#also I’m trying so hard to show more stuff for people who can visualize stuff in their heads
sexynetra · 3 months
The people have been reacting well to cunty dame so have some more :)
All this to say – Nicky leaving was putting a major crimp in Dame’s lifestyle. She plucked a glass of champagne off a tray, taking a long sip and surveying the room from her perch near the window. Tia and Kam were deep in conversation next to the food table, while Nicky — as the guest of honor — was in the middle of the room, surrounded by a gaggle of their coworkers.
Kam walked over a moment later, a small plate of hors d’œuvres in hand. “So, are you planning to go talk to your girlfriend?” She asked conversationally.
Dame rolled her eyes, plucking a canapé off of her best friend’s plate and popping it into her mouth. “Nicky’s not my girlfriend.”
“Try telling her that,” Kam retorted, giving Nicky a polite wave and a smile. Nicky smiled back at her before turning her gaze to Dame, smile softening.
“She knows,” Dame said. “I’ve told her. I’m not the girlfriend type. It’s just a bit of fun, nothing more.”
“Yeah well, the trail of brokenhearted girls you leave behind shows that well enough,” Kam shoved her playfully.
Dame pursed her lips to hide her smile. “You’re just jealous,” she teased, finishing off her champagne flute and stepping forward to greet Nicky who had made her way over.
Dame leaned over, placing a ghost of a kiss on each of her cheeks. “Nicky,” she murmured. “Lovely party. Shame it's goodbye.”
“It doesn’t have to be. You could come back to Paris with me.” Nicky looked up at her hopefully.
Dame plucked another flute of champagne off the tray of a passing server, letting out a noncommittal hum as she looked away, meeting eyes with the Spanish woman who worked in reception, flashing her a wink and a smile. “Better not, I’m quite enjoying London,” she said flippantly.
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skrifores · 6 months
I have seen the point being made that you don’t have to be in a romantic relationship for some behaviour to constitute domestic violence. I’m seeing this said with regards to Our Flag Means Death and what some people perceive as domestic abuse on Ed’s part - that him not being romantically involved with Izzy shouldn’t mean behaviour between can’t be considered domestic abuse.
It is an excellent point that in many places, the definition of domestic abuse isn’t restricted to intimate partners! It is often widened to consider any violence, coercion and emotional harm taking place within a home environment. Under this definition, children can be victims of domestic abuse by their parents, it can occur between siblings, even roommates - especially with a live-in landlord situation. And of course, the Revenge as well as being a workplace is ultimately where the characters live.
I think it’s very clear that the show is a workplace comedy about pirates, but if you want to apply the definition of violence, coercion and emotional harm within a home environment to your reading to the show, that can be done.
Of course, I would be surprised if you genuinely view it that way and still made it as far as even watching Season 2, given the way what you consider to be domestic abuse in this fictional setting happens so very often with little to no moral consequence, and is often intended to be taken as a joke.
I mean. In the very first episode, the crew talk about killing Stede, and begin to plan for this, including lighting him on fire.
Jim threatens Lucius and actually physically locks him in a small wooden box in the second episode for what seems to be quite a long time.
I think in 4, Izzy pulls on Fang’s beard and it really upsets him. He also talks pretty openly about the intention to kill the Revenge crew, though I’ll let that go at this stage since he doesn’t really live there so much as being there for the purpose of murdering them and stealing their stuff. Still, poor Fang, that looked like it hurt.
While we’re on Izzy, he does also actively try to kill Stede by stabbing him, and he then he goes and does the olde worlde equivalent of calling the cops on him on the intention of having him executed, which seems pretty fucked up on the ‘violence’ part of our DA definition but also hits pretty hard on coercive control since he’s doing this to get Ed to behave differently.
He does prevent the Navy from executing Ed, which is nice, but he does point out that he regrets this, which, ouch, emotional harm. If we’re doing real world definitions, “I should’ve let the cops I called on you murder you” is the sort of thing that would make me feel pretty fucked up. And we all know what it means when someone tells you to watch your step.
But it’s not all about Izzy! (It’s really not, guys, there’s a whole TV show here!) Buttons bites Lucius - who ends up needing the whole finger gone! And he’s a visual artist!
Even my darling man Roach tries to eat the Swede, and I’ve gotta say, I don’t think they were on that island long enough to justify murder.
And who could forget Mary?? Wonderfully written character, love her, but, she does with malice aforethought attempt to kill her spouse in his sleep with a skewer. She was right to do it, in my opinion, but y’know, even without broadening the definition beyond partner relationships, murder of your spouse is pretty classic domestic abuse.
So, y’know, the point I’m getting at really is that if your definition of domestic abuse is violence and control wherein the perpetrator and victim share a significant aspect of their lives like living space - that’s a fine definition in real life. It is the one I use, in real life. But if you apply it to Our Flag Means Death, I really don’t understand how you stomached watching the first season or why you came back for more.
And if you only apply this definition with regards to Ed’s behaviour, but not the rest of the characters, I do wonder why that might be.
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golvio · 4 months
I’ve been digesting the video essay Orientalism & the Gerudo over the past couple of days. The first half of the video is a basic, consolidated summary of arguments I’ve seen people make about SWANA representation and Black representation regarding the Gerudo that also includes more academic sources to try to explain to newcomers or people unfamiliar with the term “Orientalism” where these points came from. I’m hoping this opens up some discussions across the wider fandom.
My only criticism is that, sometimes, the points can meander a bit between each other without clear boundaries between which talking point is which, leading to occasional moments of “Huh? How did we get here?” or “Wait, what about that other point you just made?” However, I think that’s a symptom of there being just so much to talk about regarding the broader umbrella topic that this video is trying to cover that it’s hard to know when/how to fit stuff in. You could make a whole essay about only how Arab men are depicted as aggressively misogynistic threats menacing Arab women to justify modern imperialist invasions of the Middle East by Western powers and how that ties in to the way Nintendo refuses to show Ganon having a more humanized, complex relationship with his own people. Even after a whole hour it feels like we’ve only just scratched the surface.
However, I also don’t think this “meandering” is necessarily negative because it sometimes ended up leading to great points that I hadn’t considered before. For example, I was initially confused about why the essay started focusing on Rauru and the plot of TotK after the halfway point, but it ended up not just being a useful example of how Japan reproduces Western tropes from pop cultural influences for fans who weren’t quite convinced about the essay’s arguments in the first half because they assumed Japan was in a cultural vacuum where racism doesn’t exist, but also gave me a totally new perspective about Rauru’s character beyond my initial Shintoist reading of his role as a divine ancestor that legitimized the royal family’s rule.
Rauru and Mineru’s designs and backstory borrow visual and literary tropes from depictions of indigenous peoples in American media to legitimize him as “indigenous to Hyrule” and therefore an important founding figure in its revised origin myth, but these tropes reproduced without awareness of their original cultural context also serve to “unperson” him as a character within the story. He’s sequestered into a distant past where he can’t really interact with characters in the present, not even truly “owning” the kingdom he founded, which instead passes to the Hylians, who coopted his legacy of unification for their own ends but completely forgot about him. He and his sister are treated more like “resources” for Link/the player to take advantage of to achieve their goals than characters in their own right. And, emotionally, the Zonai siblings are so distanced from the main cast and each other by being treated more like concepts of “nativeness” than people in their own right that their own descendant feels like a stranger visiting an exotic land instead of long-lost family reconnecting with her roots.
Like…it’s a really clever way to introduce two equally complex points that people should keep in mind when examining the Gerudo. First, that you can’t really treat Japan’s depictions as the exact same as Western depictions, because while Japan isn’t “the West,” it has its own complicated history with racism and imperialism born out of the “pan-Asian” nationalism of the early 20th century. At the same time, Japan doesn’t exist in a hermetically sealed cultural vacuum totally isolated from Western influences that makes Japanese creators incapable of learning about cultural nuances regarding racism, despite what fashy weebs personally invested in the myth of Japan being a magical exotic fairyland where “woke” doesn’t exist want you to believe.
I hope this video essay inspires other people to look into this topic further and maybe contribute their own works to the discussion.
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amaziana · 2 years
Rings of power rant
I never actually thought I’d do this (mainly because english isn’t my first language), but here we are but I just need to vent or I’ll explode. strap in because this is going to be long. Also keep in mind that this is a rant and I’m just getting stuff off of my chest so formating probably isn’t the best. 
First of all, I’m hard core Tolkien fan. I don’t remember time when I didn’t know the story of the hobbit and I read the lotr books for the first time when I was seven three times in a row. In my teens I started exploring Silmarillion and the rest of the middle-earths history. I know the lore like the back of my hand. It’s safe to say that Tolkiens works have shaped my worldwiev heavily and I love them fiercely.
So Rings of Power is out and it’s bad. And no, poc actors and women wielding swords is not the problem. Actually I think hawing Poc characters is great and completely in harmony with Tolkiens writings. For example, harfoots are described as being “browner of skin” that other hobbits. I’d even go as far as argue that every single actor playing a harfoot should be poc. Now as for Disa, there are seven dwarven clans in Arda, four of which originated from far east. I see no reason why one of these clans couldn’t have darker skin than the rest and why Disa couldn’t be from this clan. However I do think that it would make more sense lorevise if she was portrayed by east-asian actress due to the previously mentioned fact that four of the clans come from the far east. As for Arondir, Tolkien describes elves as being fair of skin, but I don’t see anything wrong with having elves of different skin colors. 
