#and I hate that I see this in fandom spaces too
vex91 · 3 days
Baek Harin - Heaven in hell
Pairing: Baek Harin x Female Reader
Fandom: Pyramid Game
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: im new here and Lokey in love with ur writing could I ask for harin x reader but the reader is grade F and harin just be crazy ASF like I'm talking girlie is threating you with your life and shit lmao (smut I'm begging also G!p harin if you're comfortable)
🛌I'll use this emoji every time I'm post an anon just so you know who's at the crime scene
Summary: Grade F was the worst thing that could happen to you... or so you thought, until you met the worst nightmare imaginable in person.
Warning(s): Smut, 18+ content, G!P Harin, Cursing, Smoking, Unprotected sex, Mentions of burning skin with a cigarette etc.
A/N: If a psycho then why hot? Thanks for requesting <3
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3rd's POV
The sound of a whistle made your blood run cold, you instinctively looked at Suji who immediately got closer to you in order to help you if things went south. Looking to the side you saw Dayeon walking over to you smirking with every step, you started imagining everything she could do to you despite the whole class being there and watching.
"Unfortunately I'm not the one in charge of having fun with you. Harin is calling for you, if I were you I would hurry there, she doesn't seem too happy"
You weren't sure if you won lottery or lost it because as much as you were happy that Dayeon left you alone, you weren't too keen on seeing Harin. Suji noticed that when she pulled you to herself "You don't have to go Y/N or I can go with you" You appreciated how much Suji worried about you as your best friend, she hated that you were in grade F because it gave Harin a free pass of harassing you and she already was all weird with you before.
"It's okay, I'll be back" You squeezed her hand reassuringly and left the class, Dayeon's laugh at the back sending shivers down your spine.
Harin was waiting for you in an empty classroom that no one ever uses - one of her bright ideas as she wanted to have a space where she could played with her favorite toy in peace without any interruptions. The moment you walked in a strong smell of cigarettes hit you. Harin's eyes immediately wandered over your whole figure before she gestured you over. Not wanting to argue you did as she told you.
"I wondered why you took so long" She said as her free hand went to your hip "Now we will probably miss class because you're so slow" Dayeon was right about her being in a bad mood, the tension in the room felt suffocating as she put the cigarette she held near your mouth "Are you also gonna irritate me like the rest of these fools?" You quickly shook your head at her question, too scared to say anything bad.
"Then what are you waiting for?" Her eyes bored into yours as she waited for your move. You slowly opened your mouth and let her put the cigarette as you took a drag from it. She took it back with a satisfied grin and watched you exhale the smoke, coughing. Harin's grin only widened as her hand started lowering to your thighs, massaging them "I knew you were better than everyone else in this class, you're way more fun to be around" You gasped loudly when you felt her cigarette making contact with your skin, she quickly covered your mouth as she repeated the action on your thigh, burning another part of your skin.
She smiled at the way you struggled against her in pain before she dropped the now extinguished cigarette to the trash. She looked at you innocently as she said "I love when people are competent, are you?" You could only nod with glossy eyes because what else you could do? If you won't do what she says, she could make your life a living hell, even more than now.
"Quiet huh? Well you're right, it's better if you use your mouth for better use anyways" She pushed you down in front of her and freed her cock from her boxers. She looked down at you, putting her dick near your mouth and smearing it against your closed lips "Come on, you know what will happen if you start misbehaving. You're lucky you never saw me really angry before" You hated how calm she sounded while saying all of that to you. Finally having enough waiting she pushed it in your mouth, forcing you to suck it.
Her hand forcefully pushed your head up and down, causing you to not being able to keep up with her thrust but you quickly managed to start sucking her on your own. Your tongue licked all around her cock as she kept your head bopping on her. The silence in the room kept being interrupted with the sound of her groans and curses under her breath. She finally came with a particularly hard thrust and forced you down more to swallow all of it, nearly choking you but Harin didn't care, why would she anyways?
