#alec volturi x oc
klarolineashur1919 · 2 months
La Tua Cantante Series
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Pathetic Little Thing
Part 1: Alec
"Is this the start of your rebellious teen phase?" Alec trailed along Jane in this little park they came upon.
"As long as we clean up after ourselves the masters won't care too much" She says nonchalantly her eyes landing on a couple in the distance.
"What about no feeding on the locals?" Alec piped up one of the Volturi's rules for living in the town.
"Occasionally the locals end up on the tours, as long as we don't make this little outing a habit it should be fine" Alec and Jane stared at the little teenage couple who probably snuck out of their parents house to meet here. It was very late at night hardly anyone was out.
"Do you want to join me?" Jane asked still staring at them with a look that if Alec didn't know his sister he would have thought was jealousy.
"No actually, maybe Ill stumble upon my own act of rebellion" Alec lightly chuckled and Jane preceded to hers. Alec wandered off in the opposite direction of Jane's fun. It was a few minutes passing of wandering and Alec thought maybe he wouldn't find a midnight snack.
Alec started to feel something as he walked as if something was pulling him in a certain direction. He then eventually smelled what he was craving. Blood.
Suddenly he heard a girl's voice screaming that perked up his ears.
As he focused on the girls screams that sounded like it was towards a group of italian boys. They were laughing and speaking in things in italian that dulled Alec but also made him wrinkle his nose in disgust. He also heard dogs barking and growling as he approached the scene.
He saw as a group of italian boys probably around twenty in numbers were surrounding a girl. Some of them were surrounding two German Shephards holding them by their leashes antagonizing them.
Alec moved towards the group unnoticed when he stepped on something. Realizing they had the contents on the girls purse all over the area around them as he picked up her passport.
Aisling Barton. 14 years old. American from New York.
"Tourist" he ringed smirking as he threw the ID over his shoulder.
The boys were playing with Aisling, they pulled at her hair, ripped at her clothes, hit her in different places, threw things at her while she frustratingly was trying to communicate with them. She kept making erratic movements with her hands. It then hit Alec that she was deaf. But then he saw her dark brown almost black eyes and how they weren't focused on anything. She was blind as well as deaf. What a pathetic little thing Alec thought as he watched the scene before him. He leaned against a tree as if he watching a show.
But the more Alec just stood by and watched it happened. Something snapped inside him that he thought was gone long ago.
Her screaming was replaced with his.
Once he was just poor boy who everybody but his family hated. They saw him as an easy target, an easy person to blame for all their troubles. Him and his sister were beaten, tormented and bullied daily just because they were different. The villagers children would always attack them in groups. The group of boys started to get even closer to her.
Surrounding them as they beat them nearly to death. They were stomping on her to the point Alec heard bones crunching. They put them under their heels and spit at them from above. One of the boy pressed his heel into her temple then Alec noticed something.
The girl had stopped long ago with her sobs. She stayed silent as they started to pull up her legs. Jane stayed silence too.
"This is boring" Alec said loud enough for one of the boys to turn. Before the boy could say a word Alec's mist had reached him, it had reached all of them.
Part 2: Aisling
Aisling felt alone in her hotel. Girls that were in the studying abroad program left hours ago. But she did have Aries and Athena laying on each side of her. She couldn't sleep in this new place. She didn't want to be here but her parents shipped her off to wherever they could.
She was a hindrance to them.
Even though she was a very independent girl.
Too independent as she decided to take a night walk. She was completely reliant on Aries and Athena at night when it came to her sight. But she enjoyed night walks. The stillness and freshness in the air. At night the busyness of everything was completely at peace. It seemed even more so in this town. But then she felt something start to happen. Several feet on the ground. Then before she knew it she was knocked to the ground. She could feel Aries and Athena going crazy and then they were pulled from her. She tried to not let go of the leashes but they stomped on her hands. She cried out clutching her hands to her chest. She was surrounded and she knew it. She tried to sign to them but they just pulled her in different directions clutching at her clothes. She kept trying to communicate with them hoping they would understand but screamed out in fear and frustration when her purse was finally taken from her. She kept trying to sign but their hands on her, the rocks and foul-smelling cans that met their mark, her clothes barely holding together, she accepted her fate. They started to kick and stomp on her making Aisling barely conscious.
She thought she was going to die as a man's heel pressed against her temple but ended up just kicking her head. They started to pull her body to the ground but something happened. All the bodies froze and then something miraculous happened. She felt a sort of mist come upon her and her senses changed. Her vision became it's usual grayish blur that it was during the day but never at night. Her hearing was better than her usual. She could usual only hear very loud bass music but right now she could hear boys screaming. She felt Aries and Athena come back to her side. Athena going behind her barking but she seemed frightened.
Aries stood in front of Aisling barking wildly as if he was afraid too but he would die to protect her. Aisling tried to make sense of her new found senses. She could see movement and the bodies still before they fell. She was actually shocked she never had been able to see the shapes of things before. But now she saw the bodies standing still or kneeling down while a force moved one by one to them. Some dropping to the ground while others they're bodies became halves of themselves flying in the air. Aisling didn't understand.
The screams were the worst part. It was the first human sound Aisling ever heard and it terrified her. But all of a sudden it stopped.
Part 3: Aisling & Alec
Alec came closer to being in front of Aisling.
She wondered what he was an animal...an archangel...a monster.
"Strange" Alec almost purred as he sucked the blood off his fingers staring closely at the girl before him.
Aisling ears perked up as she still felt the mist around her and realized it was the reason she could hear. But she didn't hear what the voice said only knew a voice came from whatever was in front of her. Even as she imagined or she actually could hear her babies still barking.
"You know you're the bravest dog I've ever met" Alec kneeled before Aries as the dog was the only thing standing between him and Aisling.
Athena had started to back away making Aisling confused. She never felt her dogs this scared before. What was in front of her?
Then she felt the mist start to leave and her vision went black. Little bit of sound she heard for the first time was gone.
"What to do with you?" Alec hummed melodic type of way as he surveyed the girl as she laid on the ground twisted up in different ways.
She gently started to pull the German Shephard to the side of her making a space between Alec and her. Alec sat there wondering what he wanted to do.
He could tell she was trying to use the dog to get up but she was weak. But her hand started to crawl up the ground towards him and he moved away. He knew she could tell because her hand stopped. Alec looked around perplexed as to why he was even thinking about this. But for some reason he just couldn't go for the kill. She's such a pathetic little thing there was no fun in it. Then something caught his eye. A phone on the ground by her purse. He slowly walked and kneeled down to it picking it up. He stood up playfully tossing it up and down in his hand catching it as he stared down at the pathetic little thing.
"Decisions....Decisions" He looked around at the mess he made realizing it was quite a mess.
Then truly looked at the braille phone and realized his first call to make.
"Felix come to the exact location I text you and come with haste" He ended the call and texted the description of the spot. He didn't want to clean this up. Call it laziness if you want. His eyes never left the girl as he wondered if he should leave her for Felix. He turned around ready to leave thinking he was going mad for even making it a decision but he didn't know what it was that made him go no further. A cosmic pull..an instinct whatever it was something snapped in Alec that he could not leave this girl to die. He rushed over to the girl lifting her up like she was made of glass. Something in him tensed all over that her animals faded into the background.
Everything around him became different as he held her to him. It was her...her smell..her blood..
He needed to hurry for whatever he was going to do. He rushed to the nearest public place at this time of night. Called the phone again. 112 he dialed for an ambulance. Saying the address and condition of the girl before hanging up. He with uncharacteristic gentleness laid her against a wall. He stared at her for a time and she raised her head to him. Did she know he was there? He didn't know never took the time understand her kind he thought as if she was another species from mortal. He was leaving her when she reached up toward him but he left to quickly. He waited on a rooftop nearby for them to come. Eventually someone joined him.
"You owe me" A growl came from his side.
"Is it taken care of?" Alec didn't take his eyes off the girl.
"I surveyed the mess you made and called Santiago. He'll clean it up" Felix said in a prideful manner that Alec thought he had no business in having.
"That's not what I asked" Alec calmly straightened his cuffs as the ambulance came.
"I am not your errand boy" Felix sneered as Alec smirked. He still didn't bother looking at him even as mist started to leave his hands making Felix step back.
"I won't tell if that's what you want" He said through gritted teeth still slowly stepping back but the mist kept coming.
"I'll make Santiago keep quiet as well plea-" Felix actually tripped over his own feet making Alec giggle and turn around while the ambulance was leaving. Alec strolled over to Felix ending up kneeling next to him.
"Next time do as you were told like a good boy" Alec roughly patted his cheek making Felix grimace. Alec causally got up making his way back to the park.
"Incompetence" Alec gave a disappointed shrug at the scene before. Blood specks still littered the ground. He still smelled death in the air not that he minded the smell. He even thought he saw an ear on the ground or a bit of throat. Beer bottles and cans covered in blood.
That didn't annoy him though.
It was the contents of Aisling Barton's purse that littered the ground still. He kneeled down annoyed snatching up the purse itself. There he saw a card to the Hotel San Lino. Alec bit his lip and stared at it.
He made a decision that night. Something that not Jane or Aro helped him make and one neither of them would approve of.
He debated over it but he made it all the same.
That he was going to see her again.
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iamcherryblessed · 8 months
Rosaline // Alec Volturi: Chapter Two
Summary: “How the blood rushed into my cheeks” Rosaline was no stranger to hard work, she’s been working as a maid for as far back as she can remember. Starting off as a scullery maid and ending up as a Lady’s Maid for the fearsome Jane Volturi. She’s just trying to keep her head on her shoulders and her heart beating, what happens when she catches the eye of her Lady’s stoic twin brother? What does Alec Volturi want with a lowly maid?  “So scarlet, it was maroon” Series masterlist
Chapter Two
This is a strange castle. As servants we’re taught not to let our eyes wonder, not to ask questions and most definitely not to let our minds run wild with theories. There will always be idle gossip between maids but it will never be confirmed. The normal whispers that flow through the walls of a noble family consist more of affairs or who we think will be next to marry. The ones in this house are much more sinister, much more confusing. The older maids, who have somehow survived to work here for multiple years, try to discourage any chatter about the Masters. They say we don’t need to know, to keep quiet and keep our heads down. I have yet to see the Masters in person, I’ve heard about their red eyes and how they don’t sleep. How each member is impossibly beautiful and beautifully cruel. On every third day of the week, all servants are required to stay in their quarters until late afternoon. We try to talk amongst ourselves but the blood curdling screams ring out and bounce off every wall in the entire castle. I had experienced two, the sounds of their scream echoed in my bones and made it impossible to sleep that night. At first the other maids comforted me but now they say I will get used to it, it’s just something that comes with the work.
Annie sat me down when I first started to tell me who each of the Masters were, as the head housemaid it is her duty to ensure all of the maids in the castle are doing their work properly. It’s a role she takes very seriously. There are three main Masters; Aro, Caius and Marcus. Those are the three who are in charge, they are the head of the household, we are to refer to them as Master. A step down from the Masters is; Chelsea, Jane and Alec. The rest of the members are Heidi, Demetri and Felix. Apparently the family has a strict hierarchy to adhere to but no matter how low down they are from the Master’s they will always be a lot higher up on the social ladder than any of us. Just before Annie gave me the news of my new position she made sure to let me know about Lady Jane. She gave me a list of things to avoid doing and some things that she knows Lady Jane approves of, she warned me of her temper which has only increased since her twin brother Alec had been away. According to Annie the two are inseparable so if I was to serve Lady Jane I would also serve Alec too. He went away the week before I arrived, there had been no whispers of where or why he went, and until he came back Lady Jane would continue to torment.
I awoke with a start, my heartbeat racing against my chest. Taking a deep breath I focused on the mirror across the room, my heart calming down. Only to jump again when another thud was heard. Light floated into the room from the small window at the top of the wall, the sun had yet to rise so I knew it was sometime before 6:00. I gently raised from the bed and softly got dressed for the day. I knew to be as quiet as possible and to make my steps as feather light as I could. 
“Girl.” If not for the stern demanding tone of the word, the voice itself could almost be musical. It was officially my first day as Lady Jane’s maid. I stepped into her room as quickly as she spoke, my head tilted down and arms clasped respectfully behind my back.
“Yes, Ma’am” I responded, I felt my heart stutter in fear, as if she heard it, I could practically feel her smirk in response.
“Ah, a new girl. Tell me, did you know of the last?” Her tone was teasing, how could one speak so lightly over death? 
“No, Ma’am. Sorry, Ma’am, I did not meet her,” I whispered back. I knew to be quiet but I could not trust my voice to be any louder than a whisper.
“Speak up, girl. I do not care if you knew her. You know what happened to her, do you not.” It wasn’t a question, it was a warning. Of course I know what happened to Hattie, I know what happened to most of the maids that she got annoyed by or tired of. 
“I do, Ma’am.”
“Good. Now get me ready for the day.” 
The morning was spent getting Lady Jane ready for an important meeting with the Masters in the late afternoon. Her twin brother, Alec, is due back today. I overheard her speak to Lady Chelsea about it while I was running her bath. Most Ladies like their maids to bathe them but I was forewarned that Lady Jane liked privacy so as soon as the bath was filled, I nodded and left the room. I got the clothes ready for her day and laid them out on the plush four poster bed that stood in the middle of her large room. My room could fit inside here 15 times over. 
“Girl, I am ready.” Lady Jane’s commanding voice drew me out of my thoughts. I stood by the bathroom door and slightly lifted my head as she came out of the bathroom, a fluffy white towel wrapped tightly around her body. She came to stop in the middle of the room as her eyes ran out of the black dress I had chosen for her. “My brother bought me this dress.” She hummed, a rush ran through my body thinking I had correctly chosen. “Now, girl.”
“Yes, Ma’am” I hurried over to her, careful to keep my footsteps light. It didn’t take long for Lady Jane to be dressed yet she still seemed impatient as if she could do a corset up a quarter of the time it took me. However, any amount of appreciation I got from choosing the right dress completely disappeared when it came to doing her hair. My fingers clumsily attempting to braid her hair, I could see the annoyance darken her eyes. 
