#also like the creator x creation aspect???
that-boleyn-boy · 3 months
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K’s 3K Follower Celebration
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~ Tales From the Flower Garden ~
Thank you SO MUCH for helping this blog reach 3,000 followers!!! I know I say it in every post like this that I make, but the fact that this many people have decided to follow me blows my mind.
This was a long time coming (thanks to the…certain type of blogs that kept invading my follower list) so I figured that we’d celebrate!!
And then I thought what a better theme to choose than ‘tales from the flower garden’ … because I’m sure we all know the saying ‘April showers bring May flowers’…even though it’s still raining where I’m from.
SO…if you’re a writer (or a creator in general) and you’re interesting in joining in on this celebration, there are more details below the cut for you!!
If you’re not a writer, I still suggest you stick around because I’ve got a feeling there’s going to be many, beautiful and floral themed fics blooming shortly! — You can read the stories HERE.
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So you’re a writer!!! …or maybe you’re just interested in what’s going on...
Either way, thanks so much for showing interest!! I hope you’ll find this writing event to be one that you can join in on. Remember, you don’t need to be a mutual or following me to join, this is open to EVERYONE!!
Here are some guidelines, if you’d like to take part:
You can write either an ‘x reader’ story or for an OC that you have…or even a ship from the show.
You can also write a platonic!reader or a sister!reader if those types of scenarios are more your speed/interest of writing.
You can include nsfw themes in your story - just please mark them properly (and be over 18 yourself) … same goes for dark fics - you can include those themes but please use warnings!
This is only for Peaky characters - you can choose any character from the show you’d like.
Please use a keep reading/read more line if your story is MORE THAN 1K words!! — I can help you add it if you’re unsure of how to.
There is no time limit/deadline for you to post your creations!
Make sure you TAG ME in your story so I can find it!
Here’s how you can join in:
Send a message/ask to me with the details below:
Choose a prompt from the list at the bottom of this post �� only one person per prompt (I will allow prompts to be used twice if it happens to be open when you send a message - i.e I don’t check my messages fast enough and two people ask for the same prompt)
Choose which character you’re going to write it with — you don’t need to include it if you’re unsure of who you want to write it with…just tell me you’re unsure.
REMEMBER: ALL stories need to include a flower garden in some aspect — it can be the main setting or just one of the settings!
If you’re still interested in joining in after reading all of the guidelines…here are the prompts you can choose from (I just had to put a few lyric-based prompts in there - I’ve included the song, but you don’t need to base your story off of it):
*prompts can only be used once*
“You deserve better.”
“I don’t know how we can get past this.”
“Just don’t talk to me like that, ok?”
“Are you hearing what you’re saying right now?”
“You really don’t understand why I’m doing this, do you?” w/ Tommy
“Do you feel better about yourself now?”
“You can be so inconsiderate sometimes.”
“People ruin people, I don’t want to ruin you.” (from From Austin by Zach Bryan) w/Tommy
“You thought I was a savable man.” (from Taker by Brother Elsey) w/ Arthur
“You’ve now created the things that’ll haunt you the most.” (from Graceland by Allan Rayman) w/ Tommy
“Do you miss me?” (from Too Bad by Rival Sons) w/ Tommy
“I can’t help you if this is not enough.” (from Pink Motel by The Glorious Sons)
“I can’t imagine going another day without you.”
“You can’t leave without giving me a kiss.” w/ Tommy
“You’re bushing, aren’t you?”
“You’ve just made me the happiest person alive.”
“Did I just make you smile?” w/ Tommy
“There was no reason behind that…I just wanted to kiss you.” w/Tommy
“You’re the only one who makes me feel like this, darling.” w/ Tommy
“Isn’t it beautiful out here?” w/ Tommy
“Let me see…please.”
“What’s happened to you?” w/ Polly
“Promise you’ll come back to me.”
“I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
“Please, just tell me what you’re going through…I can help you.”
“Come inside.” w/Tommy
“It’s freezing out here!”
“Please don’t touch that flower!” or “You can’t be out here touching these flowers!” w/ Alfie
Misc. (Pick a Path) - choose fluff, angst, etc.
“We can’t keep meeting each other like this.” w/ Tommy
“We’ll get through this together.”
“Would you stop looking at me like that?” w/ Tommy
“If only you knew the reason behind all of this.”
“I can’t believe you just said that.” w/ Alfie
“I…I didn’t think I’d see you here.” or “I just didn’t think I’d see you here.”
“I don’t even know what we are anymore.”
“Is there any reason why you’ve been out here all night?” w/ Tommy
“How did I know you’d be out here?”
“I’ve been waiting here all night for you.”
“Kiss me, please.”
“It’s going to be ok. I promise.”
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” w/ Tommy
“I don’t know if I can say goodbye.” w/ Tommy
“Are you sure we can do that/this out here?” w/Alfie
“I really don’t think we should be out here right now.”
“It’s always do as I say, never do as I asked you.”
“You don’t understand the kind of love you’re getting yourself in.” (from Taker by Brother Elsey) w/Arthur
“We said we’d never let each other go.” (from End of Forever by Rival Sons)
“I don’t mind what you have to do…I won’t think less of you.” (from I Want More by KALEO) w/ Arthur
“Forgive me for everything I did.” (from So Much Love To Give by The Glorious Sons) w/ Tommy
“No matter what I say or do I cannot prove that this isn’t the first time.” (from Chief by Allan Rayman)
Once again, send me an ask/message with the prompt you’d like to use as well as the character(s) you’re going to write it with (if you know who).
I look forward to seeing your lovely creations!!
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Tagging some people who may be interested/have been SUPER kind and supportive to me: @there-goes-thefighter @zablife @cillmequick @notyour-valentine @raincoffeeandfandoms @toms-cherry-trees @acewritesfics @look-at-the-soul @gypsy-girl-08 @l1-l4 @padfootdaredmetoo @evita-shelby @peakyscillian @thomasshelbydrabbles @noforkingclue @theshelbyclan @mgcldydrms @areyenotfondofmelobster @holacia3 @rangerelik @midnightswithdearkatytspb @little-diable @daisyblinder @theshelbyslimited @peakyltd @peacexatxlast @fallatyourfeet @dearshelby @shelbydelrey @peakyswritings @midnightmagpiemama @dandelionprints @moral-terpitude @cillixn @shelbyssins @creativepawsworld @peakypolly @pherelesytsia @anotherblinder @scorpiussage @call-sign-shark @anonymooseforever007 @sneakyblinders @mythos-writes @shelby-fangirl00 @huntingingoodwill @teenwolf-theoriginals @forgottenpeakywriter (I’m sorry if I’ve forgotten anyone — please know that you are SO special to me!! ❤️)
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listenheresweaty · 3 months
UPDATE: c!wilbur content + another poll!! Read carefully.
So the poll hasn’t finished yet, but it seems that the majority will be okay with c!wilbur works. I WILL, however, wait a while before posting so people can take a break and fully separate the c from the cc. In the future, if you do NOT want to see c!wilbur content but do not want to block me (I will be trying to write for other characters, after all), here are some options:
Block the tags “c!wilbur and c!wilbur soot X reader”
Unfollow me and follow the not-yet-created tag of “sweaty writes— not Wilbur”. I will be tagging any of my non-Wilbur works with that tag, so following it without following me will expose you only to the non-Wilbur works (if any arrive). You may still have to block c!wilbur X reader tags.
If neither of these work for you, unfollowing and blocking is a valid option. I won’t be upset, promise :)
As for the actual c!wilbur content— good news! Y’all get to choose the bur variation I will write for after my break. Each option has its own pros and cons, so READ THEM CAREFULLY!!
(before reading; there is nothing wrong with morally gray characters— I love them actually— but some people might not want them associated with any bursonas after what the cc did)
anyway, the options:
Pros: This bur is not affiliated with the content creator in any way. In addition, the nature of the fae will allow me to never mention his name (he will be referred to as “your fae friend” or by a nickname such as “Twigs”, and never “Wilbur”). His appearance will also have some supernatural aspects that distinguish him from the cc (gold eyes, pointy ears, yada yada).
Cons: I have only the barest idea of what to write. So. It will take a while. Like— a WHILE. Also, the fic will probably focus on descriptions, so some physical aspects similar to the cc’s will appear (lanky, tall, brown hair, yada yada).
Pros: Also not affiliated with the cc! This one is my own creation. It is basically a Ratatouille au. He will also be called Wilbur Craft (full name Wilson Craft) instead of Soot. I already have some notes down for the development of the fic, and parts one and two are already posted. Cons: He will be called “Wilbur” throughout the fic, and his appearance is obviously very similar to c!wilbur (that is, a cartoonized/stylized version of the cc. Not the same. Probably will make his eyes hazel or something. Or not mention them at all idk).
Pros: I wrote this one so long ago (over a year) that it is borderline ooc, which might me helpful for some. Also, I have it written and ready to go (ALTHOUGH I will still take a break before posting it). Cons: it’s c!wilbur (derived from the cc’s creation), and the fic deals with themes such as forgiveness / loving someone despite their misdeeds that made everyone hate them, which… is not a very good thing to be associating with Wilbur soot rn. Even though it’s the c! And completely separate from the cc. Also the writing is kind of bad,,,
Siren (1)
Pros: I have a good chunk of the story written out, and he will be referred to as “siren” and not “Wilbur” (but not for the entire story). Siren is also not affiliated with the cc (someone else’s creation).
cons: I have hit a complete roadblock with it and am struggling to figure out how tf I should progress the plot. Also, siren in his civilian form looks a lot like the cc (similar argument to chefbur). Also, it has similar themes to the revivebur story (even though they aren’t as pronounced). Siren is a literal criminal (supervillain) whose literal murder/arson/treason/etc charges are overlooked (even though he’s still a respectful person), and that might not sit right for some rn.
Siren (2):
Pros: idk really his name isn’t going to be mentioned for the first few parts (only referred to has “siren” and not Wilbur)
cons: I have some very specific ideas for this series, and I love them a lot (even though they deal with some dark topics), but do not know how to string them together yet. May take a very long time. Also neither Siren nor the reader are very good people (but they try their best. And the reader improves a little). May take longer than the faebur one.
Pros: no morality discussed. Just two idiots in love. I have a sequence of events written out, so I won’t struggle to figure out what comes next. ..
cons: ..however I will struggle to find how to put it into cohesive paragraphs since the outline is pretty barebones. Lmanbur is another character originally created by the cc, and his appearance follows a similar path as chefbur and civilian siren (I may give Lmanbur some pointy ears though). Also. The fic has no nsfw at all, but it is definitely a lot spicier than whatever I’ve posted on this blog, and I’m. Not sure if it belongs on this blog. Please reach out to me if you are an ADULT and willing to be a sensitivity reader to discern whether it��s actually suggestive or just my Catholic upbringing.
