#alexa kindergarten oc
kg-horrorhospital-au · 2 months
They've come for REVENGE.
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They've just ate him alive lol
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inevitablemoment · 2 months
Okay, so my brain is beginning to explode with Lars Pinfield headcanons (as I'm pairing him with my OC, Natalie, in the Cathleen Lives AU), so I'm just laying them all out here.
I just hope that none of them get disproven if he's in the next movie (Gil Kenan said that he and Jason Reitman are playing for two more movies after Frozen Empire.)
Regardless, feel free to use these headcanons.
Lars was actually born in Swindon, but when he was two years old, his family moved to Kettering.
He has an older sister (by eight years) named Abigail (goes by Abby). I imagine her to be played by Billie Piper.
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More under the cut:
Abby works as a teacher for deaf students, mainly from grades kindergarten to second grade. She is fluent in both American and British Sign Language.
Abby also has two daughters, seven-year-old Alexa and three-year-old Luna, with her ex-boyfriend, who is NOT in the girls' lives.
After Abby's boyfriend ditched them, Lars stepped up to help his sister and nieces, and moved in. When he was recruited by Winston,
Lars and Abby's mother, Maggie Pinfield (nee Brennan) [her name comes from @pinfield's headcanon], is American, hailing from New York City.
Maggie's faceclaim is Linda Hamilton.
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She's a badass who will require a post of her own.
Lars and Abby's father, William Pinfield, is also a scientist; but like Egon's Uncle Cyrus, laments his son's career in a "fringe" field.
Lars is the best uncle. Like, he barely could hold a baby when Alexa was born, and now these two girls are his entire world.
Since Maggie is an engineering genius, she was able to figure out how to pirate American television after moving to the U.K., so they got a lot of access to American soap operas.
His first crush was Genie Francis, aka Laura Spencer from General Hospital.
Lars and Callie develop a brother-sister bond; he and Phoebe also bond, and he teaches her a few of his coping techniques for when she's having a sensitive day.
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1.23.24 Wednesday
12 am/ midnight
I have windblow....
I'm so fucking tired, I mean I'm fuckless and tired...
I can't stream or wasn't able to do stream coz I'm so fuckless and tired, doing some house task coz we can't hire an assistant these days... Thank God my nana cooked today coz I badly need to rest and sleep. I fed our dogs and most specially my son-dog.
I have windblow.... Hoping to meet a Daddy-my bf...
Can't stream now, will stream on my next off which will be on Saturday...
This is still for you Daddy... I still feel this song...
7:34 am
I washed Snoopy manually for now... Let's see... Then, I just cleaned the face of Neko, coz I pity her so much...
Will have my first cup of coffee, will rest again... Later night is my shift at 9pm again.
8:14 am
Finishing this "Schitt's Creek" in a way I can relate coz they can't go back to their original life, I'm already on Season 3...
Well, there are some cute things that are happening here on Season 2 and 3 coz they transferred to a new place called as "Schitt's Creek" it seems they are trapped by the people and situation. Alexa or Alexis the daughter here is portraying to be a high school student again, in my analyzation the people in Schitt's Creek are trying to know her, but it is a reality act but Alexis is really 30 plus already.
In my case,I'm not acting in Conduent but I'm not happy but in a way I'm thankful coz I got a job coz I badly needed money... I was really taglish but there are some point that I can't talk in full-English coz of the people and my situation though I can... People there are mostly commuting...
So, my portraying act as me in Conduent is somehow a blending of the past me and my maturity now... But it is all me...
But I have a relatives who are trying to steal and damage the original me.... There are some bad old friends who are trying to destroy me... I'm trap angels for 17 years... There are some people who are trying to judge me, that they don't even know me...
8:49 am
In Conduent my 80% character is me and for a professional mode... Though it is still me but there are some things that I'm suppress coz it is a job and my work location that I need to blend well with people... For now the people in my class in Conduent are fair enough and I can say in a way professional classmates there or professional batchmates in Conduent. We help each other in a way, when it comes to job related issues.
9:10 am
Will try to describe everyone in my batch in Conduent...
I like Princess so much the one who did her hiku on the nose but it seems her character is changing into a mean girl. I love her around coz she put a colorful mode in my surroundings, it is just sad if she became a mean girl. But it is her maturity. But I'm used to being the center of the class... I was the baby and the president of my class during high-school. So, I tried to keep my maturity with them.
I like Princess coz she is still spoiled but I want her to mature and grow... To learn life and to make choices in life though she is still spoiled. She is loved by that way... I accepted her but if she became mean then we are going to be a professional mate in Conduent, have her own life and I have mine...
I was just an average student in my class during high-school but I was the 1st honor during my first grade but I transferred then I became 3rd honor until on my 3th grade. Then, something happened to me I lost all my glow on being on the top 10.
A lil backtrack, I won a coloring contest during my prep and kindergarten that I got the Encyclopedia for free... My first set of Encyclopedia... One of my puppy bf not a partner, Brien knew I can draw but I didn't take that seriously coz something happened to me... I gave him the Donald Duck drawing but we are meant to be good friends just good friends.