"See? You can do something useful when you want to" You mentally scoffed at it, as if she didn't forced you down on her cock the whole time. Before you could even say anything back to her, she changed your positions, she pushed you up and sat you down on the desk while she got in front of you, already pulling your panties off. She dragged her finger against your clit, smirking at how wet you were "You look so sad but deep down you're just as fucked up as I am because you clearly like it with how wet you are, so wet that I don't even need to prepare you to take me well" Harin laughed mockingly at you as she slapped your clit with her cock a few times before pushing in harshly making you gasp loudly again. Her hand quickly covered your mouth.
"You really want someone to walk in and see us like that? You're really fucked in the head and so fun" She laughed again before pulling out her phone and starting recording her dick going in and out of you "Since you're so dirty, I'll record everything well for you" Harin's hand squeezed your boob through the fabric of your shirt as she continued thrusting into you mercilessly, the sound of skin slapping resonated throughout the room as she fucked you roughly.
You hated how much you actually enjoyed her cock, you felt embarrassed of yourself for liking the way she treated you despite also wanting to get away from her. Maybe the fact that you can't run away from Harin and her twisted desires made you enjoy it, you weren't sure but you felt ashamed of your body for meeting her every thrust.
"I'm gonna cum in you and you're gonna take it all like a good girl, I know you want me to anyways, you're a slut for my cum after all" She whispered in your ear as she covered your mouth again, her thrusts became faster as she soon released all her seed into you, forcing you to stay close to her in case you wanted to pull away.
You wouldn't anyway because you knew that you had to let Harin do anything she wanted with you and you couldn't stop it. That was your life after all.
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tevanbuckley · 1 hour
Do you think it's fair to say that Bi Buck was completely ruined by the fandom assholish strike of hating on every LI he gets? Pls don't get me wrong I still smile every time I remember we got Bi Buck but I feel like whenever I want to be happy about it I remember the complete bs people pulled to the point of trying to get the actor who plays Tommy fired. I feel so guilty because now I kinda wish it didn't happen at all. I am sad that this peice of representation turned into something void of joy because of how the majority of the fandom act (let's be real yes the show is popular with gp but the fandom consists mostly of buddies)
I think at the end of the day the people they’re most ruining the show for is themselves 🤷‍♀️
they’re the ones who’ve become so parasocially intertwined with a ship that they can’t see the forest through the trees. All whilst we’re getting to enjoy a queer storyline that’s not only good in its own right but genuinely has the potential to widen the boundaries of queer rep more broadly.
like we moved past just how monumentally insane it was for a network tv show to make their reformed fuckboy main character canonically bisexual 7 seasons in way too quickly imo.
and idk if it’s that the fandom is (at this point) mostly hardcore buddie shippers or if they’re just very very loud. The amount of bucktommy fanfic produced since 7.04 alone is crazy and speaks to their popularity.
I’d also recommend staying away from twitter/tiktok with a 10 foot pole. idk how it happened but tumblr really has become the most sane fandom space. It’s also fine to just not engage with the fandom side of the show at all. 911 has been my comfort re-watch show for years and it’s only in s7 that I really got into the fandom. If this isn’t improving the viewing experience for you anymore then it’s okay to step back for a bit and just watch the show for yourself.
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chubs-deuce · 2 days
Okay I recently said that I really don’t like the idea of Alastor being shipped with anyone but now I think I’m starting to backtrack on what I said. I recently just read your fic “If you piña coladas.” AND IT WAS SO AMAZING I AM LEGIT ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT WAITING FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER. Everything about it is great! The writing, the art, the humor, Fredrick’s rivalry with Al. It’s all so great! I honestly really like how Alastor is written. It’s interesting seeing his point of view. It’s usually the girl’s pov in a romantic fic so it was a nice change. Also your fan kid, Dawn, IS LEGIT SO GREATTT, I love her design and her relationship with her parents/other hotel staff. I always have kinda shipped them since the pilot just didn’t want to admit it since I was scared of the fandom hating on me for it. I legit don’t use twitter for the amount of hate that Radiobelle gets on there. I really like their dynamic but of course there is the elephant in the room, Alastor being Ace (also probably aromantic) and Chaggie. Don’t get me wrong I like Chaggie I just find Chalastor’s dynamic more interesting. Vaggie is a character with so much wasted potential. Her personality revolves around being Charlie’s girlfriend and nothing more. She does whatever Charlie ask of her. While Alastor on the other hand is much more anonymous with his relationship with Charlie. I also love the fact that Alastor and Lucifer hate each other’s guts and Alastor just continues to be with Charlie I just think it’s funny. But as a person who has been on the ace and aro spectrum I personally find no problem with people shipping fictional characters. Ship what you want!!! (Unless it’s problematic ew). I just wanted to rant or whatever lol.
