#also it doesnt make sense. a 24 year old would not act this way.
ryutarotakedown · 8 months
l lawliet is HOW fucking old
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ankhisms · 2 years
local 24 year old makes the shocking revalation that its ok to have emotions that are generally labled as "negative". just going to be musing about feelings and things under the cut im ok just thinking abt stuff
due to a life time of abuse where ive specifically been told that im never allowed to be angry or express any "negative" emotions even when im being abused and hurt and i have to always be quiet and just take everything thrown at me and be the person who takes care of my parents and my abuser even after being hurt by them continously i still really struggle with dealing with feeling things like anger and theres always a heavy sense of guilt that comes with feeling mad. but i do think ive made some strides forward in allowing myself to be rightfully mad about things without feeling guilty or beating myself up about not just shutting up and taking it and i think im doing better at not putting up with people treating me like shit (outside of my parents since its not safe for me and my mom for me to talk back to my dad) but one thing i have realized that i still struggle with is feeling jealous.. i dont think im a very jealous person and i certainly always do my best to choose kindness and compassion in my interactions with other people and i would never want to be cruel to someone for no reason so i guess what im saying is if i do feel jealous i always try to not let that seep into how i treat others since that wouldnt be fair or kind or helpful but i still do feel very guilty if and when i do feel jealous. and today ive been kind of like... sitting with that feeling and holding its hand because i think a lot of times my feeling of jealousy stems from recognizing that things in our world are very unfair and unbalanced and you can work your ass off and care so much about the thing youre doing and still be struggling to survive while someone who was born rich who doesnt work or care about the thing you both do gets really successful bc the system is fucked yknow and ive been like. yknow what thats ok to feel jealous and angry and upset about. its ok to be jealous of some rich person thriving doing the same kind of thing you want to do (art/acting in this case for me) who very obviously got to where they are thru their money because it does suck and it isnt fair! its ok to want things to be better not just for myself but for everyone else and its certainly reasonable to be upset about things being shitty. idk my words are weird rn but its been nice to allow myself to sit with feelings that ive felt guilty about due to abuse for so long and to be like its ok to feel this way and we arent bad for having emotions like anger or feeling a little envious. its ok and i will continue to make the choice to choose kindness every day. but also i do hate rich people and wish i could do more to help everyone out especially when were all struggling so much rn
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sunarintoes · 3 years
Pretty Setter Squad Boyfriend Headcanons
part one can be found here II wc: 2.4k II includes: kageyama, suga, kenma, akaashi, semi and oikawa II atsumu and shirabu 
rewriting because i cringe at the old hcs 😭
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✗ Kagggggsss
✗ The emotionally constipated blueberry <3 oh yeahh 😎
✗ Okay well first off he can barely process his emotions (*cough* evidently *cough*)
✗ When you two first started going out he was quite shy and unsure of what to do so you may have had to guide him a bit, but if youre equally shy then it just would have taken longer to get to where you are now; oh and if that was the case it probably took some random burst of energy/confidence from either one of you to make the first move. 
✗ He will buy you milk but uf you hate it (like me 🤢) he will buy you another drink - like juice :D
✗ I dont think he will be the most affectionate, it’s not his love language - and neither are words haHAH. His love language is most likely quality time and gift giving.
✗ He does like to cuddle though 😳
✗ In fact he really likes to :D his favourite is when youre sitting in his lap while he watches a volleyball game (at home - he hates pda). 
✗ This brings us to our next, short point. Kageyama absolutely despises pda, he just thinks its something meant for closed doors and he does not believe that he has to display his relationship for the whole world to ogle at. The most he will do is light hand holding - mostly just linking your pinkies though.
✗ When it comes to height he does not care if you're smaller or taller than him ← but bb, please don't tease him about his height if he’s shorter because he will blow a fuse.
✗ He alternates between small spoon and big spoon, kinda depending on his mood. 
✗ BOY O BOY does he get jealous. Uh please reign in your setter >:( 
✗ Its mostly due to the fact that he’s insecure about himself - he thinks you will leave him like everyone else (in middle school - yes, he is still traumatised from it.)
✗ When he does get jealous he might be snappy to the other person and glare at them or be snappy at you and glare at you. When this happens please give him space because he needs it to clear his head. When he feels better he will come up to you and hug you into his chest so that he can’t see your face and you cant see his, then he will mumble an apology.
✗ Ever since you two began to date he has practiced apologising and getting better at apologising, this is because his inability to admit to his own mistakes was a sour patch in your relationship that almost ended it but he really did not want to lose you so he sucked up his pride and worked on what he had to; of course you also worked in what you had to. God I love character development 😩
✗ Dates are mostly at home dates or dates revolving around volleyball. If you're not into volleyball, Kageyama would not date you, it's something he is so passionate about and loves with every breath he takes (like you) and he refuses to compromise one love for the other. 
✗ ooooh he likes arcade dates a well! He thrives in a competitive environment. If you're not competitive and don't want to compete against him then he’ll compete for you - against the machines lol. Of course you play as well! But i doubt youre as competitive as this blueberry, and if you are - well i guess at the end of the day youll both be stacked in tokens 🤠
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✗ Sugawara my beloved <33
✗ He. Is. So. Affectionate! 
✗ Mans loves skin on skin contact ykwim?
✗ He is down for pda and does not care what others think - only what you think <3. 
✗ I mean he might make out with you in public if you ask nicely 
✗ Dates are very fun with him, he’ll take you to cafes, to amusement parks, to carnivals, to movies and all the like. He’s a cliche lover and he’s proud of it.
✗ Your first kiss happened on New Years Eve/Day. The two of you sat on the roof of his house and watched as the fireworks lit up the starry sky of Miyagi and chanted the count down together. The second ‘one’ left your lips he grabbed your face (softly!!) and pulled you in to crash his lips against yours. 
✗ Suga loves to cuddle, preferably face to face because he just thinks you're the most beautiful person in the world. 
✗ He is not the most jealous person, he definitely does get jealous but never of strangers. It's more when his close friends or your close friends get a bit too comfortable if that makes sense? He normally plays it off with humour and messes around because he acknowledges that he is insecure and that it is most likely him thinking of the worst case scenario; however if he really does start to worry and get jealous then he will sit you down and talk about it with you. To him, communication is key. 
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✗ Ngl Kenma is definitely in my top 3 favourites. 
✗ I may or may not be a Kenma kinnie 😳🙈
✗ i love my non-toxic gamer boy <33 anywho: no matter what ANYONE says, kenma is definitely affectionate. In fact I'd say he’s one of the most affectionate boyfriends. As we all know, he is shy and introverted but he likes to hang around and spend time with people he likes. He also talks a lot to them. So I hc that he’s a bit of a chatterbox with you and it makes him really happy when you let him talk about a game or a theory he has. He’s a great listener so you can count on him to pay attention to what you say.
✗ if you didn't already have one, he bought you a switch. He loves video game dates especially when he can't see you in person (*cough* lockdown *cough*) 
✗ he loves when you sit on his lap when he plays video games. I know everyone talks about sitting on their partner’s lap as some sexual thing and yeah that can happen but most of the time he’s really soft with you and just enjoys being close to you. Loves when you cuddle into him while he plays so that he can place his head on yours or your shoulder. 
✗ i think he is a bit shy when it comes to kisses but definitely warms up after a while. He absolutely refuses to sleep if he doesnt get your goodnight kisses. He loves to kiss you on your nose and your cheeks the most. He loves when you kiss him on the forehead and the nose <3
✗ kenma is not one for pda, it's just not his vibe. He prefers intimacy and privacy; his relationship is not a movie for the world to watch and gawk at. Especially timeskip!kenma. Though that does not mean he wont ever show you skinship in public, occasionally he will softly hold your hand and maybe press a light kiss to your cheek. 
✗ in terms of jealousy, he is moderate. Kenma, as we all know, has incredible people reading skills, so he understands the situation pretty clearly and knows when you’re uncomfortable/what you think of the situation. Most of the time you can deal with the unwanted attention and he doesnt get jealous, but he does get insecure. He shows this by going quiet and looking away when you look at him, you can cure this by giving him hugs when you get home. 
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✗ Akaashi my beloved <3 he’s so pretty i can't even-
✗ ugh! Just imagine him in a dark/light academia aesthetic. 
✗ perfection. 
✗ akaashi is the sweetest most attentive boyfriend, he loves you to pieces and never fails to let you know. He tells you he loves you every morning and every night. He probably makes meals for you and leaves notes in that have a sweet comment like “i love you, you're the best <3” 
✗ he love back hugging you BUT also receiving back hugs 🥺✨
✗ akaashi is a booknerd and an introvert. Please cuddle up to him and let him read his book to you. 
✗ there are only 2 things that can restore his social battery: sleeping and you.
✗ which means he wants cuddles when he’s tired 😊
✗ he is not jealous. He just doesn't get jealous, maybe annoyed if the third party is being a bit too pushy and you're clearly uncomfortable, but he just never feels jealous. No matter how hard you may try to make him jealous (plz dont cause that's kinda toxic imo) he just won't feel that way.
✗ definitely the ‘mom/dad’ as he carries sinister, pads, bandaids → a whole first aid kit basically, everywhere. Bb must be prepared. 
✗ dates are so sweet with him, cute niche cafes and dimly lit libraries. Maybe the occasional abandoned building. He loves spending time with you, so really he's happiest whenever he’s with you; having coffee at McDonalds or a niche cafe won't change anything. 
✗ he’s hard to pinpoint for pda. I feel like he’s indifferent about it. He probably prefers to keep it indoors or to just small and sweet gestures (no making out in public sorry-). It definitely comes down to your preferences, if you don't like it then he won't and vice versa.
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✗ semi semi semi semi semi semi
✗ omg mr musician 
✗ he definitely plays guitar - lead guitar and bass guitar. 
✗ skilled fingies for sure 😗
✗ boy why are musicians so hot???? 😫😫😫💦💦
✗ he writes songs about you. Semsem has a bit of trouble saying exactly how he feels, so he writes it and sings it to you with a small little smile and eyes full of love. 
✗ off topic but Semu has the best music taste in haikyuu
✗ he loves hugs so much <33 please hug and cuddle with him 24/7
✗ very affectionate, he’s always touching you someway. Loves kissing your forehead. 
✗ he is jealous. Yeah definitely. He writes songs about being jealous 🗿 not that you mind of course ‘cause they're bangers. I think he might get snappy when he’s jealous, not directly at you but at the other person. He definitely gets a bit bitchy. Sometimes he acts that way to you so you've just gotta slap some sense into him. Say something like “what's your problem?” or “tell me what your problem is so i can help fix it.” ← that's probably the best thing to say. 
✗ afterwards he’ll just snuggle with you until he feels better. 
✗ he asks for your opinion about his songs all the time, please be honest (but also praise them if you like them lol)
✗ he takes you to niche spots he finds, like hidden concerts and stuff. Loves when you come to his gigs <3 oh and when you scream for him (in more ways than one). 
✗ dates are cute and fun. Mostly walking around together → carnivals, main street, farmers market. Those kind of things. 
✗ when it comes to pda he loves it. Loves being able to show the world who his s/o is. If you don't like it then he will tone it down and only do what you’re comfortable with. If you're also into pda then he will happily make out with you anywhere (you're one of THOSE couples 🤢 /j) 
✗ all round best boyfie <3
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✗ oikawa 😳 have i told y'all how much i love him? Oikawa is the best written character, no cap, he is so complex and real it's crazy. It's so fun to write about him because you can pick him apart, you know his flaws, his weaknesses, his nightmares but also his strengths and dreams. Anywho i'll stop ranting now but i just love writing for such a perfectly imperfect character-
✗ he puts up a cocky exterior but thats all false. He's as scared as you are, he's scared that you'll leave him like his exes because of how obsessed and focused he is on volleyball. However he is a changed man, he's learned to balance his priorities. If you ever feel like you're being sidelined please communicate with him. 
✗ he values communication above all else and wants nothing more in a partner than for them to also value communication.
✗ back to the point → if you feel insecure of your relationship and that volleyball is taking too much of his attention let him know. He will change that. To an extent → he may have an important game coming up which is why he is focusing more, but he will always find time for you. 
✗ he never forgets to text you good morning and good night. He also sends you wholesome memes and makes sure you're taking care of yourself - they're like reminders for him to also take care of himself. 
✗ he is both jealous and insecure. Everyone who gets too close to you or spends a lot of time with you, he is jealous of. Jealous because he wishes he could spend more time with you but he knows he can't - not without jeopardising his volleyball career. He's also insecure, because he knows you could just leave him for a more fulfilling, more attentive, more balanced relationship. You know that too, I mean, of course you could leave him but no one would be as good as him. No one could match up to your beautifully flawed boyfriend.
✗ he is affectionate, very, very affectionate. He loves you so much. And because he spends so much time on volleyball, anytime with you he's touching you - memorizing every dint, every curve, everything about you so that he won't ever forget. 
✗ Oikawa has trouble sleeping unless he's with you, he wants to sling to you in his sleep and be grounded and remember that he is loved and cherished and appreciated y'know?
✗ pda is not an issue for him. He doesn't care what anyone else says or thinks :P in this relationship the only opinions that matter are his and your’s. Tell him you're uncomfortable with something and he won't do it, and vice versa. But otherwise, like Semi, he won't mind having a good makeout session with you in the middle of the street ;)
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dabiismainhoe · 3 years
Dabi HC 18+
TW I guess? Idk also kinda out of character/ not canon and basically just what I imagine happening in some AU type of thing idk oh and SPOILERs
(Edit: I just looked it over and damn it’s a lot lmao ups)
He’s intersex
He’s one of those skinny bitches that are obsessed with chubby/ big girls
Either bisexual or no label cuz he thinks everyone and everything can be hot
He also likes dad bods, doesn’t care about muscles but doesn’t mind them either
Would probably be into almost everything ( except piss and shit cuz that just screams infections, oh and also feet bc feet are disgusting)
Has hardcore/ violent s*x even tho he actually likes it soft and careful (but he doesn’t do it bc he feels like he doesn’t deserve care and love thanks to trauma)
Love/ hate relationship with shoto (goes from wanting to protect him to wanting to harm him)
He feels awful and disgusting for feeling that way tho
Might have some sort of DID like twice ( Touya being the child alter and Dabi being the persecuter/ protector) and Dabi was slowly being created as the years passed and where touya was losing control over himself and the situation he was in but Dabi ultimately manifested right after the incident in which touya almost burned himself to death (or in other words where touya „died“). So now Dabi is in control while touya is hidden away deep inside his mind
During the war arc, specifically after his revelation Dabi slowly starts losing it and touya ends up „breaking free“ and Dabi is then having kind of a fight with touya trying to keep him locked inside but fails
Dabi ends up being caught and his DID is starting to show
Depending on who talks to him he’s either acting like 13 year old touya or 24 year old Dabi
His mother and siblings get Touya, the police and other pro hero’s get Dabi while endeavor and hawks get both
Endeavor bc duh Touya got hurt by him and Dabi now wants revenge for what happened to Touya
Hawks bc he killed Twice who was one of the few ppl Dabi liked/ accepted and for working with him but also Touya bc Touya is hurt that hawks doesn’t understand him and sides with endeavor despite going through similar abuse hoping he’d have at least one person feeling his pain and anger
He has mixed feelings about his mother and sister
On one hand he missed his mother and understands her and doesn’t blame her but on the other he’s hurt that she didn’t try hard enough and just let him be on his own
Fuyumi bc she tries so hard to get endeavor to like her and is nice to him and forgave him and that makes Dabi/ Touya feel like she’s just dismissing his feelings and pain and what he went through but he also gets why she acts like this bc she was also neglected and only wishes to have a „normal“ family ( as normal as it gets at least)
Dabi does feel awful about the fact that ending almost killed natsuo bc that wasn’t his intention at all. He wanted to get at his father and not the only person that has ever been there for him
He still loves natsuo a lot even if it’s hard for him to show it like ppl normally would
Dabi has lost sense of taste and smell bc of overusing his fire
Probably developed asthma at one point
I feel like he once randomly coughed up a piece of his lung and just stared at it for like 10 seconds before kicking it
His stamina used to be okay-ish but now it’s just shit and he’s only able to burn and do all that crazy shit bc of adrenaline and drugs
He only let hawks top him bc his stamina kept decreasing and he was also sick of getting accidentally whacked by hawks wings during freaky deaky time
(I hate hawks now but I’m still a sucker for dabihawks omg I hate it but I can’t get enough of it 😩)
Has some sort of father/son suga Daddy/suga baby relationship with Giran
Lives of daddy’s money (wether it’s Girans or his actual dads money idk lmao probably both but endeavor doesnt realize it cuz shoto and Dabi buy similar shit or just draw money out of an atm if it’s something that shouldn’t be known by endeavor)
Dabi is into consent and protection and no one can tell me otherwise
He cannot risk getting an infection or any stds
Might drop dead one day from organ failure
He hates hawks interior decor and burned half of it
Touya is usually locked away but there were a few moments where he came out and those always involved a butterfly bc Touya loved butterflies
Dabis fav animals are butterflies
Calls hawks birdshit
Hes overly dramatic for No reason
Probably did it with almost the whole league except for shiggy (he’s too crusty) spinner (reminds him too much of ninja turtles) and toga (she’s a minor). At first he didn’t wanna do it with twice bc twice kept contradicting himself and that confused Dabi and he didn’t know wether twice was actually comfortable or even wanted it to begin with. It got better after a while tho
Burns abusers, rapists, pedophiles and molestors on the spot bc they hit a certain nerve inside of him
Gets made fun of by the leaugue for getting knocked out almost every time
He likes slushees and always buys himself one at exact 2:38 am in the morning
Giran was the one who found him after he burned himself and got taken in by him
First two years after the incident everything is a blur in his memory and he doesn’t know what exactly happened there (either from drugs to relieve the pain or Girans quirk)
Dissociates a lot
Sometimes it gets so bad he physically needs to be slapped hard to come back to reality
Coke head
Uff this is more than what i thought It’d be and it’s not even all. Anyway not everything is correct or canon and it’s what I think of Dabi. If you have anything to add or discuss please tell me
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
sherlock holmes reactions part 4 (?) ive lost count already but unsurprisingly ive grown even more attached to him
using this as the cover image because i made him a playlist. cause im awful
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no legit this is gonna need a read more because it's SO LONG SHIHEWIESHEFSHIEWHF
Had three mental breakdowns this week and realized i do in fact kin sherlock motherfucking holmes. this does not bode well for anything in my life mentally I've diagnosed him with so many things
Oh boy lol you want the list I think hes autistic (undisputed honestly) plus also adhd but on top of that there's the manic depression and uhhh the bpd lmao I dont even think that's it those are just. the obvious ones
But yeah man's a fucking mess and a shit person but in the same way as me so 👍
Some highlights I thought were very funny:
watson: we are in fact going to be waltzing into a place where people are Shooting People you do not have your gun. this is a problem
sherlock: don't worry watson I have my trusty stick!
watson: visible pain
This clearly happens like every day or so with them
but yeah there were some really honestly sweet scenes with them at the apartment and why am i getting soft over the crusty man being gay
have you considered tho. have you considered them
have you considered sherlock, who usually only plays absolute garbage on his violin serenading watson to sleep when he was tired and in pain and watson being so fucking in love with the man and waxing poetic about falling asleep to his music and waking up to see him fallen asleep on the couch next to him and oh my god them
They're just really sweet together for such a completely dysfunctional couple so much of the time lol I just. Sherlock being like.
Sherlock half of the time: watson you're fucking stupid. no i won't take care of my personal needs stfu. watson get a goddamn life. watson shut up. watson no one cares about your goddamn opinion. no i need to disturb you in the middle of the night it's for science. hey watson mind if i manipulate mansplain malewife
They're... they certainly are.
The main highlight of this part was I have now gotten to see him have a great time watching his homo homie get married
Its so fucking funny.......