I was never perfectionist on grades but if it started to challenge me then I became OC, just for the thought of challenging myself and I thought I studied hard but then why I failed? IT IS STILL FUNNY IN MY PART...
Aizzy I'm cool with her...Aizzy the gay... But I'm somehow putting a distance coz she is with Eli. Eli is a young still fresh flesh....I mean they are somehow sisterhood in my class... But we're good.
JM, it is just weird if he came from Cavite as well coz his surname is "Potente".
Nars is with JM on the first day that I transfered with them.
Erick originally a worker from Dubai and according to his story, he got 3 kids and separated.
Rem, Angelica and Joy, according to them they all just met there and became friends.
Ian is a science professor but I'm making a joke on him, telling him "what's up doc?' He is selling the whiskey coffee and I said to the other people that we are just friends and please buy the whiskey coffee.
Kaide, the guy who assisted me on the first day when I transferred to their class. I was panicking on the module activities then he guided me. He is the cos player in the class. He actually spent on his cosplay.
Another Joy or Jocelyn, the one got a calm heart. Who guided us on our first activity on using the salesforce but it was still on the sandbox.
Ruth is gone, the one who got a mean character on me. A rebel but I know she is younger than me but probably a gangster and bad. But she is gone after Boss Sho told us that she sent a message coz she was sick. In call center once you are absent you are automatically for reprofile or you need to apply again or be on the other class. BUT I MUST KEEP MY MATURITY. I'm not seriously angry on her but I'm scared of Ruth. But she is gone in the class.
Ray is married, from at the back of Cavite,hmmm from General Trias if my memory is correct... According to him he is really with call center for years...
Jay is sitting beside Ray inside the nesting room. A skinny guy...
Jojo, I just saw him there and always quiet seatmate of Ian.
Marlu got a perfume, I saw him spraying a perfume and I envious him for having that bottled perfume. I LOVE PERFUME SO MUCH..
Dave, was the one who helped me on my last final exams on the 11 wrong answers that I didn't know.
The 2 girls I forgot their name on the side of Kaede in the warehouse training room, they are just quiet and always together.
The amazon girl, I forgot the name. She is mysterious and just there in the room.
Jash is there as professional classmate. A working student. Sitting beside Eli in the nesting room and in-front of the amazon girl.
10:26 am
Uncle DD is here with his new family... Ivan was bitten by their dog on the face... Their shitzu named 25...
12:06 noon
I still have windblow....
Ms Ignaco was my computer teacher during high school, we were not friends but professionally I was her student. She didn't know me on my growing-up years during college...
She didn't even know me... But she was my teacher during high-school. I wasn't that good on her subject but I was intelligent I know but it didn't happen that way, coz something happened to me...
12:50 noon
I still have windblow... I need to diet,I know... I need to keep a job and I need money.
I went in on my own there in Conduent coz I feel that something is strange again... Hope not coz I need money. I need my trainer Boss Sho and my TL to keep this job...
Hoping to get a Daddy-bf along the way... A mutual thing.
I still FEEL this song for Daddy-bf...
8:14 pm
Already here in Conduent,done eating my dinner...
Done, watching "Katherine Ryan: Glitter Room" wow! Hmm....
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kamabrahr · 3 years
Writing Requests open!
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Kieran here, ready to polish their English skills with some drabbles, headcanons, oneshots, and anything your heart desires as long as they follow the rules!
I currently am mainly into the wrestling fandom, so here’s the list!
Wrestlers I can certainly write for
Adam Cole
Bray Wyatt
Chris Jericho
Christian Cage
Chuck Taylor
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Darby Allin
Dean Ambrose  (I consider him a COMPLETELY different entity from Jon Moxley...sue me.)
Drew McIntyre
Eddie Kingston
Jeff Hardy
Johnny Gargano
Jon Moxley
Jungle Boy
Lance Archer
Malakai Black
Marko Stunt
Matt Jackson
Mustafa Ali
Nick Jackson
Orange Cassidy
Randy Orton
Roman Reigns
Sammy Guevara
Seth Rollins
Shawn Michaels
Tony Khan (*cough*)
Trent? (?)
Triple H
Wheeler Yuta
AJ Lee
Alexa Bliss
Anna Jay
Becky Lynch
Bianca Belair
Britt Baker
Dakota Kai
Hikaru Shida
Io Shirai
Jamie Hayter
Kris Statlander
Liv Morgan
Maki Itoh
Nikki A.S.H.
Penelope Ford
Rhea Ripley
Ruby Riott
Sasha Banks
Shayna Baszler
Stephanie McMahon
Tay Conti
Thunder Rosa
If they’re not on this list, you are totally always welcome to ask if I can write for them, and maybe I can, depending on how much creative juice I have in me!
And here are the rules to getting that content:
 Send an ask, if you’re not sure on what you want, then you are always welcome to DM me.