dude you are so so so valid for all of this!!!
I'm so glad you're liking our fic, @hazbinhobo and I are having such a genuine blast working on it :D
I feel you about chaggie, they're cute and I have genuinely nothing against them!!! I just feel like being cute is kinda all they have going for them and it simply doesn't interest me enough to crave exploring further ^^"
I'm on the aro/ace spectrum too! (demiromantic and demisexual) A lot of people within the charlastor fandom space are actually!!! I also know that a large amount of us tend to headcanon him more grey too, which has been amazing for me bc I see so much of my own "I didn't think I was plagued with feelings of this kind until they hit me like a fucking truck" kind of romantic/sexual awakening experience in him in many of these fics <3
That is actually also why I always find Alastor's POV in charlastor fics so fascinating! I find a lot of fics written from his POV in this pairing too actually, it's been one of my favorite things in the ao3 tag to find :D
Watching this man go into the hotel with a plan and the ruthless willpower to execute it to a T stumble ass-first into feelings he never wanted and believed himself above of and having his plans fall apart is such a fucking joy to read sometimes <3
Also I get you about feeling scared of admitting it, I was soo fucking nervous when I posted my first charlastor art of this year on here, but the community has been so lovely that the few rare haters I *have* had felt like barely even an inconvenience - I learned you just gotta know when to block, stick to your tags and not confront anyone needlessly; then you're gonna barely have any trouble with them haha
Thank you for dropping this in my ask box actually, I appreciated reading it <3
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hushed-chorus · 6 months
Childhood abuse is real.
Resulting PTSD and C-PTSD is real.
A higher proportion of ex-foster care kids have PTSD than do war veterans but they are vastly underdiagnosed
Ex-foster kids are far more likely to end up homeless, addicted to drugs, dying young, etc. I could go on, but won't.
Childhood neglect and abuse cannot be cured with a hug
Being triggered is not a 'personal choice'
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astronomodome · 6 months
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Okay so inspired by nothing in particular (it's inspired by reading the notes on the ace swag final poll, fun stuff in there), I have been thinking about being Cringe. Cause like, you enter a fandom, and usually, you find out shortly that somebody else hates that fandom. There is no fandom niche enough that it's not Weird to somebody, and there's no fandom mainstream enough that it's not Annoying to somebody else. And given the fact that some people do hatred recreationally, there's often going to be somebody mad enough about your fandom that they're going to go on diatribes about how your fandom is bad and actually harmful and destroying the fabric of civilization, etc. They're gonna pull out anything negative and blow it up until it's the size of the skyline and attack you for liking this negative thing.
Fun times, we've all seen it.
And the thing is, there's an impulse to have this happen and immediately find somebody else to point to and say, yeah, well, I might be weird, but at least I'm not THAT guy. I might read YA, but at least I'm not a Furry— those guys are sexual deviants! I might be into actual play podcasts, but at least I'm not into mcyt— those guys are all harmful and my guy is fine. I might be into danmei, but at least I'm not into bandom— rpf is so gross. I might be a furry, but at least I'm not into mainstream romance novels— senseless drivel aimed at middle class white women. Y'know. Immediately find someone to punch down on.
And boy do I understand why you want to do that, when people are pointing at you, but I don't actually think that it's helpful.