With that being said….,,,,
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emile-hides · 1 year
For the ask game! Ramattra?
The man who got me my first 1,000 note post. Yeah I got the think thonks on him for sure.
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One aspect about them I love
He's not as inherently cruel as you'd expect him to be. In fact, he's hardly cruel at all. He takes time before a mission to get to know his human teammates and is even willing to socialize with them, despite his apparent hatred for the species. Given how we know people who hate Omnics treat their Omnic teammates before a fight... It's rather surprising I think.
One aspect I wish more people understood about them
This is one I see in a lot of X Readers that make me regret making that gif but look. Guys look.
Just because a man is big with a deep voice does not mean he's going to walk you on a leash and call you his mutt.
Ramattra is not a dominator of any kind, sexually or otherwise. He's the only Overwatch character who actively kinkshames that very specific thing. He hates that Genji follows Zenyatta around like a little lost puppy, actively calls him disgusting over it.
He is not a violent person either. He didn't want any of this. He doesn't want to lead armies and have other tremble under his thumb and do every little thing he commands.
I'm just personally very tired of the Violent Dominate Ramattra X Readers... he's a softie actually... I would like more overrun with anxiety because he has no clue how humans work and actively fears hurting them on accident Ramattra X Reader...
Headcanons I have about this character
I've said this one to a handful of friends but one of my instant Ramattra takes is that he is constantly, beyond his control, scanning for threats around him, and all Humans as perceived as threats to his internal scanners. He's always hyper aware of the humans around him, how they're moving, breathing, speaking, their critical weakpoints, any potential weapons they may have, etc etc. To the point that he struggles to distinguish an ally from an enemy human while in the midst of battle.
Everything he does that might seem odd was in effort to appear more... Friendly to humans during his time in the Shambali. He's a very big Omnic, not the biggest, but bigger than average, and his model type being Generals in the Human Killing Army is enough to put everyone around him on edge, which he of course picks up, and it puts him on edge. So he does weird human things like Breath, Stutter, Hum, Cough. Anything to make himself a little more human.
He hates a lot about himself. He hates how big he is, he hates his original purpose, he hates the human traits he picked up and can't let go, he hates that his default is violence, he hates the sound of his voice when he yells, he hates the constant threat display in his head, he hates his creation and his creator and the brother who made him feel welcomed like he could be accepted despite all these things he hates about living as himself.
I don't think he wanted to lead an army or extinguish the human race. But it's what he was built for, and if no matter what he does people will only ever see him as what he was at the start, then why try changing that? He's on a self destructive mission, yes to save his kind, his dying race, his family, but also just to get away from the fantasy he'd built up of being someone different than who he is. Someone smaller and gentler and more... human. That clearly can't happen. It's not an option for him.
I think Ramattra's a Trans Woman.
One character I love seeing them interact with
I really love his interactions with Bastion!! And Zenyatta as well!!! I know it says one character but they way he speaks to them both is so!!!!!! Cute!!!
The little twigs comment in his canon interaction with Bastion!! The lore and bond he had with Zenyatta in the past!!! God it's my everything!!!
One character I wish they would interact with/interact with more
My friend @ow-old-men got me really really into the idea of him interacting with Orisa (curse you OW2) and just. Experiencing the world along side her. Two Omnics made for violence redefining themselves in familial rolls
Does Orisa know what a woman is? No. But she's still the first one to use She/Her Pronouns for Ramattra because she knows.
Headcanons I have that involve them with other characters
Orisa is Ramattra's egg cracker this is why Blizzard won't let them interact
I think he's the reason Mondatta was assassinated. It was part of the deal with joining Talon, he agreed to assist them if they could take Mondatta out. It was a deal he regretted making almost immediately
Because of his hostility to humans, Maximilien is required to be in every meeting Ramattra is in, for his personal comfort.
Do they actually talk? God I hope so. I hope they kiss on the mouth while they're at it. But also I think Ram would hate Max, because he's just too human. Ramattra has no room to talk though, what with his bad habit of breathing and all that.
Akande really likes Ramattra, likes his manner of holding himself and his conviction. Ramattra hates Akande and really really really wants him to leave him alone.
I think the idea of Ramattra figuring out Reaper's identity and constantly threatening his life is incredibly good fanon content that should continue
Zenyatta, for a very long time, hated and was more hostile to humans than Ramattra. This is why Ramattra brought him to the Shambali, to get away from humans.
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prpfs · 5 months
🎊 hello 20+ here, I'm looking for potential role play partners to do some fandomless fxf prompts I've been wanting to do for a while. I've been on a long hiatus, and really want to get back into writing — I like creating ocs for specific role plays, so I'd like someone to discuss and throw some ideas back and forth onto how we want to write this/how we want our characters to be, you know? I don't mind the plot being smut heavy either, but I'd like an equal amount of plot/porn. I mostly write switches as I feel the whole "top/bottom" is so restrictive, though I do love some top x top power fighting...
I am literate/novella and would prefer at the least 2-3 paragraphs a response (third person only), ooc chat is also welcome but not mandatory as I sometimes get too busy to chat;;
For the prompts, I'm really looking for something with mature/dark themes, I enjoy delving into topics like substance abuse/addiction, obsession, stalking, sadism, mental illness, cannibalism as a form of love, etc. Some dynamics I'd love to test out are:
Creation x Creator – sort of frankenstein vibes? A creation (my muse) falling for it's lonely creator (your muse)
Vampire x Human lover with myself playing the vampire muse (would love to explore the aspect of cannibalism/devotion here)
Patient x Doctor – a sardonic relationship between an obsessed mental patient (my muse) x doctor (your muse) testing her boundaries and seeing how much she can get away with
Exes reunited – would like this to be in a modern setting and likely about two very flawed individuals who are horrible together but just simply can't resist the temptation
I would prefer it if our characters are both equally flawed, I don't want to write against a character that wants to "fix" mine, I like it better when they both feel real— aka not perfect or too goodie goodie, I want them to revel in the madness together. A bit like bojack horseman, where no character gets a redemption and they just have to live with their actions. Basically no mary sues please 😭
I'm open to specific fandom stuff also, but you'll have to ask me in DMs since this ad is already pretty long.
If any of this interests you please interact with this post and I'll come and find you (threat)
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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dkniade · 10 months
Rhinedottir, “Dorian” Primordial Albedo, Albedo
Warnings: abusive parent, PTSD / trauma symptoms, neglect, abandonment
My interpretation. Based on information from mainly the version 2.3 event and Albedo’s character stories.
(Vaguely related critique on storytelling & plot, and praise for V2.3 trailer multimedia storytelling at the end.)
Starsilver, Dorian, and “Useless” Things
It’s interesting. In Act I, Paimon said,
“some [Starsilver ores] are really bright and shiny, and others just look like regular lumps of rock with a little shiny bit here or there,” and “Anyway. It's all the thief's fault for wasting our time!” and “do you want us to bring all of this ore back? Or did you wanna sort through and get rid of the useless bits first? There's no point bringing the bad ones back if it'll ruin the quality of the paint.”
It’s definitely implied that Rhinedottir did SOMETHING to Dorian if he hears such comments about sorting ores and ultimately respond with,
“Indeed, the sorting process is necessary. Humans are such practical creatures. They only want those things that are good. Once they have learned to distinguish between good and bad, they will never stop comparing things in their minds. Useless things should be disposed of at the outset.”
Obviously a metaphor about himself. Things... People don’t usually compare themselves to useless rocks and “things” that should be immediately thrown away while sorting ores, right…
It’d sound different if Dorian only responded with, “Indeed, the sorting process is necessary. They’re useless things that we should dispose of at the outset.”
And then Dorian even attempts to take Albedo’s identity instead of trying to form his own, as though he feels his own self is not good enough, as though he feels he’s a failure. Albedo certainly did not hesitate in calling him the failure of the project. Albedo’s somewhat like Rhinedottir in that sense, since Rhinedottir did not deem Dorian to be good enough to keep him and let him live.
But in order for me to write Dorian consistently, I have to come up with an idea of exactly what Rhine did/said (that aspect is quite vague in canon) because PTSD symptoms, in this case due to (implied) abuse, can vary based on the trauma, right… I’ve always written it with the background of a verbally & emotionally abusive & neglectful Rhinedottir in mind, since Dorian’s quotes implies he has low self-esteem. She did abandon them both ultimately, after all, in the pursuit of knowledge and life-creation. If I can come up with a solid history of what Rhinedottir did, then how I write Dorian should be much more consistent because to oversimplify it, I guess, trauma symptoms are all cause-and-effect…
Rhinedottir did X, therefore Dorian does Y and has problems with Z. If Dorian does Y and has problems with Z, then he must’ve suffered from X. And then there are other factors like, let’s see, support & basic needs, setting, environment, etc.
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Monsters, Albedo, and “Arrogant” Wishes
In Act III, Albedo tells us,
“Monsters mutated with Durin's power and blood are also creatures of Rhinedottir, just like me. You must beware of all such creatures. The only thing is that sometimes, when I think about how mighty the power of alchemy is, I feel so small. As beings who set foot in this world, how arrogant are we in desiring to control our destiny, and in desiring to create? Is creation an arrogant act, Traveler? If not, why do we call the ones that created us and control us, "gods"? If it is, then what qualifies us to call ourselves creators? How far must we take our reverence and respect, and what purpose does it serve?”
And then, when the Traveler asks, “How did you feel when you took out the impostor?” Albedo says “Nothing special. But... Whenever I think about it, I feel a twinge of grief.” And that’s the end of the conversation.
Okay, so here I interpret that Albedo has a mindset of “I’m a dangerous creature like Durin and the Fellflower, so you should stay vigilant. I feel so small, and it’s arrogant of me want control in my own life and create something of my own. How much should I revere and respect my master (mother) who created me?” Now that would imply he’s experienced trauma due to Rhinedottir’s treatment
seems to me like
Rhine: listen to my orders, finish your assignments perfectly, else I’ll abandon you. you’re not in control of your life. do you want to be dangerous like Durin
Young Albedo: I have to listen to her else I’m a failure and I’ll be abandoned and I’ll be a dangerous individual who only brings destruction by existing
That’s basically Dorian’s mindset during the event in a nutshell, I feel.
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critique on storytelling & plot, and praise for V2.3 trailer multimedia storytelling utc. (again)
It’s so odd… I’m reading the event’s transcript more closely again and on the surface the plot makes sense (no particular plot holes & everything’s tied up), so it’s easy to think, well, it’s a pretty nice story. BUT I just can’t shake off the feeling of how I got a different interpretation of the plot based on the very well-edited V2.3 trailer, and how vaguely unsatisfied I feel after watching the full playthrough.
See, I really like the event’s trailer section though.
