#also every time she doesnt wear her glasses and mistakes someone for someone else is gold
bfdreaming · 1 year
I've had Fable on the mind lately so here's a Fable 1/svsss fusion nobody asked for.
So SQQ is a fusion of SJ and SY. He's the mayor, but he moonlights as the teacher while wearing a disguise: a pair of glasses. LBH, as the protagonist, can see through the disguise, but no one else can.
Someone, from behind: Oh, Mayor SQQ?
SQQ, turning around: I'm not him. He doesn't wear glasses.
Someone: Oh, my mistake, haha.
In this, he is actually the middle Qiu child. QJL was due to inherit the title before the fire that killed him and their parents, so there are rumors of foul play. What actually happened was, once again, self defense on SQQ's part (after he'd asked to go visit YQY at the hero school and QJL did not like that) and a candle that got knocked over in the scuffle. QHT walked in just in time to see something really bad without context,but the house was collapsing so they both had to run. QHT didn't get very far, but was saved by some people from Oakvale, and they took care of her. SQQ, having hero potential, got as far as the brothel to the north before collapsing, where the ladies hid him and tended him for a while. (He would later return and do the quest to turn it into a women's shelter.)
At this point they both think the other is dead. SQQ continues on to fill his family duty of being mayor, though he's really not interested in the job. (At this age he wants to be a hero, though when he gets older, he realizes he probably wouldn't like it for various reasons.) QHT recovers slowly, and even once she's physically better, she's traumatized and can't walk past the old house. Eventually news reaches her of SQQ becoming mayor, along with bad rumors, but she's not really in a state to do much about it.
(Other rumors include him buying out the brothel so he can become their exclusive patron, and that's why he keeps visiting, but it's not exactly a secret that it's a women's shelter now, so.)
Meanwhile, childhood friend YQY is frequently visiting the very young new mayor, and also LQG (Thunder, sort of) shows up, mad that someone of such ill repute is taking up so much of YQY's time and also probably doing corrupt stuff, or something. Look, he doesnt know either; he's just angy. Even more angy because the mayor is pretty??? Hey! That's not allowed!!! They argue every time they meet until:
LQG: Fight me!
SQQ, openly bewildered: ???
Someone: You want... to fight... the mayor?
LQG stops, turns beet red, and runs away.
SQQ: ??????
LQG has acquired one (1) brain cell and now knows he has a crush on SQQ. He awkwardly apologizes a bunch and their relationship gradually becomes like him and SY in canon.
Enter LBH, who meets the teacher. This SQQ is not already obsessed and LBH is too old to trigger his paternal instincts like his students do, so he's not particularly pleased about this rando bothering him... BUT LBH promised to bring books, so he'll tolerate him. FOR NOW.
Unlike the teacher in the game, SQQ has the sense to actually read the books beforehand to make sure they're suitable. Upon receiving something unsuitable, he'll complain to LBH about it. If it's solid literature otherwise, he'll say he might use it when they're older, so thanks anyway, he guesses. If it's not, well, we know what he's like.
LBH: I could... take it back, if you want?
SQQ: No, it's mine.
LBH: ... (shit that's cute)
LBH continues to bring every book he finds, but he especially enjoys bringing trashy ones. (SQQ also especially enjoys those but he won't admit it.)
Anyway, LBH's adventure continues and Teacher Who Is Totally Not The Mayor is a peaceful bright spot in between all the violence and drama. In Oakvale, QHT asks him to bring her to the burnt out manor to see if they can figure out what actually happened. They do figure it out, largely via ghostly flashbacks. QHT isn't exactly happy, but one of her brothers was a monster either way. At least the one that survived is innocent. Heart settled, she finally writes to SQQ to let him know she survived, and later asks LBH to escort her to Bowerstone to move in with SQQ. SQQ may or may not keep trying to foist his mayoral duties onto her. Her presence, and staunch defense of him, leads to a decrease in nasty rumors.
Eventually LBH tries to start courting SQQ (without glasses because he wants it to be official, and doesn't want people to think he's cheating). SQQ, of course, couldn't catch a hint with a baseball glove. To be fair, he is somewhat distracted by trying to maintain the correct Mayoral Aura instead of relaxing into the less rapport they usually have.
Everyone else notices, though, and it doesn't take long for things to come to a head.
LQG: I challenge you to a duel for SQQ's hand in marriage.
SQQ: Huh?
LBH: I accept.
SQQ: What??
YQY: I would also like to duel. :)
SQQ: When did you even get here???
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alcoress · 3 years
kags you could ship your moots if you want
ok i said before that im scared of doing this bc what if i don’t know people well enough but. i think that’s just me overthinking so let’s go !!
@katsdni + kaminari denki — ya’ll, i have already spoken on this many times, you know how i feel. grumpy/serious! + person who helps them let go and stop competing, person who helps them realize that you can be happy without being first, and without destroying yourself in the process. happy-go-lucky/constantly laughing + person that shows them that seriousness and commitment are not scary, that putting down the humorous mask and admitting you’re sad or disappointed will not make you a burden. skateboarding at midnight, “solemates” written on the bottom of your shoes in permanent marker, putting fake tattoos from the dollar store on each other’s cheeks, constant bickering and light-hearted shoving.
@shotosjupiter + shoji mezo — ok ive said todoroki before and i meant it, but shoji was a draw for that and here’s why: he’s perfect for you. getting ice cream and walking together, he’s always holding your hand and it’s kind of funny, like when little kids have to line up in school and the teacher makes them hold hands so none of them get lost? yeah, he hovers, and it’s hella endearing. steady reassurance that you are enough, that you have done enough, that you deserve rest and peace and to live with enjoyment and happiness - and you can’t deny what he’s saying, because mezo is undeniably genuine; he would never lie to you. he never has an ulterior motive, he never tries to hide his thoughts or actions; he gifts you with absolute trust.
@aelbedo + xiao — he finds you to be so vulnerable that it hurts, he wants to protect you, but he’s not sure if he should stay, if he’s allowed to stay. but you’re sweet and kind and he doesn’t want to scare you with the horrible burden he’s carrying with him. doesnt understand most signs of affection, but he brings you a serving of his favorite food and he doesn’t mind when you brush shoulders with him. if you ever give him a gift, he’s never letting it out of his sight. laces his fingers with yours when no one else is around - half to have you close to him, and half to make sure he can feel your pulse where your wrists are pressed together - to make sure you are alive and well and he is not hurting you by existing near you. xiao can bear many things, but hurting you is not one of them.
@cozmixs + kazuha — maybe i just like kazuha too much, maybe this actually makes sense. he is always centered, unruffled, level-headed. he greatly admires your determination to prove yourself and get better and stronger at everything you do, but he also sees how that can tear you apart at times. kazuha wants to be a sanctuary for you, someone you can come to and find rest. he’s not without his own ambitions, and he also strives for constant improvement, but he sees how unwilling you are to bend at times, and he fears that will make you break. you inspire him, he has haiku upon haiku piling up in his mind about every moment he spends with you, the rush of the sea breeze and the beating of his heart.
@kirishimas-manly-eyeliner + uraraka ochako — she holds grudges, but you forgive easily. this is the first thing she admires about you. then your creativity, and then your dedication to the arts, and then the way you smile at her whenever she comes into a room and then everything, and all too soon she adores you. you’re both wearing mittens, hands in each other’s pockets as you explore an open-air market in the winter. she kisses you with powdered sugar on her lips inside the warm, glowing interior of your favorite bakery - you visit it every saturday morning. she does her best to make up a picnic basket for you so that you can sit in the park together and watch the grass and flowers sway. ochako believes you are the sun.
@forget-me-not-myo + toga himiko — she talks so much that she worries you won’t like her for it, that you’ll find her chattering off-putting. your short responses worry her further, until she realizes that you’re not displeased with her, but you just don’t want to talk, or don’t have anything to say in reply. she’s happy to just exist near you if you want silence, or hand you her phone so you can listen to her playlists that she makes especially for you. she brings you gifts constantly, soft clothes and pretty skirts and cute stuffed animals. she braids your hair and puts bracelets on your wrists. she adores you, and it’s obvious.