“I’m sorry, Ma’am.” I stuttered, I could feel my eyes brim with tears as I worried how she would react.
“Just get it done.” her tone was clipped and frustrated.
“Yes, Ma’am” I nodded, my hands shakily undoing the mess of the plait I had created. My fingers softly combed through her hair, instead of going back to braiding, I twisted the strands together to create an elegant updo. 
As soon as I was finished I stepped back, my head turned down and my hands behind my back. Lady Jane stood up and swiftly turned to face me, her expression thunderous. I should’ve asked Annie or one of the other maids to teach me to braid properly, if I’d have known it was one of Lady Jane’s favourite hairstyles I would have practised every spare moment. Her eyes narrowed on me and in the next second all I could feel was an imaginable amount of pain spread through my body, it was like my blood was on fire. My knees buckled as I fell to the floor but I could hardly focus on anything other than the agony coursing through my body.
And then all of a sudden it stopped. I gasped as I abruptly remembered how to breathe, trying to get as much air as possible into my lungs. “Get up, girl.” Lady Jane sounded bored, she looked at me uninterested as I attempted to stand up. My legs were unsteady, I was like a fawn standing up for the first time. Lady Jane was already at her bedroom door by the time I was fully stood up.
“Learn how to braid.” Lady Jane said before she opened the door and walked towards the throne room. I quickly followed after her, my legs moving before my brain commanded them too. I stayed a few paces behind, close enough if she was to need me but not too close to seem familiar. 
My mind was racing, I didn’t understand why her eyes were red, why she didn’t sleep or how she managed to cause all that pain without even touching me. I fought with my mind to forget those thoughts, I just had to be better than I wouldn’t have to go through that again. 
Waiting outside the throne room I made eye contact with a male servant of one of the Masters. My watery eyes, shaky breathing and unreliable legs must have given away what had happened for he gave a sympathetic smile. I just turned away with my head down. The servants are not allowed in the throne room, we are permitted to wait outside in silence or we were to do a job if ordered. 
We stood outside for a while before all of a sudden the massive double doors were thrown open, I kept my head down and tried to not show the fear that was bubbling inside. I knew my heart beat gave me away. In an instant a figure was in front of me, a cold finger rested below my chin and tenderly lifted my head up. He was gorgeous. They all were but this man was breathtakingly stunning. His dark hair fell slightly into his eyes as if it had recently had a hand brush through it, his eyes–like the others–were a wonderful red, I could see them swirling with emotions but none I could confidently pick out. His lips are full and were a pretty shade of pink, I wanted nothing more to reach out and gently swipe my finger across them. His eyes met mine, my heart lurched and breath hitched.
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mattmurdocksthighs · 1 month
MEET MY OCS (twilight)
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name: delilah forge love interest: rosalie hale kind: human turned vampire faceclaim: alycia debnam-carey
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name: luna george love interest: embry call faceclaim: kristine froseth
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name: valeria rivera love interest: paul lahote faceclaim: adria arjona
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name: oliver newton love interest: emmett cullen kind: werewolf faceclaim: cody saintgnue
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name: louie volturi love interest: kind: vampire faceclaim: timothee chalamet
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name: audrey elliot love interest: alec volturi faceclaim: madison mclaughlin
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raindancer2004 · 6 months
The Other Swan
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Word Count: 4,410 Demetri x OC Swan. Final Part. Warnings: Fluff,
Danni excelled at being a mother to Nicolai, her maternal instincts stronger and running deeper than she ever thought possible, but then everything vampires feel is on a much deeper level compared to their human counterparts. Danni would bake cakes and cookies with Nicolai, something that he loved as he got to eat their creations. Demetri would often watch his mate and son baking together, painting together and playing games together. Danni even taught him how play the different card and board games that she played as a child so he could join in with them. Nicolai liked to call this family game time and Demetri couldn’t help smiling as he got to experience the family life he never thought he would once he became immortal.
Caius and Athenodora were pleased to hear that Danni and Demetri agreed to nurture both his human and vampire sides as this meant he got to experience the best of both worlds. Athenodora offered to bake with Nicolai one cloudy Wednesday afternoon “Can you bake Nana?” “Not really sweetie but I can read and therefore can follow the recipes from your cookbooks” She replied smiling down at him “Ok, we’ll start with a simple Chocolate cake recipe” Nicolai responded with a smile of his own as he took his Nana’s hand and walked beside her to the kitchen.
Caius decided to see how his wife and grandson were getting on in the kitchen and walked in to find her blue dress covered in flour and a streak of flour on her cheek. Nicolai had some chocolate around his lips but they both looked happy as they decorated the cake. Caius chuckled low to himself but due to their vampire hearing Athenodora and Nicolai heard him and looked up. “Look Grandpa, we’re nearly finished with our cake” “I can see, it looks delicious” He replied “It’s a shame Nana and I can’t help you eat it” “I’ve told him he has to share the cake with the new Secretary Lori especially as we have some Chocolate chunk cookies in the oven” “Sounds like a good idea darling” Caius replied smiling and Nicolai nodded in agreement.
Around the end of July Aro received a wedding invitation from Alice Cullen announcing that Bella Swan and Edward Cullen were to be married on August 13th although Caius was not happy to hear the news as he knew this was the Cullen’s way of delaying Bella’s transformation further by having a wedding first. Aro on the other hand was excited to hear of the nuptials even if this was the Cullen’s way of announcing that Bella was to become one of them. “I’m going to guess that Danni hasn’t received an invitation or even been notified of the upcoming wedding” Marcus mused aloud “Seeing as they cut her out of their lives months ago, I doubt it” Caius replied “I think we should be the ones tell her” Aro said and his brothers nodded in agreement “I agree. I won’t have secrets kept from her” Caius replied, his protectiveness coming to the surface, knowing that the news would likely upset her.  “Can I be there when you tell her please?” Demetri asked as he and Felix were the only other vampires in the room “Of course my dear boy” Marcus replied “Thank you master. This news is likely to upset her, especially after being cut out of her family’s lives” Demetri replied.
Danni was quiet over the next few days and everyone knew why and didn’t question her about it, they just let her be. Danni kept Nicolai close during these few days too, choosing to spend time with him alone. During one their shopping trips, Nicolai finds a ‘World’s Best Daddy’ mug “Mummy can I get this for Daddy please?” He asked pointing to the mug. Danni smiled before answering “Of course you can sweetie, He’ll love it” “Thank you Mummy” Nicolai replied and hugged her legs.
Later that night after his shift ended, Demetri returned to his room and saw Danni and Nicolai waiting for him, a blue and silver gift bag sitting on the coffee table. “Hello mi amore…” He kissed Danni’s cheek “…Hi buddy” He kissed his son’s hair before taking a seat beside them on the sofa. “Hi Daddy, this is for you” Nicolai said with a big grin on his face, pointing to the gift bag. “Hi babe” Danni replied smiling as Demetri reached over and opened the gift bag to reveal the mug inside. Danni and Nicolai watched as a big smile appeared on Demetri’s face, his eyes becoming glassy with unshed tears “Thank you so much buddy. I love it and you very much” He lifted his son onto his lap and hugged him close, placing a kiss on his hair.
Danni and Demetri started making plans for their wedding as Danni wanted a Winter wedding at the castle. Aro offered to officiate at the ceremony and Danni and Demetri agreed, both surprised and pleased that he wanted to participate in their wedding this way. “It would be an honour Aro, thank you” Danni said as Caius rolled his eyes dramatically from his throne, Demetri tried not to laugh at Caius’ reaction.
Heidi, Chelsea, Jane were asked to be Danni’s Bridesmaids, Gianna taking on the role of Maid of Honour. Felix was chosen as Best Man with Alec and Santiago being groomsmen and Nicolai was given the role of Ring Bearer, something he was very excited about.
Danni asked Caius to accompany her on a walk of the North facing garden and he agreed as he enjoyed spending time with his adopted daughter. They took a seat on the bench in front of the fountain and Danni took an unneeded breath before speaking. “Caius, I have something important I would like to ask you…” Caius took her hand in his and nodded for her to continue “…I wondered if you would give me away at the wedding?” Caius’ face lit up “Of course I would my child. I’m honoured that you asked” He wrapped his arms around her in hug “Thank you, not just for agreeing to give me away but for making me feel like part of the family” “You are most welcome Danni. As far as I am concerned you are my daughter and I would do anything and everything to ensure you are happy and safe always” He pulled her in for another hug, Danni resting her head on his shoulder, feeling tears fill her eyes that will go unshed.
Athenodora told Demetri that she and Caius would pay for Danni’s bridal gown along with the Bridesmaid and Maid of Honour dresses. “You don’t need to do that Mi’ lady” He replied “I know we don’t have to but we want to. As you know we see Danni as our daughter and this is our gift to you both” Demetri nodded “Thank you very much for your offer. It’s greatly appreciated” “You are most welcome my dear” She replied before giving him a quick hug. Demetri has always been Athenodora’s favourite guard and she was very happy he would become her official son-in-law soon.
Danni and Demetri had decided on a Red and White colour scheme for their Winter wedding, deciding on having Poinsettias as the centre pieces as they are a Winter flower. Red and White Roses would make up the bridal bouquets.
Caius had the guards freshen up the ballroom’s décor as it was looking a little dull after years of not being used. The cream-coloured walls looked bright and fresh against the polished real wood flooring once finished.
Marcus arranged for ‘Midnight Fangs’ a vampire quartet to play at the wedding, having had them perform at the castle during previous balls and galas.
If only they knew that all of these plans were going to be put on hold…
It is early December when Irina enters Castillo Volterra and makes her way to the throne room. Santiago opens the doors and she enters, Demetri and Felix walking towards her, curious as to what she wants. “What a pleasant surprise” Aro says as Irina enters the throne room, Marcus looks fed up and closed his book softly. “What do you want?” Caius asks sounding a little irritated turning around to face her “Hmm” She pauses a moment before replying “I have to report a crime…the Cullens…they have done something…terrible.” A smirk appears on Caius’ face and Aro closes his book and flashes over to Irina “Allow me my dear” Aro says taking her hand in his and looking at her thoughts and memories regarding the Cullen’s ‘crime’ “Oh my” He says once he’s finished. “Brother what have they have done now?” Caius asks as he walks towards them “It would appear dear brother they have created an immortal child” Aro replies “WHAT?!!” Caius shouts “ARE YOU SURE?” “Irina saw the child herself, she was jumping in the air catching snowflakes” Aro replied “Then we send the guards now! They can destroy the child and the Cullens” Caius responds “No brother. I think we will take our time, gather some witnesses and pay them a visit ourselves along with the guards” Aro replies calmly, despite the anger simmering inside. “A public trial?” Caius smirks “Yes brother. A public trial…this way we can be sure that our kind are reminded that creating immortal children is still illegal” Aro replies “Thank you for letting us know my dear” Marcus said smiling “Santiago please show Irina to one of our guest rooms” Marcus says looking at the guard “Yes master” Santiago bows his head and leads her to a guest room on the second floor.
Later that day Aro calls Danni to the throne room and asks the guards to leave except for Demetri. “Thank you for coming Danni…we have something we need to discuss with you” Aro starts “Ok. Have I done something wrong?” She asks looking between the Kings and Demetri “No, Danni you have done nothing wrong” Aro replies with a warm smile and Danni instantly relaxes “However, someone you know well has done something wrong, illegal even…” He pauses for a moment “…It would seem that the Cullens have created an immortal child…” “You have to got to be kidding me? Like seriously? What the hell?” Danni cuts Aro off. The Kings and Demetri cannot help laughing a little at her reaction. “Well I hope you plan to deal with them accordingly Caius” She adds looking at him “Yes child we do. There will be a public trial in Forks with witnesses” He replies and she nods “You don’t object to that?” Marcus asks curiously “No, I don’t. Caius gave me a history lesson once whilst Demi was away and informed me of your laws and how you dealt with the immortal children problem when it arose centuries ago” “But Bella’s your sister” Marcus adds, his head tilted to the side slightly “Don’t remind me!...” Danni bites back and Demetri intertwined his fingers with hers, squeezing them gently “…She left me here nine months ago and hasn’t looked back, remember” The Kings all nod at her, sympathy shining in their ruby eyes at the memory of that day.
A moment of silence passed before Danni spoke again “Can I ask how you know about this?” “We had a visitor this afternoon and she told us about the child. In fact, the child was seen with your sister” Aro replied “Bella may not have been aware of immortal children and the law surrounding them but Carlisle would have known and I’m sure Edward would also have been aware. They have broken a law and need to face the consequences and let’s face it you’ve been lenient in the past with Bella and Edward and look how they’ve repaid you” She responds back “That was not the reaction I was expecting from you my dear but I will say I am impressed with the way you have handled the news” Aro tells her honestly “Thank you Aro. I do, however, have a request…regarding the trial and any subsequent punishment” “We’re listening my dear” Caius replies this time and steps closer to her “I do not want Demetri to have any involvement in the punishment of the Cullens, especially Bella and Edward. I am not sure if you are aware but last summer Edward and his brothers killed a vampire who tried to kill Bella and as a result the vampire’s mate sought revenge…she even tried to kill Bella. This took place after Edward left her…before we came here…” She paused to see the Kings reactions, they nodded for her to continue “…As selfish as this may seem I am asking that Demetri is not involved as I do not want any of the Cullens to come after me or him as revenge. I do not want to be looking over my shoulder or worrying about him when he is on missions, more than I do already. Also, I do not want our son to grow up with only one parent” She added looking up at Demetri to see that he was looking down at her lovingly. “I think we can all agree with that request my dear, after all you haven’t asked for anything since you arrived and you understand the situation we are in and have handled it better than we expected. I also have no desire to risk anything happening to my grandson or his parents” Caius answered her “Thank you Caius” She replied and gave him a quick hug “Yes thank you master for agreeing to Danni’s request” “You are both welcome. We do, however, ask that you both accompany us when we go to Forks” He replies “Of course master” Demetri replies and Danni nods in agreement.
