#alaska metro
parasolids · 2 years
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0x4468c7a6a728 · 21 days
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hi: Pennsylvania Railroad 4-6-2 and GG1 Grand Trunk Western EMD GP9 (x2) 3 more PRR GG1s Metra i think F40PH (x3(?)) + a bunch of gallery cars and also amtrak superliners in the background Alaska Railroad EMD GP40 New York Central P-1a Reading Company Blueliner Metro North New Haven Line M8 CN EMD FP9(?) Union Pacific uhhhh idk steam locomotives are hard
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jartitameteneis · 5 months
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Debido al calentamiento global las condiciones climáticas han cambiado de forma alarmante, la temperatura llega a alcanzar niveles bajos extremos. ¿Pero te imaginas los secretos que ha enterrado el hielo durante miles de años? Desde objetos antiguos, vestimentas, y hasta cuerpos como si tuvieran un par de horas de haber muerto. Estos son los más interesantes:
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Debido al calentamiento global las condiciones climáticas han cambiado de forma alarmante, la temperatura llega a alcanzar niveles bajos extremos. ¿Pero te imaginas los secretos que ha enterrado el hielo durante miles de años? Desde objetos antiguos, vestimentas, y hasta cuerpos como si tuvieran un par de horas de haber muerto. Estos son los más interesantes:
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Yuka es el nombre de un mamut hallado en Rusia y que vivió hace 39 mil años en Siberia. Es un bebé mamut que mide 3 metros de largo. Como permaneció bajo el hielo su cuerpo está bien conservado y se aprecia su pelo. Se cree que este animal prehistórico quedó atrapado en un pantano. Gracias a la temperatura se le pudo sacar sangre. Para la ciencia es un gran avance porque con el ADN la posibilidad de clonar un mamut es una realidad.
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Recientemente científicos rusos descubrieron un virus con 30 mil años de antigüedad, en una capa de suelo congelada cerca del río Kolyma, en Rusia. De acuerdo con los expertos el hallazgo no es peligroso para los seres humanos, pero temen que en las profundidades exista un virus capaz de acabar con la especie humana; microbios y bacterias inmunes a los medicamentos. Debido al calentamiento global es posible que suban a la superficie y las consecuencias sean fatales.
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En el año 1999 encontraron el cuerpo de una niña de entre 13 y 15 años, en la cumbre de un volcán en la cordillera de los Andes, Chile. Fue asesinada de un golpe en la cabeza hace 500 años. La niña pertenecía al pueblo Inca. Junto a ella se encontraron platos con comida, estatuas y dos cuerpos de niños de entre 6 y 7 años. Los expertos determinaron que la pequeña murió de un golpe a la cabeza y que los dos niños que estaban junto a ella fueron parte del ritual.
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En 1952, en Alaska se estrelló un avión militar con 41 pasajeros y 11 miembros de la tripulación. 60 años después encontraron los restos en la cima de un glaciar. En el año 2012 personal de la Guardia Nacional vio partes del avión mientras entrenaban en un helicóptero en la zona de la montaña Gannett. Han sido rescatados 17 cuerpos de soldados y continúa la búsqueda del resto por tropas de las Fuerzas Armadas estadounidenses, con muchas dificultades por las condiciones climáticas.
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Los científicos consideran preocupante el deshielo por causa del calentamiento global, pero ha dejado al descubierto piezas clave para la historia. 1600 piezas para ser exactos, entre ellas: guantes, bastones, arcos y cabezas de flechas de la época de los vikingos.
La prenda es una túnica elaborada hace más de 1500 años, durante la época previkinga. La encontraron al lado de un glaciar en el sur de Noruega. De color marrón, con toques grises, era el atuendo que utilizaban en la Edad de Hierro, adecuada para alguien de aproximadamente 1.75 m de altura.
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Un alpinista francés tuvo la suerte de encontrar un tesoro increíble que sobresalía del hielo en una de las vías que suben al Mont Blanc. Cuando la abrió vio que había alrededor de 100 piedras preciosas: rubíes, esmeraldas y zafiros. El hallazgo fue valorado en 337 mil dólares pero el hombre, que prefirió mantenerse en el anonimato, entregó la caja a las autoridades. Al investigar encontraron que en esa zona hubo dos catástrofes aéreas, por lo que se cree que las piedras preciosas pertenecieron a un negociante de joyas que murió en uno de los accidentes.
