#also look how i evoked that bit in Thor where loki talks thor into an invasion while saying he didn't so that tumblr believes him
nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
Small answer id that Odin is a thorki shipper
(Jk but seriously does Odin know what kingdom alliance means)
While i was spending my literally-at-least-minutes thinking about Odin's Shit Plan one thing that occurred to me was that since getting Loki actually onto that throne would probably require military support from Asgard (some people might call that "sending an occupying force to install a puppet regime to de facto annex new territory" but obviously i would never do so, ahem) then Loki actually being the heir by law wouldn't really matter at that point either way. Odin may as well send Thor to Jotunheim instead, and then when he inherits Asgard the crowns are united and no more war ever again.
In Thorki terms however what happens is Loki is sent off to Jotunheim alone and sad and weeping, with his slim willowy build and his beautiful soft hair all he has to support himself with, and Thor is like "This doesn't seem... good? He knows fuck all about Frost Giants and doesn't know anyone there and also I miss him. Not in an incest way, OBVIOUSLY. I love him as a brother, I do not crave his touch upon my broad warrior's chest."
He stands at the Bifrost angsting hotly until a dishevelled Asgardian who went off to serve with the Suddenly King Of Jotunheim shows up to say "Yeah that didn't work. Nobody believes he's Lauffey's kid and they don't want him anyway." Oh no! Thor is shooketh and aghast! SHIT JUST GOT REAL!
He grabs an eight-legged horse (it's been hanging around for a while, nobody knows where it came from - WTF 8 legs??? - but it's always reminded him a wee bit of Loki so he likes it) and he heads to Jotunheim to save his bro! Then he stops, doubles back, gathers an army and heads out again, this time properly equipped with more than optimism and love. Brotherly love and not incest love OF COURSE.
And then idk everyone fights and in the aftermath it turns out that WAS incestuous love after all I guess? Thor tells Loki that you know what our dad's a bit of a dick, sending you off like that barely supported and away from me I mean from Asgard. And Loki's like yeah he is. I hate that bastard so much now. >:(
And Thor says Well it occurs to me that one of us is the theoretical heir to Jotunheim albeit not successfully so, and the other is the heir to Asgard and like... well if dad died I'd be king of Asgard and I would totally commit all my forces to supporting you over there. Might even. You know. Marry the two kingdoms together symbolically and literally. If you'd be into that. But this plan would rely on me being king and dad might just live forever so. Ah well, it was nice idea, right?
And Loki says, I don't know if you've noticed but we've still got that army from three paragraphs ago and that leaves Asgard basically undefended and WHAT IF - I'm not saying it's a good idea but WHAT IF... we told them Odin had been replaced by like. A witch? An evil witch pretending to be him. And that we need to go there and kill him to save Asgard from him. This sounds a bit unlikely yeah but would both of Odin's sons lie about a thing like that? And if Odin isn't really Odin then you'd be king now anyway so they'd be sworn to follow you and... As I said, just an idea. We probably shouldn't do that.
And then Thor has a think about it all (which takes a while as he is slightly Stupid!Thor in this story) and then he stands up and calls out to the army who were offscreen for the intimate dialogue bit but otherwise conveniently close, "RIGHT LADS I've just heard some bad news about Odin."
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loxxxlay · 3 years
actually one brief rant -- it is interesting because i feel like a lot of the ragnarok discourse is characterized by: an emotionally explosive reaction to one very specific scene while ignoring the smaller, less emotionally jarring scenes that give a much broader context.
so on the surface those anti-ragnarok posts look like a really good analysis - because they ARE a really good analysis.... of that one specific scene.
but in divorcing that scene from the context, the analyzer betrays their own agenda.... similar to the way cancel culture will alienate one single line from its context to paint a certain picture of a person (though ofc less amoral considering this is fiction)
and its like... i get it. because that One Scene or that other One Scene evoked such emotion in you that, of course, it became ur center of focus.. whereas the scenes that didnt evoke emotion for u are harder to remember. but see, that is the exact textbook definition of Bias, and good analysis strives to find some level of objectivity (an impossible standard for us humans but makes for more compelling arguments when we try).
like i often try to say, the movie doesnt care how u feel about it. the movie doesnt give a shit if u liked it or didnt like it. the movie only cares about its own universe and its own metric and its own logic. the movie only cares about how its different little aspects build upon each other into a whole. the movie only cares about how it was trying to make u feel.
understanding what it was trying to do AND whether or not it was working is the building block to good analysis. and ragnarok discourse talks a lot about how it wasn't working... but NOT a lot about what it was trying to do.
for example (note: i dont feel this way, just giving an objective alternate perspective to show how this might work), good anti ragnarok discourse might take my recently reblogged post and say "the scene before the elevator was thor trying to open a conversation with loki to apologize about the hurt he had caused, but that scene wasnt very emotionally compelling or memorable bc of the fact that it was happening adjacent to a distracting fight sequence. later, it fell even more flat because the obedience disc scene contradicted many of thor's statements and was a lot more emotionally arousing and evisceral - thus, it was more memorable in comparison, making the earlier scene feel inadequate"
but instead all we see is "wow thor electrocuted his brother after centuries of already dominating him pre-thor; what a fucking ableist movie" ... which like sure, its a valid take for that scene if you would like to argue it (note: pls dont where i can see it T.T) but like... pre-thor is a context from a long time ago and another movie... is that pre-thor context relevant to this scene, according to the movie's intent? if so, then how did this scene remind you of it? what specific techniques did the movie use to bring it up for you?
like... we dont watch a movie scene about a girl getting chocolate cake for her birthday and think "omg this scene is conveying Abuse bc *i* dont like chocolate cake and forcing me to eat chocolate cake on my bday would be abusive." we consider the girl's reaction to the cake. we consider the narrative's opinion on what chocolate cake means in this specific context.
AND ITS TOTALLY VALID to be like "well even tho the movie is telling The Story of a Good Bday Party, i kinda wish they had writen a story about an abusive bday party instead bc that would have fit my personal preference better and i wanted to see a story like that about these characters." but that doesnt necessarily make it an objectively bad movie*. it just means u didnt like it.
(unless u can tie it to a Commonly Done and Very Clear perpetuation to a systemic problem in society... but even then u have to do the work of proving it... and avoiding sounding like ur in favor of censorship. and im not seeing that work get done very compellingly either.)
and i know the above examples are a BIT of an overexaggeration... but it's to help ppl get practice in seeing what this shit looks like for when its NOT so obvious. next time u see an anti-ragnarok (hell even a pro-ragnarok) post, consider not only what the poster is saying but also what they are NOT saying. which scenes are they NOT bringing up? are any of those scenes relevant? do any of those scenes possibly change the meaning of the post or add complexity? what made those scenes succeed or not succeed depending on ur opinion? and i guarantee that u will either start to see massive holes in their arguments or at least start to see places where u can ADD to their arguments constructively so that they stop leaning so aggressively into anti-other-ppl's-opinions territory idk
tldr; maybe id be more down to read ragnarok discourse more if it literally followed the Supporting Evidence -> Alternate Take -> Rebuke format that our poor english professors begged us to learn and we ignored... instead of this, like, total echo chamber of biased thoughts.
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scribeofmorpheus · 3 years
Himmeløyne [27/?]
Pairing: Loki Odinson x Reader
Catch Up Here | Masterlist
Warnings: None
A/N: Wowieeee, it's been a long time since I've written a chapter this long. It feels like the old days. But also, I wrote this without my glasses, so... there will be errors.
Taglist is open! Reblog, comment or leave a like please ☺
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“Do you think we’ll be hanged?” Fandral asked from his cell. It wasn’t intended as a question to the room. From his tone, he certainly wasn’t in the mood for conversation, but in need of anything besides the quiet of the prison area. “I think I’d hate a hanging. There hasn’t been one in centuries. You think it will be public?”
In the parallel cell, Sif paced about. Checking the golden barriers of her cage and then pounding her fists against the barrier couple of times. Each hit barely made a sound, let alone a dent. Adjacent to your own cell, Heimdall struggled to stay upright. He looked won out. In need of a long, long sleep. Normally, seeing him in distress would make you worry, but nothing felt normal with the amulet on.
“I’m not sure I’d prefer banishment either,” Fandral kept speaking.
“At least you’ get to keep your pretty head,” Volstagg chimed in, annoyed. His face was getting redder. It seemed his friend's ruminations were becoming tiresome to listen to. “Which is better than what I’ll do to you if you don’t shut up for a minute!”
“Yggdrasil’s branches!” Sif huffed. “I can’t hear myself think with you all yapping like starved pups!”
Her tone was different from everyone else’s. Sharper. That made them afraid. Talking was a way to keep distracted. With Sif’s outburst, everyone was forced to face that silence they were too afraid to let settle. Well, everyone except Heimdall and Hogun. You, on the other hand, weren’t feeling much of anything. Strange…
“Leave them be, Sif,” Hogun said softly. His face was calm, legs crossed at the ankle as he reclined comfortably on his cot, eyes closed. “Everything will work itself out.”
