#and I think Deja Q making Q experience what it's like to be on the other side
yourbuerokrat2 · 8 months
A conversation between Guinan and Q in Deja Q about Qs fear and how Picard did not seem to understand it would have been interesting. Because Guinan knows, that Picard knows fear but as Captain of this ship he does not allow himself to let it show. That he has to appear in control of the situation even when he is terrified. Especially when it's not (only) his own life he has to fear for but the lifes of those he considers himself responsible for as well.
"Oh, don't pretend like you didn't know. You know exactly what kind of effect you have on others. Or at least used to have. And you enjoyed it. You must have really enjoyed it as you sat on top of your chair and froze Tasha Yar as a way to let them all know 'their place'. To see him stand up to you even as you held his crew hostage. And I can certainly assure you that the Captain did not forget your smile after you had him and everyone on board terrified of the Borg with pleasing your bruised ego in some way being the only hope to escape certain doom.
You played with his life and you played with the lifes of his crew. And you were both aware that there was absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing, he could do to stop you. That's why he doesn't believe you now. . Why a part of him feared you.
And your absolute disregard to anything else but your own selfish desires no matter how much and how many suffer because of them is why he hates you."
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bluev0id · 3 months
Hi, Sam. I wanna take a part of ur short reading if it still open.
My initials APR, Gemini sun 6H, Capricorn moon 2H, Sagitarius rising (if u need this information).
Q: Is he someone from my past life? I recognized someone who looked familiar as if I had seen him for a long time and everything felt confusing. It’s like deja vu but I am ‘lost’ at the same time. Can you tell me something about this connection?
+ His initials WH, ♈. He’s younger than me.
Thank you for ur time & energy ❤️❤️
Yeah, I do see that you two were connected in past lives. I don't think you had the best relationship with each other tho. I think those feelings that you two shared (doesn't have to be romantic, I'm seeing more towards working together) we're quite strong even tho they weren't happy and that could still be lingering around. There's a hint of being overwhelmed and disappointed and wanting to have a resolution to that.
What you mentioned in dms is actually very funny to me. This is a guess due to personal experience similar to this but sometimes when you have stress or something like that towards a person (could be karmic and unconscious for you) but theres no real reason for you to feel that way, you can have dreams of the person where you're forced to have a pleasant time together to kinda subconsciously change those energies. Does that make sense ? In the past life you two could have been burdened by the connection so now your soul or spirit is trying to heal that through those dreams to tell u that "its okay".
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anchorandrope · 4 years
anti logic
i will never ever understand the anti logic, not only do i find it difficult to understand how they don’t see how obvious larry is due to the amount of evidence there is, but i also find it difficult to understand how they believe in the image and narrative that they put on both.
i can talk about why larry is real giving evidence for hours but i think everyone forgets one of the biggest proofs: their false imagen for the world.
the antis believe in all PR/stunts/beards and that the most articles that relate L or H with a woman are true, knowing this:
let's start with louis
according to antis, louis started dating eleanor in 2011, they broke up in 2015 and soon after he was kissing with another girl in a pool, he slept with briana and had freddie, during briana’s pregnancy he started dating danielle and they broke up a year later and a year after that he returned with eleanor. i’m wrong?
let's analyze (briefly) forgetting the thousand proofs that all of this is fake, let’s just look at the context:
he started dating eleanor, although they were seen publicly and they had some interactions through social media, it didn’t seem that they give each other much support (i didn’t say there wasn’t, i said there was little) but well, let’s suppose that the support was there but it wasn’t seen because “they maintained the privacy of their relationship”. years later louis leaves her and goes to a thousand parties with other girls, of course he had a lot of love for his girlfriend and he was not tired of her at all, so he left her and automatically started to party, did i lie up to here?
now let's move on to 2015, shortly after breaking up with his girlfriend of several years, he went out to party and got a girl he had just met pregnant, he wasn’t in a relationship with her at any time and he hardly supported her during the pregnancy and by late in her pregnancy, he started dating another girl like nothing happened. he saw his son relatively often for two years (2016-2017) but after that he disappeared. during those two years he had a thousand problems with briana and her family due to financial and public image issues. up to here everything real, am i wrong?
after breaking up with danielle and stopping seeing his son, he decided to go back with eleanor (whom he had left but it’s seen that she has zero self-love and returns with a person who treated her like that) as if to “take back” his life and make that everything that happened between 2015-2017 had not happened.
in the second stage of his relationship with eleanor, it’s noted that there is zero support from both parts, they don’t seem to be together for a long time in private, or travel together, or attend important events of the other, they are never seen publicly together, etc. true right?
added to all this, they believe in the narrative that louis is homophobic, since they think that for louis it’s an insult and somewhat misplaced to support the lgbt community.
in conclusion: louis left his girlfriend of several years, got a woman pregnant and abandoned her and his son, he had a relationship to distract himself and then he decided to cover up all this by going back to the girl he had cheated on and to all this, he is homophobic since he is offended if they think he supports the community.
now let’s go with harry
according to antis, harry is a womanizer addicted to sex who sleeps with any girl he sees regardless of their age, he is terrible with relationships since the few he had lasted 4 months at most except one of them that lasted a year although during all that year he denied everything and didn't spend so much time with her (camille), am i wrong?
again, let’s analyze (briefly) forgetting that this is all completely fake:
i could talk about the thousand women that harry was related to but basically he slept with a woman 15 years older than him, with his friends, with thousands of fans who were queuing at the door of his hotel to be with him, with many models, other singers, etc. right?
at the same time, he shows himself without fragile masculinity and raises lgbt flags on stage because he wants to receive a lot of support and if you support the lgbt community, they support you, right? it's all advertising and all it does is queerbaiting. true?
in conclusion: harry is a womanizer who sees girls as a toy and uses a community which was and is repressed for profit.
well, according to antis, that's how harry and louis are
to begin, let's talk about how homophobic it’s to prefer to think that shit than to accept that it’s part of the community but is repressed by the industry, the fact of looking for another explanation for oppression is homophobic, end of discussion, and this is said by a person who has been part of the community for years because of their sexuality and gender identity.
second, it shows how limited information and knowledge you have about reality, the industry is not a joke, the things that we larries propose are not “very crazy” there are thousands of cases of repressed artists (not only in the music industry but also cinema, theater, etc.) who tell about their experience years after being free, tell what happened to them and it’s the same as we propose what happened/happens with larry, so no, it’s not “very crazy” there are confirmed cases of all this, is not our invention.
lastly, WHAT A BAD IMAGE DO THEY HAVE OF THEM, do they really think all that of them and still see them as angels? because if you really think all this about them and say that everything they did/do is perfect, it speaks very badly of you, you may like their music but saying that they are “angels” and being convinced that all this is real makes me think you are not a very good person, is that your image of “angel”?
i sincerely feel sorry (and ashamed) that people who “love” both louis and/or harry as i do have that image of them, i can literally go on and get sooooo much deeper into the subject of the image that the antis have of them but with this i think i have enough to give them a point:
do you see your idols like this?
logica anti
nunca pero nunca voy a entender la logica anti, no solo me cuesta entender como no ven lo obvio que es larry por la cantidad de pruebas que hay sino que también me cuesta entender como hacen para creerse toda la imagen y narrativa que le pusieron a ambos.
puedo hablar de porque larry es real dando pruebas por horas pero creo que todxs se olvidan una de las pruebas mas grande: su falsa imagen frente al mundo.
lxs antis creen en todxs los PR/stunts/barbas y en la mayoría de artículos que relacionan a L o H con una mujer son verdaderos, partiendo de eso:
empecemos por louis
segun lxs antis, louis empezó a salir con eleanor en 2011, terminó con ella en 2015 y al toque ya estaba besandose con otra chica en una pileta, se acostó con briana y tuvo a freddie, durante el emabarzo de briana se puso de novio con danielle con la cual rompió un año después y un año despues de eso volvió con eleanor. me equivoco?
analicemos (resumidamente) olvidandonos de las mil pruebas de que todo de eso es falso, solo miremos el contexto:
se puso de novio con eleanor, aunque se los veía públicamente y tenían algunas interacciones por redes sociales no parecía que se den mucho apoyo mutuamente (no dije que no había dije poco) pero bueno supongamos que ese apoyo estaba pero no se veía porque “mantenían la privacidad de su relación”. años mas tarde louis la deja y se va a mil fiestas con otras chicas, claro mucho amor le tenía a su novia y no estaba para nada cansado de ella por eso la dejo y automáticamente empezó a salir de joda, mentí hasta aca?
ahora pasemos al 2015, al poco tiempo de romper con su novia de varios años salió de fiesta y embarazó a una chica que recién conocía, no estuvo en una relación con ella en ningún momento y casi no la apoyó en el embarazo y ya para mediados/fines de su embarazo empezó a salir con otra chica como si nada. vió a su hijo relativamente seguido por dos años (2016-2017) pero después de eso desapareció. durante esos dos años tuvo mil problemas con briana y su familia por temas económicos y de imagen pública. hasta aca todo real no?
despues de romper con danielle y dejar de ver a su hijo decidió volver con eleanor (a la cual había dejado como si nada pero se ve que ella tiene cero amor propio y vuelve con una persona que la trató asi) como para “retomar” su vida y hacer q todo lo que pasó entre 2015-2017 no había pasado.
en la segunda etapa de su relación con eleanor se nota que hay cero apoyo de ambas partes, no parecen estar juntos mucho tiempo en privado, ni viajar juntos, ni asistir a eventos importantes del otro, no se los ve públicamente juntos nunca, etc. verdad?
sumado a todo esto, creen en la narrativa de que louis en homofóbico, ya que piensan que para louis es un insulto y algo desubicado apoyar a la comunidad lgbt.
en conclusion: louis dejó a su novia de varios años, embarazó a una mina y la abandonó a ella y a su hijo, tuvo una relación para distraerse y despues decidió tapar todo esto volviendo con la chica a la que había dejado y a todo esto encima es homofobico ya que el se ofende si piensan que apoya a la comunidad.
ahora vamos con harry
según lxs antis, harry es un mujeriego adicto al sexo que se acuesta con cualquier chica que ve sin importar su edad, es pésimo con las relaciones ya que las pocas que tuvo duraron 4 meses como mucho salvo una de ellas que duró un año aunque durante todo ese año el negaba todo y no pasaba tanto tiempo con ella (camille), me equivoco?
de vuelta, volvamos a analizar (resumidamente) olvidandonos de que todo esto es completamente falso:
podría hablar de las mil mujeres con las que harry fue relacionado pero basicamente se acostó con un mujer 15 años mayor que el, con sus amigas, con miles de fans que hacían cola en la puerta de su hotel para estar con el, con muchas modelos, otras cantantes, etc. no?
a su vez, se muestra sin masculinidad fragil y levanta banderas lgbt en los escenarios porque quiere recibir mucho apoyo y si apoyas a la comunidad lgbt te apoyan no? es todo publicidad y lo único que hace es queerbaiting. verdad?
en conclusion: harry es un mujeriego que ve a las chicas como un juguete y usa un comunidad la cual fue y es reprimida para lucrar.
bueno según lxs antis, asi son harry y louis
para empezar hablemos de lo homofobico que es preferir pensar que una mierda a que aceptar que es parte de la comunidad pero esta reprimido por la industria, el hecho de buscarle otra explicación a la opresión es homofobico y punto, y lo dice una persona parte de la comunidad hace años por su sexualidad e idantidad de género.
segundo, demuestra la poca información y conocimiento sobre la realidad que tenes, la industria no es un chiste, las cosas que planteamos las larries no son “muy locas” hay miles de casos de artistas reprimidos (no solo en la industria de la musica sino del cine, teatro, etc) que cuentan su experiencia años despues de ser libres, cuentan lo que pasaron y es lo mismo que nosotrxs planteamos que le pasó/pasa con larry, asi que no, no es “muy loco” hay casos comfirmado de todo esto, no es un invento nuestro.
ultimo, QUE MALA IMAGEN TIENEN DE ELLOS, de verdad piensan todo eso de ellos y aun asi los ven como angeles? porque si de verdad pensas todo esto de ellos y decis que todo lo que hicieron/hacen esta perfecto habla muy mal de vos, puede gustarte su musica pero decir que son “angeles” y estar convencidx de que todo esto es real me hace pensar que no sos muy buena persona que digamos, esa es tu imagen de “angel”??
sinceramente me da pena (y verguenza) que personas que “amen” tanto a louis y/o harry como yo tengan esa imagen de ellos, literal puedo seguir y meterme muuuuuucho mas adentro del tema de la imagen que tienen lxs antis de ellos pero con esto creo que tengo lo suficiente para darles un punto:
ustedes ven a sus idolos asi?
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qhasbpdandthatsokay · 4 years
do you have any 'q joins starfleet' headcanons? 🌾
First of all I am so sorry for taking so long to reply to this. My life has been crazy and it’s all the way at the bottom of my inbox and I keep overlooking this ask.
Secondly, I have many headcanons!
