#also only just now realizing the name lee is very very very similar to leo. fml
hyolks · 5 months
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ok so leo absolutely orders pizza all the time just so he can challenge lee to a duel . and overtime it becomes less about the duel and more that lee is one of the few people that leo and luna actually see and interact with since theyre alone in their penthouse apartment whatever. suddenly lee is the primary adult figure in their lives at the fresh tender age of 18 and he does not know what to do with this information
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queenmylovely · 2 years
Day 10: Winter Market
pairing: Gwilym Lee x fem!reader
warnings: just some smooching, and cussing ofc 
words: 1k
a/n: and things, they develop 
First Part (Fire Places), Last, Full List, Next 
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This morning, during the early breakfast they ate with you every day, Leo and Elias had told you about the annual Christmas market in town that was opening today. They of course couldn’t go with you, but they urged you to go and gave you a bit of money to bring back some luxemburgerli, similar to macarons, from a local business that only made them for the market. And since they told you it was big enough to spend many hours in, you decided to go in the morning, find somewhere cute to eat lunch, keep looking around after, and then be back for dinner.
You took the shuttle bus down to the village and your eyes lit up at the sight of the market when you walked into the town square. It was better than you’d imagined, full of little booths, a carnival area for kids, and even though it was still mid morning, you could see where the lights were hung and you could tell it would be absolutely charming at night when they were on.
The smell of coffee pulled you over to a little coffee and tea cart and you got a drinking chocolate to keep you warm as you started at one end of the market. You made your way through about 20 stalls before you dropped your glove while you were trying on a ring. Bending down to get it, you nearly bumped heads with someone else who was already grabbing your glove.
Frowning in confusion as you looked up, you realized that it was your now constantly teased about crush. You had met him for real a couple days ago, he had come up to you one night while you were reading, right by the fire this time. He was extremely charming, very British (his name, Gwilym, told you he was specifically Welsh), and even more handsome up close. And, yes, he did have good taste in books, further evidenced by the fact that he had read and greatly enjoyed what you were currently reading.
“Oh,” you said, smiling when you recognized him. He handed you the glove with a smile, “Thank you, Gwilym.”
That made him smile wider, “You remembered my name! But you can just call me Gwil, y/n.”
“Okay, Gwil, how are you enjoying the market?” you asked, pulling the ring off and putting it back.
“A lot, it’s very cute, but I just got here. Are you not going to get that ring?” he asked, gesturing to where you had put it back in place.
“Oh no, if it were blue instead of green maybe, but that’s okay, there’s plenty other places to look for a keepsake,” you said, shrugging and turning away from the booth, starting to walk further down the path with Gwil following you.
The two of you spent the rest of the morning together, with quite a bit of flirting on both sides, and a few moments accidentally pressed towards each other in the more crowded areas. You also asked him to eat lunch with you, which he readily agreed to, and together you find the row of food booths that made your mouths water and your stomachs rumble. There was some outdoor seating set up with heaters and you sat down across from each other at a table.
Now that you weren’t distracted by the booths, you talked about yourselves, things like work and family and friends and you were pleased to find out that he seemed like a really well-rounded guy. (And single too!)
Once you finished lunch, you finished going through the rest of the market. You could tell Gwil wasn’t as into all the booths as you were, he hardly looked at what was inside unless you pointed something specific out. But you did notice that he was very attentive and focused on you; there were at least three times when you had turned back towards him to say something and found yourself just inches away from his intent, listening, handsome face. You somehow heated up and got goosebumps every time, stumbling over your words until you found it in you to take half a step back.
Then as you were walking around the corner of the last aisle, you hit a patch of ice and nearly fell. Luckily Gwil caught you in his (strong) arms, wrapping them around you until he was sure you weren’t going to fall. But then he didn’t move them and you didn’t even want to try to step away. Instead he leaned down just a bit, then a bit more, until finally his face was just an inch away from yours and you were breathless with anticipation and he stopped. Stopped long enough for you to realize that he was going to make you make the first move. You scowled at him and he laughed, but you cut him off with a firm, warm kiss. If he was going to make you kiss him first, it was going to be a good one, dammit!