@strwbry-m1lk + sero hanta — maybe im just thinking about a particular vibe but? great listener, just lets you lay your head in his lap while you talk and he watches you hands move around, probably grabs one and kisses your knuckles. brings you mango tea with lychee jellies, plays riptide for you on his ukulele, loves nothing more than laying down and having you rest your head on his chest. his kisses taste like vanilla chapstick. absolutely beams at you when you come into the room, there’s literally no way for anyone to mistake the way he looks at you as anything but crushingly fond.
@luvmojii + iida tenya — finds your competitiveness amusing, and will absolutely play air hockey with you even if he loses every time. hates that when he kisses you his glasses sometimes get knocked askew, so he always does this adorable thing where you can totally tell he wants a kiss or some form of close affection bc he’ll take his glasses off and he’ll just be squinting ajsj. thinks giving you a piggyback ride is kind of undignified but quickly realizes he doesn’t give a shit about what other people think of him so long as he makes you happy. always brings you book recommendations and sends you news articles about topics you’re interested in. knows every order you make at every restaurant by heart, and learns to cook all of those orders so he can make your favorites for you himself.
if i missed you pls lmk!! there is also the possibility that i feel i don’t know you well enough to write one of these so (;´・`)> but pls tell me if ur a close moot (someone i talk to frequently) and i missed you!! bc chances are i meant to include you <3
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bucky-iss-bae · 4 years
The Friend-zone (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
A/N: This is probably the worst thing I’ve written, I’ve lost my flow, I just ugh, I tried and I overwrote this all but I hope you don’t hate it. Sorry for how bad it is, I’ll be like me again, one day xoxo 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Fandom: MCU/Marvel
Prompts: “Are you drunk?” - “Not nearly enough.”“I think I may be slightly more drunk than I thought.” “You know I hear you talking, but I still don’t have my coffee.” “I know I kissed you before, but I didn’t do it right. Can I try again?”
Warnings: Gals being drunk - Swearing - Full of grammar and spelling mistakes bc its 3am 
Word count: 3000 ish (Sorry, it probs would’ve been better short) 
Masterlist Fandom list
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Working so closely with the Avengers meant being friends with the Avengers. It was a good job, you earned good money, even had your own space at the compound, and had the best mentors. It was great because you loved the company and became a part of their family. You worked hard, a direct contact for the avengers but behind a screen, you never went out in the field, only when you were stuck in a van with everything you needed for your job. It was weird considering how many people would’ve been better for the job, but having Tony as a close mentor, you knew his systems better than anyone did.
It was an intense job to have, especially when working with some very dangerous people, as well as very important people.
And although you were young compared to some, you were mature enough to take on everything that you did. But being young also meant being able to have fun at any formal events and parties that Tony threw, it meant being able to get drunk, let your hair down, and have fun. Which you took pride in doing so.
Two people you classed as some of your closest friends were Bucky Barnes, and Sam Wilson. You don’t know how you became closest to them both, Bucky, you had gotten to know over the last few years because you were someone outside of the violence. You bought him into the 21st century through friendship. But this man along with Sam Wilson were the two you got along with the most. Peter also held a special place in your heart, you and Peter almost had a sibling relationship, but other two constantly fight him with him like older, annoying brothers as well.
The one thing, out of everything that you’ve done to help the Avengers is how gradually, overtime, you caught feelings for none other than James Buchanan Barnes. You don’t know when, or how. You just remember joking around with him and Wilson, and the way Barnes was with you, it made your heart beat that little faster, and his jokes that little bit funnier. You were constantly surrounded by him. The only thing you were greatful for was the fact you have your own apartment in the city, one that you definitely use as an escape.
You had drink after drink at the current gala that Tony had thrown. You donated money, you done a lot of pleasantries, but no one really knows who you are, so you were almost free reigned to do whatever you liked without embarrassing yourself. But of course, that didn’t stop you.
“Are you drunk?” Sam asked standing beside you. He looked very sharp, wearing a suit that you helped him buy, a fresh trim, and a glass of champagne in hand.
“Not nearly enough” you groaned in response, you wanted to be drunk, you wanted to forget about the feelings you had for certain people, but that someone had to look amazing right now. They had to look like a freaking model that belonged on the cover of every fashion magazine out there, they looked like they should be the face of every cologne out there. Instead they were here, quietly socialising by Steves side, looking as good as ever. Your feelings for Bucky Barnes were just getting worse and worse. Sam knew this, Peter knew this and both Wanda and Natasha knew. No one else, and if anyone else did know, they definitely kept it to themselves.
“You know, as much as I find it amusing watching you stand her and yearn for a man who finds it difficult to keep his hair in place, I really think you should talk to him one day”
You gawked at Sam, “I’m sorry what? Talk to him? Yeah I talk to him everyday Wilson.”
“You know what I mean Y/N,” He said nudging your shoulder. “you need to talk about you know, your feelings for once. You’re all about communication, can’t you see the way he is”
You shook your head, “He’s not any certain way. He’s just Bucky, the way he always is, the way he is with us, with Steve, he’s different with each set of people depending on his comfort levels, that’s how everyone is. We don’t need to talk about feelings though, he doesnt know communication with feelings”
“No? I definitely think you should. And I also think you need another drink” A waitress was passing by you both, you swapped your glasses despite the dire need of something stronger.
“You know, I think I do want to get a little more drunk than I am. Because right now, I don’t even feel buzzed”
“You sure as hell look it, lean on my arm kid, we can get you wasted”
You grinned up at Sam, “Dance with me Wilson” You said dragging his hand across the floor, you felt eyes on you both as you danced together and Sam grabbing you more drinks.
After some time you had to go to the toilet, you stumbled your way there, Nat helping you half way until she got dragged into conversation which left you stumbling to the toilet yourself.
You looked at yourself, your hair still in place, lipstick had slightly come off, but it didn’t look smudged, so you reapplied this. You deemed yourself presentable before leaving the bathroom.
You left only to bump into Bucky who was stood there leaning aginst the wall, when your eyes met a small smile fell on his lips, all you could think is how beautiful he looked. Honestly, beautiful.
His hair was a bit loose, a few strands at the front of his face, his piercing blue eyes matched the blue on his bowtie, which had also come undone. His beard was neatly trimmed down, months ago you badgered him, on and on, talking about how much he suited a beard and how he shouldn’t shave. After a few weeks, a beard was nicely growing on his face, and since he’s kept it thick, but trimmed to perfection.
“Hey sweetheart” He murmured once he saw you,
“Bucky” You grinned loudly, trying to hug him, instead tripping over yourself and landing in his arms,
“Looks like I’m fallin’ for ya buck” You had a cheeky look on your face, but only saw an unreadable expression on his, it frustrated you that sometimes you thought you could read Bucky, but you knew deep down you couldn’t. You just wish he saw how you feel about him.
“Y/N” He smiled, “Looks like Sam gave you one too many drinks”
You grinned at that, “Uh huh, you should’ve joined us, instead you were being the mature adult you are”
“Yeah, Y/N?” He smiled down at you, “I mean you seem a little drunk there, sure if I were with you both, you’d only be a little tipsy”
You rolled your eyes and huffed, “Uh huh, an influence like you. Buck you ought to know that you, Mr. James Barnes, are a terrible, terrible, influence. But I’m only a little-ickle bit drunk”
“Uh huh, is that why you’re trippin’ over your own feet?” He had a small amused smirk plastered on that handsome face of his that you just love.
“Buck” He you said grabbing his face in your hands, “I already said, I was just fallin’ for ya, and you caught me like the handsome gent you are”
His breath caught in his throat slightly, as he looked at your face, you hadn’t realised the close proximity between the two of you, his eyes went down to your lips, and yours to his, you don’t know what overcome you, if he leaned forward, or if youre the one who initated it, but the two of you kissed.
It was soft and gentle, almost testing one another, and then again, until the two of you were properly kissing a drunken kiss. Your hands still holding his face in place, you could feel his hands wrapped around your waist, it took a moment for your brain to catch up, you were stood here, kissing Bucky Barnes. The man you were basically in love with. The man you classed as one of your best friends.
