#also i reread a much too silent sea just now and i'm coming around to mama being the pod
astralartefact 6 months
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moon server coworkers "mama gijinkas"
i made this in the one hour in which i was convinced that 10H = Mama (which is also why her outfit doesn't match the real one at all i didn't know of the new title screen yet) and thought about the other two (carrier doesnt pass the vibe check) and now i love them and am devastated that mama is just the pod...
I guess in this version of the story there is a whole bunch of H Units with 10H and they are much more involved with what Mama is doing in the Cage (as in the Mamas are their 'avatars' so to speak, that was how I had imagined it). 10H still has no real interest in what she's doing but everybody thinks she does which is why she was chosen as the leader of the group. xH is the oldest of the three, nobody has ever seen her work but the numbers say she does her job better than yH who is somehow both the dumbest and the smartest of them at the same time.
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you are for me
(A/N: As of now, this is the last part of this. Though, if anyone ever has any ideas for drabbles or other one-shots or headcanons or anything, I am open to them. I may also do some of those myself. Thank you all so much for coming along on this aquatic ride with me <3)
(A/N 2: this is not very well edited because I just wanted to post it, lol. But I reread my own stuff a lot just to catch myself slipping with grammar, so hopefully, I'll reread this one soon xx)
She and Natasha stared at each other, neither wanting to break their concentration. They had sunk into deeper waters to figure out they would rescue Bucky, but distrust had made them silent. She was concocting half-baked plans while also deciding why Natasha would help her. Finally, she broke the silence between them.
"It occurred to me that revenge might not be what you were after, and you lied to me. You said these Hydra humans wanted a siren. They took you, but you escaped because one of them helped you. How can I trust that you are not leading me into a trap? That instead, they let you go with a promise to lure in another siren?" she asked, watching Natasha's face for any flicker of deceit.
Natasha was perfect, though, and didn't react to her accusations.
She continued:
"Why would you stay here otherwise? You are the one who said it was futile. I assume that a single siren cannot kill all these men."
"If I wanted to, I would have done it already. I noticed you before you noticed me," Natasha replied.
"Why should I believe you?"
There was a flicker of anger. Natasha swam nearer, looming threateningly, but she was undeterred.
"They killed the man who helped me. The man who cared about me," Natasha snapped.
"That does not prove you do not work for them," she said.
Natasha bared her teeth, and she did too.
"I told you that they stole my songs from me. Is that not enough?" Natasha asked.
"Fine. Fine." Natasha growled, her tailfin twitching in agitation. "The man who helped me was named Clint. He told me once that he loved me. Ten minutes ago, you told me what love felt like. I think that I loved him too. But it made me weak. If I swam to a different sea when he told me to, he would still live. It would have looked like I overpowered him. But they figured out he helped me when they dropped parts of him into the water after they tortured him for my whereabouts. I ate them before I realized what they were. Now, I live with his bones."
And she said, finally, "I believe you."
Though what she meant was, "I'm sorry." A sort of accord settled between them at Natasha's admission. Sirens were not known for their candor, especially between one another. It proved that she had found an ally and that Natasha did not have any ulterior motive.
"Do they wear wax in their ears?" she asked.
"Not all," Natasha said. "But the ones who do number more than those who do not. You cannot overpower them all."
"How many are there?"
"Lately, there are three on the boat and five underground. The three on the boat can be overpowered easily, but the tank is difficult to break. Those underground would grab us before we could free your 'mate.' But I have a suggestion."
"What is it?"
"The men on the boat have wax in their ears. I could get their attention from above. Once they are either dead or distracted, you rescue your mate. The racket will bring more men, but they do not wear wax because they do not think there are sirens around here anymore. If you are fast enough, you can sing to them."
She nodded, though she could see one gaping hole in Natasha's plan.
"When you say 'above,' what do you mean? I see no hills to stand on to jump off of."
"No," Natasha agreed. "But I can fly."
"Truly?" She felt surprised. "I have never met your kind of siren before."
