#and OF ALL TIMES to not allow myself to buy any new books XD
exhausted-eternally · 2 months
So I ended up buying Fogbreak Lighthouse instead of Shalidor's Shrouded Realm to turn into my wizard tower. Tern (named Makes-Many-Books in-game to fit with Argonian naming conventions) isn't a Typical Wizard, so why get her a Typical Wizard House? And Fogbreak Lighthouse is such a pretty location, and I love the druidic style (I also have plans to get Gladesong Arboretum someday).
Only now the problem is... I don't know how I want to set up my new house. XD; It would be great if there was a mod that lets you preview a bunch of items at once, lets you set everything up exactly how you want it, the only limitation being how many items that particular house allows for, so you can figure out what you want the place to look like & what you still need to work for. Because I don't mind spending the money on the items if need be, but I have only a limited amount to spend at any given time and really don't want to be spending it on digital pixels I may end up not liking in my house after all.
If such a mod doesn't already exist, someone needs to get to work on making it. (I'd do it myself, but I definitely DO NOT have the brain for programming x.x or the time to figure it out)
If such a mod DOES exist, can someone please point me in its direction? Cause I've had no luck finding such a thing on my own...
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megan-loves-surveys · 2 months
Haven't used this in forever but I miss Bzoink so here I am instead xD
What are some of your favorite cities you’ve been to?  Hmm, I loved New Orleans, NYC and Boston a lot. Also Melbourne!!
Would you allow your children to date prior to 16? I'm not having kids, but if I did, I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't, cos I started dating at 14 lol.
Did you ever go through a phase where you thought guys in bands were ‘hot?’ Of course, still do!
What’s something about adult life you were never warned of or prepared for? How difficult it would be to find work, they acted like we'd all just waltz into jobs the moment we left school.
Did your parents teach you proper table manners when you were growing up? Yes, but they didn't go overboard.
What was the last thing you baked? I don't bake.
Do you live more than 5 hours away from the nearest international border? I live on an island, so there is no 'border' really to speak of. But if you count the edge of the land going to the water as the border, then no, it's much closer than 5 hours.
Does your town have a farmer’s market? Not that I know of.
What’s the westernmost point you’ve been to? Dunno tbh, I'm not even sure where NZ is when it comes to east/west, cos we're in a weird position xD
What was the last restaurant you made a reservation at? Myself personally? My bf Will got me to make a reservation the other week cos he was busy at work and couldn't do it.
When did you last feel lonely? Hmm, not sure.
Can you easily tell when others are masking their true emotions? It depends.
How often do you wash your car? I don't have a car.
When did you last lend money to a friend? I don't lend friends money as a rule, it's a slippery slope. If they need something, I'll buy it for them.
Which app on your phone do you tend to get the most notifications from?  Facebook probably, or Messenger when I'm chatting to someone. Also, Discord too.
Do you own a Dutch oven? If so, what was the last thing you cooked in it? I don't even know what that is.
What is currently on your kitchen table?  A few decorative things cos we didn't have dinner tonight, we had a huge lunch so we just had toast lol.
What is your favorite time period in history to learn about? History is boring to me.
How old were you when you met your current best friend? I was... 14 cos we met at the start of 2002 before my birthday.
Have you ever kissed a smoker? Most likely.
What is the minimum age to obtain a driver’s license in your state/country? Do you think this is an appropriate age? It's 16, it used to be 15 when I was a teenager. And yes it's appropriate.
If you won the lottery, do you think any of your family members would ask you to give them some of your money? I wouldn't tell them. Only trustworthy people I would give some money would know - like my Mum & Dad, my stepmum, Will and a few of my friends.
What is the craziest thing you’ve seen happen at your workplace? I work at a divorce lawyer's, so I see a lot of extremely angry people. I've had people go into screaming fits, both in person and on the phone, one woman had a meltdown and was throwing a tantrum, one guy punched a wall. It's insane, we have a security officer now.
Do you own any home automation gadgets like wifi thermostats or wifi bulbs? No.
What is something you gave up on after many failed attempts? Driving. I'm too scared to take my practical test lol.
How old were you when you started to seriously think about what career path you wanted to pursue? High school. I kept changing my mind before that.
Have you ever disliked a book so much that you didn’t finish it? Oh yeah, loads. Thankfully most of them were library books so it didn't cost me anything.
Would you rather read a book, or listen to the audiobook? Read. I don't have the attention span for audiobooks, I'd get distracted and my mind would wander.
Do you think tomorrow will be a better day than today? Today's been great, but tomorrow will be even better cos I'm seeing my favourite band live and meeting them!!! <3
Spell your name without any R’s, I’s, G’s, or E’s: My name would hilariously be... Man. I had to get rid of the G and E xD
Is there anyone on your mind? Yep.
Describe your bra: Haha it's a bright purple shade and it's a push up one xD
Do you ever want kids? No thank you. I've never wanted them, and my boyfriend has adult kids and doesn't want any more xD
What are you looking forward to this summer? Summer literally just ended for us haha.
How are you doing in school? -
What color do you like most today? Purple.
Rain or sunny? Sunny. Rain sucks, it rained most of today.
Live close to a beach? Loads, but I never really go to the beach.
What does your hair look like, normally? Depends - the day I wash it, it's quite straight. But by the next day, it's gone wavy and then starts to curl up.
What are your thoughts on marijuana? I don't smoke it, and probably never will. But I don't care if other people smoke it whatsoever, you do you. I also voted for it to become legal when they did the referendum for it in NZ.
When was the last time you spent the night with someone? Last night I stayed at my boyfriend's house.
What song are you listening to, if any? The roaming legendary Pokémon battle theme from the B&W soundtrack.
Pretend that you are five years older, what would you be doing right now? The thought of that scares me, lol.
What subjects are you good in? I was always good at Computers/IT, Legal Studies and English.
Ever kissed someone whose name started with an X? Not that I can think of.
Any complaints? I hope the rain stops before tomorrow cos waiting outside the venue to go in for the concert won't be fun in the rain cos there's no shelter lol.
What’s your favorite alcoholic beverage? Jim Beam, Malibu or Long Island iced teas.
Do you miss anyone? Sure.
What's the highlight of your morning routine that sets a positive tone for your day? Doing my hair.
Are there any new podcasts or audiobooks that have been accompanying your commutes? I don't have the patience for podcasts.
How do you wind down and relax after a long day? Any particular activities or rituals? I play video games, listen to music and watch YouTube videos.
Have you discovered any hidden gems in your local neighborhood recently? Maybe a new cafe or park? Not really.
What's your go-to way of staying organized and managing your tasks right now? Write them on my calendar or in my phone.
Is there a specific dish you've been cooking or enjoying frequently in your current meal rotation? My meals have been all over the place lately tbh haha. I didn't have dinner today or on Saturday, and I won't have dinner tomorrow either.
Have you made any changes to your exercise routine lately? New workouts or activities? I go to the gym 3 times a week, but this week I'm only going twice cos I was super busy today and I also don't have time tomorrow.
What's a recent small achievement or milestone that you're proud of? Going longer on the treadmill when I do go to the gym, lol.
Are there any movies or TV shows you're re-watching and finding new details in? I've been rewatching Big Bang Theory a lot lately, it's hilarious, I don't care what people say.
How do you stay inspired and creative during your work or free time these days? Dunno tbh.
Have you come across any interesting articles, websites, or online communities recently? I've been reading a lot of TVTropes.
What's the latest hobby or interest you've picked up, and what drew you to it? All my hobbies are the same as usual.
What's the most memorable interaction you've had with someone today? I had lunch with my Mum for her birthday and while we were eating, the waitress came to ask how our food was - my Mum couldn't answer cos she was eating her steak, I said it was good. After she'd moved on, my Mum said "I couldn't reply cos I had my mouth full of meat" xDDDDDDDDDD I just stared at her and then we both just broke down laughing xD It was so funny.
How do you inject moments of positivity into your daily routine, no matter how busy it gets? Oh, loads of things.
Are there any personal projects you're working on right now that bring you joy? Eh...
What's a current goal that's shaping the choices you make on a daily basis? Just losing weight.
Have you visited any local events or markets that have given your weekends a unique flavor? Does wrestling events count xD
How do you stay connected with friends and family despite your busy schedule? I talk to most of my friends and my boyfriend via Facebook messenger or text, and my online friends via Discord. I'm allowed to use Discord at work when it's quiet xD
What's the most interesting thing you've learned recently, whether intentionally or by chance? Dunno.
How do you maintain a balance between screen time and other activities in your day? Hahaha, funny. My weekly average of screen time on my phone is 4 and a half hours a day lol.
Have you experimented with any new methods of relaxation or mindfulness lately? No.
What's your strategy for making the most of your weekends and recharging for the week ahead? Um.
Have you been dedicating time to any DIY projects or crafts that reflect your creativity? No.
How do you incorporate learning and personal growth into your everyday life? I read Reddit a lot, and I love looking at random Wikipedia articles xD
What's a unique tradition or habit that you've cultivated recently, making each day special? Uh....
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putschki1969 · 3 years
My Experience with Japanese Online Shops, International Shipping and Proxy Services
In the last few months I have ordered from many different Japanese online stores and I have made use of a bunch of new international shipping and proxy services so I thought it would be a good idea to sum up my experiences and write a little review so everyone knows what to expect. Without further ado, let’s get to it.
HMV International Shipping
1. tenso.com
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A staple for everyone who wants to register for various Japanese services (e.g. fan clubs, streaming platforms, etc) or enjoys shopping in Japanese online shops. It cannot be said often or loud enough how indispensable tenso is for fans of anything Japanese, their service is a true lifesaver! The H-el-ical// Online store even recommends using them! These days many Japanese sites accept foreign payment methods but one thing that’s still almost always required is a Japanese address. And that’s where tenso comes in. They will provide you for free with a Japanese address and phone number which you can use to register on almost any site. You can have your fan club stuff and purchased items sent to that address (the tenso warehouse) and they will then ship it to you. There are not a whole lot of shipping options available but that’s fine. Air Mail is definitely their best offer but if your package is too big you will end up having to choose EMS (which is quite pricey but typically very fast - not during the pandemic tho, at least not for Austria). A big advantage is the possibility to edit the package description. You can lower the value of your items to avoid import taxes and custom fees in your country. Please note that tenso does require an identity verification which might act as a deterrent but I can assure you, they are totally trust-worthy and reliable. I get a LOT of use out of them. Of course I have all my FC related stuff sent to their warehouse but tenso also came in handy for my orders on Tower Records Online, Animate Online and the Universal Shop/H-el-ical Shop/mu-mo Shop.
※ With the exception of the Universal Shop, I was able to pay at all the above mentioned stores with my foreign VISA.
2. Buyee
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Another staple and the very first proxy service I ever used. You will need them in all those places that do not accept foreign payment methods (there are still too many out there unfortunately). Their customer service is impeccable and I have never had issues with them. They have gone as far as to contact Japanese stores on my behalf even though it is not part of their usual service. They offer a very wide range of features and shipping options, their service fees are also not too high (although I will admit that they have slightly increased throughout the years). They operate on so many different Japanese online shops, it’s rare to find a big store that does not collaborate with them. Also, if you want to thrift Kalafina related items, THIS is your go-to service. Be it Yahoo Auctions, Mercari or Suruga-ya, you can use Buyee on all those sites. They even have their own English user-interface for some of the major Japanese online stores and you can take advantage of their browser add-on which makes shopping a lot easier. The only downside is that they will not allow edits to the package value so if you live in a bureaucratic country like myself with very strict tax and custom regulations, you will have to make sure to send your packages wisely or just expect to pay quite a lot of fees. This time I used them to order my Wakana cover album copies from Rakuten Books (I REALLY wanted their tokuten). Since Buyee offers the biggest variety of shipping options, I got these copies before anything else, they were here super fast.
※ It’s funny how I am able to register my credit card for Rakuten Pay in order to purchase music on mora.jp but I cannot use that very same credit card to actually buy stuff on Rakuten.
3. WorldShopping
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A fairly new service as far as I know but it seems like they are quickly expanding and trying to give Buyee a run for their money. Their banner has been popping up on almost all Japanese sites I have visited in the past few months but up until recently I wasn’t really feeling like trying a new service (I am always hesitant when it comes to new stuff). At least until I found myself in dire need of the Sofmap store specific tokuten for Wakana’s cover album XD. Unfortunately Sofmap does not accept foreign payment methods and Buyee also does not operate on their site so I took a leap of faith and made my purchase through WorldShopping since their banner looked so inviting. It was surprisingly straighforward since they are providing their own interface on the Japanese sites. I didn’t even have to go to the WorldShopping main page to register or anything before using the service. Their fees are acceptable but not exactly low. I was a little wary because I didn’t have a proper account but they did provide a link in the initial email where I could more or less keep track of everything. It took VERY long for my purchased item to be registered at their warehouse (for tenso and Buyee it takes around 1 day) and I didn’t get a notification email that it had arrived so those are not the best aspects of their service. The only shipping method they seem to offer is EMS (which again, is very pricey). Anyways, at the end of the day, my package arrived unscathed in Austria (including the tokuten) so I am a happy camper. While I will probably not be using their service regularly in the future I can still recommend WorldShopping to you with a clear conscience. But please keep in mind to check your status link regularly!
※ Please note that the WorldShipping interface in Japanese online shops overrides the site’s very own purchasing option so if you want to make an order using your own account with your tenso address and a domestic shipping method (let’s say in the mu-mo shop for example) you will have to deactive all WorldShopping services on the page.
4. HMV & BOOKS Online International Shipping
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Another first for me. I had no idea they offered international shipping so when I saw the little button on KEIKO’s Lantana page, I couldn’t resist. Since Amazon.co.jp is no longer an option for me, I was desperate to find other stores that offered international shipping and tokutens. Unfortunately, their international shipping service is not a very good replacement for Amazon.co.jp since it takes VERY long. I registered as a guest and made my order without any trouble. I expected them to ship the item on the release day (or the day prior) but that was not the case. I am almost entirely sure that they use a “hidden” proxy service but still promote it as direct shipping. Which is why the process is taking so long. I think it wasn’t until the fifth day after the release date that I finally received the shipping confirmation. Also, don’t get thrown off by weird phrasing in their e-mails. They kept saying that they had shipped “the first part of my order” when in fact there was only one part. Since they only offered EMS as shipping option it once again took quite a while for the package to get to me even though the shipping fee was very high (please note that EMS is typically very fast but as I mentioned earlier, COVID-19 has changed everything). Overall, I can’t really complain about their service, if you are willing to wait a while, HMV International Shipping is definitely worth a try. HMV always have some of the best tokutens so be sure to check it out.
※ I originally tried to register properly but that turned out to be quite complicated so I recommend registering as a guest just like I did.
