard thrusts. You scream into the pillow as the pressure in your core keeps building and his thrusts hit the right spot that send you into a delirium. Patrick is a moaning mess behind you, the obscene combination of sounds, skin against skin and pleasurable moans making him even more aroused. He’s harsh, pulling your hips to match his pace and you feel him reach up and pull your hair back, revealing your fucked out face to him. “Make me cum again, please Patrick.” you groan, rolling your eyes backwards in pleasure as he speeds up his thrusts, bringing you closer to your orgasm. 
“Fuck, I’m going to come baby—” he moans, his thrusts made more erratic at the sensation of your cunt around him. You begin to feel yourself let go as he thrusts sloppily one, two, three more times and pulls out of you, coming all over your back.  You collapse under him, and he kneels back to admire your gorgeous ass painted by his work. “Patrick, you better not tell Tashi about this.” He hears, mumbled tiredly from under your messed up hair. Shaking his head and rolling his eyes (because really, you were thinking about that now?), he gets off the bed, walking into your bathroom to grab a towel for your spent, cum-stained body.
a/n: hope u enjoyed ig !! took me forever lol but if you liked this would like to request some ideas you are more than welcome to !!
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copper-16 · 15 hours
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Elena's first time getting to be Alexia's mascot.
(a/n: I feel like I'm on such a roll with these lol. Hope you all enjoy! Feel free to send more requests if you have more of Elena you want to see before I settle in to work on my next bigger project I have planned :)
Alexia had gone into the gym to do a few extra exercises after training, just to get a few reps in before the important game the next week. It was El Clásico in Barcelona once again, the day before her birthday in fact. She wanted to be prepared, she wanted to be sharp and focused. She was still coming back from her ACL, she was still yet to get back to the form everyone expected from her. 
The mental load was beginning to take a toll on her, and her birthday wasn’t really helping anything. Yet another reminder that she was getting older, that everything would get more complicated as tried to play whilst she aged. 
She was so focused on her reps that she doesn’t realize that Elena is standing in front of her until there is a tiny tap on her thigh, and she looks down from the weights she is holding to see that the three year old is peering up at her rather shyly. 
“Pequeña! What are you doing here my little love?” Alexia said sweetly, carefully setting the weight down before she sat down, scooping the baby into her arms and smothering her with kisses. The little giggles and laughs that Elena let out relaxed her whole body, and she felt herself smiling more genuinely than she had in days. 
“I…um…uh…I had a….a question!” The little girl explained, leaning back slightly as she reached up to shove some of her hair away from her face. It was sort of braided back, but a lot of the baby hairs that framed her face had gotten free, and now flowed freely in the slight breeze through the gym. Alexia followed her little hand with her larger ones, running it soothingly over the little girl’s forehead. 
Mapi and Ingrid’s daughter seemed nervous for some reason, and the midfielder furrowed her eyebrows a little bit, wondering what was making the usually outgoing and bubbly little girl so anxious. She looked quite concerned for someone who was only three years old.
“What is it Elena? It is okay, you can tell me,” she promised, her voice gentle. This seemed to settle the green eyed girl for a moment, enough for her to ask her question. 
“Walk out with you?” She asked carefully, her words clearly well thought out. Alexia’s eyebrows shot up into her hairline with surprise. Mapi or Ingrid usually never let their daughter walk out with anyone else, and she wasn’t sure if she could say yes. 
She hesitated for a moment, knowing what her heart wanted, while also wanting to respect her friends' boundaries. 
The blonde turned her head to see that Mapi and Ingrid were peering around the corner, the Norwegian’s head over her wife’s as they leaned into the gym while not wanting to go into the room completely. 
Both of the defenders reached their hands up to give thumbs up, citing their clear agreement with the situation. Alexia felt her smile grow as she turned back to Elena, who was looking at her hopefully. 
“Yes! I would love for you to walk out with me!” She agreed easily, picking up the little girl and twirling her around, inciting another round of laughter and squeals as she hugged the toddler. 
Suddenly the game seemed a little bit more exciting, and a little bit less overwhelming. At the very least, she had something to look forward to. 
“Where is my baby!” Alexia announced as she all but ran into the changing room, throwing her bag down when she caught sight of Elena. 
“Tia!” She cried, running over on her little legs and running directly into the midfielder. The laugh that came out of the Barcelona captain’s mouth was more natural than anything, as she bent down to peel the toddler off of her legs and to lift her up into her arms, dancing her back and forth. 
Elena clapped along with the bopping the midfielder was doing, horribly out of rhythm but still joyful all the same. 
“Tía, Tía, look at my shirt!” She announced, pulling at the little Barcelona jersey she was wearing. Alexia assumed that it was one of Mapi or Ingrid’s shirts, but when she turned the little girl around it was her name and number plastered on the back. 
“You have my shirt! What, do you love me or something?” She teased in an overly exaggerated attempt to hide the emotion that bubbled up inside of her, and when Elena nodded enthusiastically, she tucked the girl into her to give her a big hug. Little arms wrapped their way around her and held her tightly, and she found that her nerves had dissipated for the most part, at least for now. 
Elena was passed back to Mapi for a while so that Alexia could get ready, and before she knew it they were getting ready to head out. 
Elena was passed back to Alexia, who held her hand very securely as they walked out into the tunnel, preparing to go out onto the field. The little girl was oblivious entirely to Alexia’s nerves, and she babbled about everything and nothing at all to her Tía. 
When Elena looked over at the Real Madrid team, she quickly noticed a familiar face in line, and before anyone could stop her she had turned her body entirely, calling out with a force that was rather surprising from a three year old. 
“HOLA TÍA MISA!” Elena called out as though Misa was not ten meters from her. Mapi and Ingrid were standing further back in the line, and the Norwegian had to hide her laughter in a cough while the Spaniard smacked her forehead with her palm. 
The goalkeeper was known for her focus before matches, and for her stony expressions when she was in the zone, so Alexia looked over almost in panic when Elena called out to her. She wasn’t sure if Misa not responding would make Elena sad or not, and what she was supposed to do with an upset toddler when they walked out for the match. 
But to her surprise, Misa’s expression broke at the sound of her name, and her whole body softened as she turned slightly, offering a small wave to Elena, her gloves strapped securely onto her hands. 
Elena’s whole face lit up in excitement that Misa remembered her, and she turned back to Alexia with a bright smile on her face. 
“That’s Misa!” She explained cheerfully, and Alexia pretended to be surprised, looking up at the Real Madrid goalkeeper, following Elena’s instructions. 
The toddler managed to keep them preoccupied until they were ready to walk out, and Alexia held her hand carefully as they made their way out. She had been sure to inform any photographer she could find that she really wanted pictures of walking out with Elena, and she could hear the snap of the shutter as they walked out to get ready. 
The crowd roared around them, and as Elena took it in while they lined up, she found herself hiding behind Alexia’s leg a little bit. She was clearly a touch nervous, and found safety in the Barcelona captain. 
It was one thing to know her goddaughter and love her, but it felt like another for the little girl to find safety in the midfielder. It had this ability to make her feel such warmth inside, and like suddenly football mattered just a tiny bit less. 
The blonde looked down at the little girl, her forehead creasing in concern. 
“Are you okay pequeña? It is okay to be scared, I know they are loud. But they are just excited for the game!” Alexia whispered loudly, pretending that she was telling the curly haired little girl a big secret. Elena looked up at her, seemingly holding onto every word she said as she watched her godmother, nodding slightly. 
She reached her hands up as soon as Alexia stopped talking, and the Spaniard easily picked her up, popping her onto her hip and adjusting her little jersey down over her stomach with a practiced ease. 
