#also ive been playing engage for a year 😭
annieisyourfavourite · 2 months
2, 4, 5, 18, and 21! Hope you’re having a lovely evening!
2. Game(s) you're currently playing?: Pokémon Legends Arceus, Fire Emblem: the Blazing Blade, and Fire Emblem: Engage
4. Do you like to get 100% achievements / trophies?: yesssss complete number makes brain go brrrrrrrr
5. Game(s) coming out that you're looking forward to?: HADES 2 ‼️‼️‼️
18. A game location you really like?: Mesa Island from Sea of Stars (just like, all of it), Eldin Volcano & surrounding area from Skyward Sword, and Garreg Mach Monastery from Fire Emblem: Three Houses 💕
21. A boss that was disappointing?: the Doom Dragon from Golden Sun: the Lost Age :/ and the Demon Dragon in TOTK!! That looked cinematic but the fight itself was ass
hope u have a good day too!! 💕
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samarecharm · 1 year
I think. I am going to try ranked splatoon…
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nykloss · 11 months
stumbled across some of your posts about a code lyoko ttrpg
i am interested please tell me more 😭
ive been wanting to run code lyoko dnd for so long but i dont have the smarts to change dnd to make it feel code lyoko
Hey there! I'm super excited that someone's interested in this because it's such a passion project of mine haha, I'm sorry in advance if this answer is more than you bargained for!
To give you the rundown, I ran a very brief and experimental dnd 5e hack for Code Lyoko a couple of years ago for some friends. It was a lot of fun, but the system was SO badly Frankenstein'ed that we ran into a lot of technical issues, especially regarding the Lyoko/reality split and how it effected different builds. The old guide for that hack can be found here for free, but please take note that it is very informal and poorly optimized!
Recently though, I've been experimenting with non-dnd systems and building my own tabletop games, which is where Warriors of Xanadu comes into play. (This might get lengthy so feel free to skip to the TLDR.)
Warriors of Xanadu is a code-lyoko/garage-kids inspired system that I'm working on myself with the help of a few more experienced friends. It's built off of the Apocalypse World framework (basically a 2d6 system–if you've played Monster of the Week, Masks, or Avatar: Legends, think something like that) specifically designed to work well with the world and story CL provides. That means all the gameplay mechanics are inherently relevant to running code-lyoko-inspired adventures and there's no extra work to be done on your part. It's also a lot easier to teach/learn than something like DnD. (Even the character sheets are designed to be accessible so players could technically make their character with just their printed-off sheets and no additional resources! Much easier than dnd.)
Each non-GM player plays as a "Hero" and chooses a unique combination of a playbook (centered around academic character tropes like cool kid, geek, class clown, etc.) and a class sheet (how they appear on "Xanadu," with options like rogue, mage, warrior, etc.). Then, In-game, heroes go through episodic challenges where they encounter problems in reality caused by "the Virus," and must transport themselves to Xanadu to combat it. There's also a handful of original mechanics relating to social/academic rapport, corruption from the supercomputer, etc. The health/harm system and combat is inspired by Apocalypse World and Monster of the Week, and is meant to inspire a more survival/horror element than what something like dnd would provide. (Essentially the goal is not to engage in and "win" lengthy combat encounters, but to stay alive and usually avoid enemies when possible.)
I feel it's also important to note that it's not 1:1 Code Lyoko; it's very transformative and a handful of ideas are heavily abstracted to be more fun in a ttrpg setting. It's open-ended and customizable enough that you could technically run an unrelated story with it. That also means that there's some fun surprises for folks familiar with Code Lyoko, though, and you could still run something close-to-canon if you wanted.
The first draft of WoX is about 60-70% completed, I just need to finish the GM-heavy parts of the manual, finish some of the moves, and actually put together fillable playbooks/class sheets. I'm hoping to have it completed and ready to playtest by the end of the summer, but that's a loose deadline. Once I've done some playtesting and gotten feedback from others, I'll probably release the first public version on drivethru rpg and/or itch.io as a free or PWYW sorta deal.
TLDR; Warriors of Xanadu is a powered-by-the-apocalypse style trrpg system I'm working on. It's made from the ground up to support a Code Lyoko inspired campaign. I'm almost done with it but still have some work to do!