5. CDJapan
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The first site I ever used to order Kalafina-items. I have never had issues with them. They are very reliable and of course the best thing is that they ship directly to your country. However, these days I hardly ever shop at CDJapan anymore because they rarely have tokutens. Also, items you purchase on their site will not be calculated into the daily and weekly sales data for Oricon music charts so that sucks. As you know, I want to support my girls as best as possible (and that means contributing to their chart numbers). Sometimes CDJapan do offer tokutens so they are definitely a viable option for foreign fans. They have lots of payment and shipping methods to choose from and typically their packages arrive very quickly. I bought Hikaru’s RE of “disclose” (only the LE came with tokutens) and one of my “Lantana” copies (CDJapan did in fact have a tokuten for that. YAY).
※ If for some reason, CDJapan isn’t your cup of tea or doesn’t work for you I think YESASIA is a good alternative. However, I haven’t used their service yet so I am not sure how reliable they are. They offer free shipping if your order total exceeds a certain amount so that’s definitely pretty neat!
6. Amazon.co.jp
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Amazon.co.jp has been very reliable for the past few years but this year they have really let me down. Just like HMV they do offer an international shipping service but theirs is actually a DIRECT shipping service and it’s SUPER fast. Also they estimate the import/customs fees of your respective country and they charge a deposit which they can use to pay the customs office to speed up the shipping procedure. If this doesn’t happen, packages will usually end up being stuck at customs for a very long time until they have been processed. Last but not least, they often have some of the coolest and most unique tokutens. These are all reasons why I loved to use them but it seems like the pandemic screwed things up for many foreign fans. When I was logged in and checking the product pages of the Kala-solo-releases, they would either show me that everything was out of stock from the get-go or no longer shippable to my country. However, when I wasn’t logged in and checked the Japanese version of the product page I saw that there were in fact still copies available. Now that the pre-order period is over they seem to have restocked a little bit and some versions have finally become available again for foreigners. For example, I could now technically order the LE of “Lantana” with a tokuten. I really wonder why that stuff wasn’t there when I needed it *grumbles*
※ I am not 100% sure if the pandemic caused all these issues but I kinda hope that was the reason because that would mean that next year things will hopefully work fine again. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
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piracytheorist · 3 years
A Kiss for Good Luck (14/16)
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Summary: So this is the story of one born lucky, and one born unlucky. Fate will keep making them cross paths, but is it to bring them together, or to test them? Captain Swan AU.
A/N: Would you look at that. The 14th chapter, which includes some fluff and general romantic feelings (and some angst, I mean, you know me), is being uploaded on Valentine’s Day. I swear I hadn’t planned any of that XD
Rating: T (make sure you’re okay with the warnings on AO3)
Word count for this chapter: 3.3k (51k in total) AO3
Read from the beginning: Tumblr | AO3
Chapter 14: Emma Swan and Killian Jones, June 23rd 2016
The sun has barely come out when Killian wakes up. For a moment he wonders if he dreamed the previous night, but his doubts wash away as he turns around on the couch, still in the clothes he wore the previous night. A thin sheet is on the floor next to him. He must’ve kicked it off in his sleep.
He gets up and walks to the door to his bedroom; it's half open and he can see Emma sleeping soundly on his bed. He leans on the door frame for a moment and watches her. He was too drunk the previous night for his brain to even fully register she'd come, let alone why.
Could she know? Did she figure it out too?
The lack of a headache despite his drinking the previous night leads him to think that yes, she did, and she made sure to rid herself of the luck as soon as she met him, just as he'd predicted.
He silently picks up fresh clothes and jumps in the shower. When he comes out, Emma has woken up and is tiredly leaning on the same door frame he was leaning before.
Killian takes a brisk step towards her, intending to kiss her, but she pulls back in time.
“Sorry,” Emma says. “It doesn't mean- it's not that I don't want to...”
He looks at her. “You know. You figured it out.”
She shrugs. “Same way you did.”
“I should have showed you where the water heater is last night. You want to take a shower?”
“That would be nice.”
He leans towards her again. “Will you allow me just this, so that I can be sure you won't slip in there and hit your head?”
“I came here to give you your luck back. It was yours to begin with.”
He sighs. “Can we have this discussion when we're both properly awake?"
She nods and he leaves a kiss on her cheek. Emma seems ready to complain, but is too jet-lagged to do so. He walks past her to his bedroom. “I'll bring you clean towels.”
Emma lets the warm water wash over her, finally feeling the exhaustion wear off a little. She's not surprised to hear the sound of something, probably a plate, breaking in the kitchen. Feeling guilty, she turns the water off and puts soap on.
She's already feeling much better. Is jet-lag all a matter of luck?
She wouldn't really know. In all her plane trips before she met Killian – officially – she was the one who was the lucky one.
She peeks briefly at Killian when she comes out. He's sitting on the couch, waiting with two cups of coffee on the table in front of him.
She puts on clean clothes and joins him, sitting next to him and preparing for a kiss.
He leans away a bit, but still smiling at her.
“You figured it out before you left,” she says. “That's why you skipped back through the queue to come kiss me.”
He lowers his head. “I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I'd left and knowingly taken the luck with me.”
“But you gave it to me, as if... as if it was so simple.”
“You would have done the same.” He looks at her. “Isn't that why you came here without saying anything?”
She suddenly remembers she should have cancelled her hotel reservation. It's too late now to have any chance for a refund, luck notwithstanding. “You did lie to me,” she says teasingly, staring into his eyes. “You were that pirate boy in that Halloween party.”
He sighs, smiling slightly. “I have no idea how I managed to lie so smoothly at that point.”
“Is that when you realized it? You covered it pretty well.”
“But you still knew there was something wrong.”
Of course she did. They were, somehow, an open book to each other.
“Do you remember the next time?” she asks.
“In that club in New York City.”
“I... I remember the gunshots,” she says in a low voice. She doesn't miss the slight twitch of his lips. “It was... it was you, wasn't it? And your girlfriend.”
Killian closes his eyes. He feels his head hurt, and that's certainly not from the current lack of luck.
Emma can't hold a sniffle back in time, and Killian immediately says, “It wasn't your fault.”
“It's so messed up. If I hadn't kissed you...”
“You asked me first.”
“I didn't ask you if you wanted-”
“Emma, please.” His voice is shaking, and it shuts her up. “You didn't know. And... Milah's loss, watching her being murdered... it hasn't healed completely.” He lifts his head to look at her. “It's enough to deal with by itself, I can't...”
He lowers his head again, and Emma bites at her lip, shaken by the pain written on his face. He's right. She shouldn't feel guilty over it, and even if she does, she can't burden him with it.
He takes a deep breath and looks at her again, face calmer now. “I think it would have happened anyway. You think all the times we met were a coincidence? We're from two different parts of the world, and we met three times before we even had the chance to catch each other's names. And we kissed in all of them.”
“You think it's just fate?”
“It's a cruel game she's played on us, but I can't find any logical explanation.”
“Could it be a test?”
“Of what?”
“Of who will be the first to run off with luck on their side.”
Killian thinks for a moment. “I hadn't thought of that. That sounds even more cruel, considering we'd have to steal the luck from each other. And with a kiss, no less.”
“I can't imagine what you must have been thinking after you kissed me at the airport.” She takes his hand in hers. “If there really is a test involved, I'm pretty sure you passed it.”
“Maybe it's long-term. Just yesterday a bird shat on my head.” He snorts a laugh. “A few too many of those and I would be back on a plane to Boston.”
“So... what do we do?” Emma says, but she's perfectly sure it's a question he's having as well.
“You won't settle on keeping the luck for yourself when you go back, will you?”
Her face crumbles, and he doesn't stop her when she captures his lips in hers.
“Not a chance,” she says and leans her head on his shoulder.
After a short silence, he says, “When did you figure it out?”
“Three days ago, I think.”
“And you came here that fast?” His voice raises in pitch.
“I couldn't stay still as soon as I knew. And well, I did buy a lottery ticket and, you know...”
He leans back a little to look at her. His expression is not that same smile that usually breaks her; it's sadder, with a pinch of surprise, but it has the same effect. He kisses her, but she leans back in when he tries to break off. They allow themselves a moment to kiss and not count, and then they look at each other lost.
“Who's got it now?” Killian asks.
Emma smiles. She wraps her arms around him.
“I can't leave without knowing you have it.”
“You know, I've had some time to think about it.” He wraps his own arm around her and kisses the top of her head. “And I've had a few theories.”
“Such as?”
He leans a bit back so they can see each other again. “I think the longer one stays lucky, the worse the bad luck hits later.”
“You think that is? I've had the bad luck longer, but you've had it worse. It would make sense.”
“Swan, you can't compare the two.”
“You're the one comparing.”
“I'm comparing the individual situations, not which one of us has had it worse.”
“It wasn't always good for me, you know that. But I never had to lose anyone.”
Killian's face falls a little.
“How could you do it? How could you give me your luck thinking that you could be endangering the life of someone you love?”
“Stop calling it 'my' luck,” he says softly.
“It was yours first.”
He gives her an incredulous look, but then his face turns thoughtful. “It was a last-moment decision. At first I thought it was just us meeting, I don't know why it took me so long to figure out it was with a kiss that it swapped.”
“When I reached the checkpoint, I found a banknote and I realized I was still lucky, despite what I'd originally thought.”
“And you came back to kiss me.”
He nods.
She sighs. “Both so stubbornly selfless.”
He takes his arm away so that he can hold her hand. “Do you remember when I called you for New Year's?”
“How could I forget?” she says, smiling.
“When I saw how you were at first, I promised myself I'd never let you experience anything like that again. And with that in mind, I couldn't leave you unlucky.”
“But, your family...”
He shakes his head. “Is it really a surprise you found me like that last night?”
Her eyes widen. “Did something happen?”
“No, thankfully. Not to us, at least.” To her unspoken question, he answers, “The detective who helped with my case, you remember some trials I told you about?”
“What happened?”
“He was shot, he's in a coma now, and Nemo happened to be the one fostering his twelve-year-old daughter.”
“That's too many coincidences.”
“I talked to him, to Nemo, about all this.”
“You did?! Did he believe you?”
He smiles a little. “This isn't Hollywood, love. He's known me for half my life. Though I was surprised when he immediately trusted I wasn't going nuts. So we talked about it, and we can't see any reason why the detective getting shot has any connection to us. But I can't stop thinking about it.”
“Hm. Anything else?”
“Aside from occasionally getting stuck in traffic, or broken elevators, or stepping on dog shit, not much. At least I was prepared to be unlucky this time.”
“Well, now I am too.” She sits up straight, as if to prove her point. “Prepared, I mean.”
“It's my time to be incredibly selfless.”
“You've been unlucky the longest. You deserve some more time to relax.”
“But you said that the bad luck hits back harder. So next time for me it will be worse than you've been having it now.”
He pauses. He didn't consider that. He hadn't actually considered there would be a next time.
“So, how are we going to do this?”
“Do what?”
She points between the two of them. “Be together. Try to keep it balanced.”
“You still want to be with me?” His face betrays his disbelief.
She wraps her arms around his neck again. “Of course I do. Why do you think I came all this way?”
“Emma... you don't- you didn't expect what you saw last night. I'm relapsing. And it's not the first time I do.”
“We can work with that.” She brushes her hand through his hair.
“You don't deserve that.”
“I don't care. You don't deserve going back to drinking, either. You were willing to leave me with good luck, forever.” She puts her palm on his cheek. “I want to know you'll be okay. And I want to help, if I can. Was that why you were pulling away?”
“Not exactly... maybe, in part. I was hoping you'd lose interest, so you'd never risk getting unlucky again. I went back to drinking in an effort to protect my family.”
“How would that help?”
“I've been a walking jinx. I hoped that I could make them disgust me so they'd stay away from me.”
“Oh, Killian...”
“I failed miserably. They love me too much for their own good.”
“I know this sounds weird, but I'd gladly be the asshole and run away with the luck on my side if you promised to never try something like that again.”
He smiles a little. “Bad fortune leading to character development?”
“So that's what it was all about!” she teases. “Fate wanted us to be deeply layered humans. How kind of her.”
They laugh half-heartedly. At least they have each other in this.
“So what do you think this is?” she says. “Fate toying with us?”
“I have a theory about that too. We have one day difference between our birthdays, right?”
“But I was born here. You in the United States. What if it's not really one day? What if it's just a few hours?” He shrugs slightly. “What if there's no actual difference at all?”
Emma thinks for a moment. “I remember seeing my birth certificate. I was born at night, around ten, eleven?”
Killian nods. “It would be three or four in the morning here then. I was born very early in the morning. I don't remember the hour exactly-”
“You wouldn't,” Emma says with a cheeky smile.
Killian laughs lightly. “I've happened to have seen my birth certificate too, you know. And it was very early too. I think my mother said she'd woken up in the middle of the night and my... father took her to the hospital.”
“So you think we were born at the exact same time? Or moment, at least?”
“It wouldn't be hard to check. I think it was all fate's doing, after that. It kept throwing things into our lives so we'd lean towards each other's path.”
“Until we finally had the chance to actually get each other's names.” She leans closer to him.
“Quite a cruel game it played on us, but maybe now we can at least achieve some normalcy.”
“Tell me about it. After everything we've been through, it's so hard to just accept the good things.”
“Aye. You get used to things going well, then you kiss a stranger and suddenly you lose everything.”
Killian doesn't mean any malice with his words, she knows, but Emma nearly feels her heart break. After she kissed him at that Halloween party, she did lose everything. But he doesn't know how much it meant to her, especially through her darkest moments, to remember the way that pirate boy looked at her. So much that fifteen years later that same look had the same effect.
Was she just a stranger that destroyed his life to him?
“Hey, hey,” Killian says. “That's not what I meant at all.”
“What?” She looks up lost, realizing her eyes are full of tears.
He smiles softly, that damn smile of his. “I told you, I truly believe it was fate that brought us together. Our luck would have swapped sides no matter what, at one point or another. Fate made our paths cross, but I am bloody well glad it was you I had to meet.”
What the fuck, she thinks, that's so sweet.
He's always so good with words. She just kisses him again, then sighs. “We'll have to get used to that too.”
“The thought that every kiss comes with a consequence.”
He holds her tighter. “It's a cross we'll bear together.”
He looks down. “If I came to live in Boston, would you help me until I get a job and an apartment?”
“You would come with me?”
“What did you have in mind?”
“I... I thought we could settle for like, visiting each other every few months or so. Otherwise, we'll have to count kisses every day, going after the other to pass on our luck...”
He brings his hand up to caress her cheek, not missing how she now called it 'their' luck. “Kissing, as physical touch, is a love language. Giving each other luck can be kind of the same.”
They lean into each other's embrace. It's amazing how easier it is now that the truth is out, despite what it might mean for their relationship.
“Are you serious about moving? You want to come live in Boston?”
“I've made enough snap decisions to know a serious one when I see it.”
