sumiink · 6 months
Sumi's Fic Recs
I've been saving a list of fan fiction I like for years now and thought I should share it!
Fandoms include Danny Phantom, DPxDC, Batman, DCMK, BNHA, and Miraculous Ladybug, Legend of Zelda (Linked Universe), Mob Psycho 100, and Genshin Impact. Links, summaries, and comments under the cut.
Danny Phantom
Phantom of Truth by Haiju
NOTE: An edited/updated version of the sequel (Shadow of a Doubt) is also on AO3, but not finished. The finished, unedited version can be found on FF.net here.
Summary: Locked away in a secret government lab with Phantom as her sole object of study, nothing stands between Maddie and the truth... except, perhaps, herself.
Review: You can’t talk about Danny Phantom fanfic without bringing up Phantom of Truth. This one defines the vivisection genre. It’s written in Maddie’s perspective and you can see her character in every little detail of the writing.
Treading Water by TheFullCatastrophe
Summary: "This is the story of why we had to start calling Danny Fenton, Danny FINton. Get it, Danny? 'Cause you have FINS? Oh, I kill me." - a summary by Tucker Foley.
Review: Mermaid AU! Another classic fandom fic, this one with great worldbuilding and some dark, realistic vibes that make the ghosts (well, mermaids) really feel dangerous.
Modern Day Ghost Girl by MemoryWriter
Summary: Wendy Manson, 14-year old freshman in Casper High. Recently she's been able to sense ghosts, and on the day Wendy's paranormal curiosity gets the best of her, her project partner and ex-best friend Shane happens to follow her. When she meets a mysterious ghost in the abandoned apartment, what of her identity will she be discovering?
Review: One of the first fics I ever read, so it holds a special place in my heart.
Outside Looking In by Ellen_Brand
Summary: Casper High's new psychiatrist has some interesting interviews ahead of him.
Review: A great outside perspective into Danny. Also I just like Cade!
Phantom’s Sketchbook by AkoyaMizuno
Summary: Mr. Lancer finds himself in an unparalleled situation, he has access to something which can give him incredible insight into the personal workings of Amity Park's local ghost teen hero, Danny Phantom.
Review: Another fandom classic! A must read for the student/teacher relationship between Mr. Lancer and Danny.
You Should Be Dead by SapphireDragon11
Summary: Dash and Kwan are horrified to discover they've accidentally killed their classmate, but perhaps even more so when he shows up at school the next day. With his secret on the line, Danny soon discovers Dash and Kwan are the least of his worries.
Review: An epic story of Danny going up against incredible odds! One of my absolute favorites!
But I Want to Be Let In, Not Out by TheWritingOwl
NOTE: Actually a series of one-shots!
Summary: Growing up with the Fentons, Danny resigned himself to the fact that he would never see Damian again. However, when he gets summoned to Gotham after becoming the Ghost King, he finds himself reuniting with his long lost twin.
Review: Some nice demon twins au with batfam elements- all the stuff I like in a DPxDC fic.
close enough to be whole again by hailsatanacab
Summary: “If you ever find yourself in danger, go to Bruce Wayne. He will help you.”     His mother had loved him, in her own way. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have helped him escape. If she hadn’t, she would have dragged him back to the League of Assassins, to Grandfather. If she hadn’t, he’d be dead.     She loved him, but she loved the League more.     Jack and Maddie Fenton loved him too, they did, but they loved their work more.     They loved their work more.     --     After his parents react poorly to his reveal, Danny escapes to the only person he thinks can help him - Bruce Wayne. He doesn't know what to expect when he gets there, but it has to be better than where he is, surely? He certainly doesn't expect to be reunited with his long lost twin brother Damian. It's funny how things work out that way.     Danny is 16 years old, not Phantom Planet compliant
Review: More angsty demon twins AU with secret identity shenanigans, what’s no to love?
Recognized by AgentIanLegend
Summary: When they heard the fateful words "Recognized: Robin - B01," nothing could have prepared them for the web of secrets which would unravel as Daniel Fenton and Richard Grayson search for answers.
Review: An epic story will all kinds of twists and turns. Very will written with great pacing and tight storytelling!
hand in unloveable hand (a chokehold) by britishparty
Summary: Tim Drake is eleven years old when he’s grabbed off the streets of Bristol while he’s on his way home. It will be okay, he tells himself: they’ll call his parents, and they’ll pay the ransom, and he’ll get to go home.
There are pictures of Batman and Robin on the camera he was carrying. A lot of pictures.
They don’t call his parents. They call Black Mask.
- or: the one where Black Mask kidnaps Tim and tries to groom him into a ruthless heir, and Tim tries to figure out how to destroy him from the inside out.
Review: Tim is great in this. This one is full of scheming and mind games and all that good stuff.
From When He Sprang by WereDog15
Summary: January 2012. For the last four years, Jason Todd has been living on the streets of Gotham, doing whatever he can in order to survive on his own. But one night, as he emerges from his dwelling in Gotham’s underground tunnels, he encounters the legendary dynamic duo of Batman and Robin.A little bit of help can go a long way, but Jason's world is ripped apart as he is unintentionally put in the path of one of the deadliest secret societies that the world has ever known.Discover the story of the event that changed their lives forever, and put Jason on the path to becoming the second Robin.
Review: THIS FIC. It’s creative, it’s dark, it’s gory - this one makes me feel like I’m back in middle school reading The Hunger Games for the first time. This fic does not pull any punches.
Liminal Spaces by Calamityjim
NOTE: A multi-part series with some extra one-shots too
Summary: Bruce's habit of collecting strays is not limited by dimension. Or When Young Justice Batman comes across an angsty, seemingly abandoned by his Batman Tim Drake, he decides to step up to the plate and parent the crap out of him.
Review: Oh this one is a long, epic story with all kinds of twists and turns. And lots and lots of emotional batfam moments.
A Gentlekid Thief by Blazonix
Summary: Tim didn't mean to become the notorious thief Red X; it just sort of happened. Just like how he somehow wound up being Batman’s greatest nemesis - his therapist. He would like to remind whatever higher forces are out there that he is still only 12.
Review: Funny and clever!
From the Shadows by Wolfsbanesparks
NOTE: Shazam crossover
Summary: All Billy Batson wanted was to survive a particularly rough week living on the streets of Fawcett City. The last thing he was looking for was a new family. All Bruce Wayne wanted was to learn a bit more about his upbeat teammate under the guise of official Wayne Enterprises business. But he could never turn his back on a child in need. Especially one as surrounded by mystery as Billy. OR   Billy gets adopted by the Batfamily while trying to deal with a strong magical enemy.
Review: I’m always a fan of gen fic that also has an overarching story and great villain!
Shutterbye by katiesparks
Summary: The more I research it, the more I know it has to be true. Dick Grayson is Robin. And that means Bruce Wayne is Batman. All the pieces fit. I move my Dick and Bruce Wayne things into the Batman and Robin box and buy an extra lock for it.
Review: One-shot written from a young Tim’s perspective. The writing style really brings his character to life.
Surveillance by smilebackwards
NOTE: A multi part series
Summary: Tim knows antagonizing Lex Luthor wasn’t exactly his safest move but the point is really driven home by the bullet to the shoulder. Or: The AU where Jason never died and Tim is a civilian who contributes to crime fighting by taking surveillance photos and leaving them on the desktop of the Batcomputer.
Review: Gotta love some ‘stalker Tim gets involved in hero stuff without actually wearing a cape’ stuff.
Detective Conan & Magic Kaito
(Don’t) Believe What You Know by discordiansamba
NOTE: This fic is actually a rewrite, buuuuuut I saved the older, longer version if you want to read that one instead. Available here (I just copy and pasted it, so formatting may be a little weird)
Summary: For as long as he's known him, Hattori Heiji has always seemed to gotten mixed up in cases with a sort of... supernatural touch. Honestly, Conan's never thought much of it- it's not as if the things that go bump in the night are actually real, and they've got countless cases behind them to prove just that.But after getting mixed up in a strange case in Osaka and learning a disturbing secret from Heiji's past, its left Conan wondering if there's more his friend isn't telling him. So he does what any good detective would- investigate.He's just... not sure he was ready for the answers.
