#again maybe i am biased because it is my all time favorite musical but this production was done So. Well. thank you John Doyle x1million
black-arcana · 17 days
New LACUNA COIL Album To Arrive Before End Of 2024
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In a recent interview with Brazil's Sonoridades Inc., singer Cristina Scabbia of Italian goth metal veterans LACUNA COIL spoke about the progress of the writing and recording sessions for the band's follow-up to 2019's "Black Anima" album. She said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I can't really tell you a lot. I can tell you that we are progressing very fast. We are almost, like, 100… We completed, let's say, the demoing. We still have to record the rest of the songs, but we will soon — probably after the tour, after the [May 2024] North American tour. And if everything goes as projected, before the end of the year [it] will be released. And that's already a big news, because we always say, 'We don't know. Maybe.' … I absolutely love the songs. I'm part of the process. But I'm very pleased."
Asked if LACUNA COIL's 2023 single "Never Dawn", for which the band partnered with CMON, the renowned board game publisher behind the popular game "Zombicide", will be on the upcoming album, Cristina said: "I think it will be. I think it will be, 'cause it will make sense. And it also fits with the other songs — it really fits with the other songs. Many heavy songs."
LACUNA COIL has just completed the "Ignite The Fire" U.S. tour with support from NEW YEARS DAY and OCEANS OF SLUMBER.
Last month, LACUNA COIL released another new single, "In The Mean Time", featuring Ash Costello of NEW YEARS DAY. The song's title is a reference to the mean times the world is living in, as well as a reference to the state the band itself is in, between cycles.
When "In The Mean Time" was first made available, LACUNA COIL said in a statement: "'In The Mean Time' is a reflection on how much our society has generally 'lost the plot'. We are living in really mean times filled with unhappy people: lonely, anxious, depressed, destructive. The pressure that crushes from the outside doesn't allow us to see things with the right clarity.
"This song is like group therapy: not a lamentation, but acceptance that once broken, it's hard to put oneself back together again.
"We need to take our minds off all the inescapable toxicity and find that there's so much more to this life… and know that in the meantime, everything cannot be aligned.
"We invited Ash Costello from NEW YEARS DAY to feature on the track and we're thrilled she came on board adding exactly what we needed for this song with her warm voice and charisma."
Costello said: "I am deeply honored to join LACUNA COIL on tour for the first time, to have the incredible opportunity to lend my guest vocals to a new track and appear in the music video. Working alongside the powerhouse vocalist Cristina has been a privilege, and I may be biased in saying that 'In The Mean Time' has quickly become my favorite by LACUNA COIL. Its message about embracing individuality and not conforming deeply resonates with me."
Last July, LACUNA COIL released the official lyric video for "Never Dawn".
LACUNA COIL has spent some of the last couple of years promoting "Comalies XX", the "deconstructed" and "transported" version of the band's third album, "Comalies".
"Comalies XX" was made available on October 14, 2022 via Century Media Records.
LACUNA COIL celebrated the 20th anniversary of "Comalies", by performing it in its entirety at a one-night-only concert on October 15, 2022 at Fabrique in Milano.
"Comalies" was originally released on October 29, 2002 through Century Media Records. The LP, which featured the band's breakthrough single "Heaven's A Lie", has reportedly gone on to sell over 300,000 copies in the United States alone.
Photo credit: Patric Ullaeus
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Asking asking askiiiing...
Micah: 5, 9
Javier: 7, 8
Pearson: 14, 26 (Freebie: What would his favorite food be to make, if he didn't have to cook outdoors and in bulk? i.e. not being stuck with stew.)
5: What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
At the moment I have I Want It All by Lana Del Rey stuck in my head so I am a bit biased… at the moment. (Such a cunty song for him).😁
For serious songs I associate with him, Frontier Psychiatrist by The Avalanches is spot on. It is fun, it is chaotic, it sounds like a collection of disconnected memories and audio clips, it focuses on the unwell mental state of a person, so on…
I know some people tie metal music into Micah. Maybe it is me not liking metal music, but I’ve always associated Micah with wind instrument band music. American Venom or various songs from the RDR1 and RDR2 sound track capture the power of Micah to me; he carries the name of his past kin and wields it like his duel revolvers. He is feared and it only feels right a triumphant band of trumpets and electric guitar accompany him.
9: Could you be roommates with this character?
Haha NOOOOOO. Regardless of if it is canon Micah or a modern AU Micah, I think he would be a pain to deal with. Micah mainly does his own thing so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. I don’t wanna dwell and put TOO much thought into this, but I feel like Micah would be a cruddy roommate whenever he is inside the house, but the majority of the time he is out of the house doing something illegal or morally dubious.
7: What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Tough, not because there isn’t a lot I love but because there is a lot that I love. The fandom has been pretty good to Javier in my opinion. Maybe too good and excuse him of his faults but that is not the focus of the question.
I do like when the fandom sheds light on Javier’s past, his family, his flaws, and his struggles. Idk if I have seen any art or fan fiction about Javier and his sister, but I want to. Idk if I have seen anything even about Javier in Mexico prior to the VDL gang. The small crumbs that are talked about by the fandom, I reaaaaally appreciate.
8: What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I am not sure because the fandom is usually respectful about Javier. There isn’t anything I despise, at most I roll my eyes.
I was going to say I felt the constant use of google translate Spanish in fan fiction felt ooc but I realized over time that Javier just does that and interchangeably uses English and Spanish in-game. Plus there is no one right way to right a character. Even if it was ooc that would be fine.
I think people (once again) infantilizing and excusing Javier of his flaws is an annoyance. That and steam rolling his rough edges and flaws to make him this suave guy who gets all the ladies. This man returns to camp smelling like fish and with dirt covered hands from worm collecting. He may have good clothing and hygiene but this man is also unsexy in his own ways. He is unconventionally sexy. You don’t need to replace parts of him to make him “better”. He is already a good character, you just gotta appreciate what’s there.
14: Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
D: oh no. I was not ready for Pearson headcanon time.
I feel like much of what Pearson already wears (minus the top hat and a few others) would fit into modern day as some sort of thrifted aesthetic, assuming the clothes are cleaned and not blood stained.
I especially like his sweater outfit which makes me think he would enjoy nice big sweaters the girls find on social media and then buy for him. They’re almost all muted colors and patterns. He especially likes the ones depicting nature like this one.
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26: favorite food to make with no restrictions.
I don’t have a solid idea for this one so excuse me as I take this in a unserious route: BURGER!
I can just imagine Pearson in a modern AU being a grill dude. He just wants to BBQ and feel good with a beer in his hands on a spring/summer afternoon. He isn’t obligated to provide food for the gang anymore, but he is happy to be invited over by Dutch to talk and grill.
Pearson is a man of varied cuisine so burgers aren’t his only thing. He does others. Burgers are just a crowd pleaser, not too difficult to make, and easy to customize. He might’ve even tried making those new fangled vegan burger black bean things for the gang members who don’t eat meat anymore (cough cough, Mary-Beth).