The following day Irina was in the library reading along with Alec when Danni entered with Nicolai “What the...?” Irina says shocked when she notices the little boy who resembles Demetri but who clearly has a heartbeat “Irina this Danni, Demetri’s mate and their son Nicolai” Alec introduces them “It’s nice to meet you Irina” Danni smiles at her “Nice to meet you too” Irina replies “Nicolai…he has a-a heartbeat…but how?” Irina asks “I’m half-human, half-vampire” He replies “I had him whilst I was still human, Demetri changed me after he was born…about six months ago” Danni adds “But he-he looks like...” Irina trails off “His vampire side means he grows faster than his human counterparts and is quite smart for his age too” Danni tells her as she takes a seat on the sofa opposite her and Nicolai sits beside his mum. “I didn’t know that vampires could have children” Irina says looking at the boy “Neither did we. It was a surprise to us all to discover that male vampires can father children with human females” Alec responds. “I’m gifted too like mummy and daddy” Nicolai says proudly “Really? May I ask what your gift is Nicolai?” Irina asks, curiosity shining in her amber coloured eyes “I’m a shield like mummy and I am able to track people like daddy, but only those with shields. I fill in the gaps of daddy’s gift” He replies proudly “Wow” Irina breathed out, “I can’t believe how much he looks like Demetri” Irina says looking between Nicolai and Danni “I know, me too. He’s a mini version of his dad” Danni replies and Nicolai just smiles back at Irina.
A few days later Nicolai and Irina were walking in the South facing garden when he stopped walking and gently tugged on her hand to get her attention. “Irina, can I ask why you have amber coloured eyes seeing as you are a vampire?” Nicolai asked curiosity shining in his blue eyes “I have amber eyes because I am a vegetarian vampire…” “What’s a vegetarian vampire?” He asked, cutting her off “A vegetarian vampire survives on animal blood instead of human blood” She responded and watched as Nicolai tried to process this information and knew he would have more questions for her. “What animals do you eat and how do you find them?” “Where I live in Alaska, there is a very big forest surrounding our house and my family and I hunt the animals there. In the forest there are different animals, Bears, Moose, Wolves and Caribou to name a few” “Oh, that’s different. Why don’t you hunt humans like other vampires?” “My family and I used to hunt humans but after many years we decided to try surviving on animal blood and found that we could survive that way, although there are not many vegetarian vampires” “You are the first vegetarian vampire I have met” He said with a smile “You are the first vampire / human hybrid that I’ve met” She replied with a smile of her own. They resumed their walk around the garden and continued to talk about different topics. Irina was surprised at how ‘grown-up’ Nicolai was and sounded despite how young he was.
Whilst the Kings and the four Elite guards were away from the castle to gather some witnesses of their own for the upcoming Cullen trial, Danni found that Nicolai’s shielding ability had developed. “Look Mummy…” Danni looked up from her book to see a faint shimmering glow circling her son, giving him the appearance of being inside a protective bubble. Danni smiled, feeling proud of her son and his growing ability. “That’s amazing sweetie” She praised him and he smiled back at her. She wondered if she could get her shield do the same or something similar at the very least. ‘It’d be nice to be able to protect the ones I love, as well as myself’ She thought to herself and decided to ask Santiago and Heidi for their help in Demetri’s absence.
Danni and Nicolai met with Santiago and Heidi the following morning in the south-facing garden as they had agreed to help them develop their shielding abilities. Nicolai asked to train with Santiago as he knew that Demetri had trained Santiago when he joined the guard and still spars with him regularly. Danni and Heidi worked together to see how her shield worked and if she could shield someone other than herself.
With a lot of hard work, Danni was able to shield multiple people as she had practised constantly, pushing her shield to its max. Her shield looked different to her son’s as hers looked almost like it was an extension of her, a faint shimmering was the only hint that her shield was in use to protect the ones she loved.
Upon Demetri’s return to the castle Danni and Nicolai updated him on the development of their gifts. Nicolai was able to shield not only himself but one other person easily. “I hope I can shield more people when I’m older” He said looking up at his dad “You’re doing just fine as you are buddy” Demetri replied proudly, as he looked down at his son as they both stood inside Nicolai’s ‘protective bubble.’
Caius, Aro and Marcus stood watching Danni and Nicolai with proud smiles on their faces. “At least we can keep Edward from reading our thoughts now” Caius said proudly and nudged Aro slightly “Yes, and it’ll be a good surprise for the damned law breaker too” Aro replied with a smile.
December 31st – Confrontation –
Once it had been declared that Renesmee was not an immortal child, Irina was ripped apart and burned for providing a false allegation against the Cullens. “That’s a shame mummy, I liked her” Nicolai said low so only his parents heard him and she nodded in response.
Alice and Jasper made their way back to the Cullens and their witnesses but before anyone could leave Vladimir shouts out “TRAITOR” and looks directly at Danni “Excuse me?” She asks “You are on the wrong side my dear, should you not be over here supporting your sister?” He replies “Supporting my sister, why would I want to do that after what she and her precious Edward did?” “You mean have a child together?” Stefan replies “No. I’m talking about the fact that they left me in Volterra nine months ago and haven’t been in touch since. In fact, I received one letter from Esme telling me that once Edward and Bella landed back here, they told my dad I had died in an accident and that a memorial was held for me. Edward made that decision on the flight back from Volterra thus, ensuring I could never come home to see my dad, never have the chance to introduce him to my mate. They took away my chance to say goodbye” She replied and noticed the shocked looks on the faces of the Cullen’s witnesses “Oh…you all look surprised. Did they not tell you that part? Did they also tell you that they never invited me to their wedding? I only found out about the wedding from Aro after they sent an invitation to him to let him know it was taking place. It was their way of announcing Bella’s transformation.” She added and Demetri squeezed her hand gently. Caius moved closer to Danni, a scowl settling on his face.
“I notice you have a child of your own” Tanya says looking at Nicolai “Yes, I do. My son was born six months ago and my fiancée changed me after he was delivered, we didn’t want to risk another pregnancy as there was no guarantee I would handle another one so well” She responded and noticed Carlisle looked a little confused. “Danni drank human blood regularly once we discovered she was pregnant, this allowed her to meet the baby’s needs and she was able to keep certain foods down too” Caius advised him proudly and Carlisle nodded, clearly impressed as it sounded like Danni had an easier pregnancy than her sister.
“Why did you not tell me I had a nephew?” Bella asked “Why would I? You cut me out of your life, cut me out of my own family. I have a new family now and I couldn’t be happier” Danni replies smiling.
“You have a chance to reconnect with one another, especially as you both have children now” Esme replies softly “Esme as much as I like you and Carlisle, we’re all aware that if it wasn’t for this ‘situation’ we wouldn’t even be talking. I mean none of you got in touch to advise me of the wedding or that my niece was born three months ago” Danni replied. “You can’t take the high ground Danni, your mate would have killed us if there had been a fight today” Edward called out “That is where you are wrong Eddie. The Kings agreed to my request of keeping Demetri out of any executions involving you Cullens as I didn’t want any of you coming after me or my mate as revenge. I protected my family unlike you. I mean look what happened after you killed James, his mate went after Bella to avenge him and you weren’t even here to protect her. So, I have every reason to take the high ground as you put it as I have done nothing to any of you” She replied. Edward went to speak but Caius cut him off “I would consider your next words to Danni very carefully Cullen or you’ll find yourself joining Irina in becoming a pile of ash” “Why do you care what he says to her?” Bella asked “I care because Danni is my daughter and no one, and I do mean no one will disrespect a member of my family” Caius replies and Demetri smirks at the Cullens as surprise registers on their faces.
“What?…how…?” Bella struggled to speak, too shocked at Caius’ news. “My wife and I always wanted to have a daughter and once we met and got to know Danni, things fell into place and we came to care for her as though she was our daughter…” Caius spoke looking directly at Bella “And I came to care about Caius and Dora as my parents in return” Danni finished Caius’ sentence with a warm smile. Everyone watched as Athenodora stepped forward and slipped her hand into her husband’s as she spoke “We were there for Danni when she needed love and support as she navigated her way through a new relationship, whilst she settled into her new life and her new home...” Bella looked as though she wanted to say something but Athenodora didn’t give her chance. “…You abandoned your sister without a second thought when she needed you, needed your support to navigate her way through a new relationship, a relationship with a vampire no less and everything that came with that, seeing as you had experience with this but you chose Edward instead.” Danni nodded and felt so loved in that moment hearing her adoptive parents speak this way about her.
“Just so we are clear Bella, you will not be receiving an invitation to our wedding as it’s for our family and friends only” Demetri adds and Danni nods in agreement before adding “We had to postpone our special day because of you and your ‘antics.’”
Silence filled the air as no one spoke, as they tried to process everything they’ve just heard. “Danni and the Volturi are telling the truth about everything…” Maggie says looking around at the Cullen’s witnesses “…And Bella and Edward haven’t even bothered to apologise or make amends for their actions” Maggie continued, distaste clear in her voice.
“Our apologies Danni for calling you a traitor. It appears we were not told the truth regarding yours and Demetri’s situation” Vladimir called out and she and Demetri nodded. “That’s quite alright. I don’t blame Demetri for keeping me by his side that day. If I’m being honest, I’m glad he did as our relationship developed naturally and I got to have a son with the man I love. I am looking forward to spending an eternity with my family and that doesn’t include any of you” She replied looking at Bella and the Cullens, before turning to face her mate. “Let’s go home mi amore” Demetri smiled down at her and looked at Marcus who just smiled and nodded. The Cullens and their witnesses watched as Demetri and Danni left the field with their son and didn’t look back.
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Y'all, please, I am desperate. It's a poly!voluturi kings x swan!reader or swan!ofc. I can't remember if the MC is Bella's sister or her cousin but they don't get along.
I remember that the elite guard LOVES the MC and they're her personal guard and that she even created a game for them to play in leui of training. It's like capture the flag, but she's the flag.
At one point she goes to forks following the newborn battle to visit Charlie, but during that time she visits the Cullens at their house to formally introduce herself ask where her guard can practice.
The MC ends up collecting an old friend that happened to be one of the newborns in eclipse. Jasper ends up one of her personal guards as well.
SPOILERS if anyone ends up wanting to read this if it's found
At the breaking dawn 2 battle, Bella ends up killed, Alice betrays everyone and turns out to have been masterminding the whole battle. Edward realizes Jane is his mate.
Please help me find this, I've been looking everywhere for a long while.
Since this post is still getting quite a bit of traction and I don't know if people are looking at the comments.
The fic is called "We Three Kings" by Polkadottedgiraffe11. She used to have it posted on Wattpad and ffnet but due to repeated plagiarism and unjusntified account bans, she took them down. The only way to access the stories now is through discord where you will receive access to her blog. You will have to send a request through a Google doc form that she's made.
Here is the link:
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volturissideslut · 1 year
new Marcus fic
Okay, so, I know it seems like I’ve been absent for a really long time - and I have been. But I haven’t just been doing nothing, I swear! In the background I’m working an a book where it’ll be Marcus x an OC on Wattpad. My username on Wattpad is also Volturisideslut and the book is well on the way to being finished with all the progress I’ve been making lately. It has not been finished yetand i won’t upload until it is done because i understand the frustration of reading a fic and getting to the end and seeing its incomplete. It will be done soon, though!
Find my Wattpad account: here
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bad-fucking-omens · 6 months
The Witch Twin (Alec V. x OC) - Chapter 4 - Bond
Summary: When I thought about my future, I was sure that I had the rest of my life vaguely planned out.
Then, my older sister moved up from Arizona to stay with us — and turned my entire life upside down.
I had no idea just how bad it had gotten until I was standing in a castle in Italy, convinced that I was about to die.
Length: 2.1K words (Complete fic 71.8K words)
Fic warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, explicit smut (M/F), referenced/implied past child abuse, emotional manipulation by sibling
Chapter warnings: Mild violence
Read on AO3 or read below
Fear and anxiety flooded my body when I realized that one of the Volturi vampires had grabbed me, but as I looked up at Alec’s face, that strange, calm feeling soothed everything else away once again. I was confused about why Alec had the ability to make me feel so calm and why he had grabbed me, but there was no denying that on some level, I felt safe in his arms. It was as if I was absolutely certain that while he was holding me, no one would dare to even try to harm me.
I hesitantly looked away from Alec’s face to glance at everyone else. Alice, Bella, and Edward all looked absolutely horrified. The vampires from the Volturi seemed to be mostly stunned. Aro and Marcus were the only two who didn’t seem shocked, and Jane looked almost as horrified as the Cullens and my sister.
I dug my fingers into my shirt as I wrapped my arms around my own waist. I felt confused and scared and, most of all, overwhelmed.
“Alec,” Aro called sharply after a moment.
Alec immediately strangled his growl, then gently led me away from the Cullens and my sister, so that we were now standing beside Jane. Her horrified expression faded to rage as her eyes slipped from Alec’s face to mine. I pressed closer to his chest as my terror grew. He held me gently tighter against his body.
“Sister,” Alec warned.
Before the word fully left his mouth, Aro said, “Jane.”
The little blonde vampire finally turned away from me and Alec to look at the leader as he said, “I was wondering, my dear one, if Bella is immune to you.”
Edward started growling again as Jane turned towards Bella.
“Don’t!” Alice cried.
In an instant, Edward was on the ground. No one had touched him, but there he was on the stone floor, writing around in obvious pain. Jane was smiling at Edward. It only took me a moment to realize that she was the one doing this to him.
“Stop!” Bella yelled. Alice threw her arms around my sister before Bella could jump between Jane and Edward. She struggled against the tiny vampire, but couldn’t break our of her concrete grip. Edward suffered in silence, cringing against the floor.
“Jane,” Aro called calmly.
She looked away quickly, still smiling. As soon as she looked away from him, Edward was perfectly still.