You pulled away abruptly, gasping as you did, “I’m so sorry Buck” You whispered before trying to find your way back inside.
You don’t know what happened, you kissed him, he kissed you, why did you do it? What if now he thinks you only kissed him because you’re drunk. What if he kissed you because he’s slightly drunk?
“Sammy” you called, “Sam” You grabbed his arm, “I need to go, help me get a taxi please”
“Y/N, I thought you were with Bucky” He said a worried look on your face, when he mentioned Bucky all you could think is the broken look on his face as you pulled away from him and out of his arms.
“Sam, please. And I just, I fucked it all up” You grumbled, a sad look on your face not knowing what you’ve potentially thrown away.
“What?” he asked pulling me aside and towards the enterence, “I fucked it up, we kissed, and I ran” you cried to him,
You didn’t have a chance to see the shock on Sams face, instead you heard Steve approaching you both,
“Hey, you two good?” He asked,
“Yeah, man, we’re good. Well, she’s a bit wasted. I’ll get her back to her apartment; can you go check on Bucky?”
“Yeah of course, make sure you get home safely Y/N” He said kissing your forehead before going to find his best friend that you kissed and ran from.
Waking up the following morning was a mission, the hangover nearly killing you off, you heard the TV on loud and couldn’t remember how you got home, who you were with. All that kept on replaying in your head was the kiss. The kiss that meant everything to you.
You grabbed your robe before brushing your teeth and them going out to see who was invading your space,
“Ahhh, the heartbreaker awakens” Sam announced loudly,
“Wilson. Don’t even start. I can’t talk to anyone hungover without coffee in my system, let alone someone bullying me” You grumbled,
“Awh, c’mon Y/N, you finally had your chance, and you ran. What is with that?”
“You know I hear you talking, but I still don’t have my coffee.”
He shook his head and went to pour you some, “So go on, what happened? You’ve been waiting for that chance for how long, and then you ran? Steve said Buck was really torn at the end of last night, couldn’t figure out what happened. Took me all of a second to know”
You just snatched the mug out of his hand, wondering why he’s in your apartment this early, and why he’s tormenting you with the events of last night.
“What happened is, I bitched out and ran. I had my opportunity, but was too drunk to appreciate it” You grumbled,
“That’s a shame, Good job I called him over here, I said you wanted to talk”
It took you a few sips of scalding hot coffee to understand what just left Sam Wilsons mouth. First, he invites himself to your apartment, your food, and your coffee. Then he invites the man you love, kissed and then ran from whilst drunk over. All while you look like garbage.
“You did what” You screeched, “Sam when is he getting here?”
“No idea... soon?” He shrugged not a care in the world,
“Wilson, this is important information, spit it out. Just because I’m not trained the way you are, does not mean I can’t cause damage”
“Woah chill Y/N, he’ll be here in about half an hour. I told him you’ll order lunch, and I’ll even leave before he gets here. Just be greatful that I’m such a good friend, I bought you home, slept in your guest bedroom, and made sure you didn’t die from alcohol poisoning”
“I wasn’t that bad” You whined, “But thank you, although I still don’t appreciate the bullying”
He grinned at you, “What else would I be good for huh? You’re like my kid sister, of course I’m going to bully you, now if I were you, I’d go look somewhat presentable, Bucky will be here soon”
You groaned at that, shocked that Sam done something like this to you, but then again, you put yourself in this position, and Sam is basically giving you a kick up the ass for it.
When Sam left, you finished your coffee before having a quick shower, you were disgustingly hungover and all you wanted to do was climb into your comfiest pyjamas and sit in front of the TV ignoring the world. On days where the other girls were free, no secret ops, no training, you had a little pamper day, you would even prefer that over the conversation that’s to come. You had no clue what he would say, what you would say, and weather you would be shoved right into the friendzone.
Between the time that Sam had left, and Bucky arrived, you managed to dry your hair, get changed into something somewhat presentable. You tidied your apartment as much as you could in the few minutes you had before he knocked on your door.
Your heart dropped to your stomach, too scared to face the man on the other side of the door.
You walked over to look through the peephole. From what you could see, he had on some jeans, a hoodie, layered with a leather jacket. He had a glove on his metal hand, and a cap covering his hair.  
You took a deep breath before opened the door; his body froze up before he turned to see you stood there. Whenever he saw you it took his breath away. Last night when he saw you, all he could think is how he wished you were on his arm. How the two of you should’ve gone together and left together.
Whenever he saw you in the compound, seeing you first thing in the morning made his day that bit better, he wished you were the first thing he saw every morning of everyday.
Staring at your beautiful face now, it made his heart swell, despite his mind constantly going back to last night, he finally had you in his arms, he finally had you, for you to run. It scared him, he might’ve messed it all up forever. Standing here right now gave him hope, all he wanted to do was take you into his arms, apologise for yesterday, and start from scratch. But he didn’t know how or where to start.
“Bucky” You whispered,
He gave you half a smile while takng his hat off, “Hey”
“Hey, um come in. Sorry everything is a mess”
He shook his head and observed the tidy apartment, he had only been here a few times, never just the two of them. And nothing was a mess, it was perfect. He took off his leather jacket and glove, hanging the jacket up and leaving his glove on the side.
He didn’t know what to do with himself but opted to sit on the couch across from the television. Football highlights were on, but he knew for a fact you weren’t watching this.
“Did you want anything, tea or coffee?” You asked nervously,
“I’m good thank you Y/N” He murmured, “You wanted to talk? Although, I’m positive that Sam set this up”
You had a sheepish look on your face and nodded sitting beside him, “Buck, I need to apologise for last night. I had no right to invade your personal space the way I did, I had no right… no right to kiss you. I’m sorry for crossing boundaries, I feel awful for everything, I didn’t mean to run from you the way I did”
He stared at you, unable to read any expression on your face, he was deep in thought because for James Buchanan Barnes, he knew his feelings for you were strong, and right now he’s wondering if you regretted the kiss because of him or not.
“Why did you run?” He asked, he needed to know why you ran.
You scrunched your face up a few times, trying to think of the best way to answer him,
“Because… what if now, a stupid mistake I made, I kissed you, and our friendship is just… it’s not us? I ran because I was scared, I messed up, could’ve messed it all up because of one... stupid mistake”
“What if, I’m glad you made that stupid mistake?” He asked his blue eyes staring into your own, “What if it’s not ruined our friendship? Made it better even?”
You stared at him in shock, how is it that Sam Wilson, the man that bullies you, pushes you into this conversation,
“Made it better?” You asked him, is he being real right now?
“I’ve wanted something like last night for so long, but… I don’t feel like I know what love is. I don’t know how to be that man I once was when it comes to relationships. I panicked, but shit, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want that to happen”
“What?” You whispered, “You wanted to kiss me?”
“I’ll be real, I wanna do a whole lot more than just kiss you”
Your jaw hung slightly, and he just chuckled a little, a small nervous laugh.
His eyes were sqinted slightly, a slight look on relif on his face, “I know I kissed you before, but I didn’t do it right. Can I try again?”
He didn’t even let you answer, instead this time he leaned forward and kissed you.
This kiss was so much different than your last, it wasn’t sloppy and drunk, it held the emotion and passion you didn’t realise you had between the two of you. It meant that you weren’t in the friendzone, instead getting drunk because of feelings was a good way to regret expressing your feelings for it to come back around and have the man you love sitting there kissing you.
You didnt think half an hour ago when you woke up that it would take all of five minutes to talk to Bucky to be sat here in his arms,
“Promise not to run this time” He murmered against your lips,
“I promise” You whispered back, a smile stretched across your face.