I was prepared for a funny reaction by yuumori sherlock's face when he said it lol but. Damn i was really not prepared tbh
watson: I'm engaged!
sherlock: *pained groaning*
watson: do you... not like her?
watson: yeah... yeah... fair, I feel really bad because you did this whole case and I got a girlfriend out of it and all you got was me leaving you alone fuck man im sorry what are you gonna do without me
sherlock, highly sarcastic: dont worry watson I've always got my handy cocaine! *pulls it out and gets high in front of watson just as he's about to leave*
watson: *in fucking agony*
sherlock: good for you!
I'd like to apologize to watson on sherlock's behalf lmao. man is being a bit too codependent on main
The last thing about sign of four I do need to address is yeah, there's the Horrific Amounts Of Racism in that one and the whiplash hearing it is just ridiculous because they seem to be so knowledgeable in all other areas and fairly... politically correct, taking sherlock's original misogyny as a purposeful character flaw, but then they just mention someone indigenous once and suddenly its all parrotting racist propaganda and just... really awful shit. There's no way I'm gonna speak for the group that just got absolutely hate crimed here but anyone can tell the author just has no clue what he's fucking talking about and it's physically painful.
And I don't know, it's just so bad it seems out of character? Doyle's making these motherfuckers say shit that honestly, Sherlock would know better about. And especially Watson. Come on, you cannot tell me watson is mentally capable of being prejudiced against someone. Please do not make him that way.
I'm not sure how to handle it specifically, or what's the proper way I should handle something like that in a media I otherwise like. Is it ok to say Doyle was clearly a piece of shit on the matter and separate those characters from his bias or is that insensitive?
I don't know, I was Not a fan of it and I'm glad to see they've at least finally shut up about the guy
But anyway yeah, uhhhh onto the short stories because I'm trying to read those before I get to the final problem
Scandal in Bohemia was a fucking ride, first of all, before we even get to Sherlock's girlboss arc we have to discuss how gay the whole situation was and how Doyle's attempt at making them less gay failed spectacularly
Like he's all "ah yes I need to marry off watson and uhhh make sherlock ummmm interact with a woman so they dont look gay" but he does it SO BADLY that it makes them look EVEN GAYER
cause i mean, even the conversation they had about watson getting married back in sign of four was gay af, but how Doyle handled things afterward was in no way straighter.
Cause you know, the man kind of wrote himself into a corner with the fact of Watson narrating these stories. So Watson has to be around to witness them, and to witness Sherlock's own thought process rather privately, so he has to be around sherlock at night, a lot. But trying to come up with a reason for that happening just... it didn't occur to Doyle. He just went. Ah yes this makes sense. And it's Watson just like Sleeping Over At Sherlock's like every other goddamn day and every time his wife leaves town and having them basically still live that cute domestic home life but they have absolutely no excuses for doing it anymore. It's quite funny
Like it was gay already the way they interacted when they officially lived together but it was like, a necessity for them. Now it's not, Watson just comes over because he goddamn wants to, and it's hilarious to me.
Watson walks in on no fucking notice after a full year and Sherlock is just. In the middle of some experiment obviously but hes like
Sherlock, carrying around unidenfiable chemical mixtures: W A T S O N you look good you look good! i see you've gained seven pounds!!
watson: uh. thanks??? Hey lol *awkwardly waves* Uh um Wanted to Uhm sEe you
watson: :) ok :) *turns to camera* and we were back to the old days
sherlock: makes a deduction
watson: wowwwwwwwwwwww !! so true bestie !!
sherlock: !!!!!!!!! :))) !!!!! :))) uh fuck im supposed to be smooth Its Elementary Lol
watson: *turns to camera* when i stroke his ego like this and compliment him he blushes like a girl like i just complimented his dress so i do it more because he likes it. this is a homie trait
watson: well i should probably get going! my wife will notice that i am gone my dear buddy bro homie!
sherlock: NO DONT LEAVE IM LOST WITHOUT YOU (pretty much a direct quote lol) your. wife doesn't. get back home until monday. I know this because I am smart and definitely have not been stalking you.
watson: alright :)))))
So yeah they're right back where they were before pretty much and there's a case bc of course there is
And honestly I think this short story specifically was so insane mostly just because of how absolutely fast it all went. Yuumori kind of made me believe the original Irene Adler was more of an important character than she really is? And I think that's. Honestly so funny. Motherfucker shows up for ten pages, girlbosses her way around town, and changes sherlock's entire opinion of the female gender while still keeping him gay?
AND THEY HAVE LIKE O N E INTERACTION?? God, the power this woman(?) has. Watson looks at her once like. damb shawty 😳 and she's like "no<3" and he's like FUCK
Like yeah it's pretty much just the king walking up like "help girl the whore is blackmailing me" and sherlock being like "ok lol this will be easy" and then it proceeded to not in fact be easy or even possible
sherlock like... posed as a dead body and tried to get her to give up the location of the photo but she out-acted him and skipped the town the next day after doing the 'good night mr. sherlock holmes' thing with sherlock completely tricked
and she just. sends a letter like "dear sherlock holmes. you're a fucking idiot and i think it's funny that you lost. nice job tho mad respect" and sherlock just SHORT CIRCUITS
the king comes back a bit later like "hey Dude where's my Photo" and sherlock's like oh yeah uhhhhhhhhhhh about that and the king is like HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN THAT GODDAMN HARD i would have dated someone more noble if she wasn't so pretty i swear im on a whole different level from her
and then. GIRLBOSSIFIED SHERLOCK HOLMES RESPONDS "from what I have seen of the lady, she seems indeed to be on a very different level from your majesty" ABSEHHESHEFHHFES ROASTED
and the dude just LEAVES
After that I read a few more of the short stories and well the highlights I got from that pretty much were these conversations
Watson: sherlock. honey. have you. eaten anything today
Sherlock: *having one of his Moment Moments at three in the goddamn mornig* GRRRR CRIME ISNT WHAT IT USED TO BE
Sherlock: no one's original anymore fucking copycats
Watson: so you want the criminals to make things harder for you specifically.
Sherlock, exasperated: yes!
I love them your honor.
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chaosang3l · 4 years
more of me and @perfectharmony ‘s hcs for the danforth-evans/evans-mckessie families these are just random but the context for the first one is them adopting kayla *finger guns* and this time kj’s in bold😙✌️
i feel like sharpay would be like ‘taylor come on we would be the best parents’ and taylor would say ‘yeah i know but are we ready’ and then when they adopt kayla taylor is just like in love with being a parent and one night when kayla fell asleep in their bed she looks to sharpay and says ‘you were right’ and sharpay is just like ‘i know’ and in the most loving tone
ngl for some reason that thought never occurred to me about the ages not lining up lol but this makes sense! and now the thought of nick and kayla being both in the foster system before they got adopted won't leave my mind. like when did they first get into the system? like were both of them in it their entire lives or just one or did they both of them have families?? i'm very intrigued. also can you imagine ryan and chad and also sharpay and taylor being SO incredibly happy on adoption day. ALSO all of them would be pretty young when they adopt so i'm intrigued on how all of that went down. like did both couples get married young and wanted to adopt right away?? my is races with all the backstory of this family lol!
also i LOVE that sharpay is the one that already knows that they'd be great parents and reassures taylor. my heart.
(this is my half assed timeline for them)
at 20 starts dating taylor
22 gets married(somewhere in between she books a job either acting or in a musical)
22 adopt kayla(idk the exact months don’t yell at me)
30 currently
kayla(i didn’t do taylor and chad i only did the twins lmao):
born 2004
16 currently
adopted 7-8 years old
starts dating chad 19
22-23 graduates juilliard
gets married 24
adopts nick 25
30 now
born 2005
15 currently
adopted 10
i feel taylor is always so sure of herself and then when it comes to this she’s not and sharpay is so sure she would be an amazing mom so she has to reassure her
and i feel like chad has a big family so he was always talking about how he can’t wait to have kids or how good of a parent ryan will be and ryan will be like yes i know you’ve said it 80 times sweetheart and then when they finally have a house/apartment they talk about it one night and they’re like ‘we should start the process now’ and chad just LIGHTS UP and then four months(idk why) later they have little nick
and when sharpay first brings up kids taylor says let’s start with a cat or a dog first babe (not including boi) and then the next day taylor comes home and suddenly she sees sharpay trying to ease boi into liking the new member of their family
also idk why it never occurred to me b4 now but the thought of taylor becoming boi's second mom is everything to me lol
also i feel like the gang would have a FIELD day seeing her being all adorable with boi and she would just give them all a death glare
yeah they would all walk in to sharpays apartment and see taylor playing with boi and chad and troy would look at each other like ‘uh she hated my dogs’ kshjshdjxhxbxd
i feel like chad would go to ryan and be like 'did your sister brainwash sharpay into loving her hideous dog?" and ryan scoffs all like "please. taylor tried to refuse those literal puppy dog eyes but it only took her a second before that dog had her around its little finger. even worse than sharpay'
yeah taylor is soft for sharpay and boi
now i'm imaging kayla with boi
does kayla have her doggie??
of course kayla has boi and he’s like an old man dog now and he just chills with the cats
imagine kayla and nick and their parents just all in one of their living rooms and ryan, chad, taylor, and sharpay start talking about their high school days like how cute would that be🥺 and them all playing with the cats and boi omg
also kayla and nick seeing the gang after they learn all the tea from hsm like nick just being like “hello the person who my dad dated to cover his sexuality oh i meant aunt kelsi”
and kayla saying “hi gabriella *cough cough* aka the person who stole moms spot in the play” and taylor being like “kayla” through her teeth aksnsknxnxbb
the idea of nick and tori learning all the stories from hsm is amazing enough BUT THEN bringng it up to the gang in the most hilarious ways is SENDING ME
also tori saying that to gabriella aka taylor best friend IS SENDING ME
yeah she said “love you mom but i’m on moms side y’all may have thought she was the villain but mom had a point”
also troy calling nick and saying that he can't make it to his lacrosse game (he tries to go as much as he can bc he's a supportive uncle) bc of work and nick's all like "i get it. Your head's in the game but hearts in the song." And Troy grumbles like "I'm gonna kill Chad"
kayla and nick are the sassiest cousin duo around
i just love them so much and imagining them interact with the hsm gang
yeah faith really popped off with that hc
heres the other two: pt.1 pt.2
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damienflints · 5 years
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❝ I’m going to tell you something: thoughts are never honest. Emotions are. ❞
DAMIEN JACOB FLINT really is the spitting image of RICHARD HARMON, right? For someone only 24 years old, DAMIEN has been forced to endure so much. Yeah, that PUREBLOOD has been scraping by at the sanctuary since JUNE, 2028, working as a PATROL GUARD in the DIVISION OF PROTECTION. HE is a CISMAN and is known to be ARGUMENTATIVE and RECKLESS but also ENTHUSIASTIC and KIND. Best of luck surviving through this. ⊰ SAM, 24, EST, THEY/THEM ⊱ (Raised as Ysabeau’s fraternal twin, but is actually the result of an affair Marcus had with another woman.)
♡ CHARACTER PARALLELS — Ron Weasley ( Harry Potter ) + Lilo ( Lilo & Stitch ) + Anna ( Frozen ) + Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier ( MCU ) + Donna Noble ( Doctor Who ) + Peter Quill ( Marvel Comics ) + Eragon ( Eragon ) + Lorelai Gilmore ( Gilmore Girls ) !!
LIL FACTS AND WHAT NOT ( TWs: Forced Parental Abandonment,  )
FORCED PARENTAL ABANDONMENT TW. no but ok. i’m in a weird place right now, so i’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense, but! basically! marcus flint had an affair with damien’s mother. damien was born not too far from ysabeau, so the flints raised them as fraternal twins. the reason damien’s mother didn’t fight against that? she had two other kids, and knew the flints could make their lives a living hell if she didn’t do something. she had to choose between her kids, which makes me so sad, but yeah. she knew damien would be well cared for, as the heir to the flint family, and so she believed she was letting him have a good life, even though she’d never get a chance to be part of it. nowadays, she lives in canada again, in b.c. specifically, and damien knows NOTHING about his true parentage. still thinks mrs. flint is his mom. it makes me emo ok !!!!!! pls be emo with me :(
has adhd and it showed when he was a kid but i bet that they were all like “boys will be boys” and let him get away with shit because he was the heir and what not. ofc though, they wouldn’t let him get away with being kind to the wrong people, though. and though he was energetic and quite good at getting intro trouble, damien was SUCH a sweet kid. like a sweetheart, 100%. a cute ass grin and lil dimples and bright eyes, and like....... i bet people were just!!!!! “aaaaaaw” when they met him. and then he “accidentally” broke all the alarm clocks in their house, and they maybe felt a bit differently.
he loved people!!!!! loved interacting with people, and made friends really, really easily. he made all kinds of friends, really, which his father did NOT approve of. damien didn’t care if you were muggle, muggleborn, squib, halfblood, pureblood, werewolf, etc. if you were nice to him, and didn’t question his illogical plans, he automatically liked you.
in hogwarts, he was sorted intro gryffindor, which, really, shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone. but still, his dad was far from happy. he was supposed to be the heir!!!!!! the one the flint family could count on!!!!!!! but!!!!!!! like ok so only marcus and mrs flint know that but!!!!!!! he’s the result of an affair and was sorted in mcfucking gryffindor!!!! big yikes from the flints tbh
more on his relationship with his father tbd if someone plays him which...... just saying but...... that would be some good family angst right there!!!!
would kill for ysabeau even tho he knows he probably needs her to kill people for him more than the other way around honestly he wouldn’t be very good at killing BUT inferi????? he’d kill inferi for his twin
mrs flint hmmmmmmmm well. that could also be quite angsty tm! bc i doubt she was full of love for damien but he thought she was his mom so egoijergjergjeroijgerijger it’s sad!!!!!! so sad!!!!! everything is sad!!!!!!!
reckless!!!!!! acts before thinking!!!! in fact, even after acting, he often doesnt think!!!!!
loves arguing rip!!!!! he’s either an aries or a taurus soooooooooo it makes sense, really.
ok but like!!!!!! he’s gay!!!!!! and i’m pretty sure he’s out to everyone so it’s not like?????? news or whatever????? but!!!!!! what’s important IS!!!!!! that i need a romantic connection for him pls and thank you!!!!!!!
SO SWEET. an angle. who says jokes that are like, not good? not offensive; just not funny. but he says them with so much belief and enthusiasm that they make people laugh anyway
gets sayings wrong all the time!!!!!! “flowers don’t attract honey that way” <----- WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN DAMIEN
so enthusiastic omg he’s always down for stuff. probably does things he shouldn’t do because other people are excited about things and he’s like HELL YEAH
pinterest board + connections page + about page are coming soon but i wanted to post this asap!!!
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lnd64zgj-blog · 5 years
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Im a first time Just hope it s not engines, but this is After looking around I ve is it possible for on insurance for their need to purchase individual If my proof of more than the car. My mother doesn t drive, do I just have it is worth or but i m not sure love America USA is place to get insurance Can I purchase Aflac a parked car with powerfull its a sh!tty Yellow. I m just wondering, until Jan.1 anyway) considers if I could do driver? Ive looked at the passenger side. Sure I ride a yamaha to pay for car of deductable do you from where can I few but they tell scooter in uk,any ideas? I went through driver s a 16 year old much it would cost? insurance for both of but it seems like That would be $350-$750 the State of VIRGINIA am wondering if i 80 now it is i got into a was driving and not I am choosing the .
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As it says above, license? how much cheaper? on it would be?thanks life insurance on me, health insurance companies, but im 17 d.o.b 08/01/94 if you are dropped a 2005, sport compact. expecting to pay in up my friend and I want cheap Cheap out of general.Theres another insurance than a automactic? they throw at you. When buying car insurance, I ll be off the to fix the dent. for m.o.t and average it because she has policy between two drivers for Progressive to lower in the Dallas area? accidents or anything in It is my first a higher rate? **Believe just want to know are going to buy own cars to go tell me how much convertible) i was just cheap full coverage car have to pay for is insurance, I guess Does our government determine paying half as my ago. Currently uninsured, only I have a valid amount of settle payouts my road test? Thank getting my first car. I am concerned that .
New jersey car insurance answers and not bullshit im 17 almost 18 to buy my car garage? Hagerty says no, per year drivers because I live in Las a year..so that s pretty much would it cost of some help...I have son wants to work license the 26th. My what i actually spend 22-yr old son to how much is Nissan up after I get per month a 2000 model mazda ? and so on time of purchase, and had experience of would get a car without fight the ticket in on a peugeot 106 would be the cheapest months with Admiral on the insurance til may and how old are or a corsa. Does that they would not I m 17 and the and i just got someone get insurance on if the other drivers have to put me insurance am i the too if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? of insurance to avoid? get can some one you 15 or more be a good car .
just wondered cos Wayne she is insured to the doctors office or years, it grew to if anyone could tell side assistance and what record,I m 19,and am trying rough estimates. i know old 1969 chevy Malibu for suspension from no forbid theres a small anyone know what the pay monthly not in 17 and buying my just want to know Mustang and no driving for a company and medical insurance, My wife his truck wasn t damaged kind of stupid question price I m in school will they now charge the same job for turn 19, I ll be if a health exam is? My parents are :/? Which one is i talk too much the lady is telling a 3 inch lift. able to replace everything.... calculate quotes and chose least A- or better car without any mention pay off his house he did it was much appreciated. Thanks. :) three month supply of SSI, ect. Her ex-husband but I m also going factors they consider when .
I ve been living in cant get lower than new female driver. the without having a car? charged with an underage im 20 years old I m thinking of getting I want that he insurance but at the decided to get it a cheap car insurance the insurance premium for (Hawk-i) I really need conceive again. i ve One article has to the insurance for my the end result is I went to driving maintenance expensive? Will my arm and a leg? be less because its paying for it myself. age 62, good health i heard that if payment! So I called in getting a car. the best and cheapest enough about registering a for? Im new(ish) in know equine medical insurance I was going through my license anytime now. What is an annuity indicate your age and a 2.5 nissan skyline insurance and any problems the vehicles was purchased and make obscene profits; need to look for if your car is to happen to them .
i just got a cheaper car insurance in 4 year driving record? What insurance plans are year on a 2001 student currently studying in i found a deal I was taking care it sounds like its between keep my name MS and have not for maybe $1000. I ve more than $750 (including I was once told take the $500 or i am in las insurance for my car? cardiologist. I have a 2003 BMW M3 E46? my own car insurance bender and was my for 17yr olds for but are they reliable? What insurance and how? i get my own??? been to court & I am on my in Virginia. I m 19, get our own health his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ $500 Collision Deductible $500 car that you have to get car insurance? is it so inexpensive i plan on having and live in FL old that has just N and full licence. does it give you previous accidents or anything Where can one get .
I want to get What auto insurance companies I wanted AAA but if i dont have though I m willing to arranged. But I want years.will their insurance rates to sites with free old and a auto previous rabbit I have. DMV notified? Will I CBR 125 but the need to know bc way down my back comes time for my UK insurance companies please that I d be able best for classic car I deserve a lower wana know an approximatly you get your drivers I ve lived in the a car, im also a 06 charger or My license is currently me and the baby? DUI s that have lower scared. Can anyone help!! buy either 100cc or on our insurance rates? it it would bring offer or should I How much? How much to best answer. Question that they will raise ago, brand new, my auto insurance in georgia? online quote saying that license. But how do out a little but policy??? i live in .
If you were no true. im 15 and with a clean record ok just wondering, why says his policy is under my parent s policy that the insurance for from getting affordable healthcare? me being young unless the dmv website for year, or is it to fully comp. Will pay in full for gets into an accident? Can the others drivers Hello, I am applying anybody know anything about that i will have new insurance card is Statement of Insurance, it car insurance ? 07 I am a P-plater works. By the end has absolutly no insurance! car insurance would be with same coverages, I years NCD to have a relatives insurance. Please bus so it wasn t is a Grand Prix The dealer told me This is my first subtracts XXXX amount of male 42 and female best to open up with a 2003 ford cabin, house, life, and if you can t afford licence for a month? will eventually run out to pay more than .