Review: I am a huge of discordiansamba’s writing! It very descriptive and the stories tend to have a lot of interesting moving parts. This fic in particular is great for its worldbuilding and the magical, dangerous adventures Heiji gets involved in. And Heiji trying to hide stuff from Conan always makes for some good tension.
Blood and Snow by discordiansamba
Summary: Heiji Hattori has never believed in the supernatural. Things like vampires have always been a bunch of nonsense to him. But the supernatural is about to prove itself very real.
Review: If you like the last one, you’ll like this one too – another supernatural adventure focusing on Heiji!
Unprofessional Opinion by Ellen_Brand
Summary: A series of psychologicalpersonality profiles of our boys... with guest shrink Cade Maboroshi!
Review: I just like Cade! And an outsider’s perspective is always fun, especially in this writing style.
The Case of the Magic Bullet Murder by MirrorandImage
NOTE: Technically a sequel, but I didn’t read the first one and wasn’t lost. There’s also a third fic that’s good too!
Summary: As always Conan stumbles across another body; and this time the prime suspect is this high school kid named Kuroba Kaito. Sequel to The Case of the Hidden Epidemic.
Review: We get to see Conan interact with Kaito, and that always makes for fun secret identity shenanigans. And we even get to see Kaito get involved in solving a case!
Insanity, Apparently by Taliya
NOTE: A series of one shots
Summary: Takagi Wataru would like to register a complaint to whichever deity thought it would be hilarious to toss him into odd situations with Kaitou KID. Repeatedly. Because this was far beyond his pay grade.
Review: A fun story with a mix of characters you don’t see very often.
Be a Better Me by Lisa_Telramor
Summary: Kaito thought that the Robot Incident ended with the destruction of his copycat robot. He couldn't have guessed how wrong that assumption was when he is injured months later.
Review: Wonderfully angsty and doesn’t shy away from the horror of Kaito’s new reality.
Guide you home by Tobina
NOTE: Uses Guide & Sentinel tropes, which I’d never heard of before but I guess it used to be popular in fanfic in the 90’s? Basically Sentinels have superpowers and Guides help them control it. The two tend to be lifelong partners, but it can be romantic or familial or platonic.
Summary: As a Level 5s Sentinel and skillful detective, Kudou Shinichi helps the Tokyo Police Department whenever they get stuck with a case, his Guide Ran at his side to ground him when needed. After a KID heist, it becomes clear that Guides are dissapearing and Shinichi and his western counterpart Hattori Heiji are knee-deep into the case, especially because this one hits far too close to home for comfort. When then even phantom thief Kaitou KID gets involved, things are bound to get... interesting.
Review: A GREAT story that does a good job with worldbuilding and characters’ relationships. While it focuses on Conan, my favorite part of this fic is the arc the Kaito goes through and the way this story takes a look at his motivations and moral compass.
It's Raining Men, Hallelujah by Asuka Kureru
Summary: Conan already has some kind of corpse magnet power, but when Heiji is in his orbit the corpses actively come to them. From above. Witness.
Review: A fandom classic! Short and hilarious.
Inconceivable by joisbishmyoga
Summary: In the face of a DNA analysis Kaito can't deny, he begins uncovering the rest of his family's secrets. Too bad he's not the only one looking.
Review: An epic story that has a takedown of the Black Org AND twin AU, what’s not to love?
Secrets in Indigo by Sinnatious
Summary: A throwaway comment about Kaitou KID’s eye colour sets Kaito on an uncomfortable path of discovery.
Review: I can’t give too many spoilers! An overall great story with great writing as Kaito discovers secrets and also tries to keep them hidden.
The Young Royals of Deduction by joisbishmyoga
NOTE: One shot
Summary: The Exclusive Interview with Four Children Taking the Investigative World by Storm
Review: Short but fun!
My Hero Academia
The Thin Gray Line by A_ToastToTheOutcasts
Summary: The beauty of the era of quirks wasn't the amazing abilities; it was that nobody sane would even entertain the thought that Kuroko, the most wanted vigilante in all of Japan, was Quirkless.
Review: A vigilante AU with a badass Deku (or, in this case, Kuroko) who puts the whole Hero Commisison to shame. The rivalry between Deku and Bakugou is so intense in this fic, I love it.
Yesterday Upon the Stair by PitViperOfDoom
Notes: When you’re done with this, there’s also a fun related one-shot by another author called U.A. Unsolved by kabukichou (ameliafromafairytale)
Summary: Midoriya Izuku has always been written off as weird. As if it's not bad enough to be the quirkless weakling, he has to be the weird quirkless weakling on top of it. But truthfully, the "weird" part is the only part that's accurate. He's determined not to be a weakling, and in spite of what it says on paper, he's not actually quirkless. Even before meeting All-Might and taking on the power of One For All, Izuku isn't quirkless. Not that anyone would believe it if he told them.
Review: An epic story full of secrets and ghosts!
Hero Class Civil Warfare by RogueDruid (Icarius51)
Summary: Heroes lead by Bakugo. Villains lead by Midoriya. Seven days prep time. Three days for Izuku Midoriya to show why they should be glad he's not a real villain.
Review: Badass Deku going all out and scaring his classmates. This one uses nearly every character from class 1-A and 1-B and manages to make everyone have an impact on the story!
Tales of the Jade Mantis by Chess_Blackfyre
NOTE: A multi-part series
Summary: The adventures of Inko Midoriya, Number One Vigilante in all of Japan, and her complicated relationship with the Number One Hero, All Might. However, it's not all about kicking butt and taking names, watch as the telekinetic in the leather jacket struggles with things like brutal mentors, working in customer service, and trying to be a good single parent.
Review: The only fic I’ve found with Inko as a vigilante! Quite the journey, this one goes over her career as a vigilante and what comes after when Izuku suddenly has a quirk. I love the weird adventures Inko gets up to and the interesting people she meets. One of my all time favorites!
Monochrome Skies by QuantumPoint
Summary: Midoriya Izuku died four years ago. Midoriya Izuku dead in a housefire when his mother didn’t notice him come home early. Midoriya Izuku dead because heroes failed to hear the screams of a scared child. Midoriya Izuku dead alone and scared.His mother mourned him but went on with her life. The heroes swore to be better, but still made the same mistakes. And for four years, everyone believed he was until Aizawa caught sight of a well-known vigilante and decided to investigate. Everyone believed it until Yagi bumped into a kind child on the street and tried to give him hope.
Review: I can’t say much because spoilers, but if you’re an artist, read this.
brilliant lights will cease to burn (by my hands i’ll reignite them) by novalotypo
NOTE: It’s a Card Captor Sakura crossover, but honestly I’ve never seen that and as far as I can tell this doesn’t have much to so with that show. It’s BNHA characters and world with some Card Captor magic elements.
Summary: Midoriya Izuku is quirkless. This, he knows very well.This is also what he knows:Weekends and vacations are reserved for walking neighborhood dogs. The elderly are the most powerful people on Earth. Local gods are picky eaters. Trust is a feeble, feeble thing. Magic cards are incredibly difficult to seal, especially when the world thinks you're a vigilante. Heroes are not magicians, but magicians can be heroes.Becoming a cardcaptor wasn't on Izuku's bucket list, but he'll be damned if he doesn't make the best out of it.
Review: Deku doesn’t have a quirk, so he gets sucked up into some magical card captor responsibilities and goes all out, as he does. This one has an analytical Deku, otherworldly magic, creepy villains, and some tension between a vigilante Deku and hero society as a whole. One of my absolute favorites!
