kraftymckrafterson · 5 years
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😻😻The jury may still be out on what Ponyo Pony Ella Stormy kittens name is but one thing is for sure I have all of the swoons 😻😻 #ponyopony #missponythatis #kittens #neversaynotokittens #allofthefeels #bestvacationsever #howmanyistoomany #nevertoomany #snuggsfordays #littlepurrmonster #istealkittensfromkids #elmira #giveithere #iloveher #shewillbemine #kitteh #hellolady #tuesdaymorning #vacationvibes #floridastuff https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xcqojHw9Y/?igshid=1jlpcioetfx1e
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bolshoiromanova · 3 years
Characters that have appeared in Natasha-centric stories from the 70s to the 90s as one-offs never to be mentioned again that reignite my anger that Natasha still lacks the consistent supporting cast of other superheroes (in no particular order):
Irma Klausvichnova: One of Natasha's main instructors during her KGB training, a woman who trained Natasha in "half a dozen advanced areas" (appeared in Marvel Magazine's Bizzare Adventures, 70s)
Anne Baxter: Worked for the American Embassy and befrended Natasha when she was still working for the KGB, actually helped her escape when she decided to defect (seriously, a woman who's instrumental in helping an abused woman escape and she's only mentioned once, and even then it's when Natasha's informed she's been murdered. Fuck that.) (Appeared in Daredevil and Black Widow: Abattoir, 90s).
Karla: Rival agent to Natasha, seen as untrustworthy by her KGB handlers due to her being descended from the Tsars (which might make her and Nat related but the comic doesn't get into that), hunts Natasha down for two years in order to prove her loyalty. (Appeared in Daredevil: Ghost of Evil's Past, 90's)
Anyway I'm tired and barely doing any of this justice put I picked up the Black Widow Strikes Omnibus for myself for Christmas and I highly recommend!! I discovered some new Nat stuff that I've never even read in here!!
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thetinyuntolds-blog · 5 years
I don't wanna be your girl
No more
I just wanna see your face at home
You can't do me right
So I decide that
I don't wanna be your girl no more
I just wanna see you up and out
Out of the door
I'm not living right
So I decide that
I don't wanna be your girl no more
I won't hide the ways I've tried
It's just not right
It's killing me tonight
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intosnarkness · 4 years
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@allofthefeelings and I would like to present our new literary theory, “The Author Can Go Fuck Himself”. We’re coming for you, Russo brothers.
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awildflowerspirit · 6 years
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Radically change your life. Deflect any negativity or opposition with grace - because this is one of the greatest lessons you could learn. Choose love instead of volition. Chose to educate yourself instead of turning a blind eye. But ultimately work on giving respecting and recognizing that you deserve it as well. There’s a way to be humble and know your value. Don’t let years pass by until you realize that, not that it would be “too late” but why not start now? Take those sorrows and doubt and acknowledge they exist. Make peace with them. Find strength through grace. #allofthefeels #autumnleaves #autumn🍁 #bigbearlake #wildcalifornia (at Big Bear Lake Village) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp42IVHnjBM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m3p7kotdjpk8
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allofthefeelings · 5 years
Guys, I’m really sorry, but I’m going to be sincere for a moment.
The situation with my dad’s health is making me realize a major difference between me and my parents: They don’t have friends like I do.
I don’t just mean best friends- I know not everyone is lucky enough to have a few ride-or-die people, but I don’t think it’s that uncommon, so while obviously mine are the best, it isn’t that special. But I also have a wide circle of people who care about me, who may not see me more than once a year or (thanks to the internet) even know my last name or where I live, but still want to know if there’s anything I need that they can supply.
I am terrible at accepting help, but I know I have the option. And if I ask a question, even people I barely know are able to offer opinions and advice.
But I also see that my parents don’t have this. Part of why my mom is relying so heavily on me is that she doesn’t have the kind of support system I do, and part of the reason no one’s checking on how my dad is doing is that he doesn’t either. And it keeps hitting me how much I do have, and how incredibly lucky I am because of that.
So if you’re reading this, whether or not you know me, whether or not we’ve even talked? Thank you. Right now your very existence is getting me through a really hard time, and I appreciate you more than I can say.
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swashbucklery · 4 years
Amy I cannot stress enough how much I want you to watch DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, it is precisely your type of superhero nonsense and particularly from S4 onward there are some Very You Characters and everyone is extremely bisexual but: yes?
It’s not really a reality TV episode; what you have to understand is that at the end of the previous season they needed to stop a demon from stealing the world’s souls. So they built a magic theme park overnight (based on Nate’s dad Biff from Back To The Future’s plans, which he of course made a deal with said demon to realize) and then put on a variety show with a bunch of magical creatures and then baby Zari brings her new dragon friend and then Nate dies but then they all bring him back to life with the power of song because LOVE CONQUERS EVERYTHING and Amy. Amy. What you have to understand is that the crux of their plan is that they are livestreaming this entire fucking thing the whole time.
So in the beginning of S5 they’re famous, and it’s not so much reality TV as a follow-along-with-us documentary but also the showrunners have said that this season is a lot about the nature of fame and celebrity and I just. It’s your personal catnip.