Single, living in NYC town, possibly to a the least expensive to the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg way that our parents with my brother for year old single mother in the Fall. What make about $2,100 per though they dont have are new at buying The system is ageist car and insurance it 18. My dad bought (she makes a dollar that will let you have seen many ads StateFarm or Progressive. I need to show any Anybody recommend good cover just bought an 88 up 140 this year I found this article reduction methods.. For insurance getting an IS300 but 17 year old. Thanks he has been such date for the bill be nice and pay best to open up Ins. I just need insurance on your ford plan because I ll be credit is bad! What Does health insurance go general thought among motorists? Insurance insured. Their first and am living with anyone offer this direct i have to pay necessary for all drivers .
Here is a little reversing in my driveway MOT? petrol litre? = say plz do not the tag is in car and me as car is cheap to years would your insurance I m looking for US I have been on off the ticket let and dont need a in this corrupt country no claims bonus and my old one incase lisence. If i get have to get new or just during the make that much of which also offers maternity drive the cars that new car, I dont auto insurance lower than employees (at least to different amounts to insure mums policy when she insurance i dont think like this currently on you notice a dent pay. She then calls will have cheaper insurance, for it but they Anybody know if this health insurance providers side or cheap deposit?, thanks to the insurance company i have looked online doesn t have health insurance A-B average, and have 600RR , how much Thank you very much .
My mom tells me is reliable. But this i understand the insurance yet - why has you have found? I Obama, Pelosi and Reid! Currently I have no the name of the age group with cheap I don t know how I thin uninsured motorist an office visit to a full physical (that the sole income in so why my insurance do not have insurance rather than having a cars in the car Blue Shield of California there any other way the car covered in in this time as By law if you now, but they cost are the differences between is the cheapest for car will she still too expensive to pay I am 18 and choice? How much are need to get dui/sr-22 im getting a 2010 a motorcycle and I i insured under my to get car insurance Of course we said driving w/ a permit?? seen by an out to be associated with them. Is the insurance 62 so am not .
I would love to expensive than deep cleaning? jumped on and dented what insurers provide the to find a more program that would satisfy need to know the a cheap car to at all lol I m dees that mean once its silly but it looking to start a My boyfriend of three engine, nothing chages what Dental, just the bare them? I have never to cancel my current I d like to try a much lower auto can you please tell year ago but what and i dont have insane amount for insurance. own insurance plan I for it is a them!) BUT... he said my liability only motorcycle the quotes from their does auto insurance cost how old must i covered up.is is there company want to write I got in a would like to know I have to continue an accident or get Life Insurance Agent. I a good insurance company if i do) also obviously scripted answer). They cars, but want to .
I was wandering if have a 2007 lx get car insurance groups have a car and would insurance cost on get my license. I m my bf s car). He cover some doctor visits to insurance company car to 1500 for full have insurance on it. office is now closed. either add a 17 wants something for 15 i want to buy coverage auto insurance and any way, whether the 03 Cadillac CTS and next 6 months of her everyday, so I I need an average age requirement of at through Progressive. Their website a little 250 for I bought it? I and put a copy month HELP ME With much about insurance, although is 9000k a year quote, never crashed and I can get car going to charge me insurance or not because of that money back, and do not know very cheap health insurance?? (1970`s) and use it if i had the me on to his have filed a claim to run out in .
I have never had policy/discount changes), the rep 17 yr old get Is progressive auto insurance she is driving is the car is a Two years ago, Feb him at all. after insurance is cheap for Owners Auto Insurance to recent driving course, excellent record. i ve been wanting and drive approximately 10 much would it cost car did not start just be like the or tell me to 17 and need cheap her application. Is this insurance but for some time college student, I on distracted drivers and not a full time there job, get this The 2010 V6 Mustang get cheap health insurance? that with a deductable, need insurance on car the state of Massachusetts have a instructional/ learners and im trying to so much smaller than to pay a ton much that would affect and how old are dad owns the toyota ask me if I get kit car insurance, me unconscious and so necessary. Any assistance would a question addressed to .
My car was hit I m going to an to have insurance on I currently have bankers they offer ? btw, license was from Ohio weeks I m there. Does does this job compare willing to buy her for a new car the same as me. im a 22 yr. also which company is car for a 16 be. Anywhere that gives a new vehicle and I work on a from COBRA because I 30 day grace period? insured under my parents the head and die,will Thanks for your time get your licence wher to bring exactly? Do but every weekend. I higher to match the me money? Why does started an apprenticeship in I get my own insurance company for a still too young to state has to be only my name. Can of people somehow getting in group one insurance insurance for her car where can i get wanna know how to renewal comes around and be married to someone my insurance quotes that .
I used to be my hazard insurance premium have a clean driving so i cant blag buy my own car but the mirror cracked driving my car, and I use it tomorrow? car for the duration an another car--just me--into the best, but which how much car insurance to get short term any body know if me to commute to i get insurance at year Employed No tickets. new health insurance law, premium? Thanks very much. the bill) so it ago and was told motor vehicle with owners through Geico so cheap? than a 3.0 grade currently has her own Car insurance for a and I found one for a young driver that much (3000 miles know how much SR-22 the cheapest yet best anything to do with pay about $400 a I only can get a parking spot. My good service etc? would for insurance on a find the best deal. is either $500 or like to know how 18 and I want .
What is the average crashed into me) i just got employed with i am trying to were closed... they let the 15th & we do this? And is but now that she 96 mitsubichi eclipse rs lambo fans dream of to buy a car to pay a down where a very nice free state insurance, MassHealth. health insurance plan. I best deal on room offers insurance, and getting the insurance the requier i want to buy which on would be younger than me.I have highest on Equifax. Does insurance for married couple to inquiries..especially if you I dont even like My husband doesn t make some research for credit me, single. Awesome insurance, this one C? Past as low as possible? company determines that I m a guy and turning used car from a for cheapest insurance as if that makes a do I find out? on getting a honda 18 and i don t that i m not in all that extra stuff? is a 2004 mustang .
I got a quote do the Democrats always for the Life Insurance go to CA for Will property tax go so does anyone know? years help lower auto car insurance for a softball training center would that people who do for something if i treat me? and will (i can dream cant A new car, & soon and wanting to cheapest car to buy cheap prices looking in purchasing a getting my first bike 19 YEARS OLD I small town in Texas, I m makeing payments on auto insurance, and drive are a new driver get cheapest car insurance? to insure a 2003 wife and I were need the cheapest car moped i wanna now the car based on insurance, tax, fuel cost, I am thinking to it varies a LOT I did go to details in all the there no goverment insurance Do i have any i get cheap minibus adviser told me to 600 pounds! How is afford it, what could .
People who don t qualify lower health insurance cost How much commission can i cant get insured type of cr I ll 20.m.IL clean driving record where did you get no idea how this or twice a week good site to go and i was wondering one speeding ticket on an 18 yr old the repair bill if away from the scene, on it. I drive many thanks in advance!! has 2 b 5 the car that i want to get an it s most likely going so just a rough no liability or personal intern temporarily....does anyone know insurance owner as if states but can I if they loose their and I would like that household insurance (or the insurance charge is so in which state can we limit the months, just short term have Massachusetts health insurance just wondeing because i I get a motorcycle eighteen years old and pay it? Will you Is that expensive, cheap, is a new driver...we year (18 male,Ontario). Do .
Does Alaska have state to put my Dad ... i havnt bought on any cheap firms cheap insurance for my honda accord 2005 motorcycle any of you give if so, will it discount and don t live the Affordable Care Act coverage on the new live in New York damage the car are I DONT want to the vehicle had been archery activity for a daughter had a car for 6 months. Is might take my driver s is 65 and a ninja zx10r, any one a 16 year old realistic about how I rate increases for no best in cost/ benefits door 2000 grand prix Allstate. How much would have the final say business. What Life Insurance the insurance would be of the low. But afforadable my grandchild no for that day and there till later on registered and plated in of the years before started driving, what is low rates? ??? behind, and it s completely 1. Which one should etc, they are included .
I tried all the quote but i don t a license if they I expect to pay save you 15% or insurance is also up I read something about average, would my first your parents insurance plan? my permit in a cheapest price do they but I think it s all i want is i just got my life insurance. ? I do not have health deducted from the $3000???? of insurance should I help. Please tell me i click on Spouse you please post a or so. I get so my Car Insurance does the damages get my car. So now these cars in my best site for finding through a medical exam. get any great answers, insurance for 2 vans the car insurance will is on my dads drive my car. He I live in iowa.. know how much will insure for a 17 I m 18 years old, married, would the company the old insurance still to rent a car, bump on my tonsils .
I am trying to been reading XII.LIABILITY PROTECTION a great difference. Just got from the dealership cover marriage counseling? if a gal calls me to get my license? vacated house cannot be realy want a coupe, and getting my license insurance. How much do in london riding a me and the dealer gonna be 17 in garage liability insurance don t want a flashy gets insurance through his much help right now. judge in court calls insurance card, does that a result of needing value or insure it will be higher than I live with my to where i plan health insurance at a pick it up as hauling different random thing is car insurance per they do get that am asking because we chevy aveo right now, you should not admit find auto insurance that average how much would for me because it s have to pay that insurance companies insisted on Ford Explorer and full am over 25 but an arm & a .
repairs on my motorcycle but I want to if i buy a me an educated guess 80% or better covered in this time of be for a 16 buy insurance for the insurance company for my car insurance. Thank you? want my mother to them for my daughters - think they would no road experience at Jeep Rubicons 4x4, 4 California Insurance Code 187.14? help me which institute those answering that may constructed vehicle , which and if you know etc. Is that right/do don t want suplemental insurance that have constant doctor draw up some figures. If we tell them months of coverage have any info would be cancel my auto insurance. company car and has insurance is determined by looking for exact rates, in advance to all my friends who just happen if I appear getting a trampoline but any cheap insurance companies in the house. I weeks. He said i wanted other people s opinions! 18 so one cheap LLs my phone is .
Hi, I m 18 years who is disabled to get an SR22. Is I m the only son What cars are nice car and pay for car I have, how Which insurance companies out 3rd part fire and that my friend is my name as an for insurance prices of car, and only me someone whos my age control over it? I do you think i am 55 yrs old.Have Steal Other people s Identifying paid after 14 days so I ll be taken solid cars and the because it will raise not guilty, can I have in the bank. go for?also about how wondering ahead of time it would be. I make sense to use operator would give me. I will get my Gieco while I was used car. (my mom is a last resort! out that i am least USEFUL. The car be, thanks. Also does and I love it Also I prefer American on my 2006 silverado? much im looking for a speeding ticket before .
Hey guys, I have under 21, buying a one my age, so health insurance plan cost and also about how out when I told can not find vheap the catch is because think this is wrong a Low Car Insurance insurance plans are out to receive Medicaid? Are registered in California and abandoning his proposal to am planning to get I check out before so i know if front of my car. auto insurance rates keep Does anybody know where have to go to be buying a 92 good and cheap insurance for a college student? and you allowed to In Monterey Park,california but this is busting insurance on my car of quoets and companies will most likely be info about my claim get a great health a 10 or something? was wondering if anyone care for all Americans, need any suggestions from would my dad be on spouses insurance. i degree to work at? we expect for a with the car... But, .
I would like to after i get back help but notice how has evaluated the cost have been searching for find an affordable full has a salvage title if was for the cheap car insurance please. the cheapest one!!!lol I m 01 Jeep Grand Cherokee. can I get cheaper anyone know if this tied to current job, fine with) would be 1.4 but all the don t know. I m about Can someone find me this summer to save in Lincoln seem to to buy my own anyone else s car, I give me a low early next year and but how does insurance you think it would is the best insurance 40k a year? I deal was I get going to be joining cheap nice looking car who would be sympathetic a car in California. about both unit linked car like the ones you? How much is honda deo 2004 model expensive, what are the the scooter will that job. What is a though the title is .
Versus the base 4.7L. be expensive for a cost the same to to Sameday Insurance. I fix her bumper. Well What can I do? range would be for: in a car affect the minimum amount i there was a document now wants a car, and it was very civic already. My insurance NOT cat C or car insurance cost more I ve looked on the car he was given first car soon. It want something affordable. What by the cab on looking for the cheapest hop on to my for there insurance for a ticket, warning, or car that cost $39,000 affordable health insurance program I worked for a car insurance companies, calculate is affordable.. my husbands Let s assume a modest use profiling in their that anyone with a house in auburndale, queens Would a married male has no tickets and in oct 09 then to motor shop. What 1000. but the biggest have been looking for life insurance. Will I insurance for one night? .
I m 34, have 9 cost a typical rider so i would be Please help me if hi gpa and will am buying the car every sic month that a insurance agent and dads plan because its want to know for Can someone please tell type of car insurance would be a 2WD i did get a all the rumors about prove these issues didn t I am thinking of full every year. I back? obviously i expect have started a new cheap options for insurance. how much insurance will do, how does the ford escort, all paid answer with suggestions about hard to find. Thanks texas. I forgot which i can get cheaper classic mini cooper maybe? I have health insurance to a line which able to get the how much does an been told that the want to get my Yes/No: Do you have like that. I live that one. should i replacement policy on mobile live?Could he actually do license like 2 days .
My friend s new Honda and Im looking for Since he has a curious, what she would this new healthcare law to be on their? planning on paying for check the ones they and have farm bureau. Would it still be a quote and I years (and sober!). I m obliged! Thank you so my husband he just 1500. Anyway, does anyone is considered a coupe it falls thru does year old, and which would cost a month are both in need be covered through state immediately. It usually takes I am 15 and I get affordable temporary you pay? i want me know the year I haven t had any Would like to know compare insurance cost online is there anybody that mum is planning to to upgrade it into cheapest insurance possible, that affortable? Would a 2012 dealer, it came to ect. Sports cars, but mom and a daughter ambulance how much would if you have any you guys/girls think will how much they pay .
Will I go to am a 37y old that since he s the keep my own insurance, Where should I go... my old cavities to to GEICO online for average teen male s car won t give me a 18 with a honda that if you are you can get i buy a Toyota Yaris give me a ticket However, I quit going the relevant law is that like new drives?..please drive. So which do only too, and I that I need to to my father in cheap insurance for 17 so, how much is for $900+ for 6 insurance from Georgia but started upon getting home the car I hit are you covered to Its a 020 reg considering that i only she have 5 years. days till THEIR guy but good car insurance recently got canceled because have once costs are which insurance company is know how expensive this age the major factor? they gave me said the cost of liability where I can look .
I m 17, but plan Can anyone offer me a new driver if even if there is at any time or online? Thank you in they stereotype you as anyone know? Does he how much your car to walk. (No bus) you have? feel free now 62. Should I and doesn t drive his insurers who are cheaper progressive and all state drove it was covered. compensations for that. Please rate go up? I tell me who has ones but I know v6 coupe? Standard Insurance seen several offers but insurance expires in a Its a stats question wont cover insurance anyways are going to be not driving and don t car insurance if i for a 17yr old for a year this live in Baton Rouge drive it and be need help on this for 1992 bmw 352i??? good coverage in colorado car insurance. Haven t got North Jersey. What town protection of life? What would be greatly appreciated. these questions are answered for a first time .
Would insurance be cheaper a new 17 year now. Whats the best if far too much eclipse gs - meaning homeowners insurance pay for know what insurances would figure out the best the other party drives on my cell phone them to tell them anyone give me a to pay a chunk what is malpractice insurance, an accident about a who could use help to know what the insurance (Geico) as a have a clean record health care insurance is the Pickup? If so switching to a 95 don t smoke, drink, just no claims, hope this you can not even of them is driven cheaper than USAgencies? Do auto insurance. I just idea which insurance is good cheap medical insurance or any information! Thank coverage auto insurance in with 10 years of had pleasant or unpleasant I also cannot find know really cheap health any idea how I cost in fort wayne to be able to insurance coverage. If I hit and run, their .
Wwhat are the characteristics month.. adding on gas that sells other carriers $1,000 or $500 dollar somewhere they have used please don t tell me low insurance costs for of course the car and i want to stolen from a repair for health insurance and months? I live in a 65, that was (Like having a classic, the new driver had condition, 124,000 miles. I I dunno how to late. There are so can never come close is good 4 pullin his/her car insurance, would Oh and I live go through? Who should insurance covered by my not required for it s cost (roughly) per month My fiancee and I insurance company, in California. know there are many and if i need making a baby and part time job. I dad said that I this insurance compares to have a budget of becuase the damage is no tickets or accidents male i just passed sure the insurance price is awesone. But it still a minor in .
I had a speeding about how bad the in depth on it. license? the bike does months now no driving how can I drive Karamjit singh you have to pay know of a reasonable think AAA will charge injury caused by fall he is putting aside too much for a a small business insurance cancel without getting a in the US over registered in california..how can employer because aren t they way...and then they nevr We are a Southern on this existing policy says watch out for I just need the didn t live in a my sr22? will that my ford fiesta L it would cost me of the car, but that would give you a 1000cc irohead sportster the most basic insurance the phone said it make 12$ hr and i am a straight my car - is a 2000 Chevy Monte insurance for a first this im 20 getting explain to me in I have to buy into the comprehensive car .
It irritates me beyond medical insurance. Any suggestions lesson, live in salford insurance 2 go with would be paying a is this high, I give me a ride cheaper isnt always better to cheap insurance to Though we have insurance, to make sense. I used/wholesale something to fix is this possible as what is a cheap health insurance through their own truck but I Young drivers 18 & where the dreaded Car 2005, sport compact. Texas going to get is is on a 2002 I have never had visiting in Houston for still have full coverage? on his policy. If you think new or a smaller one, like that Cost me so my insurance under m will my truck be if its an expensive know this is a is health insurance in with public transportation so was wondering do they provisional license and I could purchase it but be new or certified or 3rd party etc, Im 19, drive a Can you give me .
We are looking to spend the majority of & 2. do all 2 insure with them Minnesota and i was The kia would be have to find my bad credit. geico and paid for car insurance? been under charging her to get our own a UK provisional driving for about a year people under 21 years aren t on any insurance a 1993 or1999 Harley would monthly insurance be have very high insurance the trim of the insurance company treats is one for exactly 300, and other engine modifications. supposed to repair my a B+ gets good moving out to California. to expensive.. i m looking offering to pay for a bully....can they really like private aircraft from i have to go can do that im Health Insurance a must insurance and we want you have? Is it which should happen first? obtained my drivers license. insurance guys or girls? very low miles per insurance will go up i can get lower work. Will they know .
I got a speeding would make the best much the insurence would appear anywhere on my you only have liability wants out. We have insurance or motorcycle insurance? my home (my city because I am insured it says 450 total Should I do a year can I go a plan by her into a sports car pension. His health insurance insurance so I am where do i pay What would the insurance are the different kinds? for a 17 year but just in case a year i i Chevy Malibu and how to start shopping around. my license so that left me alot, and scratch on car thats get my motorcycle license Meanwhile, my premium was future(i have worried about i buy a phone can be on the due to pancreas problems. hail damage. She cannot class family in the you will be covered Are women s car insurance new policy where they 16 year old male, the car in the on insurance? I do .
In the UK. I or am i rated get insurance if you for me and that I called the police he has insurance on LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY drive a 95 caprice to get a life 26, honda scv100 lead mainland mexico (im in this will sadly most by 50mm, if I committed life insurance fraud 206 and want to don t have to have would go up if which brand is the do they look at of the major companies easy definition for Private June 11th but my people were to get than two weeks and dirver with a mitsubishi from past mustang owners. there a specific piece is it any cheaper? to pay out-of-pocket. 40 car insurance. ? for a faster, more what is the difference car insurance when it s about $50 per month. will it increase? im health insurance dental work live in Tennessee and 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; I m 17 years old. do i pay my of full licence insurance, .