Quirk: Knife! by brightredwings
Summary: Izuku Midoriya is unlucky, to say the least and life hasn't exactly been kind. Things weren't so bad in the beginning, but once he was diagnosed quirkless, well, it all went to shit. Everyone grew to hate him, even his best friend and own father.Was it really that impossible to become a hero without a quirk? It doesn't really matter because to Izuku, the term hero is flexible. He'll be his own hero because he's learnt from his own experience, people are selfish and the only one he can rely on is himself.Left alone to fend for himself in the world, Izuku goes out to change things on his own terms, despite his methods being slightly illegal. Keyword, slightly. It's only illegal if he gets caught, right?
Review: A long story with great arcs for a lot of League of Villains character, and a beautiful ending. Some pretty intense angst with happy endings for everyone.
Roses are red and they taste like shit by Unbreakable_Red_Riot
Summary: Katsuki was really fucking sick of the smell of flowers.
Review: Ah, yes, KiriBaku with hanhaki disease. Mostly from Bakugou’s point of view, so you get to see all his frustration and a ton of drama. Also looks into some other characters like Midoriya and Todoroki, which is a nice touch.
The Beauty of a Beast by starofgems
Summary: Once upon a time a lonely beast lived in a manor deep in the forest. He dreamed of the day his true love appeared to break his curse... When a beauty finally appears in his life, it is not quite as he imagined. For who could have thought a beauty would be more of a beast. Or The beauty and the beast AU nobody asked for but here it is.
Review: A very sweet love story. (KiriBaku)
The Deaf Hero: Deku by BeyondTheClouds777
Summary: His whole life, Izuku was told that he couldn’t do it. That he should give up while he still had the chance. That someone like him—Deaf, Quirkless—could never become a hero.But Izuku wasn’t going to give up. Not now and not ever. (OR, the one where nearly everything's the same, but Izuku is Deaf.)
Review: Right what it says on the tin. Deku’s added deafness creates more tension between Deku and Bakugou, his classmates, and even other heroes. Things get angsty but Deku always stays determined, which I love.
Miraculous Ladybug
Where Have All The Heroes Gone and Where Are All The Gods? by Anthemyst
NOTE: This is actually part 5 of a series, but I just started with this one and didn’t feel lost. Just know that in this story, Gabirel isn’t Hawkmoth. Most of this was written before Season 1 ended, I think.
Summary: On their fourteenth birthday, the Agreste triplets' world is turned upside down. Their government has been overthrown, their city taken, and superheroes all over Europe have suddenly and mysteriously vanished-including, to their shock, their parents. They'll need to work together, and become the heroes Paris needs, if they're going to save both their parents and their country.
Review: A next-gen fic that got me into ML fanfic in general! It’s got a fun dystopian vibe and the Agreste kids are all fleshed out very nicely. One of my absolute favorites!
Not A Bit by CaptainOzone
Summary: "Sometimes, being a brother is even better than being a superhero," says author Marc Brown. Félix Agreste has been both, and he can't have said it better himself. (AKA The Brothers AU I wanted to read but had to write myself when I realized this AU has a depressing lack of fic to its name)
Review: I’m always a fan of fic that has Marinette and Adrien AND Felix and Bridgette.
Legend of Zelda (Linked Universe)
Looking for Group by Tashilover
Summary: People want to be a Hero so badly, they're willing to bribe, lie, cheat, and beg. Twilight knows there's a Hero amongst the people in this college town. It's just a matter of finding them.
Review: The modern setting keeps things fresh, yet this story is still full of legends, danger, and a fight of good vs evil!
Mob Psycho 100
tomorrow isn’t always another day by suitablyskippy
NOTE: One shot
Summary: It’s like Reigen’s been waiting for the question. He stops dead on the pavement, grips Mob by the shoulders, and stares down into his eyes with an expression as haunted as though every ghost the pair of them has ever exorcised has taken up residence behind it. “Mob,” he says. “Mob,” he says again. “Tell me, Mob. Look at me and tell me. Tell me truthfully. Do I look cursed to you?”Mob looks at him, and tells him truthfully. “No.”“Well, you didn’t look very long,” says Reigen. “Let’s just stand here for a moment, like so, and you can have another look, a nice long look, and really think about it...” (There's nothing strange about being called back to exorcise the same haunted photocopier six days in a row. It must just be a very haunted photocopier.)
Genshin Impact
Traveler’s search for Scaramouche by Scuriel
NOTE: A choose your own adventure story!
Summary: Ei wants Traveler to search for Scaramouche and get back her gnosis. They have many decisions to make along the way.
Review: Don’t see something like this very often! There are actually a lot of different outcomes.
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dekalko-mania · 3 years
Tumblr media
Phantom’s Sketchbook: By AkoyaMizuno: Mr. Lancer finds himself in an unparalleled situation, he has access to something which can give him incredible insight into the personal workings of Amity Park's local ghost teen hero, Danny Phantom. 
Additional Tags: Revelation Fic, Caring Mr. Lancer, Secret Identity
Get Out, Get Gone: By Anthrop: There’s a weight to you now that wasn’t there before. You’d think with your powers—(and doesn’t it feel strange to call them that, when you shake and shiver at the sight of your bones under your meat, when you walk down the stairs and your feet don’t touch anything at all)—you’d weigh less, be less. A thing of smoke, and ectoplasm, and all that awful electricity arcing through your nerves. But that's not what happened.
Additional Tags: stream of consciousness-style writing, anxiety, Danny’s going through it bro
Of English Projects and Revelations: By Nyomio: Dash just wanted to get a good grade on his English Assignment. He had figured there was a solid chance that putting himself, Paulie, Val and Fenton in the same chat would end poorly, but he hadn't expected things to escalate quite as they did. With all the chaos around him, he just has to ask - will they ever work on their English Project?
Additional Tags: chat fic, hurt/comfort, humor, revelation fic
Jumping At Shadows: By sapphireswimming: Dash has a problem and he needs Danny Phantom's help. So he decides to get it by... blackmailing Danny Fenton?
Additional Tags: Humor, ghost hunting, suspense, Dash admires Danny Phantom
omnis immunde spiritus: By aloneintherain: Danny’s eyes were fixed on the locker, never-moving, as though he could see straight through the wall and over to the other side. For a split second, Kwan could have even sworn that Danny’s eyes shone silver, like the eyes of a deer, glowing under headlights.
What the fuck, he thought.
Additional Tags: guys in white, friendship, spooky ghost kid danny fenton, POV outsider
Parasite: By DarkNymfa: Danny had to know that Vlad Masters—Vlad Plasmius—was trying to kill him. All Vlad needed for him was to get too fed up, go too far...To end it. Before Plasmius could do worse.
Additional Tags: angst, angst with a happy ending, possession, self-sacrifice 
Redemption: By SassyArtFarts: After a vicious fight between known antagonistic pair: Danny Fenton and Dash Baxter, Mr. Lancer comes up with a way to hopefully get them on better terms as they work together preparing a restoring project of an old summer camp. However, something else watches, waiting, wanting to be restored. It's ancient, it's resentful and it's starving.
Additional Tags: bully redemption, Mr. Lancer is dealing with dramatic children, not phantom planet compliant 
Interwoven: By Lynse: In the Far Frozen, a portal opens up and doesn’t close. In the NYC, Jake is suddenly faced with freak snowstorms. And Danny? Danny’s just trying to figure out why he’s supposed to be the one dealing with all of this.
Additional Tags: crossover, ghost king danny fenton, developing friendships, misunderstandings 
Until Death Do We Part: UnluckyAlis: For someone who fights ghosts, literal dead people, on a near-daily basis, you would think Danny could handle death better than this. He knows most of his enemies were once living, breathing people who died in tragic ways. Danny was once a living, breathing person who died in a tragic way. He just skipped out on the "stop breathing" part of things.
He faces mortality every day, every time he goes ghost. So why can't he face this? Why is this any different than any other day?