Emma feels her heart soar. He's willing to move countries just to be with her, after he'd condemned himself to a lifetime of bad luck for her sake. She kisses him again and sighs. The thought of having him by her side, and not just count on right scheduling and phone screens to have him close...
A sudden idea jumps at her right as Killian's phone rings. He stands up to take it, and Emma starts wondering. Norway is very close from here. Why should it be Killian who has to move across the Atlantic?
Killian picks up his phone.
“Good morning,” Killian says.
“Killian? Are you alright?” Nemo says.
“Aye, I'm fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Nemo, I'm alright.” He looks at Emma and smiles. A bit more than alright.
“Are you available? I need you to pick up Alice from school when she's done and look after her for the evening. If you're not okay...”
Killian suppresses a sigh. “I can do that. Don't worry. Everything alright?”
“Yeah. John needs some help at the office today.”
And he doesn't trust Killian. Nothing unexpected, if he's honest – though it's surprising that Nemo trusts him with taking care of the girl.  “Mind if I bring some company? Emma surprised me with a visit.”
“Emma? She's here? Does she... know?”
Nemo is silent for a moment, but eventually says, “You'll tell me all about it later. She can come, of course.”
“Thank you. Could you also cook? There's meat and peas in the fridge, they just need to be cooked in a pan.”
“I will. No problem.”
“Thank you, Killian.”
Killian hangs up and looks at Emma; she's stood up and is looking at his old framed family photo.
She smiles at him. “Your mother and brother?”
“Aye. It's the only picture I've got of them.” He looks at it, sighing deeply. “You recognized me?”
Her smile turns into a smirk. “Would you recognize me? You're lucky I don't have- Ugh.”
He catches her meaning. “Am I?” He kisses her temple. “Or maybe now?”
She looks back at the picture. She's not surprised his biological father isn't depicted anywhere, even as an addition to the original. “Your mother was very beautiful. Was red her natural hair colour?”
He smiles a little. “I like to think that's where I got the ginger beard from.”
She wraps her arm around his, then her free hand takes his. She looks at the other photo, the one of his new family, with both fathers and both siblings. And then yet another one, with him and the one who's most possibly Milah. After a moment of silence she asks, “Where are we going?”
“To my fathers' house.”
She smiles widely. “Meeting the parents already?”
Killian laughs lightly. “They'll be busy today and Nemo asked me if I can take care of the girl he's fostering.” He squeezes her hand in his. “Though I would like you to meet them too.”
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lady-wallace · 3 years
Unicorns (Good Omens)
After all that whump, I thought it was time for a crack fic.
This was based off a conversation with Cafelatte100, I hope you enjoyed the results XD Read on Ao3
Read on FF.net ~~~~~~~~~
"You know what I haven't seen in a few, well, millennia, angel?" Crowley commented one afternoon. "Unicorns."
Aziraphale looked up at him, blinking, having only been vaguely listening to the demon as he was currently looking through a few new aquisitions. "What was that, dear?"
"Unicorns," Crowley said with a shrug. "Haven't seen any of those. Still the national animal of Scotland, but yet no one really believes in them. Where'd they all go?"
"Oh, er, well…" Aziraphale said, putting his book down and picking up his tea. "You remember when Noah built his ark?"
"Yeah, great big thing. Lots of rain," Crowley muttered, shuddering like a raindrop had dripped down his spine. "Had to stay in Hell for months."
"Well…only one unicorn made it on the ark. Remember? You spotted the other one running away."
Crowley blinked and looked at him incredulously. "So? One still got on the boat, yeah?"
"But it was just a male unicorn," Aziraphale said.
"What's that got to do with it?" Crowley demanded.
"Why, because only females can reproduce, Crowley," Aziraphale said. "That's how biology works."
The demon frowned at him, brows knit tight.
"And, you need a male and a female to bring a new life into the world, of course," Aziraphale added. "Hence why Adam had Eve."
"So…you're saying the unicorns died out because there was only one left?" Crowley asked. "But I always thought…well…I dunno."
Aziraphale glanced over at him, a sudden realization occurring to him. "Wait a moment, Crowley. You…do you even know how reproduction works?"
"Course I know!" Crowley replied defensively, folding his arms across his chest. "What is there to it? Baby shows up in a basket."
"Oh," Aziraphale said with realization, biting his lip. "Er, well, no, Crowley. That's not really what happens…"
The demon frowned. "What do you mean that's not what happens? I delivered a baby myself, I should know, angel."
The angel ran a weary hand over his face, refraining from a sigh. "No that was…oh dear. You're telling me that all this time on earth, among humans, and you know nothing about, er, reproduction and how it….hem…happens?"
"Well, I guess not," Crowley huffed, slumping back. "Why don't you tell me then, oh wise angel?"
That was when Aziraphale realized he was in a bit of a bind. He could tell Crowley the truth, and probably end up making the demon feel uncomfortable, or he could tell him some sort of fabrication that would pass as the truth and allow his friend to continue in his innocence.
One look at the demon's eager face across from him left Aziraphale with only one option. Lying, of course, was a sin, but it was for the best in this case, and Aziraphale would lie to preserve Crowley's innocent, albeit demonic, soul.
"Well…" the angel began, gears shifting in his head as he thought about what human parents might tell their children when faced with the same question. "You see, when two people love each other very much…er…"
"Wait, love has something to do with it?" Crowley demanded. "Do animals love each other then?"
"Er….hem…" Aziraphale bit his lip. "This is purely by human standards, dear. But…yes, I believe that most animals love each other, just not…oh dear. Perhaps that wasn't the right way to put it, ignore that…er, let me see."
He felt flustered under the demon's pointed gaze, afraid he would be caught out in his lie and it would be even worse when he had to explain the truth later.
"All I mean is to say that when a mother and father decide they wish to have a child, they…they call in to the, er, baby handlers."
"Baby handlers," Crowley repeated dryly.
"Yes! Like what you did when you delivered the antichrist," Aziraphale said, latching on to this idea. "And then after nine months they will deliver the baby."
"It takes nine bloody months to get a baby?" Crowley demanded.
"Well, for humans, yes. Not always for animals. But they're living things, Crowley, it's not like ordering a new shirt. Babies take…more tailoring." Aziraphale could practically feel the hole he was digging himself into. This was already a mess, and utterly ridiculous. Surely Crowley couldn't be buying this.
"What about the cabbage patches?" the demon asked suddenly.
"Uh, er," Aziraphale fumbled, realizing Crowley must have heard something about that silly story that parents usually told their children. Hopefully he wouldn't be asking about storks next. "Well, I suppose if you want to pick your own baby, you might find one there."
"Never seen a baby in a cabbage patch," Crowley muttered. "Bit weird, isn't it? Maybe for those organic types…"
"Well, they're very special kinds of cabbage patches, and you have to want a baby before you'll see one there," Aziraphale rambled, hoping that there would be a point where he could change the subject soon.
"But why is it that the mother gets all round then?" Crowley demanded.
"Oh, er….it's part of nesting!" Aziraphale quickly said. "You know, like birds." "Birds sit on eggs."
"Yes, they don't have to worry about deliveries or cabbage patches. Their babies grow in eggs."
"Seems more efficient," Crowley muttered. "Why don't all animals and humans lay eggs?"
Aziraphale frowned, actually thinking about it. "Well…I…don't know. I suppose you do have a bit of a point about that."
"More logical," Crowley shrugged. "Should have consulted me about it." He was silent for a second then said. "What about orphans then? Where do they come from? If it's so difficult to go about ordering a baby and waiting so long for it to get there, why would someone do it if you didn't want one?"
"Well, some of them, their parents died," Aziraphale said. "The rest…er…well, you know how sometimes something you order gets lost in the post and never shows up?"
"Well, that's where orphans come from," Aziraphale said, and took a deep gulp of tea, his throat dry from all the desperate thinking.
Crowley sat there for a long second, looking like he was pondering something. "So that's really where babies come from?"
Aziraphale nodded. "Yep. Indeed, that is where babies come from."
"Huh," Crowley said, sitting back and taking up his tea again. "Always thought it had something to do with sex."
Aziraphale choked into his teacup and spent the next couple minutes getting his breath back. "Y-you…"
"But I'm sure an angel would know better than me," Crowley grinned suddenly. "I feel better about it now."
Aziraphale dabbed his lips and stared balefully at the demon sitting across from him.
There were a few times in their long and varied history, that he truly had to question why they were friends.
Now was one of those times.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Good Omens (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens) Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Slow Dancing
Gift Fics again!  This time for @ladyoutlier​ set to Earth Angel!  Aziraphale has a bad day, but Crowley is there to cheer him up.  I wanted to write some fluffy softness as a balm for that 1992 script today.  I’m so glad we live in the good timeline xD
Today had not been kind to Aziraphale.  Not in the slightest bit.
He had a meeting around noon with a local rare book dealer about a particular first edition he’d been seeking for quite a while.  They’d agreed to meet at a cafe local to the dealer at 3 on the dot. Aziraphale, being ever punctual, had arrived at 2:30. Nothing wrong with having a spot of cocoa and a scone while he waited; and he was always on the lookout for new places to drag Crowley to.  He made it inside just a few minutes before the rain started outside.
Things had gone off the rails almost immediately.  The hot cocoa was made with hot water , thin and tasteless, with a dollop of whipped cream from a can floating sadly in the center.  But Aziraphale was always an optimist, and he suffered through it, for the sake of the baristas.  He didn’t want to inconvenience them.
He’d gotten a cranberry orange scone, and it hadn’t been much better.  Far too crumbly, he could barely pick it up without it falling apart. And the ratio of scone to fruit was ridiculous.  He counted two cranberries in the entire scone, and he was pretty sure whoever made it had forgotten the orange entirely.
He was silently seething as the clock struck three, the book dealer still nowhere in sight.  He decided to take a look at the papers in the meantime, but the only ones left in the shop were from two weeks prior.  He thought to himself that beggars were the last ones to be choosers and read the same stories he already knew about, contemplating one of those ‘smart phones’ Crowley was always trying to get him to buy.
By the time 3:30 rolled around, he’d read the paper cover to cover at least three times.  He folded it and tossed it on the table, with his barely-drunk cocoa and hardly-touched scone.  Aziraphale hadn’t brought a book with him this time; his tendency to get absorbed wasn’t always appreciated in these meetings, and he didn’t want to be off-putting to this new potential source.  It had been so long since he’d found a new dealer to work with, and the older ones were starting to dwindle in their offerings anyway. He settled for people watching, and throwing a few minor miracles around to those passing who needed them.
By 4:30 he decided the dealer would be a no-show, and resigned himself to the long walk back to the bookshop.  The rain, at least, had let up by this point. He hadn’t thought to bring an umbrella, and that would’ve just made things worse.
At five he was about a block away from the bookshop, ready to be home with Crowley and forget about this entire day and fruitless endeavors, when a lorry slammed through a puddle on the road, splashing him from head to toe.  He stopped in place and heaved a sigh, this day just wouldn’t let him off the hook.
It should be noted that even the best of us are susceptible to a bad day.  Even angels and even demons. Aziraphale has weathered his fair share of them - you don’t live on Earth for six thousand years without encountering a few.  This particular day paled in comparison to most of the ones he’d had, but sometimes even the kindest, nicest, and most put-together people will succumb to a string of innocuous bad events and sink into what is professionally known as a “funk”.
This is the state we find Aziraphale in as he returns to the bookshop.  Dejected, soaking wet, and downright depressed. He unlocks the door, snapping his fingers quickly to rid himself of the water.  It wouldn’t do to drip all over the floors, the old wood wouldn’t take kindly to it. Despite this, he still feels chilled to the bone and a bit damp.  Drying miracles never quite manage to get all of the water out.
He climbs the stairs to their tiny shared flat on the second floor.  It’s small, but it’s home, and it’s just enough for them. Before he gets to the second step he can already smell it.  Tomatoes, basil, garlic, mushrooms. Crowley must be making pasta tonight. Aziraphale loves it when Crowley cooks for him.  He’s been learning, which had surprised Aziraphale at first. A Crowley completely free from the confines of head office had turned out to be quite the romantic.  Candlelit dinners, lots of sweet nothings, and the clingiest cuddle-bug that Aziraphale had ever known (and he had known Wilde and been drunk with him).
The smell only gets stronger as he climbs the stairs, lifting his spirits ever so slightly.  But the weight of the day is still heavy on his shoulders as he opens the door to the flat.
“Angel, that you?” he hears Crowley call out from the kitchen.  Some kind of bebop is playing on the little radio there by the sink.  Something about Sunday’s and wasted years.
“Yes; was a bit of a mess, I’m afraid,” Aziraphale says as he hangs his coat on the little angel wing hook by the door.  (Crowley had thought it quite hilarious right after moving in. The other hook, currently holding a very flash black suit jacket, is a devil tail.)  He slips his shoes off and puts them on the rack, turning to see Crowley leaning on the door frame of their little kitchen-slash-dining room, tea towel slung over his shoulder, bright red hair up in a messy half bun
“Deal didn’t go through then?” Crowley says, brows laced with concern.  He knows how Aziraphale gets, especially by now. It’s been years since that fateful August day when they stood side by side on an old airstrip and faced down the forces of Heaven and Hell with a scrappy group of humans.  
Crowley crosses over and wraps his arms around Aziraphale, placing a kiss into his hairline, “do I need to find the scumbag and stage a little demonic intervention?”
Aziraphale manages a slight chuckle as he nuzzles his face into Crowley’s neck.  “No, I don’t think so, dearest. The dealer never showed.”
“The scumbag,” Crowley says with absolutely zero bite behind it, “I’ll curse him myself.”
“None of that, foul fiend.” Aziraphale says with infinite fondness.  It’s been a long time since either of them have done anything truly in line with their respective sides.  
Crowley absently runs a hand soothingly up and down the angel’s back.  “Still, something else is on your mind, I can always tell.”
“Yes, I suppose so,” Aziraphale sighs, “just several bad things all piling together.”
“Well,” Crowley pulls back and kisses Aziraphale quickly on the nose, “you’re not allowed to be sad because I made pasta, and you love pasta, and you love me.”  Crowley rests his forehead against Aziraphale’s, touching their noses together. The intimacy of the action still takes Aziraphale’s breath away to this day.
Crowley kisses him quickly, then turns and makes his way back to the kitchen.  Aziraphale follows close behind, sinking into one of the tiny bistro chairs of the little dining set they managed to fit into the corner.  The rain has started back up outside, and Aziraphale leans his chin on his hand to stare out the window at it for a little bit.
Aziraphale doesn’t think he has a right to be this sad; everyone has bad days and he’s had much worse than this.  Lots of their neighbors around Soho have had a worse day than he has, he can’t hear their prayers persay, but he can feel the general shape of their hopes and fears.  And yet, he just can’t shake it.