My problem with Galadriel isn’t that she is a woman who is in power and wields a sword. I myself am a girl and own a sword and have learned the basics of german longsword. In general I’m very interested in martial arts. Now when it comes to cannon lore elves have multiple names and Galadriel doesn’t even receive that name until she meets her husband, Celeborn, (which the show seems to have forgotten about). Her original names, ones that should be used in the Valinor flashbacks, were Artanis and Nerwen. First meaning “noblewoman” and second meaning “man-maiden”. Now she was named Nerwen because she was taller than most of the other women of noldor and she was strong of body, will and mind. She was also of “Amazon disposition” and “bound her hair as a crown when taking part in athletic feats." She even defended her mothers people when Feanor, her uncle and greatest of Noldor, attacked them for their ships. So yeah, she was a badass. The problem with her character is that by the second age, the time the show is portraying, she moves from place to place and lives in several places, including Lindon and Eregion. She is also married and gives birth to her daughter some time before the rings of power are forged. 
So no, the poc characters and powerful women do not make the show bad. What does is the fact that it shows such disregard for it’s source material and the spirit of Tolkien. It takes his work and turns it into generic, your run of the mill fantasy story without spirit. It blatantly ignores the lore in order to create a storyline that Amazon thinks it can sell. It turns Galadriel, who is a powerful woman in so many levels, both physically, meantually and spiritually, into you cardboard cutout of what Hollywood thinks is the only acceptable version of a strong female character. The dialogue is corny and often sounds like they are just trying to sound cool and wise, the costumes are bad and feel like, well, costumes and not something the people of that world would actually wear. The black goo they use to show the evil still lurking in the world/ coming back is cliche and boring. Now the visuals are good I’ll give them that. Lindon is beautiful and I like how it feels so close to nature. 
All in all, the story seems to relay more on nostalgia than anything else. They take some things from Tolkiens works, couple of things from the original Lotr movies and completely made up the rest and wrapped it in a nice golden paper with a ribbon. The result is bland and tasteless story that isn’t intriguing at all and disrespects Tolkiens work on fundamental levels. Best way I can describe it is if someone painted a picture of Mona Lisa with all the wrong colors making a duckface and it was hung in the museum besides the original piece.
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So, I’m a big fan of the regular stand-up format: funny stories for varying lengths of time that average out to an hour, callbacks, building up a theme, tying threads together, serious and/or sad bit at the end, try getting overly personal or overly political if you think you have the chops to handle it (because it’s fantastic if done well and really hard to watch if done badly), preferably some meta commentary, up to four traditional punchline-driven jokes if there’s enough time. It’s an excellent formula.
I don’t completely object to experimentation. Nick Helm and Rhys James made me realize that spoken word poetry is probably the artsiest thing I really like in a stand-up show. And I often like people who add music in there. Sometimes I even don’t mind a prop or a costume.
What I find it less easy to get into is sketch comedy, and/or character comedy, something with a narrative that’s entirely fictional. Physical comedy. Anything that can be described with the word “clowning”. I think this is why I don’t mind that a lot of the comedy recordings I have are audio only. The visual side isn’t a big part of what I enjoy in most comedy.
Basically, I'm a big fan of stuff that was called alternative comedy twenty or more years ago, when the thing to which it was an alternative was just a misogynist going setup-punchline for 30 minutes straight. Whereas stuff that's called alternative now can be literally anything, and some of it I like, and some of it makes my chest feel weirdly tight in an uncanny valley sort of way. I don't like puppets. I'm glad everyone else is having a good time but I don't like the puppets.
I’ve posted about this before, and usually add that every once in a while I’ll watch something like that to try to expand my horizons. Here’s how that’s gone.
Shows that have made me think – yep, I was right to believe this isn’t for me, I mean I’m really glad everyone’s having a good time and I wish them the best and I can appreciate that this might be technically very well made, but not for me:
- The Delightful Sausage – Nowt But Sea
- Mr. Swallow – Houdini
- Phil Ellis - Excellent Comedy Show
- Anything with that little purple Feltface puppet
- I watched this show called Siblings that was streamed from the 2023 Edinburgh Fringe because it was a variety show and I wanted to know what that was like, there was someone who spun hula hoops and removed her clothes and someone else who juggled fire and various sketches and a drag queen and one guy who just slipped on banana skins as his whole act, I was very impressed with some of the technical skills on display but it also felt weird and uncomfortable and the only part where I had any idea what was going on was when Tom Ballard came on to tell jokes about his sex life and made me say “Oh thank God for something I recognize”
- Anna Man – A Sketch Show For Depressives
- Elf Lyons – Swan (to be fair, this is probably a lot funnier if you’re familiar with how ballet works)
- Christopher Bliss – Writing Wrongs (this barely belongs on the list because it’s very accessible, but technically it counts because the whole thing was in character, and the character seemed to pretty much have one joke, and that one joke was quite funny but not for a whole hour)
A lot of it made me laugh but it still gave me this strong sense of "this isn't really my thing":
- Lorna Rose Treen – Skin Pigeon
- Joseph Morpurgo – Hammerhead
Shows that have made me think – actually, I could be cultured and understand outside-the-box comedy, I am enjoying this a lot:
- The Delightful Sausage – Ginster’s Paradise (I don’t think this was actually more accessible than Nowt But Sea, I think it just watched it second and enjoyed it more once I’d figured out what to expect from them)
- John-Luke Roberts in general
- Zoe Coombs Marr in general
- Lazy Susan – Forgive Me, Mother!
- Crizards – Cowboys
- Does Jordan Brookes count? I went into his stuff thinking it might be too experimental for me, but then it ended up being much more accessible than I’d expected, I did really like it though.
Shows that I can definitely tell are very good, and they made me laugh and think at the right places, but also made me really uncomfortable while watching them and I don’t know if I could call the experience enjoyable, but it was still good in some other way I think, I mean I recently mentioned in a post that I find John Robins “pussy line” routine mildly uncomfortable just because I’m a bit squeamish about hearing someone say the word “pussy” that many times in a few minutes and this sure did have a challenge for that side of me, also I find puppets difficult to look at, but seriously, they were really good, they made me feel a lot of things in the way I believe art is supposed to, I mean they made me feel a bit anxious in a squeamish way but also I think made me feel some proper art things alongside that, and they were funny, overall I’d probably pay good money to see her live but only if I’m allowed to close my eyes at some parts, it’s at times like this that I remember I am a jock/athlete that migrated to this level of art appreciation in my thirties, I do not have the type of theatre kid background that may be necessary to be unbothered by all the weird shit going on in this, but still, really really good and I highly recommend them though with the caveat of trigger warning for like everything:
Natalie Palamides – Laid
Natalie Palamides – Nate
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Wait I thought that First Nations is a proper term we use now to describe Native Americans?
Also yeah the learning thing
It’s not like our education system is outdated as hell
Or being run by out of touch politicians
Perhaps you can find the link, but I heard that the public education system was changed in the 90’s for specifically to cater to neurotypical girls
Teachers unions are corrupted up the ass
But as I mentioned before that thanks to DNA ancestry test, we know black Americans of slave descent are 64% Yoruba
Yet despite one of the biggest gaming franchise Assassin’s Creed is based off pseudo surrounding it
And I’m not lying
The British Museum and the Smithsonian used assassin creed games for a Alexander the Great event and to visual the American Revolution in a sector
Imagine telling yourself 20 years ago that games would reach such levels?
Also when was dna ancestry known to the public
But anyways, one thing that perhaps other black Americans can help me with. Is that we when it comes to history, all we know about the old world is that we were enslaved
Keep in mind that I only learn about the Yoruba because of Hollywood fuck up
So imagine how HARD it’s going to explain community…who literary rates ain’t exactly the best
Okay there a saying I heard (paraphrasing) “If they ain’t going to teach you right. You think they’re going to treat you right?!”
Also perhaps in the evening as I notice something with a lot of stuff surrounding government in the 80’s-90’s media
I was trying to say the whole “Why we weren’t taught this in school” started with SJWs millennials in the early 2010’s
I’m just wondering how bad sjws critical thinking skills are when they never connected the dots that people who run the education system have their hands in the military industrial complex as well
Killary anyone?
It works, there's a screenshot floats round from a kids textbook that people try to pass of as HS talking about, well.
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Every time it pops up we get dozens of people whining about the US education system until it's pointed out that, one it says "First Nations" which is the official way Canada says it (US is Native American) and two it says Quebec City in the bottom right center.
Outside of official things I don't think it matters which you use provided everyone knows what you're talking about.
Snopes actually covered this one, didn't need to but it was a opportunity to bash Europeans so they took it.
Perhaps you can find the link, but I heard that the public education system was changed in the 90’s for specifically to cater to neurotypical girls
I don't have a link on that one, nothing is turning up either but it is something that I've seen stated, also seen loads of studies showing that single sex classes turn out more capable students. Fairly well established that guys and girls learn differently so that makes sense.