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hidingoutbackstage · 3 months
Okay I’m STILL procrastinating watching s15 bc I’m SCARED so here’s my extremely biased ratings/opinions on the episodes of s14 to help me procrastinate (episodes which are multiple parts of a single story will be condensed into one slot)
Room Zero: SO cute and good, I LOVED the animation style, it was simple and short but really well done with great colors, fun alien designs, and fluid animation, and I just like seeing the guys go on missions like that. It's a shame that the animated show never got picked up bc I would've adored seeing more of it. 10/10
From Stumbled Beginnings: Very cute and funny origin story for Simmons and Grif, and I love that they were p much always together since they enlisted lmao makes their dynamic rlly good and the humor actually got a couple laughs out of me. 8/10
Fifty Shades of Red: Sarge's humor never quite landed with me like is has for some people (my boyfriend lmao I literally have to pause episodes sometimes so he can stop laughing. Anyway) but it was a very humorous and in character origin for him as well. 5/10
Why They’re Here: Less interesting than the previous two, obviously just meant to fill in plot "holes" and to also show us the origins of the other characters. Also I am completely ignoring that one line from Tucker in the interview, just gonna chalk it up to the "edgy" humor it does not exist to me. 4/10
The Brick Gulch Chronicles: WONDERFUL stop motion, very fun and cute and entertaining, very wholesome and still in the vibe with what the show itself is. I appreciate the willingness to do stop motion for most of it. 10/10
Red Army Unit FH57’s Adventure: It was kinda interesting and kinda funny but I found myself kinda tuning it out cuz it just felt kinda whatever. The combo of the different animation styles was cool though and I thought the ship misunderstanding them was funny. 5/10
Locus and Felix: Okay I'm gonna be a black sheep for a second and say that I rlly don't care that much about Locus and Felix. I don't think Felix is a secretly deep sadboi whom I'm gonna spend an unnecessary amount of time thinking about, I don't think Locus as secretly good all along, and I don't care that much about their partnership and what they were like before Chorus. That being said, the animation here is absolutely gorgeous, this is probably my favorite animated story in the whole season, it looks awesome. The plot is nothing special but who cares like I said it's beautiful, 6/10
Fight the Good Fight!: VERY funny and well-executed propaganda video, short and sweet and nothing more to it. It does its job. 5/10
Meta vs. Carolina: Dawn of Awesome: Another one I really don't care for because literally everything leading UP to the fight between Meta and Carolina is a waste of time. Maybe some people really care about their weapons and stats, but I don't. And even then, you kinda know Carolina is gonna win the fight, the question is just how. 4/10
Grey vs. Gray: I don't know or care about the Game Grumps and the entire thing felt like a short gag that went on for way too long with a predictable ending. 2/10
Caboose's Guide to Making Friends: Again, ADORABLE art style and very cute having a story be told from Caboose's perspective. 7/10
Head Cannon: Kinda funny I guess. I wish we'd gotten it spread out more equally among the heads Omega jumped into. Ik he didn't spend equal time in there but who cares. Whatever, still funny. 5/10
Red vs. Blue: The Musical: it was fine. it was creative. The dancing was well animated. Enjoyable. 5/10
Mr. Red vs. Mr. Blue: I haven't seen Reservoir Dogs but Kaikaina was in this which automatically boosts it to a 8/10 (I also like that they have movie nights it's cute)
RvB Throwdown: Fine but mostly forgettable. 3/10
The Triplets Story: REALLY interesting concept (y'all know I love the freelancers) that felt like it dragged on too long and only gave Ohio something to do. 4/10
Immersion: The Warthog Flip: I loved the costumes and the actual Warthog and it got a couple laughs out of me. 5/10
Red vs. Blue vs. Rooster Teeth: This was made for the fans/themselves. As someone who is neither, none of it was funny and I just kinda waited for it to be over. At least the animation of the armor irl looked rlly good
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for the character ask: Courtney (i'm genuinely curious)
Ooooh, Courtney!! Fun!! I got all of the Gac Pac through these asks!!
First impression: I'm going to be very honest, I didn't really like Courtney when I first saw her, please don't come for me--I just thought she was kind of annoying, and I didn't like how she forced Gene into a relationship that they clearly didn't want. The first episode that she appeared in definitely didn't do her any favors.
Impression now: Okay, I actually kind of love her now. Maybe love is a bit of a strong word, but the development she's gotten is really nice. I hope she gets more time to flesh her character out even more. The only family I know she has is her dad, who sucks because he stole Gene's song. Yes, I will never forgive him for doing that. Anyway, I love how she's become much less annoying and a lot more tolerable. It's clear she genuinely cares about Gene's feelings now, and other people's feelings, for that matter. She's grown a lot, and I really appreciate seeing that.
Favorite moment: Probably either the entirety of The Gene and Courtney Show ("Your heart's not broken, it's only growing" 😭) or that moment in Video Killed the Gene-io Star where she and Gene have a really nice conversation on the slide outside, and Gene agrees to do her music video for her. To be honest, I do have a little bit of mixed feelings towards the end of that episode, because I do think it's very sweet, and it's good to sacrifice things for other people, but also, Gene should be allowed to take his own feelings into account, I think. But that's just my opinion. I still enjoy the episode quite a bit.
Idea for a story: I actually don't really know. Maybe an episode that dives into her home life or something?? I think that would be interesting. Ooooh, a plot where she gets into ballet and Gene joins her class again because he canonically used to take ballet would be so fun. I actually kind of love the idea of them being ballerinas together.
Unpopular opinion: This isn't really unpopular, per se, but she was kind of awful in her first appearance. She just kept sucking on her necklace and forcing Gene into an uncomfortable situation until he snapped, which was honestly deserved. And I was shocked because it takes a lot to make him snap like that. But yeah, I'm glad they toned her annoyingness way down.
Favorite relationship: Probably her friendship with Gene, because it's very sweet. They were nice while they were together, but I definitely think they work a lot better as friends. Am I biased because Galexis (that's what I'm calling them for now because it sounds similar to Galex, ahahahahah) is what I love to draw and write, but still. There's something about their dynamic that works better platonically.
Favorite headcanon: I'm actually not sure!! Okay, a headcanon that I just made up is that Courtney acted the way she did in her first appearance because she's actually quite insecure because of her heart condition (which also gives her a bit of anxiety) and thought if she put on a fake bravado and took charge by forcing Gene into a relationship, she couldn't be rejected. She ultimately was, which is probably why she grew a lot as a person. I like to think if she and Regular-Sized Rudy ever interacted, they'd be able to bond over having health issues, which I think would be very sweet to see.
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riddlerosehearts · 2 months
Ok, I need to know your fob album ranking and top 10 songs, GO!
oooh okay so i need to start by saying that i am heavily biased toward their older stuff because... i've listened to fall out boy since i was probably too young to listen to fall out boy AFGKJDF and their pre-hiatus albums essentially shaped my music taste and helped me get through a lot of difficult times in my life. so i'm really just generally more attached to them than the rest but i do like every single one of their albums at least a little because they all have songs i love. i also had to think about this a bit and am still not sure if it's a perfect ranking because i'm incredibly indecisive. but this is what i'm feeling right now! (also i apologize in advance for adding a bunch of commentary and rambling instead of just giving you the ranking LOL)
from under the cork tree - was the first FOB album i ever listened to so i'm biased but it's so fucking good. especially if you include the bonus tracks from it. there is not a single song on here that i don't love.
infinity on high - contains my favorite FOB song (okay maybe it's illogical that my #1 song is from my #2 album but listen... it's a very close #2), aesthetically has the coolest album cover, and it's just fantastic all around--again, especially if you include the bonus tracks.
take this to your grave - i feel like a lot of people hate TTTYG nowadays and i'll never understand why. it's a great album. it's classic pop punk and just pure fun.
folie a deux - literally never understood the hate this album got when it came out!! it's so good!! i remember listening to the whole thing the same day as it dropped and loving it and being so confused seeing how much people complained about it :(
so much (for) stardust - okay i actually love this album so much that #5 feels too low but if i switched it with folie then #5 would feel too low for folie so idk 😭😭 my favorite post-hiatus album BY FAR though. it's sooo good and it's also special to me because i literally never got to see fall out boy live until they toured for its release last year.
save rock and roll - has some misses for me, as do the albums i've ranked below it, but overall i like my favorite songs from SRAR more than i like my faves from the albums below, and it gets bonus points for how cool the youngblood chronicles is + the nostalgia i associate with FOB's return from their hiatus.
american beauty/american psycho - ABAP gets a lot of hate but i think it kind of rocks actually and putting it at #7 feels slightly wrong. it's really only this low because something has to be and because again, i like my favorite SRAR songs more than my favorite ABAP songs.
mania - i think a lot of people on here get mad if you put MANIA last so i'm sorry afksjgdsf. it honestly just has the lowest number of songs i really like and has several that i don't. though i will say that last of the real ones is a certified banger and i was so glad it had a permanent spot on the tourdust setlist.
hum hallelujah - my beloved 💙💙 when i saw FOB live they had a slot on the setlist where each night they'd either play bang the doldrums or hum hallelujah and i won't lie, i did feel disappointed for a second when doldrums started. i got over it because i love that song too but. hum hallelujah is one of my all time favorite songs.
i slept with someone in fall out boy and all i got was this stupid song written about me - my favorite song on FUTCT and another all time fave. i also think this is the funniest song title of all time btw.
G.I.N.A.S.F.S. - so jealous of anyone who's gotten to see this played live as a magic 8-ball song :(
calm before the storm - this having a permanent spot on the tourdust setlist got me hyped like you wouldn't believe because they had last played it in 2007. underappreciated banger.
love from the other side - this was literally my top song of 2023 on my spotify wrapped. i made an angsty raeda gifset with lyrics from it not long after the single came out because it made me so insane.
sugar we're goin' down - might be a bit of a basic choice but it was the first FOB song i ever liked and it fucking slaps 💖 also when i saw them live i swear patrick changed the lyrics to "wishing to be the friction in his jeans" which is just. legendary and iconic of him.
disloyal order of water buffaloes
grand theft autumn/where is your boy - again, a basic choice, but sometimes things are popular for a reason!
the carpal tunnel of love
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kbius6 · 9 months
Ranking my favorite IkeVamp guys because I'm bored and felt like it lol.
