#also “who is the bitch???? ....I'M THE BITCH????” like c'mon I say that at least once a week
punkshort · 1 day
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Hard to Handle
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader one-shot
Summary: One year after Joel cheats on you and gets someone else pregnant, you run into him for the first time.
Warnings: pre-outbreak au, angst, language, infidelity, female rage, alcohol consumption, open/ hopeful ending but reader and Joel do not end up together
WC: 2.5K
Written for @tightjeansjavi's June writing challenge
"Guess who Neil saw at the pediatrician?"
You cracked open one eye and bringing your hand up to shield you from the sun, squinted over at your best friend, Kate. "Who?"
She grinned and sat up in her lounge chair. "Joel."
You made a face and closed your eyes again. "Don't care."
"He was all alone, Nate said. Looked like he was struggling to keep the baby quiet in the waiting room and he also said he looked tired as shit."
"C'mon, aren't you the least bit curious?"
You made an exasperated noise and sat up in your chair to face her. "What's the point? He made his bed, he can lie in it."
Kate sighed and pulled out her phone. "Well, I was curious so I looked him up on Facebook and guess what?"
"I don't-"
"The bitch left him!" she exclaimed, showing you Joel's Facebook profile where it clearly stated his relationship status was single and the profile picture was an old one from high school. You snorted and shook your head.
"It's been almost a year, what do you want me to say?"
"I want you to feel happy that he's fucking miserable, that's what," Kate said, picking up the baby monitor at her feet and zooming in on the screen, checking to make sure her six month old was still asleep.
"Okay, fine. I'm happy he's fucking miserable," you replied before taking sip of your lemonade. "It's not fair to the baby, though."
"Oh, of course not," Kate said immediately, "but after what he did to you, you can't deny that this is karma kicking his ass."
You shrugged and looked down at your hands, picking at something imaginary underneath your nail. It had been almost a year since you left Joel. A full year when you found out, after being together since junior year in high school, that Joel had cheated on you and gotten someone else pregnant.
Well, found out probably isn't the right term. He flat out confessed one morning.
You had woken up and reached out for him, your hand running up and down his bare chest. You inched forward and buried your nose against his side, breathing in deep his natural, masculine scent before slowly dragging your hand underneath the covers to the waistband of his boxers. You didn't even realize he was awake yet until his hand suddenly shot out and stopped you.
"What's wrong?" you asked, sleep still permeating your voice.
You opened your eyes and looked up at him. He was wide awake and staring at the ceiling.
He slowly turned his head to look at you and at the same time, one single tear slid from the corner of his eye. You scrambled up into a sitting position, panic singing in your veins.
"What's wrong?" you asked again, harsher this time. He swallowed and slowly sat up.
"I gotta tell you somethin'."
Your pulse began to race as all the possibilities ran through your mind, but what he said next was never what you had expected to hear.
"I slept with someone else and... she's pregnant."
You remembered in that moment it had felt like time stood still. The birds stopped chirping, the lawn mowers stopping running, the laughter outside your window ceased because the world as you knew it just ended.
After that, your memory was a little hazy.
You were sure you said some terrible things as you packed up all your belongings in a rage. The terms motherfucking piece of shit and fucking loser were tossed around more than once. You do remember preemptively accusing him of giving you an STD because he chased around whores and as you were walking out the door, you told him he would be a terrible father because he was still acting like a child himself.
Joel didn't say a single thing back. He stood there the entire time and took it, each word landing like a blow across the jaw. You weren't sure what pissed you off more: the fact that he didn't say anything or that he didn't even try to make you stay.
After you had a few weeks to reflect on it, you came to the conclusion that he must have been looking for a reason to break up and he was too chickenshit to do it himself, so he found a way to make you do it.
You blocked him on everything you could think of and pushed him from your mind. His name was banned in every conversation you had with your friends and family and as time went on, you managed to heal. You found a cute little apartment in downtown Austin and began hanging out more with your friends. You even went on a few dates with a couple different guys but nothing ever managed to stick, and you were fine with that. You actually preferred it. Being single was something you weren't familiar with and now, in your mid twenties, you were actually having a really fun time getting to know yourself again.
After so much time had passed, you really thought you were over it. Even after Kate shared that news with you, you still barely had a reaction. You were proud of yourself and feeling good. Joel was the furthest thing from your mind when you met some friends out for drinks that Friday night after work. The bar was crowded, but that wasn't unusual. It was one of the most popular spots downtown and your friend, Shannon, got there before the rest of you and managed to grab a small table.
"Are you still seeing that guy? The one with the cats?" Mel asked Shannon, and she shook her head.
"Ghosted me," she replied, making a sour face. You both pouted in return and you rubbed her back.
"Fuck him. There's plenty of other guys out there. Hell, there's plenty of guys right fucking here," you giggled and gestured behind her towards the packed bar. You noticed one guy in particular with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes glancing her way every few minutes and you nudged her foot under the table and jutted your chin in his direction. "Exhibit A."
She looked over her shoulder and smiled shyly before looking back at the two of you.
"I don't know..." she said hesitantly, then bit her lip and looked at him again. This time, the guy winked at her and she blushed.
"Come on, he's cute. Go dance with him," Mel urged, then Shannon grinned and snatched her purse.
"What the hell, can't hurt."
You both giggled as you watched her weave her way through the crowd towards her mystery man. Mel tossed back the rest of her drink with a wince before speaking again.
"Your turn."
You shook your head.
"Nah, I just wanna have a few drinks and go home, I'm not looking for another headache other than the one this vodka's gonna give me in the morning."
Mel opened her mouth to reply but then her eyes flicked to something over your shoulder. "Incoming," was all she said. You rolled your eyes and braced yourself for a shitty one-liner, but you turned out to be very wrong.
"Evenin', ladies," came a very familiar drawl from behind you. Your shoulders immediately stiffened and you slowly looked up. Sure enough, there he was. Joel.
It was Tommy who had greeted you. Joel still had yet to say anything as you glared at him. You met Mel after your breakup with Joel, and while you had told her about it, she never saw what he looked like so she was completely oblivious to what was happening. She had introduced herself to Tommy and was giggling at something he said while you were mentally planning your escape route.
"Lemme buy you a drink," Tommy offered, reaching out a hand. Mel eagerly took it and glanced back at you, frowning a little when she noticed your icy demeanor.
You ok? she mouthed, and you just nodded. She grinned and followed Tommy to the bar, leaving just the two of you.
"Mind if I sit?" he asked. You shrugged and grabbed your purse.
"It's all yours, I was just heading out."
"C'mon, don't be like that," he said. You swiveled around angrily and he held out a refill of your favorite mixed drink as a shitty peace offering. Kate was right. He had bags under his eyes and he looked run down.
"You hand me that drink and I'm dumping it over your fucking head," you snarled. He sighed and set it down on the table.
"I tried callin' but it never goes through."
"Because I blocked you, asshole."
"Yeah, I figured that out," he replied, sounding annoyed now. "Can you please just sit down?" he pleaded, pulling your chair out, but you shook your head and took a step back.
"No, Joel. I don't have anything else to say to you," you told him, then before you caused a scene you turned on your heel and began to push your way to the door, ignoring him calling your name over the music.
When you got outside, you took a deep breath, the cool night air mixing with cigarette smoke from a few bar patrons nearby. You didn't live too far away, so you decided to walk home and text your friends on the way so they knew you were safe. It was about two blocks away from the bar when Joel caught up with you and the idea of him finding out where you lived made you irrationally angry.
His fingers reached out and brushed against your elbow, trying to get you to slow down. You yanked your arm away and skid to a stop. "Don't fucking touch me, Joel."
"I'm sorry, please," he tried, but you shook your head.
"Sorry for what? For ruining my night out with my friends or throwing away seven years together and knocking up some slut?" Your nostrils flared as you glared at him angrily and a few people walking by turned in your direction then murmured amongst themselves when they were out of earshot. Joel glanced around nervously and raked his fingers through his hair.
"Can we please talk? I-I wanna apologize, I wanna make things right-"
"It's too late, Joel," you huffed and crossed your arms.
"Goddamnit, why you always gotta be so fuckin' stubborn?" he groaned, "this is why it wasn't workin', by the way. This is exactly fuckin' why."
"So your answer was to cheat on me? Real fucking classy," you snapped.
"I was fuckin' drunk!" he almost yelled, making you jump. "'Sides, from the sound of it you're havin' the time of your life bein' single. Makin' up for all those years you were stuck with me?"
"Fuck you!" you seethed, pointing your finger in his face. "You fucking asshole! Who the hell do you think you are? And why are you keeping tabs on me, anyway? What I do isn't your goddamn business anymore, so leave me alone!"
He buried his face in his palms and rubbed his eyes aggressively before taking a deep breath and trying again.
"I know, I know. And I'm sorry."
"What are you even doing out at a bar this late, anyway? Shouldn't you be home with your kid?" you said, leaving out the part about him being a single dad now, refusing to give him the satisfaction that you already knew.
"My mom's watchin' Sarah, wanted to give me a break," he mumbled. For some reason, hearing his baby's name made you freeze. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. "It's just us now," he continued, and you swallowed tightly, finally letting him speak. "She left us a few weeks after Sarah was born. Said she couldn't handle it. I told her it sounded like that post-partum... whatever it's called," he continued, taking a step back so he could rest his tired body against the building behind him. "But she just got more and more distant and one mornin' I woke up to Sarah screamin' her head off in the crib and a note on her dresser."
You clenched your jaw, biting back the instinct to express your sympathy. Even through all your rage you couldn't help but feel a little bad for him. You could see it in his eyes. They weren't bright and playful like they used to be. The past year aged him.
"I made a mistake but I ain't gonna abandon my kid. Don't get how anyone could," he said softly, "she's just so small 'n helpless 'n I'm all she's got."
You took a deep breath and averted your gaze, staring up the street at nothing in particular. Even if you felt bad for him, that didn't change what he did to you: a betrayal worse than anything you had ever experienced. When you opened your mouth to tell him that, he spoke first.
"I still love you."
Your shoulders sagged and you closed your eyes.
"How stupid do you think I am?" you asked quietly. His tired eyes roamed over your face helplessly. "Your baby mama left you and now you're feeling overwhelmed so you thought you'd try crawling back?"