“You sound so certain,” she seemed surprised. “Why?”
“Because,” Hogun stretched, sitting up on crossed legs. “One way or another, everything always reaches a conclusion.”
 Fandral let out a shaky laugh, “You’re a real comfort.”
 Hogun shrugged, “Could be worse. You could have had Thor for a cellmate. You know how he hates small spaces. Especially if he’s confined in said small places.”
Sif tried to fight her smile, a reminiscent look on her face. All the warriors had it. Even Heimdall. It must have been a shared memory. Before your time.
“That big oaf,” Sif finally let her teeth show through the smile.
As the others began to trade anecdotes from the past, mainly about Thor’s claustrophobia and a previous stint in prison, Heimdall scooted closer to you, his back pressed up against the barrier o his cell, head turned at an angle to meet your eyes.
“Are you alright?” he squinted at the amulet and then focused on your face. He was searching for something, you weren’t quite sure he found. A moment later, he sighed. “Can you even hear me?”
Yes, you said. But he didn’t respond. He didn’t hear.
He wasn’t discouraged by his inability to communicate two ways with you. He soldiered through and found another question to ask, “Does it hurt?”
It doesn’t feel like anything, you said. Again, he didn’t hear.
He was frowning now, asking question after question as if the right one would get you to open your mouth. A task so simple, yet so difficult to do.
Minutes passed—or maybe hours—when guards came to round everyone out of their cells. Everyone except you. There was a commotion. Some unpleasant words exchanged. Someone tried to rile up the Captain from before. She ignored them, acting above reproach. An impenetrable shield, shining with true Asgardian worth. The guards never lowered your cell’s barrier, and after another minute—or hour—you finally registered that you were alone in the prison ward. It didn’t bother you though. Nothing did. Not even the spot of blood that marked the spot where two guards were knocked unconscious by Loki’s hands. Two more stood slack, in a headlock between Thor’s large arms. Frigga was with them too, casting sleep spells on the last few on guard duty.
The barrier to your cell faded in the blink of an eye.  Faster than lightning, Loki rushed to your side, cradling your body against his own. He felt strong, like an anchor in the impossible storm. Smiling seemed the right thing to do, but you weren’t sure if you managed to.
He was trembling, his body hot from exertion. He kept his voice a whisper, his words only for you. “When I saw that the cells were empty, I thought… I don’t know what I thought. But you’re here. I wasn’t too late. I found you again. I have you in my arms again and I promise not to let go. Never to let go.”
Those words should have meant the world. You should have been elated. Relieved. But there was still nothing.
When you didn’t reply or lean into his touch, Loki pulled back to study you. He tugged at the clasp, but the amulet refused to separate. It took a while for Frigga to understand what was happening, to notice the amulet for what it was.
As Loki turned to use his magic against the amulet’s hold, Frigga raised a hand in warning, “No, Loki, wait—”
Loki’s magic was invasive to the amulets, and you felt the ancient device retaliate, slapping his magic away. He was knocked back on his ass before Frigga could finish her sentence.
She knelled next to you, tearing a piece of fabric from her skirts and chanting below a whisper. The fabric began to shimmer, imbued with magical essence.
“The amulet siphon’s magic, drains the wearer and attacks anyone who tries to take it off,” she explained. “You have to trick it into focusing its curse on something else, and then…” She wrapped the fabric around her hand and used it to unclasp the amulet. As it fell, the fabric was turned to nothing in a flash of cold fire. The amulet dropped onto the floor. Loki and Frigga were cautious not to touch it.
You shuddered to life. Everything bright and real. The floor was cold. Your body was every bit as tired as you remembered. And the pull of Loki’s magic returned. Beautiful. Right.
He rushed to hold you again, and this time you reciprocated. Wrapping your arms around his midriff and clinging onto him as if he were the source of all life.
“I love you,” you said abruptly.
The air left his lungs. His chest grew still. Unmoving. You loved how that sounded. His heart racing. Your words. Everything about that imperfect moment suddenly became perfect.
You laughed, euphoric. “I really do. I love you.”
You looked up to him, saw his shock and adoration and a mix of every look he’d ever given you worn under one instant. His lips quivered. He tried to speak. To breath. But he was stunned in silence.
“I regretted not telling you before,” you kissed him. Your body finding solace in the proximity. Your heart beating strong and steady, in a way it never had before. In a way that promised forever. To love forever. To live forever. To be near him forever. You had forgotten what it felt like to be exhilarated. To actually cherish each heartbeat. And, as if a flood had passed over your body, you felt renewed. Loved. You poured all of yourself into the kiss, into him. And he drank gleefully. Greedily.
“Ahem!” Thor cleared his throat, obviously flustered from witnessing you and Loki’s moment. “I’m… Uh—I’ll just… be… over there… keeping watch for patrols.” He stalked over to the staircase and pretended to keep watch. Cheeks turning tomato red.
The kiss finally broke and you both needed more than a few seconds to fill your lungs with air again.
Loki grinned from ear to ear, “To think, I’ve waited countless of your lifetimes to feel this way about anyone, and you only needed the one. I knew I was missing something since I was a little boy. You restored that part of me. Gave me the chance to see that I could be something whole. You’ve healed a broken prince, and I wish I could give you more but… I suppose… this will have to do…” He trailed off, staring intently at your face. “I’ll love you fiercely for every lifetime I spent without you. Half-mortal or not, I’ll love you a thousand year’s worth every moment of every day. For as long as we have.”
“That’s a big promise.”
“No. It’s just what you deserve.”
“Then you deserve the same. It goes both ways, so that makes two thousand year’s worth.”
He arched his brow, some of that self-assuredness he used to carry with him returned. “That’s technically not true.”
A mounted torch holder fell off the wall with a loud clang! Everyone turned to see Thor kicking the polished bronze ornament into a darkened corner. He held up his hands in a silent apology. Loki rolled his eyes.
“My brother with his insightful contribution,” Loki said, tongue-in-cheek. Loud enough for Thor to hear this time, he asked: “Would you like to make a little more noise? I don’t think every guard in the lower levels heard you.”
“I just might,” Thor grumbled, placing his hand close to another torch holder. Daring his brother to say another word.
“I don’t mean to cut this short,” Frigga interjected, helping you up off the floor. “But if we mean to do this, we must get to the others before Odin has had time to pass judgement. After that his will is paramount. Not even the Rite of Conscription will save your companions.”
You wobbled on your feet and Loki instinctively slinked an arm around your waist. You leaned into him.
“What is the Rite of Conscription?” you turned to Loki.
He frowned, “It’s… It’s the best of my bad ideas. Conscription can only be evoked by senior members of the Asgardian royal family. Once enacted, it places a subject in a position of servitude. They become agents of the court and crown. And it also means, they cannot be tried as traitors. Once conscripted, they have full protection under the King, or, in this case, Queen.”
“Sounds simple enough,” you said. Loki’s expression didn’t reassure though. “But… it’s not, is it?”
 “No. Conscription for you, given how little we know about your true lifespan, it could end up being a life sentence.”
“But I have no home to return to. No family besides Heimdall…” you felt a wave of dizziness and had to clutch onto Loki’s jacket to keep steady. His fingers found yours. He twined them together, holding them close to his chest. You looked up at him. “Up until recently, I was ready to accept Asgard as my new home. For good.”
“But it wouldn’t just be you, my dear,” Frigga pointed out. “We’d have to conscript them all to Asgard’s service. Forever. They’d never have the chance to become anything different in the future. Neither would you.”
A life of servitude in exchange for freedom from Odin’s unpredictable wrath. Or was it his illogical fear? If you had to make the choice alone, you wouldn’t hesitate, even if it landed you in a precarious position in the future. But you couldn’t dare play arbiter of fate over everyone else’s lives. That would be selfish. And you’d be no better than Odin.
“I don’t think I can agree to this,” you said solemnly. “If it was only me that had to make the decision, then… maybe. But, I was only just beginning to get to know everyone. I don’t want to be a source of tension. And Heimdall’s the only family I have left. From what he’s told me, of the Great War, of his people, conscription would be a cruel thing to do without even talking to him about it. This whole mess started because of scheming and secrecy. We can’t continue that pattern.”
Frigga’s eyes flitted to your hand interlocked with Loki’s, a new thought percolating to the surface. “Family,” she murmured.
“What?” you asked.
“Handfasting!” she said hastily, her voice the loudest you’d ever heard it.
Loki’s eyes went large, “You can’t mean…”
Frigga nodded, taking one of your hands in each of her own.
“We don’t have a priestess,” Loki spoke too quick, anxious.
“I don’t—” you tried to get a word in, but Frigga talked over you.
“It’s the best alternative. At the very least, it will grant us a year of peace. A year we can use to persuade Odin to forgive whatever transgressions he found so grave that he’d risk imprisoning the protector of the Bi-frost. I know him. If he truly wanted this, he’d have acted without hesitancy. This—” she gestured towards the prison “—this is all to buy time. He’s undecided. So we must decide for him.”
Loki brushed off her explanation, unwilling to listen, “He’s the king. His will is law. If he truly didn’t want this, he wouldn’t have done it.”