A sharp yelp from the oven startles Aziraphale out of his thoughts.  Crowley’s burned himself on the pan for the garlic bread, like he always does.  He watches Crowley move around the kitchen, so steady and self-assured. Falling into domesticity has been so easy, so natural.  Almost like breathing. Crowley keeps swaying to the music on his radio, testing noodles and stirring sauce. He stares down the sauce and adds just a pinch more garlic powder to it, before giving it a stir and tasting it.  “Angel, I’ve done it again!” He says as he punches the air. They both know he’ll hardly eat any of it, but he relishes being able to do this for Aziraphale
“That’s lovely dearest,” Aziraphale says with his chin still in his hand.
Crowley smiles at him, tossing the towel back over his shoulder as he swaggers over to the table, “what is it, dove, like what you see?”
“You know I always do, darling.”  He smiles at Crowley as the demon takes both of his hands.
“Still feeling down, Angel?”  Aziraphale just nods at him. “Well that won’t do, c’mon, up you get.”  He pulls Aziraphale to his feet before shooting a glare at the radio. The bebop playing cuts out abruptly and switches to a very smooth piano beat.
Crowley winks at him, “dance with me, love?”
“Crowley what on Earth?” Aziraphale rolls his eyes and does his best to suppress the smile attempting to creep across his face, “you know I can only dance the gavotte.”
“No gavotte here, Angel, just swaying in the kitchen.”  Crowley guides Aziraphale’s hand to his shoulder before gently placing his own on the small of the angel’s back.  He presses their cheeks together and starts to sing along softly with the man on the radio.
“Earth angel, earth angel, will you be mine?  My darling dear, love you all the time. I’m just a fool, a fool in love with you.”
They sway back and forth, as far as the tiny kitchen will allow.  Aziraphale can feel his nerves and anxieties calming; safe here in his demon’s arms.  They sway and they spin, and he giggles as Crowley keeps singing to him.
“Earth angel, earth angel, the one I adore.  Love you forever and ever more. I’m just a fool, a fool in love with you.”
“Crowley, dear, you’re such a hopeless romantic sometimes.” Aziraphale places a tender kiss to the little snake tattoo by Crowley’s ear.
“Not hopeless if I got you in the end, Angel,” Crowley says, nuzzling into the angel’s cheek before nuzzling into the angel’s cheek.  “I fell for you and I knew the vision of your loveliness.”
Crowley grips his hand tightly before spinning him around and bringing him back even closer.
“I hope and I pray that someday I’ll be the vision of your happiness.”
“Oh my dearest,” Aziraphale says, resting his head on Crowley’s shoulder, breathing deeply, perfectly at peace, “you always have been.”  They sway slowly from side to side, not really dancing anymore so much as just existing.
Aziraphale feels the stresses of the day melting away from him, safe and content in Crowley’s arms.  Where he was always meant to be. As the song fades out they hold each other close, pasta miraculously fine still sitting on the stove waiting for this moment to end (it wouldn’t dare burn, not when Crowley is in the room).  The final notes of the song drift through the air as Aziraphale leans up to whisper into Crowley’s ear, “I’m just a fool, a fool in love with you.”
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thenorsiest · 4 years
Tagged by @incorrectly-quoted-queers Thank you my friend :). Tagging @ Anyone at all who wants to do this! by all means say I tagged you!
Long post ahead! 
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
2. A food you never eat?
Haggis (never tried it)
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
Too warm but I can’t stand being cold. 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
Theo’s peanut butter cups (I go for Fair trade chocolate when possible)
6. Have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
huh, I don’t think I have actually. 
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
Hi baby! -to my dog upon entering the house. He’s so full of love and happiness, how can I not?
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
I’m so basic but Vanilla! 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Iced Coffee! I had to go into town and I haven’t had good coffee in over two months, so I treated myself. 
10. Do you like your wallet?
Functionally, Yes. Aesthetically, No.  
11. What was the last thing you ate?
Eggs with cheese
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
13. The last sporting event you watched?
My Partner loves The Titan Games and I love Dwayne Johnson so... 
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to?
My boss actually, I have to go back to work this coming monday :X (bit anxious)
16. Ever go camping?
17. Do you take vitamins?
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
I’m not religious but I have a friend who’s been searching for a new church and she doesn’t like going alone so when she asked I went with her and tried to be a respectful observer. It was a good experience thankfully :)
19. Do you have a tan?
Compared to my partner yes! 
but no. 
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Chinese, give me those spices! 
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
Black for work. Tend to be barefoot at home. 
23. Ever drive above the speed limit?
24. What terrifies you?
A lot of things, how much time you got? 
25. Look to your left what do you see?
A book, some drawing supplies, and my humidor. 
26. What chore do you hate?
I prefer to think of the positive. I love making my bed. No really, I can go on a poetic rant about how good it makes me feel to see my made bed. How much I love peeling back the blankets to see my navy blue sheets that are as deep and inviting as the ocean. I love the small accomplishment I feel when I’m done and how much the cat adores sprawling on it when I’m finished just makes me feel happy. 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
Hanna Gadsby, watched Nanette on Netflix not long ago and it makes me cry. 10/10 queer recommended. 
28. What is your favorite soda?
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through?
I’m trying to cook at home right now. 
30. Who was the last person you talked to?
My partner. He always kisses me goodbye in the morning before he leaves for work. I always tell him to drive safe. <3
31. Favorite cut of beef?
32. Last song you listened to?
Queen- I want to break free
33. Last book you read?
Currently reading “Erotic stories for Punjabi widows” its a fiction, not erotica, but the women in it do write erotic stories so consider it Explicit ;)
34. Favorite day of the week?
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
36. How do you like your coffee?
Iced, strong, and fair-trade if possible. 
37. Favorite pair of shoes?
I’m a fall kinda girl, I’ve got five different pairs of boots and they’re all my favorite XD. 
38. At what time do you usually go to bed?
Working- 11ish, Quarantined- ???
39. At what time do you normally get up?
7 (my internal clock refuses to allow me any variance regardless of when I go to bed.)
40. What do you prefer - sunrises or sunsets?
Sunrises! I’m one of those weird morning people. 
41. How many blankets are on your bed?
One sheet, one quilt, one comforter. 
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
We had a bottle of rum my partner’s mother brought us from Cuba! It was delicious, smooth and unfortunately ran out too quickly. 
44. Do you play cards?
45. What color is your car?
Idk why but this feels too personal... 
46. Can you change a tire?
YES (cue picture of Rosie the riveter saying “we can do it!”)
47. What is your favorite province?
I live in the US so I’ll say a state... umm... huh... we all have our faults don’t we? 
48. Favorite job you ever had?
My current one. 
49. How did you get your biggest scar?
oh, uh, well actually I had a tumor in my arm that needed to be removed last year. 
50. What did you do today that made someone happy?
Hopefully telling the cashier to have a good day and being a nice customer. I worked customer service and always appreciated when people were kind. Texting my mom and my partner that I love them. Offering a good morning message to my discord group? Here’s hoping those little things made an impact. 
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
How old are you? >> 33.
Do you live in North America? >> Yes.
Do you love dogs? >> I do love dogs. I teeter on the fence constantly about whether I would actually want to take custody of one or not, though. What I truly want is a trained support dog -- not a full service dog, because I don’t need that level of assistance, but I guess “emotional support animal” is the term I’m looking for even though that’s gotten a bit fraught lately. Once I saw a video (which was weird to watch because it felt a bit voyeuristic, but hey) where a person was having a meltdown and the dog came and prevented them from harming themselves, and I think I could greatly benefit from that as opposed to having to hope that Can Calah (who has no real power over the body 99.8% of the time) can stop me.
Were you finished childhood and teens when Harry Potter movies came out? >> The first movie came out in 2001, which means I was 14 at the time.
Did you keep all your VHS tapes? >> I never had any.
Do you think Jack Nicholson is a good actor? >> I don’t have an opinion.
Have you ever watched an episode of “The Honeymooners”? >> I’ve watched a fair bit of it, because of the New Year’s marathons.
Have you ever owned a pair of high-top Converse? >> No, Converse shoes are uncomfortable for me.
Do you have rain boots with a cute pattern on them? >> No, I just have a pair with white polka dots because that was all I could find at the store at that time. I want to get a cute pair at some point but I keep forgetting (and I use them so infrequently that it doesn’t even seem to matter now -- snow boots are far more important here).
Would you rather eat an apple or an orange right now? >> Apple. We’re out of them, though.
Would you rather do a cartwheel on land or a backflip in water? >> I can’t do a backflip, anyway. So, cartwheel by default.
Have you ever performed on stage in front of people? >> Yeah, many times.
Were you kinda scared of the goths in high school? >> I wanted to be the goths. Unfortunately, I had very little control over what I was allowed to wear, do, or listen to, so...
What size is your mattress? (single,twin,double,queen,king) >> Twin.
Do you eat foods from all 4 food groups everyday? >> No.
Would you rather watch a movie in theater or at home? >> Right now, at home 100%. Usually there will be a few movies that I would choose to see in-theater because I want the big-screen experience, and also because I like making An Event out of things sometimes by having to actually go out somewhere to experience them.
Do you prefer brown or white rice? >> I use white rice most often. I’m not sure if brown rice would taste the same in coconut rice (which is the kind of rice I eat most often)... should try it sometime just to see.
Do you like spaghetti? >> Not especially.
What about lasagna? >> It’s all right sometimes. I just don’t eat a lot of pasta, period.
Do you celebrate Christmas? >> Yes.
Is your Thanksgiving celebrated in October too? >> No, this country’s Thanksgiving is in November.
Do you like chocolate bars? >> Not usually.
what about ice cream? >> I don’t dislike ice cream as much as I just never have a taste for it (and I’m particular about flavour).
Have you ever been stung by anything?What was it? >> No.
Do you have GOD-GIVEN(not dyed) natural brown hair too? >> I do have natural brown hair.
Or were you born blonde? >> Not even close.
Have you found a gray hair on your head or body before? >> Yeah, I have several greys. I can’t wait to grow more, it’s my favourite hair colour.
Have you ever had any suspicious moles removed? >> No.
Have you ever been screened for STDs? >> Yeah.
Are all your wisdom teeth pulled? >> No, I still have them all. The dentist suggested getting them pulled because one of them was starting to have an issue of some sort, but like... “starting to have an issue” (and only one of them, besides) isn’t enough motivation for me to get four whole teeth pulled.
Did you have your tonsils taken out? >> No.
Did you have your appendix taken out? >> No.
How many kidneys do you have?(have you donated one?) >> I haven’t donated a kidney.
Would you(to save someone)? >> If it was viable, sure, why not.
If you were dying of starvation, would you eat another human? >> I can’t imagine what it would be like to be starving, so I can’t rightly say what I would do. That sort of extreme survival situation turns you into a whole different person, I can’t speak for myself in that state until I actually know what it’s like. (I have no current moral objections to it, though, so I’m assuming I’d have less trouble eating a person than someone who finds it repugnant in normal circumstances.)
Have you ever found a bug or slug in your salad? >> No.
Do you like Harry Potter? >> I thought it was all right. I liked certain characters and plot concepts, specifically, and mostly ignored the rest of them (including... the main characters, lol). Now I have even less interest in it after watching JKR get radicalised in real time, not gonna lie. (Still reppin’ Slytherin from Malfoy Manor, though! :p)
What about Twilight? >> I never got into that, the first book bored me.
How do you feel about Lord of the rings? >> I think it’s an amazing and intricate and delightful story. But I didn’t read it, lmao. Too much book and far too much exposition in said book for my interests. The movies are what I’m into.
Are you going to see ‘The Hobbit’ when it comes out? >> I saw the whole trilogy. I never did get around to reading the book, but I’ll probably do so eventually (after my reread of Silmarillion, which comes first!).
Do you have a glass that says 'Molson Canadian’ on it? >> I don’t. I have a glass that says “Guinness” on it, though. And my name.
Do you have any collector’s glasses or cups or mugs? >> No.
Would you rather have a white fridge or a black fridge or a stainless steel fridge? >> Black or stainless steel, I’m quite done with white fridges and I never want to see one again.
Do you have a wide foot or a narrow foot or just average? >> I assume my foot is average.
Do you bite your nails when you’re stressed? >> No, I’m a picker.
Do you have to take an allergy pill daily in order to live normally? >> No, I don’t have allergies.
Are you on the birth control pill? >> Yeah. It’s more like the dysphoria control pill, for me.
Or are you trying to get pregnant? >> I would never.
You’d rather wear black sneakers or sneakers in a bright color or pattern? >> Black, because they’d match with everything I have. I’m sometimes tempted to get funky sneakers but the novelty wears off so quickly.
Has anyone ever told you they were attracted to you? >> Sure.
Are you going to drink alcohol tonight? >> Most likely not. Also, I’m a day-drinker, not a night-drinker, because I don’t like things messing with my sleep.
Have you ever heard of the Canadian kids show called “Mr.Dressup”? >> No. But I’m so glad Lane got to take a survey that had Canadian stuff in it instead of being inundated with common USian bullshit for once xD
What about the kids show “Fred Penner’s Place”? >> ---
Did you hate Sesame Street when you were little too? >> I didn’t.
Were you born perfectly healthy or with some(or a lot) of health issues? >> I can’t recall having any health problems whatsoever as a child.
What are those 'said’ health issues? >> ---
Do you collect DVDs? >> No.
Do you download music? >> No.
Or do you still go to stores and buy CDs? >> I haven’t bought a CD in at least a decade.
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Do you believe in any conspiracy theories? some
What trends do you refuse to give in to? basically all of them What types of perfume/cologne do you like on your preferred sex? none How do you get rid of anxiety? wish I knew! Are you a more of a homebody, or someone who’s always out with friends? homebody Are you materialistic? been told - in a sentimental way, not rich way Would you consider yourself open-minded? no Is there anything in your life right now that needs fixing? my body/mind Would you say that the simple things in life make you happy? they make me smile, I enjoy them Do you come up with your own words or sayings often? yes What’s the first thing you think of when I say ‘pearl necklace’?
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Gummi worms: Yay or nay? nay What do you do when you have ‘me time’? why after the question before it sounds so... ekhem... What’s your opinion on Weird Al Yankovic? I liked his SW song Have you ever met someone online that you wanted to meet in real life? yup and met but only one person When was the last time you entertained yourself with shadow puppets?  not that long time ago tbh as I like to do that randomly :D
What do you think S.H.C. stands for? school lmfao
Have you ever heard of Salad Fingers? mhm *I like rusty spoons
How do you feel about oldies (50’s-70’s) music? depends on the song
Ford or Dodge?  Ford What’s your favorite element: fire, earth, wind or water? I think that most spectacular, in a movie/book, is fire, then wind, earth is most lame but I still dislike water, when it comes to real life then eart would be most interesting instead hahaha but I’m either wind or earth probably 
Do you visit craft/hobby stores often? nope
How do you feel about spiked collars?  cool
What’s keeping you from going after the person you like? I’ve been writing about it plenty of times...