Because it was his friend, and he saw it, and he couldn't stop it. Because it was his fault.
Additional Tags: Blood and gore, panic attacks, murder, highly recommended super great fic oof
Necromancy: By wastefulreverie: She was curious about the portal, mysterious and full of paranormal potential. At the time, she hadn't seen any harm in manipulating him into exploring it. Until everything went horribly wrong.
Additional tags: death, necromancy, witch sam, portal accident au
Vanish Into the Witching Hour: By wastefulreverie: Danny finds that odd things tend to happen during the Witching Hour, the prime hour for paranormal activity. 
Additional Tags: identity reveal, witching hour, creepy, angst
Pink Astronaut: By lexosaurus: To Paulina's dismay, she and Danny Fenton must work together on their English final project.
Additional Tags: pink astronaut, fluff, enemies to lovers, kinda
Tutoring Phantom: By Lexosaurus: It was funny. A year ago Dash was all but praying for Fenton to shut up, but now he would do anything to hear him speak.
Additional Tags: identity reveal, recovery, hurt/comfort, study group
Plenty of Time: By wastefulreverie: When Danny Fenton supposedly runs away, Casper High has quite a few things to say when he returns. Especially in the wake of his apparent "trauma".
Additional Tags: angst, horror, decapitation, vivisection 
inviso-doodles: By attu: What are friends for if not making you internet famous?
additional tags: artist!Danny, wholesome content, the danny appreciation we need u guys, an obligatory break from all the angst recs this list has 
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Hi I was wondering if you had any johnlock that centers around the pool scene! I love the work you out into your blog/recs! I wish i could find blogs like yours for good omens and doctor who tbh
Hi Lovely!!!!
Ah, thank you!! Sometimes they’re not really worked hard on unless I know I have to actually re-file a bunch of lists LOL. Like today’s for instance..... here’s everything I have tagged with the Pool Scene for you!! <3 And I’m sure there are blogs like that in the other fandoms :) <3 
Hope these help you find something you’re looking for!
The Moment When by drekadair (K, 509 w. || TGG Fic, Friendship, First Person POV Sherlock, Introspection, Worried Sherlock) – Sherlock sees John in the pool, and doubts. Set during the end of "The Great Game."
Five Seconds by xXLadyLovelaceXx (K+, 658 w. || Friendship, Introspection, TGG Pool Scene) – In the half-second before Sherlock shoots the jacket, John notices something.
Promises Kept by grannysknitting (K+, 844 w., 1 Ch. || John POV, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship / Pre-Slash, Sherlock’s Violin, Worried Sherlock, John Whump, Post-TGG) – When they were in hospital, Sherlock made a promise to himself. Now he's keeping it. Set after 'Polygamous Marriage' but before 'Back in the Saddle'
Burn Burn by Jenn1984 (K+, 925 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TGG, Angst, Worried / Panicked / Possessive Sherlock) – A week after the events of "The Great Game", Sherlock returns to 221B Baker Street to find it empty.
Wreckage and Rubble by grannysknitting (K+, 1,116 w. || Drama, H/C, Ambiguous Ending) – Lestrade's point of view when he's called to the wreckage of the pool. He doesn't want to deal with the wreckage that would occur if London's newest crime fighting duo are parted from each other.
Idiot by Anesthesiologist (T, 1,229 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, TGG AU, BAMF John, Sherlock Whump, Inner Monologue, John Saves Sherlock, POV Sherlock) – What the heck happened? He remembered the pool and Moriarty, but then what? Had he been dying?
I Was Wrong by AllesandraQuartermaine (K, 1,496 w., 1 Ch. || TGG AU, Friendship, Hospitalization / Injury, John’s Self Esteem, Sleepy Sherlock) – Sherlock and John have a conversation a few days after the pool face off with Moriarty. And John hears something quite surprising.
Back in the Saddle by grannysknitting (M, 1,577 w., 1 Ch. || Post TGG AU, Donovan POV, Observation / Introspection, Protective Sherlock, Injured John, Case-ish Fic) – Their first return to solving crime after the pool and the explosion.
Coming Full Circle by KCS (K+, 2,358 w., 1 Ch. || Alternate TGG, Friendship, Drama, Violence/Death References, Drugging/Poisoning, Kidnapping, BAMF John, Moriarty POV, Introspection) – Moriarty had John for almost six hours between his abduction and the showdown at the pool - more than enough time to implement a Plan B for his escape should Sherlock call his bluff with the fake bomb vest.
It's All Fine by AkoyaMizuno (T, 2,459 w. || Post-TGG, Introspection, Mild Angst, Friendship) – Sherlock never asked what happened in the hours between John being kidnapped and the events at the pool. It occurs to him, days after the fact, that he probably should have.
All That I Have by the_arc5 (M, 3,721 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TGG Canon Divergence, Pining Sherlock, John Whump, Anxious / Worried Sherlock, Light Angst) – In the aftermath of the Great Game, Sherlock finds himself with a new weakness. John is both the cause and the cure.
Sink Like a Stone by pennydreadful (T, 4,348 w., 1 Ch. || Angst / Dark, Cuddling/Snuggling) – After defeating Moriarty at the pool, life isn't quite the same around 221B Baker Street...it's more peaceful. And stranger.
The Care and Keeping of Your Mad Genius by Janieshi (T, 4,553 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TGG, Friendship, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Light Humour/Teasing, Alternating POV, Cranky Sherlock) – If he hadn't been so focused on holding the bastard still, John would have laughed aloud. This maniac really thought John was the pet in this dynamic?
The Refining Fire by Arwen Jade Kenobi (T, 5,451 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TGG AU, Angst, Friendship, Alternating POV (Lestrade, Mycroft, Sherlock), Worried Sherlock, Hospital Recovery) – Fire can burn things to ashes, but it can also burn things together.
BANG by ElvendorkInfinity (T, 7,016 w., 3 Ch. || Post-TGG AU, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Worried / Scared Sherlock, Alternating POV, Whump, Hospital Recovery, Open Ending) – 'I should warn you,' Sherlock says, his voice steady and his eyes fixed on Moriarty. 'You are sadly misinformed.' And he fires. Prequel to M Is For Moriarty
The Hours Before Midnight by Lady Sam Mallory (T, 7,773 w., 1 Ch. || TGG Fic, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Torture / John Whump, Kidnapping, Drugging, Alternating POV, Worried / Protective Sherlock) – Moriarty doesn't play fair. John must deal with hours of torment from Moriarty before going to meet Sherlock at the Pool at the end of the Great Game and Sherlock must deal with the consequences of his boredom.
Victim, Bait, Hero, Friend by KimberlyTheOwl (T, 7,887 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TGG Epilogue, Angst, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection, Past Kidnapping / Torture / Implied Rape, Panic Attacks, Worried / Possessive Sherlock, Lestrade is a Good Friend) – Some insights into why John was perfectly willing to throw everything away for a chance to kill Moriarty at the pool. Trauma, ugliness, and finally healing. Some nice supporting work by Lestrade as well.
Hope for Heroes by Richefic (K+, 16,887 w., 5 Ch. || Post-TGG Fic, Introspection / Flashbacks, Friendship/Epic Bromance, Hurt/Comfort, Worried/Anxious Sherlock, Sherlock Admires John, BAMF John, John Deduces, Fancy Party, John’s Self Esteem, Domestics) – In the final moments of "The Great Game" Holmes hopes he will have the chance to tell his flatmate that he was wrong. Heroes do exist after all and the one in front of him is called Dr John Watson.
