#all vanilla btw!! i don't think i even edited them
gefiltefished · 5 months
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be not afraid
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blusherbaker · 4 months
TWST Kink Headcanons: Savanaclaw Edition
Minors/ageless blogs DNI; all characters are 18+ for these scenarios
Each character is given a short write-up of one of their main kinks, as well as a list of other kinks they may like (with a little more info added in some cases), and a list of things they would dislike.
Warnings: Smut, discussion/mention of multiple kinks of different varieties, including those related to D/s dynamics, marking, breeding, etc.
<——« Heartslabyul | Octavinelle »——>
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Leona: Marking
This kink of Leona's interests him for a few reasons. First, he's a bit possessive, so leaving marks on you, and getting marks from you is almost a claim of sorts. Each mark is a clear reminder for you, him, and anybody else who sees it that you're his. He's the one who marked you up so pretty. And in return, any marks you leave on him show that he's yours, too. To Leona, the bites, scratches, hickeys, and everything else are a visual symbol of your relationship and of him on your body... and vice-versa.  And he really enjoys being left with marks on his skin, too; not only is it a claim, it's a sign that you're enjoying yourself when you're with him. If you leave him with scratches along the skin of his back or chest, or a bite on his shoulder? He'll be admiring your work with pride until the day it finally fades. (BTW, he will mention the marks to you as often as he can. Be prepared for him to make you blush, because he will be relentless about it.)
Other possible kinks: 
Body worship (receiving)
Degradation (giving)
Somnophilia / sleep sex (receiving)
Orgasm control
Pet play
Breeding (There's not a chance in hell he even wants to think about having a baby, even if his partner isn't even able to get pregnant.)
Brat play 
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Ruggie: Belly kink
Ruggie likes bellies. He really likes them. And not just one specific kind, either! A tummy with an innie belly button, an outie belly button, stretch marks, rolls of fat, hair, toned muscles… he adores every possibility. A lean middle with a nipped-in, grabbable waist? He loves it. Ripped, muscular abs? He wants to run his hands over every inch. A skinny, flat tummy? He thinks it's adorable, and can't wait to kiss it. A strong, bulky waistline? He can't stop staring. A big, soft belly with rolls?  He's drooling.  No matter your body, Ruggie will practically worship your tummy. His caresses and kisses will be soft, but so very hungry as his hands and lips brush over the skin. He'll get so turned on, just from touching - or even merely seeing - your bare belly… it's actually adorable. Chances are, he'll end up looking up at you with a desperate, pleading expression and a little whimper after just a couple moments of feeling that smooth skin around your middle. It wouldn't take much at all for him to be practically begging you for more. 
Other possible kinks: 
Food play
Face sitting?
Pet play
Domination (he’s pretty much only a sub in my mind. I can't see him wanting to be dominant at all) 
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Jack: Scent kink
I don't think Jack would be the kinkiest of the bunch; in fact, he's probably pretty vanilla in most aspects. But something about his partner's scent would really appeal to him. Along with having a better sense of smell than many of the others, there's something so intimate about him being able to smell his partner - that's what would really appeal to him. Knowing that it's the scent of your perfume, your skin, your hair, your sweat, your sex... that's what excites Jack the most. And if your smell lingered on his clothes or sheets? He wouldn't be able to think of anything else. Hopefully it wasn't his jacket or shirt you borrowed, because you'll have him worked up all day if he can smell you on it.  However, he wouldn’t just find it arousing, he’d find it incredibly comforting as well. There are many times he’d hold you close, burying his nose into the crook of your neck, onto your scalp, or into your chest, just letting your scent envelop him and remind him you’re there. Yes, smelling your scent(s) may turn him on, but it also makes him feel safe, and connected to you in a way not even he can fully describe.
Other possible kinks: 
Size kink
Pet play
Similar to Deuce, he wouldn't like most things that could really harm you or himself. He's just a sweet guy ♥︎
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And there are the Savanaclaw boys' kinks! I feel a little less confident about these ones than the Heartslabyul ones, mainly because I don't think about these guys quite as much ^^;
If you have any additional thoughts or opinions on these headcanons, I'd love to hear them!