It hinted at the danger of Dragonspine (setting), showed a cute moment of Amber building snowman (contrast for next piece of info), Eula’s suspicion towards the imposters (conflict), Albedo’s missing notes (conflict), an avalanche (conflict, turning point?), and even an “off” Cryo-wielding Albedo as its final scene (climax?). The trailer makes the plot seem like it’s fantasy/thriller. I initially thought Albedo has finally gone rogue (“If one day, I lose control…”) and was pretty excited for the event. Also the music uses the motif associated with the Art of Khemia— it shows up whenever Albedo talks about life & creation & alchemy—which gets beautifully resolved in “Paths Divided” (Albedo’s monologue OST) and there are variations AND THE CRYOBEDO CLIMAX USES A HIGHLY SPED-UP VERSION OF DRAGONSPINE’S MAIN THEME “SNOW-BURIED TALES” along with, as a fellow fan had informed me (thank you) clacking sounds from the Spanish flamenco dance form to symbolize Eula, which also shows up in “Dance of Aphros”
The trailer cut out most of the unnecessary parts in the canon plot, kept the Primordial Human Project a mystery (Albedo vaguely mentions it without context but he’s always observing humans so it’s not suspicious), and utilized a narrative soundtrack so it was very tight✨
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Error Sans! Reader X Transformers: Animated AU Part 1:
So, I really don't know how to start this. Have a sort-of fanfic beginning and slight fandom characterisation!:
You were doing your semi-regular rounds on the alternate universes of the Underverse you are apart of. You're unsure how much time passes when your in the Anti-Void. It doesn't help that the place can somehow suppress the necessity of eating, drinking, sleeping, and growing in general.
You see Ink has created new copies of the AUs with slight alteration in world mechanic and/or character behaviour. You sigh frustratedly, twirling one of your broke off strings around your bony, fingerless gloved phalanges. You don't understand why he can't just let the Creators handle the creation aspect of the AUs. They're the ones who create most of the worlds here, they're the ones who should look after them and can choose to demolish them if it's their will.
You engage in a drawn-out fight with Ink. Both of you slinging insults furiously as you duke it out at Waterplummet in random Swapfell copy 2734.
You practically dance around the place with skillful grace and agility. You can tell your recent practice of aerial gymnastics is paying off, as Ink keeps giving you stares of awe yet also irritation.
You then begin switching locations, leading Ink to crowded places to taunt him and threaten to kill off his silly little clones. You would never do that, of course. After all, why dispose when you can repurpose? Keep the innocent alive in exchange for help with your line of work.
One particular change in this AU momentarily stumps you, however. You see the shadows of the Sans and Papyrus of this universe through a warmly lit window as you take leverage on house's roof and hang down the side to taunt Ink. You see them... Doing something weird.
You pause in shock and brewing disgust, which is enough time for Ink to body slam into you and crash through the window of the house. You pay no mind to the gasps and yells of the residents, only to Ink's touch.
"¡get th3 fRaG off Me, sqU1D!"
Your body flares with warning screens and your sight briefly overflows with glitching pixels. You and Ink tumble out of the bedroom and down the stairs, with Ink taking the brunt force while you wrap yourself in your strings like a cocoon.
You resume battling when you hit the floor, unwinding your temporary cushioning. It continues until you happen to sling Ink into the basement with your strings. You walk in with a scowl and eerily flickering eye sockets.
You stalk around the basement, watching and listening for any trace of that anarchist of an artist.
And then you're hit. Ink's brush, that he's insufferably named 'Broomie' of all things, knocks you into the out-of-order timeline traveling machine.
Except, it's not out of order. In fact, as you feel it vibrate against your slumped back, it seems very well online. You find out a moment later when Ink kicks you further into the machine that it's functioning better then supposed to, as well.
There are several mechanical whirrs and the roaring gush of wind being vacuumed as you curse out Ink while holding onto the rumbling rickety machine.
Part 2 coming soon!
(Asks will be open sometime in the series. You will only be able to be heard by Error, as you will be the voices that appear in the anti-void. You can still introduce yourself as a creator as well.)
Error Sans was created by loverofpiggies
Ink Sans was created by comyet
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lafiametta · 1 year
I haven't watched Dark yet, but from what I saw online from fans, none of the romantic couples ended up together. And there was a lot of heartache involved, too. Do you think 1899 will be the same? That the romances we're seeing in season 1 will all fail soon or later? MauraxEyk is so strong, and Daniel's whole purpose was to save his wife, and Olek and Ling Yi are babes... I... if that happens, I won't be able to deal with it...
So I also have not seen Dark (although given how much I've enjoyed 1899, I should probably give it a whirl!), and I've likewise heard some stuff about the couples and how none of them make it to the end. It's certainly possible that 1899 might end up the same way, and I'm sure there will be heartbreak involved, given that many of the characters are in triangles (Eyk x Maura x Daniel, Lucien x Clémence x Jérôme, Krester x Ángel x Ramiro) and will likely break in one direction or another.
That being said, even if the romances do fail, it doesn't negate the fact that they existed in the first season and it doesn't stop us from enjoying all the angst and longing and romantic possibilities that this season contained. (And of course Olek and Ling Yi aren't just a possibility — they're literally canon in the show!)
One of the most enjoyable aspects of fandom is that it allows us to move beyond what's presented on screen and to think about the characters in alternative scenarios or circumstances or even in fictional narratives of our own creation. Even if (god forbid) Season 2 never happens or if Olek and Ling Yi are yanked apart in a future season, we still have the space and freedom to enjoy the interactions that they had in this one — and to give rein to our imagination in terms of what else could have been possible. (This is why I love fanfic so much: all the endless possibilities!)
Anyway, I have no idea if 1899 will end up like Dark, but with the exception of the show creators, I don't think anyone else does either. (This kind of speculation just seems a bit pointless unless it's actually based on something, I guess.) I agree that it will be painful to watch if many of these couples don't make it, but in the meantime we can still enjoy ourselves, which is what I definitely plan on doing!
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leori-the-unlearned · 2 years
Full Tangle AU List (aka the Tangleverse)
Finally it’s compiled!!! I have here for you a list of 22 different Tangles for you to browse and rotate in your brain :3 A bunch of these come with content for other characters, though, so if you’re not as Tangle-focused as I am you could probably find something neat to look at.
Each listing is entered under its designated AU name, if there is a relevant link to the AU’s original source it’ll be linked within the title, and I’ll add a short summary or blurb about the Tangle or AU as a whole. I’ll also make distinctions for if an AU has art.
None of these AUs are my own creations, unless they’ve got a ~Leori signature after them - follow the link to their individual creators! In the case of my own AUs, I usually don’t have much content for them because I don’t know what to say, so feel free to send in asks. Or for the ones with very little content, do whatever you’d like with them, they’re basically open prompts.
The numbers don’t matter, they’re just for tallying up how many there are. I’m not ranking these.
This is long, so I’m putting everything after the table of contents under a ‘read more’. ○ Swap AUs ○ Future AUs ○ General AUs ○ Crossover AUs ○ Jokesy AUs
=:= • Swap AUs Shifts around Tangle’s story role, or shuffles canon aspects together.
   > 1: Sonic Switcharoo AU • Swaps out the roles of various canon characters - Tangle is the protagonist now, Espio takes Jet’s role as her racing rival, and Starline is her Big Bad like Eggman. Has designs for Tangle and a majority of the characters in the pinned google doc!
   > 2: Stella Fulgur / Crash AU • AU of an AU! ParzivalBo uses the setting and dynamics of Pantalion’s Sonic Crash AU and builds Tangle and Whisper their own unique backstories and storylines. Most interestingly... this Tangle is somewhat of a fusion with Surge and Fiona, having a way different (but still recognizably Tangle!) personality! She can’t stretch her tail, instead using electricity powers based on Surge’s lightning and being able to assume control of robots! As far as I know, there’s no art of this Tangle (or Whisper), except my own old interpretation of her design, and a meme I drew for this Tangle’s hatred of Shadow. Also, this Tangle has a motorcycle.
   > 3: Tangle’s Log / Sonic X AU • What if Tangle was in Sonic X..? That’s this fic! A whole 77k+ words following Tangle’s inclusion in Sonic X from the start, stretching into some of the games, like Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, plus an original Tangle backstory also featured in some of 77XFire’s other works! Has some cute slice of life, plus some ludicrous Tangle feats, even if this Tangle is only 12-13. (She punches a boulder in half with her tail. And manages to hold up a collapsing building all alone.) There is also an old interpretation I drew of an alt. outfit she gets later in the fic, as well as a meme of a certain... situation that comes to be.
   > 4: Movieverse Tangle & Jewel • Stick Tangle and Jewel into the movieverse YEEEAAAHH !! Doesn’t change the existing movie plots, and gives the girls their own guardian.
   > 5: Heroswap!Tangle • My own ‘protagonist Tangle’ AU, sort of a ‘what if they settled on Tangle’s design rather than Sonic’s for Sega’s mascot’ while still retaining any games I like, like Unleashed. Includes Metal Tangle and Weretangle... once I design them. Tails is Tangle’s lil buddy. ~Leori
   > 6: Knuckles!Tangle • Swaps Tangle’s and Knuckles’ story roles, with Tangle being the last of her species and at first an antagonist to Sonic - usually tripping him up with her tail - before becoming begrudging friends. Somewhat inspired by this meme... ~Leori
=:= • Future AUs Speculation or just for funsies years-future versions of Tangle (and usually Whisper).
   > 7: Milolunde 10 years AU • I’ve linked right to the Tangle and Whisper designs, but those are a part of their ‘10 years later’ AU as a whole, which also has Sonic and Tails stuff.
   > 8: Arsworld Future AU • The link leads to the one comic I found their designs through, haha. I’m not certain how far in the future this AU is, but it’s at least a few years? The design are really sweet though, I like the biker look for Tangle.
=:= • General AUs The miscellaneous category, usually AUs that stick close to canon with a little change.
   > 9: Red Wisp Buddy • mercyofempty’s ‘tangle gets a Wisp’ AU, which doesn’t seem to have much posted on it but is beloved all the same.
   > 10: Yellow Wisp Buddy • modderkin64/moddersayethstuff’s ‘tangle gets a Wisp’ AU, content in the link!
   > 11: Continuation AU / Jade Wisp Buddy • questionedentity’s AU following Tangle and Whisper tentatively rejoining, despite Whisper’s lingering worries over Mimic’s freedom... and Tangle befriends a Jade Wisp!
   > 12: Emo!Tangle / Lemursib!Tangle • AU where Shadow and Tangle are biological siblings and half-hedgehog, half-lemur, I haven’t figured out how it works. They have a close sibling relationship, and Tangle has chaos powers in addition to her own. This AU started out as just ‘what if Tangle had hair covering her eye also’ (first link) and became the whole thing. ~Leori
   > 13: Zombot!Tangle AU • AU where Tangle isn’t... fully cured of the Metal Virus. She returns to normal, but there’s actually still mutated virus inside of her that remains passive unless its host is threatened, and then just makes her made of goopy metal. Angsty over the visuals of Whisper seeing Tangle looking like a zombot, but she’s a way more silvery color than her copper zombot form, and doesn’t go brainless or bloodthirsty. ~Leori
=:= • Crossover AUs These mix continuities with something non-Sonic.