“Do you want to wave to the crowd?” The captain asked, and Elena’s smile spread as she reached her hand out, waving at everyone in the stands. 
There will be a picture for Alexia to frame, of the toddler with a big smile on her face as she waved at the crowd, while the midfielder laughed at her, gazing down at the little one adoringly. 
It’s only after the coin toss, which Elena helps with, that the little girl has to part from Alexia, so that they can play the game. The green eyed girl is passed to Patri, who begins to take her from her fellow midfielder before Elena calls out, causing Alexia’s steps to falter. 
“Tía Ale! Tía come back!” Elena all but wails, and for a second the game becomes obsolete to the Spaniard, who instantly turns back at the sound of the little girl’s clear discontent. 
“What? What is it?” She replies as she jogs over, and the curly haired girl reaches her hand up to her mouth before she runs over to Alexia, exaggerating a kissing motion off of her mouth and then pressing her hand to the Spaniard’s knee. 
“Good luck kiss! Score a goal!” Elena nods her little head at Alexia before she runs after Patri, who scoops her up and jogs them both to the bench so they can start the game. 
The Barcelona captain looks down at her knee for a second. The one the toddler had tapped was her bad knee, and even though Elena couldn’t know that, it felt a little symbolic. Her resolve to win strengthens as she sets up to play the match. 
Elena squirmed in Mapi’s hold as the game wound down, the Spaniard’s daughter knowing full well that it was nearly over. She had been subbed off about twenty minutes prior, and had collected her daughter from Patri to sit together on the bench, but all the little girl wanted today was Alexia it seemed. 
“Just one more minute!” Mapi laughed as the little girl let out a big huff, clearly displeased with that answer. She continued to twist and turn until the final whistle blew, and finally the center back released her, allowing the green eyed girl to take off as fast as her little legs would allow it. 
Ingrid was standing in between her and Alexia, and she bent down to receive her daughter, only for the little girl to drive by her completely, clearly not in search of her. Mapi, who had been trailing after her, laughed easily at the semi-annoyed look on her wife’s face. 
“Gosh, when did we become old news?” The Norwegian shook her head with a slight frown on her lips, but the brunette could tell her wife wasn’t really annoyed, not when they turned to see where their daughter was headed. 
Alexia was headed for the little girl just as much as Elena was running to her, and she bent down just as Elena made it to her, so that she could feel the toddler bury herself in her arms as she wound them around her in exchange. 
“You did it!” Elena announced happily, because the captain truly had. 
Alexia had scored a goal in the 79th minute of the game, and with the very leg where she had received a good luck kiss from the curly haired girl right before the match. 
“I did! And it was all thanks to you and your magic kisses, thank you so much!” Alexia gushed happily, pecking kiss after kiss to Elena’s little cheek as she held her tightly. The squeals and giggles released in response were well worth it, and she found herself leaning into the kisses that the curly haired girl offered in response, pressing wet little kisses to her cheek before she nestled herself further into Alexia. 
“Love you Tía,” Elena announced as she fisted one of her little hands in Alexia’s kit, and the midfielder was absolutely positive that her heart doubled in size at the words. 
“I love you too pequeña, always,” she promised as she pressed another kiss to the top of her head, holding the little girl securely to herself, rocking her back and forth.
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spideyhexx · 3 days
where you're not Billy's (yet) and get jealous <3 mdni
Billy wasn't yours. You knew that. It helped to remind yourself that you weren't his either. You could easily find another mind to keep your company, but you could never get yourself to even try. Instead those nights, you always returned to Billy, also in his lonesome, with no other woman at his side because he would always, already be looking at you.
That's how most nights would go. You would find one another like there was a string attaching you two and you'd fall into your bed, his bed, the grass, the side of a building, honestly anywhere he can get you quick enough.
Part of you always wanted to bite the bullet. Billy's made it clear he would pursue you more than just your late-night rendezvouses but you knew who he was. The type of life he leads and you're reluctant to let that bleed into your life. Fun little relations with him did not carry the weight his love would.
It was unspoken, but Billy respected it, he took what you gave him and that was better than nothing.
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So in truth, you should not have had such a visceral reaction to seeing him chat with another woman one night at the saloon. You went there specifically to seek him out, not having seen him the past week made you antsy, but the moment you stepped in, your eyes found him, leaning close to a woman who would lean up on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear. His smile was easy, his demeanor relaxed, the flirty kind you felt used to.
Jealousy was always a problem for you, but it's never struck you this hard. Never has it hurt like it is as you watch them together.
Against your better judgment, you left immediately, and a restless sleep made you decide to ignore the cowboy.
Billy feels the cold shoulder the very first day. He sees you in the morning just as he rides into town, "Hey, doll, wait up," he says, getting off of his horse and tying it up in a quick manner to catch up to you, but he notices you didn't stop.
He jogs over, a hand to your arm, his big, warm hand to your arm, "Doll, you hearin' good?" He chuckles a little but you don't look amused so he drops it.
"I'm busy, Billy," is all you say to him, even though it pains you to keep your emotions inside, and you walk, quicker, away.
Billy's almost too stunned to speak before he calls after you, "Hey, hey, hey, slow down I just wanted-"
"I said I'm busy," you repeat, your head turning to lock with his gaze. The last thing you catch is his shoulders slumping before you turn forward again.
The entire week Billy tries to talk to you, only to get waved off or completely ignored until he just accepts it and leaves you be. You wonder if it's better to keep him at this distance, this way you didn't fall more for him every night you spent naked with him. But the pain in ignoring him was a devil.
Especially after you hear word that he got injured. Nothing major. He was in some scuffle and all you heard was that he actually got a little beat up from it this time around compared to other times he's fought.
It made you forget your pact to ignore him, knowing how often you were the one who cleaned him up. And Billy didn't seek you out this time. Maybe you fucked up.
You try the saloon, but he's not there. Who is there though, is his friend Charlie. You're barely even thinking through your actions as you walk up to him, "Charlie?"
He turns to face you, with a small smile after realizing it's you, "What's going on?"
"Where's Billy?" You don't beat around the bush with it and you try not to sound so desperate but you're sure you do.
"Uh, I'm actually not sure. Maybe go ask George over there," Charlie nods his head at the other man and you nod, turning your mission elsewhere.
You ask the same question to George, who's also unaware of where Billy is, citing he was back at the camp they've set up a bit away from town, but he's not sure if Billy is currently there.
It feels like a complete lost cause. Maybe even feels stupider that you've asked. Without much else to do and asking around the people you knew to be friends with Billy with no luck, you make your way to a spot Billy and you would typically go to.
In the fields, a small walk from town, where you'd sit under one of the bigger trees and talk. Or fuck. Either or.
A small sliver of hope pokes at your chest that he's there, but he isn't. You let out a sigh and sat down, leaning back against the tree.
You're not sure how much time passes until the sudden sound of footsteps jolts you to your feet. Your eyes lock with Billy, his brow is furrowed, and he's almost storming towards you. It makes your chest ache with relief that he's here. It makes your chest ache with anxiety over his anger. It makes your chest ache with desire because boy was he hot when he was angry.
When he gets closer, you see the cut on his lip and the worry overtakes your emotions. You open your mouth to speak but he cuts you off, his hand grabbing your jaw. His touch is firm, but not enough to hurt you. Billy tilts your head up, leaving you no room to look away from him.
His words are rushed, "You were lookin' for me? You were lookin' for me, huh?" A scoff leaves his lips after he speaks. His voice is gruff, almost demanding an answer than just curiosity. You swallow your desire.