Frigga shook her head, a wizened edge hanging on her words, “Only tyrants rule in that manner. And he is not his father.”
“What does Bor have to do with any of this?” Loki said, eyeing his mother suspiciously. She dismissed his prying with a flick of her wrist. She did it with the same flourish that Loki did.
You looked to Thor then back to Frigga, lost. “Is anyone going to tell me what handfasting is, or—”
“It’s a marriage,” Thor blurted out.
Now it was your turn to go silent.  
“Subtle, brother. Thank you for that,” Loki chided. He placed his attentions back on you in an effort to explain things more smoothly, avoiding your gaze. “Handfasting isn’t exactly as binding as marriage. Handfasting is like… a trial period. It was used in arranged marriages to see if the betrothed were… agreeable. It was also a way to end disputes politically. Give the respective sides time to assess and recuperate.”
“I see,” was all you could muster, your voice small.
“In fact, Odin and I were handfasted,” Frigga said. “And if you have any doubts, remember, as Loki said, it isn’t binding. But as a betrothed, your family gains diplomatic immunity. And since Heimdall is Vanir, both of you fall under allies, not subjects.”¨
Finally, you found your voice. “What of Sif and the others?” 
“They’d be protected too,” she assured you. “The handfasting period is a period of peace. If anyone acts out violently, then they disrespect the old ways. And Odin is too traditional. The old ways are his ways. His father’s ways. He will respect the year of peace. I’ll make sure of it.”
You took a sure, deep breath. Steeling yourself. You had dreamed of a future with Loki. Years spent discovering each other, learning of intimacies beyond touch. Sharing desires and thoughts. Spending days in the library, discovering more about your peoples, more about your magic. It may not have included a mysterious boy from Verdenspeil. Or a handfasting ceremony as a last-ditch effort to one-up Odin, but then again, your life on Asgard had been far from ideal. Loki waited for your answer, his eyes holding a darker edge to them; desire. Frigga and Thor waited with bated breath, both their postures too ramrod straight, towering over you. Expecting an answer.
“Then, my answer is yes.” You smiled, both anxious and excited. There was a shared sigh of relief in the room.  
Frigga turned to her son, happy for him. He pressed his forehead to yours and mimicked your actions.
“Yes,” he said with a laugh caught in his throat.
Frigga whispered a spell, and suddenly, a spool of ribbon inked itself between your hand and Loki’s. Twisting into an infinity loop at the wrist. You thought of the snake from the cave, then immediately, you remembered the dream with the snake in the cave. Something in you stirred. Through your conjoined hands, you felt Loki’ magic reciprocate that feeling. A yearning. He looked at you with a devilish smirk, making heat spread in your belly. You almost turned away, face too hot.
Frigga’s chant ended. The lyrical music notes of it lost to your unfamiliar ears. Loki and Thor seemed to recognise some of it. You made it a point to remember to ask one of them about it. Especially since the last line made Loki blush.
“I need something to seal the incantation. Something with magic imbued,” Frigga said, searching the surroundings for anything that could work.
Thor opened his fist and after a few seconds of awkward silence, his hammer came crashing through the walls perpendicular to where he was facing. Rumble rolled to your feet, and Frigga looked at him with the most motherly expression you’d ever seen.
“Will this do?” Thor shrugged and held the hammer above you and Loki’s linked arms.
“Just,” Frigga said as she finished off the incantation. A torrent of light, holding all the colours of the rainbow encircled the spot of union.
Everything was as clear as a summer’s morning. Colour giving life to the room. Magic tingling everywhere.
Frigga cleared her throat, “Marked by magic, and witnessed by a prince of Asgard, do you, Loki, and your betrothed, vow to keep the peace and set aside any grudges and conflicts for one year? Do you vow to share, in confidence, the truth of your thoughts and the full extent of your feelings for one another, whatever they may be, however they might grow?”
“I vow,” he said, openly.
A roucus above the floor alerted you to a group of guards immobilising on your position. Distracted, your head tilted up, as if you could will yourself to see through the stone. Your heart quickened and Frigga nudged you. Thor’s jaw tightened, but he didn’t move his hammer an inch.
“Dear, you have to vow,” she brought you back to the present.
“Yes. I vow,” you nodded, trying to stay calm.
Frigga concentrated her magic, her palms coming close. “Then, with these words, I bind you to one another. Bind you in peace. And hope a union will spring from your time together.”
Frigga’s eyebrows drew close together, her hands straining to maintain the magic. A bead of sweat meandered across her temple. And with a grunt, Mjölnir went flying into the wall, a burst of energy exploding out war. Frigga released her grip, panting. “It is done. You are handfasted.”
“Was that supposed to happen?” Thor pointed to the new hole in the wall.
Frigga shook her head, “No. There was…” she regarded you carefully, making sure not to let her face betray whatever she was thinking. “Resistance. It—It’s probably nothing. We’re all tired. We’ve all been through ordeals. It could simply be fatigue.”
You glanced at your tattoo. It had cracks along the artificial ribbon, as if unfinished. The colour of bright emeralds flawed by golden veins. Hints of cerulean in the right lighting. The triquetra, Mjölnir’s symbol, had formed an endless pattern on the ribbon. Easily missed, and of delicate line work. The prick and bristle of the tattoo's magic was bewildering. Sparking with a deeper connection than you could articulate. It wasn’t just the symbol of a bond, but an actual link to both you and Loki.
Loki rushed to his mother’s side, placing a hastened kiss on your forehead beforehand. Thor’s palm called out to Mjölnir and it returned with the sound of thunder rumbling outside. The hoard of guards descending upon you sounded closer. Their voices louder.
“Bit much, don’t you think?” Loki frowned at Thor.
 “Subtlety is lost on me,” Thor said.
“Yes, well… you wouldn’t be my brother if it wasn’t.”
Thor and Loki shared a moment. Their bickering giving way to something deeper. Something neither of them would voice aloud anytime soon. It was trust. A different kind of love. Greater than blood.  
“We should get out of here,” Thor began spinning his hammer and suddenly a gut-punching realisation hit you.
You yanked on Thor’s bulky arm, “Wait! Where’s Baldrick?”
All three of them looked at you, confused.
“Who?” they asked simultaneously.
The child that had come through the portal with Heimdall and Y/N was strange. Odin had brought him to his study and asked him questions.
The boy—Baldrick as he came to introduce himself—possessed knowledge beyond his years. An aura to him, almost ancient, yet also too young, too powerful. Odin had given him a puzzle to solve, one that required intimate knowledge of magic and science. Baldrick had fiddled with the pentagon-shaped object with a blasé expression. He had solved it faster than Odin had when his father had presented him with the same challenge.
“Astounding,” Odin remarked as the boy set the puzzle down. Baldrick busied himself by staring at the books in Odin’s study. He had made it a point not to speak beyond saying his name.
The boy seemed so familiar. A likeness in his small face.
Odin knew he was biding time by trying to figure out how Baldrick’s mind worked, but he was thankful for the distraction. When Loki had pounded at his door, demanding an audience, Baldrick had studied Odin as if he was the old man and Odin was the boy. It was a peculiar feeling.
When Aisling had been the one to knock on his door, hiding her true thoughts behind pleasantries, he knew he couldn’t put it off any longer. A judgement needed to be passed. After all, the Allfather does not lash out on a whim. He’s concise. Calculative. And pragmatic. And he had pushed things too far when he’d sent the Destroyer.
Regret. That’s what had been eating him since Loki fell unconscious. And what had he done once his son awoke? Cowered away. All in the name of protecting his family’s legacy and keeping the truth of his father’s reign buried. It was his curse. His duty. But, at least it hurt less than what he did to Hela. That was a transgression he could never make right, failing as a father.
 He left the boy in his study. Odin feared he may have been more perceptive to emotion. And emotion was the last thing he cared to face.
 Heimdall was held down by the straining arm of a member of the royal guard. His knees kissing stone. Beside him, Sif and her companions held the same posture; necks refusing to stay weighed down, heads facing Odin with arms tied behind their backs, armour stripped for simple clothing.
 “What am I to do with you?” Odin finally spoke. His fingers ghosted over the intricate designs carved into his stave, feeling the schism between each drawn line and folded knot; feeling the obvious divide in his family and peoples. With a sigh, he continued, “Disobedience, theft, evasion and escape. Worst of all, you all knowingly defied the will of your king. One son wasted away in a tower, the other in taverns. And Frigga… My health is barely as it was. What would you have me do? Make an example of you? Show you lenience? Leave you to the mercy of the Destroyer?”
“Do as you wish. I have made my peace with my decisions, and I’d do it all again to ensure my daughter was safe,” Heimdall said.
His voice wasn’t intended to sound defiant, but lately, to Odin’s suspicious ears, everything sounded suspect.
“Safe?” Odin didn’t mean to condescend, but he couldn’t help but laugh. “And can you say the same for everyone in this room? Sif? Volstagg? Hogun? Even you, Fandral? Could you all say that you’d go to the gallows for an outsider? A mortal?”
