#and I've loosely felt that if I had to be a standard idea of a furry (aka more human then not) I would be a bat
puffyartist · 1 month
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March was a busy month! For one thing, I sat down and came up with my fursona. Keep in mind it is not at all based on any real species, this is pure 'I wanna swipe all the bat shapes that I think are fun'.
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jerzwriter · 6 months
A Bit Dark
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Thank you for this ask @inlocusmads. Of course, that 100 words or less part is just comical to use with me! But I clocked in at just over 1000, which isn't bad! I love that you asked for Casey and Jess! I love these two so much, and every time I finish a fic featuring them, I feel like I've been wrapped up in a warm, cozy blanket! I know it's not a popular pairing, but I love them. So thank you! I hope you enjoy this!
Book: Open Heart (Pre-Series/Casey's Med School Years) Pairing: F!MC (Casey MacTavish) x F!OC (Jessica Philips) Words: 1,099 Rating: Teen Warnings: Discussion of mental health issues, nothing too deep. Category: Angsty fluff/ hurt/comfort Summary: Jess has noticed a bit of a change in Casey, and offers her support when she learns the reason why. A/N: For @choicesnovchallenge - I think World Kindness Day would fit. :) A/N 2: SAD = Seasonal Acquired Depression
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Sometimes, a room can be so silent that the gentle sounds of breathing permeate the air like a siren. As if to prove it, Jessica closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, and released at an achingly slow pace. The gentle noise would have gone unnoticed any other time, especially in a bustling city like Philadephia. But today, in her tiny living room, it may as well have been a gust of wind during the fiercest of winter storms. Still, the sound went unnoticed by Casey, whose gaze was fixed out the window on the other side of the room.
Shifting her weight on the lumpy but cozy sofa, Jess placed her textbook on the coffee table at her side. That was enough studying for now. If anything else was to be committed to memory this evening,  it would be the way the street lights shining through the window gently lit the contours of her girlfriend’s face. Another deep breath, this one involuntary, escaped her as she wondered if she had any idea how simply exquisite she was.
“It must be some view out there,” Jessica stated, pulling Casey from her thoughts.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“The view... outside... it must be special. You seem lost in it.”
Casey dropped the curtain, a gentle blush on her cheeks, and turned to Jessica, adorably wrapped up in a chenille throw, the loose tendrils that had escaped her messy bun framing her lovely face.
“It’s nothing compared to the view in here,” Casey corrected, happily accepting Jessica’s arms embracing her from behind.
“We’ve been studying all day,” Jess whispered. “Do you need a break? I can make us a snack.”
“No. I think I’m good for another hour or so.”
Jess placed her chin on Casey’s shoulder, fixing her gaze in the same direction.
“Wow, I see why you’re entranced. The lights look so pretty.”
“They do,” Casey agreed.
“I can’t believe it’s so dark already. It’s not even five o’clock.”
“Yep,” Casey sighed, gently pulling herself away from her lover and crossing the room. “Daylight standard time strikes again! Between studying, work, and volunteering... we’re lucky if we see the sun again before April.”
“Well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration,” Jess smiled as she returned to Casey’s side. “But all right.”
But Casey didn’t meet Jess’s playful energy. With a swallow, she sullenly turned away.
“Case... what’s going on? Are you OK?”
“Yeah,” Casey sighed.
She had only recently begun to explore the demons that had haunted her throughout her life. The anxiety that creeped out of nowhere, the sadness that could envelop her typically sunny personality without warning. She was coming to understand why and recognize her triggers, and winter’s darkness was undoubtedly one. Jessica was aware of her journey; what’s more, she was supportive, but it was still difficult to articulate. But, looking at her girlfriend’s furrowed brow, she felt she owed her the truth.
“It’s just... winter is hard for me. It’s not the cause of my depression, but all the darkness... it doesn’t help at all.”
“Oh,” Jess pulled up a chair, quickly going into doctor mode; she fought to remain a supportive partner as well. “Have you been diagnosed with SAD?”
“Not officially.”
“It wouldn’t hurt to mention it to your therapist or psychiatrist,” Jess started, a knowing look on her face. “It sort of makes sense now.”
“What does?”
“You’ve been a little sadder recently, sleeping more. You haven’t been interested in doing things you.. or we... normally enjoy. It’s been worse since the time change.”
“Well,” she shrugged dismissively. “That’s just depression...”
“Of course, but if you notice it worsens this time of year... will you talk to your doctors?”
“I will,” Casey nodded.
“Good. There are ways to combat this. They may increase your antidepressant, some vitamins have proven helpful, and we can do things to make it better.”
“Such as?”
“Well, I’m going to get you outside during the daylight more often. We can bundle up and take a walk before heading out in the morning.”
Casey let out a laugh, then took Jess’s hand.
“Do you really think getting me up early is a solution?”
“Hmmm... maybe not,” Jess winked. “I’ll just kidnap you and drag you out on our lunch breaks. I can also get light boxes for our apartments...”
“You don’t need to do that,” Casey protested.
“I don’t need to do anything, but I want to. Honestly, I’ve always wondered if it would help me, too. The winter is awfully dreary. Besides, why wouldn’t I do all I can to help you?”
Casey brushed a loose curl from Jessica’s face, then met her lips with a sweet, tender kiss.
“I’m lucky to have you.”
“Well, I’m lucky to have you, too,” Jess assured, the smile on Casey’s face growing wider.
“You know, if you really want to do anything to help me... you know what helps SAD a lot?”
“What?” Jess smiled with a roll of her eyes. 
“You’re freaking snickerdoodles! Oh my God, they’re delicious!”
“That’s it,” Jess said, her laughter filling the room. “I was expecting something far more salacious from you.”
“Mmm, maybe later,” Casey winked. “But really, I think you should make me snickerdoodles at least two times a week this winter. As an experiment... you know... to see if it helps.”
“An experiment?” Jess asked with a cocked brow.
“Yes. We’ll do it for science.”
“Come here,” she smirked, pulling Casey in for a kiss.
They rested their foreheads together after breaking away, Jess lovingly caressing the back of Casey’s head. 
“You know I’ll do whatever I can to help. You know that, right?”
“I do,” Casey grinned. “I hope you know how much it means to me.”
“I do,” Jess smiled, abruptly pulling away to grab her purse.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“Not me... we,” Jess said as she tossed Casey her coat. “I’m completely out of brown sugar and flour. How am I supposed to make you snickerdoodles tonight without them?”
“Well, then, to the market we go!” Casey said, her spirits lifted. She tugged at Jess’s hand just before they reached the door. “Jess, wait!”
Her head flung in Casey’s direction. “Yes?”
“I have a feeling... this winter will be a lot better than the ones before. It really helps when you have support.”
After gently bopping Casey’s nose with her finger, Jess placed a tender kiss on her forehead.
“You’ll be sick of me fretting by the end of it.”
“I assure you, I won’t,” Casey said as they walked down the hall. “Especially if your therapy includes snickerdoodles.”
A/N 3: If you (like me) have SAD, you can find some resources here. There is help out there! :)
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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magistralucis · 3 months
"For you, always." - Djoseras/Zultanekh (Necrontyr AU; R-15)
(Drabble for a prompt fill challenge, prompts available here.)
They unfastened their heavy outer robes and piled them up on a chair. Zultanekh was the first to retreat to bed, laying back with ease as he loosed his tunic and hitched it far up above his knees. "Now there's a memory from the earliest days of my training." He mused, and bid the kynazh regard an old scar upon his thigh. "Back then Zultanekh was not skilled with his hammer, nor with much else. A curious child but not an attentive one, or so his tutors might've described him, were they still alive. Glory upon their souls! They had a handful in Zultanekh."
Djoseras leaned down to examine. "May I ask what happened?"
"What was it, Djoseras? An accident with a khopesh. You see, my tutor at the time fought with a heavier and more ornate sword. This was on account of his being grown up, while I was but a stripling, but in my youthful folly I took this as a challenge."
The kynazh silently gestured in a bid to touch, and Zultanekh allowed it. His strong limbs and the light of the chamber gleamed a warm gold alike, and the scar stood out starkly upon his skin, long and pale and not half as faded as the years suggested. "The instant he was out of sight I picked up his sword, and would give it my all for a splendid swing; suffice to say this one did not have the best understanding of centrifugal forces at the time. The weight of it planted me straight onto the ground and upon the blade, and that, fair kynazh, is the story of how Zultanekh earned his warhammer. No one trusted me with anything else after that."
In the lamplight he saw how Djoseras smiled like the crescent moon. "I imagine Anathrosis was not best pleased."
"Oh, Anathrosis was furious. Rest assured that Zultanekh has more of his phaeron's faith nowadays. The hammer is our traditional weapon; I've been served well by it ever since, and have made up for my boyish indiscretions."
Djoseras nodded. "That is well, then."
That was all the kynazh had to say on the matter. He moved his hand away and made as if to back off. But the Crown Prince had other ideas. "What! No comfort from Djoseras?" He exclaimed; Djoseras raised his head, baffled, and Zultanekh gestured down at his scar pointedly. "Zultanekh's tale, his sincere honesty - in the bedchamber, of all places! All for nothing? I'll have you know it was a very painful wound."
The heir of Ithakas stared at him blankly. "Did you… want to be comforted?"
"What the - why - why would I not? Come, think about it for a moment."
Zultanekh's cheeks were flushed almost as red as his beard, and the inside of his head felt as if he were thinking through mud as he tried to explain what about Djoseras's reaction he found so inane. "Does Zultanekh's pain mean that little to you? He will request no pity, for he can hardly ask you to praise his wisdom where he showed none. But we all made mistakes when we were young, it's a universal constant - I'm sure young Oltyx has made some, if you have not, and I would hope you commiserated. Might we not commiserate? When we're already together, alone… intimate?"
His voice dropped softly at the final word. Surely, Zultanekh thought as he drew Djoseras into his arms, this is enough of a hint; he'd willingly bared his thigh, allowed another to touch him there, by royal standards of intimacy he was as good as naked. It was Djoseras who'd come to him that night, god forbid, surely it wasn't that much of a stretch to expect his affection. But Djoseras was not so easily moved. His smile was wry, his tone, maddeningly objective.
"Prince Zultanekh, your wound is long healed, and even as you spoke of it I saw your spirits were high. It seemed only logical to assume you were recovered. After all, it was a long time ago." His slender fingers played over the scar then, tracing it from top to bottom. Zultanekh tensed, first from shock, then a rapidly stiffening desire. "You are older than either Oltyx or I, but you were just a boy then, too. I might not even have been old enough to walk the year you were injured. And now we're all adults, why, you are almost twice the age of betrothal - too grown up, certainly, to jest for my mercy."