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todoroki fuyumi
its time for me to gush about my underrated gal
- she??? is SO intelligent??? if she wanted to, she could have probably graduated college with a masters in literally anything she wanted or put her mind to. it's not only that she's super intelligent book-wise, but she's also socially smart, and has the determination to back her up
- she can also sing really well but doesnt sing often. well, she hums a lot, but never outright sings. it's become a habit to hum a song from her childhood when she's not focused on anything, or to calm down the children at her school, because when she was younger she used to sing/hum that song to her brothers to get them to sleep
- fuyumi practically raised shouto and natsuo herself, and as unfortunate as their circumstances were, they're super close to her. she likes to randomly text them during the day, simple messages like "hope your day is going well!" or "study hard!" shouto and natsuo would never admit it but both of them adore her texts and encouragements
- she! hates living at home! but she literally cannot move out! it's unfortunate but she doesn't have enough money with her current job, and she plans on maybe going back to school in the future, so financially it's better for her to just stay at home, as awful as it is for her. she also wants to be sure her dad isn't going crazy because, as much as she loaths to admit it, she still cares for him and doesn't want him to get hurt, even after everything he's done
- fuyumi is the Number 1 Shouto Fan, right beside a certain midoriya izuku. she gets super hyped about seeing some basic merch for her baby brother at the store that she excitedly takes a picture and sends it to him immediately
- her eyesight is absolutely horrible. like her glasses aren't just there for reading or because her eyesight is kinda bad, no. if she takes them off she can't see her hand right in front of her face. she would mistake a tree for a person right next to her
- she has a super big admiration for a lot of the heroes that had to hold up society after all might's final stand, especially heroes such as hawks, miruko, edgeshot, and ryukyu, who are so young (around her age) and still doing so much for society
- her quirk is like, EXTREMELY powerful, just not in the way end**vor wanted. her quirk is an ice quirk, but her body was mostly built for a fire quirk, so if she uses it she could potentially get hypothermia or awful iceburn marks along her skin, which is why she is seen in canon almost always wearing long sleeves
- okay i'm one of those losers that loves the dabi is a todoroki theory and i'm not saying that touya/dabi and fuyumi are twins but touya/dabi and fuyumi are definitely twins
- they're complete opposites in everything they do. touya's eyesight is amazing, fuyumi's is shit. touya's body was built for fuyumi's ice quirk, and fuyumi's body was built for touya's ice quirk. i'm thinking something happened in their development that caused them to get each other's quirk
- touya left at a young, age, and fuyumi was (rightfully) outraged. she understood that he wanted out of their abusive situation, but he just left her with two younger siblings to take care of alone and an abusive father, their mother was already in the hospital and fuyumi was the only parental figure that natsuo and shouto had. it was rough for a long time for them, but they eventually got into a rhythm, and now shouto and natsuo regard fuyumi as the most important figure in their lives, parental or otherwise
- it's canon that fuyumi works with kids out of guilt of not being able to help shouto during their younger years, so going off of that i think that she's 100% the best teacher her school has ever seen. she not only knows how to deal with good and well-behaved kids, but she can also deal with misbehaving and "awful" kids as well, unlike a lot of other teachers. she never gets mad at them unrightfully and often gets to the roots of their issues, and always reprimands them but never yells. all of this knowledge and practice comes from dealing with quiet and accepting shouto, while also dealing with loud and wild and angry natsuo. she knows that kids at that age aren't bad just to be bad, and she always waits and listens to them before punishing them unrightfully (wow this bullet was a tangent)
- she knows who dabi is right away. she fuckin knows it's her dumbass brother, she's one of the only people in the world that could recognize his quirk anywhere. she would never say anything, of course, but that doesn't stop her from harboring negative feelings towards the villain, while also simultaniously hoping he's okay at any moment in time. like she'll see a new broadcast about dabi fighting someone again and she'll be all "god that fucking idiot i hope he gets arrested so he can think about his actions" in her head while also going "but don't hurt him! don't lock him up he's just hurting! that's my brother you heathens touch him and i'll evicerate you!!!" at the same time. this leads to a lot of internal conflict
- fuyumi likes to randomly pop up at UA to give shouto little gifts she bought becuase they reminded her of him
- she also stops by natsuo's uni every day to drop off a hand cooked lunch she prepared for him just so she can be sure he eats in between all his studying
- fuyumi 100% does not blame her mother for anything that happened in her childhood, but that does not mean that she immediately got over it. she still sometimes looks back and gets a little resentful, because she was only eleven or so when their mom left, she was only a child, and she was forced to become a mother. she acknowledges that it wasn't her mother's fault at all, but that does nothing to deter her negative feelings sometimes
- she visits her mother once a week. they often talk about how she's doing and how work is, or how her mom's recovery is coming along (because despite everything, no amount of therapy is going to completely heal any of them). sometimes the conversation will lull because something that reminded them of end**vor will be brought up, and a quiet understanding will pass between them that neither of them are ready to face that quite yet
- fuyumi is probably a raging lesbian sorry i don't make the rules
- when she was younger she and touya snuck a cat into her room for a few weeks because it was a stray that wouldn't leave their property and they didn't want their dad finding it and throwing it out
- she! will probably never forgive end**vor for what he did to her family! but that doesn't mean she doesn't still dream of a perfect family!!! fuyumi is one of those people who doesn't like to completely acknowledge what happened and focuses more on the future. she wants her family to be happy together, and that includes the raging flame man, but she knows inside that it will never happen.
- she had to mediate between her brothers and her father a lot as a kid so now she's amazing at mediating between the kids in her classes. like they'll start fighting over crayons and the dispute will be over in under a minute because of her. she's a pro at mitigating arguments
- i can't think of anything else besides i love her and she deserves more recognition because she literally held the todoroki family together for years so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
don't be afraid to send me stuff! i love hearing other people's headcanons and also i love hearing people gush about my favorite characters so if you love fuyumi as much as i do pop into my dms or asks and just go off about her! thanks for reading!
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sakuurae · 6 years
85 questions tag !
Tagged by @wtf-taeyong, and thanks again for the tag ! ^~^
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. drink - Water with lemon !
2. phone call - My mum
3. text message - My boyfriend, haha. Were just online shopping together
4. song you listened to - Gods plan by drake lMAO
5. time you cried - Idk like a few days ago when i watched wolf children again with @taeyxong
6. dated someone twice - Naaah bruhh. I cant repeat mistakes haha.
7. kissed someone and regretted it - Nopee
8. been cheated on- Lmao (sadly yes)
9. lost someone special- I suppose so
10. been depressed- We all feel depressed at times
11. gotten drunk and thrown up- Happens way too often ! 
fave colors
Omg this messed up the number format but ... pastel pink, pastel yellow, and white
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - Definitely—on this site as well as in person ! ^~^
16. fallen out of love - Nope ! 
17. laughed until you cried - All the time. I laugh easily at a lot of things so imagine what im like when something is actually hilarious
18. found out someone was talking about you - Yeah ! But its okay, it doesnt matter because people who know you the least always talk the most about you !
19. met someone who changed you - Definitely, @ loving bf
20. found out who your friends are - Alway knew and we stuck together since senior year of hs
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - I dont even have a facebook
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - I really dont even have a facebook and i also wouldnt add people i dont know in person
23. do you have any pets - nO but i want to claim my cousins dog. She has a white shiba
24. do you want to change your name - Nope ! Its a present from my parents so id never : )
25. what did you do for your last birthday - My friends and i got a hotel room for the night and partied in there
26. what time did you wake up today - Like 07:00
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - Sleeping lol
28. what is something you can’t wait for - Summer plans !
30. what are you listening to right now - Back to you by selena gomez
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - No ? But ill reserve this for the day i meet tom misch lmao jk
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - Nothing really ! Things have been really placid
33. most visited website - Youtube and google drive !
34. hair colour - Light brown to blonde but im going back to pink
35. long or short hair - I have medium lengthed ! Its by my ribs
36. do you have a crush on someone - Yeah who else
37. what do you like about yourself - I like my personality !
38. want any piercings? - I dont want any more : ) i have seven and i regret getting that many and i honestly believe it was just my experimental edgy period ahaha. I dont even wear earrings anymore
39. blood type -  ???
40. nicknames - Every time i see this question i cry. Just make more puns already omg. Rae is a nickname, billy rae cyrus, raenglish major, sun rae, raeddy, furrae ... help.
41. relationship status - Taken !
42. zodiac - Leo
43. pronouns - She/Her
44. fave tv shows - I dont watch tv !