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Was just gonna rank them and put what I like about them and stuff but ended up adding extra headcannon-y(?) stuff(like stuff I'd show some of them from the future lol(ADHD strikes again 🤦‍♀️) Im not changing it. Enjoy my rambling lol, or you can ignore it and just look at the pictures, your choice 😂
Im using the pet cards because they're my favorites 🖤🖤🖤
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1. Charles. He is an absolutely precious baby. He made me cry. So damn much. I hate that I understand how he feels 😔 just wanting love. I just wanna hug him and comfort him and tell him how much I love him. He's so sweet, and SO kind, he deserves to be happy and loved. Imma make him watch Fruits Basket with me and listen to my favorite bands, that always makes me feel less lonely so maybe it'd help him too 🖤
Fuck it, why not rate the pets too lol.
Louis 9/10 adorable, wants attention, basically a palm sized fluffy Charles lol.
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2. Dazai. Apparently the more they make me cry the more I like them 🤷‍♀️ there's just something lovable about him. He's another one I can't help but relate a lot to, and like with Charles I would 110% be showing him my favorite music, maybe it'd make him realize he's not the only one that feels like he does. Also curious what his reaction to Bungo Stray Dogs would be...hmm
Bunta 6/10 cute little bird.
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3. Leonardo. This motherfucker...where to begin 😂 he like naps. I like naps. His room's a cluttered wreack. My room's a cluttered wreck. He has a black cat. I have 2 black cats. He has hobbies in basically everything. I end up with new hobbies monthly(yay ADHD) and in his route he takes the MC on a freaking boat ride. Which made me think of the most romantic scene ever(imo) from Tangled(my favorite Disney movie(which I will make him watch) and I would quite literally implode if someone ever did that with me irl. Also I love Italian food and I bet he can cook 🤤
Lumiere 10/10 I am completely biased, black cats are the best cats 🖤🖤🖤
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4. Mozart. He was the first route I decided to read. Music was quite literally my first love and I actually enjoy listening to classical music, so he was a no brainer to start with. And stupidly I have a soft spot for tsunderes lol. I have the horrible urge to show him the weirdest stuff from my music playlists just to watch his head explode trying to comprhend how anyone could actually like such things 😂 also think it'd just be fun to show him how much music changes through decades and such. And Imma be nice and show him the soundtrack from Violet Evergarden(it's soooooo pretty) and Final Fantasy XV(and probably some of the other games too)
Schelm 6/10 another bird. Im not a big fan of birds but this one looks like Hedwig 🖤
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5. Jean. Again, I like the tramatized ones 🤷‍♀️ I think it's adorable how innocent he actually is. Cherie is adorable, I would gladly be mauled trying to hug her(think the one scene from Black Butler, that's me) 😂 why Comte let Jean keep a freaking TIGER is beyond me but sure, okay. I would LOVE to introduce him to Disney movies(even if there's really only a few I truly love), I just feel like he'd enjoy them 🤷‍♀️ especially wanna show him Lilo & Stitch(I mean, he was reading the Ugly Duckling and that sends my brain straight to that movie okay)
Cherie 9/10 big baby kitty!!! 🖤🖤🖤
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6. Vincent. Precious angel. 💛 AND HE HAS A PET RACOON. Granted being that happy all the time isn't healthy(If you were happy every day of your life you wouldn’t be a human being. You’d be a game-show host.) but he's a sweetheart and like Theo if anyone even looked at him funny I'd be yelling ever swear I know at them 😁 I already had an interest in him before I decided to download IkeVamp, I particularlly like his older paintings and eventually want a copy of his flying fox for my living room. He'd be so much fun to do arts and crafts with 💛💛💛
Brush 10/10 he's so freaking cute and the way Vincent came up with his name is adorable and never fails to make me laugh. I wish I could have a pet racoon.
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7. Isaac. Another precious baby. I just wanna tell Arthur and Dazai off everytime they mess with him lol. He'd be fun to just hang out with, but with how awkward and anxious we both are(and tbh he reads as probably Autistic to me 🤷‍♀️ I might just be projecting(then again all of them have SOMETHING if we're being honest 🤷‍♀️) it probably wouldn't happen often ☹️ I hate math, but I will gladly sit and let him ramble on about it for hours because it's clear just how much he loves it. I wonder what his reaction to us landing on the moon would be. I bet he'd enjoy watching How It's Made.
Harry 8/10 he's small and spiky and so cute 🥰
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8. Arthur. I hate him. But I can't deny he is stupidly charming at the same time. 🙄 but I sure as hell wouldn't be telling him that. Deep down he's an okay guy. Just a horny idiot lol. I've always liked mystery/detective stuff(I blame being raised on Scooby Doo) so I could see us bonding over that. I will be showing him bbc's Sherlock and nobody can stop me. Also I feel like he's the type that would enjoy video games 🤷‍♀️ so that could be fun
Vic 7/10 Im personally more of a cat person but I love Charles spaniels, they're just so pretty
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9. Faust. He annoys the crap out of me, but in an slightly enjoyable way? If that makes sense? Lol. I feel like we'd probably be constantly seeing who could annoy the other more 😂
Mephi 7/10 absolutely adorable, but I don't like the idea of him snatching my things, I lose things enough on my own 😂
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10. Theo. Another one that annoys me. I like him, and his love for his brother, while sometimes a bit too intense is endearing, I just cannot stand all the "teasing" he does. But overall he's fine. Kinda intimidating(I am easily intimidated lol) but his heart's in the right place. I bet he'd probably cry seeing how much people love his brother's art nowadays. I think it'd be cool to take him to one of those interactive art exhibts(I went to a Vincent one and it was so cool)
King 8/10 BIG PUPPER 🖤🖤🖤 the bigger the dog the more I love them and golden retrivers are just so lovable
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11. Napoleon. Honestly, he just feels like the big brother type 🤷‍♀️ dk what else there really is to say lol. I would 1000% beg him to teach me sword fighting because it looks fun.
Jupiter 3/10 I have a fear of most birds that are bigger than a fist. I like where he got the name though.
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12. Shakespeare. He reminds me of Loki tbh, so it's odd he'd be this low on the list but honestly, he gets on my nerves sometimes. And I always have to Google words whenever he shows up ���� I feel like we could probably get along okay. I do have a love for drama...I'd love to expose him to musicals(I think he'd like Les Mis) and horror movies, he'd probably enjoy those too.
Puck 7/10 fluffy bunny, so cute
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13. Comte. Just not really my type. I literally dk what else to say about this one. Uhm.....🤷‍♀️ he's obviously a really nice guy, sadly I like them less mentally stable than him though 🤦‍♀️ I just don't think we really have any common interest or anything 🤷‍♀️ apart from him being a vampire, I'd love to grill him for as much info as possible lol
Time 8/10 basically a long rat(I love rats) another little theif lol
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14. Sebastian. I mean...he's cool I guess, but when you compare him to everyone else...🤷‍♀️ he'd defiently be fun to be friends with though. Keeping a book of things he learns while stalking observing the residents reminds me of when I used to like a certain boyband as a kid 😂 fun fact, I have a grey cat named Sebastian. And he WASN'T named after Seb from Black Butler...unlike somebody else 😂
Fraulien 8/10 cute but not exactly a favorite animal of mine 🤷‍♀️ she would still be getting cuddles though.
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15. Vlad. He knows what he did to deserve being dead last 😡 He was higher up but then all the bullshit went down in Charles route and now he sucks 😤 should have known better than to trust someone who loves strawberries as much as he does(Im allergic) lol. Positives, I love his garden. And his taste in decor is just gorgeous. Im sure after I get over all the crap from Charles route we could get along okay 🤷‍♀️
Marshmello 9/10 so damn fluffy and beautiful 🤍 100% would try to steal him from Vlad to keep as my own lol. Foxes are cool.
All of them have their good and bad traits, this is just MY personal opinion. I don't really dislike any of them tbh, even if it kinda comes across that way from what I've put(even Vlad lol, Im just gonna be bitter for a good while). Feel free to add you own rankings.