The Heart In The Whole by verityburns (E, 101,650 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-TGG Canon Divergence, Drama & Angst, H/C, First Time, Blind Sherlock) – Events after ‘The Great Game’ leave Sherlock dependent on his best friend and colleague. But John has a secret of his own…
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cdelphiki · 4 years
Some of my favorite DP fics are Running Blind by Dejah Thoris of Mars (Crossover with CSI but knowledge of CSI is not necessary. At least I enjoyed it regardless) The Right of It by The Wicked Wench of the West (a reveal where citizens protect him) Outside Looking In Ellen Brand (which is one of my favorites) Phantom's Sketchbook by AkoyaMizuno (Mr. Lancer pov fic)
Running Blind by Dejah Thoris of Mars
The Right of It by The Wicked Wench of the West
Outside Looking In by Ellen Brand
Phantom's Sketchbook by AkoyaMizuno
Oooh, I haven’t read any of these! :D Thanks for the recs! 
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dannyphannypack · 5 years
Pardon me, do you read Danny phantom fics? And if so, is there any in particular you would reccomend?
ooh i would love to recommend some to you! i love danny phantom fanfics
Helpless by Lynse (star revelation, shorter)
Phantom of Truth and Shadow of a Doubt by HaiJu (must read! one of the most popular fics in the fandom)
Easy Target by writergirl128 (dash revelation, shorter)
From the Ashes by Phantomrose96 (this one is so good it’s bad. i’ve read it like three times and cried every time; it’s probably the most fucked up “short” fic i’ve read)
Pits by Cordria (danny is imprisoned by walker and it gets worse)
A Snapping Sound by Represent (another must read, it’s super popular. horror au)
Masks and Plunge by Cordria (lancer revelation, plunge is parent revelation)
Lancer’s Sketchbook by AkoyaMizuno (another lancer revelation)
The Trouble With Ghosts by Lynse (lancer revelation)
MidNight by HaiJu (dissection with a twist)
Everything Was White by Lexosaurus (therapy)
No New Messages by the-trash-prince (text messages from dead danny)
Treading Water by The Full Catastrophe (HIGHLY recommend, updates slow but is probably my favorite all time fic. i think about it nonstop. merdanny au)
Oddities by Lynse (jack revelation)
Compromised by Lynse (oc revelation)
Vantage Point by Lynse (lancer revelation)
Hiking by Lexosaurus (dashxdanny fluff)
Flyboy by Blue Oatmeal (danny has wings)
Blood Error by imekitty (blood drive)
Summoning the King of Ghosts by EctoJerk (dash & kwan summon danny)
Entranced by DannyIsMyBoy (ghost nip)
Irony by WastefulReverie (valerie)
Inhibitors by Lexosaurus (this one’s fucked up)
Shift and Revision by Lynse (duo fic, maddie revelation)
Rejection Letter by Taliax (danny & valerie chat)
Turning Point by Lynse (I’m sorry; Lynse writes a lot of good ones. this one’s really angsty and is a valerie revelation)
Oh no by Shaed Knightwing (tuckerxdannyxsam, sounds weird but is really cute and all fluff)
Ghost Nip by Hybridkylin (ghost nip if u couldn’t tell lol)
this became somewhat of a master list, sorry :) hope this helped! have fun reading xx
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ladylynse · 6 years
Hi! Anonymous Fan here! Can you please make a list of your favorite Danny Phantom fanfics and fanfic authors? If it isn’t too much trouble! 😊 Thanks! (Please throw in some funny ones. I just finished reading Shadow of a Doubt and I’m dead inside)
Ah, gosh. I’m probably going to disappoint you with a rec list, Anon. I haven’t read DP fic in years (except for ones I’d been following since I had been actively reading, like SoaD), and even when I was reading it, it was usually crossovers. I have consistently spent more time trying to write fanfiction than actually reading it.
You obviously already know about HaiJu and presumably Cordria. Have you read the series continuations by MyAibou or KicsterAsh? Both have multiple future fics, though MyAibou’s is the heavier content of the two. They’re well written with multiple plotlines and fleshed-out OCs (when the story calls for OCs) and canon characters.
The only fic I can think of with humour in it off the top of my head is Duality, an AU where Danny and Phantom are separate entities--and for the time being, it’s Phantom who’s stuck in Danny’s body and unable to leave, so there’s a lot of him attempting to masquerade as Danny to cover up the fact that he’s an imposter. Unfortunately, it’s a collab fic that hasn’t been updated in a couple of years, but I’ve talked with the main author and know that there is a plan for the fic, so I’m still keeping my fingers crossed. (I figure if the story is actually planned out, it will get written eventually.) The first arc is written, though, if you’re still willing to give it a read.
Other than that, most of the fics I can name are probably on a bunch of other rec lists even if I avoid the authors I mentioned above--like Phantom’s Sketchbook by AkoyaMizuno, where Lancer finds a sketchbook left behind by Phantom. If I try to avoid fics that are on every rec list I’ve seen? I quite enjoyed Stars on the Horizon by foxtree43, but, uh, it also hasn’t been updated in years. (Time travel; 19 year old Danny winds back up in his 14 year old body, but somehow in the TUE timeline--meaning his family is dead, evil future self is wreaking havoc, and Vlad is suddenly a viable resource.) Little Earthquakes by A Perplexing Puzzle is a fun little Maddie-centric fic (Maddie investigates Phantom) that’s actually completed, and it doesn’t involve Phantom being strapped to a table at any point, so it’s distinctly less angsty than similar fics. Pretty much everything else I’d rec is either fairly angsty/dark or a crossover, though. Sorry!
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actualdannyfenton · 7 years
Hey do you have any favorite DP fics? I loved the series as a kid and recently I found some DP blogs and they reminded me of my love so I'm trying O get back into the fandom
Sure, I have lots of fics saved, both regular DP and crossovers.
DP fics 
Secrets Revealed by RedHeadsRock1010- A series of DP drabbles ranging in genre, all of which result in Danny’s secret getting out.
Dawning of a Sun bypearl84- Very very VERY long AU fic, probably my absolute favorite. Very worth the read.
Morality Recommended by frotesque- Future Gray Ghost fic, definitely one of my favorites.
Territory by toothbrushattack- Short one-shot about Danny making Amity his lair, ft. cute box-ghost content.
feel the outside turning in by anthrop- horror/supernatural genre fic where Danny leaves his body instead of his magical girl transformation
Ectoplasm on a School Night byBeachCat- Short Lancer-Danny bonding fic
Phantom’s Sketchbook byAkoyaMizuno- Pretty much everyone has read this I think, one of my favs. Lancer-centric.
Phantom of Truth and Shadow of a Doubt byHaiJu- Very very angsty Maddie-Danny-centric fic and it’s sequel, I highly recommend reading these at least once!! 
Deathday Revelations byAngel Baby1- Short humor reveal fic, also one of my favs.
You Should Be Dead bySaphireDragon11- Angsty fic in which Dash and Kwan think they’ve killed Danny and are shocked when he comes to school the next day
Estrelas byShimegami-chan- Amethyst Ocean AU where Danny is a ghost Sam meets in her grandmother’s attic
A Snapping Sound byRepresent- Horror AU fic, Amethyst Ocean. 
Roughing It byHaiJu- Maddie-Phantom bonding fic
Treading Water byThe Full Catastrophe- Mer!Danny AU fic
The Phantom by Hollow Mashiro- Crossover between DP and Code Geass 
Harry Potter and the Phantom King by SonicCrazyGal- Ghost king AU crossover with HP 
Danny Phantom x Marvel Drabbles by Triangle Goddess- Name is self explanatory, one of my personal favorite authors. DP and Marvel crossover drabbles.
Deeper, Darker by SilverMoonPhantom- Crossover between DP and Stranger Things, one of my personal favorite fics.
I Can Explain by scatterbrainz- DPxSupernatural crossover
Trigger Happy by Cabbit and the Weasel- One-shot DPxJustice League crossover 
Inspired by Vitaliciouscreations- A series of DPxSupernatural drabbles
Our Babysitter’s a Ghost by salvainterra- DPxGravity Falls crossover
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ka-tagory9 · 12 years
Summary: Sirius hasn't the first clue who this green eyed stranger is exactly, but he's here now and somehow he's Sirius' problem. AU
"You never call it home," Sirius noted, examining Harry's expression carefully. "You say 'my dimension,' 'my universe' or 'my world.' But I haven't once heard you say 'my home.'"