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De acuerdo con los científicos hace aproximadamente 2000 años un tsunami arrasó un bosque en Alaska. Con la llegada de la Edad de Hielo se formó el glaciar Mendenhall, que terminó enterrando el ecosistema bajo kilómetros de capas de hielo. En el año 2014 los troncos comenzaron a salir, por el deshielo del Ártico.
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Sucedió en la provincia italiana de Trento, pueblo con aproximadamente 1900 habitantes, quienes han sido testigos de los cuerpos de los soldados que se encontraron en la montaña, combatientes de la Primera Guerra Mundial. En la batalla murieron alrededor de 750 mil soldados italianos; 100 años duraron sepultados y quedaron momificados por las bajísimas temperaturas. Sin embargo, con el deshielo los cuerpos comenzaron aparecer.
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Un cazador alemán se encontró dentro del río Danubio a esta magnífica criatura. Desafortunadamente, el animal cayó al agua y falleció ahogado, pero las bajas temperaturas permitieron dejar el cuerpo como si estuviera con vida. El cazador, de nombre Franz Stehle tomó a la criatura y la exhibió en la entrada de un hotel en Fridingen.
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En el 2007 un grupo de geólogos descubrió la cría de un rinoceronte de hace por lo menos un millón de años, en la meseta del Tíbet. Al explorar se dieron cuenta que el cráneo y los tejidos blandos estaban intactos como consecuencia de las bajas temperaturas. Se ve un poco deteriorado, pero por dentro está muy bien conservado.
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En la localidad de Unalakleet Alaska fueron encontrados dos alces machos congelados en el hielo; los cuerpos presentan señales de haber estado peleando momentos antes de quedar congelados por completo durante la época de nevadas. Esto ocurrió en el año 2016.
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En el año 2017, científicos del Museo Zoológico de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia encontraron los restos conservados de dos cachorros de león de las cavernas, un ejemplar que vivió hace aproximadamente 50 mil años, en la misma época que los mamuts.
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viejospellejos · 4 months
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Una caída desde casi 5.000 metros y sigue funcionando. Es la historia de un teléfono móvil que cayó desde el Boeing de Alaska Airlines que se abrió en pleno vuelo el viernes en Estados Unidos y que indignaría a cualquiera que ha visto su celular romperse a solo un metro del suelo.
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Aterrizaje de emergencia tras perder una ventana y un trozo de fuselaje en pleno vuelo
Un avión de Alaska Airlines se ha visto obligado a realizar un aterrizaje de emergencia tan solo seis minutos después de despegar tras perder una ventana y un trozo de fuselaje.
La nave llegó a alcanzar los 4.876 metros de altura. La Administración Federal de Aviación ha indicado que el avión ha aterrizado sin problemas después de que la tripulación reportase un problema de presurización y ha añadido que investigará lo ocurrido
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cicadaland · 4 months
I wanted to do another one of these because last time I just asked my mutuals and didn't get a lot of data. Also I promise this is not how I see the world I just think the mentioned regions are where my followers are most likely from since tumblr is mostly Western and English-speaking. Like if this was Wechat or something then it'd be different and I'd put the different regions of China instead of the US. But yeah
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New SpaceTime out Monday....
SpaceTime 20231113 Series 26 Episode 136
Record-Breaking Black Hole
Astronomers have discovered the most distant black hole ever seen The observation reported in the journal Nature Astronomy suggest the black hole was already in existence just 470 million years after the Big Bang.
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NASA’s Curiosity Rover Clocks 4000 Days on Mars
NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover has just celebrated its four thousandth day on the Red Planet. The car sized six wheeled mobile laboratory landed in Gale crater 11 years ago on August the 5, 2012, on a mission to determine if ancient Mars could have been habitable.
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A new view of all objects in the universe
A team of scientists ordering the chronological history of cosmology have developed the most comprehensive chart ever created of all the objects in the universe.
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The Science Report
The Northern Greenland ice shelves have now lost more than 30% of their total volume since 1978.
A new study shows starfish are pretty much all head.
The USAF forced to blow up a minuteman ICBM in mid air following a failure
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Skeptics guide to the Alaska triangle
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
SpaceTime facebook: www.facebook.com/spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime Instagram @spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime twitter feed @stuartgary
SpaceTime YouTube: @SpaceTimewithStuartGary
SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. Later, Gary became part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and was one of its first presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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Miércoles 17 de abril
Mi negrita:
Creo que estoy en problemas, hoy he empezado a extrañarte desde temprano y, aunque no tengo mucho que contarte, te escribo para que sepas que no dejo de pensar en que todavía no me acostumbro a llamarte por tu nombre. Debería decirte sencillamente mi amor, o amor mío, pero supongo que te gusta más la informalidad de tu nombre en lugar de mi amor, amor mío, mon amour.