In conclusion, IDK why I made this post lol. My hyperfixation took over I guess and I wanted to ramble 🤷‍♀️
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butcharyastark · 1 year
Speaking of jcs, can I have a rating of the musicals/ different versions?
keep in mind ive only watched a handful of recordings or productions compared to other ppl but i do have Opinions on the ones ive watched. [cracks knuckles] so:
1. biased maybe because i just watched it but the 50th anniversary arena tour (circa early 2023, there have been other castings last year ik but this year's one is the one i love). i had the chance to go see it bc it was in my state this month and its the latest one i've watched but it instantly blew away all the other versions i've seen. just... the great singing of 1996 london cast and great acting of 1973 movie and creative staging like the 2018 live in concert.... it had everything and there was not a single ball dropped or a single bad or even meh actor or song or artistic decision. i am usually not one to rec ppl to go buy a ticket to an event but seeing it was the best intro to musical theater or live performances i could have ever had and AHHHHHH. sm details of this will stay in my mind forever re: jcs i can't pick one thing to deacribe bc it's Everything and i'd be here for two hours if i tried. it has my FAVORITE ending of any jcs production and idk if any other production will compare to the high intensity emotions and poetics and symbolism combined with amazing singing like this one.
2. have to go with 1996 london cast recording. i havent seen it and idk if there are even any bootleg recordings of it, but the album is The jcs album i relisten to. fucking A+++. again, maybe i'm biased bc this was my first full jcs album (as opposed to random songs), but idk if anything else but the 1973 movie studio recording album can compare purely musically to me. i love how you can HEAR the acting in the emotional singing while also not sacrificing the singing itself (looking at you 2000 movie judas), and idk i feel like it so clearly tells the story in the tone even without being able to see it, and that's fantastic. every other jcs production in terms of singing and audible acting gets compared to this one, for me. this is the one i hear in my head when i remember or mentally sing the lyrics.
3. 1973 movie. carl anderson. first official filmed jcs production. 70's outfits. meta narrative. do i need to say anything else? this was my second jcs version i consumed when i Got Into It and man im glad it was. when i first watched it, it seemed kinda just alright (probably bc im not a huge fan of movies from the 70's or 80's), but the further time goes on the more i realize this is kinda just The jcs. the classic jcs. i said 1996 london cast recording is what i compare everything else to musically, but i feel like this version is the one that every other version has to live up to. simple question: is your jcs production better than carl anderson painfully crying out "he won't listen to me!" on a mountain in the desert in a fringe outfit as jesus steps out of a tour bus, yes or no? and most of the time the answer is no.
i'm not a huge fan of older movies but the acting and music in this is top tier, the costuming is fun most of the time, the sets are neat, and the underlying metanarrative about an acting group performing jcs inuniverse for a film or smth is rlly interesting. it's the only other jcs album i have saved in my music folder besides the 1996 london cast recording. 9/10
also as a judas fan this is also the judas i compare every other judas to bc... goddamn carl anderson covers every base. desperation and anger and righteousness and tenderness and pain and bitterness and longing.... he has the range. and honestly it's got my favorite version of Superstar so far. i don't think anyone else has topped carl anderson's version yet.
4. swedish arena tour (idr the year). amazing casting, AMAZING acting, fucking incredible costumes, great singing. the only reason it's this far down this list is bc i prefer other character interpretations, but like, the appeal of bisexual vampy switch jesus who flirts with most of the apostles inbetween his main love interests of biker milf mary magdalene and legolas-in-a-mesh-shirt judas... simply cannot be understated. pretty much every artistic decision is 7 or higher out of 10. it's a very consistently good production, and a very gay one. i like the swedish translated lyrics also.
5. 2000 movie. i think everyone knows by now how bad this one is but it's so campy and jcs is inherently ridiculous as both the appeal and the concept that it loops back around to being good. it's not my fave version but it was my third jcs version and it was honestlly rlly fun to watch. what it lacks in singing, it makes up for in acting. i think Heaven On Their Minds, Everything's Alright, This Jesus Must Die, The Last Supper, and Superstar are the numbers that shine here. i think this movie is actually my favorite versions of everything's alright and this jesus must die. i really like the symbolism they try to use in this one. ik i said i genuinely think the acting makes up for the singing, but this might be higher if judas actually SANG. or if pilate was less sympathetic bc i actually hate this pilate djdjfj this version gets points for being much less antisemitic than other jcs productions with the priests, and then immediately loses them by being noticibly more racist than others in the temple. also my favorite peter is in this one. his acting in the last supper is like 25% of my enjoyment of this version.
6. 2018 live concert. full disclosure, i haven't finished this one yet, but i love it so far. i love the outfits and the staging and the energy and casting. this singing is not my favorite and i'm genuinely not sure if john legend knows how to act or if they just cast him bc he's john legend (i'll find out in the second half ig bc i also didn't like the acting of the 50th anniversary tour jesus in the first half and THEN--) but judas does a good enough version of heaven on their minds which is my main criteria for judging a jcs production in personal likes and i do Love the meta themes of casting a real superstar singer as jesus christ given the themes of the musical. i like the dynamics between judas and mary in this one. i think judas is in the closet in this one which is very sad but his outfits absolutely make up for it. it is a spectacle and a half and i'm enjoying it so far. it might get bumped up to #5 depending on how the second half goes.
7. original concept album. i know it's very weird putting the origin of the whole thing at the bottom, but that's not because it's bad, it's just not smth i'm in love with as a whole. i do need to relisten to it--actually i will do that today--but it was really good the first time i heard it, i'm just not a fan of the sound of early rock and prefer the way various versions adapt the music in progressively more modern times. objectively talented singing tho and heaven on their minds goes OFF. i may have more takes after relistening, but that's it rn.
8. i've listened to a bunch of other tidbits of assorted performances, mostly judas solos, bc as i said, i judge a jcs production by its heaven on their minds performance and i went scouring through classic and modern versions of that at one point. this is not part of the proper ranking bc i haven't listened to them in full, but i wanted to mention them here at the end. if anyone wants a list of my fave recs of that to look into:
original mexican cast (1975)
original japanese cast (1976)
mexican revival cast (1984)
original russian cast (1992)
original czech cast (1994)
jesus christ surferstar (2003)
all female jcs recording (2022)
most of these albums can be found just uploaded on youtube or even spotify which is very cool, please check them out, i had fun skipping thru them.
and uhhhh there's all the versions i've watched in full, or mostly watched, and a few of the ones i've done neither! ik this is very long (longer than i intended) but i hope this is what u were looking for and was entertaining or helpful!!
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teafairywithabook · 2 years
Redacted Bois Favorite Winter Movies and Songs Pt 1 D(a)emon Edition
Wolf, Vamp and Humans in progress, but I am biased so this came first. Enjoy my winter ramblings
Gavin - 
Movie: The Hallmark channel goes on and does not go off. Is there a dog, snow and a broken down car? He’s into it. You've Got Mail? Please, if it’s cheesy and romantic he wants to cuddle up under a blanket and watch it.  He’s got a romantic heart and it comes out this time of year. Most times of year to be fair! 
  His favourite though? Love Actually. 
Song: Santa Baby. He will change a few words but the essence remains. He’s been an awful bad incubus and he wants his Deviant under the tree! You can bet he's going to sing it as seductively as he can. Can he sing? This boi was built to croon.  Bonus: But please imagine Gavin singing Baby It’s Cold Outside to Lasko as he tries desperately to leave and just turning into a small puddle.
 “Sorry Lasko, you’ll have to sing your line a little louder!” 
 Lasko mumbling “So really I’d better scurry..” but smiling.
Gavin grinning when he gets to croon “Beautiful, please don’t hurry…”  and Lasko hiding his head in his hands, blushing in the best way. 
Caelum - 
 Movie: Caelum will watch The Muppets Christmas Carol any time of year! An all-star cast, top songs, a good chunk quoted from the book, what more can you ask for? Oh yes, Rizzo the Rat! Caelum would love a pet rat and to call it Rizzo just because of this film.
Song: What? He has to chose? No no no he can narrow it down to a seasonal album…couple of albums…three maybe? He loves music! When his friends are singing, and putting up twinkling lights, and everything feels so good, how can he pick just one song? Not when there’s years of music to be had! If he tried to narrow it down, it would probably be Step Into Christmas by Elton John. Or maybe I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day? It used to be Last Christmas, but not since Freelancer has started throwing things at him for trying to play it much before the 23rd and he’s not sure why. 