You can read some extra ideas about these kinks here!
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lilaccoffin · 6 months
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Had some thoughts today...about their relationship...
Mostly how Chai's envy towards Vanilla gradually culminates into their falling out.
Like, they both have a lot of similarities and differences that contribute to Chai deciding to ghost Vani, both being dudes struggling with inferiority complexes in different ways. Chai handles his by gassing himself up to be the coolest dude ever because no one can call you a loser if you don't act like one, right? And his slacker attitude going hand in hand with his fear of rejection. If you don't try and put your best into stuff or do anything, it won't sting as much if someone tells you you sucked or rejects you, right?
For Vanilla, he copes with these feelings of inferiority by working his ass off to prove himself, masking his autistic behaviors and being as by-the-book as much as possible. Sure, he isn't always 100% compliant, I mean, he's lying to his parents about his major so that he can do what he actually wants to do, but for the most part, he's the type of guy who thinks doing things like they're instructed to be done will reward him. This results in all of his anxiety and stress in school. He basically overexerts himself where Chai does not.
I've boiled down three things that Chai's envious of and it's Vanilla's friend group in college, school stuff, and finally, the band that came to talk to their class.
1: The Friends...
At the start of the game, Chai tells Peppermint he's better off by himself and in general you get this air that Chai is a loner. (Using Lonely Boy as the opening song of the game is also uh...y'know, a huge indicator.) A lot of the fan base (me included) headcanon that Chai had a really hard time making friends growing up. He was the weird kid, and some (if not most) of the teasing also came from a place of ableism. I know a lot of us also headcanon Chai to have ADHD and that paired with him not being able to fully use his right arm gave bullies a lot of material. I remember someone (edit: FOUND THEIR POST, psychangels said this and it's a really good post btw) mentioning Chai dealing with pity/fake friends too and I can definitely see that and how it contributes to him being cautious of new "friends." Vanilla was pretty lucky to even get as close to Chai as he did. The shared love of music and having classes together were probably the main reasons their friendship worked for as long as it did (not very long, but not very short). Well, Chai wasn't Vanilla's only friend, even if it seemed like it at times with how often Vanilla wanted to be around him. He has a group of gothic pals who care about him a lot, most of them being people he met in middle school that he was happy to be able to go to high school and now uni with. Chai tends to just observe them from a distance because Vanilla's friends don't really like him very much over some of his crappy behavior towards Vani, and he sees how close and happy they are. Makes him wish he had that, but he tries his best to ignore it since years of bullying have made it really uncomfortable for him to accept genuine connection or kindness. It's already tough when Vanilla is so nice to him, a friend group full of that? Makes him nervous to even think about it. Though Vani and his friends aren't the type to fake anything, he's still weary.
2: School...
So, yeah, Chai isn't getting the best grades whereas Vanilla is getting straight A's. Again, Vanilla works his little ass off to get the grades his parents want him to have and Chai doesn't put that much effort into his work. To him, half-assing it also diminishes the sting of rejection if his professors don't like any of his genuine work, so getting Cs and Ds are good enough. Even with music focused classes Chai tends to take it easy. I can see him being the kind of guy to ask why they need to study the other stuff that has nothing to do with how to make music? Still, his slacker persona tends to aggravate a lot of his professors and they tend to exhibit some pretty nasty behavior towards Chai for it. Since Vanilla is hardworking and contributes to class discussions a lot, they're a lot more generous to him and have definitely cracked jokes about Vanilla's work vs Chai's. Vanilla would just nervously laugh while Chai rolled his eyes. God, actually, I don't doubt professors would make mean jokes often about those two. Probably begging Vanilla not to let Chai influence him. Vanilla didn't exactly do much about those jokes except wave/nervously laugh them off. He should have stood up to them and told them to stop making fun of Chai but, well, that kind of thing doesn't come easy to him (looks at him lying to his parents instead of putting his foot down with them about himself and his life and also how they would aaalways compare him and his older brother, which, yeah it bothered Vanilla to have their professors do the EXACT same thing with him and Chai, but...again, not REALLY great about confrontation during this time). Yeah, the way professors treat Vanilla compared to how they treat Chai also made Chai envious of Vani. Especially when it was something Vanilla could have helped to some degree if he told these people to shut up, but it's not like Chai expected him to stand up for him, either. Why would he? Why would anyone?