Aro inclined his head towards my sister. I tensed as Jane turned towards Bella, biting down on my bottom lip in an attempt to strangle the scream that wanted to escape me. Alec’s hold on me got even tighter, though he was still exceedingly gentle with me.
He leaned down and murmured softly in my ear, “Shh, my love. Look. She’s okay.”
He was right. Bella was just staring down at Edward, still struggling pointlessly against Alice. She whispered something in Bella’s ear. Edward sat up quickly, then jumped to his feet. He turned towards Bella with a horrified expression, then he looked at Jane, and finally looked back at my sister. His posture relaxed, and so did mine. Alec’s arms loosened very slightly as I rested my cheek against his chest.
Jane wasn’t smiling anymore. She glared at my sister, her jaw clenched tightly. Edward moved back to Bella’s side. He touched Alice’s arm and she passed Bella into his arms.
Aro began to laugh. “This is wonderful!”
Jane hissed in frustration, leaning forward as if she was preparing to leap at the three of them.
“Don’t be put out, dear one,” Aro said to her comfortingly. He placed his hand on Jane’s shoulder. “She confounds us all.”
Jane’s lip curled back over her teeth — the same way Alec’s had when he was growling at Edward.
Aro laughed once again. “You’re very brave, Edward, to endure in silence. I asked Jane to do that to me once — just out of curiosity.”
Edward glared at Aro. I looked between the two of them nervously.
“So, what do we do with you now?” Aro sighed.
Edward and Alice tensed and Bella began to tremble. My own heart started to race again. Then, Alec rubbed his hand along my back gently and, so quickly that it was almost on instinct, I relaxed into his cold, hard embrace.
“I don’t suppose there’s any chance that you’ve changed your mind?” Aro asked hopefully as he looked at Edward. “Your talent would be an excellent addition to our little family.”
Edward hesitated, then said carefully, “I’d . . . rather . . . not.”
“Alice? Would you perhaps be interested in joining us?”
“No, thank you.”
“And you, Bella?”
Edward hissed lowly. My eyes widened as I glanced between Aro and Bella, who looked to be just as confused as I was. What did he want with Bella?
“What?” the white-haired vampire, Caius, whispered flatly.
“Caius, surely you see the potential,” Aro replied in a voice that sounded almost affectionate. “I haven’t seen a prospective talent so promising since we found Jane and Alec. Can you imagine the possibilities when she is one of us?”
Edward was starting to growl again when Bella whispered, “No, thank you.”
Aro’s eyes flickered over to me and Alec for a moment before he looked away again. He sighed, “That is unfortunate. Such a waste.”
Edward hissed, “Join or die, is that it? I suspected as much when we were brought to this room. So much for your laws.”
“Of course not,” Aro said, astonished. “We were already convened here, Edward, awaiting Heidi’s return. Not for you.”
“Aro,” Caius hissed. “The law claims them.”
Edward glared at him, demanding, “How so?”
Caius pointed a thin finger at Bella, then at me. I gripped my shirt even tighter, willing myself not to cry from the overwhelming fear taking over my mind. Even Alec’s careful, gentle touch did not wash this fear away, not entirely.
“They know too much. You have exposed our secrets.”
“There are a few humans in on your charade here, as well,” Edward replied.
Caius’s face twisted into a cruel smile. “Yes,” he agreed. “But when they are no longer useful to us, they will serve to sustain us. That is not your plan for either of these two. If they betray our secrets, are you prepared to destroy them? I think not.”
“I wouldn’t– “ Bella began, but Caius silenced her with a cold look.
“Nor do you intend to make either of them one of us,” Caius continued. “Therefore, they are vulnerabilities. Though it is true, for this only their lives are forfeit. You may leave if you wish.”
Edward bared his teeth, but I was more focused on the way Alec’s entire body tensed around me. His arms drew me impossibly closer to his chest, and I could have sworn that I could just barely hear the start of a growl building in his chest, but it was gone just as soon as I noticed it.
“That’s what I thought,” Caius said. His eyes were trained on Edward.
“Unless. . . .” Aro interrupted. “Unless you do intend to give her immortality?”
There was a moment of silence before Edward asked, “And if I do?”
Aro smiled happily and spread his hands. “Why, then you would be free to go home and give my regards to my friend, Carlisle. . . . But I’m afraid you would have to mean it.”
Aro raised his hand towards Edward.
Caius, who had began to scowl angrily, relaxed back into his chair, a smirk curling on his lips. Edward stared down at Bella, who looked back up at him pleadingly.
I held my breath. I hadn’t missed that Aro said “her” instead of “them”. What was going to happen to me? Would I leave this castle with my life?
Edward didn’t move. He just stared down at my sister with a painted expression on his face. Alice stepped away from them, towards Aro, her hand outstretched towards his. Aro waved off his anxious guards as they moved to block her way. He met her halfway and took her hand eagerly in his. He bent his head over their clasped hands, his eyes closing in concentration while Alice remained motionless, her face blank.
No one moved. As more time passed, I grew more anxious. Alec seemed to sense my inner turmoil, and he began to very slowly rub his hand along my back again. I relaxed into his arms.
Aro started laughing when he finally looked up.
“That was fascinating!”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Alice said dryly, a tense smile on her face.
“To see the things you’ve seen — especially the ones that haven’t happened yet!”
“But that will,” she reminded him calmly.
“Yes, yes, it’s quite determined. Certainly there’s no problem.”
Caius, Felix, and Jane seemed to be exceptionally disappointed with his statement. “Aro,” Caius complained.
“Dear Caius.” Aro smiled. “Do not fret. Think of the possibilities! They do not join us today, but we can always hope for the future. Imagine the joy young Alice alone would bring to our little household. . . . Besides, I’m so terribly curious to see how Bella turns out!”
“Then we are free to go, now?” Edward asked.
“Yes, yes,” Aro replied easily. “But please visit again. It’s been absolutely enthralling!”
“And we will visit you as well,” Caius promised. “To be sure that you follow through on your side. Were I you, I would not delay too long. We do not offer second chances.”
Edward’s jaw was clenched tight, but he nodded once. Caius smirked and drifted back towards where Marcus still sat, uninterested. Felix groaned.
“Ah, Felix.” Aro grinned. “Heidi will be here at any moment. Patience.”
My sister’s ex-boyfriend hummed, “Hmm. In that case, perhaps we’d better leave sooner than later.”
“Yes. That’s a good idea. Accidents do happen. Please wait below until after dark, though, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course.”
Aro motioned Felix forward with one finger and Felix moved to his side instantly. Aro unfastened the grey cloak that the huge vampire wore and pulled it from his shoulders to toss it to Edward. “Take this. You’re a little conspicuous.”
Edward pulled on the long cloak, though he left the cloak down.
Aro sighed. “It suits you.”
Edward chuckled, then broke off suddenly, glancing over his shoulder at something he heard in the hall.
“Thank you, Aro. We’ll wait below.”
“Goodbye, young friends.”
The other, more slender male vampire that had escorted us through the sewer turned to walk towards the way we had come. Edward pulled Bella along beside him, Alice on her other side.
For one terrifying moment, I thought that they had forgotten me and were going to leave me here to die at the hands of these vampires.
Then, Alec’s soft, gentle voice murmured in my ear, “Come on.”
He adjusted his hold on me so that I could walk beside him, though he kept me pressed tightly against his side.
Voices echoed through the antechamber as we entered it. A large crowd passed through the little door on the other side, filling the smaller stone room. Alec gently pulled me back against the cold wall to let them all pass.
“Welcome, guests! Welcome to Volterra!” Aro called from the large room, his voice echoing eerily through the stone halls.
There had to be at least forty people that filed into the room. They all looked like tourists, but aside from that, they were all different. Women, men, even children. Some were studying the details of the castle as they walked, while others looked confused as to why they had been brought to this particular spot of the castle.
I pressed even closer to Alec’s side when I realized that these people were here to be the Volturi’s next meal.
Alec led me quickly towards the door once the crowd thinned.
I could feel my body shaking. Blood roared loudly through my ears as my heart began to race as fast as it had been in the throne room.
We passed by another red-eyed vampire — a tall, dark-haired woman who was incredibly beautiful, even for a vampire. She looked at me, her head tilted in curiosity.
“Find your own meal, Alec?” she asked with a smirk, her voice so quiet that I just barely caught her words.
Alec hissed, the noise low and dangerous, and suddenly the woman averted her eyes and hurried after the tourists.
Ahead of us, Edward, Bella, and Alice were practically running to reach the door. Alec started to rush me, too.
I looked up at his beautiful face. Alec was already staring down at me, looking as if he was trying to gauge my expression. I kept my eyes on him until the screaming started.
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wendigo-volturi · 3 months
Rules + characters
requests are Open
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When you request please specify if you want a story or headcanons, this is important for me. Also please specify what gender!!
If you request something I'm not comfortable with I won't write it but most of the time I will write it, but if you break ANY of my rules I will block you.
What I write:
Character x male reader
Character x female reader
Sad shit
Self harm
Sibling reader
What I will NOT write:
Character x character
Smut (I'm just terrible at it)
Incest (it's gross)
Volturi kings: Aro, Caius, Marcus (separate or poly)
Volturi guards: Jane, Alec, Felix, demetri
Side characters: Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jasper, Alice, Rose (don't know her full name) , bella
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fanfictionlibrary · 1 year
Here you can find all the content I post. I will keep this list updated. Feel free to send me requests/asks. I write one-shots, imagines, drabbles, and headcanons. I write for any of the characters that belong to the fandoms I listed. It can be a Character x Reader story or a Character x Character story. Whatever you prefer. I only write smut about characters that are of age in canon.
Twilight 🧛🏻‍♀️
Spider Lilies and the Sun (Alec x Reader)
Stardust (Demetri x Reader)
Respectful Humming (Felix x fem!Reader) - Requested (feel the creative juice)
Startling Nightmare (Alec Volturi x gn!Reader)
Hogwarts Legacy 🧙🏻‍♀️
After Hogwarts (Sebastian x Reader)
Hogwarts Legacy Headcanons: How the Companions Behave in an Established Relationship (Sebastian, Ominis, Natsai, Amit, Poppy)
In the Shadow of Comfort (Sebastian x Reader x Ominis) (poly)
A Daring Prefect (Amit Thakkar x Reader) - Part One
A Daring Prefect (Amit Thakkar x Reader) - Part Two
A Self-Loathing Gaunt (Ominis x Reader x Sebastian) - Requested (I loved writing it!)
The Chronicles of Narnia 🦁
Lord of the Rings 🧝‍♂️
Final Fantasy XV 💥
Hunger Games 🍞🌾
Harry Potter 🐍
My Hero Academia 🦸🏼‍♂️
Demon Slayer 🌊🌄🎋
Wind and Stars (Sanemi Shinazugawa x OC) - Part One
Meeting the Gang (Demon Slayer x gn!Reader) - Requested (Let's gooo! Writing this was awesome.)
Fire Emblem Three Houses/Hopes 🧝🏻‍♀️🤴🏽🧝🏻
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felixschokehold · 1 year
To see if my writing requests are open, and the rules, please click here.
Want to be part of a Volturi lovers Discord server? Join here! Want to be part of a Baldur's Gate 3 Discord server? Join here! Want to be part of a Fourth Wing Discord Server? Join here!
Like my writing? Help support me at my Ko-Fi here!
Find my side blogs here:
Thirst Blog @justasideofdelicious
Book Blog @threshholdofescape (largely ACOTAR atm)
Video Games Blog (mostly BG3 atm) @rolansrighthorn
Cal|’94|Casually learning to: blog; write; draw; make gifs; etc|This blog will primarily be for Twilight at the moment, but if you check out my blog you’ll see I am in multiple fandoms (Shadowhunter chronicle books, Night World books, etc BUT I am trying to keep those to my specified side blogs)
Here is a post about my Twilight faves, non faves, and other opinions on the characters in The Twilight Saga.
You can find all of my works ONLY on AO3 here under my user FelixsChokeHold
I have two official, original fanfictions in the works; 
Facing Your Fate- A Felix/human mate focus that adds in Demetri as a third lover in later chapters. This story follows Elise’s journey to proving she is worthy to become immortal. This fic is in it’s late stages, beginning to end. There will be a prequel series eventually, detailing Elise and Felix’s story of how they fell in love pre-Facing Your Fate era.
Family of Ruins- A fic that follows Juniper’s journey to adjusting to vampire life after book!canon Jane and Alec turn her impulsively one day when she catches their interest as a mother. This is also another Felix mate bond fic that is slow burn, frenemies to lovers. This fic is in its early stages, with major events still being drafted.
You can find my general works for other fandoms on AO3 here. 
You can find my Felix X OC "Ariadne x Dionysus reimagined" chapter story prompt here, inspired by this post.
I have a DeviantArt I have barely posted to (lol) and I sporadically upload here to my Twilight saga instagram.
I also have a Twilight saga twitter that’s not super in-use but I would like to be more active. 
All of my og posts I make are generally going to be under a couple different tags
my post
own post
You can find reblogs I’ve replied to here.
You can find reblogged posts where I have expressed opinions in here.
Twilight universe headcanons can be found here.
Miscellaneous Links:
You can find information about the real Quileute tribe here and find a link for donations.
This pinned post will be updated sporadically.
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iamcherryblessed · 8 months
Rosaline // Alec Volturi: Chapter One
Summary: “How the blood rushed into my cheeks” Rosaline was no stranger to hard work, she’s been working as a maid for as far back as she can remember. Starting off as a scullery maid and ending up as a Lady’s Maid for the fearsome Jane Volturi. She’s just trying to keep her head on her shoulders and her heart beating, what happens when she catches the eye of her Lady’s stoic twin brother? What does Alec Volturi want with a lowly maid?  “So scarlet, it was maroon” Series masterlist
Chapter One
A shudder ran through me. A shaky breath escaped my lips as I stared at the elderly woman in front of me. 