And it was, he slowly started moving his lips against yours and you teased the corner of his mouth with your tongue. Then when he parted his mouth he tasted sweet, like almond and sugar and something creamy--
“The Luxembourg burgers!” you exclaimed, pulling back from him quickly.
Gwil opened his eyes, lips still apart from kissing you, and a look of confusion taking over his face, “Beg pardon?”
“The little macaron things! You ate them right? You tasted just like a macaron,” both of you blushed as you realized that you were saying these things at a higher than normal volume in a crowded market. You shook your head to get yourself back on track, “Can you take me to the bakery stall if you remember where it is? I promised my uncles to get them some.”
“Oh, of course, but I think they’re called luxemburgerli,” Gwil said with a cheeky smile, but offered you his arm all the same.
“Whatever, it’s a pneumonic device,” you said as you held onto his bicep, which was nice and firm under your fingers. “Now hurry up and lead the way, I’ve gotta get back in time for dinner with Leo and Elias.”
“Yes ma’am,” he said cheerily, doing a mock salute that made you laugh with him as he started off at a brisk pace. “I’ll have you there in no time.”
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truecrimeweekly · 3 years
Aileen Wuornos
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This week's post was inspired by one of my favorite movies, Monster. This murderer still raises so much conspiracy even almost twenty years after her death. Was this woman a victim? Or was she simply a monster?
TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of murder, rape, incest, sexual assault and abuse
Aileen “Lee” Carol Wuornos, born Aileen Pittman, was born on February 29, 1956 in Rochester, Michigan. Her parents, Diane Wuornos and Leo Dale Pittman, were very young when they had her. Diane was only fourteen and Leo was sixteen. Aileen never got to meet her father due to him spending time in mental institutions and prison for child molestation. Eventually, he killed himself in prison. When Aileen was four, her mother abandoned her and her older brother, Kieth. She left them with their grandparents, Lauri and Britta Wuornos. They officially adopted Kieth and Aileen on March 18, 1960. Being with her grandparents, her life wasn’t much better. Both Lauri and Britta were alcoholics and Aileen claimed that her grandfather physically and sexually abused her. She also claimed that he would allow his friends to do the same. She also had sexual relations with her brother. When Aileen was eleve, she began performing sexual favors in exchange for drugs or food. At fourteen, Aileen got pregnant and was placed into a home for unwed mothers, The baby was put up for adoption. Some sources say the baby’s father was her brother, others say it was an older friend of her grandfathers. I tried to find any information on the baby now, but since it was a closed adoption, there is no information to find and he most likely has no idea who his biological mother is. Shortly after Aileen returned home her grandmother passed away and her grandfather kicked her out of the house. In order to support herself, Aileen worked as a prostitute. 
In 1976, Aileen met a wealthy yacht club owner named Lewis Gratz Fell. They got married that same year, Lewis was sixty-nine at the time. Just nine weeks after their wedding, Lewis filed for divorce and got a restraining order against Aileen after she attacked him with his cane. After this, she continues her life as a prostitute. By this time, Aileen had already started her life of crime. In 1974, she was arrested for driving under the influence, disorderly conduct, and firing a .22 caliber pistol out of a moving vehicle. She failed to show up to court. In 1981, she was involved in a convenience store armed robbery. She was sentenced to prison in May of 1982 and released the following year in June. In 1986, a year Aileen would never forget, she was charged with car theft, resisting arrest, and threatening a male companion with a gun. Police also found a .22 caliber pistol and spare ammunition in her car. That same year Aileen met the one person she truly ever loved, Tyria “Ty” Moore, at a biker bar in Daytona Beach, Florida. This would be Aileen’s longest relationship, lasting four years. Aileen took care of Ty, supporting them by prostituting. Ty claimed to disapprove of this but she never left.