Who/what brings out the best in you? depends on your definition of “best”
Have you ever watched or read A Clockwork Orange? no and don’t want/plan to
How do you feel about plastic pink flamingos? love
Do you like your ice cream super frozen or somewhat melted? in between
Fill in the blanks: I wish _____ knew _____. I wish I knew what’s wrong with me and how to fix it. I wish I knew what’s good and bad and what I should do. I wish I knew who I am and what I want/need. 
Do you enjoy playing with magnets? :3 I collect them but don’t play with magnets 
How do you handle an awkward moment? depends
The Beatles: totally amazing or horribly overrated? overrated
Have you ever felt like you belonged in a different century? not really
Pretend you just saw a shooting star. What do you wish for? health *not that it will work
Was your first phone a flip phone? nope What is an old website that closed down that you miss? polyvore forever <3 Do you listen to Grace VanderWaal? If yes, what’s your favorite song of hers? I know/like one of her songs - I don’t like you What is the grossest thing you have ever vomited up? everything about puking is disgusting so... If you had had a baby in high school, what would you have named him or her? omg...
Are you foreign-born? I was born and live in Poland Do you drink coffee with your breakfast? I don’t drink coffee at all
Did you know that dolphins & whales are mammals?  I did Are all of your grandparents still alive? no
do you need to take a smoke break? I don’t smoke honestly, do you think that you’re going to be an overprotective parent? I won’t be a parent :P what kind of relationship do you have with the last person you kissed? uh... have you ever been tutored or tutored someone yourself? been tutored would you rather wear necklaces, bracelets, rings, or earrings? hmm... is everything you have on actually yours? sure when was the last time you wore a band-aid and why? wbiłam sobie metalowy drut w palec what would you do if you discovered that you had a 7 year old kid? ... how? moon sand or play doh? Playdoh do you honestly believe that someone will waste their time reading this? I know she will pfft what’s something you need to get done soon? don’t remind me... your grandparents just died in a plane crash, what are you doing? sit confused as why would they be in a plane in the first place? :o if i came to your house, could i find any kind of chocolate? ask my mother do your parents allow smoking in your house? hell no last person you left a voicemail for? I don’t like voicemails what is the last thing you charged? cellphone have you ever held a snake? I wanna describe to me the nearest stuffed animal to you. there’s shitload of those around me do you ever wear sleep masks when you sleep or shower caps when you shower? neither zebrah print, cheetah print, cow print, polka dots, or stripes? stripes would you rather go to a beach, and amusement park, or a water park? beach or amusement park, definitely not water park
Have you ever thought about becoming a crime scene investigator? yep
If I asked around, would people say you’re an actually good friend? doubt it
Where are your siblings at right now, if you have any? most likely her apartment
Do people say you complain too much? I know I do, sorry not sorry?
Have you ever considered changing your sexual orientation? there was a moment
Do you miss any of your past best friends? kinda
Have you graduated high school yet? If so, what color were your cap and gown? we didn’t have caps and gowns
Does your significant other complain about the way you dress? does she? XD
Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? would say so
What would you do if a stranger smacked your ass and whistled? dunno
Do you understand the game of Monopoly? why not
Do you ever make fun of short people? I’m short...
Would you say you’re reliable to be a good babysitter? I don’t like kids
Do you feel replaced in any way at all right now? when my dad plays with my niece :( also when I see/hear about my ex friends and exes in general?
Do you think it’s actually possible to have a ‘beautiful nightmare?’ yes
Have you ever held an intervention for someone before? I don’t want to participate in such a thing 
Do you ever blame your problems on someone else? only if they’re at blame
As a child, were you ever made fun of? What about right now? I’ve been bullied my whole life
Are you more of an open, optomistic person or lonely and pessimistic? loner* and pessimistic but I’m also quite open about who I am, because I’m an introvert doesn’t mean I’m shy
What is the last thing you tried on in a store? not sure what was last
When did you realize you are no longer a child? this question makes me sad Is sleeping naked more comfortable then in clothes? no idea Are you comfortable enough around your friends to change in front of them? I don’t care most of the time anymore tbh Have you ever had a dream in which you were making out, or more, with someone? smth more more often than just kissing which is weird Do you prefer to fix the problems or just end the relationship? depends Have you ever accidentally stepped on a cat tail? possibly
Did you know that when a worm is cut in two both pieces grow again and continue living? been told Do veggies gross you out? why Have you ever dated someone in secret? :x Do you bring pillows and blankets on road trips? nope Does walking by yourself make you nervous? might When dog’s bark, do you think it actually sounds like ‘ruff’? no What about when cows moo? yup Do you kiss your pets? yuk Have you ever forgotten where you parked your car? I don’t drive Does your leg itch right now? not rn Would you rather marry someone repulsive or be alone forever? be alone When is the last time you saw a monkey on TV? I don’t watch TV Would you be sad if you were 50 and still not married? nope Is it dark out yet? mhm Do hugs help when you’re sad? sometimes Do you buy more things online or in stores? stores Do online dating sites ever work? not for me
Do you find kite flying boring? if for a long time Have you ever released a paper lantern? I’d like to 
Do you ever listen to Jpop? not anymore What is the best summer camp you have ever been to? been to two and both had good and bad sides  Is your bed next to a window? it’s not 
Have you ever ran a cash register? I have
Does anyone appreciate your talents? what talents? Do you ever write letters and send them through the mail? used to Have you ever had an allergy test at the doctor’s? even recently
Skeletons or scarecrows? scarecrows
Do you own pumpkin earrings? - Have you ever walked through a haunted house? no thx Have you ever asked someone to be your Valentine? and they laughed at me?...
Do you like the name Ellery? sounds like Celery so no
Do you find cemeteries pretty? yeah Does your phone screen freeze a lot? could say so
Do you tend to wear the color blue the most? as a kid Did you kiss anyone on New Years? never Who did you spend your last velentine’s day with? by myself
Is there anything plugged to your computer? two pendrives and powerbank Anyone ever got you something while you were with them without you knowing? sort of Are you more of the indie or mainstream type? indie Where is your favorite place to be massaged? I don’t receive massages When did you last speak with your grandparents? years ago Don’t you hate it when something limits the amount you can type/write? very Do you live where there are a lot of cows? nope Have you ever went an entire day without looking at yourself in the mirror? as a person who avoids mirrors... Do you like the colors purple and orange together? depends? Honestly, do you smell nice at the moment? do I ever? my partner tells me I do but I’ve been told I stink several times before
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
My Favorite Writing Stuff
One of the best things about writing is that all you need is a pen and paper!  But we all have our favorite tools and luxuries, and I thought it might be fun to talk about mine below the cut.  Lotsa pics, long post.
Word Processors
The single writing item I use most is my word processor, Scrivener, by Literature and Latte.  At some point waaaaaay back in 2012, I found myself writing Growing Up with You in Microsoft Word...  And having to wait ten seconds for the screen to adjust and load new text as I scrolled.  It was just too danged long for the program to handle.  Just reading my manuscript was a nightmare, let alone copying and pasting to move text, shuffle paragraphs, etc.  Making a new doc for each chapter quickly became a clunky chore.
Scrivener is... not very user friendly; there’s definitely a learning curve.  But it was immediately so much better for writing long fiction than Word that I bought a book on the program and read it from cover to cover, which...  I don’t think I’ve ever done before.  That’s how much of a game changer this was.
The feature I rely on most is the binder.
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This is the binder for Four Years, which currently has...  Forty-eight chapters.  I corralled the chapters into two folders, one for the first year of college (1), and one for the second (2).  
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If I click folder 1, all of the chapters appear, each snug in their own folder.  Once the Scrivener file loads, there is no further loading time.  Each folder can be moved by clicking and dragging, as can each text file inside each folder.  FREEDOM!
This feature alone was worth the price of the program.  They offer a free trial, so please check it out if you’re interested!
Portable Word Processors
I’ve mentioned these before, but I have two portable gadgets that allow me to write on the go, distraction free.
Alpha Smart Neo 2
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This might look like the baby of a toddler’s toy computer and a keyboard, but it’s actually my baby.
Just kidding!  Sort of!  The Alpha Smart Neo 2 is a portable word processor that boots up in a second, is powered by three AA batteries for eons, and weighs about 2 pounds.  They are no longer in production (which is a crime), but there are oodles available on Ebay for about $20-30.  
(I used to own and talk about my Alpha Smart 3000.  The Alpha Smart Neo 2 is the latest model before the company shut down, and the keyboard is nicer; it’s quieter and easier on the fingers).
I honestly can’t say enough about this device.  I rarely draft on a computer anymore; it’s just too easy to find yourself surfing the web, falling down a research vortex, or even reading your manuscript instead of writing.  Alpha Smarts can remember what you wrote until you delete it.  That’s it.  That’s all they do.  It’s beautiful.
I write about 800 words/hr on a computer.  I write about 1,500 words/hr on an Alpha Smart.  Distractions are so, so real.
When you’re ready to port your writing from your Alpha Smart to your word processor, all you have to do is connect a printer cable to your Alpha Smart, then plug the usb end into your computer.  Open your word processor, turn on your Alpha Smart, select the file you want to transfer, and hit send.  If you forget any of this, it’s written on the back of the Alpha Smart.
I know that no one should blame their success or failure on their tools, but...  I wouldn’t be able to write nearly as much without my Alpha Smart.  And if you ever do writing meet ups, you’ll be the only person who isn’t fighting for a power outlet!  It also fits easily into a tote bag or backpack.
Oh, Alpha Smart Neo 2.  My partner and friend!
The Freewrite by Astrohaus is... um.  Well, it’s a lot like the Alpha Smart Neo 2, except that it’s waaaay more expensive, much harder to use, and has terrible firmware.
There are cool things about it, for sure!  For one, it has this weird...  Pseudo typewriter feel.  It’s much larger and heavier than an Alpha Smart, and I’m not sure that I actually consider it portable...  But the thick, angled base practically functions as a lap desk.  It’s comfortable to use and has a nice mechanical keyboard.
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It has wifi capability, so you can send drafts directly to your dropbox/cloud/email, no cords or transfers needed.  The screen is an e-ink scree, like a Kindle Paperwhite, easy on the eyes and readable in the sun.  It’s also backlit, which is the one major win over the Alpha Smart.
I bought mine used off ebay for a fraction of the list price (this thing is NOT worth $600 on any planet, goodness gracious mercy dang!  I paid about $180), and, um...  I still don’t know if it was worth it, not when I can buy an Alpha Smart Neo 2 for $30 tops.  I mean, I like the e-ink and the backlit screen, but...  There’s a lag between typing and the words populating on the screen.  There are no arrows to fix a typo.  I had to send 10 emails back and forth to tech support to get it updated and working.  It was not broken, and I understood all the directions...  It’s just god awful firmware.  I also lost a draft because it wipes your device if you open their Sprinter program while using your Freewrite.  
I still use it, though!  The tactile sensation is really nice, the keys make a satisfying clickety clackety, the E-ink screen is lovely, I adore the option to write in a not-that-well-lit room, and the wifi transfer is faster than my Alpha Smart’s wired method.  But I still can’t recommend it as long as Alpha Smart Neo 2s are available, not unless you’re some combination of the following: a writing nut who writes so gosh dang much that these toys are worth it, someone who is big on tactile sensation, someone who likes hipster stuff, or someone who would love an Alpha Smart but can’t read the electronic screen well.  If this is you, make sure you also have a strong grasp on how to talk to and understand tech support, because you will need them.
Just never ever EVER open Sprinter...
Leuchtturm1917, hard cover, A5, dotted
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The Leuchtturm is...  Just the best.  The hard cover takes abuse well, stickers hold onto it nicely, it has two ribbon bookmarks and an elastic closure, there’s a folder attached to the back inside cover...  The dot version is unobtrusive and encourages smaller writing, which helps the notebook last.  And it is available in a rainbow of colors!
The paper is lovely, the pages are numbered, and IT HAS AN INDEX.
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I’m a scientist, and working in a Leuchtturm is just like working in a fancy, expensive lab notebook.  The set up is done already, man.  You just gotta jot down what pages contain what.  IT’S SO ORGANIZED, with almost zero effort!  Mi amor.
Sure, I could make an index page and number all of my pages manually...  But I’ve met myself.  I won’t do it.  When you combine all of these lovely features, you have one unbeatable notebook.
Plus, they’re easy to obtain in the states!  I order them off Amazon or buy them at my local Barnes & Nobles.
Midori MD Notebook, A5, grid
The Midori has even nicer quality paper than the Leuchtturm, but the cover can’t take abuse, and it lacks the nice features.  I truly appreciate the paper quality, but the other features bring me back to my Leuchtturms every time.
It’s a Japanese item and is more difficult to import to the states.  You can get them off Amazon, though!
I use Uni-ball Signo 207 gel pens.  They write comfortably, and using them feels satisfying.  They should be available in most Walmart/Target type stores, at least in the states!  
It should be noted that I’m just not a pen buff.  I tried fountain pens, and it was more trouble than it was worth for me.
Folios/Traveler’s Notebooks
Okay, so you found the perfect notebook!  Wanna make it SUPER DUPER FANCY PANTS?!  Well, you could try a traveler’s notebook.  
I only learned what a traveler’s notebook is about a year ago, so if you’re also in the dark...  It’s a leather cover that holds notebooks inside with elastic.  I own these chic sparrows, one for my Midori notebook (or whatever notebook I’m using at the time), and one for my journal.
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My full name is etched into them, so please pardon my censorship XD
The chic sparrow traveler’s notebooks are so elegant and decadent and...  I won’t lie, I literally move one or both around the house with me, just so I can look at them.  
The one on the left is a Mr. Darcy deluxe, size A5, in the Wickham color.  The one on the right is an Enchanted Woods deluxe, size A5, in the Elderwood color.
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They have lots of pockets on the inside, a pen loop, and elastics to hold multiple notebooks.  This one is strung with a Midori notebook.  I also have a smaller B6 one that I use as a wallet!  It holds a small notebook, so I can write down those ideas that always happen when I’m out and don’t have paper.  The pockets hold IDs, credit cards, and cash.
It’s just this... magical, opulent item.  While it’s likely the least practical thing on this list, it’s very special to me.
Lap Desks
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Oh dear, I took a terrible picture, it looks so lovely in person.  
The top can slide in both directions, revealing enough storage for several A5 notebooks, pens, and more.  It’s a great way to cart your stuff into your favorite cozy nook for a writing session.  Plus, you’ll feel like a Hogwarts student!  It’s available in all four house designs, plus a Hogwarts crest version.
Pottery Barn puts these on sale occasionally.  I’d aim for 25% off before buying.