"And who kept Zultanekh waiting for that long, might he ask?" The Crown Prince demanded, green eyes darkened with longing. He was no stranger to playing at nonchalance, but he could never seem to temper himself around Djoseras, blast it all; it drove Zultanekh wild merely to sit with the kynazh, beholding that elegant form before him, those hair and eyes as dark as midnight. "Has he not been waiting for you, always? Ever since we first clashed at Heqahn, and vowed to meet again and again 'til vanquishment, had we not then sworn an oath to the other? Oh, you… you-"
He swept Djoseras into a fierce kiss. Then another, and another, scarce giving either of them room to breathe. For the first time that night he had Djoseras moved; a quiet noise escaped the kynazh as their lips drew apart, more breath than moan from a glistening mouth, and Zultanekh groaned in response. His hand found the dip of Djoseras's slender waist, pressed him right up close, the swirl of his inner robes cool against Zultanekh's skin.
For as long as he had known Djoseras he'd never seen the kynazh dressed in ornate colours. Mostly in whites and blacks, woven through occasionally with silver or gold or godsteel. His robes were always finely embroidered, but the shades were never mixed, as elegant and uncompromising as the rest of Djoseras combined. Zultanekh felt as if he might die of thirst as he imagined what lay under those robes, whether the kynazh was soft or angular, how good he might look stretched out in rapture upon those wine-dark sheets.
"Cruel, sweet prince, Zultanekh's beloved! Yours must be the coldest heart in Ithakas. I hope you don't think this one is so ungenerous: had you regaled me with a tale of your injury, no matter how minor or juvenile, I'd have spoken to you as many soothing words as you deserved." To think such a fair prince had come all this way, just to see Zultanekh - and to think that after all that effort this pillar of piousness, this familial, faithful creature was too rational to flirt, inflamed the Crown Prince like nothing else. "Warmed you with wine, or with mine own self, whatever would console you best. And here you are, asking: does Zultanekh want to be comforted? Oh, Djoseras! What are you like!"
At that Djoseras finally burst into laughter. It was rare for the heir of Ithakas to laugh out loud for any reason, but here he was amused, and thankfully sincere. "I hadn't realized you felt so strongly about it." He remarked, then shifted about to settle politely upon Zultanekh's lap. His arms were cool and bare about the Crown Prince's neck. "Be warned, Zultanekh, that I am unattuned to such softness. Unnas always considered it a weakness from his scions, and we of Ithakas are seldom indulged, even while we are young. Yet I am charmed by your attachment - truthfully, it is what I like most about you, that you are unafraid to feel. I've only ever known my brother to be like that."
He offered his hand. Zultanekh kissed it, gladly. "I will esteem to be more mindful in the future. I may be awkward for a time - but for you, Crown Prince, I will try my best."
"Thank you. It is good of you to indulge Zultanekh; he was a rather sensitive child."
Djoseras's eyes gleamed with mischief. "Oh, I've never doubted you were childish. I merely hope to make an obedient boy out of you sometime."
"Now that's more like it," breathed Zultanekh. He laid upon Djoseras a kiss so deep that the kynazh of Ithakas fell to sighing, his eyes faint with pleasure; Zultanekh moved to the side, laying Djoseras down properly onto the bed, then made to remove his own tunic altogether. "That is well, kynazh, but Zultanekh warrants he has far more to teach you about pleasure. Come, lend him a hand - take yours off too, if you please - and we shall review where else fair Djoseras has wounded him, so that he might be granted his comforts, and return it to you a thousandfold."
(Note: This was an anon request and came without fandom or pairings attached, so I've taken the liberty to be self-indulgent 😘 I'm intending this to be part of a longer (NSFW) piece, of an AU where biotransference isn't a concern and Djoseras and Zultanekh had a lot more time to enjoy the peace between their dynasties. Indulge an official courtship, fall in love. Kind of like the necrontyr parts of we live on archipelagos concentrated to triple strength. Here Djoseras has surprised Zultanekh by slipping into the other's room at night - as one would expect of a courtly love scene - and then immediately dropped the ball by being too logical about flirtations. 🤣 Oh, they have a long way to go...)
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psychewritesbs · 2 months
Do you think Megumi's lack of confidence is also propelled by Gojo's expectations of him? I know we didn't get much insight to how their dynamic is before the main story, but the glimpses we've had and the recent event in the phantom parade game really honed in on Gojo's 'tough love'. Now I have no idea whether or not Gege is heavily involved with the script but the snake god event seems to really highlight Megumi struggling against Gojo's standards for him.
I must clarify though that I don't play the game (sadly I don't understand Japanese and I have to use vpn to play it apparently), I've only seen ss with translations so I might be exaggerating the gravity of said 'pressure'. But the end scene really stuck with me and I think it perfectly encapsulates how I hc their relationship.
Basically, Megumi, after exorcising the curse all by himself got back to Ijichi and Gojo. Upon finding out that Gojo had been asleep in the back of the car all this time he was disappointed that Gojo didn't even witness the exorcism (I personally think he kept watch 😭). Which sucks cause in context, he offered himself as sacrifice because it was kinda Gojo's plan. And when Gojo finally emerges he tells Megumi that he probably could've done better, with Megumi replying he can't do it like him. The scene ended on a positive note though with Gojo saying in a hopeful tone that someday Megumi will be able to do it.
This scenario made me wonder if the entirety of Megumi's life he felt inadequate because of this kind of teaching method. Not that I blame Gojo cause Megumi does need that push. But I can totally see this as a factor to his insecurity over his own abilities as well.
Omg yes. Thanks for sharing these details btw!
And consider this... Combine Gojo's teaching methods with Megumi's self-doubt and inferiority complex around Gojo and you basically have a recipe for disaster because Megumi learned to place a glass ceiling over his head because, in his head, he could never surpass Gojo. He's already decided he's going to loose without giving it a shot.
Ironically, that mindset is exactly the kind of mindset Gojo is trying to teach him to not have, it's just that Megumi isn't receptive to Gojo's method of teaching because they ultimately have a different way of approaching goals. That's why I feel like Yuji is a much better fit for Gojo's teaching because they approach goals similarly.
Aside from that, I have to say their dynamic feels like Oedipus Rex with a Jungian twist. That's why right now, it makes sense that symbolically, Megumi is in a womb-like space. Not only did he metaphorically marry his mother (womb-like space) and killed his father (Gojo), he's now awaiting rebirth.
Something like that.
p.s. I am not one to hc that Gojo was a father figure to Megumi or Tsumiki. Quite the opposite actually. Gojo strikes me as someone who would be irresponsible and distant af lol. But he is the closest that Megumi has to a male authority figure (father archetype).
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eternalhealingau · 6 months
Eternal Healing…
an oc x canon (w/ sfw mpreg) ship au (Introductory Chapter)
This is gonna be what sets up the rest of the AU. Please read it if you wanna get the idea of what's to come in the future...... highly highly recommend and I could not say it enough. (THIS IS MY OWN ART BTW: DO NOT STEAL//ASK FOR PERMISSION//DO NOT USE FOR AI PURPOSES FTLOG)
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Begins below the cut....
It wasn't truly known to the multiverse but there was one bubble that seemingly came from nowhere. It had a chaotic signature. But no golb energy. Free from the chaos that came before it and yet totally filled with it. A sign that this universe didn't seem to go by the standards of that which the others had maintained by some weird "out-of-mortal-reach" standpoint.
Prismo turned to it from surfing around. His eye sparkling as he notices it's uniqueness from every other universe he's tapped into...... Yet it has peaked some interest. He looks deeper into it. Mythological kinds resembling the greeks...modernized? There were literal gods roaming the earth? How can that be? He searches deeper into this universe. Seeing a captivating story unfold. He knows the stories of the old from the creation myth to the herculean and odyssey. But one had stuck out from the rest. The Moiraios Pateras. The fated father. From skimming through the universe's timeline a silhouette appears on the screen. Tall, muscular, pierced, tatted and rather low-key in their demeanor. A pink aura surrounded them. Suggesting feminine qualities. But by their wrists, pure golden rings. They seemingly smoked a cigarette as one of their signature pieces of who they are. What made them, themself in their image of godhood. Without notice, he gets a call from Fiona. His attention being interrupted as he hears a frantic and albeit a little anxiety ridden tone. "Prismo! You gotta help us! Simon's been silent for the past few months. I've tried calling him, texting him, everything! But when I went over to his place, he barged the house and how he's gone fucking coo coo!! HE'S BEEN TRYING TO SUMMON BETTY AGAIN!" More frantic noises came from the other line. Old man whining, a gruff sounding Cake trying to keep him still and Fiona seemingly grunting from exertion in an effort to pin him down, keeping him from going completely haywire. Fuck it's a relapse. Therapy didn't do the trick for his ability to move on, did it? His expression drops without a second thought and quite worried for them, Prismo summons them.
All of them looked like they'd belong in a bowl of ramen they were so intertwined. Simon's head only appearing out from beyond two legs as he was squeezed tight from Cake's body. Squirming to be let go so he could 'finish what he started'. And if his wet cat appearance didn't already shock you enough, he looked even more rugged. His eye bags far more definite, white eyes still crazed out of their mind, spit almost running from the mouth, hair matted and frizzled, even his outfit was either halfway worn or was nearly completely off. Leaving him nearly naked. Jeez Simon you sure relapsed into your own self-made insanity there. Finally when he was able to be let loose, he scattered to the screen and slammed his back against it. Hyperventilating. Not even thinking about where he was. The duo meanwhile, felt almost sick to their stomach seeing him nearly more close in line to the refrigerator version of himself. Just more alive and....writhing with an overactive conscious. Cake looked back up to her blonde companion and bit her lip. Asking a question that seemed a little too harsh but had a point to be driven across. "Do you think he might have a mild case of rabies, girl?" Fiona shook her head as she looked at him. Her own emotions and conscious fighting for supremacy as much as Cake's was. The hairs and fur on both of their bodies standing up finally taking his insane form in for a look once again.
The old grunt seemingly calmed down a little bit before realizing where he was and nearly crying. Sulking in his depression once more. He was so close, nearly there....but it was just no use. He tried so hard for his love. But fate still has its ways of teaching him. Even if he wanted to checkmate fate any way he could. Even by trying to summon her one final time. But looking around, trying to make his thoughts clear even if his emotions didn't want him too, he notices a deeply concerned Prismo with a pensive look to him. "You just couldn't handle the wait.... could you?" He spoke. The old man simply looked to his side. Not wanting any confrontation at the moment. But, time pushed on. And with time, came more conservations and desperate hopes to get him to talk. "Simon, you know that what you did wasn't gonna work out, right?" Still with the silence. His heart ached with each little word spoken before him. He couldn't bear to keep a front, but if he wanted to return to what he was doing earlier, then he had to stick it out. But doing that he made himself look like a toddler in denial. Still......, with one more question. "Betty won't return again, man. You remember?"
"...I clearly do. And I have no regrets to everything I've done thus far." He bit his lip as he growled at him with tears. "Can't you just let an old man live to see his wife in some other way--" Simon gets cut short by Prismo interrupting him. "Ah ah ah.. Nope. Not having this conversation. She's gone dude. Her next life is a comet now that she's been..... given a chance by some other entity."