3: Last, the visit from the band...
Okay so, I've gone to community and uni, and it's not unheard of for a professor to have people agree to come in and talk to their students about stuff regarding the subjects they're studying. I've had professors who know some pretty neat people invite them to talk to us, so I imagine one of Chai and Vanilla's professors have done the same. I've written this scenario out before, but to TL:DR it, a band that actually went to their university and met in their classes agreed to come on down and talk to them all about the industry and how they do their thing. They went the full mile and brought their instruments and shared a short excerpt of a song with them, too. The band ended up being a band both Chai and Vanilla liked as well, so it was a pretty sick class that day! Vanilla gushes to Chai about how rad and inspiring it was and Chai offhandedly tells him he should share that new song he wrote with them and see what they think, not thinking Vanilla would actually go and do that, despite how he always considers Chai's suggestions. The band ends up really liking it and asking Vanilla if they could play a bit of it to hear it out loud, which makes him nearly faint (it's a good thing most of the class had left by then and it was just him, Chai, their professor, and the band, who was just about to put their stuff away to go). Chai's happy for Vanilla, but then he thinks back to the time he met his favorite band and how they received him...blowing him off completely (took some inspo from kennyswurvegurl's post here for the visual 'cause, damn, it hit hard). It led Chai into a bit of a spiral afterwards, wondering if maybe he really didn't have a future in all of this because of the cruelty he's faced from so many people. Seeing Vanilla flourish was every bit as painful as it was great. Sure, he tried to fall back into his cocky behavior to not think about it so much, but it was getting tougher with each snarky remark from a professor, each glare from Vani's friend group, and Vani himself being so hyped around him, the fake him.
It all just gets worse when Vanilla runs by the idea of starting a band together after Uni. In Vanilla's mind, it was a great way for them to fulfill their respective dreams of being rock stars and filling in for each other on the roles they couldn't do (Vanilla wants to sing but can't because of his monotone voice and Chai can't play guitar because of his arm.Sso in Vani's head, them doing each thing would be fine, right?). Chai just gets upset at the idea, feeling like he's being pitied all over again and that he's only going to achieve his dream by bumming off of Mr. straight A's? Nah. He rejects the offer, and after a week he drops out of college. It...super sucks for Vanilla because he thought the world of Chai. Sure, his friends get him to take off the damn rose tinted glasses after they tell him Chai wasn't really that great of a friend, but he still feels awful about Chai ghosting him and his own faults in their friendship.
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purposefully dumb ooc ow hcs my friends and i discussed:
🦊‼️ shimada brothers + kiriko edition
hanzo & genji do like bbq actually. genji prefers honey bbq the most though; contrary to hanzo's favored type. it's not like they constantly argue or anything but it's up to you if they reach an agreement. kiriko's a ranch type of girl fr. for chips? kiriko's sour cream n onion (not self projection).