If you're comfy coming off of anon, I'd be happy to make note of you and send you the playtest version when I'm done with it, or answer any additional questions! (Same goes for anyone else reading this!)
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insecateur · 2 years
Hi! Ive been studying french for a couple of years now, and i really wanna up my passive interaction with the language. Do you have any good recs for french pokemon bloggers/youtubers/etc? If not, thats alright, have a nice day anyways :]
hello! unfortunately i don't engage with pokémon fandom a lot whether in french or english😔 the community i actually have interacted with the most in recent years has been shiny hunters lmao. but i can recommend Newtiteuf (he plays a variety of games but does focus on pokémon a lot. he used to date a big figure in the anglo shiny hunting community so you may have heard of him. he also streams on twitch) and Maître Armand (he's The french shiny hunter basically, though he also does competitive battling. also streams on twitch and he's pretty active on twitter if you're into that)
if you have any interest in shiny hunting or competitive pokémon battling you can probably find people via twitch pretty easily by picking french as the language. i used to be somewhat involved in the french competitive battling community but the vibes were kind of :/ so i've mostly given up on it
if you're interested in people who are into the fandom-fandom like writing fic, making art, being fannish about the anime etc however i have no names to give you😭 i'm sorry. it's only very recently that i've been dipping my toes back into the larger pkmn fandom or really any fandom at all. i guess if you use twitter you could try looking up keywords and adding lang:fr to your search? if you're looking on tumblr afaik even french fans use primarily english on here...
if anybody following me has suggestions pls feel free to reply🙏
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kasaneteto · 6 months
reply to anon under cut 👍
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see thats the thing is like. im also very adverse to conflict so its REALLY hard for me to tell people things they dont want to hear. i too have lots of trauma that ive been working on a ton in the last three years and im to the point where i have no problem standing up for myself with strangers… but when it comes to people i care about i just let myself be walked all over. because the way i was raised equates standing up for myself as being a burden or disturbing the peace and i hate feeling like people i care about are mad at me. so thats my own thing im dealing with. the other thing though is that whenever ive tried to talk to him about these issues in the past he just gets very dejected and turns into a yes-man. i dont think it ever really sinks in, it just registers as “they’re mad at me, im a fuck-up” or something along those lines.
i have been much less lenient with him recently in that if he does something i normally would coddle i just tell him/act in accordance to how i really feel (not in a confrontational way but just like disagreeing) or just refusing to engage in the same copy-pasted conversation to conserve my own limited energy. an example of this is at my party recently we were playing blackjack with cookies as poker chips and i was the dealer, and he got so fucking caught up in the rules of blackjack and started mansplaining the game to me (i wasnt playing and was instead having them compete against each others hands) and i just responded by completely shutting him down and saying something like “it doesn’t have to follow all of the rules. its just for fun” like brother we were using COOKIES FOR POKER CHIPS. IT ISNT THAT SERIOUS. then he got all emo and quit after two rounds because “this isnt blackjack this is DEVINjack. im done with DEVINjack.” and then went into his room. like a child throwing a tantrum because he didnt get his way. he even said “i wouldn’t have bet all my cookies if i knew we weren’t playing it right” AFTER COMPLAINING THAT THEY WERE OATMEAL AND BETTING ALL OF HIS OATMEAL ONES. he also made a stupid joke to my friend who helped me clean up when they were using the microwave by saying “heyyy you cant do that *i* pay the electricity here!” and that really irked me because i kinda lashed out and said “no you dont!” to which he did not respond and then completed one of the older venmo charges the following day 😭 i do feel a bit bad for that one. idk. id like to sit down and talk to him about it but doing so never seems to get me anywhere. I do wonder if what you describe would be a big enough wake up call but i also dont want to just make him feel judged yknow. like i do care about him and dont want to hurt him. he’s just so god damn sensitive
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chiaki-c · 1 year
ive been engaging, babygirl
On ch 17 now and i mean, it's fine. People who act like this is the antichrist of fire emblem games are ridiculous sorry. It's a fine, linear story, i can't say the vibe is my thing, i probably won't play this again when im done, but i could already tell you that. It delivers what it promises with its wacky colorful outlook but it's a fire emblem story through and through, straightforward and uncomplicated, very unlike 3h.