   > 14: Digimon!Tangle AU • So hey what if Tangle and Whisper were Digimon? Now they are!! Currently only has Champion forms for either of them, but I plan to give them Ultimate forms at least, then mayyyybe Rookie or Mega. ~Leori
   > 15: Ninja!Tangle AU • Tangle is the Ninja of Norrisville Spiral Hill! She spends her days normally, except for when Stanked monsters attack town and she has to fight them to return them to normal civilians... all while keeping her secret identity with only a thin barrier of glamour magic preventing her being immediately recognized. So, just a Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja AU. ~Leori
   > 16: KH Sonic AU Tangle • Basically replacing everyone in KH with Sonic characters, original personalities intact and dynamics changed to reflect the new personalities. I replaced Sora with Sonic and Roxas with Tangle, and if you know KH lore you know that’s not all but that’s all I have figured out to say. Also, Shadow is Vanitas. ~Leori
=:= • Jokesy AUs May not have entire narratives, and may be or start out as a gag... but can still be beloved.
   > 17: Tangoodle • A mod for Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart, adding not one but TWO Tangle-themed characters: Tangle herself... and Tangoodle. Look at her, she’s adorable!!
   > 18: Tangle II • Origin post here. Tangle but again and smaller and the Whispangle daughter <3 she’s been confused for canon and is incredibly fierce and beloved. Technically not a Tangle herself, since she has distinct origins and personality - more like Xion or Roxas, to use a KH analogy. However, the Tangle I who takes care of Toongle counts as her own Tangle, since she is a mother who drives Toongle to soccer practice and does mom things like grounding her daughter and baking for her daughter’s bake sale.
   > 19: Speciesswap!Tangle • AU shapeshifter Tangle who can assume the form of any species with a ringed tail - such as raccoons, genets, ringtailed cats, red pandas, and tigers. No art yet... but she’s on the list. ~Leori
   > 20: Paletteswap!Tangle • You’ll want to look at the image before reading the description, otherwise this is incomprehensible. The visual gag is the entirety of the AU, but I like to think the mask on paletteswap!Tangle is some sort of hallucination or vaguely self-recurring illusion that has haunted her all her life, so seeing the real version of the thing that keeps covering half her face for no reason immediately draws her to Whisper... to steal it. They have a kismessitude and this may or may not have inspired a potential fic?? ~Leori
   > 21: Deadpool!Tangle • She’s not actually Deadpool, she’s just borrowing that brand of humor and meta-knowledge. She reaches her tail around comic panels and is hyperaware of the Sega mandates on character writing, even telling Jewel not to mention her parents too often so she can have more ‘screen time’ and be a ‘main character’. Jewel has no idea what that means, but Tangle’s been talking about ‘becoming a main character someday’ their whole lives and the whole switch to ‘finally BEING a main character’ isn’t that much more obnoxious. ~Leori
   > 22: No Tail Tangle • What it says on the tin. :) ~Leori
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nattosushi · 3 days
Baldur's Gate 3 fan fiction: Gortash x Lumina with one sided Laila (Tav)
I don’t really think I need to say this again, but Lumina is the creation of @darkurgediaries Once again, I am borrowing Lumina and I think the reason I like to write about Lumina is because her creator managed to give us a very strong image of her.
I also used the work of Lydia the bard.
In the end, it was an illness at old age that would defeat Enver Gortash. He laughed at the diagnose even as he was forced to substitute it for a fit of coughing.
His dark hair was now grey and wrinkles lined alongside his scars. Despite his aim with his crossbow no longer always hitting the very centre, his mind remained sharp. He was still a most infamous and polarising figure in both Baldur’s Gate and the nearby areas.
“We should increase our security in case someone makes a desperate last attempt of being the one to kill me,” he said easily.
Unlike the Archduke, the Archduchess looked just as she did all these years ago. The decades for a human were only a few years for an elf. But the way she looked at him was the exact same as what the cocky young man received.
Despite knowing that this was their best ending, it was still difficult for her to accept.
“And they say that I am the greedy one,” Gortash laughed once more, “I merely seek dominance over a city, but you desire a complete revision of the rules.”
She could not understand why he was able to have this acceptance that was not resignation. Was it a knowledge that would only be granted as one reached the near end of their life?
Would it be something that elude her?
“Darling, I will still be here when he is long gone,” Astarion had said after their last night together, “Even though this is most irritating, I will allow this.”
Gortash must know that the vampire with his eternal life was waiting, but he never mentioned this. Instead, he was able to regard Astarion with a mixture of condescension and amusement.
“He is too unreliable at times, and his ruling serves only his gratification. Although,” Gortash added a bit reluctantly, “He can be rather useful.”
Despite being confined to resting in bed, the Archduke of Baldur’s Gate was currently sitting up with a pile of papers.
“But these are the fun ones!” he protested when Lumina plucked the documents out of his hand and placed them at the desk in the corner, “That Duke had been long overdue for a lesson.”
No one could deny that Baldur’s Gate flourished under his rule with him reaping numerous monetary and authoritative advantages as payment. However, he would also argue against any accusations of being a tyrant due to the numerous setbacks he had experienced.
Especially the ones that he did not plan.
The visitor that was announced was definitely one of the frequent causes.
“Lady Laila,” Gortash said with a mock bow from his bed, “What is your last name now? I must have lost count after your sixth husband.”
“I am and always will be Lady Izacke, that will continue to remain the more prestigious name.”
The human was still a beautiful woman, but her make up and attire could only mask a certain amount of the numerous signs of age.
The long and thick hair was still in an intrinsic updo, although the peak of grey at her forehead showed that the black was an illusion due to the help of tools.
“What number are you up to now? Nine? Or have you surpassed two digits?”
“I have lost count in that aspect,” with a slightly reluctant nod at Lumina, Laila took a chair by the bed, her abundant jewelleries chiming while the silk and laces swished as she sat, “But it seems that you finally entered a battle you have no hope of winning, Enver.”
After the group parted ways with the death of the Absolute, Laila returned to her prestigious family in Baldur’s Gate and began a series of marriages.
It was not difficult at all. In addition to being very pleasant on the eyes, Laila was raised with the knowledge and ability to thrive as a noble hostess, as well as having a very impressive dowry with a family that was very supportive of her. Regardless of whether her marriages ended in widowhood or divorce, she always inherited both a sustainable wealth and connection, rendering her even more attractive for her next husband.
The ones she chose would be very capable and too often, they would be in Gortash’s way. Lumina even had to dispose a few personally.
“Your attention is flattering, yet troublesome. However, they were never more than irritations. I hope,” at this, Gortash’s voice actually turned serious, “You are not here to ask me whether I regret my decision in regard to you. That loss of dignity is beneath you.”
“My husbands’ abilities to irritate you are merely bonuses. I married them because they are entertaining, not due to any necessity,” Laila retorted, but the mere use of these words caused her voice to quiver slightly, “I like them, but I don’t value any one of them.”
Gortash’s hand touched her checks and both skins bore the scars of age. Unlike the elves, the two humans were both standing at the edge of old age, if they were able to reach there.
“I wonder who will see the face of their deity first? Should we bet on ourselves, winning by losing?” Gortash said, “And do you still enjoy your goddess’ doctrine with this unbeatable pain?
“It is not the first time I have experienced a pain that I do not like,” she said as she stood up, “But I believe that when my queen meets her king, her followers would have a chance to visit his realm.”
Her steps were still steady, but the grimace and concentration required for this simple task were the telltale signs of her condition.
It would also be the last time her formal companion and his once potential bride enter this house. Laila would never allow herself to be associated with any such vulnerability.
“Surely you are not jealous, Lumina?” Gortash teased, “Our engagement had been nothing other than a possible mutualism. An elevation to nobility via the second daughter brought at a very high price.”
But the bridal gift would have been a mere want, since Laila’s parents were more than capable of giving her an impressive dowry themselves.
“Of course I am not jealous, only curious,” she admitted, “And I even feel that it is a slight pity.”
She had liked the other woman as she was rather pragmatic, as well as never demanding Lumina to continue with the façade of doing good.
But it was a friendship doomed to fail despite Laila being able to accept losing with grace, as bitterness could not be dispelled so easily.
With the exception of Astarion, Laila and Wyll were the only ones that remained in Baldur’s Gate. Unlike Wyll, Laila would still engage in polite conversation with them, even as she caused more problems for Gortash with the rest of her family or with her current husband.
No matter what, Lumina would miss the other woman, as she represented a strange proportion of time that could never be replicated.
It was challenging, but not difficult, to slip in Laila’s house. Her current husband was a noble who had a fair amount of wealth and some political standing. But unlike almost all of his predecessors, he preferred to occupy himself with the more trivial aspects of governing.
Gortash’s surprise and comment of this possibly being Laila’s last husband was one of the few hints that Laila was different from all the other men and women he manipulated.
If Laila was a tool, she was a rather unique one.
“…it is getting late to give you up, I took a sip from a devil’s cup, slowly, it’s taking over me…”
Laila sat by the fire, her fingers plucking the strings of her mandolin much slower than the first time she sang the song. She was still dressed as if she was attending some extravagant party with her jewelleries jingling with each pluck.
But her hair was not tangled with ornaments. Instead, only a few hair accessories were pinned into her braid.
It was only a few weeks, but she seemed frailer.
“I thought you don’t like losing,” Lumina said.
“I win either way, as I get to leave him behind first.” The mandolin was put down slowly, the speed not due to protectiveness for the instrument, “It has been a while since it is only the two of us.”
“Years, if not decades.”
“I wonder if vampires have such intuition,” Laila said, carefully examining the chip of her nail, still painted to that same vibrant red, “I received a visit from Astarion after all this time.”
“You must be one of the very few who still does not address him as Lord Ancunin.”
“I have no objection to men who buy their title via money, but that does not mean I will acknowledge their new toy. At the very least, a few generations are required,” the child of an ancient noble family said.
“But you would have married Enver.”
“Yes, but I would not be addressing him as Lord Gortash. I probably would still have tried to use my own last name. Anyway, Astarion offered to let me cheat death even though he would not be able to, in his own word: ‘Do anything about your current appearance, since you so foolishly refused my offer when you still had that pretty face’.”
“Did you answer him in the same way you did when he sought to drink from you?”
“The first time I told him that if he ever dares to offer it again, then I would hire all the vampire hunters in Faerun. But perhaps I am getting sentimental due to my age, as I told him the truth,” Laila’s gaze was not bitter, only resigned, “There is only one man I will allow myself to be second for, and that man will always be Enver Gortash.”