"We number very few. It was lucky that Hydra did not remove my wings."
"We need to find a place to grow our legs."
Natasha nodded. "There is a rock near the shore hidden in the dark enough so that the men cannot see. Follow me."
They set off together, swimming through the darkened water. Sirens made hardly any sound when they swam, but she and Natasha were extra cautious anyway. She did not hum; Natasha's tail was silent. It seemed to take forever for them to make their way over to the rock. Natasha gestured upward, and she surfaced for the first time in hours. She could see the boat and the men. They were standing around the tank that held Bucky, doing something that made him contort in pain. She bit back her rage as she heaved herself onto the rock. Natasha followed her.
"They want you to be angry," Natasha muttered in their shared language. It sounded like the wind and waves washing over the sand on land- it would be indistinguishable as speech. "Do not let them."
In front of her eyes, as her own legs grew, Natasha turned into a human woman with gorgeous wings. She watched as Natasha spread her wings, seeming to stretch.
"How fast can you run?" Natasha asked her as she smoothed down a few wandering feathers.
She cracked her ankles and shrugged.
"Not very," she admitted. "I have not needed to."
"Very well. I will take my time with them."
Natasha opened her wings and took to the air with a grim smile that called for blood. She watched in awe as Natasha flew over to the men, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. They didn't notice her overhead until it was too late, and they had circled around Bucky's cage. Natasha dove in. Her talons were sharp and her wings strong- they were able to whip up gusts of air so powerful that she had the men stumbling. Natasha was quiet in her attack, but the men were not. They stumbled around and shot small black stones blindly into the air. She wasn't sure what the stones were until one hit Natasha, who wheeled back with a scream of pain. She decided to act. She wasn't going to let Natasha do this alone.
She slipped off the rock. She was relearning the strength of her legs and the flex of her toes as she snuck toward the boat. It was awkward at first - sand wasn't the best for running- but it didn't take long for her body to remember. Good thing, too, because she was spotted by one of the men. He shouted something, and small stones came at her. Even as a human, she was quick, bless the Gods, and skirted them quickly. She snarled, baring her teeth at the man and wishing to drag him down into the deep and watch the last light leave his eyes. She stumbled as she threw herself onto the boat, taking her eye off the man for just a moment. Her distraction cost her as he shot a small stone into her side. It hit with a burst of heat. She was startled, expecting to feel the warmth of flames engulf her, but there was nothing, but blood and pain registered in her mind.
"Ahh!" she screamed so loudly that the man who shot her leaped back.
It was utter chaos, and it was bound to get worse. They were so loud that the men from underground would come any second now. Then all would be lost.聽Bucky聽would be lost. She was in so much pain but dug her feet in. The man who hurt her was bigger and used to this world without water, but she had sharp teeth and was stronger. She jumped on the man with another scream. They crashed together and fell. The man swiped out with a knife that she didn't realize he had. He missed, and she grabbed his wrist, digging her claws in until he dropped the weapon with a grunt. He pointed the black stick, missing her face with the hot stones by mere centimeters.
"Sing!"聽Natasha, unseen but still miraculously alive, shouted.
"What is wrong?"
"The sharks hungered over sprawled dead but pained them not, though their bones crunched.聽Their shut mouths made no moan. They lie there huddled, friend and foeman- Man born of man, and born of woman. And sirens go crying over them. From night till night and now!"聽she sang.
The man tried to throw some more stones at her again, but she reached up and clawed at his face until he dropped his arm, yelling in pain. She didn't stop- she dug her nails in and ripped an eyeball free from its socket.
"Sea has waited for them all the time of their growth. Fretting for their decay. Now she has them at last! In the strength of their strength. Suspended鈥攕topped and held. None saw their spirits' shadow shake the land or stood aside for the half-used life to pass. Out of those doomed nostrils and the doomed mouth!"