Q stays human after Deja Q (this is the basis of these headcanons)
It takes a long time for him to get used to being human, naturally
Throughout this whole journey, I imagine he’s on the Enterprise, because Picard is one of the few people who knows how to deal with him (more effectively than some random person Q has never met before)
But one of the things he figures out during his journey of learning how to be human is that he feels he has a calling
He feels that, since Picard has helped him learn to become human, he wants to join Starfleet
Picard asks him if he’s really sure about this, because joining Starfleet isn’t a minor change to make in your life; this is a big deal.
But Q is sure. He’s determined to make something of himself as a human. Some part of him feels that otherwise, there would be no point in going on
Q goes to Starfleet Academy for a year at first. 
He feel very out of place because he’s quite a bit older (millennia, actually!) than most Starfleet cadets
But he learns to cope. After all, he’s dealt with becoming human after being an immortal omnipotent being for his whole life, so he can deal with joining Starfleet... right?
Q isn’t used to having to actually study things. I imagine he has a difficult time in a classroom and adjusting to the way humans learn things
He calls the Enterprise often to talk to Picard. Picard helps him cope by telling him stories about his own time in Starfleet Academy.
Eventually, when his first year is over, Q gets a field study position back on the Enterprise.
He thinks it’s just due to his good grades in academy, but secretly Picard has pulled some strings behind his back
He goes back to the Enterprise during his sophomore year of Starfleet Academy and works in Engineering
He and Geordi have a complicated relationship. On one hand, Q still has to get used to being told what to do. On the other hand, they’re both friends with Data, so they choose to get along as best they can for Data’s sake
He has a bit of a difficult time serving on the Enterprise, because last time he was there, he was just a civilian. Now he’s one of the crew, and his crewmates have a hard time getting used to the fact that the god-like being who put their captain on trial for the crimes of humanity is an ensign on the Federation’s flagship
But ultimately, he has a lot of good experiences during his year serving on the Enterprise, and he leaves his field study position with fond memories
He may not exactly be invited to Commander Riker’s poker parties, but he has made friends, and Captain Picard begrudgingly puts up with him
Q goes back to Starfleet Academy on Earth for his last two years of Academy. He ends up gaining a lot of knowledge in engineering.
He graduates at the same time as the show officially ends, and again through Picard pulling some strings, he ends up back on the Enterprise as an engineer
One day, Q asks how he got his position on the Enterprise. After all, it’s very good luck for him to get both his field study and his crew position on the flagship.
So Picard finally admits that he was the one who put some good words in for Q to stay on the Enterprise
Q is very surprised; he didn’t know Picard would do something so nice for him. He says the only thing he can think of: thank you.
They have a bit more mutual respect after that conversation.
In regards to the long term, Q stays on the Enterprise as long as Picard is the captain. You can pick and choose if they’re in a relationship or not.
I could probably go on, but this is a huge post as is, so I’ll just post this.
Thank you for the question in the first place! :)
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weyounbathwater · 3 years
data, for the character meme!
Sweet. I love him!
Sexuality Headcanon:
Probably asexual. At least to an extent if that makes sense? He canonically tries to understand sex and sexuality but he just Can’t so he settles for exploring what his partners like instead.
Gender Headcanon:
I like to think that, as soon as Data realizes that he can experiment more with gender, he’d be more gender fluid in his presentation.
A ship I have with said character:
Can’t go wrong with the classic dataforge tbh.
A BROTP I have with said character:
I absolutely LOVE the idea of Q and Data being pals after the whole Deja Q thing. Like it wouldn’t be anything super casual like just hanging out together but I like to think that Q feels for Data after that episode and he appears sometimes to help Data through some problem.
A NOTP I have with said character:
I’ve seen people ship him with riker??? For some reason???
A random headcanon:
We all know that Data is a very caring and considerate person. I like to think Data does meticulous research into how someone likes their living spaces prepared, like, a creepy amount of research, so that when someone visits the Enterprise he’s like “Greetings here are your quarters. In the corner you’ll see a replicated bureau complete with a flower pot similar to how you had it in your room when you were seven years old. Enjoy your stay :)”
General Opinion over said character:
I would kill and die for Data
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elle9095 · 4 years
So yesterday The Boyz’ Checkmate performance on Road to Kingdom completely blew my mind and it's been all I can think about for like 15 hours so I figured writing basically a dissertation explaining what I saw in their performances is going to help me make sense of life again.
The narrative that I got from the performances tells a story about the power struggles of monarchy, both literally and metaphorically, when you consider the industry. It’s also the concept of the show, giving these bands a chance to play in the same league as the so called kpop royalty.
It like the Boyz were on a show called Road to Kingdom and decided to make it literal.
First performance: Hwarang/ Sword of Victory
I think no one could've imagined what was to come when they made this performance. It was meant as an intro to the group so it was short and impressive and I’d say that it sort of set the style of their performance but not yet the general concept that has developed over the show.
Also I just learned that hwarangs were entertainers before they became a legion of warriors and later an institution, so they're basically old-timey boy groups turned soldiers.
How quaint when you consider the later performances.
Second performance: Danger
This is where it all started I guess. They went with the thieving concept of the song, decided to take inspiration from their first performance and bam now they’re stealing crowns and climbing walls.
Third performance: Reveal (Catching Fire)
So obviously referencing the Hunger Games which is a survival game but essentially a story of revolution.
Fourth performance: Heroine
This one's a bit different since it's a collab but yeah the whole performance is basically a person's journey to center stage, which is usually occupied by the winners/royalties.
Fifth performance: Quasi una fantasia
This one didn't look like it was going to fit the narrative with it being so ethereal and so hopeful, what with the branch slowly blooming, like a good thing coming to fruition, but this is the euphoria after you've made it and they sort of tell you in the title that yes this is basically a fantasy.
Final performance: Checkmate
This one is fucking insane okay? They start off with a deja vu: Yonghoon's with the hypnotizing watch again and you notice the blooming tree in the background but there's something uncanny and the watch stops, you get flashbacks of Juyeon taking down the king, wearing his crown, Q stealing the crown, stealthily sliding and passing it on to Sunwoo who seems like he's finally going to ascend to the throne and next thing you know he's falling and waking from a bad dream…
At this point I was already cursing and gasping and having a heart attack and they haven't even started singing. And it's like everything they've done so far was just a dream, the game is on let's start all over again.
And isn't it exactly like that? Because a game of thrones (though not explicitly referenced) is exactly just that: a game. You come to power but how long is that going to last? Sunwoo’s (literal) fall from power lasted a breath. You win first place on a music chart this week, you start all over again next week. And The Boyz would know that, having spent the the first weeks on top, but it only took a single performance in one episode for them to drop to third place.
And the chess concept is PERFECT. Chess is a game of war and strategy and the big picture and that's all they've been doing on this show: they've stolen, tricked, rebelled, and dreamed before they finally checkmate. All these performances make up one big picture and I don't know if they've planned this from the start but it’s fucking genius.
The Boyz are so good at coming with a concept and sticking with it, they make a song called checkmate and whoa they have a chess concept now, they have black and white costumes, dancers dressed as pawns, chess board effect and choreo, chess piece props… Which all seemed like obvious artistic choices but there's always MORE.
Like can we talk about that fucking table? I was like 'where did they find a three-way chess table omg it's gorgeous' and then someone's dancing on it and you see the glass tube thingy under the table and MOTHERFUCKER ITS A FUCKING CHESS HOURGLASS
Also for someone to be able to dance on it they flipped the table upside down and it's either like turning back time (rewind sound effect at the beginning) or starting all over again, but also I was like 'huh the tables have turned' and then 'OH FUCK OFF'
And it's all in the details in the performances, the small things that they reference, the same imagery that comes back again and again, every time I rewatch a performance I notice something I didn't before.
There’s the flower, something that's fragile and fleetingly beautiful, also the 'hwa' in hwarang. The moon, which is always changing, like an illusion, the full moon referenced in Reveal, which originally had a werewolf-y concept.
The fire, the sword, all associated with war and power. Even the tricks and optical illusions. The chess, the crown, the king. Everything came together so perfectly in that final performance and wrap up so nicely like HOW IS THAT SHIT EVEN REAL
I love how they have all the names of the song in the title cards (Thieves, Reveal, Paradise, Checkmate) and I’ve been thinking about the lyrics 'the show must go on' and 'the game starts again' and how Sisyphean it all is.
And it's almost like in the end they understand how futile the pursuit of power is but is still pushed by their drive to thrive for better, and in the end they realize being king isn't winning the game. Chess isn't about being king, you don't have to be king to win the game.
Their final card says 'As long as the moon shines, the king of all games is the Boyz'. They don't say 'we're the king' they say 'we're the king of all games'. It’s like 'yeah we're good at this and we're ready to go at it again' be it the hunger games, a game of thrones, or a game of chess.
These performances are inspiring and stimulating on so many levels, I mean yeah, the concept is mind-blowing, and of course the performances are just (literally) breathtaking but we haven't even talked about the technicalities.
Yes, I know these performances are great but more importantly I love how self-aware they are. They really seized the opportunity to do the kind of performance that they couldn't be possibly allowed to do anywhere else.
You can hardly do these things for a live audience, since so much rely on the camera work. You can't do this on music shows or music awards where people only care about the more famous groups.
And while these performances were created with the camera in mind, they still make the watching experience so incredibly live by making the performances so risky, upping the stakes to insane levels, and I don't just mean having to catch flying weapons or falling members, but like having a crazy domino choreography where one member's misplaced limb could ruin the whole shot, or using cool props and tricks that could so easily go wrong.
Like the branch that Juyeon was so upset about? The whole trick relied on everyone doing the right thing with the right prop at the right time right place TWICE all the while making it look effortless and seamless.
Can you imagine what kind of crazy you have to be to come up with that?
I personally think that mistake was a perfect imperfection when you look at the whole picture: something not quite right in this otherwise perfect dream that proved to be a mere fantasy, too good to be true.  
Watching the Boyz on Road to Kingdom was pure delight, and for people like me who get off on the thrill of live experience, performances like these are SUCH A TURN ON. And as a writer I'm just a sucker for conceptual plots, unexpected twists and experimenting with structures.
I’m currently torn by a mix of feelings: excitement for Kingdom, anxiety about the safety of the performers, dread of the inevitable end of the show. It kills me a little to think that we'll probably not see this kind of performances as much. That they don't get to perform like this again: go all out and not just tell a story but a fucking epic that will make Bertolt Brecht cry.
I hope they get their own comeback specials or that the company does like OK Go and makes all these crazy fun performance music videos. At this point I don't even know how to organize my thoughts to express my love for the creative team behind the productions, like someone there's got imagination to spare and I want to pick their brains so bad.
I didn’t know anything about this group before my sister showed me their Danger performance clip, and I’m 98% sure I’d never have discovered this group have they not gone on RTK but holy fuck am I glad that this happened because this is probably one of the best things that came out in 2020, making this disaster of a year almost bearable.  
So yeah, that's what I thought about the Boyz performances. Thank you for coming to my ted talk or whatevs
Also I have a second theory that the whole season is just Sunwoo getting over his fear of heights through exposure therapy.
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pwpoetry · 4 years
Q&A with Dan Chiasson
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M: How would you describe the arc of The Math Campers, and what was the process like shaping the collection?
D: It came together in two intervals of intense concentration, both informed by place. I stayed for a few weeks in the James Merrill Apartment in Stonington, Connecticut, as their Merrill fellow. This was the Fall of '17. I took with me maybe a dozen finished poems, hoping to write more. The experience of being in Merrill's home, among his books and objects, was, for me, deeply strange, almost frightening. All of these objects, paint colors, wallpaper, the light itself--these were things I knew from Merrill's work. It was like a sustained dream or deja vu.
I've never been able to fully unbelieve in the occult. I'm just totally drawn to the ambience of the supernatural. I always have been. As a kid I had satanic books, artifacts, a copy of the Necronomicon which I bought at Waldenbooks in the Burlington Square Mall, in the aisle with the calendars and thermoses.
Merrill's home is full of presences, ghosts. His ouija sessions were held right there in the dining room. The voices in his great long poem, “The Changing Light at Sandover,” do not feel like brilliant confections. They feel real. I felt his presence as real. That's one source for the eerie call and response format I use in the book. There were also literal calls and responses. I pulled down from one of Merrill's shelves a book by Frank Bidart, inscribed to Merrill. I then, while sitting at Merrill's desk, wrote an email to Frank, who wrote back. It's all quoted in the book! Then in the Spring of '19, when I thought the book was finished, I had another intense spate of working. I was home in Vermont a lot that spring, driving around in the mountains. It was too cool to swim, but I drove out to Greensboro, the most beautiful town in Vermont, my favorite place, and looked at Lake Caspian. A vision of civic rectitude, hope, trust, citizenship came to me. There's a circus camp in that town. I thought about teenagers, misfits, artsy kids, queer kids, about the dangers of life skidding off the tracks when you're that age if you're not appropriately supported. We have teenage sons, so I thought about them. I wrote most of the title poem in that period, and it's really very simple, what it's about: Vermont. (It's also about the joke that is the meritocracy, and about the climate emergency...) M: The finely layered atmosphere and nostalgia of Bicentennial is palpable in parts of the Math Campers; likewise, the concern with how memory informs meaning. How do you see the two books speaking to one another? 