"Well. Yeah, I was, I heard you got hurt and-"
He moves in closer, close enough that your back leans against the tree and you can smell him. The slight scent of whiskey, campfire and just him was enough to get you dizzy. It's dark, but you can see the tick in his jaw and the intake of breath he gets.
"Here I am," he says, taking his hand off your jaw and gesturing to himself, "What do you want?" There's a snap to his words and you know he's angry about your avoidance of him.
"I was trying to say I heard you got hurt and I wanted to...make sure you were okay," you get your words out slowly, your eyes never leaving his as he rubs the bridge of his nose.
"Right. So it took me gettin' hurt for you to find me?" There's pain in his tone when he says it and it makes you shake your head.
"Doll, what did I do? We were fine and then suddenly you were actin' like I fucked up bad. I can't recall anythin' I could've done to deserve that from you," he says, crowding your space till the brim of his hat bumps into your head. Billy seems to get annoyed with it so he haphazardly takes it off dropping it to the ground at your feet.
"I saw you with that...woman or whatever...you...," You take a deep breath to keep yourself in check before you start speaking again, "I went to the saloon to find you and you were all up close with some girl and I just..."
When you let yourself trail off, you glance up at him and see the anger still full in his eyes.
"I wasn't...that was Manuela. Charlie's wife, doll. Can promise you, I am not gettin' sweet with her," Billy says, his brow still furrowed. It made you feel even more embarrassed that you jumped to conclusions, but could you help it? Women flocked to Billy easily. And he wasn't yours, you tell yourself again. He lets out a humorless chuckle.
"I told you I wanted you, you know?"
"I know, but-"
"I know. But I told you. And now you're jealous. You want me too?"
Billy is almost pleading with you to just say it. He knows it. But he's in desperate need of you to finally let it out. You're quiet, your head mulling it over in a frantic manner as he stares right into your soul.
He scoffs, "Darlin' stop thinkin' so hard. 've told you before. All you gotta do is tell me and I am all yours." It feels like you can't speak, your tongue is missing completely from your mouth. Billy's frustration only seems to increase as he rolls his eyes at your silence and his jaw clenches again.
His hands move to your hips, a firm grip, as he lets out a harsh breath, "What do I gotta do? Do I have to fuck it outta you?"
Your cheeks burn at that and he hears the hitch in your breath, "Billy, I-"
"That is it, huh?" He's mocking, finding humor in how heated you get over his words, his thumbs rubbing your hips over your dress. "Been missin' me these days? Got no one to look after you? Just me."
You nod, your head lurching forward enough to brush your nose to his and it almost makes him groan. "You're pissin' me off," he mumbles, like a warning, his lips almost inching to kiss yours, but he restrains himself.
"I'm sorry," you tell him, your breath lingering on him as your hands finally move to touch him, right against his chest. You swallow hard. "Don't know if I've ever felt this much," is what you're able to get out through your laboring breath. Billy takes that as enough, for now, pressing his lips hard to yours.
It's a bruising kiss. His lip was cut and he was fighting a wince, but he did not give a fuck about the pain right now. Billy was starved without you and all he can think about is taking. He pushes you back until you're more against the tree, the bark uncomfortable but that's the least of your worries. His hands pull at your hips to bring your body flush with his, slotting his leg between yours.
His one hand moves to cradle your face, mumbling to your lips, "still pissed off," and he licks his tongue along your bottom lip, nudging under your chin to tilt your head up more.
"Good," you mutter back to him before happily opening your mouth to him, tugging on the handkerchief at his neck to pull him as close as he can be.
He hums at your words, "Oh? You like me mad or somethin' doll?" Billy's hand at your hip holds you tighter, "is that why you're doin' this to me?"
You don't answer, your lips trailing along his jaw and to his neck. Your hand grasps the back of his head, pulling his head back a little to expose more of his neck, enough to find his spot that you found. That he didn't even know about until he slept with you.
As you suck at the spot, biting the skin enough to leave the start of a mark, Billy refrains from moaning, but you hear him mumble, "fuck's sake," before he's pulling back from you and taking his belt off.
"Ground?" He takes his belt off so easily it distracts you, but you nod.
"Ground," you reply, moving yourself to the grass. Billy doesn't waste a second, taking his jacket off and laying it out so you can sit on it.
He nudges you to lay back and gets on you so quick, it makes your breath run fast. "Billy," your voice is breathy, his head burying into your neck, leaving surprisingly soft kisses as he fumbles to push his pants down.
You help the best you can, then swat his hand away to fish his cock from his underwear yourself. Billy lets out a low groan when he feels your hand wrap around him. You hum, stroking the length of him once, then twice before taking him out.
"Tell me you missed this or I think I'll actually go crazy, doll," he mutters, his kisses finding your jaw.
"Now I wanna see you go crazy," you joke under your breath, but Billy isn't having any of that.
"Fuckin'...fine. That's what you want?" His hands are under your dress in an instant, and find your undergarments, the thin linen being harshly ripped from your body.
"Billy! Did you actually rip them, I-"
"Darlin' please be fuckin' quiet," he rasps, and you pull hard on his hair in his response. He laughs.
"Missed you. Pissed at you. But still want you just as fuckin' much," he whispers, giving your cheek a kiss as he hikes your legs up around him, his hips slotting to yours.
Billy's hand finds himself, guiding his dick to rub at your clit, both of you letting out shaky sighs at the feeling. His nose smushes to your cheek, eyes stuck on you to watch you react to him.
"Oh, honey," he whispers as his tip rubs through your folds, feeling just how slick you are. The head of his cock catches at your entrance and you both moan in unison again. Billy slowly pushes the tip into you, groaning over it and helping you wrap your legs tighter to him.
"There you go. Still take it good, hm?" He doesn't let you even try to answer him as he thrusts the rest of himself into you, his knees shifting in the grass to adjust his position. Billy grips your hips hard, thumbs pressing to the underside of your thighs as he begins fuck himself into you.
A moan rattles through you, your head pushing back against the ground at his immediate quick pace. You grasp at his shoulder, your other hand tangling into his hair so you can pull it whenever he fucking quips at you.
Billy grunts, his head down and teeth nipping at your jaw, "You actually listened to me. Actually stayin' quiet besides those pretty moans. Not even talkin' back," he chuckles at it and then again when you tug his hair like he thought you would.
"'M sorry," he murmurs, leaving an affectionate kiss on your jaw. For a moment, Billy buries his cock as deep as it can be inside of you, holding still to feel you tighten around him. "That's it...you missed that?"
You nod, your words not coming, but he grips your jaw, "you can speak," he says, his hips snapping to yours, just as desperate as his kisses were before.
"I did miss it, Billy....so, so, so much."
That spurs him on as he opens your mouth with a push of his fingers at your cheeks, your eyes dazed and tongue sticking out a little like routine. Billy slows his thrusts as he spits down onto your tongue.
Before you can close your mouth, his lips and tongue are finding yours, a strangled moan leaving him and melting back into you. Billy's one hand still at your hip moves under you to wrap around, giving your body a slight angle as he fucks harder, his rhythm starting to break.
His kiss is sloppy, as is yours back, tongues a mess of massaging to one another, his teeth biting to your lip, noises tumbling from you both. He breaks the kiss to nuzzle his nose to your cheek, "please tell me you didn't fuck someone else while you were angry at me," he suddenly says, his eyes closed like he's anticipating the worse.
"I didn't," you whisper back to him, "I promise you," you assure him again, your hand rubbing through his hair.
"I didn't touch anyone," he tells you, "nothing," he pauses, giving your cheek the lightest kiss as he changes his movements, slowing down, sliding his cock out of you slowly, but pushing back in hard, his hand moving from your jaw to slip between your legs and thumb at your clit, "Just tell me."