Movie: Avior isn’t exactly unfamiliar with holiday traditions, even if he hasn’t participated in them much for himself. He hasn’t watched a lot of holiday movies. The first year they were out of the trap, Starlight wanted to put up some lights and then settle down to watch a movie. Avior let them choose one and ended up sobbing. Properly ugly crying while Starlight has one arm over his shoulder, trying not to laugh. 
“Alright, alright! We won’t watch It’s A Wonderful Life again!”
It’s his favorite movie now. Shh. 
Song: Music is much more familiar territory for Avior. Music and emotion are inextricably linked. Walking around in winter while feeding on feelings of seasonal goodwill, listening to late night choirs had become something he looked forward to.  He always enjoyed listening to The Carol of the Bells. The fact that it’s beautiful arrangement is in a minor key and doesn’t sound like every other “cheerful” carol offsets the rest of the songs wonderfully. 
Movie: Camelopardalis has a T.V. It doesn’t really go on much, but he has one. He tends to forget about it, honestly.  When Cam has the inclination to watch, he loves the classics. Miracle on 34th Street is right up there at the top. 
Song: Cam likes a little bit of everything. There’s no particular genre or artist he prefers, if he likes a song, he likes it. Having said that, he particularly likes musicals. And jazz. For wintery favorites, Cam likes I’ve Got My Love To Keep Me Warm, preferably by Billie Holiday. 
Vega -
Movie:  Vega loves the holidays. So much misery and loneliness this time of year. He’s not overly familiar with movies. One might be playing the background as he’s feeding, but he’s not taking much notice. If pressed, he’d probably go with Home Alone. Some rich ass goes away and manages to leave one of their numerous offspring at home? Not only that, but when various attempts are made to burgle the property, the child torments the intruders. Truly inventive and all of it very human. 
Song: One thing humans do well is music. Vega may not like most of Elegy, but if there is one thing that makes this dimension worth having to visit, it’s the music. You would probably think Vega appreciates classical, and you’d be right. If he gave it any thought, perhaps Cage's Winter Music might appeal. 20 seperate pages of music for up to 20 pianists, in any order so that it's different every time. Difficult to predict, but makes sense if you have all the pieces...
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808lovesbts · 2 years
I am not a blogger, I re-blog, but I mostly come to Tumblr to read other folks blogs on Kookmin because they are my happy place. I lurk in the background, and I send in my asks here and there. I sent one in a few days ago about TKKrs and how they influence my thoughts on TKK. And rightfully, @stormblessed95 provided her response because it was her blog, I sent an ask, and she answered it. That’s kind of the whole point right? If you’re going to send in an ask, you’re going to get a response (usually). And sometimes, you may not always get the response you thought and that’s OK. Opinions are always welcome. But I do feel like I have to clarify a few things, just for my sanity.
Perhaps my word “ruined” was a little off base. Maybe “lost interest” would be a better choice. TKKrs make me lose interest in TKK. Doesn’t mean that I disrespect their friendship, doesn’t mean I disrespect Tae or JK. And it definitely doesn’t mean I hate them or dislike them in anyway. I love them all because I love BTS and they are not BTS without all 7.
My biases, Jimin and Joonie. My fav duos, VMIN and Minimoni. My fav trios, VMINKook and JinMinKook. And I am a devout Kookmin supporter. And yes, everyone in the fandom can have a fav as long as you’re not dissing on another member. And I guess my point is, I don’t feel like I was dissing on them. TKK have never been my favorite duo, and that’s because I don’t feel their dynamic as much as their other duos. Now VOPE or Jinkook, I totally feel and see those dynamics. I think TKK are trying very hard to get back to where they use to be pre-debut, and for that, I respect them a hundred times over. But again, this is my opinion, so don’t throw hate at me please. Should I let outside influences affect my opinion? No, I could do a better job at that, not to let the TKK drama bother me so much. But TKKrs can be pretty damn annoying so its hard. JKKrs can be annoying too, don’t get me wrong.
And for those that think “lose interest” is just as bad, NO. I have lost interest in the musical Hamilton, because I have watched that thing over 50 times. And now my daughter can sing all the songs from memory. Do I hate it, fuck no. Lin Manuel Miranda is freaking brilliant and I will be buying tix when it tours locally. Some folks didn’t like the musical, but when I first watched it, I was blown away. But I can do without it right now, until my interest picks back up again.
And now that I feel like I have some of my sanity back, I’ll go back to lurking in the background and appreciating the occasional delusion. AND, to try appreciating TKK for what they are without the outside influences.
Noho me ka hau`oli.
Be happy.
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otomelavenderhaze · 2 months
Ahhhh I just love how this album keeps growing on everyone lol
It might be because I got used to Fortnight being the single pretty quickly, but compared to ttpd, it has a beat that probably works best for a music video. Then again 'begin again' got a video so perhaps I'm just biased by what I already know(?)
Agreed! I listened to the album with a friend and we heard bits of old songs in them and got to the conclusion that Taylor's gonna have so much fun doing mash-ups on tour hahah
And you got me to agree again about if we ever get something similar to the long pond sessions!! I would DIE DEAD
Anyway, it was so nice to talk about Taylor with someone! Have a nice day hon! 🤍
Not in everyone. Because it's a different album and because people cannot fandom that an album called The Tortured Poets Department isn't the beacon of modern and deep poetry, they're losing their minds.
Like, sure, Folkore and Evermore have more writing quality, they feel in their own right as really poetry and narrative driven albums and even without it, at least, they captured a very specific moment in human life a moment that doesn't come often in our story. Just for that I feel like those albums are masterpiece. They capture isolation, escapism, dreams, broken plans and introspection really well - and it all got even bigger when listen during a world wide pandemic.
I was never the type of person to just go out and appreciate the day. I live in a big city when the closest park to me is like a huge pod with a small piece of greenery around, there's sure something beautiful about it, but I never went there on my own. However, when everything shut down during the pandemic, I immediately got immersed into Stardew Valley and other games that bring me a sense of open natural places, with green and blue, and nature.
Folkore and Evermore have a lot of that but in music form, how melancholy and slow and introspective most of the songs are, and it was what I needed at that time to just not let all the despair settle in.
That's when music shows it's value, when we feel less lonely or understood even if for a slip of second, and honestly, it's easy to find in many artists, but it's so shitty seeing people missing that point, y'know??
Maybe Taylor Swift isn't a tortured poet, maybe she's just someone who feels things deeply, who's deeply insecure, who's weak and a people pleaser, however, it's not about taking it seriously or in the most truthful of the word you can be, it's all art, it's all show, it's all about presenting a narrative and, brodosvisky, don't we all do that in our daily basis?? Don't we all perform and exaggerate and feel raw and unseen???
That's why in a deep level people can connect with Taylor's songs, even in an album that isn't necessarily our favorite.
I do hope she sings the new songs in the acoustic and surprise song of the eras tour, the mash-up are my new favorite thing to listen to. In the end we all love our acoustic songs. We all basic like that and aight nothing wrong about it. Like acoustic songs are almost cultural to me cuz I grew up with my parents listening to MPB (POP brazilian music but not really pop like North American music). So much so that I used to have an acoustic guittar myself. I did classes and everything but I was never really good about or even capable of playing a whole song perfectly.
It is so nice to talk to someone about Taylor!!! It's fun too!! Your asks were a big reason to why I went back and properly listen to the album too, I am glad I gave it another chance. Bye!!! Have a good day!!! And see ya. Thank you so much about the asks!!
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the-invisible-queer · 2 months
Personally I think that #4 should be #1, but that's just my own personal soft spot for Brandi Carlile
LET'S GET INTO IT! That article had 37 covers. I chose 14 based on the artists I was familiar with but I'm only doing top 13 because my 14th spot was underwhelming.
Also I shortened it a bit because I wrote SO MUCH. Might save the longer ramblings for a post on my blog.
13. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Performance
LET ME START BY SAYING I am a fan of all the ladies included in this version, however it felt like there were too many cooks in the kitchen and EYE wasn't a fan.
If they just had the ladies and eliminated the men maybe I'd have enjoyed it better because honestly the men didn't add as much as the ladies.
12. Pentatonix ft. Dolly Parton
Brandi Carlisle and Pink both have my consent. That's all. Thank you.
If Brandi has a solo cover I would rank it higher honestly. Might break top 5 for me.
I adore Pentatonix so much. Scott killed it with his vocals, as he always does! I love all of their covers and having Dolly with them was iconic. Dolly's voice with Scott, Mitch and Kristen's was *chef's kiss*
11. Olivia Newton-John ft. Dolly Parton
I listened to this cover when it first came out and I loved it then and I love it now revisiting it. Their voiced work SO well together. They both aged so gracefully as did their voices. Both so fucking talented for no reason.