45. tattoos - I have one on my back and its a minimal outline-like drawing of dolphins hopping above waves. (It really isnt extra at all lol it looks like someone with a great steady hand drew it with a .38 pen on paper)
46. right or left handed - Right
47. ever had surgery - Nope
48. piercings - Sadly seven
49. sport -  Im all in for basketball these days, but in my other tags ofc i stated ping pong and badminton, etc.
50. vacation - Heck yeah i just got off one
51. trainers - ???
more general
52. eating - Nothing but im probably going to drive for ice cream
53. drinking - Water like always
54. i’m about to watch - Nothing ?
55. waiting for - My motivation to kick in so i can write soulmate ten more
56. want - To be happy ! ^~^
57. get married - I want to !
58. career - Professor, definitely. I want to make each class meeting more extra than the previous
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - Hugs are nice, but so are kisses
60. lips or eyes - Eyes
61. shorter or taller - I dont really mind to be honest. I care about personality way more before physical qualities. It just matters whether or not youre happy with the person and for me, looks isnt needed ! They fade away over time, but a good heart doesnt : )
62. older or younger - Doesnt matter to me either, but no huge age difference for me, haha
63. nice arms or stomach - Doesnt matter either
64. hookup or relationship - Relationship because my hoe phase is over
65. troublemaker or hesitant - I aint bringing a trouble maker home to my parents
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - It can happens
67. drank hard liquor - It isnt deemed a party to us unless theres hard liquor lol so yes
68. lost glasses - LMAO yeah i got new ones recently. Theyre the trendy circular ones
69. turned someone down - Yeah
70. sex on first date - Nope
71. broken someone’s heart - Yeah but im sure they grew from it the way i grew from heartbreaks—we all do
72. had your heart broken - Oh yeah
73. been arrested - Nope !
74. cried when someone died - Yes
75. fallen for a friend - Yeah ! Feelings cant just be prevented; people cant help how they feel often ! Usually when i crushed on someone i would just tell them and if i get rejected then i move on, and if not then we start something. My bf was a friend i fell for really hard and i told him, and then we ended up together : )
do you believe in…?
76. yourself - Always have to !
77. miracles - No ?
78. love at first sight - No, but attraction is !
79. santa claus - When i was five lmao
80. kiss on a first date - Not for me, but it happens !
81. angels - ? :x
82. best friend’s name - Lucy and i made jokes of her being lucy from fairy tail a lot before. Now all we do is watch miraculous ladybug and cry
83. eye colour - Brown
84. fave movie - I guess iron giant; i dont watch much movies
85. fave actor - Dont have one !
Tagging: @taeyongtime @taeyxong @jungwxoo @jencto @amorenjun @okmica
Only if youd like ! ^~^ Maybe thisll serve as a break from writing, haha
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skiasurveys · 7 years
old myspace surveyyy
1. Last beverage: Iced tea
2. Last phone call: My mom i believe
3. Last song you listened to: Closer- the chainsmokers ft halsey
4. Last time you cried: today 
5. Have you dated someone twice: kind of.  my current boyfriend and i dated before but it was only like  2 weeks and then we didnt date again til 5 months later, and now were still together which has been 15 months. i dont really consider he first time an actual relationship lmao
6. Have you ever been cheated on: Not that I am aware of.
7. Kissed someone & regretted it: eh, my first kiss was awful
8. Have you lost someone special: yeah my dad died.
9. What are your three favorite colors: lilac, cyan, pink
10. Met someone who changed you in the past month: not in the past month
11. Kissed anyone on your friends list: yeah
12. How many kids do you want: none.
13. Do you want any pets: i have two cats
14. Do you want to change your name: yeah i do
15. What did you do for your last birthday: Had dinner with my boyfriends parents, then had a small party with a few friends and my boyfriend, but that was it. Wasnt so lit.
16. What time did you wake up today:  i woke up at 10 am i think
17. Name something you CANNOT wait for: to finally move out
18. Last time you saw your mother: um. like 10 minutes ago lol
19. Most visited webpage: youtube
20. Nicknames: Jen, Babygirl, i dont really have nicknames that much
21. Relationship status: Taken
22. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius 
23. Male or female: female
24. Height: 5′1 
25. Do you have a crush on someone: my boyfriend 
26. Piercings: I got my ears pierced when i was 18 but i took it out apparently too soon and they shut.  I am going to get them redone but im just lazy
27. Tattoos: none as of now
28. Strong or Weak:  physically or emotionally..haha..
29. First surgery: wisdom teeth
30. First best friend:  Eric or Reis 
31. First sport you joined: softball when i was 7/8
32. First vacation: British columbia when  i was 4/5
33. First school: Joseph welsh 
34. First pair of trainers: If trainers you mean shoes but in a british lingo..uhh i dont know. DC shoes? those ugly fat skater shoes.
35. Lips or eyes: eyes
36. Hugs or kisses: honestly both, but idk it depends. sometimes i love hugs because i like feeling him hold me and against me , but kisses are so sweet
37. Shorter or taller: taller
38. Older or younger: older
39. Romantic or spontaneous: both
40. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive.
41. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship.
42. Shy or outgoing: a bit of both. im really outgoing so in a relationship it doesnt matter for me. but i dont really like people who cant make conversations at all..
43. Kissed a stranger: I dont think so.
44. Gotten a speeding ticket: No
45. Lost glasses/contacts: i dont wear glasses or contacts
46. Sex on first date: nope. but oral sex yeah.
47. Broken someone’s heart:  i have but whatever.
48. Been arrested: No
49. Have you turned someone down:  yeah but thats cause this dude wouldnt stop trying to date me and the funny part is he didnt even live in the same fucking city as me so idk why he kept trying so hard. I also had a dude back in highschool who i still chat with try to date me but ive turned him down couple of times but he knows now.
50. Fallen for a friend: not really.
51. Moved out of town: no
52. Miracles: ehhh
53. Love at first sight: no. but i mean i know when i first met my boyfriend i was like oh hell yeah. but its not love.
54. Heaven: yeah
55. Santa Claus:  no and never have.
56. Kiss on the first date:  sure. ive done it. idk how you cant believe in a kiss?? lmao
57. Angels:  yeah
58. Yourself: no
59. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: no.
60. Been in love with someone you couldn’t be with?: yeah but not “in love”.
61. Ever cheated on somebody: No i am not a cunt.
62. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: i would love to relive my first date with Connor, i dont know why. i wouldnt change anything but that day was really awesome.
63. Are you afraid of falling in love: No. 
64. Was your last relationship a mistake?  well i guess, since i am in a different one right? it wasnt a mistake per-say but he was a waste of time. 
65. Do you miss your last relationship? god no.
66. Who did you last say “i love you” to?
connor, the other day <3
67. Have you ever been depressed?  yeah i have depression.
68. Are you insecure? yeah but im getting better.
69. How do you want to die? in my bed, while asleep.
70. Do you bite your nails?  lol i am currently.
71. When was your last physical fight? Ive never really had one.
72. Do you have an attitude? yeah. i can have one.
73. Twirl or cut your spaghetti? twirl if i ever eat it. i hate spaghetti. Connor loves it though..
74. Do you tan a lot? eh no
75. Ever eaten food in a car while someone or you are driving? yeah usually while on a trip
76. Ever made out in a bathroom? yeah.
77. Would you take any of your exes back? Not at all! Barf.
78. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? depends on the time.
79. What are your plans for this weekend? it is the weekend currently, nothing is planned.
80. Do you type fast? yeah
81. Can you spell well?  i think i do.
82: What are you craving right now? nothing actually.
83. Have you ever been on a horse? yeah a few times.
84. Would you live with someone without marrying them?  yeah my boyfriend lmao
85. What’s irritating you right now? my dry skin atm.
86. Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? yeah.