A whimper leaves your lips when you feel his thumb, your hips bucking up, which only makes him want to fuck you faster again, but he holds back. You know what he means the moment he says to tell him and you turn your head head to nose back at him.
"I want you," you breathe out and you feel him let out a breath, his lips tenderly kissing your nose.
"Can I be yours then?" He slows even more, which makes you whine. Your eyes lock to his, his face strewn with hope and deep desire, you can feel the twitch of his cock and see the flutter of his eyes.
"Yes," you whisper to him, giving him a small smile as you ruffle your handing his hair, "then I'm yours?"
He groans at your answer and question, and his hips rock faster again, needy and full of so much want, "yes, doll, you're mine," he rasps out, "and you're gonna come just for me, yeah? I know you will, Bet you wanted me to come for you all week, I'll give you it," he gets out his words quick, your fingers digging into his hair and his shoulder.
He chuckles, "Jesus, doll," he gives you a crooked smile, but obliges, rubbing your clit in tight fast circles as he ruts into you, his forehead pressing to yours.
A heat overcomes you as your orgasm washes over you, Billy smiling as he watches it overtake you. The way your mouth parts and your moan borderlines a whine, the arch of your hips to his, and the spasm of your cunt against him.
He fucks into you maybe three more times before he's pulling out of you, letting out an almost guttural moan, spilling on your thigh, the slight friction of the tip against your thigh is enough to get him hard all over again, but Billy pushes those thoughts aside to move his hands back to your face and kiss you passionately through your heavy breaths.
"Still a little pissed," he mumbles and you nudge your knee into his.
"Ow," he grins into the kiss, a bigger flush coming to his face when you start laughing.
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pockettwinzz · 2 days
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sunghoon taking pic after ull gladly suck him off to wake him up 🤓
Warnings: smut, mdni, oral (m!receiving), cum eating, if I missed smth lmk!!
He lets out a sleepy groan, his eyes fluttering open. "Wh-Yn?"
The sight sunghoon woke upto was truly like a surreal wet dream, as he glanced at you sucking his dick as you bobbed your head, deep throating him. Poor sunghoon was so shocked he couldn't even speak.
Sunghoon let out a pornographic moan, his eyes snapping open completely. "Oh fuck, Yn..." he breathed, his hands reaching up to grasp at your hair. "That feels so good."
"A-am gonna cum baby"
Sunghoon's voice was shaky, and you could feel it in his throbbing cock. You tightened your lips around him, savoring the feeling as his hips bucked forward, his hands digging deeper into your hair. "Yeah, cum for me hoonie please,"
He cried out, thrusting harder as he came, filling your mouth with his orgasm. His grip on your hair tightened. As you swallowed every last drop of him, you felt his cock start to soften in your mouth.
You looked up at Sunghoon, his chest still heaving from the orgasm, his eyes half-lidded with pleasure. "Let's get ready for the day, shall we?" You say, pretending that you didn't just suck him off to wake him up. "Also, I'll be late tonight, don't forget to send me your daily morning pic." You say with a wink.
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Kinda went crazy but you're the one to blame.
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loumandiel · 23 hours
Months of reading how Armand is the Big Bad man behind the curtain manipulating and mindcontrolling everyone with his godlike powers, and now suddenly in one day it switched to cruel Pimp Louis manipulating and enslaving Armand and Armand being his poor victim. I'm begging you to look at these characters and their relationships with some nuance. I'm not denying that Louis is trying to manipulate Armand in some moments (Jacob said it himself in the post-episode bit) but seeing that park scene as Louis intentionally evoking Armand's trauma and a pimp and slave assuming their old roles is in my opinion a stretch and i didn't read it that way. Tbh i also find it pretty offensive that some people are acting like when Louis was a pimp he was doing something similar to people who subjected Armand to literal sexual slavery because they're vastly different situations.
Arun isn't Armand's 'slave name' or 'prostitute name', it was his actual birth name before he was sold and abused, and he lost that name due to abuse. If Louis had actually wanted to push a master-slave dynamic he would've probably called Armand Amadeo, because that was the name Armand's abuser, who Armand served and in some way still loves, gave to him. When Louis was a pimp he notably also didn't actually act particularly domineering with sex workers, on the contrary he was usually friendly to them, because he felt guilty for exploiting women and tried to convince himself he was just helping and working with them and that they were equals. He made sex workers like Bricktop Williams minority owners of his business and they felt comfortable with criticizing him. If Louis had actually 'treated Armand like one of his prostitutes' in this episode he would've acted completely differently. Remember also that Armand has a remarkable mind gift and that Louis is bad at hiding his thoughts: if Louis had actually been trying to manipulate Armand in this specific way, Armand would very likely know it.
In the beginning of the episode Armand is frustrated that Louis doesn't acknowledge that they're companions, and Louis expresses that they don't really know each other. Later at the restaurant Armand gets angry and uses his powers dramatically which upsets Louis. He also talks to Louis rather harshly, saying that he and Santiago are acting like fledglings (children) and angrily tells Louis to come back when he leaves. Later Armand comes to apologize bringing flowers. All this reminds Louis of Lestat, and reveals how apprehensive he still is about Armand. Armand deciding to tell Louis his story is a conscious effort to show vulnerability and convince Louis of what he promised: that Armand isn't like Lestat and he isn't going to hurt him. Jacob said that dreamstat represents not only Lestat but Louis' doubts about Armand. In the museum scene this is particularly obvious when Louis feels deep sympathy for Armand, but at the same time dreamstat - a part of Louis - looks angry and distrustful. According to Jacob in the park scene as Louis lets go of Lestat he's also letting go of those doubts and accepting Armand as he is and for who he is.
So when Louis calls Armand by his birth name that could be considered his 'real' name even though no one has called him that for centuries, i see it as him saying 'Do we see each other now? Are we honest about things now? Can i trust that you are who you say you are?' When Armand calls Louis maitre he's trying to establish an impression of equality, because as they both know Armand is the maitre and the leader of the coven and the one with much more power. For Armand the ideal of love is the one of mutual worship and servitude. Like many things with Armand, his actions in this episode are both sincere and manipulative, and his seeming submissiveness is also certain kind of domination that helps him to get what he wants.
I just don't think their relationship is anything like Louis being a master and Armand being a slave at all. It's a very, very complicated and mercurial relationship that is not easily defined and where the dynamics are constantly shifting. As Jacob said, they're constantly flip-flopping between who's the dominant one and who's the submissive one, and who needs what out of the other. He also said that at the end of this episode their relationship takes on this almost BDSM kind of role playing where their roles switch, which implies that a) it's a play and not what their relationship is actually like and b) there was earlier a different dynamic where Armand was more dominant. Their Rashid role play in Dubai was also that, a role play.
When talking about those Louis' 'manipulative instincts' as Jacob called them, it needs to be considered they're something that Louis developed having to live in a racist society for all his life ("using his weakness to rise") and being in an abusive relationship for decades. For Louis that kind of soft power has often been the only power he has, and of course he's resorting to it when in a relationship with much older and much more powerful person he doesn't fully trust. The way i perceive Louis and Armand's relationship, it's a fragile, carefully crafted design built on contradictions, performances and illusions, where they both seek to maintain a fantasy where they both feel sufficiently in control and the relief of releasing that control at the same time
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nhlclover · 2 days
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summary: adam and you struggle to keep your relationship a secret from nick, your overprotective brother, until an incident ultimately forces the truth into the open.
warnings: blankenburg!sister, couple instances of swearing
word count: 1.37k
Adam felt a knot of tension in his stomach as he glanced at Nick, who was laughing with their teammates over a game of darts. Beside him, you looked radiant, your laughter mixing with the upbeat music and chatter. The neon lighting of the bar accentuated every smile that graced your lips. Your presence seemed to dim the outside world for Adam, his attention completely focused on your infectious energy.