10. Postmodern Jukebox ft. Maris
Maris' voice is incredible and serves this cover WELL! I love PMH so much - if you follow me on IG you'd see I post their covers to my story often. I am so in love with Scott Bradlee's skill in arranging all of these covers so beautifully. The paino in this cover is amazing. We stan PMJ in this household.
9. Trixie Mattel
This was an IG live (I believe) so it's not the best quality, but that doesn't change that it is an incredible cover. DROP THE STUDIO VERSION, TRIXIE! The acoustic simplicity of it goes a long way. We stan Trixie Matel hardcore in this household.
8. Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson could sing anything and I'll be listening til the end of TIME! Despite the simplicity of the cover, her vocals still deliver a phenomenal performance. I would kill for her to release a studio version!
7. Reba McEntire (1989 live cover)
WE STAN REBA IN THIS HOUSEHOLD! Her voice is so pretty in this cover. I gotta start listening to her again. I love the vibe of this cover. I love her. I'm tell y'all I'm gonna get back into country music this year and I am so serious about it.
6. Beyonce
THE QUEEN POPPED OFF ON THIS VERSION! I just wanna know who pissed off Beyonce - we ride at dawn. Her vocals are INCREDIBLE, but it's Beyonce, did we expect anything less. She really said TRY ME BITCH!
And we haven't heard from Jolene since, now have we?
5. Chiquis, Becky G
FUCK ME UP!!!!!! EVERYTHING about this cover has me in a chokehold. Thank the gods for Latinas. BECKY G OWNS MY ASS! The lyrics (in Spanish might I add), the cumbia vibessss! UGH! Be still my queer Latine heart.
4. Maneskin with Dolly Parton
First of all I gotta admit that I am SO biased because Damiano's voice is one of my favorite voices of all time. Like top 3 favorite voices period. And if you listen to this cover, you will understand why. I have been holding off on listening to this cover because I didn't vibe with MA's last album and some of their more recent music. But after finally listening to this cover, they are welcome to win me back.
ALSO THOM'S GUITAR! I wish I had the vocabulary to talk about music. I just know when Thom plays guitar my brain goes dumb - in a good way because he's so fucking good.
3. Miley Cyrus
I know she did a more recent version with Jimmy Fallon, but I can't fucking stand him so I spared myself. Plus Miley has always been incredible so it doesn't matter if the cover was last year or ten years ago. It'd be top tier either way.
She is so fucking good for NO reason. Her voice! FUCK ME UP, MILEYYYYYYYY! I have no coherent thoughts about this cover other than it is s-tier, which is why it's top 3.
2. The White Stripes
Jack White is one of my favorite songwriters of all time and overall artists of all time. I KNOW my Spotify no longer reflects that, but he is the first name that pops into my head when someone asks me who my favorite artist is.
This has been one of my favorite covers of "Jolene" for YEARS and held the #1 spot until the current #1 spot dropped. Jack's vocals are rough and raw. The cover does a great job paying homage to the original, but Jack and Meg still made it THEIR OWN!
I honestly love it so fucking much. As someone who usually HATES covers, this is one of my top covers in general.
1. Lil Nas X
This is hands down my favorite cover of the song since it dropped. I worship the ground Lil Nas X walks on. We do not deserve him. We are blessed to just exist in the same timeline as the same time as him.
The vibes of this cover. The way he sings it lower than most people do. It gives me goosebumps. It's just so fucking good for no reason.
The performance of this cover is unmatched. He sounds so worn out. Like he's done fighting. This is his last desperate attempt to keep his man.
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evergreen-lyricist · 2 years
Jonathan and Caden for the ask game plz?
hi anon!! thank u so much for asking!!
for Jonathan:
Full Name: Jonathan E. Oak
Gender & Sexuality: demisexual, cis guy
Pronouns: he/him
Race/Ethnicity: Black
Birthday: January 29
Guilty Pleasure: six the musical bootlegs (since they're technically illegal he feels kind of bad about it)
Phobia: i don't know that Jonathan has a phobia; all his fears are pretty rational & caused by the material reality of his life
What They Would Be Famous For: he's actually a pretty well-known children's book illustrator in-universe!!
What They Would Get Arrested For: absolutely nothing, the police cannot touch him. i have decreed it.
OC I Ship Them With: Eliza & Caden!! they are an equilateral triangle🥰
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: no one!!
Favorite Book/Movie Genre: fantasy & contemporary romance
Least Favorite Cliche: Much Older/Immortal love interest man x teenage/twenty-something girl love interest 🤢
Talents/Powers: he can sing very well!! he's a tenor.🥰 he can also quote into the spiderverse front to back.
Why Someone Might Love Them: Jonathan is very gentle. he hardly ever raises his voice & has a generally calm temperament. he's also a very good listener.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: literally no good reason for this. maybe i am biased but like. no. impossible
How They Change: disclaimer that because of the nature of Cornerstone (the wip that these ocs belong to) it's difficult to track specific changes bc the story happens over a very broad period of time. but i would say that Jonathan becomes more comfortable with himself.
Why You Love Them: Jonathan is so good. he's compassionate & kind & he's just such a genuinely good person. he falls into the category of "gentle sturdy" characters, who do no harm but will stand their ground & take no shit. (gentle sturdy characters are by & large my favorites.)
for Caden:
Full Name: Caden Cohen
Gender & Sexuality: trans man, bi
Pronouns: he/him
Race/Ethnicity: Jewish (white)
Birthday: February 23
Guilty Pleasure: shitty ass romance novels with the poorly photoshopped shirtless guy & historically inaccurately dressed lady. he checks them out from the library in bulk.
Phobia: probably suffocation
What They Would Be Famous For: i honestly don't know.
What They Would Get Arrested For: probably protesting. he would get very impassioned & also get in the way of police trying to arrest people who are more vulnerable
OC I Ship Them With: Jonathan & Eliza!! they are an equilateral triangle🥰
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: no one!!
Favorite Book/Movie Genre: probably period dramas & sci-fi
Least Favorite Cliche: antisemitic caricatures. also insta-love.
Talents/Powers: he can bake!! quite well actually.
Why Someone Might Love Them: Caden is very forward & says what he means almost all the time. he won't give you shit for things that are out of your control, but he won't sugarcoat things either. he has a very steady head in a crisis.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: people wouldn't really hate him, but some people do find Caden annoying sometimes.
How They Change: again, disclaimer about the nature of Cornerstone, but i would say Caden becomes more open with his emotions & learns to lean on his friends more.
Why You Love Them: Caden is extremely cool & funny & based. he can always find a way to cheer you up & takes pride in doing so. he might seem like "just the funny guy" at first but he truly is the backbone of the friend group.
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agentmattsimmons · 2 years
my thoughts on assassins at the classic stage company!! (or: a “review” of assassins by someone who just really, really loves assassins)
- first things first. this cast. so insanely perfectly cast i literally cannot get over it. everyone embodied their characters so well. it’s like these characters were written for them, and i fully believe this production is the best way to view assassins!! (also: this production is the best way to run it (masks, actors/musicians, the ending projection, the whole nine yards. it was something the musical was missing and made it that much better))
- some notable mentions (edit: this is really just bordering on the entire cast but they’re THAT GOOD!!!!!)
- ethan slater: WOW. just wow. his balladeer is one to remember and his transition into oswald is straight up unforgettable. he was so raw and powerful. there was pain in his movements as he took off the jumpsuit and handed it over to the balladeer. his hesitation and reluctance to do so. the way he looks down at it in his hands, the proprietor reaching for it. i was completely enamored the his performance. special mention for his complete enjoyment when watching the others!!!! you could make a show out of ethan slater’s love and admiration for his costars alone 
- brandon uranowitz: maybe i am biased because czolgosz is my favorite but he went above and beyond for this role. he was so perfectly angry and it was something you could sympathize with. the bottle scene Broke Me. his ability to portray emotions, especially those ugly, angry, self-loathing emotions we don’t like to feel, is on another level. and then you could practically feel every thought, every potential hesitation, in his mind as he waited in line. his tears when speaking to emma goldberg had me in tears man. there are no amount of good words to say just how amazing brandon uranowitz was as leon czolgosz. simply none. 
