#also: yes i see him. we'll get to him.
thewertsearch · 28 days
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Kanaya <3
This is the first troll we've seen who's not a newborn grub or thirteenish-year-old Player. I guess they pupate directly into a scaled-down version of their adult body.
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She looks barely larger than a grub, so it can't have been long since the trials, assuming the Sburb trolls did them at all. The comic has never elaborated on what these trials entail, but I think this is the first aspect of Homestuck's universe that I don't want a loredrop on.
GA: I Dont Mean Hes The Universe You Are From GA: We Engineered That Incarnation GA: He Is The Universe That You Are Trying To Create
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GA: That Statement Was As Literal As You Can Possibly Make Words Be GA: I Know Your Species Is Frequently Insincere For A Variety Of Reasons GG: but your species is too! […] GA: Thats True But When We Do It Its Usually Just Because We Are Trying To Be Jerks
And when you're trying not to be jerks, too. Alternia is just kind of.... like that.
GG: i try to say what i mean as much as i can GA: Yeah I Think Ive Been Discerning That GA: Its A Nice Change Of Pace […] GG: haha, you mean from rose?
Jade knows what the fuck is up. Maybe it's her turn to wingman for Rose.
GA: I Wont Be Speaking To Her Anymore Though GG: why? GG: oh yeah, because you said she is blacked out? GG: what the heck does that mean! GA: It Just Means In A Few Moments From Your Perspective I Wont Be Able To See Her Through My Viewport Or Talk To Her
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The blackout occurred while these two girls were in conversation, meaning Rose is about to message Jade right as it kicks in.
This message is obviously important - but what could it be? Is Rose trying to warn Jade about the circumstances that cause the blackout, in order to protect her from its effects?
GA: She Has Been Relying On The Powers And Counsel Of Dark Gods And Other Sources Of Ambiguous Intent GA: And She Has Consequently Devised A Plan Which Sounds Very Dangerous To Me GG: yeah, i didnt like the sound of her plan either! GA: You Are More Sensible GA: Its Probably The Influence Skaia Has Had On You GA: Having Spent Much Of Your Life Awake On Prospit GA: Like Me
We've talked before about what Dream Moon affinity really means for a Player. The theory I liked the most was that Prospit kids are predisposed to follow their fate, whereas Derse kids are inclined to defy their destiny.
This seems like more fuel for that fire, as Rose's acts of desperation and defiance clash with Jade's more levelheaded, 'sensible' attitude. rose, you're going to break something! :o
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lovecolibri · 2 months
Just sitting here at work looking at everything Oliver keeps saying, and hearing couch theory is coming up and I just
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evilkitten3 · 7 months
au where there's like a paperwork error and sasuke ends up on team eight. but no one else's placement changes. so kakashi has to deal with just naruto and sakura, who isn't filtering herself at all. or better yet, sasuke gets swapped with kiba, so kakashi has to deal with three loudmouth hotheads, one of whom can just track him down whenever he's late.
meanwhile kurenai's first lesson is homicide 101 and sasuke thinks he just hit the team jackpot
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sysig · 3 months
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You’re gonna die if you keep that up (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Kayako#And Teisel's there technically#*Die again - he's sticking with his track record lol at least he's consistent#Ghost/Curse GF arc!! I enjoy seeing ZEX happy but I am Concerned for him lol#ZEX be attracted to something/one that won't brutally murder him challenge - difficulty impossible#His affection for the grotesque and monstrous - I mean while it's admirable he does regularly put himself in dangerous situations!#Runs solely on the Suspension Bridge Effect lol - attraction and fear so conflated in his mind <3#I keep thinking of his human instincts as specifically Max's instincts since it's his body - Max's self-preservation and fear and hunger#Which ZEX dutifully ignores lol Max's body tells him to bolt and privately replies like ''Yes yes in a moment'' haha#His fascination wins out! To his own detriment haha#Although I say all that as though I don't relate in my own way - I have maybe just a few too many notes relating to ZEX lol#It's always been hard for me to get into horror in the way it's intended to spook and scare because I tend to get sad :')#So many monsters and ghosts and creatures are victims of circumstance! Like Kayako! As she is here she's not even malicious just dangerous#I've never seen the Grudge so it's only speculation but it seems very sad that she was tethered as a Curse rather than a malignant spirit#Like a battery moreso than an individual - what a terrible after-existence! It makes me sad to consider!