It was your infectious energy that first drew Adam to you. When Nick first introduced his sister to his newest teammate, you took effect on Adam instantaneously. You seemed to captivate everyone in the room, but it was Adam who was drawn to you like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the warmth and brightness you brought to life.
You found yourself equally pulled in by Adam’s charming personality, not being able to pull your eyes off his ever-present smile. You were well aware of the barbaric ‘no dating my sister rule’ that Nick would tell his teammates about. You found the rule to be ridiculous as you’d always said you would never fall for one of his teammates, but that was before you met Adam. Any precaution went out the window as you found yourself falling head over heels for him.
As you got close to Adam, the pair of you decided to keep your relationship a secret until the right moment presented itself. It was easy in theory, but in practice, it became a burden to both of you as you worked tirelessly to ensure that Nick wouldn’t find out until you were ready.
The secret of their relationship was a constant weight on Adam’s shoulders, one he desperately wished he could cast off, but the fear of Nick’s reaction kept it hidden. Adam respected Nick, but this rule felt suffocating now that you and him were together. The irony of the situation gnawed at him—he had been drawn to her from the moment they met, her charm and wit irresistible. Keeping their relationship hidden was a necessary evil, but each passing day made it more unbearable.
Tonight was supposed to be a fun night out. Michigan was on spring break, allowing Luca to come to Ohio and visit his younger brother. Adam was excited to introduce the two of you, hoping that you would get along even without knowing that you were his girlfriend. However, Luca, ever the charmer, was getting along with you a little too well. Adam watched as Luca chatted with you, noting the way his brother’s eyes lingered a bit too long on your smile.
He could see where this was heading, and he didn’t like it. Luca’s flirtatious nature was something he was all too familiar with, but seeing it directed at you stirred something protective and primal within him. You seemed oblivious to Luca’s flirting, but Adam’s protective instincts were on high alert. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He knew Luca wasn’t trying to overstep — he didn’t know about your relationship, after all. But seeing another man flirt with you sent a burning ache of jealousy through Adam’s veins.
Adam watched as Luca said something to you that caused another laugh to come out, and finally, he couldn’t bear it any longer. He stood up, crossing the room in a few quick strides. “Hey, can I steal her for a dance?” he asked, not waiting for a reply as he took your hand.
You looked surprised but followed him to the dance floor. “Adam, what’s going on?” you asked, concern in her eyes.
He didn’t answer immediately, pulling you into him, his hands resting dangerously low on your waist. He made sure to stop right on the edge of the dance floor where Luca could still see them.
“I just needed to be close to you,” he murmured, leaning in. “I can’t stand seeing him flirt with you.”
You blinked, confusion flickering across your face. “Luca? He’s just being friendly.”
Adam shook his head. “No, he’s flirting. And I need you to know that you’re mine.”
Without thinking, Adam dipped his head down, connecting your lips in a deep, possessive kiss. You loved the way his hungry lips met yours, the way he pulled your hips into his. But common sense took over you as you pulled back, eyes wide. You knew your brother was somewhere nearby and could only imagine what his reaction would be if he saw his teammate kissing his sister.
Your eyes looked around in hopes that Nick didn’t see, but his eyes had been on you since Adam pulled you to dance. He had already made his way to the two of you, his jaw wire tight. You stepped out of Adam’s grip and in front of him, acting as a barrier between him and Nick.
“Nick, it’s not what you think—” you began, but Nick’s eyes were locked onto Adam.
“What the hell is going on?” Nick’s voice was low, dangerous.
Adam stood his ground, though his heart was racing. “Nick, I can explain.”
Nick’s glare didn’t waver. “Explain what? That you’re breaking the one rule I set? That you’re sneaking around with my sister?”
“Nick can you just—”
Nick didn’t even look down at you, his furious gaze still locked on Adam. “Y/n, stay out of this,”
You scoffed, opening your mouth to speak, but Adam beat you to it. “Nick, you’re overreacting man.”
“I’m overreacting?” Nick scoffed. “You’re the one macking on my sister and flaunting it in front of me. Fuck you, dude.”
“Enough!” you finally said, your eyes blazing as you looked between Adam and Nick. “Both of you, outside, right now.”
You headed towards the exit, several patrons eyes now on the group of you after having caused a scene. Reluctantly, they followed you outside to the front of the bar.
“Nick,” you began, looking at your older brother whose temper had yet to settle. “I’m your sister, not your fucking property. I’m my own person. I can make my own decisions and date whoever I choose. You don’t get to dictate that. I love Adam, and you need to respect that.”
Nick opened his mouth to argue, but you held up a hand to stop him. “And you,” you turned to Adam, your expression softening but still stern. “You don’t need to act like a caveman to prove a point. I’m committed to you, Adam. I would never flirt with your own brother or anyone else.”
Adam looked at her, guilt washing over him. “I’m sorry, y/n. I just… I couldn’t stand seeing him flirt with you.”
“I get that,” you say, sighing. “But you need to trust me and trust that if people try to flirt with me, I will tell them that my boyfriend will beat them up.”
Adam couldn’t help but let a small smile appear on his lips at hearing you call him your boyfriend in front of Nick, your relationship no longer a skeleton in the closet for him.
Nick sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry too. I just… I didn’t expect this.”
“We didn’t mean to hurt you. We just… we couldn’t help it,” you said.
“I just…Why didn’t you tell me?” Nick asks, his expression soft.
Adam took a deep breath. “Because we were afraid of how you’d react. You made it clear that you didn’t want something like this to happen. But I love her, Nick. I love her, and I’m not going to hide that anymore.”
Nick stared at Adam, his face a mask of conflicting emotions. Finally, he sighed, rubbing his temples. “This is… a lot to take in.”
“We didn’t want to keep it from you forever. We just wanted to find the right time,” you tell your brother.
Nick nodded slowly, his eyes meeting yours. “Alright. But if you ever hurt her, Adam, I swear—”
Adam nodded earnestly. “I won’t. I promise.”
Nick looked between the two of you, his shoulders relaxing slightly. “Okay. But you’re buying the next round.”
A relieved smile spread across your face as you hugged your brother, and Adam exhaled, the weight on his shoulders finally lifting.
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starsofang · 3 days
Change of Heart
hitman!simon x f!reader / part 8
previous part
tw: alcohol use, angst, mentions of death
When life has completely and utterly failed you, you hire a hitman to take you out, too afraid to do it yourself. Instead of killing you like you had planned, he strikes up a deal with you, and you're too stubborn to bail out.
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Waking up the next morning was the biggest slap in the face. It singed your skin with a burning sting, leaving you disoriented and lost. It was as if the brutal force of realization had hit you so hard, it knocked any form of thought right out of your mind except for pain. Irrepressible pain that caused you to feel numb.
Simon had left. All of your worried texts proved futile. What once showed as blue was now a sickening green that glared back at you. Your number was blocked, your messages unable to go through, and you were left an even shattered version than before. You were glass shards left to lay on the floor, you were a broken wind chime that could no longer provide a charming ambience.
You were broken and useless, tossed to the side like a damaged piece of scrap.
Simon had lived up to his name, and disappeared like a ghost. Drifting off into shadows of darkness, seeping into them and becoming one, never to be seen again.