The British Museum and the Smithsonian used assassin creed games for a Alexander the Great event and to visual the American Revolution in a sector. Imagine telling yourself 20 years ago that games would reach such levels?
That's rad, 20 years ago I'd have believed it, 30 jamin on my SNES not so much.
Also when was dna ancestry known to the public
Not sure, let's learn together
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"Affordable" is the keyword there, general public wasn't doing them
But anyways, one thing that perhaps other black Americans can help me with. Is that we when it comes to history, all we know about the old world is that we were enslaved Keep in mind that I only learn about the Yoruba because of Hollywood fuck up So imagine how HARD it’s going to explain community…who literary rates ain’t exactly the best
Oakland’s rebellion against phonics set children back; let’s not repeat it
TL:DR; there was a structured phonics based curriculum that was increasing literacy rates rapidly in Oakland schools the teachers well.
Despite the obvious success of that curriculum, Weaver says teachers hated it. “This seems dehumanizing, this is colonizing, this is the man telling us what to do,” Weaver said. “So we fought tooth and nail as a teacher group to throw that out.” They succeeded, and Oakland children paid the price. Reading proficiency in the Oakland Unified School District abruptly decreased from 2014 to 2015, when the curriculum change was introduced. It hasn’t rebounded to pre-2015 levels. The district has a reading proficiency score of just 34%, well below the already stupidly low California state average of 51%.
🎉🎉🎉🎉Score a big win for decolonizing education🎉🎉🎉🎉
Also perhaps in the evening as I notice something with a lot of stuff surrounding government in the 80’s-90’s media I was trying to say the whole “Why we weren’t taught this in school” started with SJWs millennials in the early 2010’s
I said that several time actually, reading a random thing about WWI and came across the Ottoman Empire and couldn't remember learning a damn thing about them, WWI was Germany and Austria Hungary vs everyone else and for some reason this extended into Africa and the middle east but we're not going to worry too much about that.
As gaps go, that one was a doozy, you thought skipping over some random activist that did something that kicked off some movement was bad wait till you hear about the Empire that existed in the middle east, Africa, and Europe that was nearly completely left out of my history lessons.
Leaving Uzbekistan out I get, but not a 700 year old empire that our founding fathers had positive diplomatic relationships with.
Positive part was it gave me a whole bunch of stuff to learn, all on my own, without some bureaucrat deciding what was and wasn't important.
I’m just wondering how bad sjws critical thinking skills are when they never connected the dots that people who run the education system have their hands in the military industrial complex as well. Killary anyone?
Wait till you find out who helped make it so student loans couldn't be discharged through bankruptcy (biden)
The federal department of education was the beginning of the end for the US educational system and federal student loans greased the slide we're riding down.
People get mad when i say they need to be phased out, but honestly it's one of the best ways to make college affordable again imho. Just be bumpy for a decade or so till schools realize they need to stick with classes that will allow people to make a living.
Other option is make schools secure the student loans not the fed, they want their investment back they need to make a good investment.
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theylovebats · 1 year
Okay! Here is my group of elaborate Magnus RTC crossover concepts (Some are more in depth than others)
Karnak: An avatar of the end; An avatar of the web; An avatar of the eye, skipping all this cause Karnak’s would be super long!
Ocean: An avatar of the eye, some random teenage girl interning at the institute, everyone (especially Jon) kind of hates her and finds her to be a nuisance, there’s a twist and she turns out to be Mary Keay’s assistant, works HARD to become a favorite of the eye, abuses her omnipotent powers like crazy (usually just to show off), Gerry HATES her, Mary thinks she’s perfect and complains about how he “Could’ve been more like her; An avatar of the web, I don’t have much for this it just also made sense but I like the first one better-
Noel: An avatar of the desolation, doesn’t get involved in the Lightless Flame, just does his own thing, evil life destroying drag show; An avatar of the corruption, similar to Jane Prentiss but he is a minor in canon and I’m running with him being a minor so it’s more of a performance art experience that lures you in by being interesting, I feel like him and Prentiss are very close (she views him as her adopted son), drag show vibes either way, Basira and him get along oddly well, I feel like he gets an intern job working for the ghosty podcast so him and Georgie are buddies, Melanie and him have banter but not as much as him and Basira do, they’re the only ones who know they’re joking, everyone else thinks Basira and Noel hate eachother
Mischa: An avatar of the hunt, he’s part of a ridiculous SoundCloud rapper gang that consists of a bunch of other hunt avatars, you make fun of him for a bit and then him and his pack of buddies destroy you; An avatar of the desolation, he sort of accidentally wrecks the lives of tragic souls he hyper-fixates on, he doesn’t realize that the entity he works for is feeding on his pain as much as his victims, random but I feel like him and Tim are besties, he’s friends with Sasha too, after things don’t go well with Talia or they decide to be friends Sasha and Tim try to set him up with Noel, pummels the HECK out of NOT Sasha with Jane/Penny’s help
Ricky: An avatar of the spiral, he gets all creative and hypnotic with his wacky psychedelic cat visuals, Michael was afraid of him and so is Helen, he confuses you with sermons from the Bachelor Man Bible, Tim and him are best friends in both versions; An avatar of the vast, SPAAAACE, he terrorizes astronauts and Simon Fairchild is also afraid of him, him and Daisy are buddies and joke around about the dogs and cats stuff, Daisy carries him around a lot, Georgie is his friend and they learn ASL together, they find his cat stories very interesting
Jane/Penny: An avatar of the stranger, she canonically is beheaded and brought back as Jane Doe, she TERRIFIES everyone from her fear group, Jon pretends to be neutral her but he’s very attached and views her as his niece, can often be found watching National Geographic in the room Martin sleeps in for a hot sec (reciting facts, requesting to play dolls, just generally scaring him and the whole of the employees), the entire institute goes from being afraid of her to loving her over the course of the plot, quickly becomes the golden child of the Magnus institute as she’s not actually that harmful; An avatar of the spiral, Michael and Helen love her, confuzzles you with her weird decapitation tricks, animal facts, identity crisis hypnosis abilities, another interpretation could be actual Penny Lamb with spiral avatar traits and stuff
Constance: An avatar of the vast, CLOUD MAGIC, she definitely has a lil sugar cloud clump she floats on, spends a lot of her time just hanging upside down and doing silly little sky tricks, she for a while doesn’t realize that her spooking of human people is very harmful but after she does she gets a bit of a devious side, she has tea with Simon a LOT and they poke fun at each other for being a “Gen Z hormonal beast” and a “Silly old British man” but neither have the heart to get too mean, I have so much for the final few seasons with this one-; An avatar of the lonely, this one was too sad, I changed it so she’s still vast but she hangs around Martin in his lonely era and makes Blackwood (same last name) jokes, they poke fun at Peter for his multiple divorces with Elias, her and Martin have an adopted sibling relationship, she introduces Martin to the family before the world ends and they love him
Ezra: An avatar of the spiral; An avatar of the web
Virgil: An avatar of the end; An avatar of the corruption
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dimpledpran · 9 months
~ getting to know your BL mutuals ~
Rules: answer the questions and @ some people. Include the tag ‘g2ky BL mutuals 2022’ on your post so we can find everyone’s answer.
Thank you for the tag @morkofday​ ! As always, i enjoy reading your thoughts. Not al all surprised about how VV is basically your personality at this point.
Disclaimer: I am going to talk about series that I watched this year, and not just those that were released this year. I really didn’t watch all that much this year.
What have been the BLs that took you by surprise this year?
Bad Buddy: Really went into this with no expectations, and honestly I still don’t understand what made me watch this halfway through while it was airing, but best decision I made. (Well I kinda do regret not watching it from the start) It just completely consumed me. I love Patpran so much. They have taken over my brain and heart. I love how this series has such a good mix of humour, angst and is also more real/relatable with the issues they address.
Not Me and The Eclipse: Lumping this together here because I really did not expect any BLs that would address such heavy themes. I just wish they were handled a bit better.
Dew The Movie: I did not know anything about the movie going in, so watching what happened really threw me off. But it was a nice/wild ride.
Kieta Hatsukoi: Aoki and Hashimoto really stole my heart. I love how chaotic and hopeless they are. They were so dramatic but also quite relatable! 😂
What have been the BLs that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
KinnPorsche: Maybe it’s because I had too much hope going in, or because it was so hyped up. Or maybe because I had a lot of personal stuff going on when it was airing, but I just couldn’t get involved with the series. The finale ended up confusing me instead of giving me conclusions, and I’m not really a fan of that. Thanks to friends on discord that helped me understand it a bit better. Though this series introduced me to Jeff Satur and I’ll forever be grateful for that!
The Eclipse: This series started out with so much potential! The pace was brilliant, the cast was incredible and they really were trying to address the hard topics in a metaphorical manner. But towards the end, it really started to show that they didn’t have enough time with the planning and post-production. It felt like such a rushed ending and was honestly disappointing. It could have been the top of the year if handled better.
What has been your favorite BL (watched) this year?
Bad Buddy: This is my ultimate BL at the moment. Not even for the year, but generally speaking. I Fell in love with PatPran. Pran is so damn relatable, like I’ve never identified with a character as much as I do with him. I can go rambling for days about BB, so I shall stop her and not bore people with my BB brainrot.