#ZEX reaching out to her in his own way is very sweet <3 He's so biased towards his darlings hehe#In a way being human does suit him - we'll packbond with anything that Might have even the slightest inclination to not maim us lol#And the way he personifies her! (VUXonifies her?) Reading intention or emotion into her actions with no proof and no understanding!#The way he ''tries to read her face'' as if he hasn't been struggling with that this entire time - with other humans who can tell him so ♪#His pride is so delicious <3 He is so easily blinded to his own shortcomings in the face of pleasure and the potential for connection!#It's no wonder DAX worries about him so much hehe ♥#It also always makes me so happy to have something fit together so perfectly like those last two hehe <3#That vine didn't exist when this happened! But there it is!! I love newer memes on older media hehehe ♪♫
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airenyah · 2 months
Your essay on Joong's underrated acting skills deepened my Joong appreciation so much, that I watched Mafia the Series, I'm watching Ploy's Yearbook (even though there is a serious lack of Joong so far), and I'm planning on watching The Warp Effect too. I haven't watched het shows in over ten years, so this is a big deal! 😂 I really liked him with Dunk in their shows, but MTS gave me another facet of him, because he's so timid in it, unlike in SIMM and HA, where he's (seemingly) very cool and in control. So thank you for making me a full time Joong (and Dunk) girl 💜
i saw this message first thing in the morning when i woke up yesterday and it instantly put me in a good mood!!! <3
mafia the series might actually be my absolute fave thai het-show, it's just SO funny!!!! and the entire cast is so great, like, not just joong but the entire cast plays off each other SO well. and don't even get me started on gina virahya and her portrayal of anna kondra!!!!
you know, when i went into mafia the series i saw the poster and was like "ughh i really am gonna have to sit through this standard (overly) dramatic mafia show just for joong, huh. the things i do for my boy..." and then. AND THEN. you can imagine my surprise. i was crying tears of laughter throughout the show and i was actually laughing so hard that my mom made a comment about how she could hear my laugh in my room
beam is my loser boy and joong portrays him in such an adorably awkward way, i love it <333
and yes there IS a serious lack of joong in ploy's yearbook so far :((((
it was quite funny tho bc in the one scene where joong does show up i immediately recognized him by the back of his head, like!! i saw this:
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and instantly went "OH there's my boy!!!!!" 😂😂😂
and i can't wait to see him with film bc film did extremely well with gun in not me and i feel like film and joong will also work together really well
you know, i'm always happy to turn people into full time joong (and dunk) girls!!!!!!
i've adored them ever since simm which i watched live from ep2 onwards. fun fact, actually: when i started simm i actually had no idea who they were (even though technically i'd seen dunk in bad buddy already, except i wasn't paying attention to the random high school bandmates and so i didn't actually recognize dunk and only realized later on ahahah)
aaaanyway, i had no idea who they were, right? and so in 2022 my mom and i spent two nights in prague during easter and in the evening we were in our hotel room and we were kinda looking for something to watch. and i was like "hey look, gmmtv has a new bl out and it looks kinda cute and fluffy judging by the thumbnails?? and like something that doesn't require too much brain power?? plus, there's also only two eps out so far, so we'll be caught up right away" and so we watched the first two episodes and then the two of us ended up watching every new ep together every week hahaha
i actually didn't really talk about it on tumblr back then and when you go back on my blog you'll see that there are hardly any simm post. but really, with every new simm episode that aired i liked joongdunk more and more. and especially once the characters started dating i was actually so in awe about just how comfortable joong and dunk were with each other and how they absolutely weren't afraid to touch? like, their physical affection was just so casual, like it was the most natural thing in the world to them in an "i'm-not-even-thinking-about-it-bc-it's-so-normal" kind of way and that was just soooo refreshing to watch?? i was (and still am) truly amazed
and when just a couple of months later, at the end of 2022 gmmtv announced joongdunk were gonna get another show together i got SO excited!! and also when it was revealed that simm was included in our skyy 2!!!!
and then hidden agenda started airing and then i was tagged in that tag game and then i went to watch joong's entire filmography and then i ended up falling into a joongdunk rabbit hole and here we are...
anyway, i have multiple agendas and one of them is turning people into joong fans and dunk fans and joongdunk fans sllksdfd
and my other agenda is getting people to watch mafia the series, bc it's truly a gem of a show!!!!