"oh hey guys so uh haha i got some chips for us!" kiriko pipes up, accidentally walking into a provoking conversation the shimada brothers were discussing (honey bbq vs standard??). they both turn around and look at her; the girl holding an ever-so familiar green bag—sour cream and onion flavoured chips.
hanzo drinks coke and genji has sam's cola as his fave (they're literally like the same i think). kiriko prefers pepsico products because they're sweeter to her (pepsi, dr. pepper, mtn dew). also genji would like lemon lime stuff maybe possibly indefinitely.
also hc that he probably was a soda junkie or something in his youth. over time though he kinda savors it like a "fine wine"; where he'd prefer to not have it by himself. rather, he'd drink it to complement a certain food he's having. this one actually makes sense somehow.
hanzo's a playstation person, genji's xbox, and kiriko's nintendo. basically colour coded fr. apparently also: hanzo's pc, genji's console, and kiriko's mobile. though, my friend INSISTS that genji's a mobile player (he plays mobile fortnite and probs got that samsung galaxy skin).
hanzo plays fortnite also to "practice his aim". genji (un)ironically gets all of the anime collab skins and somehow is goated with pickaxing the poor players early on. kiriko is their supplies manager and carries all of their meds and shields because the brothers are busy collecting all of the cool broken guns.
i'm unsure who'd be super good at building. i feel like they'd purposefully play on no build because "only the most talented players don't rely on building" or something dumb as kiriko instinctively pressed the buttons to build stairs as they get third-partied.
btw kiriko loves driving cars esp the fast sports ones and makes one of them sit on top of oit (since only two players max can get on it). she interrupts battles that other plays are in and has genji and hanzo pick off the surviving ones like little scavengers.
they're so good and can actually get into comp stuff, but they'd rather not since they're "lighthearted" (hanzo's upset he's getting bot lobbies and genji's getting reported for "hacking" whilst kiriko's the string holding the whole team together).
if they played splatoon obvs you can tell hanzo's stringer, genji's splatana and maybe kiriko's something supportive like n-zap whilst still having great frontline potential.
i know a lottt more about 2 than 3 actually. i'd say maybe genji would like things with echolocator even if that's more of a widow thing. i thought of reg. squiffer first but that's my main but i think mainly it's how genji can rush in and w aggressive front/mid-line squiffers you just see them go in and out of the ink, trying to kill you w either trickshots or something dumb (it's ok ily guys). also genji's ranged too as well.
maybe also he might play roller because 1: technically melee (his sword) + in reference to his shurikens, the vertical and horizontal spray of the roller can be in reference to his. or maybe he's ANNOYING and plays carbon roller (deco) with ninja squid. ninja squid.
hanzo plays pure mpu bamboozler and then shits on other players for having pure gear because "it's way more affective to have a mixed, sorted array subs instead of trying to make it all the same"/j
tbh the whole "genji, hanzo and kiriko" stuff is just literally splatoon 3 splatfests honestly. hanzo's vanilla ice cream, genji's chocolate, and kiriko's strawberry. i don't know how to explain it.
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turtlemagnum · 11 months
i feel like there's something of a loose correlation between something being generally shitty and having a lot of modding support. glocks, kinda mediocre by modern standards; mostly good as a measuring stick to judge other pistols by, right? has some of the most modularity and aftermarket support of any pistol on fucking earth. because, y'know, it kinda needs it to rise above mediocrity; and even then i'd argue it's a bit of a shiny turd (though i am biased against stirker fired handguns, but eh). skyrim? to the best of my knowledge, probably the game with the most mods made for it Ever, right? because it genuinely is kind of a fucking bad game, and it genuinely fucking needs them, and as of special edition it is actually a pretty good basis for mods since it's 64 bit and shit. playing skyrim vanilla is like eating raw meat, and adding mods is like adding seasoning and cooking it
though i will say that this is definitely a "heh, nice dichotomy loser, what exists OUTSIDE it!!!!" moment, i'd consider even vanilla fallout new vegas to be one of the greatest games of all time, and it's got one of the best modding communities Ever. though also, in terms of raw mechanics, it also kinda needed it due to how rushed and buggy it was (and still is). morrowind and oblivion have pretty sizable modding scenes even over/almost 20 years after release (depending on which one you choose), and i'd consider them both to be pretty solid games at their core, albeit deeply flawed.