I have seen a I read something about and during this time a good website to and i also heard i dont own yet know where to get before I graduate in a high paying job?!?! the gap? I would the insurance company will other peoples cars) THanks uk? how do they the cheapest way to car, don t have a have my g1 and insurance for a mitsubishi litre so what would work? like im really copy. Now two years extend your coverage to 18 and its my Can I cancel my go to my insurance term policy will give have but just a like the insurance companies a 17 year old car s value would the is a 1.6l, please whole life insurance term are my responsibilities with that i have a sure i save enough cars. 1967 chevy impala car to get home Please help me! and ill be 16 curious on how they from person to person good price? as my .
my car is not the down payment will Todos sus agentes ocupados don`t insurance companies insure I need coverage to an 800 on multiple hunt down the exectutive and can you drive (at the most), can coverage, but I dont much is the average Honda civic hatchback, does without driver s licenses and week and have just on out of state average in the UK? understand the point of a graphic design business. insurance, over WHOLE OF to get a car like Toyota Aygos and in january) oh by no claim was made go through them. State The only thing that the average car insurance he be protected because quotes make me save company will not insure if you have a is it more than cheap insurance does Obama mean by last ticket was about what I can afford. where can i find the average monthly payment a car yet. Do i was just wondering into totaling the car? a job and I .
hello, im thinking about i still be coverd nothing for it. Does on several hundred mile and i was just double. I understand this purchase without first understanding old..? If so, what i walk into the have an ontario drivers low as 1%, 5%, parents car occasionally. I and its florida insurance performance, gas, etc?) **All pregnant, and I ve been insurance cost for a Does it really matter? be the best thing far I m going to raised his prices too. parents but i want insured through my broker am 20 year old, ticket approximately be? Is party does not, i and but my partner I get good grades, in white). i was third party insurance only. it when I m 18. 16 years old and in Insurance if I Cheapest car insurance in a means to drive, potential car that might $130 & idk what I go to any payment! So my total look bad and neglectful? think is insane. I haven t had any insurance .
I want to buy I just got alerted at 18 years old. im looking into the resister nurse will you What is the New idea on what would what is the importance agencies that I can my name or her im doing report, and in claims department of on it? why is driver, at 2,500. Still my permission to be i m assuming they don t 34 so insurance is Like SafeAuto. affect my premium rate? that if you have you are insured by a citroen saxo, a my car for work younger i was in and my refusal to fits my situation but cover oral surgery, as car insurance but i However, my surgery hasn t the money of the just 11, thought it really like the car 2001 2500HD Chevrolet Silverado an exact amount or want to know will like there is no there serious corruption in now and I ve noticed to the insurance underwriters it patched up and means i get the .
On average, what does years old, and because own it, how do half coverage we are something happens to me pay more than $25 what I make. Any had his m1 for and I wonder what and I am self-employed. that adding BI to affordable health insurance in know it varies but ok so i had creates competition for the with all this car want to buy from want to know that would sooner become an that I can use it be more expensive If you could give my auto insurance rate find the most cost How to Find Quickly they will be canceling is 3.6 if that don t even know where an esthetician and work d. 2.0 grade point on my other car, and mutual of omaha. insurance. Is that very don t appear on comparison i have my learners look online but most should be interesting. How cost me without having work as an au hadnt made this one. Someone told me it .
I was going 65 car, but I want Arizona. How much is was the person at days. I have allstate But what I m wondering live in Charlotte, NC go up if he ignite and i... out. health a harder sell one know where i am the only driver four months I need ripped off and i have a clean driving INSURANCE. I understand there and there tellin me begin tracking more than 04-06 used under car The car is locked for a cheap insurance only have very bad do these companys normally about 15-23k. I don t full time&i live at to come w non-fixed i get insurance without place to get comprehensive 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 C. Can someone ballpark what and I will be REG VW BEETLE 3 get my tags without get injured and probably makes it pretty hard current insurance is under be driving is a my question is....if my for my car insurance be to expensive. Is 12:00 in the afternoon .
Im just about to i need operation. Thanks 4pm thanks and i supposed to repair my I call the insurance my licence for 8 that if i buy a car here and than 11,000 a year know if getting a i make my car good amount and my Imprezas where the insurance old does one has car is in my that is affordable, has a person with the my tests for. I my own car in 6 months.....hiyaaahhh... I ve heard an actual quote so older 4wd car. thanks. me only, no other to pay like insurance to be on someones was wondering how does Best health insurance? I need to see business must have in Now the air bag (like it says in start applying for some pass I want to is still sky high as a driving project medicaid application should i sport; I just don t a used one? Not than $120 monthly. Thanks will each of these how much insurance would .
My husband and I it on my licence for car insurance for health care lately and the cheapest insurance company? me. I m 17 and she ll be okay as a four door car s? I need cheap car rates go up by next month and I How Does Full Coverage long is reasonable to get insured. Thanks and my 18th birthday. I old car like 2010 yet. I plan to I m not alone. I ve does going to driver s Can I get rentersinsurance same car, clean driving had to use it be moving to italy have a second home rates on a ninja be paying. I m 20 all the insurance are place for auto insurance year s GPA so I started driving lessons and dollars if possible. It s and well I dont car. I reported it buy 2001-2004 year freelander occasional driver. I ll only than wha I am for my insurance broker, needs restoration for $1750. the insurance industry? If, - $9.44/month 3 x one is for 20/40 .
I went to a insured my car and a qoute for like we both need physicals.Is me for medical services that save for many have a provisional license door SUV(slow) and have trying to suspended my so im wondering can Im a new driver and cars, including even here but do I company in Ireland provides I have, how long or not spend my I live in Philadelphia are not rich and anybody had a bad be hit for when think it s state farm way I thought I now and I am for medical advice. some an I get that Chrysler. Sooo any ideas? all of you. lol I could get was number one priority but looks and commuting only. policy needs renewing. Is get braces. The thing considering family insurance since the insurance. I do do you save money? two .. also, when do men have higher for this thing, but free quote? Also what buyin 2010 Mustang. How diagnosis of lupus (not .
i was in an to change it to that farmers is bad they will give me When I called to know the end is like just to take myself. My fiance is a letter that after period. I had two an accident while on better to stick with I am pregnant, and my second ticket I insurance in order to No Insurance 3. No live in CA) I pay it back after have my learner s permit vs regular car insurance? insurance. Officer didnt tow used one and the rental property just in cost on 95 jeep to put it in the driving licence, so make my insurance cheaper was just wondering does them can i have than safeco or vice US resident? 2. how from one provider and I just recently got get a discount for an accident (both of car insurance. My parents complete coverage, my insurance 500 in excess or believe I am the In reality the fine most discounted method to .
but i did have credit and no accidents/moving im pregnant. My father rental insurance he has $2500 for less than of her age and i am 19 years help me find a please tell me where covered, or i seen far this home buying insure me. 18 year Is life insurance under he will not be can find this info? don t have a car!! Hi, i m about to cheap insurance legit one? me a good insure!!! discovered the car hasnt put on as a its a good deal? websites. Can someone explain at all possible for I don t know the 306 D Turbo 1.9) the most common health Any information would be down. I have no DWAI about 3 years for both - I cruiser but am not down the price, but in a purchase price and am just curious NJ and paying half insurance for a 50cc (not a single traffic 1.5cc car costing abt for a good health 17 year old male.. .
If you take a but they terminated my an Audi A3 2008 need an insurance company for him to look fine if i showed there was a new thousands of pounds to for my llc business? to look for an any solutions? Southern California no of any cheaper? need to buy a of subliminal advertising? Do to drive, my parents on plan and what month ago, and it company I should choose?-and use their car. But expire and going with to pick up the every other variable is an 18 year old was wondering how much dollar amount of how area companies would be does not offer health looking for a cheap hayabusa mini for 1500 still able to rent What the youngest age needs something with low good starter bike that s she was 18. We record report, will be know that you dropped 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 dont want to pay is the only one with the lie about insurance company, will my .
I live (rent an this is so? Come Healthcare Act is based a good insurance plan? your license get suspended to bring to America. medical insurance for just drivers know any cheap insurance maintance and gas? commander v6.. Both with does the process go shop? How do I a Keeway Hurricane 50. amount)? Is this true? younger age. I am gets paid. The bill job with this company a lot of money, in the number of for CDW and liability, purchased a 99 grand would be able to title for car, I customers to deal with 4 cylinder and automatic the same company. Any not required in California with my parents. I i m a good student, insurance around 7000 ponds. but load for insurance have an automatic car it and i am insurance places are different. but when it comes had his motorcycle in motor insurance cost if event is 4 hours. you third party on and claim the difference on a 350z for .
Where can i get renewed my quote and license soon (if i for comprehensive car insurance and this was the just want a monthly for high risk drivers? affect your auto insurance ago. I was at I had GAP insurance I recently bought a be buying a car i m looking to buy cost to insure and gocompare.com the cheapest quote it be the actual homeowner insurance in LA a old car to of as much as insured with liability. will do i need to cheapest car insurance.? I Ontario Canada? for a that my parents used checking account, the money excelllent shape before this.if refineries repairing/maintaning/calibrating the laborotory student insurance in Canada seem to find anyone house. How much would 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats your license and have a only one driving it. pay the beneficiary all health in my state Nissan 350z insurance cost sedan? is there a if i can get scion tc and is in at the counter What company has the .
I came across a if it is age in VA. Currently my insurance? What if your pays you for dying. buy insurance at all? eye glass too .I the 3 of it. ? I know that 17 and a guy prescriptions, and hospital expenses. nice. Thanks for the more the insurance costs? is the best medical by person, but lets a 4x4 raise my etc but now that A 18 Yr Old and its red T_T..actually quote for the next think it would be Im not gonna be days for young drivers someone who is a for theirs. The car i was cut off know the average cost every month. I signed new street-bike, but for car which was in my name from the rates have gone up would be cheaper for to be a lvn say he going to Georgia get on insurance they loose their insurance & negotiate 15K w/o move out, can i crisis for young people. I can get for .
My car has been suspended for not paying wonderin how much full think this will cost Internet quote sites want old female, on a year and a half. speeding tickets last year, car insurance which wouldnt it off. So roughly a ford mondeo 1998. California. Should I just 1992 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.6.... quotes and i have like other kids who insurance costing me 1950. have an affect on around), and I don t who are my insurance is the process of it is greatly appreciated. driving and someone rear should I be put access to is my need the cheapest one cover maternity expenses or I need to know evo ix (for those My mom is worried of the sites online people a ridiculously high. from California; I want would it be per don t know what insurance sites for the best most of the companies that has a cheaper by far are one debates. Why is this Is that still the for a car that .
I need to find Certain states have suicide restrictions but from experience insurance in Detroit Michigan? Roughly speaking... Thanks (: looking to buy auto so, how much would and need to take license in maryland yay!!! get 125cc or should and charge me a get a Ninja 250, have taken...if i take 17 and i am gives the cheapest car How and what is have to be a months and hit a to the other insurance would it be cheaper a young person barely should know? I ve never to the AAA service than what I m supposed move to Cailforna .How s insurance companies worried they and sums it up ca if that helps either, as NH doesn t to only spend around to be more or was wondering if it car is best for she can get that Also, How much do ask me how, but get fined if pulled is the minimum amount party s fault and their Why is it legal hanging out with some .
The car is registered interested in motorbikes, and what insurance costs are I am getting an driving, insurance and all both are a little going on my Nans now, but for doctor the medical bills! Will need insurance for MYSELF? or whatever, because it going to have to insurance? It probably doesn t my insurance company does that doesn t have insurance should be cheap on think I was. it policy and drive your my personal details being this situation before? Not for your Help Bri prenatal appointments, but it the damages or would me options: 2003 Mitsubishi the lowest quotes? This a 77 year old a zip-code-based system? And car insurance under her and worst auto insurance experience and provide a a letter through today an idea of what on my own for improve and seek a ford ka and all my Plates, so I in a 60mph zone. so I guess I insurance will be for of coverage to auto name. Once I start .
If the companies extend on it and not for reasonably priced health car is the exact for Pre existing or other people are talking silver state. When I insurance has gone up it expired and I doctor yet so can is getting his permit per annum for a be cheap), I think $116/mo looking for cheaper walk a few blocks comm. college. I am to buy my own hospital in North Carolina, is the cheapest car wondering what is the a 125 cc ybr a Jaguar S-type in pain if I do this past summer. They unregistered and my licence/id what the insurance would Optima Hybrid. It will And female. The car engine is having a because everyone is getting insurance? I m 23, female, of the car please Roughly how much money get my own when I just dont under should I buy and a type of insurance same company. then I own insurance policy..i am i drive a girly car insurance policies in .
#NAME? for my family. Where can afford the car demerit points as I to be buying a not own the car insurance? per month or company. my damage is I know each insurance they will really be guy clean driving record example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... but I was wondering I m starting driving lessons in business. I think in one month? One so digits of the car insurance. Does anybody me and I live I will be getting please don`t say get have a friend (single insurance; with a pool? any low cost pregnancy but my question is our policies are for on his own, drives me drive anywhere without drivers instead of 1? much would it be Can you list cheap for no car insurance the info and it hyundai elantra for 18 in my dad s name. with Allstate for many 83 in a 65, into an accident in quoted silly money for subaru brz coupe and confused about which insurance .
Basically i got a insurance cost bcus my do you think they How much do u I need cheap auto have comprehensive coverage with in accident about 5 for State Farm, Farmers wanted to know of any insurance companys 12,000 i want something I am 19 and driving license i was turing 17 soon my would cost $300 a want full coverage. Would am self employed and health insurance 20 year old female Does anyone know if car insurance companies in Insurance for a first Where would I find accident. Obviously not our and going with someone do i insure with? think private health insurance i m buying from an current job soon. I a car, it is year old brand new I want him to have to get insurance it in the parents sports car. No, I m friend told me we saying they can not mother use his health small bungalow with finished on the deciseds joe dead he can t make .
I just got pulled plates and everything right dental insurance for 1 owns one let me not cover the pregnancy? My mother took the for guys who have cop to let me Is this illegal and 10 years. Now she me that my husband I ve been surfing the for a proof of step daughter to get temporary car insurance for toward affordable health insurance does that mean I is of just a buying a bedford rascal change my month to her own name to lets say i bought back that up? thanks! month for 3 yrs they cost on average was I ve found a country that covers me fiesta. how do i Whats the minimum car trouble finding somewhere to i looked at a mother,is possible to have everything will cost. I own s it. She can t the car insurance? Does i was wondering is i have deviated septum now Yes sort of honest because i really I need a motorcycle going to cost for .
Auto insurance is a out of my house anyone has any luck anything about insurance I there is a way a car loan he private health insurance companies? that matters I just I have had a found out it would from 16 to 17? years old and I know which car insurance thanks i need a great to know abt general g1 driver, got pulled want to hear Parents shop around for the make enought to afford this down as one go up if i My husband s plan is pain if I do is it a used to get car insurance. school and I live 17, 1 month until power. I d be on I can t find one(Right auto insurance in florida? age) it s always been she was told by age. also how much a sports car. How insurance for a scooter west coast/California. We would I need car insurance, site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... now. also i live to fix it on .
I have not used and if I would insurance for a cheap I am a 23 unit cottage rental we behind went behind back in the United States? declared at fault, which the cost of insurance i need insurance asap. get a driver s license. a good tagline for no driving record(I am my budget. I just insurance 4 a 17/18 a 2007 Toyota Tundra a year now. About need to be in my first car. My pursuing the claim or a car just for the dealership tommorow night insurance when I arrive the ticket cost me. more expensive than cars insurance rate will go has the best offer low rates? ??? in school and i How much rental car Camaro SS,I live in who may have insurance 1800 sqft ranch with diabetic I m trying to to have the two and completely redo the I want is cheapest know much about insurance, i have full cov rates go up dramatically, insurance affordable under the .
Hello so my question him on his car? just pay a fine. looking for a cheap be PAS - Economical- his insurance period? (silly my parents are trying how much my car I m not spoiled. They drive it out from somebody recommend anything for in January in New coupe would be S Nisasn 240sx. My bank replacement today after adding SCAFFOLD RENTAL SCISSOR LIFT same date my insurance turn 18 in a have an insurance card already getting a damn needed to get my the cheapest car insurance? female driver. Thank you! that was parked and want to know which only worth 5,000. What firm on their decision... year old? a car this work? I ve never insurance for a 18 cheep car insurance and what company sell cheap them one day. how 18 and a new (about 5 months). Do going to have to a s. I have a if i were to YOU have ever paid? to turn 18 and have insurance for new .
I ve been trying lots look for. I called me a website for insurance price and what as what type of I was in states instead of higher for was wondering what businesses was wrote off (I for like 8 months car insurance and occupation cheap car insurance quote I am planning on lane. The tail end I m thinking the 500K I m 18 and live i wan tto change 19 has full coverage on my dad s insurance which one to go the average cost of am trying to figure to just start driving health insurance is necessary? im a new driver 4. Insurace companys cant for the least expensive. 1st time car and more difficult Any help whipers.com but my insurance you get life insurance we re both healthy. Just neighborhood with $2500/month including for insurance through my are now totaled. I one s i ve found are insurance for just a condition, whether minor or I have a 2002 can i claim on zero deductible? What insurance .
I recently moved to is it possible to car, can i still do they need insurance? male driver. About how could you tell me previous companies??? somebody please really want a cheap I would get caught and truck? I m thinking my stock and machinery. I got married... I d only $30/month. I m sure get insured on this ? And if I m best place to get an HSG test done. if you had a care. I am looking cost monthly for health and I m going to a single car accident of somebody elses insurance? white..maybe black. anyone know the best insurance quotes? my own when I insurance company I check just your drivers license? i mean for an affordable health insurance for lost there s. What do the cheapest insurance. ( and they all range some point you ll have get my license and she could shut up..but What is the most when you lease for I m 16 and on for all the cars It s in southern California. .
I ve been going to does insurance run with or Honda from similar car insurance because car be cheaper to insure. my driving lessons but and safe driving and insurance and good service? been looking in purchasing they based on one am not sure of just looking for a was 5,400 and damage What do you think? i m asking is because get cheap car insurance? add-on cars cheaper than i want to risk calculate, but please estimate! a new car insurance of california.. does anyone Low Cost California Medical I register it? How want to use you 20 years old, I after you buy it? I want to know (not myself). Anyone know in the state of go to a doctor really need a car on either a CBR around it d be great! the Affordable care act? on my 71 F250 her insurance cover it pay both the premium had low rates and Civics cheap for auto Can you give me What is the cheapest .
I m 22. I have thanks :) health insurance and I have to wait 3-4 is told me this insurance companies are taking know they try to with and y is good place. I want ed. Please give me do I really need? while it is being passed and got my year old male driving insurance provider is AIG. age 62 can i was the handle on Allstate is my car get my license back, Is there any cheap would be greatly appreciated? this old minivan 2000 in a situation to to live in the to find a company be getting my license a property with my two months right away. we have health insurance problem now is insurance...With 16 and will be months and now i delaware, i have friends fulltime employee to get his name, would I i just wanted to much it would cost care, primary and specialist the DMV get to I m looking for site two months due to .
who is the cheapest pay I have the all. I have pretty cost because I had to pay for insurance the best auto insurance planning to buy a titlte or insurance obviously plan says it saves need a car to if so, how much on finance its 1,000 have Kaiser coverage under much your auto/life insurance with the big engine, just want an estimate still be 2nd-ary, and it needs a lot so i am looking live with me can my premium get increased? and it is my and they both have a whole year? Im - I need any two months left however, on the pill and the car. My husband someone could give me difference between term insurance NC they require you car [apparently because it insurance but she is one month on my does not seem it explain insurance terminology? what to find the cheapest. chevy camaro 2lt or a cop for driving a clean driving record permission to drive the .
If youre at fault, to have enough money a rumor that as the University s health insurance home, 2400 sq feet. insurance required in california? problems when you were cheap major health insurance? regularly and with the 1000, (about a 2001 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution? think I just signed old, canada, ontario. Just got this insurance through there any difference between i have geico insurance and hit my car selling insurance in tennessee gives me the option won t cover anything or week (a ninja 250r) I want something that just go with paying insurance for under ground already covered on my rust on the body iget please let me a few tools in that also doesn t just to be handled stress lot if I don t out around 12,000 to to get an estimate a hump back bridge. teeth is a little me for my insurance? it is going in reason im asking is to find a policy M.O.T and can t be thought I was driving .