"That's not what this is," he insisted. "I didn't know I'd see you here tonight but now that I have, I couldn't let you leave without tellin' you I've thought about you every single fuckin' day since you left. Even the day Sarah was born, I was starin' down at her wishin' you were her mama instead." His eyes began to glisten, filling with unshed tears as he poured his heart out to you on the sidewalk. "I fucked up, baby. But if-"
"Don't call me that."
He ignored you and kept talking. "But if you gimme one more chance I promise I'll make it up to you." He gazed at you, blinking back his tears while trying to read your expression. "We got so much history together, there's gotta be something left. Somethin' worth fightin' for."
You tilted your head to the side and shook your head sadly.
"Sorry, Joel," you replied, watching as his face fell. "You made your choices, now you gotta live with them."
You turned and began to walk in the direction of your apartment, proud that you stood your ground but still feeling a pit in your stomach as you left. He wasn't wrong. You had a lot of history together and the hardest thing you ever had to do was walk away from him, but you knew in the end, you had to put yourself first.
Before he was out of earshot, you turned back around, spotting him standing in the same spot against the building staring down at his feet.
"Hey," you called out, and he quicky looked up.
"Good luck. To both you and Sarah. I mean it," you said sincerely. "You're doing the right thing, Joel."
He slowly nodded and you turned back around. Pulling out your phone, you saw a missed text from Mel asking where you were.
I'm gonna be okay, but I'm going home.
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keiicom · 1 year
Shouldn't we all be kinning Uriel, I feel like there should be more Uriel kinnies out there
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redbullgirly · 4 months
Million Dollar Man [LS18 smau]
Lance Stroll x reader [social media au]
Summary: Lance's girlfriend isn't afraid to show how much her boyfriend loves and spoils her. Unfortunately, "fans" seem to think she's a gold digger. But who would Lance and Y/N bee if they just let it slide?
Warnings: A lot of hate towards the reader by online trolls and just toxic fans, at the end she and Lance shuts them up but if you're not in the right head-space to read this, then please don't.
yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by lance_stroll, fernandoalo_oficial, astonmartin and 192,344 others
tagged: astonmartin and lance_stroll
yourusername life lately... how about you? 🍰💐
view all 3209 comments
user1 more like: life lately 💸💸💸
user2 LOL
lance_stroll life lately has been great ❤️
liked by the author
user3 Lance don't worry we're going to save you!!
user4 our guy is lyinggggg i can feel it
user5 Oh my god let them live a happy life you trolls🤦‍♀️
user6 how can you know it's happy when she clearly uses him for money?🤨
user5 And how can you know it's not? Besides I don't think she uses him for anything🤷‍♀️
user4 then your just as naive as him user5 lol
user7 she's so classy a love it!😻
user8 Can she even drive or she just wanted to take a photo in his car?
fernandoalo_oficial You are slaying Queen!😉
fernandoalo_oficial Did I do it correctly yourusername?
yourusername it's great nando, just please never use that emoji again and you'll be ready do graduate from my gen-z university!
fernandoalo_oficial Damn it I knew all you use these days is this one: 💀
yourusername 💀
user10 i'm convinced she holds both aston drivers hostage in her basement and is forcing them to comment on her posts
user11 It's probably not even her own basement but Lance's😭
user12 nah she ain't even that pretty
user13 omg no way this post is the way I found out lance mf stroll has a girlfriend?🤠
user14 GIRL you have so much lore to catch up on
user15 Yeah welcome to the worst wag ever fandom xd
user13 wait I'm so confused... why do we hate her???
user14 bc she's basically a gold digger, like from the moment her and lance started dating she's been posting only about shopping and showing off herself and her bf's money
user12 plus she ugly af
user15 Yeah and there are rumors on twitter about her being really mean to everyone and that the whole paddock hates her and stuff...
user13 okay I get that but tbh we can't believe everything that's on f1 twitter
user14 idc she's a bitch even without the rumors
user15 I can tell Y/N is trying so hard to have the rich girly aesthetic... it's actually embarrassing😂
astonmartin Wow you have a great car right there😍
user16 more like her sugar daddy lance has it lol XD
user17 guys be fr if you had a rich boy you'd be spending his money too!!!
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yourusername and lance_stroll posted on instagram stories
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by estabanocon, lance_stroll, astonmartinf1 and 206,948 others
tagged: astonmartinf1 and lance_stroll
yourusername thank you spa for having me! what a race, congrats to my favourite driver lance_stroll on p9 & his teammate fernandoalo_oficial on p5! great team work, hope to see you on another grand prix in the future astonmartinf1 💚🏆
view all 4022 comments
astonmartinf1 we hope to see you on another grand prix as well Y/N!🤩
liked by the author
user1 you don't have to lie admin, it's waste of money on her... better give the paddock pass to someone else
astonmartinf1 well, we definitely won't give it to you user1, so no need to worry about it 😙
user2 daaaamn, the admin is coming for y'all haters
user3 Of course she had to wear the racing suit... c'mon that's so embarrassing🙄
user4 actually it's pretty normal, I'm pretty sure Max's gf also wore his racing suit at some point
user3 Yeah but I at least like and respect Kelly... Y/N is a horrible gold digger
user4 well then I'm pretty sure it's your problem, not hers🤷‍♀️
user5 girl stop pretending you care about racing we all know you do it just for pr and cash xdd
user6 Honestly I'm not a Lance Stroll fan, but he deserves someone better than her...
lance_stroll Thank you to my favourite wag! 🥳❤️
yourusername love you baby!!!💞
user7 favourite wag😂 good joke😂😂
user8 am I the only one who finds their interaction cute??
user9 yeah you are user8... like just look at it, it's so forced... wouldn't be surprising if their whole relationship was fake
user10 You can hate on her all you want, but she's actually gorgeous in the third pic😻
user11 YUUUCCKK🤮🤮🤮
user12 you see I would be fine with this post if she didn't have to show off the aston martin car again!!!
user13 Hey did you notice she tagged Nando in the caption and he didn't reply to her? I call it ✨karma✨ lol
user14 maybe he escaped from her basement😭
user15 💚💚
user16 sorry but I can't help it. There's just something fishy about Y/N and I can't bring myself to like her at all
user17 Guys who is this girl and why does she get more hate in her comments than hailey bieber??💀
user18 I hate how she makes the whole Grand Prix about herself
user19 no but fr... like honey, idc about you and your favourite driveeer
user20 Tf?? She literally called LANCE her favourite driver how is that about her... you haters are so dumb🤦‍♀️
user21 I bet she read the comments on twitter about how she's bad gf for not going to any races and decided to fix her image by this XD
user19 lmfao didn't probably work the way she hoped
messages between Y/N and Lance
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lance_stroll posted on instagram
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liked by yourusername, sebastianvettel, f1 and 330,219 others
tagged: yourusername
lance_stroll As some of you now, I am not very active on social media. Today I'm making an exception for Y/N, my lovely girlfriend I've been dating for almost a year now. She is one of the greatest, most kind, caring and selfless people I know. I don't know where the idea of our relationship being unhappy, one-sided or even insincere came from, but I would like to make it very clear once and for all that these assumptions are as far from the truth as they can be.
In my life, I experienced a lot of hateful comments and reactions myself. It is not something I wish anyone should have to go through and it's disgusting. I love Y/N with all my heart and I hope that one day, she'll make me the happiest man alive and allows me to marry her, build a family together. No one will ever again speak about her in an inappropriate way, or they'll be blocked and possibly face legal actions taken agains them. I am very serious about this.
Y/N, I'm not afraid to call you the love of my life. I never want to see you cry because of some meaningless hater. Love you to the moon and back, sweetheart ❤️
view all 4823 comments
user1 It's just so heartbreaking how Lance himself had to go through so many waves of hate because of his dad and now he had to watch Y/N go through it too...😓
yourusername love you to the moon and back too lance!!!💖
lance_stroll Wouldn't have it any other way honey!😌
user2 you know it's serious when sebastianvettel shows up
astonmartinf1 once the it couple, always the it couple!💚 proud to say we were never a hater😘
user3 i still think it's fake
fernandoalo_oficial and I think you are fake🤪
user4 LMAO nando come and get the haters lets goooo
user5 That's how you shut them up xd
fernandoalo_oficial how do you children say it? I AM LANCEY/N DEFENDER
user4 yeah yeah nando exactly that or you can say your a lancey/n truther
liked by fernandoalo_oficial
user5 omg I can't believe I just had online conversation with THE Fernando Alonso😭
f1 What a beautiful couple you are!🙌 Hope to see you in the paddock after summer break!😏
user6 "they'll be blocked and possibly face legal actions taken agains them" daaammmnn man is standing on business here
user7 Tbh I never understood why y'all hated on her sm she's literally so beautiful and seems kind as well🤷‍♀️
lilymhe pretty giiiirl
lance_stroll I couldn't agree more!❤️
yourusername oh stop you two I'm blushing
user8 Can we take a moment to appreciate how beautifully the caption is written?🥹 Lance really has some poetic talent!
liked by yourusername
user9 aaah she's still a gold digger and he's too blind to see it😂
user10 Yeah she probably charmed him in bed or sm
user11 Ohh user9 and user10... I wonder how it feels to know Lance and probably some other drivers hate you🫢
chloestroll My brother and my future sister-in-law!🥰
liked by the author and yourusername
yourusername 🥰🥰
user12 im actually so happy to see y/n replying to some of the comments and just being active without so much hate on her now!!!
yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by lance_stroll, kellypiquet, fernandoalo_oficial and 299,102 others
tagged: lance_stroll and dior
yourusername they say if he wanted to he would... I say he wants to so he does 🌹❤️
comments have been limited
lilymhe she ate you jealous people up with that caption
liked by lance_stroll and fernandoalo_oficial
lilymhe also alex_albon me when??
dior Wow!❤️‍🔥
lance_stroll That's what real men do instead of trolling others on the internet.
yourusername daaammn baby
lance_stroll What? I'm just stating facts 😌
kellypiquet shopping trip to Paris when?😍
yourusername anytime you want!!!💕
astonmartinf1 So lucky to (basically) have you on our team💚
fernandoalo_oficial I call that a slay admin
astonmartinf1 ...should I tell him slay is kinda out dated??
yourusername aaah let him have his moment
yourusername 🫢
Author's note: I hope you liked my first ever social media au story! I'll be glad for every feedback, comment, like, reblog and everything! You can definitely send me asks and requests for another smau's and even 'normal' fanfictions. Have a great day!