this isn't to say that i think modularity is a bad thing btw, i'd actually argue that it makes games better and more longlasting than they would have, and i think that community generated content is at least conceptually an unequivocally good thing. i also just think that with some extremely well designed games, they don't really need it so much, and even if they had the same modding tools as bethesda games have i don't think they'd have the same degree of community. another notable deeply modular thing that i'd argue is incredibly good is the AR pattern rifle. while the glock is definitely modular for a handgun, the AR might be the most modular firearm platform Ever. and it's arguably the best service rifle of the modern age, inarguably at least one of two
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you know what, anon, fuck you. first of all as I hate formatting, which I gotta do now so I can post this with adequate tws for mentions of csa, and second of all because I'm not obliged to add an "uwu pedophilia bad tho" at the end of every post about unrelated sexual stuff.
[edit: rpf stands for real person fiction, btw]
"While I normally don't care to a large degree about RPF's, as long as they are not openly accessible as mentioned. I gotta say there's kinda a line,"
so, you imply that what I said was inoffensive - although you say and imply, respectively, that I said that things have to be inaccessible and that there's no line, neither of which I said in the relevant post. I said that the best bet is to make it so a conscious decision is required to view, ie a click, and I explicitly said that you can post said link publicly. and, the more I think about it, the more I actually think that I was too rigid in that post - not all rpf is slash, or even shipping or fandom in any way at all, and I was very tired at the time, and the post nut clarity hadn't hit, and I was thinking in terms of comfort, but fiction does not exist to make you comfortable. political cartoons, historical fiction, dramatisations of events, all of these are forms of rpf that can be mass advertised and put in newspapers, and should be. I take it back, I literally do not give a fuck at all.
but nevertheless, you still feel it appropriate to show up in my inbox, to drag a trigger into this, for absolutely no reason at all...
"and that line is when real minors, teens or children are used in a NSFW fic."
I'm disinterested in that line of questioning. I wasn't talking about that. the only cases I've ever even seen that were at all vaguely like what you're talking about were minors online getting harassed for having crushes on, and writing or drawing other, comparably aged, minors in scenarios so vanilla even granny wouldn't blush (and I have a commanding presence, but even I can't convince teenagers not to be horny for celebrities). idk if you're an anti or some proship dude who found a nice tasting anti dick to suck, but I have to assume it's one or the other because there's zero other reason to go there. there is not a pandemic in fandom of adults writing graphic sex betwixt them and real children, or posting it for those kids to see, it doesn't happen. and thus I do not care to be called upon by total strangers to discuss the ethics of shit that isn't happening land. I don't care to qualify every single fucking post, which had nothing at all to do with minors, with "but uwu pedophilia bad", because your immediate response to someone talking about adults is to go "hmm yes but what if those adults are attracted to children". my guy, nobody here was thinking about that.
anons respect csa survivors' wishes to not have triggers sent to them, and stop bringing children into every unrelated convo challenge.
"Even if it's not directly NSFW, just "hinted" there's something... iffy about it,"
wow okay. so I said I didn't want to go down this bullshit line of questioning about a thing that doesn't happen, but who defines a hint? you literally read multiple things into my post that 100% weren't there, and sent this shit, I legitimately don't trust your judgement. what about non-explicit (ie hinted) vent art that I made as a kid about what I went through? it's about a kid (me), so was I being naughty?
"especially when the pairing is an adult person, either someone they work/interact with, or "OC's" (self inserts especially)"
again, this literally doesn't happen. but why? your standards are absolutely nonsensical. if the (understandable, albeit totally unrelated to my post) premise is that seeing such a sexualisation of themself can be harmful to kids... none of this matters. the amount of sexualisation there doesn't change if it's two kids written about or an adult, and whether that adult was a self-insert or not is equally irrelevant. it has no bearing on what's been done to the kid because what I, up until these parts, assumed you take issue with is the kid's exposure to such description of themself. an oc wouldn't make it any more descriptive of the kid in an inappropriate way. if anything, two kids is the worst of the lot, that's twice the potential for kids exposed to such description.