87. Does somebody love you? yeah my man does. lmao
88. Have you ever changed clothes in a car? a few times
89. Milk chocolate or white chocolate?  milk. white chocolate is nasty
90. Do you have trust issues?  i kind of do.
91. Longest relationship? my one i am in currently which so far is a one year and 3 months
92: Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? i am sure he thinks about me every so often, i mean i sometimes think about them for no reason and not the “i miss you” thinking just like something reminds me of them or whatver. Im sure they think of me sometime. i dont really care lol
93. Have you ever walked outside in your PJs? yah lol
94. Do you believe everything happens for a reason? no
95. Did you have dream last night?  yeah i dont remember it anymore
96. Have you ever been out of state? yeah
97. Do you play the Wii? eh not anymore. i dont like the wii or the wii u, i tried to like the nintendo products but i am more into Playstation ;)
98. Do you like Chinese food?  i do
99. Are you afraid of the dark?  sometimes
100. Is cheating ever okay? No.
101. What year has been your best? 2015 so far and 2016 wasnt really so bad.
102. Do you believe in true love? yeah i guess
103. Favorite weather? fall weather. where its warm but kind of cloudy, where you can wear whatever you want and you wont be too cold or too warm. 
104. Do you like the snow? NO
105. Do you like the outside? yeah i do.
106. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? yeah i like when connor does
107. Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? yes
108. What makes you happy? cats
109. Ever been to Alaska? no
110. Ever been to Hawaii? no 
111. Do you watch the news? usually like to keep an eye on whats happening with the world. like now.
112. Do you love MTV? no
113. Do you like subway? yeah but its not my fav anymore. but i do crave it randomly
114 Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? no lol were dating.
115. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? well my best friend of the opposite sex is my boyfriend..so...
116. Why did you decide to do this quiz? im bored
117. Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? yeah actually one time my mom and i were shopping and we saw this crazy lady that we know. and so we kept avoiding here while we were grocery shopping and we actually got away lol thank god. she is so annoying. When my dad died she told my mom she had to get rid of his pictures. like mcfuck off.
118. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yeah a few 
119. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? connor
120. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Jennifer
121. Ever bought condoms? no. we dont use condoms 
122. Ever gotten pregnant? No. thank god
123. Have you ever slipped on ice? im sure
124 Have you ever missed the bus? yeah
125. Have you left the house without money? i have once. i was working too and on my break i was heading to get food and then i realized i forgot my wallet. -___-
126. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? no. just weed.
127. Have you ever smoked a cigar? no 
128. Did you ever drink alcohol? yeah of course.
129. Did you ever watch “The Breakfast Club”?  yes. one of my favs
130. Have you ever been overweight? last year i went on medication that made me gain 20 pounds, but i lost all that weight now thank god. I wasnt over weight but i was kind of chubby. Im back to my skinny-self thank god! 
131. Ever been to a wedding? yeah
132. Ever been in a wedding? yeah my cousin got married in 2013 and asked my sister and i to be apart of it. worst idea ever. We werent really apart of it. she had her friends in it and my sister and i were just kind of the side bridemaids..yah weird.
133. Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? yeah back when i didnt have an ipad or iphone.
134. Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight?  i sometimes binge netflix when im with my boyfriend
135. Ever kissed in the rain? no
136. Did you ever shower with someone else? yeah i have with my boyfriend. it was really intimate lol
137. Did you ever fail a driver’s test?  i have only ever failed the written exam where they ask you all that stupid shit and you have to remember speed and signs. but my actualy drivig test, i passed first try!
138. Ever been outside your home country? yeah to canada
139. Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? yeah we used to drive to vancouver or south BC which would take 13 hours.
140. Ever been to a professional sports game? NO
141. Have you ever broken a bone? no surprisingly i havent. even though i got hit by a car..
142. Did you ever win a trophy in your life? no :(
143. Ever get engaged? no
144. Have you ever been on a diet? kind of.
145. Have you ever been on TV? kind of. not really.
146. Ever ridden in a taxi? yeah. with my boyfriend, its really awkward and weird...
147. Ever been to prom? we dont have prom here in canada but we do get dressed up in nice dresses and have dinner and a dance, but not prom. But yeah i did go.
148. Ever stayed up for 24 hours or more? yeah i think 2 days 
149 Have you ever been to a concert? yeah. my first was...Jonas brothers...BARFFF. thanks 12 year old me -.-
150. Have you ever had a crush on someone at work? i did have a little crush on the security guard. but not a big crush.
151. Have you ever been in a car accident?  i got hit by a car
152. Ever had braces? yeah from 12-14. (gr.6-8)
153. Did you ever learn another language? i tried french. but i cant speak it. i gave up. I wish i could learn something different.
154. Do you wear make-up? yeah. 
155. Did you ever have your wisdom teeth taken out? yeah when i was 18 i got put completely out and had surgery to get them out.
156. Did you ever kiss someone a different race than yourself? yeah. 
157. Ever dyed your hair? yeah ive dyed it reddish, darker brown, fire ombre (look it up it was awesome), blonde, ash blonde, blonde with purple tips and then now i just dyed it back to brown which is its natural colour. i like it blonde but im starting to like it back at its natural state.
158. Did you ever wear someone else’s clothes? yeah ive worn my sisters clothes
159. Ever ridden in an ambulance? no
160. Ever ridden in a helicopter? no
161. Ever caught the stove on fire? no
162. Ever meet someone famous? no
163. Ever been on an airplane? yeah i was only on a plane from here (canada) to california and back. but thats it. my first time it was really nerve-racking, but on the way back it was chill. i dont like being that high up lol
164. Ever been on a boat? yeah a few times. its kay
165. Ever broken something expensive? no
166. Did you ever kiss someone before you were 14? no. my first actual kiss wasnt til i was 18..lol
167. Did you ever find something valuable on the ground? yeah my fucking life.
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moon-dust-lust · 5 years
I write bad stand up comedy so thanks
So nice of everyone to come tonight, on a good day I have no more than four people that look at me at one time, so this is definitely making me severely uncomfortable. I'm only 20 years old which means just like every other 20 year old I cry in the shower and use tinder. I at first thought of tinder as a great way to pick up prey as a serial killer. I watched criminal minds a kid and I watch FOX news so every predator showcased on those forums are white dudes. I am also from eugene oregon so pretty much all of tinder looks like the milk aisle. Some are organic, some are fat free and others are being fought over by two different women who will send you death threats over facebook and try and sabotage your relationship. It is just great. Anyways, I recently decided as an in debt 20 year old with too may bills to pay and a customer service job that I'm already dead inside, so if I died it'd be pretty much how it is now except I would no longer have obligations and all the guys from my high school would finally pay attention to me. My first experience was just as about as fucked as it gets. He was this hot guy, six foot, covered in tattoos. He had just moved from utah, or illinois or somewhere else unimportant. He asked me for my snapchat, which ws already a flag because he was 26 and no one except someone over the age of 12, a soccer mom that's had a little too much wine, or a celebrity uses it; but I let it slide. So he's sending me pics and it looks like he's outside. He's sitting in a tent and so I'm like, "oh are you camping? that's fun. Don't let me keep you from anything". He's all, "No I live in a tent". Come to find out he had no job, no car and was living in a tent on someone's property. He was a homeless man. Now, how I found hopefully the only homeless man on tinder is beside me, but the weirdest part is how he had a phone still and also how he thought he could pick up chicks. Like did he think as a date i would let him shower at my place? Or was he thinking my ass would get fully dressed up in make up and heels just to spend the night in his tent? Would he make me bring my own firewood and sleeping bag? My own can of beans?  