#also that's me. i'm birb
razzek · 2 months
Absolutely nobody: ...
Me: (literally 30 years late to the fandom) Guys have you heard about these Metroid games?!
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tofangirlonly · 19 days
(I guess I'm at least temporarily back to yell into the tumble void again after almost completely disappearing for a few years so. Allow me to reintroduce myself.)
I love Jeremy Jordan. A lot. I have a dog named Chloe and a bird named Jack Kelly and may or may not tell stories about them using gifs of Jeremy Jordan. Other stuff I love may occasionally make an appearance. That is most of the important things to know if you find yourself here.
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f1-birb · 28 days
imagine trying to claim credit for a text post that isn't even yours when someone else posts a screenshot of it.... could never be me
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drengar · 7 days
Guess who has the urge to hurt her muse with the highest pain tolerance in a way that makes him acknowledge that yes he is in pain.
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sometimesraven · 22 days
me bringing up the batshit spiritual kind-of-cult I was in that ruined my life in literally my second ever session with my therapist and hoping he doesn't decide my shit is way too fucked for him to deal with
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henriiiii-1001 · 4 months
There's a big difference between a missing person and a kidnapped person in this au
When a bird of any species goes missing, it means they flied or were dragged by the wind too far away from the main lands. Whenever there's particularly nasty weather, especially during winter, investigations always start the day the wind calms down enough, but on different cases, investigations only start two days after the person has failed to return back home, and the background information that their family and friends provide help to determine the situation, and they usually come down to two main categories: runaways or a possible sudden health issue while flying (like a heart attack or stroke) Birds of prey don't have a police system so it's usually the person's family who goes looking for them.
On the other hand, kidnapped people are always either songbirds or game birds, and the kidnappers are always birds of prey. Kidnappings are actually quite rare, since whenever raptors do hunt smaller birds they leave their cadavers behind after they've eaten or collected enough to feed their young. Much like murders, kidnappings also involve blood because of raptors' brutality, but it's just that, just evidence that a struggle occured that the smaller bird obviously lost.
The smaller birds have no idea of the reasons that could lead to a kidnapping, but even if they knew they'd still not bargain or anything similar to get the person back, they're too scared of angering the raptors for just one person. All the few songbirds and game birds who have lost a friend or family member because they were kidnapped think that this system of not trying is extremely unfair, but unfortunately there's nothing they can do.
Mark is pretty much miserable. He's stuck with someone who is incapable of moving on from a loss, and he can't leave them either, because his bird instincts have been forced into depending on this person, so the couple of times he did try to escape he got very sick physically. He's stuck on an unhealthy "friendship" and is too scared to try to reason with them.
Ruth is doing a bit better, kind of. She lost one of her wings to her kidnapper, but did and still does try to talk to them, and overtime their dynamic evolved from kidnapper and victim to a companionship. This person still hasn't gotten over their loss, even after all these years, but Ruth still tries to in some way give them a bit of therapy, not just for her own sake anymore but for theirs now too. She even got them to stop hunting smaller birds at some point! (They joke sometimes that they're gonna break their new diet when Ruth tell them of her past and all the people who were assholes to her)
damn what's the weather got against them man xddddd
also p interesting overall! also didn't think you'd make mark and ruth live! p cool idea :D i do have ideas on who mark and ruth's kidnappers are, but i wont say bc i could be completely wrong LOL
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fireflylitsky · 2 years
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They have their fun
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redwayfarers · 6 months
'ajde bar noćas budi mi drug
Fandom: FFXIV Ship: Nika/Hilda Characters: Nika Perseis (WoL), Hilda Ware Rating: Gen Words: 1457 Spoilers: minor spoilers for MCH level 70 questline Title taken from Skačem, skači which has been on Nika's playlist before any other song. Slavic mutuals, this one's for you <3 read on ao3 dividers by @saradika
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There’s something about Hilda. Nika’s known it for a while now - he likes so few people, and she’s never given him cause to ditch their budding friendship; besides, she makes a wonderful drinking buddy. And a mean card player. He knows this from observation. He doesn’t dare sit before her, cards in hand, and have to give up what little dignity he has. That was for Limsa, and for a simpler time. Instead, he prefers to just sit at the same table, watch the game and shout a hearty, “Better luck next time!” to the loser.