“Rosaline, it is your duty.” The woman reminded, she was always quite stern. The toll of her work showed on each wrinkle that decorated her face. Forcing myself to take a deep breath, I slowly nodded my head. 
“It will be okay,” the woman, Annie, our head housekeeper, attempted to console me, a hand patting my shoulder. 
“Yes, Miss.” My voice came out shaky. It won’t be okay, she’s just signed my death sentence. 
I could hear the whispers of the other girls, not so quietly taking bets on how long they think I'll last. Even as the new girl I had been warned about the cruel legacy of our masters, heard the gossip of what happens to the Lady’s Maid of the most feared of them all; Jane. Apparently Hattie, the girl before me, had a habit of being quite heavy footed. All it took was stepping a bit too hard onto the floor for her head to be rolled off her shoulders. 
Before this assignment I was a kitchen maid for another noble family, I spent most of my time baking complicated recipes and cleaning the cutlery. I had started off as a scullery maid but had managed to work my way up, what I would give to stay in the kitchens. Apparently those kinds of maids are not useful for this family, I am not sure what kind of household does not find a kitchen to be useful. There have been mutterings of the words ‘monsters’ and ‘devils’ but it is not my duty to ask questions, it is my duty to serve. And if that duty is to serve Jane Volturi, then I shall do my best. It seems like my life depends on it. 
A gaggle of chambermaids stood by the door, they giggled to themselves as I walked towards them. “No bother to learn your name now,” they laughed. I tried to remain calm, I tried to catch my breath and I tried to show no emotion on my face. It wasn’t working well if their growing smiles were anything to go off. 
“Girls, leave her alone!” Annie snapped, “make sure to get a good night's rest” she added on in a much more gentle tone. I nodded and kept my head down as I quietly made my way up to my new chambers. 
The one positive to becoming a Lady’s Maid is being able to move from the servants corridor. The servants quarters were all kept to the left side of the castle, we had a couple of rooms with as many beds that could fit on the ground floor, the rooms were separated by girls and boys. Just above was a small and not very updated kitchen, there wasn’t an area dedicated to eating. We just ate as quickly as we could where we stood. The bathroom was next to the kitchen, there was one toilet and one bath that only produced cold water to share between all the castle servants. Throughout the floors were the servants' halls which allowed us to move as swiftly as we could across all the floors while avoiding being seen by the masters. All of the areas used only by the servants were all dimly lit and held a musty scent but it was the only place where we could speak above a whisper or hold a smile. Not that many people here did. 
A Lady’s Maid gets to sleep on the same floor as their Lady, our room is conjoined. Unseen by the Lady but close enough for us to come as soon as we are called. Being a Lady’s Maid is normally a high honour, for most maid’s starting at a scullery maid and ending up where I am now normally takes a lot longer. However, this place, this family, everything is different. Everything feels weird. 
From what I’ve heard about Lady Jane she goes through maids very quickly, according to the gossiping chambermaids Hattie was her fourth this calendar year and it is currently only month eight. Of course you send the new girl to be the fifth, why send someone you're familiar with? It’s not as much of a loss when you’ve only been here for less than a month. 
My new room was cramped, there was a small bed nestled between the wall and a small chest of drawers. On the other side, behind where the door opened, was a toilet with a sink next to it, above was a dirty mirror. I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my lips, it was compact but it was all mine. A room I didn’t have to share with 5 other girls, my own bathroom I didn’t have to share with over a dozen other people. It almost made it worth it. Until I glanced at the piece of paper that was on top of my thin pillow, it was Annie’s handwriting detailing Lady Jane’s schedule for tomorrow and the jobs I will need to complete. 
I felt my heart stutter, I need to get my head clear so that I can do my work tomorrow and stay alive. Sleep struggled to come. But soon enough the morning came and I heard Lady Jane calling for me. 
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mattmurdocksthighs · 1 month
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delilah forge x rosalie hale
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luna george x embry call
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oliver newton x emmett cullen
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audrey elliot x alec volturi
0 notes
raindancer2004 · 1 year
The Other Swan
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Word Count: 6,033. Demetri x OC Swan. Part one. Warning: Angst and Fluff
March 2006 Daniella and Bella go with Alice to save Edward in Volterra, Italy.
Edward starts to step outside without his shirt on when Bella runs into his arms, asking to him to open his eyes and to go back inside. “I needed to make you see me one last time so you don’t feel guilty. I can let you go now” Bella says to Edward, his hold on her tightens a little as he replies “I love you and I can’t live in a world where you’re not in it.” Edward captures Bella’s lips in a loving kiss as Demetri and Felix enter the hallway and make their way towards them “I won’t be needing your services after all gentlemen” Edward tells them “Still we should take this conversation to a more appropriate venue” Demetri replies. Edward nods and says to Bella “Go and enjoy the festival” “The girl comes with us” Felix says without missing a beat “No. Go to hell” Edward replies.
The large doors burst open as Alice enters with a human close behind her. “Come on gentlemen, you don’t want to cause a scene” Alice states with a smile and removes her sunglasses and scarf. “You wouldn’t” Felix replies. Demetri ignores the conversation between his friend and the female vampire as his eyes focus on the girl standing behind Alice. She has dark blonde wavy hair and light blue eyes. He feels a slight burning in his throat and a strange pull towards her; the need to hold her, protect her and then he realises he is looking at his mate. The mate he had given up all hope of ever finding after 1000 years alone. He feels very protective of her and keeps his hand on her back as they all follow Jane, making their way to the throne room to meet with Aro, Caius and Marcus.
Once in the throne room Demetri keeps the girl next to him with his hand still on her back. Aro takes Edward’s hand seeing his thoughts and the fact that Bella and her sister are immune to his gift. Aro steps back and asks “I’d like to see if Bella & Daniella are immune to my gift too” Demetri tenses slightly at this, keeping her in his line of sight the entire time whilst observing the interaction between Aro, Edward, Bella and Daniella. Aro then states he cannot read Bella or Daniella’s minds, and wonders if they are immune to Jane’s gift too. Jane is frustrated that her gift did not affect Bella and then turns her attention to Daniella.
During Jane’s attempt on his mate Demetri moves closer to her ready to catch her and hold her in his arms should she fall to the floor as Edward had done just moments ago. Aro laughs as he realises both girls appear to be immune to all their gifts. Demetri immediately goes to Daniella and pulls her into his side; protectively wrapping an arm around her waist, quietly purring relieved to have her close again. Daniella felt a little confused that the vampire beside her was holding her so close considering what Edward had them about the Volturi and their disregard for humans.
Edward and Felix then fight as Edward tries to stop Felix from killing Bella. Felix has Edward kneeling on the throne steps with his head in his hands ready to remove it, when Bella cries out “Kill me, kill me, not him, not him” Aro holds his hand up to stop Felix and then looks to Bella “You would give up your life for someone like us, a soulless monster?” “You don’t know a thing about his soul” replies Bella.
After Alice shows Aro her vision of Bella becoming one of them, he then turns his attention to Daniella “What are we going to do with you?” She stiffens in Demetri’s hold and he growls at Aro holding her even closer to him. Marcus recognises the mate bond and calls out “Brother” getting Aro’s attention, before getting up from his throne and offering his hand to Aro. Aro sees Marcus’ thoughts and sees that the girl in Demetri’s arms is indeed Demetri’s mate.
Edward having read Aro’s mind looks back at Daniella and says “I’m sorry.” She looks at Aro and then up at Demetri as his grip tightens slightly around her waist. Demetri leans down and whispers in her ear “Mine” He rests his head on hers, breathing in her scent, as Aro announces the news to everyone in the room. “It would seem that our dear Demetri has finally found his mate.” Daniella gasps in shock and mutters sarcastically “Great. I’m gonna have to learn to say no to you and your ideas Bells” Bella doesn’t say anything, still trying to process the information herself. Edward nods, confirming Aro’s declaration.
Aro explains that Bella, Edward & Alice can leave once evening arrives but that Daniella has to stay with them; she shakes her head “What? No, I-I can’t stay” “You cannot leave my dear, you belong with Demetri” Aro replies smiling at the two of them. “No! She’s just 15” Bella says loudly. “I’m 16 in a few months” Daniella instantly replies, unsure why she said that. “But I need to go home, my family is there, my stuff is there, I-I can’t stay. Please let me go home Aro. I will keep your secret” She replies. “I’m afraid that’s not my decision. You will need to ask Demetri, my dear Daniella” Aro replies looking at Demetri.
She turns to Demetri now with tears in her eyes “Please let me go home to my family. Let me finish high school. You can come visit whenever you want; I could come visit in the holidays? I’ll come back when I’m 18 and finished school. I promise” Demetri looks down at her resting a hand on her cheek and says “I’m sorry cara mia, but I have waited over 1000 years for you, and I cannot let you go. You are my mate and I want you by my side forever” He presses a kiss to her forehead still holding her in his arms.
Demetri leads them out of the throne room and to the reception area, where Daniella says a tearful goodbye to Alice, Edward & Bella. “Look after her Edward” Daniella says to Edward and he replies “I will, I promise. Look after her Demetri” He nods at Daniella. Demetri nods in response “I will” He wraps an arm around her waist once again.
Demetri takes Daniella to his quarters “You cannot leave this room without me or a guard escorting you. The same goes for leaving the castle. I’ll be back later” He tells her before leaving to return to the throne room to feed. She just stands there at the window beside the balcony doors overlooking the garden with tears running down her face. After a while she goes to into the en-suite bathroom to wash her face, eyes now red from crying. She then goes into Demetri’s walk-in closet, amazed at the size of it and picks a black shirt to wear to bed as she has nothing with her but a small backpack.
Demetri comes back to the room seeing her walk from the closet in just his shirt. She blushes slightly before speaking to him “H-hope you don’t mind…but I needed something to sleep in” Demetri nods and replies “I’ll take you shopping tomorrow. Good night cara mia” “Aren’t you staying?” She says in a low voice “No. Do you need anything before I go?” He asks “No” is her only reply before he watches her climb into his bed and lay facing the window, more tears falling down her cheeks. The door closes softly behind him. “Felix, keep an eye on her. Please” Felix just nods and stands by the door in the hallway.  
Sometime later she hears the door open and a voice say “Here, I got you a glass of water. If you need anything else, I’ll just be outside the door” She turns over to see Felix placing the glass on the bedside table and mutters “Thank you” Before seeing him leave the room.
In the morning, Demetri comes into his room and gently wakes her up and hands her some toast and a glass of fruit juice. “Morning, once you’ve had breakfast get changed and then we can leave” She nodded “Thank you for breakfast” She watches as Demetri went into his closet to get some jeans and a shirt before entering the bathroom to get ready. Demetri leaves the bathroom and takes a seat on one of the sofas picking up a book from the coffee table and began to read.
Daniella ate her toast and drank her juice, then went into the bathroom to get washed and ready. She put the jeans and strappy top on from the day before and exits the bathroom seeing Demetri still sitting on one of the sofas. “Do you mind if I borrow a shirt please?” She asked quietly. Demetri nodded and got up and walked to his closet and handed her a shirt “Here” “Thank you” She replied and put on the shirt, tying it at her waist. Demetri smiled liking how she looked in his shirt. She noticed that his eyes were no longer red, in fact they were a shade of blue and she guessed he was wearing contacts so he’d blend in with the humans. “Ready Daniella?” “Danni” She said softly “Sorry?” He asks “I prefer Danni” She replies. “Danni it is” He smiled at her.
Demetri placed one hand on her back and guided her to the underground garage and over to his car. Demetri opened the passenger door of his black Lamborghini and Danni climbed in thanking him as she did so. He then made his way around to the driver’s side and climbed in. They sat in silence whilst Danni looked out the window at the passing landscape. The weather was warm despite light clouds in the sky.
Demetri parked the car in the mall carpark and got out of the car and made his way around to the passenger side and opened the door for Danni, holding out his hand to help her out of the car. “Thank you” Demetri smiled at her and took her warm hand in his cold one and started to walk towards the mall entrance, liking how her hand felt and fit within his own.
As they approached the first shop Danni said “I won’t take long, I don’t have a lot of cash with me so I’ll just get a few things” Demetri looked down at her and replied “Today is on me, after all I am the reason you are staying here without your things” He smiled at her and Danni went to refuse his offer when he spoke again “I’m your mate and I said I’d look after you and I will” He kissed her hair and Danni nodded, blushing and taking her bottom lip between her teeth whilst looking up at him through her lashes. Demetri smiled at her reaction thinking to himself how beautiful she looked in this moment.
They entered the first shop and started to look around. Demetri picked out a blue sleeveless dress and silver sandals thinking how nice Danni would look in them when he took her out for their first date. Danni meanwhile had picked out a few vest tops, some t-shirts, 2 shirts and some other tops. Demetri led Danni to the changing rooms and handed her the dress and sandals. “Here, try these on please.” Danni tried them on staring in the mirror and she had to admit Demetri had great taste. She slowly stepped out of the cubicle and Demetri instantly looked her up and down before complimenting her “Stunning, the blue really brings out your eyes” Danni blushed again “Thank you” She replied before returning to the cubicle to change.
Demetri paid for the clothes thanking the sales lady and took Danni’s hand again leading her out of the shop. They entered another clothes shop where Danni picked out some jeans and a pair of flat shoes. Demetri bought himself a new a pair of black trousers and a smart jacket. He also picked out a black waist length jacket for Danni.
Demetri took Danni to a coffee shop and she ordered a vanilla latte and a piece of lemon drizzle cake. Once Danni sat down Demetri spoke “I’m going to take these bags back to the car and I’ll be straight back. Stay here, please” She nodded in response. Demetri bent down slightly, inhaling her scent and smiled to himself. He returned less than 10 minutes later and took a seat opposite her. Once Danni had finished they got to up to leave, Demetri taking her hand in his again.