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hushedlover · 1 year
Screaming and Fighting
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader
Summary: You and Xavier were always best friends. And like all best friends you fought. But this fight was different.
A/n: Part 2 may or may not be already in progress but I want to see if you guys like this first.
Edit: Part 2 Here
Requests are open! Send anything in!
Xavier Thorpe is a lot of things. He’s high-strung, talented, smart, cocky, annoyingly handsome, charismatic, charming, and an asshole. But above all, Xavier Thorpe was your best friend. You had been friends for a long time, your families both being wealthy and high class. You grew up together and had originally hated each other. But as you were forced into spending more time together you grew closer. Your hatred bloomed into friendship and then, for you at least, bloomed into a crush. You found your cheeks growing warm whenever you would hug him or when he would share his food with you. As you got older that crush blossomed into something even more. You didn’t want to admit it was love, because that meant admitting he had power over your heart and you couldn’t have that. So you pushed it away and you continued as things were. That meant bullying the hell out of each other like best friends do, which led to a lot of arguments. Especially as you got older, both of you attended Nevermore.
It had been a normal Friday, you were walking back to the school together having spent the afternoon in his art shed. It started off as idle conversation, and then had turned towards the new student who had joined your class. And somehow that exploded into an argument. This fight had been about some decisions of his that you didn’t exactly agree with. You have always supported Xavier. No matter what he did. Of course, you’d give him shit if the choice he made wasn’t great, but you always supported him.
But when he talked about his huge crush on the new girl, Wednesday Addams, something in you snapped. It wasn’t that you didn’t like her. You really did. You admired the way she carried herself, not caring about what anyone thought. That was something you struggled with greatly. But you also didn’t like the idea of her with Xavier. The thought made your gut twist and turn, and your throat burn. So when Xavier mentioned maybe wanting to take her to the Rave’n you did not hesitate to tell him what you thought.
“With her? Really, Xavier? I would hope you would have more dignity than that,” you scoffed, lightly kicking a stone.
He whipped around to look at you, bewildered and offended. “What the hell does that mean?”
You only shook your head.
“No! Y/n tell me what you mean.”
“I just mean… C'mon Xavier. She has this thing going on with Tyler or so I've heard, but honestly, I get vibes that she plays for the other team. What I'm trying to say is she obviously doesn’t like you! You look like a fool running after her like a love-sick puppy.”
Xavier stared at you, his mouth opening and closing like he couldn’t find the words to say to you. But what he said next made it obvious that that wasn’t the case.
“God you are such a bitch! You can’t for one moment be happy for me,” He yelled and pulled at his hair. “First Bianca and now Wednesday! Any girl I like isn’t good enough for me. And you say I look like a fool? You’re constantly trailing me. You're just jealous and clingy and awful! I can’t stand it anymore Y/n! I can’t do it.”
You stood in shock at his words. He had never hurled such hurtful things at you, never. Not even when you fought about his parents, one of the worst fights you had ever had. You could feel the tear well in your eyes and your heart started to burn. You couldn’t, no you wouldn’t let him see you cry. Calling out a “Fuck you, Thorne” you turned and left.
Now here you were walking through the forest trying to clear your thoughts. You had stopped trying to keep the tears at bay long ago. Your cheeks were wet, salty drops rolling down them silently. You weren’t angry. Not anymore. Or at least not at the moment. You were just numb like your body was protecting you from the hurt. You didn’t feel anything. You had picked up the bad habit of shutting down when hurting emotionally from the toxicity that was your family when fighting.
You didn’t know where your feet were carrying you. You didn’t care. Anywhere but where he was. You looked up from the forest floor when you heard voices ahead of you. You glanced up and realized where you were. Fuck. In the distance ahead of you, you saw Xavier’s painting shack. Your legs automatically carried you where you usually went when you were upset. But now that was the very thing upsetting you. Glancing around for who the voices were coming from; you found the people but you wished you never did. There, standing in front of the shack, were Wednesday and Xavier. Even though you knew you shouldn’t, you carefully crept closer and hid behind a tree to listen to their conversation. You were far enough away that they wouldn’t see you but that you could still hear them clearly.
“Are you really going to make me ask?”
“Oh absolutely,” You could hear the smirk in Xavier’s voice, and it made your heart clench.
Ask what? You thought.
“Would you… “ An awkward moment of silence. You furrowed your brows. “Would you possibly consider going to the raven dance with a certain- Would you go to the dance with me?”
You didn’t wait to hear his answer. You knew what it would be. You turned and bolted back into the forest. Who cares if they heard or saw you? Everything hurt. Shame and embarrassment, along with jealousy and agony squeezed your heart. It burned everywhere in your body. It was all too much. Everything around you was blurred. You had no idea where you were going. You didn’t care. The only thought going through your head was to get as far away from them as possible. You were so angry and humiliated. It made your blood boil. Literally. It felt like your blood was boiling. It felt like you were going to explode with all the feelings inside of you. You felt like screaming and punching something as hard as you could. So you did.
The poor victim of your anger ended up being the tree closest to you. And the karma for attacking the innocent part of nature was instant. Pain bloomed across your knuckles and the skin split, and a burning sensation radiated up your wrist to your elbow. You screamed out in pain. And then you screamed again and again and again until all the anger was gone and you were just tired and numb.
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aishnico · 5 months
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#𝙎𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙃: 𝘭𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦
» summary: the famous guitarist of guns n’ roses is not sure what he feels towards you
» word count: 3.2k (wOOOOO)
» warnings: cringey stuff (help 🙄🙄), alchohol, drugs, not cheating but you might take it personally (?) suggestive content, he’s a bitch until the last parts, fluff at the end (?), grammar issues (as always)
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“so, what’s up with that girl in that music shop?” duff asked his curly-haired friend while drinking his vodka.
his friend yawned. “huh, who?”
“the girl in the music shop, you even invited her to our last concert. izzy said he saw you two on outside.”
he blinked a few times. then realization hit him. “ooh, you’re talking about miss fortune,” he then started to laugh like an idiot. “be ready to hear what will come.”
he didn't care about you, at first. he just thought you were a cute girl who was in charge of one of his favorite music stores when sometimes the owner, your dad, wasn't around. you would look at him impressed and with adoration whenever he played one of the greatest guitar solos. your reaction would cause him to chuckle and boost his ego.
you wondered since when he was playing and how many hours he was practicing a day. of course, your mouth was wide open when you heard the answer. you acted like you weren't believing him, but deep down, you knew it was mostly true.
after some time, he asked you to attend one of his band's shows to see more of his guitar capabilities. and it's not like a famous rock star asks you this every day. so you accepted his offer.
the show was crazy; his bandmates were also crazy and flirtatious as fuck, but they killed the show. you were looking for him after the show. then saw his friends taking drugs while a couple of half-naked chicks were sitting by their sides. you assumed he was going to join them, but you saw him outside trying to light his cigarette. but you grabbed it from his hands with a sly smile. he furrowed his eyebrows.
"c'mon, girl, give it back."
"there are better things to do than this. what are you doing here?"
"just went for some fresh air. the atmosphere inside is making my head hurt today. guess i'm not in the mood."
"this," you pointed his lighter. "doesn't make fresh air. also, won't this make your head hurt more?"
he rolled his eyes at you. "and what are you suggesting?"
that was the first moment when he thought you were, strange. more strange and different than the girls he has ever met. he never thought you would bring him to a chinese tea shop. and he wasn't expecting you to pay for both of you. he had never tried this type of tea before. hell, when was the last time he even drank tea?
the waiters even offered both of you fortune cookies. he thought they were nothing but bullshit. who would even believe in them? of course, you would.
"how can you even believe in these?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows at the cookie.
"well, i don't know about you, but for me, most of them are true!"
"i've never eaten this before."
"come on! how about the fortune cards? have you tried them before?"
"no. like i said, they are all bullshit." he said with a strict tone.
"at least eat the cookie."
he did as you said and broke the cookie in half. he didn't even look at the mini-paper and wrinkled it. then saw your sad puppy eyes looking at him. he sighed and straightened the paper without showing it to you.
'the thing you might be looking for is nearer than you think.'
what does that even mean? he furrowed his eyebrows again. "what does it say?" you asked him excitedly, and he wrinkled the paper and put it in his pocket.
"you're no fun." you muttered.
"and you are the most hilarious person i've ever met. it's getting late. let's go."
"would you accompany me?" you asked with a teasing tone.
usually, when he would go on his 'dates', he would call a cab for them. he doesn't remember when he accompanied them on a walk or when he agreed to accompany you now.
he listened to your beliefs about those fortune things he found bullshit, how tea is better than coffee and country music is actually nice to listen to, which he disagrees with on both. you two didn't have any common things at all. but he found it amusing to argue about things about which you didn't have the same opinion as him.
you were now standing before your house. you smiled at him. "thank you for the company."
he shrugged. "i mean, you asked me to do it so..."
"yeah yeah, good night, saul." you planted a kiss on his cheek before entering your house. he stood there for a couple of seconds. then started to walk fast to the street to find a cab. he had already lost a lot of time.
"she then kissed my cheek, and she probably thinks we're dating or something." the guitarist laughed at his sentence with duff. he took another roll of cocaine.
"i think she did that because she wanted to tease you?" duff asked.
"tease me? man, i don't even have eyes on her. she's weird. not in a bad way, though."
"don't tease her himself. girls like her may think you're in love with her or something."
"trust me, she's like the last person to fall in love with."
that was what he has been telling himself since your little 'date'. he didn't bother to contact you, neither did you. he thought you were just acting indifferent.
he almost forgot you while he was on tour. every day traveling to another city, playing the same songs, meeting with new chicks, and sometimes making out with them...
it has been almost a month and a half since you saw each other. they were in los angeles again, working on a new album. one day, he received a phone call from the owner of his favorite music shop. the shopkeeper told him that there were new pedals and equipments for electric guitars at the shop. he got excited and went on his way to the shop.
he spent about an hour there, testing new guitars and equipments on them. however, he decided he didn't need them for now. he thanked the shopkeeper, and before leaving, he saw a familiar picture of a woman behind the cash point.
what he did not expect was that the woman in the picture, you, was the shopkeeper's daughter.