My Writing Bag
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I decked out a tote bag in writing pins to carry my Alpha Smart, thesaurus, a notebook, and pens.  You can use any bag, as long as it accommodates what you need!  Here are my fave sources for writing-related pins:
Literary Emporium, who makes my favorite pin, “Still I Rise,” a Maya Angelou quote.  They have the most gorgeous pins.
When life gives you lemons, read them, advice for the ages
And fandom:
Digivice pin
My beloved Sailor Moon pin, the loveliest pin I’ve ever seen (not shown because it lives on my Sailor Moon jacket!).  All of the inner senshi are available!
THAT’S ALL, THAT WAS SO MUCH.  Please let me know if you try any of these out!
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Coffee Shop au
Why.... Because I can XD
I mean I could do a whole this guy was working at Hat Manor instead of Flug , Demencia isn't there either and other people are in their place to have this au, but our good doctor and Hit woman are both in this and of course our dastardly Hat man we all love lol, it would not work without the entire crew right...manages to forget 505 for this one pffft maybe he’s Flugs stuffed bear from childhood?
For now let's just focus on Amadeus Black Hat.
(yes named after Mozart and I personally like the name.)
Also focusing on how this all began with him wanting a regular but decent cup of coffee without concerning ourselves on the other details of who would be in place of our favourite characters in his home.
So let's begin.
Early morning, shall we say six, despite being up since five, curtains still closed, our good (not so good) demon was curled up in bed eye closed, grumbling, his pyjamas kept riding up and irritating him and one of his bed socks had come off in the night.
That was another thing that was bothering him, half assedly trying to find it only to discover the damn thing had somehow managed to get on the floor, he glared at said object, how dare it be so far away.
Light peeked around heavy black drapes making him groan again, pulling the covers up over his shoulder trying to settle back and snuggle in pillows that were supposed to be the softest money could buy but today his bed just seemed so ARGH!
"Fine! You win you stupid contraption!"
He snapped at the inanimate object, kicking off the covers in frustration.
(We all know this feeling I'm sure!)
Stretching, bones popping, his yawn much like a cats, small and then stretching to reveal rows of fangs with a curling tongue.
Another glance at his bed sock as he pulled the other off simply to throw it at the offending one while pouting
So now let's move on to him stripping down to shower as the instrumental of careless whisper plays in our minds and Hat washes himself, soap bubbles and steam miraculously censoring out all the spicy bits, long sweeping shots of legs, hands cleaning his neck and suggestively over two smallish horns protruding just above his brow, looking like he's enjoying his shower way more than any actual person would be.
Waves hand hello, yes hello you there, you can stop drooling now he's out of the shower, in a bathrobe and towel on head despite being lack there of in the hair department.
Toe claws tapping on kitchen tiles, of course he could have someone make his coffee, but he was not ready in the slightest to socialise with the idiots who worked here.
Cupboard doors open, fingers curled around handles, standing there in silence looking over the contents, a clock ticking somewhere in his sterile kitchen.
That's it! He was going out, who in the nine circles could enjoy coffee here!
His bed was uncomfortable, his socks had committed mutiny and now even his kitchen was unwelcoming.
Clapping his hands his suit appearing on him the towels going who knows where, even he did not care!
There was that new coffee shop, it had recently opened, of course he was going to know everything that went on in his town, no one could slip anything past him.
Yes that would be the perfect place to go, being new probably meant the place was not yet popular...hopefully, so then it would not be over crowded, just please don't let it be one of those copy and paste places that held absolutely no charm.
While he was a monster that did not mean he could not appreciate a good atmosphere while enjoying certain beverages.
Heels clicking against marble flooring, cane tucked under his arm, perhaps walking would also lighten his mood, was his lobby always so big?
Hmm perhaps a change was in order.
Upon opening the doors to his home he looked up at the sky, there was a chance of snow or so the weather forecast had predicted, obviously it wouldn’t when he was out.
Black Hat squinted at the clouds, they wouldn't dare.
Of course controlling the weather was not something our miserable fellow here could have charge over and here now we introduce Demencia and Flug, also because I am writing this I've named the doctor /barista Acylius Flug...so... Blep on you.
Now Acylius was in the kitchen, working on making the first batch of muffins, they did not open until at least seven, if they were popular enough they would certainly change it to six to make sure everything was ready on time.
Their café was indeed an inviting place, with deep red walls, high back comfy chairs, circular tables made of dark oak, four books between book ends on each one so someone could read something if they so wished, footstools tucked under chairs and blankets folded on the seats.
Children were not allowed.
Charging ports were optional, though phones had to be on silent.
Wooden beams giving off the impression this place was much older than it was and what art lined the walls which were an assortment of landscapes and portraits Flug would never admit to being their artist.
Demencia was using this job to hopefully pay off outstanding college debts from some years back, there was a two bedroom apartment above the Café where they lived, she got to live here rent free and was still going to be paid.
Apparently her boss and friend was not exactly short handed and sometimes she questioned where the money came from...
Pffft of course she knew about the sedated man down stairs.
"Hey stop panicking gigantor, business is gonna be slow, we just gotta get word out there or listen to customer suggestions, they always like to feel important."
Oh yes did I mention he is also six ft seven and when not torturing keeps his hologuise device off, so you would never compare him to his shorter self with the paper bag and goggles or slight nasally voice...come on now a lot of us have our own design and thoughts on Flug under the bag don't we.
His hologuise has of course been worked so that no one can see his real tall self unless he has it switched off.
"You do not think I am over doing it with the Victorian decor?"
Flug asked awkwardly, while working the white chocolate and raspberry muffin batter.
Nothing was going to come in a premixed cardboard box in his kitchen.
"With that roaring fireplace keeping the place nice n toasty absolutely not, people are gonna love that."
She had a shoulder resting against the door frame and arms folded, watching as Acylius evenly spread the batter into each muffin case.
"Though if no one shows up I am going back to bed, you know you can always join me if you want, help keep it nice and hot."
Flug returned, clearly getting flustered a blush forming on his pale skin, placing the tray in the oven, the door clanging shut.
"Now is not the time and anyway would you not prefer someone who does not have a smile permanently carved into their face, I look like I should be quoting Batman Dark Knight lines."
"Awww why so serious!"
The lizard girl teased and only laughed more at his deadpan look only then to be hit in the face by a flying tea towel .
Demencia couldn't help but laugh even more as it was sarcastically followed by
"Oops my hand slipped."
They both paused though when the chiming of the little bell went off, it was their first customer of the day, their first one to arrive at this time...mainly because they actually weren't open yet, not at least for another hour.
Black Hat stood there in the door way, snow thick on his Hat and shoulders, his frown so set in as he shook the cold powder off it could have hit the bloody floor.
The weather had dared to defy him.
Blasted cold wet frozen rain urgh...well this place...it reminded him of a home he’d once known...its styling far too similar it felt like an old parlour , comfortably furnished, a form of nostalgic peace.
The old demon wanted nothing more than to shrug off his coat, put on his fuzzy slippers with bat wings...which of course he'd never in a million years would admit were his and sit by that roaring fire.
(Heh even Mr grumpy pants can be adorable sometimes ;3)
He could hear people around here somewhere, no doubt the kitchen, cane over his arm he walked up to the counter, noticing the empty displays besides a few things in factory sealed plastics.
Sniffing he let out a sigh, a dessert treat was baking, its sweet aroma filling the air, usually our cranky demon here did not care for such things but he would be lying if he said that scent of raspberry and white chocolate with jussst a hint of vanilla did not seem appealing, he could already imagine the tart taste of raspberries on his tongue, wondering how long until those would be ready.
Like kisses from a lover he'd lost so long ago...but that was his story to keep.
Tapping the bell on the desk Demencia came running out paused and went running back, Black Hat rolled his eye and nearly left what awful customer service...when the other one came through, wearing animal oven mitts, he couldn't help but let a small smile form at the corner of his mouth, they were amusing to see on such a tall man...
Time slowed as he turned to face him, like when you see in movies, hair blowing, lighting perfect looking ridiculously gorgeous as the one staring is entranced while the chorus of take my breath away plays out of no where.
He knew that face, pale skin, ebony hair, how did he have the same scars...this man was a duplicate of...
"Sir are you alright?"
Flug asked, shifting as Black Hat had been staring, damn it he knew he should have covered his face up.
Pulling up his white Doctors mask and sighing
"Apologies, I forgot myself, I usually cover them up, did you have an order to make?"
It took Black Hat a moment to come back to reality, clearing his throat and nodding
"Uhhh Black coffee, goats milk-"
"And a dash of Hazelnut!"
Acylius blurted out and froze a moment, crap what if Black Hat didn't like that and he'd just assumed he would and the demon would get mad.
Demencia raised a brow at her friends suggestion, did he just try and finish THEE BLACK HAT'S ORDER!
"Please forgive me sir, I have no idea where that came from."
It was clear while it seemed this man did not remember him, there were old memories lost within that mind, still lingering even in this new life...a part of him still remembered perhaps...he hoped.
"Well there is no need to apologise Acylius, though perhaps I should find out where you are getting your information from."
He teased, leaning in a little.
That made Flug nervous, knocking over the thankfully empty cup, setting it up right again he was about to ask how he knew his name...of course then realising he was wearing his name tag, must've seen it and after all this was Black Hat.
No doubt he knew about the sedated man in the basement.
What our dear six foot seven Barista was really worried about was the demons presence in his newly opened coffee shop.
If the King of darkness hated it no one else would come, then there was a matter of no one else would come unless it was to see Black Hat if he was here all the time.
No that was ridiculous Black Hat would not be here everyday.
So perhaps if this went well, word of mouth would spread that if this place was good enough for Black Hat it was good enough for them and bring in business....oh my god stop thinking and make his drink!
"Please find yourself a seat, I will bring it over, Demencia please turn off the oven, no doubt the muffins are ready now."
"I would like to order one of those to."
"Yes sir, one devil's brew and muffin coming right up!"
Black Hat lingered a moment longer.
Acylius, his Acylius could not have been reborn...no this had to be some peculiar...cruel act of nature.
Karma was finally catching up with him... Yes that was it.
Taking a chair in front of the fire, crimson with a high back, he pulled out the footstool tucked underneath, of course it was facing the counter, he could barely stop looking at him.
Awww our little demon's heart is going boom boom da boom...yes I know cannon wise Hat doesn't have one but that's what Au's are for, free the imagination, anything is possible!
Acylius could still feel his eyes on him, he shivered subtlety, honestly being watched like prey was somewhat thrilling.
All the while though he was concerned he was taking too long to make his coffee as he brewed it and refused to use that instant crap.
(That most of us drink XD)
Turning back , Demencia returned with the display plate now full of muffins, one on a saucer with napkins and small fork.
Placing it on a tray she went on to put the rest where they belonged and noticed the demon watching Flug and grinned
"You like what you see, he's single you know!"
She of course held back nothing with hands on hips adding
"I'm single to but I'm not really looking for anything but come on you've been staring at him like you want him to serve himself on your lap as if he were the most tasty treat on the planet! Long legs, keeps fit-"
"Demencia PLEASE STOP!"
Acylius snapped, blushing bright red, oh god he wanted hell to swallow him up whole, could he just fucking die now please.
" I am so sorry for my co workers behaviour I-"
Flug was so embarrassed that he was completely missing the fact that Black Hat was trying not to laugh.
In any other case he would have simply just left and found it all inane but it was endearing if not bittersweet to see features resembling a lost one look so flustered, he'd always found it cute when his Acylius blushed.
Legs out on his footstool, ankles crossed, he laced his fingers and looked as serious as this entire scenario would possibly allow.
The fire crackling as both co workers stood there in silence, Demencia still grinning, oh ho the legendary master of all evil was actually considering Acylius as a snack!
Of course if her ridiculously tall friend didn't want any of that, she would be more than happy to mount the beast to her wall...bed...any available surface.
Black Hat waved a hand and spoke evenly
"I will let it slide on one condition."
Acylius gripped the tray, where was this going.
"What is it sir?"
"Call me Jefecito."
"But I, you are not..."
He sighed and gave a momentary glare at Demencia, bringing over the coffee and cake.
"Coffee is served, Jefecito, is there anything else you would like?"
"Yes, when I am here, only you are to serve me."
Hat replied, holding his coffee, the bottom of the cup making a clinking sound on the saucer, drinking he felt a comforting familiar warmth spilling down his throat.
Demencia chirped out.
In which Acylius hid his face behind the tray wishing for death and Hat near choked on his coffee.
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frenchibi · 5 years
Tag game
I tagged myself by @gone-to-oregone (*vine voice* is that allowed???) bc I wanna talk to more starkid ppl and get to know y’all better?? Pity I don’t rly know many people to tag yet...
(Nick)name: French
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 5′08 (155cm), I’m smol but my bouncy-ness makes up for it
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor/Ravenclaw, varying results but I associate with Gryffindor more
Last thing I googled: “backstreet boys” (this is my sister’s fault)
Favorite musicians: I don’t rly have fave bands/singers, I just listen to songs I like (thanks, spotify discovery queue, for my life) but there are tendencies, I guess? I love OMAM and Imagine Dragons, Chvrches, dodie? Also I have a lot of favorite musical theater actors/singers, the first to come to mind is always Ramin Karimloo :D
Song stuck in my head: The intro song to Little Shop of Horrors bc I’ve been rehearsing it for a concernt xD it’s so CATCHY??? (bop sh’bop, you’ll never stop the terrooooor~)
Following: around 1.7k though most of those are probably inactive by now, I’ve had this blog for like 7 years what is life???
Followers: 700 exactly!!
Do you get asks: occasionally? I’ve been fandom-hopping a lot bc I can never confine myself to one interest, and people’s engagement with me largely depends on how long I have been in one particular fandom xD (especially for my writing! no one’s gonna send me prompts if no one’s heard of me yet haha and the fandom my writing was most popular in... I have been gradually losing interest oof) Maybe I should make a sideblog finally but tbh that feels like so much effort to uphold idk, I just dump everything (art, writing, singing) here usually
Regular amount of sleep: 7-8 hours because I am old, tired and gay and if I tried to subsist on 4-5 hours like I did back in school/uni I would pERISH, sleeping is self-care y’all, especially sleeping early
Lucky number: oof idk?? 3, 6, 9, 4?