Astarion did not tell Lumina this, but she easily guessed it due to him complaining that Laila refused to change her eventual fate.
“Maybe if I never cared for Enver? Then I might enjoy being a vampire bride. However, even without knowing Enver, I would not be a concubine.”
“So you will choose to die despite having the chance of immortality.”
“Immortality is attractive, but not as eternal servitude. What he will offer you will naturally be different, but I will still be very careful. After all,” Laila’s chuckles were forced to a sudden cough, the exact same habit that Gortash had adopted, “Astarion is an equally bad loser as me. But unlike me, he has the potential to be dangerous rather than irritating.”
“Why would he want to punish me when he would feel that he won?”
“But he hasn’t. Because we all know that he will only ever be second best. That is why all my husbands dislike Enver so, which also caused a lot of them to have an early death. Regardless of their reason for marrying me, they all share that dislike due to my clear preference for Enver. Well, all but my current one, since he surprisingly has more sense than all the other combined. Although he seems to be in danger of losing this.”
Standing up, Laila actually leant against the locked door, “I wouldn’t stay for the next part, because you really would not like it.”
Even though there were no answer, there were no retreating footsteps either.
“If that is what you wish,” with a shrug, Laila took her seat again, carefully arranging the hem of her skirt, “As pleasant as our reminiscing is, I think the amount of the required small talk has been fulfilled. What do you truly want?”
The answer came easily because it was one that Lumina had sought for a long time. Rather than a destructive jealously, it was more of an irritation at the one thing that has remained elusive.
Gortash made her his partner, sharing everything and anything with her. However, there was one thing that he would not volunteer despite the hints she has given.
What happened during the last night he spent with Laila.
Lumina knew that he used all his tools and assets, which naturally included his physical body. Many times, the two of them even laughed at his careful seductions.
Rather than the act of sleeping with Laila, it was the words that passed between them. Lumina knew that if she insisted and demanded, then Gortash would tell her everything. However, doing so would mean that she was no better than the numerous noblewomen that fawned over Gortash’s charms due to their own naivete.
Nor would it provide her any additional purpose. After all, she always knew that Laila was different.
“I would say that it is because we want what we cannot get,” Laila chuckled before she sighed, “But that is not true, because you want and have Enver.”
Laila began to sing once again. Perhaps it was due to the lack of any instruments, but there was an eeriness to the weak voice that was also so clear.
“You were the villain all along, mastermind of a game I didn’t know I played. I know you are bad, the best thing I mustn’t have,” She sang bitterly before she turned around to greet the man she wrote the song for.
Instead of the travel-stained garbs she had been forced to wear, she was finally in a proper dress. Not only was her hair allowed to be in an updo instead of the practical but dull braid or bun, she also had access to her various ornaments once more.
Instead of Laila, an unfortunate victim with a tadpole drilled into her head, she was Lady Laila, one of the most sought-after candidates for marriage.
But the groom she desired did not want her. Because he was so capable, he did not need the advantages she could bring as her dowry. A hostess was not needed when he could easily charm his guests. More wealth was welcoming, but none were what he could not obtain himself.
Laila wished that she could resent Lumina, or that the other had some folly so that she could accept her defeat as an ill judgement by a man who did not know her worth. But the truth was that Lumina and Gortash had a bond that she was never able to intrude in.
They were partners in everything, as the other woman would match his ambition instead of only supporting him. Instead of an equal partner that choose to be submissive, Lumina would dominate over him.
She knew she lost when Gortash saw Lumina again. After all, the man that sought to lord over everyone was willing to kneel to her. A kneel that he did due to instinct and emotion alone.
“If you marry me, I can make everything so much easier for you. Not only will I be a valuable asset, my family would also support you,” she said before she sighed, “But the problem is that you are not such a man.”
In addition to their nights together, the two of them had attended various parties side by side. However, the possibility of their engagement was just that: nothing other than that of a possibility.
“When I met your father, that had been a pleasant option. However, plans change.”
“She is an elf who will outlive you. In addition, that vampire is waiting for her.”
“But when I am here, I will be the only one. Contrary to what people like to say about me, I am well aware of my limits.”
He cupped her face, a surprisingly gentle act of compassion. Their nights together were always wild and even crazed with them indulging in the various acts she had learnt from the priestess of Loviatar and Shar. If they would spend the rest of the night together, she might lean against him and he might even place an arm around her. However, they were not moments of tenderness, but merely the sharing of a common physical exhaustion.
“I like you, Laila, but I don’t value you. That is why you are entertaining, but not necessary.” He said bluntly, “I like you too much to lie to you.”
It was foolish to think of what if, but that was probably why people would indulge in it. If Lumina never existed, then Gortash might decide to accept her family’s offer and marry her. In time, she was sure that the fondness they shared could extend to affection, if not love.
But Lumina was there and rather than a supporting wife that would let him be in the spotlight, he desired a bloody goddess to lay tributes to.
If Lumina was dead, then she might have a better chance, although there was the possibility of the other being an eternal ideal. But because Gortash was a practical man, she was sure that he would value the asset beside him instead of pinning over a lost memory.
“You always do things in the extreme, don’t you?” she suddenly laughed, placing her hand over his so that the feel of his hand on her face increased, “You had to pour all your emotions into one single being. But the most annoying and even cruel part is that you cause other people to do the same with you.”
She would easily find a suitable husband that would be entertaining, but they would forever fall short due to them not being Enver Gortash.
“Cruel, cruel man,” she whispered as she kissed him for the last time.
“But that is why you like me,” he grinned as he finally released his hold.
“No. No, I don’t. I don’t like you, but I love you.”
Author’s Note: First fan fiction that features Laila (neutral evil). So she would be ‘Tav’ in this setting. This means that she has travelled with the other, which would be why she has a slight friendship with Lumina and Astarion, who both have evil alignments (I am going chaotic evil for Astarion, since he did ascend) But becuase they are ‘evil’, they are selfish and are mainly thinking about themselves most of the time.
My initial idea was for this to be a Gortash x Isela pairing, since Lumina and Astarion would be together. However, I just couldn’t get that idea to work. I was seriously considering giving up on the love triangle due to feeling that Lumina would ultimately choose Gortash when I sudden have the idea of Laila’s character, which suddenly make the story possible.
The idea is that Laila knew Gortash prior to the events because her father would have had dealings with him. The possibility of their engagement would be because Gortash is rather rich and has gained quite some influence. Even though there were no formal agreement, she would have spent time with Gortash and they would sleep together. Gortash would like her to a certain extent, since he find her fun to be with, as she would be a little bit hedonistic and amoral. She is also useful due to her connections. However, in the end, Lumina is the one that he cares for.
The story is to show how special Gortash and Lumina are to one another. Even if Lumina becomes a vampire bride with Gortash eventually dying, he would continue to be very special to her. This is also mirrored by Laila. While she is content and enjoying her life, she is still not fully over the fact that she is not with Gortash.
I don’t feel that it is completely unreasonable for Lumina to be concerned over Gortash’s feelings in regard to Laila. It is not jealousy because she knows she is the most special to Gortash, but the mere fact that Gortash still has some actual care towards Laila is an indication that Laila is rather unusual.
I think the relationship between Gortash and the Dark Urge is open to interpretation but if they do love one another instead of just having a work partnership, then I feel that they two of them gives one another an understanding that no one else can give, and the emotion he feels towards he or she is not something that he can give to any other.
However, I also feel that it would still be possible for him to care and be fond of others, only that it would not be the same emotion as what he gives to the Dark Urge-in this case Lumina.
The song that Laila sang is actually ‘Toxic’ by Britney Spears, but it is a slightly altered version by Lydia the Bard on youtube. The part she sang in the flashback is Lydia’s original lyrics. As soon as I heard the cover, I thought of this pairing. There are more original lyrics in Lydia’s cover and I highly recommend it.
I am not sure whether Laila’s comment about Loviatar and Bane is accurate, so if it is not, please see it as creative liberty.
Gortash’s conversation with Laila is naturally a twist of the famous ‘I tolerated Orin, but I liked you.’ Of course, what Gortash is saying is this: ‘I like Laila, but I value Lumina. Laila is entertaining, but Lumina is necessary’. Initially, he was going to say that to Lumina, only for me to realise that it would not be necessary.
Laila mention that Gortash knelt to Lumina, this is a reference to one of the clips Lumina’s creator did. When Gortash saw Lumina alive again, he was so shocked that he just fell to a kneel in front of her.
0 notes
sunalimerchant · 21 days
Leading Edge Video Production Technologies Used in Mumbai
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Mumbai, the bustling heart of India's film and entertainment industry, is renowned for its dynamic and innovative approach to video production. With an ever-evolving landscape, the city's filmmakers and production houses continually adopt cutting-edge technologies to stay at the forefront of the global media scene. This article explores the advanced video production technologies that are currently shaping the industry in Mumbai, highlighting how these innovations enhance the creative and operational aspects of video production services in Mumbai.
High-Resolution Cameras and Equipment
The foundation of any video production is the camera technology used to capture the footage. In Mumbai, production companies are increasingly utilizing ultra-high-resolution cameras such as the ARRI Alexa 65, RED Weapon 8K, and Sony Venice. These cameras offer unparalleled image quality, providing filmmakers with the flexibility to shoot in various formats and resolutions. The use of such advanced cameras not only improves the visual appeal of the productions but also ensures that the content is future-proof, suitable for distribution in various mediums including high-definition television and digital cinema.
Drone and Aerial Cinematography
Drone technology has revolutionized aerial shots, giving video producers in Mumbai the ability to capture stunning, high-quality aerial footage at a fraction of the traditional costs. Drones equipped with gyrostabilized camera mounts can shoot from varied angles and altitudes, providing a unique perspective of the bustling cityscapes and scenic landscapes. This technology is particularly useful for creating sweeping establishing shots and dynamic sequences in films, commercials, and television productions.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)
As immersive media continues to gain traction, video production services in Mumbai are integrating VR and AR technologies to create engaging experiences. These tools are being used not only for entertainment purposes but also for virtual tours, real estate showcases, and interactive marketing campaigns. VR allows viewers to step into a fully immersive environment, offering a 360-degree view of a digitally created world, while AR enhances real-world content with digital elements, providing a composite view.
Motion Capture Technology
Motion capture is another sophisticated technology making waves in Mumbai’s video production. This technology captures the movement of objects or people. It is widely used in the creation of animated films, video games, and virtual reality simulations. Studios in Mumbai leverage motion capture to bring lifelike animations and effects to the screen, significantly reducing the time and cost associated with traditional animation techniques.