Cause like, every fandom has a logical train of thought and reasonable human impulses behind it. You might not share those impulses— I'm not a furry I don't think, I don't really get true crime— but that doesn't mean I can't have it explained to me by a very patient person in in the writer's workshop common room and go "oh, yeah, kinda pretending to be an animal, but you're gay about it, yeah, makes sense", or "oh yeah, morbid curiosity from the safety of your headphones, it's like a horror movie but real" and nod. Like there isn't a fandom or group out there that doesn't look weird from the outside, and there isn't a fandom or group that can't be explained if someone has thought about the human psyche enough.
And that isn't to say that there isn't sometimes salient critiques for what fandoms are doing or not doing— to grab the two examples above, I have heard people talking about issues with true crime reinforcing the current fucked up justice system, or bigotry at furry cons. But a) most of the time, there is already somebody inside that community that's fighting against those issues, and you just threw them under the bus with the problem they're trying to fix b) you don't usually know the nuances of the actual conversation and problems, you saw a couple callout posts. You saying "Yeah I'm a board game nerd but at least I don't play competitive trading card cames, those guys are doing nothing but feeding the capitalist machine" is not usually helpful towards fixing the ctg scene. It's just a cheap way to score points.
Like, I assure you that the YA scene is aware of the calcification of the genre into a tighter and tighter romantic form and their dependence on going big on tik-tok to sell enough to keep publishing. They know.
You specifically saying that your fandom is better cause it's not [problems you heard about other fandom having] is not actually going to make the person who's hating on you stop hating. They already decided that you're the person they're better than and that they're punching down on, you passing the punching down on to another fandom just makes more people sad on the internet, and potentially starts yet another chain of someone punching down at someone else. The wheel grinds on, everybody gets punched.
I guess this is just kinda turning into a "why hate on the internet, what good does that do" post, which is broader than I meant it to be. But like, there's a difference between thoughtful critique of problems (complicated to do fairly but very necessary) and finding someone new to curbstomp to make yourself feel better/morally superior (look, I'm writing this on a mcyt blog, we've all seen this happen, it does not increase the joy in the world).
Like in MCYT, we all decide to punch down on [other server we hate], or RPF, or people who write kidfic, or people who write e-rated fic/art, or people doing the popular trope of the moment, and sure, it lets you feel morally superior for the moment, at the cost of slapping the guy next to you. Haven't we had enough slapping the guy next to you? There but for the grace of god (got a fun idea/watched the wrong stream/ended up in the wrong brainstorming circle/got fixated on the wrong funny guy) goes I. You're not better than another group just because you saw a couple more callout posts (usually from people inside the community trying to fix things) about them.
We are all Cringe. There is nobody who's not Cringe. Don't say that you're not Cringe because someone else is more Cringe. Stop that.
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tricksterlatte · 4 months
Anyone else think short form social media based on algorithms designed to promote topics that create more engagement instead of more joy, the idea of fast fashion but conveyed through social media, and the fact you can monetize suffering and outrage better than ever has largely resulted in the death spiral of media literacy and the mass emergence of bad faith readings?
#I may be venting a lil but god it blows my mind#fyp is a blessing and a curse because i don't think ppl were ever meant to be subjected to this many ppl at once#god i took a bird site hiatus for weeks and now BARELY check it and it already feels like a hit#oughhhhh#even fandom spaces have hugely incorporated marketing and networking into them bc of cmms and sponsorship and building portfolio#which would be fine tbh if it weren't for the way socmed is designed#now it's like you can't support too many ppl or else you're shadow banned or you have to make yourself palatable and marketable#and websites with threads in which people will only read the first post before qrting because ratios are seen as five minutes of fame#features that permit beating an algorithm are locked behind a paywall that promises you money if you go viral#and what goes viral is usually incendiary content meant for those ratios or trends. whether for or against OP#even in hobbyist spaces the climate has changed so much due to the monetization and marketing and just. ugh#not to mention side accounts dedicated to gossip in this new priv account culture like...idk#if you have to make another account so you can make fun of a friend on main with selected priv friends it just doesn't sit well with me#and not every priv account does this but enough do and it makes me tired#unsolicited hate comments are still as bad as they used to be on ff dot net except now people openly are proud of it more#why do most socmed feel like passive aggressive sticky notes on high school lockers#there is so much more I could say about everything that has left me weary about the internet but I don't know the time or place#and I don't want anyone to think this is about them because it's a general statement. though if you are doing the more inflammatory things.#maybe rethink that. it's not good for anyone else and it's not good for you either#I keep coming back online to check on ppl and see art and I *know* it's draining for my health every time#but I feel a lot better now that i use socmed less overall. and that I try to focus on what makes me happy#it just sucks seeing so many people i care about endure absolutely wild struggles bc people online do not care.#I like rambling in my tags because this is the only place I ramble except my personal journal and to my wife
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lazyveran · 16 days
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coridallasmultipass · 30 days
Just wanna remind everyone that it's NEVER okay to tell someone to die.