Vice Versa: As much as I am mad that we didn’t get a proper development/conclusion for TessTun, I still enjoyed this series. It was all the more enjoyable with all the screaming with Vish. But also as a very visual person who loves colours, this show stole my heart. I loved the colours and the visuals in this series. The locations were all so new and beautiful! As a sucker for a soulmate AU, I loved their twist on that trope! And of course Jimmy and Sea stole my heart.
The Eclipse: Yes, i know I said I was disappointed with it, but I also really enjoyed it. The ending did feel very rushed. But other than that, it was a really good series. The cast did a brilliant job! Like I knew they can all act, but honestly I was so impressed with their skills!! Khaotung and First had the most beautiful breakdowns, Khaotung also sold the bad boy attitude in the first 5 minutes when I was so used to seeing him as the sweet little brother character, and it was so refreshing to see a new side to Neo! So yes, I’d watch it all over again just for them! Also they did deliver a few surprises, so that was interesting.
Not Me: Again, I feel like the ending could have been more polished. It really showed that they were rushing with the filming and airing. GMMTV needs to stop rushing them and airing shows while they are still filming. It really destroys the quality. But it did well to address the heavy topics! Of course I love seeing OffGun in anything, but they truly had an amazing cast. I couldn’t stop looking at Mond, Sing, First and Gawin. Also I Fell in love with Film. This series also felt so real because it showed how life is very unjust, and it showed the problems of the common people. So it was very refreshing to watch.
Semantic Error: I loved how chaotic and awkward this was. Sang Woo is my precious child and I will protect him. It’s a simple plot, but they did well with it. Loved the balance of humour and drama. Also loved the editing in this show.
Badhaai Do (Technically not a BL, but it counts):
3 Will Be Free (Again not technically a BL, but it counts):
Favorite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
Patpran (Bad Buddy), Wangxian (CQL), PeteKao (Dark Blue Kiss), Gao Shi-de and Zhou Shu-yi (We Best Love), Wenzhou (Word Of Honour) [Is it obvious that I have a type? ]
What’s your non-BL favorite (watched) this year?
55:15 Never Too Late:
10 Years Ticket:
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
ok i didnt know the best way to do this so here you go lol. ty for even doing this ;-; i probably gave more than you needed aha.
personal color scheme:
i'm a hoe for purple pastel colors uwu
specific aesthetic:
guess a minimalist pastel soft aesthetic? ngl i had to look up different types of aesthetics lmaoooo im so out of touch with reality
general outlook on life:
tbh i'm pretty nihilistic and am a heavy believer of the heat death of the universe, but that's why we should appreciate what little time we do have :)
favorite shows/animes/books/manga:
aot (obvs), bungo stray dogs, code geass, witcher, i like video games too (world of warcraft, fallout 4, skyrim)
your favorite characters from said things above (and if you're able to, explain what draws them to you):
aot: levi (because i thirst but also because he's such a complex character that's gone through so much shit yet still turns out the way he is and i love him sm i a;ldk fj;laksjfd)
bungo stray dogs: dazai (similar reasons to levi although he's much more morally gray), chuuya (because he's pretty <3 also similar to levi and is badass)
code geass: lelouch (bc jun fukuyama is a god in the va world)
witcher: geralt (because I thirst, plus i love reluctant dad figures)
general likes:
levi, coffee, gaming, writing, cats, being stoned
general dislikes:
zeke jaeger (baka vibes), superficial shit, most people, politics, macho man vibes, most republicans (lol)
writing, gif making, playing piano, gaming
astrological sign and or MBTI:
i've taken the MBTI a million times, with the most recent rendition as ISTJ-T, i'm also a gemini :)
the season, time of day, type of land or body of water, and weather you associate yourself with:
fall, sunset, oceans, idk for weather type lol
niche interests:
space, psychoanalyzing traumatized characters :], was into greek mythology for a bit
things specific to you and your life that you want represented visually:
gaming-related stuff, coffee, i try to channel mental health positivity vibes but idk how that would be represented lmaoo
5 words or phrases that you feel explains who you are as a person:
chaotic (adhd-vibes), somehow able to read people's energy's/moods to an annoying amount, the type thats shy as fuck until i get to know you, always thirsting, partner also just said im stubborn as fuck lol
ALSO I like to do this thing where I add in something incredibly specific to you, like the most specific thing you can think about:
uhhhhh i guess add in something semi-colon related? tmi but mental health recovery is a huge part of my life so i have like 3-4 tattoos that are semi-colon themed (maybe you can help me generate another tattoo idea lmao)
If I feel like I need a little more, please be okay with me DMing you! I want to make sure everything is perfect:
you can also dm me anyway, i'm trying to make friends and its hard
I had so much fun making this one laksjdf the colors are so damn pretty!! I hope you like it! Normally they're a little more layered and messy but I went for a more simple, minimalist look. Also the background was too pretty, it had to show.
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☆ As always, if y'all are curious in what I’m doing with my spare time, you can go here! My game is open!! ☆
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moonlightreal · 1 year
Grumbling about Carnival Row season 2
Because of course all shows should follow what I want! XD 
And I wanted a show about Philo and Vignette, who fought so hard to be together and find true love in dark times, to be badass rebel partners working together to help the fae.  Sneaking kids out of the barbed wire to safety, possibly safety in some other country where Imogen and Agreas ended up… Instead the writers are like, “Nah, they break up!”  Gaaaaah!
As I watched the last few episodes I started to notice things that just felt… missing.  Like there were bits I expected to see and they never turned up, leaving previously important bits of plot to dangle in the breeze.
-Tourmaline being taken over by evil magic.  She needs to stop doing magic or it’ll completely take her over!  Then she… does a bunch more magic but she’s fine.  Could we at least have had a scene at the end where she does a cleansing ritual or bathes in a sacred spring and says she feels much better knowing the haruspex’s icky spirit is gone forever?  Maybe the kiss of true love banished it.
-The fae plague.  There was a plague! People were dying!  Then the plot just kind of moved on.  We never got a search for a cure.  Vignette didn’t catch it, which I thought she might.  We didn’t learn it was the humans poisoning the wells, which I also thought might have been happening.
-Imogen’s sudden freakout at Agreus.  they’re in love, some terribly traumatic things happened, and suddenly she was breaking up with him because he was just another man trying to control her—and then the plot moved on, Agreus gets kidnapped, and then they were back together.  It makes sense that Imogen might have gone off the rails due to trauma but I feel like we missed a scene where after his escape she runs to him and they kiss, and then a later scene where she says, “Sorry I wigged out there, but being controlled by men is something that bothers me a lot.” and Agreus says, “Totally understandable what with your entire history.  Let’s talk about how we can make sure you never feel like I’m trying to get the upper hand.”
-Philo’s whole parentage.  He almost reveals his lineage, the plot gets in the way, then it’s never mentioned until the end where he’s refusing to become chancellor with an impassioned speech.  And what about being greater than his father?  Killing the sparas was pretty badass but I don’t think it counts as full on greatness.  There was a whole heckin’ prophecy!
-Philo’s evil twin he was hallucinating after one too many whacks to the head.  I mean I’m glad that didn’t go on, but it’s another thing that just kinda randomly stopped.  
-Tirnanoc is… saved?  It was all so off screen, the Pact was driven out, the Burgish government was planning underhanded stuff to conquer it themselves (instead of just taking the refugees out to sea and dumping them overboard like I thought the reveal would be) and then… the plot moved on.  Did we get anything in the very pretty happy ending to suggest why the next chancellor won’t go out and conquer it again?  
-Jonah and Sophie.  Jonah had so much character potential.  Was he a decent person underneath?  Was he going to see through Sophie’s blandishments and stand up as a decent guy or fall into corruption? Could he and Philo have any kind of relationship, for good or ill? And what were Sophie’s plans now that she owns half the manufacturing in the Burgue?  What else was she up to behind the scenes?  What’s up with her faun friend?  This plotline wasn’t abandoned but suddenly cut off, but I was really keen to see where it was going!
I know this is just my opinions but did the end of the season hit anyone else this way? I didn’t hate the second season or anything.  I love the visuals of the show so much, I was invested in what was happening, and watching Imogen come into her own was just a joy.  But this feeling that the story was trying to go places and never quite getting there..!
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dugdale100 · 1 year
I was lucky enough to be asked by AbelCine to discuss the Cine capture of live music.
Deep dive into the tech side of what we do....
In our latest Creative Forces conversation, Jeff Lee sits down with multi Grammy nominated and Emmy, BAFTA, and DGA Award winning director Paul Dugdale who is known for creating outstanding music documentaries, concert films, and global live events with the likes of The Rolling Stones, Adele, Ariana Grande, Harry Styles, Coldplay, Taylor Swift, Paul McCartney, and Elton John.
Their in-depth conversation covers Dugdale’s approach to capturing live performances, working with artists, when to use new technology (and when not to), collaborating on set, and much more. Here are some highlights:
Paul Dugdale on his early influences and being inspired by his father who was in the business and brought him on jobs as a teen:
“I was so into music at that point, and he was taking me to mostly concerts and big awards shows and stuff that I just completely got the bug at that point. Even before then, he had once asked me when I was a really small kid about imagining a song and what the music video would be like for it. And I remember just being able to answer him instantly, like I had already thought about music in sort of visual terms, really kind of strange.”
