#also hey ya'll im alive
kokomyass · 5 months
Megumi Fushiguro ☆ Overwork
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Megumi x Fem!Reader
Genre: 🥀/☁️
Word Count: 2673
Trigger warnings ⚠️: a bit of swearing, themes of overworking to the point it is damaging. depression, some gore and violence.
synopsis: in which, you begin to overwork, hope to repay megumi for all the times he's saved you, but things don't turn out good...
hey ya'll!! this is a request from the sweetest person alive who dm me just to say my Megumi content was good so love you lots @bqvs !! 💜💜🎵🎵
anyways I hope you enjoy!! mwah!
also I haven't edited cause im a lazy bum :P
Second Person POV
All your life, you had felt lesser than everyone else. No matter what you did you would feel like you weren't good enough for anyone.
However, instead of being the type of person to sit around and wait for something to magically happen, you would work towards what you wanted, even if it meant losing sleep and your health being at an all time low.
Obviously things did not change when you joined Jujutsu Tech…yes, there were way less students which helped, but the students were also exceptionally strong, you felt like a puny little shrimp compared to them. Especially Megumi.
When you first joined you were really laid back, you really got along with Megumi, Yuji and Nobara but of course you had to mess up on your first mission together.
Which resulted in you being saved by Megumi and it seems being saved by Megumi was a common occurrence (by common occurrence you mean every mission)
Of course, you ended up falling hard for Megumi after all the times he acted as your Knight in shining armour along with his redeeming qualities. You also envied him and wanted to be as strong as he was and make him acknowledge you and maybe even love you…
As much as you liked Megumi, you were getting more depressed each day. You were completely and utterly useless compared to him. It seemed that Gojo also noticed you struggling a bit more than the others…so he began pairing you with stronger sorcerers to protect you and even then you would be pretty useless there too.
So in the end, not only are you spending less time with Megumi, but also being basically useless on all your missions.
No matter how hard you worked, you wouldn't improve. No one even notice the amount of effort you were putting in.
Usually you would hang out with all the students, especially Megumi, you were used to putting a facade on. Pretending that you weren't depressed and low…but even masking that was becoming difficult.
You had lost weight from not eating properly, you were always tired, you had lost your usual energy and you were extremely slow and sluggish, which further impacted your performance in missions.
You had been sent on a mission by Gojo to defeat a curse with Nanami. Yet another mission with an adult…
"Y/N, you think you will be alright on this one?" Gojo asked seemingly noticing something was wrong too.
You sighed, but immediately tried to put up a fake smile. In all honesty last night you were training so much that you didn't get any sleep and had to drink about 5 cups of coffee to keep you awake.
"Yep! When will I be able to go on a mission with Megumi again…"
You missed spending time with Megumi incredibly.
"Soon! Anyways off you guys go!" Gojo waved you off as you and Nanami began your trip.
You had been on many missions with Nanami (mainly due to protection reasons) so he knew you well, which also meant he knew something was wrong.
"Y/N, are you well and able to do this mission?" you were walking behind Nanami dragging your feet from tiredness as his question made you perk up slightly.
"I'm fine! I'm actually feeling much better I think I'll be more useful today!" you laughed.
That was all a lie. You felt like shit. But, knowing Nanami, if he knew that he wouldn't let you try at all.
When you found the curse and began fighting it, your tiredness made you weak and slow. You were barely dodging the attacks. At some points, you would shut your eyes and they wouldn't open again.
"Y/N! Fall back! Stop fighting! You will get hurt!"
Nanami's warnings went over your head as you went in for another attack. You felt a sharp pain in your side. You looked down to see your side stabbed and blood spreading through your clothes. Your breathing hitched as you fell to the ground with a thud, everything going black around you.
All in all, Nanami defeated the curse and you were just another failure.
When you both made it back to Jujutsu Tech. You had been treated by Ieiri (who had grown accustomed to seeing you) and you were resting in the infirmary.
Megumi POV
I know something is wrong with Y/N.
The day she joined I felt an unusual attraction to her. The way she smiles regardless of the situation and the kindness she shows to everyone around her…
Y/N is the closest anyone has gotten to me and I do have feelings for her as much as I want to deny it.