(speaking of agendas: the only thing that's missing in your message is you telling me that you approve of my fight for a sexy joongdunk vampire bl, like... that would have made the message and the influence of my joong/dunk/joongdunk blogging complete 😂😂😂)
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aromanticasterisms · 2 months
yknow i was a little miffed when yoimiya got her second story quest but i can't even be mad that cyno's getting his. he's been around since manga days he deserves it
#personal stuff#delete later#like good for him. also who is that. i know a playable design when i see one#like we are FINALLY GETTING PERMANENT HERMANUBIS LORE.#ARLECCHINOOO. OH MY GODDD#I CANNOT BELIEVE SCYTHE ARLE REAL. i avoided looking at leaks for so long and her animations are SO nice wtf#her WING???#OH MY GODDD??? SHE'S THE NEW WEEKLY BOSS???#SHE LOOKS SO FUCKING COOL. HER WINGS#HEY WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE. FURINA OR NEUVILLETTE STORY QUEST 2 WHERE?#are they pushing stuff back. no dain quest last patch no archon or equivalent quest this patch :(#yes i am soo excited to see her lines about the other harbingers#still biting the bars of my cage why are there so many black white and red hyv characters coming out at the same time#STILL CANNOT BELIEVE WE'RE GOING TO REMURIA. RIPS AND TEARS#OH SHIT IT'S RELATED TO PETRICHOR. WE'RE GETTING THAT TOO.#wtf kitty event was foreshadowing. new talking cat#so we're not getting dornman port... :(#oh hey cool dvorak is coming back#new horn instrument!! it looks neat#ah. windtrace :/ i'm not one for co-op events i was hoping fr something else. good for you guys though#NATLAN CRUMBS WOOO#okay. overall looks like a neat update i'm looking forward to petrichor a lot. PLEASE say gourmet supremos. PLEASE.#i've been waiting so long to see them please let them come back...#also arlecchino looks cool as hell.#a little disappointed that no furina or neuvillette or dain quest but what can you do.#maybe we'll get a dain one next patch since we're getting remuria now? probably not but i can dream#checked the voice actors list under the trailer. oh hey we're seeing childe again
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vaiyamagic · 7 months
Going through the Our Flag Means Death tag is a trip.
A good third of the posts are a detailed analysis of why Izzy's death was narratively good and meaningful and not 'bury your gays,' while another third are about how Izzy's death was pointless and cruel and a betrayal and absolutely 'bury your gays/disabled people.'
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princeofhags · 7 months
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I did the thing
#this took me a while trying to DECIDE#oc: iraestra#oc: balam#ot3: he is the tender butcher who showed me the price of flesh is love#and a few of these have weird explanations behind them but balam is horniest most violent sluttiest wants to see insides be their outsides#irae more wants to see their insides to study and put in a little jar on her shelf#but like gort views himself as acting for the good of the gate and the sword coast hence the slightly more selfless leaning here bc this is#about how they view themselves#though in that case irae would probably view herself as very selfless bc she is doing this for her family and revenge in their name#the most baseline explanation of this is that irae is a mykrulite under ketheric but thinks that he is becoming old and ineffectual#and losing himself in his grief and beginning to doubt that he can uphold his end of the dead three pact and there's plans to replace him#and orin finds out about it when she tadpoles balam and iraeis tadpoled as well or somethng. might change that storyline around a little bu#considering irae having a group of myrkulite cultists who answer specifically to her and pay lip service to ketheric or idk sometttthingg#throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks#didn't feel assed trying to draw balam or gort so you get these#also yes that's a leapord gecko not a salamander but we'll ignore that#also unsure how i feel about gort age but i just threw something in there#half the time spent on this was just editing it for 3 people#lamia muses
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minimoefoe · 10 months
someone on twitter mentioned how the daughter troy allegedly has in 8b could be an adoptive daughter and not a bio daughter and I lowkey can't stop thinking about it bc I feel like that would solve all the problems/hesitations I have about troy having a kid
the idea of troy having a kid with someone just absolutely does not compute in my mind. like... troy getting with someone and potentially being in a relationship and then having a child??? genuinely baffling to me. and idk maybe that's just bc I have the s3 version of him in my mind and when we see 8b troy he'll be different enough that him having a kid would compute more? but rn something about that doesn't feel very troy
but the idea of him having an adoptive child, like maybe he had friends who had a kid and something happened to them and he made a promise to look after the kid or maybe it was even kinda he got lumped with looking after this kid and over time they got closer and now he thinks kf her as a daughter? idk I think something like that sounds wayyyy more interesting than him just having a daughter via some relationship he was in