"haven't you met with my daughter yet? strange... i remember that she told me that a famous guitarist would come here often while i had something to do."
"i... don't remember her."
"hm, i don't think you can see her often here from now on. she's in college, so she doesn't have much time for her dad anymore, I guess." he coughed.
"what's her major?"
"english literature, i believe"
"cool... anyway, take care." the guitarist answered when he was about to leave the shop. before he could pull the door, somebody else pulled. you.
both his and your eyes wide open. you smiled at him sincerely. "what a pleasing surprise! we met again." you chuckled.
"oh? isn't that our little miss fortune?" he seemed to remember now.
"miss fortune? that's not the best way to describe me but okay. i'm in a hurry, but i'd like to meet you tonight at the tea shop where we went about a month ago. bye!" you rushed inside without saying anything else.
"hey! when should i come?"
your father grinned at him and the guitarist left the shop.
why did i say that..? the man thought to himself. i probably sounded desperate to see her or something. ugh...
he made his way towards the local bar where he and his bandmates would usually hang out. maybe he could kill some time before heading to the tea shop. he just wanted to lay on a couch for a while but couldn't say no to a pretty lady who wanted to share her bottle of jack daniels with him.
"waiting for someone, handsome?"
"i'm waiting for someone, actually."
"hm, unpunctual people are not up to good."
"actually, i don't know why am i waiting."
"are you waiting for a date?"
"i don't think it's a date, just a hangout."
"well, i don't think you should wait too long for a hangout. you have nothing to do better?"
"guess no"
"well, i think there is." the lady smirked at him before attacking his neck with kisses and bites. the man threw his head back and inhaled. he gave her more permission to attack. eventually, he got turned on, pulled her head off, and connected their lips before heading to the nearest toilet.
it was almost 9 p.m. and only now did he remember he needed to go after washing his face. his head was exploding. he still didn't know why he was heading there. he certainly did not have feelings for you. he didn't find you super attractive, and he didn't find a reason to hang out with you often.
were you friends? he also didn't think so. maybe you would complain about him to his father like a little girl, and then your father would forbid him to come to his shop? that thought was hilarious to him.
after about half an hour, he was standing before the tea shop. when he looked through the window, he saw no one there except a ginger employee. he then hesitated but entered inside.
"i'm sorry sir, but we're closing here after ten minutes." the ginger woman told him before going to the personal room to change her clothes.
he huffed at himself. it was just a waste of time for him. why did he even bother? he asked this question to himself for the nth time.
he made his way to the door but stopped once he heard a door opening sound from behind. he returned his face to the sound and saw you with a shocked expression, but it turned into a relaxing small smile.
"you came..."
"you called."
then your ginger friend got out of personal room and tapped your shoulder. "we're closing in ten minutes. make your last order, then close the shop, alright?"
you nodded. "good night!"
"good night!"
you both watched her leave, then looked at each other awkwardly. "i thought you wouldn't show up."
"i planned to come here earlier, but..."
"but..." you repeated after him and got closer to him. your happy face dropped off. you looked at his neck full of hickies. "guess mosquitoes nagged you." you gave him a small smile.
"oh, is that much visible? my friends will tease the shit out of me."
you didn't reply and made your way toward the cash point. "what can i make for you?" 
he looked at the tea chart for a couple of seconds. "you know what? make the tea we both drank when we were here."
"i don't remember which we drank."
"then make your favorite. make two cups of them."
"oh? you seem pretty thirsty." you teased him.
"nah, that's for you. you treated me that time. now i want to repay."
you nodded. "oh, so that's why you came here. to repay me."
this thought never passed through his mind but he chose to lie. "yeah, pretty much." you didn't look up to him but nodded.
after a couple of minutes, you put two cups of tea on the tray and went to where he was sitting. you placed his tea in front of him. "thank you."
you sat next to him. admiring people from afar. a lady and her boyfriend were clinging to each other to get warm. an old lady was struggling with her walker and her son (or someone else) was trying to help her. three children running on pavements while laughing (why were they outside at this hour?)
but he could care less about the outside. he was admiring you. he was admiring how soft your expression was. how you looked cute when you're puffing the steam from tea. how slowly you're drinking it, but it is still hot, and you manage to burn the tip of your tongue a little bit. he chuckled at himself.
"what's funny?" you pouted at him.
"you. you're funny."
you rolled your eyes at him. "you're annoying, mind your business."
"what happened to your lovey-dovey attitude? i still remember that kiss." he teased you.
"ugh, don't remind me. i cringe every time i remember this. god knows what was i thinking... besides, i know that meant nothing to you."
"ooh, how do you know that?"
"because you would try to contact me, at least passing by that music shop. but you never did these for the past month. you just chased some mosquitoes, and they chase you back."
he laughed at this. "why do i feel like we're arguing like we're actually a couple?"
you didn't know how to reply, so you continued to sip your tea. you didn't talk until you finished your tea. you looked at his side and saw that his cup was full.
"you didn't even take a sip."
"i waited for it to be cold."
"trust me, it is now. but i have to close the shop. drink it or give it to me." you said while reaching your hand to him. but he quickly grabbed the cup and drank it all at once.
your mouth was wide open. you blinked a few times. "this is not some tequila okay?! you can't just one-shot it!"
"who says?" he replied while heading to the cash point. you followed him there and finished your cleaning and checking the last things before heading door with him.
after locking the door you looked at him. you thought he wanted to say something so you waited patiently.
"thank you." was all he said. you lowered your head, and smiled at yourself. "i shall thank you. for the free tea."
"i forgot to thank you at that time. and i thank you now for your kindness."
he would never thought these words would actually leave his mouth. like, he was a completely different person now.
"you're welcome, i hope you enjoyed your tea."
"trust me, i did."
"well, i'm glad." you looked at him now. after a brief moment of silence, you coughed. "i should get going. you should too. don't drink too much at this hour. huh, why would you listen to me?" you lowered your voice at the end but he heard it anyway.
"i already drank today. and i have no desire to drink again. not now, but surely tomorrow."
"alright, good night saul. take care."
you smiled again and started to walk on your way. "wait!" you heard him calling you so you stopped. he immediately came next to you.
"would you want me to company you?"
you chuckled at yourself. "i do not want to waste your time."
"trust me, you won't."
what was that again? what did he just say? he completely agreed that he was just someone else right now. but his stomach got hurt so much when you sincerely smiled again. it wasn't pain, it was something else. it feels like something quivers in his stomach and the breath from his lungs is leaving.
he feels exhilaration.
"are you okay? you're trembling," you asked him worriedly, caressing both of his arms.
he feels like he is about to explode.
"the weather- yes, the weather is... getting cold. we should get going."
"look, you don't have to come with me. my house isn't far from here anyway. you're shaking. just find a cab and head to your home. you won't be happy when you get sick and you have to be at the studio at that moment."
oh how sincere you were in your words and how caring you were towards him.
"i'm gonna be fine," he smirked and you both started to walk next to each other.
both of you didn't talk. although the silence wasn't disturbing. it was a comfortable one. million thoughts were flying inside his head right now. he was mainly thinking about your current situation. what you two were? what you were to him? was this feeling temporary? was this feeling gonna hunt him constantly? he didn't know.
the only thing he knew was that he had to find a reason to hang out with you again.
he wanted to know more about you. wanted to hear about your college life and lessons. want to know about your family and friends. wanted to know your favorite color, food, animal, movie, and more. he wanted to learn about you more.
"are you feeling warm yet?" you broke the long silence. but it seemed like he was in his deep thoughts.
"saul?" you called him. he then came back to reality and looked at you. "
"huh? excuse me, i was thinking about something."
"i asked if you're feeling warm yet."
"oh, yeah. pretty much."
a silence occurred between you once again. this time, he broke it. with saying something unexpected.
"although i would feel completely warm if you make me a soup."
you laughed hysterically. "i bet those chicks make hella delicious soups."
"nah, i don't think so. i want to try your meals someday."
he didn't care about it anymore. he didn't care anymore if he was being someone else. he liked it
"someday... someday seems cool."
"your behavior did really change. i would lie if i say i don't miss the old lovey-dovey miss fortune [name]."
"h-huh? don't call me miss fortune. i'm not interested in that stuff that much now. besides, unlike you, i love this saul."
"oh? you don't like my old me?"
"he was salty, but he was okay. i would still hang out with him."
he couldn't hide his smile but managed to hide his slightly flushed cheeks. even if he was being like this, or normal himself, you would still be next to him.
finally, you both were standing in front of your house. you inhaled and looked at him. "thank you for your accompany."
he just shrugged, couldn't find anything to say. so you cleaned your throat. "good night, saul. take care."
"you too, good night."
you smiled and before you pulled the door he called you by your name. you turned your head at him.
"no good night kisses?" he asked with a cheeky tone. you just rolled your eyes at him playfully. "don't tease me, boy, now go and get some sleep."
"woah woah woah woah- you know what it feels like to me? like i just skipped a big part of a romance novel." duff laid on the couch, almost going to sleep right there.
"i know it happened in one night but, i'm telling you. this time, wasn't like the first time. the first time i really wanted to walk away from there. but this time, i didn't want it to end."
"congratulations on your new hook-up then. just know, i'm gonna make it shorter by saying she's the last person to fall in love with."
"hey, mind your own business!"
"fine fine..." the bassist yawned loudly before slowly drifting off.
they didn't talk for a few minutes since saul was lost in his thoughts again. then something clicked in his mind.
there weren't two versions of him. there wasn't this cheeky and normal saul. there was only one. and that only one have…
he broke the silence.
"dude, i think i've fallen in love with her for real."
the bassist woke up and dropped his bottle of vodka to the floor. "you what?!"
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according2thelore · 2 months
That anon who said they dean being jealous of himself is SO right. I'm LOVING the angsty jealous dynamics you've been feeding us. I'm partial to "young Sam is jealous of old Sam" myself because it's soooo cute and sad. Like yes! Make Sam pout! Make him value himself less! Make him glare daggers at LS!Sam and ES!Dean!!! Make him think he's the odd one out and not wanted! The angst! I'm also dying for ES!Dean to comfort ES!Sam once(if) he realizes that he feels left out. Just UGH. ES!SAM FEELING LIKE THE LAST CHOICE! SO good. I love coming to your blog just to see what you post lol, you just hit every right button for me.
let's discuss!