You were hurt. Scratch that, that was a nice way of putting it – you were devastated. The walls you had so graciously taken down for him were now jagged pieces of debris with no mortar to glue them back together one by one. They were unrepairable, crumbling far too much to be saved.
Everything you ever learned about Simon felt like a lie, because that’s what he did – he lied. The glass was too foggy to tell the difference between what was a lie, and what wasn’t. If there were any parts of Simon that were truthful, you didn’t believe it. There was no grace of god to be there to lend a guiding hand to point you in the right direction. All you had was your gut, telling you deranged criticisms.
He lied to you, this was all a game, and you fell for it.
You should’ve known, really. A man like Simon was not one to love and be loved, not when he had an apparition named Ghost to steer him away from any attachment. After all, spirits could not grow devoted to a mere mortal woman who had nothing left to offer. You were stupid to think otherwise.
Graves was a bad enough person. He hurt you, tormented you, claimed you in order to assure your life was a living hell, with or without him. Now, the smallest part of you didn’t think he could be as cruel as Simon at this moment. It was a brainless thought, one you knew was far from true.
Simon never hurt you, nor did he treat you as bad as Graves.
But at least Graves didn’t have the gall to abandon you like an unwanted dog on the street.
Your mind was ping-ponging back and forth between truth and deception. You didn’t know what was real. It hazed over you, muting out every bit of you that was left inside and replacing it with nothing but cracked foundation.
Nothing was real. Nothing was worth it.
You didn’t leave the house for the entirety of the day, nor the next. You stayed in the confinement of your own home, feeling like a caged animal with no way out. You were slowly decaying away, losing the truest part of yourself, no longer able to see her in the reflection. She stared back at you with a ghostly image, whispering about how disappointed she was in you, how hateful she felt towards you.
She whispered about Simon, burdening you with reminders of what could’ve been if you were simply a little less broken. Bringing him up just to dig the knife in more, twisting it under your skin and basking in the bloodshed.
You were spiraling, just like you always did, because it was all you were good for. Simon was another excuse to crumble back into a deeply rooted self hatred. He was just a chess piece, a single card in a stack of dozens, while you picked it up and returned to your old game of reckless entertainment.
Day fourteen came before you know it. And you spent it completely by yourself, pondering why you ever made a deal with the devil in the first place.
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It was easy to fall back into old habits when there was nothing there to offer recovery. Relapsing was what you did best, even when Simon was around, and you’d be damned if you didn’t do it again with him gone. It was a part of you, this endless cycle of self abuse, and it wasn’t going anywhere. It was simply on a temporary pause, now returning with more fiery persistence than before.
Alcohol was the only home you ever knew. It warmed you to the bone, engulfing you in a buzzing fervor. It welcomed you back with open arms, holding on to you with no intent of letting go. You were its lovely hostage, and you had grown Stockholm Syndrome.
Weeks passed by of tireless nights filled with the bitter taste that burned in your throat on repeat. Weeks were spent holed up in your apartment, nursing the only friend you had. This time around, you weren’t picky. You took whatever you could get, uncaring of the repercussions
And even in those weeks, Simon never left your mind. It was like a punishment for being good enough to fuck, but not good enough to stick around. It tortured your mind to the point of insanity.
The more alcohol you had, the more the memory of him became cloudy. It was exactly why you drowned yourself in it. You didn’t want to picture Simon’s face. Didn’t want to picture the way his eyes lit up when he saw you, or the way his smile was a bit crooked and off center. You didn’t want to picture him, and the future you grew too eager for, one that consisted of the two of you. Two puzzle pieces fitting together, only to be wretched apart and pressed down in separate corners.
You were completely losing yourself. All over a man who had broken you.
The cycle repeats. And repeats. You let it repeat, until hopefully one day, the alcohol would prove to be enough to give you the death you so greedily wanted.
It wasn’t until nearly four weeks in utter disarray that the cycle began to morph, railing off of the tracks that you worked so hard to have control over.
Deep into your daily routine of excessive drinking and wallowing in your own self-pity, the door knocked. You nearly missed it, brushing it off as your imagination. You didn’t have visitors, and the only one who cared to take that spot until leaving you was Simon.
Glancing around your apartment, you visibly winced at the disheveled sight of it. Bottles were thrown around carelessly, littering the kitchen counters and living room floor, where you were currently residing with a nameless show playing on the television. Hell had flown through your apartment, and it was your fault it had gotten this way again.
Old habits die hard. And you were always its unfortunate victim when those habits needed a host to leech on to once more.
Clambering up from where you sat on the floor, you somehow made your way to the door by the grace of god. It was late, and if you read right from the clock on the stove, it was past midnight. Anybody could be outside – a killer, an intruder, a thief. It was a mix between not caring about dying, and having enough logical sense to know nobody dangerous would knock first, that had you opening the door.
An unfamiliar man stood tall in the frame, bushy facial hair, sunken eyes that barely held a spark, almost as broad and stiff as Simon. But it wasn’t Simon, and this man was a mere stranger.
“Jesus,” the man muttered under his breath at the state of you. You frowned, feeling small and weak in comparison. After a moment, he cleared his throat, speaking again. “Need to talk to you. Can I come in?”
“I don’t even know who you are,” you muttered, narrowing your eyes.
“M’a friend of Simon’s,” he explained woefully. The sound of Simon’s name coming from somebody else’s lips and not yours had your heart clenching with a dull ache. It sent ice cold chills running through your veins. “The name’s John Price.”
You stared at him with a look of disdain. You never heard Simon mention him before. The more you thought about it, you never heard Simon mention anybody. He was an enigma that you fell into too easily without even knowing a lick of who he was outside of your temporary protector.
“If you’re looking for him, I don’t know where he is,” you replied dryly, gripping a hand on the door and beginning to close it. Before the hinge could click into place, John’s boot stopped it, wedging itself between the door and its frame. He gave you a tight smile, one that had you tensing.
“I know where he is, dove. I said that I need to talk to you.”
The two of you became trapped in a staredown, one that you were too exhausted to fight to be the champion of. Begrudgingly, you opened the door wide enough to allow him to slip in, shutting it behind him. You watched as he took in your apartment, surely judging the whirlwind of it. He wasn’t exactly the type to hide away his distaste, if his mockingly amused expression was any type of indication.
“What do you want?” you asked him, disregarding your own mess and instead focusing on him. He turned to look at you, flashing you another smile. It seemed trusting enough, kind even, but by this time, you knew better.
“Came to offer you a deal, of sorts,” he vocalized. “Might I sit?”
You glanced over at the living room, shame bubbling in you at the sight of the bottle you’d been indulging in before he came around. “Sure.”
You trailed behind him when he took his seat on the couch, letting out an exaggerated sigh, leaning back into it. His display of comfort made you feel uneasy. You made no effort to join him, opting to stand in the middle of the room.
“You were rather close with Simon, weren’t you?” he asked, causing you to scoff to yourself.
“Sure. What’s that got to do with anything?” you asked grimly.
Price hummed to himself, tapping his fingers against his knee. It caused a faint, muted sound of rough, calloused fingertips to chafe against the material of his pants. “Figured so. Allow me to ask you somethin’. You know of Simon’s occupation, right?”
“Right. Silly me, that’s how you met, isn’t it?” He chuckled to himself. You weren’t sure what was so amusing. “Well, here’s the thing – his performance has been a bit… hindered as of late. I have a strong inkling that it’s because of you.”
The air in the room was tense, nearly suffocating you. Price had such a soft aura that was hiding menacing intentions. You could see through it.
“I need a favor from you, doll.”
“And that is?” you asked carefully.