D: Thank you! The Math Campers begins by casting back to Bicentennial. They are linked in so many ways. Both are about the falsified or forged or forfeited vision of America, which we see, every day, exposed as a delusion. But I'm delusional, so I buy it more than I really should. Maybe, again, it's because I believe in the occult, or almost believe, or don't not believe. Both are about fathers and sons, and about the threat that toxicity will emerge between them, the necessity of abiding and imagining that relationship properly, so we don't get more violence or loneliness. I'm working through my life almost chronologically. Bicentennial is about my early childhood, which came back to me when my father died in 2009. In The Math Campers we pick up around high school. Parties, drinking, drugs, driving. Some of the best parties, the biggest parties, were in fields, so it's also about the stars and the mountains and the lake. One family had become very rich by selling bull semen. They're in the book. I had a job as a breakfast cook in high school. That's in there too. All of it cast as very sad and vanished now. M: I love the idea that the books are slowly chronicling your life in this way. Can you talk a bit about your relationship to form, and how you settle on some of the more so-called "experimental" modes you've worked in? Did you set out to write versions of plays, or did the poems naturally guide you to that more dynamic form? 
D: In this book, I wanted to show the process of composition that gets effaced when a poem is finished. Dreams, drafts, errors, all of it. I have several "poems" in the book that aren't poems, more like attempts at poems, things I might not sign my own name to; they're written by a poet who is both me and not me. I also wanted to show the process of reception: how a poem relies on readers, how it takes shapes in a stranger's mind and life. The arc of a poem from conception to reception, and on and on. I wanted to show both the hidden unconscious life of the poem and its social life, its existence in the real world. The play allowed me to write "verse" as distinct from poetry, if that makes sense. Lines of poetry I wouldn't write, but that a character might speak. And to distribute my feelings about Big Themes--love, betrayal, passing time--across multiple perspectives and motives. You can do that in a play; it's harder to do in the univocal space of a lyric poem.
M: I usually end by asking "Are there any particular texts or works of art with which you feel the book is in conversation?" but I suppose, on some level, that question/answer is enacted throughout the Math Campers. Nevertheless, is there anything you found yourself returning to as you wrote and shaped the book that might be pulsing beneath the more visible invocations? 
D: As you say, the book wears its influences on its sleeve! Not just books and poets. Fleetwood Mac's record Tusk; A Clockwork Orange; Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne; Lawrence Welk; they're all there. And there's no high/low distinction in my poems or in my life. What's better, "East Coker" by T.S. Eliot or "Think About Me" by Fleetwood Mac? Who knows, who cares. The truest autobiography of an artist is what they love, the songs and movies and lines of poetry they carry around in their heads. My work is autobiographical in many senses, but that's the truest and most powerful meaning of the word to me.
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ozymandiasdirge · 4 years
i just had a very painful blood drawing. experience so i haven’t been taking notes but uhh...the beginning of this episode literally made me emit a scream of???? alarm???? horror??? so i figure i can take them one handed so uhhh episode 3x13 deja q
imagine my surprise when i am very invested in the engineering problem of the week when with no warning q just appears fully naked. reader when i tell you i choked i am not exaggerating.
they really dressed q in the ugliest clothes possible as retribution for being so fucking annoying.
picard really is going to kill this man. this is peak fucking comedy.
worf is really going to kill this man.
q really thinks these people are chill with him after he almost let the borg kill them all. the audacity.
oh picard why do you have to punish data by making him q’s babysitter
data really has to watch the most annoying person i the universe get punished with something he’s wanted his whole life FUCK THIS EPISODE FOR MAKING ME SAD
geordi really is going to kill this man. “change the gravitational constant of the universe”
beverly really is going to kill this man.
SHE JUST STABBED HIM WITH A FORK LMAO GOOD FOR YOU QUEEN. oh she just decimated this man why isn’t she the captain.
q you really need to learn about grudges because you are about to get thrown out of an airlock.
q really is so obsessed with this middle aged british starship captain to the fact that it impacts his ability to like....function. BITCH BE BETTER DESPERATION IS A BAD LOOK.
data this episode is like “you can annoy captain picard as much as you want but not my boyfriend please learn your place” which is why he is by far the best character.
oh no data :( beverly and geordi working together to fix data. i feel a normal amount about this.🥺😩
geordi really said “hmmm....let him die” after that. mr. la forge you are correct.
if q learns even one (1) lesson from this i will consider it the greatest triumph in all three seasons.
riker side eyeing picard not just letting q launch himself into a sun.
the q as a species only personality trait is petty bitches.
data laughing may have just actiavated my fight or flight response. am happy for him though💖.
picard that ain’t humanity that’s a desire to keep up foreplay and you know it
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makistar2018 · 5 years
John Fogerty on the Taylor Swift Imbroglio: ‘I Know Exactly How It Feels’
The veteran rocker had deja vu in hearing of Swift's battles with her former label, recalling his struggle to win his Creedence publishing.
By CHRIS WILLMAN July 8, 2019
When we think of public battles between major recording artists and their current or former label heads, we think… well, as of late June 2019, we’ve thought Taylor Swift and Big Machine. But for more than four decades prior to that, everyone’s first go-to was John Fogerty versus Fantasy Records chief Saul Zaentz. There’s plenty about these two situations that is different — the Creedence Clearwater Revival singer/songwriter was going to battle over his publishing, not his master recordings — but there’s also enough in common that music biz aficionados with long memories couldn’t help but hear echoes of Fogerty’s decades-old struggles in Swift’s fresh laments about not being able to own her own work.
Variety wanted to see if Fogerty himself is tracking the parallels. Getting him on the phone from a tour date in Norway, we weren’t disappointed. An edited transcript of our conversation about Swift follows.
Have you followed Swift’s career or her recent travails?
I remember first riding with a 15-year-old Taylor Swift in an elevator in Detroit, and I’ve loved her and her songwriting and her records ever since. She’s a great role model for my daughter and kids in general, and she’s always projected that she’s strong and not going to get knocked down by a slight wind. When I first heard this news, I felt really empty inside, just really sad, because I know exactly how it feels, you know. It was almost personal, almost like she was a member of the family, because we’ve followed her career pretty closely. She’s a wonderful artist and she deserves to be able to continue that without having a heart full of sad feelings. I didn’t really even think of myself at all, at first. And then after about a few minutes had gone by, I just thought to myself, “Somewhere, Saul Zaentz is laughing.
”I sure recognize this situation. Because I’ve had that happen to me in a very similar way. What I fought for was my publishing – the ownership of the songs I had written. Because I was in a band, and there were four of us, and we hardly ever got along in the later years, the idea of us trying to get together and get our masters back (was unthinkable). So I was fighting for my songs, but it’s kind of the same thing. I’m appalled that she really wasn’t offered the chance to buy them, because her money would have been just as good as the next guy’s money.
Her lawyer (Don Passman) said that she was not given a chance to buy it. And I believe that statement. I don’t believe the cover-up PR spin doctors on the other side trying to say that Taylor turned down the opportunity, because there’s probably nothing more on this earth that she would want more than those masters. As in my case, it’s not so much about the money as it is about owning your children. After such a long period of having so much of the benefit go to somebody else, in the back of your mind you think that you’re finally going to be given the chance to own what you created. It’s only right. In my case, I’ve waited 50 years already. I’ve got about another five years to go of just waiting it out. 
So you have it calculated down to the moment when your publishing rights will revert to you?
Yeah, by law … My songs seemed to fall under an earlier copyright law, which was changed somewhere around 1973, I think. That’s why you hear people now being quoted talking about 35 years for their masters, but before 1970, that law was not in place. The publishing law was that the first publisher would own the publishing for 28 years, with an option —  their option — to renew one time. So you add those two together and that’s 56 years. So here we are. [Laughs.]
And Taylor may have to wait a long time for her masters. In this world of social media, maybe things can be more immediate than they were for me. As you probably know, at one point my frustration and sadness was so great that I stopped playing those songs for quite some time — about 25 years. By the way, I don’t recommend that to anyone. [Laughs.] It’s a horrible career move. It’s terrible. But that is indeed what I did. I still don’t have my songs back. So I can’t say that that strategy was a good one.
This feels like war, in a way, where each side thinks of the other as the instigator. You hear rumblings from the Big Machine or Scooter Braun camps that any future negotiation over the masters just became more unlikely because she went so public with this. Does that strike a chord with your situation?
In the court case that I had against Saul about the slandering case, my lawyer asked him when he was on the stand, “Isn’t it true, Mr. Zaentz, that you have a vendetta against John Fogerty?” And before it came out of my lawyer’s mouth, Saul had screamed at the top of his lungs, “It’s an answer to a vendetta!” You could see steam and smoke coming out of his ears. [Zaentz died in 2014.]
In a situation like this, the label and artist each tend to feel like they are responsible for the other’s success and deserve payback for it. Did Taylor make Big Machine, or did Big Machine make Taylor? You were in a similar situation, as very much the artistic figurehead and key success story of your label.
I had two meetings at Bill Graham’s house with Saul, and Saul said a few things that were a little not in reality. One of the things he said at some point was, “Well, we discovered Creedence.” They were a tiny little jazz label. Saul, before he managed to purchase the label with some financial backers, was the sales representative at Fantasy, and so we knew him through that. But there was absolutely zero artistic input or anything like that. Other than Vince Guaraldi and “Cast Your Fate to the Wind” in the middle 60s, they had never had a hit record until “Susie Q,” which, while I didn’t write it, sold about a half million records. And then even at that point, all of us were at a very small level of show biz. And if it hadn’t been for someone kind of turning everything on its end and starting to write some great songs and make some great records out of them…
As everyone with a brain knows, it is the artist. All the lawyers and the PR men and the rest can stand around and take credit for what’s going on. But without the artist, nobody’s going anywhere. And that’s true in Taylor’s case too, obviously, even though she was quite young… Think of all the numbers of people on the planet, and there are just a precious few who are gifted enough as artists to create things that get the public excited enough to want to spend money, especially in the numbers that Taylor has enjoyed for the last 15 years. People like managers and label execs and all that seem to take that part for granted when they’re making these sort of statements. If they only could have a little bit of humility and realize how rare somebody like Taylor Swift is in the universe. And she’s quite young, still. Twenty-five years from now, she’ll utilize even more of what she’s got.
Would you have any advice for her, based on your experience in being part of a public struggle like this?
Boy. Well, as I already mentioned, I wouldn’t stop singing the songs. That’s something I did, and I don’t advise that. That really harmed my career. That’s something I learned. But I did it for me, you know. That was a point of self-pride and dignity, I guess, and that’s why I did that. I did the best I could with the hand I was dealt.
But I would say that she seems, especially in this world of social media, I’m quite certain that 99% of her fans are on her side. The main thing is to have a support group. It’s horrible to have to do this alone. Especially because the name-calling starts, and when people run out of the truth, they start trying to attack your character. I think my advice would be to keep doing what you’re doing. I think her fans want her to stick up for herself, because she always has. … I’m sure she could have raised the money to have this happen. It sounds pretty spiteful that Scott (Borchetta) wanted to sell the label to her only real enemy, as far as I know. He was the manager of Kanye, and Kanye did some pretty dreadful things publicly to Taylor.
Her side has said the only deal she was offered to get her masters back was to basically…
“Give us more!” [Laughs.] I remember early on, way back, Saul Zaentz offered to get us into this offshore tax plan, and he sat at his desk and said, “Well, I’m going to get you into this plan, and in return you guys will sign a 10-year contract.” I took that back to the guys in Creedence and I said, “Uh, I don’t think this is a very good plan. He wants us to sign for 10 years so that we can have a small percentage of ourselves.”
When you stopped doing your old Creedence material for all those years, was that a matter of pride, or was it because you did think it would force their hand and finally get them to give you back your publishing?
I think it was more of a feeling that they’ve done this horrible thing to me, and gee, if nothing changes, then why would I keep doing the same thing? In other words, if you go in to negotiate with somebody, but you keep giving them everything that they want, well, there’s no pressure on them to do anything to change. It became very much a point of valor. Plus I felt that if I was out there screaming “Proud Mary,” I just thought I would probably end up in a bar somewhere, having a gig playing for 10 people, and being a complete screaming alcoholic and insane and living a horrible life. I didn’t really know a way out, but it seemed to me if I kept performing those songs in front of people, and hating myself more and more for doing it, that there would never be a positive end to that.
She would likely never do anything as radical as you did in excising old songs from the setlist, but it might influence how many she includes, if this isn’t resolved and she’s not enjoying the thought of singing them live.
