#and ​then go eh whatever anyways
hecksupremechips · 1 year
They did Ryuki so dirty in aini and I’m gonna be salty about it for the rest of my life I think
#aitsf#ai nirvana initiative#kuruto ryuki#like cannot emphasize how they just did not use him in the second half of the game#and i dont wanna diss the mizuki side cuz i honestly really loves it and i love her so much but just like#why did they even make ryuki in the first place if theyre gonna cut him off like that#and same with tama too its like you spend this game getting attached to these two really good characters and then its like ha fuck you!#and then all the stuff thats ACTUALLY important to the plot and the case begins#they dont even have like a moment where ryuki can feel relief at date being alive like dude#they like. this guy drinks himself into oblivion and goes insane over the death of a man he loved whose death he blames himself for#and the game cant even give these two characters like even a kinda touching reunion they just straight up DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE IT AT ALL#which dates role in the game in general i think was also done dirty but i digress#like yeah okay sure just have almost all of ryukis motivations revolve around date and wanting to become worthy of him#and ​then go eh whatever anyways#oh and then have ryuki literally get shot at the end protecting date cuz thats how much he loves him and just like. they barely even care#date is literally the only person that seemed to have acknowledged it happened but it was literally like#oh no!!!! ryuki is literally bleeding out uwaaa!!! anyways#i used this card hesitantly with pewter after finishing ai1 but fuck it ill say it with my full chest this time#im calling homophobia here like come on you cant ignore this one#sorry to pewter and ryuki for both being canon gay and really interesting characters but the game doesnt care about you 😔
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greywoe · 4 months
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"The she-wolf laid into the squires with a tourney sword, scattering them all. The crannogman was bruised and bloodied, so she took him back to her lair to clean his cuts and bind them up with linen."
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mishapen-dear · 7 months
rough art tips to learn and then break at your leisure.
the distance between your eyes is roughly one eye. the corners of your mouth dont extend past the middle of each eye. ears are roughly in the middle of the tip of the nose and the eyebrow. the eyes are in the very centre of the head. the neck is just a Little slimmer than the width of the head (varies with fat distribution, but fat tends to build up under the chin). hair is easier to draw when you plot out the hairline and then where it parts. leaving appropriate distance on the side of the face (cheekbone area and back to ear) contributes to making characters look more realistic/hot as hell. i dont know specific tips for that so use reference. an amazing reference/study site is lineofaction.com . if you think of the face in planes it makes it easier to construct (look up tutorials). if you draw a spiral like a tornado it can help you figure out awkward perspective for extended limbs (look up foreshortening coil technique). tangent lines are when two lines intersect and cause visual confusion (when it looks like a line that defines an arm is part of the line that defines a building, for example) and avoiding them makes your art way easier to comprehend. quick trick to good composition: choose a focal point (where you want your viewer to focus), detail that area the most, and make sure various elements of the piece are pointing to that focal point. you can use colours to contrast hue, saturation, and brightness and make certain elements of your drawing stand out. drawing in greyscale can help you figure out values. using black in a piece isn't illegal but you should know what you're doing when you do use it- it desaturates a piece and if used as a shading colour can desaturate and dull whatever youre shading too. if you use almost-black lineart and then add black to darken the very darkest areas it will do a lot to add some nice depth. the tip of your thumb ends just above the start of your index finger- your thumb also has two knuckles and all your other fingers have three. if you see an artist doing something you like (the way they draw noses or eyes or hair or anything else) you can try to copy that and see if you want to incorporate it in your style <- this is ENCOURAGED and how a lot of us learned and developed our styles. there are ways to add wrinkles to faces and bodies without making the character look a million years old, you just have to keep experimenting with it. The smile wrinkles around your muzzle dont connect to your mouth or to your nose; there should be a small space in between smile or nose and the wrinkle line. eyes when viewed in profile are like < aka a little triangle shape. think of the pupil like a disk and apply foreshortening to it (it looks like a line when seen from the side instead of a full round dot). subtle gradients can add a LOT to a piece. texture can also add a LOT. look up Tommy Arnold's work (his murderbot pieces are some of my FAVOURITE) and zoom in. find those random little circles he added and try to figure out why he added them there. light bounces. there's lots of way light bounces. sometimes it even spreads through the skin. i do not know these light tricks yet but i want you to know that they exist. draw a circle to indicate hand placement, draw a straight line between that circle and the shoulder, and then (normally at a right angle) draw a straight line on top of that line to find the placement of the elbow. elbows are normally placed Just above the hip when standing and your arm is at rest. there are no bad colour combos if you're brave enough about it, just fuck with the saturation and brightness until it works. keep playing. try new things. add your own tips to this post if you want or even expand on some ive mentioned here. good luck go ham etc
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mice-ducks-and-blots · 6 months
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Fellas is it gay to plant a whole like REALLY HUGE road of flowers exclusively for your enemy. Flowers that, canonically, will wither and die if you don't tend to them for a SINGLE DAY. mAY I ADD that earlier in the story Blot states something like "the falls are ROMANTIC in a way, especially with a full moon in the sky >AND MY WORST ENEMY APPROACHING<"
Like I'm sorry I held it for too long and I need to say it. I am a firm believer that Mickey and Blot have the same as whatever it is that Basil and Ratigan got going on
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couple of mello + near doodles
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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fuck it sk8 sketches from da sketchbook. get sk8ed idiot
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time for 11 pm posting. anyways i liked this au made by somebody named puffstarss, and my finger slipped so i made this really low-quality fan art of it.