“Half. Mortal.” Heimdall corrected. A withheld threat somewhere beneath his red-hot glare.
“Now, hold on a minute,” Fandral’s voice fumbled, “that seems an overreaction.”
“Is it not part of our teachings to show benevolence to those that see us as more?” Sif challenged, hurling the guard that held her down over her shoulder. “A mere mortal? You’re the Allfather, the one Midgardians pray to, the one whose story they carve onto mountains. Even if she wasn’t Heimdall’s daughter, it is our duty to protect her, to protect all of them.”
The guard tried to retaliate, but Odin held up his hand, stopping their advances.
“Your notions are young,” Odin said with a sad smile. “I miss seeing the world as simply as you all do, but that is not our reality. And that is why you do not bear the weight of a ruler. I hope none of you do.”
Heimdall watched him closely as he stood to walk closer. Some of that trust they’d built over years of infighting and war was still there, despite them both trying to act otherwise. Bonds of war and patricide were hard to shake.
“Are you still willing to risk everything to keep this fragile peace? This lie?” Heimdall asked. When Odin did not give an answer, Heimdall lamented to himself, “So, this is how it is then.”
“I must pass judgement now. Chaos cannot stand,” Odin quieted the room with a strike of his stave. The room grew very still. Then, Thor’s hammer burst through the door, causing a commotion.
Odin’s breath was stolen away when he saw Frigga stride in a few paces behind their son. And his heart stopped entirely when he saw the tell-tale ribbon tattoo shared between Loki and Y/N.
To his surprise, he was relieved.
“No judgement shall be passed today!” Frigga announced. “No judgement shall be passed until the year is over.” She walked over to pull attention to Loki and Y/N’s matching tattoos. “They are handfasted, and the rules of the old ways are clear. Y/N and her Father, being both of the Vanir, both of my homeworld, cannot be harmed. Nor can they be tried by the king of another realm. Especially since it is your son who is handfasted.”
Odin smiled, and everyone in the room was shocked by his response, “The old ways are sacred, and so, I accept your conditions.” His smile grew wider, “My Queen.”
Frigga walked over to his side easily.
He struck his stave once more and gestured for the guards to stand down. Y/N rushed to Heimdall’s side helping him up, while Sif and Thor and the Warriors Three had their own little reunion.
Yes, he thought to himself. This is a far better outcome.
“Mark today as the start of a passive year. A year of peace,” he decreed.
“Where’s Baldrick?” Y/N demanded, a protective scowl on her face.
Curious, he thought. That they’d form such a bond in such small time. The boy obviously had a way of influencing those around him. Albeit, passively.
Odin was about to answer when the boy shimmered into the room as if summoned, a favourite of Loki’s tricks. Loki stared at the boy, noticing the same thing.
“I am here,” Baldrick said. Y/N took large strides to his side and offered her hand to him. Baldrick walked to the other side, accepting the arm that wasn’t marked by the tattoo instead.
“Well, that was rather unpleasant,” Volstagg stretched, his stomach growling deeply. “How about some good, old fashioned merriment and song tonight?”
“Aye! I have a bone to pick with you all for abandoning me in a tavern to go off on your own adventure,” Thor pouted.
Sif ribbed his arm casually, “You were brooding. You’re utterly useless when you brood.”
“I am not!” he refuted.
“You are too,” Fandral and Loki said simultaneously.
Hogun patted Thor’s back, a teasing smirk on his lips, “Wait until you hear of the snake made of stone.”
Frigga walked over to Loki’s side, whispering something in his ear. He adjusted his collar as if he couldn’t breathe. His gaze fell on Y/N as he strode purposefully to her side. But before he could reach her, Heimdall blocked his path, imposing and large as he looked down at him with a set jaw.
“You and I have much to discuss,” Heimdall glanced at the handfasting tattoo with disapproval. “But,” he sighed, letting his body shrink lower, “it can wait till the morning, I suppose. Your father and I have much to sort through.” He turned to Odin and they both nodded in agreement.
Loki heaved a sigh when Heimdall turned his back. Y/N and Loki shared a secret laugh--the kind Odin had shared with Frigga in youth--before he got on his knee and extended his hand to the small boy.
“I’m Loki,” he said. “I take it, you’re Baldrick?”
Heimdall came to stand close to Odin, arms folded. “Where do we go from here?”
Odin sat back on his throne, his bones aching. “We let them savour their youth.”
“And what happens once the year is done?”
Odin eyes the dispersing crowd, unsure of how to answer that question.
 To be continued...
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Tags: @mejohanssonwrites​ @tarynkauai​ @wanderlust-travler @ladybugsfanfics​ @electroma89​ @texmexdarling​ @fire-in-her-veinz​ @whosaidididthat​ @themusingsofmany​ @adefectivedetective​ @marvelschriss​
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11 notes · View notes
peachyteabuck · 4 years
pull you out of here
summary: asgard needs a queen, thor wishes to defy his father, and you seem to be the solution to both
pairing: dark!thor odinson x reader
words: 4,971
trigger warnings: dark possessive thor, stalking, emotional manipulation, heavy dubcon, smut, slight breeding kink, heavy angst, cheating, unhealthy relationships 
ask box / masterlist / commission info / ko-fi
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To say that Thor was mad would be an understatement. To say Frigga cared would be a complete lie.
“He’s trying to get me to marry, Mother,” he nearly screams. Nonetheless, the woman remains calm. “To cede some of my power to some woman!”
Frigga watches her son stomp around her chambers with a watchful eye, never moving from her seat across the room. She’s watched her son – her lovely, wonderful son – perform this long-winded act many times before; when Loki came into their lives, whenever Frigga had to force them to share. Thor, in classic eldest-sibling fashion, thoroughly disliked anyone impeding on what he thought to be his.
His toys, his room, his room, his power. All of it, everything he wished for, was his.
This included his throne, apparently, as is made obvious by his red-faced rambling.
“What, is he going to pluck some maiden from the streets of Asgard? Make her some puppet for during in my rule?” he’s stomping now, nearly spitting.
He stays like that – acting the same way he did when Loki stole a single potato from his plate when he was old enough to walk and talk and feel but young enough to not have a single muscle on his lanky body.
Just like usual, he eventually tires himself out, using his last bit of energy to bark in the general direction of a servant to get him some ale. He sits in the chair across from his mother, elbow resting on his knees.
Thor’s voice is quieter now, much more pensive. “Mother, what am I going to do?”
Frigga waits for the servant to bring the large drink and for Thor to gulp half of it down before responding. “What you father wants is for you to have a bride – it’s important to the people you rule over. What your father wants –“
“Is for me to give my power to some woman,” Thor scoffs into his drink. “I’m aware.”
Frigga rolls her eyes. “No, darling. What your father wants is to make sure the woman is to his tastes.”
Her son scoffs. “What does that mean?”
“It means, if you picked a woman from say,” the woman shrugs. “Midgard, then he wouldn’t be able to say no to her for fear of backlash from the Asgardians,” Thor smiles as she continues talking, now understanding. “They love their humans, you know.”
They laugh together, happy as their devised their plan: Thor would leave the next day for Midgard, spend some time there, woo some woman he knows will not impede too much into his duties as king.
So, when Thor saw you in that faded orange cardigan, the leggings that showed off your thick thighs, and a well-loved t-shirt that looked incredibly soft with your hair piled on top of your head and fuzzy socks on your feet and you yawning so adorably as you waited for your coffee to be finished, he knew he had to have you. Sure, maybe he was being shallow when he thought about being buried between your thick thighs or laying on your large breasts, and maybe he should’ve learned more about your personality before calling you his “dream girl.” But still, he knew you were the one and he needed to get you to fall in love with him ASAP.
There were a few problems with this mission:
First: he didn’t know your name, your job in the tower, or how to find you. He knew you as “the adorable one who likes coffee,” which doesn’t narrow it down, especially because they were in New York and more specifically Stark Tower, where everyone within city limits was running on two gallons of coffee, anxiety, and institutional access to research databases.
Second: after pestering every Avenger he could find, Thor found out that you had a boyfriend. A long-term one, too. About five years is what Steve begrudgingly told Thor after the God broke into his personal gym during his morning run on the treadmill (that day it was hailing, and Captain America will put up with a lot – but he refuses to get hit in the face with golf-ball sizes sphere of ice). A few minutes later, Barton (who admitted very quickly to listening through the vents) told Thor that rumor had it he was going to propose pretty soon – had picked the ring and restaurant out but hadn’t booked the reservation.
Third: very soon after learning that you were taken, Thor also learned that he would likely be spending a lot of time with you since where you worked and his favorite place ended up being the exact same. Tony’s personal lab (where he often worked with Bruce), was pretty much where you lived. Your official job description was akin to “personal librarian,” which meant keeping the lab orderly so Tony could on inventing things (or whatever else it is he does). Once, about a day before Pepper decided to hire someone, Tony spent four hours sorting screws.
Four. Entire. Hours.