Simon put his head in his knees, not wanting to face Prismo or his neighboring companions for all he cared. Again, the conversation needed momentum and the multiverse watcher wasn't gonna let up. Nor was he gonna shy away from the truth as Fiona and Cake watched in heartbroken blunder. "Can't you see the reality to this situation that you've made...?" A long silence befell everyone in the room. The big screen fizzled out to the universe still being watched. Now just focusing on the present moment that was going on there. No one batted their gaze. Just focusing on Simon. Prismo sighed. "You relapsed dude....."
From that point on, Simon finally bursted into tears and flopped onto the ground. Prompting Cake to shapeshift into a big bean bag for him to rest upon lazily. Fiona was right over to lend him a hand to hold and a person to be comforted by. "Let it out dude....it's okay." His cries turned ugly as he continued forth trying his damnest to recount his memories of Betty while being faced with his crippling reality check. He finally was able to let the mental and emotional wound be opened once more. Cleaned by tears that were dying to come out. It was freeing but the effects were soul crushing.
they nearly stayed like that for fifteen minutes.... just comforting an old man who was close to them by their friendship. Prismo in the meantime was configuring how to fix this situation. Coming up dry every time he thought of something? Erasing golb statues? Simon would be the only one to know of such an object. Displacing memories? He'd be back to his insane half. Destroying the crown? Nigh. Wouldn't work as something was gonna be out there to trap it or harness it for other purposes anyways.
Still, Simon would have a minuscule chance of finding it and Prismo was not willing to run that risk in the moment. But his eye keeps darting towards the screen. Seeing the universe that he skimmed to. Could there be a way to send him there so he could be pushed to move forward? Move forward and be done sulking entirely? Because if this forces a habit onto him then his mind would change finally. But he'd still be the only one to know about the Golb nonsense he put himself through.....tough choices man..... tough choices.
Alas, after minutes of hearing Simon trying to come back to a more calm state, Prismo just decides to roll with this risky idea. "I may or may not have a plan. That doesn't involve the golb or Betty. Simon." He batted an eye towards the cowering and sulking individual. Now wiping his snot with Fiona's shirt. Gross. The dark brunette to ravenette looked back up. Tears still in his eyes but a more ready and accepting energy seemed to come to mind. It's like this was the 'it' moment that Simon was wishing would come sooner. Like death or something similar. He nods.
"What if I send you into this world...?"
The team immediately looks back up at the screen and notices the scenery. It started out looking much to the chagrin of the Alamo. But instead of its walls being an aged stone, they looked freshly painted to an old former glory not seen since the 1700s during Spanish Colonialism. But instead of hispanic culture, it looked a little greek. You had your spanish influence from the riverwalks, but there was a bonus added on flair of grecian flavor. The river's banks had fairies of multiple pastel hues ranging from a what's seemingly common pink, to a rare case of a pure ashy grey. They hid into some of the trees to keep their distance from humans below. But when they were in the water, it seemingly looked like they bathed at night. Amidst the moonlight.
Simon feels something billow in his lower stomach as he watched. It was suuuupper faint. But it felt like nothing but a small nervous tickle. He pushed it aside as the scenery continued to be shown.
Another shift in the screen and it showcased a piece of more rural texas lit up by a pink colored festival. Dancing and parading in the area, with tailgating and campsites established. Very Woodstock reminiscent but also more closely in tune with a big get together of locals that came for the party. What was in mind, was again, more pink colored motifs. More moon imagery and what was more strange is that the men themselves in some cases.... looked as if they 'carried' children too. Was there some sort of magic enabling cross-biological pregnancies? It piqued his interest but racked his levels nervousness.
Once more, another shift. This time it was in the summertime months. It looked hot and it decided to feature a pool party happening at some mansion in the middle of the city on a ranch. The greek flags were held high, the texan one flew same height and no sight of an american one. Very prideful people it seemed. From the noise, it felt like a family get-together. The people there were more mature in their looks. Taller than an average mortal. By several feet at most. It brought Simon's emotions back down to a level of ease as he saw how comfortable they all were together.
One of the members wielded thunder as well as a very jovial and horny personality, one of them wielded water with a trident ordained with a cool demeanor, another one naturally liked to practice boxing on one of the trees in the backyard. A few of the women in this huge family get together seemed busty and pale in complexion. They all had either white to grey hair, soft features and a soft demeanor. Sensitive and doting. Delighting in the pool, they seemed to be resting on someone's shoulders. Their hands swirled around this one's shoulders. They looked tatted, couldn't give less of a shit, looked like they had hoes and yet had no sexual drive to carry on. Smoking a cigarette they let these women of sorts hug them. Not hindering in enjoying some sweet affection. But they all conversed like they were family. Questions like, 'so did you find him yet?' 'is there anyone in particular?' 'when will the new age begin? I-err... we! can't be waiting like this~!' Their eyes were grey, with dark brown hair. They even had pierced lips, a septum nosering, eyebrow and ear studs. This person sounded nothing like a man but leaned close to that margin. "I have no clue, just enjoy the time we got for right now y'all. It may feel like hell but we'll be outta here at some point." They cackled.
Simon's heart started to beat a tiny little bit more. Like he's taken interest already. But, he's barely met this woman...man....person.... Ohhh Prismo. What have you done to bless this man?
Before he could turn back to Prismo, he gave it some thought on whether to go there or not. But, even if he remembers Betty in this moment in time, with how risk taking she was, it's about time he took one such chance of his own. Besides he never truly knows what it's like until he leaves his home and explores. You never make history by sitting around. You never create nostalgia by moping. As he continues to ponder though, he considers another thought. Will Fiona and everyone he's ever known be there? It looked unlikely and with some wild thought, he even dived deeper into the 'what if's of combining universes. He gulped as his decisions were clearly starting to become more finite in their ways. There was only one way of things going if he really wanted to go there.
"Prismo....if there's any way you can make sure that Fiona, Cake, Marcy, Bonnie, Marshall and everyone else, as well as the residents in Ooo itself also end up there...." He finally stands tall, hands to his sides as he's positioned to look like an avatar off of a video game screen. "Then I'd be happy to go." Fiona and Cake stand flabbergasted at each other, now standing tall themselves. Giving themselves a chance to look back at the screen as one white star fills the TV screen on a black void. A silence befell them as life begins to alter in their minds. Wondering what they would be able to find there and what kinds of crazy scenarios they'd be able to handle given such extreme weather conditions and unique magic/power dispositions.
The scene slowed....
Prismo's fingers were about to snap.
The duo looks to each other, beginning to go about their mantra. "You know what time it is?"
Simon's eyes closed slowly as the moment drew near.
Fiona and Cake finished their mantra, responding to each other with a fist bump. The iconic energy was back baby! "Adventure time!!"
Cicadas sung their sweet melody with the crickets in a nature based choir.... all in the last few minutes of twilight. The hunk seemingly rushing over to these bodies that laid asleep near the backyards trees. A deeply southern tone with both concern and worry, masqueraded with a tough resilience comes forth.
"Oh Saturn.....~"
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fearowkenya · 7 months
Ocean Wave, Part 2: A Winding Current
“I was curious.” Dracmon fidgets idly with the little golden loop near the spike on his right wing. “Somethin’ about you drew me in… and I couldn’t walk away. When we fought together, it felt right. More right than anything I’ve ever, ever felt. And now… I just want to be with you.” Dracmon wasn't always by Kaito's side. Which begs the question: part 1 - footprints in the sand Who was he, before the arrival of his other half? part 2 - a winding current And what was he doing, on that fateful day?
Part 2 covers the moment that Dracmon and Kaito met for the first time. once again, tumblr dot shit hides posts with external links in tags, so the ao3 link is in the source.
EDIT: fixed formatting on ao3 - indentation on mobile should look better now. extended authors notes under cut!
SO there was a TON of ideas that went into part 2, mostly stemming from, as i've mentioned, me being mad that kaito and dracmon were the only ones not to get a fancy champion evo sequence on-screen. i said in my authors note on ao3 that as i was playing, i just assumed it happened off-screen, but then i asked myself "what if it didnt?" and the answer i came up with was "maybe dracmon could already innately reach champion" and then i worked backwards from there.
next - aesthetic changes to dracmon. i am a HUGE sucker for digimon being matchies with their partner. before dracmon met kaito, i think all of his eyes were red, both the ones on his face and the ones on his hands, and the ones that are green only became that way after meeting kaito and devolving from sangloupmon. it's kind of like in tamers when beelzemon's eyes change colour after he makes amends with his partners. i also made changes to the accessory situation - after meeting kaito, instead of the little chain with the green gem in the middle, dracmon would have piercings on his wingtips that are the same shape and on the same side as kaito's. i have like... a written list of all aesthetic changes across all stages for all the partner digimon at this point (except for renamon and gabumon - still thinking about those ones) so i will accept any invitation to blabber about them! i LOVE that shit, i cannot emphasize that enough!!
formatting this time was a little less intense - i only had one table i needed to work with, and tbh, most of my formatting issues were about indentation. im actually not really a fan of the standard ao3 formatting patterns, where there's double spacing after each paragraph and no indentation. i much much prefer how it is in most novels, where there's no double spacing and every paragraph is indented. i know people tend to be fussy about formatting in fics, and most of the ones ive seen use the double-spacing no-indenting situation. it's understandable, formatting is something i'm fussy about as well, so im trying to strike a balance between the way i like it and the way i've noticed that most others like it.
i like indenting. i use it to like... give a sense of flow to conversations and/or differentiate/shift between spoken word and narration. the vibe im trying to give when i increase indentation from line to line is that the conversation speed is picking up. im not sure how well that was conveyed, but i think it works all right.
once again, like in alligators, i left some deliberate loose ends. the most obvious one is "if that first tether pulling dracmon toward the ocean wasn't kaito, then what was it?" and listen. dont even worry about it (:
as im replaying the game, im noticing some really interesting stuff about the state of the digital world. in like...part 7, i think, there's an optional free time event where you can recruit a tentomon, and it mentions that a lot of other digimon have been behaving aggressively lately. paired with the fog, i think that what's happening is that the shrinking digital world is causing a lot of digimon to have to live in close quarters, and that a lot of them are "young" in the sense that they're still feral and incapable of speech or reason. that, plus the continuous spread of the fog, would make for a really hostile environment for the remaining areas of the world. im quite happy with the theory i've got that digimon might sometimes lose a bit of memory every time they regenerate. if you subscribe to that idea, the unusual aggression among the wild digimon makes a lot of sense - they're all young, they all keep getting exploded and forgetting what's going on, theres this terrifying fucking fog EVERYWHERE, which just feeds back into wild digimon being more on-edge, and therefore more aggressive. thats why tsumemon is a little unsure of hanging out with koromon at first in part 1 - it's a dangerous world for little guys!
this is kinda connected to why i have the digimon half of the cast crossing paths with one another. tsumemon and koromon have met, yeah, (even though they don't remember anymore) but also i think a few of the other characters have met too. i didn't linger on it, but kunemon was in part one of ocean wave , albeit very briefly, trying to warn dracmon about seadramon lol. Now Why Would He Do That? again. don't worry about it (:
and at last - what's next? i mentioned in another text post a few days ago that ideally id like to go back to some shuuji and lopmon stuff. ocean wave set up some context about a couple of things i want to explore about shuuji and lopmon's relationship, as well as some . hmm. alternate events. and what effect those alternate events have on the two of them. "what do you mean" dont worry (: mostly it is just me self-indulgently fixing a few gripes i had with truthful route's part 6. i'd also at some point like to post some doodles of aesthetic changes. i have a few sketched out but they're very messy lol
anyway wow this was a big ol comment post. thanks for reading this far !!