In December of 1989, Aileen committed her first murder. She claimed that her victim had raped her and she killed him in self defense. Though it was never brought up in court, this victim had previously done time in prison for sexual assault. He was shot six times, but the two bullets that hit his lungs were the ones that killed him. In June of 1990, her second victim was found naked and shot multiple times with a .22 caliber pistol. Days later, another body was found but was too decomposed to identify right away. Due to the similarities with the previous murders, police suspected they were killed by the same person. On July 4, 1990, a car belonging to a missing merchant seaman was found crashed. Witnesses described two women that were seen leaving the car. Police suspected Aileen after hearing the description and finding a bloody handprint that matched a fingerprint found on an item belonging to the first victim. In August of 1990, the body of a delivery driver was found shot twice also with a .22 caliber pistol. The following month, a former police chief was found in Marion County shot six times with the same gun. In November 1990, the naked body of a truck driver was found shot four times also with the same gun less than twenty-four hours after he was murdered. 
Now this next part, since I want to keep it unbiased, I’m going to tell you what I found while doing research, then I’ll tell you what I believe. Please keep in mind when you read my opinion that it is just that. I may be wrong but it is what I believe happened. When Ty realized her and Aileen were wanted, she moved back to live with her sister. Police got into contact with her and made a deal. If she convinced Aileen to confess to the murders, she would be immune to any and all consequences. Ty agreed and on January 14, 1991 she began to call Aileen, pushing her to confess, saying she was scared to go to jail. Aileen promised her she wouldn’t let that happen. Two days later Aileen confessed to killing seven men and expressed that Ty was innocent. During the trial, Ty testified against Aileen. This was when Aileen figured out that Ty was responsible for her capture and began to cry when their recorded phone calls played. Ty claimed she knew only of the first murder and told Aileen she didn’t want details because she feared having to call the police if she knew more. She claimed that Aileen didn’t seem hurt or upset when she told her that she had murdered her first victim. Ty claimed to be suspicious after Aileen kept bringing back more and more stolen property. Now, here’s what I believe happened. I think that Ty not only knew about the murders but assisted Aileen either with the killing or with hiding the bodies. I think she was a coward who didn’t want to take responsibility for what she had done so she let Aileen take the blame knowing she would because of how much Aileen loved her. I think this is why she is so protective over her identity and why she refused to let the director of Monster depict her in any way other than being Aileen’s girlfriend. (No Selby is not a depiction of Ty and her character is made up to avoid any issues.) Again, this is just my opinion. 
Only Aileen’s first murder made it to trial where she was charged with first degree murder, armed robbery with a deadly weapon and possesion of firearm of a convicted felon. Later she pleaded guilty for the six other murders, receiving a death penalty for each one. At first she had tried to say all seven murders were in self defense but  later took back her statement saying only the first was self defense. On October 9, 2002, Aileen was executed by lethal injection in Florida State Prison. Her last words were, “I’d just like to say I’m sailing with the rock, and I’ll be back like Independence Day with Jesus June 6th. Like the movie, big mother ship and all. I’ll be back.” What do you think? Was she a victim? A monster? Both?
Let me know who you would like to see next.
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fanfiction-ahoy · 4 years
First Kiss
A ROTTMNT Leo x OC blurb
After fighting alongside the turtles and becoming friends with them and April O'Neil, Minji felt like she had people to go to get away from some of her daily stresses. She was wary at first, not sure how she would fit in with their established dynamic. But months passed and it didn't take long to fall in stride with the group's antics.
She got nicknames like "pretty kitty," "foxy momma," and "hot shot" for her hero name (from Mikey), her lineage (via April and Leo), and for her talent (from Raph) respectively.
Hanging out with the turts always brought a smile to her face. Mikey made amazing food and she was always happy to lend a hand in prepping ingredients or taste testing new recipes. Donnie was great to challenge in video games and to discuss big brain topics with when she had the inkling to do so. Raph was the best for cuddles and venting, each other taking turns talking about shared interests to get their minds off the shared fear of letting their family down.
Finally, Leo; Leo was a wild card she'd yet to figure out. Minji knew that he was very fond of cheesy puns and definitely loved magic (she knew he enjoyed the fact that she can juggle balls of fire, at the very least). But what she didn't want to admit was the fact that, after so many one liners and casual touches, she might have grown feelings for the turtle. And she desperately hoped that he couldn't notice.