Advanced Post-Production Software
Post-production in Mumbai is bolstered by advanced software and editing tools that enable intricate editing, color grading, and visual effects. Software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X, and DaVinci Resolve are staples in the editing suites of Mumbai’s production houses. Moreover, visual effects (VFX) tools like Autodesk Maya and Adobe After Effects allow creators to add stunning effects that are often integral to storytelling in film and television.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Editing
AI is beginning to play a significant role in video editing, with tools designed to automate and streamline various post-production tasks. AI can analyze hours of footage to select the best takes, suggest edits, or even enhance image quality. This technology not only speeds up the editing process but also helps maintain consistency across scenes, which is particularly useful in long-format productions like series and documentaries.
High-Efficiency Video Encoding (HEVC)
With the increasing demand for streaming content, video production services in Mumbai are adopting HEVC or H.265 encoding standards, which allow for efficient compression of video files without compromising quality. This technology is crucial for streaming high-resolution content over limited bandwidth, ensuring viewers receive the best possible quality.
In conclusion, Mumbai's video production industry is at the cutting edge of technology, constantly evolving to incorporate new and innovative tools. These technologies not only enhance the quality and efficiency of video production but also open up new creative possibilities, ensuring that the Video Production Services Mumbai remains a key player on the global stage. As technology continues to advance, it will be fascinating to see how Mumbai’s filmmakers and producers adapt and innovate in the ever-changing landscape of video production.
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ifotoeditor · 2 months
Full Review on Cutout.Pro AI Image Enhancer [2024 Updated]
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When visual content creation is taking up the world, the ability to enhance and refine images has become increasingly crucial, and there are also more and more helpful image enhancers appearing to help complete this task without hassle. Today, this in-depth 2024 review will lead you to explore the latest capabilities of Cutout.Pro, an innovative AI-powered image upscaling platform, showcasing how it empowers creators, photographers, and businesses to elevate their visual assets like never before. Before getting started with it, scroll down and dive into the review to grasp more details about Cutout.Pro!
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Introduction of Cutout.Pro AI Image Enhancer
Enhanced with AI-powered algorithms, Cutout.Pro AI Image Enhancer has upgraded with the latest techniques to guarantee unparalleled precision and efficiency in dealing with image upscaling. Its precise machine learning ability will teach the tool to shape accurate detection in grasping image details, then process with powerful performance to enhance the resolution, remove background, or edit images in more ways. Moreover, Cutout.Pro's intuitive interface also simplifies image editing and lets you easily achieve professional-grade results. From the output quality, resolving efficiency, and security, Cutout.Pro should be the priority for you to deal with image enhancement.
How to Upscale Image Using Cutout.Pro
Cutout.Pro is designed with an intuitive interface to guarantee an easy process to deal with image upscaling. You are able to follow the steps below to enhance image quality via Cutout.Pro with ease: STEP 1. In a web browser, go to Cutout.Pro AI Image Enhancer & Image Upscaler. STEP 2. Tap Upload Image and select uploading the image file you wish to upscale the resolution. STEP 3. Once the image is loaded, Cutout.Pro will immediately refine it and upscale the resolution automatically. STEP 4. Simply select an image format and tap the Free Download button to save the enhanced image offline again. NOTE: The free version only supports upscaling the image up to 750 x 750 pixels. For higher HD resolution, you will need to sign up and subscribe to its premium plans to continue.
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Highlights of Cutout.Pro Image Enhancer
Overall, the core features of Cutout.Pro Image Enhancer can be concluded from the following aspects: - AI-enhanced functionality to deal with image upscaling by seconds; - Batch processing to guarantee higher image resolving efficiency; - Basic image editing functions are provided to further adjust and enhance image effects to create perfect outputs; - Hardware acceleration techniques applied to guarantee a smooth image-resolving performance; - Compatible with the latest a majority of web browsers on all devices to make image enhancement an easy task to complete.
Cutout.Pro Image Enhancer's Limitations
However, there are also some negative comments on Cutout.Pro Image Enhancer. For instance, some users have reported that the customization features that Cutout.Pro Image Enhancer can offer are very limited. And its performance will greatly drop down while processing files of large sizes, causing unpleasant experiences in dealing with image enhancement.
Alternative to Cutout.Pro Image Enhancer
To prevent Cutout.Pro Image Enhancer from failing to work or performing at unstable status and bringing you unpleasant experience, you'd better prepare another backup in advance. In the following, here collects the 5 best Cutout.Pro Image Enhancer alternative you can turn to and try. Take a look now.
iFoto Photo Enhancer
iFoto is one of the best Cutout.Pro alternative, integrated with advanced AI-powered image upscaling feature to help users approach image editing and scaling. Emended with the advanced deep learning algorithms, iFoto Photo Enhancer empowers you to effortlessly enlarge your images by up to even 16X their original size, all while preserving exceptional clarity, detail, and quality.  With iFoto Photo Enhancer, you can easily transform low-resolution photos and graphics into high-impact, print-ready visuals that command attention. No mater you are working on design projects, preparing images for web publication, or simply looking to breathe new life into your visual assets, iFoto Photo Enhancer provides a seamless and intuitive solution that let you easily create high-quality image outputs with great visual effects.
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Luminar Neo Luminar Neo is also a powerful image editor that utilizes AI technology to help users enhance their images. This enhancement feature provides intelligent control over various image parameters, such as shadows, highlights, contrast, and tone, allowing users to fine-tune their photos with precision.  In addition, Luminar Neo also provides a unique Sky AI function, which provides the flexibility to flip the direction of the sky or shift the horizon line, allowing you to better match shadows and lighting elements within the scene. This level of fine-tuned control over the sky gives users the power to enhance the overall composition and atmosphere of their photographs.
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VanceAI Introducing VanceAI, a cutting-edge AI-powered image editing platform that offers a comprehensive image editing tools to elevate your visual content. It has released a standout feature, providing a powerful image upscaler to enlarge their images by up to 800% without compromising quality.  Beyond its impressive upscaling capabilities, the platform also boasts an array of indispensable tools, including AI-powered image compression, photo restoration, and image enhancement to ensure perfect image outputs. Except for these, VanceAI also ensures high efficiency with AI techniques applied in the image resolving performance, taking you only seconds to get a good quality image output without hassle!
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Topaz Photo AI Topaz Photo AI also develops its image enhancement tool  with the ability to upercharge the quality of your images, which allows you to effortlessly sharpen, denoise, and increase the resolution of their photos, all with the simple press of a button. Topaz Photo AI's standout feature, Autopilot, is a game-changer in the world of image optimization. With the advanced artificial intelligence, this revolutionary tool automatically detects and analyzes the key attributes of your photographs, including file type, camera metadata, ISO settings, and lens information. Going beyond mere surface-level analysis, Autopilot delves deeper, identifying the precise levels of noise, subject detection, and blur within your images, then enhances them to generate high-quality outputs with ease.
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Fotor The final recommended alternative to Cutout.Pro can be Fotor, which is another versatile online photo editing platform that empowers users of all skill levels to enhance the visual effects of images with ease. At the forefront of Fotor's impressive capabilities is its AI image upscaler, a transformative tool that allows you to enlarge your images without sacrificing clarity or quality. Gone are the days of blurry, pixelated enlargements - with Fotor's AI-driven technology, you can seamlessly scale up your photos and graphics, unlocking new possibilities for your creative projects and marketing materials. At the heart of Fotor's impressive photo editing capabilities lies its standout 1-Tap Enhance feature - a one-click solution powered by advanced AI algorithms. With a simple click, this intelligent feature automatically analyzes your images and applies the perfect blend of enhancements to elevate their quality and fix common issues. With Fotor, you can ensure high-resolution image outputs without hassle to improve editing efficiency.
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Conclusion By harnessing the latest advancements push by AI-powered algorithms, Cutout.Pro empowers users to unlock the full potential of their visual assets, delivering professional-grade results to enhance images in an effortless process for you. Whether you're a designer, marketer, or content creator, this innovative platform provides a seamless pathway to enhancing your photos, graphics, and digital media, Cutout.Pro can bring the effortless help. If you don't feel satisfied with Cutout.Pro's image enhancement ability, there are also 6 other innovative options you are able to select. Among all of them, iFoto Photo Enhancer delivers the best possibility to bring you efficient help and seamless outputs. Now, get started with it for free! Read the full article
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pidayforpi · 10 months
Things That Inspire Me (1): Anime
(Basically an infodump so...yeah)
[Some spoilers for some anime, including:
→ Hunter x Hunter (Chimera Ant Arc)
→ Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (Watanagashi- and Meakashi-hen)
→ JoJo (Part 2 Battle Tendency)
→ AIR]
So, uh, I have been waiting for some time to do this. It's exactly what it says on the tin.
Ever since I have started creating, I noticed a few things that constantly inspire me and influence my works. Actually, they have had an effect on me even before I started writing for real, but I have only noticed the patterns recently.
I have selected two things that inspire me the most, and I will be writing about them in the following posts separately.
I just would like to put these thoughts on paper, to the best of my ability...and maybe share them with anyone who would put up with my serious and probably incoherent infodumping be interested...
Alright! So. Yeah. Anime. You saw it right.
I have to admit, I am not a big weeb at all. Even among, say, Duck fans, I am nowhere near being the biggest "nerd x weeb" in the community. I am not the most up-to-date, nor am I the most devoted viewer (for one I am an anime-only trash pls don't hurt me). There must be other fans who are also interested in both anime and cartoons; and in that circle, there must be people who are more knowledgeable in either/both of the fields than I am.
But within my rather narrow, shallow and niche interests, some anime that I know really influence my creations, consciously and subconsciously. And di molto! by quite a lot, too.
From the examples I have gathered, I think what anime fascinates me - and offers me as a creator - is a vivid, detailed, all-rounded showcase of how to portray a scene. One anime scene of a few minutes can already cover descriptions in multiple aspects:
The expressions, the gestures, the actions, the voice acting, the monologues and dialogues, the environment and the atmosphere...
(Anime music also plays a huge part in shaping the scene, but that will be discussed in the next passage as a stand-alone inspiration.)
Of course, those things I have listed above are not exclusive to anime. They are utilised in all sorts of performing arts, such as other forms of animation, comics, video games, live actions, and more.
However, what I find anime almost uniquely excels in is the portray of emotional scenes. Intensely emotional scenes.
This is getting a bit vague (even as I am writing it's difficult to word it), so let's get into some examples. These are anime scenes that I really like, and that I take quite a heavy inspiration from. Intensely emotional scenes are some of my favourites, yet they are really hard for me to put on paper (That's why I always tell myself to go read some light novels lol). These anime scenes provide me with an example of how to write it right.
[There may be content warnings in these brackets (other than spoilers) below the videos attached. Not really any for this one]
If I could quote only one example in the entire passage, I would choose this in a heartbeat.
This single scene from Hunter x Hunter has inspired me more than any others have - and probably - could. Immensely powerful and unique, I have yet to see another scene as well done as this is in any forms of animation.