You, with your degree in IT and concentration in database creation and management, were perfect for the job. He was even allowing you to use his lab for research – making you a pioneer in a field you didn’t realize existed until LexisNexis contacted you asking to moonlight as a consultant during their company-wide restructuring.
Some (mostly those who interviewed for the job and didn’t get it) called you a glorified assistant, a nanny whose only job was to clean up toys. Still, Tony spoke highly of you during parties and interviews and whenever anyone complimented his lab.
Given your dedication to your work, a few months in Tony offered you an apartment a few floors down. It was newly renovated, and since most Stark employees lived in Stark Industries-subsidized housing not located within HQ, you lived mostly secluded from everyone else.
To you, it was amazing. You never had to see anyone you didn’t intend to and you never had to brave the famously-bad New York winter weather just to go to bed. In all honesty, it was your dream life.
Thor, though, had to disagree. It made it impossible to “bump into you,” he never saw you when you weren’t working (you made it very clear you preferred to either a) work in silence or b) listen to music or an audiobook you picked). Even if he managed to catch a glimpse of you on your lunch break, you always seemed to be more interested in something else – a book, a conversation, whatever. Never, ever, did he seem to be able to catch you off guard.
About a week in, he realized this would be much harder than he originally thought.
Over the course of six months, Thor learned a few things:
First: you really like to read. He ends up asking Natasha (arguably the person you’re closest with) about every book you like in an attempt to have something to talk about.
Second (before he wanted to talk to you about the Poisonwood Bible but after he finally got Natasha to crack): You really don’t like your boyfriend, and your boyfriend doesn’t really seem to like you. When he asks why you two are still dating, Natasha just shrugs sadly.
“That’s a story for her to tell, not me, Odinson,” she said.
Third (the next morning, he sniffed around the kitchen to find anyone who would tell him anything about you): You were incredibly insecure about your body. He learned that from Steve. He learned from Sam that this was why you stayed with your emotionally distant romantic partner; because you thought you couldn’t find anyone better.
This, of course, was a lot of information to handle at once. So Thor did what a bunch of bubbly college students on YouTube called “mind-maps” so he could sort out his thoughts. What started as a fresh, clean, white sheet of graph paper ended up being a masterplan to win you over.
Step 1: Have a solid conversation with you
This happens much faster than expected. The next morning, to be exact. It’s sort of warming up, so you’re wearing a thin pullover and a pair of tight, light grey jeans. The pullover has some Midgardian logo on it, one Thor doesn’t recognize. When you turn around as you wait for the coffee machine, he asks you about it.
“What’s on your…” he gestures to said logo.
You smile bashfully, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “It’s, uh, it’s just some concept art for a book I like. ”
Thor beams. He knows he’s got you. “What book?”
You shrug, grabbing the pot and pouring the steaming liquid into your peach pink travel mug. “It’s called Nothing, it’s by Janne Teller…
From there, you and him talk about what’s possibly the darkest book of all time. You explain to him the plot, the emotion it evokes from you. It truly is your favorite piece of literature; you really could talk about it for hours.
So, you do. Over your morning coffee, then a larger-than-usual breakfast, and then lunch. You make grilled cheese and tomato soup, biting every few sentences.
“God, my favorite line, like of the entire book is like,” you take a bite, chewing as you speak. “So Pierre is talking to these kids, and this one kid is Muslim, and gave up the prayer mat, or rather was made to give up his prayer mat. And Pierre is like ‘what price was your faith?’ And that line has like, continued to haunt me. It’s just,” you swallow. “What price do we pay to prove ourselves to others, you know?”
Thor listens intently as you speak, nodding and smiling as you go on. It’s amazing how much someone lights up when they talk about something they’re passionate about. It’s probably mid-afternoon when you finally realize that you’ve been talking for literal hours.
“Oh my god,” you gush, collecting the dishes and placing them in the sink. “I’m so sorry, I’ve been-”
Thor grabs your wrist, bunching at the sleeve. “No, please do not apologize. I have been meaning to talk to you for a long time.”
You blush, not meeting his eyes. “Why would someone like you want to talk to someone like me…”
That’s sort of when Thor’s suave facade cracks a little. You’re everything he’s ever wanted in a partner. Literally ever. And your inability to see that troubles him deeply.
“My dear, you’re so smart and quick and eloquent,” he tells you, never break eye contact. “Don’t even think I don’t want to be around you.”
You blush, not responding while scuttering off and mumbling something about having to go to a meeting for Stark.
Step 2: Get you to spend what Natasha and Wanda call “quality time” with him.
This one happens a little while later. Tony, in an effort to reward you, gave you some time off. The problem is that you hate taking off work, you always have. It’s impossible for you to feel good when you’re not being productive, and the idea of laying around for three days is unimaginable to you.
“Listen, you need some sun, you���ve been cooped up in here for weeks,” Tony tried to plead with you as he hanged upside down from the ceiling.
“C’mon, I’m not a house plant! What am I going to do anyway?” you cry out from your spot on the floor.
Just then, Natasha happened to walk through the door with a paperwork mishap. If there was a lightbulb above her head, it would’ve burned bright enough to blind them. Without doing anything that even resembles what she originally walked into the lab to do, Natasha bolts out at the speed of lightning.
“THOR!” she screams when she enters his apartment. “THOR, I HAVE SOME VERY GOOD NEWS!”
Promptly, he comes out in just a towel, glowing like some candle in a dark room. “Yes, Natasha?”
She takes a minute to wolf whistle before she beings. “The darling girl you’ve had your eye on has a few days off coming up...you should take her somewhere! Do something!”
Thor’s silent. He sort of didn’t think this would ever happen...now that he has the opportunity he’s a little floored. It’s like when you’ve been doodling hearts with your crush’s name in them and then they actually talk to you. “Oh...oh Gods...what do I do? How should I ask her…”
Natasha’s a little giddy with excitement at the prospect of Thor taking you out. You’ve been so good to them in so many different ways...she wants someone to do something nice to you for once. If that meant setting you up with the super-hot God of Thunder (and Fertility...wink wink), then so be it.
“Oh goodness, you can do anything!” she mentally runs through all of the endless possibilities. “She’ll want something quiet, quaint...coffee shop? No, that’s too boring. Some fair thing? No, that’s too crazy, loud. Maybe you could...oh my God that’s perfect!”
Thor, still in a towel but now dry, looks confused. Appreciative, but confused. “What, Natasha...what is it?”
Her grin stretches from ear to ear, teeth flashing and eyes bright. “You should help her organize the bookshelf in her room, she’s been talking about it for ages and she’s always talks about she’s never had the time or the energy and-”
“You think the best way for me to get to know the future mother of my children is to help her organize her...shelf of books?” Thor is now dressed. Natasha doesn’t question it.
“Uh...hells yeah! Listen, dude. If you really want to get to know her you need to get her in a situation, she’s comfortable with,” Natasha sees she has a text indicating she’s needed for some logistical work for the next mission and turns to leave. Right before the elevator, though, she turns to face Thor again. “But don’t mention the ‘mother of children thing’...it’s weird.”
Thor takes note as he prepares to ask you about the...date? Is it a date? That he’s planning on taking you on. Luckily, he doesn’t have to try too hard, because Wanda and Steve less than five minutes later to help him.
“Oh Thor-egous Odinson!” Wanda sing-songs as she enters into his living room. She practically bouncing off of the walls as she goes to sit down next to Thor on the large, plush couch.
“Hey Thor,” Steve mumbles quietly. He chooses a chair across from both of them, obviously extremely uncomfortable with the situation. He’s one of the few people who knows you really well, though, so the need for qualified individuals overpowers his personal feelings about manipulating you into going on a date with the God (Natasha refused to use that word when Steve brought it up, though. “I’m just encouraging her, Steven, calm down,” she tried to explain to him on the elevator up. “Don’t call me that,” is all Steve replied).
“So,” Wanda chirps. “Nat told us you wanted to help our favorite little book worm organize her bookshelves on her sequence of days off?”
Thor gives a small noise of affirmation, knowing very well that Wanda and Natasha understand you the best. If he had any choice of making his plan work, they would have to be a part of it – whether they knew it or not.
They spent hours talking about you – both of them providing deep analysis of your likes, dislikes, preferences. The things you love, hate.
It ended with lists sprawled on scraps of paper, things they told Thor he had to memorize if had “a sliver of hope” of having you like him.
With pockets stuffed full of these promises, he walked away with a small smirk and much better idea of how execute his plan, as has all led him into the next step:
Step 3: Make you like him much more than your current paramour.
This part appears to be the easiest, given your boyfriend is an aggressively mediocre man-child. You’ve got a picture of you and him on one of the bookshelf cubicles not overcome by thick books, next to a few small figurines of miscellaneous origin.
Thor asks about them as you both work to clear the bookshelf, throwing everything on the floor to be sorted later. Each one makes smile brightly for a few moments before sadness overtakes your eyes. One of them – a small fawn curled into a sleeping position on a small, circular bed of grass – seems to bring a special wave of melancholy to your face.
“Yeah, that was from when we met, a, uh, a study abroad program to a Canadian university. He and I had a mutual friend who made miniatures for fun – still does, actually – and we met through her. He bought me that for our first anniversary.”
