#also me: I'm broke now :(
boxcarxo · 2 months
Something that's been bothering me about the Watcher thing, is the accusation that "we expect them to create content for free."
No we don't. We never did. They've never done that-- they've always gotten paid for their work.
Ads, tours, patreon, merch, and other avenues were available that they chose not to take.
They were always getting compensated for their work, the issue is that they decided that they wanted to make money exclusively off us. They didn't just want to get compensated, they needed it to be our money.
And frankly the biggest issue here is how insulting & condescending their approach to this was.
AND AND AND now that we've moved past the initial "are you fucking serious" phase, we've now started delving into things we don't want our money going to anyway. It's not just about gold ice cream, it's about homophobia. It's not about hiring too many employees, its about being dismissed and insulted by the staff/their friends/their family because we have the audacity to simultaneously be poor and have opinions.
This isn't just about the streaming service being an absolutely clown shoes decision, it's about how deeply they've dehumanized their entire fanbase (including those who can afford it and don't mind)
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andy-clutterbuck · 6 months
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SDCC 2017 Autograph Signing for Anonymous
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doggolol · 2 months
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spockandawe · 26 days
Hello! I've been kind of vanished, and I'm not confident I'm fully back yet, but I'm feeling noticeably less frazzled, and I'm ready to start catching up on the backlog of what I've been doing! To start with, I went mad with my new homeowner power and decided to paint a room. And then I decided to paint it a WILD color. And then I decided I also wanted to learn how to panel a wall. All by myself, with a hard deadline before my aunt gifted me a pile of old furniture that was going to take the room from empty to full. It was very cool and fun, but oh my god
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Also, most of the paint work quality in my home is uhhhhh indifferent, so i had some fun soeed bumps like having to cut an old mirror off the back of my door and finding at least two color strata of it being painted into place (even after filling and sanding and priming and painting, i can still see the shadow, but that's a problem for future me to continue addressing). And I picked a REALLY dark green. I knew that taking a dark color back to white would need a lot of coats, but I.... did not consider that going from white to almost black would be equally bad, even with toned primer.
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If I was doing this again, I think I would have attached the paneling after that first coat. But I think I was still underestimating how many coats it would take to darken bright white material, even with sanding for better grip. And the caulking almost broke me! My secret strategy to picking up new skills is always to underestimate how complicated they are, then power through on pride and stubbornness, but this tested me, haha
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But I really love it! It's been done for a few weeks, so I've been dragging furniture into the room and steeling myself to drill holes for the curtain rod, and the Horrors have faded and I'm considering painting another guest room. I adore this color (salamander) to pieces, and I still have another gallon, but I'm not sure I want to commit to all this again. But.... the effect is soooooo restful, and it looks SO luxe, especially with the colored outlets and wall register. It's not going to be in my next paint project, but it may come up again!
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snailsrneat · 1 year
Stubbornly Hot-Headed
Some people are really stubborn, but they pale in comparison to MC. Whose head is about as thick as a rock. Mix that with MC's anger issues, and we have a ticking time bomb. However only one person is able to reason with MC and that's their S/O.
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Azul Ashengrotto:
Azul is conflicted.
On hand he now has a third bodyguard, not that he particularly needs one.
But on the other hand, your constantly being hurt.
And on the other, other, hand you can cause a decline in his customers.
So he really is quite conflicted on your temperamental personality.
He did express these concerns to you after a lot of thought and anxiety.
And you do try your best to not be so quickly angered.
But when someone starts shit talking your boyfriend, you can only see red.
Everytime you get into a fight he makes sure to take care of your wounds whilst also lecturing you.
His favorite thing about you is probably your over protective and maybe even a bit possessive nature over him.
It has, on more than one occasion, made him blush as red as a tomato.
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Jade Leech:
Oh good heavens.
Your on your own with this my dude.
You shall never now a moment of peace in your life ever again.
Why? You might ask.
Well I'll tell you.
Because Jade is going to spend all if his free time studying you.