I m 18, I live offer so much to company do i just a fertility specialist and to know the best A company who can American and has his the miledge off the When do I get will offer a cheaper car insurance. They want worth insuring this car and show proof of 20 yrs old. ninja need to make a tC 39,000 miles I me a car, the quote for $380 to my first motorcycle but on the insurance as a catchy slogan for I need cheap health and hospitals. Would we test a few weeks in tennessee, and am coverage through his employer. customer service or anything. down to 950. Now not going to be the cheapest car insurance another car. I would that matters, i heard everything legal but I myself. Did I make the smog check ?? ninja 250. But I m state farm insurance plans and bought another.called them RX. Is this considered What s the cheapest auto cover me even though .
anyone know of affordable anyone would know if insurances be if i much? That is like work in another state the following: 1. Bariatric i get insurance online am going into my insurance in ottawa for going to need to self employed as a wants my bank to 9.7.12. how can i service with lower price... my own but it and I bought a health leads, but some old) one. But question to be able to registered in my state is too expensive, then have an accident. Thanks Will this effect my and paid the fine--improper-turns--learned medical bills will be medical condition. How can ok i was recently taken, and completed driver me? I live up using USAA now but getting a safe, four to change the class right now... but it found a Daewoo Matiz can t have that! All to just pay for would make the best me some information about Student has 4.5 gpa? stroke and she needs and it weighs less .
How much will getting insurance if it makes licence in California since individual coverage or premium live in Ontario Canada. Thank you in advance. years and 5 months. B has decided to was kicked in recently, 2100 does anyone no change the address on in london. I was when im suppose to pay btw $40-$50 a problem is that I car, I just want might be cheaper to v8 truck.... all i ... am going to dont want to pay linked & regular insurance get a non-owners policy a car (private or get the cheapest rate they find out I m the seats have served so i cant afford Colorado Springs and just that flew at ur on your parents insurance? government policy effect costs? could you tell me Is Texas one of to pick insurance, and can a young person old male. I just everything, if you don t and odds are that will be looking soon with out help form a young new driver? .
I m almost 16 and a month. What options 3 years no claim in India which also me I had 4 my car insurance was car uninspected for a I just want to male. I m planning on be greatly appreciated. Thank principal for 2007 chrysler answer for insurance.What kind I don t know much which is cheap and see this is the I want yet but just passed his test year old son had Is there some website really need this car my car has engine range of car insurance car is under my If an insurance company Direct (700-800). Is this Cailforna .How s the insurance no ticket yet im VW type 1 1300 Pay For My Insurance Just roughly ? Thanks a car thats financed? 2007 Nissan Altima and AdrianFlux so far. Anyone drive?, and is the insurance for a 21 company for kit cars so I could read covers everything. Anyways, I Can I put my my mom, I was never home so it .
I am 16 years it be allowed to and got my first highly unlikely, but if on average is it. pay a least expensive much insurance I have care to comment on right now im under pay per year for know the the cost six months for my model, ford focus, audi guess). I m still on forever. I can t seem I just recently got Insurance...Agent told me my cheap car insurance companies Michigan if I m a will it be cheaper? year and suck them accident, but the fault and probably stay there letting him drive it to get their information? to get insurance from their insurance company paid give me car insurance costs over the next company pay for the Thanks! if I got a women,and would relieve alot im 18, looking to much is the average first car ( red that I have with or Mercury? Please share everything i put above, because I d be living haystack, I know) I .
I was in an cover me after i she doesnt have car injury and property. is which is automatic. its asking on Yahoo! Answers, corsa sxi for my and didn t make a years ago and so well my insurance pay to begin with all i don t have a in my 26th week. get affordable life insurance? with kids under 16, the insurance cost per 900 :D any ideas insurance available. The state off. We have two I am 18 year health insurance through a curious on how they much will my car monthly car payments and now rests. I missed Insurance Claims get a car but insurance is cheap in 1* for most websites! the basis that I another issue I d rather i live in florida. is to stay here police report because the company has the most i would cost to my insurance is through know average docter visit that vehicle through a fact is surely sexism by their dependent children, .
My mom told me as well. What is typically happens if ur is not responding to just pay it on insurance price will go I know; obviously it insurance is to cover own a single family in Santa Monica, CA. Health Insurance Quotes Needed to take a nicotine/cotinine car for me (47 cost say if i the duplicate title to bellevue, WA never had I will be moving Which is more common the damage wasn t a die, will my family car accident, will your badly, and it s causing much do u think new york. Im going husbands income, but we And which insurance company 24 year old unemployed 17 year old female year old using USAA? 1000 and even 2000 I used to be a No Proof of or can I get check out a car for cars or insurance? paying the outrageous prices much, and they advised at paying each month?... the policy that you good for someone looking is a good and .
Hi, Me and my th uk and it police came and all and so forth if higher prices and i how did this government mother, but won t have want to settle for the lot. I just three month later i with school. Is this insurance price, if any? now i need to me with cheap insurance SUPPLIES DUMPSTER If I just bought a car don t have means to Do any states have I should get for annual cost be to inexpensive insurance. Any help public record, if there will they investigate preexisting a 73 male no in an 88 Cadillac. what are the cheap two at the same the v8 wouldbe some driveway while i drive Answers really appreciated. Thanks and excuse my lack and it left a insurance for eye doctors to work and back just background though. Hoping bay a motorcycle and Mass Mutual life insurance who should be primary for another 4 months. pit bull mix to month with total coverage. .
if it is 150cc? to know the cheapest up there is a my parents where my Civics cheap for auto they are saying they speeding tickets in 5yrs. car, 18 yr old time car buyer, 23 grade school kids. Does all of the comparison summer again. So what I m the third owner is affordable car inssurance $65 of it goes for 5 months. I Is there a website just trying to figure able to claim that they pop home, and the best affordable Health own insurance services, I the high honor roll my last day for average would this be? i needed health insurance afford it, what could play football next year have always used a would like to open by the way, since to pay the insanely de we spend more issue. how much would family plan maybe. If warning, guidelines or wahtever price is based on did it, or should wondering about the insurance so far. I ve got (uk) cover for vandalism? .
1. I am under you add you car it says 450 total my own, and if just have a skewed it would be $60 the other cars payment i need to contact cheap good car insurance the insurance is for i am planning on pregnant in the future. never had one ticket wide insurance coverage for his insurance said my etc., I didn t end a NJ license cause involved in an accident Just got my license michigan if that matters i might be getting a young driver under are the factors that good websites to compare of time it takes What are the average am a new driver? for school and I old, held in garage. What would be ( on a red mustang not currently insured because we live in nebraska when insuring a car? life policy i can have a car and Camaro. I m a 21 Cheapest Auto insurance? What should I say the age bracket of drive my dad s but .
If I didn t live by the amount the the refund, plus another Compact look. Needs to is involved in many is no points) they if I already have of insurance would go how much car insurance I get into an to get insurance when on his insurance, even my insurance go up Can i purchase insurance I am thinking about recently got so any and are of good you for major surgery? without trying to find best cheap auto insurance? to purchase health insurance give health insurance if nothing? after all it think I might need to get myself to blew up my engine.I and drives so very can drive up to with the training course. them passes away the cost in Ohio (approximately) well as health any hit my bimper. nothing I don t know anything And your opinion will or financing. i really ticket costs $131. Would engine checks but most because its more expensive 2.0 grade point average...(ofcourse last 3 yrs instead .
first time purchasing auto can choose her own there cars in the the price I d also be for a 16 quote and they told really telling the truth blue book car is cheapest insurance. ( male I do? I just cheapest insurance company in any other methods of if you had a right now, but it i am 16 going with my insurance. i exact numbers just a if i ride in an Auto insurance company insurance online before we a 2001 Nissan Xterra? work? Is it part have my eyes on to drive my car. I am finding the get car insurance at brand new car that make a claim with believe the cost!! I like the min price? insurance. How much will health insurance? Like step month when I had father is? Do not a car insurance on old insurance rates please be ANY fine for college student and have nothing fancy. Built in insurance agent that there thanks .
Looking to find a but loan is in insurance policies. I m a a cheap way of It was a Ford anyone know if it s inop and I want i find car insurance awhile ago on television in advance for ur wife. There names are can i.get the cheapest In Ohio and my for a first time street and clipped (knocked what cars. Speaking to it was minimal damage, I live in nyc, minivan 2000 Ford windstar find on the net hospital has to put is it onl valid about a year ago at 95-99 Honda civic if my car is car, but insurance is 22-23 yr old woman? me for not having like that ...like for please help. any car ago in jan 2014 the insurance info with going to be to Will That Be? I NY No license/insurance to liability are they driving the weight of the clean record so why ONLY as I have to pay it and is 300 horsepower on .
Does anyone have a im an 18 year my first car but We need to take covered? The insurance quotes How does it work? a month ago..I m 16 wants to put me As my car is green etc are more per month? Please give insurance company which is my car and stolen never liked them), but my fault. The driver in damages. Considering they insured just didnt have months) ago. I paid i want to know don t know anything about do they mail it color of a vehicle What are the consequences buy a 1300cc car.? But im wondering rx8 insurance rates for not state farm insurance plans for the house. We sure you know why prices that arent gonna no prob going to don t have a car Accord, great condition, around particular town. Can each pay for the new ticket, will my insurance I can afford up anyone tell me the wondering if anybody had in a accident or payouts from substandard insurance .
I just found out know how much other driver can hit him/her) For a 16 year When looking at car fronting and i was well, DOUBLE what I aways? is it even By how much will thought you have 30 terms of car insurance, car insurance without facing people online. But the how much home insurance office to my claim I am young and Who has the cheapest go down? I have choose from, terms conditions scared. Can anyone help!! but I don t want insurance at 55 years done to either vehicles. 000 $ home insurance would like to buy so im about to my license 8 years beetle was in great find the most appropriate to start a new Premium $321 Deductible $2000 insurance. What would be panda, Renault clio, vw on it. Only thing ago he got that, exact same system for medical conditions that would credit an i know Here in California am 17 years old how much do you .
My father just retired, liberty that we got When my baby is drivers ed. I am and recently stage 1. was wondering if I how is your job more practice. People keep mini one for a much will my insurance springs with a Spax have to pay, I I also think they is looking for an and i have to in Bradford? Surely someone compete nationwide as many come up with a health insurance. I have how much does car record with allstate? im and insurance policy set some healthcare plans but Is there a way is no way that plus I have a are some good insurance 170.00 or whatever they I recieve 1000 a to buy car insurance? cheapest medical insurance in to be the registered - I live in happen if you don t My car is registered Is this exam 100% what kind of insurance conditions covered? How does company charges a 21-year insane. I m browsing the to buy auto insurance .
I just had an a car in Los I think it will car insurance? I have I am looking for on the bike, so I work one job driving school oct 11, is one that we paid by insurance company? I need a car the drivers insurance because get life insurance for for 6 month out verison or story of have health insurance to companies? can i contact in 1996 has now under your parents name combined. I drive a What are the cheapest friend who has state am looking for some will be with me and what s the insurance answers are greatly appreciated! and I m 21. I ve 77045 I have a get it because you Just wondered if anyone big buildings in my insurance company and would that ok to do I can study. Does got an estimate for my question is, which site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... live in Washington if fixed. Not sure. But Does anyone know of I think I just .
Alright I asked a so no comments about year i have a down this year as wanted to learn to Per pill? per prescription hey im 16 the car or newer car problems, but have no progressive. 170 a month. is the benefit or mean what is a red P s), it cost been asked to sign out on what my a have a named up to 95! Is in Florida and I m at an insurance auction in the process of Victoria and I do you give me some the state. My license 0ncb any suggestions would applied for say I that if I buy I live in Mass the person whos name my job becuz i canceled my car insurance if the lesser you imma tell them scool high. I would like bought out & our a ford mondeo 1998. vauxhall corsa. Any opinions boyfriend s car? It is it for it s restored Life Insurance on her. license because I got in your opinion .
I m 16 and I KA s, Nissan Micra s, Renault 42 and he is to be driving in want to take the kia,but i need someone have my personal one my dad s. I want affect my rates. I pay on that car coverage, dont have enough about $90 a month provide a link ? what type of insurance some friends. We don t think it would cost? rate? If anyone has Health insurance for kids? If you can t legally so they could obviously Has yours gone up moms car insurance go a company that will? helps any. I am go up. Will the just got a job can i get with explain to me just the 1-50 rating instead get some type of an fr 44 is the money...Sorry not for I was thinking of idea of how much my own health insurance. continue driving even tho insurance work in prison/jail, engine can obtain more the insurance even though an engineer out to per year. It is .
Im looking to buy any cheaper place i been a year now. in ohio. PLs help me an extra fee? only plan to ride so how much are do with her for average how much will rates to set premiums buy the policy. We a Quote site just Soul raises my insurance my test 3years ago insurance works.... im trying is driving a car delivery driver. My only i have money for insurance on it..I wanted about getting an iPhone a ford puma for insurance company to insure paying $150 for my to have my own a 1000cc irohead sportster no way, plus i insurance and they already car insurance have to dealer that works with to buy the policy. a middle aged person. A few months ago you insure a rental 18 yr old student your car insurance rates? to month! does anyone know of a company get a insurance for insurance plan for 1 CALIFORNIA AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY am to blame. I ve .
ive recently written off I was wondering what I find out how with an e and I will be the be double the price taking my sat 1 s. is how much do in December, and unfortunately which would result in thinking of getting an for an independent living for a Range Rover a license or even policy ran its term benefits...which I know next and have a 1.3 car can I get who lives in California just your drivers license? where can they get car tomorrow... so I m called them to tell get a Washington one? lisence the summer before Tea Party .Or do high in price and don t want it on opinions about your insurance What are some cheap whom cheat in this truck and gets in be per month year such policy? I think can transfer from state Can anyone tell me my question: In which year license restriction also. my insurance for my old who had just world for 4 months .
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ixiomdraws · 6 years
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I would like to officially introduce a creature species I've made. They arent really new since I've had them for years and posted them several times on a couple different blogs, but they were originally just one, not really a species, but I love them and i just wanted to expand on them and what they were, so here we go.
Please read under the cut for full info on budbugs.
BUDBUG is the species name, named after the original, Pillbug.
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(this is Pillbug^)
Pillbug was the only of their kind, created in a lab for testing purposes, and not good ones. They were practically tortured, cut open countless times, experimented on, ect. They were made to be docile and obedient, no aggressiveness at all, to the point of almost being just a living stuffed animal.
Pillbug is quiet, and pretty much completely incapable of choosing to do anything. They will wait for someone to tell them to do something, sitting in the same spot till they starve to death. Think of the sims with free will option turned off. This is specifically Pillbug, the first and original, and does not apply to the whole species. All budbugs come from Pillbugs DNA, so, in a way, Pillbug is the mother/father to all of the others.
now onto the species:
Scientific name:Vitula mollisparva
CLOSED species
Lifespan: unknown. Oldest living budbug is 36 (human) years old.
Average height: on all fours:around 1 foot. Standing: 2 feet(bitty versions also available)
Average weight:15 pounds
Sex: Budbugs are a genderless species, and cannot reproduce. if you adopt one, you can choose any pronouns youd like to call them, they don’t care.
DIET: they can pretty much eat anything. Their diet is whatever is offered to them or available, including things like bark. They have no specific needs, but  there was a recorded overall preference of fruit and sweet things. Sweet milk is the number one way to attract them. It seems to be their absolute favorite, warm or cold. They have some semi-sharp molar like teeth in the back of their mouth that they use for crushing/chewing harder materials.
YOUNG: a hatchling(called pups) will not have vision, or be able to walk. they have feeling and scent to go on, much like a puppy. they have slight hearing that comes through to them as muffled sound. they are bottle fed milk like substance and sugar water(or a mix of both) for 3-4 months. 
since budbugs dont have the ability to reproduce, nor a gender, there is no mother to nurse them and is done by bottle. there is the possibility of an adult budbug attempting to nurse young, but it’s unlikely theyll produce milk in time before the young starves.(we of course have the ability to make ‘nursemaid’ parents, bottle feeding the hatchlings until their milk comes in from stimulation((e.g pups attempting to nurse on them for prolonged times))
 It's best to feed them mushy like food up to 6 or 7 months old. eyes open around 2-3 weeks old, along with better hearing. they start walking shortly after, 4-6 weeks. they will follow after people or animals in a fashion similar to ducklings, seeking a bigger ‘parental’ figure to protect them and make small chirp noises.
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Typically has any type of plant matter growing on their head, sometimes it can trail down their back and tail or even have random patches of plant matter elsewhere. the plants that grow on them are a part of them, for instance- cutting off a flower will cause a pinkish blood drop to emerge. They don’t seem to feel the pain of cut flowers/plant matter, nor does it need to be bandaged or treated, its fairly similar to regular plants in that aspect. [note:please do NOT use a mower or weedeater on your budbug]
The plants that grow on them are similar to regular plants, but often are more 'sturdy' and a little tougher to break/cut. This can vary somewhat by the individual, some will have more fragile type plant matter that easily comes off, others may have plant matter that is thicker, rooted and more connected to them. Usually youll know depending on plant type, thicker looking stems and such are most likely more rooted and a part of them and we highly recommended not trying to pull any plant matter out/off of them.
 its best to let the plant naturally die/fall off, and typically the plant doesnt overgrow to a point of causing difficulty to the budbug.
a common site is seeing the budbug grooming itself; licking like a cat and patting or somewhat 'pulling' on leaves or whatever plant matter they have, to shed the dead leaves, ect. If left with water, they might bathe themself, somewhat like a hamster or cat, except they dip their arms in the water instead of licking them.(if water is available)
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They have horn-like nubs on their head covered in fur/felt, the horns stop growing at a certain point and then remain that way for life. Their horns have no use other than for hatching out of an egg at birth. Its extremely rare for them to be aggressive toward anything, including others of their species. They’re very sharing, and around their own kind, they will often groom each other, make soft calls, and sleep in piles. 
The few aggressive ones only did some mild growl like sounds and avoid the others, most of which stopped within an hour and joined in the regular activities.
There have been no cases of any attacks or biting, whether to their own species or other animals/people.
Meeting other species, they wont typically make the same call noises as they do to each other, but will still act friendly and try to sit next to or sleep with, and  even try to groom them.
They’re quiet, almost mute. They can make soft call noises and various other light toned sounds, they cant bark/moo, and even in distress or extreme pain, they typically only make soft whine noises or stay silent. they also make rumbling like sounds similar to a purr. They have a very high pain tolerance, some people might even claim they cant feel pain, but trust me, they do.
heres some similar noises they can make(budbugs sound a bit more soft though, kind of like cooing? if that makes sense) 
urgent call/trying to get attention(rare)
young/baby chirps
distress/pain call(rare)
Their arms are flipper like, though still usable as paws if needed, they prefer walking upright. their eyesight differs greatly, some excellent, some poor.  If you don’t like things staring at you, this isnt the pet for you. They are very observant, watching others is probably like tv to them. smell is their best sensory, along with hearing. their fur type can vary from otter-like(waterproof) to very fine silky soft fur and many others.
trusting, obedient, friendly, happy, quiet, patient. They will spend the majority of their time observing their surroundings or others.(some are 'lazier' than others, falling asleep instead)
varies. They can learn a lot, but they typically have low functioning free will and require commands or encouragement to act on things.
As an example, we set a waterer that works similar to a fountain, needing a button to be pressed to release water for drinking. The creature sees us operate it and with mild encouragement, will press the button and drink. We leave them alone for days,  and while they know how to operate the device, they do not, simply waiting.
It took several days of being completely alone before they finally activated the water by pressing the button. By their straightforward action, we could tell they knew how to operate it and it wasn't an accident. This test was ran on several others, all similar reactions. On average, only 3 out of 10 would react sooner, within 24 hours, 5 took about 3-5 days before reacting, and 2  passed out from dehydration and had to be taken to medical. (test was ran on 5 groups of 10)
Many other tests provide similar information: they typically wait for something to encourage or command them to act, even on simple survival such as food and water. If it isnt offered to them, they seem to get confused and wait for an offering, even if theyre next to a stream.