Thor does his best to hide his wicked smile, but nevertheless is appreciative of your downcast eyes. “It sounds like he really loves you.”
You don’t disagree, just sigh. “So, can you help me sort these books by color type?”
Thor smiles wide as he can. “Of course.”
As he separates the books into four piles (warms, cools, white, and black), he goes over the state of his plan:
Step 4: Have you break up with your current paramour.
This step seems to be a significantly harder step, given your stubbornness surrounding being with him. It’s not as if Thor can grab you by the shoulders and say “he doesn’t love you! He’ll never love you! Just stop being in a relationship with him!”
He totally can’t do that, right? Right?
(After a few communiques with his mother they both decide, no, he can in fact not do that.)
So he settles for driving a wedge between the two of you that even he can fit in. Somehow, that seems just as good.
Step 5: Have you join him in Asgard.
This, too, feels much harder than sowing dislike between you and your…previous courtesan.
You’re smart, interesting, something Thor has yet to see in many possible wives. The problem is, your intelligence and fascinating nature are tied to your highly demanding job that you are, unfortunately, very attached to. Attempting to keep you for anything longer than your contractually obligated lunch break is tough enough, how could he convince you leave your job? Your home?
The floor-to-ceiling bookshelves – now organized by color – stare down at Thor almost mockingly. He wonders, as he hears the teapot screeching and two mugs being placed onto the counter, if his plan worked. You’re naïve, sure, but too naïve for him to mold? He’s been manipulating people since he was a golden child – him misreading you would be a blow to his ego, his very being.
But he cannot give up. Not when he’s only two steps into his plan.
As such, Thor spends the next few weeks following you around – doing everything he possible could to make your life easier. A mug too high? He would grab it before you could sigh about what shelf it was on. Dirty dishes? He’d fill the dishwasher, do the handwashing, and put all the clean dishes away after drying them. He did laundry and put it all away in its exact place.
Natasha made a comment Thor didn’t understand about 1960’s housewives, to which the god said nothing in return. He’d join you multiple times a week to do whatever you wanted – sometimes you’d watch a movie together, other times he’d help you shop online. Sometimes he’d help you cook food for the week, once he listened to you talk about new academic research you were interested in.
One special week he even held you as you cried about the man who was supposed to be the love of your life. That week, he wiped your tears and held you as you feel asleep, nuzzling into one of the many large hoodies he had acquired on his time on Midgard. That week, he thought he had cracked it – thought he had finally figured out how to get what wants.
Unfortunately for him, the truth was not kind to his endeavors. Not even a full day had passed before you were gushing over the man once more, sparkles in your eyes and hands clutching the latest “cute” thing he had texted you.
It was sickening, really, how easily you allowed yourself to be manipulated by him. Still, it gave Thor an ounce of hope. It this imbecile could get you crawling back to him, surely a god could do it too.
So he kept with the constant visits, with the bringing you lunch and coffee and eating take out on the floor of your bedroom and watching bad movies with you. It was menial, but it was working.
You began to trust him, began to get used to his presence.
For this reason (and maybe a few more you didn’t want to talk about), the knock on your door at dusk on a Wednesday was not exactly unexpected. For this reason, you answered the door in a loose crop top and soft, worn pajama shorts and ankle socks with smiling avocados on them.
You opened the door to him, excited to show him the duvet he had helped you pick out. It looked so much better in person, and you thought he’d like it.
He followed you, of course he did, into your bedroom. You were expecting that.
What you weren’t expecting was him to slam you into one of the few spots on the wall devoid of posters, trinkets, other miscellaneous crap that made the place feel a little more like a home.
You couldn’t see much over his broad shoulders, but somehow the top shelf of the very bookcase he had help you organize all that time ago.
Each title seemed to mock you as he began to speak.
“You’ve been holding out on me, little lamb,” he said with a sneer.
You tried to push at his muscular chest to no avail. “Thor, I don’t know what you’re t-“
He pushes you against the wall once more, ignoring your cries in pain. “Shut the fuck up, you know exactly what I mean.”
He rips the crop top off – revealing your simple black bralette. He moans as his large hands palm at your breasts, and you have to fight one yourself, too. It’s been so long since you’d had sex, let alone gone to first base; your lover (the one you had been with for over five years) hadn’t touched you like that since you’d decided to move into Stark Tower and your less-than-extensive sex toy collection had satisfied you in the very least.
Still, this was wrong. Very, very wrong.
“C’mon,” he growls, moving his hands south. “You know you want to…”
“I-” You try to push him away, only being able to think of how you were going to explain this to a man you thought one day you’d marry. You have to tell him, right? You have to tell him about what Thor tried. That’s the basis of good relationships, communication. “No, I don’t, Thor please-“
That’s when the last bit of him cracks, the soft edges to his voice sharpening and his jaw squaring.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” he growls, ripping the shorts off next. “Do you understand all the shit I’ve put up with for you? All while your shithead boyfriend barely sent you a fucking text once a week to see if you were alright.”
“Thor, I-“
“No,” he shouts, making you flinch away from him. “Don’t excuse him! Don’t try and tell me he loves you like I do!”
That makes your eyes widen in fear, makes your hands shake where they’re pined at your side.
Thor softens everywhere except in his grip, keeping you pressed against him. “Oh, darling you don’t have to worry. I’m never gonna hurt you…”
A smile spreads across his face, then, leaning close to your ear. “Unless you want me to.”
He palms your clothed pussy, slipping two fingers inside of your dripping heat. It’s a delicious feeling and you fight back a moan, terrified to give him the satisfaction.
“C’mon darling,” Thor coos. “Let me hear you.”
He removes his fingers, then, smiling when you whine before stuffing his thick cock inside of you. It fits easily, given how wet you are, and for a moment – just a moment – you lose yourself to the pleasure.
“O-Oh,” you moan. “Oh, that feels so good.”
It all breaks down when Thor speaks once more, though. words flowing between him biting at your hot skin.
“That’s right, love,” his hands roam your body with fervor. “Let me make you feel good.”
It’s then that your mouth goes dry and a sense of dread washes over you.
“I-,” you try to find your verbal footing, wanting to find a path away from him. “I shouldn’t be doing this, I-“
You freeze when Thor uses one of his large hands to wrap around your throat, pinning you between him and the wall.
“Are you fucking serious?” he growls. “You’re really thinking about him right now?”
He nearly spits when he mentions your boyfriend, skin hot from fury.
“Think of all the things I’ve done for you!” he hisses into your ear. “How much easier I made your life. What has your boyfriend done for you?”
You don’t respond. In turn, he only fucks into you harder.
“That’s right. I know how little he loves you, and how little you love him,” you scream as he flips you around, using one hand to pins both your arms behind your back with your cheek pressed to the cool wall. “And yet you stay with him, why?”
You say nothing in return, though it’s not like you could. Each word dies in your throat when Thor thrusts into you once again. All that’s able to escape are choked sobs, broken pleas that sound more animal than human. Part of you wonders if Thor can hear you, another part wonders, if he could, would he care? If he truly understands what he’s doing, does it matter whether or not you want to push him away and cut away the skin he’s touched?
You can’t tell which is worse – dangerous naivety in combination with his strength, or determination blended with disregard.
Fiery tears burn as they stream down the already heated skin of your cheeks, but even that isn’t enough to distract from the feeling of Thor’s large hands all over you.
“C’mon little lamb,” he growls, voice sending bolts of electricity through you. “Cum for me.”
He swipes at your clit in smooth, tight circles, golden hot pleasure flooding your veins.
You reach your peak with a deep, chesty moan, nails digging into the skin of his back as you bucked your hips near violently.
“F-fuck,” Thor growls, continuing to thrust into you. “You feel so good around my cock, little lamb. You’ll have to excuse me, you’re going to make me cum much sooner than I would on an average night.”
Your eyes widen in fear, ready to plead for him to pull out.
Thor just lets out a small laugh, nipping at your skin. “Don’t worry, lamb, I won’t fill you with my seed.”
You let out a sigh of relief, but it doesn’t last for long.
“The last thing either of us need is for you to be bearing the mark of my child away from our people.”
You barely have time to react before Thor tucks his face into your neck as he finishes himself off, thick white ropes of cum painting your lower half.
You think it’s over, but of course it isn’t – that would be too fucking easy. He moves two of his rough fingers – still smelling distinctly of your sex – through his masterpiece before shoving them deep into your mouth, smiling. At first you gag, but as your blood begs for oxygen you accept your fate and clean the salty substance with your tongue.
“There you go,” he coos, beaming as he gazes down at you. “Such a good little lamb…I wonder if you can clean my cock like that?”
You can’t tell which you flinch harder at, the nickname or the thought of him sticking his dick past your lips and down your throat.
“Oh, don’t try to act like you don’t like it,” Thor says between light kisses he peppers across your neck. “Don’t you just love the idea of servicing me forever?”
You can feel him getting hard again against your thigh and you whimper, desperate to get away.