“Demetri” Danni said quietly, “Do you mind if I go in here and buy some underwear” She pointed at Boux Avenue. Demetri smiled at her “Of course not, come on” He led her into the shop and Danni pulled her hand from Demetri’s and started to look at the lingerie. He followed behind her, making a mental note of the size and style of underwear she went for. Danni picked out two white bras, two black and a navy one to go with the dress, before picking out matching lace shorts. She then noticed a cerise pink set hanging up next to a peach set. She added a set of each to her bag. Demetri couldn’t help smiling to himself, imagining how good his mate would look in the underwear she had picked. Danni found the pyjama section and picked out a short and vest top set with a picture of vampire fangs on it with the words “Bite me” Danni let out a small chuckle and added them to the bag. She then picked out two more sets of short pyjamas and two sets of long pyjamas. Demetri paid for the underwear and pyjamas and then took Danni’s hand back in his and led her to a shop where she could buy toiletries, he picked up some items for himself too.
Demetri led Danni back to the car and held the door open for her, she looked up at him and smiled. Once Demetri was in the car Danni turned to him “Thank you for today and for buying me clothes, I appreciate it” “You are very welcome cara mia” He replied with a smile “A perk of working for the Volturi and being around for over 1000 years, the money just adds up over time.”
Once back at the castle, Demetri escorts Danni back to his quarters and places the bags in the walk-in closet and tells her the left side is all hers. He hangs his purchases up inside the wardrobe. “I’ll get you something to eat from the kitchen whilst you unpack” Danni just nods and looks at the left side of the room, thinking to herself that she is unlikely to ever the fill the closet space he has given her.
Demetri returns ten minutes later with a bowl of pasta “Gianna cooked enough for you too, hope you like it” “Thank you, it’s delicious” Danni replies after trying some. Once she had finished her pasta, she gets up and makes her way to the closet getting a pair of pyjamas before heading for the bathroom “I’m going for a shower” Danni says quietly, not wanting to disturb Demetri too much as he was reading his book from earlier.
Danni showers and washes her hair before getting dried and putting on the pyjamas with the vampire fangs and the slogan “Bite me.” She plaits her hair and steps out of the bathroom. Demetri looks up as the scent of Danni’s coconut shampoo hits his nose and fills the room. Danni makes her way towards the seating area and Demetri cannot help but chuckle at Danni’s pyjamas. “Nice pyjamas” He tells her “Thank you, I saw them and couldn’t resist” She giggled “That could be seen as an invitation you know” Demetri smirked and winked at her, hoping she would know he was joking with her. Danni smiled at him and looked over to the bookcase behind him. “May I read one of your books, please?” She asked “Of course. They are yours now too” They sat across from each other on the sofas with the fireplace crackling low warming the room. Danni soon fell asleep whilst reading her book and Demetri gently picked her up and put her in his bed and pulled the duvet over her, before leaning down and placing a kiss on her hair “Goodnight Danni” He whispered. He then returned to the sofa and picked up his book and continued to read whilst she slept.
Danni awoke in the morning to find Demetri still sitting on the sofa, but he was reading a different book. He looked up when he heard Danni get up from the bed and make her way to the bathroom. She came out a few minutes later and noticed Demetri had left the room. Danni sat on the sofa and picked up her book from the night before and began reading it again, just then the door opened and Demetri came in holding a tray with a plate of toast and a glass of juice. He set the tray down on the coffee table “Morning Danni, I am on guard duty today so please stay in this room. Gianna will bring you lunch and dinner and I will be back this evening.” “Ok, have a good day” Danni replied. Demetri nodded and left the room.
Danni spent the morning on the sofa reading until Gianna knocked and entered the room with a tray “Hi Danni, I’m Gianna, I have bought you some lunch” “Hi Gianna, thank you so much” After lunch Danni got a new book from the bookcase and took a seat on the balcony to read whilst enjoying the sun. At 6pm Gianna knocks on the door and enters with a different tray. “Danni, I’ve bought your dinner” “Thank you” Danni ate her dinner on the balcony and continued to read.
Demetri returned around 8pm and noticed Danni wasn’t in the room or on the balcony, although the doors were open. He closed his eyes and tried to reach out to her, feel the tenor of her mind, before realising he can’t sense her. Then it hits him, her scent strawberries and vanilla with a hint of champagne. Looking to the bathroom door he smiled to himself, relaxing knowing she was in the bathroom, safe. He loved the way she smelt, his mate, his human mate, who he would love and protect no matter what.
Demetri closed the balcony doors and lit the fireplace, then laid down on the sofa facing the bed and began reading waiting for Danni to finish in the bathroom. Danni came out of the bathroom and made her way to the sofa facing the fireplace and sat down “How was your day?” She asked “It was good, thank you. How was your day?” He replied. Danni smiled “It was ok; I read most of the day, in here until lunch and then sat on the balcony this afternoon. Gianna seems nice too.” Demetri nodded and said “She is the only other human in the castle. It might nice if you had lunch together sometime, become friends even” Danni smiled at him “That’d be nice.”
Danni had been in the castle for a week and she was getting used to her new routine. She had helped Gianna the previous afternoon on reception and had enjoyed doing so.
Danni woke to find Demetri was not in the room, but soon the door opened and Gianna entered holding a tray with a plate of pancakes and some juice. “Morning, Danni. Demetri sends his apologies, but he was called to the throne room early this morning. He has had to leave the castle on business and won’t be back until tomorrow. I thought we could have dinner together tonight if you’d like” “A change of scenery would be nice. Thank you for bringing me breakfast” Danni replied “You’re most welcome.”
Later that day around 6pm, Gianna comes and collects Danni and takes her to the kitchen where they cook dinner together and get to know one another. Around 8pm Gianna walks Danni back to Demetri’s room and bids her goodnight. Danni gets a book from the bookcase and climbs into bed to read, before falling asleep a few hours later.
Demetri returns to the castle the following morning and heads to the throne room for the trial of the rogue vampires he, Felix, Jane and Alec bought back to the castle. Once the leaders had passed their judgement, he and Felix made quick work of ripping them apart and burning the bodies. Demetri then made his way to his quarters, needing to see Danni and to take a shower following the events of the last twenty-four hours.
When he entered his room he noticed Danni was lying on her stomach on the bed facing away from the door reading. “Afternoon cara mia, I hope you have been ok in my absence. My apologies, I couldn’t say goodbye before I left” “Afternoon, that’s ok. Gianna explained you had business to attend to outside of the castle. I stayed in the room except for dinner last night, which I ate in the kitchen with Gianna. How was your trip?” She asked “Eventful” Demetri replied pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers, whilst walking into his closet.
Danni got off the bed and made her way to the en-suite and began to run a bath. The running water and the scent of lavender and camomile coming from the bathroom got Demetri’s attention. ‘So much for a shower’ he thought to himself. Danni came to stand in the doorway of the closet “Demetri” She said softly gaining his attention. He liked hearing his name come from her lips. “Hmm” He responded “I’m running you a bath; it should help you relax” She turned and went back into the bathroom. Demetri couldn’t help smiling to himself at the thoughtfulness of his mate.
“I would have lit some candles but you don’t appear to have any. Do you have a phone?” Danni said as Demetri appeared in the bathroom doorway “It’s ok about the candles” He chuckled “Yes, I have a phone, why?” “If you don’t mind, can I borrow it a second?” He entered the passcode and handed her his phone. He watched as she seemed to be searching for something, and then he heard soft music playing and looked at her surprised. “I downloaded a music app on your phone, so you can listen to soft music whilst you relax in the tub” She smiled at him “Thank you” He nodded. “You’re welcome, I hope it helps you relax.” With that Danni left the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Demetri laid in the bath feeling the hot water relax his tired muscles whilst listening to the soft music. ‘I could get used to this’, he thought to himself. It had been a while since he actually used the bath, normally opting for a long hot shower after long or stressful missions.
After a good soak he got out of the bath and dressed in some lounge pants and a t-shirt and made his way back into the bedroom to find Danni lying on the sofa facing the fireplace reading. “Feeling relaxed?” She asked. “Much, thank you” He replied. “I know you don’t sleep but I have closed the curtains and put your book on the nightstand” He nodded and made his way to the bed and got comfortable “Join me? Please” He asked, looking at Danni. She slowly got up and made her way to the bed and climbed on beside him. They lay beside each other reading, her steady breathing and heartbeat soothing him.
Danni looked to her left to find Demetri had put his book on the nightstand and had laid down with eyes closed. If she didn’t know any better she’d say he was sleeping. Demetri felt her shift on her side of the bed and opened one eye to see Danni was now lying beside him with her eyes closed facing him. He turned on his side to face her and watched her for a minute before closing his eyes again. Although he knew he couldn’t sleep, laying this way next to her relaxed him and he couldn’t remember the last time he felt this relaxed.  
A little while later he felt like he was being watched and opened his eyes to see Danni’s beautiful blue eyes looking at back at him. “Sorry, didn’t mean to disturb you. You looked peaceful; almost like you were sleeping” She said quietly “You didn’t disturb me Danni, in fact I’m feeling rather relaxed thanks to you.” Danni smiled at him and he noticed the slight blush that coloured her cheeks.
Over dinner later that evening Demetri answered Danni’s questions about the Volturi and the position he held in the castle. She found the idea of his gift interesting and he was more than happy to discuss it with her and explain how it worked. “I’m a tracker. I pick up on the essence of someone’s mind and can follow it like a scent over any distance. To be able to do this I have to either have met that person physically or anyone who has met the person in the past” “Will you show me how it works one day?” She asked smiling “Of course I will. We can play hide and seek, although I must confess, I usually win.” Danni laughed “I bet, but I think I could hide from you…for a bit anyways. I always beat Bella and our friends at hide and seek” Demetri smiled liking the idea of a challenge, if only a small one. “How old were you when you were turned?” “I was 21 at the time” He responded “Wow! You look good for your age Demetri. I mean you’ve been around for over 1000 years, if I remember correctly?” “Yes, I have and thank you” He chuckled, if vampires could blush his cheeks would definitely be rosy.
Demetri became intrigued when she talked about the vampires in one of her favourite TV shows ‘The Vampire Diaries’, finding it funny that they couldn’t go out in the sun without a ring and that there were veggie vampires in the show. Danni became curious when he pointed out that vampires can go out in the sun, but don’t because they would expose themselves to humans. He promised to show her what he meant the next time it’s sunny and he has time off.
The following morning whilst Danni was eating breakfast Demetri caught her by surprise when he asked “How would you like to go on a date with me tonight?” “You mean leave the castle for the evening?” She asked a little excited at the thought of leaving the castle, if only for a bit. “Yes, I believe that’s how a date works” He chuckled lightly “I’d like that Demi, thank you” He smiled at the nickname and was happy that she agreed to go out with him. “I’ll have Heidi come and help you get ready. Please wear the blue dress and silver sandals I bought you” She smiled and nodded “Will do.”
Demetri left the room to organise things for his and Danni’s date. First stop was Heidi’s room; he knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. “Come in” Demetri entered her room “Heidi? I need a favour” “In here” She called from the bathroom “How can I help?” Demetri took a seat on one of the sofas and waited for Heidi to come out. “I’m taking Danni on a date tonight and I was hoping you might help her get ready. I bought her a blue dress and silver sandals especially” Heidi smiled at him “Of course, leave it with me” Demetri thanked her and left the room to prepare for his date with Danni.
He booked a table for two at an Italian restaurant and bought a bouquet of red roses. He removed the thorns so Danni couldn’t cut herself. He planned on taking her dancing after dinner. He returned to the castle and went to Felix’s room to get ready, having put his new black trousers, navy shirt and new black jacket in there before he left the castle that morning.
Meanwhile, Heidi arrived at Demetri’s room and knocked before opening the door “Danni? It’s Heidi” “Hello” She replied as she walked in from the balcony, closing the door behind her. “Demetri asked me to help you get ready for tonight. So, the first thing to do is to have a nice bubble bath to relax” Heidi went into the bathroom and started to run a bath. Once ready she called Danni into the bathroom “Get in and I’ll wash your hair.” Danni did as Heidi said before letting Heidi wash her hair. Heidi then held up a towel for Danni and once dried Danni put on a robe and sat on the chair that Heidi had bought into the bathroom. Heidi then started drying Danni’s hair before tying the front back so she could start on her make-up. Once Heidi had finished Danni looked in the mirror to see Heidi had created a smoky eye look using different blue and grey eyeshadows. Danni’s lips were now a rosy pink with a shimmer. Heidi then began to curl Danni’s hair and pulled the front back and secured it with a silver clip.
Heidi then led Danni into the walk-in closet and handed her the navy-blue lingerie set and got the navy dress and silver sandals from the closet. Once dressed Heidi led her to the full-length mirror “What do you think?” “Wow, thank you” Danni replied with a smile, a little shocked at her appearance “You’re welcome sweetie. You’ll take Demetri’s breath away” Heidi said and Danni just blushed.
Just then there was a knock on the door. “Speak of the vampire” Heidi said with a smile “Come in” Demetri opened the door to his room and stepped inside, after a few seconds Heidi led Danni out of the closet and into the room. “You look stunning” He said looking at her, Danni blushed and looked down taking her bottom lip between her teeth “That dress really does bring out your eyes cara” Demetri said, stepping forward and taking Danni’s hand in his and placing a kiss to the back of her hand. “Here these are for you” He handed her the bouquet of roses “Thank you Demi, they’re beautiful. You scrub up well by the way” Danni said smiling although she was nervous about her date. Demetri chuckled “Ready?” “Yes” She replied. “Here, I’ll take those and put them in water for you” Heidi said, taking the roses from Danni “Thank you for today Heidi” “My pleasure. Enjoy your night” Heidi replied smiling and watched as they left the room.
Demetri held Danni’s hand and led her to the garage. He held open the car door and helped into the passenger seat before climbing into the driver’s seat. He drove them to an Italian restaurant about 30 minutes outside of Volterra.
Demetri took Danni’s hand in his and led her into the restaurant where they were seated at a table at the back of the restaurant. They were the only ones in this section. A waiter came over and introduced himself “My name is Mario and I’ll be your waiter tonight. Ready to order?” “Chicken Ravioli please” Danni replied “And for you sir?” “The same please” Demetri replied “Ok, and drinks?” Mario answered “Lemonade please” Danni replied “Same” Demetri said “Of course, I’ll be back shortly.”