"Home? I don't really have one," Harry replied with a shrug. "Hogwarts is the closest I've ever had."
Sirius nodded. He could, at least, understand that. "Aren't you – I mean, there must be someone from your dimension that you miss."
"You'd be amazed. My family, my friends, my teachers – everyone around me died, Sirius!" Harry's grief was palpable; Sirius could feel it beating against him in waves. "And now I'm here and you're all alive but you aren't the people I love. And – and this is all so messed up."
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Hiya, Steph! :D I was wondering if there was any Gen/Mild-Johnlock fics for if the explosion in TGG had more of an impact on Sherlock? Love your amazing blog, and thanks! :D
Hi Lovely!! 
Aww, thanks!! I’m so happy you enjoy my blog! I have quite a few TGG-related fics, so how about I give them all to y’all?? :D Just check out my tags to see if it is an AU or not :) I’ve been meaning to do that
ANYWAY, if anyone has any to add (others or your own!), please let us know so we can get your fic out there!
The Moment When by drekadair (K, 509 w. || TGG Fic, Friendship, First Person POV Sherlock, Introspection, Worried Sherlock) – Sherlock sees John in the pool, and doubts. Set during the end of "The Great Game."
Five Seconds by xXLadyLovelaceXx (K+, 658 w. || Friendship, Introspection, TGG Pool Scene) – In the half-second before Sherlock shoots the jacket, John notices something.
Burn Burn by Jenn1984 (K+, 925 w. || Post-TGG, Angst, Worried / Panicked / Possessive Sherlock) – A week after the events of "The Great Game", Sherlock returns to 221B Baker Street to find it empty.
Idiot by Anesthesiologist (T, 1,229 w. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, TGG AU, BAMF John, Sherlock Whump, Inner Monologue, John Saves Sherlock, POV Sherlock) – What the heck happened? He remembered the pool and Moriarty, but then what? Had he been dying?
I Was Wrong by AllesandraQuartermaine (K, 1,496 w. || TGG AU, Friendship, Hospitalization / Injury, John’s Self Esteem, Sleepy Sherlock) – Sherlock and John have a conversation a few days after the pool face off with Moriarty. And John hears something quite surprising.
Back in the Saddle by grannysknitting (M, 1,577 w. || Post TGG AU, Donovan POV, Observation / Introspection, Protective Sherlock, Injured John, Case-ish Fic) – Their first return to solving crime after the pool and the explosion.
One in Ten Thousand by Blind Author (K+, 1,856 w. || Post-TGG, Friendship / Pre-Slash, Discussions of Violence, Worried then Curious Sherlock, Scars/John’s Bullet Wound, Medical Anomolies) – John seems to have unusual mobility for a shoulder wound…
Coming Full Circle by KCS (K+, 2,358 w. || Alternate TGG, Friendship, Drama, Violence/Death References, Drugging/Poisoning, Kidnapping, BAMF John, Moriarty POV, Introspection) – Moriarty had John for almost six hours between his abduction and the showdown at the pool - more than enough time to implement a Plan B for his escape should Sherlock call his bluff with the fake bomb vest.
It's All Fine by AkoyaMizuno (T, 2,459 w. || Post-TGG, Introspection, Mild Angst, Friendship) – Sherlock never asked what happened in the hours between John being kidnapped and the events at the pool. It occurs to him, days after the fact, that he probably should have.
Crime Scene Procedure for Death by Drowning by paxlux (T, 2,668 w. || Post-TGG, First Kiss, Sherlock’s Violin, Fluff) – He lies back in bed and listens to the notes and pictures them gathering around Sherlock’s feet like water. Part 1 of proper procedure
All That I Have by the_arc5 (M, 3,721 w. || Post-TGG Canon Divergence, Pining Sherlock, John Whump, Anxious / Worried Sherlock, Light Angst) – In the aftermath of the Great Game, Sherlock finds himself with a new weakness. John is both the cause and the cure.
Sink Like a Stone by pennydreadful (T, 4,348 w. || Angst / Dark, Cuddling/Snuggling) – After defeating Moriarty at the pool, life isn't quite the same around 221B Baker Street...it's more peaceful. And stranger.
The Care and Keeping of Your Mad Genius by Janieshi (T, 4,553 w. || Post-TGG, Friendship, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Light Humour/Teasing, Alternating POV, Cranky Sherlock) – If he hadn't been so focused on holding the bastard still, John would have laughed aloud. This maniac really thought John was the pet in this dynamic?
The Refining Fire by Arwen Jade Kenobi (T, 5,451 w. || Post-TGG AU, Angst, Friendship, Alternating POV (Lestrade, Mycroft, Sherlock), Worried Sherlock, Hospital Recovery) – Fire can burn things to ashes, but it can also burn things together.
BANG by ElvendorkInfinity (T, 7,016 w. || Post-TGG AU, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Worried / Scared Sherlock, Alternating POV, Whump, Hospital Recovery, Open Ending) – 'I should warn you,' Sherlock says, his voice steady and his eyes fixed on Moriarty. 'You are sadly misinformed.' And he fires. Prequel to M Is For Moriarty
The Hours Before Midnight by Lady Sam Mallory (T, 7,773 w. || TGG Fic, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Torture / John Whump, Kidnapping, Drugging, Alternating POV, Worried / Protective Sherlock) – Moriarty doesn't play fair. John must deal with hours of torment from Moriarty before going to meet Sherlock at the Pool at the end of the Great Game and Sherlock must deal with the consequences of his boredom.
Victim, Bait, Hero, Friend by KimberlyTheOwl (T, 7,887 w. || Post-TGG Epilogue, Angst, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection, Past Kidnapping / Torture / Implied Rape, Panic Attacks, Worried / Possessive Sherlock, Lestrade is a Good Friend) – Some insights into why John was perfectly willing to throw everything away for a chance to kill Moriarty at the pool. Trauma, ugliness, and finally healing. Some nice supporting work by Lestrade as well.
All the Times Something ALMOST Happened by allonsys_girl (T, 9,049 w. || POV Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Canon Compliant, Angst, Friendship/Love, UST, All Seasons) – John and Sherlock dancing around what they dance around in canon.
Always the sun by Rose de Sharon (K+, 12,377 w. || Song Fic, Alternate Post-TGG, Friendship/Bromance, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection / Reflection, Injury Recovery, Obsessive / Protective Sherlock, Nightmares, John’s Past, Bed Sharing / Cuddles) – Sherlock ponders about how much his life has changed since John has become his flatmate.
Understanding by rizandace (T, 13,268 w. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Worried Sherlock, John Whump Then Sherlock Whump, Post-TGG) – Sherlock's hiding something about his newest case, and John wants answers. Friendship fic, mostly, with brief entrances from Harry and Lestrade just for fun.
Hope for Heroes by Richefic (K+, 16,887 w. || Post-TGG Fic, Introspection / Flashbacks, Friendship/Epic Bromance, Hurt/Comfort, Worried/Anxious Sherlock, Sherlock Admires John, BAMF John, John Deduces, Fancy Party, John’s Self Esteem, Domestics) – In the final moments of "The Great Game" Holmes hopes he will have the chance to tell his flatmate that he was wrong. Heroes do exist after all and the one in front of him is called Dr John Watson.
An Experiment in Empathy Series by belovedmuerto (T, 62,397 w. across 13 stories || Empath AU || Psychic John, Psychic-by-Proxy Sherlock, Empathy, Psychic Bond, Romance / Bromance) – In which John is an empath, Sherlock is Sherlock, and an epic bromance happens. In the aftermath of The Great Game, John creates an unexpected bond between himself and Sherlock. Now they have to learn how to deal with it. John is better at this than Sherlock is.