Specify what you want (headcanons, drabble, oneshot) with which wrestler(s), and whether it’s fluff, angst, comfort, NSFW, or others (throw me an AU and I might just grab it!). If it’s something more complicated, I will go over to your DMs and ask you for more specifications. If you don’t specify anything, it’s free real estate for me, and you’re going to have to see what you get on my Russian Roulette for you.
Specify the kinks if there are any. If it’s a no-no kink for me or a kink I’m not used to, then I will go over to your DMs if you’re not on anon to talk it out, see what we can do, and if it’s anon I unfortunately might just have to chop you off the board, I apologize.
You can also specify on certain things like genders, petite, plus-sizes, some illnesses or physical conditions like a person with vitiligo, scoliosis, an amputee, etc., but please don’t go super specific on appearances like blue eyes, brown curly hair or the likes. I might write a wrestler x wrestler or a wrestler x OC for you if you really want it and I’m in the right mindset, but beware, the writing is in my hands and you might not get exactly 100% of what you want.
Please be patient! I’m a kindergarten teacher with loads of work in my hands and some very fussy parents to handle with on the daily (the children are great, the parents...eh), so I’ll get to you, I promise, it might take some time!
With that all said, send ‘em over!
- Kieran
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sharperthewriter · 2 years
The 16th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards - Chapter 1
The 16th Annual Kim Possible Fannie Awards
From the Desk of Sharper
With contributions from F86Sabre53, Gothicthundra, and bcbdrums
Greetings, everyone, and welcome to another installment of the Fannie Awards! Things have been a bit different in the past two years with the pandemic, but the show must go on! So, sit back and relax, and revel in the festivities of the 16th Annual KP Fannie Awards!
Kim Possible characters and settings were created by Schooley and McCorkle and are (c) to Disney.
Dr. Saira Bellum and VILE are all from Carmen Sandiego (2019) created by Broderbund.
Locations, character relationships, and the overall setting used in the Fannies are primarily out of my (Sharper's) headcanon, but also incorporate ideas from other members of the Kimmunity. The Fannies exist in their own universe that grows and develops over the years, and are a semi-continuing story with multiple references to Fannies past and other well-known fanfics in the Kimmunity.
Justin Possible-Stoppable (Hotrod2001) and Alexa Possible-Stoppable (KPRS4ever) are the OC's of two wonderful KP fans and good friends of mine. All OC's mentioned are the full property of their creators and are used with permission.
This fanfic is rated T for language, an obscene gesture, thematic material involving a pandemic, some crude humor, some action violence, and some suggestive material including innuendo.
Chapter 1 – The Invite
(August 27, 2020, 4:30pm, Middleton, CO)
It had been twelve days since the chaotic 15th Fannie Awards co-hosted by Gothicthundra and BCBDrums.
Kim and Ron Possible-Stoppable, now thirty-one years and eight months old, were driving home from work at Global Justice, which was their usual routine. They pulled their Sloth 5.0 hyper-advanced SUV, complete with GJ's logo on the doors, into the driveway and Kim activated the garage door opener to their four-car garage, which included an SUV for family use and two station wagons from the 1960s that Ron had restored from his late grandfathers. Thankfully, the Stoppable-mobile (the infamous pea-green 90s minivan that they once had) was not there, due to the infamous South Dakota vacation during which they legally changed their names.*
Kim pulled into the vacant space and turned off the work SUV.
"Well...there goes another workday in the books, KPS," Ron said as he got out of the car. Rufus followed behind on his shoulder. He too wore a small GJ uniform.
"Just one more day to go until the weekend, Ron," Kim replied expectantly.
Also coming out of the car were their two kids: Justin, now seven years old and in the second grade and Alexa who was four-and-a-half and in kindergarten. Both were still in their booster seats.
"I was good for Miss Carter today!" Alexa said, clapping her hands and waving a picture drawn with crayons as Kim picked her up out of the car. "I drew a picture of a house today!"
"That's good, sweetie!" Kim replied with a smile. "I'm glad you did not get into any trouble today!"
"And I got an A+ on my math test!" Justin added, holding up a test of multiplication tables bearing a bold 100%.
"See, sport! Told ya practicing the tables would work!" Ron added while getting Justin out of his booster seat. He grabbed his backpack as well.
Kim then locked the car with its state-of-the-art security system. She turned to her husband and added, "Ron, can you check the mail?"
"I can surely do that, Kim!" Ron replied. He added to Kim's armful by passing Justin over and headed to the mailbox.
"Let's see..." he said, going through the mail. "Bill...bill...oh, the latest CB Monthly magazine for the wonderful woman that I love!"
"Why thank you, Ron!" Kim smiled as she received the magazine. "I'll go through the rest of the mail."
Kim then continued with the Possible-Stoppable mail call.
"...Bill...junk...invite to Professor Dementor's retirement party...bill...junk..."
Ron interrupted her. "Wait, KPS! Go back two!"
Kim pulled out the invitation.
"Let's see what it says here..." Kim said with suspicion. The invite was written in German.