However, I've seen her health plummeting, she sleeps in class sometimes, constant injuries after missions…something wasn't right and I knew it even if no one else did.
One night, I heard constant banging noises and when getting up to find out what it was I saw Y/N, punching her punching bag like there was no tomorrow.
Her knuckles were bleeding, each hit she gave her legs quivered from tiredness, her heavy breathing sounded as if she was having a heart attack. My heart clenched to see her in this state.
Why is she working herself to this extent? Why is she doing harm to herself? That was when I truly knew something was wrong.
After the mission she went on with Nanami I decided to go and speak to Nanami myself to find out what he thinks, but to my suprise he approached me first.
"Megumi, I have been looking for you. Have you seen Y/N yet?"
"No? Why?"
Nanami sighed as if he was struggling to say something.
"She sustained an injury when we went on our mission, she got stabbed in the side. But her condition is stable and Shoko has treated her."
My eyes widened as a lump formed in my throat. How could she be so reckless? Before I could run off, Nanami stopped me.
"Megumi, please find out what us wrong with Y/N because I fear next time the injury she sustains might not be so treatable…"
I nodded, I agreed with Nanami. I ran as fast as I could to the infirmary. Whatever she was doing was putting her life in jeopardy….
Second Person POV
"Megumi is never going to like me…" you mumbled looking down as suddenly the same person runs in.
"Y/N! Are you okay?! What happened!" Megumi came in shouting. He look horrified as if you had died.
Even though it shouldn't have, your heart fluttered at the thought of Megumi worried about you.
He placed his hands on the sides of your arms making sure not to be to aggressive. You smiled softly at him as much as you could despite the sharp pain in your side.
"I'm okay, I just got caught in an attack but Ieiri said I'll be fine!" you giggled and placed a hand on Megumi's head, ruffling his hair as he sat down on the chair next to the bed sighing.
"Well, next time be more careful because if your not something bad will happen, okay?" Megumi placed his hand on yours making you blush slightly.
"I'll be fine, don't worry, I'll be stronger soon too!" you lifted up your arm and flexed as a joke as Megumi smiled slightly, still looking perturbed.
"Y/N, we need to ta-"
Before Megumi could finish his sentence Nobara and Yuji burst in dramatically.
"Y/N!!!!! What happened!!" Yuji said as Nobara was checking every inch of your face to make sure you were okay.
"I'm fine, just a bit tired…" you all talked about random stuff as Megumi stayed silent and distant.
Truth was, you were very very tired and you hadn't fully recovered but you needed to start working again if you wanted to catch up to Megumi and be the girl he wants, and just like that the evening arrived and you were sneaking out to go and train.
You practiced with your jaw clenched the whole time to reduce the pain you felt in your side everytime you moved, but it was worth it. All for Megumi, and to be able to protect him like he has done to you.
Time Skip
It was morning and you were walking at snails pace to find Gojo to ask if you could go on a mission with Megumi.
You made the best poker face you could to hide the pain lingering in every step.
"Gojo! Please can I go on a mission with Megumi." you said smiling as much as you could, griping your bruised and wounded knuckles together to beg him.
"I'm sorry Y/N, but you got injured and until you feel okay I can't send you out…" Gojo said as you immediately came up with a response.
"Gojo sensei, please believe me I feel much better it wasnt a bad injury I've had worse, I promise!" you we practically on the floor but eventually he sighed and said you could go on a mission to fight a 1st grade curse with Megumi.
Despite the pain, you smile a real genuine smile for the first time in a while at the thought of being alone with Megumi and spending time together.
Time Skip!
"Y/N, why are you here? You got injured. Stop over working yourself."
This isn't the way you thought spending time together would go.
Megumi had been telling you off the whole time you walked to your destination as you tried your best to explain that you were fine (which you were not)
"Megumi, I'm fine, I'm just tired."
"You always say that. Do you not sleep?"
Your worst fear was happening. Megumi was becoming suspicious and instead of being honest all you could do is get mad.
"I do…why do you keep asking questions?"
"Because whatever your doing needs to stop….MOVE!"
Before Megumi could finish his sentence the sharp arm of the curse you were meant to fight came between you two nearly stabbing you before Megumi pushed you out of the way.
You tried getting up but your previous injury hindered you from doing that.