Dugdale on his goals when capturing live concerts:
“The intention is to literally embody that stage production and try to maximize, emphasize, all of the best parts of it, and try and translate that to screen. And also to try to capture the relationship between artist and audience in the room…. I think that’s where the magic happens, so to speak, is where you can really show what it feels like to be there, not only what it looks like. That’s my recurring intention, is just to get the absolute maximum out of every show and show what it feels like to be in front of that artist and listing to that music.”
Dugdale on live gigs versus home viewing:
“I think it’s just a different thing. [During COVID, people were saying music streamed without an audience was ‘as good as a gig’.] I definitely don’t think it’s as good as a gig. I love going to see live music. I think it’s totally different. But we’re the next possible best thing.… Whether we can recreate the feeling of being in that room or not, we can certainly show you more. At least we’ve got that going for us…. That’s the most important thing to me, to try and make you feel something at home.”
Dugdale on his career:
“I feel incredibly lucky to do what I do. It’s hard work, but it doesn’t feel like work because it’s so fun. Part of the reason I’m so lucky is that the range of music and the variety of artists that you get to work with is so broad that it just makes things so exciting and interesting for someone as curious as me… [W]orking on these concerts, because each one is different and the music always requires a different dynamic to how we film it and our approach, essentially, it’s a new script every show. It just never gets boring. Long may it continue.”
Watch the full video, above, to hear more about Paul Dugdale’s approach to capturing live musical performances and see some outstanding footage from his projects.
View more of our Creative Forces conversations on Vimeo. Learn about AbelCine's Production Services, or contact us for more information.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Excerpts have been lightly edited for clarity and length.
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m39 · 8 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2007): Knee-Deep in ZDoom
Welp... I’m done with my rather short hiatus. After taking a break, I think I’ve come up with the idea of how not to experience another burnout. Simply, I will take at least a week-long break after every review/post related to Doom WADs. That will give me time to experience other games that I have in my Steam library or read some magazines.
And now, without any further to do, let’s take a look at, from my point of view, one of the more controversial WADs/partial conversions that came in the second half of the 2000s.
G6: Knee-Deep in ZDoom
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Main author(s): Various (project lead by Tormentor667)
Release date: June 2nd, 2007 (original release)/December 27th, 2008 (version 1.1)/June 16th (version 1.2)
Version played: 1.2
Required port compatibility: ZDoom (obviously)
Levels: 10 (typical episodic structure plus one super secret map)
Knee-Deep in ZDoom – another case of trying to remake/reimagine the original first episode of Doom I, and quite possibly the most recognizeable one (for good and bad reasons).
Many of the WAD makers behind this one were encountered in my previous reviews. Among the people who were the core team behind KDiZD, there is Tormentor667, who was the project leader behind ZDCMP1 (likewise with this WAD); Graf Zahl, the creator of GZDoom; Pawel Zarczynski, who created the GZDoom port of 2000’s ZanZan; and Nick Baker, who helped with both Darkening installments, RTC-3057 and ZDCMP1.
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The WAD’s development was in shambles for lack of better words, earning it not only the regular Cacoward but also the Mordeth Award for the WAD with the longest development cycle.
So what actually happened? From what I’ve gathered, the development went on for around three years, so I can only guess that it all started in 2004. It was originally supposed to be released somewhere at the end of 2005/beginning of 2006, but the ambitions of the team members made it constantly delayed, with the WAD’s release becoming a joke in the community. KDiZD was hyped to the level only Action Doom was capable of, with posters, testaments, and other similar stuff the other WAD did, but of course, it was more mocked rather than celebreated. There was even a time when the beta version of this WAD leaked. Not to mention new team members being added and dropped like flies.
The funniest thing about KDiZD is that when it was finally released, the biggest reasons why this WAD was delayed ended up as the biggest cons in the eyes of the Doom community.
Nowadays, it’s probably even more disliked/polarizing than it was back when it was released, but I will try to take a look at this WAD with my 2007 glasses. To see what a casual Doom WAD player would think about it without thinking about all of this controversy shit back then.
So, without wasting any more time, let’s finally take a look at Knee-Deep in ZDoom.
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If there is one thing where this WAD is legitimately good at is the visuals. It looks great. It might get too far with tiny details and ambient sound effects in some places but by 2007, this was the shit. The best part is, of course, the locations from the original levels; they might look unrecognizable on the first look but for people who were sniffing Doom coke for over a decade at this point, it feels like how people in 1993 saw them for the first time.
Even the original locations that extend the maps aren’t half bad, whenever it’s the new techbase rooms, hellish corruption showing up much more frequently than in the original episode (if those were there at all), or the outside/underground areas.
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There is even an option to launch this WAD with rotating sprites for items. Originally it was hard-coded, but since version 1.1, it’s in a separate file. Honestly, you can skip these since these sprites sometimes make it harder for an item to be found.
The music tracks are stocks from the original game, which makes sense since it’s another interpretation of Knee-Deep in the Dead. I still prefer playing this WAD without music since the original tracks feel too short for these extended maps.
There are, however, two custom tracks that play at the end of Phobos Anomaly Z; During the prologue to fight with Bruiser Demons and during the actual fight itself, and during the final boss fight. I recognize these two tracks since the first track was used in Scythe’s MAP26, but I’m not sure where I heard the second one (maybe it was in Scythe 2; I don’t know).
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Now playing this WAD – this is where the bigger cracks start appearing.
As I mentioned earlier, the maps are now extended; there are completely new locations on each map, like the mine section in Toxic Refinery Z, or the tower in Central Processing Z.
Most of the time I was fine with these, but some of these, particularly the ones in the fourth and seventh map, overstated their welcome, feeling like I was walking in circles in another mangled maze.
On the other hand, each map has at least one interesting thing to offer, whenever it’s related to the level progression or finding secrets/items.
For a couple of examples, there is restarting the generator in the water where the water turns into toxic slime, using the keys to unlock the doors by flipping the switches in the center of the map rather than by using them on the doors, using a bomb on a timer to blow up some rocks, or turning off the other generator to deactivate force fields.
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Since the original episode focused on a human base on Phobos, this WAD changes the skulls into silver, green, and orange keycards to make more sense tonally.
There are also two new items. The first one is a Megasphere from Doom II; it functions the same while looking different. The second one is completely original – Terrorsphere; it makes you see orange and enemies run away from you (they still fight back occasionally, though). I wish it was more frequent.
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Now aside from remastered levels, there is a tenth one, super secret map – Penultimate Evil. And you can’t get there by finding a secret exit on one of the regular maps. There are two ways to get there.
The first one is speedrunner’s delight – finishing all levels under the par time. Perfect for people who are into this stuff.
The second one is aimed closer towards regular players – get at least 90% of kills, items, and secrets on all levels before E1M8, even on E1M9. Now I have a problem with this, particularly with collecting items. Not only you would have to waste some very valuable items that you would like to save for later, but you also need to lick every floor tile to be sure you won’t end up under 90%.
And I know that no person with a brain would like to suffer through going to all of the locations to search every corner of them just to find one tiny health/armor bonus that was under their nose when they were having the big fight with demons just to reach 90% of collected items. Sure, on (G)ZDoom, you can type summon [item] enough times to reach that percent but still.
The new intermission screen looks kind of cool though... and offers more than the regular one... even though it feels unneeded.
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Coming back to Penultimate Evil, at least I can say it’s the best map in KDiZD. On the foundation level, it’s a Frankenstein’s monster made out of locations from the later episodes of Doom I, and yet everything fits in place. Asides from the E2M2’s crate maze that almost always sucks, I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this map was dragging out. If you ever want to try this WAD, you can at least play this map.
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Now, how hard is this WAD? It’s kind of challenging but I wouldn’t say it’s hard. There are moments filled with bullshit like corridor fighting and hitscanning snipers here and there, but these were rather rare from what I’ve experienced.
Although, I wasn’t a fan of how ammo-starving the first 1.5 levels were, especially Z1M1. Even if you know where the secrets are, you will end up without shells, forcing you to kill enemies with your peashooter (at least it’s slightly faster here than in the original games).
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Also, some numbnut decided to remove infighting in the WAD. Like, are fucking shitting me?! Infighting is hilarious in Doom WADs. There is at least one fight where it begs for some infighting but no. Whoever came up with this must be an asshole that wants to be threatened seriously but fails in at least 50%.
Oh, and by the way – hard-coded falling damage. Because fuck you.
Changing the subject, it’s time to introduce you to the new roster of enemies, at least doubling the amount of enemy types in the first Doom.
Starting with new zombie variants, we have Rapid-fire Trooper, who’s basically Wolfenstein SS if he was an actual Doom enemy; Chainsaw Zombie who requires no description of what he does, and Obituary’s Rocketeers, coming back to show you once again that they will kill themselves more frequently then you.
Oh yeah, Hoovies also join the fun, now looking like an aging old fart... great... -_-
As for the Imp variants... oh boy... we have seven of these.