She twisted the man's wrist until the bone cracked, and he dropped the weapon that shot hot black stones. He lay still as she rolled off of him, his eyeball dropping to the boat's deck with a splat. She saw the man she had injured on the deck, another with his face clawed to shreds by Natasha's talons. Natasha was fighting with two men. There were four more rushing straight for her, the only siren whose song they had not yet stolen.
"The air is loud with death! The dark earth spurts with fire! The explosions ceaseless are timelessly now, some minutes past! Those dead strode time with vigorous life 'till the blades called 'An end!'"
She kicked at one man, tried to bite the other. She felt that burning sensation again and snarled at the fourth man just as the third grabbed her around the waist. She met Bucky's eyes. He was thrashing to escape from inside the tank, his eyes terrified as he watched her. His tail hit the glass over and over again.
"Maniac Sea! Howling and flying, your bowel seared by the jagged fire, the iron love, the impetuous storm of savage love. Dark Sea! Dark Heavens! Swinging in chemic smoke. What dead are born when you kiss each soundless soul with lightning and thunder from your mined heart? Which man's self-dug and his blind fingers loosed?" she shouted.
Her vision narrowed, set on only the four men. She could see their steps beginning to slow and their eyelids growing heavy as her song began to affect them. She grinned, baring her teeth in triumph. The man holding her dropped her as his arms slackened. She rolled, kicking one man in the kneecap until he toppled. Natasha swooped down and dropped a rock onto another man's head from above. He, too, fell to the deck.
"More!" Natasha demanded.
"A man's brains splattered on a stretcher-bearer's face. His shook shoulders slipped their load, but when they bent to look again, the drowning soul was sunk too deep for human tenderness! Burnt black by strange decay, their sinister faces lie! The lid over each eye, the grass and colored clay, more motion have than they joined to the great sunk silences!"
She hurried over to the man that Natasha had hit with a rock. She clawed his eyes out of his face with a quickness she had not yet shown. There were three men left, all dazed by her song. Natasha dropped a stone on two of their heads; she kicked one into the side of the boat. They all collapsed with loud thuds. She and Natasha stilled, listening for the loud sounds of men, but there was only silence. They were not all dead, just unconscious. She didn't have much time. She ran over to the tank that held her beloved Bucky. It was quickly broken- humans tended to make anything to keep an aquatic creature out of glass. She punched a hole into the tank like it was nothing. Bucky rushed out with the water. They hadn't bothered to chain him.
He hurried into her arms, and she held him tight, kissing the top of his head. Tears clouded her vision. He was weak with wounds that were not healing. His skin looked sallow as though he hadn't eaten in all that time that the humans had him captured.
"You shouldn't have come," he said hoarsely. "They wanted you. They knew you'd rescue me."
"I know," she said, glancing at Natasha, who had settled a few feet away and dug her talons into one man's head to make sure he died.
"You both need to get out of here," Natasha said.
"Are there more?" she asked.
"None that I am aware of."
"It could be a land-wide group."
"It could," Natasha agreed.
Bucky made a worrying noise, straining to wrap his arms around her waist. She silenced him gently, running a hand over his overheated forehead.
"Come with us," she said to Natasha.
"This is where Clint's bones lie. I cannot leave him."
"I suppose not, no."
"You must leave," Natasha said. "Make a new home away from where they found you. Keep to the deep as much as you can."
"Yes," she agreed even as she felt a strange longing for their cave.
She would miss it, truthfully. It was her first real聽home in a very long time. She would miss the ships and befriending the sealife. She worried about Alcibiades and how he would think she had abandoned him. However, that was a foolish thought. Sharks moved on quickly. So did sirens- at least those not in love and feeling sentimental. She kissed Bucky's head again, breathing in the smell of him. He wrapped himself around her the best that he could. He was shaking.
"We must go," she told him gently. "I will hunt for you so you may regain your strength."
"Okay," he said.
She got to her feet and lifted Bucky into her arms. She lowered him into the water where he stayed, looking up at the two sirens. She turned her attention to the men on the boat. Natasha had clawed a few; she had killed a few. The others could be drowned easily enough. Heavy things were on board the ship, tied to the remaining men's legs. The sound of their bodies hitting the water made her snarl in satisfaction.