"Stay back Y/N! You'll only distract me…" your heart shattered at his words as tears pricked your eyes and you scowled.
"I'm not a distraction, just watch!"
"Y/N! No watch out!"
Before you could even realise what was happening, a large tree branch pierced your stomach as you stared at Megumi with your eyes wide before looking at the branch stuck in you.
Oh how much you regretted everything. You wish you had listened to Megumi. You wish you listen to Nanami. You wish you weren't even born.
You stared into the sky as you looked down at the large tree branch that had gotten stuck in you.
Blood started pooling from your mouth as you recounted all the times you wished you had lived your life more.
You wish you could confess your love to Megumi and get married and have 3 beautiful kids…a smile graced your lips at the thought.
"Well, I think this may be it…"
Everytime you blinked, it felt as if 10 minutes when by.
You heard Megumi shout at you begging you to stay awake as he defeated the curse. You felt him cradle you in his shaking and bloody arms.
"Y/N, just wait someone is coming to get us. Hang in there." You smiled and reached for Megumi's cheek. Even though your vision was blurred you could feel the tear drop from his eyes.
"Please don't cry…" you smiled as you hand started to go limp and you couldn't stay awake any longer.
Time Skip!
You groaned in pain as you awoke to a bright light. You body ached at any slight movement and as your eyes adjusted to the light you realised what had happened and you sat up looking down at your stomach.
You sighed, thankful to still be alive.
Unbeknownst to you, Megumi was sat down next to you, asleep with his arms crossed, under his eyes had a tint of red, most likely from crying.
You put your hands through his hair combing your fingers through it, smiling at the sight of him asleep.
He stirred awake and you removed your hands from his hair. When he awoke he looked shocked to see you awake. He immediately hugged you.
"I thought I lost you…" you could tell he was being careful making sure not to hurt you as your rubbed his back before pulling away.
"I'm not gone quite yet!" you laughed as Megumi gripped his trousers, clenching his fists.
"Y/N, this isn't funny. You nearly died." Megumi looked down mumbling as your smile dropped yet again to see Megumi scolding you.
You placed a hand on his to comfort him, "Megs, look I'm fine and it wasnt even that ba-" Before you could finish he flung his hand away.
"Wasn't that bad?! Don't be stupid…you nearly died! You think I don't see you every night training until your whe body gives out? Or the amount of weight you lost or even the stumbling in your walk from lack of sleep?"
You gasped and squinted at him.
"Were you spying on me, Megumi? So what if I want to train? I'm only trying to better myself, why won't you support me?!"
"I'm not supporting you? Y/N I have always supported you through thick and thin but what could possibly be making you want to work so hard that you get yourself killed?! Tell me, please enlighten me!"
Megumi was stood up at this point and you could see people through the door window but you didn't care. You were hurt.
"You, Megs, it's you! I feel like a useless person who can't do anything right. Every mission we have ever been on you have had to save me and I want to be as strong as you. So forgive me for putting in some effort!" you shouted at him with tears streaming down your face and your voice cracking.
"I love you the way you are Y/N! I have never once looked at you as if you are useless. I think you are funny, smart, cute and the kindest soul alive! Why would I want you to change? You are working youself to death, that's the least I want! I love you!"
Everything was silent as Megumi dropped to his seat cheeks flushed from his angry confession as you stared at him teary eyed.
"You…you love me?" you asked genuinely shocked he could love someone as weak as you.
"Yes Y/N…I have ever since I met you. I never hated you just please stop hurting yourself like this-"
Before Megumi could finish his sentence, you pressed your lips on his. You pressed your palm onto his cheek as his thumb whined away your tears.
You pulled apart, out of breath as you both had a faint blush on your cheeks.
"I love you too Megs." you pressed your body into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you softly.
"Y/N…I will never ever hesitate to save you and I would do it over and over for you."
You smiled and inhaled his scent. A sense of relief washing over you. Something told you that from now on life would be much easier to live…
A lil bonus:
You had recovered and you were at a dessert shop with Megumi for a cute little date.
"Would you save me if I was like…a worm?" you giggled taking a bite of ice cream.
"Well I suppose, I would try to turn you into a human…so yes?"
"You don't sound to sure Megs…I'm feeling quite unconvinced…"
Megumi sighed putting his spoon down.