Voy a enviarte algunas notas que escribí para el borrador de una novela. El tipo que habla es el narrador, que también es el personaje principal. ¿Alguna vez has escuchado de la masacre de Alaska en 2001? Sí, espero, porque necesito tu ayuda con la psique del protagonista, que es algo complicada. Mi propuesta es darle voz a uno de los perpetradores de la masacre, pero con una mirada quizás más complicada, como si el tipo no hubiera tenido otra opción que la de asesinar a esas personas. Quizá pienses que me he vuelto loco al tratar de justificar un homicidio, pero es por eso, sin duda, por lo que quiero escribirla. De todas formas, ¿La novela de Sábato no tiene el mismo argumento? Quiero pensar que esta idea que tengo no es una pérdida de tiempo, por eso quiero saber qué piensas tú al respecto. Confío en que seas lo más severa posible.
Te quiere y te admira,
Pd: aquí uno de los fragmentos:
Hace días, por la tarde, mientras descansaba en las ramas de un sauce que queda más arriba del campamento, escuché quejidos que salían de entre los árboles. Fui testigo de cómo el capitán, junto con ese hombre, el pájaro ebrio, no sé por qué razón, amarraban desnudo a uno de los miembros del campamento al tronco de un abedul, a la orilla del río, y lo dejaban así, a merced del monte, como una especie de Prometeo de los Andes. Y luego de una o dos horas volvió él, el pájaro solitario, ebrio de venganza, a azotarlo con una rama de pringamosa, para después orinarse en él y arrojarle baldados de mierda. Mientras yo observaba, pensaba en cómo hacía el hombre para respirar sin ahogarse con su propio olor. Así estuvo tres días amarrado al tronco, y cada tarde, veía cómo ese pájaro aventaba, a baldados, toda la mierda de los hombres del campamento en la cara del condenado. Desde ahí pienso que el capitán le tiene buena estima, de otro modo, no habría dado la orden a su verdugo para proceder de esa forma, o al menos eso es lo que creo. El día en que bajaron a Prometeo del tronco llovía. Era un día adorable, gris, de esos días que parecen no terminar de despertarse. Un día adormilado. El capitán llegó temprano a la orilla del río, de madrugada, cuando aún estaba oscuro, y se quedó un rato observando al hombre, que, pensaba yo, ya llevaba tres días sin fumar. Luego de tocarlo con una rama que recogió en el suelo, se sentó a unos tres metros de él, porque el aire que respiraba debía ser asqueroso. A las dos horas, cuando llegaron otros dos hombres para bajarlo, se dieron cuenta de que estaba muerto, probablemente de hipotermia. Hacía las diez de la mañana, mientras llovía con fuerza, el mismo hombre que había sido su verdugo, fue el único presente en su funeral. El mismo pájaro ebrio fue quien cavó su tumba y lo lloró, a Prometeo, ahí mismo, en una zanja cavada junto a un maloliente abedul, a la orilla del río. Tenía los ojos apretados y las facciones tensas. Apenas podía verlo bajo la lluvia. Quizá había en su cabeza una mezcla de desconcierto y estupor. Quizá ese hombre era su amigo, al que por órdenes del capitán debía torturar. Quién sabe. Mientras tanto la lluvia inundaba el paisaje. Las botas se hundían hasta los tobillos en la tierra fangosa, y yo trataba de llenar mi cantimplora con agua.
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skaldish · 2 years
Was the difference between the scandinavian countries greater or smaller or what you participated when you visited? Asking because i’m curious as to how different a non scandinavian percieves us lol
To be quite honest? We don't hear a lot about the Scandinavian countries here in the US—nothing political or social, anyway. The most we ever hear about is "that's where the vikings come from!"
Because of this, I didn't have much in the way of expectations at all when I visited. But there were definitely a few things that surprised me:
1. Y'all are like 50 years ahead of us in terms of technological and certain forms of social progression.
The US is not a place that cares about the enrichment or the mental wellbeing of its people, unless corporations can gain money from it. When I landed in Denmark, the first thing I noticed was a clear lack of intrusive advertisements everywhere. In the US, we have brands, signage, billboards, and all kinds of stupid commercial crap that just clogs the landscape and feels very hostile to live in.