Yeah, you’re very angry inside. It’s like somebody twisting the knife every day. That’s probably why I felt so empty when I first heard the news. And I’m not smart enough to know what her way out is. It would be great if people kind of outside of her circle maybe decided to help. I went to Bill Graham. I thought that he would be a fair witness, like in the old “Stranger in a Strange Land” book — a person that would be respected by both sides and could figure out the answer. But sadly, that didn’t work out either.
Good people think, “Wow, these two neighbors are just screaming at each other every single day. The rest of us should get together and figure out a way to mediate.” Perhaps her lawyer can get some people to actually get in there and mediate and try to actually find a solution for the right reason — because it’s the right thing to do. [Laughs.] I’ve just said something so blazingly unknown to the music business, but it’s the way us normal people think.
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cassercole · 5 years
a time travel mishap
based off this gifset because I couldn’t help myself. I also blame @sgtbuckyybarnes​. 
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This was supposed to be simple: return the stones back to their proper timelines and keep time from creating a bunch of nasty alternate universes. Simple, right? Wrong.
The first few stones were simple; first Steve stopped in the seventies to return the Tesseract and pick up a few more Pym Particles for his other journeys and the return one, then he had been able to get the Time Stone and Reality Stone back in their proper places in New York, but before he could travel to Asgard, his suit started beeping and hissing. Something it had never done before.
Being yanked through time was not an ideal experience. It felt like he was going on the Cyclone at Coney Island, but backwards and upside down. His body was being twisted and pulled in every direction. Sometimes he landed, sometimes he didn’t. He saw galaxies pass him by, heard voices of the past and felt things he had never felt before. If he wasn’t in a complete panic the whole time, he’d think it was kind of cool.
But then he landed. Thank God he landed. Of course, he immediately threw up, but he was on solid ground again. Then he heard the unmistakable sound of something powering down. A quick look/smack to the suit proved that it was in fact, the suit itself. Which was ….great.
The only actual good thing was that it looked like he had landed in New York. He just wasn’t sure which New York. There had been two different ones he had been to before time travel became a thing: the one he was born in and the one he woke up in. But this one wasn’t one he had been to before.
A sense of deja vu settled over him as he started to explore the city and get his bearings. He was out of place, just like when he had woken up from the ice all over again. Luckily, this time he wasn’t so overwhelmed by the noises and the general change of the city. The New York he had landed in was similar to the one he was used to, but there were minor detail changes. And a quick look at a newspaper told him it was...2004. Great. At least it wasn’t too far in the past or future. He could still semi-fit in.
Not wanting to draw attention to himself, Steve hurried up the steps and into the first building he came across. He needed to get out of the suit and find some actual clothes and someone to fix the suit. Maybe he could find Tony...where was he in 2004 again?
A loud laugh interrupted his planning thought process, getting him to look down the hallway he had turned into.
Three things flipped through his brain as he did in the following order: he had walked into a high school, said high school halls were filled with teenagers chatting at various lockers, and one of those teenagers was…
“Holy shit.” he breathed out as he took in the sight of a teenage version of Q playing with a lei that was around another student’s neck. It was her. He knew it was, having seen plenty of pictures of her in her high school days. 
The messy bun on her head with the defining purple streak highlighting its way into the bun. Those large hoop earrings paired with the choker that matched her crop top. Plus the very short shorts giving him perfect view of her intricate thigh tattoo that she had gotten when she was thirteen. It was her.
While he couldn’t quite hear what she was saying over the general loudness of the hallway, he watched her bite her bottom lip and give the kid she was obviously flirting with the most sultry bedroom eyes he had ever seen on her. He was only ever used to being on the receiving side of that look, never having seen it used on another person. And he had to admit, it made him a little bit….jealous? Why in holy hell was he jealous? It’s not like she was his wife yet. She was a teenager for Christ’s sake! He shouldn’t be jealous of that….
The loud ringing of a bell tore his attention away from where his wife was flirting with some random kid and sent him into slight panic mode; she couldn’t see him. Well, none of them could. At least not with him decked out in his futuristic time travel suit. That would cause a lot of questions he wasn’t sure he could answer without warranting more questions.
Changing out of, then stashing the suit in a random locker, Steve walked back out into the hall in search for Q. Not to do anything, but to just make sure he actually did see her. It’s not every day you see your wife as a teenager.
As he wandered the hallways, he started to think more about where he was. 2004. At least a months, or even a few weeks, before she was sent to jail. He could warn her. Make sure she dumped Spencer and never ended up in the situation she ended up in. He would save her so much trouble and heartbreak.
Then he started to debate with himself; if he told her about everything, she would never meet him. Not like it mattered though since if he told her, he’d just create a new timeline. He could still go back to his original timeline and things would be fine. Telling her would just create an alternate universe. All it would do was let her have the future she wanted, not one she was forced into. That wouldn’t be one of those nasty alternate universes like Bruce said, right?
“Excuse me!” someone called out, making him turn to look over his shoulder. A bearded man in a suit and tie was coming toward him, hand gesturing for him to follow, “You’re the sub, right? For history?” Steve almost laughed out loud, but before he could disagree, the man answered for him, “Sorry, this building’s like a maze. C’mon, class has already started.” he waved for Steve to follow. Taking in a breath, he decided to follow after him, knowing that he couldn’t just ignore him and leave. He could teach history -- even though he had slept through most of it.
The man in the suit, the principal Steve found out, left him in the classroom with a rather large group of teenagers. Most of them seeming like they wanted to be anywhere else. He felt the same. He didn’t have time to stick around and teach history to a bunch of kids. He needed to find someone who could fix the suit so he could get back to his mission. And get home to his Q. The fully matured, adult Q.
Luckily, none of the teenagers expected anything from him. There were already packets on the desk for the kids to do. He was basically just there to babysit until the bell rang again. There had been no sign of Q in the class he subbed for and he wasn’t about to sit through another class he didn’t need to be in. There were more important things to deal with.
Ditching his supposed role as a substitute teacher, Steve once again found himself wandering the empty halls. He made his way to the computer lab figuring he should at least look up Tony. He was running Stark Industries by then, right? Or at least a part of the company?
Even though he was well versed in technology by this point, the computers seemed to have regressed from the ones he was used to in the future. Chunky and rather slow, he was growing frustrated with the tools he was forced to use. A phonebook would be easier at this point, but apparently 2004 was still an awkward transitional phase between technological advancements.
Letting out an annoyed, frustrated noise, he sat back in his chair only to see someone’s head pop up from across the other row of computers. A familiar set of eyes went wide at the sight of him and she quickly ducked back down behind her computer. Brow furrowing, Steve leaned forward in his seat, raising himself up slightly to peer over the row of computers.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in class?” he asked Q, unsurprised by the fact that he found her skipping.
“Aren’t you?” she volleyed back with a raise of her eyebrows. He matched her expression waiting for her to break first, but she held his gaze with the same intensity as her older-self. Good to know that was always a talent of hers, “You’re the new history sub right?” she asked after a moment of silence, “There’s a history class right now.”
“I’m assuming you know this because you’re supposed to be in it?” he asked. She made a face and shrugged, not answering his question and returning to her screen, “What’re you doin’ over there?” he tilted his chin in the direction of her computer, but she didn’t look at him. Only shrugged again and continued to click around on the screen. Taking it upon himself to find out on his own, he moved away from his computer and over to hers to look over her shoulder.
“Online poker, huh?” he crossed his arms over his chest. She didn’t even try to hide it, unintimidated by him. “Is this legal?”
“Nope.” she popped the p in the word, eyes never leaving the screen, “But I’m about to win this hand anyway so I’ll be done in a second.”
“Sure about that?” he knew she loved poker because she was good at reading people’s tells, but this was online. How could she be so confident? Yet a moment later, confetti exploded on the screen; she had won. The screen reflected her proud smirk, one that he had seen countless times whenever she was proud of herself but didn’t want anyone to know about it. “Good job.” he congratulated her, “But now I’m gonna have to take you to the principal.” he tilted his head to the side and clenched his teeth together. Still unfazed by his empty threat, she clicked a few times on the screen to transfer her winnings somewhere and then got to her feet.
“No, you won’t. Cause then you’ll be just as fucked as me.” she smirked at him, “I’ll be telling him how you skipped out on class to research Tony Stark.” she said his name with such disgust that Steve barely contained his flinch. Despite the amount of times Tony and Q had butted heads over the years, he knew they had found some common ground with Molly and had respected and tolerated each other. It was hard to hear her talk about Tony like that. Especially considering everything that had happened in his timeline.
“How do you know what I was doing?” he asked, hands slipping into his pants pockets. She gave him a sly grin then tilted her head to the windows he was sitting in front of. The reflection.
“‘Bye, teach.” she chirped before walking past him and leaving him in the computer lab. Damn teenagers.
According to the internet, Tony still lived in Miami full time, but would be in the city for some event in a few weeks. Which meant Steve was stuck in 2004 for several more days, and still the history sub. Apparently the real history sub never showed up. At least he had Q to keep him company -- that was whenever she decided to show up to class.
“Late again, Ms. Proctor.” he called her out as she flounced into the room with five minutes left in the period. He had to refrain from calling by the last name Rogers like he was used to doing. He was still adjusting to this time period. She gave him a smirk, but didn’t respond, “C’mon Q, you know what that means.” he pointed to the jar that sat on his desk. Something he had implemented during his time as the history sub, “Two dollars in the jar.”
“Oh, I would, Mr. Dawson,” she turned to show off her ass, “but these shorts don’t have any pockets.” she slid her hand down her ass and Steve had to duck his head down to stop himself from staring. Even though she was eighteen, it still wasn’t right to be leering at her ass that she was so proudly displaying to him (typical Q). After all, in this timeline, he was her teacher. This time the professional boundary was his, not hers.
Still, with each passing day, the urge to tell her everything grew stronger and stronger. Really he just wanted to talk to her. After all, she was the one person he could always talk to. About everything and anything. Couldn’t that also be the case in this timeline too? Maybe she could help him get back to his own time. Or at least help him come up with a plan. She was good with making plans in his time, surely she had that talent in high school too.
Though before he could come up with a plan of his own to tell her, he slipped up.  
“How do you know that?” she asked suddenly, making him come to a full stop. He looked up at her from where he was grading packets at his desk. Seeing her confused expression made the blood drain from his face. She stared at him, long and hard, searching for answer that she wasn’t going to find unless he told her.
“You...mentioned it the other day.” he responded lamely, gesturing to the empty classroom, “I overheard you talking to Cole about it.” he leaned back in his chair, arms crossing over his chest. Her eyes narrowed and he knew he fucked up even more; she didn’t believe him.
“Why would I tell Cole about my grandmother’s birthday?” she asked, voice becoming steely in a tone he was used to; she always used it whenever he was in trouble. Which he very much was right then.
“I don’t know, aren’t you two friends?” he tried to dig himself out of the hole he was in. She scoffed, looking over his head as she shook her own.
“Ridiculous, no. What are you doing? Stalking me?” she was getting angry with him, which was fair. He didn’t have to say a goddamn word about how she was going to be out of school for her grandmother’s birthday trip, since all she said was that she was going to be missing class. But of course, he had to fill in the blanks with the details he knew because of his Q. And he had done so out loud.
“No, of course not.” he finally looked up at her to see her glaring at him. He swallowed the lump in his throat and then got to his feet. Better to tell her the truth than have her think something else.
Shutting the classroom door, he turned back to her. She was waiting expectantly for an answer, arms crossing over her chest. As he walked back toward her, he slipped his hands into his pockets so she wouldn’t see him clenching his fists nervously.
“There’s something I have to tell you.” he started. Her blank expression didn’t change, indicating he should continue, “My name isn’t Steven Dawson. It’s Steve. Steve Rogers.” he waited for her reaction, thinking it would be more than the scoff he got followed by an unconvinced,
“Like Captain America?”
“Not like. Am.” he corrected her. Her arms dropped to her sides and she rolled her eyes.
“No way, that guy’s been dead since World War Two.” he winced at the casual mention of his death, reminded that in 2004, everyone still thought he was dead. Not a human popsicle.
“I’m not. I’m frozen in a block of ice in the Arctic.” he corrected her, “But that’s not the point.” he moved on, “The point is that I’m not just Captain America, I’m also from the future.” he finished seriously. The corners of her mouth twitched for a moment before she let out a laugh.
“Oh my God! You’re not serious are you?” she laughed, placing her hands on her hips, “I mean just say you’re some weird teacher creep! It’s better than pretending you’re a time traveler.” she laughed again.
“I’m completely serious, Q.” he took in a breath, “And in my present -- your future, we know each other.” he kept it simple, not wanting to overwhelm her with the whole marriage thing. Again, she laughed and then shook her head,
“Right okay, then what year are you from?”
“2023.” he told her, “Nineteen years from now. You’re almost forty.” her eyes went wide at the mention of such an old age and he had to stifle a laugh.
“No, no that’s not a real year.” she laughed, shaking her head a bit, “Jesus Christ, they really need to start doing background checks on these subs cause you’re nuts.” she leaned forward a bit and he shook his head, hands moving from his pockets to his hips.