"I would save you and give your worm body a massive kiss. Happy?"
"Perfect answer!!" you laughed kissing him on the cheek as he just smiled lightly.
i hope you all enjoyed that especially my girly that I wrote it for, I hope you loved it 💜💜🩷🩷
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icey--stars · 1 year
Dog Pile (Bat Boys as a found family)
Summary: Rhys returns from Under the Mountain and the bat boys have a cuddle party to welcome him home. (This is Cassian's POV)
Word Count: 1717
Warnings: panic attack
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hey ya'll, this is just a small thing i came up with in my free time. i planned to add az's pov, but then the motivation died, so im posting just cassian's instead. hope you enjoy <3
i might be working on a little... azris and azrielxreader. because i have no self control. idk, we'll see if it wants to get finished lmAO
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Cassian had been training at the House of Wind for longer than he should’ve been to recover quickly. But this was typical for him. He’d failed Rhys, so he had to pay for it.
But he felt something off today. Then the magic in the air seemed to starkly increase—and then that shield they kept them in Velaris vanished.
Cassian knew what that meant. He dropped his sword and didn’t even bother to put on a shirt before he was diving off the edge of the House of Wind and plummeting through the air, heading towards the Townhouse.
His wings felt like they were breaking when he pulled up and landed heavily on the cement outside. Then he tore open the door and ran in.
His brother was there. Paler, and with a tear-stained face partially buried in Mor’s shoulder—but he was there. Rhys was back. Rhys was back.
Cassian bolted over and fell to his knees beside his brother and Mor, throwing an arm over both of them as he dragged Rhys into a hug.
“You’re back,” Cassian breathed. He could feel tears forming in his own eyes. “You’re back,” he repeated.
Rhys raised his head slightly to meet Cassian’s eyes. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, and then let his head fall limply across whatever was there. Mor’s shoulder and his arm.
“Don’t you even fucking try to apologize,” Cassian growled. “Never.” He brought his wings forward to blanket Rhys. Tears began to slip off his cheeks. “You’re back. That’s all that matters to me.”
“I’m sorry,” Rhys whispered again, body shaking.
Mor met Cassian’s eyes, also tear-streaked. Then another boom sounded from outside and the final brother ran into the room, looking wildly out of place as his hair was thrown up everywhere and he looked unsteady. But no matter for the shadowsinger, because he instantly crowding up on Rhys’s other side and did the same as Cassian to wrap his arms around him.
“You fucking asshole,” Azriel muttered and then buried his face into Rhys. Their High Lord did the same, shaking and crying and overwhelmed, but he attempted to wrap some part of himself around them.
“Don’t do that again,” Cassian begged. He couldn’t do that again. He couldn’t do 49 years without knowing what was happening to Rhys and having no way to rescue him, despite knowing for sure he was being tortured in some way.
They sat there for probably the better part of two hours. Amren had appeared from somewhere, sulking from where she leaned up against the wall. Cassian knew she was going to greet Rhys whenever he got out of the hug Azriel and Cassian had him in with Mor.
Rhys tilted his head up at last and pulled away slightly. Cassian relented, folding his wing back and releasing his hold, but keeping a hand on Rhys’s shoulder.
“Welcome home High Lord,” Amren said.
Rhys looked up at Amren and dipped his head.
“You’re so pale,” Azriel stated.
“That’s what 49 years under a mountain does to you I'm afraid,” Rhys tried to joke.
“Don’t ever do that again boy,” Amren scolded. “Don’t ever lock us up and stay under a mountain for 49 years where we don’t even known whether you’re fucking alive or not.”
Cassian knew that was about all the care you were going to get out of Amren. She showed her care by pointing out how much of a idiot you were. Rhys had been one fucking idiot.
“I’m sorry,” Rhys whispered, lowering his head in shame.
Cassian whacked his head. “I said no apologies,” he scolded. Cassian might feel the same as Amren, but after what Rhys might’ve gone through? He did not say any apologies. None. None. Cassian vowed to make sure it stayed that way.
“Sorry,” Rhys said, a little grin appearing on his face.
“I’ll make you pay for every apology you make about this shit in training,” Cassian growled. “So stop while you’re ahead.”