The Heart In The Whole by verityburns (E, 101,650 || Post-TGG Canon Divergence, Drama & Angst, H/C, First Time, Blind Sherlock) – Events after ‘The Great Game’ leave Sherlock dependent on his best friend and colleague. But John has a secret of his own…
Maintenance and Repair by patternofdefiance (E, 106,650 w. || Future AU, Augmentation || Augmented John, Depression, Body Modification, Slow Burn, Worldbuilding, Sci-Fi, Self-Care, Body Dysmorphia, TGG Remix) – John wants to explain the rush of sensation and data, which is just another form of sensation (or is it the other way around?). John wants to say: Augmentation circuits report temperature, pressure, various forms of quantitative input. Sudden changes are reported as pain, since sudden changes are dangerous, and pain is the quickest way to encourage reflexive extraction. But all John can manage is, “Nng.” Because this sudden touch is not reporting as pain. Part 2 of STATIC
To Light Another's Path by BeautifulFiction (E, 128,654 w. || Post-TGG, Sick Fic, Hurt/Comfort, Drug Addiction / Recreational Drug Use, First Time / Kiss, Case Fic) – Teaching John to observe seems to be a losing battle, but when Sherlock falls ill and submits himself to John's care, will he realise that there is more to life than the science of deduction? Meanwhile, there is a murder to solve, and John must try and convince Sherlock not to sacrifice his own health for the sake of the case.
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Hey there :) I was wondering if you have any fics where Moriarty (or any villain really) kidnaps John/Sherlock and the other has to try to find them?
Anonymous said to inevitably-johnlocked: hi! do you have any fic recs where sherlock is the one that’s captured for something and john has to save him?
Hi Nonnies!!
Oh, I don’t have many, so I’ll give you all the kidnapping & related fics I have! Most of them are on FFnet, since that’s when I used to read a lot of angst, LOL. Hope these satisfy! Feel free to add your own, all!
Imminent by LoyalPaddler (K+, 1K+w || Kidnapping, Open Ending) – What did it say about a person if he recognized the feeling of waking up concussed, blindfolded, and handcuffed to a chair? Probably not good, that.
Not a Soldier by LoyalPaddler (T, 1K+ w. || HC / Pre-S3, Nice!Mary, Hostage Situation) – A day on the battlefield with Sherlock Holmes.
Odd and Even by katkin (K+, 1K+w. || Post-TBB, Friendship) – Sherlock helps John to come to terms with the ordeal of his kidnapping.
Persuasion by Januscars (K+, 1K+ w. || Friendship, Crime, Angry Sherlock, Hostage John) – A gunman holds a gun to John’s head, and Sherlock proves to be very persuasive when he wants to be… 
In Which John is a BAMFy MoFo, OMG! by Kantayra (T, 1,835 w. || Humour) – John’s BAMFness and Sherlock’s damsel-in-distress act are caught forever on camera. So Scotland Yard can mock. A lot.
All in a Day by chappysmom (K+, 2K+ w. || Kidnapping, Sherlock POV) – Oddly enough, it seemed like this time, Sherlock had been kidnapped for no other reason than to pressure John. In other words, this had nothing to do with him. Really, this on top of the blow to the head was enough to make him dizzy.
It’s All Fine by AkoyaMizuno (T, 2K+ w. || Post-TGG, Introspection, Mild Angst, Friendship) – Sherlock never asked what happened in the hours between John being kidnapped and the events at the pool. It occurs to him, days after the fact, that he probably should have.
Doesn’t Follow Me Everywhere by Janec Shannon (T, 3K+ w. || Humour and Friendship) – "He doesn’t follow me everywhere, you know.“ Silly John, of course he does what with your penchant for getting kidnapped.
For Thou Art With Me by Ultra-Geek (T, 3K+ w. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship) – It is a normal day. Boring, routine. Right up until John Watson walks out the door and off the face of the earth. Companion to ’And I Shall Fear No Evil’, but can stand alone
Fortune Favours the Wet by CaffieneKitty (K+, 3K+w. || Adventure, Trapped John) – There was something to be said about the quiet of the bottom of a well… Things go wrong for John during a case.
And I Shall Fear No Evil by Ultra-Geek (T, 4K+ w. || Angst, Hurt/Comfort) – John’s been taken by an unknown enemy who will stop at nothing to find out more about one Mr. Sherlock Holmes. Companion to ‘For Thou Art With Me’, but can stand alone.
Nursery Rhymes by macrauchenia (T, 4K+ || Angst, Suspense, MCD, Unhappy Ending, Kidnapping) – “Hickory dickery dock. Sherlock’s against the clock. When the wick is gone, so will be John. Hickory dickery dock.” - John is in a struggle for his life in a warehouse rigged to blow by Moriarty.
Things Unseen and Left Unsaid by Ultra-Geek (T, 4K+ w. || Friendship, Drama, Kidnapping) – Sherlock can’t crack the riddle that is John Watson. But that’s going to have to be put on hold, as said riddle has currently been kidnapped and buried alive, and Sherlock only has seven hours to find him.
Carry On by Mazarin221b (M, 4,647 w. || 5 and Ones, H/C, Afghanistan, Frottage, Hand Jobs, First Time, Whump) – Five times John didn’t want to be carried, and one time he did.
when Harry met Sally (and then Sherlock Holmes) by Etharei (T, 5,443 w. || POV Outsider, Kidnapped John) – Harry Watson hadn’t expected the Met, and possibly the British government, to be this keen on locating her missing brother.
The Death of Doubt by Gingerhermit (E, 6,584 w. || Alternate Canon, BAMF John, POV Sherlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Hurt/Comfort, Angst/Drama, Meddling Mycroft) – Mycroft asks for John’s help in rescuing Sherlock from his Serbian captors.
Drowning in Darkness by chappysmom (T, 7K+w. || Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapped John, Post-TRF Hiatus / Reunion, John Whump, Angst with Happy Ending, Depressed John, Background Case Fic) – He couldn’t decide if it was a relief or a curse that he’d been left completely, absolutely alone. You couldn’t fight darkness with your fists, and no matter how strong your will-power, it could be beaten down by the constant monotony of nothingness. Nobody needed John. 
The Hours Before Midnight by Lady Sam Mallory (T, 7K+w. || Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Violence, TGG Fic) – Moriarty doesn’t play fair. John must deal with hours of torment from Moriarty before going to meet Sherlock at the Pool at the end of the Great Game and Sherlock must deal with the consequences of his boredom.
Sibling Rivalry Or Fighting Over John Watson By Jessa7 (T, 8,085 w. || Romance / Humour) – Mycroft is just as much of a genius as Sherlock is. He keeps randomly kidnapping John for chats, and the locations get better. Cue Sherlock’s younger sibling complex rearing up and jealousy ensues.
Riddles in the Dark by Starlight05 (T, 9K+ w. || Suspense & Friendship, Torture) - When Sherlock is kidnapped by an old nemesis, it’s up to John to find him and save his life. But can he find a way to get the detective out of this mess? And will they be found in time?
To See You Again by Arisprite (T, 11K+ w. || Suspense, H/C, Supernatural) – When John wakes to a world where no one can see or hear him, it takes everything he has, including the upheaval of past mistakes to find out what happened in time to save his own life. No slash.
Fear Itself by KCS (K+, 12K+ w. || Suspense, Friendship) – John is accustomed to being kidnapped by now, but he never expected a criminal to adopt Mycroft’s method of doing so, to ensure he comes along without a fight.
The Haze by Ulura (T, 15K+ w. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Whump, Turmoil, Mystery, Worried Sherlock, Mycroft Helps Sherlock, Flashbacks, Blood, Kidnapped John) – Sherlock wakes up, injured and confused on the floor of 221b, the last two days a complete blank. He must struggle not only to recover but to figure out what happened to him and most importantly, find his missing friend John Watson.