What are you wearing: just a top bc I’m cramping and in bed but what’re you gonna do lol that’s just how it be sometimes
Dream Job: I wanna be a STARSHIP RANGER ok but seriously I want to do musical theater sO BADLY I could cry, yet here I am, a lowly translator with considerable writing and singing skill but no physical aptitude (yet) :’D Maybe someday I’ll get there though, I’ve done workshops and those were AMAZING, I wanna work on making that more achievable even if I’m sometimes afraid I’m too old to start anymore
Dream trip: I rly wanna go back to India to see my dear friend @joanofarcticmonkeys again??? My first trip was so great & I miss her oof
Do you play any instruments: Yea!! I used to play the saxophone, I’m... barely passable on drums and currently trying to teach myself to be better at piano with varying degrees of success (and lots of impatience, yikes) - but really I’m a singer, I’ve had classical training for 10 years and I sing in a high-level classical choir! (Wish there were more accessible Musical Theater options in my area tho)
Do you speak any other languages: Oui, Sí, Ja, Yes, हाँ, はい! Native German and English, don’t @ me about my Hindi though it’s shitty bc I have nowhere to practice properly (I’m quite good at French, Spanish and Japanese tho, if I do say so myself... languages are just my Thing)
Favorite songs: ok this changes all the time but currently... dodie’s Guiltless, Outlaws by Delta Rae, We Do by Ocean Park Standoff, Love Stuck by Mother Mother, Nos vies by Zaz, Talk Too Much by COIN, No Hands by Attica Riots and Spies are Forever from Spies are Forever, it’s SO GOOD
Random fact: My video camera broke last week and I am UPSET bc I had some cool ideas for stuff to make and now I’m gonna have to buy a new one first... not impossible but expensive and a pain? BLEH
Aesthetic: there are a lot of things but... large windows, books stacked to the ceiling, black tea with milk, thunderstorms and WIND, sundresses and homemade mint-strawberry ice tea... Oh, classical architecture & concert halls... Rooms w/ loads of potted plants... Yeah xD
Cats or dogs: Listen I love both and am terribly allergic to both :’D
I tag @pixelnerd, @halfpasteleventhhour, @kick-marks-head, @snarlsleftpaw, @fandomshadowart, @morqv3 @ellayouneedtostudy - I hope y’all don’t mind, no pressure or anything :’D
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mcrmadness · 5 years
I got tagged by @stufenlosregelbar, thank you!!!
1. Name: Aada (but I don’t like it, but I also don’t know what else I should be called as... and Madness probably isn’t allowed in Finland XD)
2. Birthday: June 23rd 1991
3. Zodiac: Cancer
4. Height: ~156cm (I live in Europe so I have no clue about other units)
5. Hobbies: I don’t have many hobbies, but are computer games and watching movies and series counted? Others: photographing, reading books, occassionally drawing, listening to music, just chilling :D
6. Fave color: Bright orange, electric blue, black. With clothes: black, I also like small red details but mainly everything is black + socks are often striped (black, white and grey) or even colored :D
7. Fave book: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams - and I’m including all 5 books of the whole trilogy, because I’ve read them all as one book. Can it get any more confusing from here?
8. Last song I listened to: It was the Sponge Bob end credits song that was on my dash; but the last actual song I listened to was something by this Finnish punkrock band Klamydia, I think the song was “Huipulla tuulee”.
9. Last movie I watched: Blade Runner. (Have seen before but just so long time ago when I was a kid that I didn’t remember anything of it anymore, and wanted to watch it so that I can actually understand and remember something!)
10. Inspiration: Not exactly sure what is being said with this... where do I get inspiration? Let’s answer to that one, then. I get inspirations from the things I see around me, as I’m someone who is just always observing and “seeing a lot”. I just rarely get any inspirations that Im able to actually use somewhere, usually I link this to creativity so I mainly get just inspirations for either fanfiction/fanart, drawings or for The Sims :D  But I guess I get some kind of useless inspirations every now and then, if I just knew how to make them useful... But if this means what or who are inspirational to me? I don’t know, mainly things that are my favorites like fave bands, their members or so. Idk :D
11. Dream job: I don’t really have one, something related to animals and horses is currently my “dream job” as I’ve also been studying horses and I’m starting to be quite experienced with this field now, but I still am afraid of having a job contract and not being able to escape. So my actual dream job would be something that I can make a living and also have some extra money for other things in life, nothing huge but  so that it would stop being all about survival and counting euros and cents just so you can buy one bread. And I’d like to have a job where I’m my own boss, I can work alone and no one is gonna tell me I should do better or different. I just don’t have enough creativity to do anything creative for a living, that would definitely also kill all the last bits of my inspiration and creativity too.
12. Meaning behind your url: It’s old as what! When I was 13, my favorite band was a Finnish band called The Rasmus. They have a song called “Madness” and I liked that song and I wanted to use it as my online name but I altered it a bit so it became It’s Madness. I had several versions of this one and then when I was 15, My Chemical Romance became my new favorite band and I created a Finnish forum and I wanted to use my old online name but make it into MCR somehow, so it becamse MCRmadness. Nowadays I usually leave the MCR part off but use other versions of “madness”, but I created Tumblr when I still was a huge fan (well but trust me: once an MCR fan, always an MCR fan!) and I want to keep this url to me so I haven’t changed it, even tho I don’t really use “mcrmadness” anymore. But this particular url name is actually 12 years old by now :D And been “madness” for 15 years basically.
I don’t tag any names cos it would just make me feel bad, I’d forget half of the people and then I’d tag 57285729 people so: I wanna tag here everyone who always wants to get tagged but never does (like myself 99% of the time), so now is your chance to tag yourself! ♥
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She’s From Boston part 8
Steve McGarrett x ofc
Word count : 1616
Warnings: None
A/N: I have and will be taking some creative liberties as to Sophie’s schooling. Kind of combining a few different ways schools run and such. Shhhh. Just let it happen. XD Once again, thanks to my lovely beta @fandomoniumflurry  If you want to catch up on the series, here is where you can find the other parts: 1  2  3  4  5  6   7  Feedback is lovely and fuels my muse’s fire. If you enjoy my work and would like to buy me a coffee, you can do so here.  You can find all my works here.
H50 taggers:
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Steve had taken Sophie to the Culinary Institute of the Pacific admissions office less than an hour after she’d disclosed more of her past to him and had waited there while she filled out her application. There was a fee, of course, and of course the commander paid for it, much to Sophie’s dismay. She appreciated his help, but she didn’t want him paying her way all the time. “Consider it an investment in the future.” he said, echoing Michael’s words before she’d left Massachusetts. “You learn to cook even better than you already do, I get to reap the rewards of being your guinea pig. It’s a win-win situation.” Steve stated with a bright smile. Sophie couldn’t argue with him, especially when he flashed that mesmerizing grin at her.
She was anxious and on edge every time she checked the mail for the next week and a half. The admissions process was stressful with all the waiting. This was the only school she’d applied to so far and if she got in, she could start within a month. She busied herself with cleaning up the house. Laundry was done, floors swept and mopped, windows washed, on just the first day. Steve came home that night and chuckled as he looked around. “The place hasn’t been this clean in years. You know, you don’t have to do everything in one day.” He gave her a smile and a gentle hug. “It looks really good but seriously. Don’t wear yourself out. You’ve done a lot today. Junior should be here soon. Let’s all go grab dinner somewhere.”
That night was her first time at the restaurant of the Hilton Hawaiian Village. She’d stayed there two weeks when she first arrived, but never dined in their restaurant, always choosing cheaper food from a small grocery store a few streets over. The place was fantastic! The entertainment was amazing and of course, the company was great. She found herself examining the food when it was brought to them, noticing how it was presented and other such things she was sure to learn when she got into cooking school. It wouldn’t hurt to take some notes beforehand.
The dinner was great and by the time the trio arrived back home, Sophie was more than ready to fall into bed. The next few days she busied herself with some light cleaning and some reading. On the third afternoon, she decided to go online to see if there was a craft store nearby. To her happiness, there was! And, she discovered, it was on the bus line. She took what little money she had left and made her way to the shop.
She hadn’t been in a craft store in many years. Brian had never allowed her to do much that she sought pleasure in. Crocheting certainly was off the list. But as she looked around at the rows and rows of different yarns on the shelves, her eyes glistened with tears. She remembered sitting on Nana and Papa’s front porch trying to learn how to begin a project. It took her a few times, but Nana had been very patient with her and exclaimed with joy when she finally got it right.
The blanket that she’d abandoned after her parents were killed still sat unfinished in a box in Michael and Lydia’s garage. Maybe one day she would finish it. But now, she wanted to begin something new. She picked out several skeins of yarn, the colors of camouflage, and found a few hooks that were the sizes she would need. Once the items were purchased, she made her way back to the house and begun what would be a gift for Steve.
Over the next several days, after her housework duties were finished, she worked on the commander’s present. It got a little frustrating on a few parts, but she was able to figure it out and things were coming along quite nicely now. It was almost finished. On day nine, Steve had come in with a few pieces of mail. “Is there a Miss Sophie Russo in the house?” he’d called out, a bright smile on his face. “I have what could be a very important letter for her.”
Sophie rushed out from the kitchen where she was fixing herself a light snack and snatched the envelope from him. She tore it open and her eyes began welling up with tears as she read. She had to read it over a few times before the message sank in. “I got in.” she stated flatly. “They…...I GOT IN!” Her face broke into a huge smile and she flung her arms around around Steve’s neck. “Thank you, Steve!” She showed him the letter, the smile never leaving her face. He, too, was all smiles as he read the letter and congratulated her. “This calls for a celebration! I need to make some calls.”
He went upstairs to shower and make his calls as she sat looking over the materials the package contained. She’d have to get some supplies and books, but that could wait til tomorrow at least. Tonight, she would bask in this victory to reclaiming herself in full. When Steve came back down, he informed her that they were going out for dinner with the ohana. Jerry, Kamekona, Flippa, Lou, Adam, Tani, Danny and Junior would be joining them to celebrate Sophie’s big day.
She once again took some note of how the food was presented but didn’t allow herself to think too much on this. Instead, she got caught up in the atmosphere of the night. Their party was a little boisterous, but everyone was in good spirits and she laughed more than she had for a very long time. That was, until the waitress kept trying to make passes at Steve. Sophie scowled slightly at this, but didn’t say anything. Steve was free to talk to or date whoever he wanted to. One of the times, she noticed Adam looking at her during a scowl and he raised a brow. She quickly looked away and was very interested in the conversation Jerry was having with Lou.
Several times this waitress came back and tried to capture Steve’s attention and it annoyed Sophie. Still, she kept quiet about it. She didn’t understand why she was feeling so annoyed by this. Steve was her friend, her roommate, her employer even. Why was this stupid waitress getting on her nerves so much? Steve hadn’t responded to her advances, Sophie was glad to see, but that didn’t stop the wench from trying. Maybe she’s just trying a little too hard to get a good tip Sophie thought, and put the girl out of her mind to enjoy the rest of the evening.
Much food and many drinks later, the group dispersed to go home. Steve, only having had a couple beers, drove Tani and Danny home, then returned for Sophie and Junior. Once they arrived back home, Sophie sleepily wished the two men a good night and trudged up to her room. She’d intended to work more on Steve’s blanket, but instead she fell on her bed and went right to sleep.
The next morning when she woke, the house was empty. There was a note from Steve on the fridge telling her that they’d had to get to the office early today. She went about making herself some breakfast then did the dishes before putting a load of laundry in the machine. While the clothes were washing, she sat down and worked on the blanket. With any luck, she’d have it finished by this afternoon. The sun was bright and just as she decided she wanted to go sit in the back yard and read for a bit, there was a knock on the door.
She opened the door and was surprised when a delivery man from a florists’ shop stood there. “Sophie Russo?” he asked and she nodded. He smiled and pushed a beautiful arrangement of flowers toward her. “If you could sign right here……” She signed his paper and thanked him, then took the vase inside. There was a card in the middle that said simply “To Sophie. From your secret admirer.”
Her brows narrowed as she thought about who these could be from. She didn’t know many people here yet and most of those she did were already taken. None of them had shown any interest in her in that manner. She allowed herself a smile when she wondered if they were from Steve. This would be something he would do just to brighten her day, but it was still early and he was at work. He wouldn’t have had time to call for the delivery. Then panic set in when she thought about someone else they could be from. Had Brian found her? Did he know where she was staying? Suddenly, she didn’t want to be home alone anymore.
She was startled by the buzzing of the washer indicating that the load was finished. She quickly shoved the clothes in the dryer, turned it on and made her way outside and across the street to Miss Kala’s home. She knocked on the door and was glad when the woman answered. Sophie asked for a ride into town and Kala grabbed her keys and the pair was off. Sophie tried to keep her panic to a minimum and not let anyone know she was upset. When she got to the office, she greeted Jerry with a smile. “Hey, Jerry. Mind if I hang out a little while? It was kind of boring sitting at the house by myself.” was all that was offered as an explanation.
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sakurasakiyama · 5 years
Goodies I’ve Received During My Offline Period! ❤
Since it’s always been a tradition for me to share with all of you what I’ve received on arrival of some of the DVDs, CDs, Magazines and Good’s that I buy; I thought I would make a *little* post of some of the things that I have purchased and has arrived since being offline! :D This won’t be as long since I haven’t purchased much since I was away due to pre-ordering and a hectic December, but I try my best to keep up with what I can :) And a head’s up that some of the photos have the flash on since my room is at the back of the house and the light doesn’t come through my window xD
There’s a lot to get through, so all of it will be under the cut (especially things that could be spoilers) ♥
1. Di Kita Malimot Drama DVD & Magazines!
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I pre-ordered the Di Kita Malimot DVD back in August last year. I was really excited to see the Drama for the first time, and I wanted to have a copy of the extras as well as the visual book that came as a bonus. Unfortunately since I don’t have a Blu-Ray player for my laptop (as it’s a laptop without a disc drive), I was only able to watch the extras once on the Blu-Ray player I have in the living room for the TV when no one was home xD The Drama itself is quite funny and good to watch! You’d see them act in ways that you never thought they would, which is a good pick-me-up on days when you’re sad and in need of a laugh xD Overall, the Drama was definitely worth the wait! :D And, the visual book has a text mistake in it as well that was pointed out to SLF, and they made a note on the item page for those who purchased it. But they didn’t request for people to send it back, only to just be aware of it and what the part was meant to say. 