You don't know how hard they're fighting to stay alive every day. Or if they don't even want to fight for that any more.
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wavebiders · 2 years
I think we would all get along a lot better if everyone could just accept that "queerplatonic relationships are important rep and shouldn't be diminished" and "romantic relationships between women are often written off as friendships and it's ok for wlw to not feel drawn to that interpretation" are two statements that can and should coexist
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samarecharm · 1 month
was just chilling in the pegoryu tag (as you do) and you were listed as the #2 top pegoryu blog. congrats on this accomplishment
Oh my, what am i doing up there? I feel like i havent done anything of note recently …suddenly my blog feels indecent, like i got caught eating ice cream in my pjs 😭 please dont mind the mess…direct urself to my pegoryu tags to keep urself entertained 🙇🏾
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thegetdownrebooter · 1 year
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remyfire · 4 months
I totally get not caring for a particular character or ship or something. We all have our own tastes. What I don’t understand is why some people feel the need to be total assholes towards those who do like a character or ship that they can’t stand.
On the flip side, some people do need to grow a thicker skin and accept the fact that not everyone likes their favorite character or ship or whatever.
This is one of those asks where unfortunately I’m not able to tell if you’re sending it to me in good faith or bad faith, which is a shame. I’m hoping it’s good faith, so I’d like to answer seriously and trust that you’ll take it that way also.
Let me start by saying that I don't believe anyone is under the impression that everyone should like their favorite character or ship. We're all adults here. We all know that preferences exist. It's a matter of how we choose to honor and respect those preferences.
There are absolutely instances where a thicker skin should be grown. I can think of a number of situations where that can happen, such as if people are having a civil discussion about things they disagree about, but because one of the parties feels uncomfortable, they start throwing pretty rough accusations or virtue signaling to try and make the conversation end as quickly as possible. I get it. It can feel super icky and squirmy if someone has a different viewpoint from ours. Sometimes it’s really hard just to say, “Hey, I feel a little cornered. I wanna check in that we’re both still feeling okay about this, and if we’re not, then I’d like to agree to disagree. We can just leave it here with mutual respect, all right?”
But there’re also times where it really doesn’t come down to someone being overly sensitive. It comes down to downright meanness and rudeness.
Let’s be honest. There is a very high probability that you and I both know what’s being talked about. I don’t have to spell it out. So let’s be frank with each other. If you go through one of these tags, post after post of insightful, creative, loving, funny, interesting commentary, and not a single rude or mean thing to be said. The other one, a similar situation, but interspersed with just outright rude, mean, and intentionally inflammatory comments that absolutely did not need to be put in the tag at all. There seems to be this belief that certain characters or ships are disliked with an equal amount of vehemence, like two warring factions. This is clearly not accurate.
This isn’t a situation where someone just needs to grow a thicker skin. If there is a ship/character tag that is completely left alone by the people who don’t care for it versus a ship/character tag that keeps getting rudeness filtered in every so often, this doesn’t mean that the latter group of enjoyers should just…not experience annoyance about it nor withhold expressing that annoyance. And again, there is a distinct difference between civil discussion/disagreement/opposing opinions and intentionally inflammatory statements. I like to believe that people can generally tell the difference between them and react accordingly.