You think most of the US looks like the San Francisco or the New York City you see in the movies? Think again. Whenever I run errands I drive down roads that look like this:
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This is what you get in the US when you live anywhere that isn't in the middle of a large metro area, by the way.
The Scandinavian countries, on the other hand, have a lot of bike paths, green spaces, and empty clean walls. Additionally, there were no big fuckoff billboards littering the sides of highways. And there were SO MANY electric vehicles! It was refreshing to see, but it also made me realize just how subpar our standard of living is compared to other developed countries.
For my US peeps, this is what an average freeway in Denmark looks like:
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2. It's geographically smaller than I expected
Driving North from Denmark, through Sweden, and up into Lom in Norway and back down to Bergen on the west coast didn't take very long. I'd say it takes about as long as driving from Chicago to New York would take. Which is still a fair amount of time, but nowhere NEAR the amount of time it takes to drive across the US. I'm not sure where it came from, but for some reason I had this idea that the Scandinavian countries would feel enormously vast and expansive in the same way, like, British Columbia or Alaska does.
But the vastness of Scandinavia seems more like an illusion compared to other places I've been to. It feels more compact than it is actually massive, mostly due to the fact it's hard to navigate anywhere in a straight line lol.
On top of that, the mountains in Norway are also much smaller and rounder than the mountains I grew up seeing—the Rockies—which are roughly TWICE the height of Norway's mountains. Jotunheimen was a completely new experience for me not because I've never been up mountains before, but because the nature of its peaks compared to the Rockies was very different.
Here's a photo of the Rockies as I know them (some of it is more desert-like or forested depending on where you are):
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And here's a photo I took entering into Jotunheimen:
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(Unfortunately it was too cloudy to get a photo of the landscape while on top of the mountains, so here's another from google):
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Very different.
3. It was very interesting to see the Scandinavian countries' relationships with their royalty, especially Sweden.
In the US, we have politicians and we have celebrities, and one doesn't at all serve the social function of the other. But in Sweden especially, the royalty is seen as almost a combination of both? They seem to influence both politics AND popular culture in a way. For example, I was told Sweden bases its fashion trends off of what the royal family wears, which are things that look pretty conservative and old-fashioned to my eyes.
Here in the US, you actually never see fashion trends appear based on what our politicians are wearing. But this may also be why our fashion is a lot more "out there" compared to Sweden. Because our celebrities have no obligation to perform as social or political leaders, they have no obligation to dress bureaucratically.
There were a few other things that surprised me—how green and verdant it was, how grass and straw roofs are still in-use, the fact everyone there knows English to some extent—but these three things above were the biggest I think.
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abwwia · 2 months
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Be Still. . . is a tea set—the pear half and quarters are actually elaborate stands for the teapot, creamer, and sugar bowl. Like many of Kathleen Royster Lamb's pieces, leaves and thorns play a prominent role in the interpretation of the design. To Lamb, the leaves signify a protective layer while the thorns symbolize pain. Lamb considers the pear shape to be a feminine form where the leaves protect the fruit's fleshy, delicate core from the thorns of the creamer and sugar bowl. By exposing the core of the fruit, she wants to create a feeling of vulnerability and drama. Lamb intentionally emphasized the length of each pear's stem in an attempt to represent the balance, or lack thereof, that we find within ourselves. (Susan Peterson, Contemporary Ceramics, 2000)
#bornonthisday Kathleen Royster Lamb enrolled in Portland State University in 1978, but withdrew after her third year because she "wanted an adventure." She relocated to Alaska, where she worked as a commercial fisherman during the summer and traveled all over the world in the winter, visiting New Zealand, Australia, India, and Nepal. Around her thirtieth birthday, Lamb decided to return to college, and this time entered the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, where she received a BFA and MFA in ceramics. She initially majored in graphic design, but soon found herself drawn to clay due to its tactile nature and the technical challenges the material presents. She began teaching ceramics at the college level after graduation, which she continues to do to this day. Lamb has exhibited her works internationally, and her pieces are found in several collections, including the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Arizona State Art Museum. ("Do you know: Kathleen Royster, assistant professor of art," This Week @Metro (June 15, 2005)