Testing your limits seeing just how far you can go before you become enraged by him.
But thus experiment was swiftly pushed aside when he realized the toll it had on your mental health.
Despite his very scary, often violent, and apathetic behavior he does hold some empathy for others.
Although this empathy is only given to a chosen few.
Once he comes to the realization he's hurting you he immediately stops what he's doing and begins to apologize and comfort you.
After that he does his best to never upset you too much ever again.
He doesn't ever shy away from a chance at teasing you though.
He doesn't particularly mind you fighting others all the time, he just doesn't want to deal with the repercussions of the fights.
Like the other student wanting to fight you again for example.
He deals with those who seek out a second beat down from you and gives them what they want.
Although I'd say a beat down from him is a lot more dangerous than one from you.
He loves that resting bitch face that you have. It truly compliments your caring personality towards the people you love.
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Floyd Leech:
Good luck my dude.
Because this man gives absolutely no fucks.
The moment he found out how much power he holds over you. You were done for.
He, like Jade, also loves to how far your patience with him can go before you start getting pissed off.
Turns out you don't get mad, you just cry.
Which is arguably worse in his opinion.
Once he found that out he makes sure never to take it too far.
Emphasis on too far becaIuse he's still gonna annoy you, that's just in his nature, but he won't go too far.
He prefers you to be laughing and or blushing not crying
If you get into a fight with another student he will gladly come fight with you.
A teacher will have to break up the fight because you and Floyd on the same team is very dangerous.
You both beat the shit out of everyone who dares to cross your paths.
If you get harmed during a fight he'll have Jade patch you up while he cuddles you from behind.
He finds your fighting face hot asf, and will often compliment you on it.
Which in turn makes you blush.
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lotrmusical · 8 months
final now and for always from the lord of the rings musical at the watermill!
nuwan hugh perera (sam), louis maskell (frodo), matthew bugg (gollum)
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bisexualelphie · 5 months
julie e os fantasmas (original julie and the phantoms) was so wild. like, what do you mean the boys were crushed to death by a truck? what do you mean julie has committed more than one crime? what do you mean the main triangle consists of a rockstar with a closet dnd player vs a my chemical romance revenge era rejected song? what do you mean the ghost love interest was a menace to society in life and public enemy number 1 in death? what do you mean he was tortured more than once? what do you mean there was a dude trying to enslave ghosts and this plotline only lasted two episodes????
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faofinn · 3 months
A question.
We're in a situation where there is no more Fao and Finn.
Shiv has left, taking Fao and Ely (epoch's, but too much to talk to both of us), and leaving all our fics frozen still.
As mentioned previously, you can find shiv on ao3, but all of my work has only ever been on here.
Would people be interested in a rewritten situation where the Daniels etc remain (but without Fao obv)? Fao left in prev works but removed from future? Leaving the blog frozen with no changes or additions? Completely new characters on a new blog that has zero to do with the boys?
If anyone has any tips etc, they'd be appreciated.