Sie sind hiermit eingeladen, im Namen von VILE (Villain's International League of Evil) die böse, teuflische und schurkische Karriere von Professor Heinrich von Dementor und seinen Übergang in den Ruhestand zu feiern. Sie findet am Samstag, den 19. September 2020 um 19:00 Uhr Ortszeit im Berliner Congress Center statt.
Für Abendessen und Getränke ist gesorgt.
Formelle Kleidung (Smoking für Männer, lange Abendkleider für Frauen) ist erforderlich.
Niemand unter 13 Jahren ist erlaubt (da es einen Toast und Braten für Dementor mit einigen unangemessenen Witzen für ihn geben wird).
Antwort an Dr. Bellum bis zum 4. September 2020
"Can you translate that, Kim?" Ron asked, "Because I took the basic level of German in high school... Flunked the class. Barkin gave me extra homework."
Kim giggled a bit and said, "Ron, I took four years of German in college, so it'll be no big for me!"
She then read through the invitation and gave the English translation to Ron.
You are hereby invited, on behalf of VILE (Villain's International League of Evil) to celebrate Professor Heinrich von Dementor's evil, diabolical, and villainous career and his transition to retirement. It will be held at the Berlin Congress Center on Saturday, the 19th of September, 2020 at 7:00pm local time.
Dinner and drinks will be provided.
Formal attire (tuxedo for men, long evening gowns for women) is required.
No one under the age of 13 is permitted (as there will be a toast and roast for Dementor with some inappropriate jokes for him).
RSVP to Dr. Bellum by the 4th of September, 2020
"So, do you think Dementor is really retiring from the villain game?" Ron asked. "I don't know if it's legit or not... Could be a trap set by VILE..."
"Ron, if it were a trap, we would be entangled in cables, chains, or ropes. Which do you see on us or the kids? No," Kim deduced. "But still, we'll get Wade on this."
Kim activated her Kimmunicator 5.0 wristwatch and Wade came on.
"Wade! Got a sitch for you," Kim said.
"Anything I can do for the GJ team!" Wade replied.
"We received an invite to Dementor's retirement party..." Kim replied, "but we don't know if it's legit or not."
"Interesting that you say that Kim, because I got the same thing in the mail just now," Wade said, holding up the invite.
"Can you put it in the GJ-issue document scanner?" Kim asked.
"Scanning right now," Wade replied. He put the invitation in the scanner. After a few minutes, the results came through. "The paper has a fine gradient to it, laced with red and black fibers," he explained. "It is the same paper used for all of VILE's documentation."
"So, VILE is for real this time. The longest-running villain, and the last one in my original rogues' gallery is hanging up the helmet," Kim replied in surprise.
"It took him almost seventeen years to the day we first encountered him," Ron recalled.
"Ah yes, the Pan-Dimensional Vortex Inducer!" Kim sighed. "Good memories!"
"Um...Daddy? Are you going to open the door?"
"Huh? Oh right, sport!" Ron exclaimed, snapping out of his trance. They bid goodbye to Wade as he opened the door to the Possible-Stoppable house. The family entered and Ron put the keys into the dish with a clink.
"So Ron, how does a trip to Germany sound to you?" Kim asked.
"KPS, I am all for it. But what are we going to do about the kids?" Ron questioned. "We can't leave them home alone!"
"I know! But I already have a babysitter in mind to keep them company while we're out of the country!" Kim replied.
"Who...?" Ron asked.
* Stoppable Family Vacation (M), by Sharper the Writer
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youngsamanda · 2 years
🐝 hiya ! i’m taylor (she/they) twenty1 & in the est timezone ! with school coming to a close i’m looking for some more plots ! i’d prefer 2 write on discord but will also write on tumblr ! not a stickler on length or replying quickly sometimes i’m fast others not so much feel free 2 nudge me if it’s been a bit though ! i love angst and all kinds of ships ! if you are interested in writing i have a ton of stuff below so please give this a like or message me ! please be over eighteen if you interact w this post !
faceclaims: jessie mei li, alexa demie, freddy carter, natalia dyer, evan mock, savannah smith, archie renaux, evan rachel wood, ryan potter, aubrey joseph, danielle galligan, liz gillies, chella man, hunter schafer, aubrey plaza, zion moreno, adeline rudolph, daniella alonso, ana de armas, cody christian, kiowa gordon, logan lerman, rege jean page, sonoya mizuno, sophia taylor ali, samantha logan, anya chalotra, and literally anyone in this tag
opposites: ben barnes, archie renaux, brett dalton, mia goth, alperen duymaz, ruth negga, gugu mbatha raw, avan jogia, amita suman, adam brody, tanaya beatty, khadijha red thunder, ewan mcgregor, dev patel, diego luna, kristen stewart, anya taylor joy, peter gadiot, laura harrier, joe keery, evan mock, alberto rosende, aldis hodge, zion moreno, andrew garfield, shay mitchell, gavin leatherwood, gemma chan, oliver jackson cohen, jd pardo, dylan o’brien, anna diop, and literally anyone in this tag
plots: fake dating especially in holiday settings, enemies to lovers, childhood friends to lovers, wildwest westworld inspired plots, the last of us but we include ocs, retold greek gods, wolfstar, various other marauders stuff, sam/deena from fear street, kaz/inej from six of crows, bucky/natasha from marvel, jason/roy from dc, jason/rose from dc, peter/gwen from marvel, steve/nancy from stranger things, rich trust fund babies, mermaid/pirate romance, single parent and their kids cute kindergarten teacher, divorced couple trying to work things out, gay pirates and/or cowboys, baby angst, aged up katniss/peeta from the hunger games, literally just taylor swift’s folklore, spies bonus points for rival spies, anything where i can use my hunger games ocs, period piece longing, anything inspired by 10 things i hate about you or 13 going on 30, college aged degrassi characters, let me play alina starkov please, supernatural plots, rick and evelyn from the mummy!!!! and anything else not mentioned in this tag
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crewman-penelope · 5 years
Fanfiction Loki/oc
Loki is king and he does what he wants!