#twd txt#troy otto#fear the walking dead#ngl when i first saw ppl talking about the daughter rumour i was like 😬😬 i dont think i have any interesting in seeing troy as a dad#and like..#to a degree i still am not fully on board with it#even tho man getting stuck with a kid to look after is a trope that i love a lot#i just didnt have that in mind when it came to troy#idk#i think its hard for me to decide how i feel fully rn bc we havent seen anything#its very possible that we'll see him in the eps and ill be like Yes i love thisgiving him a kid was a 10/10 decision#ALSO#bc we only have 6 eps of 8b and the odds of him being in every one is slim im like i wonder how good we're really gonna have it#like this is surely nlt ablut to become the troy show#theres other characters thatll be getting focus#i think my excitement at the fact we're 100% getting troy back outweighs any concerns i have like... hes gonna be on my screen again so#im HAPPY#i do have worries but i also have hope that itll be good#i havent even seen s6-8a yet lmao ive got a few eps of s5 to watch#i also see a random person on twitter speculate about there being another spin-off coming with some ftwd characters#featuring madison and strand or madisokn and troy maybe#and like i have zero idea how legit that speculation is like they could be absolutely waffling#but i would kill for a troy and madison spinoff like#that feels so insane and perfect that im like theres no way thats happening lmaoo#ALSO idek how legit that daughter rumlur is 😭 but from what i know of s8 there is a saving kids mission involved so it does make sense
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ix-c-999 · 3 days
Also LMAO I just realized this is the ultimate time for my brain to split a Haymitch fictive because now more than ever my system gets aging alcoholics
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carcarrot · 1 year
im just going to go off in the tags for my review but last nights concert was crazy, entertaining, and crazily entertaining. while they did not play the rhythm thief clearly my rhythm, if i ever had any, was stolen and ron and russell were easily able to see my lack of clapping and dancing skills. when will those 70+ year old men stop beating me at everything
#you would think clapping on the beat is easy. not when youre on a level of excitement you havent been since you were a kid#in all seriousness my sarcastic tone is covering the fact that i really did enjoy it all so much. now on to the analysis#we'll get right to the heart of the matter: russell was sweating three songs in and well. there are many benefits to being in the front row#im really really sorry. but. good god i may have been looking at his neck a lot of the time#also it may have been during the first song but i feel like it was during another one where he jumped (beaver o'lindy?)#and my eyebrow raise and look of 👁️👄👁️ when his shirt rode up was very palpable. i was very close .#i think russ looked at me a couple times near the start but it was more of a dfjfljkda dont look at me im staring at u like 😍 moment for me#im just so self conscious it hurts! but i was smiling my head off the entire time while also not knowing how to stand#the front row was standing the entire time it was wild#also i think the moment i predicted did happen of ron giving me a look like 🤨 for knowing all the lyrics to one of their more obscure songs#but i could be wrong.#russell was bouncing off the walls as usual but good god to see it in person. and he sounded incredible!!!!#i also could not resist bouncing a few times. its contagious. plus you gotta do it during music that you can dance to#good gosh what a fun time.#at the end of the concert someone was like 'i could see you looking with such love' like yes very true. good to know it was obvious#can i just say again russell was sooo. its a different thing altogether seeing him like 6 feet away in the Real World#did i mention how sweaty he was. ok review almost over#still no eaten by the monster of love but hard to complain with such a great show#spars#sparks tour 2023 spoilers
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shadowed-dancer · 11 months
While I could see Toga's status as alive going either way, I feel I'm not exactly the best judge since I'm also the person who got confused at the line "is that the face of someone who just watched a friend die?" and had to carefully go through chapters 266 and 267 and read them FIVE TIMES before I realized that yeah, Twice had actually died
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mvriigold · 1 month
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we're cooking we're so cooking
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krenia · 1 year
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Mosca Mosca Mosca
Seems paying the pretty girl tax to my brain worked and now I can fanart again yippee
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coollyinterferes · 1 year
//pov ur about to get mugged
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why do all the official arts include taiju recently (bc of season 2) when they never included kisaki? like why pick and choose villains like that ... if they ever make a season 3 I'm expecting Kisaki in the art because that's his season okay
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