“I thought vampires didn’t eat human food” Danni spoke softly leaning over the table slightly “We can eat human food, but it tastes like dirt and we have to bring it back up later as our bodies cannot process it” He responded quietly “Oh, ok. You didn’t have to do this Dem, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable because of me” She said and Demetri nodded “It’s our first date cara mia, I wasn’t going to sit here and watch you eat as that would likely draw attention to us, and no doubt make you uncomfortable” He replied “Thank you Demi, that’s very considerate of you” She smiled at him, how he loved her smile.
The waiter returned with their drinks and ten minutes later bought out their dinner. “Thank you” They both said together. “Mmm, this is nice” Danni says after tasting her meal, looking up at Demetri as he takes a mouthful of Ravioli trying not to show his disgust. Danni giggled quietly, causing him to look up at her “Sorry” She mouthed. Once they have finished their mains Mario came to collect their plates “Dessert?” “Tiramisu please, with two spoons. Thank you” Danni replied and Mario nodded “Of course.” Demetri looked at her confused, an eyebrow raised. “I figured if we ‘share’ a dessert it’s less food for you to have to deal with later” Danni answered as if she knew what he was going to ask “That’s very considerate of you, thank you” Demetri said smiling.
After Demetri had paid the bill, he led her down the street to a dance hall. When they entered Danni saw couples dancing and drinking and felt nervous again. Demetri took Danni’s hand and led her to the dance floor “I’m not too good at dancing” Danni said quietly “Don’t worry I’ve got you, just follow my lead” Demetri responded. Danni smiled and nodded as Demetri proceeded to lead Danni through various routines, Ballroom, Latin, Salsa and Swing. After an hour or so Demetri and Danni left the dance hall and made their way back to the car. Once they were in the car Danni spoke first “Thank you for tonight, I had fun” “You’re welcome darling and so did I” Demetri responded with a smile.
Once back at castle they made their way back to their room and Danni went into the closet to get changed into her pyjamas, “Demi, can you please unzip my dress?” She called out when she realised she couldn’t fully unzip the dress by herself. “Of course” He replied and unzipped her dress, his cold fingers lightly brushing down her back in the process. He then took out a pair of lounge pants and a t-shirt and went into the bathroom to get changed. Once Danni was in her pyjamas she knocked on the door “Are you ok?” Demetri knew what and why she was asking “I’m ok, I’ll be out shortly” “Ok” She replied and made her way over to the seating area to wait for him.
Once ready he went and took a seat on the sofa next to Danni “Here let me” He gently took the book from her and begun to read aloud to her. Danni shifted closer to him and took the blanket from the back of the sofa and placed it over the two of them, whilst listening to Demetri read to her. He smiled at her actions and continued to read aloud until he noticed that her breathing had slowed and she had fallen asleep, her head resting on his arm. He closed the book and gently lifted her up and carried her to the bed. He pulled the duvet back and carefully laid her down before placing the duvet over her. He looked down at her and gently kissed her forehead before whispering “Goodnight mi amore.” He then went back to the sofa and began reading, although he wasn’t fully focused on the book as he found himself thinking about his evening with Danni and how much he’d like to take her out again and soon.
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When You See Him Part 2- Garrett x OC
Garrett x Lucy
Description: After the confrontation with the Volturi, another problem presents itself to Lucy. 
Word Count: 2.1k
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Garrett and Lucy ended up finding a trail soon after so their walk would be smoother, and they were silent as they strolled down the trail, instead just basking in each other’s presence. That is until Garrett spoke. 
“So can I ask you something?” He asked out of the blue. 
“You just did,” Lucy pointed out with a teasing grin, earning an eye roll from him and a giggle from herself. “Sure, fire away.” 
“What is it about feeding off animals that’s so appealing to you?” The question obviously surprised her, and her eyebrows shot up. 
“Uh, well, it’s more of a conscience sort of thing,” she answered after a moment. “The thought of people’s blood on my hand makes me sick. At least with animals it’s more socially acceptable.” The man hummed thoughtfully as he nodded. 
“I believe the same question could be posed to you. What is it about feeding off people that’s so appealing to you?” 
“I don’t just choose people at random, just so you know,” he reassured her, which admittedly made her feel better. “I usually go for scummy people. Assaulter, murderers, people like that.”
“Sure, but what is it about people?” She repeated, which actually made him quiet as he thought for a moment. 
“Maybe it’s the thought that I’m getting rid of the earth’s scum one by one,” he ultimately responded. Lucy’s lips pursed in thought, then she nodded. 
“That’s fair, but I still don’t think it’s my cup of tea,” she spoke, earning a nod from Garrett as they continued walking. 
They went home after that. The rest of Lucy’s coven were delighted to learn that she had found her mate. Edward even had the opportunity to brag that he knew it would happen since he heard both of their thoughts upon meeting. Not to mention the fact that he decided to listen in when Garrett followed Lucy out just a few minutes later, then he heard the moment they realized they were mates. It was a very amusing conversation, albeit awkward for Lucy. Was this what it was like to have an embarrassing older brother? 
As the day of the confrontation with the Volturi grew nearer Garrett and Lucy grew closer. By this point they knew just about everything about each other. Garrett told her about his time in the military and his and Carlisle’s friendship despite their different diets. Lucy, meanwhile, told him everything about herself from the moment she and Alice were turned into vampires. It usually happened when Lucy went out to hunt. He always followed her, something he’d started doing since they first met. When she was done they were just walking around, away from prying eyes and ears. Not that she had anything to hide from her family, but it was nice to not have at least two or more people listening in at any given moment. 
Finally the day of the confrontation arrived. Everyone was silent that morning when they got dressed and prepared to meet the Volturi. At this point Lucy still hadn’t heard a word from Alice or Jasper, which heavily worried her. Because of that Garrett opted to stay beside her as the Cullens and their witnesses made their way to the meeting place. The shifters of the Quileute tribe also joined them in wolf form. 
It seemed that they’d arrived just in time because the Volturi were also only just arriving with Irina beside them, their black cloaks standing out against the pure white snow. The air was tense around both parties as a small silence settled over them. Bella’s shield blocked the Volturi’s strongest weapons like Alec and Jane. It allowed a fair negotiation and trial of sorts to commence without biased judgment from them. Even then everyone could tell that Aro still planned to initiate a battle between them, so Lucy, along with everyone else, previously decided to try and figure out who they could take. 
Bella had set her sights on Alec and Jane, believing that without their powers they were helpless. However Kate desired to inflict her power on Jane while Stefan wished to avenge his coven by killing Alec. Edward decided on Demetri so that Alice could be free from his tracking power. Tanya opted on targeting Caius, and Lucy ultimately decided on Felix. He was the strongest of the Volturi, and if she could replicate his powers she could probably take him down with ease, especially when Garrett offered her aid. 
It didn’t end up coming to that, however, as Alice suddenly showed up to the battlefield with Jasper in tow. They’re quickly halted by Demetri and two other guards, which made Lucy growl under her breath. Garrett quickly took her hand in his in order to hold her back should something happen. It wasn’t until Alice offered to show Aro proof that Renesmee wasn’t a threat that she was let go. The two vampires connected hands as Aro looked at the vision she was showing him. 
Finally after a long, tense silence, Aro pulled away from Alice with an astounded look on his face. Once it was done, to give Aro the excuse to prevent the fight from commencing, Alice called upon two new vampires that Lucy had never seen before. She presented the male as a fully matured vampire hybrid, Nahuel, and his vampire aunt, Hulien, to give information about the existence of hybrids. 
Marcus verbally acknowledged that hybrids were much akin to vampires, but Caius, adamant for bloodlust, insisted they should at least punish the Cullens for consulting with werewolves. Aro gave him a resigned look, then delivered his verdict. He concluded that "there is no danger" in regards to Renesmee. Caius was surprised and dismayed at his decision, but nonetheless complied. After further discussion amongst themselves the Volturi concluded that Irina had made a mistake about Renesmee. Unfortunately the punishment for such critical  misinformation was death, and so Irina was executed. Tanya and Kate, her fellow coven members, were enraged about it. They prepared to attack the Volturi, but Tanya was held back by Esme and Carlisle while Lucy and Garrett and Lucy held back Kate (taking several shocks from her before Bella protected them) until they calmed enough.
The coven left swiftly after that, with Aro looking at Alice and Bella with desire before following. Vladimir and Stefan, two Romanian vampires, were disappointed by the peaceful outcome as they were hoping for a chance to attack the Volturi, but they thankfully didn’t instigate any hostile action. The Cullens couldn’t hide their relief once the Volturi were out of sight. Garrett pulled Lucy close to him and she wrapped her arms around his middle in return for just a moment before Alice, Jasper, Nahuel and Hulien approached them. When they were close enough she let go of her mate and met Alice halfway in a tight hug. 
“Thank god you’re okay,” she muttered into her sister’s ear, relief flooding through her for the second time in ten minutes. A small laugh escaped the girl as they pulled away, and she pushed some hair behind her sister’s ear. 
“Of course I am,” she responded simply, then her eyes trailed behind Lucy. The younger girl’s brows furrowed and she turned around, realizing that she was looking at Garrett. A smile quickly formed on her face and she gestured her mate closer. Once he did as she said, she faced Alice once again. 
“Alice, this is my mate, Garrett,” she introduced before glancing at the boy. “This is my sister, the one I’ve been telling you about.” Garrett smiled then looked at Alice. 
“Nice to meet you,” he spoke, holding out his free hand for her. Alice stared at his hand for a second before taking it with a small smile. 
“Of course it’s when I’m out of the state that my little sister finds her mate,” she said as they shook hands. It’s nice to meet you too, Garrett.” 
Later that evening the Cullen’s allies began heading home as they had no more reason to stay in Forks. The Denali coven left first, too upset about Irina to stay long. Though Tanya and Kate accepted that what Irina did was wrong, they were still upset about it (and understandably so). The Egyptian coven went next, and the vampires in the Cullen home until it was just them and Garrett. One question kept swimming in Lucy’s head as their time together felt like it was coming to a close. What would happen to them now? 
A battle raged inside her. Garrett was important to her. He was her mate after all, they were bound together by fate and though she didn’t mind it, he wasn’t the only one that held a place in her heart. Her sister was in Forks. Her coven, her family, was here and they were happy here. After being with them for so long, how could she possibly just leave them behind? 
Lucy had been so lost in thought that she hadn’t realized that someone was beside her until she felt a hand on her shoulder. Though she didn’t flinch or jump, she was still surprised by it. She looked up from the armchair she sat in to see Garrett standing beside her, a small and comforting smile on his face. 
“How about we take a walk,” he suggested softly. Lucy nodded, returning his smile before she stood up. They said a quick goodbye to the rest of the Cullens then headed out, quickly finding the trail they used the most and beginning their stroll. Usually their walks were never quiet, but Lucy just couldn’t find any words to fill the silence with. Finally, she opened her mouth to speak, but it seemed that Garrett also figured out what to say. 
“Garrett, I-”
“I know you-” They both stopped immediately, then burst into laughter. Lucy couldn’t help but shake her head at them, though he was the first one to speak again. 
“You go first,” he said softly. The girl nodded, then sighed softly as she contemplated what to say to him. 
“Garrett, I don’t want you to think I don’t love you. These past few months while we prepared for the confrontation have been quite possibly the best days of my life since before I was turned. You’re probably one of the best things that ever happened to me if I’m being honest here,” she laughed quietly before becoming serious once again. “But, at the same time, finding my coven was another one of the best things I’ve gotten to experience. They’re my family at this point. All of them, even the ones not related by blood. And I just don’t think…” The man gave her a small smile and squeezed her hand. 
“You don’t think you can leave them?” He guessed. Lucy nodded, happy that he understood what she couldn’t say aloud. Garrett stayed silent for a moment before speaking once again. 
“What if we stayed here, then? Both of us?” The girl’s eyes widened at his suggestion and she snapped her head up to look at him. 
“Wait, what?” 
“I can stay in Forks with you,” he clarified with a shrug. “I don’t really have anything keeping me in Virginia. You’re who I want to be with, so why not?” It was Lucy’s turn to stay quiet in thought. From what she understood, what he said was true. Garrett didn’t have a coven, and he fed off humans so he didn’t have any friends. So would moving to Forks really be that bad for him? Finally, she sighed.
“You’re sure you wouldn’t mind?” She asked hesitantly. That made Garrett stop, stepping in front of her afterwards. 
“Lucy, I would follow you to the ends of the earth if you wanted,” he admitted, taking both her hands in his. “Wherever you want to go, I’ll go. If you want to stay in Forks, I will stay with you. It doesn’t matter where we are. The last thing I want is for you to have to choose between me and your family.” His rant made her smile, reassurance and relief flooding through her. Without another word she threw her arms around him in a hug, which he returned with a quiet laugh. 
Lucy would be getting the best of both worlds. She got to be with her mate while still being close to her coven/family. And they were happy, all of them. It was finally her turn to be happy and in love with her mate, and she did it all without her sister’s help.