He smiled at you, cocking his head. “I need you to reject him. Tell him you’re better off, that you don’t need him, whatever you can say to make him get his head back in the fuckin’ game. This job of ours isn’t a joke, you see. I can’t have him slackin’ off. That’s how he’ll end up caught and thrown in jail. Once it reaches that point, I can’t help him out of it. That’s why I need you to help me before that happens.”
Your eyes widened in bewilderment at the sheer nerve of Price. Asking you to tell Simon off, to lie and say you were happy without him? Fuck, the proof was in the pudding – you weren’t, and you could almost guarantee that Simon would know you were lying from one single word. Sure, you were mad at him – pissed – but you also wanted no part in this game Price was playing.
The more you sat on it, the more it became twisted. You were thrown in a tangled web of deception and betrayal, stuck to it like glue, fighting for your way out.
But how much of it was betrayal? How much of it was trickery?
Price’s words echoed in your mind on repeat. They formed together, creating a clear picture.
Price had been the one to have Simon toss you out. He was the reason for your harrowing spiral. He was why Simon had left you, treating you as if you didn’t exist. Just a pawn in his game, and you were too stupid to realize it all sooner.
“You did this?” you snapped. Price raised an eyebrow at you, but said nothing. “You… you’re the reason for all of this, and now you’re asking me for help to lie to him? Are you insane?”
His expression twitched into a flash of annoyance before returning back to a mask. Alarms rang in your head. “I’m doin’ this for Simon. You’re a little bird he fell into when he shouldn’t have, and now I’m tryin’ to fix it before it’s too late.”
“Bullshit. You’re doing this to save your own ass.”
“I’d highly advise watchin’ yourself, doll,” Price muttered in warning, eyes narrowed and expression darkened. “You don’t know anythin’ about what we do. Don’t know how dangerous it is for you to be involved with Simon, and for Simon to be involved with you. I’m savin’ Simon’s ass from fuckin’ up one too many times.”
The atmosphere was even thicker than before. It was hard to breathe. It made you queasy, as if poisoned with a heavy gas that may just kill you if you inhaled it for too long.
Price and you stared at one another, both stubborn and pulled taut. His anger simmered to a low boil once the two of you took that silence to gather your thoughts, but it didn’t entirely vanish. You could still see a flicker of a flame in his eyes.
He was dangerous. Not somebody you wanted to get tangled up in, but you had no choice. You were too deep into this webbed mess, and it was only a matter of time before it came to bite back at you.
“What’s wrong with him?” you finally asked, voice quiet and solemn. You crossed your arms over your chest, turning your gaze away from him so you didn’t have to see his display of weak sympathy and mock judgment.
“He fell in love with you, that’s what’s wrong,” Price bit back, sneering. “Now he’s weak. Can’t do his job correctly, got his head in the fuckin’ clouds, snaps at everybody who tries to talk to him. He’s riskin’ himself, riskin’ us, and I can’t afford losin’ a brother over some girl.”
Price’s words were bitter and cruel. It only irritated you, pricking at your skin until it drove you mad. All calmness that had festered in your brief silence washed away, replaced with the old flame of your anger.
“Losing him?” You laughed bitterly, throwing your head back in disbelief. “Sounds to me like it’s your fault and not mine. Have you ever thought that maybe you’re the reason he’s all fucked up?”
Price stood from where he sat on the couch. There were no longer kind features adorning his face. It was replaced with twisted anger, morphing into something unrecognizable. When he stepped closer to you until you were nearly nose to nose, it was like looking into the eyes of a feral wolf, ready to tear you apart at any given second.
“Wise words comin’ from an alcoholic,” he muttered lowly. It was a hard pill to swallow. “I was tryin’ to be nice, doll. I was givin’ you an option. A choice. You’re just as fucked up as Simon. The difference is that you’re goin’ down a path nobody can save you from. I can save Simon.”
The words slapped you harsh in the face. It was brutal and cruel, and he showed no remorse for the damage he was doing. This was a man who got what he wanted, hurting everybody in the process so long as he achieved it. His goal was to save Simon from his impending doom, and he was willing to take you down to make it happen.
“If you really cared about Simon, you would’ve never let him get to this state in the first place,” you retorted back just as cruelly. “It’s not my fault, and I’m not going to sit here and let you blame me for it. Take a look in the mirror and you’ll get your answer on why he’s being this way.”
Silence. Aching, deafening silence. It tinged the air with a sour smell. The two of you were making no moves of backing down, and it was simply a recipe for disaster.
You didn’t know why you were defending Simon. After what he did, he didn’t deserve your care. He didn’t deserve to have you bandage over his name from the countless wounds he’d inflicted on it by leaving you behind after taking all of you in this very apartment.
However, with a missing puzzle piece being added to the pile, that being Price, you couldn’t help but offer your support from afar. It was clear he had no hand in this game. He was a pawn, just as much as you.
“I’m not helping you toy with his feelings,” you whispered. This time, you sounded defeated rather than angry. Broken, sad, dejected. “He doesn’t deserve that.”
Price sucked in a sharp breath, stepping away but keeping his gaze pointed to you. He said nothing for the first few moments, eyes flickering over the worn out lines on your face. Empty eyes, ones that were surely full of life at some point in your life. Perhaps even lit up with Simon around.
He had taken that away from you, and it was only then he was realizing how cruel he was being. All of it, for the sake of protecting his own, of protecting Simon. He was so consumed by the thought of keeping Simon out of trouble, that he only sought to create more for you. A civilian, one who simply got wrapped up in the wrong crowd.
No outsider had ever cared for Simon like Price, Gaz, and Soap did. They were all each other had, bound together by an unfortunate calling. Nobody was allowed in, or out.
Then you came along, and Ghost had quickly become Simon again.
“You’re not goin’ to make this easy for me, are you?” Price sighed, shoulders deflating, releasing its built up tension.
“No. I’m not,” you agreed grimly.
“Stubborn one, you are,” he hummed, and dare you say it, he sounded amused. “Can see why Simon likes you.”
You glanced up at him, noting the faintest of smiles on his face. It was barely visible, a ghost on his lips, but even through your hazed exhaustion, you could see it.
“Tell you what,” he began, crossing his arms to match your stance. “I’ll talk to him. See what I can do. M’not promisin’ anythin’. This isn’t the type of life I want you wrapped up in, but I can see that you’re only goin’ to wallow here until you drop dead. I don’t want that blood on my hands.”
“What are you saying?” you asked suspiciously.
“I’m sayin’, that I’ll try to see if it could work. Again, m’not promisin’ you anythin’, doll. But if you’re the reason Simon can get his head out of his ass and stop doin’ sloppy work, then I’ll see what I can do.”
It was no guarantee, but Price was trying. One moment, he was begging you to hurt Simon to the point he’d never think of crawling back to you. Now, the story had changed, and he was making a peace offering.
You weren’t sure whether or not to trust him. You shouldn’t. It was a bad idea.
But the thought of seeing Simon again, to mend the broken bond you had formed, caused you to agree.
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Simon was fucked. He’d drowned himself in a world of pure guilt ever since he’d blocked your number and called it quits. He was miserable, more than he’d ever been.
He didn’t feel guilt. In fact, he wasn’t supposed to feel anything at all. He was Ghost, after all, and ghosts didn’t feel. Yet with you, the narrative had switched. It was as if the gates of heaven had opened up, offering him a chance at redemption. He felt everything all at once – love, care, affection, longing, heartache.
Everything felt right with you. It was like he had finally found his home, only to have it torn away from the grasp of his hands. No matter how much he tried holding on to it, it proved a fruitless effort. It was gone before he even resided.