“I agree with Cass,” Azriel said.
For more than a few moments, they just sat there and took in the fact that Rhys had returned. Cassian was worried about how his brother might’ve changed. What might’ve happened to him. He didn’t dare ask though. He would never dare to ask. Only when Rhys was ready would he hear the story of Under the Mountain. Otherwise, he’d live off the rumors and stories of others.
Eventually, the only one with a sense of mind left, Amren, decided that it was dinner time. Cassian’s knees ached when he stood, but he didn’t care in the slightest. Dinner was mostly silent. Likely, everyone was wondering the same thing: What happened? But nobody dared breach the subject, for fear of ruining something. Rhys didn’t speak either. He seemed distant and withdrawn. Cassian worried for him.
That night, Cassian went to his room, and stared at the bed blankly. He didn’t know how long he’d stood there until he heard sobs coming from somewhere near.
He didn’t waste a beat in escaping his room and running for Rhys’s bedroom.
The door was already ajar, and there were two winged figures on the floor. Rhys had his head buried in his hands and Azriel kneeled in front of him, hand on his shoulders, squeezing tightly.
Cassian ignored his protesting knees as he too joined the two on the ground.
He glanced at Azriel for an explanation, or something on how to help, but Azriel’s face just tightened and he shook his head. Either Azriel didn’t know, or wouldn’t mention the subject again for fear of triggering Rhys. But even Azriel was pained from watching this.
“We’re here,” Cassian whispered, placing a hand on Rhys’s shoulder as well. “You’re home.”
Rhys sobbed louder. His wings fell limp to the ground from the force of it.
Cassian heard his brother muttering something through his sobbing. A phrase, repeated over and over again.
I’m sorry.
Cassian felt his heart break. Rhys had gone through so much pain at the hands of that witch. He assumed she was dead, but if he could, he would revive her just to let him and Azriel have a go.
It took a while for Rhys to calm down, but every broken cry wormed its way into Cassian’s heart and broke it more and more.
When Rhys could breathe at last, Cassian could think of only one thing to offer at this point. It was a thing they used to do in their childhood, and when they had returned from the war, or just something they did at the cabin to warm up from a cold flight.
“Dog pile?” Cassian asked, glancing at Azriel.
Azriel’s lips tightened, but he nodded after glancing at Rhys.
Rhys sat up more, removing his hands from his face and looking at them both. Cassian made sure his face was schooled with care and concern and overwhelming love for his brother.
“Dog pile,” Rhys repeated in agreement.
Cassian grinned. “Come on then!” He said determinedly, standing up and facing the huge bed in the room. “Rhys, you get first dibs on choosing where you lay.”
Azriel grinned mischievously at that. Cassian merely smirked back.
Rhys shakily stood, and in a brief flash of magic, his wings had disappeared. “Middle,” Rhys said.
The middle was always the best when they smushed in on each other. A dog pile sometimes meant literally on top of one another, or sometimes it just meant laying beside each other, or if they wanted it, or someone needed it, they held each other. The middle meant warmth and being between the two others.
“Get in,” Cassian said, grinning wide.
Rhys glanced at Azriel, who gestured toward the bed. Then, at last, Rhys climbed onto the bed, settling on the middle pillows. Cassian and Azriel both took a side, climbing in as well. Cassian was facing Rhys’s front while Azriel faced his back.
“What do you need tonight?” Cassian asked. Rhys might be uncomfortable with touch at the moment, and just want companionship, or he might want a hug. Cassian needed to know. He was prepared to give his High Lord and brother the biggest bear hug of all time or lay there and just be there.
Rhys glanced over his shoulder at Azriel, who’d settled onto the bed, and then sheepishly looked back at Cassian. Cassian grinned and shifted closer, opening his arms in invitation.
Rhys climbed into the embrace, and Cassian made sure that bear hug was the best one he’d ever given. His brother was back, and okay-ish. He needed a proper welcome back hug.
Azriel pushed in from the back and also wrapped around Rhys. “Welcome home Rhys,” the shadowsinger whispered.
Rhys leaned into Az’s touch and Cassian relaxed his hold to allow Azriel to slot in more comfortably.