“I’m not.” he gave her a half smile, “Trust me, I know it’s a little hard to wrap your head around --” she let out a bark of a laugh but he continued, “but I’m really from the future.” she eyed him, squinting a bit more as she studied him.
“Prove it.” she challenged him, “Prove you’re from the future.” he took in a breath before meeting her eyes.
“What do you want to know?” he asked, knowing it would be best to have her be in control of the situation. She thought to herself for a moment, staring off into the distance then letting her eyes return to his.
“Tell me something about me. We’re friends in the future, right?” she asked, stressing the word friends, almost like she knew something he didn’t -- or maybe did. Still, he nodded, “Then tell me something that only I and a friend would know.” she prompted him. He took in a breath and tried to think of something she had told him from her teenage years. There wasn’t much to go off of since she never really talked about this time to begin with but…
“I know you once beat someone up in the alleyway of Grattan Street because two older boys were messing with your younger brother, Frankie.” he settled on, remembering their conversation during their first trip to Brooklyn all those years ago. She stared at him for a long moment before shaking her head,
“No, not good enough. You could’ve walked by when it happened.” she debated his answer and gave a shrug. He sighed and offered up another Q factoid:
“Sometimes, you skip school to go to Mets games and sit up in the nosebleeds with a Coke and popcorn and have a stat book full of the players averages and whatnot.” she shook her head again,
“You could’ve followed me there.” she shifted from foot to foot, “Try something else.” He glanced at the clock, knowing he was running out of time before the next bell rang.
“I’m doing the best I can, Queenie.” he pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to think of something else, “I know your favorite color is a soft yellow, you have to use sensitive skin detergent or else your skin gets all red and bumpy, you got that tattoo when you were thirteen and had to hire someone on Craigslist to pretend to be your parent, you --”
“Okay, stop! Stop!” she cut him off with a wave of her hands, “No, this was...this was a bad idea. You’re not from the future, you’re just some creep.” she started toward him to leave the room, but he blocked her; at this point desperate for her to believe him. Her eyes flicked over his stance and he relaxed a bit so she would know he wasn’t going to try anything, “If you’re from the future, why don’t you just go back to it?”
“I can’t.” it came out softer, more broken than he meant for it to, “I’m stuck here. My suit malfunctioned and the only person who can help is Tony and he...I just...I was hoping you could help me too.” he met her eyes, seeing how they widened slightly. She didn’t respond, but he continued anyway, “Q, I know you’re a little bit curious about all this.” he called her out, seeing it in her eyes. She hesitated for a moment before scoffing,
“And how do you know  that? Cause you’re from the future?” she made a face and said the last word a bit weirdly. He took in a breath, wanting to say something else, but then the bell rang. He deflated a bit, knowing he had missed his chance and might have fucked everything up even more than before, “Just stay the fuck away from me.” she told him lowly and there was an underlying threat to it that gave him a glimpse into the Q that Dawson described to him way back when. The feral, dangerous one that wouldn’t hesitate to ruin someone’s life without lifting a single finger.
So he let her go. He had to let her go.
And he didn’t see her for days. Yes, she was supposed to be out of school, but even after that she didn’t reappear. A part of him thought that the night she ended up in jail had already passed, but the news hadn’t reported anything yet.
He re-focused on getting back to the correct timeline. Now more than ever he longed for his Q. The one who loved him unconditionally. Who’d believe him no matter what and who’d always be by his side. He wanted to go home.
The only person who could help him was currently in town for some sort of conference. He hadn’t read the details but knew where it was; some fancy hotel in Manhattan. Steve had planned to take the train there, walking to the station with the suit and the other stones in a duffel bag. All he needed was a few minutes with Tony. If he could just get him alone and tell him about the suit, he knew it would be enough to pique Tony’s interest. The mere mention of time travel was enough to get Tony involved the first time around.
As he walked, a car pulled up beside him, slowing to keep pace with him. He glanced into the car to see Q in the driver’s seat. His surprise clearly showed on his face because she gave him a slight smile.
“What? This didn’t happen in the future?” she asked. He let out a slight laugh and paired it with a shake of his head,
“This is still the past.” he reminded her. She made a face and let out a noise of annoyance.
“Whatever. Do you want a ride to the hotel or not?” he stopped walking, turning to face her fully.
“How do you know where I’m going?” his brow furrowed and she gave him another one of her trademark smiles.
“You may be from the future, but I can see into the future.” she joked, making him roll his eyes, “You said you needed to get your suit fixed and then mentioned Tony...aka Stark who’s at a hotel in Manhattan right now.” she rattled off, voice taking on the familiar medical tone it always did whenever she explained anything. He didn’t hide his proud smile as she stopped the car fully so he could get in.
The drive was quiet for a few minutes, but he could tell she was itching to say something. He glanced over at her, having another weird sense of deja vu; she always drove him everywhere when they lived in DC and here she was...doing it again.
“Say what’s in your head.” he prompted with the familiar phrase. She glanced over to him with a small smile,
“Sorry, sorry, I’m just...thinking about the stuff you said in the classroom the other day.” she admitted. He ducked his head down to look at his lap.
“Right, yeah, I’m sorry...I probably went a little overboard.”
“No! No you didn’t.” she shook her head, “It’s just...we aren’t just friends, are we?” she asked with a pointed glance to his left hand where he wore his wedding ring. A slightly embarrassed laugh escaped from him and he felt his cheeks burn.
“No...we’re...we were co-workers for a bit at SHIELD, you were assigned to me to help me ease back into the modern world, but then we became friends. We started dating after SHIELD collapsed…” he paused as he came up on their period of separation, deciding that if he was telling her the story, he was going to tell her everything, “Ended splitting up for a bit, but we found our way back to each other then...we got married.” he told her with a raise of his eyebrows. He watched her face scrunch up in what could be considered disgust,
“I end up marrying you?” her tone was a mix of disbelief and something else, “but you’re like a hundred.” he had to laugh at her reasoning.
“Out of everything I told you, that’s what you’re focusing on?” he asked as she talked over him,
“I mean I’ve always had a thing for older guys, but I mean that’s just...” she trailed off as he lifted his hand up,
“Alright, okay.” he stopped her with a chuckle, “That’s enough, thank you.” she glanced over to him with a small smile,
“Sorry,” she apologized again, “I just...never thought I’d end up with someone like you.” she blushed a bit, thoughts obviously turning to her current relationship.
“You think you’re gonna end up with Spencer?” he asked plainly, making her mouth drop into a small o. Before she could retort, he continued, “I think you should get rid of that guy.” she let out a bemused laugh,
“Of course you do!” she laughed again, “Obviously my future husband is not gonna want me to be with my current boyfriend.” he shook his head, pushing his jealousy aside for a moment.
“No, that’s not it.” he almost sarcastically said, “There’s more to it than that.” she glanced at him, noticing the tone of voice his statement took on. Taking in a breath, he dove in, “I know what happens at the facility.”
“What facility?” she asked and for a moment, he thought he was too early or had messed up the details, or was even planting the idea to do what she did in his head, but he pushed on,
“The facility SHIELD uses to house their drugs.” he simply put it, noticing how her grip on the wheel tightened, “You’re already planning it, aren’t you?” he asked with a flick of his eyes to her face. She didn’t respond so he continued, “Listen, I just...something’s gonna go wrong. The cops’ll show up early and he’ll leave you there. And you’ll be put in prison.” his stomach knotted up at the memory of her recounting the story of that fateful night to him.
“No, no, that’s not true.” Q shook her head, eyes blinking rapidly as if to stop tears from falling, “No, I planned everything out. There’s not gonna be any mishaps or cops or -- he’s not gonna leave me, okay!?” Steve put his hands up to defend himself from her words but she was on a roll, “No, we’re partners. If I go down, he does too and vice a versa. He wouldn’t leave me and make me take the blame! I mean, he can be a dick, yeah, but he -- he loves me. He loves me, right?” she looked at him as if he would have the answers. Steve stayed quiet. She turned her attention back to the road, licking her lips before swallowing,
“Why are you even telling me this?” she asked suddenly, “Doesn’t this fuck up the future? Butterfly effect or whatever?”
“No, no that’s not how time works.” he didn’t want to get into the details of it and quickly tried to smooth things over, “You don’t have to do anything with the information I just gave you. I just know...I know it really hurt you and I’m just trying to save you a little pain and hopefully help you have a chance at a better future.” he finished softly, knowing more than she ever would: SHIELD, Bucky, the snap... She glanced at him again, pulling her bottom lip into her mouth and nodding,
“Okay, yeah…” she trailed off as she looked back at the road.
At the hotel, he left her in the lobby while he went in search of Tony. She paced the length of the lobby while she waited, thinking about the conversation she had with Steve in the car. Everything he had said was a lot to process. The biggest thing being married to him...Captain fucking America. They’d lock her in a mental institution if she started telling people that. But beside that major thing, there were other things that made her reconsider everything.
Sure, the stuff about the facility plan seemed both vague and specific at the same time. And there was an emotion behind it that she couldn’t quite place, but it was one that was genuine and made her believe he was telling her the truth.
Hours had passed by the time Steve finally exited into the lobby again. The event was long over and Q was the only one in the lobby, curled up on the couch, not asleep, just waiting for him. She sat up at the sight of him, noticing the weird white and red suit he was wearing.
“Is that your time travel suit?” she asked, getting a nod from him, “So it works again?”
“Sure does.” she tried to give him a smile but it fell a bit flat. Almost like she didn’t want him to go, “What’s wrong?” he asked, shifting his stance a bit. She shook her head, arms crossing over her chest,
“Nothing, no, I’m just...if what you said is true and I don’t do the facility plan or whatever...what’ll happen to me?” her voice was quiet, almost like she was scared of the answer. She cleared her throat and raised her shoulders up, “Like will I just graduate high school? Go to college or whatever? Will I still meet you? You said we got married and now I...well, I don’t know if I wanna get married but...how do I know I did the right thing this time? Chose the right ending?” she finished, finally meeting his eyes.   
“Hey, it’ll be okay.” he assured her, reaching out to place his hands on her shoulders, “The right ending, is the one that you choose.” he told her, keeping his eyes locked on hers, “And this isn’t goodbye, Queenie.”  
“How do you know?” she asked back in a small voice. He gave her a half smile,
“Cause I’m from the future, remember?” he pointed out. She rolled her eyes at that, making him grin fully. Before he could stop himself, he pulled her in for a quick, tight hug -- surprised she hugged him back. Then he stepped away from her. It was time for him to go back to his Q.
Q watched as he pressed a few buttons on the wrist device he had attached to the suit. The machine whirred to life and a relieved smile came over his face. He gave her one last look before pressing a button. There was a loud whoosh and a gust of wind blew through the space before everything settled into silence. Steve had disappeared into thin air.
“Fucking time travel.” she breathed out to herself with a slight grin.
The same whoosh that accompanied him when he was pulled back into the time tunnel, filled his ears as he arrived back on the platform in the forest outside the Avengers compound. Blinking a moment, he took in the scene before him. Bruce was at the control table, Sam a few feet away from it and Bucky standing next to him. And then there was Q. Right where he left her -- and the appropriate age again. Thank God.
“That was the longest five seconds of my life.” Q dramatically sighed out as Steve stepped off the platform to greet her. She immediately wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in close. Inhaling, she paused for a moment. He smelled differently. She moved her face so she could nuzzle her nose a bit more into his neck as her brow furrowed.
“Is that…” she pulled away to look at him for a moment before leaning in again to take another whiff, “Is that Rush by Gucci I smell?” she asked. The name meant nothing to Steve, which she knew and continued to explain, “I doused myself in the stuff every day in high school to hide the smell of my cigarettes. I ended up just smelling like a nightclub, but it’s a very distinctive smell, Steven.” she gave him a knowing look, “Did you take a detour?” she asked a follow-up question, already getting an inkling of the answer. He adapted a look of innocence, pulling down the corners of his mouth,
“Accidentally.” he responded with a slight movement of his head, “I didn’t mean to end up in Brooklyn in 2004.” her eyes widened at the vague explanation; it was enough for her to know what he was talking about. A big, amused smile broke out across her face,
“Oh fuck.” she breathed out, stepping back to lightly slap him on the chest, “You hung out with eighteen year old me!” she laughed a little, arms crossing over her chest, “So? Impressions? Thoughts?” he looked over her head with a slight smile before looking back at her,
“All I’ll say is that I’m glad I know you now.” he amended, making her roll her eyes at the cop-out answer, “You can be a little...mean.” he supported, but she wasn’t offended in the slightest.
“Yeah, well, what did you expect?” she shrugged and made a face, “You know I didn’t have the best track record.” he gave her an understanding smile, reaching out for her only for him to stop her with a raise of her hand, “You didn’t like… fuck me though right?” she eyed him, squinting a bit as if she could see right through him.