SO much of ES!Sam's life up to that point is feeling like the odd one out!
when it's just dean and sam, i think sam doesn't feel like he has to try to fit in as hard. when dean's trying to impress/ingratiate himself with dad? for sure. those awkward few hunts after stanford? 100%
but when it's just dean and sam, they might fight and get snippy, but sam doesn't have to put up a front. he doesn't have to put on airs. in fact, we see a couple times in the show that when sam's trying to be something he's not with dean, it's to protect him/protect his feelings.
so for ES!Sam, to have that safe space (lol pardon the phrase) GONE--sam's only completely authentic space (bc even with jess, he had to hide huge parts of himself)--
it would definitely put him off-balance. to sam, dean is choosing a different, better version of sam. ES!Sam felt safe being his own bitchy self with dean, but to have ES!Dean so clearly prefer a version of sam with all that removed, i wouldn't be surprised if ES!Sam felt the pressure to change to meet ES!Dean's new preferences.
which of course he resents! sam spent so much of his life being told to change: by dad, by dean, by other hunters, by himself.
to find out that your only true safe place to land can, does, and will prefer a seemingly faultless version of yourself?? bro. immediately confusing and devastating.
and even outside of the meta-dynamic of their relationship, ES!Sam is confused! and scared!
because he's also in love with dean. so to be usurped so easily both platonically and romantically?? GRAH! it drives sam crazy!
because he's not even sure which parts he's "allowed" to be mad about. he's not sure if glaring at the space where LS!Sam has his knee pressed against ES!Dean's in the car is an "acceptable" platonic jealousy, or if it's part of his sick-wrong-bad possessiveness that ES!Dean is his.
he's not sure if wanting to rip off LS!Sam's face for making ES!Dean laugh like that is annoyance that ES!Sam's superpower is communal or fury that ES!Dean is capable of belonging to someone else.
he's afraid of coming out and saying a lot of it, because what if it's too revealing?? what if he missteps and ES!Dean recognizes that ES!Sam's agonized ire is because he wants to suck his cock until he can't see straight?
he's annoyed and he's mad and he's upset, but bottling it up is all ES!Sam really knows how to do unless he wants to bring their house of cards down!
as for comfort, i think ES!Dean at first would not recognize this at all, lmao. for all ES!Dean's attentiveness to the changes in ES!Sam's moods and needs, he thinks he's just being a little bitch about the whole thing (his regrettable choice of words, not mine).
like c'mon, we're both weirded-out by this whole thing. we're in this together! and being rude to LS!Sam&Dean is not going to change our situation. dean does not take slights to sam lightly, even if the person slighting LS!Sam is ES!Sam.
i think it would take something stronger for ES!Dean to realize that ES!Sam's feelings are genuinely hurt--or at least confused--about the whole thing. ES!Sam avoids him like the plague, and these men do not sit down to talk about feelings, lmao.
maybe ES!Dean stumbles in on LS!Dean & ES!Sam talking, and LS!Dean is obviously comforting him, hand on the back of his neck, and ES!Sam's got a pink nose and shiny eyes and ES!Dean kind of blows up, because what the fuck did you say to him? what's going on in here?
LS!Dean rolls his eyes and shoves him off like go talk to your kid. i'm not here to mediate your bitchfits.
maybe it finally comes out later, ES!Sam not really able to look dean in the eyes, that he's sick of dean being so whipped for LS!Sam, and since when did dean need other brothers?
ES!Dean doesn't know how to express the fact that he's so taken with LS!Sam because this is a brother that wants him back! that needs him back! LS!Sam loves the hunt and he loves dean, and he's not shy about either of those things! if LS!Sam has free time, he spends it with dean. if LS!Sam is bored, he goes to look for dean. ES!Dean is thrilled by the promise of that future, of a sam who is gorgeous and strong and sexy as fuck and wants dean!!!
so he fumbles his way through it like "c'mon, sammy. he's you."
"is he, though? he's...i don't know. it's hard to recognize myself in him. he's...different....than i thought he would be. i guess."
ES!Sam doesn't know how to say that out of the four of them, he's the only one that feels Other. he wants to be part of this, but they don't make it easy.
ES!Sam doesn't know how to navigate on the outside of the Sam&Dean dynamic. he is the Sam in the Sam&Dean dynamic--he's realizing how strange and alienating it is to be not Sam or Dean in that, and he hates it.
"you think i'd put up with some guy that wasn't you?" dean scoffs, and they both kind of stare at each other for a second, because that was dangerously close to the truth.
"listen," ES!Dean follows up quickly, because he's not willing to let those words sit in the air too long, for the off-chance that ES!Sam will have time to process them. "you're my sam, okay? my pain in the ass little brother. this guy is sam, but he's that dean's sam. so. y'know. they're not us. or ours, or...whatever. you're still the little shit i'm gonna bug first."
it's tense for a long moment, unsure if that was too honest, too revealing. ES!Sam's still breathing a little fast, and ES!Dean keeps shifting on his feet.
"you're an asshole." ES!Sam finally says, exhaling, looking genuinely un-strung for the first time in weeks, and ES!Dean practically slumps forward in relief.
"aw, sammy. you sure know how to make a girl blush." he coos, and ES!Sam swats him away, all it's sam, you know it's sam.
and ES!Dean is smiling and rolling his eyes and his hands are still shaking under the table like yeah, yeah, whatever you say.
GAH!!!!!!!!!!!! jealous sam! devastated sam!!! isolated sam!!!
thank you for this ask!!! and for your kind words!!! mwah, mwah, mwah! <3
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thewebcomicsreview · 7 months
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Oh hey, Homestuck 2 updated! I was expecting this to be an 11/11 update since that's a Homestuck arc number, but it's the least important of those by far.
Egads! What a despicable plan, devised by a devilish dame with a dastardly disposition. The wretched wiles of a wayward woman with a penchant for the wicked. A hullabaloo most hideous and heinous, hammered out by-
One of the biggest mysteries of Homestuck 2 is who's narrating Candyland with Calliope gone, and the more narration-heavy style of the new team is really calling attention to that. This is very flanderized Jake English dialogue. Also a dramatically more active Jake English than we've seen all...ever?
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Under no circumstances can you allow her to get to The Point.
Gonna have fun with that MacGuffin name, huh, writers? It occurs to me that Jake was supposedly a spy the whole time but this is the first indication that he's actually been telling the resistance anything instead of just calling himself a spy as a cope.
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I like this art a lot. But also what the hell is Meenah doing here? Last time we saw her, in the epilogues, she was out in space and stole the Ring of Life from John before escaping into a server beacon. Did it lead her into the black hole (lmao get owned), or is this an alternate timeline ghosts? Are her eyes closed in order to drag out that reveal?
JAKE: Shit, sergeant! Cant you add her to the groupcrab? MEENAH: groupcrab MEENAH: cod damn thats good MEENAH: i just been callin em prawnference calls
As fish puns go, "Prawnference calls" is excellent.
MEENAH: idk but hypothetically speaking if i was posted up in my big mean bitch pants just gettin my empress on and you told me insturgeonts were tryin to shore up on some kinda mythic skaian artifact
So, Meenah has her eyes closed to prevent me from knowing if this is the alpha version or a doomed ghost, and now she's dropping very vague hints about what the plot point is. This does feel very homestuck, in that it's teasing out the reveals to maximize speculation. Skaia is, of course, related to SBURB, and thus this is confirmation of the fandom assumption that they're going to start a new game, without actually saying much else.
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I have no idea why this air vent is Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff style, but Vriska kicking the sound affect is still funny.
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The comedy quotient has increased notably under the new team.
VRISKA: John, she's a Vriska. She can handle herself! I'm sure she can take anything this fake-ass timeline can throw at her! JOHN: what?
Wait, John doesn't know? I thought "Everyone 'knows' candyland is fake and that why they're acting so weird they're just LARPing" was kind of my headcanon for a lot of the weirder candy stuff.
VRISKA: This whole universe is like someone's shitty RP, and everyone's out of character! None of this reads! VRISKA: Like, who the FUCK is Yiffy!!!!!!!! Why should I or anyone CARE????????
I'm so meta even this acronym
JOHN: a long time ago i was supposed to go back and defea- VRISKA: SNOOOOOOOORE! VRISKA: Your ecto-human-guardian-si8ling or whatever is pro8a8ly sending a squad of 8ozos to apprehend your ex as we speak. So I say the less we talk and the sooner we 8low this gru8sickle stand, the sooner we can get there 8efore we lose access to our shortcut. JOHN: yeah when you spell it all out like that i can see what y- JOHN: wait, WHAT!!! JOHN: why didn't you just say that earlier?! VRISKA: John. That's what I've 8een doing this whole time! VRISKA: Now, c'mon! Race you there!!!!!!!!
I don't ship them or anything, but this John/Vriska dynamic where John is kind of the oblivious straight man to all this wacky nonsense is one that Homestuck has been very light on since Act 6.
That was a good update. It was funny, it moved the plot along, and it gave us stuff to speculate about! And the art was really good!
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canirove · 1 year
I don’t like you, Mason Mount | Chapter 4
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"This isn't happening again."
"If you say so..."
"I do say so, yes. This was a mistake, and it won't happen again."
"It won't."
"I'm being serious, Mason."
"So am I.”
"No, you are not. You are smiling, I can see your dimple."
"Ok, fine" he says, looking me in the eyes. "This won't happen again. It was just sex at the back of my car, and it meant nothing."
"Exactly" I say, opening the door. 
"Where are you going?"
"I was supposed to drive you, remember?"
"Yeah, and look what happened" I say, stepping out. How did we manage to go from having a very pleasant dinner, to doing this on his car instead of going home, is something I still can't understand. But it won't happen again. It just won't.
"But we've both agreed that it's been a one time thing, we should be fine" he says, also getting out of the car.
"We should."
"Tempted you may throw yourself at me again?" he asks with a smile.
"I didn't throw myself at you."