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starset21 · 10 months
Sincerely, Yours
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Standard disclaimer: I only own my original characters, I've done some research but there will likely be Navy/military inaccuracies, and I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under @.itswildflower A/N: I hate having to say this but please leave a comment or reblog because I have no idea if people are actually reading this series and if people are liking it. Summary: The results of the bird strike and Ria gets to spend time with Jake before getting some bad news
Looking for previous chapters? Sincerely, Yours Masterlist  
Chapter 7:
Ria grunted as she landed harshly, collapsing to the ground as her shute drifted down behind her. She checked herself over and only found a few scrapes but knew she would definitely be sore later. “Elliot!” She yelled as she took off her helmet and began looking for where he landed. When she heard no response she untangled herself from her shute cords and walked a little ways away from it. “Elliot!” she yelled again. “Ria!” he called out climbing up and over a hill to where they finally spotted each other. Elliot raced down the slope, taking her into his arms. The two felt like they could breathe again now that they were holding onto one another. “I’m so sorry Eli,” Ria cried into his chest. “Hey, hey, Ria- look,” he said, brushing the hair that had come loose from the bun she’d had it in back from her eyes. She wouldn’t look him in the eyes. “Indira Kazansky! Look at me. I am right here. We are both alive and we are both ok. You did your job.” Tears ran down Ria’s face but she looked at him. “You did your job,” he told her again and she nodded, burying her face into his chest again. Elliot pressed a kiss to her head as he held her tightly. A Coast Guard MH-60T Jayhawk soars over the landscape toward the two aviators. It landed on the desert floor and a crew member came to check them out and help them to the helo. Soon enough Ria was strapped in beside Elliot and one of the rescue crew members and laying her head on Elliot’s shoulder, exhaustion setting in. 
They are brought to the base hospital to get checked out, per protocol. The flight medic found nothing life-threatening but wanted to be completely sure. They weren’t allowed visitors until their commanding officer had been briefed on exactly what had occurred. The nurse was in the middle of applying a butterfly closure to the cut on Ria’s forehead when Admiral Simpson walked in. “Admiral,” Ria and Elliot greeted the latter wincing as a nurse prodded at one of the more noticeable bruises on his wrist. “At ease, I just have a few questions to ask.” The head nurse turned to look at the Admiral. “They’re pretty banged up, we’d like to keep them overnight for observation, just in case something changes.” The Admiral nodded before dismissing them. Ria motioned for him to ask away. “In the course of training, have you felt Captain Mitchell was forcing you beyond your natural abilities?” he asked and Ria furrowed a brow. “No, sir,” she responded immediately. “Would you say that his training left you no margin for error?” he asked. “We suffered a double engine failure at low altitude. We had no choice but to eject sir,” she replied. The Admiral turned to Elliot. “Would you say that his training left you no margin for error?” The two aviators share a look. “Don’t look at her. Answer the question. Would you say that his training left you no margin for error?” the Admiral demanded. “I know what you want me to say, sir. I’m not going to say it,” Elliot said firmly. “We did what the mission calls for. It was a bird strike that cause engine failure. Captain Mitchell is not responsible for what happened out there,” Ria told him, not backing down. 
 Maverick waited anxiously in the waiting room. Cyclone emerges from the room and approaches him. There is a long, uncomfortable pause as Cyclone ponders what to say. “Admiral.” Maverick and Cyclone turn their heads to see Warlock and Hondo approaching. “At the request of Hondo here, I’ve just been down to inspect Captain Mitchell’s plane,” Warlock tells the other Admiral. Cyclone looks to Hondo. “Well?” he asked. “Bird strike, sir,” Hondo tells the man. “Come again?” the Admiral asks. “There’s bird guts all down the starboard side of Mav- Of Captain Mitchell’s plane, sir. Lieutenant Kazanksy was flying in tight formation with him. I’m guessing the wreckage will show she took a flock of birds head-on.” Cyclone looks at Maverick for another beat, then walks away. Warlock follows, leaving Maverick and Hondo to share a look. “Go check on them, see for yourself that they’re ok,” Hondo advised, seeing the almost haunted look in Mav’s eyes. Maverick nodded before turning down the hallway where their room was. He knocked gently on the door twice before he opened it to see Ria and her wizzo talking quietly. Elliot stiffened, immediately shutting up. “Captain,” he greeted. “At ease Lieutenants,” Maverick said, not moving further than the doorway. “I’m so glad you both are alright, you did good,” he said after a moment. “I should have seen them coming,” Ria said, looking down. “I hardly saw them until they hit my canopy, you did absolutely everything right, there was no fault today,” he reassured. “I’ll leave you guys to get some rest now. Good work today,” he told them before turning and leaving the pair alone once again. 
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“Can I help you?” a nurse at the front desk asked him as Jake walked up. “I’m looking for Indira Kazanksy, she was brought in a few hours ago,” he told her. The woman raised a brow. “Relation to the patient?” she asked. “Boyfriend,” Jake said with no hesitation. “Oh, alright,” she hummed before typing a few things into the computer. “Visiting hours are over in an hour. Room 189,” the nurse told him. “Thank you, ma’am,” Jake replied before turning to head down the hallway toward the room he had been told. He knocked on the door gently before opening it to see Denver quietly talking on his phone to someone and Ria laying on her side with her eyes closed, resting. Denver smiled at him before nodding his head over in Ria’s direction. Jake nodded as he walked further into the room, hesitating for a moment before making his way over to her bedside. Jake reached out to gently tuck a few stands that lingered around her face behind an ear. Ria’s eyes fluttered at the contact before opening and revealing her blue eyes. “Jake?” she says quietly. “Hey,” he whispers, withdrawing his hand as he takes a seat in the chair beside her bed. “What are you doing here Jake?” she asks, sitting up and adjusting the pillow she had been resting on. “Had to come to check on you myself,” he told her simply. “Didn’t they tell you guys we were fine?” she yawned. “Yeah, just needed to see you, that’s all.” Ria felt like she could just melt into a puddle at his words. “You scared the crap out of me Ria, hearing everything that happened,” Jake said quietly. Ria reached out for his hand, and he gave it to her, ‘m, right here,” she whispered, squeezing his hand before placing it right on her heart. Jake nods and allows it to rest there for a moment. Ria frowned as he went to remove his hand, grabbing it before he could go very far. She scooted over and patted the bed beside her, silently asking Jake to lay with her. He obliges, carefully laying beside her and wrapping her into his arms, almost sighing with relief as she lays her head on his chest and closes her eyes.  
It can’t have been longer than a few hours before she’s shaken awake by a nurse and Jake moving to stand. “I’m sorry honey, there are some men here to see you and visiting hours are over,” the nurse whispers, checking her monitors. Ria rubbed at her eyes as Jake stretches his arms over his head, thanking the nurse quietly for letting him stay as long as she did, looking over at Elliot who was now sitting up, his eyes focused on the two uniformed men standing in the doorway. Following her backseaters gaze, Ria recognizes the uniformed men and her hand darts out to grab Jake’s arm, stopping him in his tracks. “Miss Kazansky, we have some news for you if you’d come with us,” the one on the left says. Ria shakes her head. “No. no. They- they can hear too,” she says, her voice a little hoarse. She had a feeling she knew what they were going to say. “Very well, we regret to inform you miss Kazansky, that your father, Admiral Tom Kazansky has passed away in his home of San Diego, California.” Ria swallows, their words sinking in. She licked her lips before nodding. “Thank you for the information, I have my support system here, so you are dismissed,” she says professionally and the two men look at her, unsure. “Do I need to repeat myself sir?” she asks. Jake gives them a look and they both shake their heads. “Very well ma’am, goodnight.” Jake takes a seat on the edge of her bed, pulling her into a tight hug as Elliot begins shifting his thin blanket so he can get up. “I’m sorry to say this, but visiting hours are over. Mr. Seresin will need to be leaving now,” the nurse spoke up. Ria clutched Jake tighter at her words, burying her face in his chest, silent tears streaming. “Can’t he stay, just for the night?” Elliot whispers to the nurse. “She’s just been told her dad is dead, surely you can make an exception.” The nurse bit her lip. “I suppose I can, but if anyone asks, he’s her fiance,” she said after a moment and Elliot thanked her profusely. “Alright, push the call button if you three need anything,” she said before she briskly exited the room. Elliot makes his way over to sit on Ria’s other side, rubbing her back soothingly as she cried into Jake’s shirt. 
The next morning Jake had dropped Elliot off at his temporary housing and proceeded to drive Ria to her parents home. She was silent the whole drive but as soon as he put the truck in park Ria was out and running for the front door. Junior opened the door and Ria immediately pulled him in for a tight hug, whispering words of love as he clutched onto his big sister. Ria sniffled as she felt him loosen his grip and took that as he was ready for her to let go of him. Jake had slowly made his way up the few steps to the front porch. “Atlas is up in Mari’s room with her. Mom’s in their room,” Tj tells her and she nods before clearing her throat. “Tj, I dont know if you remember him but this is-” Ria begins only to be cut off by her younger brother. “Jake. I remember,” he deadpans.  Jake rubs the back of his neck almost sheepishly. “Right well, I’m going to go up and see Mari, then mom, be nice to him,” Ria says before heading for the stairs. “You hurt my sister again and I swear to whoever is out there you’ll regret it, Rhett’s not here to threaten you anymore but I’ll do it for him,” Ria manages to hear Tj tell Jake from her position halfway up the stairs. She smiles softly, before knocking twice on Mari’s door before opening it to see her sitting up in her bed, watching something mindless on her tv, Atlas laying across her legs. 