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alexeishostakoff · 4 years
Bucky and Nat supporting aroace Yelena's journey to realize she can use her body for whatever she wants, and not anything she doesn't, whether that means killing (no thanks, Yelena's still on board for that) or sex (that one she's maybe reconsidering)
oh absolutely!! tbh yelena...never really used her body for sex? but it was still hard for her to like realize that she didn’t have to, especially when she sees natasha, the black widow she has always wanted to be, flirt and charm her way through mission after mission. bucky and nat would be just so caring and willing to listen when she needed to talk through it, and 100% supportive on everything, and yelena doesn’t want to admit it but god she loves them for it
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readingisalwayssexy · 4 years
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pearwaldorf · 5 years
@allofthefeelings replied to your post “I have watched the first two episodes of The Mandalorian and...”
OH SHIT YOU DIDN’T KNOW??? She’s supposed to show up somewhere in the middle of the series. And since we just got ep 4 of 8, it should be soon!
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kraftymckrafterson · 5 years
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😻😻The jury may still be out on what Ponyo Pony Ella Stormy kittens name is but one thing is for sure I have all of the swoons 😻😻 #ponyopony #missponythatis #kittens #neversaynotokittens #allofthefeels #bestvacationsever #howmanyistoomany #nevertoomany #snuggsfordays #littlepurrmonster #istealkittensfromkids #elmira #giveithere #iloveher #shewillbemine #kitteh #hellolady #tuesdaymorning #vacationvibes #floridastuff https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xckbmFyv0/?igshid=19uhdcknieexk
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perpetuallyfive · 5 years
Now I'm trying to remember what fandom I met you in originally and my brain doesn't go back that far? Like I can think of several fandoms we've shared, but.
It’s harder for me to remember how I found people on LJ. It feels like another life. I feel like a lot of the people I followed really early on were Buffy people, even though I never actually wrote for it, and you were just always around as a person who actually talked about femslash without treating it as a cute side accessory. I think I was reading your thoughts on things well before I followed you, though, and I couldn’t begin to guess when that was exactly or when you followed back.
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cipheramnesia · 5 years
*sends attention and praise*
but what do i post?
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intosnarkness · 5 years
Adam converts later in life.
See, the thing about having the kind of childhood Adam had, with three good friends and  Dog and that one summer that you saved the world is, no one really believes you when you try to tell them.
Yeah, things are funny at the airbase one day, but the next they’re back to normal. And before you know it, your friends are looking at University and saying that the time you saved the world was a “brilliant game” and a “fun story” and you start to realize that they don’t believe it happened anymore.
They were there, though. They saw what you saw, with War and Death and Angels. But even though they’re your friends, they’re human. And you’re not. So you can believe a few things that would turn them rightside-down if they kept at it as adults.
So by the time Adam is 19, no one but him really believes he was the Antichrist.
Sure, Aziraphale and Crowley will corroborate, but it’s different when Pepper says that it didn’t happen with the kind of surety Adam only felt once, when he was going a little round the bend.
It did happen. It had to happen. He was there.
It’s Crowley who takes him to a Synagogue. 
“Church is all answers,” he says when Adam asks what they’re doing there. “Seems to me you’ve got enough answers.”
“What’s wrong with Answers?” Adam asks, looking at the weird symbols above the door.
“Well,” Crowley says. “You’ve got to be asking the right questions first, haven’t you?”
The Rabbi doesn’t look anything like Adam’s seen in movies, and he doesn’t think he’s ever known a Jewish before but he thought there’d be a big hat and a beard and tired eyes, but the person before him looks more like someone’s Aunt than a Great Sage.
“Anthony,” she says, by way of greeting, as Adam and Crowley take seats before her desk. “What are we arguing today?”
Crowley smiles as widely as she does and hugs the woman. “Sheila,” he says. “Rabbi Kaplan. This is my friend Adam Young. He has some questions.”
“Hullo,” Adam says, and he thinks that 9 years ago he’d have asked where her beard was, but he’s a man now, studying for his plumber's license and everything, so he doesn’t say silly things like that anymore.
“Hello,” she says, her smile still beaming. “What can I do for you, young man?”
“What do you know,” Adam says carefully. “About the End of Days?”
The Rabbi considers him for a long moment before she speaks. “Have a Sherbert Lemon,” she says, gesturing to the bowl on her desk. “And why don’t you tell me what you think, first? Then we can see where we agree.”
Adam helps himself to the candy, taking the time to unwrap it to get his thoughts straight. “Right,” he says, at long last. “It starts with a garden.”
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awildflowerspirit · 6 years
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Radically change your life. Deflect any negativity or opposition with grace - because this is one of the greatest lessons you could learn. Choose love instead of volition. Chose to educate yourself instead of turning a blind eye. But ultimately work on giving respecting and recognizing that you deserve it as well. There’s a way to be humble and know your value. Don’t let years pass by until you realize that, not that it would be “too late” but why not start now? Take those sorrows and doubt and acknowledge they exist. Make peace with them. Find strength through grace. #allofthefeels #autumnleaves #autumn🍁 #bigbearlake #wildcalifornia (at Big Bear Lake Village) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp42IVHnjBM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=a4kdivrhm9lj
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allofthefeelings · 5 years
Crowley obviously came up with the term “devil’s advocate,” as it checks basically every box on his job to-do list (leads to fights! Disproportionately irritates/ruins people’s days! Has people casually hailing Satan!), but I have yet to find fic that takes this to its logical humorous conclusions.
Please advise, GO fandom friends.
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