"I beg to differ.”
"Whatever" I say, crossing my arms over my chest.
"C'mon, Daniela. It's late and I don't want you walking alone."
"I'll be ok."
"You don't know that. C'mon" Mason insists.
"Fine. But no talking."
"I don't want to hear a word from you until we make it home” I say getting into the car.
"What about some music?" he asks, doing the same.
"You probably have the worst taste in music."
"Then the radio."
"But no singing."
"Neither of us."
"Neither of us" I repeat.
"No, no, no! Just one more, this is another classic!"
"Daniela, you've been saying the same about the last five songs" Mason laughs.
"I know, but they are playing such good songs right now!"
"I'm starting to think you don't want to leave my company" he says, leaning forward.
"And that's how you ruin the mood. Thank you, Mount" I say, rolling my eyes and opening the car's door.
"Wait, that's it? That's all you needed?"
"Yeah" I shrug.
"Am I at least getting a good night kiss?" he asks, following me.
"Hell no."
"An hour ago you weren't complaining about me kissing you."
"An hour ago I wasn't thinking straight. But I am now, so good night" I say, getting my keys from my bag. "Damn it."
"Here" Mason says, picking them from the floor and putting them on my hand, his fingers brushing my skin and making me feel things I should not be feeling. Not again, and not with him.
"Thank you" I whisper. 
"You're welcome" he replies, his face suddenly too close to mine. 
"Don't what?" 
"Don't..." But before I can say anything else, my arms are around his neck, pulling him closer to me while I kiss him. 
"Long night, uh?" 
"Shut up" I say, pouring myself some coffee.
"So... Who was he?" Monica asks.
"The guy you went out with last night. When you texted you said just a friend, but I know it was a guy. You have a lovebite" she chuckles, pointing at my neck.
"I do not" I say, my hand instantly moving to touch it.
"You do. But on the other side."
"Son of a bitch" I whisper after checking myself on my phone’s camera.
"You were with a guy, I knew it!"
"Yeah, one who better not cross paths with me again or I'll kill him."
"Wait until dad sees it..."
"See what?" he says behind me, making me jump and spill my coffee. 
"Nothing" I quickly say. "I'm going to take a shower. Bye."
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taintandviolent · 1 month
long rambling rant about AHS delicate below the cut (contains spoilers!!)
listen, I had my qualms with this show from the get-go because it was filmed during the strike, and the circumstances surrounding said filming (after speaking with someone who shall remain nameless) were beyond shitty. but, not wanting to be a groundless naysayer, I gave it a good college try anyway. I went in with as little bias as I possibly could, truly.
Overall, the season felt very disjointed and haphazard for me. while it didn't lack the classic AHS stylization, the plotline didn't feel like a season of AHS at all. I'm not sure what it felt like, but it wasn't the show I know and love. albeit, i'm not a fan of pregnancy storylines and this was entirely that, at its core and even during its reveal, but i gave it a shot anyway, for the sake of it being AHS. I'm not sure why or what motivated RM to go with a story based off Delicate Condition, like what was the driving force where he read it and went NEEDS TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH AMERICAN HORROR STORY STAT???? don't understand that all. i guess it stays true to his recent obsession with focusing on real issues as opposed to ghosts and ghouls and fun shit, but I digress.
the lesser, supporting roles were all played wonderfully. everyone who was a 'background' character for lack of a better term did a great job. which usually isn't how it goes for AHS.... everyone does a great job and it's this amazing cohesive success, regardless of if you have a starring or a supporting role. didn't feel that way with Delicate. also having absolute monster talented actors like Billie Lourd and Leslie Grossman but making them some superficial PR specialists? weird. weird choices all around.
Emma Roberts didn't exactly shine in this role, but she wasn't playing the stereotypical bitchy girl that she usually plays so I can at least give her that?? i guess?? kudos for uhhh brancing out or something? it was a very lacklustre performance, in my opinion. as are most of her performances, but that's a conversation for a different day. i'll say that it was the most.... *grits teeth* invested I've been in her. all her other characters are just preppy bitches. anna at least had some emotional substance.
Kim K was.... well, not great, but she was better than I thought she'd be. I'll say that. I'm not convinced that she wasn't just being herself.... but yknow. she knows how to "play" a mean, scary upper elite type bitch in charge kind of role, I guess. sounds like I'm just describing her... well, anyway.
the finale felt extremely rushed. I felt like none of anna's hallucinations were explained, what was real, what wasn't real. what were they?? the sisterhood of what? why were they still alive after decades and centuries?? what was the baby? what was the fucking spider thing about??? why were spiders so prevalent in the promo stuff? and the - ugh lord have mercy, the "battle", if you can call it that?? a simple chant being what defeated Siobhan?? c'mon, be so for real with that. that was like they had NO idea what they were doing and they just decided last minute to be like "a magical whispered spell hooray!! the evil is defeated!!!" afjhdeskjsd. what.
is it worth a watch...??? uhhhhhhh I guess so?? if you're a completionist and wanna try? I truly don't know how to answer that man. like if this was my first introduction to AHS I probably wouldn't watch another episode of any season.
anyway, tldr AHS: Delicate was very weird and I rate it like a 3/10. Maybe 4 because of the supporting roles being acted well. I don’t know man.
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aleksa-sims · 7 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
CW: Adult topics, pregnancy, cheating...
Nico's really not normal! But well, that's nothing new. After Damian & Martin, his.... soccer team mates (😒) left, I was of course totally mad at him for what I heard. They talked about me like I was just some kind of..... bitch for N. But his poor Stephanie, she’s so innocent... That girl, is totally crazy! 😡 She threatened Nico to hurt herself, just because things don’t go the way she wants. Sorry, but that's insane! And tbh, I have nothing against Damian & Martin. It wasn't their fault. They didn't know it was ME. And they are the only ones of N.'s team mates, I get along with. Anyway, that’s a different topic.
Besides, he said he loved his (ex) fiancée. when I overheard him and his two buds. But Nico just thought, who cares!? After he took a shower, he wanted me to jump right into bed with him. 😠As if everything was fine.
Nico: Come to me, babe. I'm all yours. 😏
Me: Are you losing it?... You really think I’m gonna jump into your arms now? 😒
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Nico: C'mon, I didn’t say anything bad about you!! I don’t talk about my private matters with my team mates. But Damian that fucker, read our texts. He & I shared the same apatment in Italy. He took my phone that jerk. I just told them I broke up with her, but I didn't say WHY!! But yeah, they knew I was seeing someone else bcs D. couldn’t keep his mouth shut. So Martin that dick, thought I was cheating. You got it now?
Me: You told them you loved her! I don’t get why you fall for that pity shit she’s telling you?... But well, you only dumped her bcs I didn't wanna sleep with you as long as you were with her. 😡
Nico: I said that I will NOT cheat and I also told you, that I wanted to end it with her anyway. YOU, love Daniel and you’re fucking married!
Me: But Daniel took off!!!!!! It's over!!! He’s not here! He doesn’t show up all the time and wants something from me like your crazy Stephanie.
Nico: Put yourself in my position! Imagine Daniel is Stephanie..... You would also feel bad if you left Daniel. Or not? And she’s not playing that, she’s really.... fucked up & upset.
Me: I’d rather die, than hurt him sm. You understand? I would never have met you, if Daniel had stayed with me. 🤦‍♀️💔...... I accepted that he’s gone, but you?? Idk what you want N.?... Get off me. I fuck off.
I walked towards the door. I wanted to go home. But he stood in front of the door and wouldn’t let me go, so he literally pulled me away from there and asked me to listen to him.
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Nico: Now listen! You know me. Do I look like I’m lying to you? I love you.... When I saw you again a week ago, I knew it right away. You didn’t even have to say or do anything. Just seeing you was enough for me to know I wanted you. And remember what I told you. I don't play around! I don’t need a second girl, bitch, fiancee or whatever. I want just one! But with that one girl, I wanna do what I want, without me constantly having to explain something. I want you to finally trust me! Fuck what others say or think. That’s unimportant! Only what I say counts for you. The same applies to me. I only listen to you and what you want from me. I don’t give a shit about everyone else. For me, you are always in the first position. That’s exactly what I expect from you too. And I’ll settle that damn issue with Stephanie, as I said. But you have to trust me! I don’t want her, I want you! And also my damn sister, FUCK HER! Melanie can’t hurt you!! I won't let that happen!!! Ok?
Me: Idk if I can? I wanna trust you, but... sm has gone wrong for me. It's pretty damn hard to trust.
Nico: Then please at least try! It’s only 3 fucking days, until her damn family gets back home. After that, it’s just you & me, babe.
Me: But you still love her. You said it yourself.
Nico: I swear, I don’t love her like I love you. Idk how to explain it?I’m not good with words. You might get me wrong, if I try, but I don’t want you to think I only want you for that one thing. This is simply not true.
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Nico: I'm sorry, but I have to shag you now......
Me: Somehow you always have to.
Nico: Yeah, okay I'm hooked on you. And I’m not doing this just for me. I love making you... happy. Tell me, did P. make you happy too? Or-.. no, no! Not P.! I saw how Philip did it to you. I wanna know what Daniel did to you.
Me: Seriously N.???... You really wanna hear what Daniel did to mer? In... bed.
Nico: Sure, babe.
Me: Why am I even surprised? You're insane, N.!
Nico: Tell me.
Me: I loved it with him. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t have married him, if....he didn't feel good to me. But there are many moments with Daniel, that I don’t remember. We're constantly high. Still, D. was... great... But he’s almost as horny as you. I think it had to do with his addiction. I know that from myself. When I was sober and had this shit in my mind, I wanted to sleep with him. As if Daniel could get me high or something. He... reminds me of that stuff.
Nico: I gotta get Daniel and that damn shit out of your head!
Me: If someone can do it, that person is you! But I only think about you when we’re together anyway. I loved you so much N., I can still feel it.
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Nico: I know you love me. You always had a hard time telling me, but I knew it, whenever you touched my face... ILY, too.
Me: You really noticed that?.... Yeah, I guess I never stopped loving you.
