#also have a deviantart under a different name but that account is old and dead lol
sunnyhedgie · 4 months
By the way, been thinking for a while now about making a separate art Tumblr. Maybe even making one specifically for J.O.-related fanart. =) That way it doesn't clog up the timelines of everyone that might not like that kind of thing. I have followers from a lot of fandoms/niches over the years, after all, but some people might not like/wanna see some things over others.
At the end of the day, it IS my blog/account, but just wanted to throw that idea out there.
By the by, I do have an art account on Instagram and Artfol (under the same username (for now)) but I don't promote it as much as I could, mainly because it's multifandom and I barely get a chance to draw/post stuff anyhow. Though I wish I DID have more time to draw through the day.
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indigo-villin · 3 years
Intro I suppose...
So, I've never really used this account. I first made it under my old DA account name, but I've sort of rebranded myself so to speak.
First thing's first, I'm a trans nonbinary dude (ftm/ftnb). I use the names Nicholas/Nick and Indigo interchangeably. My pronouns are he, they, it, and fae. He and they are of course commonly used, but it and fae feel right and I want to experiment with them. My gender is essentially a hoard of genders, but to put it simply my gender is demiboy.
I've been out to my family as trans for.... a year and a half as of posting. They've been pretty supportive, some misgendering as expected, but nothing outright phobic, just family getting used to the change. I also got a boyfriend roughly 8 months after coming out.... so he nearly exclusively knows me as a demiboy person and my family has to get used to me being my true self... and having my first partner...
The past couple of months (on and off) I've looked into what otherkin and therian beings are and how they figure this stuff out. I immediately knew I was catkin and possibly vampirekin. I've also figured out that I'm more than likely mermaidkin/sirenkin (I don't know the difference, so until I do I'm including both). I've told my boyfriend about the catkin bit cause I've kind of known this one for years, but couldn't explain it until someone on reddit asked about it using the same words I would. I also feel cryptidkin is accurate, but I'm not sure what cryptid is most accurate if any... it feels like it shifts from a feral gremlin, to a near human being with something outside of human understanding on them either as an ability or physical trait, to a large animalistic being like a wendigo/skinwalker, feral and murderous.
I don't mind explaining what genders I feel or how I experience my kintypes. I don't exactly know how active I'll be on here, but I'll check back as I can.
To add some other less personal facts about myself, I love the following games:
Slime Rancher (can't wait for the sequel)
Outlast (not really the second one...)
Dark Deception
Among the Sleep
Life is Strange (don't really care for the second one or before the storm)
At Dead of Night
Resident Evil: 8
Puppet Combo games
Davemicrowavesgames' games
Animal crossing
I love the following shows/movies:
Owl house
Gravity falls
Monster high (not the reboot)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Hush (Netflix horror movie)
Fear Street Part 2: 1978 (first was kind of good, and haven't sat down and watched the last one)
Steven Universe movie
Some basic facts:
I'm a furry and have 2 dino masks (and another one, but it's for my boyfriend), but they aren't painted yet
I'm a brony, but haven't looked into the newest generation just yet
I have a collection of hats and a collection of zip-up hoodies
I have various medical conditions, I'll include some of them in the tags. The etc tag being included due to me not being able to include all of them.
I use this username on just about every website (except for deviantart because f that website).
I have over 500 OCs of varying types. From mlp ponies, to objectheads, to closed species characters, to skeleton. You can see all of them here: https://toyhou.se/Indigo_Amets/characters
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necklesslapras · 6 years
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Howdy, Folks. I’ve been meaning to write about this for a while - some of this here may seem a bit obvious, but I waste so much time staring at bootlegs that spotting Oly stuff is no trouble for me, I don’t know how obvious any of this would be to the average layman.
So - Olyfactory is a company that makes bootleg plushies. They also sometimes go under the name OnlyFactory, or just Oly. I’ve only seen them make Pokemon and My Little Pony plush, but there’s a chance they make other series stuff that I haven’t noticed.