“I did not!” he shot her down, face reddening as he looked over to the others still standing around them. Bucky let out a cough to hide his laugh and ducked his head down as Sam tried to fight a grin, “No, no I just...asked for your help.” Q bit her lip and nodded a bit, still studying him and choosing whether or not to believe him,
“Sure yea, okay…” she trailed off, “I know how I was at eighteen, Steven.” she raised a finger up at him, shaking it a bit, “Veeerrrry into older men.” she echoed her younger self’s comment. He raised his eyebrows up,
“Still are.” he pointed out with a slight smirk of his own and earning groans from the other two men standing around.
“Alright, enough!” Sam called out, annoyance-slash-distaste filtering through. But Q only giggled, stepping into his arms and giving him a searing kiss -- both ignoring Bucky and Sam’s sounds of disgust.
And maybe, when it was all said and done, Steve went back to that alternate timeline. Several years later, of course. Just to see if Q had done anything differently in the years since he left her and if his visit had affected anything at all.
He figured it had, since he found that she was presenting some new way to predict consumers’ buying patterns at some giant marketing conference in New York. While a part of him was a little sad that she never found her way to SHIELD -- to him, he was still happy she was able to get her happy ending. And was still wearing pant suits.
Though after the conference, he did tail her for a bit. Just to see if there was anything else he should know about. And he followed her into a bar, watching as she slid into a booth across from another person who had a very familiar look to him.
Almost like she could sense someone staring at her, her eyes flicked over to where Steve was standing by the end of the bar. Eyes meeting, he froze, unsure what to do. But he stayed where he was, watching her eyes shift to the person she was sitting across from. She said something to her tablemate before getting up from the table and crossing over to the bar.
“Hello again.” she greeted him with a knowing smile, “You look exactly the same.” she teased and he couldn’t help but give her a smile.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have…” he ducked his head down, “I was just curious to see what happened.” he sighed, meeting her eyes again. She gave him a grin, settling her elbows on the bar,
“Well, I didn’t go to jail.” she stated the obvious, “I was on Forbes 30 under 30 and just presented a new tactic that will revolutionize consumer analytics.” she ticked off her list of achievements with a proud smile. He grinned back at her, just as proud of her as she was of herself.
“That’s really great, Q.” he congratulated her, “I’m happy for you.”
“Oh, and --” she held up her left hand and wagged her ring finger so he could see the ring on her finger. It was eerily similar to the engagement ring that his Q wore on her finger back in his time. He raised his eyebrows and glanced to the person in the booth, brows furrowing cause was that really how the back of his head looked?
“That’s not you.” she answered the question in his head per usual, “That’s my friend, Dawson.” Steve’s heart jumped to his throat at the mention of his former friend and he didn’t see the knowing look she was giving him, “Assuming a friend of yours too?” she referred back to the fake last name he had used during her high school days.
“Was one of my best.” he answered, voice but a breath. He didn’t realize how much he missed his friend until he was mere feet away from him. All he wanted to do was say hi, hear his voice one last time. Maybe even get a chance to say goodbye. But no, no, he couldn’t fuck up this timeline more than he already had -- was.
“Well, we met during the Battle of New York. How I met you too, actually.” she got his attention again, “You saved my life from a very terrifying alien from outer space.” While her tone was light, she was looking at him seriously. Weird; in his timeline, she had saved his, “Took me a second to realize it wasn’t the you I knew in high school, but…”
“And you still…” he trailed off, hoping he hadn’t forced her to go after an ending she didn’t really want.
“Of course.” she gave him a slightly sardonic smile, “You can’t just tell someone you’re gonna marry them and then think they’re gonna forget about it.” she teased a bit, making him laugh a little.
“I’m sorry, I feel like I fucked everything up. Forced you into a future you might not have wanted.” he spoke his concerns aloud and she shook her head.
“You didn’t. Like you said, I had the option to do the thing with Spencer or not and I didn’t. I chose my future. Not you.” she paused, “The right ending is the one you choose.” she reminded him before taking in a breath, “And besides, I would’ve ended up with you anyway, right?” he nodded, assuming if she took the same path she did, it would end the way he knew. She’d find her way to him sooner or later. She raised her shoulders up at his nod, “Then I guess it was meant to be. In whatever timeline or universe or whatever.” she said matter of factly. He nodded to himself, smiling a bit at the thought.
Throughout all the alternate universes and timelines that existed, they always found each other.                    
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ts1989fanatic · 5 years
John Fogerty on the Taylor Swift Imbroglio: ‘I Know Exactly How It Feels’
The veteran rocker had deja vu in hearing of Swift's battles with her former label, recalling his struggle to win his Creedence publishing.
When we think of public battles between major recording artists and their current or former label heads, we think… well, as of late June 2019, we’ve thought Taylor Swift and Big Machine. But for more than four decades prior to that, everyone’s first go-to was John Fogerty versus Fantasy Records chief Saul Zaentz. There’s plenty about these two situations that is different — the Creedence Clearwater Revival singer/songwriter was going to battle over his publishing, not his master recordings — but there’s also enough in common that music biz aficionados with long memories couldn’t help but hear echoes of Fogerty’s decades-old struggles in Swift’s fresh laments about not being able to own her own work.
Variety wanted to see if Fogerty himself is tracking the parallels. Getting him on the phone from a tour date in Norway, we weren’t disappointed. An edited transcript of our conversation about Swift follows.
Have you followed Swift’s career or her recent travails?
I remember first riding with a 15-year-old Taylor Swift in an elevator in Detroit, and I’ve loved her and her songwriting and her records ever since. She’s a great role model for my daughter and kids in general, and she’s always projected that she’s strong and not going to get knocked down by a slight wind. When I first heard this news, I felt really empty inside, just really sad, because I know exactly how it feels, you know. It was almost personal, almost like she was a member of the family, because we’ve followed her career pretty closely. She’s a wonderful artist and she deserves to be able to continue that without having a heart full of sad feelings. I didn’t really even think of myself at all, at first. And then after about a few minutes had gone by, I just thought to myself, “Somewhere, Saul Zaentz is laughing.”
I sure recognize this situation. Because I’ve had that happen to me in a very similar way. What I fought for was my publishing – the ownership of the songs I had written. Because I was in a band, and there were four of us, and we hardly ever got along in the later years, the idea of us trying to get together and get our masters back (was unthinkable). So I was fighting for my songs, but it’s kind of the same thing. I’m appalled that she really wasn’t offered the chance to buy them, because her money would have been just as good as the next guy’s money.
Her lawyer (Don Passman) said that she was not given a chance to buy it. And I believe that statement. I don’t believe the cover-up PR spin doctors on the other side trying to say that Taylor turned down the opportunity, because there’s probably nothing more on this earth that she would want more than those masters. As in my case, it’s not so much about the money as it is about owning your children. After such a long period of having so much of the benefit go to somebody else, in the back of your mind you think that you’re finally going to be given the chance to own what you created. It’s only right. In my case, I’ve waited 50 years already. I’ve got about another five years to go of just waiting it out.
So you have it calculated down to the moment when your publishing rights will revert to you?
Yeah, by law … My songs seemed to fall under an earlier copyright law, which was changed somewhere around 1973, I think. That’s why you hear people now being quoted talking about 35 years for their masters, but before 1970, that law was not in place. The publishing law was that the first publisher would own the publishing for 28 years, with an option — their option — to renew one time. So you add those two together and that’s 56 years. So here we are. [Laughs.]
And Taylor may have to wait a long time for her masters. In this world of social media, maybe things can be more immediate than they were for me. As you probably know, at one point my frustration and sadness was so great that I stopped playing those songs for quite some time — about 25 years. By the way, I don’t recommend that to anyone. [Laughs.] It’s a horrible career move. It’s terrible. But that is indeed what I did. I still don’t have my songs back. So I can’t say that that strategy was a good one.
This feels like war, in a way, where each side thinks of the other as the instigator. You hear rumblings from the Big Machine or Scooter Braun camps that any future negotiation over the masters just became more unlikely because she went so public with this. Does that strike a chord with your situation?
In the court case that I had against Saul about the slandering case, my lawyer asked him when he was on the stand, “Isn’t it true, Mr. Zaentz, that you have a vendetta against John Fogerty?” And before it came out of my lawyer’s mouth, Saul had screamed at the top of his lungs, “It’s an answer to a vendetta!” You could see steam and smoke coming out of his ears. [Zaentz died in 2014.]
In a situation like this, the label and artist each tend to feel like they are responsible for the other’s success and deserve payback for it. Did Taylor make Big Machine, or did Big Machine make Taylor? You were in a similar situation, as very much the artistic figurehead and key success story of your label.
I had two meetings at Bill Graham’s house with Saul, and Saul said a few things that were a little not in reality. One of the things he said at some point was, “Well, we discovered Creedence.” They were a tiny little jazz label. Saul, before he managed to purchase the label with some financial backers, was the sales representative at Fantasy, and so we knew him through that. But there was absolutely zero artistic input or anything like that. Other than Vince Guaraldi and “Cast Your Fate to the Wind” in the middle 60s, they had never had a hit record until “Susie Q,” which, while I didn’t write it, sold about a half million records. And then even at that point, all of us were at a very small level of show biz. And if it hadn’t been for someone kind of turning everything on its end and starting to write some great songs and make some great records out of them…
As everyone with a brain knows, it is the artist. All the lawyers and the PR men and the rest can stand around and take credit for what’s going on. But without the artist, nobody’s going anywhere. And that’s true in Taylor’s case too, obviously, even though she was quite young… Think of all the numbers of people on the planet, and there are just a precious few who are gifted enough as artists to create things that get the public excited enough to want to spend money, especially in the numbers that Taylor has enjoyed for the last 15 years. People like managers and label execs and all that seem to take that part for granted when they’re making these sort of statements. If they only could have a little bit of humility and realize how rare somebody like Taylor Swift is in the universe. And she’s quite young, still. Twenty-five years from now, she’ll utilize even more of what she’s got.
Would you have any advice for her, based on your experience in being part of a public struggle like this?
Boy. Well, as I already mentioned, I wouldn’t stop singing the songs. That’s something I did, and I don’t advise that. That really harmed my career. That’s something I learned. But I did it for me, you know. That was a point of self-pride and dignity, I guess, and that’s why I did that. I did the best I could with the hand I was dealt.
But I would say that she seems, especially in this world of social media, I’m quite certain that 99% of her fans are on her side. The main thing is to have a support group. It’s horrible to have to do this alone. Especially because the name-calling starts, and when people run out of the truth, they start trying to attack your character. I think my advice would be to keep doing what you’re doing. I think her fans want her to stick up for herself, because she always has. … I’m sure she could have raised the money to have this happen. It sounds pretty spiteful that Scott (Borchetta) wanted to sell the label to her only real enemy, as far as I know. He was the manager of Kanye, and Kanye did some pretty dreadful things publicly to Taylor.
Her side has said the only deal she was offered to get her masters back was to basically…
“Give us more!” [Laughs.] I remember early on, way back, Saul Zaentz offered to get us into this offshore tax plan, and he sat at his desk and said, “Well, I’m going to get you into this plan, and in return you guys will sign a 10-year contract.” I took that back to the guys in Creedence and I said, “Uh, I don’t think this is a very good plan. He wants us to sign for 10 years so that we can have a small percentage of ourselves.”
When you stopped doing your old Creedence material for all those years, was that a matter of pride, or was it because you did think it would force their hand and finally get them to give you back your publishing?
I think it was more of a feeling that they’ve done this horrible thing to me, and gee, if nothing changes, then why would I keep doing the same thing? In other words, if you go in to negotiate with somebody, but you keep giving them everything that they want, well, there’s no pressure on them to do anything to change. It became very much a point of valor. Plus I felt that if I was out there screaming “Proud Mary,” I just thought I would probably end up in a bar somewhere, having a gig playing for 10 people, and being a complete screaming alcoholic and insane and living a horrible life. I didn’t really know a way out, but it seemed to me if I kept performing those songs in front of people, and hating myself more and more for doing it, that there would never be a positive end to that.
She would likely never do anything as radical as you did in excising old songs from the setlist, but it might influence how many she includes, if this isn’t resolved and she’s not enjoying the thought of singing them live.
Yeah, you’re very angry inside. It’s like somebody twisting the knife every day. That’s probably why I felt so empty when I first heard the news. And I’m not smart enough to know what her way out is. It would be great if people kind of outside of her circle maybe decided to help. I went to Bill Graham. I thought that he would be a fair witness, like in the old “Stranger in a Strange Land” book — a person that would be respected by both sides and could figure out the answer. But sadly, that didn’t work out either.
Good people think, “Wow, these two neighbors are just screaming at each other every single day. The rest of us should get together and figure out a way to mediate.” Perhaps her lawyer can get some people to actually get in there and mediate and try to actually find a solution for the right reason — because it’s the right thing to do. [Laughs.] I’ve just said something so blazingly unknown to the music business, but it’s the way us normal people think.