Azriel glanced at Cassian over Rhys’s shoulder, lifting a wing in question. Cassian nodded. He might deny it in front of anyone else, but Azriel did have the biggest wings, which were best to wrap around all three of them.
Rhys hummed when the darkness of Azriel’s wing blocked out the remaining fae lights in the room.
“Thank you,” Rhys whispered. “I didn’t want to be alone again.”
Azriel sternly replied, “No. Don’t thank us, Rhys. Just let us be there for you. Anytime.”
“Anytime,” Cassian agreed. “If you want us to cuddle you at night and then beat you back into shape during training, we’ll do it.”
Rhys chuckled, a small smile appearing on his face in the dark. Cassian smiled as well, glad to at least have made something better. “Training might have to wait. We have a court to get back up and running.”
“Worry about that later,” Azriel scolded. “Sleep now.”
“We’ll help you handle everything,” Cassian promised. “But I agree with Az. Later.” He squeezed his hand on Rhys’s back tighter to prove his point.
“Busybodies,” Rhys said, amusement flickering in his voice.
Then it fell silent. The only noises being the slowing breathing of three Illyrian bastard brothers filling the darkness. And when Rhys awakes, terrified from a nightmare? Cassian and Azriel are there to comfort him. Rhys kept mumbling something about a “she” who might’ve been Amarantha or some other female, never saying anything more.
Cassian and Azriel held Rhys close for the entire night.
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Tagged in all ACOTAR Stories: @bunnymallowo, @officiallyunofficialperson, @margssstuff, @rebloggiest-reblogger, @inpraizeof, @graciereads, @eos-princess,
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homestuckhecc · 5 months
Hey all, its been a while...
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heeeeeeyy its been like what, more than a year since ive been proper active? Since the year is about to end I wanted to at least let ya'll know i'm alive at least lol. I also wanted to update you guys on myself and my projects (since im talking on the side account ya'll know im taking about HSEI).
I have this thing called an office job which is uber fun and totally doesn't make me tired by the end of the day but hey, the pay is not bad.
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Anyways during this year i've been hit with that creative depression so I haven't been working on ANYTHING but I've had my spark come back towards the end of the year but haven't posted anything so I just have a couple of drawings I've done (mostly redraws) but its SOMETHING at least. ivealsobeenreadingjojosbizzareadventurespart1-5whichhastotallynotbeenconsumingcomeofmyeveningtimeandthoughts
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Most importantly, I do plan on continuing HSEI albeit i will have to redraw some of the panels AGAIN since i find some of them mega cringe/could really use an update in style (and some sprites could use a fix before they show up). I really do want this series to be completed since it's a project that I did out of fun and since people actually liked it I wanted to fulfill the goal.
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Last thing, similar to HSEI I still plan on finishing Skaiabic (might change the name) as I have been slowly piecing it pre/during/post story and it is significant to my main stories so at SOME POINT I do need to finish it lol. I have made some more sprites but I still got a ways to go if im ever to go complete it ehehehe
that is all for my update and Have A Happy New Year!!
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gamamaro · 6 years
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The Autobots watch there human friend get hurt| Headcannons
Note: nothing major usually sporting accidents, might be mentions of some blood
Optimus: ACL Torn due to a Wrestling match
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-oof ouch
-You we're wrestling in a mixed gender tournament when it happened
-also it was an outside tournament (they're rare but cool)
- *cries in extreme pain*
-the shout in pain just echoed because of the valley caused by the stands
-he had been at the gate watching you from afar
-hah Ratchet please help
-Ambulance is called and you're taken away
-anxiety Optimus
-"Will she be okay?" "Most likely no for a while." "No?!'
-realizes how distant you are afterwards, especially to him
-"Im useless now..." "You're not useless, your injuried," "same thing"
Ratchet: Baseball to the mouth
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-ugh human sports
-you were really happy to be in the championships so he just had to go
-luckily can watch from the parking lot as the parking lot is on the side of the feild
-one strike, two balls, you had this in the bag
-smack! The ball hit- but it came back at you instead, hitting you right in the mouth.
-blood time (is it called that in baseball too?)
-"Hey Ratchet Y/n just got hurt" "thats nice- wait- W H A T"
-sees the blood running down your face, your coach all up on you in fear
-gargles water and gets back in
-Ratchet says that he wont come to any more games in your dont wear a mouth gaurd
-enjoys watching you play eventually, and enjoys driving you home, the craziest/ deepest conversations you both have while your basically so tired your running on fumes.