My number one tip when it comes to bootleg spotting is “If something looks wrong, it probably is.” Most official Pokemon plush, Pokecenter especially, have a pretty high standard of quality - even if they’re cheapo ones made from bad material, they’re usually on model. This means that if something seems off about a plushie - janky embroidery, weird colors, wrong shape/inaccurate design - you can safely assume that it’s a bootleg and move on. Also, don’t buy from ebay, just as a general rule. However, Oly’s plushies have a slightly higher standard of quality than the average bootleg, so some people may see them and not realize what they are. I’ve seen vendors at cons try to pass them off as legit products.
Full disclosure: all of this info comes from personal observation, I’m no expert.
How To Spot Them
Oly’s plushies tend to have a pretty distinct look - lots of embroidered details, heavily stuffed, the same type of fabric - to the point that if you know what you’re looking for, you could easily identify an Oly plush with just a glance. But, that’s not really much help to you guys.
The easiest way to see if it’s Oly is to check the tag.
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Pretty obvious, I know, but this’ll usually only help you if you’re seeing the plush in person, like at a con. In online photos, they usually remove the tag or arrange it so the tag is out of view. Some pictures will still have the back of the tag in view, though, so you can use that.
I’ve seen them use a different tag for some MLP plushies, but all of the Pokemon ones I’ve seen had this tag. Don’t use this as the only indicator of its legitness, because this one’s pretty easy to obscure.
There’s another indicator that can be used to spot them online:
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You see the green “12 inches” symbol in the corner? That’s a dead giveaway that it’s a fake. I suppose it’s possible that brands might use that symbol, not just Oly, but anything that has it is definitely a bootleg. Also, 12 inches seems to be the standard size for Oly plush, but I’m pretty sure there are exceptions.
Of course, none of this will matter if someone has pictures of a legit plush and sends you an Oly instead (RIP Murphy) but as long as you follow the “If it seems shady, it is” rule, you hopefully won’t run into that.
So what’s the big deal?
“But if they have a higher standard of quality, what’s the big deal?” you ask.
Look, I can’t go and crucify anybody for buying Oly stuff. I know there are some collectors out there that don’t care that Oly stuff is bootlegs. Heck, I own one of their plushies myself, and used to have a decently high opinion of them. But, as I’ve seen more and more of their plushies, I’ve come to dislike them for two reasons: for one, just because they’re highER quality, that doesn’t mean they’re actually high quality, and for two, they’re a bunch of dirty rotten art thieves.
Like I mentioned earlier, Oly plushies have a tendency to be very off model. For example:
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I was going to show some more egregious examples, but all of the pics I had intended to use seemed to have disappeared. But, just search “12 inch pokemon plush” on ebay for a while, I can guarantee you’ll find some laughs.
But, the biggest reason I don’t like them is on account of design theft. A while back I was searching around and found this:
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This plush, which was labeled as “Alolan Scrafty”. At first I was pumped, and thought, “Ah, kickass! They’re coming up with their own designs, going off rails like the mirages of old. Good on ya’, Oly.”
This lasted for all of five minutes before I googled “Alolan Scrafty” and realized they had just stolen the design from somebody on deviantart.
Oly has several plush like this, that are alternate designs of real pokemon. This was the only one I could find an original source for, but I can only assume that the other designs are stolen as well.
This is the point where I really started dislike Oly. Bootlegging copyrighted characters is bad enough, but now they’re stealing from fanartists? That crosses the line from skeezy to straight-up scummy. So if you’ve noticed me taking the piss at Oly on this blog, this is why. (Well, this and the Murphy incident [RIP Murphy] but the art theft came first.)
So, there it is. I’m just kinda putting all of this down as it pops into my head, so I may have missed a few things, but that’s the gist of it. Happy collecting. Or not. Whatever works for you.
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lattetimes · 6 years
Callout Post: Commandomal/Creepypastajack
hi everyone, sorry that this post i’m making is not fun but this is incredibly serious. a kind person approached me with some information about a user on Deviantart, and this needs to be shared. i’ve been trying to wrap my head around all of this for the past days and i honestly can’t for the life of me. 
the person who gave me this information will be left anonymous (since the user is scared of being harassed for showing me this), so i will be sharing this on their behalf. i am copy & pasting the information they sent to me, and will keep the warnings for the links provided in case any of the content may trigger someone. links are bolded, and another post will not have the link (to keep the user who sent me all this anonymous), but there will be a transcript of the chats for everyone if you can’t read the screenshots. 
please, be careful around this person. 
the person in this callout is a 22-year old. she is NOT a minor (and there is proof in the 3rd link- screenshot below saying she goes to college). 