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the flower took me the longest time to do, honestly, since i made it last. oh yeah, i'd @ puffstarss but i'm a bit of a wuss and dont like randomly @ ing people for no reason. like, i feel like i'd be rude and begging for attention for doing it, so uh...
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finniigan · 2 years
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I just think he's neat :]
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atanxdoesstuff · 4 months
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Here, some Ryley sketches ft. Cuddlefish skritches, Peeper, Bladderfish, and This Is Ozzy From The Cafeteria What The Hell Guys!
i haven't drawn in quite some time but yknow its exam phase so :/ ofc my motivation comes back when I really should be doing something else like idk study? or somethin
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Anyone else vibe with different pronouns sets depending on the day?
Because I tried typing something like "can't a girl read her book in peace" but the 'her' didn't feel right, so I used "can't a girl read faer book in peace" and it felt much better. But then some days I try to use 'fae' and end up switching it to 'she' instead. And some days, both of them are fine.
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seagullcharmer · 5 months
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pov you are nicholas or perhaps vriska
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
Since we’re talking about Idia now, I want to talk about the Phantom Ortho scene from the new update. What’s your thoughts on the scene? Personally, I think it was part of the dream rather than Idia actually talking to the dead Ortho.
I’ve got a couple of reasons for this. First, Idia was being dragged down by the darkness associated with the dream realm. He’s still physically in NRC. And it’s not that strange to think that this is another deeper level of the dream realm. It’s also been established that the dream’s purpose is keep the dreamers there, so changing its method now that the original method of acting as though the tragedy didn’t happen no longer works wouldn’t be out of place in my opinion. Our Ortho showing up shattered the illusion, dredging up buried memories even if Idia was still holding up some form of denial.
Second, it’s more fitting for his character arc for it to be just a dream. Choosing to neither stay in the Underworld with Phantom Ortho or stay in the dream with the RSA Ortho solidifies Idia’s commitment to no longer wallow in the guilt of the tragedy and to allow himself to move forward. He’s rejecting both pretending it didn’t happen and continuing to punish himself by allowing himself to be dragged down by his mistakes. I feel that takes away from the moment a little if it’s dead Ortho giving him another kick in rear to not be swallowed by guilt.
Sorry if this is incoherent and rambly, I’m still soaking in Idia freaking out over his mom searching his computer. What did he have on there???
>I’m still soaking in Idia freaking out over his mom searching his computer. What did he have on there???
Top teir weeabo shit and commissions of his ocs. But tbh it could have been literally anything, I would freak about my mom going through my pc now and it's mostly just art refs.
I'm glad you are back shrimp annon, I was wondering about your thoughts. I have two distinct threads of thought on it if that makes sense? The first is about whether or not it was a dream and the second is about the darkness. Also um... have any of you played critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With a free trial now on xbox? Because the best way I can think to explain why spoils something from Shadowbringers...
Was Phantom Ortho Real or Not?
I have no idea. Genuinely. I personally think that this was a part of the dream so no, I don't think that Phantom Ortho is the same as the one we fight in Chapter Six, but does that make him less real? There is a reality where he could be the same I suppose? The idea of your soul leaving your body when you dream is a concept that's decently common in mythology, so it is possible that Idia astral projected into the Underworld?
Malleus specifically says Idia will "be swallowed by the abyss" so there is a chance I guess that he gets sent to take a nap in the Underworld while Malleus re-writes the spell? But! Malleus is the "ruler of the abyss" while Idia is "the ruler of the underworld." They don't share a title so it makes sense for the Abyss to be it's own place separate from the underworld. And yet the underworld is where Phantoms come from... so just what the hell is the abyss?
Now it is time for me to do a bit of spoiling for FFXIV so uh. I'll toss it under the cut.