Everyone is free to express their own thoughts on this platform as long as they’re not against TOS. We all know this and we all respect this. This applies also to how we choose to use tags. There is a generally understood etiquette that if you’re saying something just outright mean about a character or a ship, you don’t put it in that specific tag. This is not a requirement. No one is asserting that it is. It’s just a polite courtesy because we recognize that tags are used by the people who browse those characters/ships because they enjoy them, so we don’t typically like to rain on their parade.
But this also means that if someone says something rude—if someone walks into somebody’s sandbox and kicks sand in their eyes—then they have no room to whine if that person stands up and complains about it, and they really have no excuse for doubling down with EXTRA rudeness either. If someone tells us not to tease an animal, and we do it twenty times in a row anyway, then ultimately we are responsible for the fact that we were bitten.
Notably, I am saying this about all people involved in a fandom. Including those who are intentionally inflammatory in the tags of posts where they really did not need to commentate. There's a way to say, "I'm surprised by this and I really don't understand how we got here," without implying that anyone who disagrees is lacking in taste. Again, differing preferences. Respecting them. Standing up and walking away from the keyboard if we experience a big and overwhelming emotion in our chest so we can ensure that we don't just kick a hornet's nest for the sake of feeling personally superior. So anyway! After that big long ramble, I’m happy to say that I agree with you. I just also believe in people’s right to express annoyance—especially if it’s untagged and on their own blog—when someone shows up and, again, kicks the sand around. And hell, for all I know, maybe you agree with that too and I made some assumptions about this ask out of habit due to some particularly awful anon asks that I’ve gotten recently. But I’d really, really like it if there was less sandkicking all around because, y’all, I really like it here. I love all of these characters and ships so fucking much. You only have to glance at my AO3 page to see that. And I’d really like to keep having fun with you all instead of flinching every time Tumblr yet again recommends me a super intentionally inflammatory post in a tag that I follow.
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luvxiem · 1 year
for my niji writers
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if you're a writer and are interested in participating for a summer themed writing event please send me a dm or an ask!! if i get enough responses i'll host the event on my blog :D (i think a good starting point is like... 5 different writers? including myself) it would most likely take place in july!
i feel like a summer themed one would be cute esp now that most ppl are out/finishing school (sorry southern hemisphere besties 🫡😭)
plus this would be a way for all of us to become besties <3 genuinely idk any of my moots 😭
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to prep for the event i would post a signup sheet for people to claim prompts (there would be a summer prompt list for us to choose from) and then when the event is live, there would be a masterlist leading to everyone's event post as well as their main blog, like this:
[fic/post title] | [character] | @/[your blog]
so if it was me it would look like this:
knight in cotton armor | luca kaneshiro | @luvxiem
if this all makes sense 😭
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godofsmallthings · 1 year
hi, relatively new follower but not completely new and just wanted to say i think it's pretty brave what you're doing regarding recovering gaylor lol not to make it Too Deep or anything but like the internet can be scary and people can be mean esp when leaving such a group mentality thing like gaylor stuff (been there too) and yea that's all! good luck and godspeed with your journey i hope you're still enjoying things and having fun here as much as you can!!
thank you bestie this is so sweet 💗 it frankly did take several years and a lot of growth and just a lot of thinking and analyzing and actively restructuring how i thought about fandom to get to this point, but i can wholeheartedly say that the past six months especially have been the most fulfilling time i've had in this fandom (at least since before i was on social media and my swiftieism just manifested in watching interviews every day). i'm certain i still have tons more to learn and i will change my mind a million more times, but i overall i feel a lot more happy and chill this way
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God i get it now why ppls love writing angst--
But what ever, im new in this fandom so this may seem stupid but what's this 'ship-hating' 'ccs-hating' while u main the other one stuff? It's like there's war, and now and then ,a joker would walk to the other's horsemen and start shitting, like, what? I never see this before in my 6-year-of-fandom-life? Or is it like,a tumblr thing?
If you've never seen this stuff in fandom before then well I don't believe you've been in fandom
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