I do agree that the characters are less memorable than usual, when that should be the strong point of fe games. I have some faves ofc but the only ones that it was based on the supports making me like them are really only boucheron, who turned out to be a total sweetie, and kagetsu, who has kind of an intriguing backstory+fun personality. The others is more based on vibes+design and i guess their personality traits in general but nothing too specific. Shipping is also like....not really happening for me (so far) :(
I'm playing hard classic which is a first for meeee (in the games where there's a casual option i mean). I'm enjoying the experience but some of the optional maps are so hard for no reason 😭 i get that it's to make it harder to grind and overlevel but god, wtf man. Brodia castle map I AM LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU. The maps and animations all look super good, i really hope they'll keep this quality up in next games
Oh the emblems mechanic. It's fine. Dont have strong feelings towards it if i have to be honest, i probably prefer 3h combat arts if i had to choose. Also i went in blind and didnt know that [redacted] happened in ch 10 (or was it 11...) and was kinda 😬 since certain abilities are so fundamental and i was slacking off on getting PA for inheritance since i wasn't particularly struggling (yet) and i was all like "oh I'll have them inherit later on!! When i promote them!!" :/ so i guess i enjoy the equippable abilities à la por/rd but i do lmao a bit at the fact that it's basically feh's inheritance mechanic and also the fact they're tied to the rings leaves me a bit...mmmh....it's a cool way to build your units however you like but also like....you have to plan so much ahead...and if it's your first playthrough and you don't know it just leaves you feeling a lil annoyed i guess but it might be a me thing!
Also the real real problem is that i started playing more or less at the same time my sister was playing por+rd and i am watching/playing along and this is my first experience of those games (which idk ill play for myself at some point in the future i guess...maybe...) and i am enjoying those a lot more unfortunately 😭😭😭 when it comes to Vibes and memorable characters they just cater so much more to my taste. So im playing engage but all i really am thinking about is the 20 years old games. What's new
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gayaest · 2 years
Do you play sitting volleyball irl? Or ever have? I don't think I could because sitting on the floor hurts for me and also when I had to do volleyball in school hitting the ball hurt my wrist too bad lol 😅 but I was wondering how widespread it is
I’ve wanted to for years now, but there isn’t any resources near me for me to play 😭 the only resource / team that existed near me was in the city, and was stopped during the pandemic due to… you know…. Most if not all the athletes on the team being EXTREMELEY susceptible for complications with COVID. It also would’ve been more like physical therapy! Because, a lot of physical therapist do have resources for sports that can be played by different kinds of people! WHICH ISN’T BAD AND PROBABLY WOULD BE A GOOD THING FOR ME, but i’ve been bed bound for a while and stuff so not sure how that’d work for me right now … poop.
The floor isn’t as hard as you may think though! Like don’t get me wrong it’s a floor so it will hurt you lower back and hips and stuff bc floor, but it also helps gain muscle and stability back for a lot of people too, and is more engaging then regular physical therapy.
I think for like, hitting the ball and actually playing the game, a lot of it comes down to getting use to it and doing it properly! I have tossed around a volleyball before, and ive found doing things correctly with your hand / forearms and stuff definitely helps with pain (even if it still stings/hurts).
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sanguchito · 2 years
okay, time for my post-mother thoughts
i had a hard time with it at first, its definitely *aged*, the interface is annoying, a bunch of stuff is counter intuitive by today's standards I guess, some parts were confusing, I had many moments of frustration with it, but I'm glad I played it, it was worth it and also an interesting experience, I've never played a game this old before
ive said this before but navigating the maps of this game was by far the worst part for me i dont think i could have gone through the whole thing without looking at the full maps and this is something that i hate doing lol
my sister watched me play a bit and said it looked awful and asked why I look for weird games lmao
i had a few moments when i felt like wow this is NOT fun, it took me really long to finish the game bc some parts were a bit of a chore HOWEVER
i had kind of a feeling at the beginning like, i am playing and things are just happening, i was not very engaged with the whole thing, the world and the characters, like yes i was having fun it was hard and different and i liked the challenge, but idk inevitably i had expectations for the kind of stuff would make me feel, because earthbound
but then everything really really grew on me, from the easter town on, and especially after the swamp (fuck that place >:| ), it was at this point that i enjoyed in a more similar way to the other game. the simplicity of the game combined with its emotionally strong parts lets you fill in the details, i started imagining more things about these characters and whats happening to them, like mentally i have very strong mental images of idk 3 twelve year olds buying literally everything at a drug store :) or on the other side eve being decimated to scrap and the kids around her carefully listening her final ‘message’
also had a hard time finding the melodies, i guess this bit is part of what i would call counter intuitive from this game. also just like with earthbound i did the second melody at the end lol.... 