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Her disgusting little series: https://creepypastajack.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=%2F&edit=0&q=Stainglass (I urge you to read carefully: this is not satire)
Her pettiness after a 16 year old girl she gaslighted (She’s 22) stopped taking crap from her: https://comments.deviantart.com/4/28631558/4454834204
(And just in case you need proof she’s over 20: https://creepypastajack.deviantart.com/art/El-Cadejo-On-Strike-635280479 (it’s in the comments)
Her sympathizing with the Joker (a known abuser) and blaming Harley Quinn: https://creepypastajack.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=%2F&edit=0&q=Joker
Her stalker-ish obsession with that one guy from Eddsworld that hasn’t worked on the comic for 9-ish years: https://creepypastajack.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=%2F&edit=0&q=Tord
Her bringing religion into a F###ING R.P. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.:
https://tdweallstarscamp.deviantart.com/art/Holy-Blackmail-666637195 (check comments)
The journal entries of her throwing a tantrum and quitting the R.P:
https://creepypastajack.deviantart.com/journal/I-Can-t-Do-This-Anymore-687498888 (check the comments here, too)
(This one is just her being ridiculous: https://creepypastajack.deviantart.com/journal/Devil-Won-This-Round-706091885)
(Found some Pseudo-incest-y R.P comments in some of these art submissions: https://creepypastajack.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=%2F&edit=0&q=Loki)
(All of the gallery examples have fetishing examples, but here’s a more recent R.P: https://comments.deviantart.com/1/733320123/4560036205)
(Also, all of her non-white characters (so, like, 4?) are stereotypes)
(I am so sorry you have to see this. If you want, you can post it. I’m still afraid she’ll send her hounds after me. I had to deal with a lot of her bullshit last year.)
attached are more screenshots, with the person giving me the link being left anonymous in order for them to avoid dealing with any sort of backlash. 
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anonymous:  I'm sorry if it sounded negative. But it's been a decade. Most likely, He's moved on from Eddsworld, I mean, he is almost 30.
creepypastajack:  This isn’t about Eddsworld, this is about getting Tord to return to doing his artwork again because those were his dreams before the bullies ruined everything for him
anonymous:  Yeah, but look at the facts. It was 10 years ago. If anything, he's moved on. Heck, he could be making art again under a different name.
creepypastajack:  If a bully causes you to give up on your dreams, that wound doesn’t just heal easily under a different name. Tord had full intentions of having his own series after he left Eddsworld but the bullies just wouldn’t quit and caused him to delete his Youtube as well. I’m just trying to encourage him to come back so all of his supporters can help heal the wounds not just because The Lord is leading me to but because I also care about his wellbeing. Have some compassion, why don’t you? He is a real person, not just some cartoon character that left early in the show.
anonymous:  Actually, it does. People do it all the time. You never know. Plus, Ridgewell literally had to tell people to stop bothering him. Larsson's not upset, he's annoyed because both the haters and fans won't leave him alone.
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creepypastajack:  Well, if by any means you find an account somewhere with art that resembles Tord’s, let me know. Niether Tom, Edd, Matt or even Tord himself said that the fans who loved him had anything to do with this, they just said that Tord was being harassed without giving much detail. Thanks to The Lord, I was able to find proof that Tord was cyber bullied into leaving, photographic evidence as well as evidence that Tord leaving because of us was a lie fabricated by the same bullies to make him seem shallow. They are of the enemy and they sought to kill, steal and destroy. They wanted to destroy Tord’s reputation as well as his dreams. He is upset, I know he is because The Lord told me and I’m going to obey him and do everything I can to help him. Now it’s your turn for persecution...Why are you trying to push the Tord left because of the fans lie when photographic evidence of the bullying has been presented and just what are doing to help anyone on planet Earth? Why persecute the person who is trying to do something to help someone who was hurt? Are you in on it? Are you one of the bullies? Because after the way you acted on Total Drama Reboot, I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a hand in what happened to Tord...