Atlas lifted his head and looked at her as Ria crossed the room and sat down beside her little sister, scratching Atlas’s head in greeting. Ria opens her arms and Mari then flings herself into them, Atlas jumping up at the movement before settling across Ria’s legs. “Why weren’t you here last night?” she mumbles into Ria’s chest. “Mari, love, I can barely hear you when you do that,” Ria begins, “But if you asked where I was last night I was in the base hospital, I uh, I had a little bit of training mishap and they kept me and Elliot overnight, wouldn’t release us,” she told the 13-year-old. Mari squeezed Ria a little tighter at her words. “Easy Mari, I’m still a little sore,” Ria laughed. “I could have lost you too,” Mari begins sobbing. Ria softened at her words, “Mari, honey, it’s always a possibility with my job, you know that.” Mari just cried more and it hurt Ria’s heart. “You also know that I do absolutely everything I can to come home,” Ria told her. “Rhett didn’t come home though,” Mari sniffled and Ria just squeezed the younger girl to her tighter. “I know Mari, and it sucks, but we knew the risks when we signed up. We keep his memory alive through us all, and we’ll do the same for Dad too.” Mari cried for a bit longer and Ria just held her through it. Eventually, Mari fell asleep and Ria carefully picked her up off of her and placed her back in the middle of her bed. Atlas moved to lay beside Mari and Ria patted his head before leaving to go check on her mom.
She carefully walked down the hallway to her parents room, knocking gently before entering. “Hey mama,” she greets softly, seeing her mother curled up on the big bed with the pillow her father had used tucked in her arms. Sarah Kazansky in her pajamas looks up at her eldest daughter with unshed tears in her eyes. “Hi, baby,” she whispers, setting the pillow back into its place and opening her arms. Ria crawled onto the bed beside her mother, welcoming the embrace. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “He’s not in pain anymore,” her mother replied. Ria sniffled and nodded as her mother tightened her grip on her daughter. “How are Tj and Mari?” her mother asks softly. “They’re as ok as they can be momma,” Ria told her. “And you?” she asks. “I’m ok, mama. I’ll always be ok,” she told her mother. Sarah pushed some of the hair out of Ria’s eyes. “You’ve always been my strong and independent girl, it’s ok if you aren’t,” she said. “I know mama, I know.” Her mother squeezed her tightly for a moment. 
A portrait of Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky presides over his funeral the next day. Ria, in her dress blues, stands somewhat stoically beside the rest of the Kazansky family, Atlas at her feet. She hardly listened to the preacher or some of her father’s closest co-workers as they told stories of how great of a man her father had been and how he would be missed. She already knew how great of a man he was, he was her father. Taps played as Cyclone received the folded flag from the officers and presented it to her mother, who took it gently and holds it to her chest before looking at Maverick, who had been standing beside her. He steps forward, moving to the little podium before addressing the crowd. “Ice understood what it is to be a wingman. A wingman is willing to defend your life with their own and stay with you no matter how impossible the odds are. More than anything, a wingman is there to push you beyond your limits and encourage you to find the very best in yourself. Ice was a wingman to his family, his friends, to every life he touched. That is why I know he’ll never be truly gone.” Maverick steps forward to the casket, slams his wings into the casket, and salutes, as do all service members. There’s the rumbling crescendo of jets as four F-18s fly overhead. One pulling up into a vertical climb: the “missing man” formation is when Ria allows a single tear of her own to slip down her cheek. 
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amplesalty · 6 months
Halloween 2023 - Day 7 - Halloween Ends (2022)
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Does Halloween End with a bang or a whimper?
So, not quite Day 31 but this is indeed Halloween Ends in every sense of the word. Not just the season but the very franchise itself…sort of. But we'll come back to that. This is the last of the David Gordon Green directed trilogy, a man who has taken a sharp turn into horror in the last few years after that little stretch into stoner comedy back in the late 00's, early 10's. After this trilogy, he's moved onto The Exorcist with the newly released Believer, with another sequel Deciever planned in 2025. That seems to have opened to fairly poor reviews so we'll see if they'll make it to that next sequel. I kinda fell off that franchise after the third one but since we've wrapped up Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm St, there might be room for it to slip into the schedule.
Speaking of poor reviews, I remember this time last year when this was getting a lot of negative feedback. I managed to keep myself at a distance in terms of plot, trailers etc and only really had a vague sense of the feedback to go on where the word 'weird' kept coming up, in that it's weird for a Halloween film. That is something I would agree with but, for me, it's a good weird.
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Does it reflect badly on me that the opening of this movie elicited a laugh from me? Not like a belly laugh or anything, I do tend to have this almost nervous laugh as an immediate reaction to something that should be considered scary or intense. And there's perhaps little more intense than a guy dropkicking a door open straight into the face of an 8 year old who is sent flying down a multi-storey building to his untimely death. Geez, this movie isn't fucking about, is it? Kids don't die in a Halloween movie, Michael Myers has at least some standards. Maybe that's what people were complaining about?
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But the curious case of young Corey Cunningham, a young kid just trying to get through college before this accident sends his life into a tailspin is just the catalyst for the ever spiraling events of the movie but he's also a shining example of the kind of world building that I've come to love about these new movies. There's this idea that's brought up that for a town that has been living in the shadow of Michael Myers and his crimes for the last 40 years, and lest we forget still living in fear that he's still on the loose somewhere, Corey is the monster that the townspeople can see. He's the one that they can point their fingers at and unleash their angry energy towards. Arguably you're never going to have a good time of it if you kill a child, accident or no accident, but I like the idea that it's so much worse for him given that this is Haddonfield and it's residents are at the end of their tether with this whole thing.
Without wanting to delve too much into other people's criticisms at this stage before logging my thoughts, I am curious how much of it is down to the lack of Michael and the emphasis on Strode family drama, which is obviously something I was wanting them to lean into more in the 2018 Halloween so I was on board when it started playing out that way here. 'Where's Michael' is always the initial criticism of something like Halloween 3 and he is very much a peripheral character here. Or maybe it's more that as a movie presumably built up as this grand finale and a final showdown between Michael and Laurie, which we do get, felt like it was tacked on in a 'Okay, you sat through the meat and veg of our spin on Halloween so he's here's your treat.' Without going through the trailers and hype going into the movie I'm unsure if that's how they were building it but that's certainly the impression I got from the end of Halloween Kills.
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After a run in with some punk kids, Corey is introduced to Laurie's granddaughter Allyson at the local hospital and the pair hit it off, a duo of nihilists whose trouble backgrounds seem to serve as a bit of a bonding experience. She's the survivor of a homicidal maniac, people think he is a homicidal maniac, they're just a perfect fit as they wallow in their collective misery and intent to watch the world burn.
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But after another run in that leaves Corey injured, he's dragged into some sewers by a shadowy figure that we come to learn is Michael who promptly strangles Corey to near death but seemingly lets go. Michael is shown to be frail at times so did he just lose his strength, did Corey break free or did Michael see something in this youngsters eyes that made him set his victim free?
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It's something that Laurie sees as well, particularly when Corey starts lurking outside her house like he's The Shape from 40 years ago. But as on the ball as she is, you do sound like the boy who cried wolf when you start protesting that he's 'just like Michael Myers' which is something you've been bleating on about for the past four decades. It's kinda like that meme about Boss Baby, when you spend your life fixated on Michael Myers then you're probably going to get a lot of Michael Myers vibes from this…
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The only thing I am iffy on is the relationship between Corey and Michael. Corey is played off as this young apprentice of sorts but it's not as if Michael is readily accepting of help, even Dr. Sartain in 2018 he killed off pretty much the first chance he got even though they were meant to be buddy buddy. There are times when it looks like Corey thinks he's in control of Michael, which is probably just in his head, but there's moments when he's doing weird things with his hands and due to the scar he has, I did wonder briefly if they were going for some weird mark of the Cult of Thorn type thing here. I guess it is just this weird connection between them, like Michael understands this shared anguish they have or maybe a sort of 'passing the torch' thing given Michael's advancing years. Or maybe he just recognizes a greater evil than himself, like I said, even Michael knows when to draw the line when it comes to child murder so he's just paying his respects to Corey.
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And I guess the ending in a way I'm a bit iffy on as well, specifically the Laurie/Michael showdown. I get that they felt obligated to include it, you probably would have had people rioting in the streets if you didn't show that after these 3 movies, never mind all the other ones in the franchise and especially given this is likely the last chance saloon for the likes of Jamie Lee Curtis. But the vibe I got from Halloween Kills was that there never was this connection between the two that Laurie seemed to play out in her head, it's all just some cosmic coincidence that she happened to be the one all those years ago so it seemed like plot convenience that Michael just happened to make his way out into the world now to track her down.
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But the actual ending itself I really like because, spoiler warning, not only does she incapacitate him and slit pretty much every available appendage, they make sure this fucker is never coming back by taking him to a giant metal grinder that they promptly feed him into. Unless he's planning on reassembling the quivering piles of jelly T-1000 style, this guy is deader than he's ever been. Granted, they stopped short of burying whatever bits are left in a concrete filled coffin 2 miles beneath the Earth's surface like I would but they put a good shift in.
In the build up to that moment though, there's this whole procession where everyone in town shows up to witness this momentous occasion. Even when the cops look on uneasy about what's about to play out, like this isn't in the rule book, the sheriff from Halloween Kills shows up to stress that tonight it is. The whole moment is very cathartic, not only for the viewer in that we've finally seen good triumph over evil, but for the entire town of Haddonfield. Even if his timeline has been retconned six ways from Sunday over the years, it's almost as if every resident from every possible continuity is here to finally witness the moment his corpse is destroyed so they can get some closure on the vast body count he must have built up over these last 40 years.
So, whilst I can appreciate that people going into this movie last year with all that hype behind it might feel like they were on the end of a bait and switch, I really loved this. I've said it til I'm blue in the face over the years that slasher movies can be very hit and miss for me and something like Friday the 13th just bores me to tears. Something like Terrifier that I watched this year, it felt like it was just going for the immediate, visceral reaction but trying to be as gory as possible for cheap pops. But it hadn't earned the real weight behind those deaths because these are just disposable characters. When you have people like Dr. Loomis or Laurie Strode who bring some actual gravitas to proceedings, they can actually make you care, there are actual stakes involved and you're not just cheering for the bad guy and waiting for him to stab Camp Councillor #12.
If you want your bog standard slasher movie, go nuts. I'm sure there's hundreds of them out there. Hell, there's like a dozen other ones in this series alone so I'm all for when one of them wants to try something different. If someone wants to mix their indie, moody, coming of age teen drame in with Halloween then I'm all for it. It certainly has a unique atmosphere to it unlike anything in the series, it put me in mind of something like It Follows in artistic terms, the look and feel to it as well as that general overarching look at these younger characters and their lives being shaped by these traumatic events. Here we have this culmination of movies that has been building up Haddonfield as this deeply toxic place where misery is just a way of like and everyone in it almost seems cursed, with two characters specifically that have every reason in the world to want to get out, with things in their lives ripped away from them in harrowing events but ever after all of that, they feel trapped and bound to this place and unable to break free.
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And what does the future hold for Halloween as a franchise when everyone has ridden off into the sunset, quite literally in Laurie's case? Well, everyone seems content for now to let things lay but considering the number of reboot and remakes we've been through, whose to say this will ever truly be over? This is easily one of the biggest franchises in horror, if not the biggest, so it's not going to lay dormant forever. This timeline might be over but I'm sure someone somewhere will start a new one in 5-10 years. Hell, multiverses are all the rage, they'll probably end up drawing in all the different iterations of Michael for some monster mash. And that's just speculation on the future of the silver screen, because we've already had word this month that Miramax has won the TV rights for Halloween so we'll be seeing that before too long.