there were many instances that surprised me, like ninten and ana taking a moment in the middle of this whole alien attack ordeal to talk about their feeling and oh my god their little dance 😭
theres these calm but also unsettling moments like singing the meoldies to queen mary and seeing all of magicant completely vanish
another one i loved was how after getting destroyed eve plays the melody for you, shes only there for a little while but she sure was there for me huh, and this is also how you know that her fate was to die fighting for you. you still have to keep killing aliens 10 feet away
i loved how different the giygas battle was, it was weird and bittersweet and in the end you dont even kill him, you bring out his repressed memories of infancy and suddenly he cannot annihilate the human race anymore
you dont actually have a choice but it was really something when he offers ninten the chance to be the only surviving human.....
it was a weird ride i also had moments when i thought i cannot finish this and later ones where i really couldnt stop
at this point i already know about the whole thing like mount itoi wasnt properly tested but still jesus christ that was brutal rbfhewrgbh getting to giygas was waaay more stressful than the actual boss fight
OVERALL i did like it, some bits way more than others, been thinking of this all afternoon and well night, i will ponder on it a bit more
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lilgynt · 3 years
@cannibaldatingsite and @perriersbounty thank u both for tagging me 🥺🥺🥺🥺 mwah mwah mwah love u both  Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 people you’d like to get to know better!
1. Name: graham!!!!!!
2. Gender: no 🥰
3. Star sign: aries >:) 
4. Height: 5′7
5. Time: 1:29 am 
6. Birthday: march 28th!
7. Favorite band/group: OOF. this is soo bad i literally just find a song from a playlist movie or some random shit then listen to said one song. be like oh cool i like that. and then not engage with the band till 3 years later. i guess my chemical romance but that feels not right ive been listening to a lot of AJJ lately???????
8. Favorite solo artists: i am once again being terrible and not engaing with artist outside of one or two songs till like three years later 😭😭
9. Song stuck in my head: you know my name from casino royale 
10. Last movie: i think it was the green butchers 
11. Last show: riverdale ✊😔 i needed something on when i did my legos and i cant have like hannibal on when im not paying attention attention but honestly riverdale IS growing on me
12. When did I create this blog: hmmmm i wanna say 2013?
13. What do I post: uhhhhh mostly anything i see and am like oh thats cool, mainly hannibal poety art and then random posts on here i feel like u cant get on other social medias. this is also my personal diary 🥰🥰🥰 
14. Last thing I googled: liberty spikes 
15. Other blogs: i have pixalrights for ninjago 
16. Do I get asks: hmmm not really but sometimes?
17. Why I chose this url: only canon url i could get to trollhunters and didnt hate 
18. Following: 2,117.......
19. Followers: 521
20. Average hours of sleep: at night? 3-5 but if i pass out during the day all bets off 
21. Lucky number: i like 7 and 8 and numbers with those two near together 
22. Instruments: used to play the cello during middle and high school 🥰🥰🥰
23. What I am wearing: giant hoodie and some boxers 
24. Dream job: simply dont dream of work ❤️ but like i used to want to be a medical examiner/a lawyer. im a journalism major rn sooooooooo 
25. Dream trip: i think somewhere remote would be nice. Ireland comes to mind but just want to see lots of greenary and the sea. foggy too would be nice. or just something really far out where you can see the stars really well
26. Favorite food: i love soups.........clam chowder and red pepper lobster bisque..........
27. Nationality: American
28. Favorite song: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rn probably deep green by Marika Hackman 
“ Batteries and Holy Ghosts Buried in my bag of bones She said they would help me to grow Said feeding the stomach is feeding the soul”
simply makes me go fucking bonkers.......