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yourbuerokrat2 · 7 months
Pet vs. toy
Or: It's Halloween so I get to talk about the difference between Q viewing Picard as a pet vs. Q viewing him as his favorite toy
The beginning in both scenarios is similar. For the pet one the way Q sees the Enterprise as is a bunch of ants he likes to put through a maze and in front of a small riddle and see what they are going to do. While in the toy scenario Q just got assigned to in his eyes play with a new set of toys. They end up reacting in a way, that doesn't allow it for him to destroy them, but in both scenarios he thinks the Enterprise crew and their captain interesting and amusing enough for further inspection. As time goes on and finally in Qpid Q has come to the decision that Picard is his favorite out of the bunch. In both scenarios of Qpid Q enjoys playing with him altough the nuances are there since in the pet scenario Q at the very least views Picard as living people though much less evolved, younger and way smaller in every sense of the word than himself, while in the toy scenario they are, well ,toys. Things, barely sentient in his own understanding when compared to himself no matter what the other Qs say, to be played with.
When Picard tells him he needs him, in both scenarios Qs satisfaction is based on the thought 'Of course you need me'. It's that moment in both scenario where Q from then on considers Picard his. Where 'mon capitaine' is laced with just more than a hint of adoration/affection and where it is a pet name/ a name Q bestows on his new favorite possession depending on the scenario.
The ending of Deja Q is also similar yet totally different in nuances. Q has tasted the human experience and it was horrible. In the pet scenario, Q looks at Picard later on and thinks 'Poor thing/Poor dear' especially since Q now knows what being able to feel physical pain is like and the limitation in which Picard lives compared to that of a Q. There is a sort of protectiveness now, when it comes to him. He no longer only plays with him when he is bored and in need for a distraction, he plays and spends time with him because he cares. A lot. Not in the way Picard would have ever wanted anyone to care about him, but Q does.
In the end the clearest ways to tell the difference between the pet and the toy scenario would be in the way Q would grow to touch Picard. While in both it is kind of annoying for Picard, the pet one tends to be a lot more ... tender for lack of a better word. The hugs and the arms around his shoulder or the way Q at some points in his more original form holds him is tight but Q still tries to make it comfortable for Picard. When he arrives to spend time with him, he tends to be selfish with Picards time, but if Picard really insists he wants to go home to his ship, Q will let him. They talk and from time to time Q listens. Picard is allowed to do and say a lot of things. What happens once/if Picard dies is up to interpretation.
In the toy scenario, since Q here barely views Picard as a sentient being his touches are a lot more uncomfortable wether it be Q in his original or human form. It's all about how Q feels and what Q wants. When Q wants to hold him tight, he will. If Q wants to be in his original form and spend time with him after a harsh rejection from the Continuum, he will. If Q wants to visit a far off planet and have Picard as company, he will just take him. Picard here is unfortunally well aware that to Q he is just a toy, but what saves him from the (painful) fate of Qs past toys and what keeps him from any actual harm is that Q after a while adores him. But it's not the kind of adoring one would with another person. It's the kind of adoring an incredibly lonely child would begin to adore their favorite and only puppet. Picard just selfishly finds himself wishing that Q would sson find a newer, 'shinier' toy.
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buggerup-busters · 5 years
Ask meme: please do letters from this selection B E T H A N R O C K S : )
yes you do! and some already done :P
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience? - yep! A lot of Roses was inspired by moving between my parent’s houses, settling at my mum’s, moving out for winter, and all my reflections on what ‘home’ meant. A couple of scenes are based on real life. Curiosity was more generally inspired by my experience with being ace and not understanding the people around me.
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about? - ok you said to do Roses, which is kind of a tricky one to follow up XD I think it would have to be similar in form, the non-chronological scenes on a theme, maybe it would be Ben’s POV about family, so stuff from childhood, Victor, Vee, and learning to accept Wolfe and Mal into his life. Could have his side of some of the scenes from Roses since him and Mal clash a lot in that one, maybe him talking to Wolfe behind the scenes about Mal, and I’d want it to continue on further than Roses showing them living together at the new place and maybe touching on Mal’s changed role within their little family as the witch?
T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand? - ABO and like sex pollen or whatever it’s called squicks me, uhh also when just because a character is kinda grumpy or quiet and all the fic is ‘they’re super depressed!’ (Looking at you ososan fandom) I’m actually really glad we haven’t got that for Mal lol (not that I’d hate if people wrote him as depressed, just I’m glad that’s not the main theme of fics about him)
H: How would you describe your style? - indecisive? Sometimes I feel I vary too much in the same fic, other times I’m like wow why do all of these sound the exact same lol. Uh I’d say in general it feels quite plain to me, I don’t think I use particularly fancy language, but I get nice moments out of that simpler language. I noticed quite often I’ll build up very long sentences building on repeating phrases, then follow it up with something short and sharper. A lot of my scenes are one location, one conversation, one time frame, which I’m working on learning to step outside of. I don’t really know how to talk about style lol, these are just some thoughts I’ve had about my writing really. 
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]? - right so this is a good opportunity to explain lack of words / I’ve never been, or attempt to at least. Basically, the bit of the prompt that interested me was ‘I’ve never been better’ and one of my favourite lines was where Mal called Wolfe ‘my Wolfe’ ‘for lack of better words,’ I couldn’t decide between the two as titles, so my sleep-deprived brain said ‘just do both!’ But then I disliked the repetition of better, so the logical solution was remove it, and so better is like the true title because it’s the missing word from both phrases?? Sadly this makes perfect sense to me and apparently nobody else.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you? - Geology AU :P Or anything Will&Eliza.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence? - Kate Widdershins herself :P I’m not actually sure, Discworld is definitely an influence on how I understand stories, I think Jack Reacher thrillers are my main influence for writing action, I’m sure everything I read is in there somehow but I don’t think I consciously take style from anyone in particular. Oh actually this is hard to explain how, but Star Trek was an influence on Date with the Hangman, idek myself but I was definitely thinking about Deja Q and how there’s the external time pressure on top of the personal relations things. 
O: How do you begin a story--with the plot, or the characters? - fics it’s usually a particular moment I was to get to, and I work the plot out from there! For original fiction it’s actually the general concept/setting I fall in love with first, and then I think about what sort of stories could happen in that space, and then the characters that would drive them, and the specifics come from there.
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rkmason · 5 years
he’s had a number of surprising phone calls in the last few years and each has led him down a different path than the other. the same goal, the same idea of an endgame in mind, and yet somehow he’s ended up here: placed in situations where all the members of team sirius were signed but him and the accidental slip in the interviewer’s words make him smile weakly; it’s endearing in a way and yet painfully awkward for him. instead, it leaves him wondering if they were told not to ask anything about his past with convex and even in nova, because this is for a magazine and not mnet’s evil editing. should be safer, right? yet he still feels as if he’s a bit on the edge. 
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▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Q .  would you do it again? 
it’s a bit selfish— that he thinks of everything and not just this past season, not just his experience with team sirius, not just the past few months of his life in which he affected more than 12 lives; he created ripples with his decisions, but would he change anything? deja vu strikes him but he can’t recall saying any of it aloud: because he would do it again. all of it. from the day he landed in seoul to today. any change of his past wouldn’t make him the man he is today [even if he isn’t sure that’s the best choice either]. the only thing he’d change is hurting anyone in the process but there’s no going back. 
“in a heartbeat.”
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“i mean, hey, don’t get me wrong! there’s moments i’ll think i could’ve done more here or maybe this would be better. but the end result was beautiful. our performance as a team was beautiful. all the performances i was a part of...” tapping his chest, he grins. “there’s a special place in here for all of ‘em and that’s what music should be, what performances should be. yeah, it should catch your eye, keep your attention, but the biggest and best thing it can do? leave an impression on your heart and soul. i hope those watching felt that too.” 
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Q .  what kind of artist do you want to be in the future?
his first thought, surprisingly, is baek jiyoung. because he wrote her what kind of person he wants to be, and, ultimately what kind of idol, what kind of artist he wants to be. 
kids like me, we’re not taken seriously. if you wanna dance, you don’t have a future. you can only do things with your body and not your mind. it’s not true. what i want is for people to know if i can do it, if i can believe in myself, then they should believe in themselves too. being a star or being a crowd in the face, if someone believes in me and in turn can believe in their self, i’m gonna be happy.
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so he smiles— he can still smile when he thinks of his former ceo— when he finally says it out loud. “i want to be the kind of artist that makes people believe in themselves. if someone can feel something because of my work or relate to it... isn’t that the best feeling for an artist? it’s how we express ourselves so if someone else feels it, understands it, gets it, that’s the best gift i could ask for.” 
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rp-meme-central · 7 years
Star Trek: TNG - Deja Q - sentence starters
1. “Given the choice between ‘slim’ and ‘none’, I’ll take slim any day.” 
2. “We know you’re behind this, _____.” 
3. “Oh, I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about, and I have a much more serious problem.” 
4. “I am no longer a member of the _____! My superiors have decided to punish me!” 
5. “They say I’ve spread chaos throughout the _____, and they’ve stripped me of all my powers.” 
6. “I stand before you, defrocked. Condemned to be a member of this lowest of species. A normal, imperfect, lumpen human being!” 
7. “Because in all the universe, you’re the closest thing I have to a friend, _____.” 
8. “I am sensing an emotional presence, ______. I would normally describe it as being terrified.” 
9. “What is it that you want, ______?” 
10. “What must I do to convince you people?” 
11. “Oh, very clever, _____. Eat any good books lately?” 
12. “You will walk or I will carry you.” 
13. “If you would speak to ______ on my behalf, I would be eternally grateful. Which doesn’t mean as much as it used to, I’ll admit...” 
14. “BE QUIET! Or disappear back where you came from!”
15. “I can’t disappear. Any more than you could win a beauty contest.”
16. “If I were to ask you a very simple question, do you think you might be able to answer it without it troubling your intellect too much?” 
17. “I demand to be let out of here, do you hear me? You will deactivate this cell immediately!” 
18. “You honestly think _____ is telling the truth?” 
19. “Aww, you’ve come to apologize, how nice. All is forgiven. No offense taken.” 
20. “______, what exactly is going on?” 
21. “How could I know what’s going on? I’ve been in this dungeon of yours. Alone, helpless, bored to tears.” 
22. “You fell asleep.” 
23. “Terrifying. How can you stand it, day after day?” 
24. “What other dangers await me? I’m not prepared for this. I need guidance.” 
25. “I’m not going to play along with this. If you want to continue this charade, you can do it alone.” 
26. “This is getting on my nerves, now that I have them.” 
27. “I’m not worried about that, ______. You only dislike me. There are others in the cosmos who truly despise me.” 
28. “I was considering the possibility that you are telling the truth. That you really are human.” 
29. “An irony. It means that you achieved in disgrace what I have always aspired to be.”  
30. “Well, if you ask me, these human emotions are not what they’re cracked up to be.” 
31. “I think I just hurt my back. I’m feeling pain. I don’t like it. What’s the right thing to say? ‘Ow’?”
32. “Well, don’t expect any sympathy from me. You’ve been a pain in our backside often enough.” 
33. “Your bedside manner’s admirable, ______. I’m sure your patients recover quickly just to get away from you.” 
34. “Ow... I think.” 
35. “There’s something wrong with my stomach. It’s making noises.” 
36. “I’ve never eaten before. What do I ask for?” 
37. “That doesn’t sound very appealing. What else is there?” 
38. “When _____ is unhappy, s/he usually eats something chocolate.” 
39. “I’ve never seen anyone eat ten chocolate sundaes.” 
40. “This is not a moment I’ve been looking forward to.” 
41. “I hear they drummed you out of the ______.” 
42. “It must be terribly frightening for you, being totally helpless after all of those years of being omnipotent.”   
43. “I am an android, not a robot.” 
44. “You’re a pitiful excuse for a human, and the only way you’re going to survive is on the charity of others.” 
45. “Help me! Somebody help me!” 
46. “How the mighty have fallen.” 
47. “What did you do to them, _____?” 
48. “They simply have no sense of humor. A character flaw with which you can personally identify.” 
49. “I say we turn him/her over to them.” 
50. “I take it back. You do have a sense of humor. A dreadful one at that.” 
51. “You knew this would happen, didn’t you?” 
52. “You have so many enemies. Surely you knew that once you became mortal some of them might look you up.” 
53. “You call it what you will, but I think you’ll protect me even though I’ve tormented you ever now and again.” 
54. “It seems you have an advocate, _____.” 
55. “I’m not interested in human interpersonal relationships. I just want to prove to _____ that I’m indispensable.” 
56. “Whatever the results, we know you’ve done your best, _____. It’s appreciated.” 
57. “Everyone already knows what they’re supposed to do except for you.” 
58. “My knowledge and experience far exceeds yours by about a billion times, so if you’ll just step aside gracefully...” 
59. “Don’t be foolish. That would be a waste of my talents.” 
60. “Get to the controls or get the hell out of here!” 
61. “Who does s/he think s/he is, giving me orders?” 
62. “I will not be spoken to in this manner!” 
63. “I strongly suggest that you cooperate.” 
64. “S/he’s strong. S/he’ll survive.” 
65. “S/he’s not worth it.” 
66. “You’re right, of course. I’m extraordinarily selfish. But it has served me so well in the past.” 