"There is a small cave system not far from here," Natasha said after the last man was tossed overboard. "The water is shallow enough that your mate will be safe. Restore your strength there. Then you need to move on."
"Yes-" She paused, unsure how to express her gratitude to Natasha. What the other had done was something rarely seen in sirens.
"-Thank you," Bucky spoke for her, simple as anything.
Natasha did not react, but there was steel in her eyes.
"I did not do it for you," Natasha said.
She nodded.
"Be well," she replied before jumping into the sea.
Bucky took her hand, and they sunk below the waves. He was battered and bruised but curled his tail around hers as she held him close. She rubbed Bucky's back and sang him a song of comfort until his shuddering ceased.
"Thank you," Bucky said finally.
She shook her head.
"No need for thanks. I will always find you no matter where you are."
He nodded and placed his hands on her cheeks.
"I love you so much," Bucky said.
She sang an oath into the water between them. She then kissed him, and he kissed her back, their tails entwining. Together, they set off away from everything to begin again.
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one-boring-person 4 years
Omg I just reread the hunter fic you wrote for me and I'm still screaming - I so fucking love it!!!! You're totally awesome babe! So, I was wondering - only if it isn't to much - if you would be willing to write a part two?馃挄
Of course! I hope you like this as much as the first!馃挍馃挍馃挍 thank you for requesting! 鉂も潳 (I'm so sorry this is so late!)
Goddamn Hunters. (Part Two.)
David (The Lost Boys) x reader
Warnings: blood imagery, graphic violence
Part One.
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The journey back to David's home is mostly silent, the only sound being a brief squeak from me when I realise that we are no longer on the ground, my hands clutching tighter at the comfortable fabric of his overcoat, my face burying into his chest, inhaling his somehow familiar scent. In my ears, the rushing wind is unbelievably loud, though the sensation of it against any exposed skin is not as biting as I thought it would be, possibly due to the frigidity of my body beneath my torn clothes. I squeeze my eyes shut, refusing to look at the ground far below us as he continues to move, his arms adjusting themselves securely around my trembling frame, the sensation making me feel safer, despite me not knowing this...person at all.
After what feels like hours, he touches down again, a roaring, crashing sound making itself known to me, as well as a pungent salty reek laced with a woody odour, all of which mix with the confusion already fogging up the inside of my head, my fatigue finally becoming noticeable to me. Yawning, I instinctively cuddle closer to David, my body reacting before my brain does, a deep blush rising to my cheeks as he looks down at me, blue eyes widening a little with surprise before they fill with some other emotion, something akin to pride. I don't quite register as he carries me somewhere dimly lit, whining quietly when he finally places me down somewhere, the noise a reflex I didn't know I had, though I am glad that the surface below me is soft and comfortable. Halting, the platinum blonde seems to think something through, eyeing my limp, tired form on what I can only assume is a bed, his hand absentmindedly reaching up to stroke back my hair, frowning a bit at my bloodied state. He jerks away suddenly when a voice speaks up from behind him, the words incoherent to me as I drift to sleep, aching and painful after my ordeal, only just catching the end of what David responds with.
For the first time in days, I sleep peacefully, none of the harrowing nightmares I've had previously assaulting my conscience, though the biting hunger at the back of my throat remains a constant, the blood on my clothes not helping at all. Thankully, the day passes quickly, my eyes opening just as the last rays of sunlight leave the surroundings, the bed I'm sleeping in blocked off from the outside light by black-out curtains, which is helpful, seeing as I learnt the hard way that the bright light hurts like hell. Hesitantly, I climb off the bed/nest thing and examine the room I'm in, surprised to find myself in a cave of sorts, the spacious expanse littered with debris and random objects, a few of them gathered around a decrepit fountain in the centre, near which there are sofas and a wheelchair, a faint layer of dust collecting on almost every surface. Confused, I step further into the room, moving to the fountain, where I trail a finger over the filthy surface, a greyish film coating the digit as I pull it away, my nose somehow picking up the musky scent emanating from it with ease. In addition to this, I can also smell four distinct odours, one of which I already recognise: David, the unmistakable smell inciting an odd longing feeling within me, my body aching to be with my mysterious saviour again.