Pressure Points by Starlight05 (T, 17K+w. || Suspense & Friendship, Intense Themes, Torture) - SEQUEL TO ‘RIDDLES IN THE DARK’ – Sebastian Moran is locked away in prison, but he plots to escape and seek revenge on Mycroft Holmes. Meanwhile, Sherlock and John are dealing with a change in their relationship, trying not to fall apart. And as ties are tested and allegiances altered, events unfold in the streets of London that threaten both the Holmes brothers and everyone they care for.
Couples Retreat by Madam_Fandom (E, 18,717 w. || Fake Relationship, Undercover Couple, Case Fic, Angst, Kidnapping, Fake Marriage, Cross Dressing) – Couples are turning up missing at a very high class couples retreat; and the only way to get to the bottom of it is for John and Sherlock to go under cover as a couple. {{Haven’t read this yet, so read at your discretion}}
Too Visible by chappysmom (K+, 23K+ w. || John Becomes Invisible, THoB Rewrite, Friends, Kidnapping, Angst) – With his gift of being invisible, John has always worried about being locked away in an experimental government lab … but what do you do when it’s your best friend who locks you up? Baskerville is quite literally John’s worst nightmare-and the Hound has nothing to do with it. It’s all Sherlock’s fault, but will he realize that? Sequel to Invisible & Still Invisible
Maintaining A Personal Life by Gingerhermit (E, 24,284 w. || Alternating POV’s, Bisexuality, BAMF!John, Romance / Drama, Sort-of Case Fic, Peril & Angst, Love Confessions, Toplock, Soft Idiots in Love, Post S3) – Sherlock and John discover some interesting revelations about each other’s sexuality, which lead them both to question the assumptions they’ve made about one another for years. In the midst of their mutual discoveries, a dangerous psychopath looms on the side-lines who threatens to destroy their new beginning.
26 Pieces by Lanning (E, 28,236 w. || H/C, Schmoop, Torture) – Mycroft gives Sherlock the apparently simple task of solving a puzzle box containing a stolen microchip. It isn’t simple.
M Is For Moriarty by ElvendorkInfinity (T, 29K+ w. || Suspense, Mystery, Case Fic, Worried Sherlock, No Slash, Whump) – A figure at the end of the hospital bed; a needle in the dark…Moriarty has John, and Sherlock must follow the paper trail through London to find him before time runs out. Sequel to BANG.
Jack In The Box by Liketheriver (T, 30,785 w. || Romance, Case Fic, H/C, Lestrade First POV) – John’s been kidnapped, Mycroft has rules, and Lestrade has to do his best to keep up with Sherlock as they deal with a returning foe. Lestrade POV as he and Sherlock work to find John, even though that’s the last thing John seems to want. Part 2 of Bedtime Universe
Bloody But Unbowed by BeautifulFiction (E, 43,211 w. || Abduction, John Whump, Mild Torture, Background Case Fic, Friends to Lovers, Post-TRF / S3 Rewrite, Hurt/Comfort) – When a familiar argument threatens to destroy the last remnants of John and Sherlock’s failing friendship, both men are left questioning their worth to one another. Before either of them has the chance to make amends, circumstance intervenes. John is left at the mercy of his abductors, and this time, he’s not sure Sherlock will bother coming to his rescue.
A Promise Made to Be Broken by PlantsAreNeat (E, 37,018 w. || Fake Relationship, Pining, Slow Burn, RST, Eventual Relationship, POV Sherlock) – A young John makes an ‘if we’re still single at 40, we’ll get together’ pledge to a woman who ends up all wrong for him. She keeps reminding him of the promise, and won’t let go of it. John asks Sherlock to pose as his boyfriend at a family wedding, so as to dash her hopes permanently. Sherlock, who has at last acknowledged his feelings for John, reluctantly agrees despite knowing how painful it will be to ‘have’ John, but not keep him.
The Case of the Vanishing Pants by SwissMiss (E, 44,025 w. || Five and Ones, Friends to Lovers, Case Fic, Homophobia, UST, Post-TRF) – Five times John and Sherlock lost their pants in the course of a case.
Lost Without My Blogger by starrysummernights (E, 52,155 w. || Rev. Reich, PTSD, Hurt / Comfort, Fluff / Angst, Psychological Torture, Reunion Fic, Friends to Lovers) – John is abducted and declared dead. How will Sherlock cope without his blogger? How will he react when John comes back from the “dead?” Drama and angst with a healthy dose of romance. Part 1 of I’d Be Lost Without My Blogger
Fan Mail by scullyseviltwin (E, 53,942 w. || Stalking, Obsessive Fans, Angst) – “WatsonChick143 has been rather maniacal in her commenting as of late… she’s left comments on everything you’ve posted John, something so obvious can’t have escaped even your attention.“
Wars We Fought, Things We’re Not by blueink3 (M, 55,204 w. || Parentlock, Fluff & Angst, Kidnapping, Whump, Post-TAB, UST, Slow Burn, Couple for a Case) –  Five months after John’s world has fallen apart, Mycroft sends the consulting detective and his doctor on a case that neither is prepared for.
Secrets and Revelations by Hisstah (E, 85,535 w. || Sentinel / Guides AU, Omegaverse, Aventure, Violence, Anal / Oral, Omega!John / Alpha!Sherlock, Case Fic, Politics, Mild DubCon) – Dr John Watson has some major secrets that he’s kept from his flatmate, Alpha Sentinel Sherlock Holmes. Now the Sentinel Tower is after him. Can John stay out of their hands until he can reveal his secrets to Sherlock? Part 1 of Secrets and Revelations
Shatter the Darkness (Let the Light In) by MojoFlower (E, 109,683 w. || Genie/Djinn AU || Magical Realism, H/C, Kidnapping, Genie Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, Case Fic, H/C, Angst, Clubs, John Whump) – Fairy tales are for those who remember how to dream; not John Watson, broken and hiding from his bleak future in a beige bedsit. But then he discovers a lamp and finds himself in the dangerous riptide of an enigmatic man whose very existence is unbelievable, murder charges against his sister, and the growing pains of feeling alive once more.
THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF JOHN WATSON by skyefullofstars (T, 110,758 w. || H/C, Kidnapping, Angst, Violence, Whump, Nightmares, Murder, Drug Addiction, Torture) – While Sherlock grapples with his new-found feelings for John Watson, he faces a very real threat: John’s kidnapping and shooting at the hands of James Moriarty. And the knowledge that the love of his life is being used to test an addictive drug - at the risk of John’s sanity and life. Prequel to THE BOYS OF BAKER STREET. Part 1 of THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF JOHN WATSON
The Swan Triad by Pennin_Ink (T, 121,660 w. across 3 works || Swan Lake AU || Magical / Fairy Tale AU, Romance, Falling in Love, Pining, Psychological Torture, Transformation) – Sherlock and John grow up spending every summer together. Their mothers’ attempts to play matchmaker only fuel their mutual resentment and scorn. But then, one summer.
Ten Days by Engazed (E, 137,208 w. || Rape/Non-Con, Post-TRF, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Torture, Case Fic) – Sherlock Holmes has been dead for forty months, and John is at last beginning to live his life again. But just when he believes he might be happy, his world crashes back down around him.John is named a missing person. Someone is pointing DI Lestrade in the wrong direction. And as the days pass, his situation only grows more dire. It seems like the disappearance of his best friend is the only thing that can bring Sherlock Holmes back from the dead. Part 1 of The Fallen {{I haven’t read this one yet so heed the tags}}
Midnight Blue Serenity by BeautifulFiction (E, 151,907 w. || Friends to Lovers, Gay Bar / For a Case, Drugs, Pining, Case Fic, UST) – When Sherlock infiltrates a club in order to track down a serial killer, his altered appearance is enough to make John question his assumption that Sherlock is beyond his reach. However, is he the only one who appreciates his flatmate’s charms, or is Sherlock at risk of becoming the next victim?
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