- tavi. gevinson. i found myself OBSESSED with her performance the entire time. she’s so convincing as a young girl in (delusional) love. everything about her was him and she sold it so well. her relationship with sarah jane moore was funny, i loved the way they worked off of each other and with each other despite their characters being complete opposites. not to mention her VOICE!!!!! i am absolutely in love w her portrayal of lynette fromme
- eddie cooper and bianca horn but especially at the end. eddie cooper was such an amazing proprietor and i loved everything about him, but what hit me was his performance at the end, after jfk dies. he’s not the proprietor anymore, he’s part of the audience. he is us, watching the president die. he brings the folded american flag down the stage, almost crying. i wasn’t sure if he did but it’s there in his face, his wobbling lip and pained eyes. i don’t think i can ever get that image out of my head. bianca horn at the end too. she cried and i cried and it was so beautiful and heartbreaking. she is a powerhouse and a force to be reckoned with, both vocally and acting-wise. she carries herself with such poise and grace. i couldn’t get enough of her performance, no matter who she was portraying.
- i don’t think i will ever get tired of steven pasquale as john wilkes booth!! he’s so perfect for this role and executed it so well, yet again. he was able to have fun with it but still understand the complexity of his character and his impact not only to the other assassins, but the audience as well. i will only accept productions of assassins with steven pasquale as booth from now on thank you. 
- alright i got carried away. back to the actual notes 
- something i really loved about the balladeer was how his guitar acted as protection. every time he comes to counter the assassins, he picks up his guitar. this is especially prevalent in when the assassins and the proprietor begin surrounding him (literally and figuratively). he lets his guitar fall but picks it right back up to frantically tell them that they’re wrong, that america can be a place where everyone succeeds. what seemed like the final push in this scene was the proprietor taking his guitar away. he does so with a smirk, while the balladeer reaches for it back. and then, we get lee harvey oswald. this scene was so well done and the guitar symbolism just.. chefs kiss. truly. 
- I Love The Actors/Musicians. Oh Man. it was so amazing to watch their incorporation into the cast as both musicians and ensemble members. also their ranges??? they all play multiple instruments throughout the show AND act AND sing. and their voicesssssssss!!!! they’re so talented and managed to capture my attention just as much as the assassins. 
- Mask. Choreography. i did not expect it !! but it works so well with the show and i never want to see a production without the masks tbh!! it was yet another reminder that this is now. we are living through what others will see as history, much like the events depicted in the show. now, it’s history. but it wasn’t then- it was real and now.
- i love the stage?? i’ve seen a few reviews that critique it for being too small and not allowing for much staging but i think the cast works so well with what they have and manage to use up the entire stage. the balladeer spends a good amount of time on the steps to the stage/the edge of the stage and the characters frequently run off into the audience so they utilize the ENTIRE space.  the cast was so good at making sure each section of the audience felt included (especially ethan!! i know i keep raving about his performance but i couldn’t stop thinking about how good he was at ensuring everyone in the audience was part of the show)
- i really loved how the balladeer was on stage for the majority, if not all, of the show. even when he’s not singing! he was just chilling at different corners of the stage or in the back. i found it so fun to be watching the show just to look over and see ethan slater enjoying it as much as i was
- The Projections. Hello?? Oh My God??? i’ve always loved how the show used the projector (i am a Big Fan of the jfk assassination scene in the bway revival when the zapruder film is projected onto oswald’s shirt) and this production took it to another level. each president is shown with their respective assassin when they’re all introduced, and then again when the assassins shoot them with a target overlaid onto their image. i do miss the t-shirt zapruder film but honestly? this felt just as powerful. instead of oswald becoming his actions, we get to see him watch it. react to it. absorb what he’s done. he stands in front of the projection in shock? misery? fear? pride? all of it. and it’s so amazing.
- projections 2.0 because it deserves its own bullet point: The Ending Projection. during everybody’s got the right (reprise), a picture of the jan 6 capitol riot is projected behind the assassins. as they sing about getting national attention by doing something no one thinks of, we see an image of rioters storming the capitol, waving trump 2020/4 flags. it’s such a shocking yet grounding parallel in the best and worst way. it’s (another) painful reminder that this isn’t history: this is now. these things aren’t to be forgotten with the rest of history because they continue to happen today.
- lastly a special note for guiteau and zangara because they were my moms favorite! she didn’t know the story before and genuinely believed zangara had a stomachache until it was talked about because wesley taylor is just That Good. guiteau was also one of my favorites because he was incredibly hilarious, the definition of unforgettable performance. there was a moment where he was at the end of the stage, right in front of me, looking down. i can’t remember the exact scene right now but as he was talking about his gun, his hand (holding the gun) twitched and he quite literally instilled the fear of god into me because i really thought he was going to point the gun straight at me. it was terrifying and thrilling and amazing all at once
- all in all: i would do anything to see this show again. id pay any amount for a recorded version honestly. the casts voices work so beautifully well together it’s a crime they don’t all work together for everything and anything else. they all bounce off of each other like no other!!! (especially ethan slater and stephen pasquale, those booth and balladeer scenes were Fantastic)
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earlgreytea68 · 4 years
My Golden Ratio Theory (and television finales)
I have this theory that I call my Golden Ratio Theory. The theory states that there is some golden ratio of angst to end-happiness that you must hit in order to have your audience truly believe in the happy ending and find it satisfying. I do not have any precise mathematical formula in mind, I just know that, proportionately, the more angst in the overall narrative, the longer the happy coda at the end has to be to convince the audience that the ending actually will stay happy. 
Because, the more angst you’ve had through the length of your narrative, the more you’ve conditioned your audience not to trust happiness, to believe that it only lasts for fleeting moments before being yanked away again. If that’s the pattern you have established in your narrative, why would you expect your audience to accept a tacked-on happy ending? Your audience has been primed to mistrust that, to wait for the other shoe to drop. Knowing that it’s the ending doesn’t shift the subjective feeling of anxiety and nervousness at the happiness that’s reared its head. 
This is why television series finales are so often so incredibly unsatisfying. Television series are very long-form angsty narratives. Because of the rules of television storytelling, no one is happy for anything more than a few breaths at a time, because more story must quickly be flung at them to keep the viewer engaged. Television writers tend to keep telling their angsty narrative up until the final five minutes of the whole show, and then they’ll slam a happy ending in there and be like, “Ta-da! They lived happily every after!” 
But the thing is: You don’t feel that, and no wonder, because they never lived happily ever after before, so why should they live happily ever after now? I sometimes see people disdain happy endings as feeling fake or contrived, but this is often what the problem is: the writer not recognizing the Golden Ratio that governs how persuasive a happy ending is to the audience. A five-minute happy ending does feel fake and contrived, and then that gets understood somehow as “all happy endings are fake and contrived,” instead of recognizing that a happy ending is actually really hard to write correctly, not that happy endings are intrinsically bad forms of storytelling. 
So. Golden Ratio theory. You know who violates this theory? Hallmark Christmas movies. You know how the couple never kisses until the last scene? You know how you never leave a Hallmark Christmas movie really shipping the couple? How could you? You know nothing about how they function as a couple. I have nothing against Hallmark Christmas movies -- we watch a lot of them -- but the happy ending of a romantic story is usually not the first kiss, or the moment when they get together. Think about Bridget Jones’s Diary, which is a book and movie I truly love, but like, hahaha, at the end of either, did you have great confidence that Bridget wasn’t going to mess everything up with Mark????? 
Now, some stories are perfectly fine with a quick happy ending because there hasn’t been much angst beforehand, because you’ve already laid the foundation for the happy ending so thoroughly that it makes sense to the audience. I feel like maybe Pride & Prejudice is a story that ends fairly quickly after they get together but there is so much carefully laid-out character development that I think convinces you Elizabeth and Darcy will be okay (as opposed to Bridget Jones, which, although retelling P&P, is also telling a very different story). 
I think about a story like, say, “You’re the Culmination of Everything I’ve Never Had.” I could have ended that story when Patrick shows up and sings “Deep Blue Love” to Pete. But they’d been through so much that I think it would have felt unsatisfying. How did you really know that they wouldn’t find more incredibly harsh words to shout at each other? So everything after that I considered fulfillment of the Golden Ratio: You needed to see them in a cozy Chicago apartment writing music together, you needed to see Pete cuddling a small, dark-haired boy. And then you hit the end and you’re hopefully smiling, thinking, They’ll be totally okay. 
I am biased, because I love to write the Golden Ratio bits. That coda to “Culmination” is my favorite part of the whole fic. But I think also that those bits mean more than might be realized during first-read. Whenever I walk away from a story feeling dissatisfied, even though it had a theoretically happy ending, the problem is almost always one of Golden Ratio. And luckily, that is something many of us are primed to correct in fandom. Why so much curtainfic? We’re constantly trying to Golden-Ratio happiness out of our angsty canons. Sometimes, it takes hundreds of thousands of words to make you think, Okay, they’ll make it. And then you’re ready to hear The End. 