67. “Don’t be so hard on me, _____. You’ve been a mortal all your life, you know all about dying. I’ve never given it a second thought. Or a first one, for that matter.” 
68. “I could have been killed. If it hadn’t been for ______ and that one brief delay s/he created, I might have been gone. No more me. And no one would have missed me, would they?” 
69. “____ may have sacrificed him/herself for me. Why?” 
70. “When I ask myself whether I would have done the same for him/her, and I’m forced to answer ‘no’... I feel ashamed.” 
71. “Without my powers I’m frightened of everything. I’m a coward. And I’m miserable. And I can’t go on this way.” 
72. “S/he’s going to be all right.” 
73. “But if it means anything to you... you’re a better human than I.” 
74. “Don’t try to talk me out of it, _____.” 
75. “It’s easier this way. They won’t bother you after I’m gone.” 
76. “My life as a human being has been a dismal failure. Perhaps my death will have a little dignity.” 
77. “Not bad, _____. Not great. But not bad.” 
78. “You know, you’re incorrigible, _____. You’re a lost cause. I can’t go to a single solar system without having to apologize for you. And I’m tired of it!” 
79. “Hey! This isn’t about me. I got better places to be. But somebody had to keep an eye on you to make sure you still didn’t find a way to cause trouble.” 
80. “It was a teeny bit selfless, wasn’t it.” 
81. “I’ve learned my lesson, _____!”
82. “You’ve got your powers back. Try to stay out of trouble.” 
83. “So they wanted to destroy me, did they?” 
84. “I was just seeing if you were still watching.” 
85. “Don’t fret, _____. My good fortune is your good fortune.” 
86. “But I feel like celebrating!” 
87. “Yes. Once again, I’ve overstayed my welcome.” 
88. “As a human, I was ill-equipped to thank you. But as myself, you have my ever-lasting gratitude.”    
89. “_____, I’ve decided to give you something very very special.” 
90. “Why are you laughing?” 
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junioradventure · 7 years
[FANACCT] 170611 KNK “해달별" Fansign Experience at 제일라아트홀 (Fanboy)
Hi again! 
I’m here with my fanaccount for KNK’s fansign during their “해달별" promotions.
This was a notably important fansign for me because I’m pretty sure this is my last fansign event before I leave Korea on the 22nd...
I’m so sad. ㅠㅠ
Anyway, it was a really awesome event and I’m glad I got to see my favorite group up close and personal again.
I did a video about their fansign before during “U” era too.
Without further ado, let’s get started!
KNK’s fansigns are getting more competitive nowadays, with fans buying more than 10 albums to have a chance to get in. I originally bought 9 albums, but after seeing a fan next to me at the CD store buy 10, I bought 3 more, totaling up to 12 albums overall. And I got in!
On the day of the fansign, I found the building where it was held and headed to the B2 floor. Some fans were waiting to get in, but the staircase and entrance was rather narrow. I showed my Alien Registration Card to verify my identification (though a passport works just as well) and the staff told me to pick a card that was on the table. The assorted cards were all face-down, and this was to determine my seat number. I got number 63. 
I took my seat, but the rows of chairs were all close together and narrow too, not allowing much room. This was a noticeable inconvenience when fans had to squeeze past each other in the rows. I spent a huge amount of time before coming to prepare a fanletter for my bias Seungjun, so I had to write down all the post-its for the members that I would put in my album.
Soon the members appeared and the fansign went underway. They looked so handsome as always, but they look especially good with the suits in this era aghhhh. 
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Sorry that my picture’s quality isn’t too good, but this is how the fansign was conducted. The order was: Jihun→Inseong→Seungjun→Youjin→Heejun
MEMBER INTERACTIONS (with pictures and gifs!)
I’ll fast-forward to the interactions I had with each member. I’m sorry that I forgot some things that happened, but in the thick of the moment, it’s hard to process and take in everything that happened (for me). Luckily, I met someone at the fansign that was kind enough to take a video of me when I went through this great experience. I was really nervous again, because they’re my favorite group and this was my last time, so I was even more anxious. 
So leader Jihun was first this time around~ Actually he was rather quiet today as well; when I met him at a fansign last year, he was rather soft-spoken too. But it’s not necessarily a bad thing. I pointed to the questions I had brought for him on the post-its and told him I was a part of an international KNK fan group on Facebook, and I gathered some questions other Tinkerbells wanted to know about KNK. He was listening and then all of a sudden, said, “Ah. International,” in English. THAT WAS FREAKING CUTE AHH. He was really handsome up-close, though. He looked mature and cool when he was in thinking mode, but then he lapsed into squishy mode when he smiled and it was just adorable.
He really thought deeply about the questions I wrote. I guess he had to think a lot about how to answer them. But another factor was that time was really limited and the staff members were quite strict so they moved our albums to the next member by force, cutting our time short. 
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Blue post-it note: Q: Which member is really the closest to Jihun-hyung...? A: I’m close with all but umm... Heejun?! Jihun had some trouble answering this question but dang, I didn’t expect him to think so seriously about it. ㅠㅠ I’m sorry if I had to make you pick a favorite! I know you all love each other LOL. 
Yellow post-it note: Q: Where do you draw the inspiration when you make the choreography (for KNK)? A: There’s just times when suddenly... Ttak!  I forgot what other little things we said after he answered those, but I had to move on. I gave him high-fives as a farewell and moved over to... Inseong!
Next was my second bias, Inseong. I greeted him by saying, “Inseonggie hyung~” hahaha because he’s just a fun, cool guy. He grinned and asked, “Hyung?” I SWEAR THIS WAS SO REMINISCENT WHEN I FIRST MET HIM in person when he asked me, “Am I hyung?” LOL. But he is just killing the visual game nowadays. He looked especially handsome today. He asked me where I’m from and I told him America, more specifically Hawaii. 
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Bottom post-it note: Q: Is there a place you really want to visit (vacation-wise)? A: Hawaii That’s probably why he cleverly wrote his answer as “Hawaii” for my question, but I’m not complaining! Inseong is really easy to talk to.  I told him that his hairstyle for this concept suits him very well and that he looks really handsome. He was really happy to hear a compliment and ahhh he was just an excited hamster. I assured him that he was already handsome but now, even more. I basically complimented him a lot because he deserves more love and attention!! Top post-it note: Q: The most difficult point of this promotion...? A: Live...!? He explained that singing live was one of the toughest parts of promotions. I asked why, and he said it’s because he has to sing rather high. I understand him because him singing the chorus in “해달별" while dancing pretty vigorously looked really tiring... But he pulled it off! I told him he was really good and that he’s doing well. I feel like he was insecure a little about his performance as a vocalist and how well he does and I wanted to reassure him. It was time to move on so I told him bye~ Inseong really does have a warm heart and he’s such a nice person please give him lots of affection and reassurance
*sigh* I really can’t express how great and caring Seungjun is. I can tell he truly loves and adores his fans, and it shows from the way he treats them. He said my name like, “Junior?” in a cute tone and I said cutely too, “Seungjunnie-hyung~” AHAHAHAHA. He immediately looked at my questions and more antics ensued.
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Blue post-it note: Q: POKEMON or DIGIMON, you can only choose one A: *marks Pokemon* but went the extra mile to show his UNCONDITIONAL PREFERENCE FOR DIGIMON LIKE WHAT THE NOOOOOOO Yellow post-it note: Q: Is there a member you want to live with for the rest of your life? A: Inseong Jihun At first, he took a look at the blue note and I reiterated, “You can only choose one!” Without hesitation, he answered, “Digimon!” I was like WHAT THE HECK, NO YOU CAN’T CHOOSE DIGIMON OVER POKEMON OMGG. He was so firm, he was like, “Digimon~” in a cute tone and I told him, “Why??” He seemed a bit sympathetic and marked Pokemon, but said, “Digimon~” again and decorated a box around the word Digimon. DANG IT SEUNGJUN. I was like OTL because I came dressed in a Squirtle hoodie because I thought he loved Pokemon more but that happened. I mockingly complained, “I came dressed like this too...” Seungjun chuckled and then proceeded to gently grab my arm and draw a little heart on the Squirtle patch design on my hoodie!!!
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SJ: *in a Korean accent* Hearteu~ I internally died at this cute action like I AM NEVER WASHING THIS HOODIE AGAIN LOL I also made sure to give him the letter I worked on. He then looked at my second post-it, which he thought about for a moment. At first, Seungjun wrote Inseong, so I asked him why. He said because Inseong is funny. BUT THEN LAST MINUTE Seungjun scratches out Inseong’s name and writes Jihun AND HE DIDN’T EVEN GIVE A REASON WHY LOL. So that made think like HMMMMM this ship really sails itself huh... Now I had to tell him that this was pretty much my last chance to see them... Me: Actually, on the 22nd, I’m leaving Korea, so this is my last chance to see you guys. I’m really glad I got to see you guys often while I was here. SJ: *in a cute pleading voice* Don’t go~ (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) Me: I don’t wanna leave either!
And then this happened.
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OMG I was so flustered when he asked when I’ll be back with that cheeky smile that I accidentally lapsed into English hahahaha. He probably didn’t understand what I said, but I had to move on ㅠㅠ!! Wait for me Seungjun, I’ll be back!! I really want to cry now... Hahahaha. And it ended cutely because I kept shaking his hand, and then...
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Thank goodness. He is the best and he’s always so sweet!!
Okay I’m going to start off my account of Youjin because right when I got to him, he asked me, “Are you a fan of Seungjun?” BWAHAHAHA he called me out!! I told him that I liked all the members but yeah, Seungjun was my fave... If he noticed that, then wow... 
And then it was like another round of deja vu because I told him I was from Hawaii and that he should come, and he replied, “I want to go too!” LIKE THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT WE SAID LAST YEAR AT THE FIRST FANSIGN LOL.
He looked over my questions and I told him they were from other international fans. He got super excited over the Overwatch question and his inner fanboy came out. 
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Yellow post-it note: Q: Which heroes (do you use) when you play Overwatch? A: Roadhog, Reinhardt, and... the last part was a bit illegible but I think he wrote the name of a Korean Overwatch player named 후아유. [If anyone wants to help me out with deciphering that, it’d be much appreciated~] He was so happy when talking about his mains for OW, but I had to tell him that I actually didn’t know the game at all loooool. I wish I could’ve nerded out with him but idk ㅋㅋㅋ He even asked me, “Isn’t Overwatch quite popular in America?” lmaooo which is true but yeah, I’m clueless.
Blue post-it note: Q: What are you most afraid of?? A: Bugs! 1인칭 horror game.
So Youjin seems to be the least fearful in the group so I also wanted to know what scares him. He wrote “bugs” and I couldn’t believe like this guy didn’t flinch for the ghost prank or a VR zombie slashing him but he’s afraid of insects??
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But Youjin is a cool chill guy who loves gaming so hit him up yo
Heejun, Heejun, Heejun. You never know how he’ll be like. I heard from a friend that he’s different every time which is kinda true. The first time I met him, he was comical but on the quiet side, and we were kinda awkward... BUT THIS TIME WAS JUST OMG LOL. He spoke some English to me even though I was talking to him in Korean which was cute. He said things like, “Where are you from?” and “Really?” Soooo silly. I complimented him on his English pronunciation and I DIDN’T NOTICE THIS UNTIL MY FRIEND SHOWED ME THE FOOTAGE SHE TOOK AND-
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OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Heejun’s also quite chill but he’s so funny agh.
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Yellow post-it note:  Q: Is there a concept you want to try? A: BTS’ Blood, Sweat, Tears  hOLY SHIZ IS IT WEIRD THAT I CAN ALREADY IMAGINE HEEJUN IN THAT KIND OF CONCEPT? he already bares his chest sometimes like omfg and I can totally see him pulling it off like shiz I AM READY Blue post-it note: Q: Heejun-ah~ Please write down your favorite color!! A: Black, gray Heejun forgot because he even asked himself out loud, “Which colors do I like?” I told him, “Why don’t you know??” HAHAHA.  I told him I was l was leaving soon and he just replied, “When will you be back?” LOL. IDK, I wish I knew, then I wouldn’t have to leave y’all ㅠㅠ I told him bye and he was like, “bye bye!!!”  Later on, the members picked random seat numbers from a box and the chosen fans could take a selca with them. SO LUCKYY. I WASN’T CHOSEN BUT UGH IT’S OKKK.  Then they played 공기, which is a Korean bean game similar to Jacks. Jihun got really competitive and he almost kicked the stage LMAOOOO. Seungjun was really bad at it and he ended up last. Youjin was first, followed by Inseong, Heejun and finally Jihun secured a place by a hair. Seungjun’s punishment was dancing to their title track with aegyo LOOOOOL he tried his best but he looked so awkward omg And that was it. My last fansign with them. I love them so much, because they’re all so wholesome and show their personalities unabashedly. All of them are SO DIFFERENT and the dynamics are just so interesting and charming.  SORRY I cut it a little at the end but I have to go to class ㅠㅠ I’ll tweak this a bit later maybe but I hope y’all enjoyed this!!!!
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