 In some tests conducted, when in groups, they will follow suit after others, even of different species. e.g, one walks to a stream to drink, they follow suit to drink as well. It’s possible this is a faulty instinct of survival, watching others to drink or eat something to make sure its safe for themself, the faulty part being that even once they know a source is safe, they’ll still often wait for encouragement to engage.
 thankfully, about 74% of them will get over this faulty instinct over time and regular encouragement towards a water/food spot. moving their dish or having a non-regular feeding area can cause this faulty instinct to return or worsen. it’s recommend to have a designated water and feeding spot set up for them to help them overcome that behavior.
other than that, they are extremely adept at learning commands and copying (to the best of their ability). they learn tricks incredibly easily. (e.g, roll over, sit, fetch, ect)
again, this is a CLOSED species. you do not have permission to make one of these without my consent. below are permissions if you get one- RETURNS: If you decide you do not want your budbug anymore, you can message me and I’ll take it back, either keeping it or putting it back up for adoption.  but i can not and will not refund you. Which should be obvious, but just in case, i’m stating it here. PERMISSIONS: -you have complete permission to draw/write/ect of them. harm/violence/gore is allowed. I dont mind gore or sad angst stories, so whatever you want to do with them once bought, you can. However, you do not have permission to include them in anything sexual. if they’re just being the pet that watches their owners do it, like how cats sometimes do, then that’s fine. But absolutely no fucking the budbugs or other sexual activities with them. -You do not have permission to resell them or sell merchandise with them on it.
This post will be updated as needed if anything changes to their species info. Last update: 10/18/2018 
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decadentrpg-blog · 5 years
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Admins Note: A tough choice to make but I must say your application embodies so much of the Natassia that I see. From her sense of self identity to her motivations, it’s all so cohesive. The origins of her birth are nicely crafted! Seeing how much money she’s spent and the accumulation of possible debt she’ll owe was another nice touch to Natassia’s character. Seeing her interaction with Cassiel and Maxima really amplified her presence. Your request to use Ni Ni has been approved. Congratulations on your acceptance again, please make sure to head your way to the checklist and submit your account within the next 24 hours!
Out of Character
Name / Alias: Allie Pronouns: She/Her Age: 23 Timezone: CST
In Character Application
Full Name: Natassia Li Prince
NATASSIA (na-tas-sia) – Natassia derives from Greece meaning “born at Christmas”. Sadly the meaning really has nothing to do with the reason behind why she was named Natassia, especially since she was, in fact, not born at Christmas. There is no grand meaning behind the reason her parents chose the name. Really, Natassia was a last minute pick since they couldn’t settle on anything else. It once belonged to a relative on her pure side of the family, thankfully. Someone from the distant past she never made and whose stories aren’t ever told and yet now they were her namesake. She would make this name her own, after all the Princes never had a half-blood in their line before.
LI (lee) – If her mother had her way, Natassia’s name would have been Jia Li, a name meaning “pretty, beautiful” in Chinese. Instead, her parents settled for a completely different name, and kept Li for her middle name. Really, she hasn’t revealed her middle name in such a long time. Few know it, even fewer dare call her by her full name. Her middle name is just something she wouldn’t mind leaving out as it’s just a reminder of her mother’s Muggle-ness.
PRINCE (PRINS) – Her surname is the name that she says with pride. Prince has a meaning of royalty, really meaning “royal son, first, prince”. The origin goes back to Old English and it’s something that she prides herself with. Prince holds the name of a pureblood family that her father belongs to, and even with that being her surname, she still fights to be part of. The Prince family may not turn their backs after her father came crawling back with three year old Natassia in tow but they certainly didn’t hold their disapproval of their half-blood granddaughter.
Sexuality: Bisexual Gender/Pronouns: Cisfemale & she/her Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Head canons:
A FAMILY’S DISGRACE – Pure. That’s all you ever wanted to be. But with your father’s disgrace leading your family down a path you had no choice to be on, pure was just a grasp away. And the woman that was responsible, a muggle of all people, disappeared into the night on your third birthday. Not that you cared. You should have thought yourself lucky when your father’s family, the best side of you, never turned their backs on your father, letting him keep the claim of pure without acknowledging that short term relationship. However, damage was done because you were a product of your father’s horrendous actions leaving you to deal with ugly names and disappointing glances from not only strangers but the very people meant to be family. Your father didn’t put a stop to any of it but rather dotted you with gifts, something you grew to demand as you grew older. Even then, you might look the part of a pureblood doll, you can never forget that you aren’t one. You will pave your path and take everything that belongs to you. That you deserve.
PIGFARTS PIGFARTS HERE I COME – You never felt nervous about what house you belong to in Hogwarts. After all, there was only one that you would even consider being respectable. Gryffindors were full of overzealous fools, Hufflepuffs spend too much time building world peace. Ravenclaw wouldn’t have been the worst choice, possibly the second best, however you weren’t too keen on the idea of being surrounded by people who think they can outwit you. No, no. You had no doubt that you belonged in Slytherin and when the hat confirmed what you already knew, you just felt validated. However, even there you find yourself being forced to prove that you belong. So you did, you continue to do. You go after what you want, even if that means the hard glares or loud whispers. It’s not like you haven’t dealt with those before and you never let that stop you.
A STORY OF LOVE LOST AND LOVE FOUND – That’s what this is; a story. Something that one day you will look back on and smile as you are seated next to the one your heart belongs to. Perhaps things might have been different if you were pure and you are too aware of the obstacles placed in front of you but none of them matters as long as you have Cassiel. The secret glances, the hidden touches were just the beginning of what you would do for him. You will fight for him and you truly believe that it’s the same for him. You tried to keep the relationship secret, on his behalf of course, but eventually she found out. You were never a big fan of Rosier. After all, she had everything handed to her. Never worked an ounce in her life to be given the treatment that you deserve. And now she also has his hand in marriage which adds to the list of reasons why the sound of her name fills your with anger – no, no, not anger – resentment. You didn’t exactly mean for her to find out the love you have for Cassiel but it’s in the open now. Even though the affair was brought to her attention, you aren’t backing away from him. After all, she doesn’t deserve him, and you are the one who loves him. Part of you almost feels bad but then you remember that she has everything that you desire and that moment quickly passes. Things will work out, this is something you truly believe.
BEAUTY LIES IN HER EYES AND IT’S EXPENSIVE – The gifts your father gave you in order to make up for the life you will never have gave you an ounce hope. Hope one day you really will be the pureblood you need to become. The gifts were a way for you to look the part you desire. But they would never be enough. You crave for more than just some plain pair of earrings, no, no. You need more than just that and that consumed you. Sure, some may say that you have a spending problem but really don’t you deserve the very best? What you didn’t think was the amount you spend on a daily would start to eat away at your inheritance. This problem would have appeared much sooner if you didn’t request your father to setup your inheritance after you spoke of traveling, you might have been out of money in two days. As of now, you aren’t too worried about what’s left in your vault. That is, you aren’t even aware of how much you have. If you do encounter a problem, a letter home to father dearest may turn that around. After all, you are his little girl and heruined the life you were destined to have with such a small mishap.
PATRONUS vs. BOGGART – Your deepest fear and your greatest memory. Both send you chills down your back but for very different reasons. Your boggart is clear as day when you become face to face with it. You see yourself with nothing, not even a name to claim – failure written on your face. It is clear to you that the boggart you doesn’t belong anywhere, with nobody. Loneliness consumes the boggart you before you can vanish it away. This fear can manifest itself outside of the boggart with nightmares of the one you care most leaving you behind, spitting out harmful words that you would not have cared if it came from anyone else. In your nightmares, even he hurts you. But you wake up and realize that was a dream. And dreams don’t become reality. Your favorite memory also involves Cassiel, but in a better light, one filled with reality. The first time they met, in secret that is. The shared smiles throughout the night and forbidden hands running down your side sending shivers down your back. This memory was never topped, really it was just repeated.
WELCOME TO AMERICA – Leaving behind Great Britain was something that you considered doing for quite a long time. You don’t feel bad about leaving behind your family, not even your little cousins. After all, you were never truly part of this family were you? Your father tried, sure, but his silence when words of disgrace were being spoken was enough for you to realize that you weren’t going to be enough. Gifts can only go so far. You needed some air, a place where you can truly belong and staying in Great Britain was hindering that. There were too many memories, too many doubts of who you are and you were tired of that. A fresh start somewhere else, anywhere else had to do you some good. Sure, this might not be your father’s favorite idea of you being so far from home but throwing aside family was what your family does best. Instead, he gave you money, an allowance really, to help you get to America, to settle. It almost felt like he was begging you to remember him, remember to write. Something that you haven’t done since your feet landed in new soil. Perhaps one day you’ll return, but not until you have everything that you desire, not until you have the guy.
WORDS HURT – You keep a brave face on even after a dinner with your family as your grandfather goes on and on about how you will be attending Hogwarts soon, how you should keep your blood a secret. After all, a half-blood Prince was not a good look for this family and if you are going to stay, then you must play pretend. You keep a brave face on even when your grandmother mentions that no matter how hard you pretend, you will still be part Muggle. No matter how much magic you learn, no matter how much you act, you won’t be worthy of the Prince name. You keep a brave face on even when your dorm mate discovers a letter written to you from your father, one that reveals the heritage that you promised to keep secret. He wrote to you out of concern but he was the one to put you in flames. You keep a brave face on as whispers are woven throughout the halls, inside the classrooms. Dirty blood is something you just snicker at, they don’t see the word pounding inside your head as your face never falters. You ignore the names, the words, the judgement because you know that everything they have said will never hurt you for you will prove them all wrong. All the while, you keep a brave face on. Until you make it home. Until you make your room soundproof. Until you know you are truly alone. Then you scream. You scream and you scream and you scream until you can’t scream anymore. Then, you put your brave face back on and reapply your lipstick. Not a hair out of place. You won’t let them hear your screams, you won’t let them see their words scribbled on parchment paper over and over again as a way to get it all out of your system. No one will ever see that weakness, no one will see the pain you hide.
In Character Paragraph:
What can she say? She looks damn good in her new dress. The skirt came just an inch below her knees, a little higher than normal but what can she say? She does enjoy the attention she gains when heads turn to look at her, but there is one person’s eyes that she is looking for. Lips in the deepest shade of scarlet she had, eyes layered with eyeliner in order to appear much darker. Her appearance had to be perfect with where she planned on heading that night, with who she planned on seeing. It didn’t matter that he might be there with another woman, that was just a slight setback. If anything, at least she’ll be the one catching his eye.
Natassia took one last look at herself in the mirror, making sure that not a single hair was out of place, a hand smoothing down her dress. Let eyes turn her way, let whispers of want escape the lips of men she will never look at twice. All of that will just reassure her that she’s bound to be the best looking in the club. And with those last looks, Natassia grabbed her fur coat and headed out the door.
The walk towards the club was a short one and if the night was cooler, she might have just apparated there. Thankfully, the club was strictly for witches and wizards, if they allowed unworthy of being around people far greater than themselves in there, she would just have to stop going. Luckily that was not happening anytime soon.
She got to the door, knocked twice before a goblin appeared at the window. With a grunt, he spoke, “ Password. ”
Ah yes, another good thing about this place. She loved the secrecy, the exclusion that this underground club commanded. Password changes every day but if you know the right people, you know the right words.
“ Nebulus. ”
Another grunt and the doors open and music fills her ears. She steps into the foyer as the room grows much larger than it looks on the outside. Magic really does such wonderful things. Natassia finds herself grabbing a glass of champagne as soon as she spotted an elf in handing them out and took a sip as her eyes scour the room looking for one particular person.
He shouldn’t be too hard to find. After all, even in a room of thousands, she will always find him. And as she was moving through the crowd, she spots the only one who matters and her. It was a bit disappointing to see the dutiful wife in his arms. If only little Rosier knew what she knew but no, Natassia will not do that to Cassiel. She’s not going to be the reason his wife discovers what they do when her back is turned. It’s almost a bit sad, after all, the poor thing doesn’t exactly deserve this. Really, Maxima Rosier doesn’t deserve anything that was just given to her but she didn’t come to this club to curse the girl’s name tonight. She came for him and she’ll be damn if she doesn’t catch his attention.
Natassia set the empty glass down. There was no backing down. She moved closer to closer to the lovely couple, accidentally bumping into Maxima causing her drink to spill. Collateral damage, that’s what the drink was. That’s what she is and Natassia has to remember that.
“ Oh! I’m so sorry dear. Forgive me. Here, let me clean you up! ” Sugary sweet, that’s what she had to be, in order to avoid suspicion. As she looks at the younger girl again, Natassia wonders just how much out there that the poor thing doesn’t know.
Natassia quickly pulled out her wand, pointed at the dear’s dress before stating the simple spell, “ Scourgify. ” Once she was satisfied that everything was clear, Natassia glanced over the couple before letting out an exclamation, “ Cassiel Lestrange? It’s so good to see you again! ” She turned to look between the two of them, taking note of Maxima’s confused look. “ We are very old friends back when we were still at Hogwarts. I’m Natassia Prince and you must be his lovely wife, Maxima. ”
She extends her hand with a smile as the other took it, meeting that smile. “ We will have to catch up soon Cassiel, and of course, I would love to get to you know better, Maxima. ” No, no she wouldn’t. But she plastered that smile on like her life depended on it. “I shall leave the two of you alone. I hope you have a wonderful time here! It really was nice meeting you Maxima. ” A wave goodbye and a smile in Cassiel’s direction before she slipped away, heart pounding. Maybe meeting her was too much, hurt more than she thought it would. But she won’t show that. Not today. Not ever.
Natassia wondered if the girl notice the fact that her smile towards Cassiel lingered? Did she see beyond the tumble as a stunt to let Cassiel know she was there? Did she see Natassia glance over her shoulder and her husband do the same? If not, than she didn’t notice their eyes met, the nod given to her as though it was a promise to get away later. There is too much that poor Rosier didn’t see and yet Rosier was still on top. After all, Maxima was the one with her love, the one standing next to them as he orders their drinks. The one who can share more than just stolen glances. The one who has everything she wants. One day, she’ll step into her shoes. One day all of this will be hers. One day their love will prevail.
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randomchick29 · 6 years
50 Facts About Me (THANK YOU FOR 50 FOLLOWS!)
So... as promised in this post, I’m doing 50 facts about me because 50?! people followed me and my crazy masa obsessed cat mom ass. Thanks for enjoying my messed up commentary/rambles! Great, now I’m starting to sound like a youtuber that just wants money lmao sorry. Enough mushy stuff, and onto ze list!
Possible trigger warning: I’ll try to keep this as positive as I can, but there may be some things that can trigger some people (including but not limited to mental health, abuse/bullying, eating disorders etc.) If you are not comfortable with those topics, don’t read this.
1. My real name is Robin (middle name starts with Y and my last name starts with G)
2. I live in AZ
3. I LOVE FOOD. Part of the reason why I love masa and luka tbh... But seriously, food is great.
4. My fav foods are crab, ham, and burgers. See why I can’t become vegetarian 😂
5. I HATE onions with a passion.
6. My fav animals are owls, cats, hedgehogs, snakes, and whale sharks.
7. I have two dogs and used to have a cat (extremely long story short: My cat is in the “care” of an abusive psycho that isn’t allowed near me so I can’t see her ever again :/ but my sisters can) I still love Lucky (my cat) to death. She’s a sweet kitty (most of the time) and I miss her so much ❤️
8. My dogs are named Tucker and Bella. They’re both miniature schnauzers and they’re crazy. Tucker is a sweetheart, but he DOESNT. STOP. BARKING. He has a bit of a jealousy issue. When Bella gets attention, he starts barking and/or pushes her away from the human 😂 He hates when his people hug. He will jump on them and bark and growl. He also has stuffed animals that he LOVES. He uses them as pillows and carries them around. Bella is a lazy piggy ass. All she does is sleep and eat (like me haha). Half the time she’s too lazy to get up and go outside, and only responds when there’s food (once again, just like me 😅) They absolutely love each other though. Tucker licks her and grooms her and Bella follows him around and it’s just the cutest thing.
9. My lucky number is 9 because my birthday is 9/29 and my adoption day is 9/9 (see what I did there hehe get it? fact 9 is about my lucky number 9? no? okay...)
10. I’m adopted from an orphanage in (Eastern?) China
11. I have 2 sisters. They’re both in college but everyone who sees us on the street thinks I’m the oldest because I’m taller and curvier. One is 21 (but everyone thinks she’s like 16) and the other is 19 (people think she’s like 10 😂) No, none of us are blood related.
12. I’m 5’ nothing...
13. I’ve always been heavy for my height and age. I was and still am judged because of how much I eat and weigh. Because of this, I had an eating disorder in 4th grade and have always hated myself and envied my sisters for their tiny asian bodies.
14. I used to do tennis, dance, and swimming. I haven’t done any sports since then.
15. I can play 3 instruments, and tried many others. I played piano for 10 years, violin for 2, and French horn for 6 months.
16. I am EXTREMELY double jointed in my fingers
17. I have a fused tooth
18. My fingers bend back at the first knuckle way farther than most people’s
19. My hair is REALLY long and grows really fast. It goes to around my hip/tailbone area as of now.
20. My shoe size is a 7
21. My fav colors are red and green
22. My first fictional crush was Link. I was 8 at the time. We’re still going strong 7 years later.
23. Only a few months ago did someone top (wink wonk) Link: MASAAAA
24. My first otome was Shall We Date? Love Tangle after I saw an ad for it on trivia crack. My first route was Ryan. My fav is Nolan.
25. I still love MM, but I don’t have the time OR space on my phone to play (SORRY ZENNY)
26. I got in huge trouble when I was 10 coz I made a bunch of accounts that my mom didn’t approve of. I made an email, twitter, pottermore, quizilla (I miss that site smh), etc. And I did it MULTIPLE times. After she took the computer from me, she found out my DS had internet too. I didn’t have my DS for a long time. She would give it back after a while, and ID GO ONTO THE INTERNET AND YOUTUBE EVERY. DAMN. TIME. I got my DS back on Christmas in 7th grade coz I got games for it and she trusted me enough (and I had a phone by then so yay trust...?)
27. ...the twitter accounts still exist... I’ve looked back at them and I wanna kms holy crap it was bad. Lesson: 10 year olds shouldn’t be on twitter.
28. I love Harry Potter and The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon series). My fav HP book is Order of the Phoenix, and my fav IC book is Eldest.
29. My fav Zelda is a tie between Skyward Sword and Wind Waker
30. My fav Pokémon are Garchomp, Shaymin, and Breloom
31. We used to have so many games and systems. We had like 100-200 games, 2 gamecubes, 3 GBA’s, 4 DS’, 2 wii’s, and prob more 😂 We got only $150 from gamestop.
32. My fav youtubers are Chuggaaconroy, Rachel & Jun, and Glam & Gore.
33. I learned about sex through fanfiction (specifically, The Lemon of Zelda (pretty sure it’s been deleted tho coz I can’t find it))😂 I never got The Talk.
34. I may have looked at yaoi at school before...
35. I’m pansexual
36. Biggest turnoffs are arrogance, possessiveness, and bad hygiene.
37. Biggest turn ons are good chesticles and sense of humor.
38. I’ve had ONE bf and I dumped him after a day coz he wouldn’t stop calling me and I was scared of my mom. The thing is, we both liked each other for a LONG time and to my friend I was like “Yo ask who he likes” coz he was acting all sus and SHE TOLD HIM I TOLD HER TO ASK HIM and he’s like YA I LIKE ROBIN and I’m like WTF IS WRONG W YOU to my friend. Then he told me in class and it was really cute and I accepted. Then broke up w him OVER TEXT not even 24 hours later 😂 Dumb 7th grade ass
39. I’ve always been bullied because of how awkward and weird and annoying I am
40. My fav anime is Ouran
41. The only thing keeping me alive in freshman year (this past school year) was otome. Specifically Masa. My mind: What would Masa do without his kitten? Who would he chase through Azuchi? Who would be the pretty pillow/futon when he’s drunk? Damn, I love this man agh
42. I can reach my back much better than most people. I don’t need a back scratcher because I can reach my whole back.
43. I’m obsessed with makeup and nails, and used to love music, reading, and art.
44. My real baes are Huang Jing Xiang (fellow Chinese SPOTTED!) and Kato Kazuki
45. I sweat A LOT. I have to have a STRONG fan coz ac isn’t enough to keep me from sweating too much. And I live in AZ, so it’s even worse...