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forestlion · 3 years
Ranking the ESC Winners from 2010-2021
The following list is scientifically researched, peer-reviewed and not at all just based on my personal tastes and biases, thank you for understanding and appreciating the work that went into this. 
The creator of this list is the following things: a ballad hater (naturally), German, lesbian, Frenchophobic (which doesn’t matter, France hasn’t won since the 70s) and haver of possibly unpopular opinions.
Complete list under the cut: 
The criteria of the ranking are... mysterious and undefinable. Maybe I’ll take the stage show into account, maybe I won’t. Ballads never have any good stage shows, so. What am I gonna be saying about man sitting at piano, huh. That’s right. Let’s just get into it. 
11. 2011 - Running Scared (Azerbaijan)  Coming in last, Running Scared. Now. Listen here. I am not about to get political on here because, like. What am I gonna do. What am I gonna say. What do yall WANT me to say. Do you want me to say that countries like Azerbaijan aren’t (geographically) in Europe and thus shouldn’t participate in the ESC? Want me to list war crimes? Human rights violations? If I listed every participating country’s war crimes, we’d never get anything done here. All I can say about Running Scared that that shit was boring as hell, uninspired and did NOT deserve the win. Yes, I will say it. Jedward should’ve won. GOT MY LIPSTICK ON HERE I COME DA DA DA CHECK THE COLOR COLOR OH OH
10. 2017 - Amar pelos dois (Portugal) Oh oh. Oh oh! Unpopular opinion alert! But girl oh my god. A ballad. For ESC? Groundbreaking. And the man’s attitude about the whole thing was so embarrassing. Wanting “real music” at Eurovision??? What’s “real music”, baby girl? Is Party For Everybody, Dance, Come On and Dance NOT real music? Can I not find value in silly fun songs that don’t worsen my depression? Must it be a slow song about some ex-girlfriend or the other? That’s what I thought. 
9. 2015 - Heroes (Sweden) Not another possibly unpopular opinion coming in hot. Could a song BE more generic than this one, esp. in 2015 I felt like I had heard that exact song a million times before on the radio? The stage show really helped this song win, in my humble opinion. M°ans is an international icon and they dig that poor guy out of the nothingness for every ESC but. Well. It’s just not my personal favorite. 2015 was a weak ESC year all around, so, that’s that on that.
8. 2019 - Arcade (The Netherlands) I feel the people are getting angry, there’s unrest amongst the crowd. But yes, it’s man singing ballad. I think the song is a bit popular amongst TikTokers? I don’t know. I don’t know. It’s boring to me, it stirs no emotions within my soul. I cannot dance to this. It’s not giving the gays anything. 
7. 2013 - Only Teardrops (Denmark) It’s cute or whatever. Moving on. 
6. 2014 - Rise Like A Phoenix (Austria) I liked and did vote for Conchita - was it because I absolutely loved the song? Eh, it sounds like a James Bond Power Ballad. But it is empowering and Conchita was very out of the ordinary, so it was a deserved win. 
5. 2016 - 1944 (Ukraine) When I said... not political... when the ESC committee said.. this contest is about music and not about uhm. Politics. It isn’t but it is. You get it. Of course it’s political but no it isn’t. A haunting song. Beautiful. 
4. 2010 - Satellite (Germany) YES, this list is BIASED, shut up about it! Don’t tell me this wasn’t an iconic performance... the pronunciation... Lena really did smn there. Germany winning during the time of the financial crisis... I wonder... I wonder. Again, unpolitical thoughts. Satellite is a quirky song performed by a quirky girl, she really gave us that representation. 
3. 2018 - Toy (Israel) Uh oh... not to repeat myself for the millionth time today. I will stay silent on the political matter, please! Remind yourself that I am German and in many ways this is very difficult for understandable reasons. Anyway... Madonna solved that conflict anyway with her performance in 2019. The song itself is a lot of fun and the home of sexuals have shaken their asses to it many a time. I like the song, I do, I do. 
2. 2012 - Euphoria (Sweden) One of THEE signature ESC songs, known all over, still playing on the radio. Mysterious, ear worm potential, great vocals. Sweden really snapped that year. This is what Only Teardrops wishes it could be. 
1. 2021 - Zitti e Buoni (Italy) ITALIAAA ITALIAAA! Yes, the most recent winner is Nr. 1, sue me. I’m just litchrally in love with this song. Rock’n’Roll truly never dies. I swear they put the coke they didn’t snort into this song. Absolute banger. One of so few native language winners. Also, FUCK the jury vote so much. 
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themountainsays · 2 years
I just found out something about the three Madrigal sisters from Twitter and uggghhahshdhdhdhjej
Apparently, Isabela cares more than she lets on towards Mirabel while Luisa thinks she's nosy and apparently embarrassing to her.
It completely changed how I view Luisa T o T
Because just like her, I'm also a middle child and I don't particularly treat my younger sibling that good while my oldest sibling is almost like Isabela, and wow, am I a horrible sibling?? T _ T
I don't know what to think no mores jsjdgduheysjs
Ooh yeah user ISAMIRABEL has been sharing some stuff from the book right 👀 lots of isamira crumbs there. This is my favorite one:
Tumblr media
Ok ok i'm going off topic already. Yeah I saw their posts. Honestly I don't think i agree with that interpretation of Luisa, because we barely see anything of that Luisa in the movie. I did get the impression she wasn't super close to Mirabel, and that she felt mildly annoyed when she tried to interrupt her work, but she seems like a generally good sister. She expresses affection towards Mirabel, she helps her on her quest, she feels safe and comfortable enough to talk about her feelings with her (as opposed to Isabela, who was mostly talking to herself while Mirabel chased her around lmao), she respects Mirabel's judgment and takes her advice seriously, she shoots her a quick "careful, sis!" when running past her... while Isabela goes out of her way to randomly slap flowers into Mirabel's face with her hair lmao. And look I have to admit Isabela is still my favorite, but seeing how both sisters are compared in the movie, it's undeniable that Luisa is the nicer of the two.
I don't know what happens in the book, because all i have is someone else's account, and I'm not saying user ISAMIRABEL is lying or biased or anything, but any two people can take away different conclussions from a text, and maybe if I read it, i wouldn't see Luisa under such an antagonistic light. Again, not saying user ISAMIRABEL is biased, only that different people have different readings and honestly this looks like it could spiral into a broken telephone game, and it's 6 am i haven't slept yet and i don't have the energy for that 😭 but even then, let's say the book does portray Luisa as more antagonistic while making more excuses for Isabela's behavior. I still wouldn't really consider that canon because it's not in the film. It is a cool source for headcanons and fic ideas but anyone who watches the film can tell you Isabela is the mean one, and if the writers wanted her to feel bad for Mirabel and want to comfort her, they would have shown it, but instead they had her be endlessly cruel and sadistic towards her. And i say that with love, I promise! Cruelty or not I still love Isabela, and I love reading fanfic in which she's nicer to Mirabel and whatnot, but ajsjdjsjna i don't buy that she "cares more than she lets on". She cares about her because they're sisters and that means they're sorta obligated to not want the other to die, and i fo believe they love each other, but pre-WECID, I don't think there was any secret hidden sisterly affection that Isabela didn't show because she feared Alma too much. Lovely concept, would read a fic about it, but I just don't think that's the Isabela we see in the movie, because, that sounds like a pretty big deal doesn't it? Surely the film would have taken the time to mention she didn't actually hate Mirabel, that she loved her, that she was afraid of Alma, could have had a sad and dramatic moment in which they talked about their feelings, and that would have been great and several times more gay. But instead, they had them fight, distrust each other, show Isabela talking to the the fucking cactus while Mirabel chases her around, then they have a musical number together and become best friends. That's perfectly fine in my book btw. I think that's a realistic way for two siblings to solve a conflict. But it doesn't imply there's anything deeper to Isabela's bullying lmao. Why exactly Isabela bullies Mirabel is largely left unclarified but i never got the vibe that she was secretly a compassionate and loving sister who hated seeing her sad and wanted to comfort her all along and didn't because she felt pressured by Alma.
As for you anon, don't worry about it. I don't know you but I don't think the content in a disney book or movie says anything about you or your life. Idk i'm falling asleep as we speak. Uh, ask your siblings if they think you're good sibling.
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