But, for now, we must retire our Halloween cap as we look forward to the next major event of Christmas and the hopes that I might make the effort to round up the full dozen reviews this year. We live in hope…
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mariii1 · 2 years
Will you be a Material Gworl or a Hot Girl this summer?💕
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I finally have a masterlist now! 🥳 Sorry if it's not as aesthetically pleasing as other tumblrs, I'm getting there. The next reading I assure you will be spicyyyy and long😈
1: Definitely getting hot girl but we need to talk. You could feel stuck or stagnant right now. I think some of you are very much on guard or you're very open to an unnecessary degree. Like you're letting loose without actually being emotionally vulnerable or maybe you're over-sharing and you're being too open with others. this could be watching/consuming everything around you, particularly stuff from social media. I feel you just don't care about what you see anymore. a lot of you have resigned from the position of being a leader in some way. you just want to be on your own and do your own thing without feeling pressured to. Maybe you were surrounded by people who were very accomplished or you had parents who were very pushy. You may have felt like you were the only one in your group (and this could be age, grade, workplace, whatever) that wasn't super ambitious but now you kind of just accept it for what it is I feel like a lot of you are/going to be unrestrained and sometimes it feels more like escapism than actually just doing what you want. it's giving somebody who goes had strict parents then went to college and went overboard with everything because they don't know how to like moderate themselves without feeling suffocated. Like they tasted freedom for the first time and can’t get enough
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2: you might not be either, its giving depressed Tumblr girl for a lot of you ☠️  People are feeling stagnant nowadays maybe my energy is projecting into the reading a little bit, but I thought this was the summer where Covid was finally starting to not get in the way of having fun for real… anyway for some reason I'm getting a lot of you are connected to pile 3 or attracted to pile 3, if you were attracted to it you should check it out, but I'm getting you might feel very limited, like in your head about something or a situation. for some of you this has to do with an idea you are very passionate about, maybe it's not going to as you an anticipated. this could be something you put a lot of time and effort into for some of you, this could even be a fantasy of a relationship with somebody who just rejected you or broke up with you/broke up with them now your dwhole world went upside down. I feel this summer you're going to be grieving a loss in some way or you're going to be very insecure in yourself. I see this might also be because of some other situation that happened fairly recently (it doesn't mean it started recently but it's just something that has been affecting you like since last month or so)
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3: This is probably one of the most interesting readings I've done in a very long time. Yall got three 3 major arcanas, 2 of which are in the reverse being the sun and the magician, yet the world is upright and is at the center of the reading very interesting… some of you could have been attracted to pile 2 if you were I suggest you go and read that or you just have some connection to pile 2. So you could be a material girl this summer but for almost all of you you're letting go of this energy of either being extremely optimistic and not making any sort of changes towards your goals (like just waiting for them) you might have really overestimated your work and that sounds harsh but you might have overestimated your capabilities and you might have burnt out really quickly or realized how quickly how what you did/made compared to other people. and this doesn’t mean you’re some entitled narcissistic person but it simply could’ve been you're stepping into a new industry and you thought that you were ok/met the standard. You thought you were qualified in some way and thought you could handle whatever you’re doing but you realized very quickly that there was a lot more stuff you needed to learn and you kind of realized how inexperienced you were. this could also apply to education or knowledge in some type of way as well. So this summer you're going to be studying it up and making sure that you are where you need to be and I feel like you're not going to wait or depend on other people to tell you how you're doing. I think that might have been that what held you back in the first place. They're could’ve been people around you who weren't qualified and shouldn't have tried to give you advice and you took it in thinking that it might have been correct. this summer you're going to level up fr. for most of this is your whole 2022 maybe you've noticed/been working on this since 2020- I guess you are a material grl this summer
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4: I'm getting a hot girl but for others you might be a sad girl this summer. There might be a situation that makes you feel very sad like you were betrayed (or will be 😰) you might feel really lonely as if you have no support and you're on your own. I feel like at first you're going to be very upset about this, it may have already happened for some of you but I'm getting for a lot of you this probably will happen in some form. maybe not exactlt as I described it though. you're gonna be finding out the truth about something; you could find out about some possible manipulation that you hadn't recognized before maybe this was somebody that under the disguise of helping you were just trying to get something from you. this could really apply to a lot of situations so take it how it resonates But I feel by the end of the summer, at least by the end of fal,l you're going to be ok you're gonna regain back your strength
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5: This group oooh this group is going to have a lot of tea 🍵 I'm specifically getting for a lot of you there could be a man that might have came towards you and offered some sort of romantic or sexual offer and you said no. this might be someone who you have to have a lot of boundaries with. You weren’t necessarily “bitchy” or you could have been a bit rude but you really made it clear that you don't like them. They could have done something you found undesirable I feel like you're going to get a lot of other suitors (some of you might just seem them as flies 🤭) and believe they aren’t worth your time. for others I feel like these are/gonna be people that you may actually have to work with or that you were working with they might get feelings for you or try to get closer to you in some way. I'm gonna say a lot of you really want to stay alone this summer uh so this is very much giving hot girl, like megan thee stallion curving their asses and being unapologetic about it🤧, you could be both a material gworl and a hot girl. ok we love hot girls trying to get money. Yall are v cool. In all honesty this could happen during a school project or something like you're taking summer classes and you have to do group project and people are hitting on you or you're at work and you get a customer thats hitting on you or like your coworker keeps on talking to you
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saturnalmoss · 9 months
I have completed Dracula. I really enjoyed reading it. I've liked adaptions but i do like the book more, for all it's issues. It's many, many, many issues.
While i was reading, I was thinking about the '92 Dracula movie bc I think I'd seen it the most recently. Like, i did enjoy that movie but gonna be honest i didn't like any of the characters. I was a bit reticent to read dracula bc of that. But it turned out i only dislike Seward! He's a good character but holy moly Seward please place yourself in a coffin and put that coffin in a hole and cover that hole in cement. Ur a fine victorian man i bet you can do it.
I loved Lucy and i it was such a sad part when she died. I loved renfield which i wasnt expecting bc i have understandable issues with the way mental illness is written by very nearly anyone. But like?? I just felt a lot of compassion for a guy who Seward's decided to keep as a fucking pet and then Dracula's decided to fuck with and he was trying SO hard when he couldn't communicate. Poor guy. I loved Jonathan and it was super enjoyable how wife-guy he is and i am not familiar with gender stereotypes of the nineteen hundreds but?? I don't know i feel like he bucked em a bit? Soft boy?? Whatever a soft boy was then?
Mina and Lucy, so sweet and the part where Mina wrote her just after she died, very very sad! Mina and Jonathan, absolutely adorable. Precious. The heteros are ok. Mina is just so good and damn I'm not sure they would have got Dracula without her around. Like, do not mean the psychic powers. They would have had an easier time w dracula if they had a Hale and Healthy Mina. It was truly the worst idea to keep her out of the loop.
Victorian Standards were the real villain in this book. Every time they got too victorian shit starts going down hill. Jonathan too xenophobic and superior feeling at the start to heed warnings? Welp now he's snacula. All the characters at the start refusing or just not considering telling the house hold staff and MOM what needs to be left for Lucy's medical care? TWICE? welp Lucy is snacula. Can't bring yourself to do a damn thing for renfield because he's *~*insane*~*? Mina: snacula. Renfield: dead (snacula status unknown).
Seward, at any point, is too victorian a man. Gosh. Go crawl in a ditch.
Ah i really loved van Helsing. He was just, so genuinely full of love and kindness. I feel like i haven't seen a character like that in a while, much less a mentor character or a character that isn't killed to show how unattainable that world view is. He probably needs to communicate a little earlier with people, but i get it. it's hard to explain there's a dracula on the loose.
I would have enjoyed having some written from Quincey and Arthur, but i get they might not have had anything to add to the story. It just felt like, with Quincey dying at the end, that they wanted a tragic sacrifice to finish the dracula but couldn't bear to use one of the liked main characters?? I d k
My take away is that all the dracula adaptations I've seen, which I'm defining by 'having dracula characters', have done them all dirty. Everyone. Even Dracula? I don't know. Maybe they gave him a cooler end-fight i guess. It feels like, they take a story that already had a serious issue thinking of women as human and made it WORSE TOWARDS THE WOMEN. how??
The other issues, about the same (bad).
Then '92 dracula like, what if dracula was acting exactly the same, but mina was into it? Mina ('92): ah, this man assaulted and murdered by best friend. I will fuck him. It's is true love.
(this is why i didn't like mina in the movie)
But now i see that, some how, they have done injustice to every one of the characters. Fascinating.
Was happy to hear that Seward and Arthur happily married at the end. Good for them.
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 years
August 2022 Books
The month I read War and Peace...and a bunch of comic books. I have a Range.
Actually, both of those were way out of my comfort zone.
The Ghosts by Antonia Barber
Middle-grade time-slip novel from the 1960s, with a surprising amount of depth despite the standard Victorian Children In Peril From An Evil Guardian angle.
Katie John and Depend on Katie John by Mary Calhoun (reread)
I needed something less heavy to read in the evenings before bed and picked up these, which I read as a child. Early 1960s slice-of-life shenanigans with a memorable young heroine.
The Night Watchmen by Helen Cresswell
...I honestly have no idea what was going on with this one. The prose was good, but I struggled with suspension of disbelief (why exactly is our young protagonist so drawn to these two random old guys?) and not actually caring about the mystery, which wasn't well-explained in the end.
The Family from One End Street by Eve Garnett
Slice-of-life story featuring a large working-class family in Sussex in the 1930s. Misadventures and trying to make ends meet, very charming.
A Sprinkle of Sorcery by Michelle Harrison
I've noticed a pattern with many recent middle-grade novels with sequels--I might enjoy the first book, but then the second just...doesn't do anything for me? This one was one of those cases. It felt less grounded and more contrived than A Pinch of Magic, which could have worked well as a stand-alone.
Kate and Hey World, Here I Am! by Jean Little
Little gives her young characters such depth and isn't afraid to tackle complicated issues like religion (e. g. navigating an inter-faith friendship, struggling to find and connect to one's own beliefs in a family of mixed backgrounds). Kate, who was a supporting character in the first book of this series, transitions well to the role of protagonist/narrator, and I enjoyed reading "her" poetry collected in Hey World, Here I Am!
A Swarm in May by William Mayne
I think I would have got a lot more out of this one if I were more versed in the intricacies of British choir schools in the 1950s--which were very different from the typical boarding schools I'm more familiar with from other stories. The characters had interest, but I just had no idea what was going on most of the time, which is not the book's fault.
The Complete Polly and the Wolf by Catherine Storr
By the author of Marianne Dreams, which is a great favorite of mine. This collection of stories is very different from that one. They're humorous tales about a clever little girl who always manages to outwit the not terribly bright wolf who follows her around with the intention of eating her. Think Looney Tunes, but British, with more emphasis on wit than slapstick. There's also the hilarity of there being a talking wolf on the loose in 1950s London and everyone just...sort of accepts this without question?
