ikenitycrisis · 6 years
yo r.i.p.
i’m going to make an entirely new tumblr account bc i wasn’t in the best place emotionally throughout a Lot of the time i had this one and that’s part of the reason i never come on here anymore. i could go on lmao i thought about this a lot
i’ll update later with my url if anyone wants to stay connected
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maliayukimura · 6 years
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The wonderful @banshee-cheekbones actually reminded me the other day with her post that it's time for the best selfies of 2017 (also this just made me realize I rarely take selfies and need to start doing it more since I only had 9 to choose from and 2 of them were from the exact same day)
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zelvars · 7 years
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How’s that target on your back feel? Familiar.
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urlocalpoet · 7 years
that boy has locked sunlight in his hair and a summer breeze surrounding him.  he's gold. all gold, more precious than the real thing. they tell me boys don’t need saving, that i can’t protect him, not from this but, dear god, i would travel so far to bless his smile and banish what makes his eyes dim; to save him from whatever makes the soft go hard and stale. he doesn't deserve the bite of reality, to know people see his kind eyes as chinks in armor, but we all must learn. the world is more red than rosy.  he tells me he can  save himself. i hope he does.
// distress //
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reynaarellano · 7 years
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                                      A L L I S O N   R E Y N O L D S
Allison Reynolds was a bewildering choice for Palmetto State. She looked like a picture-perfect princess, but she could brawl with the best of them on the court.
for @sarghengsey for the upperclassmen valentines day exchange
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neiljxstn · 7 years
what would happen if the foxes got their wisdom teeth out ??
guy this would be hilarious thank u anon 
okay so dan would take it like a badass and still kinda be herself. like shed still insist on practice and lay in the bleachers w the cotton in her mouth still yelling at the foxes during practice. abby tried to get her to go home and she refused and threatened to take matt’s truck and drive herself to the stadium before abby gave in and resigned to sitting by dan the whole time making her drink water
kevin would be such a drama queen like are we really surprised?? he would try to drink the night before and wymack made him stay at his apartment the night before to babysit this man child. and after it happened he’d be so confused but still to dramatic like insisting that he was dying and one time he looked in the mirror and saw his face and he started crying that he would never play again. there was no talking him down and they just had to leave him in his room for the days after and neil and andrew stayed in matt’s room
andrew wouldn’t be different. i mean this kid has got to have some cavities and cass made him go to the dentist at least once when he was with her, so he’s not afraid of the dentist, but no way in hell is he going to be under any drugs ever again so he decides to get local anethetic and it hurts more but he’s survived it and there’s no way that he’d do it another way
matt would be so cute and like i 100% believe that he would try to whisper to nicky but everyone could hear and he was just like “nicky. nicky. look at dan. she’s so beautiful. oh man she’s so amazing you know? i love her so much. can u talk to her for me? i really like her and i wanna ask her on a date” and everyone thinks it’s so cute and dan rolls her eyes but really she loves it and smiles and they end up just laying down on the couch to watch movies
when aaron gets his out he doesn’t make a big deal about it he just hides out with katelyn for a few days but she takes some videos of him and sends them to the girls bc they also need to see it.
allison took it like a boss ass bitch she kenw what to expect so she stalked up on ice cream and soup and used it as a time to get out of practice and she just had a girls’ day with dan and renee and the girls braid her hair n paint her nails bc she it makes her feel better and they start watching 10 things i hate about you bc she loves it but she started crying half way through so they swapped it to exy to make her fall asleep
renee my girl my love my life is perfect and wouldn’t need her wisdom teeth out bc god knew not to fuck her up and so she just takes care of the other foxes and loves them and laughs when they’re messed up on the drugs
nicky would also b dramatic about it but like it’s okay at least people like him more than kevin. he would just facetime erik the whole time and after he falls asleep talking to him they pick up his computer and talk to erik and laugh about nicky and when he wakes up and erik’s not on ft anymore bc it’s 2 am and the foxes shut the computer on their end he starts crying until he falls back asleep again.
neil would be fucked up. like he’s never been to the dentist and so he’s freaked out a little but he won’t say anything and so andrew goes with him and calms him down before and then after you’d think he’d stil be fucked up but NOPE he just starts roasting literally everyone. kevin had exy on when he comes back and he starts roasting all the players for being super shitty players/people and then he starts roasting kevin for being super dramatic literally ALL the time and the foxes start recording the rants and u can just mention a name and he will go off it’s so good i love it.
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liam-lawson · 7 years
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Character Posters - Kevin Day, All For The Game
The King is dead. Long live the Queen.