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chubs-deuce · 2 months
dawn having a transatlantic accent
that’s all I had to say
I brought this up to a friend on discord too (he's helped me plenty with snowballing ideas for this AU before) and he made a counter-suggestion of her having a bit of a southern drawl bc chances are Alastor might actually drop the transatlantic accent around her if he gets comfortable/tired enough
Simultaneously I think there's also a good chance she picks up some slang and pronounciations from Angel Dust as well
All in all coming together in what might be the strangest mix of accents in all of hell :'DD
I'm ngl I struggle imagining it (doesn't help that I don't really have a voice claim for her either) but it's still fun to think about the different influences the people around her might have on her <3
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okay I just need to get something off my chest. I'm a member of the lgbt+ community, and some of the discussions I've seen online about Boston have really rubbed me the wrong way tbh. like, countless people seem to imply that he's a terrible person because he's promiscuous?? there's nothing wrong with sleeping around! it's not inherently immoral! I know that in this circumstance a lot of people are saying it jokingly, but I've heard a lot of people irl - both outside of the community and within it - be really crappy and rude about m|m being promiscuous, like really looking down on them for it as if it's some sort of failing on their part. and it's not! again, in Only Friends I know there's more to it, and there's cheating and hurt feelings and whatnot involved, but Boston has not committed to a monogamous relationship with anyone and he is not morally in the wrong for simply sleeping with people. it's his body and that's his perogative! so, idk it'd just be nice if we could tone it down on the whole "Boston sleeping around makes him a terrible person" thing ig
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coquelicoq · 1 month
my family being the poster child for divorce is interesting because on the one hand there are several people who child me considered just regular family members who are now no longer in my life in any capacity which was really destabilizing but on the other hand now as an adult the concept of relationships changing and ending is so normal to me and i feel like that's actually a really useful outlook to have. also, the fact that several of my relatives' current significant others annoy the crap out of me is more bearable because it's like, wellllll, just give them a few years and they'll be outta here. lol.
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69hertz · 10 months
So me and my friends saw this post, and my friend said to me: what a funny idea for couple t-shirts: "The demon smiter" and "The demon in question"... And then I blinked and this happened:
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stillcominback · 3 months
really underestimated how much i missed rick grimes let me tell you
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teabutmakeitazure · 2 months
thoughts on sampo? 🙏
The first thing I noticed was the forearms. Then it was the low waisted pants that are barely hanging on. Then it was the v line. Then it was his voice (i play eng). ngl his voice was creepy but it grew on me. it suits him.
all in all. keep him 30 star systems away from me. he's too sus but an interesting character nonetheless. i would chase him away with a broom if he ever came near me.
hand him to Gepard.
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keeps-ache · 2 months
i don't wanna take over the world, it sounds like a lot. but you know, laying siege to a golf course sounds really nice sometimes
#just me hi#i'm giggling thinking about it hfbvhs#you can use the sandbanks for cover and if you plan far enough ahead you can start farming around those little ponds#and you can steal golf balls :D and use them as currency ?? or just collect them :3#and you could use the tennis ball guns to shoot the balls at people of course!! and you're supplied with sticks when you get there !! free#weaponry !! :D#and if you can hold out for long enough you could start planting rose and blackberry bushes in places they wouldn't look#why? bc roses Always Come Back#and blackberries will take a minute but who can get mad at a blackberry bush !! nature's surprise :D#oh and of course you could have a noble steed too (golf cart) !! :DD#and you could make the building a castle#and make a little gnome town in the fields once the battle is over#OH you could build a miniature golf in and around the town too :D for the funsies#/places are very cool i like places#could some be used better? oh yea for sure#i have dreams for abandoned malls hfvbs - some of my favorite places ever#that's one big odd thing i want. to have a mall to live in hfhs :3#is it a lot of space ? ye. but it's also SOO much space.. the possibilities !!#//anyway i Need to go for a walk in a city sometime soon lol#i miss the riverwalk aaa#GASP campus martius during the winter. my dearest#i didn't realize the threshold for being a city was so low lmao ?? like man these are just big towns what is this hfvbsh#//but aside from the city pining MAN#i got to drive earlier today ('got to' they put me in the seat and it wasn't very fun hfvbshf) and oooohhh#you know that feeling on a roadtrip when it's all worth it for just a little while.maybe when you broke over the top of a hill or looked up#from whatever you were doing to find a storm ahead and the rear lights of the cars seemed to blink in agreement with how gorgeous it all is#just that hfbsh :3#i like places a lot. sobs [<- crying candy hearts]#//okey i'm goin to go do my somethings now hfvhs :3 :D#music and caffeine are SO good ehehhehghhg [slinkies away so fast]
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I return ... and oh my goodness do I feel so happy ~! Turns out that the next big scene I want to write decided it was going to be a separate thing, so now I have two fics in the same doc ... but that's okay because they're related. A pair. Do not separate. /lh
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