Kathleen Royster Lamb, Be Still. . ., 1998, stoneware, part A (half pear): 4 1⁄4 x 12 1⁄4 x 6 1⁄4 in. (10.7 x 31.1 x 15.8 cm) part B (quarter pear): 4 x 9 3⁄4 x 6 1⁄8 in. (10.1 x 24.8 x 15.5 cm) part C (quarter pear): 3 1⁄4 x 12 x 5 3⁄4 in. (8.3 x 30.5 x 14.5 cm) part D (sugar bowl): 3 3⁄4 x 6 3⁄4 x 4 in. (9.6 x 17.2 x 10.1 cm) part E (creamer): 3 3⁄4 x 6 7⁄8 x 4 5⁄8 in. (9.5 x 17.6 x 11.9 cm) part F (teapot): 7 1⁄2 x 7 3⁄8 x 4 5⁄8 in. (19.2 x 18.8 x 11.8 cm) part G (lid): 2 1⁄8 x 2 1⁄8 x 1 3⁄8 in. (5.3 x 5.3 x 3.5 cm), Smithsonian American Art Museum, Museum purchase through the Howard Kottler Endowment for Ceramic Art, 2000.3A-G
#KathleenRoysterLamb #tea #craft #teaset
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malbecmusings · 10 months
Juneau, Alaska
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July 26 & 27 - A warning that was stressed over and over and over by guides we talked to while planning this trip: DO NOT underestimate the bears. A grizzly has a sense of smell exponentially better than a bloodhound. With the ability of said 1,000lb plus behemoth to hit 40, yes f-o-r-t-y, miles an hour for up to 2 miles nonstop, shit could hit the fan faster than you could imagine. The prep we've done, including for a potential unfriendly wildlife encounter could be a book in itself. We're all carrying bear spray; the boy scout and I are each carrying a different type (potency/volume vs range). Everyone is also carrying chest holsters with big bore handguns, and yes, praying we don't have to use them.
My first thought this morning was one of of gratitude for not having any large, nosey critters come into camp in the middle of the night. My second thought was about how good I felt. We spent for-effin-ever trying out different tens, sleeping bags, and sleeping pads before we found a combo that we liked. Although it was in the 50's we stayed warm and didn't wake up feeling like we had spent the night sleeping on rocks, which is exactly what we had done.
Half our party was already up having coffee around the fire when I unzipped the tent to assess the world. The clouds were pretty low so there wasn't a need to get in a hurry. While everyone primarily responsible for flying is instrument rated, meaning we could get up and call for a clearance to fly into Juneau.... why?
Instead of rushing to get everything packed up, we decided to make a big breakfast and chill while we waited for the weather to lift. There wasn't as much concern about cooking this morning because we'd all be up and *might* be able to see or hear something coming. Our resident chefs went wild and made the biggest, best tasting breakfast burritos and pancakes I've ever had. My contribution to the feast was virgin Bloody Marys which were almost as good as the high test variety.
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The ceilings lifted by the time we finished breakfast, got everything cleaned up, and the planes packed. We flew upriver in search of more gravel bars to do touch and go's on. I made two full stop landings in a slight crosswind that even I was proud of. It pays to sleep with know a good CFI.
Juneau holds the distinction of being one of only two state capitols that are wholly inaccessible by an outside road system. In addition to being a government town, it's also tourist central, with a yearly average visitor count of more than a million tourists. That's a lot, especially considering the metro population is barely 36K. But, it is stunning. Turn in any direction and you'll find mountains, the ocean, glaciers, and wildlife within arms reach.
We got lucky and found a VRBO big enough to house all of us rather than staying at a hotel. Bonus points for it being close to the airport. Our host was quick to recommend the Salmon Bake for dinner. Her instructions were to dress warm and go hungry. Imagine a rustic outdoor Cracker Barrel buffet. It was a bit very touristy, but isn't that the point? You can belly up to the bar, chill around a campfire and roast marshmallows, pan for gold, shop for stuff (of course), and enjoy an "Alaskan experience" while feasting on pretty decent food. Two tips: get a table by the creek if you can and get the glazed salmon.
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Juneau Part II: We had a chill night and crashed early because we had a fishing charter scheduled this morning. Another cool, beautiful but wet morning. To hopefully minimize the risk of a lung issue flareup, I broke out both the layered cold weather and foul weather gear. It took two boats to haul all of us and the better part of an hour to reach the fishing grounds, which looked an awful lot like ALL the water we passed before reaching that spot. Our guides were amazing though. Between us, we caught a literal boatload of halibut, salmon, and rockfish surrounded by some of the most mind blowing scenery imaginable. The guides are going to process everything except what we saved for dinner and ship it to us when we get home.
We were planning to hike up to Mendenhall Glacier when we got back but pulling all these fish up from the bottom of the damn ocean wore us out. Instead we built a fire in the fire-pit, had a few drinks, and enjoyed a chill night. Tomorrow we head north again for another few nights off the grid. Our first stop will be the town of Cordova where we'll refuel and provision before heading to a Forest Service cabin on Hinchinbrook Island.
