#also he has motive to take those R creeps down they were responsible for his death :I
carewyncromwell · 8 months
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Duncan 🤝 Carewyn
After the death of Rowan Khanna, quite a few members of the sixth-year class rallied around her best friend, Carewyn Cromwell, in the pursuit of some justice for their fallen classmate. This led to the creation of the Circle of Khanna, the purpose of which was solely to avenge Rowan by bringing her murderer, Patricia Rakepick, to justice and stop the criminal syndicate Rakepick was a part of, R, from causing any more harm to anyone else. Before long this organization also gained members outside of Rowan's class -- the already-graduated Bill Weasley was one of the group's founding members and arguably its second-in-command after Carewyn, of course, but the group also gained much younger students such as Penny's second year sister Beatrice Haywood, Bill and Charlie's first-year twin brothers Fred and George Weasley, and first-year Hufflepuff magical prodigy Cedric Diggory.
The Circle's most unusual member, however, was the ghost who most commonly occupied the Prefect's Bathroom on the fifth floor -- Duncan Ashe.
In life, Duncan had been friends with Carewyn's older brother, Jacob. When she first met him, Duncan acted very hostile toward the mere mention of Jacob, to the point that she wondered how they ever could've been friends, but over time, as she got to know him better, Carewyn came to see that a lot of Duncan's harsh words toward Jacob were a defense mechanism more than anything, and that he'd truly been very fond of Jacob, even if he had a hard time expressing it. Duncan would even sing with Carewyn sometimes, not just songs she liked, but ones Jacob liked too! And once Jacob was freed from the Portrait Vault and he finally got the opportunity to see Duncan again, even just as a ghost, all remnants of the bitter attitude Carewyn encountered when she first met Duncan had seemingly dissipated. There were even days when Duncan acted legitimately cheerful -- like when he decided to "check in" on Carewyn by poking his head through her Potions textbook while she was studying in the empty Slytherin commonroom.
"You're up well past your curfew, young lady," Duncan's head smirked mischievously at her through the book.
When Carewyn subconsciously dropped it, Duncan laughed, swirling as a translucent shade up into the air over her even as she glared up at him.
"Duncan!" she scolded, clutching her heart. "That's not funny! You scared me half to death!"
Duncan's smirk only broadened as he crossed his arms over his transparent, robed chest. "Hey, it's not my fault you were way too focused on what you were doing to notice your surroundings. Honestly -- you and Jacob really are two of a pair..."
"I was focused because I have a test next week," Carewyn said coolly, leaning over to pick up her book. "I doubt whatever Jacob was focused on was test answers."
Duncan gave a short, bark-like laugh. "Ha! Of course not! More likely he was obsessively comparing illustrations of various dragon breeds, trying to assess the aerodynamics of their respective wing-spans or some nonsense..."
Even while saying this, something oddly fond flickered through Duncan's eyes. It made Carewyn smile a bit more sincerely despite herself.
Duncan cocked his eyebrows at her expression, and Carewyn had to cover her mouth with her hand to hold in a giggle.
"Sorry, it's just -- when you used to talk about my brother before, it always sounded like you hated him. Even if I know you didn't, really. But now...well, I can't read your emotions as well, with you being a ghost...but I still feel like you're not holding back as much. Like you're being more honest than before."
Carewyn smiled encouragingly at him.
"It's really cool to hear. And to hear about Jacob from you too...I can tell you were really close."
Duncan was so taken aback by this that he actually seemed to flush, his transparent cheeks darkening with gray. He looked away quickly, flustered.
"Oh, don't cod me! I'm not acting in any particular way all of a sudden -- just...just not quite so mad at him anymore, now that we've talked everything out..."
Carewyn smiled a bit more wryly. "I'm glad you did that too. Jacob's never been good with people -- I reckon he was only going to know how you felt when you were finally honest with him -- "
"Oh, eff off, will you?" grumbled Duncan halfheartedly, flushing more gray than ever.
Rather than teasing Duncan further, Carewyn smiled a bit more kindly again.
"I'm serious, Duncan," she said. "I'm glad you and Jacob talked things out. And I'm glad you're happier...after everything you've been through, you deserve it."
Her eyes softened.
"...I'm happy my brother had someone like you. That he still does."
Duncan looked up at Carewyn, that gray flush still clinging to his cheeks. There was something almost unsure about his expression, before it broke into something a little more grounded: a smile touched with a cynical edge.
"...Hm...well, it's not like I could just let your brother throw himself back into danger without any back-up, could I? Or you, for that matter -- you're such a self-sacrificing little thing, I reckon you'd push Jacob right out of the way and chuck yourself in front of the Knight Bus itself, if it came to it -- "
"Shove off," said Carewyn, and Duncan cackled.
"Now then," said the ghost, and he became a bit more serious as he floated down as if to "sit" on the chair closest to her, pretending to prop his arms up on the back of the chair, "what you and Jae Kim were talking about the other day, about infiltrating one of R's meetings. I did some 'investigation' of my own, and I think your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor might have an allegiance you'll want to know about."
Carewyn raised her eyebrows. "Professor Meyers?"