The magazine contents for all of them are amazing (especially the photos ♥), and the magazine’s in that photo are:
CDJournal October 2018 Issue
B’s LOG November 2018 Issue
Stage Fan Vol. 3 Issue
Cast Size Summer Special 2018
JUNON September 2018 Issue
JUNON November 2018 Issue
2. Stage Stars & Sparkle Magazine’s (Present)
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These were one’s that I didn’t buy myself, a friend ended up getting them for me as a present in November! :D This was actually a big surprise for me since I didn’t know that they were going to get them for me, it just arrived at my door xD So, at least this post allows me to say thank you to them for getting me these magazines and I love them very much! ♥ The magazines here are Stage Stars Vol.3 and Sparkle Vol. 35 :)
3. UTOPIA Albums & Sakiyama Tsubasa Birthday Event Goods
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I’ll start with the Birthday Goods first xD I pre-ordered them the second pre-ordering started, which actually happened to be during my lunch break when I was doing my teaching placement LOL! But, there’s a long story with these and the UTOPIA albums. Due to December being a busy and a not very financial month for me (I went on a trip to the city, I had to pre-order the Toumyu nendo’s, and I had to pay for subscriptions, phone bill and Christmas presents), I had to put off getting these shipped out to me (along with the albums), until January this year. Luckily I got paid on the first of the month, so I was able to get them shipped out as fast as I could xD They arrived to my proxy around the end of November. The bromides are literally dangerous and cute, and the pamphlet photos are just as perfect, along with the interview being quite deep interesting! ❤ The contents in this photo are:
Birthday Event Pamphlet
Birthday Event Bromides A, B & C (there was no bonus for getting all 3 of them as that was only during the event run)
Birthday Event Ball-Pen (Pink) & Automatic Pencil (Blue) (it’s one of those pencils that you push on and the lead just comes out, so you don’t have to sharpen it, just buy lead refills xD)
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Next is the UTOPIA Albums xD I pre-ordered these in November and they arrived the day before release day to my proxy xD I wanted to have them as a Christmas present, but because of the lack of funds was an issue for me in December, I had to wait >.< I got them online which included the online purchase bonus with 2 RAW photos per album (one as a bonus, one as an extra), and there’s 2 in each of those 4 holders. With the RAW photos and the Trading Cards, let’s just say that bad luck is still on my side, and you’ll know what I mean in a moment xD
After listening to all of the songs in full for the first time (excluding “Dancing☆Samurai” thanks to KENZO and TOMO from DA PUMP collaborating with Tsubasa to make a Music Video for the cover of the song by doing the choreography and producing the MV), I fell in love with all of them instantly! ❤ The lyrics for them all have a purpose behind them and you can really feel the emotion in his voice. For the songs Tsubasa wrote the lyrics for himself, “Re:quest” for Kurogarasu and “Snow Gift”, I was really proud and amazed by them! The lyrics for “Re:quest” gives that dark, powerful vibe, which i feel links perfectly with the theme of his main starring movie “Kurogarasu”. “Snow Gift” was a lot more softer and kind of brings out his loving side. But it could also be perceived as him and his passion and never wanting to let go of it. This is his first time writing lyrics, but I do hope in the future, he will be able to write more songs and let his feelings come through ♥
As for the MV, MV Making Video & Special Movie, the short MV of UTOPIA gave us a preview of most of it, so the last part was a total mystery, and it was really beautiful ♥ As for the other 3 MV’s that were on there, I STILL love them to this very day xD The MV Making Video was short but sweet :) They just showed some of the places he took photos at and a couple of other little things that I had a good laugh at, as I had my suspicion that the Special Movie would give the full making in Macao. And I was right xD But I still loved the Making Video since there was some good shots :D The Special Movie was really good! ♥ The way it started I had a bit of a laugh at, but it was really cute. It follows through the 2 days he was in Macao doing his MV shoot and the photos as well for the cover, trading cards, and etc. He really did seem to have a lot of fun and was grateful to be able to do it in Macao, and Tsubasa would still have his little antics here and there as well xD Overall, I loved all of it! ❤
These are the RAW photos I got: 
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I got doubles AND triples LOL! As expected of me to end up with the random draw like that, but I still love all of the photos anyway! ♥ They’re all of Tsubasa’s good sides and he’s really attractive in them all ❤ And if anyone has any doubles that aren’t in this photo and I have one of the photos in the triple and double that you’d like to trade with, by all means don’t be afraid to ask! :D If not, I might sell them or do a giveaway xD
The Trading Card bad luck continues to play with me and get worse each time xD So, I’ll let the photo speak for itself:
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THEY’RE BOTH DOUBLES LOL! So, I ended up with 2 out of the 5 this time. It’s the same with Crescent Moon, except I got 3 of the same in that one xD I got the two top ones in the MV and Special Movie editions, and the bottom two in the photobook and CD only editions xD The trading card photos are really cute (not to mention quite good looking ♥), and I was super anxious when opening them as well as the RAW photo bonus also. Again, if anyone has a double of the other trading cards and you don’t have one of the ones in this photo, I’d be glad to trade with you! :D If not, again I’ll either sell them or do a giveaway :)
4. Surprise Birthday Present
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Since what I’ve purchased is a surprise birthday present for a friend, I’m not going to show or say what they are (hence I took a photo of what it looks like from behind, and put a line in it to keep it as a surprise as it had the name of it on the back xD) since their birthday is still a while away and I don’t want to ruin the surprise! xD I got these off Mercari for a reasonable price and brand new! Thank you to the lovely An, @beansproutsong, for helping me purchase these for me through her proxy! ❤ I have used her a few times and her service fees are very reasonable for second-hand goods and her service is literally 10/10 in every way possible! So don’t be afraid to message her here on Tumblr or on Twitter (@Angelic1408) if wanting any goods that you can’t get shipped overseas, or from second-hand sites! :D She’s one of the friendliest people (out of the many others who are friendly too) who is willing to do a personal proxy for everyone, so don’t be afraid to ask questions or get a inquiry on something :) More info about her proxy service can be found: HERE
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franeridart · 6 years
Hey! So sorry if you already answered this but what application and tablet do you use??
I use Easy Paint Tool SAI and a pretty old wacom intuos tablet! Both questions are answred in my faq, actually~
Anon said:You. You awesome person. You are my new fav artist. 💘💘💘
AW thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I love your art and the style, it’s all so cute and it might give me a heart attack
He c k let’s hope not! Thank you so so much!!! ;^;
Anon said:hey, can ya do more tokage, pls
Sure, I mean to draw more 1B in the future anyway~
Anon said:nori is soo adorable!! I love your art and seromina so much and seeing them combined makes me mega happy!!! I gotta ask though, how are sero and mina as parents and how do they handle nori’s quirk?
They’re disasters as parents but they try their best and are always having fun - Nori adores them! In their house not a minutes goes by without someone laughing, they’re all super loud and cheerful always~ neither of them has any problem dealing with Nori’s quirk, Sero has spent a whole lifetime learning how to deal with sticky stuff and tape and glue so he knows all the tricks to save clothes and furniture from accidental quirk usage and so on, while Mina’s own quirk makes it easy to counter any glue that might end on her - the main thing actually is that the quirk itself was a surprise! Since Nori looks a lot like Mina, both she and Sero had expected her to have acid like Mina so when she started gluing herself around in places and walking along walls and stuff it was a surprise (they had expected to have to deal with the house being constantly half destroyed by acid though, so glue is nothing compared to that haha)
Anon said:Heyy I saw your twitter account and was wondering if you could link some of those “fics about them boys sharing a bed..“ I’ve been following you for a while now and absolutely love your work (: I hope you don’t mind lol. I need more kiribaku in my life gahaha ❤️ thanks !!
I didn’t really bookmark any and most were old things I had read in the past and spent time rereading lately, but the newest one I read is this one - honestly though at this point 99% of the fics set in the dorms have them sharing a bed, you just need to open ao3 and scroll down less than a page to find stuff lol
Anon said:If you’re not an Adventure Time fan this ask will make no sense to you (so skip it), but when I saw your drawing of Katsuki with a guitar, I immediately thought he was singing some edgy Marceline song, like the teasing-aggressive “I wanna bury you in the ground / I wanna bury you with my sound” (which he actually says at some point I think XD) or the romantic and melancholic “Slow Dance with You” and Eijirou M-E-L-T-S.
Not an AT fan, but the concept is adorable so I’m keeping the ask anyway
Anon said:Do you think you might draw more of your fantasy AU children while you’re playing with you’re new pencil tool? It would be neat if you did! Regardless, I’m grateful for anything you draw!
Yup! Can’t promise when it’ll happen but I love the fantasy AU and I love childhood friends AU, so the chances of me going back on it are pretty high!
Anon said:Are you going to draw Mako and Taiyou again? They are so wonderful.
YAH that’s definitely in the near future plans! Thank you for liking them!!
Anon said:I just…I love all your art. It’s so amazing you’re awesome
Anon said:Stavo scorrendo il tuo blog e ho notato che hai risposto ad una domanda in italiano? Ho seriamente pensato fossi inglese tutto questo tempo! Amo seriamente i tuoi disegni, i tuoi oc sono meravigliosi e non vedo l'ora di scoprire più di loro.
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH grazie infinite omfg ;^; specialmente per i miei oc, è sempre incredibile per me sapere che alla gente piacciono abbastanza da volerli vedere di più ;^;
Anon said:Hewwo! I’m a huge fan of your artwork!! I was wondering if you have any time could you draw some more of those dorm room scenarios?
Anon I’m sorry but I need you to be more specific, which dorm room scenarios are you talking about? Most of my comics at this point are set in the dorms hahaha
Anon said:I just noticed that on every artwork you sign “do not repost” and I hate it.I don’t hate that you do it, but the fact you NEED to do it. Artists all over the Internet say to not repost their art but people still do it…I hope this will stop someday Sorry for my english btw
Yeah well, I guess as long as people keep on following and giving notes to reposters that’s not really gonna change is it orz
Anon said:You should draw Present Mic x Aizawa *awkward finger guns*
Hell I really should, shouldn’t I
Anon said:my god im gay for your kiribaku like they’re so good aibdjsbsknwnx and i love the interactions between the bakusquad ahh keep being awesome :)
Anon said:Honestly, this might be an odd question I don’t know, but would you ever consider putting your art together in a art book to sell? Cause to be honest, there’s not a piece by you that I don’t adore and I’ve seen some artist do things like that before so I didn’t know if that was something you’d consider. Maybe like all your BNHA pieces or something?
It’s not like I never considered it? It’s more like I dunno how worth all the work to figure out how to make it/where to print it and then to actually make it would be compared to the interest people would have in buying something they can have for free on my blog? It’s just doodles after all haha
Anon said:Would you be willing to draw a little lavi (dgm) doodle for me? Anything tiny, I just love him and your art!!!
I’m not doing requests right now, sorry, but soon enough the new chapter is coming out so I might draw him around then!!! I always fall in a serious dgm mood around the time of the chapter release haha
Anon said:More abuse of the ask function: 1- I love your art and have been for months. On top of that, it often feels cathartic, which is amazing to me. 2- I love how balanced you can make KiriBaku. You even manage to make me appreciate that overrated attention hogger that is Bakugou, you can handle him so much better than the author, because your character dynamics make so much more sense!! 3- I always, ALWAYS find myself reading through all your tags. They’re awesome. Thank you for everything.//Avevo finito lo spazio nell'ask precedente, so I’d only like to add that aside from cutie-smoochy (“It’s not about whether you break” and “I don’t need you” might be my favorite, and for what’s worth, I remember writing something exactly like the latter in the past), you also make mu burst into laughter. Like, the comic where Katsuki is about to out Eijirou on his red hair, I am still rolling. Kiri’s giant mouth is seriously hysterical XD
Thank you for the compliments!! I’m glad I can make you like a character and a relationship you’re not much of a fan of in the actual manga? ? ? Bakugou’s actually one of my favorite characters ever though so………. maybe……….don’t offend him and the way Horikoshi writes him while talking to me………….orz
Anon said:I am starved for Bakukamikiri stuff in this fandom……..But you got some good shit.
I’m!!! happy to be able to help there!!!! haha
Anon said:They mama Mitsuki art you drew 👏💯💖☺️💕👌 I love your art so much
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Yessssss you have Twitter! It is boring at the beginning but then you’ll love it! I can’t wait to see you here and there! Now all my Bakushima favorite artist have one I can die of happiness!!
I’m!!!!!!!!!! Still trying to figure it out but!!!!!!!! For now it’s not that bad? Just!!! Very different from tumblr so I’ll need to get used to it first!!!!
Anon said:Omg do u shade jirous hair like its a heartbeat line? Dhdisbdisb thats so fuckibg good
THANK she actually has it in canon too, tho, so I can’t take credit for this!!!
Anon said:Im crying on how you draw kirishima’s soft hair
S O B I’m glad you like it!! ;^;
Anon said:Can I ask what your stance is on bakugo’s mom being abusive and sorry if you’ve answered this before
I love Mitsuki with my whole heart and while I don’t think she’s perfect I do think she’s loving and caring and trying her best and always looking out for what’s best for Bakugou 👍 no abuse anywhere, for me
Thank you for liking her???? heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I wish I could use your art for my phone’s background ;^; You’re amazing! I love youuuuuuuuuu
No one’s stopping you from doing that, anon!!! Unless you don’t have a phone that allows you backgrounds, in which case ;-; thank you for liking my stuff that much tho!!
Anon said:Hey! I followed you way back when your main output was haikyuu!! comics and once you started putting out more bnha, i had to unf because i had no idea who everyone was rip. but now that ive finally had the chance to watch it i’m glad to come back and see how much you’ve improved!
HECK THANK YOU???? I’m glad you decided to come back????? oh man that’s super flattering !!!
Anon said:Yolo bakusquad bakubowl ?
I don’t really like the whole concept of [character]bowl, sorry!
Anon said:I absolutely adore your art style😍 every time I see your art it makes me happy:)
THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Can you draw Hawks and Tokoyami together? You are rlly creative and amazing! So I believe you will produce sth. awesome!!!! (If you don’t want to draw Hawks, could you draw a Tokoyami fusion?)
I can draw that! I’m just waiting to know how tall Hawks is compared to him before doing that 👍 be patient pls relative heights are something I’m stupidly fussy about 
Anon said:Burn the whole world to ashes for you? R U serius?! You always killing me dude. I ascended to the heaven of soft things. I N C R E D I B L E. Im sorry for the break down, i was without tumblr 2 months and the firts thing i do is go to your profile. Keep doing this plis im trully love it 😭💖
mAN I’m so glad you liked that one this much, drawing the boys being unreasonably soft with each other is my fav thing to do tbh !!!
Anon said:Omg I can totally imagine Nori and bakushima’s daughter being friends!!!
THEY ARE !!!!!!!
Anon said:Your seromina is amazing!!! I love that ship I feel like it is so underrated! Thank you for this blessed image!! 😭
No prob!! thank you for liking it!!!!!!! I’ve been in such a seromina mood lately, I might actually draw more soon enough!!
Anon said:Omg imagine a Tetsuwase love child. Something tells me they’d be adorable and one rather angry child, considering who their fathers are
I can see them as being quiet and grumpy………. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Anon said:Hey just wanted to tell you I love your art. It’s so soft and beautiful. My dad doesn’t ship any characters from the series, but he does like the series and he thinks your art and style are really pleasing. We were talking about how nicely you shade and that the style is well developed and lovely to look at. Thanks for making such great art that makes me smile and giving me and my dad yet another thing to bond over.
YO THAT’S SUCH A COOL THING TO HEAR!!!! Thank you to both you and your dad for liking my stuff????? h e c k !!!!!
Anon said:Thanks to you I started reading haikyuu.
I hope you’re enjoying it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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