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Alaska Daily (2022- 2023)
🎬Recently disgraced reporter Eileen Fitzgerald leaves her high-profile New York life behind to join a daily metro newspaper in Anchorage, Alaska, on a journey to find both personal and professional redemption.
📝An intelligent, well written and thought provoking show. It will make you appreciate the important, tough and hard work journalists do. The whole cast is amazing and the main plotline is extremely important. I was sad to learn that ABC network has cancelled this (I suppose we can't have intelligent shows, when you can make mass produced rubbish). It is still worth watching because the story concludes at the end of the season, so you will not be wasting your time.
I hope they will shop it to another network. It's a brilliant show and worth watching. Episode 1 is a little slow, but stick with it, it's a very good series.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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Glacier Highway, BC (No. 7)
British Columbia (commonly abbreviated as BC) is the westernmost province of Canada. Situated between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains, the province has a diverse geography, with rugged landscapes that include rocky coastlines, sandy beaches, forests, lakes, mountains, inland deserts and grassy plains.[6] British Columbia borders the province of Alberta to the east; the territories of Yukon to the north; the Northwest Territories to the northeast; the US states of Washington, Idaho and Montana to the south; and Alaska to the northwest. With an estimated population of over 5.5 million as of 2023, it is Canada's third-most populous province. The capital of British Columbia is Victoria, while the province's largest city is Vancouver. Vancouver and its suburbs together make up the third-largest metropolitan area in Canada; with the 2021 census recording 2.6 million people in Metro Vancouver.
Source: Wikipedia
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transboysokka · 6 months
oooo a new version of 9 people you’d like to get to know better
I’ve done this before and I was tagged in a lot of these by a lot of people but this version comes from @adriancatrin
Three ships: on my mind lately? zukka, zukki, makorrasami
First ever ship: I don’t remember what I said last time but I think my first actual active ship was probs spirk
Last song: currently playing - Alaska by Maggie Rogers. oh just kidding now it’s Wild Heart by Bleachers
Last Film: The Muppet Christmas Carol hehe
Currently Reading: same answer as before. It’s called like How to Talk to Kids so they Listen and Listen so they Talk to You or something
Currently watching: I started rewatching Arcane the other day
Currently consuming: nothing rn but I’m holding some Krispy Kreme donuts to give away at work bc I got a migraine from the sugar when I tried to eat one yesterday (that’s an unnatural level of sweetness for any country outside of North America omfg)
Currently craving: water. I’m on my 30 minute commute to work and there’s no drinking ANYTHING allowed on the metro
Sweet/spicy/savory: I tolerate them all but I’d say I prefer sweet and savory equally depending on the mood
Last thing I googled: Socratic seminar lol
Favorite color: NO idea? Gray? Yellow? Blue? One of those maybe?
Relationship status: Single but any of y’all are welcome to try to remedy that ;)
Currently working on: uh semester reports at work are kicking my booty so I’m not working on ANYTHING outside of that but I need to paint a portrait of my friends to gift them before their Christmas party later this month…
Im not tagging anyone this time bc I already have BUT if ur my mutual and u see this pls consider urself tagged ehehe
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The original "I'm not gay mum I'm glam rock", Karen Fox.
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First romantica photoshoot, 2004
- Position: Voice, Lyrics.
- Birthday: 1977/march/5 (our man is fucking old)
- Zodiac: piscis
- Height: 190 cm
- Previous musical projects: Afrodita, Bestias negras, Karen fox.