this line changed it for me - I was already not joyful about you making my, again, not at all about minors comment about minors, but this made it clear that you didn't just see my post and go "hmm I'm worried about a ridiculous hypothetical", you saw my post and went "but pedophiles". harm to kids wasn't the priority, the priority was being grossed out by the most pedoy pedo you could dream up and sending that to me to demand that I also be grossed out. I know that because you think a self-insert is the worst objectively - however, if I write "and then my self-insert bungley mcscrumple, the leprechaun with twelve heads, banged [idfk any celebrities, let alone underage ones]", that is a stupid sentence that hurts not a single soul who read it, while a detailed description of [well if I don't know one, I definitely don't know two underage celebrities] doing the do, with constant comments about their bodies... well? that's not how you were thinking though, bungley is a self-insert who did a pedo thing, therefore the writer is a pedo, therefore that's worse. you're not thinking with portals, anon, you're barely even thinking with braincells.
anyway, my stance on rpf involving kids is case by case - I can't act like political satire, which I failed to consider in my initial reblog of that post, can't ever involve real kids, who the post and my initial reblog had absolutely nothing to do with. as for sexual rpf involving them, I didn't want to talk about it, but since you've forced my hand, I now think that it should be a requirement in job interviews to submit rpf of bungley mcscrumple, the leprechaun with twelve heads, passionately making love to at least two underaged celebrity boys. why not.
and for future anons, yeah sure I endorse any and all bullshit scenarios you dream up that assume inoffensive posts are offensive if they don't also express an opinion on idk pringles.
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gammaprimesmw · 3 years
Super Mario Bros: Vanilla Islands - HUGE updates
First off, after a very long wait, the demo for this hack has passed moderation. It almost didn't though, mostly because of slowdown in several levels.
While I waited for the demo to be moderated, I continued working on levels until completing them all.
World 6
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6-1 - Bills, Bills, Bills! Bullet Bills, that is! At first, coming up with a song title to reference for this level's name was a little challenging. I don't have or know too many songs that have the word "Bullet" in them. The best I could probably think of is "21 Guns." I didn't count how many Bill Blasters are in this level though. "Bullet" is only half of the prominent enemy's name though. I do know of, like, and have a song with "Bills" in its title. Thus, the level became "Bills, Bills, Bills!"
6-2 - You're Always on My Mine
I don't think I can do a mine-themed level without having a miner pun in mine. At least, I don't want to, especially if I can reference an SWV song.
6-3 - You Rock My World
Yeah, the level was 6-1 when I made the video, but I moved it back to 6-3 when I realized that it was harder than 6-2. The difficulty was toned down a bit further since this was taken as I tweaked the speed values for the bouncing rocks that spawn from the horizontal pipes.
6-4 - Larry Koopa's Castle
Time to dodge even more bullets. Is it just me, or are Bullet Bills overlooked as good castle enemies/hazards in official games?
World 7
It's a Slippy Slidey Ice World, so much of the challenge comes from the ice physics. There are also some enemy projectiles that can freeze Mario in place in addition to hurting him. Brrrr....
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7-1 - Snow (Hey Oh!)
Snowman Pokeys and Snowball-Pitchin' Chucks are nothing new for my ice worlds. They're easy sprite graphic swaps after all. Christmas-y elements in snow world decorations are also nothing new. They just fit, much like Middle-Eastern-sounding music in desert levels. I don't really care how cliche it is.
7-2 - Ice, Ice, Baby!
Here's where we get into enemies that can freeze Mario with their attacks. The Venus Frost Traps were somewhat difficult to set up because they use a projectile that was lost in one of SMWC's sprite section remoderations. They're based around a custom plant coded by imamelia that, by default, spits Bob-Ombs at the player in an arc. By changing what palettes the stem and head portions used, as well as what sprite they spawned, I was able to turn them into iceball-spitting Venus Frost Traps. This is the same method I used to create Venus Frost Traps in my entry for the 2018 Chocolate Level Design Contest on SMWC. BTW, don't ask where all those Christmas lights are plugged in.