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aaronminyrad · 7 years
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Palmetto State Foxes: #07 Defensive Dealer
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thepromise1988 · 7 years
blog compliments
ok so i desperately need book recs and music recs so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
rules :
must be following me
reblog this post (no likes!)
maybe check out my sideblog @jonasvasquesz
send me a music rec or a book rec!
blacklist ‘mollie’s compliments’ if you don’t want to see this!
that’s it!!
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audreils · 8 years
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i hit 1000 followers!! and tbh i can’t quite wrap my head around it bc i’ve only had this blog for a very short while and why so many people think i’m cool enough to follow is beyond me. you’re all so so nice to me and i couldn’t ask for anything more, so i’m celebrating!
what to do:
mbf me
reblog this post (likes don’t count!)
check out my twitter and philip shea net (if u want)
send me an ask with what you would like
what you can get:
blog rates (format under the cut)
blog compliments 
name aesthetics
name meaning edits (examples here. please send ur pronouns and full first name so i get the meaning right. ex: don’t send “el” for “ellie”)
individual promos
fandom moodboard** (specify fandom/character/ship, preferably one that i blog about so i can make it good)
fic/hc prompt** (tfc or trc please! i will probably agree to any ship/character, but i don’t write smut. anything besides that should be fair game. if i’m uncomfortable writing it, i’ll let you know!)
**you can request two of the first five options. if you pick either of the last two, please only send in one thing.
thank you all so much for 1.k and if you don’t want to see this you can blacklist ‘syeda celebrates’ (also just a fair warning: these will take me time, depending on how many people participate, so be patient with me. i’m a slow worker and get overwhelmed easily so it’ll probably be a couple days before i finish everything bc school and other things. anyway. thanks again and lets do this!!)
URL: i don’t understand | nice | great | amazing | ALLISON REYNOLDS
ICON: not my thing | nice | great | amazing | DAN WILDS
THEME: not my thing | nice | great | amazing | RENEE WALKER
POSTS: not my thing | nice | great | amazing | INEJ GHAFA
OVERALL: not my thing | nice | great | amazing | BLUE SARGENT
FOLLOWING? : no sorry | i am now! | of course | it’s likely that i stalk your blog 
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ikenitycrisis · 7 years
our faults are gasoline, allowing simple spark to burst into flames. burn short, burn bright. i hitch a ride with the sun, my restless spirit soothed in its destruction as we dip below the horizon in the west, and he welcomes us home, his sons and daughters. mortals d i e , that’s what makes us precious as the poets say. he mourns us all, our mistakes his fault. his sons and daughters, related in death.
IAPETUS, titan of the west and mortality. | for @mythologicalnet theme: death deities 
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maliayukimura · 6 years
Christmas Blog Rates + Compliments
I wanted to spread some Christmas cheer with blog rates and compliments.
Must be following me
Reblog this post to spread the news.
For a blog rate and compliment, me a ❄ or a movie recommendation or just tell me about your day. If you only want a compliment, send me a  🎁.
Blacklist #brittanysblogrates if you don’t want to see them
Format for blog rates:
URL: I don’t get it, sorry | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Fallon Carrington
Icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Karolina Dean
Mobile theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Ruby Lucas
Theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Wynonna Earp
Posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Cheryl Blossom
Overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Allison Argent
Following: not yet, sorry | now | yes | till the end of time
Blog Compliment:
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zelvars · 7 years
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When I’m playing, I feel like I have control over something. I feel like I have the power to change things. I feel more real out there than I do anywhere else. The court doesn’t care what my name is or where I come from or where I’ll be tomorrow. It lets me exist.
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urlocalpoet · 7 years
we were growing up.
we were growing apart.
dig out our attachment,
harvest every word we’d speak.
the conversations grow shorter, 
and the days longer without you...
you grew up.
you grew apart
and i’d like to say it wasn’t my fault but
i let you. i let you leave, tear up
roots, one by one, each time
taking comfort in the fact that
you still tolerated me.
you grew, 
i shriveled, retreating into my 
mind, time and time again.
i’m tired and alone, and 
without you, i feel like a 
wasteland instead of a forest.
maybe you needed to leave so
i could feel the sun?
so i had room to grow?
i think you’d know, but 
you’re not around to ask.
-SIGNS OF LIFE, a poem
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neiljxstn · 7 years
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tfc + places
abby’s house
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liam-lawson · 7 years
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Character Posters - Nicky Hemmick, All For The Game
“It’s not really about the food. It’s about family. Not necessarily the one we were born with, but the one we chose. This one,” Nicky emphasized, gesturing between them. “The people we trust to be part of our lives. The people we care about.”
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