Simon’s mind became a jumbled mess. He returned to the empty shell he was before when nothing mattered and he only saw the world through a red-colored lens. It was straining, it was harsh. It hurt to wake up everyday and see a colorless world waiting for him.
His shattered, frail mind affected everything he’d ever known. Work became a chore. He was messy, careless, and the darkest part of him wished he would be caught so he could force himself into punishment for hurting an angel sent from above that was placed in his life to nurture him.
It was what he deserved. Simon was a man who fell in love, and Ghost was the devil that reminded him that he was undeserving. Unworthy.
You deserved better than him. You deserved the world, and Simon was the one who would take from it with greedy hands caked in the blood of God’s creations.
Everyday burned with an itch to see you, to send you a text. He missed you, but he hated himself more. It stopped him from reaching out, caused him to pull back on the reins and pace himself. Nothing could scratch the burning itch except for the brutal reminder that you deserved better.
The weeks were hell without you. He’d grown agitated at everything around him, going as far as to snap at Gaz and Johnny when they attempted to console him, to snap at Price out of unfiltered rage at what he made him do. He was too far gone, and the only foundation he had left was beginning to crumble, all because of him.
Damn Price for taking you away, and damn you for making him fall in love.
Simon didn’t know how much more he could take. It was eating away at him, like a parasite feeding off of its host, draining him of all soul. Even now, as he sat in his own apartment, hidden on his balcony and smoking all of his worries away with hopes of succumbing to the nasty tar that threatened to rise in his throat every time, he was decaying. Withering away, like a fragile flower.
The night was dark. The stars didn’t shine as brightly as they did on your balcony. The air didn’t feel as pure without you to share it with him. The smoke didn’t wisp up into silly, little shapes, and instead, tainted the air with polluted illness.
It was positively suffocating.
As Simon nursed the cigarette to the very end, stubbing it out with his boot and carelessly leaving it littered with the rest of them on his balcony, he heard the faint knock on his door. He silently prayed it was death, here to take him away and rid him of his pain for good.
It wasn’t death, but it was damn near close.
“Price,” he grumbled at the sight of the older man. It was too late for him to make an appearance, so he wasn’t sure why he did. Maybe Price had truly given up on him and was here to offer mercy.
Price didn’t care for greetings, stepping past Simon and into his apartment. Simon followed after him with his gaze, mentally preparing himself for another lecture. It was bound to happen at this point, seeing as Price was fed up.
Simon knew he was putting their lives on the line by being reckless. He just didn’t have it in him to care.
Closing the door behind him, Simon kept his distance, not uttering a word until Price spoke first. The man in question lingered around his apartment, seeming to stall with time, too choked up for words.
“You need somethin’, sir?” Simon finally asked. Price lifted his eyes to look at Simon. For a moment, they were unreadable. Masking away his thoughts, tucking them far in the back of his mind.
Price let out a deep exhale through his nostrils. He stood there in silence for what felt like eternity. Simon could see the gears shifting in his mind, working overtime.
“Go and get your bird back, Simon,” Price sighed, but to Simon, it sounded like church bells ringing on a Sunday morning, beckoning him home.
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so many of y'all thought the last part was the end, but i'm not that cruel ;( i promise
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purple-obsidian · 3 days
Heyyyyy pookieeee-i saw your Jason todd fic and wanted to ask,what do you think he will be like teaching his gf how to drive?
(Because nobody in my freaking life taught me how to drive yet so I have to sit like a duck and wait for someone to pick me up when I wanna go somewhere pleaseeee let me drivee-)
be brave (jason todd x fem reader) wc 800
⭓ fluff isn't my normal cup of tea. but for you, pookie, i can make an exception ;) sorry this took a while to answer, hope you don't mind i made this specific to driving a motorcycle. that's just what felt right when i was meditating on this prompt so i went with it. enjoy.
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"Jason, are you sure this is a good idea?"
"You second guessing me, princess?"
"Yeah, maybe I am. I could kill us!"
Jason scoffs and shakes his head in disbelief. "You think I would let that happen? Ever?" With cocky grin, Jason walks over and stares down at you, noting the apprehension on your face. "Remember the day we met? You told me you had a bucket list. Things you wanted to do before you died."
"Yeah, I only told you that because I thought I was going to die. You rescued me. I got plenty of time now, I don't have to learn how to drive tonight. Its already dark." You reach your hand up reflexively to rest against his chest as he gets closer. Its a habit of yours. You always find yourself drawn to the steady beating of his heart. Its grounding, and you need some of that right now.
"The road is well lit. We're miles from the outskirts of Gotham, no traffic out here. Just you and me, baby. Why not now?" His large hand rests over yours, pressing it more firmly against his chest. His heart is beating slow and steady, and his piercing green eyes are filled with admiration. "You and I both know that every day we have together is precious. Why wait to do the things you wanna do? Besides, I'd feel better knowing my girl can drive my bike if she needs to."
Jason knows you too well, calling you his girl like that makes you feel weak in the knees. Your own heart beats faster as you break your gaze away from your boyfriend smiling down at you, looking over at the motorcycle he brought you here on. For some reason, it looks more intimidating than it did a few minutes ago. You swallow the lump in your throat before looking back at him. "I'm nervous."
"I know." He states matter-of-factly. Of course he knows, he can read you like a book.
"I've literally never driven anything before. Like ever. I haven't even-"
"Shhh." Jason's hand leaves yours and cups your face gently. His other hand is on your waist, keeping you close. "You don't have to be good at it right away. I don't expect you to be. But you're smart. And you're perceptive. And I know after a little practice, you'll get more confident. I won't let us crash, baby, promise."
Jason really does know you too well. He can see the rebuttal forming on your lips before he finishes speaking. So he leans down to kiss it away before you can verbally express your doubts. The tinge of frustration you feel at being cut off isn't enough to keep you mind from turning to mush from the kiss. His lips are so warm, his breath tastes like spearmint, and his touch gives you butterflies.
But the kiss ends all too quickly. You know he cut it short it on purpose, not wanting your brain to turn off completely before you try and drive for the first time. "Sorry, babygirl, can't give you too much. How could you drive if you're all drunk from my kisses? Hm?"
He runs his fingers through your hair, taking in how cute you look when you're speechless. A moment later, Jason releases his hold on you and turns towards his bike, walking to it with a bit of pep in his step and smugness in his grin, leaving you stammering for a second as you try and string together a coherent thought.
"F-fuck you, Jason." You say after a moment. He always knows how to shut me up.
"I love you too." He grabs his helmet and puts it on before tossing you yours. It's an easy catch, but you're still giving him a dirty look.
"Why did we have to do driving first?" You grumble, accepting your defeat. "Pretty sure seeing the pyramids was also on my bucket list. Along with an abundance of other fun things, like riding in a helicopter, or swimming with dolphins. Or what about joining the mile high club? I'd think that one would be your first priority."
Jason is beaming, watching you put your helmet on and get ready to ride. Even as you scowl at him and mutter complaints, his heart melts at how easily you folded. All it took was a kiss. He always gets his way. He knows you can't say no to him. Jason Todd has you wrapped around his finger, and the vigilante couldn't be any happier about it. He looks you up and down to admire your body before replying, "Stick with me, princess, and I'll make all your dreams come true." He promises. "One at a time. I'll show you the pyramids. I'll fuck you in a plane. But first…"
He grabs you by your waist with both hands and effortlessly lifts you up off the ground to set you down on the seat of his bike. You yelp in surprise, quickly grabbing his hands to steady yourself. "First, you gotta be brave and learn how to ride your boyfriend's bike."
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⭓ masterlist ⭓
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