“Fuck don’t make that noise, little lamb, makes me want you more,” Thor groans. “Just imagine it – you and me on Asgard. I can rule and you can be my pretty little pet.”
Your eyes widen in fear, brain now fully comprehending what, exactly, Thor wants from you.
“Thor, please,” you beg. “Please, let’s be rational. I mean, Stark needs me! Right? You know how much Tony needs me!”
Thor just laughs, burrowing his nose into the nap of your neck. “Oh, my little lamb. We’ll figure it out – maybe you can train someone else to do your job. Or Tony can finally figure out how to be a man and figure that shit out himself,” he pulls back to kiss at your temple, whispering into your sweaty hair. “To be honest, I really don’t care. He’ll lose you soon enough, and how he handles that is neither of our problems.”
It’s then that you understand, that you really understood what was happening with Thor, what he wants from you.
In that moment, you understood that if your world was crashing down, and Thor would be there to pick up the pieces – whether you wanted to or not.
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dantays-inferno · 4 years
All the homages to Tom Hiddleston in the ME! music video
This may seem outdated now that TS8 has arrived, but I’ve been working on this post for a long time, and after a listen to Folklore, I think it’s still a bit relevant ;) 
I wanted to share some Easter eggs we unearthed while doing an archaeological excavation of the ME! music video.
I know what you’re thinking...that video came out over a year ago! Aren’t those Easter eggs a little rotten from sitting out there this whole time?
Don’t fret, dear reader. The eggs were well preserved like bread baked in Pompeii just before Mt. Vesuvius blew. That is to say, these Easter eggs pointing to Taylor’s undying love for Tom (who can blame her!) are both deeply buried and in shockingly plain sight.
Our journey into the excavation all started with this:
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I was watching this video and noticed the jaguar sculpture on the desk and just about died because I will always associate jaguars with Tom Hiddleston’s ad campaign for them. The ads contain three of Taylor’s favorite things: London, cats, and Tom Hiddleston. I’m not sure what her feelings are on luxury cars, though of course she referenced the commercial on reputation (jag-you-ars.) You can watch them here, but be forewarned--you may feel weak in the knees by the end. You may also be triggered by seeing a human interacting with a big cat (I can’t be the only one who feels scarred by Tiger King...)
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After this, I watched the ME! video again and saw one reference to Tom after another.
The living room scenes remind me of a Gucci ad campaign Tom in...fall of 2016. Oh. Seems significant.
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1. Why those shoes. 2. How does he not have dog hair on his suit. 3. This very ad hung on my fridge for a month. 4. The color scheme and mod feel of this photo shoot feel very similar to the ME! living room. Taylor even included her own two animals (who are somewhat similar in color to these glamorous pooches.
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Here’s another image from the Gucci campaign:
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The suit Brendon wears while watching out the window, to me, mimics the suit Tom is wearing above. Not incidentally, the jaguar statue is at Brendon’s elbow. And you’ll notice that the pinkish pillow behind Tom’s right shoulder is basically the same color and texture as the sofas in the ME! living room.
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Let me also note that all of the rooms above featured shades of green associated with Loki.
Well, that was fun. Let’s do some more.
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The hallway Grace Kelly Taylor walks through at the beginning of the video always puzzled me. It was one of those things that stuck out but I couldn’t say why. Well, I wondered if it represented a place TS had been. I guess so because here is an interior shot of part of the Vatican Museums in Rome:
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I saw this and just about fainted. Taylor and Tom visited the Vatican while in Rome in summer 2016. They were heavily papped, unfortunately. I can’t imagine how miserable that would have been, but they also did look very happy together. I get little heart eyes and then cry for Taylor (and Tom), praying for her happiness while listening to New Year’s Day. I might also mention she wore blue kitten heels, remarkably like the pink ones in this portion of the video. 
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Now this is a find I’m truly proud of...here’s an interesting tie Tom wore many moons ago. And I really mean many moons ago because there are only these sad tiny photos you get when someone cropped a VHS recording they took of that time your were on TV in 2010.
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First, what a great tie, and can I get a sundress made out of it too because I just really love floral prints. But besides that, I mean, I’m just getting some deja vu...
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And the color scheme shows pretty well (along with the silky texture) in Brendon’s most excellent costume at the Billboard awards (which I would also like a dress of):
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And there’s that whole Mary Poppins reference with Brendon teetering down from the sky on an umbrella. I couldn’t help but be reminded of this odd but somewhat talked-about short film “Leading Lady Parts” that Tom had a role in. The basis of the plot being that he wins all the leading female roles in movies because other women can’t live up to Hollywood’s (or whatever the British equivalent of Hollywood is) standards. So at the end of the film, a character walks past a series of posters where Tom has been photoshopped into famous female roles, including...
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Something you’ll never unsee, I know. 
Okay, the next part needs its own whole SECTION.
Thor Ragnarok References
So partway through Taylor and Tom’s midsummer’s night dream, Tom started filming for Thor Ragnarok, one of Marvel’s greatest gifts to mankind, in Australia. The finished film came out on Nov. 3, 2017, just seven days before reputation.
To start with, the color of Loki’s costume shows up quite a bit:
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Beyond this, Thor: Ragnarok takes place on two alien planets: Asgard (Thor and Loki’s home) and Sakaar (a bizarre planet where intergalactic trash is dumped and Jeff Goldblum holds gladiator-style games.)
Sakaar looks a little like this:
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An odd pastel palette splashed on a sea of grays. Detritus and occasionally people (notably, Thor) fall from holes in the sky. Also, notice the sky has a strange refracted nature to it that is seen in the ME! video. 
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So we have another scene of people falling from nowhere down to a sea of pastels and gray with a pink refracted sky.
The sky behind His Lordship Jeff Goldblum in Ragnarok is the best pic I can find of Sakaar’s sky.
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Let’s move on to a more exciting one:
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One of the movie’s main characters, Valkyrie, rides a gray pegasus (unfortunately not a pegacorn)
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The pegacorn Taylor sits on has a rather peculiar eye that evokes Thor’s when he’s in lightning mode:
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Valkyrie also has a totally dope cape (so do a lot of characters, but we’ll focus on her):
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Which reminds me of Taylor’s cape in the marching band scene:
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And the rainbow leading up to the kaleidoscope where Taylor and To--er, Brendon dance? If you’ve watched any Thor movie, you probably remember the long almost-translucent rainbow bridge that stretches from the bifrost to Asgard. 
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So as you see above, the bifrost leads to a room where Idris Elba controls the bifrost bridge. It look a bit like the kaleidoscope room Taylor and Brendon end up in:
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To top things off, Taylor and Brendon’s suits really evoke that old school country feel that stars like, I don’t know....Hank Williams would wear (rest in peace.) 
Finally, the hotel lobby resembles the interior of the Asgard palace, but I can’t find good pictures and this has taken me hours. 
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In conclusion, Taylor is brilliant, love is cruel, ME! is a fantasy fever dream, and Tom is worth the fight. Hopes, thoughts, prayers.
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skylights422 · 5 years
Thor 1 Rewatch Commentary
Having recently seen Avengers: Endgame, I was feeling the need to reminisce and revisit the beginning of my mcu obsession, which started and was most prominent with the first Thor film. The thing that stood out to me most during this rewatch was something I’ve always been fairly aware of, and that is the frankly excess ambiguity surrounding many of the character and world building elements of the film, most notably everything around Asgard and Loki’s character arc, so that will be the focus of this review. Before I dig into it though, I want to briefly go over my other reactions to seeing the film again:
- I forgot how fun Jane and co. were. They were all plenty likable, their actions made sense, Jane was a real go-getter and Darcy and Selvig both filled their roll well, and Jane’s scenes with Thor were actually pretty nice! Sure the pacing and generally confused focus of the film meant that their plot and development sometimes felt a little... jarring or slow? But that is more of an issue with the film’s structure in general and not so much an issue of how the characters were used/portrayed.
- THE MUSIC WAS SO EMOTIONAL AND GOOD OMG. It really made the atmosphere strong, and added a distinct kind of feeling to a lot of the scenes that seemed more...emotionally charged than the stuff that came later? At least from memory, I still need to rewatch the other stuff they’ve been in.
- My goodness have I ever missed how Thor was written in this film, I forgot how much I loved the more old-fashioned speech style that was kind of dropped Ragnarok onwards, and how much I enjoyed Thor as the well-meaning but arrogant prince who learned like, so much in a very short amount of time (maybe too much for 3 days lol but in fairness they were some fairly extreme days from Thor’s perspective and it can be read as being evidence of how much inherent goodness Thor actually had as well how spoiled he must have been for a few days of normal expectations and consequences to bring out such a difference)
- I missed Sif and the Warriors 3 being characters that were like! Acknowledged! 
- I already knew this but this film really is more focused on character drama than action, but like it’s all scrunched up and/or alluded to character drama a lot of the time due to the short run time and aforementioned ambiguity so it really gives a kind of weird tone/feel to the film where a lot of the time you’re kind of just like, “huh????”. Or at least that’s how it was for me.
Okay! General thoughts out of the way, now on to the analysis, which I will put under a read more because the general thoughts got longer than I expected.