Long One Shot
Warning: M, lemon, grapefruit, underage (16) Trigger warning!
Sitting in the school cafeteria you look around. Watching the tables and the different groups sitting around them.
There was the ‘mean girls club’, cheerleaders and influencers who had their own channels with makeup tutorials.
The wrestling club, boys who try to spread out there machismo and bubble about their current or last target of bullying.
Tables you try to avoid. But most of the pupils are just trying to get through school time, just like you.
Your eyes catch one of the mean girls as she applies more lipstick on her mouth and a rush of jealousy courses through your body. You don’t care for the popularity but for the full lips.
Pressing your own thin lips together, you try to look away, alas you catch a shimmer at her wrist. A bracelet, surely new. Your stomach drops as you recognize the pendant on it.
With wide eyes you gaze at her face and she answers the look. Knowingly. Understanding.
Then she breaks eye contact to put her lipstick away and doesn’t bother to look at you again.
On the way to the class room you feel a push at your shoulder, not mean at all, but to get your attention. The girl with the lipstick.
“Hey back.” you answer, too thrilled about the chewing gum scent of hers to be surprised that she speeks to you in the corridor.
“So … did you have the dream already?“
“W ..what?“
She sighs and rolls her eyes, the full drama queen of high school. “You looked at my pendant. You had your dreams.“ That was not an question. That was a fact.
Yes. You did dream. Of the symbol. The glittering gold. And of more.
“I don’t want to talk about this.“ you tell her with firm voice. “But, thank you for your concern.“
Because that’s what it is, you realize. She is concerned. She probably doesn’t know your name, but she is concerned.
“It’s okay.“ she chirps softly. “You don’t have to be afraid.“
You can’t believe what she is saying. How did she know these dreams were like night mares to you? An ice cube in your stomach you dare to ask: “How do you know?“ and hold your breath.
“I dreamed it too.”, she whispers, now near the class room. Before entering she turns hastily back to you. “Don’t be afraid. See it as an … offering. It will bring you luck.“ She lifts her wrist and shakes her bracelet before she goes into the class and ignores you for the rest of the day.
At home the big screen of the tv greets you. With a relieved ‘humf’ you throw your bag aside and go into the kitchen for a snack. While making yourself a peanut butter sandwich you listen to the daily report on the news. The same as yesterday. Our king has decided to forbid all combustion energy … in a month all midgardians will have to use electronic cars … fusion energy will be shut down at this time … free health care for …. 
The PR machinery was on full roll. Every day news shows the puny mortals what they were lucky to have.
You, on your side, are not so pleased that all grown mortals have to work special hours and shifts by his majesty’s decision.
Your parents have to work extra hours to compensate with the new situation. Your mother, as a headmistress of a kindergarten, has new rules to follow and your father, as a broker, is close to killing himself. But hey! At least the school visit is free now!
Chewing the sandwich without really tasting it you look at your phone. You wonder why he hasn’t killed the internet. Was it naivety or purpose? Did he not know what happend in Egypt?
Or did he just not care at all?
You wish for a moment of peace, but it is not possible to kill the volume on the screen, nor to switch it off. “What comes next?“, you wonder. “Implants connected with the tower and alexa?“
You hesitate to go to bed. Your dreams are weird and no high school princess can assure you that it is not a bad thing to dream of the symbol and those cat eyes, that are watching in the dark.
You never even had a cat?! Confused you step out of the bath room and look in the mirror. Not a princess for sure, but ok, you decide, before you get your pj’s on. Letting the light at your bed side cabinet burn, you try to relax and to imagine some nice story in your head to find sleep. And no weird nightmares again …
It is dark. So dark, you cannot see your own hand. Still, you can feel your warm body under your bed sheets. You close your eyes. Black. You open your eyes. Black. Panic builds up in your guts, but it is not the blackness that frightens you. But what you would see – again – in the dark.
In the corner of your room, on the right side where normaly your window is, and the star light, you can see the shining green eyes. Cat eyes. So they look to be at least.
Quite too high for a crouching cat in the corner of the room, hanging in the air, watching you, burning and fierce. Floating, the pair of eyes come closer to your bed and eventually you see a light. A small, flickering, golden light and the pendant. The symbol. The snake.