My experiences with men are pretty much summed up by this interaction alone. My first date ever, I showed up at this guy's house and it was infested with rabbits. I am talking ten or twelve. Then he took me up to his room to watch a movie, door open because this was high school and I had never even seen a condom before and his mom was downstairs watching something with jennfier aniston in it. His room was COVERED in pictures of his ex girlfriend. Pictures she drew of them, gifts she gave him, pictures of them together etc. SO, I was so uncomfortable but I was thinking it was probably just because he was too lazy to take them down. I was so wrong. So, so very wrong. Let me preface this by saying this was my first date, EVER. I had no idea what it was supposed to be like. He was a quarter back and he was all in shape and tan and that was pretty much all I knew about it. He had a really cliché rich white name and he was one of the only sophomores with a car and no curfew. He was a real bad boy. So after my date I got approached by his ex girlfriend at a party. She then told me that he was sending pictures of me while I wasn't looking to her and telling her how great of a time he was having and how he didn't need her. This was my first god damn date. I just cannot believe the progress I have made in the 5 years I have been dating. I never dated in middle school because i wore blue eyeliner and had a perm in the late 200s. I was really setting myself up to fail to begin with. I had one relationship that lasted three years. There is this funny thing about guys where they start out pretty normal and then after they really get comfortable they start to cheat on you and go crazy. It is just the weirdest thing. It's like the gremlins except instead of not feeding them after midnight you provide the with emotional stability and all the love in your hard. Big mistake ladies, Am I right? This guy I dated was so much fun. There was one time he told me I was absolutely perfect. He would tell me "Everything about you is perfect, except you could use a boob job". look, I will be the first to say i have the littlest titties in america, but I'll be damned if you dont appreciate them. They are like one piece of chocolate or the very back row of seats of a concert. You're just glad you got a little taste of your favorite thing, okay? I am like the bronze medal you get at a sporting event. Bitch you should just be happy you got any trophy at all. This guy was a real whackadoodle. He would cheat on me and then not let me go out with dudes, or ladies, bisexual pride woot woot, because he thought i would cheat to get back at him. But jokes on him because nobody likes me and I also didn't have any friends. I ended up breaking up with him because he was obviously terrible and he decided to stalk me. All i could think about when he would harass my family and try and show up at my school and had his parents blow up my phone is, "now you miss my lil tities?" who was gonna pay for all this shit in the first place? where did he think i was gonna get the fucking money for this? I am a broke college student, I drive a car that sounds like an eighty year old at the back of a movie theater coughing and I work at a restaurant where everyone is so stoned, it's like I'm at in the middle of portland on a saturday night. I go to the university of oregon. A very fun school, full of people who have no interest in talking to me. In their defense half the time I have my headphones in and I am crying so I guess it's just in everyone's best interest to not get into it. I am a psychology major, which I call the boring white girl major. I got into it to become a sex therapist, mostly because I am not having any and really want to find out if there's a book on how to make people not continuously reject you, but also because sex is a hard topc and I talk about it like a human urban dictionary. The worst part about the university is the talking. There was one time I had a 200 person anthropology class and these girls from a sorority who all obviously took the class together to cheat and not do anything ever, were describing their friend tiffany or gemma or some other rich fake tanned name's vomit. The color, texture, smell, everything. They were analyzing what she had eaten the previous morning and all the alcohol she mixed and all I could think was, " if you spent half as much time talking about your friend samantha's vomit as you would listening you wouldn't be failing this class and self medicating with alcohol to the point where you throw up because youre a bunch of clemintine sharp nailed looking green beans". Like i pay too much to listen to you explain the thong you bought and how it chafes your butthole when you dry hump alex from the frat across the street who is also fucking tina with the fake nose and even though he gave you clamydia six months ago, you trust him now you know? I own one bra and one pencil. I am wearing two completely different socks, one is a knee high and the other is an ankle one. Whenever I am hungry i dont go to sushi, I go to bed. So please Gretchen from Bitch, Bump &grind and beyond stop and let me at least get a C so I can land a job that makes me 12 dollars an hour and I can be poor in a different setting. I work full time and go to school. I am not like most millenials. I don't have time to eat avocado toast or catch HPV. At my little restaurant in junction city, the staff is absolutely questionable. I was the first girl there who was single and under the age of 40, so naturally I became bate for every man in society you hope you never run into in life. The first was our host. He looked like bowzer from mario if he were a white middle class man. He was shaped like a tear drop, so his head was small and oddly shaped and the rest of him just got wider and rounder as you went down. He always wore the same button down shirt, I think to try and impress me, but like it was his only button down shirt. Anyways, he is what I call the lingerer. If you are a woman who has ever had a man like you at work, you know exactly what I am talking about. He would follow around, but like at a creepy slow distance and he would stare at me until he thought i was looking and then looked away. He would also reach over or around me just so he could be close to me. It's weird and painful to watch. He also asked my sister, who also works there, if i was a lesbian because i wasnt immediately interested in him. Let me digress for a moment and say that just because a woman rejects you doesnt mean she loves only vagina. It usually means you arent a good person, or she just doesnt wanna date, or she has a boyfriend already, or you have no common interests, or she doesnt want to mix work with her personal life or maybe she has something personal against blonde guys, white guys, guys with glasses, she dated someone with your name and its weird, she has a lot of issues with touching, you have weird hands, you have bad breath, you are bad at your job, she is asexual, or THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON SHE JUST DOESNT LIKE YOU AT ALL EVER. Men are so vapid about that sometimes. Anyways, he gave me a cash tip off one of my tables and I, trying to be civil was all, "oh i love free money thank you" trying to relate to him because he seemed like the type to bring a gun to work and I really wasnt in the mood to get shot or followed out to my car so i gotta keep is civil you know? so apparently you cannot be friends with sexual predators because then he gets all close and whispers in my ear "is that how I get in your pants, by throwing money at you?". The tip he gave me was only five dollars. If is ass thought having sex with me would cost only five dollars, he has no idea how bad inflation is or how much i spend on amazon a month. Also, even with my little titties and cellulite, no amount of money would let me fuck a guy who looked like barnie the dinosaur if he were a white pale ghost. I have very low standards, but they exist for sure. somewhere. deep down. The next guy i had was this old cook. he was 65 and he cooked in the morning. His wife was obviously dead, in his basement or both because he was always saying nasty things to me. He told me that if he were forty years younger he would hire me as his kid's babysitter so he could fuck me. He also told me he was extremely attracted to me and terrified of me at the same time. He one time came up to me and asked me what i had in my front seat because i was hiding something under a coat. He has rotted out teeth and children older than me. It is men like those guys that make me think, "am I really that bad to the point this is as good as it gets?
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bilingualplots · 7 years
That concert crazy me!
Well, short-long story. I am a huge and mega fan of one direction but actually I fond of Harry the most. The curly, green eyed member. I’ve been the fan from a long ago. I had been their concert once, when they came to did some tour on my country. I was crazy as hell and excited for that. That time, I was a freshman year of college and it was hell, sleepless and tiring period especially when you join in medical department. No time to play, going around even in a weekend sometimes you have lectures and have to do some shits. So it challenged me to go to that concert. I didnt know my schedule when the concert held. But I bought the tickets anyway. I got the vip tickets well I bought it from my own money. No, I didnt work or earn money I mean I dont have time to do that. That money was from scholarships I got. I spent the whole money for the concert without even thinking. I was so glad I didnt spent the money yet cause before I knew that One Direction would held a concert, I was planning to buy some woman things to spend that money.
My senior high school friend who also adore One Direction, asked me to go to the concert together. I agreed of course cause the concert didnt held on my city its miles away from the city I lived but still It didnt down me at all.
So I gave it all to my friend. Nadya–well but I call her Lia. She bought the tickets, I just needed to transferred the money to her. And yup. We got the freaking tickets. Yeay!
Days after days went. And it was a couple days from the day of the concert. And guess what, a day before the concert I was going to have a test. Practice test. Shit man. I was crazy I even wanted to cry but I decided to stay cool. The test’s day began, I finished the test and felt good cause the test went well. It was over around four or five in the evening and guess what again? my plane fly at six and I hadn’t even packed my things. I just had one shirt in my mind, the shirt that written “Harry Styles’s wife” that I was going to wear for the concert.
After doing the test, my lecturer suprised me by saying she wanted to say something so we have to wait her. And the clock was never stop and it taunt me in every seconds it ticked. My friend, Lia had been calling me all the time and all I could do was just make her calm her tits.
My lecturer was so long and I just couldn’t stand it. So I decided to just go and didnt mind it. I was just guessing that she wont even checked the list of attendance. I drove the car so fast to my home and pick my things. It felt so relived when I arrived at home and find my mom help me to packed my things.
My dad drove me to the airport and when I was on my way, my classmate called me. I pick the call and she sounded like she was wispering. My heart beaten so fast when she said that the lecturer was calling us one by one and check the list of attendance. I was freak out cause I didnt want my lecturer missunderstood and think that I dont attend the test. But what can I do. I was on my way to airport and my plane was flying in half hour.