anonymous:  You know art styles can change, right? It literally came out of Ridgewell's mouth that it was all of the fans who were bothering Larsson. I didn't even know what eddsworld was until you started making art? I just looked into it. And those comments are not even cyberbullying, that's a bunch of stupid trolls that can't tell the difference between the character and the real thing. ...What did I do to you? I'm honestly confused.
creepypastajack:  He said people and I quote “people” were harassing him, he never once said the fans were harassing him. Trolls are cybeybullies! If you are saying something rude to someone then you are indeed cyber bullying, especially if you’re saying something about someone behind their backs but of course you would be on their side, you came to T-Mack’s defense too after what she said about me. I’m not even surprised by you at this point...Whether they could tell the difference between real or fiction does not excuse their actions...They still hurt Tord’s feelings and they still made him give up on everything. You know exactly what you did to me, as I previously stated. You sided with a person who said terrible things about me where they thought I wouldn’t be able to see it and you kept attacking my characters when both me and my characters were in the right. I told you I forgave you for that and you completely ignored me then when you finally do say something to me, you’re actively trying to tear down something that I’m trying to do for good but this isn’t about me, you or even T-Mack this is about Tord and God’s will. Now, you can redeem yourself, change your ways, join the group and help us either support Tord or find more information about the bullying or you can just keep being the way you are while I continue to help out.
anonymous:  I... I was just asking a question...I thought we were just having fun in TDR! It was like, the first time I've ever done something with people on the Internet! And that's what everyone was doing! Pixanne, Candy, Manda, T-Mack and DLZ accepted me with open arms, and I wanted to be your friend, too...
And then everything just went so crazy! Why did you turn Bunny into that?! You could've tried to talk it out with T-Mack (He wanted to talk it out), but all you did was start to bully everyone! And it was only the second episode! What did T-Mack say that made you flip the script and start drama?! Please, I just want to know!
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creepypastajack:  The fact that you think I’m the bully really shows how you think. I cannot associate with someone I can’t trust and T-Mack has proven to me that I can’t trust her. The first person who ever cyber bullied me started to get on Pixane for being friends with me and when T-Mack asked why I was a problem the person said my art was offensive then T-Mack agreed that I was problematic then when a few, more bullies started to complain about Thorn because their precious, snowflake brains can’t handle gospel, T-Mack agreed with them all and even linked them to some of my art and journal entries so they could harass me even more and you know what the worst part is? You, Candy and Pixane were all supposed to be my friends and you all sided with that two-faced fraud! Did any of your characters even think to ask Bunny what was wrong? Nope! She got the same cold, cruel treatment as me. Well, now both Vivian and Bunny are dead because of all of you so I hope you’re satisfied. You may have made me give up on T.D.R. momentarily but I will not let you keep Tord in this dark corner he’s currently trapped in. Once again, this isn’t about what happened in T.D.R. Tord getting his art back is more important to me than any of this petty drama.
anonymous:  Ok. First off, T-Mack is a guy. Second, Pixane tried to talk to you, but you never explained what had happened to her. Third, I ASKED what was wrong through Waylon, and got ignored. I thought this was just a drama-filled R.P, but I'm a worrywart, so I asked just I case. You brought Bunny and Vivian's demise in order to get back at Candy. Don't blame other people for that. I...I'm just gonna go. Ok? No bad blood anymore. Please.
creepypastajack:  I did explain to her and Candy both but they still sided with T-Mack over me. I wouldn’t have had to do that had she not done what she did. Fine, just no more tearing down anti-bullying groups at least, okay? I just wish you would apologize for what happened...
anonymous:  was just asking a question... I'm a curious person. Goodbye.
creepypastajack:  It sounded rude and you kept saying the same thing over and over after I had already answered you... It made me feel attacked...
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anonymous: Sorry for sounding rude. Peace out.
creepypastajack: It’s okay.
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