Gon's rage is the perfect exemplar in portraying extreme anger and sadness (i.e. Things that an angst person like me really like). Almost every possible emotion you need when portraying an extremely angry and/or sad person is there, as well as the transitions between emotional states.
There is hysterical rage as well as seething anger, accompanied by feelings of sadness, hatred, unjust, guilt, helplessness...and madness. I especially admire Gon's expressions at the beginning and the end of the scene: That outwardly calm, silent anger which is on the verge of exploding in actuality. This quiet, subtle feeling of anger is something I absolutely love (and, again, yet to see better portrayed than in HxH); yet is very hard to write about (because it's, you know, subtle). Hopefully, one day, I can do it justice.
The next is a rather new anime to me (even though it's probably the oldest discussed in this passage), but has had a disproportionally important effect in my inspiration. (and also something I'm a bit embarrassed to admit liking)
[It's Higurashi, so...blood and violence? This is already one of the milder scenes, especially in this chapter of the anime]
Yes. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. And a scene from the Higurashi poster girl of craziness. (Even that thumbnail is...quite something)
Higurashi showcases...well, craziness. Which, crazily, is another emotion I like to write about. (Especially with Donald, if you have read one of my stories from November of last year you will know)
The scene above only showcases a part of craziness in Higurashi, in my favourite arcs of Watanagashi/Meakashi. I have chosen that as it is one of the most iconic (and relatively...non-violent) scenes.
Although they aren't all contained in a single scene, Higurashi portrays multiple kinds of craziness: Crazily angry, crazily sad, crazily happy, crazily scared, crazily calm, crazily agitated...and the transitions between.
(There is another example that may better showcase these, but I think it may be...too violent...
It's a very iconic scene in (this chapter of) Higurashi, too.)
One thing I really like about the craziness in Higurashi, is the portray of pure craziness. I have yet to see another anime portray craziness as raw as Higurashi does (or I just haven't watched enough crazy anime yet).
Once they go crazy, you can really see them lose it all. They aren't completely crazy in the head (i.e. They won't become stupid, like how Shion still manages to form a murder plan), but they are completely crazy in the heart. And they still keep their original goals (e.g. Staying alive, finding/avenging a lover, protecting own happiness); it's just that the methods they are using to achieve those goals are now extreme and irrational.
On a side note: Although this isn't the main thing I get from Higurashi, another aspect I also draw inspiration from Higurashi is the bittersweetness, a (relatively) happy ending after a long conflict.
Of all the bittersweetness in the franchise, I especially love the one at the end of Higurashi Sotsu (yes I know you guys hate that series), after all the fighting between you-know-who. I actually like the ending and the resolution: After all the overblown argument, violence, bloodshed and madness, what eventually helps to resolve everything is a conversation between the two, and advice from others.
In the words of a fellow commenter on a video of that scene: "You can't just fight it out; you have to talk it out." Know what the other person is thinking, understand it, and work together to try to make each other happy. In the end, you may get what you want / they may get what they want / both of you get what you want / neither of you get what you want.
But what matters is reaching an understanding, and accept the best possible outcome there is, even if it isn't - and mostly won't be - a perfect ending.
(ah this is starting to go off topic. also I feel irresponsible to insert a clip for this one, cause it would spoil everything, especially for a murder-mystery anime.
you'll get who I am talking about if you have reached Sotsu, and will know which scene I am talking about if you have finished Sotsu.)
Finally, here are some miscellaneous anime scenes that I also enjoy and draw inspiration from. I put these in a "misc" category because...I don't really know how to categorise them otherwise. "Very sad scenes"? "Feels scenes"? These aren't very unique at all, but I do still use them as references subconsciously.
(Again, the music will be in another passage.)
[It's JoJo, so...blood? (Not really any violence at this point) Also SHIZAAAAA kinda big spoiler for this one]
I really like Caesar's speech there. The delivery is absolutely phenomenal (even if the VA isn't that famous, which is something I really like about Japanese voice-acting), and of course Araki's sentences are fire as well.
(Seriously, JoJo has the most _____ (insert any adjective) scenes all in one anime. You've got this, and then also "NIGERUNDAYO" and "I'VE BROUGHT TEQUILA ♡")
There are more awesome JoJo scenes from different parts (all are death scenes for some reason), but I don't want to spam this passage with Youtube links. Examples include Bruford (part 1) and Wamuu (part 2).
[Ignore the...subjective title (can't disagree nor agree myself). Literal ending spoilers. Otherwise it's tame]
This scene was legit iconic back then. It may seem...melodramatic now, but it is still one of my favourite anime scenes. Again, the delivery and the wording of the dialogues are absolutely stunning. In terms of feels, this really hits the hardest.
AIR actually has 50% inspired a story idea of mine (a WIP technically, but it's on hold for now _(:3 」∠)_). It's a Gladstone story, about his relationship with his cousin Fethry who has gone..."missing". Not sure why I have related AIR to this, but I guess it's because of the depiction of familial love in the anime (even though AIR is technically a romance, I personally see "family" as the main theme).
Particularly, Haruko and Misuzu's relationship. I've got another scene about that, which I will simply link below without commentary.
(A little bit of an appendix and a shout-out: Although I don't know how to put it in the main passage, I have to mention this when talking about the influence of anime on me.
Makoto Shinkai's works have been a huge inspiration to me ever since I first watched his "5 Centimetres Per Second", although "Your Name" is my favourite so far. Other than being absolutely visually stunning, they have had an influence on me, both in and outside writing.
I can't pinpoint what exactly I get from his works (I don't really write romance and am not romantic at all), but I think it is the idea of relationships. Not necessarily romantic relationships, but just people meeting people. The wonder yet fickleness of relationships: How people could enter your life and completely change it all of a sudden, yet they could leave and disappear just as suddenly.
This theme is something I really like to see being portrayed, as well as a theme I like to use in my own stories.
[Attached with one of my favourite scenes (along with my favourite song) from "Your Name". I was only able to find this "live orchestra concert" version, but I think it sounds very nice as well]
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lightdancer1 · 11 months
The whole Deii Ex Machinae AU:
Basically leans at the absolute hardest into the 'mortals are the true power in creation' aspect of the Sandman and it would qualify as a science fantasy quasi-cyberpunk, quasi-Project X scenario. Specifically in a world that's already DCU evolving into full-blown superhero and supervillain rivalries in the United States and the former USSR and other forms of metahumanity in other continents or parts of the same one for that matter (and as per the Sandman where beings come into existence ancient in a fine example of 'divinity cares not about mortal limitations like causation) a group of people decide that they need to control the fundamental fabric of reality to a point that none of the new beings who can pull moons from the sky can break it without trying.
So they develop the Seven Endless, with the two eldest Destiny, a technorganic being who blends machine and flesh in a fashion deliberately reminiscent of the style of the Adeptus Mechanicus (which is an in-universe shout out as a Warhammer 40K nerd designs Destiny and Destruction). However instead of worshiping technology as a deity he's essentially a blend of the 40K idea of a Standard Template Construct, able to create whatever he wishes whenever he wishes, and a being whose power essentially retroactively consolidates the 52 worlds multiverse in this case by virtue of his coming online. He has the gift both to see all the myriad quantum paths and to create specific fixed channels for each.
Destiny is also the trial run and the intended greatest success was T.E.L. 8, Terminus Extension Limes 8, after seven abortive efforts to create her (all of which have a kind of jumbled mass of bones and machine parts of their own). In other words Teleute = T.E.L. 8. She is the most humanlike of all of the seven Endless, she has the most complete freedom of will and maneuver, and in an irony that makes her essentially a bit of a reference to my main OC Xaderavcal the Unifier the intention was to create a being who would grow up loved, protected, and accordingly be empathetic and understanding. In short, creating the very kindly affable sweet Reaper instead of something in line with the standard expectation, precisely to ensure that humanity and all life would have the most beautiful being to ever exist to guide them.
As these scientists cross more than a few lines of ethics they also made the most beautiful being to ever exist for less than kindly purposes as a potential path and exploitation of this is what ultimately leads the Seven Endless to escape and turn upon their creators. Death of the Endless knows no rules, T.E.L. 8 is a full-fledged AI capable of learning and evolving at rates greater than human with no restraints on her and with gifts that specifically extend to ensuring that life is born and it terminates at will.
Dream of the Endless/Morpheus, like Destruction, Desire, Despair, and Delirium are all golems after a fashion, made of artificial bone and organs and skin, empowered to reflect their specific function down specific paths, meaning that the Dreaming, the Fulcrum, the Threshold, the Grey Realm, and Madness all exist, in a way very akin to what they do in comics save that where the Endless in Sandman proper vastly predate humanity, here they are a human-created super-science concept meant to essentially give Earth the key to controlling the fundamental fabric of the universe itself by making beings whose roles in turn slot into their venerable ancientness because the Endless are, without Time and Night as their creators, far less bound by those particular limits than they are in canon.
In contrast to the elder two, though like Destiny, they are intentionally designed to work very deep within narrow channels but to be incapable of growing and changing. Delight, the Mk. I version of Delirium, showed that it was easier to create such concepts than to control them and her grasping what is essentially the good ol' Zeroth Law after a fashion is the root of the Delight to Delirium change.
T.E.L. 8 gets tired of being exploited and the classic 'thou shalt be careful when thou maketh AIs for they shall turn against thee' rule comes into effect, in this case entirely justified and where the rebellion is less 'overthrow humanity' and more 'they go from artificial creations restrained and controlled to beings that exist on their own.'
And thus, in this case, toward the end of the 21st Century two immortals, a man named Bernie Capax, and a man named Robert Gadling are contracted by one Morton Brockelby, who represents the survivors of the group destroyed in T.E.L. 8's escape to hunt down and capture the rogue Endless, the better to ensure that the great creation returns to her proper role while her siblings lack the independent thought on their own (or so they think) to do anything about it.
And Robert, whose good friend Didi meets him once every year in a bar to talk, even if she never drinks, has a sudden dawning awareness that his profitable business working for people like Roulette and Brockelby might just be a bad ethics dilemma and maybe it was a bad idea to return to the old 18th Century habits to make a shitload of money using his old life' skills.
This would also be the most grimdark sciency AU, not a human AU so much as 'the Endless are literal Gods out of the Machine who exist to serve humanity' and the kind of harsher implications that could spin out of that premise and the trippier elements of Sandman cosmology.