"Yeah. Turns out that old Huxley thought being a professor at such an illustrious school would have a higher salary. Upon discovering, no, in fact, it doesn't, I reckon it was easy for R to sucker him in with the promise of a little extra scratch on the side, in exchange for information. I caught him using the Floo Network talking to someone who sounded suspiciously like that one R dosser who ordered Jacob come to Knockturn Alley, right before I died...asking how long he'd have to wait for his deposit, in exchange for intel on Dumbledore's most recent outing."
Carewyn's eyes flashed with righteous anger. "So that's how R has been able to keep such close watch on us."
"At least partially," agreed Duncan. "Remember, you've only had this bloke for a year...and probably will have him no more than that, if that myth about the Dark Arts job being cursed is true..."
Carewyn crossed her arms. "Well then, we'll definitely have to keep a close eye on Meyers in the future, so that he doesn't overhear anything he shouldn't..."
Her eyes then lit up with a bit of mischief.
"...Duncan, does Meyers have any inkling that we're onto him?"
"Nope," said Duncan with a smug smirk. "He knows who's your friend and who isn't, of course -- but I don't think he has any clue that you all have been investigating R. I'd hazard a guess that that thick plonker has no idea the Circle of Khanna even exists."
Carewyn's mouth spread into just as broad of a smirk as Duncan's.
"Then maybe we can use R's mole to help us get some information on them, as well," she said decisively. "Do you think you could keep an ear out, in case he has any more interesting 'fireside chats?'"
Duncan's smirk betrayed white teeth. "Hm, I'm sure I could. It's not like I have any classes to occupy my time. And hell -- what's the use of being able to float through walls and doors and not having to answer to the law or any of the Hogwarts teachers if you don't take advantage of it?"
Friendship Drabble Prompt!
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kaisa-ryo · 3 years
Satoru Gojo NSFW Alphabet
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Warning: English isn't my native language!
A = Aftercare (What he likes after sex)
With slow movements, stroke your back with your large palms. Gently fingering your hair and mumbling something about your uniqueness. Then he will pause and move on to deeper caresses. Goose bumps will cover your whole body, and your heart will pound madly, which will cause an involuntary smile from Gojo. Let it be some strange mantric nonsense, a mysterious spell, with the help of which you can finally hide from everyone around you.
How rarely do you experience such a feeling of security, while the beloved man experiences an equally rare feeling - the love of the closest person, which gives him confidence for the whole day.
B = Body part (His favorite body part)
At least because he considers her an integral part of the female body. And if you have it of impressive size - expect especially great attention to them. Namely licking, biting, scarlet sucking, spanking ... But don't think that this will only happen with big breasts. Medium or small, too, will not be left without affection. Seen from the outside, most of them may seem like feminine signs that complement orientation and are able to give relationships with a man such inner harmony that will make them extremely desirable.
The first place on your body where he will leave marks is your chest.
C = Cum (Everything about sperm)
He loathes condoms, for which you constantly sulk at him, because you have to take birth control pills, and this, by the way, is not very pleasant. And in general, obeying the rules is not his forte. Therefore, he is firmly convinced that he possesses the mysterious art of doing what is beneficial to him alone.
D = Dirty secret
Not to say that it can be safely called a "dirty secret", but he has thoughts of selling you into sexual slavery to himself. Such thoughts first appeared in him when he realized that with your charm you were making him ill and, in a sense, making him weaker. And what an unpleasant humiliation for him, when the ideal woman of his fantasies suddenly appears out of nowhere and by her very existence spoils all his megalomania. To tell you the truth, this fact even turns him on a little. Based on this, he came to the conclusion that he will subdue you completely and completely with the help of sexual slavery.
Is it strange? Depends on how much you go crazy over him.
E = Experience
Gojo himself considers this question to be slightly incorrect. For example, if he had fucked other women before you, then you cannot say for sure that in those moments he definitely knew what to do. And if he hasn’t "shoved" anyone before you, it will always be possible to gain experience from a variety of sources of the vast networked web.
But if we talk about it, then in such cases he is helped by confidence and high self-esteem. Which gives him a considerable advantage in the field of sexual relations.
F = Favorite position
When you swing your leg over his shoulder, and he continuously pushes, biting and licking the inner thigh. This action drives you crazy, and you are ready to beg him not to stop. When he reaches orgasm, you scream, and he squeezes you in his arms, showered you with kisses and pushes his excited flesh into your vagina, while he himself shakes with laughter. You know that this obscene act brings him such pleasure that he cannot stop. You cling to it with all your might, as if hoping that it will not stop and you will be able to reach the highest point of bliss. Therefore, it is so important for him to control the lower part of your body.
G = Goofy (Are you serious at this moment?)
Not at all.
In a sense, for him, this is nothing more than entertainment. But it also happens that he, fascinated by your alluring body, smell, look, goes crazy. And then anything can happen.
H = Hair (Is the hair ok?)
Once you asked him to put things in order at least once, after that you realized that it was useless, because instead of answering, he just laughed loudly.
I = Intimacy (Romance)
Yes, sometimes.