  29. Last book I read: hmm im working on the plague rn but last i finished was crush *hand and sad emoji*
30. Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: not my comfort fantasy of being in the star trek universe 😭😭😭 other than that i dont know........most media i consume im like. rather kill myself than live there thank u mwah  
im feeling very shy 😳 👉👈 so im not tagging people however if you want to do it go crazy!!!!!!!! especially tag me to see if we’re mutuals i love u 
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🐖 A tiktok that really resonated with me this week and why 🐖
So, since I've been sharing a lot of traumatic memories lately, I'm posting a few funny memories. The first has to do with this TikTok.
I'm not a teacher, but I've been a nanny for like three and a half years and worked with kids from all walks of life of varying neurodivergence. And none of the kids I've ever cared for have been my nemesis. I really don't believe in difficult or bad kids. But WHEN I TELL YOU IVE HAD KIDS WHO TRIED TF OUT OF MY PATIENCE 😂😂😂
One time, it was like 9 am and I had been babysitting an 8 year old girl, P, and a 9 year old boy, G, since 7 am. There were still like six hours left to go. P was working on crafts (she was a big craft girly and at 11, she still is lmao), and G was playing video games.
G was on the spectrum, and honestly one of the most hilarious kids I've ever worked with. He also made me start wondering if IM on the spectrum, to be entirely honest. I really loved this kid despite how often he tried my patience 😂 it was hard to get mad at him because his actions were always just so freaking funny.
Anyways, I hated him sitting by himself playing video games all day. So I'd try to play the games with him (this is how I learned to play call of duty and Fortnite as well as Minecraft---I only do Minecraft well. The other two, I honestly think he just liked playing with me because I was so comically terrible at the entire premise of either game). At one point, I got up after an hour of being positioned in various places by him, only to be shot immediately afterward in Call of Duty to go check on P.
She's still crafting. G gets up too and he's like what craft do we have today. He hates crafting and no amount of adjusting it to his interests would make him like it. So I was pretty surprised he asked. I told him and he sat down to work on it.
NOT TWO SECONDS IN, he goes "what if I poured this entire glass of water on this like what would happen" 😭😭😭😭😭 I was like please don't
And he goes gah okay
And then he stands up and truly by accident spills it and he's like, "Oh no, oh no, oh no!" And I facepalm and his sister is like Oh, come on! She said not to pour it!
So, logically I'm like, "G, here's a towel to wipe it up." And so instead of wiping the table down, he just goes, "Okay but what if I poured this out too like this one already spilled" and before I can even think to respond, he pours a glass of paint water onto the table.
And I can't even get mad because in the same instant that he pours it, I can see the thought process very quickly finally add up on his face as he connects the very clearly bad idea he engaged in and the consequences of said action, and he starts screaming, "WHY DID I DO THAT WHAT DID I THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN" And so he's like screaming and trying to scoot the water back into the cup with his hands but instead of it going into the cup, he just spreads it around 😂😂😂 and like half of it drenched the floor, while the towel literally sitting there, dry and waiting.
And honestly, all I could do was watch. I was just in tears from laughing so hard. I was like G don't worry about it. You're not in trouble just....that's what happens when you pour a cup of water onto a table. Please don't do it again. And I will say this: he never did that again.
But he also had a talent for just doing the most insane walking shitpost antics I've ever seen.
My personal favorite was when he said, "What would happen if I ran my head into the door" and I was like bestie for the love of god
And he just goes at it 😭😂😂😂 like full force and knocks himself off his feet. And im like Jesus! Are you okay?
And he's like yeah!! And DOES IT AGAIN.
I told his mom about it on the way back to my house and she was like, "This is going to sound really really sad, but I remember wondering the exact same thing at his age and doing it the exact same way" 😂😂😂
My first day babysitting them, G threw a fucking ROACH on me and he was like "THINK FAST" and I just flicked it off my arm and I was like "Is that supposed to scare me? Come on. You can do better than that."
I earned his respect that day 😂😂 I'm the queen of delayed reactions with everything from trauma to happy news to having bugs thrown at me. So I just reacted first and gagged later when he walked back inside, stewing over this reaction (apparently no other babysitter reacted like that LMAO).
Anyway, so yeah, that TikTok brought back memories 😂😂
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