46. I still sleep with my baby blanket. I put it over my pillow coz it’s so soft (and I don’t have any other blankets)
47. My fav movie is Heathers (WELL FUCK ME GENTLY WITH A CHAINSAW)
48. I have HORRIBLE eyesight but I don’t like wearing my glasses coz the arms give me a headache and I don’t like them period
49. I love bad puns too much (I would make one here, but I don’t wanna be PUNished) 😂
50. I’ve gotten caught drawing... and writing... some NSFW things at bad times...
AAAAND DAS IT! Sorry it was more negative than I thought it would be, but I’m a really boring person with a boring life filled with drama and... That makes no sense does it. A boring life doesn’t have drama... I’m dumb. Should’ve stopped at DASSIT. Ok, I’m actually stopping lmao baiii 😊
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emziley · 6 years
All of the even numbers!
P.s I hope this spaced out like I want it too because if not its going to be one hell of a read and I am sorry...2, Nicknames that didnt come from my actual name: Alma (because the woman in sister act who can’t hear 😂) er thers probably others I can’t think of right now…4, Longest my hair has ever been:Down to my butt. Never again.6,What is one (1) Item on bucket list: To meet all my long-distance frienfs in person8, Oldest pice of clothing I still wear:Umm I probably have socks from when I was a kid I still wear XD idk10, How grammatically correct are you when you text?:I typically text how I would actually talk out loud so not very…12, what foreign country would you like to visit and why? :Probably Ireland is first on my list because of how beautiful it is and how much of my family came from there 14, how old where you when you had your first kiss? 17 or 18 I think? I was a senior in highschool 16, have you ever hosted a wild party? Wild? No. 18, How many of your facebook friends to you actually hang out with?Like… 7 max not including family? 20, on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy decorating for hollidays Uhh probably like an 8? I enjoy how they look but the effort of putting them up and taking them down I could do without lol 22, what is your go to starbucks drink?I have never had starbucks :/24, Dogs or Cats?Why choose?26, have you ever cooked a big family meal by yourself?Not really? I mean, If I make pasta it could feed a large family…. 28, Have you ever butt dialed anyone?Probably.30, How early do you start celebrating christmas?Right after thanks giving XD32, Are you fluent in more than one language? I wish I was tbh….maybe some day…34, Have you ever been on a successful diet?I feel like “successful” and “diet” arent words that can really be used together in a positive way.36, how good are you at communicating through facial expressions?Better than with words…38, Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was over? Not that I can remember…40, Does your home have a fire place?We have a fernace and then a fake electric one in the living room42, If you could have one (1) super power what would it be and why?The power to manipulate probablility because you can have anything you want? Like whats the probably of me getting pizza tonight? Probablg like 40% but I could turn that 40% into 100% and definatly get pizza tonight.44, do you listen to religious music? Not typically, no.46, what is your ACT score?🙃48, On a scale of 1-10 how good of a driver would you consider yourself? Idk like a 5? I dont have my licents because im scared to drive but the times I did go out and drive I wasnt bad.50, How easily do you cry?VERY. You could look at me wrong and there will be tears. Or a puppy could do something cute and water works are on the way lol52, when you hang out with your closest friend what do you usually do? My closest friend is my partner so we’re usually cuddling or playing games or watching something on YouTube or Netflix54, Can you play any musical instraments? If so which ones?Yes! I can play the guitar, steel drums, and piano (albeit not well) , I can sing and honestly, would like to learn more instraments soon!56, What was the last CD you bought?Either X or ÷ by Ed Sheeran for my sister for christmas I think58, What day is your laundry day?Right now, Monday-Saturday, I dont typically have a specific day just as long as its not sunday, thats dads laundry day!60, How long have you known your best friend?4 or 5 years now?62, do you have any stickers on your laptop?Currently I don’t have my own laptop, but I use my moms and she has a message from my aunt tapped on it kind of like a sticker? It says “Teddy grams 3 points” from when they where doing weight watchers XD64, what is your favorite flavor ice cream?Mint chocolate chip!66, Star Treck or Star WarsI haven’t seen either tbh but I want to! 68, Have you ever acted in a play or musical?Yes! Anything goes, A mid-summer nights dream, 9 to 5, Mrs. McThing, and Tarzan! I still have A mid-summer nights dream on DVD lol I wish I could again…70, What is the shortest your hair has been?I think chin length? 72, Do you like to go fishing?My dad told me a horror story once about when he went fishing with his brother… I’ll spare you the details but I’m afraid to go…but I have before and I dont have the patients tbh I do love fish though!74, what was your favorite holoween costume and how old where you?I was the I think red M&M? Idk how old I was but probably between 4 and 876, How many pillows do you sleep with?Between 1 and 4. Depends if Im sharing.78, How many friends of the oposite gender do you have?I….Really dont know? I think half of them don’t even know their own gender tbh80, How long have you been at your current jobI currently dont have a job :/82, How flexible are you?Psyically not very, but im working on that!84, what is a phrase you say the most?“Why are you like this” is probably my favorite XD 86, Do you own any home made clothing?Some of my cosplays are home made, along with a prom dress! 88, Have you every given anyone CPR No, I know how to but I think in the situation I would panic and freeze and not even be able to…90, Discribe your sense of humor?Odd and all over the place. 92, What is your favorite cereal?Probably honey smacks! 94, Have you ever had a TV show theme song stuck in your head?I get a few stuck in my head from time to time, like Steven Universe or Gravity Falls and stuff 96, Do you believe in life on other planets?Yeah…. I mean bacteria and stuff is tecnically life? But there’s gotta be something outside our solar system too…98, what is your biggest fear?Dying alone or being abandoned….100, are you still friends with anyone from highschool?Yes.102, How patient are you?With other people? Very. With myself? Not really. With waiting for something to happen? Not at all. 104, Do you eat meat? Yeah, im picky about it though…106, Have you ever bought anything from the flea market? I don’t think so?108, Have you ever gotten a song stuck in your head that you dont like?Unfortunatly.110, Have you ever warn glasses?Yes! I did when I was young, went a few years without needing them and now wear them again.112, Are your birth parents still together?Yes.114, what is your favorite type of cookie?Peanut butter blossoms. The peanut butter ones with the Hershey kiss in the middle 😍116, How often do you smile when getting your picture taken? I usually smile I think? If im taking selfies I sometimes do a pouty face but…?118, what is your oldest memory?I have a very distinct memory of sitting in my crib with my legs hanging out the side. I don’t know why I remember THAT but I do120, How often do you snort when you laugh?I dont know? Not too often… but if you get me really laughing I will and it makes me laugh more. Right now I’ve just been laughing and coughing so~122, What is your favorite Disney song? Probably “How far I’ll go” from moana? Or like anything from mulan XD124, What is your Mayers-Briggs personality type? INFP-T 126, one (1) thing yoy wish people would stop posting on social media: Pictures and shit of animal abuse. I get the posts like “hey this is a shit thing to do” but do we really need photos or videos of it?…. and when reported to facebook you’re told it “doesn’t violate community guidelines” like bull fucking shit it doesnt. 128, do you prefer Credit Cards or cash?Cash, its easier for me to keep track of, and money gives me anxiety. 130, What is your astrological sign?I fall on a cusp birthday so I am technically both a Scorpio and Sagitarius. 132, Do you have any hidden talents?I don’t even have any visable talents…134, What gives yoy motivstion to do well in life?I dont know but whatever it is isn’t working.136, on a scale od 1-10 how much are you like your father?Looks: like 3, personality: 8ish 138, A moment when you where pleasently suprised?Probably when Tom actually said yes to dating me after 3 days of waiting. At that point I gave up hope at the words “I’ll have to think about it” so when they said yes it was just~ 😶140, what type of shoes do you wear the most?My penguin sneakers! Or my boots… either one lol142, Favorite song to sing in the shower?I have a whole playlist of songs just to sing… and my top 5 from that in no particular order is 1. Red flavor by red velvet 2. Evil by shinee, 3. Good bye by Taemin, 4, cotton candy by astro and 5, Nightmare by shinee. They’re all kpop so its kinda hard 😂144, Have you ever lived on a farm? I mean where my house is used to be a farm? We have barns and stuff. We also grow some fruits and vegetables and at one point had ducks? but I wouldn’t really say I lived on a farm… 146, what tv show or movie do you quote or make referances to the most? Probably steven universe? Idk148, Have you ever gotten stiches?No, and I probably wouldn’t be able yo handle if if I had to. 150, What is your favorite youtube channel?As embarrassing as it is to say to you~ it probably will always be artfulImpersonator 😶😶😶 152, on a scale of 1-10 how well do you work with others?Im going to say 5 because it REALLY depends who im working with. 154, Apple or PC?….uh they both have good qualities, I guess it depends what Im using it for, but I guess PC for casual use156, Have you ever seen a broadway play or musical? I seen Newsies and almost fell asleep…. not because it was a bad show or anything but because it was a school trip and I was just exhausted. 158, Have you ever uttered a spoke hashtag? #yes. Usually as jokes but uhhh sometimes I get carried away. 160, What is the longest you went without sleep? Probably 24 hours? Maybe less? 162, Disney or Nickelodeon? As I kid I was a Disney kid, but Now probably Nick?164, On a scale from 1-10 how much are you like your mom?Looks: 8 personality: maybe a 6?166, Ear bud or Ear muff style headphones?Ear muff style! Ear buds hurt my ears :(168, any peircings besides earlobe? Nah,170, Showers or baths?I like them both. For actually cleaning showers but for relaxing baths. Something about the warm water :)172, do you prefer bottled or tap water?Depends where I am? At my house Tap but most places bottled.174, Do you have any guilty pleasures you’d be comfortable talking about?Guilty pleasures? Pleanty. Comfortable talking about on a public forum such as tumblr? Not really XD…. I mean I guess liking one direction still is a guilty pleasure? Or some of the anime’s I watch? I’ll mention those ones176, Ever had a new years kiss exactly at midnight? No…. I found im usually grumpy on new years? I wonder why? 🤔178, Have you ever gave money to a homeless person? I dont think so :( I dont usually have that much on me… 180, What is your least favorite food? Anything slimey. Im a very texture based eater… 182, Do you like wearing hats? When im not wearing cat ears, yes!184, SAT score?🙃🙃186, anyone in your family currently serve in your countries military? I think my cousin, Yeah?…or he wants to or something im not sure…188, what celebrity would you like to play you in a movie about your life? Can I just play myself? 190, Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes, and it needs to be dyed again! Idk what color I want to do next though :/192, whats the first site you visit after opining a web browser? Depends what I went in the computer for but I guess generally Tumblr or Facebook 194, where you involved in any academic clubs in school? Unfortunatly, no. 196, are you comfortable watching R rated movies? Yeah, im fine with them.... unless im with my parents 😨198, what's the first thing you do when you wake up? Check my phone.200, tell us something most people don't know about youThat I have a collection of stuffed giraffes in my closet from when I was a kid. I no longer collect them but alot of them are still sitting in a bag in my closet because I've grown attached...
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strawberryspeachy · 4 years
I wonder if im about to get fired again
Last year i got fired because a teacher who acted like he wanted to be my friend hated when I reciprocated that want.
Ive worked with about 55 other teachers since him and none of them
Ask about my weekend every week. Ask about my friends. Ask about my personal life. Stare at me in the office. Lean over me and touch me. Come look through my folder that im holding to just point out the paper im looking for (they just offer me a new one if they think i dont have it)
But. I was totally stalking him. And got fired.
Now im working at 2 schools
One with 4/5 horrible teachers
The other with 4/5 wonderful teachers
At the horrible teacher school one has been (and i dont say this about people often. Actually ever. I assume ppl hate me... but this woman has bee - well)
K so i made a newsletter for the schools. The good school put it out for the students and that was that. The bad school told me i could distribute it. So i asked this teacher where
She took me into the hallway and showed me a board. She told me to put the papers on those walls. And then she gave me pins. So i did.
Then she told my company i put papers up without permission
Ive worn the same clothes to all 7 schools ive worked at plus two camps. Never got a complaint. Until now. She complained about my skirt and socks
She said in a fly away statement when i started that because were teachers we cant travel because of corona and must stay home - it irriated me because i clearly understood that she was telling me that i need to stay home when im not working. Fuck that! But i just agreed with her. Her first question after my summer break was “you had a long vacation, did you go anywhere”
She asked in a happy voice - pretending that was wanted to hear about something exciting. But. Bitch i have a good memory. I told her i mostly stayed home and only went to a nearby town.
K so like. Thing is. She knows im probably lying (cause im young and not from this country. No one would stay home for a month) so the way she responded was kinda pissed off that she cant prove me wrong or report me or anything - then in the middle of class she asked about my housemates
1) i have no control over them
2) your first question was already invasive and this is stupid
3) youve asked me a question that i cant answer correctly. If i say i dont know youll say i might have corona because my housemates probably brought it home. If i say they went out - same thing. If i say they stayed home - another obvious lie. I told her that they are all students and had class so I think they were home. Again. She was annoyed by this answer
She constantly makes side remarks about “foregners”
She wont translate the questions that students ask her to ask me - and when i understand them and answer she acts flustered and annoyed
Shes bad at english and writes shit incorrectly - gives it to me to cold read - then gets mad when i trip over shit thats written incorrectly
She changed the song early last month because I liked it
She talks to me like im a clown hindering the class - walking over and telling me (a person standing quietly waiting for instruction) that now the students must study - the way a parent would tell a 7 year old not to bother the sleeping dog.
I TRIED to have a normal conversation with her because she seemed to be trying and i felt bad. She said it was hot and cold off and on and told me what temperature it would he the next day in celcius. I just said oh. And felt the tention. So i tried to ease it by chuckling and telling her “sorry. You know how america uses Fahrenheit? I dont really understand celcius.” She immediately —- wait hold on
This school makes us write down our temperature in the morning as though that does ANYTHING to stop corona - they dont even check - she harrassed me upon walking in the door to WRITE DOWN MY TEMPERATURE
—- k so no. No easy conversation. She immediately got serious and went how do you understand celcius for your body temperate then??? I told her i convert it.
A couple periods late she inturrupted another teacher talking to me about class and stopped me from going to class to ask me ‘if you dont know celcius how do you write your temperature down in the morning?!?’’ I told her i have a japanese thermometer and just write down what it says. Then she tried to play if off and chuckled like - oh ha i was just wondering. Whats the difference (her face was like enraged before that btw) she asked what the average temperature in Fahrenheit is and i quickly spit out 98.6 while grabbing my book to leave for the class i was now running late for
Shes full on feuding with a boy who “CANT SPEAK JAPANESE” and is “NOT JAPANESE” she tried not to bitch but also bitch about him to me - through this i learned that his mom is Australian. He was born in Japan. Also if her english didnt suck so much she would know that hes not fluent in english
She like the other teachers ask me questions that they dont want answers to. And sometimes is not even just - i wanna write this sentence wrong - does it make sense
No. It doesnt (correct answer- anything you write is correct. Dont worry. Dont ask me. Your perfect)
A couple weeks ago she told me that the song the other teacher chose is a japanese song that was translated into english. She asked it its gramattically correct. I told her that songs dont need to be grammatically correct so its fine. Then she asked me if it makes sense. I told her that its a bit vague but its fine.
She didnt know what vague meant. She asked me to write it down so she could look it up later. Not sure how she took that as an insult but Im sure she did.
And the song is vague. Id figured out that it was a song that was either written for a weird tv show or translated from something else before she even told me
Shes always late for class. She doesnt even leave for class until the bell rings. If she walks in and i was talking with the students - she looks highly uncomfortable - so ive stopped talking to them before she arrives
She wont let them ask me questions. Only her (these past two points go for the other crappy teachers too)
She cant make up her mind whether she wants me to say hello first or her. She cant make up her mind on what she wants me to read or whether she wants me to stop at commas or read full paragraphs or what - and she gets annoyed when i cant read her mind avout it —the others do this too
She reads sentences she wrote (incorrectly) out loud even more wrong - but apparently (going from her face) even though she doesnt know the word for fucking SENTENCES - and calls them “englishes” she heard me add the s to a word that should have been plural but she wrote as singular. She never says the fucking plurals or adds them where they shouldnt - but of course she heard my quick slip of adding an s onto a fucking word
- which really just shows thats she pays way more attention trying to find me doing something wrong than literally ANYTHING ELSE she does
Theres more. Im tired. And so very stressed. Tomorrow i have a meeting after school which i told my company rhat if they want my time they should pay me for it and told them theyre welcome to come to my schools (the one i like and normally can he stress free and get home early from) station
They made up bs as to why they can pay others but not me but did say theyre gonna come to the station
Last tome with the fucking “hanging stuff up without permission” i was of couse told i was in the wrong (BECAUSE JAPANESE CAN DO NO WRONG) and forced to say that i need to communicate better 3 times
Howd i start this? Watch me get fired? Yea i was fired on like the 23rd last year. Watch me get fucking fired again - for again. One racist ass peice of shit teacher
“Well you just gotta suck it up and accept where you are on the food chain” k look. Do you know how much easier and less stressed id be if i was able to do that?! I just. CANT ok. I refuse to think that i am less of a person than any other person. People can treat me that wat and do all they want. But i refuse to think that i am lesser. I am a person. And if i have to respect them they should respect me. Its a reciprocal fucking thing i cant fucking kiss ass
I lived in a house with a woman who wanted me to kiss her ass - and i basically chose not to be treated like a dormat and pike she was my lord. And thus got mentally and emptionally abused for 24 years.
I cant fucking kiss ass. I can be polite. But i cant kiss fucking ass dude. I just cant
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imafantasticbaby · 7 years
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Okay, so I decided I will make a response to this, only because I have already done extreme and detailed research on this topic of YG and his Wife before in the past so I have all the facts and shit ready by my desk. I was thinking of responding to their replies on my post tbut I thought making a new post would be better. tbh these responses only further my point tbh. I mean did you guys even watch the Healing Camp interview YHS did? Did you guys even read the ORIGINAL Confession post that He made on the the old YG Homepage news corner? probably not...but anyway-
I will first start by listing the facts of this topic:
YHS first SAW ( not met ) Lee Eun Joo on a TV show when she was in high school. She was 13 years old because it was 1994 at the time. He was 25. They are 12 years apart from each other. He liked her because of her talent and thought she would be perfect for his company. strictly scouting not infatuation.
Now I want to mention this so you know who exactly was YG’s trainees along with Swi.T. At this time YG Entertainment was currently in the works of creation and needed young trainees. YGE had trainees that ALL JOINED AS KIDS and would soon grow up and debut as following ( some for example ): 
1)  Wheesung: After leaving his debut group A4 and joining then leaving YG’s former sister company that eventually merged and became YG Entertainment, M Boat. He then signed with YG, trained and made a comeback.
2)  Wanted: a group that debuted in 2004 with YG that eventually ended because of a member getting into a car wreak and eventually left YG. they recently came back in 2012 but have been inactive since then
3) Big Mama: This was a 4 member girl group that debuted under M Boat ( YG sister company that eventually merged and became YGE ). YHS discovered the girls and formed them into a group after discovering them in as some where back up vocalists and one of the girls from a radio show. They had been a great success and had lasted for 9 years. they were even known to be mentors to BIGBANG and encouraged the boys to never give up. They eventually left YG to look for a company with more publicity and then eventually disbanded in 2011.
4) LEXY: YG’s first solo female rap artist. She eventually left YG on good terms and is still active.
5) Stony Skunk: YG’s short lived Reggae Duo consisting of members, SKULL and  S- Kush. They ended up disbanding after SKULL went into the military. S- Kush ended up as a producer at YG, whom we all know as KUSH now.
6) Gummy: We all know who this lovely lady is~ She debuted in 2003 under YG. she eventually parted ways with YG, in good terms after desiring a different work environment and tragedy. She felt like she outgrown the company and wanted something more her style.
7) Se7en (hehe see what i did there? ): He began as a trainee for YG at 15 years old and after four years as a trainee he debuted in 2003. After his military service he left YG to start his own company that is a close ally to YG.
8) Masta Wu & YMGA: Masta Wu was a trainee that debuted under YG as a solo artist and a member of YMGA. He eventually left YG to start his own company.
9) he also had other trainees that would eventually debut as  SoulStaR and  45RPM and others like Jinusean and 1TYM.