Even despite the fact that he does not treat women as much as, for example, Nanami, he considers his passion an exception, although, perhaps, not in all cases. He is pleased that he is considered some kind of incomprehensible male - “this is not even a man, but such a little dummy who thinks of nothing but sweets” - and this is a compliment for him. The most important thing is that you like to feel your exclusivity.
In his opinion, he considers the most romantic moment for you when he looks you in the eye. Well, of course, he is so tall and also with eyes, in which the whole universe seems to fit. Therefore, in order to impress you once again, he takes off the blindfold, looks into your eyes and says something very pleasant about you in a bewitching voice. And at the moment when you already lose the power of speech from this - bends down and kisses on the lips. He knows perfectly well that you will not resist one hundred percent before such.
J = Jack off (masturbation)
Never. Seriously, never.
He will not humiliate himself so much in front of himself, but in front of you ... there is even nothing to answer.
— I have never done this before... I will appreciate it if you teach me! — said Gojo, smiling broadly and spreading his arms to the sides.
— Quite a fool or what?..
— Oh? So can you show me how it's done? The man asked with a sad and obviously feigned expression on his face.
— Why don't you start doing it at all? What's so sexy about that?
In other words, he does not need this, because for such cases he always has you.
K = Kink (Kinks and fetishes)
Light BDSM elements such as bondage, gags, collars ... especially the black blindfold. He just goes crazy when he sees you with her. It seems that you imitate him, ready for all dirty manipulations, just to become like him. Heck.
After such a night, he will repeatedly hint that he really liked your yesterday's image. It is unlikely that you want to again fall for his next trick to trick you with various perversions. Not to mention, he'll drag you into bed anyway. You have no options, baby.
L = Location (Favorite places to have sex)
Prefers on the bed. He's not so much a fan of public places or hiding places. But if we talk about the audience ... he loves to play with your pussy with his fingers, so that you feel awkward and uncomfortable all the way home. But it's worth your wet panties.
M = Motivation
When you say how you want it at the most unexpected moment. Yes, yes, at least in the same audience. For him, this is the most exciting thing that can be with him. He had already checked everything before, no doubt. And such a mess in his thoughts, it’s just not clear why he should fight the curse when he can take you right here? Someday he will do so, believe me.
N = No (Which won't do)
Something for which you will not want to see him for a long time.
He may never show such an emotion as longing, but he certainly does. Just at such moments. When he comes to apologize to you, he will hide it again. According to many men in the world, girls do not take offense for long. True for Gojo, these words seem to be a lie, because you have been ignoring and abstracting from him for the third week. He thinks that this is natural, because he considers you not like everyone else. But it only makes my soul worse. Maybe he really was so guilty? Then it's really monstrous. Why hadn't he thought about it before? But anyone knows that it's his ego. It was then that he realizes that even the strongest make mistakes.
O = Oral (Likes to receive or to give)
Get. Do you know what his trick is? He always tries to give you as much as possible, so that in a fit of excitement you give him twice, because giving pleasure to you does not tire him at all! It's like swinging, only you don't understand that you are giving him not yourself, but your body, and you give it to him at that moment when you still don't know that you are giving him and yourself. You don't even notice it. So it gives him a huge plus. Not a bad bonus for you.
P = Pace
In this regard, variations take over. He even has his own trick - to scroll the first song that comes to mind and adjust to its rhythm. And oh God, such harmless stupidity does such amazing things... (!)
Q = Quickie
Also not unambiguous.
From the very beginning, it's kind of like very slow introductions, specifically for you to beg him to speed up. Stretching on a sense of anticipation that creeps through you. Satoru will maintain a slow pace until he moves his hips on his own to match his movements. And only then it will gradually pick up the desired speed.
R = Risk (Ready to experiment)
Anytime, just ask!
He himself does not mind trying something new, but only when you are completely sure that sex will be successful. Otherwise it will be awkward and unpleasant. While these are experiments after all, anything can go wrong. And it's one thing when you really think about the consequences, it's another thing when you have no doubt that as a result of "new" sex there will be a lot of pleasant sensations. But if you don't try, you won't know, right?
You also urge Satoru to be taken seriously and responsibly. By the way, an interesting fact — he ignores words about responsibility, but at the same time, in some magical way, everything goes perfectly. Well, in that case, you are lucky with a man, congratulations.
S = Stamina (Stamina)
Always adjusts to you.
He cannot enjoy the process if you are already exhausted just lying on the bed and trying to grab at least some notes of ecstasy. Perhaps this theory seems primitive, but Gojo believes that any sexual intercourse is nothing more than a change in posture, the purpose of which is to make intimacy pleasant. After all, it is also part of a complex whole in which body and mind harmoniously merge. Certainly not an indicator of sensitivity, as one might expect, but also not one's own narcissism.
T = Toys
Not an ardent fan, but there is some interest, and a very big one.
If he is out shopping and stumbles upon a "sex shop", prepare for the fact that he will bring everything that was there to your home and some strange enlightenment session will begin, because you did not even know about the existence of many toys.
— This one? Maybe this one? Or is it this one? Look how interesting!
— Gojo ... did you seriously empty the entire store just to show it to me?..