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singitoutgirl26 · 2 years
I need good fanfic recommendations! Let me know the name of the fic, the author, and what platform it's on ( I prefer AO3 and Wattpad) and I'll give it a shot. I'll give most ships a shot once as long as they aren't creepy (adult x child fics make me uncomfortable). I've been obsessed with most of the pairings or characters since high school (helped me cope and get through it) so pls be nice to me lol
Current Obsessions:
-willing to read almost any ship at least once unless it's an adult with a child bc fuck that
*Fuck JKR and Fuck TERFs*
•Good Slytherin Fics
•Regulus Black (could be an OC fic or could be a ship I don't have listed, I'm willing to read almost any ship at least once)
•Jegulus (James Potter x Regulus Black
•Wolfstar (Remus Lupin x Sirius Black)
•Rosekiller (Evan Rosier x Barty Crouch Jr)
•Regulus Black x Evan Rosier x Barty Crouch Jr. (You can throw James in too if you want)
•Dorlene (Dorcas Meadows x Marlene McKinnon)
•Pandora x Lily Evans
•Mary MacDonald x Lily Evans
•Drarry (Draco x Harry)
•Dramione (Draco x Hermione)
•Theomione (Theodore Nott x Hermione)
•Dreomione (Draco x Theo x Hermione)
•Theo x Draco x Pansy x Hermione
•Pansy Parkinson
•Theodore Nott
•Draco Malfoy
•Luna Lovegood
•Luna x Ginny
•Luna x Harry
•Luna x Blaise
•Tom Riddle
•Mattheo Riddle (someone's OC from a HP fic that I have a small obsession with)
•Lorenzo Berkshire (someone's OC from a HP fic that I have a small obsession with)
*Kol Mikaelson
*Rebekah Mikaelson
*Davina Clare
*Elijah Mikaelson
*Klaus Mikaelson
*Stefan Salvatore
*Katherine Pierce
*Tyler Lockwood
*Hayley Marshall
*Klaus x Caroline
*Kol x Davina
*Kol x Bonnie
~willing to read almost any ship at least once tbh
-Annabeth x Percy
-Solangelo (Nico x Will)
-Thalia Grace
-Nico Di Angelo
-Leo Valdez
°Anubis x Sadie
°Carter x Zia
(it might be trash but the fanfictions make me cackle)
*Jasper (but like as long as he isn't racist bc fuck that)
*Jasper x Alice
*Alec Volturi
*Jane Volturi
*Demetri Volturi
*Benjamin (Egyptian Vampire)
*Embry Call
*Paul Lahote
*Quil Artera
*Leah Clearwater
*Seth Clearwater
*Jacob (as long as he respects boundaries and understands the word NO unlike the series)
*Jessamine Lovelace
*Tessa Gray
*Jem Carstairs
*Will Herondale
*Cecily Herondale
*Tessa x Jem
*Tessa x Will
*Magnus Bane
*Izzy Lightwood
*Jace Herondale
*Alec Lightwood
*Clary Fray
* Sebastian/Jonathan Morgenstern
*Izzy x Simon
*Alec x Magnus
*Jace x Clary
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bad-fucking-omens · 6 months
The Witch Twin (Alec V. x OC) - Chapter 25 - Verdict
Summary: When I thought about my future, I was sure that I had the rest of my life vaguely planned out.
Then, my older sister moved up from Arizona to stay with us — and turned my entire life upside down.
I had no idea just how bad it had gotten until I was standing in a castle in Italy, convinced that I was about to die.
Length: 2.3K words (Complete fic 71.8K words)
Fic warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, explicit smut (M/F), referenced/implied past child abuse, emotional manipulation by sibling
Chapter warnings: None
Read on AO3 or read below
Chelsea was the first. She attempted to weaken the familial bonds between the Cullens, but her eyes widened in shock after a moment.
‘I can’t find them,’ she told us. ‘It’s as if they’re not there.’
I replied, ‘It has to be Bella’s shield. She’s protecting them. . . . All of them.’
Jane’s mouth twisted into a determined line. I saw Edward lurch towards Carlisle and, at first, I thought he was her target, but neither of the men dropped to the ground, screaming in agony.
‘I can’t touch them,’ Jane snarled furiously. ‘I can’t touch any of them.’
Bella grinned smugly at us and Jane hissed in anger. Alec put a comforting hand on her shoulder. The guard mindlink rippled with anxiety at the fact that the Cullens had so much protection from our gifts.
Aro instructed, ‘Eve, try to connect to their minds. Perhaps if you are able to link to them, her protection will be moot.’
I glanced out at the group and settled my eyes on Renesmee. It should have been easier, since I had linked to her mind previously. But when I tried to reach out, it was as if she wasn’t there. I could physically see her, so I knew exactly where her mind should be, but I couldn’t reach it.
‘I can’t reach them, either.’
‘Alec,’ Aro ordered.
Alec released my hand. He turned his hands so his palms were facing up. Black smoke curled between his fingers before it poured from his hands, gathering on the ground. It crept along the field, the dark smoke a stark contrast to the white snow. It wasn’t affected by a sudden gust of wind, or the crack that abruptly formed in the ground, although the latter made the kings break apart to stare at the ground in wonder.
The thick, black smoke continued to crawl towards the Cullens. Then, it hit an invisible wall. Alec’s lip curled into a snarl and his smoke began to creep along the sides of the barrier and upward, seeking for any weakness in the shield. I could tell from the annoyed look on Alec’s face that he found none.
Alec pulled his smoke away from the shield, but he let it linger around the base, still searching for a weakness. If Bella lost concentration for even just a split-second, it would slip in and they would be unprotected from Alec, at least.
At last, Aro spoke.
“Before we vote, let me remind you, whatever the council’s decision, there need be no violence here.”
Edward laughed darkly.
“It will be a regrettable waste to our kind to lose any of you,” Aro said. “But you especially, young Edward, and your newborn mate. The Volturi would be glad to welcome many of you into our ranks. Bella, Benjamin, Zafrina, Kate. There are many choices before you. Consider them.”
He let his words linger for a long moment before he said, “Let us vote, then.”
Caius said, “The child is an unknown quantity. There is no reason to allow such a risk to exist. It must be destroyed, along with all who protect it.”
“I see no immediate danger,” Marcus said softly. “The child is safe enough for now. We can always reevaluate later. Let us leave in peace.”
“I must make the deciding vote, it seems,” Aro murmured.
“Aro?” Edward called suddenly. The guard shifted uneasily at his confident tone.
“Yes, Edward?” Aro asked. “You have something further . . . ?”
“Perhaps. First, if I could clarify one point?”
“The danger you foresee from my daughter — this stems entirely from our inability to guess how she will develop? That is the crux of the matter?”
“Yes, dear Edward,” Aro agreed. “If we could but be positive . . . be sure that, as she grows, she will be able to stay concealed from the human world — not endanger the safety of our obscurity. . . .”
“So, if we could only know for sure exactly what she will become, then there would be no need for a council at all?”
“If there was some way to be absolutely sure,” Aro said, somewhat hesitantly. He was suspicious of what Edward was getting at. “Then, yes, there would be no question to debate.”
“And we would part in peace, good friends once again?”
“Of course, my young friend. Nothing would please me more.”
“Then I do have something more to offer,” Edward said with a grin.
Aro’s eyes narrowed. “She is absolutely unique. Her future can only be guessed at.”
“Not absolutely unique. Rare, certainly, but not one of a kind. . . . Why don’t you join us, Alice?”
“Alice,” Aro breathed.
Five others appeared at the opposite edge of the forest. They ran into the clearing, stopping between Edward and Carlisle. No one in the guard missed how they seamlessly passed through Bella’s shield. Now that we knew that it would not keep us out physically, Felix began to eye Bella eagerly.
“Alice has been searching for her own witnesses these last weeks,” Edward said, addressing Aro. “And she does not come back empty-handed. Alice, why don’t you introduce the witnesses you’ve brought?”
Caius snarled. “The time for witnesses is past! Cast your vote, Aro!”
Aro raised one finger to silence his brother, his eyes stuck on Alice, who stepped forward.
“This is Huilen and her nephew, Nahuel,” Alice said in her light, airy voice.
“Speak, Huilen,” Aro commanded. “Give us the witness you were brought to bear.”
The woman glanced nervously at Alice before she looked back at us and began to speak.
Huilen told us that she was a century and a half old, and that she had a sister, Pire. Her sister had told her of an ‘angel’ who found her in the woods and visited her by night. Huilen had warned her against seeing the man, especially when she saw the bruises on Pire’s skin. Pire disregarded her warnings and continued to meet with the man.
A short while later, Pire told Huilen that she was carrying the man’s child. She had planned to run away, knowing that their parents would get rid of both Pire and the child. Huilen followed her sister into the deepest parts of the Amazon, searching for the man, but he had disappeared. As time passed, Huilen cared for her sister, speaking of how she hunted for Pire, who ate animals raw and drank their blood. That was when Huilen finally realized what the child was.
Huilen spoke of how Pire loved the child inside of her. She named him Nahuel when he grew strong and broke her bones while still in her womb. Pire died when Nahuel ripped himself from her body to be born. Her last wish was that Huilen care for her son.
The boy bit Huilen when she tried to take him in her arms. She described the burning pain that shot through her body, and how she thought she would die. But when she woke from the pain, the child was curled up at her side. She cared for him, and they had been living in the Amazon by themselves for the past century.
Aro pursed his lips. He addressed the male that had arrived with the others.
“Nahuel, you are one hundred and fifty years old?”
“Give or take a decade,” he answered with a shrug. “We don’t keep track.”
“And you reached maturity at what age?”
“About seven years after my birth, more or less, I was full grown.”
“You have not changed since then?”
He shrugged again. “Not that I’ve noticed.”
“And your diet?”
“Mostly blood, but some human food, too. I can survive on either.”
“You were able to create an immortal?” Aro gestured toward Huilen.
“Yes, but none of the rest can.”
A shocked murmur rumbled through each group.
“The rest?” Aro asked.
“My sisters.”
Aro stared at him in pure amazement for a moment before he said slowly, “Perhaps you would tell us the rest of your story, for there seems to be more.”
“My father came looking for me a few years after my mother’s death. He was pleased to find me. He had two daughters, but no sons. He expected me to join him, as my sisters had. He was surprised I was not alone. My sisters are not venomous, but whether that’s due to gender or a random chance . . . who knows? I already had my family with Huilen, and I was not interested in making a change. I see him from time to time. I have a new sister. She reached maturity about ten years back.”
“Your father’s name?” Caius asked, his voice still filled with fury.
“Joham. He considers himself a scientist. He thinks he’s creating a new super-race.”
Caius looked at Bella and Edward. “Your daughter, is she venomous.”
“No,” Bella said quickly.
Aro looked at them all for a long moment, considering everything that had happened and what we had just been told.
Finally, he said, “Brother, there appears to be no danger. This is an unusual development, but I see no threat. These half-vampire children are much like us, it appears.”
“Is that your vote?” Caius asked, his tone clearly frustrated.
“It is.”
“And this Joham? This immortal so fond of experimentation?”
“Perhaps we should speak with him,” Aro agreed.
“Stop Joham if you will, but leave my sisters be,” Nahuel said. “They are innocent.”
Aro nodded solemnly. He turned towards the annoyed, frustrated guard with a warm, placating smile on his face.
“Dear ones. We do not fight today.”
All at once, the guard relaxed. Alec finally — though reluctantly — pulled his smoke back into the air. The low guard began to leave, with about half of the high guard, as Marcus, Caius, and the wives drifted towards the edge of the clearing that we had entered from. Alec and I remained with Aro, Renata, Demetri, and Felix.
“I’m so glad this could be resolved without violence,” Aro said to the Cullens. “My friend, Carlisle — how pleased I am to call you friend again! I hope there are no hard feelings. I know you understand the strict burden that our duty places on our shoulders.”
“Leave in peace, Aro,” Carlisle said stiffly. “Please remember that we still have our anonymity to protect here, and keep your guard from hunting in this region.”
“Of course, Carlisle,” Aro assured him. “I am sorry to earn your disapproval, my dear friend. Perhaps, in time, you will forgive me.”
“Perhaps, in time, if you prove a friend to us again.”
Aro bowed his head and finally turned away from them. We fell into step around him as we left the clearing.
“Eve,” Aro said. I stepped up to walk beside him, Alec drifting forward with me. “I am not sure if you noticed while I was listening to Edward’s memories, but it appears that the Cullens have told your father that Bella and the rest of their family are not human.”
I froze. Alec grabbed my hand as terror and rage filled my body. Aro turned to face me and I looked up at him in horror.
“He . . . he knows?” I whispered in a small voice. Aro nodded, watching me carefully. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut for a moment before I opened them. I begged, “Please, please, just do it quickly. He shouldn’t suffer for her crimes–”
Aro held up a single hand and I fell silent, biting down hard on the inside of my cheek. I gripped Alec’s hand so tightly that I could hear a high-pitched whine as a crack formed in his hand, but he didn’t even try to pull away.
“I have no intention of having your father executed, young one,” Aro said. “You, your mate, and his sister are the crown jewels of our guard. If allowing your father to live keeps you happy, then it is a miniscule price to pay.”
“Thank you,” I breathed in relief.
“Of course, young one,” he murmured with a small smile. Then, he said, “I do feel the need, however, to remind you that you still cannot contact him in any way.”
“Yes, I understand,” I said softly.
He nodded, then drifted away with everyone else. Alec and I remained where we were standing, choosing to follow them later.
“She is reckless and such a narcissist,” I hissed angrily. “She put my father’s life in danger, after she begged me to stay with him to protect him! I don’t care if she was absolutely sure that Aro wouldn’t have him killed because of my place in the guard, but it was still incredibly dangerous.”
“All she thinks of is herself,” Alec agreed. He took my face in his hands and said, “But your father is safe, my love. And, though you cannot contact him directly, you can still follow his life from afar. I’m sure that Demetri would be able to track him for you if you simply asked.”
I sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist. Alec put his arms around me as I tucked my head into the crook of his neck. “You’re right. . . . God, I’m just so tired of dealing with Bella and all of her shit. I thought I’d never have to deal with her again after today.”
Alec pressed a kiss to my temple and rubbed his hand along my back.
“Be patient, my love. I doubt that the Cullens will be able to keep themselves out of trouble for long. They will make another mistake, and they will not be able to slip through our grasp any longer.”
“I hope so,” I mumbled.
He laughed softly. He leaned back, then reached up to gently tilt my head up. Alec kissed me fiercely. His hand slid up to thread his fingers through my hair. I moaned, pulling him as close as possible.
When we broke apart, Alec hummed and combed his fingers through my hair.
“Come, sweet girl. Let’s go back home.”
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