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First look, 1996
- Favourite bands: X-japan, Lareine, Malice mizer, Me/dousa, Hizaki grace project, Celestia le ciel, Moi dix mois [Juka era], Luna sea, Kuroyume, Je*reviens, D, Schwarz stein, Velvet eden, Pride of mind, Syndrome, Phantasmagoria, Kisaki Project, Vidoll, Dir en grey [Visual kei era], Psycho le cemu, Shazna, Parasite, Sadist, Neil, Hide, Seikima ll, Dead end, Angel heart, Due le quartz, Madeth gray'll, Eliphas levi, Missalina rei, L'arc en ciel, Baiser, Noir fleurir, Shiver, Silver ash, Loudness, Ziggy, Kamaitachi, Klaha, Izam, Jun, Guitar Wolf, Sex pistols, The damned, Judas priest, Ingwie j. malmsteen, Pretty boy floyd, Tigertailz, Whrathchild u.k., Helter skelter, Foxy roxx, Crashdiet, Heart throb mob, Queeny blast pop, Peppermint creeps, prom queen star, The guttersluts, Alleycat skracht, blitz lipstick, Murderdolls, Spiral fetish, Motley crue,Vixen, Ratt,W.a.s.p., Twisted sister, Whitesnake, Bon jovi, Europe, Stryper, david bowie/ziggy stardust, King cobra, Mark free, Signal, Him, The rasmus, The 69 eyes, The horror pops, Tiger army, Boy george, Dead or alive, Visage, Sigue sigue sputnick , Adam ant ,Talk talk, berlin, Billy idol, Duran duran, Depeche mode, Pat benatar, Cetu javu, The human league, New order, The cure, Lords of the new church, Soft cell, The ramones, Baltimora, Pulp, The beatles/Jhon lennon, Enuf z'nuff , Lacrimosa, Velvet Revolver, Dana international, Alaska, y dinarama, Fangoria, Alta tencion, Gothic sex, V8, Hermetica, Logos, Friccion, Virus, Abuelos de la nada, Nervios, Acacia, Americana, Moderatto, Juana la loca, She-ra, Venus desnuda, Nino bravo, Raphael, Camilo sesto. (Our man really couldn't choose)
- Favourite disc: Blue blood (X), The last of romance (Lareine), Merveilles (Malice mizer), Requiem [Phantasmagoria], Dignity of crest [Hizaki grace project], Systems of romance [Pride of mind], Nevermind the bollocks (sex pistols), Hit list (Hearth throb mob), Leather boys (Pretty boy floyd), Young and crazy (tigertails), Stack atack (wratchlid u.k.), Whatever happened to fun? (Spiral fetish), Shake the fundation (Foxy roxx), Creep show (Peppermint creeps), Vixen (Vixen).
- Favourite videoclips: Weekend (X japan) - Beast of Blood (Malice mizer) - Fuyu Tokyo (Lareine) - Sakura Hanazaki Somenikeri [D], Guardian angel [Celestia le ciel], Philosopher [Hizaki grace project], Zuihyoku ~Emerald~ (Je reviens) - Sad Mask (Velvet Eden) - Cage (Dir en Grey) - For dear (Kuroyume) - Iris (Izam) - Melty Love (Shazna) - Michi no sora (Psycho le Cemu) - Nostalgia (Syndrome) - Fairy times memory (Phantasmagoria) - Occult Proposal (Vidooru) - Blurry Eyes (L'arc en ciel) - With Transparent wings (Klaha) - Jisatsu Ganbou (Due le Quartz) - Eyes love you (hide) - Shadow of love (The Damned) - Breaking the Law (Judas Priest) - On and on (Raven) - Rock n roll (Pretty boy floyd) - Lesvian (Peppermint Creeps) - White Weding (Murderdolls) - Live wire (Motley crue) - Blin in texas (W.a.s.p.) - We are not gonna take it (Twister sister) - She don't know me (Bon jovi) - Life on mars? (Ziggy stardust) - Iron Eegle (King cobra) - Join me (him) - In the shadow (The rasmus) - Lost boys (the 69 eyes) - Incorporeal (Tiger army) - Karma chamaleon (Culture club) - Out of fashion (boy george) - Spin me round 80's (Dead or alive) - Fade to Grey (Visage) - Prince charmin (Adam ant) - Rebel yell (Billy idol) - Don't you want me (The human league) - The metro (Berlin) - Boys don't cry (The cure) - Rock n roll highschool (The Ramones) - Take on me (a-ha) - Like a prayer (Madonna) - Tarzan boy (Baltimora) - Disco 2000 (Pulp) - Imagine (Jhon lennon) - Fly high michelle (Enuff z'nuff) - Fall to pieces (Velvet revolver) - Diva (Dana international) - Hoy no (Entre rios) - Sueño sensual 2 (Karen fox) - Lady Oscar (Romantica).
- Hobby: watching rock videos
- Interest: Hollow earth, Reptile connexion, Flat earth, Necronomicon (Lovecraft), Nazi esoterism, Comics ,Horror movies, Romantic movies, Sci fi movies, mangas.
- Personality: strong
- Favourite Colour: violet
- Ambition: nothing
- First love: at 19 years old
- would you like to be in love again?: I don't have time!!!!