It is all in front of your face, the only light, the only warmth, and suddenly you panic and jump out of the bed with a start.
With heavy breath you understand this was no dream, not all of it. The pendant was not just floating in front of your face. There was a hand that held it. There was a man to this hand. They were not cat eyes. Green eyes. Yes. But not cat eyes.
Sobbing, you switch on every light you can find. The night stand one. The ceiling light, the bathroom light and even the flashlight that you had set under your pillow and completely forgotten about because of the dream. Holding it between sweaty fingers you crawl under the bed sheets again, eyes to the door. Hoping to get a bit of normal sleep, before the alarm goes on.
“So, how was it?“
You look up from your school lunch to find the 'mean girl’ standing beside your table, her own tray in hand. She smiles sweetly down at you and you feel like it’s a threat.
“Not good.“, you mutter and continue to play with your food.
You nearly jump as she suddenly sits beside you and links her arm with yours. The bracelet grinds softly at your skin and you shiver. “Don’t be such a mess, girl.“, she whispers and even more surprising, you realize she is being honest with you. “IT will be fantastic, I tell you!“
“Have I to ask?“, you growl out, half annoyed and half curious. “So, you dreamed of the cat eyes too?“
“The ..cat eyes?“, she starts to laugh. “Oh, this is good. And yes, I did.“ Looking at you she pauses and bites her lower lip. You can see she is contemplating her next words. “One is not allowed to speak of it. It is a surprise. Even if I try to explain it, only nonsense would come out of my mouth. Like in the fairy stories, you know?“
You didn’t and she can see it. “Well, when a girl is bewitched by fairy folk, she cannot tell what had happend. If she tries she would talk about … some burglar in her house or about a ring she lost. Something like this.”
“I really think you should go to the nurse.“, you stutter, perplex about her friendly behavior and the nonsense she speaks. “You must have a fever or something like that.“
Rolling her eyes, the high school princess gets up and takes her tray. “Yes, yes, I understand.“ She starts to walk away to her 'mean girl’ table but turns one last time to ask: “What is it? Your 16th birthday?“
“How …?“
But she just smirks and winks at you.
Your 16th birthday. It’s on a Sunday, so no time to party. You don’t have a clique to invite anyway. Shy girls with the love of books and baggy pants are not a favorite target for people. You yourself would not count as good friend material either.
Sitting on the couch you browse fb instead, looking for messages from internet friends. Some of these followers are closer to you than some family members and all of them like the same books and shows.
You try to forget the weird conversation with the high school princess while you make a grocery list of items for your birthday on Sunday. Knowing your parents will not be able to make it, you want to make yourself a nice meal and watch your favourite movie.
Feeling a bit silly, you set hair colour and new razors on the list. For reasons you cannot understand yourself, you need a spa day. Perhaps it is the sleepless nights the past week and the weird dreams when asleep. But you want to spoil yourself. A refreshed hair colour, smooth legs and ice cream for dinner tonight will do it. Perhaps you’ll try the new summer bed sheets your granny sent you last week? At first you thought white satin was a typical granny idea, but now, with the summer starting, you could imagine that it would feel nice on your skin.
The supermarket is just a block away from the flat and you decide to walk. Heading outside you stop at the last step of your building. The sun is burning like hell today, and it is just April! Covering your eyes you walk along, ignoring the giant flat screens on the buildings around you, that praise the new king and the great developments he brings.
…. a new offshore park will open at the end of October …. in the last week thousands of American children got their vaccinations … always free internet .. free speech … his majesty …
Eventually you enter the store, greeted by a flat screen. No escape from the merry message. “That’s Jehovah’s Witnesses on hardcore.“, you think, but you don’t dare to speak it out loud. You are pretty sure these screens can also listen better than alexa.
Besides this, the scenery is normal. That is what amazed you the most. A good month under the new king and people act like normal. Even the ruins along the streets seem normal. A new tourist attraction. You shake your head in disbelief and look at your grocery list. “Did I check the milk? …“
Air conditioning and Netflix. Praise the king for letting us still have that!
A new golden shimmer in your hair, armpits and legs soft and bare, you sit in just panties and a long shirt on the sofa. Browsing through the menu of netflix you hold the small ice cream bucket on your lap. Romantic comedy? Nope. Action? Nope. Documentary? … well, the Bundy shit just looks too good, so you go with it.
Two hours later you regret this choice. Turning the nightstand light on, the flashlight at hand, you scold yourself for watching this show before bedtime. “Bitch, that was such a mistake“, you scold yourself as you try to get comfortable under the silken sheets. It feels nice. Really nice, but you are not sure if you can enjoy it tonight. “Please, no nightmares, ok? Just for one night?“ Your voice sound extremly loud in your empty room and you feel so silly speaking with the air. But hey! Do we have a god on earth or what? Perhaps he listens?
You have – of course – no idea how much you regret this silly prayer later. Not that it would have any influence on HIS doing. He does what he wants after all …
  You wake up with a shiver. The bedsheet, beautiful as it is, is also very slick and seems to have slithered half away from you. Also you’re pleased to realize you had – not yet – had this stupid dream. You check the alarm clock to find it just midnight.