Alright. So from the beginning, a few basic things are made known. Jotunheim exists, Jotunheim once invaded Earth for Reasons Not Given, and Asgard exists as a realm that observes/protects the other realms (or at least Midgard) from the Jotuns/other threats but really the jotuns because at this point they are the only threat discussed as being a Thing. Then we obviously see Thor and Loki as kids; they themselves don’t really interact with each other in the scene, but they interact with Odin and a few generalizations can be made. Thor was more confident and aggressive/assertive while Loki was more nervous/insecure and more observant (he asks for more info about the Jotuns, Thor makes a quick decision about what to do about the Jotuns). 
So far so good as far as intros go - but then things first start to dabble in ambiguity, both from a ‘first time watching’ perspective and ‘in hindsight’ perspective. First off, the first time viewing perspective: Odin says Thor and Loki were ‘both born to be kings’; is this...metaphorical, and supposed to be comforting to Loki as the second born that he can be a king in spirit? Is it supposed to be a world-building element to show Asgardian monarchies have their children compete for the throne instead of automatically assigning it to the first born? It’s unclear, but which it is definitely influences how you perceive the later parts of the film (did Loki have a real chance at the throne in theory but Thor was still always talked about in a ‘when he is king’ way, making the supposed favoritism seem more blatant?  Or did he know from the get go he wasn’t meant for the throne due to tradition and only really ever competed for Odin’s approval, which leaves more room for the favoritism to be more perceived/due to miscommunication)
Now the ‘in hindsight’ part of the scene that is kind of ‘???’. First off, Odin nowhere corrects Thor on the Jotuns being monsters (he wouldn’t have had to get angry or anything, it would have been easy to fit in a correction with his general ‘don’t seek war’ message), which when you first watch it is like ‘okay these are the Generic Bad Guys of the film so we aren’t supposed to feel anything for them, suspension of disbelief sure they’re evil ice monsters got it’ but when you know that Loki is a Jotun and that his trying to kill the Jotuns is supposed to be the big thing Thor stops him from doing at the end of the film it just seems weird. 
On the character building front it doesn’t make Odin look great and shows that Loki didn’t get his later anti-jotun sentiment from thin air I guess, but from the narrative perspective why the heck would you introduce a group of people as ‘evil cuz evil’, have one of the main characters learn he was born one, and then have said main character’s primary villainous act be getting rid of the ‘evil cuz evil’ group of people without doing anything in the film at any point to humanize the supposedly evil group or prove to the viewers that Odin and Asgard was actually wrong in their view of them. Like, it is a no-brainer that genocide is an atrocity, full stop, but despite that being Loki’s worst crime in the film objectively it’s the one that evokes the least amount of feeling and the one that almost no one in the film gets mad at him about or betrays him for. Thor tries to stop it in the end, but this like a Fresh Hot Take for him and apparently the rest of Asgard too, because when Thor was banished it wasn’t for killing dozens of Jotuns for no reason, it was for bringing war to Asgard - because then Asgardians would suffer. Only that’s not really addressed and no one in Asgard is ever called out for thinking of the Jotuns as monsters, and when 80% of the good-guys are on board something and nothing contradicts them, it’s kind of hard to get mad at the villain for doing the same thing even if you know by all means you should. (Also another reason the film needed to be longer, we see Thor learn humility and it is done very well, but there’s no real conversation about seeing other species as lesser unless we assume it was covered with the blanket statement of ‘I had everything backwards’)
The next point of ambiguity I want to bring up in keeping with a loose chronology of the film is ‘Loki in part 1 of the film, also, Sif and the W3′. The first real scene we see adult Loki speaking is when he talks to Thor after the coronation is ruined - before that he just observes all of Thor’s conversations with Odin. Here it is pretty much impossible to say with any Real Certainty if Loki was trying to edge Thor on into making an extra stupid decision or if he was just trying to be placating and actually get things to calm down afterwards, because there’s loose evidence to support both interpretations. On one hand, we do eventually find out Loki let the Jotuns in in the first place, so it isn’t far-fetched to assume this was part 2 of Proving Thor Needs To Not Be King Right Now. But on the other hand, at this point Loki had already basically achieved his goal - the coronation was postponed, and Odin told off Thor for poor ruling decisions which kind implied Odin was reconsidering the idea of crowning him so soon - and we know Loki wants to be validated by his family so it also makes sense to assume he was trying to just stay on Thor’s good side (this is, admittedly, a more likely assumption to make with the extended version of the scene where Loki much more obviously reacts to being included by Thor and then stands to voice his support of him, but it can still be drawn from the scene as is in the film as well).
On the subject of the W3 and Sif, since we see almost no other Asgardians outside of the royal family and Heimdall, I assume they are supposed to represent a bit of what the average or majority of Asgardians think/how they view things. This is important mostly because they make a few view-points clear in regard to how they (and so presumably People) see Thor and Loki. First off, they do tease/belittle Loki a number of times, and again due to lack of context it’s wildly unclear on if this is well-intentioned teasing that Loki takes too personally (since the W3, esp in deleted scenes, do rib each other quite a bit) or if it comes from genuine disrespect/malice (Loki IS a prince and most of the other ribbing doesn’t end in the teased one falling silent, so it is possible but again, unconfirmed). Secondly, they clearly worship Thor a bit and don’t see anything wrong with his arrogant and violent behavior (they don’t really see anything wrong with Thor starting a war other than inconvenience, and they want Thor back from Earth right away even though that would fix pretty much nothing, maybe they thought they needed their best fighter for the war but that is never brought up so it comes off more as them just being unhappy with the sentence in general). They also blatantly distrust Loki - they assume he is a traitor because he has magic and because... he’s Loki, I guess, but especially as a first time viewer it just seems like total paranoia since we haven’t seen anything to support their view.
Which leads me to a specific line of theirs: ‘Loki’s always been one for mischief’. Most writing advice says to ‘show, not tell’, and while there are obviously moments where telling is fine or even better than showing, this is an instance that would have been infinitely better to show rather than just tell. Mischievous how? To what extent? Since when? Kid Loki seemed obedient and quiet. Everything about Adult Loki we see in the film is either reserved or desperate, not mischievous (deceitful absolutely, but that isn’t the same thing). In fact unless you include the deleted scene where Loki makes wine into snakes to spook a servant that was laughing at him (which, is a pretty minor, albeit petty, instance of mischief), Loki doesn’t actually do anything for the sake of mischief at all in the movie. It just seems like a really weird decision to write a character known broadly for being mischievous, have him not act out of mischief once in the film, but still include a single line telling us that actually is mischievous, really, so suspecting him of treason makes sense, yeah?
Like, Sif and the W3 literally betray Loki, who was supposedly their friend(-ish) and currently their rightful king not because they have any proof of misdeeds (they only suspect him about the Jotun thing, they don’t know about Loki lying to Thor, and this is BEFORE the Destroyer was sent or Jotunheim was being destroyed, which we don’t even have hard evidence that would have bothered them) but because...they don’t like Loki and Really Don’t Like that Loki won’t bring Thor back, I guess? The way it’s framed they might also be assuming he did something to Odin and/or Frigga to get the throne but like...where the heck would that assumption even come from??? There’s nothing on-screen to back that up other than the ominous camera-work (and again, the deleted scene provides possible textual evidence that Loki was given the throne by Frigga after Odin fell asleep and did not expect to gain anything throne-related to de-crowning Thor). Also I am really unclear on if Heimdall deciding to behead his current king for tricking him/messing with inter-realm defenses is culturally appropriate or not, but from an uninformed viewer’s perspective it seems like a wild overreaction, which is another thing that could have been built on (in general Asgard’s culture could have been explored more like, a lot).
As for the second half the film/the final battle, my main question in hindsight was ‘what...exactly was Loki OR Thor expecting to gain from their confrontation???’ because Thor entered the arena basically just going “What the heck? What the heck!?!?!?!?!?” and Loki was in full-scale mental breakdown mode so I kind of don’t think he was planning anything coherently at this point, aside from maaaaybe stalling Thor long enough to let Jotunheim be destroyed (except, he didn’t really see that as something that could even be done and was visibly shocked to see Thor trying to break the Bifrost, so probably not even that). It just makes, narrative-wise, for a really weird final fight where neither combatant has any real Desired Outcome (Thor is kind of trying to talk Loki out of his freak out while also wanting to talk/argue about the whole Destroyer thing, but is too out of the loop and hot-headed to do a very good job at this and Loki I think just wants to vent/panic/finish his plan). And I mean part of that does play into the tragedy element of the story, but it also plays into the overarching ambiguity of the entire film.
I think...those are the main points I wanted to cover? More or less. Conclusion: I love the film to pieces but it is a structural dumpster fire that leaves way too many major character and world-building elements up to interpretation. And yet also this was the golden days and I miss them and have too many thoughts about these characters. But still, narrative anarchy at least half the time. SO THAT’S THAT.
If I missed anything or you want join the discussion or ask me anything regarding Thor, Loki, and their arcs absolutely feel free to do so!  
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