— The opinion of my beloved woman is much more important for me than the schedule for the import of new goods into the store.
— Why does it seem to me that you are laughing at me?
U = Unfair (Does he like to tease)
Yes! Yes! And yes again!
As mentioned earlier, he likes it when you beg him to speed up. But what if he stops altogether? Or maybe pull the cock out of your slit? There will be no limit to your charming whine! As soon as he does this, you try to put yourself on the penis on your own, while he, grinning, does not let you do it. As a reward, he sticks the head into your hole and again starts hammering like crazy into your hole.
V = Volume (How loud is it)
The only sounds he makes are short chuckles. They serve as a sign that he likes your movements, actions and moans. Sometimes he allows himself to snort. This is also a kind of signal - he experiences excitement from the same movements ... actions... moans... oh...
W = Wild card (Random headcanon)
Once you had such a case that after he finished, you immediately lost consciousness. And when she woke up, she decided that she had already died. You told about this to Sator, sitting next to you, who burst into loud laughter. He told how you passed out right at the end of sex, explaining that the blame for everything is his magnificence, just the same, leading to a swoon.
* In fact, for three minutes he could not understand what was happening and for an hour he tried to bring you to consciousness. And you lost it not because of its magnificence, but because of its multi-orgasm. As a result of this incident, the man did not do this with you for a while, as it was a little awkward. At that moment, the thought crossed his mind that he really killed you. And he still cannot forget it, although he has long ago got rid of such ridiculous thoughts associated with you and your fragile body.
X = X-ray (What's under the clothes)
19.5 cm, during erection ± 2
Y = Yearning (How high is the sex drive)
A serene magician never looks for a reason to do this with you. Only if you don't want it yourself. Sometimes it happens - completely on your initiative, and sometimes he independently makes you want it. This Devil with a bandage seems to see all your weaknesses from the most obvious, to the most secret and intimate: whispering in your ear, changing the timbre in his voice to a lower touch of his hands that slightly tickle your face ... He has a lot of ways to make you want what no matter how he spoke.
Therefore, to be honest - 7/10
Z = Zzz (How quickly falls asleep)
Are you sure he ever sleeps at all?
The most recurring case is when he watches you for a long time until he is sure that you are definitely asleep. Following, he will kiss you somewhere in the area of ​​the ear and go about his business.
But if we consider a rare case, then everything will turn out the other way around: it will wait for you to wake up to ask how you slept. The perfect moment to be alone with him without any obligation.
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thought-not · 4 years
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Chapter 3
Warnings: none
  I took a deep breath and groaned as I laid my head on my desk. The paperwork was tiresome and the students all had issues piling up. Bakugou was going to be my problem child. Angry and traumatized, he definitely has a lot of pressure on him. I wonder what his home life is like? I get lost in my thoughts mulling over the kids that I jump when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I shoot up and look around rapidly. Aizawa is standing there with a smirk on his face. 
        “It’s lunch time if you would like to join us sleepy head,” he says. 
        “I wasn’t sleeping!”
        “Sure you weren’t.” He huffed and walked out of the room. I grabbed my bag and quickly followed him out so I wouldn’t get lost. We made our way outside and he led to a table where a man and a woman were already sitting. 
        “Alright! Shota’s here!” the man practically yelled. He had long blonde hair sticking up, sunglasses, and a bunch of things that looked like speakers. His movements were big and under the sunglasses were really green eyes. I vaguely remember him but couldn’t place it from where. 
        “Ooo and he brought a friend,” the woman said, wiggling her eyebrows. She had long black hair and was very obviously an R-rated hero by the looks of her outfit and the whip near her on the table. What she was doing at a school was beyond me. 
        “This is the counselor for my class, Kotori. Kotori meet Kayama and Hizashi,” Aizawa introduced. Now I remember where I knew him from. I had a school girl crush on Hizashi in high school but we only ever interacted a handful of times. 
         “Kotori? Yo you went to school here right? How have you been?” Hizashi excitedly asked me a bunch of questions, trying to catch up on lost time. Apparently he remembered me to. I giggled and answered all of them. Kayama also asked me a few questions and I answered those. I could feel Aizawa get a little squirmy next to me but I didn’t say anything. I found it interesting he was friends with such loud people. I knew he didn’t talk much and really only spoke to me because we were responsible for 20 kids together. He seemed content with listening to Hizashi babble on about something random. 
        The bell rang again signalling to head back to classes. We all cleaned up and headed inside. The two others split to their classes and Aizawa and I went to the teachers lounge where all our desks were. 
        “I need to review my kids fighting from their exercise this morning with All MIght if you wanna watch as well,” Aizawa told me.
        “Oh sure let me just grab a couple things.” The man nodded and slumped his way over to his computer. I set my bag down and grabbed my pen and notepad. I pulled an extra chair up to his desk and sat by Aizawa. It was a little cramped and we were sitting really close but neither one of us said anything. He started playing the recordings of the different fights. The first was Uraraka and Midoriya vs Iida and Bakugou. It went pretty much as one would expect: Bakugou went after Midoriya and destroyed everything while Uraraka and Iida stayed on task with the exercise as best they could. We couldn’t hear what they were saying, but it was clear that Bakugou and Deku were having a conversation while fighting. 