In my confusion, I fail to notice that a tall figure has appeared in the hallway behind me, their eyes glowing yellow as they catch sight of me, a low growl escaping them, before I'm pinned to the fountain by them, strong hands holding me to the marble surface in a painful position. I yelp, struggling in their hold, my own strength dwindling due to my hunger, terror and panic flooding me as I fight to get free, only for my assailant to hold me tighter still, snapping their teeth by my ear in warning. Whimpering, I still, hoping that whatever they do to me, it will be quick.
"Who the hell are you, and what the hell are you doing here? Couldn't you tell this is our territory?" The voice is distinctly male, though the hostility sounds wrong in it, as if he normally uses a lighter tone to address people.
"T-territory? What do you mean?" I manage to get out, just as puzzled as I am afraid, wincing when he presses me tighter against the fountain.
"You know exactly what I mean. We've marked this area and laid claim to it more times than I can count, so you can't seriously tell me you don't know what I mean. What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" He punctuates each word clearly, his breath fanning over my ear as he forces me into even more discomfort, my mind scrambling to piece together what in the hell is going on. My mouth opens and closes as I try to figure out what to say, only to snap shut when I hear a thankfully familiar voice somewhere behind us.
"Get the hell away from her, Paul." David snarls, rich voice laced with anger, the platinum blonde audibly stepping over to where I'm pinned to the water feature. The weight on my back is suddenly gone, my body screaming in relief from the painful position as I twist in time to see a lanky blonde being thrown to the floor by the black-clad platinum blonde who saved my life last night, a gasp escaping me as the former crashes into a rickety old table, the ancient structure cracking in two under the force.
"What's your problem, man?" The blonde, Paul, bites out at David as he climbs to his feet, pulling a few splinters of wood out of his jacket and mop of hair, eyes stool flashing yellow.
"You! You're my problem, waltzing in here and attacking my mate as if you own the place..." His voice trails off, eyes fading into their icy blue again almost as if he's realised what he just said.
Silence encompasses the three of us, shock evident on Paul's face, regret lining David's and confusion probably showing on mine, the quiet quickly becoming awkward as the taller blonde tries to process what he's heard, only disrupted when another two people emerge from the tunnel behind David. One of them, a slightly shorter blonde with curly hair, is pulling on a patchwork jacket, angelic features bright with mirth, whilst the other is a tall dark haired guy with no shirt on, his own leather jacket slung over one broad shoulder, nearly black eyes swiftly finding me.
"Ooh, who's this?" The shorter blonde queries when he sees me, doe eyes raking up and down my figure, though he quickly looks over at Paul when he makes a sound of disbelief.
"Your mate? Since when do you believe in that crap?" Paul exclaims loudly, his words stirring yet more confusion into the soup that has become my mind, my eyes flicking uneasily between the four boys.
"Hold up, who's whose mate?" The short blonde questions, frowning at his friends, the dark haired one staring at me with a vague expression of realisation.
David sighs, coming over to me with a gentle look on his handsome features, helping me back up again and keeping one hand on my back, rubbing soothing circles into the skin as he looks at me worryingly, silently asking if I'm alright. I nod, somehow trusting him.
"This is (Y/n). My mate. We only met yesterday, when I found her being attacked by hunters." He informs the others, eyeing them sternly, "And I'd like it if you could all respect that. She needs help transitioning."
"Hang on, before you go on, what are you talking about? Hunters? Transitioning? Mate? What on earth does it all mean?" I butt in, finally speaking up over the others.
David and the dark haired one exchange glances briefly, before the latter ushers the other two outside and out of sight, leaving the platinum blonde and I alone together. Carefully, he eases me onto the edge of the fountain, sitting beside me without making eye contact.