We already met three of these variants in Cheogsh. Shadow (renamed Howler in that map) is the Class 2 Imp from STRAIN if he actually looked and sounded more like an original monster. Soul Harvester is basically a mini-me Revenant with projectiles that almost always hit you if there is no cover. And Nightmare is complete and utter bullshit filth to fight that thankfully only appears in two sections of Phobos Anomaly Z.
And as for the original variants, we have Stone Imp at the start; a slow, melee enemy that’s rather easy to defeat.
There are also three variants of the Dark Imp. The regular Dark Imp has yellow eyes and shoots homing projectiles (that turn slower than Revenant’s missiles). Skulltag Imp has red eyes and shoots much faster projectiles (it might feel like you were fighting regular Imp on Nightmare). And Void Imp has orange eyes and functions like Undead Warrior from Heretic, AKA has a chance to shoot a red projectile that deals much more damage.
Pinky aside from having Mauler whom we already met in Cheogsh (that charges at you like the Lost Soul), also has a variant titled Blood Demon, which is basically half-robot Pinky that is twice as tough to kill.
Hell Nobility has five additional variants in the roster. We already met Satyr, Hell Warrior, and Bruiser Demon AKA the one who’s a melee-type enemy, the one with the shield (that often uses it right as he’s about to get shot), and the one that’s basically a boss version of Baron.
As for the new variants, Hell Knight joins the game, now with a slightly different color and sounding different (for some unexplained reason). There is also Hell’s Fury, a tougher variant of Baron, that shoots red, faster projectiles and three homing projectiles (same ones as Soul Harvester). When he dies, his head comes off (it looks like a beta Lost Soul).
As for the original enemies, the last map introduces two of these. The first one is Hell Cube which is basically an enemy version of the summoning cube Icon of Sin spits out from his forehead.
The second one is actually a boss – Magmantis, who defends the portal to Deimos. He can summon portals that shoot fireballs or Lost Souls, and sometimes he dives back into lava, summoning Imps in between. He feels like a filler, not gonna lie. The final area with hell nobles felt more like a proper finale than he was. Not to mention how easy he is when you constantly shoot him with a BFG replacement.
To fight all of these new monstrosities, you get three new weapons to use:
There is the Super Shotgun, and at first, having this beast from Doom II added might make you think that it’s a Christmas miracle, but it feels like another pair of socks to the pile of these that your nanna bought you. It looks off, it sounds off, and the worst of all, it reloads slower than the original version! Like, come the fuck on man! Who’s coming out with these ridiculous nerfs in gameplay?!
At least it’s not completely useless... Good thing the other two weapons don’t feel like that.
The Grenade Launcher feels like a Super Shotgun answer to the Rocket Launcher. It fires slower, the blast radius is much higher, but the damage is around 1.5-2 times higher. It has two fire modes, each changing how far the grenade flies.
The Rifle, on the other hand, feels like if a hitscanner weapon became the BFG. Its bullets are as hard as rockets, it fires rather fast, can kill a couple of enemies in the line, and can easily stunlock them. The only thing that makes it not completely overpowered is the ammo capacity; you can hold up to 75 bullets only without a backpack. So use this gun only on the toughest bastards in tight areas.
Another pro about this WAD, is that it doesn’t have game-breaking bugs, only the visual ones (at least from what I remember).
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Knee-Deep in ZDoom is a WAD that took a hit in quality due to the ambitions and questionable decisions made by the team behind it. With falling damage, nerfed Super Shotgun, worthless final boss, and infighting removed as some of the bigger cons of this WAD. It might be seen nowadays as a laughing stock by the Doom community... but I would be lying to myself if I didn’t say that I was having (at least) some kind of fun while playing it.
It’s not a bad WAD, but honestly, I think I would recommend other episode 1 reinterpretations.
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Next WAD on our list is another community project. It’s the return of Community Chest. I wonder how many of the maps won’t bore me.
See you all in the future.
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the-blaze-empress · 8 months
Gona put a Spoiler alert on this one for “Take My Arms That I Might Reach You”.
Hey so I’m back (the person who asked about the time measurement in “Take My Arms”) to say I absolutely loved the rest of the fic. I really enjoyed the character development both Techno and Phil went through throughout the fic and getting to see the way they both end up together terrorizing the bigots of the desert was wonderful. Was sobbing at the part where Phil died had me fighting back tears cause I was absolutely reading this at work. Just the visual you painted in my head of Techno putting Phil’s body in the bedroll was the breaking point. I was like 90% Phil was gona come back, but still it got to me. The world building you did in the Ebony plane was incredible! I love a good info dump and Kristin’s explanation of the magic and spirits tied everything together so well. And oooooo the Quackity/Techno flashbacks. Man Techno really did a number on him! But I like that they still became tentative friends after all was said and done. You asked what my thoughts were on Chapter 18 and I’ll be honest, I’m a bit confused on that but cause there’s a chapter 18 and then one labeled eighteenth, so I’m gona roll em together. I pretty much knew early on in the fic that Techno was also had wings. It was pretty obvious (at least to me) with the fact that he had a voice talking to him since Phil had the same thing, even if he ignores it. Still, the reveal was fantastic! And the way Techno used his own curse to get on Phil’s level and try to calm him down and let him know he was okay, he wasn’t going to hate him was so sweet. Ah! I could go on and on about all the little details I loved about the fic, but those are the major things I loved about it. Sorry it took so long to get back to this, life went and lived and my brain has been a bit fried lately so it been hard to put thoughts into words. But you’re a wonderful writer and I will definitely be coming back to reread this fic again in the future, as well as keeping an eye on your other fics (see you have a new one out, haven’t gotten to it yet again because life). Thank you so much for sharing your work!
im soooo glad u loved the fic!! character development my beloved, that was one of my big things i wanted to achieve with this fic, having a distinct but still believable development of the characters, and to show how that development happened even when it wasnt going quite so great. patpat i am hugging u but also hell yeah i rlly wanted that moment to have a big emotional impact esp since it was planned from like. the very start lol.
im glad u didnt think my infodumping was too out of place! truth be told the worldbuilding developed a LOT as i was writing the fic, and some things never got the chance to get properly established rip.
backstory hell yeah! i wanted to show what techno was like when he was young and more in phils shoes and i also wanted to elaborate on quackitys cardistry, AND i wanted to show that the superstitions around the carrion cursed arent entirely unfounded. managed to roll that all into one chapter lolll.
oof yeah prolly shouldve clarified. by chapter 18 i mean the chapter titled eighteenth, the ao3 automatic chapter numbers are wrong bc the first 'chapter' is a prologue lol. and niceee ur one of few who actually made that connection, youd be surprised at how many people genuinely failed to see that chat was no different to kristin it was so funny.
PLEASE DO GO ON ABOUT THE LITTLE DETAILS!!! OH I WOULD LOVE YOU SO MUCH IF YOU DID!! (not to say i dont love u anyways that is) little details are my favourite things literally ever i know i wrote the fic but pleasee go on about the little things you noticed!!
thank you soso much for this, genuinely <333 you dont need to apologise for taking ages to read shit, god knows life can Be Like That. cant wait to hear what u think of my future and maybe even past stuff!!
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entiish · 2 years
Hi Skye, I wanted to ask someone who is a POC... is it okay to reblog faceless inspo of a visually "white/pale" character if you are playing a POC character? I've had a bit of hate and I don't know what to do
hi, it’s skye.    i’m sorry to hear you’re recieving hate, it’s never the answer to anything, and i’m very happy to see you’re reaching out to poc’s for their opinions. it shows a lot of maturity 🫶🏾 and i’m def happy to help   i would first like to point out that there is a HUGE difference between faceless inspo and faceless casting.  it’s definitely weird to exclusively choose white passing faceless inspo if you are playing a person of colour, so if you have been heavily favouring white passing faceless things for a character of colour, i can see why people might be getting offended or annoyed — sending anon hate is never the answer, btw!  but yeah, exclusively white-washing ur character by only using those kinda resources isn’t cool.      but assuming you’re not using faceless resources as main things like on your blog theme, graphics, or resources (”faceless casting” is what i’m calling it for the purpose of this reply!), and just you’re curious about using inspo such as fashion, aesthetic boards and similar creations because the aesthetic of your character happens to match resources that including white-passing visuals... i’m not super mad at it?? as long as it’s not over-saturating the lovely faceless and aesthetic resources that are poc of all kinds. you give me good vibes, so i don’t think you’re trying to be any kind of malicious way.
also, idk what genre you’re rping in, and that can also be a bit of a hurdle for sure if you aren’t a resource creator and don’t have the ability to make your own things and have already exhausted the applicable tags. however, if you’re in a modern-ish genre, there are hellllaaa poc resources that will probably have the exact same or very similar vibes!! for more niche genres and faceless resources, you can also look to pinterest or reach out to blogs that make aesthetic edits or faceless edits.
for example, when hermie ( @slaterherms ) and i ran a mythology-based roleplay, it was especially hard to find resources that fit the ethnicity, age and a niche deity and genre and we ended up making some of our own resources and many of our muns made some just because they wanted to contribute to those without editing ability etc. and many of us reblogged white-passing content because there was no others that actually fit our needs in that genre and rpg world.   my point is, depending on context, there is always a reasonable ground for flexibility in this area as you can see, but it can’t be done in a malicious guise yk?