        I took the time to also study Aizawa since I hadn’t done it so far. His eyes were dark and held circles around them like he hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in years. He had scruff on his face and his hair fell around his shoulders. He was broad and lanky, as shown by the clothes hanging off of him. Overall he was handsome in an exhausted, rugged way. I saw him look at me out of the corner of his eye but he made no comment about me staring at him. I cleared my throat and went back to watching the fight. 
        “Bakugou and Midoriya are from the same junior school right?” I asked, hoping to move along from the awkward moment. 
        “Yeah they grew up together. That could pose an issue as they both grow as heroes.”
        “It could also motivate them to try to be better than the other because they have seen how they’ve grown as people as well since childhood.” Aizawa nodded and we continued with watching the other fights and taking notes. After going through them all a couple times, we went our separate ways to finish working on things. 
       When it got time to leave, I dreaded heading home knowing that creep knew where I had moved. I groaned and started packing up. As I was about to leave I was stopped by Kayama. 
       “We’re going out for dinner as a group if you want to join us!” I breathed a sigh of relief knowing I wouldn’t have to go home yet.
       “Oh sure! That sounds like a lot of fun.” 
       “It will be, c’mon.” I followed the woman into the hallway and we met with Aizawa and Hizashi in the courtyard outside the school. 
       “Oh yeah this is going to be so fun!” Hizashi exclaimed. I nodded and left and fell in step with Aizawa behind the other two who were chatting away happily. 
       “Is he always this cheery?” I whispered. 
       “Unfortunately,” he grunted. I giggled and the man cracked a small smile. The walk to the restaurant was short and we were seated quickly. I ended up in the corner of the booth between the wall and Aizawa. I just couldn’t seem to get away from sitting close to him today. My arm kept brushing his as we looked over the menu and I jokingly bumped my leg against his. He rolled his eyes and I smirked to myself. After ordering Kayama started asking more questions about my life. 
        “So Kotori, are you seeing anyone?” the woman wiggled her eyebrows and I choked on my drink. 
       “Kayama!” Aizawa hissed. 
       “What? I’m just curious. Have you seen her? I’m surprised she doesn’t have a line of people following her,” Kayam defended. I coughed uncomfortably. 
       “I’m not seeing anyone. I haven’t since college for a multitude of reasons I really don’t want to get into,” I explained and I saw Aizawa glare at Kayama. I shifted in my seat and started fiddling with the silverware on the table. The rest of the night passed without more awkward conversations but I still couldn’t stop thinking about him. 
        After dinner we said our goodbyes and Hizashi and Kayama headed off in different directions. I started heading towards my apartment and saw Aizawa heading the same way. 
        “Trying to walk me home after dinner?” I joked with the man, giggling as we walked. 
        “I live this way,” he said. I looked at him confused. “I don't patrol where I live.” It’s like the man could read my thoughts. I nodded and we walked in silence. When we got to my building, we said our goodbyes and I went inside. I checked my mail again and saw that I didn’t have anything this time. I breathed a sigh of relief and went up to my apartment. 
        As soon as I walked in Dust Bunny was yelling at me and herding me to the kitchen. I laughed and fed the cat that was in no way starving. I topped off her bowl that had water in it already and went to change into my pjs. I made sure my alarms were set and the volume was up before climbing into bed and falling fast asleep.
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bakusquadup · 6 years
Hello!!! I hope u r having a lovely day and feel well enough to write something for shinsou? Some serious angst with a happy ending? Maybe it starting with a misunderstanding and having the reader becoming so devastated from the complete cut off of any communication from their crush and best friend that they practically become a zombie? Shinsou confronts them about their self care and everything gets sorted out from there with why reader stopped caring? I would really appreciate it!!!
Hello, love! I am here for my boy Hitoshi getting some attention! I took a little bit of liberty with the interpretation of your ask, including using a gender-neutral reader because you didn’t specify one way or the other. It also became pretty long because I got too into it. Oh well. Hopefully, this lives up to your expectations! Enjoy!
Shinsou Hitoshi
“You have got to be kidding me!” Kaminari yelled, gesticulating excessively. “There is no way a guy with such a scary quirk could be a hero!” A few members of the class nodded and muttered words of agreement, while others gave puzzled expressions, internally conflicted. You were shocked by the complacency of the group. No one was refuting his words.
“Yeah,” Sero added. “He also kind of gives off a creepy vibe. He’s got those huge bags under his eyes.” He paused, touching a finger under his right eye. More heads nodded. “He looks like he would be a villain.” You were slowly growing more and more enraged. Glancing around the classroom, you prayed that someone would speak up on behalf of him. A few students look incredulous or upset, but no one said anything. You were the only one who would defend Shinsou.