When she gives him a dirty look, however, he stops. This whole concept of.. Caring about others’ opinions feels oddly familiar and oddly new at the same time. He doesn’t play cards against her because he doesn’t want people laughing at him, fair enough. He can admit, albeit wordlessly, that she’s better than him. But the way the disapproval in her eyes cuts him is new. This isn’t a reputation thing - he wants Hilda’s opinion of him to be good, what a weird fucking thing to want, so he stops doing the shit she finds offensive. 
Yeah, that shit’s weird. Luckily for him, though, life takes him away from the Brume often so he doesn’t have to question it. What little he is there, overseeing the Hounds’ machinist training when Rostnsthal goes to take a breather, he feels much better. They’re on his ground, his playing field. It’s his approval that matters. 
Hilda’s good, though. The Hounds need some refinement, but Hilda - Hilda’s good. Hilda has no need for his opinion. Instead, he can say, “Do it like she does.” And not only is her aim really fucking good, she’s also beautiful. And he wants to be in her good graces. 
As Ishgardians say, Fury take her. 
And so it happens that Rostnsthal is away, Nika’s overseeing the training for the week, and Hilda’s the one currently taking the aim. She’s tied her hair back in a messy bun, she’s dressed in another black jacket which contrasts sharply with the paleness of her skin, and her grip on the gun is stable, solid, and unshaking. She tilts her head slightly as she adjusts, giving Nika a nice view of her neck. 
The sound of a shot going off brings him back to reality. 
“How was that, Mr. Sharpshooter?” Hilda laughs. “You were paying such attention.” 
“Do you want me to open a dictionary and find synonyms for 'good’?” Nika shakes his head. “I don’t think you really need my opinion.” 
“I do. You’re the big, bad Warrior of Light, and me, I’m a mongrel from the Brume. If ya put in a good word for me with your blue-blooded friends, I’d be the next Archbishop.” 
“You’re grossly overestimating my influence. Or maybe my liking of them.” Nika makes a face. “I wanna shoot half of them in the face. Member of the Heavensward, off you go. Annoying asshole, off you go. That’s a solid chunk of Ishgard’s nobility.”
Not Artoirel, though. Emmanellain, too. Stephanivien, as well. Aymeric. The thought of putting a gun to Artoirel’s head makes him sick. He knows he’ll take it bravely, but he also knows Stephanivien and Aymeric would hunt him down for it. 
It’s not only Hilda’s good opinion that he cares about, after all. 
Nika kicks the snow under his feet. 
“I agree,” Hilda says. “But it doesn’t change the fact you were staring at me.” 
“Fine– I think you’re not only good at aiming, but also good-looking. Is it a crime in the Brume to be attracted to people?” Nika taps a nail against the trigger of his firearm. 
“Not at all.” Hilda smiles. She walks over, the end of her weapon clinks against the metal of her tall boots, and she looks up at him. Her lips are full and red from the cold and her eyes shine in amusement and pleasure. “Join me for mulled wine later? Maybe a card game, if your pride lets you?”
Nika huffs. “It’s not about pride, woman– but yes. I will join you for mulled wine. It’s stupidly cold in Ishgard.”  
Hilda places a hand on his forearm. “I’ll make sure it’s all warm for you, Nika.” 
Well, it looks like Nika’s in for a good night. It’s not Artoirel - it will never be Minfilia - but it’s as good as he’s going to get. He likes mulled wine, anyway. 
The bed is warm, soft and lived in. Well, fucked in. Nika doesn’t have the habit of sleeping in other people’s beds unless he stays the night with them, which doesn’t have to mean anything. It’s a harmless action - extending your stay in someone’s life for a fraction of a moment, just to fall down the long mountain of oblivion. Normally, it would make his chest ache. When it comes to sex, however, that’s the price he’s willing to pay for some extra skin-to-skin contact. 
Hilda’s sitting on the edge of the bed, as naked as he is. He’s watching the muscles of her back move as she re-ties her hair. The room is simple, gray, a room of an ouvrière, much like the apartment he grew up in. Later came the paintings and the vases and the flower pots; he recalls how happy it made his mother when Lucretia showed up on their door with a huge bouquet of flowers in her hands, with how much care she’d put them in a vase, how sweetly she’d kiss her and whisper a word of gratitude. Nika thought it was all weird at the time. He was just a kid. An asshole kid, sure, one who frowned deeply at the soft kisses, but a kid nonetheless. 
Unfortunately, asshole kids grow up into asshole adults. But sometimes, it’d be nice if– Nika’s not a flowers type of person, but surely, it’d be nice if someone gave him a big, feathered hat? Surely, it’d be nice if anyone ever liked him back enough to do that for him? 