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I stayed with him again, but slowly I had to go home. My parents will be wondering where I spend all those nights and with WHO? I’m an adult, yes! I was 21 at the tim. But I was still married. They’ll think I’m using again or that I met a new, strange guy woh's doing drugs with me.... Anyway, the next morning I went out with Nico’s dog, I went shopping. I got a pregnancy test. Yesterday I had no success with it. I was not allowed to enter the pharmacy with Nico’s dog bcs I had no muzzle for him, but that morning I finally got a test. I had to tell him and I think I started to fall in love with N. again. The night with him was incredibly........ hot, but not only because of that. N. has changed. He was so cute. Of course he was still crazy and maybe still a bit too demanding, but that's ok for me and I can handle it.
Also I never would have let go of Daniel so fast with any other guy. But with N.... all the feelings and emotions I had for him, were still there. I had only "repressed" them, when he left a year ago. But I’ve always known, that Nico is someone special to me, whether we’re apart or together. Idk why it was like that, bcs he wasn’t really nice to me at the beginning, as you know. But I knew he loved me. I think he just couldn't handle his feelings/emotions for me really well in the past. And if I'm honest, I wasn't easy too. I was a challenge for him. Not just for him. For my family too. It was an intense time and Nico was constantly under enormous pressure because of soccer. I just didn’t mention it so often back then. I believe that all those factors played a part and triggered his anger. It was too much for him. I was too much for him. And there was also this thing with his dad, who was a total ass. This man made Nico so MAD, that he didn’t like my Dad either, and so it came to all those probs with my family too.
Also, his ex showed up! I couldn’t stand her whole fake pity show. And it hurt me like hell to see her & Nico together. I swear, Philip and Natasha were NOTHING compared to that! I ran away as usual. But I’ll tell you next time.
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amostimprobabledream · 3 months
You're on!
Coyote Starrk
SMASH. Have you seen him? He's gorgeous! Also he's the number one Espada, so y'know. The power. Also I like his voice and he has a surprisingly sad backstory for a 'villain' character.
Barragan Luisenbarn
Him old and not in a hot dilf-y way. Pass.
Tier Halibel
Smash! She's gorgeous and dignified, and she's probably the least likely to accidentally (or purposefully) kill you.
Ulquiorra Cifer SMASH SMASH SMASH. C'MON FUCK ME, EMO BOY! Ugh. He's so rude and cold, and his character development is so good. Those pretty green eyes and the smooth voice. He's so fine.
Nnoitra Gilga
Pass. He's scary. I WILL say, though, I do think Nnoitra is a really well-written villain. He perfectly encapsulates what it means to be a Hollow, especially in his backstory with Nelliel and fight with Kenpachi. I do kind of hope Kubo brings him back for the Hell Arc like he did with Syazel.
Grimmjow Jeagerjaquez
LIGHT OF MY LIFE. FIRE OF MY LOINS. DO YOU KNOW HOW DOWN BAD I AM FOR THIS MAN? I literally started watching Bleach just for him. I was on a Naruto forum one day and somebody had a fanart of Grimmjow as their signature. I was like, "WHO is that fine man???" and the rest is history. I've loved him since like 2006 and he's the origins on my Junichi Suwabe fixation and one of my major villainfucker influences. Icon. Everything about him is so fucking cool, the god-tier design, the voice, the fights. Wow.
Anyways, Smash. <3
Zommari Leroux
Pass. His design is cool but then his fight with Byakuya immediately yeeted any cred he had out the window. Also he had barely enough screentime to leave any lasting impression. Szayel Aporro Granz
I can never spell this fucker's name. Anyway, Pass. Again, his character design isn't bad but the flamboyant evil nerd thing is off-putting to me. He kind of reminds me of one of those villain Pokemon team admins you fight midway through the game.
Aaroneiro Arrururie
Pass. The only time this man jar thing is hot is when he's wearing Kaein Shiba's face. And same with the Zommari issue, you never get a sense of who he is as a character because his screentime is so limited. (Another character's surname I had to google because I forgot it.) Also he lost to Rukia.
Ew. Pass. -
Since the Espada are so hilariously divisive (half look like greek gods and the other are straight-up abominations), I'll include the ex-Espada for fun.
Luppi Atenor Pass. I'm sure the extremely androgynous look is someone's thing, but personally I like my male characters a bit more rugged. Also his personality was kind of lame and his fight with the lieutenants was nothing to write home about. Nelliel Oderschwank
PASS. I could write a literal essay on how much I dislike her, but in the interest of brevity I'll say this - her design is fantastic but that's all she's got going for her. The bitch has two personalities and both of them suck, hyperactive toddler or condescending and holier-than-thou.
Dordonii Soccacio Pass. He's so forgettable I had to google what his last name is. I don't think his design is bad but I don't really remember him except Ichigo whooped his ass and then he got drooled on by Nel.
Cirucci Sanderwicci
Smash! Goth chick solidarity ftw. It's a shame such an amazing design was given to a minor character because I love it, she's easily as pretty as Halibel but unfortunately since she had one fight and got stomped by Ishida I think the fandom forgets her. Also I like her name, it's that classic Kubo balance of being goofy but kinda cool.
Gantenbainne Mosqueda
Pass. It says something about how forgettable you are as a character when Kubo didn't even bring him back as a Mayuri zombie, instead Charlotte got revived just for being popular. (L for all Barragan's other fraccion.)
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strqyr · 7 months
I think, Salem, is a wonderful gal yknow, she's seen the rise and fall of humanity, the good and bad, I think if all of humanity needs a villain to hate, she'll take that role. Is she bringing back the gods, to finally die, or is she ready to remove them, what good has the gods done to her and her people, all of them lived a life forsaken. I have no idea what I'm mumbling about here, but basically everyone in the rwby fandom hates Salem because she's a woman with a mixed moral compass, and thus must been seen as a bitch, she's 'evil' so she must of course have all these flaws, but in reality, remove the context and compare her to Oz, and you'll find similarities, if the genders were swapped, I think Salem would have been someone the fandom praises, for being a hot immortal man
i've been along this ride since day 1 and lemme tell ya, at this point it's mostly just funny to watch the absolute pretzels people will twist themselves into to "prove" their point, like.
salem (allegedly, can't exactly say for certain at this point of time) lying to her followers about her true goal is manipulative, but ozpin lying about salem being immortal, the actual reason he was made to reincarnate by light, and the true nature of this war (it's unwinnable y'all) isn't. he's just some guy :( he has trust issues, of course he wouldn't trust team rwby with everything right off the bat even when yang made it clear that she'd follow him as long as there were no more lies and half-truths... eh, qrow branwen? never heard of him! yeah he's made some missteps but he learns from his mistakes!!... let's just ignore how he's been running in circles for who knows how long. he's doing his best :( and he cares about people :( that makes everything he does actually okay, right? at least, you shouldn't bring his mistakes or fucked up things up or blame him! that's bashing :(
salem though. what a bitch, she should have accepted the death of the only person in her life who truly cared about her (pyrrha and penny though, they're coming back any day now, even if it's in someone else's head). it's not like watching humanity get wiped out and the utter solitude she would have lived in for thousands, hell, millions of years afterwards would have some effect on a person. no sir, she's always been mean and manipulative and evil and have you considered her father kept her locked up since she was a baby for a reason????
the last part about her father is a hyperbole... i think. i hope.
anyway. the double standards are funny.
there's also the aspect of people taking a simple statement like "salem isn't planning the destruction of the world and instead wants to fight the gods and this is a good thing bc the gods are the main problem here", read way too much into it and end up turning it into "so you think salem's the actual good guy and oz is the villain???" and it's like. no one said that but you. like, man...
my dog has a better reading comprehension than this, and he's five months old and chews walls. c'mon.
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normal-sea-urchin · 4 months
Casey Jone Fucking Dies 2: Electric Boogaloo: Chapter 1
surprisingly short chapter on his time, but at least i have an idea on where the fuck im gonna pick up at chapter two, but yeah here you dudes go
Casey was not feeling so hot. He woke up the other morning with a serious fever and looked green. Like really green. Weird. But hey, at least he didn't have to go to school. 
Unfortunately this also meant that he couldn't go crime fighting. Thus, leaving him stuck in bed for two days. He tried to make the best of it; writing in his journal (which is NOT a diary), catching up on tv shows he used to watch, that kind of thing. 
By the end of the first day, he was sick of it. And by the second day, he was far past sick of it, and couldn't sit around any longer. Besides, the fever had gone down a bunch, the only problem was that he still looked kinda green. No biggie. He hadn't felt like throwing up like, at all, so he would probably be fine.
Once his dad and little sister went to bed, and the sun was down, he leaped out of bed, and into action. He applied his totally metal skeleton face paint and strapped on his vigilante gear. Once he had geared up, he opened the window and leapt out onto the fire escape.
The cold wind hit Casey's face, sending a bit of a chill through his body. He took a deep breath in. Who cares if he was only out for one night? He was gone for what felt like waaaay too long. Casey scrambled up the fire escape, way hype to fight some crime. 
He reached the roof and started scouting for some crime. Hmm. No luck. He jumped over to the next building. And the next. and then a few houses down. Damn. Where were the purple dragons when you needed them? 
The sound of glass shattering interrupted Casey's thought process (not that it was getting anywhere). He turned in the direction it came from and peered over the edge of the roof. A bunch of street punks were robbing a store. Hmph. Not in Casey Jones's town.
Casey snuck down the fire escape until he was close enough to the ground that it wouldn't hurt if he leapt down from where he was. 
"Huh, good haul boys!" the head sleazeball remarked, walking out of the window he broke. Behind him were what appeared to be his two lackeys hauling some boxes full of techy junk. 
"Hey!" Casey called out, grabbing the attention of all three punks, "No one steals in Casey Jones's town!" he yelled, leaping down from the fire escape to the ground with his baseball bat in one hand and a hockey stick in the other.
"What the- Who are you?" the head bitch asked. Did this guy just like, completely miss where Casey called out his name? Y'know what, whatever.
"I'm the last guy you see before you wake up in the hospital." Casey threatened. He loved saying metal stuff like that. 
"Uh, uh-" the main punk fumbled, "Get him!" he demanded. The two lackeys dropped their boxes and came chasing at Casey. 