7-3 - The Bumpty Dance
There's more icy shenanigans and more referencing hip-hop songs from the early 1990s here. I could've called this Bump, Bump, Bump, but I like "Bumpty Dance" better as a name. It's a little more indicative of just what will do the bumping here. I also could've called it "Bumpty Bump," but Golden Yoshi already used that name in SMW2+3: The Essence Star. Besides, the song being referenced is called "The Humpty Dance," not "Humpty Hump." I probably would've made the same assumption back in 1990.
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6-4 - Lemmy Koopa's Castle
It's a Slippy Slidey Ice Castle! The Bowser Statues spit ice instead of fire. The darker iceballs simply freeze Mario, but the lighter ones that appear later in the level hurt. Lemmy himself shoots these same projectiles, along with one that can both freeze and hurt.
This is it! This is the final world!
8-1 - Make it Hot
Yeah, you may want to warm yourself up after traveling through an ice world, but not like this!
8-2 - Hot in Herre
I did make a level called "Hot Out Herre" for Kola Kingdom Quest. Here, though, I can more directly reference the Nelly song that must've been the summer anthem for 2002.
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7-3 - Fire in the Sky
Originally, I had this level's name set to "Soaring Over Gloomy Skies," referencing a custom composition I made in 2012 and originally used for the level. After finishing it, though, I felt like the name "Fire in the Sky" would be more appropriate, given the fiery hazards that abound on this airship. The song being referenced isn't one I'm a huge fan of, being more into 90s rock than 70s rock. There's still some Author Appeal behind the name though. It's not only the name of a song, but also the name of an episode of G1 Transformers, which happens to be one of my favorites from that series.
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Here's the final level of the game! Prepare to face a gauntlet of fire-spitting statues, Fire Bros, Dry Bones, and things trying to either burn or crush you to death! Mama Mia! Yes, the Status Bar has changed in this hack. This was pretty much the only way to eliminate the slowdown that almost got the demo rejected. The original Status Bar was a sprite, and slowdown in Super Mario World (or practically any SNES game) is the result of too many sprites being on the screen at one time. One way to work around this is to use the SA-1 chip, but that requires converting every custom asset in my ROM that uses ASM. That can be another tedious process stacked on top of the already-tedious process of having to port everything to a new ROM. I had to do the latter anyway to safely change Status Bars, and I had to do it twice. The first alternate Status Bar I tried had glitches, so I had to switch Status Bars a second time. I finally settled on Ladida's Minimalist Status Bar, which I previously used in Super Luigi Land. I did have to remap some of the icons due to the significant edits made to the vanilla Layer 3 graphics files used by the HUD. There was still a glitch to be worked around though. The darkness effect for 4-3 wasn't quite compatible with the new Status Bar, and the level ended up looking like this.
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It may look kinda cool and trippy, but it's not the desired effect. Furthermore, pressing the P-Switch had no effect on it, as was intended. The effect is supposed to use the SNES's color math functions to darken the screen (color subtraction, specifically). The second half of 4-4 also uses color subtraction to achieve a spotlight effect. Said effect was still functional after the Status Bar switch. I took a look at that code and learned that color subtraction was very easy to engage, only involving a couple lines of code run during level initialization. I basically copied the init code from the spotlight effect UberASM into another UberASM file. I then inserted that and made Layer 2 just a solid gray image, with the gray being palette animated in Lunar Magic to turn black when the P-Switch is active. Color Subtraction would cause this to make the "lights" in the level come on when the P-Switch was triggered, saving the level's gimmick.
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This necessitated changes to the level's appearance. I made a simple Layer 3 background and darkened the overall foreground/background palette. I think I like this look better than the old one.
This is a beta version of the completed hack. You will need a Super Mario World ROM, a SNES emulator (I recommend snes9x 1.60), and Floating IPS to apply the BPS patch to the ROM. I can't tell you where to find the ROM.
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