Bumblebee: pole snaps you right in the face, resulting in a anakin skywalker style gash
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-you had just started and pop, pole snaps hitting you right in the face
-Worried beeps and buzzes
-"Omg omg is she okay?! Is she alive"
-stand up bowing to the crowd as everyone has a good laugh
-Bee gets to see you fly, and fly high, surpassing your PR as you barely clear the bar.
-"And then you flew like- wow- zoom-" "Bee honey bee, I was there. I did it." "Did you see me?! I was watching you!"
-is worried you'll get hurt again but will contuinie to support your dreams
Smokescreen: broken arm from a tackle
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-someone got a little too mad and decided, boy was gonna basically demolistion durby you
-not only did he use unessacary force, he shouted in your face while you were down and kicked you in the helmet.
-Smokescreen wanted to go on the feild and step on the sore looser
-turns out he broke your arm, and then started bragging about how he broke your arm
-fight on rhe feild
-that dude got banned
-smokescreen will learn how to write with a small sharpie just to sign your cast and does
-he spends his time hanging with you even, he knows you're sad not being able to play
Ultra Magnus: Thrown from a Bull, trampled
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-well you see
-this was a waist of his time, to him atleast
-everyone's all big and heavy and you're all pitete
-was saying "I mean it when I said you'll get hurt" but didnt actually wanna believe it.
-oh you got hurt, but beat the record by 3 seconds
-bull tramples your ass after being thrown into the gate
-"Oh wow Magnus just had to jinx it"
-he won't take you to any more rodeos if your bull riding
-angry Magnus
"You almost died!" "You almost die every day!"
-now you guys arent friends
Wheeljack: Multiple Brusies from Ice skating fails
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-thought you were really cool practicing on the ice, and even had Ratchet ground bridge ya'll to the snow
-watched you pratice your routine and failing multiple times, rolling over or simply sliding across the ice with a sigh
-after hours you both went back, removing your shoes and long socks ankles littered with massive bruises,
- taking off your long sleeve and replacing it with a short sleeve was the same.
-"damn dude your suppose to protect her not beat her up"
-"how many brusies I got on my back?" "You want how many or how many you dont have, honestly thats a lower number."
-tries to talk you into buying braces from your anklee, and is honestly worried you'll really break a bone next
Bulkhead: Volleyball to the head
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-Beach volley tournament
-worried because bikini bottoms
-so worried the team was able to spike the ball: into your face
-mild bloody noses
-Bulkhead watched each one happen, unable to do anything he winced alot that day.
-your pride and self confidence are extremely low after your teams loss and he helps boost that back up.
-"I highly doubt I'd look that good in that outfit!" "We should buy you one. We could match"
-takes you to all your matches and tells you to be safe and careful everytime
Arcee: hurt your back deadlifting
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-lots of shouting
-going for PR
-PR came for you instead
-accidently put to much strain on your back
-"Arcee. I blew my back out," "Im sorry you what?"
-lectures you on why you should be more careful
-does it again gets lectured again
-"Hi Yes I deadlifted twice my weight-" "fool I told you stop."
-shes honestly proud of you, you being a "girl" deadlifiting more than some men makes her proud
-will brag about you to the bots, and even ask you to demonstrate
-okay now Arcees got them all watching you deadlift
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bilbotargaryen · 2 years
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I posted 87 times in 2021
45 posts created (52%)
42 posts reblogged (48%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.9 posts.
I added 245 tags in 2021
#supernatural - 53 posts
#spn - 51 posts
#dean winchester - 25 posts
#my au - 22 posts
#mcu - 21 posts
#fanfic - 16 posts
#marvel cinematic universe - 16 posts
#marvel - 15 posts
#fanfiction - 15 posts
#crossover - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 112 characters
#and i think ya'll need to go easy on jensen's ass as he said right behind the jack statement that it's a problem
My Top Posts in 2021
Hey guys,
Im at 13x08 now and I really can't find reasons to watch on instead of rewatching S1-5. Could you help me out with some or is it getting even worse?