    AND if you rlly are in need, i can whip up some faceless stuff for you should u be strugglin 🙏🏾
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Could you pleaaassee do a Matchup for me for AOT, JJK, and Chainsaw Man? 💖
If you only want to do one, can you do AOT?💗🥰 and if you only want to do two, can you do AOT and JJK ? Thankss so much 💓🥹
AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 5’7”
EYE COLOR: Brown (tend to look solid black most of the time though) and are ✨shiny✨
SKIN TONE: warm Olive, Tan
SEX: Assigned female at birth
GENDER- Demi-boy / Non-binary / Boy? (Guess you could just think of me as a “reverse trap” if that helps😓) I’m like cute-boyish-neutral-but still Kinda fem, ya know? I l either refer to myself as a boy, or just don’t refer to myself in gender specific ways, bbut In the end I’m more like baby I guess 🥺 lol. I’ve told little to no one about all this anyways. ❤️
Also, I’m always told that I look younger, like 15 😬😓😞 (if that visually helps at all) I have a smaller, younger-looking face
BODY TYPE: Lithe/slim & fit and proportionate
I have narrower hips, smaller / flatter chest (but still wear a binder tho)
HAIR: Short, boy-ish, choppy, brown-black Color, kinda messy or has a texture to it where the ends are sharp and those pieces kinda stick out and makes it look a bit wild (but In a cute way 😉) I tend to keep my bangs a little a bit longer too
SEXUALITY: quite Demisexual and with a MALE preference
SUN SIGN: Aquarius
I guess internally I would describe myself as moody, self-conflicting and confusing, but when I interact with people, It’s different, showing a lighter more ✨sweet✨ pleasant side of me. My friends would describe me as sweet (not TOO sweet tho) funny and chill I guess. I’m still not outgoing per say, but will at least TRY to be a bit more bubbly or at least try to overcompensate in that way, but I am still chill. It’s quite difficult for me to put on a mask when I am certainly not ok. It tends to be obvious when there is something wrong with me, and I don’t exactly trust anyone to tell them how I’m truly feeling or what I’m thinking, especially with family members. I am generally a little timid in public spaces. I also have good manners too, so that’s nice lol
I guess since I’ve been through a lot and I’m all too familiar with what it's like to be in all sorts of pain, I generally want to be nice/neutral to everyone (who are at least nice to me) because I consider that there may difficult stuff going on in their lives and i have no idea what… but it is just courteous to do so anyways. And even though I thought I was going to be bitter and hateful, I am actually the opposite. This is hard to explain though, because I’m not as moody and reserved with others as when I am on my own. I laugh and smile a lot around people I like. I also never want to be negative around my friends and bring them into my mess, so I will just disappear and try to figure things out on my own, BUT I always come back. And If I do show you myself at my worst, and it turns you away or makes you indifferent towards me, then I- we’re done. My true friendships tend to be a light-hearted, peaceful kind of thing, with humor between us. I Never seem to fight with them or start arguments (vice versa), especially with petty things. I just want us to be real with each other and get along, and do stuff and talk about things !! (o also, we can be lil “mean” to each other, but it’s all in good fun.”) You really don’t have to walk on eggshells around me. I also can be really fun, and down to do so many things!
More important stuff:
Calm and collected demeanor
Fairly soft-spoken
I can also be pretty CHEEKY lol
love people who are able to laugh with me and don’t take me as seriously as I tend to take myself
Never been in a romantic relationship, never ever kissed anyone 😟❗️🥺
Being around people / strangers for too long is so draining
If a friend has too many other friends and spends a lot of time with them, I can get quite jealous
The concept of marriage kinda bothers me or turns me off
Slight abandonment issues
Friendly + easy-going
I find humor in a lot of things
Try my best to persevere when put in difficult situations
Tend to not like school very much
I hate raising my voice to the point of yelling (at someone) It feels wrong and out of character for me to just snap. I also think that arguing back and forth is pointless
Usually let out rage in private which usually involves punching and throwing things but usually end up breaking SOMETHING and regretting it lol or just crying
I never seem to sleep, whether I am depressed or not, I come alive at night
Very compassionate + sympathetic
Not clingy, or super dependant on others
Tend to get obsessed / fixated with things easily
Loyal, confideable and a great listener - like, if you need to rant and get something off of your chest, I’m not irritated, I’m here to listen
I always feel like the saddest person in the room ngl
SO emotional
Love hearing people talk about weird things / expressing themselves. I'm not judgmental like that and usually people feel that from me
Never been interested in drugs / alcohol / vaping / smoking- never have, most likely never will (personal preference) and also can definitely have a good time without all that. I never understood the purpose or appeal
Huge sweet tooth🤤, I actually have periods of consuming unhealthy amounts of sugar, but my body metabolizes it fast so its ok lmao
I LOVE music including METAL + deathcore + pop-punk, some pop (But I only listen to my music alone and don’t share it with anyone because it’s so personal to me)
I find eating in front of strangers / people I don’t know to be a little uncomfortable and awkward
Enjoy going to Cafe’s
Have a hard time knowing whether someone is flirting or not, or am just oblivious to it (but only if it’s towards me)
I love the night especially going outside when it’s dark and warm
I don't have a naive, unrealistic and oversimplified view regarding moral and ethical perspectives (I’m like a CHAOTIC GOOD)
PLayful teasing = BONUS POINTS (I feel like I just need that)
Am literal PUPPY and I feel like if you were to call me that and mess up my hair or something, I’d literally be like- 😯😧❗️❗️—->🥹☺️😚🥹🥹🥹❤️🥰
Being active and responsive towards me= YES
If you know how to use yours wooords= YES🥹😫
Competitive (Athletic and physically coordinated, good at sports / physical activities. (Really good at volleyball & basketball) I also LOVE skateboarding but I don’t do it as much as I would like to
I like being helpful to others
Gr8 sense of humor
Always questioning things + deep thinker
Shy but not a pushover
I have a lot to give 👉👈 🥺🥹 I know all too well what it feels like to not be wanted / not matter
Can be more outgoing when I’m at my best and only if I’m comfortable around you
Even though I am shy / introverted, I naturally gravitate towards and make friends with more outgoing / extroverted people, or at least are more extroverted than I am. They bring me out, and am really grateful for those people (I really like that they’re not too similar to me)
Will either have small group of friends, or that one favorite person
If I spend time with you, then I am choosing to spend time with you, I don’t force myself to hang out with anyone I’m not fond of
If I happen to form a (platonic) bond, which I admit, rarely happens- then you know that I genuinely like and appreciate you. I don’t take solid relationships for granted. Though, I’m also surprised or find it hard to believe that someone would actually want to be my friend.
When depressed, I shut down completely and very much dissociate from everything, it’s likely you won’t see me for a while (I also try to keep that sh*t away from my friends until I can pull myself back together again)
Generally unstable and have hard time regulating my emotions
Am difficult to read, and it takes a little while for me to really open up
Love language = i’m not too sure but I tend to give compliments in the sweetest way possible and give gifts to show my care and adoration, and would love giving AND receiving NiCe, JuIcY, SoLiD hugs (biddies hehe) even though I don’t like to hug anyone In general
Being vulnerable with my feelings makes me feel exposed / uncomfortable
Am the type to be able to comfortably sit in silence with someone
TOTAL BOTTOM / SUB (I think I just exude sub energy as well 😉😏hahaHA) but…
Still a lil virgin lol. That’s not say that I don’t think about being CORRUPTED and DESTROYED a lot 😛 haha
Huge tendency to self-sabotage, underestimate myself and compare myself to others
Insecure about being perceived as dumb, unintelligent or incapable / incompetent
Am good at a lot of things, but not exactly super amazing at a singular thing
Have gender dysphoria that can worsen at times
Need a guy who acknowledges my gender identity the way It is true to me and uses the proper pronouns, but I won’t get upset if he / people mess up on it. But him using they / he or referring to me as his “bOyFrienD”, that is SO hot like thank you agggh, I would melt.
I’m a dog, person and I’m SO good with dogs (I have two of my own)
When people use sweet names on me, i literally die in every way
I wear a sweet, sugary/floral scent, (it’s more subtle where you can only smell it on me if you’re close enough)
Go out and do things with me, or drag me out if u must, geez (Need to sit in my own space, but love to go out with company)
I tend to come off as kinda “emo,” not too much and not too little lmao. Most of the time, the way I dress tends to borderline on emo anyways (but a simple kind of emo). The style/look just gets a lot of slack, and that makes me a little insecure, so I’ll try to mix a little “prep” in my style (which I actually love as well) by adding a bit more of academia vibes and try to wear more color. In the end tho, it always seems to be random and constantly changing, so Idk. It’s kind of whatever 🖤 I’m either really put together about it, or not at all. O!! I also LOVE a good suit on me. I Primarily wear cooler tones like BLACK, BLUES, whites, sometimes neutrals, looser-fitting clothing. Shoes like sneakers, converse, stuff like that. ✨Academia vibe cuteness✨ (is what I ultimately try to go for) but the universe KEEPS PULLING ME ONLY TOWARD MY INHERENT EMO-NESS AGH.