Not Hilda, though. He isn’t expecting her to. They were both looking for a momentary distraction and fun, and that’s what they got. Orgasms are a neat little thing too. Nika likes them, and so does Hilda. 
Yet, when she buries her fingers in his hair and massages his scalp, all thoughts somehow scatter. Nika slithers over to be closer, and Hilda just continues to softly thug on the strands. He gives a little sigh of contentment. Then, out of fucking nowhere, her hand disappears. 
“Why’d you stop?” he asks, before he’s fully aware of what he’s saying. And how he’s saying it. He sounds so stupidly needy, like a spoiled little fuckwit, and he buries his fingers in the pillow out of embarrassment. 
“I’m coming back,” she says. “I was just thirsty. Why’d you get so worked up about it?” 
Nika purses his lips. “None of your business.” 
“I promise you, I didn’t just invite you here to have my fun and kick you out–” 
“That would’ve been more merciful,” Nika replies. His chest feels tight, his body too big and uncomfortable. Yet his skin tingles sorrowfully. 
“What? You want to be simply used and kicked out like some annoying asshole’s servant? Am I reading ya correctly, Nika?” Hilda’s now staring at him in confusion, and he curls even more on the bed. “In what world is that merciful?” 
Nika doesn’t reply. He doesn’t know what to say. He was never this desperate before. It feels like a curse, and it makes him want to crawl out of his skin. And he would’ve been fine if he just didn’t say it like that, like he’s so deprived he’s about to beg for–
“Hilda,” he says, trying to rein in the storm in his throat. “Don’t ask me that question. Now if you’d be so kind as to kick me out, butt ass naked–” 
She pushes him so that he’s sprawled on the bed, and lays down on him without a word. The room’s warm, her skin’s warm, but he doesn’t mind it. He really doesn’t. It even feels good - his hands wrap around her and it feels offensively nice. It fights against the urge to walk away and wins, even. 
“I thought you were thirsty?” Nika croaks, and falls further into a pool of shame. 
“I can wait for a few more minutes. ‘Sides, who said I’m done with you?” 
Nika blinks. “If you want me to do something–” 
“Just lay there, be a personal heater and look pretty. Right now, that’s all I ask of ya.” 
Nika sighs. “If you say so,” he murmurs. 
It looks like he’s in for a long, and much to his own chagrin, good night. 
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eskawrites · 10 months
if i die tomorrow i will be satisfied knowing i lived within the era of erathia and was lucky enough to read the first official drabble of the fourth installment.
we are truly living in a golden age
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breezy-cheezy · 2 years
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A gift for @x-i-l-verify, Dream and his birb (grey jay) daemon!  Rem? Did you decide on Rem? 
Anyway I don’t go here but I thought the concept was neat sO
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amischiefofmuses · 3 months
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Me, literally just existing in someone's presence: ... Sorry about this, don't mean to be a bother
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personalized-chaos · 2 years
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Painted little raven friend while experimenting with acrylics! Isn't he do cute
ID: acrylic painting on paper of a raven sitting on thorny twigs with splotchy red background. We're seeing the raven from behind and it's head is turned to it's left. Both the raven's feathers and the twigs reflect shades of purple and blue. /End ID
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keeps-ache · 2 years
i've got a soda and we're going 40000 knots per mach, someone guess the number i'm thinking of 1-20
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drengar · 3 months
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@letsbreakhearts liked for a starter for Enji from Keigo!
"Endeavor! Do you wanna get lunch?"
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Please say yes please say yes please say yes please say yes...
The blond looked up at the older pro with a bright smile. As much as he wanted Endeavor to say yes, Keigo was prepared for the real answer he expected. Part of him was debating on trying to convince Endeavor to go out to lunch with him even if his first answer was no. But then again...He was very conflicted over this.
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could someone. PLEASE walk me thru what the fuck happens in 'the devil in me'. what the fuck is going on. hh holmes wasn't even a serial killer??? WHO IS HECTOR. WHY IS HECTOR.
i need a fecking TIMELINE or sth idek. some of the ~aesthetic~ choices, with the short video/audio clips and newspaper bits are very interesting and creative and fun, but unfortunately they are also SO CONFUSING. what is happening. WHAT IS HAPPENINGGGG
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taeminnomuyeppeo · 1 year
today is one of those days when i hate everyone and everything but especially myself :)
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