6 notes • Posted 2021-04-14 18:29:05 GMT
The cursed/wild shit my Sims 3 KI has done today
Made Castiel and Claire Novak get a baby together
Made Dean Winchester and Claire Novak marry after she and Castiel split
Made Daenerys Targaryen have an on/off relationship with Gabriel which ended with a kid every time they split (I stopped playing at 4)
Speaking of Gabriel - the man whored around and ended up having 10 kids with 5 different women (two of them were dating his brothers at the time oopsie)
Additionaly - Dany had 7 children total as well - from 4 different men...what a family
Made Rowena and Lucifer marry happily (also with a child of course)
Honorary Mentions:
Made Wanda Maximoff have a child and naming it Tommy was buckwild too
6 notes • Posted 2021-04-18 17:12:25 GMT
Watching Vikings
Ragnar and Athelstan are the bestest besties to ever bestie
10 notes • Posted 2021-10-29 20:09:38 GMT
I shit you not
This weekend I felt the most alive since like all the past months. It’s wild. My skin is clear. My depression is healed. Damn, how I love season 17 and it’s drama.
15 notes • Posted 2021-10-18 11:54:45 GMT
Am I the only one who is just amazed that Matthias Schweighöfer is in an international series. It just makes me so happy. Good for him!
18 notes • Posted 2021-05-23 14:56:48 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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books--andt · 7 years
March Wrap up!
Hey Everyone! How was your March? It was a pretty good reading month for me. And now that it's getting close to feeling like Spring weather where I live, I'm even more excited to gather up some books and read them outside. Not to mention that it's LESS THAN ONE MONTH until ACOWAR is out!!!!!!
Now onto the books...
1. Amulet Book 4 (The Last Council) By Kazu Kibuishi --> 4/5 stars.
2. Amulet Book 5 (Prince of the Elves) --> 5/5 stars.
3. Amulet Book 6 (Escape from Lucien) --> 5/5 stars.
4. Amulet Book 7 (Firelight) --> 5/5 stars.
5. Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon --> 5/5 stars.
6. The Sun is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon --> 5/5 stars.
7. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell (re-read) --> 5/5 stars.
Seven books this month! And I've already read one book for the month of April. Can you guess which one? I'll give you a hint... I already read it in March and it's being turned into a movie... ;)
I never wrote up a review for the Amulet Series because Firelight wasn't the last book! I believe that the final book comes out sometime this year but I could be mistaken. I'll have to remind myself where the story left off before I dive into it.
My favourite book this month??? Oh how can I even choose?? Looking at my list now, it's clear that I was in a big contemporary kick half way until the end of the month. I re-read Fangirl because I wanted something contemporary without spending money on a new book. I think I enjoyed it more than I did the first time. And LEVIIIIIII!!! I love him. Typically, I'm into more shy or quiet guys but... I love him.
Everything Everything was glorious. Nicola Yoon has my heart and is an insta-buy author for me. I hope she writes more and more books and never stops. So Everything Everything might just have to be my fav book that I read this month.
I don't really have any new Bookish or not so bookish favs to share with ya'll. Im still looooovingggg Riverdale (Archie might just be the hottest man alive) and I also really want to start 13 Reasons Why! But I haven't read the book yet.... Should I wait and read it or just say screw it and dive right in????? It feels almost morally wrong to watch it without reading the book first haha.
Also, if you're not following me on instagram (books_andt) then you might not know that I was trying to participate in #MiddleEarthMarch and read The Hobbit but I just couldn't get into it. I wasn't in the mood for fantasy and that book is chalk-a-block FULL of fantasy at it's best. You really need to be in the mood for it. I shall try reading it again sometime in the future. Maybe #MiddleEarthMay ????
What did YOU read in March and what was your favourite?? What do you plan to read in April?? I am most definitely going to be re-reading ACOMAF in anticipation for ACOWAR! I need the story to be fresh in my mind. I bought Falling Kingdoms last month but have yet to read it due to my hunger for contemporary which, I'm not so sure is completely gone just yet. Hmmm... Decisions decisions....
ALSOOOOO I just want to give a MASSIVE thank you to all of you wonderful people! There are now over 2000 of you following my reviews and it just *wipes tear from eye* makes me so happy. So THANK YOU!
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