"Not so fast, lawbreakers!" Casey yelled, dodging their attack. Casey lunged to the side of one of the lackeys and hit them in the back of their knees. He fell backwords and let out a brief scream of pain. The second henchman came running towards Casey with a steel pipe. He swung at Casey's head, but he was smarter than that. He crouched down to dodge the attack and spun around so that he was now behind the criminal scum.
Casey brought his baseball bat up above his head before crashing it down on the punk's head, letting his body drop to the ground. Just as Casey was taking a breather, he felt a sharp pain hit the back of his head. Like, a really sharp pain. 
"OW!" Casey cried, flinching in pain. He closed his eyes and crouched down, grabbing his head in pain.  
"C'mon, let's get outta here!" the head douche yelled. He heard their sneakers squeak against the pavement as they ran away. They were gone. Casey's stood back up, rubbing where the sharp pain lingered. 
And I really don't fucking know how, but his fingers completely missed the shard of glass that he had been stabbed with. 
"Man, that smarts." Casey muttered to himself. He should get to the lair, maybe Donnie could check to make sure he wasn't like, dying or something (hint hint nudge nudge). After rubbing the back of his head a little more (and still somehow missing the fucking shard of glass), Casey crept into the nearest alleyway and snuck down into the sewers. 
He walked through the sewers, trying his best to ignore the smell. And the trash. And the green, muck-filled water. And the rats, Casey tried especially hard to ignore the rats.
As he neared the entrance, he heard the sounds of Mikey and Leo yelling at each other; probably arguing about whether to watch Space Heroes or whatever it is that Mikey wanted to watch. 
"Hey guys!" Casey cheered as he turned the corner and hopped over the turnstiles. He gave a small wave to the two blue-eyed turtles sitting in the conversation pit. 
Leo turned to greet Casey, only for his face to immediately. Upon seeing Leo's reaction, Mikey also turned to face Casey, only for his eyes to widen with shock and a bit of concern. 
"What's wrong? Do I have something on my face?" Casey assumed, already beginning to try and wipe off whatever was on his face. It wasn't until after he saw smudged black and white paint on his glove that he remembered he was wearing his face paint. "Fuck I smudged my face paint." he remarked. The room fell silent for a bit after that. 
"YOU HAVE GLASS STICKING OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!" Leo yelled, breaking the silence. 
"...What? No I don't." Casey commented. He began to feel around his head nonetheless, only this time he actually fucking noticed the glass shard. "OH WAIT WHAT THE FUCK!?"
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darlingpassion · 4 months
I'm not sure how Shiny and Jessica would get along-- but assuming they aren't super close, imagine Shiny and Jessica solidarity against Crazy Whore Rena XD
So I actually have thought about how Jessica and Shiny would think about each other. I like to think that, if Shiny wasn't associated with Greasy, they would have been able to be friends. Shiny is a bit of a loon, but they both get life as attractive entertainment for people who don't give a shit about you past your pretty face. They both know what it's like packing a frying pan or pepper spray to take with them whenever they go out 'just in case'. Hell, Shiny is the one who has to deal with her boyfriend whenever he's got his eyes on someone. She's a fan of Jessica too, but c'mon Greasy, have a little class 😒
But, again, Shiny is associated with the weasels. She doesn't do anything to stop them from their criminal activity, and she sometimes indulges in it too. I don't think Jessica would be so willing to push that aside like Poppy. And they both know it. Had Shiny gone down a different path, she and Jessica could have been good friends. Maybe they are when it's just the two of them. But when Roger or the Toon Patrol get involved... Yeah. They're just too different.
Now against RENA it's a whole other story entirely XD
I dunno how you think Jessica would feel about Rena, or the other way around, but I suspect Jessica would also not like her. Especially the fact that Rena cheats on her husband so much. Granted she didn't plan on associating with the Roo Gang, but Jessica doesn't like Rena's vibes. Which is something she and Shiny can agree on XD
Imagine Jessica comes into Shiny's club, maybe just to get a drink and take the opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere she works in for once. And Rena's already there, causing trouble for Shiny as usual. Jessica knows Shiny can handle her own, but she can see how frustrated (and horny) the weasel gets with the marsupial.
Imagine Jessica and Shiny sit down for a brief chat, and Shiny chooses to tell her all about Rena ("Well, she's becoming a regular, and she's a crazy crack-whore bitch, so here's your warning, Red-"). And that's how Jessica learns about Rena. Even though Jessica knows better than to just take the word-for-mouth when it comes to people, having rumors spread about you makes you more sympathetic to that sort of thing... But it is obvious that these two gals have a rivalry at the very least.
Hm... Would Rena harass flirt with Jessica? I don't think Jessi would be amused at all if she did XD and if she said she was married, I'm willing to bet money Rena would say something along the lines of "So? He doesn't have to know~" or "I am too~" alluding to her cheating nature.
Tldr; Jessica and Shiny form a coalition against Rena (and Jessica gets so exasperated when the two start hate making-out XD)
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mikavlcs · 1 year
ok I got so late here I swear I got so caught up I'M SO SORRY. Also I read your last Wens piece! I ADORED IT TOO QWJEJWQ AND THE WHOLE CRITICISM PART ABOUT THE POEM? JDJQWJEQJWE I burst out laughing like a fucking idiot and ended up almost throwing my computer to the floor don't ask how. I've been a bit busy but I'll comment and fill your notif thingy with 9219292 notifs soon!
This is to the mf spamming your ask box cause I get lost a few days and when I come back these bitches just-
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Listen to me you little motherfucker. You spam again mika's ask thingy trying to be rude or say anything that can be relatively, just slightly offensive or harmful, and I'll locate your little annoying ass all the way to the hellhole you're from, open your chest with my bare hands and use your ribs to carve your insides. And once I'm done, I'll open up that thick, little skull of yours, take your brains out and use them to make a written apology for Mika on your name before I dissolve your body with hydrochloric acid and burn your clothes and stuff. You wanna know something funny? It would only take me a week, at most. With that, there wouldn't be even bones left thanks to the acid. Not a single piece of your little annoying ass left to recognise. We clear bud? we cleAR? because I can be more spECIFIC AND GRAPHIC YOU LITTLE-
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(don't take me seriously. not too much at least-)
JQWEJQWJE just kidding. I would never do that. Or would I now? MUAAHAHHAHA
Out of jokes, there's no need to be rude, man. You never have to intend any kind of harm of offense to anyone, especially someone in the internet who hasn't bothered you at all. The worst thing is that you don't even have the face to send the asks personally, you just go full anon, like the little coward you are. Hope whoever you are you stop bothering Mika, put it together and go do something productive instead of wasting your time trying to be an ass, pal.
Btw, howdy! how are things going home? are your electronics still out of danger? I hope they are! c'mon c'mon I feel like I've been away from tumblr for tons of time now, tell me tell me something. Has anything interesting happened in your week? have you eaten something today? what did you have? how was it? how's your writer's block?
PS: the threat above goes for anyone who bothers you aRE WE CLEAR ?????👹👹👹👹👹
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(I'm so sorry that meme was just there and JDJQEJQWJEQJEJ I JUST COULDN'T STOP MYSELF FROM DOING IT SORRY)
the way i read this while you’re spamming my notifs 😭🤚 also you threw your laptop on the floor??? lmfao??
SKDHDKEDJDK NOT THE HYDROCHLORIC ACID 😭😭 that’s such a specific and crazy threat…laughing so hard rn (also that whole paragraph had real ghostface tara energy) but thank you<33 they have still not returned so it’s chill 👍
and yes my stuff is still out of danger! nothing explicitly interesting has happened, i’ve mostly been studying for finals next week 💔💔 and i had cereal today, it was good<33 i hope you’re doing good as well despite being busy!
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arkiwii · 8 months
Arknights (duh) 19, Saria/Silence 4, Kafka 6!
alright alright rubbing hands together
Fandom (19)
It's pretty hard to think about a behind-the-scenes trivia, but if I have to give an interesting one, I heard from a friend (so my sources may suck) that Lowlight left Girls Frontline because of the character treatment being awful. If that's the case, my thoughts on it are that I think this is a really positive thing to consider for Arknights, and why I find most character extremely attaching or interesting. I just think it gives hope for the evolution of the characters in the future, if this goal is still in sight
Ship (4)
The entirety of Rhine Lab, whassup /j
For real, I'd say some other characters in Rhine Lab may have picked it up - first of all Lammy and Albert. We forget about these two but they're simply just loveable. I'd say they pretty much saw the chimestry, which is also why their first thought when Silence asked for help was to ask if she asked Saria before. And they both sound like those friends who would do the little funny tricks to force these two together
A sad one I think about is Parvis. I mean c'mon, this guy is so homophobic. He probably saw that there was something going on which is the main reason he cut Silence from seeing Saria again. Aka this bitch just decided to ruin it all (and succeeded)
Muelsyse, of course. She doesn't know Silence or even interacted with her, but THIS BONUS CHAPTER, when she looks at Saria's feather when she asks if coffee candies can help a Liberi's sleep schedule. This look of 🏳️‍🌈? She definitely went like "hold up", I think about it everyday
I'm really unable to tell if Ptilopsis would or not have picked it. It took her a moment to actually consider Silence as a friend? At least she only did so when they were in Rhodes Island? (When she "updates" her relationship with Silence as "friends" in her Operator Record) It just makes me wonder how easily she can understand relations with people, I wouldn't be surprised if she struggled to, but also I like to think that she guessed the strong familial bond between the three of them.
Character (6)
Oh boy, I have yet seen the fanfics in the Kafka tag on AO3, you just reminded me. I have read some already but not really looked into it
I just checked, most of them are rated E or have Kafka as just a cameo. I don't wanna read the horrors
BUT an AU I'd love to read about her mmmhh... I'd love a Fantasy AU, mostly because Rhine Lab has a LOT of Fantasy AU potential, Dorothy's skin speaks for me on that one. Having Kafka as some kind of thief or something in the like...
Another one would be if she never met Silence. What would have happened? We know she already knew Pinecone, maybe she would hang out around her, or maybe she would have gotten worse...
And a last one that almost got canon, Rhine Lab Kafka! I have no idea what she would do because I doubt she has any scientific knowledge, but Silence once proposed her the idea - what would have happened?
But regardless we need more Kafka fics in general, please give love and attention to my little bird - and I should write a cool one about her, maybe just going freeform about her past in Columbia, it would be cute,,
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