“Happy birthday.“, you whisper to yourself and giggle.
But the giggle becomes a half-choke as a low and velvet voice repeat. “Yes. A happy birthday, sweet girl.“
Your body reacts at once. Painful goosebumps grow on your skin while the fine hairs of your arms and neck rise in unison. Your lower abdomen cramps for a moment, your bladder asking for release. An animal, or prey, ready to run. Cold sweat runs on your back as you shiver in fear. You do not jump from the bed. Not yet. You’re not able to. You seem to freeze.
For a long moment it is still again and you just hope it is your wild imagination after the show you saw. The silence is so long that even your body starts to relax again. It must be a delusion!
“Too much ice cream?“, you dare to speak in the dark and hope you get no answer this time.
“Is there such a thing as too much with ice cream?“, the velvet voice answers promptly.
“Oh fuck!!“ Finally you move and with trembling fingers you switch on the flashlight. The light stream immediately catches a pair of heavy leather boots too close to your bed.
Swallowing hard you try to get the lump out of your throat while your left hand flees to the night stand light to switch it on again, but it seems broken. 
“The flashlight is new ..“ the smooth voice goes on and suddenly it hits you!
You have heared this voice so often, daily, loud and proud. But never this calm and soft and … teasing. 
“Oh my god ..“, you breathe and let the flashlight wander up, exposing the full body of the intruder. There had never been cat eyes. But HIS piercing, green eyes. Like now. Lurking with hunger upon you. Enjoying, certainly, the view of you.
“Mmmmh“, he hums so warmly, you feel the cold fear in your stomach melting. “You can call me that every day .. with this voice of yours.“
You cannot help but look at him. For a moment your brain seems unable to work properly, overwhelmed by too much info. How often have you seen him in the news, on the screens at home, or on the streets? But he looks so different in real life. His skin is not so chalky as on the tv screen and his hair much softer and healthier. His eyes on the other side … so incredibly intense and emerald like the stones themselves. But what hits you the most is the smell.
You could not describe it properly because you had never smelled something like it. There was orange and fire, musk and cream and something sweet and spicy like the spice mix from an Indian restaurant. You finally realize that this is something you need to smell. That this is the scent of power. Unlimited power.
You open your mouth again but your tongue doesn’t work. So you swallow again and manage to squeeze out: “Don’t hurt me.“
“No.“ ,he shakes his head and watches you with softening eyes. “I would rather bring you pleasure then hurt you.“
And again you need a moment to fully understand the meaning behind his words.
“No.“, you answer eventually and angle with one hand for your bed sheets.
And he smiles. Wide and greedy and with open mouth so you can see his tongue licking his teeth in anticipation. The hunger in his eyes is back, seems even to grow, while he watches how you try to cover up with the bed sheets.
“It is quite nice so see how much effort you made today. One would think you hast awaited me.“
Still, he does not move, but watches you, watches your face, until understanding spreads across it.
“You did this … “, you mutter and he shakes his head.
“May I say,I gave you some input to come to the idea yourself. And I must say, it suits you. You look lovely.“ Now he steps closer and you scoot back, nearly hiding under the silken cover.
He stops and speaks: “To make one thing clear; I shall get what I am here for. It is your decision how hard it will be.“ Coming closer to the bed he sets one knee on the mattress. “Will you not earn my sign and seal?“
This is the moment you finally understand. The dreams. The pendent. The girls in your school, wearing the bracelet.
“Oh god.“, you whisper in shock.
 “Yes. Your god.“, he purrs and grabs your ankle to draw you closer to him.
You are too shocked to scream, and feel like loosing control over your body, which trembles in fear. At once you find yourself in a cloud of warm scent as he presses you close to him. You feel his lips at your scalp as he whispers: “It can be done without any pain, I promise.“, while his long fingers trail along your back. “Give yourself to me, birthday child, and you will be mine to look after. I shall hold you safe. Until the end of your days. You will be my girl … my precious … …“
His voice is a warm and velvet purr, his fingers spreading warmth and comfort on your skin and the fearful tremble becomes lighter. Bit by bit you relax at the sweet words he continues to whisper. His scent becomes more familiar to you and soon you find your head nestling at his leather gear.
“That’s my girl …“, he purrs as he helps you both sink down onto the mattress.
His digger finger forces you to look at him and to your own relief you find yourself no longer startled by his glance. His face shows gentleness and understanding as he caresses your cheeks. “Relax, birthday girl. Give me what I want and you will enjoy it. I promise you this.“ He kisses your nose and continues: “As your king, as your god, as a man who finds the most pleasure in pleasuring his lover …“
“I … I ..don’t know … what to do ..“, you whisper childishly. 
“Hush … I will show you … do not fret but welcome me with open arms ….“, he coos as he starts to press his lips on your chin to wander slowly down your body.