"What's up, Min?" A turtle greeted, popping into the girl's line of sight. She'd been deep in thought, sitting atop the skate ramp. It was a quiet day in the lair and she had dropped by when everyone was off doing their own things.
"Oh! Uh, hey, Leon," she smiled, waving a hand briefly. "I just came by to wind down after school, that's all."
The boy sat himself next to Minji, leaning back on his hands. Without looking at his friend, he stated, "I know your relatives are in town."
The way he said "relatives" made her shoulders bunch up. When her relatives came by, it was always a big kitsune party. "Who told you?"
"Your cousin sent me a pic of everyone and asked me where you were," he replied casually, shrugging as if it wasn't a big deal. Minji huffed. She knew it was a bad idea to tell anyone in her family about the turtles. But, what else could she have done when they barged into her apartment without warning? At least it was only her cousin that received the heart attack that night.
"Jiyoung shouldn't be dragging you into our crazy family business," Minji mumbled, slumping forward. "It's just that...with so many yokai under one roof, I just feel so awkward! Like, they can all change into foxes and I can't." As weird of a sentence that was, it was a fact she had yet to come to terms with. Her family was special and so was she, but the one thing that brought them together made her feel left out. Hell, she had to use a cloaking broach to make her feel like she was part of the fun family antics.
Leon placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, causing her to glance his way. "Yeah, but can all of them use mystic fire like you can?"
She hesitated. "No..." her cousins couldn't use the fox fire like she could. Even some of her older relatives sometimes struggled with the ancient technique. And she had unlocked this talent when she was a baby!
"Then stop moping about something you can't do and start embracing what you can! You're hot and they're not, Minji," the turtle teen announced, trying to get a laugh out of his friend.
Which it did. "I guess that's true, blue," she grinned, side-eying the boy. "But, I'm still not ready to go home just yet."
He nodded; he knew that hanging with them was a weird sanctuary she and April surprisingly enjoyed. "Wanna go on a walk, then? We can ditch mis hermanos y su familia and explore up top."
Minji suppressed the heat that started crawling up her neck. This wasn't a date, was it? They were just going on another one of their late night strolls. That had to be it, right? "Yeah, sure! I-I'd really like that."
Since he'd gotten up first, Leo offered his hand to pull her up. She'd taken it and once on her feet, got dragged to his room to watch him put on some human clothes. You know, to disguise his whole situation. As soon as he was ready, the two passed through the living room to grab Minji's hoodie before heading out.
Once out of the sewers, the girl took a deep breath and sighed. The air was crisp; a signal that autumn was near. That was probably another reason why the turtle had put on the outfit. Little did she know that he just wanted to feel like a normal teen hanging out with his normal crush.
Yes, Leonardo had realized his feelings for the girl were more than platonic after a couple months of getting to know her. It was a terrifying new experience for him, never really thinking that he'd have a chance at a relationship given that he was a mutant turtle. But, then Minji dropped into his life and he couldn't have asked for more.
Looking down at her, he smiled as she zipped up her tan jacket and pulled the hood over her head. It was big enough to fit him (he knew because he tried it on when asking why she insisted that she liked bigger hoodies to bundle up in) It amazed him just how much humans could vary in shape and size. She was short compared to him and his brothers; even shorter than April! But, that masked her mystic ninja background. Maybe that was what drew him in. The similarities and differences that caused their worlds to intertwine.
As the two walked along the sidewalk, they threw out jokes and talked about their misadventures. Since the streets were empty in the part of the city they chose, Minji conjurred a small blue flame and started flipping it between her fingers like a coin. Leo was amazed at how easy it was for her to use her mystic power. He still struggled with his sword and that was something he'd obtained. It wasn't something he'd inheritted through blood. He thought that made Minji much cooler in his eyes (despite the heat coming from the flames in her hands and in his heart).
There was a late-night cafe open that Leonardo had guided them to. It specialized in fresh baked desserts and milkshakes for those with a sweet tooth and habits of staying up til midnight. When the two entered, the scent of chocolate chip cookies hit them first. After getting a late night snack (and a compliment along the lines of "what a cute couple" from the cafe clerk that sent blushes to both of their cheeks), the pair decided to enjoy the rest of their night on the fire escape outside of Minji's apartment.