“Shut up!” You burst out, louder than intended. Fifteen heads all whipped in your direction, faces painted with a variety of expressions. You blushed brightly, realizing the scene you were creating. “Sorry, that was uncalled for.” You let out a long breath, collecting yourself. “I just meant that you guys are judging him too harshly based on something he has no control over! None of you decided to be born with the quirk you have, yet here you are! Hitoshi wants to be a hero just as much, if not more than anybody else in this class!” Chattering between students washed over the class, everyone considering your words. “Sure, I mean, his quirk is kind of scary, I get it. But you can’t just-”
Slam! Everyone’s eyes shot to the doorway. Shinsou stood in the doorway, displaying a complex expression you had a hard time reading. You smiled brightly at him, walking to stand at his side. Now that he was there, he’d have a chance to defend himself.
“Hitoshi!” You called, reaching out to touch his arm. To your surprise, he yanked it away and glared down at you. His violet eyes were cold and hard, the antithesis of his normal affect around you. “Hitoshi?” Your hand fell. “What’s wrong?”
“I have a scary quirk, huh?” He huffed. “If you were afraid of me, you could have told me so and I would have stop bothering you.” You widened your eyes at the statement, visibly distressed. He started to walk by you and you fumbled out words in a vain attempt to have him hear you out.
“Wait, no, no!” You flashed desperate eyes to the rest of the class, pleading for help. “I was defending you! I just said that because, um, I-”
“They were saying that your quirk is scary in the wrong hands, but powerful in the right ones!” Yaoyorozu chimed in.
“Yeah, that! I was just telling them that they shouldn’t judge you!” You clambered for something he would listen to.
“It’s okay, [Y/N],” Shinsou said, voice flat and unfeeling. “You don’t have to spend time with me if you’re scared of me.” He shouldered past you, sliding into his chair and throwing his bag across his desk. You turned, eyes wide and watering, to your other friends in the class. Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka gave you pained looks, their eyebrows scrunched together. Uraraka walked over to you and gently touched your shoulder.
“[Y/N]…” she murmured. You rolled your shoulder backward, pushing her hand off.
“Um, Shinsou!” Midoriya burst out. You turned toward him, pleading eyes watering. “Don’t you think you should hear them out? They really didn’t mean anything by it.” He paused, glancing at you. “They just wanted to defend you when no one else would.”
Shinsou looked up and for a brief moment you were hopeful that everything would turn out fine. He would give you a small smile and say that of course he would hear you out. That he wouldn’t just toss you aside. But your hopes were dashed when his face went sour. He didn’t reply, opting to simply look back down at his desk, the wood grain suddenly interesting. Midoriya stood in front of him for a second, waiting for a response, but when it was clear one wasn’t coming, he walked over to you.
“I’m sorry, [Y/N],” he said softly.
“Nothing to worry about!” Iida cut in. “I say simply wait until he has cooled off somewhat and then try again!”
You nodded slowly, mumbling an agreement. A moment later, Aizawa-sensei walked through the door and you meandered your way to your seat, movements stiff. Wait until later, you thought. Everything will be fine.
Everything was not fine. You texted Shinsou later that night, hoping that he may respond to a small gesture.
No such luck. After 4 hours, you were anxiously waiting at your phone, checking it every time you got an arbitrary notification from Facebook or Twitter. The vibrations didn’t even sound the same, but you still reacted as soon as the screen lit up.
You fell asleep crookedly across your bed, phone in hand and homework unfinished. This had resulted in you waking up with a sore back and broken phone (it had fallen from your hand and cracked), then panickedly scurrying to get some answers down first thing in the morning. All in all, not the best way to wake up in the morning.
You groaned getting out of bed, clutching at the small of your back as it creaked like an old wood floor. Fatigue washed over you along with a suddenly blackness from standing up too quickly, but you stumbled your way across the room to your closet. Clutching at the fabric, you pulled on your uniform, not bothering to smooth out the creases formed on the shirt. Class was in 20 minutes and you were far too exhausted to bother.
15 minutes later you stumbled into class, a little sweaty from the run. You spotted Shinsou sitting at his desk, quietly flipping through a notebook, eyes low. Determined to make-up with him immediately, you sauntered over to him, stopping to stand directly in front of him. As he noticed you, he gently closed his notebook and looked up to meet your eyes.
“Hitoshi,” you started warily. “I just wanted to say…”
“If this is about yesterday, don’t worry about it,” Shinsou interrupted. Your eyes widened, confusion painted across your face. A part of you sighed in relief, happy to know that everything was back to normal. “I understand why you said what you did. So, really, you don’t have to mind me at all, [Y/L/N]-san.” The name dug into you like a knife. It had been months since you and Shinsou were on a first name basis and the fact that he dropped it in such a moment shattered your heart. You pushed on your right eye with the heel of your hand, forcing down the oncoming tears and gasping out a heavy breath. Knowing you weren’t going to sway him any further, you trudged back to your desk, falling into the seat gracelessly. You had absolutely no motivation for class in that moment, but you had no idea as to what you should be doing otherwise.
Two weeks went by and you health started to deteriorate, both mental and physical. You were sleeping too much or too little, fluctuating between 3 hours and 14 hours a night. Your meals were small and irregular, consisting of the cheapest meal sets at school or junk food at home. You struggled with homework. You seemed depressed and vacant most of the time, things that would normally excite you leaving no visible reaction. Your friends were worried and the teachers were starting to notice.