You open your mouth for a dissent as he abruptly tears your long shirt like a piece of paper. Stockstill in shock you let him cup your breasts. “There. Much better.“, you hear him whisper and feel his lips – surprisingly warm – tasting your skin.
That is the thing that you can’t get over .. how warm he is! You have heard of his coldness, of his chilling power, but this man is warm like an oven, smells warm like fire and his lust for you wraps your body in a warm blanket.
“Perhaps it is his magic ..“, you think dizzily as you are reminded of it as he strips himself from his uniform. You are still too afraid to peek at him but too amazed to fight though. 
“How beautiful you are … so young … this skin … your scent …“, you hear him mutter as his lips caress your skin, moving down your body. A part of you is screeming in shame as he wanders down to your private parts and suddenly you tear up.
“Not .. there.“, you manage to speak up.
At that, his head pops up again. “But of course there.“, he purrs. “Your sweetest parts, my lady. Come now. Let me dine. Let me pleasure you. Give me your little bijou to taste and I promise you will have more of that.“
A sob escapes your throat as you realize there is no way out. He will take what he wants, even though he is showing sentiment to prepare you. “Please .. be careful?“, you manage to say and you hear him chuckle warmly. “Of course I will.“
You take a deep breath and rest your head on the pillow, staring at the dark ceiling. But soon he draws you in his passion. His hands fondling upon your limbs, his lips on your collarbone and your hips at the same time, his fingers, finding ticklish spots on your body, the warmth he spreads magically upon you. The stiffness of your nipples and the stiffness of HIM as he rubs his body on yours. And then there is his tongue. This greedy piece of flesh, savouring you, burrowed deep inside you, licking and sucking restlessly. The first time you come undone you panic, the emotions so strong, the energy and bliss leaving you defensless. He holds you there a moment, caressing, kissing, muttering sweet nonsense until your limbs stop shaking. For a tiny moment you hope that is enough but no … he makes you come again from his tongue and then from his fingers …
“Stop. Stop! No more .. no more than two, please. PLEASE!“, you sob but he hushes you .
“But yes . .much more … How do you think my cock will fit if I do not properly prepare you for it?“
So he does not stop but uses his tongue in the most incredible way to soothe the pain. Your pearl nearly sore from his flickering tongue you open up. Holding yourself at his strong shoulders you move. You move to him, with his fingers, allowing him to penetrate you. You realize with his three long fingers inside your vagina the worst is already done. He is just widening you and then you eventually dare to look at what he has for you, you are thankful for his efforts. 
The third orgasm hits you and you try to catch your breath. Your body is trembling now in bliss and satisfaction. “Please.“, you whisper and take his head in your hands so that he is focusing on you. “Please .. no more .. .it is too much…“
“Oh good,“, he chuckles darkly. “Then you are ready for me …“
He slides fully upon your body and presses his hard flesh at your tummy. You can feel the silky, wet tip as he opens up your legs with his knee. As you open your mouth to plead he presses his mouth on yours.
It is not your first kiss, but a kiss so greedy and demanding, you can only answer it properly. With tangling tongue and limbs you feel the tip of his cock poking against your folds and all you can do is answer with a roll of your hips.
You welcome him. Finally. Feeling his unfamilar and hard flesh grinding through your entrance. Slowly. In and out until it goes easily and he pushes inside with one strong thrust to the hilt.
He drinks your cry, savouring it like a prayer and answers into your mouth also: “… mine …“
“Yours …“, you burst out and feel tears streaming down your cheeks. “Yours …“
You do your best to answer his body, moving with him, rocking your hips up to him and you realize how lucky you are to have such an amazing first time. In the comfort of a gentle god rather than a young boy knowing nothing.
Your arms around his shoulders you press your lips to every spot of his body you can reach and relish in the grunting and moaning sounds he makes. “This is me.“, you think proudly. “I made him feel this good … my pleasure made him feel this good.“
Eventually you feel his pace faltering and becoming harsh just as you get close to reaching your fourth time. And so, to your own wonder and disbelief, you come as your god comes with you, inside you, savouring your soul and making you his.
“Yes.“, you hush lazily and utterly spend. “Yes. Yesyeyesyesyes…“
You have this prayer still on your lips as he tucks you properly under the sheets and holds you until you fall asleep. The next morning you wake up alone, after a dreamless sleep, a bracelet settled on your nightstand.
Next Monday school seems so strange. All the people around you feeling unreal, like an act. Until you enter the school cafeteria to get your tray. You can see the high school princess waving to you from afar, her pendant shimmering at her wrist. The same as yours.
Without any words you get your meal and join her at the table.
The ‘Loki’s bitches’ table.
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C A T E R P I L L A R🐛
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kg-horrorhospital-au · 2 months
Just Alexa's original design
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Yeah. I need to tell you. I ship Alexa with Carla and Penny.
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I've changed Alexa's haircut! +Little blue clip:3
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kg-horrorhospital-au · 3 months
"Oh shhhoot... I've almost crapped myself! I know, it's their usual behaviour, but god! They were eating guts and eyes!"
- Dr Danner
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kg-horrorhospital-au · 2 months
Whiteboard doodles!
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