To give some brief context for what I am about to show you, at the very end of Shadowbringers, due to various reasons we will not get into here, you find yourself in a projection of a city the villain has created based off of his memories. Said city is populated by Phantoms, all of whom do not realize they are magical projections, except for one:
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"...[he] allowed a few stray thoughts to distract him while he was recreating me... '[he] would surely realize the truth.'" I think that's more or less what happened with Idia's dream
Malleus's magic allows the illusion to take place, but it is based off of Idia's memories. While being in denial about Ortho's death, and not wanting to process the trauma, his mind would know that Phantom Ortho would realize the truth. The phantom Hythlodaeus isn't real, but he might as well be from how he acts. The same seems true of Phantom Ortho, Idia wasn't confronting the literal Phantom so much as he was a manifestation of his own memories and guilt, the stray thought that "Ortho would surely realize the truth." Would be enough to make that happen.
In a sense you could say that this Phantom Ortho is still real as it is more or less just Idia fighting his own overblot phantom, which we know to be born of magic and extreme emotion, but I don't think he fought his brother's soul exactly. The affirmation of their promise probably reached Phantom Ortho in the Underworld though, even if he wasn't physically there to hear it.
What is the Darkness?
So if I recall correctly, the darkness also swallows Lilia in the previous update, which is where we get the flashback about how he found Silver. It seems like the darkness draws out what we could call a person's defining character moment? For Lilia that's traveling the world and realizing he doesn't hate humans, for Idia it's the death of his brother and his overblot. If I had to guess I would say it's because the dream needs to reset its narrative? So it needs to put the person back in the mindset of focusing on what they value or what needs "fixed."
The exact involvement Malleus has in giving out dreams isn't clear either, but I think they seem to need to be set in Twisted Wonderland, and tend towards being basic at first but then probably get more detailed the further the person falls into sleep and the more data can be taken from the abyss. It is also clear that some level of outside interference is needed to disrupt the dream weaving, kind of like you need to interrupt the dreamer's train of thought.
Since I am also rambling-
Yuu and Grim are physically present in the same dream, they both risk falling into the abyss... and neither gets a dream that they mistake for reality. Unless they did and we weren't actually physically present in Mickey's dream at all? What would have happened if they had fallen into the abyss?
Does Yuu and Grim sharing a dream imply they share a soul? If so how and why?
I need to go to sleep but tl;dr, shrimp friend I don't think you're off base saying you don't think that was the real Phantom and I want to know what the abyss is, k please thanks.
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yumedoca · 8 months
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My screenshot collection of random chibis and nekomaos from episode 1-3!!
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ra-archives · 8 months
Hyrule is tired of the vets pining bullshit. Legend is tired of Hyrule in general. Wild just finds this all amusing, mostly, except when he's terrified.
LU-Tober Day 7
'Just Kiss Already' Prompt from a friend cause they think they're funny
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I had a different plan for today but I ended up spending 6 hours painting a wall, so change of plans bc I needed to get this out quick and didn't have time.
Its not my fav piece or concept, but I also say that about half of my art pieces so-
Anyway, bird bois cause I think its cool and also they're my new go to when I just need to scribble a bit :>
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aquato-family-circus · 5 months
do u remember the maybe couple times ive asked ppl what theyd wanna see if i made like pn stickers and sold a few on my online store
glad to say i have. finally like landed on actually doing that. in february u will see... u'll all see
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whatudottu · 4 months
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Ever since making my human Shockwave design, both my original one and this one, I've been thinking of what arm he would have because even if you have access to a cannon arm as a human it's logical to have a functional arm prosthetic maybe idk-
An extra ever since after reading @nukeli 's SG Shockwave fic I've also been thinking of human Shockwave having a donor arm like what happens in the oneshot, it being mismatched because though demand is high supply is very very low and replacement body parts don't last-
#shockwave#tfp shockwave#shattered glass#tfp shattered glass#transformers#tfp#humanformers#maccadam#fanart#i realised with making this design for shockwave i would need to draw out his teeth everytime#i mean i would have had to do the same with the previous design for shockwave but ya know#others have gone with either robotic emulation of shockwave for humans designs#or gone the more intense torture aftermath that would remove teeth out of the equation or at least have the option of hiding it behind lips#eh whatever i tried to cartoon teeth my way out of this one#anyway check out nukeli's fics i do mostly only spotlight tfp ones since that's what i know best aside from animated#but they have other transformers fics like g1 and stuff if that strikes your fancy i'm not fully aware of those continuities tho#but this fic in particular is about shattered glass shockwave after the explosion and before the show- before predaking too#it does make me think how insecticons (the beastformer ones not the experiment kind) would translate to humans#i guess i'd have to consider what beastformers are like in humanformers because they're just as much bots as the rest of the cars and jets#eh probably keeping in context with the fic (which you should read i'm sending you a link directly to read it go read it now)#they'd be a settlement dealing with the general fallout of a large scale wall which also means wandering animals and potentially#the threat of danger lingering on the outsides of safe territory#which would cause someone to potentially die and thus potentially serve as a donor for a special someone's missing limb#read it read it read it#thistle don’t look#i don’t know where the scale of human these teeth are so…
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