“[Y/N], you need to take better care of yourself,” Asui declared one day. “If this keeps up, you aren’t going to be able to keep training, ribbit.”
“Yeah, we’re all worried about you,” Midoriya added.
You gazed around at your friends, eyes blank and glassy. They all wore expressions of worry and sympathy, devastated to see their friend crumble in such a way.
“I’ll try,” you said. “I just-I just can’t focus when I can’t talk to Hito-um, I mean, Shinsou-san.” The group nodded knowingly.
“We know, [Y/N],” Uraraka added. “We’ll do anything we can to help you.” She paused, glancing around at the rest of the group. “For now, though, we were thinking that maybe we could have group dinners? Down in the dorm common area?” You let a small creep up your face.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.”
Uraraka smiled brightly in return. “Great! Then we’ll see you there tonight at 7!”
That night, you rushed down the stairs at 7, a little happy to be having a meal with your friends. You had been down on yourself and it was nice to have others looking out for you. A few minutes late, you burst through the kitchen door, apologies geared and ready.
“Sorry, I was-” You froze. In front of you stood Shinsou in an empty kitchen. No one else in sight. “Hitoshi?” The name was barely a whisper on your lips, a ghost.
“[Y/N]…” It was your first name. “Uraraka-san and Midoriya told me what you’ve been doing to yourself.” He took a single step toward you, but you were completely locked in place, a statue glued to the very ground you stood on. “And I-” He paused, collecting his thoughts. “I saw the effect it’s been having on you.” Another step. Still statuesque. “I couldn’t bare to see someone I’m friends with and…” Another pause. “Someone I like, do such a thing to themself.”
And just like that, a single word released you from your trance. You took two steps forward, meeting him halfway and falling into his arms. His hug was warm and gentle, causing tears to fall before you could stop them.
The two of you stood there in the quiet, the only sound your soft hiccups after each sob, and in that moment you could feel that you would be okay. Everything would be just fine.
And it would be.
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sweetlysilent · 6 years
Figment (Ch. Two)
Requested By: Nobody
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Reader
Warnings: Traumatic Memories, Fear, Swearing, Symptoms of Anxiety, Mention of Pennywise, etc.
When is a door not a door? Most people tend to always overthink the question, over processing what the answer could be, when in reality it’s right in front of your face. When it’s ajar. This is a riddle that is constantly in the back of your mind.
Just like your greatest fear, it lurks between the space of the door, showing it’s form like a shadow, always creeping behind you. But you convince yourself it’s just a figment of your imagination, that it’s all in your head, that you’re just seeing things. But, what happens when the Loser’s Club end up seeing it too?
A/N: So, I don’t know how many people enjoy this lil blurb mini series but I really like it so I’m going to continue writing it bc it makes me happy. If you like it too then by all means go ahead and read it and if you don’t then don’t read it :)) I post other content too.
Also, I’m not really sure how I feel about this chapter?? Like it kind of explains things, yet helps start off chapter three?? I don’t know, let me know what you think! Also, this is the third time I’ve written this chapter so bear with me lol
This isn’t exactly based off the movie or the book, I’m just kind of free handing it and I might use bits and pieces from the movie, but besides that I’m basically just flowing with it. Another thing, feel free to send a comment in my ask or below on what you thought of this part! I’d love to see everyone’s reactions, it helps keep me motivated.
Also, comment below or send me an ask if you’d like to be tagged!
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“Y/N, this is the third time I’ve seen you this week, is everything okay?” Your therapist Dr. Martin questioned, looking at you with a concerned expression.
The answer to his question was simple, no. No you weren’t okay, you hadn’t been sleeping, each time you tried to get any sleep you’d have recurring nightmares of a boy in a yellow raincoat, sometimes he was human, other times he wasn’t; and to add on top of that, you’d been avoiding the Losers ever since the incident, too embarrassed and afraid you’d cause issues within their circle.
“I-I.. Uh.. No..” You whispered, your foot tapping the ground anxiously as you bit your thumb nail.
Dr. Martin nodded slowly, writing down what you said in his notebook, you’d been seeing Dr. Martin before you had even moved to Derry. He was the one that helped you get rid of the red balloon before.
“Alright Y/N, lets take this one step at a time shall we?” Dr. Martin gave a reassuring smile, nodding at you to start talking, of course when you were ready to.
“It happened two weeks ago, we had just moved to Derry, a-and it was here.” You paused, your lip starting to tremble just at the thought of the red balloon, the clown.
Dr. Martin instantly noticed how you were reacting, your body language spoke it all.
“It’s okay Y/N, take your time, you don’t need to rush.” He spoke calmly, trying to get you to relax a bit.
“The r-red balloon.. It was at the sign.. With the c-clown. But I told myself that I was just hallucinating, because when I blinked it was gone. So I thought I was okay, but then that night before my first day of school.. I couldn’t sleep the entire night..” You explained, words flying out of your mouth before you even had a chance to process what you were saying.
“Do you know why you were having a hard time falling asleep?” Dr. Martin questioned, watching your body posture slump slightly in the chair.