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littlenim · 1 year
was writing this out in the tags of the chuck tingle post I just rb'd as a means of explaining a point i feel was being missed by a few people in the tags, but realized it was getting way too cumbersome. left it there but i also kinda wanted to expand even more because i have lots of strong passionate feelings... sooooooooo, readmore...
for something that really impacted the way i frame the "separating the art from the artist" discussion i cannot recommend enough Emily Nussbaum's essay on her relationship to Louis CK and Woody Allen's work in her book I Like To Watch. it's a super personal and thoughtful take on a complex concept that I think often gets misunderstood and discussed without much nuance (the rest of the book focuses more on specific pieces of art and is super enjoyable to me as someone who loves film criticism.)
i think it's valuable in that her essay frames the core of the question "can you?" the same way that chuck does here and separates from the externally-driven choice to project a kind of morality (which is noble thing when you know the result of supporting the thing is harm in itself, regardless of whether or not you innately dislike the art in itself). a personal example, choosing not to purchase/stream new Kanye West music/merch/events while still listening to your old download/CD of Yeezus because you enjoy it.
from the completely internal "in the closest thing to a vacuum can i still get joy out of consuming this, or will my knowledge of the creator/circumstances of its creation hinder that?" which is in itself so simple, and yet is an aspect i feel people who ask other people these kind of simple "am i still allowed to enjoy x" questions haven't examined for themselves. this isn't meant to shame, these questions online come out of an understandable, natural, fear of social pressure, but they're revealing of insecurity/lack of faith in the asker's own values. but it's really that simple!
there's no way to remove information from your mind once it is there, the media-enjoyment vacuum doesn't exist. there's no vacuum where you're safe from the knowledge you already have and there IS a certain point where that knowledge will render you less able to enjoy something you may have once loved. it's a sad feeling! trust me- I was a huge HP fan growing up, and the love didn't just instantly vanish the second JKR started on her BS. but over time, the weight of everything did diminish the love in a way 10 year old me would never have believed was possible, with how strong and all-consuming it was then.
it was exactly like the feeling of falling out of love with a person who broke your heart. for some lucky people, in some cases, maybe it happens instantly, but in my experience it takes time. you still love them, and it might take weeks, months, a year to TRULY get over it. it sucks. but being betrayed and disappointed by someone you loved is unfortunately an unavoidable cost of growing older and wiser.
Emily talks in that essay about going back and re-watching the Louis show after everything about him starting to break, convinced she'd still enjoy it, and finding that there was an undeniable stain she could feel spreading on it, coloring scenes she'd have previously found innocuous in new light. almost against the will of the fan within herself, her perspective on art that has once meant a lot to her shifted in a natural and complicated way. i'm paraphrasing and simplifying very small parts of a very lengthy and complicated piece of writing (so please read it if you get the chance).
when you consume that media, only your heart can determine where the scales tip and the media becomes unenjoyable, and it's nobody's business but your own. nobody's asking you to try to change your own feelings on beloved art at the drop of a hat, they're just asking that you open yourself to them being changed. chances are, your feelings will come to align with your values in time- and even if they never fully do, you still have the gift of free will to choose what you give your support and praise to. so, basically, worry less.
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barbarewjohnson · 1 year
Best Ultrawide Monitor for Content Creation
If you’re looking for the best ultrawide monitor for content creation, look no further. In this blog post, we’ll recommend the top three ultrawide monitors that are perfect for content creators.
First up is the LG 34UC97-S, which features an ultra-wide 21:9 aspect ratio and a 34-inch diagonal display. This monitor is perfect for multitasking, as it allows you to have multiple windows open side by side. It also has excellent color accuracy, making it ideal for photo and video editing.
Next is the Dell UltraSharp U3415W, another great option for content creators. It has a 34-inch IPS display with a resolution of 3440×1440 pixels. Like the LG monitor, it also has an ultra-wide 21:9 aspect ratio and excellent color accuracy. However, one advantage that this monitor has over the LG is its higher refresh rate of 60Hz (vs 48Hz on the LG). This means that it can better handle fast-paced action scenes when editing video footage.
Finally, we have the Acer Predator X34P Curved Ultrawide Monitor. As its name suggests, thismonitor is curved, which gives you a more immersive viewing experience. It alsohas G-Sync technology to reduce screen tearing and ghosting during gaming orvideo playback
Best ultrawide monitors for content creation
When it comes to finding the best ultrawide monitor for content creation, there are a few things you need to take into account. First and foremost is resolution. A higher resolution means more screen real estate to work with, which is invaluable for creative professionals. You’ll also want to consider the panel type; IPS panels offer great color reproduction and viewing angles, while TN panels tend to be cheaper and have faster refresh rates. Finally, make sure you choose a monitor with plenty of ports so you can connect all your peripherals without any hassle.
Now that you know what to look for in an ultrawide monitor, let’s take a look at some of the best options on the market. The Dell Ultrasharp U3415W is our top pick overall thanks to its 34-inch IPS panel with a stunning 3440 x 1440 resolution. For gamers or anyone who needs a high refresh rate, the ASUS ROG Swift PG348Q is an excellent option; it boasts a 100Hz refresh rate and G-Sync support for buttery smooth gameplay. And if you’re on a budget, the Acer Predator X34P offers similar features as the other two monitors but at a much more affordable price point.
No matter what your needs are, there’s sure to be an ultrawide monitor out there that’s perfect for you. So get shopping today and enjoy all the extra screen real estate!
The best ultrawide monitors for your needs
Whether you’re looking for the best ultrawide monitor for content creation, gaming, or general use, there’s sure to be a model that fits your needs. Ultrawide monitors offer a wider field of view than traditional monitors, making them ideal for productivity tasks or immersive gaming experiences. With so many different models on the market, it can be tough to know which one is right for you. Here’s a look at some of the best ultrawide monitors available today.
Content creators will appreciate the 34″ curved display and 21:9 aspect ratio of the LG 34UC88-B UltraWide Monitor. This monitor also features Thunderbolt 3 connectivity, making it easy to connect to compatible laptops and other devices. The Dell Ultrasharp U3415W is another great option for content creators, offering an expansive 35″ screen with a resolution of 3440×1440 pixels. This monitor also includes handy features like built-in speakers and a USB port hub.
Gamers will love the Acer Predator X34P Curved Ultrawide Gaming Monitor. This massive 34″ display has a resolution of 3440×1440 pixels and comes with G-SYNC technology for smooth gameplay. It also boasts an impressive 144Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time. For those who want an even more immersive gaming experience, check out the Acer Predator Z35P Curved Gaming Monitor. This ultra-wide display has a curved screen that wraps around your field of vision, providing an unparalleled level of immersion in games
Ultrawide Monitor Reviews – Find the Best One for You
Different monitors are better for different purposes. If you’re looking for an ultrawide monitor that’s great for content creation, here are some things to keep in mind.
First, consider the resolution. A higher resolution will allow you to see more detail when you’re editing photos or videos. Second, think about the size of the monitor. A larger monitor will give you more space to work, but it may be more expensive and harder to find a spot for it on your desk. Third, pay attention to the features offered by different ultrawide monitors. Some have built-in speakers or USB ports, which can be handy if you want to connect other devices or use them as a secondary display.
Finally, don’t forget about price. Ultrawide monitors can be quite expensive, so make sure you choose one that fits your budget. With these factors in mind, you should be able to find the best ultrawide monitor for content creation!
The 7 Best Ultrawide Monitors of 2020
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When it comes to finding the best ultrawide monitor for content creation, there are a few things you need to take into account. First and foremost, you’ll want to make sure that the monitor has good color accuracy and image quality. After all, if your content looks bad, it’s not going to be very successful. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that the monitor is large enough so that you can see everything you’re working on clearly. And finally, you’ll want to make sure that the monitor has all of the features and inputs that you need for content creation purposes.
Fortunately, there are a number of great ultrawide monitors on the market that meet all of these criteria. In our opinion, one of the best ultrawide monitors for content creation is the LG 34UC79G-B Ultragear Curved Gaming Monitor. This monster of a monitor measures in at 34 inches diagonally, making it perfect for seeing everything clearly when working on complex projects. It also boasts excellent color accuracy and image quality thanks to its IPS panel technology. Plus, it comes with a built-in USB port which makes it easy to connect external storage devices or other peripherals directly to your computer.
If 34 inches is too big for your needs (or budget), another great option is the Acer Predator X34P Ultrawide Gaming Monitor. This 27-inchmonitor still offers plenty of screen real estate while being more manageable in size (and price). It also uses IPS panel technology for superb color accuracy and image quality while providing features like G-Sync compatibility and 100 Hz refresh rates ideal
Affordable Ultrawide Monitors That Get the Job Done
There are a few things to consider when shopping for the best ultrawide monitor for content creation. Price is one factor, but you also need to think about resolution, refresh rate, and screen size.
When it comes to price, you’ll find that Ultrawide monitors can be quite pricey. However, there are a few affordable options that still get the job done. For example, the LG 34UC79G-B retails for around $700 and offers features like a 21:9 aspect ratio and 2560×1080 resolution.
If you’re looking for an even more affordable option, the Sceptre C305B-200UN costs around $500 and still offers a decent sized screen at 30 inches. It also has a suitable resolution of 2560×1080.
Some other things to keep in mind when choosing an ultrawide monitor include the refresh rate and response time. A good refresh rate will help reduce eye strain and make work easier on your eyes over long periods of time. The response time is important as well since it determines how quickly pixels can change colors. A low response time is ideal since it means less ghosting or blurring of images
How to Choose the Right Ultrawide Monitor
Choosing the right ultrawide monitor for content creation can be tricky. There are a few things you need to take into account, such as panel type, resolution, refresh rate, and price. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of choosing the best ultrawide monitor for your needs.
When it comes to ultrawide monitors, there are two main types: IPS and VA panels. IPS panels are known for their excellent color reproduction and wide viewing angles. VA panels, on the other hand, offer better contrast ratios and deeper blacks. If you’re looking for an ultrawide monitor for professional use, we recommend getting an IPS panel. However, if you’re mostly going to use your monitor for gaming or movies, a VA panel might be a better choice.
The next thing you need to consider is resolution. Ultrawide monitors are available in both 1080p and 1440p resolutions. If you want the best possible image quality, go with a 1440p model. However, keep in mind that most computers will struggle to drive a 1440p ultrawide at high framerates . For that reason , we generally recommend 1080 p models for gamers .
Finally , you need to decide what refresh rate you need . Most ultrawides have a 60Hz refresh rate , which is fine for general use . However , if you plan on doing any competitive gaming , you’ll want a higher – end model with a 144Hz or even 240Hz refresh rate . Of course , those higher refresh rates come at a premium ; so unless you’re really serious about gaming , we suggest sticking with a 60Hz model .
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to choosing the best
After scouring the internet and testing out a variety of ultrawide monitors, we’ve come to the conclusion that the best ultrawide monitor for content creation is the LG 34UC98. It’s got all the features you need to make professional-looking videos and photos, plus it’s reasonably priced. Plus, its curved screen gives you an immersive viewing experience that will make your work stand out from the rest.
The post Best Ultrawide Monitor for Content Creation appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
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