She'd grabbed a few pillows and blankets to sit on from her bedroom, the window of which they were situated outside of. Hunkering down, they both sipped on hot chocolate and munched on cookies for a quiet minute.
"Thanks for hanging out with me, Lee," Minji mentioned. She looked at him with a small smile, her cheeks still rosy from the clerk's earlier compliment (he dismissed her blushing, thinking it had to be from the cold and not over him).
"Hey, no problemo, chica," Leo smirked, holding his drink with both hands to keep them warm. "What are friends for?"
"Right; that's what friends are for..." Minji sighed. That comment unintentionally hurt both of them. Neither wanted to remain friends, but they were scared of how changing their dynamic might affect them and everyone around them.
A short silence filled the air, seemingly brought in by a harsh gust of cold air. The two shivered, not expecting a drop in temperature. "Hey, Leo? Do you maybe wanna go inside?"
They'd been sitting across from each other at first. With their knees up to their chests and their feet side-by-side atop of the blankets and pillows from Minji's room. He didn't realize that he was staring until she started to ramble. "We can go inside to get out of the cold and we can get more comfortable. Not that this isn't comfortable, but it is a little chilly. And we don't have to do anything! I know it's my bedroom and i-it's not like I'm expecting anything to happen but-"
Then he started his own clumsy reply, whilst standing up. "Yeah, no, totally! I-I got you; we should go inside and warm up because my feet are freezing."
Gathering up the stuff she'd brought out, making Leo trip by yanking a blanket from under him, they both scuttled through her bedroom window. Turning on a lamp, Leo got to see the simple layout of her space. A queen sized bed took up a corner of the room with a desk in the other. There was a small closet across from the bed, the fox mask he'd seen countless times hanging on the doorknob. The room was befitting of Minji.
"This is really nice, Min," he complimented, turning to look back at his friend. She was taking off her hoodie and shoes, thanking him with a soft smile.
"Will you be okay if I go change real quick? I'll be right back," she questioned, heading to the closet to change.
He replied that, yes he'd be fine, before she scurried inside the smaller space. Sitting on her bed, he tried to calm the fuzzy feeling in his stomach. Leon hadn't spent this much alone time with Minji without an interruption of sorts. Whether it be his brothers poking fun at him or something else. His train of thought was cut off by the girl walking out in an oversized long sleeve shirt, bike shorts, and fuzzy socks. With her hair tied up into a pony tail instead of her signature braid, she looked cute and cozy.
"Oh," Minji said, tilting her head at Leon. "I thought you'd change, too."
The turtle awkwardly looked about himself, quickly trying to come up with an explanation. "Oh! Ah, well, you see I didn't change because when I leave, I'll just have to put it all back on. Yeah, so, why not save myself the trouble, you know?"
"I guess you're not wrong," she agreed. "When are you gonna head out, then? It's getting pretty late and I would hate for Splinter to get mad at us."
He hadn't thought that through yet. Leo wanted to spend more time with his friend, but he also knew curfews were a thing now in the lair. "If you're feeling better, I can go right now," he smiled, gesturing to the window.
"Besides, I need my beauty rest. Do you think I look this good without a full eight hours of sleep?" He joked, striking a pose.
As she walked to her bedside, Minji chuckled, "you look good all the time, blue. I don't think it'd be that hard for you."
The comment caught the boy by surprise, literally throwing him off his game and balance. Did...did she just agree that he's good-looking? Was this an opening for a confession?
"Well, I, uh...thanks?" He recovered, placing a hand on the back of his very hot neck. "You look good, too; in fact, is it hot in here or is it just you?"
Finally sparing him a glance from a short distance away, Minji was doing her best at keeping her composure and firing back her own comments. "It's just me; thanks for noticing because I think I'm on fire," with that, she conjurred blue flames in the palm of her hand.
Breathing a relieved sigh, Leo laughed at her comeback. "If you're on fire, I think I'm at risk of burning up."