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
It was very long.
I liked it! Couldn't really follow Tolstoy's digressions into Opinions and Theories, but the story itself was interesting and the characters well-drawn.
The Lark in the Morn by Elfrida Vipont
Another story set at a British school for music. The Quaker background of the school and the central family was interesting, and I was intrigued by the young protagonist's relationship with an unconventional elderly relative, but I think I was lacking a lot of cultural and musical context that might have helped, and despite the family tree at the beginning, it was hard to keep track of what seemed like an unnecessarily large and complicated family (for the size of the book).
The Amazing Vacation by Dan Wickenden
Began with promise but devolved into standard mid-twentieth-century children's fantasy tropes without much to make it stand out, although the Fretful Porpentine was a memorable character.
In their own section and not in alphabetical order because I think this requires explanation:
DC Comics Presents: Impulse #1 and Mercury Falling by Todd Dezago
I read the latter as context for Danielle's fic and loved it enough to want more of the characters. The former is a collection of the issues that introduce a central character in Mercury Falling. Thad and Bart and their dynamic are fascinating, and there's a lot more emphasis on character and relationships than I would expect from this genre.
Impulse: Reckless Youth and Flash/Impulse: Runs in the Family by Mark Waid
I would love to read the entire run of the Impulse series, but these collections and the above seem to be the only ones appearing in print (aside from individual issues, which are harder and more expensive to track down). These only go as far as #12, but it's still a good sampling, and the characterization is quite good. Bart Allen has a surprising amount of depth and nuance; the issue in which he suspects a friend is a victim of child abuse and the one in which he's struggling to cope with the unexpected loss of his speed and the illness of his mentor are particularly poignant.
There's also quite a difference in the relationship between Bart and Max, his mentor/eventual father figure in these earlier issues and what it becomes by the time of the Mercury Falling arc. At that point, the two of them are warm and affectionate and mutually appreciative, but the earlier issues show them still struggling to get used to each other, with Bart being difficult and resentful (and violent, in one case!) and Max snarking at him and being parental but more emotionally distant. So there's evident growth in this series!
Young Justice: A League of Their Own and Sins of Youth by Peter David
The first volume has very entertaining character dynamics! I especially loved the conversation the kids have around their campfire, asking the question of whether, given the chance, they would choose to be "normal," to give up the vigilante life. There's a variety of views. Tim Drake gives an impassioned speech about how he'd give it all up in a heartbeat, because the only condition when he would be able to do so would be if crime were eradicated.
And Bart's response when asked? "I don't understand the question. I am normal. It's the rest of the world that's weird."
I think I would have got more out of the Sins of Youth volume if I had more background in the vast array of characters crossed over here, but there were some stand-out character moments, like an aged-up Bart's conversation with Max, and an aged-up Tim stopping off at a bar to talk with his dad, who doesn't recognize him.
More complete volumes of the series are on request, so we'll see where this goes.
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xoknowssmut · 1 year
Fill a Shy Futa
"H..Hi. I w..w..wasn't expecting you to come...s..s..so soon. I've s..s..seen you in the of..f..fice for a while, unclaimed. The rest of the f..f..futas here already have their b..b..bound quota, and your mind is im..m..mportant, but I could never conf..f..front a man. So I j..j..jerked off in your coffee. I couldn't believe you n..n..never noticed anything wrong, d..d..didn't taste anything. But you're here. Now. My first b..b..bound boy."
Candace was the newest futa on the floor of the office, a recent college graduate. She was as tall as a standard futa, and was definitely more Reubenesque than Amazon. That, and the size of her cock always made her so self conscious. Even in grade school she was the tallest, largest, and longest of the futas, and the others made her feel so self conscious.
Her nervous habit was fingering her piss hole on her cock, and as she had grown she had stretched it, much wider than the other futa cock holes. And through her habit of masturbating, she could only cum by fingering her cock, not by jerking off. And while her fellow classmates would fuck each others asses in high school to relieve stress, Candace could only finger her drooling cock to get off.
When the office hired Randy, it was for his business sense. It was dangerous to hire a man -- they could get bound so easily by a stray futa. But the office had apartments to specifically isolate men, and the office had futas all at their bound quotas. Having him in an office with Candace was a calculated risk, but her abilities as well as her nervousness meant the risk was minimal.
Candace knew what was on the line. Using just enough of her mind-numbing sperm to make him suggestible, she got him alone in the office one day. She'd never have the guts to fully bind Randy to her, and she'd never actively go after another man to be bound, Randy was relatively safe. And, thanks to her sperm, he'd never tell another soul.
She led him to the copier room, hiked up her skirt, and showed her massive member. It was almost twenty-inches long -- much to massive to fuck an ass with or get sucked off with. But her pee hole was about an inch wide, gaping, and starting to leak. And he was interested too, fumbling with his zipper, and starting to pull his pants down and bend over.
"N..n..no. F..f..face me. I w...w..want you to f..f..fuck me."
The idea of a futa being fucked was anathema to society. Futa were the dominants. Men were the submissive. But Candace wanted Randy's cock in her's. She'd read in some fantasy hentai, a horrible perverted book where two futa's fucked each others cocks. But Candace was perfectly equipped. And Randy's dick would fit snugly in hers.
She held his manhood, normal sized for a male of the species, and gently slid it inside her. It was snug, a tighter fit than her finger, but his flared head scratched her itch so well. "F..f..fuck me, Randy!" She commanded, and Randy started pumping his hips. Instinctively, Candace grabbed her cock, pumping the loose foreskin over her cockhead and over Randy's entire length. Both were pumping, reveling in the feeling.
She felt Randy cum in her, his semen leaking on her inner walls of her dominant sex. That was the final straw, and Candace came. Torrents of cum came down her length, pushing Randy's cock out and covering him with his thick, syrupy seed. She had never cum like this before -- it was so much more intense with a partner than alone, and she knew it wouldn't be long until she had bound Randy to her seed.
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papirouge · 2 years
Could you offer some tips on fashion and beauty 😭 I can still fit into standard sizes but I'm not toned lol and pear shaped and struggle with pants.I like more flowy and breezy outfits but I feel frumpy when I try to wear loose shirts with loose pants as I'm like 168 cm. My friend is muslim and I wore an abaya once, loved it since it felt so elegant and it didnt weigh me down in the hot weather but idk if I should as a christian i dont know what the rules are. I dont want to offend anyone haha... i wish I knew of similar clothes like it. Makeup ugh. I haven't worn it in years as my skin is still healing from bad acne but I have to take "nice" pics soon as I graduated but I still struggle with texture, fungal acne and redness and discoloration
I made this post where I did a recap of my beauty health tips<3
I stopped wearing pants since a while and although I've always been a (mini) skirt person, dresses really grew on me. I agree it's hard to find the right shape and length (I avoid short dresses & skirts out of modesty now) but you can pick good idea an AliExpress (a shame cute dresses aren't sold in regular Western shops and that we have to be shop them from China :/ I do sew though, so I make my own dresses & skirts whenever I want though lol)
Here are those I bought last year 💐
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If you're pear shaped these shapes will do wonder because they're very loose at the bottom so you'll still be comfortable on your bottoms :)
The Bible is pretty evasive in what "modesty" means, but if you ask God to pick your clothes He will definitively help you :) I remember asking Him to help me picking outfits for job interview and all lol I threw away around 50% of my wardrobe last year when I changed place, but I still have some that I need to throw away. God truly changes you anon.... Before, I had no problem to go outside with legging or mini skirt, but now I feel "naked" if I wear anything tight-level or skimpy xD
IMO you're tall enough to indulge in the oversize look without looking like a kid who stolen her parents' clothes lol. I love being tall because anything oversize looks cool on us + we do look very elegant in dress :)
You're better off without make up anon...truly a waste of money and time. My skin improved a lot when I stopped wearing (less pimples and oily skin). Modesty is also in the refusal to sound alluring to worldly standards and glorifying God in the natural beauty He gave us<3
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Hey no hate, you realize that you’re literally in love with your own version of Kazuichi right? Literally no one in this entire world thinks of Kazuichi the same way as you.
Heeheehee, yes! Ngl my ego is having a feast with that last sentence.
You've unlocked an essay! Have fun reading lol.
Honestly though, I do think of my Kazuichi as an extension of the og Kazuichi, but like, in a different timeline. Not an entirely different personality, even if it seems like that because I draw fanart of her at different points in time without much of an explanation.
I've been thinking about that rule of fandoms post I reblogged earlier. I feel like I only barely scratched the surface of a thought with my tags, but I only had a few minutes left in my break at work. Also, wasn't sure how personal I wanted to get on someone else's post.
At what point does fan-written character development end and "an entirely new character, completely different from the original" begin? Even characters in canon, written differently in some way, can be considered "not canon" by fans. Take "modern-day" Simpsons for example; there was one segment from a "recent" episode (honestly, I don't remember how long ago I heard this statement, so "recent" could mean anywhere from the past 10 years) where Bart genuinely asks "what's the 90s?" This made a lot of people angry, because Bart Simpson was a staple of the 1990s that embodied the vibes of that era, so hearing him say this felt like a far cry from his old self. This Bart is technically "canon," but a lot of people would argue that this is Not Bart Simpson.
Another example is Steven Universe Future. I did not like that epilogue season. I liked the 12-to-14 year old Steven's optimism, and it felt like they strayed so far from his character to have this kindhearted, loving character become so selfish and bitter and, there's no way to explain it without spoilers but he commits an act so heinous that I honestly felt like they took his blind rage too far just for shock value and sacrificed the entire character for it. But, some things just don't reach everybody. What I saw as "That's Not Steven", some people were able to enjoy and get a cathartic story of someone healing from trauma (I wish I felt the same about that show). For me, it was painful to watch, and I only finished the season to end my anxiety about it, seeing him get worse and nothing get better at the end of each episode was bringing me to tears ("Then how can you play Danganronpa if you're so sensitive?" you might ask? I have different expectations and standards for an edgy murder game for teenagers than I would for a kids' cartoon. I'm less shocked when violent acts happen in Danganronpa or Family Guy than I was at Steven Universe Future). Anyway I would consider this version of Steven Universe's character "not canon," and I cringe when people bring up his character in Steven Universe Future as canon, despite that, yeah, it's canon. It's canon but I hate that it's canon.
Anyway, I have a point here, and it is that what is considered strict canon to some may be considered more loosely by others. And fandoms are where we should be free to explore ideas that the writers cant do, whether it's because it doesn't fit the themes, or it isn't "marketable," or it's because the canon writers wouldn't come up with it, or just simply because you wanted to see it and no one can stop you. I understand some people have ideas about characters you'd want to keep the same, I do too! I hate when people reduce Kazuichi to just "fuckboy who flirts with Sonia and parties all the time and is really dumb" (tell me you fell for Kazuichi's act without telling me you fell for Kazuichi's act) or "sad pathetic meow meow" (like, aside from the "blorbo" language, this feels like one part of Kazuichi that gets misunderstood as the entirety of Kazuichi. Kazuichi can be pretty badass.)