“A-All I could see was the clown, a-and I couldn’t get it out of my head, it was just there.” You spoke quietly, your eyes slowly zoning in and out.
“Alright.. What happened after that? How was your first day of school?” Dr. Martin asked, as he wrote down little notes here and there.
“I got lost. I felt like shit. I looked like shit. I thought that would’ve kept people away, but it didn’t, and that’s how I met the Losers Club.” You smiled slightly at the name, but it vanished just as quick as it appeared.
Dr. Martin nodded, writing down this new information before motioning for you to continue on.
“I was really skeptical of them at first, Richie, one of the boys in the group, had asked me to go somewhere with them. Of course I responded saying that they could potentially be kidnappers because they were strangers.” You explained, the day replaying in your head as if it was yesterday.
“Bill, one of the other guys in the group convinced me to go with them, so I did, I rode on his bike with him, and then out of nowhere it just felt… too good? If that makes any sense?” You glanced up at him, as he was quickly jotting down almost everything you were saying.
“Anyways, that’s when it happened, w-when I started to believe it wasn’t real. I remember freaking out, Stan, also one of the boys in the group figured out I was having a panic attack.” You kept on rambling, your eyes flicking back and forth from the desk to the floor.
“Once they had calmed me down a bit, that’s when I saw it, t-the red balloon, it was just floating down the street!” You exclaimed, running your fingers through your hair anxiously.
“Did they see this balloon too?” Dr. Martin questioned, glancing up at you as your eyes started watering a bit as you shook your head no.
“I was the only one who saw that balloon, they thought I was crazy, hell I think I am crazy.” You whispered, a tear slipping down your cheek as Dr. Martin continued jotting down notes.
“Have you seen this ‘Losers Club’ since that day?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you as you bit your lip slightly, before shaking your head no once again.
Dr. Martin nodded, continuing to write down a few more things before setting his pen down, and taking a deep breath.
“Alright, so this is what I’m going to propose to you Y/N.” He started, crossing his hands on his desk as you sat up a bit in your chair.
“You are suffering from not only anxiety, but sleep deprivation, now, sleep deprivation could possibly be the reason you start to believe you’re hallucinating. It can cause affects on the brain, and can become pretty serious in certain situations, like yours for example.” Dr. Martin explained, looking over his notes before looking back at you as you listened quietly.
“Now, for your friends, I think the best option there is for you to talk to them about what you’re seeing, they might not believe you however, so you have to expect that.” He continued on, reading over his notes once more, before flipping the page.
“I also decided to check back a month to see what you were experiencing then, it seems to me that one month ago your memory was pretty foggy, has it gotten worse or better?” He questioned, picking his pen back up once again.
“I-I don’t really know.. I think it’s gotten better.. But I still can’t remember much of those certain days.” You shrugged, watching as he wrote down what you said.
He nodded, looking over his notes one final time before shutting his notebook.
“I’m going to prescribe you sleeping pills, that way you can catch up on all the sleep you’ve been missing, I believe it could really help you.” Dr. Martin spoke as he wrote down the prescription, before ripping it off and handing it to you.
You then thanked him before leaving the room, giving the paper to your mom who in return gave you a sad look, she had no idea what was going on with you, and it broke your heart.
Later that day you got your prescription for your sleeping pills, it was crazy that this was the only way you could go to sleep, but whatever worked right?
“Okay I’m just going to come out and say it since nobody else is, Y/N’s been avoiding us, it’s obvious, we all know it.” Richie stated bluntly, getting a few nods in response.
“They look like they haven’t gotten sleep for weeks, I’m actually really worried.” Beverly spoke up, her hand pressed against her cheek.
“I-I tried t-t-talking to Y/N at s-s-school, but they ig-ignored me.” Bill admitted, looking down at his feet sadly.
“But the question is why? What is Y/N hiding from us?” Eddie chimed in, looking at the rest of the group.
“Maybe Y/N’s simply embarrassed from what happened, I mean we weren’t exactly the most understanding people in the situation.” Mike suggested, shrugging his shoulders slightly. “Just a thought.” He quickly spoke after.
“All I know is I want answers.” Stan stood up, pacing back and forth slightly. “The Y/N that we met that day after school is not the one we see now, something clearly is happening, and as their new friends, it’s our job to find out what it is.” Stan spoke while looking at his friends, a determined expression on his face.
“And how do you expect we get them? Y/N’s been avoiding us for weeks now.” Ben chimed in, glancing around the room. “It’s not like they’re just going to talk to us if we walk up to them.” Ben added on, looking at Stan curiously.
“Isn’t obvious you dipshit, we’re going to trap Y/N.” Richie rolled his eyes, whacking the back of Ben’s head, earning a glare in response.
Everyone around the room nodded at the idea, ready to finally get some answers.
“Let the games begin!” Richie shouted in a deep voice, earning a few eye rolls and annoyed groans as he fist pumped the air.
You weren’t ready for what was about to happen, and neither were they.
Tags: @the-crime-fighting-spider @f-b-a-w-t-f-t-2 @mishamgos @winter-fire-and-january-embers @hey-its-bean
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