"Just don't stand too close then," she replied, putting the fire in her hand out as she sat on the edge of her bed facing the turtle.
"What if that's all I want, though?"
"Well, I-" she paused, watching as the blue banded teen approached her. "W-well-"
Standing over his friend, Leo leaned in close to her face. "Something wrong, Min? Kit got your tongue?"
"More like a turtle, but yes," she whispered, staring back at him. He was so close; close enough to feel his breath on her face. His hands moved from his sides and were placed on either side of her on the bed.
He could do it. He could kiss her right here and tell her all about his feelings. But, dios mio, was he nervous. I mean, she hadn't moved away after his advance, so that had to mean something, right? And she even shot back her own little comebacks! She had to share some of the same feelings, at the very least. Looking down at her lips, then back up, he silently hoped she got the cue.
What surprised him as he leaned in further was the fact that she did, too. Her lips met his briefly, in an awkwardly short first kiss. When they both backed up, Minji's face was bright red and she slapped a hand to her mouth. "I-I'm so sorry! I-"
She didn't get another muffled word out as Leon grabbed her hand away from her face and stole a second kiss. This one was more refined, as her other hand moved to his shoulder. This was it; he wasn't dreaming. He was finally kissing his crush! And she was kissing back! When they pulled away for air, he stated, "I'm definitely not sorry."
A text on Leo's phone interrupted the two, making the boy pull away with a grumpy sigh. It was from Donnie, letting him know that Splinter was making his rounds on the boys' rooms soon before going to bed. He groaned, wondering why something always had to ruin good things for him every time. Minji saw the text from the purple brother as the turtle placed his phone in her lap and his forehead on her shoulder.
"I'm guessing you have to go right meow, huh?" She giggled, nudging the side of his head with her cheek. He grumbled, moving his face into the crook of her neck. When he spoke, his lips brushed her hot skin. "I mean, yeah...but-!"
"No butts unless it's yours leaving my window, blue," the girl replied, trying to calm her nerves down and pushing on the boy to get him off her.
"I should take your butt with me..."
"Excuse you?"
"I said I should get going!"
"Uh-huh, sure you did," she rolled her eyes as Leo neared the exit. "I'll text ya later, okay? Gotta make sure you get home unscathed."
With his body already outside, Leo poked his head in to confirm that, yes, he'd text her when he got home. And before he could duck out, Minji bumped her forehead against his. An act that the two had grown accustomed to doing when saying goodbye after nights like these. It had been a running inside joke, since bonking heads into one another on a few occasions and once during a mission. But, it always held sentiment for the two. Now it was much more endearing than dangerous.
When the turtle got home, he was greeted by his disasterous twin. "Sooo, how was your date?"
"I-it wasn't a date! We were just talking," blue defended, failing to hide his blush. Purple rolled his eyes. "Riiight, and Galileo didn't discover the rings of Saturn."
"Did you do it, Leo? Did you finally confess to Minji!" Mikey gasped, poking his head around the corner.
"Or did she kiss you? You know, since you got that lovesick look on your face," Raph snickered, appearing behind his younger brothers.
"Ugh! Why can't you guys give me a break?!"
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How one can SET Objectives To attain WHAT YOU Want OUT OF LIFE (Part TWO)
Find out how to SET Objectives To realize WHAT YOU Want OUT OF LIFE (Part TWO)
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Best sauces; attempt the spicy ketchup. Try it; it is a guilty pleasure. As quickly as he was previous sufficient to get a job, Kupstas looked to the restaurant business, landing a gig at McDonald's, the place he ultimately became one of many chain's prestigious model ambassadors. One of the strategic priorities we discussed final yr was further refranchising of the Jack within the Box model and increasing the extent of ownership to more than ninety% of the system. And, as a result of the body is a two-half box with hinged lid, the hinges needed to be eliminated and the lid needed to be strengthened for strength and stability, ala, handmade scalloped bracing. Marginal revenue is the incremental revenue derived by an increase in manufacturing by one unit of the products. Publisher: Susan Clarke These of us who're old enough to remember the 70's probably have unhealthy recollections related to shag rugs and would somewhat not contemplate placing one in our houses.
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