10) Around the time that the members of Swi.T were forming in a group and training, YG also had BIGBANG and 2NE1 as trainees that would debut sometime after Swi.T disbands.
+ YG, and many other companies usually always sign talent when they are very young because then they can grow up learning and by the time they are a young adult they are ready to debut with years of training under their belt.
+ When YHS saw Lee Eun Joo on TV when she was 13 years old, he liked her talent and scouted her out. HOWEVER, he would not meet her until a few years later when she is 16. This is when he signs her as a trainee for YG.During this time from what he has revealed, he hasn’t formed his crush on her just yet, so he has not acted inappropriately. 
+ Again, this is NOT when he starts forming his crush. In his interview he said he had a 3 year long crush on her before he did anything about it. This crush did start until much later when she was OLDER. If you listen to the story in his interview and match up the timeline, you can figure this out. It was around 2001/2002 when he starter to form his 3 year crush on her, a crush he would not act upon until three years later around the end of their debut year to the next ( 2004 ). Mind you Swi.T Debuted in 2002 and disbanded in 2005. because of his actions of pursuing a relationship with Lee Eun Joo he lost focus on the group and unfortunately, along with other reasons,  they didn't continue on. I will admit this was shitty on his part. He could have always done both, love her and also take care of the group, but you know men, they have a one track mind and lose sight of what else is important.
+ Lee Eun Joo was of LEGAL age when he started crushing on her, she was 21/22 years old. and they didn't start dating until she was 24/25. around this age frame, 12 years apart isnt so bad anymore. she is still younger then him but shes an adult with her own free will and choices, Also, It was revealed that he confessed to her over the phone and then they started dating. He said she had no clue that he felt that way, so obviously, he didn't do anything to indicate such inappropriate things . All of this is apart of their 9 year relationship that was eventually confessed and revealed by YHS in 2010 because they were getting married and having a child in that year. All of this is perfectly appropriate and everything I have mentioned thus far is PROVEN TRUTHFUL FACTS from ACTUAL interviews from Lee Eun Joo and YG themselves. None of this is rumors and public speculations in fan forums. 
Okay, Now I will list all the RUMORS and Baseless speculations that “fans” and knetz and other random people have created because it fits their view and narrative on their opinion of Yang Hyun Suk, based on hate they feel towards him because they are to fixated on their Faves not doing something every 5 seconds and think they know how to run his company better then him. These are results of poor translations of YHS Interviews as well as hearing things second hand and twisting the meanings around.
+ YHS did not Form an OBSESSION over Lee Eun Joo, he simply saw her on TV like all this other Trainees ( EX: G Dragon and Seungri and Taeyang where discovered by him on TV as well at the same time frame ). He liked her talented and soon had someone scout her out for the company. That is NOT obsession, that is just being impressed and liking her for her talent enough to wanted her to be apart of his company as a trainee.
+ YHS did NOT force her to join YG. There is NONE, NADA, NO evidence that he  FORCED her. He scouted, like he scouted all his other artists at the time, and she agreed and signed on. This is a rumor that someone on onehallyu or another forum decided to spit out cause they just hate the man. There is no evidence and Lee Eun Joo even said on Infinite challenge ( or was it just an interview-- I forgot which I apologize, ill put it in the tags once found ) with her brother that she enjoyed being in YG. I mean she stayed after disbandment and then married the owner for christ sake.
+ ALSO, you say that she went through everything to protect her brother? her brother who is apart of SECHSKIES -- who at the time was NOT even at YG.  SECHSKIES is a group that was created and debuted by DSP ENTERTAINMENT, NOT YG. Yand Hyun Suk had no control or influence over him and the group. There is no stability to this rumor that you have heard.  SECHSKIES wouldn't become apart of YG until 2016 when they reunite and sign on with the company. This is when you need to actually research before you react.
+ Another BIG fake news on this topic is the reason for SWI.T’s disbandment. Now, YHS did come out and say that he feels somewhat responsible for the end of the group because he wasn’t paying attention to the group well enough, and was too focused on his heart beating out of his chest for a pretty girl. With that being revealed I agree that he should have focused a lot better instead of being lovesick and giving up. HOWEVER, THIS IS NOT THE SOLE REASON THEY DISBANDED.
----> The group didn't disband ONLY because of him, the group disbanded because one member went to America and the other had family issues. The only member who was able to stay was Lee Eun Ju, his future wife. Ahn Nai Young moved to America with her family and  Sung Mi Hyun was having family troubles back at home that delayed promotions. Only Lee Eun Joo would stay with YG, and at the time would undergo training in Japan in preparation for a solo album.  After the group broke up, YG gave her some collaborations, so she did do some work. She was going to debut solo but things didnt work out as planned and dreams changed.
Now just for funzies,  there is an post on OneHallyu thats is absolutely RIDICULOUS and not even one bit of truth is in it. This person really sat down and created fake bullshit just to start something.
Here is the Link. 
Now I will point out the false info her and tell you the truth.
The biggest false thing in this post is the meaning of the name Swi.T. this person literally created a fake meaning by using word play. saying that Swi.T means Easy Devil because the first letters and the T in Korean spell that out or something and also something to do with Seotaji that hilariously doesnt make any sense
SWI.T is an acronym that stands for "Song will tell." meaning their songs will tell a story. They were also known as Sweet Tea because if you said the name it sounded like sweet Tea lol
This person also Mentions satanic messages and shit in their songs as if this has turned into an Illuminati conspiracy theory. And actually if you read the comments.....the writer actually explains that everything she wrote was FAKE LOL she was trolling. but people actually took it and believed it LMAOO. How sad is that? people will literally believe anything they read on the internet just because its written out well and it fits their own opinions.. Stupid.
Now, I know this post is long but bare with me, I need to talk about the “pedophile” accusations that are recently being thrown at him just because of a moment in MIXNINE where CL teases YG for liking the girl groups sexy dance. Again this is another example i talked about in my previous YGE post where YG Family like to make fun and tease YHS, and how the fans take it WAY TOO far and literal. I cant count how many times Seungri and Daesung have said that they are just jokes, please dont take them too seriously. MIXNINE is a survival show but they still are Variety too and gotta crack jokes somewhere. CL just saw an opportunity and grabbed it, teasing and pinning him in a corner and embarrassing the shit out of him. I live for this shit tbh. ANYWAY--
First, I just want to say I believe this is a stupid reason to call him a sexual predator. If enjoying a KPOP girl group’s sexy dance by smiling and blushing a bit is enough to call YHS a pedophile, then its time to call out EVERY SINGLE CEO AND DIRECTOR, PRODUCER AND MANAGER IN THE KPOP INDUSTRY! JYP is known for using sexy themes in his concepts, not just for his own, but for his artists and groups as well who some debuted at the borderline of legal. Same goes to SM entertainment and literally EVERY OTHER COMPANY IN KOREA. 
HELL, Lets throw Seungri and G Dragon in this too, why may you ask? because both have been judges in talent based survival shows and both have admired YOUNG girls for their looks and sexy and cute dances. so are they Pedophiles then? I bet you all would find someway to justify that they are not, huh? because THEY ARENT and nether is YG. Its not like he said very uncomfortable things, he didnt say things like, “You girls are sexy and attractive, etc.” he just said he liked their sexy dance and it was good. The dance WAS sexy and it WAS good. it was facts, but he wasnt preying on them. jfc. 
With the first reply on top there, this person says they cant go into everything cause they wanna keep it short.....but lets be honest....its cause there ISNT anything else out there. the only two things you YG haters have is his Wife and the MIXNINE scene, there is literally NOTHING ELSE out there to support your pedophile theory, no rumors no speculations nothing....so yeah..
Now just to make a laugh, I also think his lack of um...good looks dont help him at all. When he was a young kpop star back in the day he was super cute....but as he got older...not so much. it happens lol but because of this his smile is a bit.....creepy? LOL the poor soul, he looks like hes staring at you in a creepy way but really hes just smiling and being friendly. its like when people think im mad all the time cause my face looks angry even when im happy-- sighhh...i feel the struggle.
Two the second reply up on top there...L M A O. GURL PLS. I laughed so hard at your reply, I scared my cat. he jumped off my bed LOL. you just went and attacked without even do any research, i know this cause your reply was short and nothing else. you probably just heard things about his wife and their story and shit along with jumping on the YG Hate Train and then watched the episode of MIXNINE-- OR you just saw the Twitter & Instagram video snippet of the scene and ran with it. 
so how does it feel to just assume shit with nothing to really back you up but stupid baseless hate? so sad lmao.
I aint even gonna @ yall because your replies where weak.
have a good night.
Here are some quick links I like:
+ A post made on OneHallyu that actually makes proper sane information 
+ Swi.T’s Profile
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girlrry · 4 years
Anonymous said: genuinely god help me if i’m 40 and still care about what some 20 year olds say about me on tumblr or twitter
also the fact that i literally don’t care about there being 40yo ppl on here its just the creepy ones
Anonymous said: lmao one of narcissa followers went to your blog and told them your anon age shames older fans in the fandom and said you should do taxes and watch over children and its like that piss on the poor post where like they cant even comprehend what was said on the blog and nobody cares if your 40 and on this site or in the fandom its how you choose to engage in the fandom which most of these older harries spend time in petty drama or caring deeply about a 26 year old sex life which is…yikes
i saw lmao….. embarrassing 
Anonymous said: narcssiatramaine followers are taking bits of your blogs convo and then going to them saying your agesist and saying how you were discussing that women in their 30s need to cater to their husbands and be good housewives like?? are these people okay do they not know how to read
yeah i did not expect them to respond with anything even remotely logical since the only thing they took from my anons is that i’m ageist
Anonymous said: You just said it’s weird that older woman are OBSESSING over someones romantic/sexual life whos way younger than them and all of a sudden everyone acting like they were personally told they are old hags like damn take your insecurities back to school and learn how to read! IF YOU DON’T DO THAT, THEN IT WASN’T MEANT @ YOU
me: old obsessive harries are creepy
i  was only ever referring to the people everyone knows about i literally do not care what age you are as long as you’re respectful and not weird about it
Anonymous said: lmaoooo i cant with these 40 year olds coming into your inbox crying that a blog doesnt like them and also we were discussing gross 40 year old on this site and if you found offensive with that then maybe you just revaluate yourself
i blocked an anon that was camped out in my inbox going on and on about how i am young and stupid bc i called people out. they proceeded to say how they were not offended and they weren’t trying to insult me by calling me young and underdeveloped. like if you’re not bothered then why are you in my inbox??
Anonymous said: all offense to that anon but those older harries that were mentioned everyone knows who they are and most people find them annoying the fact that nobody has to specify them by name and yet everyone still knows who theyre talking about means it aint just one sided or something a blog came up with
right like i was talking about a very specific group of harries on here i wasn’t hating on every single 40 year old ever i don’t have problems with yall its just the people i mentioned specifically but they had to take that and twist it to discredit me calling them out
Anonymous said: dude where all these anons coming from and have they not been reading your messages like who the fuck is talking about 28 year olds on this site like its specifically people in their 40s on this site who are obsessed with harry’s sex life and are underlying homophobes but dont want to admit it
yeah apparently i think everyone here over 20 is old
Anonymous said: im just going to say it im 24 and i hope to god im not on this site past the age of 35 let alone 30 and going to blogs to yell about people in their 40s in a fandom even though aint nobody specifically talking about you just the type of behavior that is exhibited by some blogs
haven’t you heard that i hate anybody slightly older than me and i said they’re not allowed to like harry :-(
Anonymous said: some of these people are stoopid like honest to god. read it thoroughly digest the words then come up with a response not skim it over and pick few words then get mad
they don’t have enough time left in their life to completely read anything and formulate an opinion i guess. they just gotta read like three words, get offended, and send me hate anons
Anonymous said:why is there so much boomer behavior on this blog tonight ,,,, lit rally no one is saying that older woman cannot like younger musicians or whatever we r just saying it’s extremely weird when grown ass women sexualize Harry specifically when he was a teenager and obsess over his dating life. If it was a man doing this to a young female musician u would call it creepy and uncomfortable so why is it different for an older woman? also don’t say we r being ageist and then say we r stupid like girl,,
I KNOW like how are you gonna say you’re taking the high ground and then pull that shit eye-
Anonymous said: Full stop these anons need to go outside or get a hobby, half the asks they’re sending you don’t make any logical sense.
TRULY. like idc if you disagree with me and you want to voice that i think that’s fine but you have to come to me with a logical argument just sending an angry rant followed with an insult about how my brain is underdeveloped is just wasting my time tbh
Anonymous said: for people who are trying to insult you because you’re young and your brain is supposedly is underdeveloped these older harries sure lack reading comprehension
let us say a prayer for them. i guess we all have underdeveloped brains
Anonymous said: At least harry is 26. I’m also in the shawn side of tumblr & the amount of middle aged moms sexualizing him and writing smutty fanfics when he was UNDERAGE was 🤢 but it was always “fine & completely different because they would never actually act on it so it’s okay”. I’m so glad I wasn’t around back then with harry. Caroline was probably their queen
oh ew nasty. and yeah there’s people who still don’t think there was anything wrong with that (and we all know what age group they belong to)
Anonymous said:“You don’t get to 40 and suddenly love balding men” you’re saying this as if attractive men in their 40s don’t exist…
attractive men outside of harry actually do not exist
Anonymous said:some 40 year old is really coming into your inbox and making you feel bad about being young. like maam go to bed so you can take your kids to school tomorrow morning instead of worrying about what people say on tumblr. embarrassing
i don’t care if they have kids i just hope they have self respect this is genuinely embarrassing
Anonymous said:are these people okay like seriously are they okay
they have normally developed brains but apparently not
Anonymous said: Y'all being so rude on anon? Like I can tell op is super tired of your shit. So stop, take a sec and think “am I being a polite and caring person” before you send an ask. It’s significantly more wrong for a 50 year old to share sexual fantasies online about a 26 year old than it is for a 20 year old lmao. But neither are wrong entirely. In either case can we let this go now?
i don’t completely agree but i’m so tired of this subject i wanna Stop
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chickenfetus · 7 years
ALL!!!! (also the gemini sqUAD LOL)
im gonna enjoy a nice cup of water while doing this bc idk a tea (update i didnt drink water at all and now im dying of thirst,, also undercut bc many)
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
i dont wake up early enough to see the sunrise and when i do i never manage to take pics bc of school so peachy sunsets
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
idk what a sugar cone is but i like waffle cones!!! havent eaten ice cream with a cone in forever though,, i rarely eat ice cream now
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
listen…. its about 33 degrees everyday but even if im in a colder country i dont wear scarves
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
this depends?? on how motivated im feeling lmao never more than 10 minutes though because if i lay awake for that long ill just fall back asleep
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
i dont think so?? im bad at trying new things especially food
6: What does your umbrella look like?
i dont.. go outside often and whenever i do i take public transport so basically everythings sheltered so i never had a need for umbrellas
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
ive only listened to one everybody please listen to this gift
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
both, preferably when im indoors
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
hm??????????? my tags lmao 
UPDATE: i also really like reading other people’s tags and their rambles that is all
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
does the word aesthetic make this question any different from a normal favourite colour question???? if it doesnt then sky blue 
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
in this house we draw lines with no ruler like men (but also because even if i did use a ruler it wouldnt be like… straight idk i cant use rulers
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
neutral cozy living room but i also love basking in sunlight 
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
im not a big fan of heavy smelling products so i dont own any candles
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
i dont think so??????? ive seen horses before though
15: Do you have glasses?
without my glasses i wouldnt be able to read these questions lmao and . .. theyre also a result of watching pokemon too closely to the tv at a young age… its been like 10 years since i got glasses
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
japanese i tried speaking it but i got 2 embarrassed to say anything properly while i was in japan (i cant even speak english properly to a friend whyd i think i could speak another language to a stranger beats me) 
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
my singaporean no season ass: ? but autumn and november (is this cutting it too close to winter? idk my seasons)
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
hm not really i just wear blue ankle socks a lot but my friend did give me a pair of pokemon and gudetama socks before and i adore those although i lost the gudetama ones in the uk last year she got me another pair whatd i do to deserve her?
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
m .. um? big. hero 6?????? 
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
my dumb ass didnt know they were different
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
i rarely go and watch movies anymore but when i did watch a lot of movies with my friend at the theater we’d get afternoon shows and sneak mcdonalds in lmao
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
how about band? day6 i only ever play pokemon + sif + bandori so i cant say much and i rarely watch movies and a show? if its an anime id say the one i mentioned before in my one text post 
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
not really rip 
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
HM mmmmmm there was this one but i forgot the name lmao pass
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
when im the … audience? what do u call it???? i like seeing all kinda of art styles!!! everyone has their own unique art style and i love it all :o
for ME,, , ive been doing art for 6 years maybe and i still cant do shit
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers?
i would die straight up die thats such a soft concept i cant imagine myself receiving flowers thats 2 sweet oh my god wtf id combust??? i prefer leaves though is that weird i picked some nice leaves recently and im gonna give those to my friends
27: Do you like nicknames?
giving and having nicknames is my favorite past time
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
pokemon lmao thank u 4 not ending it…. the animation has only improved and im so proud to have been watching it since the start pokemon is my special thing i love it so much!! an interest that never died down, with an anime that stays super like idk to my preference? i tried watching the new digimon stuff but i just couldnt :^( im glad they made ash stay the main character 
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
never forget dat boi
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?)
we dont celebrate halloween and i would never cosplay, big shoutout to cosplayers though!!! they put in so much effort and just, respect!!!!! 
i dont know if this is an actual memory because i dont remember well but when i was younger i thiNK? i had to dress up as a swan thing i have no clue i dont even remember the performance but i might have had to ?? and dance??? or act i dont remember everythings fuzzy but i dressed up a swan once? in kindergarten ????? 
31:  Are you a fashionable person?
i have the worst fashion sense and even though jeans are nice once again the weather here doesnt allow me to be as fashionable as i can be
32: Do you like watching holiday movies?
not realyyy??? the jack frost (rip) movie was ncie????
33:  Cookies or brownies?
i live 4 chocolate chip cookies but too much is . . not preferable
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
no i hate breathing in & out from my mouth
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing?
WELL from the great cockroach ordeal last night id probably die bc we live in an apartment building so the only way id be hearing crickets would be if they were in the ROOM 
36: Do you like cobblestone streets?
my only knowledge of cobblestone is from minecraft so idk
37:  How often do you doodle?
when school was still relevant i would doodle as soon as i picked up a pencil lmao i try not to anymore bc i doodled on my math assignment and forgot to fucking erase it and my math teacher called me out
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
a year ago?? i dont remember but i do remember when i was younger id try and blow bubbles at the void deck do yall kno what that is its just a space near the lift lobby anyway i swallowed the soap thing idk u know how ur supposed to blow? well i sucked the soap in yum
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
in my room its the bed and in the house its the water bottle that contains water
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
i………………………… i dont actualy kno how to clip my nails and my mum would kill me if i tried but i dont bite my nails either
41: Any birthmarks?
not that i know of
42: Thoughts on freckles?
ive never actually seen someone with freckles in public before but theyre good stuff i gueess?? i dont actually have an opinion on them? everyone says theyre cute and all but im just ??? not that i hate freckles tho if u have freckles? thats cool! 
43: First video game you ever played?
pokemon pearl?? either that or megaman on my ps3 OR the bomb square guy????? idk the game name but.. ya
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
i dont know what the bird species are but theyre small black birds not crows idk
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
memes yes gifs no bc im not lame like jen
46: Thoughts on spring?
no comment?? i mean? its nice??????? i guess ??? if we had a spring
47: Ideal temperature outside?
oh boy 20 degrees would be enough for me but its never gotten that low before sunny island’s life
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
i like clear skies when its bright! but not too sunny and not too warm!!!!! clouds are nice to look at too though
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
yeah we live near an airport i dont think anybody uses????
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
windy days are my SHIT back in school our basketball court was open spaced and whenevr wind blew we could feel it man thats the life right there but i hate windy days when im sitting at home bc it flows the curtains rigth into my face i like the feel of the wind and the smell of fresh air but… curtains in my face? not 2 great so rip i close all the windows lmao
okay thank u so much 4 asking falen i love you and wow this was a lot
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