Fandoms have been getting more picky and hostile lately (I'm realizing I have too, so I'm working on that), and I think we could all benefit from letting go of some of our stricter ideas about "sticking to canon" and being more easy-going about people writing a character differently than you would, especially because it's fanon. Because we're doing this on our own volition and not for a paycheck. Because kids writing for the first time shouldn't feel like quitting if they can't make the characters "on-model" or "in-character."
Also, Danganronpa at times is kind of poorly written and sexist, so why should I have to stress over adhering to the standards set by those writers and then carried on by teens in the fandom (who might be looking at it uncritically, not that I blame them they're still learning) when I can set some standards of my own?
The "canon" version of Kazuichi, according to the spinoff games I never played, is that she's forever doomed by the narrative to spend at least three years after graduation still pining over the same damn character who has repeatedly shown no interest. Also, doomed to keep the same appearance that she canonically doesn't like (and everyone else also looks exactly the same as their child selves). Like, this is the same character who changed her appearance in middle school because she was sick of being taken advantage of by people who didn't give a rats ass about her. There were other reasons too, but I feel like nobody talks about this one in particular: she wanted to change, so she did. So why does she need to keep the same appearance after that, when she's older and the stakes are lower and she's gone through so much and gotten some development in the second game's end? The meta reasons are so that Spike Chunsoft doesn't have to pay someone to update the sprite model, because Kazuichi is recognizable (marketable) in her canon look, and because it's easier to leave everything the same.
Personally, I wouldn't mind if Kazuichi wanted to keep the same appearance, that's what attracted me to her in the first place. But she herself isn't happy with it (evidence: the last FTE). I just filled in some blanks in the story in my own way, because there's a lot of ways to interpret her character and they don't have to fit in with whatever canon says is the way. I don't 100% trust Hajime's word, Chunsoft's word, or what other fans have to say. I'll listen to it, though, but yeah I am going with my own interpretation.
Don't worry, when I say "Kazuichi is a girl because I said so" I do mean my Kazuichi (and whoever else wants to make Kazuichi a girl, which, go for it!). I don't mean "I'll fight you on it if you think differently." My ideas for Kaz are just one possibility for her, there's tons of others and they're valid whether I personally care for them or not. I don't mind boy Kazuichi at all! I just...I love girls...so she is a girl. In my heart. On another level, I was tired of boy characters getting the cooler designs that don't have a boob focus, so when I saw her I was like "that one has to be a girl! I'm claiming her right now. And probably also a lesbian, just because!" And then I ended up adoring her, because she's so adhd/autistic and I relate a lot to her struggles in socializing and making friends. I hate when people say she's "not emotionally mature enough for friendships/relationships" (that's such a mean statement! I've heard it before about myself. It hurts to hear. ;-; It sounds very victim-blamey.) Yeah, her social problems from autism/adhd definitely play a large role in her problems in making and keeping friends, but another large reason she struggles is because other people don't get her, and that's not her fault. She tries, she tries way harder than I did when I was a teenager to make everyone like her, and it doesn't work, because other people can be shallow assholes who see a "weird kid" and just don't care. I'm not saying that's everybody who doesn't want to be friends with her, Kazuichi can also be mean and push people away and also can be bad at reading the room, but her struggle to make friends is not all everyone else's fault just like it's not all her fault. Some people just have too much neurodivergent swag or uncanny valley for others to get us. So we need to find each other.
Anyway, wow I guess I really needed to talk. It frustrates me that so much of my story is only in my head right now. I want to actually show the progression of Kazuichi's character (so that her character progression looks less like "I just pulled this out of my ass" and more like "I swear guys, I'm actually going somewhere with this! It'll make sense later!") and my s/i's character progression too (in the fanfic we grow alongside each other and because of each other), but it takes time to write a story when I'm also learning the work-life balance. This was my first year having a "real job" and of living alone, I basically get home after the 8 hours of busywork and then get to drawing Kazuichi and watching cartoons and playing video games. Trying to be really patient with myself.
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lowhangingfruit123 · 1 year
The 100 March Season Unforgiving II
Alright lets go finally felt angsty enough to vent about that tub of lard who spoke such pure unrefined brainrot to my face. As before press the keep reading if you wish to know the full story (heh writing this like a clickbait journo) or just move along with your day.
Oh and the topic will be about communism, if you have faced such people before then you'll at least have a level of familiarity with the situation you'll read
How the conflict started has since been lost to me but I vividly remember the rest of the conversation when they had decided to commit to their vocal chords an answer I really found funny to this day. This begotten gutter muppet from new york, the epitome of the idiocracy firmly incased within the garish americana cultura. Spoke to me that "Stalin wasn't a dictator" and never had I ever had felt what I could only loosely describe as PSYCHIC DAMAGE when that fool uttered those words.
and from then on I get to tackle some intricate topics that ,sadly because of their pride in being an advocate for communism get quickly switched out so they don't look further bad.
Like for example capitalism birthed the usage of commercial use of computers, I highly doubt that a society that does not give a damn about what new sensation a common man could enjoy and would put that computer for something that serves a better purpose than an entertainment machine. I don't even think video games would exist either if it weren't for capitalism because of it's main purpose "to entertain people" under the assumption that "you're wasting valuable computer parts to waste time fiddling with funny pixels on the screen" screams inefficiency and waste of resources that the computer parts used to make the video game machine will probably get repurposed or have anything of scrap value taken away. The next topic that I wanted to expand upon before I was rudely switched out by that mongrel was the idea that without capitalism cellphones wouldn't exist, especially for something like in today's standards. Under the purview of a utilitarian outlook of a communist government, YOU having time to fiddle with games or tweet about how bad a certain politician is, is something that the commies find "inefficient" when you could be serving the greater purpose of working for the great country like in the mines or some factory with the funny green nets. That's for the former the ladder of which will just get you killed for the most part funny how that works.
I find it hilarious as well when they kept on thinking that capitalism will not exist because "we removed the root of all evil! M o n e y" when infact people will just resort to bartering, and thats how money started off as well coins infact.
they also claimed that communism is good for the environment and im like "??????" have you seen the emission charts about china? I swear UN is a waste of money.
and also crimes, because their ideal communism world doesn't have money, people wont steal stuff and I just kept laughing. It was refreshing to see someone from the server stepping in for me and speaking how "thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard" and this was before they saw "STALIN WASNT A DICTATOR" schtick. Good god they had no idea what kind of caliber the idiot they were talking to.
As if we were handpicked by the vice army general to use the premium graded caliber of idiot, depleted uranium, probably in this case it worked more either as depleted cranium or depleted brain cells.
and to answer why "--communism world doesn't have money, people wont steal stuff" is stupid, its because you are assuming people will not adhere to their human instincts, of greed and of jealousy.
after the convo was cut short because of how much the commie was getting lambasted by half the server at that point, that their friend from the mod team had to swoop in and be their knight in shining armor. Was funny because they recommended to them the negative XP song the one about women. Literally the song described that commie girl from new york word for word was hilarious knowing that their "FRIEND" recommended the song to them. The absolute obliviousness that dumb mod guy had to pick that song not knowing how much of a good insult song that was to them. the worst part is knowing that commie girl thought it was a good song because their friend recommended to them, and im like "nah he may have more braincells than you (which isn't hard since any is better than none) but he didn't have enough braincells to realize that he just off-handedly insulted you by recommending you this song."
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humanransome-note · 2 years
if god is real he is not in this michaels crafts store tonight
This is my first "Real Job"
I've sold merch for musicals, I did some medical billing under the table, but nothing standard and sturdy.
I started working last sat (10/15/22) that "shift" was unscheduled and from 9-2 and was "training" (i obviously use the term loosely) they just had me standing behind another guy as he worked the register on a saturday (regularly the busiest day)
No one gave me a register number/login until sunday. so my first day, was me standing, sweating (the AC has been broken, long before i even considered working here.) behind a guy who wouldn't really tell me anything with a line that constantly required backup. I could tell people were confused and pissed with two people standing behind one register.
sunday was better. the person who i was supposed to be standing behind just let me open my own register, and actually answered my questions. still a busted AC and they only had one T-shirt that fit me, so until they get new vests/aprons I am stuck with the same shirt every day this week.
have i mentioned that i was scheduled 32 hours? (the legal max for pt) my managers seem to be very fond of the "trial by fire" model of training.
monday (today) when I arrived, the other cashier left, without telling anyone. how she clocked out idk, considering i couldn't clock in until 5 to my shift starting and i couldn't clock out until 5 to my shift ending. so I was left manning the register alone. which I was sort of okay with the idea of, I mean sunday went well.
it appears most people going to Michael's on a monday morning are doing so to attempt returns. Which I fumbled my way through.
Also, no one has given me an earpiece, I had to ask, my manager said she'd get me one but didn't, and then asked why i wasn't answering the radio. I couldn't hear anything! no one told me how to use the radio! no one told me the volume could go higher, why would I know that? everyone else has earpieces and the last time I used a radio was in summer camp when I was like... seven... and they were transformers themed. I was also handed a scanner, with no clue how to use it, and every time i attempted to figure it out there would either be a customer or I'd get told to look busy, which always felt counterproductive to me. But performance is always more appealing than actually getting something useful done... until of course you have no clue how anything works and you're left floundering.
the last straw (today) was at about 2:45, I planned to get lunch at two, but couldn't because the other cashier wouldn't get there until three. Lunch, so far, has been the only time I get to be off of my feet. And I knew that would be a factor of the job, so I invested in some tylenol, which was in my locker, in the back of the store. A woman was attempting to use store credit, which I knew had to be processed differently, but wasn't entirely sure how. And I was desperate not to call for managerial help because the last time I did, she basically said to me she can't hold my hand. Well I'm sorry I was only shown how to do regular purchases and returns!
I finally caved and called for someone, a different manager came, and did the entire store credit sale without telling me how, and that on top of the line that had built as I tried to complete the purchase as well as the foot and back pain that was suddenly spiking due to the tylenol wearing off had me crying. legitimately crying, I had to beg the guy to let take my lunch break and he was obviously going to say no until i squeaked trying to hold back a sob.
the only reason I didn't run to the bathroom (also all the way at the back of the store) was because I physically could not run, i likely would have fallen and broken down in the middle of a main isle and no one wants to see that.
I have to work everyday except for saturday this week, and while now the schedule has me off for most of next week, that can change at the drop of a hat, and i tried to ensure that I have tuesday off through the portal (which I had to find through a fucking Reddit thread, because no one tells me a god damned thing apparently) it's not letting me.
I am tempted to find and join an Amish compound, because at least then the pain would have obvious value and results, opposed to me just grimacing all day and hoping no one goes full Karen on my ass
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