When I arrived at airport I was acting crazy and run to my senior high school friend. My mom and hers doing the mom’s thing. Kissing cheeks, hugging in mother way and all.
We said good by to our mothers and passed the gates, my phone was ringing and I pick it up found massage from my classmate said that the lecturer had stopped calling the students name right before my names turn. Maybe two couple of name left until my name called but she decided to just stop and say that she believed all the students attended the class. And bye that, I thanked God. It was like God indeed had planned that I was allowed to go to the concert and meet my idola.
I and Lia, we both arrived around 8 night or 9 I’m not so sure, and we got picked by my other friend who also wanted to go to the concert. Her name was Mia. She lived in Bandung cause she studied there and what another lucky I got was Mia’s mom treated us by booked two rooms in a hotel near GBK (the place that held the concert) and not only rooms, she also sent someone to guide us around the city with car, so we didnt have to use public transportation and all, pluss I could save my money.
We checked in and going to the room directly. My friend Mia thought that Lia wanted to bring her friend so Mia booked two rooms but Lia’s friend cancelled and sold the ticket to stranger.
Three of us stayed in the same room cause Mia was scared to stay alone in the other room. And yes that one room was useless. At midnight we decided to order food, we chose Bonchon but ended up ordered KFC cause Bochon didnt pick the call, I assumed it was already close.
The delivered man was so long and we ended up sleeping until he arrived and I didnt realize the delivered man already standing in front of our room for maybe hours. I’m not sure how long. I took the money and handed it to him. Said sorry multiple times for making him wait for too long. We didnt forget to give more tips for the mistake we made.
We ended up ate the food maybe at 2 or 3 in the morning and go back to sleep with leftovers which I ate at 6 in the morning and went back to sleep again. I know you felt disgust but I dont care. I’m still alive any way.
We wake up at almost 10 in the morning and rushed to lobby to take our breakfast. Cause it was closed if it was up 10 morning.
After that, we decided to get ready. We went to change the voucher to the real ticket. When we arrived at ticket changer, we saw so much people I mean really much people who queued to change tickets like us. We were like going to die standing in a very long line, stress out until securty came and asked us to show our voucher. Lia took it from her bag and that security told us that vip gate wasnt where we stand. He took Lia to the other gates and went through and disappeared. I and Mia waited outside cause it wasnt allowed us to come, the three ticket was named by Lia and her guess so she had to take it by her self.
I took a seat with Mia and not to long after sitting, Lia came from that gates with big smile and tickets along with the handband in her hand. Gosh! I couldn’t believe I was on my way to see my Idola. The Idola that I only see through the glass of television, laptop or phone. And in some hours later, I was going to meet him and inhale the same air with them.
Dont tell me that Im so naiff or Lame cause I’m not. You dont know how it feels when you finally got to meet the people who gave you so much changed. In a better way. I mean, without fangirling 1D I would probably doesnt speak or write english things like now, like this, or I couldn’t knew or have friends abroad or anything else. This fangirling made me alive. So just shut the hell up and dont judge me.
The concert would be held on 7 evening and it was like 12 afternoon when we had done change the voucher into real freaking tickets. So we decided to go to mall cause Mia need to buy some clothes. We arrived to the Mall, I foget what Mall and going to Zara. Mia and Nadya bought shirt, well Mia bought bunch of clothes and a couple of pants and if I’m not mistaken she bought a couple of shoes too. In Zara I met some famous people who always showed in local tv. Such a Najwa, the owner of Mata Najwa show or some of Ftv actor, I was not sure who, cause I didnt pay attention to them. It was just Lia who said that.
After that, Mia still went through the shop find something else to buy. I didnt know what it is. So me and Lia decided to just go around the mall, we stopped to buy some ice cream and at CD shop. I bought two cd of one direction and some books of it while Lia was busy to take pictures from the architecture of the Mall and all. Yes, she is that girl who are great with pencil, pen and all, drawing and made house in a paper. Architecture people said.
After that we went back to hotel, we decided to have lunch, wanted to have delivery again but Lia againts it so we went to the restaurant near the hotel and had some yakiniku. After that we went back to the hotel and had some rest until we wake up in the evening maybe it seven and it was so late, so we prepared as fast as possible.
We ended up arrive at 8 night with clearer way to the gates. Cause people is already in the stadium. I know. We were late. It was sucks!
Then, we ran before that I bought some bandana with a light in it and some small posters. We went to the gates. I bought mineral waters which was so expensive but I didnt mind at all cause I was thirsty and It was impossible to go out for just a bottle of mineral water.
We went through the door the vip seat and saw tons of people. I didnt see any seat at all so we went out and take the other door. I saw the yellow area and already knew it was Vvip seat cause I saw some famous people there too, like actor and singers of my country. we got exactly three seat right besode the vvip area and it was so good for view. We got another lucky again.
Another of another lucky we got was the stars hadnt come out yet. The stage still play some song from 5Sos and play the commercials tour of 1D itself. We didnt late.
And time flies I grew crazy on my head. Shit. I cant stand my self I was so nervous, they always played us by act like the stars was going out but actually no. And it was getting crazier when we saw Niall run across and went back to the backstage. There was so much noise and loud that made me goosebumps. Until that time, that time i couldn’t forget until now. That time when I cried, shit dont judge me for being so exaggerated cause I did admit that I had this fascinated and butterflies feeling.
One direction came out, with the intro of Clouds. I was screaming like crazy until some bodyguards who suited like army looked at me like seriously girl?! But I didnt care at all.
I jumped and scream along the song and all very time Harry great in my way I scream again and said that, those greating were belong to me like he looked at me directly. I didnt even put single care when some girls gave disgusted look. I just enjoyed the show.
All I did was cry and scream along to the song and thats all, I didint even care to record cause I was just to happy and need to enjoy the music and show. Lia was screaming like me, but she scream for Liam and I scream for Harry. Then Mia was so crazy with Zayn but yes, Zayn didnt come up to the show. But still she loves 1D maybe Niall, I think.
We sang along didnt mind our bag which were in the seat, possibly could be stolen anytime but I didnt care. All my focus went on the staege, I couldnt even wanted to blink. Gosh! That was so amazing, I could feel my heart beating so hard right now writing this thing.
After that, I couldn’t tell you the details of the concert cause it will need the whole day to write it. All you have to know is directioner are crazy, I never stop to get goosebumps cause the crowd never stop to sing along the star on the stage. Even Liam and Niall admitted our noises was so loud than other. Aside from that, all I could feel was joy, happiness, exited, crazy, amazed and some kind of that been mixed make my body turn, my eyes burned from crying. Happy crying.
We went back at 12 night and directly to the airport cause my plane flight on 1.45. We arrived at maybe 1. I both with Lia said goodbye to Mia, shared hugs and kisses then left. We waited for 45 minutes. When I was waiting I was so tired from the jumping and screaming so I decided to lay down at the chair, didnt care about people looked like I was grazy girl who lay to the 3 seats.
I close my eyes but interupted by Lia who screamed like hell. I asked her why and she answered me by saying that Zayn left the group. Officially. I didnt believe her until she showed me the statement on official facebook of 1D it self. I was shocked cause I love Zayn. He’s good and had the highest note from all.
But yup. It didnt bother me that much cause all I loved was about Harry who is still in 1d until now.
We landed on my city right about 5.30 morning. I was rushed cause I had to go to school 7 cause there this assistant of lecturer who was scared and I just couldn’t be late. My father picked me and I couldn’t go because I didnt want to left Lia alone. Until her father come up so I went back home asked my dad to rush.
Arrived at home I run to my room and had a fastes bath of my life. Rush to the school. I was so glad I didnt late and some of my friend was late. They were shocked saw me sitting on my chair. I mean, last night was the best night I’ve ever spent and here I was going school and all.
Yes that was amazing. I know.
Oh yeah. Not forget another crazier that happened. Lia, my friend was having final test at the exact day of the concert. And no one expect what she did, that was.. she asked her friend to pretend to be her and doing her test.
Yah that was crazier than me. But she ended up passed the final test well.
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