#alex: NEVER say that again
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areyoudoingthis · 5 months
I am SO grateful that ed and stede exist as characters exactly as they are. I'm so grateful for these two men who are traumatized and messed up and struggle to even like themselves, who are terrible at communicating, who make enough mistakes between the two of them to fill an entire ocean. I am so grateful to watch them struggle and be seen and be loved and reach out for the things they want and are maybe starting to believe that they deserve. I'm so grateful that the show lets them fall in love and get together exactly as they are, that it doesn't say they need to wait until they've become some unattainably perfect version of themselves before they have permission to have that. i am so grateful for ofmd
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waytooinvested · 2 months
Alex: Kara? What's wrong? You look like you're about to cry.
Kara: No, nothing. It's just... something that happened with Lena.
Alex: What did she do? Is she evil after all? Did she cheat on you? Do I need to kill her??
Kara: *sniffling* She just- she-
Alex: Woah, hey it's okay. Take a breath, then tell me what happened.
Kara: We were baking a cake for when Ruby and Sam come to visit. Everything was going great, we were having so much fun, and then I turned round and saw it...
Alex: You saw WHAT Kara???
Kara: The bowl! In the sink! Full of water!
Kara: I'd maybe have understood if she'd scraped it out herself rather than sharing it with me, but she didn't even eat it! She just... washed it up.
Kara: All that lovely cake batter, washed away down the drain like it was nothing. I'm not sure I can ever see her quite the same way after this.
Alex: ...you eat the raw cake mix?
Kara: *clutching her heart dramatically* ET TU BRUTE?!
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mojaves · 18 days
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ALEX SHEPHERD, THE BOY WHOSE SOUL IS BOUND TO EARTH AND HE CANNOT DIE. // a.k.a how one small mistake can make you wish you stayed dead
jenny holzer / saturniinne / sun bleached flies - ethel cain / orofeaiel / cecil castellucci / violetteforevernever / ojibwa / i know it's over - the smiths / tathève simonyan / stellernorth / robert bly
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mcdannowave · 1 year
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Always and forever.
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franklyimissparis · 7 months
mr schwartz is one of the gayest songs alex has ever written, there i said it. and all right yes any song that has references to putting on a persona/leading a double life/hiding in any way WILL inevitably come through as queer to my gay arse regardless of the actual intention behind them. and yes we’ll never really know where alex’s head was at when he wrote the song or what it was about.
but. i just find it interesting that the song with the most explicitly romantic - as in, cannot be interpreted as platonic - lyrics on the car album (‘might be half a love song in it all for you…. kiss me now before it gets too cute’) is also the song that includes such heavy-handed references to pretending to be someone else, specifically in order to avoid letting others (‘the crew’) down. much to think about.
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endlessly captivated and fascinated by the way alex and miles talk about their personal/ creative relationship
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skylarbee · 3 months
miles about the possibility of tlsp3 coming out in 2024: "fat chance of that" "it's a while off that, if it happens you know, it's... yeah, unfortunately, but one day maybe"
massive thanks to @mileskanex for sharing this, full interview linked🥰
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depressedraisin · 1 year
i wish there was more serious discourse abt how everything you’ve come to expect walked so that tranquility base and now the car could run :((
so, so much of what’s going on in tbh&c and the car, both musically, lyrically and thematically can be traced back to this album (or even tatou if u poke deeper). like how did ppl listen to eycte and then get shocked when alex put out something like tbh&c; if you’d been paying attention you would have known where’s it coming from. it’s such an important album in alex’s personal discography and marks a huge turning point in his evolution as a songwriter. i will also go far as to any analysis of the arctic monkey’s musical evolution is incomplete without talking about eycte. but so many ppl, i see, often just write it off as as “fun side project alex did during his break” OPEN YOUR EYES Y’ALL
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pretty-vizitor · 11 months
Does the absolute LYRICISM of an AM song just take u out all of a sudden? Like you've heard the song a hundred times and ur like yeah that's clever Alex is a clever clogs we know we KNOW but then you actually take a moment and hear something like this
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and it's like oh
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philtatosbuck · 4 months
seven seconds is my favorite early seasons criminal minds episode because it's immaculate it's right between gideon leaving and rossi coming. everyone absolutely did great they didn't NEED another person to solve the case everyone was on their shit. hotch and prentiss looked like they were going to beat the uncle's ass when they took him in that back room. emily looked like she was gonna swing on the aunt. jj and derek were on their shit at every turn. reid and garcia were doing their thing. it was perfect. my friend and i were talking about it the other day and like. the team up in the later seasons is good BUT this is the perfect team because they're frankly the only ones who can tolerate each other at their worsts (later additions were good but they never saw the rest of them at their lowest imo the only other person who did was alex and i think she was the only other good long-term addition as far as emily's replacements went + tara luke and matt at least saw reid at his lowest arguably) so like. it could've remained the six of them. no one else could be the leader of this specific group but hotch. derek and jj serve as the big guy / media liasion but also the more empathetic ones who make people feel safe and heard. reid and garcia are irreplaceable geniuses in their own right but emily is also?? not exactly replaceable. she has a very specific set of skills and hotch chose her to be his replacement when he left for a REASON. if i had to pick a line up it'd be these six (hotch, prentiss, morgan, jj, reid, garcia) and then alex, tara, matt and luke (i'm VERY biased)
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folkhoax · 7 months
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@rwrbmovie & @rwrbsource’s rwrbweek: Day 2 | Song ↳ "why'd you whisper in the dark / just to leave me in the night?" (x) | screenshots
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conanssummerchild · 18 days
having no friends is like whatever most of the time but like actually having a friend for once and then having to get used to not having them again. shit sucks. conan gray was onto smth with just let me be sad and lonely, im not interested in ever having friends again i was happy on my own why did you have to come in and screw up my miserable life and teach me what real love feels like. fuck you
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nicoscheer · 25 days
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Via turnered_on
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The last clip is of Aviation (second time he’s played it on this tour)
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argirisliosis The one and only @mileskane brought his "One Man Band" show in Athens last night and everyone in that room went crazy for him ⚡️(as they should)
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currentlyonstandbi · 2 years
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v0idwraith · 1 year
uhhh i think i figured smth out about the doctor who 60th anniversary specials?
okok so theres a convention called galaxycon being held in my state and look at whos doing the qnas
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david tennant and catherine tate are most likely going to promote the 60th anniversary specials right like why else would they go
and if thats the case, and alex kingston is also going
are we getting river fucking song back in the 60th??
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