"How long have you been like this?" He finally asks, looking over at me.
"Like...this? You mean messed up, hungry, hysterical, nocturnal and not to mention chased around Santa Carla by two people I thought were my friends? For four days now." I respond, drawing attention to the gnawing hunger in the back of my throat again.
"Four days? How long have you been in Santa Carla?" He sounds confused now, as if he wasn't expecting me to say that.
"For three. I don't know why, I sort of just...needed to come here. It's like i felt this connection between me and what i have now figured out is you...sorry, this is too much information, and I probably sound weird as hell..." I admit to him, fiddling with the hem of my tattered shirt.
"No, that makes sense, it's a mate thing, I guess." He murmurs quietly.
"Can you just tell me what that means please?" I ask again, sighing in exasperation.
"This is probably going to sound pretty crazy, but you, as well as me and the others, are a vampire, and somehow, that has also made the mate bond between us stronger. Mate bond as in some weird, primal urge to be together."
"Wait, what?"
It takes David a full hour to properly explain everything to me, by which point I'm absolutely starving, my fangs itching to make themselves known, as well as slightly disturbed by the knowledge of what I really am, even if it does explain a lot about the events of the past four nights. David seems to notice my discomfort, as he suddenly stands up, offering me a hand with a small smirk on his face.
"Come on, let's get you some food."
"Food? Like blood?" I inquire, gingerly placing my shaking hand in his gloved one, allowing him to pull me up.
"Exactly like blood." He smirks, leading me to the entrance of the cave, where we go put and climb up a rickety old walkway to the top of a cliff. Once at the peak, we stand at the edge, looking out over the roaring sea, the noise of which is still unbearably loud to my ears.
"So we can either take my motorcycle, or we can take the more interesting route." The vampire offers, blue eyes boring into me.
"More interesting route?" I question, lifting an eyebrow.
He doesn't respond, instead just smirking wider, going to the edge of the cliff. With a suggestive wink, he steps backwards, off the edge, disappearing below the cliff line. Gasping, I go to step forwards, as if to stop him, only to freeze in place when he floats back into view, coat swirling around him as the wind rushes past his narrow body.
"What the...how are you doing that?!"
Incredulous, I rush to the edge, looking over it as if to check if he's standing on something, only to look back up at him when I don't see anything.
"Practice. Come on, you can float, too." He grins, coming closer. I smirk at the IT reference, edging forwards, taking his outstretched hands, only to feel confused when he bats them away, his arms wrapping around my waist securely. As he does so, I suddenly feel the ground melt away from under my feet, a squeak of fear escaping me before I look up into his pale face, laughing as a sudden rush of exhilaration course through me, my own hands coming up to rest against the hard planes of his chest. He grins at me happily, slowly releasing his grip on me, whooping out loud when I manage to float on my own, only to grab hold of me again when I waver unsteadily, tipping towards the ground.
"Come on, let's get you some blood." He promises, twisting around and gesturing for me to hold onto his back, before swiftly flying off in the direction of Santa Carla, an exhilarated scream escaping me. In no time, we're circling around the dark alleys and back roads of the small coastal town, swiftly locating a group of three people, who look hopelessly lost.
"Just drop down on them, and let loose." Dvaid encourages me, going nearer to the group.
Taking this into account, I release his back and fall to the floor, dropping right on top of one of them, my instincts taking over as my fangs break past my lower lip, slicing into the soft skin even as I tear into the available skin of my first victim. Blood spurts up into my waiting mouth, a ravenous moan escaping me as I clasp the person closer to me, relishing in the terrified shrieks of their friends, easily drinking my first victim dry. Throwing them aside, I stalk over to the others, who are paralyzed in fear, grabbing one and sinking my teeth into their soft skin, enjoying the sensation of the delicious life force flowing from them to me. Too soon, they die in my arms, allowing me to easily drop them and move on, finishing off the last one in no time.