I do not wear dresses / skirts / crop tops / high heels / high-waisted pants or anything like that. (MAYBE, just MAYBE I will consider wearing a nice lil dress that isn’t body-hugging, but that’s all). I don’t show more skin than legs and arms really. Long sleeves under t-shirts, white collared shirt under sweatshirts, stuff like that, but it doesn’t have to be. I don’t ever wear jewelry except for my one necklace that I never take off.
SoMething EXTRA: I went with my friend to get my tongue pierced when I turned 18 and then tried to hide it from my family, but soon my sister noticed first and ratted me out to my mom and I ended up taking it out a month later. I don’t have any body piercings other than that one rebellious time lol.
A/N: hi, buddy! Hope you appreciate this because it was very hard to do because your ask was very long, but I tried my best. 🖤
For Chainsaw Man I match you with... Denji!
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Though he has trust issues, he trusts your loyalty because you didn't try to kill him when you first met.
He supports you and respects your gender identity and pronouns, so of course you are his boyfriend. He doesn't have that much knowlege about gender dysphoria, but he goes to ask for advices.
Whenever you shut up, he worries like a lot and first he teases you with Power, but when he notices you avoid him more, he goes to tease Aki, asking for advices to win back your heart.
For Attack On Titan I match you with... Connie!
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Man was confused when he first saw you walking in class, but he was actually very concerned about you.
I love to think he made the first move: he sat next to you in class like "Hey buddy!" At first he got no reply from you, but after a few times trying, you decided to get out of your shell and get to know him better.
He burns all the hyper feminine clothes he can find in your closet mercilessly as he knows these make you uncomfortable. He's so prepared when it comes to body dysphoria, but he goes a little overboard.
For Jujutsu Kaisen I match you with... Itadori Yuji
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Also this man gets you out of your shell by teasing you. You were in his team with Nobara and Megumi and he teased you about being shy, forcing you to speak with Nobara, but Megumi pointed at the fact that made you upset and he teached them how to approach to you... uselessly.
By the way, you two ended up being roommates and you had to learn to deal with him forever. Luckly he's an open-minded person, so he learned by himself about dysphoria, but mostly asked Nobara for advices.
He compares you to Megumi for your emo personality, I can't tell if that bothers you or not, you decide. 😅
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fairy-writes · 2 years
hEy!!😙 I wondering if you could pretty please do a ship/matchup for me with a JJK guy? if it’s ok, I’d LOVE for you to do one for AOT as well🥹❤️✨ if YAS, then here is some info :
AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 5’7”
EYE COLOR: Brown (tend to look solid black most of the time) and are ✨shiny✨
SKIN TONE: Warm-olive - tan
BODY TYPE: Lithe, slim & fit
HAIR: Short (boy-ish i guess) and dark brown to black (a brown black) kinda messy or has a some texture to it that makes it look a bit wild and messy (but In a cute way lol)
GENDER- Demi-boy / non-binary / boy / trans ? (Guess you could just say I’m a “reverse trap” if that helps)
SEXUALITY: Demisexual and attracted to males
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
Calm and collected demeanor
Fairly soft-spoken
love people who are able to laugh with me and don’t take me as seriously as I tend to take myself
I guess internally, I would describe myself as moody, sad, or serious, but when I interact with people, It’s a bit different. I’m still not outgoing per say, but will be a bit more bubbly/fluffy or at least try to overcompensate in that way, but am actually quite moody, and sad though in the end tho. I try to be better around people than I am with myself, to show a lighter, ✨sweeter ✨ side. I also have good manners too, so that’s nice lol
I guess since I’ve been through a lot and I’m all too familiar with what it's like to be in all sorts of pain, so I want to treat everyone with neutral respect and kindness, not too-kind though lol). This is hard to explain though, I’m not moody and reserved with others so much, but rather am on my own and just know myself to be. I laugh and smile around my friends quite a lot around friends and people I actually like- it’s a light-hearted, peaceful kind of thing, but I also trust them enough to confide in/tell them about my inner depths/personal stuff. I NEVER EVER seem to fight with my friends/start arguments, especially with petty things. I just want us to be real with each other and get along, and do stuff and talk about things !!
Have never been a “perfect” straight-A student, am still not (but it’s not because i’m not smart, there’s other issues there)
Being around people is very draining but I can still manage
Slight abandonment issues
Friendly + easy-going
Sometimes I have an “all or nothing mindset” which is truly one of my biggest downfalls
I see the humor in a lot of things
Try to persevere when put in difficult situations
Tend to not like school
NEVER SLEEP, I literally come alive at night it’s wierd
Very compassionate + sympathetic
Not clingy, or super dependant on others
Tend to get obsessed / fixated with things easily
Loyal, confideable and a great listener
Innocent like that- never been interested in drugs / alcohol / vaping or smoking- never have, most likely never will (personal preference) and also can definitely have a good time without that. I just never understood the purpose/appeal of vices like that, but I like juice lol🫠
Huge sweet tooth 🤤
A dog person
LOVE music, (METAL + deathcore + pop-punk, some pop)
Love Cafe’s
Never been in a romantic relationship
Boring / UNINTELLIGENT / shallow people= HuGe NO
Flakiness in others= NO
Keep on being told that I look younger, like 15 😬😓😞 ( if that visually helps at all lmao)
Athletic and physically coordinated, good at sports / physical activities
I really like when I can be of help to people
Gr8 sense of humor
Always questioning things + deep thinker
Shy but not a pushover
Can be more outgoing when I’m at my best and only if I’m comfortable around you
Even though I am shy / introverted, I naturally gravitate towards and make friends with more outgoing / extroverted people, or at least are more extroverted than I am. They bring me out, I really admire/am grateful for those people
Will either have small group of friends, or that one favorite person
Love hearing people talking about weird things / expressing themselves. I'm not judgmental like that and usually, people automatically feel that from me
If I choose to spend time with you and happen to form a (platonic) bond, which I admit, rarely happens- then you know that I genuinely like and appreciate you. I don’t take solid relationships for granted. Though, I’m also surprised or find it hard to believe that someone would want to be my friend.
Generally unstable and have hard time regulating my emotions
VEry much dislike mean/apathetic/arrogant/ignorant/homophobes/transphobes/closed-minded/mean and “basic” b****es 😒 (when I say b****es, I’m referring to anyone no matter the gender)
Am quite difficult to read, and it takes a little while for me to open up
Love language = i’m not too sure but I tend to give gifts to people to show care and adoration, and would love giving/receiving nice, juicy, solid hugs (BIDDIES lol hehe), Giving compliments
Sometimes I think being vulnerable makes me seem weak
Am the type to sit comfortably in silence with someone
I dislike conflict + confrontation so i usually try to avoid it
TOTAL bottom/sub, definitely have a kinky mind too, BUT…
a lil virgin lol. But I do think about being CORRUPTED a lot (you know what I mean😏🥺🐶)
Huge tendency to self-sabotage, underestimate myself and compare myself to others
Insecure about being perceived as dumb, unintelligent or incapable / incompetent
Have gender dysphoria that can really worsen at times
Need a guy who probably wouldn’t care about gender / doesn’t really have a prefer in that regard, but acknowledges my gender identity and use the proper pronouns (using they/he or saying “bOyFrienD” when referring to me, I would melt lol) NOT someone who will try to change me but will support
Go out and do things with me, or drag me along with you if u must, geez lol (Need to sit in my own space, but need to go out with OTHERS)
I tend to come off as kinda “emo,” and the way I dress tends to borderline on emo anyways 🖤, but I don’t really try to. 🥺 I’m not hating on emo style, I pretty much am emo, but the style/look just gets a lot of slack, so it makes me insecure. So I try to mix a little “prep” in my style 🥲 and try to wear more color and stuff like that. I just don’t want people to see me as this dark, hurting emo boi (even though I pretty much am) who is unlikable or unapproachable so I try to be a different way but end up putting on what feels like some kind of facade, and in the end I feel less like myself.
Guess I try to be more like the person I wish I was through my style, even though I can’t deny who I am and what I’m like. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m a pretty confusing person who is self-conflicted- it’s one of my biggest problems.
I Primarily wear cooler tones like BLACK, BLUES, whites, SOMETIMES neutrals, more modest, looser fitting clothing. Shoes like sneakers, converse, stuff like that. a BIT of academia vibes (it’s what I ultimately try to go for) but the universe KEEPS PULLING ME TOWARD MY INHERENT EMO-NESS AGHH
I don’t wear dresses / skirts / crop tops / high heels/ high-waisted pants or anything like that. (MAYBE, just MAYBE will consider wearing a sweet dress again one day, but ONLY if I look more like a cute lil fem-boy and not a girl lmao.
This is random, but sometimes I do wear a more fitting crop-top tee over a fitted long-sleeve shirt and it really suits me, and it’s a moment. But that's as good as it gets regarding that (Use that as a headcanon 😏 even though you know it’s canon lol). I don’t ever wear jewelry. So I’m like cute-boyish-neutral-but still Kinda fem, ya know? I’m more like baby I guess. 😂🥺 I tend to not talk about my gender or refer to myself in gender specific ways, since I’ve told little to no one about it anyways.
Hey lovely! Im so sorry but my matchups are actually closed! They’ve been closed since about June or July. Im terribly sorry!
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