- Romantica in one word: putos (faggots)
- Favourite phrase: "You are a horrible public and i hate all of you" by: Zorak (Space Ghost)
- Favourite book: The Picture of Dorian Gray
-Favourite writers: H.P. lovecraft, Oscar Wilde, Julio Verne, H.G. Wells, David Icke, Lord Byron.
- Favourite movie: Hedwing and the angry inch
- Favourite t.v. serie: Lost.
- Favourite politician: Gral. Juan D. Peron.
- Favourite word: Rock
- Type of woman liked: like Arcueid (Lunar legend tsukihime), Lady oscar (Lady oscar), Aya toujo (ichigo 100%), Satsuki (ichigo 100%). Sakurouka sei (Gantz), Kotomi (DNA2) (our man likes heterosexual lesbians)
- Type of woman disliked: all i met in my life. (Our man is also an incel)
- Treasured thing: cd's, videos and comics.
- Favourite anime: Lady Oscar, Saint seiya, Pet shop of horrors, Gravitation, Robotech, Astroboy, Mazinger Z, Mazingkaiser, Great mazinger, Ufo robo grendizer, Getter robo G, Voltron, Lunar legend tsukihime, Gantz, Dna 2, N.H.K. ni Youkoso?, Neon genesis evangelion, Get backers, Full metal alchemist, Oh!my goddes!!, Mikami, Ranma 1/2, Yamazaki, Captain harlock,Cosmo warrior zero,Gun frontier, Sailor moon, Galaxy express 999, Crayon shin shan, Elf, New angel, Ikitousen, ichigo 100%, Cyborg 009, Speed racer (2000).
- Animated series: South park, Dr. katz, The simpsons, Futurama, G.I.joe, Transformers, Thundercats, Spiderman and his amazing friends, Mask, Jem and the holograms, Batman the animated series, Batman of the future, Justice league unlimited, X men, Fantastic four, Hulk.
- What did you wanted to be as a child: super hero
- What was your favourite subject at school: none, I hate school.
- Something you always carry with you: my photo book
- Time of the year: winter
- How do you recover from depression: I don't recover, i live depressed.
- What places would you like to go: Tokyo, London
- Who you would like to meet: Yoshiki hayashi
- A song that defines yourself: Weekend - X japan.
- Message to fans: I don't have fans, I don't want to have them, I hate 99% of human race. Die!!! FUCK OFF!!!!!! (Our man was almost 30 when he wrote this)
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Tal día como hoy 18 de octubre ...
1989: La NASA lanza la sonda espacial Galileo para estudiar el planeta Júpiter y sus satélites.
1977: Se incendia el Teatro Argentino de La Plata, tras quedar destruido las autoridades deciden demolerlo para construir un nuevo edificio.
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1968: La policía encuentra en el apartamento del músico británico John Lennon y su esposa Yoko Ono 168 gramos de marihuana, en Londres. Lo que les costó una multa de 150 libras.
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1968: En los Juegos Olímpicos de México 1968, en la carrera de 200 metros, dos atletas estadounidenses negros que habían quedado primero y tercero hacen el saludo 'black power' (con el puño en alto) en el podio, y el Comité Olímpico Estadounidense los suspende.
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1968: El atleta estadounidense Bob Beamon establece el récord mundial de salto de longitud al saltar 8,90 metros, en los Juegos Olímpicos de México. Se convertirá en el récord más duradero del atletismo con casi 23 años de duración. Se dijo que sería un récord del siglo XXI y así fue hasta que en la final del Mundial de Tokio 1991 Mike Powell lo batió saltando 8,95 m.
1954: Sale al mercado la primera radio a transistores, desarrollada por la compañía Texas Instruments (Estados Unidos), era un artilugio totalmente revolucionario por su tamaño y portabilidad.
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1945: El físico alemán Klaus Fuchs, que participó en el proyecto Manhattan para la construcción de la bomba atómica en Estados Unidos, pasa información a la Unión Soviética que sirve para que inicie su programa nuclear.
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1867: Estados Unidos hace efectiva la compra de Alaska a Rusia por 7,2 millones de dólares. En este día todo el territorio la pasa del calendario juliano al gregoriano, con lo que el día 6 en el territorio ruso salta 12 días hasta el presente 18 en el calendario gregoriano que es el usado por Estados Unidos.
1851: El escritor estadounidense Herman Melville publica la novela "Moby-Dick" en Estados Unidos, un mes después de ser publicada en Inglaterra.
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1009: El califa Huséin al-Hákim bi-Amrillah destruye la iglesia del Santo Sepulcro en Jerusalén.
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