As I finish, David drops from the sky, eyeing me closely, as if expecting me to attack him, too. When I don't, he comes closer, grinning from ear to ear, lifting a hand up to my face to wipe a trickle of blood away from the corner of my mouth, bringing the digit to his lips, licking the red substance off of it, the action making me feel oddly hot around the collar, despite the fact that the hunger is still rife in my mind, body still yearning for more. Swiping my tongue over my chin, I try to force it down, feeling my features slowly morphing back into their natural state, the fangs protruding from my gums sinking back into normal sized teeth, a groan of both satisfaction and dissatisfaction leaving me at the thought of having to stop now.
"Don't worry, kitten, we'll get you some more-" David goes to reassure me, only to suddenly be cut off as something explodes by his head, a familiar cloud of mist encasing him. Surprised, the vampire growls in pain, hands lifting to his face, rubbing at his now-bloodied skin, eyes flashing yellow in the fog of white moisture, the agonized groans he emits distressing me.
"David?! David, are you ok?!" I move to go and help him, only to flinch back when the vampire pushes me away again, voice strangled.
"I-I'm fine...damn...hunters again...get out of here!" He commands, twisting away from me. Annoyingly, I feel conflicted, part of me wanting to stay and help him, the other wanting to obey his words. It's only when he snarls another "Go!" at me that I turn and leave the area, biting my lip as I run around the corner.
As I do so, I hear an unfamiliar, distinctly female, voice start speaking to David, the words unclear as I start remembering something one of the hunters from the night before said, when they first tried to stake me:
"Wait till the girls find out they missed this."
These must be the girls he was talking about; vengeful girlfriends out to kill their boyfriends' killers. Peeking back around the corner, I nearly gasp as I see David on his knees, a woman pushing him down with a foot on his back, another standing before him with a stake poised over his head. At the moment, they seem caught up in some sort of joint speech, which gives me some time to figure out how to help, an idea swiftly forming in my head.
Looking around, I spot a pipe running up the side of the building near me, which I go over to, testing its stability. Inhaling, I start using it to pull myself up, my new strength allowing me to easily scale the building, ignoring the worrying creaking sounds that it emits as I heave myself onto the roof. Catching my breath, I race over to where I have a view of the alley below, my eyes swiftly finding the three people below. Standing straighter, I relax my muscles and concentrate on feeling light, straining to get myself up into the air, hopelessness starting to flood me as I feel the roof below me remain where it is.
For a minute, nothing happens, my feet staying firmly in place, until I let out an annoyed sigh, at which point i suddenly feel weightless, the slates under my shoes falling away as I open my eyes and look down, smiling briefly as I notice I'm a good few feet off the surface. Determined, I tilt myself forward a little, moving so I'm in line with the prone figure of my so-called mate, lowering myself somehow until I'm just out of sight. David struggles again, hissing as the girl with her foot on his back pours a liquid down the back of his coat, briefly distracting her, giving me the opportunity I need. I drop down, grabbing the stake-wielding hunter around the waist and pulling her upwards, my fangs instantly finding their purchase around her throat, tearing out her oesophagus and trachea with a horrible ease, the blood filling my mouth deliciously as her strangled screams fade into nothing.
Pulling away, I look down to see the other hunter glancing around, a stake now held in one hand as she tries to figure out where I am, pulse audible from here. Grinning sadistically, I allow the body in my arms to fall to the floor below, thudding loudly against the pavement, blood making a paint-like splash on the otherwise unstained tarmac, the sound drawing the hunter's attention away from David, a low gasp of air escaping her, before it breaks off into a pained scream when David suddenly jumps up to tear her heart from her back. As the blood erupts out of the now-limp body, i slowly manage to lower myself to the floor, wiping my chin on my sleeve as he looks at me in shock and gratitude. Noticing this, I make eye contact with him, smiling proudly.
"Goddamn hunters." Is all I say, mimicking him from earlier.
All he does is chuckle thankfully, sweeping me up into his arms, pressing me against his chest. Smiling, I wrap my arms around him, glad to have finally found someone to help me through this.
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