#aer 4
chimeride · 18 days
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Tooth Fairy, the 242nd Known One.
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derelictdumbass · 1 month
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☆ Aeilaeifr ☆
"EH IH - L IY AH - F R" | "aye-lie-fir"
Goes by lae.
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Pronouns: He/They/Aer
Species: Supernova fractural sprite (created by two supernovas colliding)
Personality: Calm, witty, empathetic, protective, thoughtful, resilient, easily irritated/annoyed
Abilities: Can see in the dark and can warp their own gravity but it's extremely difficult exhausts them quickly
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Meeting the Doctor:
The 4th Doctor finds Lae on the edge of the universe, a sole human on an abandoned star colony with a failing life support system. The colony had been sending out a distress call but according to Lae it wasn't from him and he hadn't noticed.
The Doctor was cautious but it was in his nature to help any living being who needed it, so he let Lae tag along as he tried to figure out what led to the colony being abadnoned and breaking down. Lae admitted to having been there when there were people but he'd been put into cryosleep and only had awoken when his pod malfunctioned and he was the only one left on the colony.
They both discover an alien parasite eating the ships systems from the core outwards, as well as nests in the parasite made carverns full of corpses. Somehow Lae was the only one to avoid the parasites which had dragged each and every person into their nests.
The Doctor and Lae leave the colony, The Doctor setting a warning for others to stay away from it should anything drift too near and grow curious.
A lot of questions are asked during their time together and very few answered. There's plenty both of them didn't know about the other but that was okay, they had time to learn.
The Forever Companion:
Soon enough Lae becomes The Doctor's one companion that sticks around regeneration to regeneration, he loves each new companion as much as The Doctor and they mourn each and every loss and goodbye together.
During The Doctor's 9th regeneration they share their names with each other as a sign they'd fully come to trust each other and considered the other their safe place.
By this point it's been revealed Lae was born outside of time and space, in a universe outside of their own understanding, Lae has little to no memories of it and has fainted each time he's tried to talk or think about it. This fact is what allows for his assumed inability to age; he is aging just at a pace much slower than most living beings in their known universe.
Lae stays with The Doctor's 14th regeneration while he recoups with Donna's family, rejoining 15 when their timelines finally align and 14 regenerates. And thus so their adventure continues.
[galaxy divider]
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stillbreathing-aer · 2 years
BYE mikeleven + will is literally just
'if i tell her that i love him, she'd be silently resigned. he'd be mine. she would say 'im fine' — she'd be lying'
'at least my dear elizas his wife. at least i keep his eyes in my life'
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cop--killer--hq · 23 days
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gendercensus · 6 months
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I felt like doing some important research between annual surveys, and an offhand comment from @averixus prompted a Tournament. This will be the masterpost.
Me and @averixus chose the pairs in the first round using a random number generator on the top 32 pronoun sets from the Gender Census 2023 results.
Round 1
Poll 1: one/one/oneself vs. void/void/voidself
Poll 2: avoid pronouns vs. ze/zir/zirself
Poll 3: pup/pup/pupself vs. vamp/vamp/vampself
Poll 4: star/star/starself vs. thon/thon/thonself
Poll 5: bun/bun/bunself vs. xe/xem/xemself
Poll 6: mew/mew/mewself vs. ae/aer/aerself
Poll 7: xey/xem/xemself vs. they/them/themself
Poll 8: ve/ver/verself vs. ze/zem/zemself
Poll 9: e/em/emself vs. they/them/themselves
Poll 10: ne/nem/nemself vs. he/him/himself
Poll 11: kit/kit/kitself vs. rot/rot/rotself
Poll 12: fae/faer/faeself vs. ey/em/emself
Poll 13: hy/hym/hymself vs. hy/hymn/hymnself
Poll 14: she/her/herself vs. use name as pronoun
Poll 15: voi/void/voidself vs. bug/bug/bugself
Poll 16: it/it/itself vs. ze/hir/hirself
Round 2
Poll 1: one/one/oneself vs. avoid pronouns
Poll 2: vamp/vamp/vampself vs. star/star/starself
Poll 3: xe/xem/xemself vs. ae/aer/aerself
Poll 4: they/them/themself vs. ze/zem/zemself
Poll 5: they/them/themselves vs. he/him/himself
Poll 6: kit/kit/kitself vs. fae/faer/faeself
Poll 7: hy/hymn/hymnself vs. use name as pronoun
Poll 8: voi/void/voidself vs. it/it/itself
Round 3
Poll 1: avoid pronouns vs. star/star/starself
Poll 2: xe/xem/xemself vs. they/them/themself
Poll 3: they/them/themselves vs. fae/faer/faeself
Poll 4: use name as pronoun vs. it/it/itself
Poll 1: avoid pronouns vs. they/them/themself
Poll 2: they/them/themselves vs. it/it/itself
they/them/themself vs. it/it/itself
WINNER: they/them/themself
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multigenderswag · 3 days
Multigender Survey Results Dec 2023: Language (part 1)
Number of pronouns 
Participants were asked “How many sets of pronouns do you use?” (single selection) and participants whose pronouns differed depending on slightly were asked to answer what they used most often. The options provided were: 
No pronouns: 2 (0.3%)
1 set of pronouns: 69 (9.3%) (nice)
2 sets of pronouns: 197 (26.5%)
3 sets of pronouns: 131 (17.6%)
4 sets of pronouns: 58 (7.8%)
5+ sets of pronouns: 98 (13.2%)
All pronouns: 72 (9.7%)
It changes regularly: 78 (10.5%)
Questioning: 38 (5.1%)
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Number of pronouns vs number of genders
Participants’ answers to “How many sets of pronouns do you use?” and “How many genders do you identify as?” were compared and sorted into the following categories:
Number of pronouns is the same as the number of genders (for example, two genders and us two sets of pronouns): 109 (14.7%)
Number of pronouns is less than the number of genders (for example, all genders and one set of pronouns): 47 (6.3%)
Number of pronouns is more than the number of genders (for example, three genders and 5+ sets of pronouns): 56 (7.5%)
Number of pronouns and/or number of genders were non-numerical answers (for example, “I don’t know/I choose not to count them” for number of genders and all pronouns): 531 (71.5%)
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Multiple pronouns
Participants were asked “If you use multiple pronouns, do you prefer that people use all of your pronouns interchangeably?” (single selection). The options provided were: 
Yes, and it is misgendering if they don’t: 81 (10.9% of participants overall, 11.8% of participants who use multiple pronouns)
Yes, but I don’t mind if they stick to one set: 366 (49.3% of participants overall, 53.2% of participants who use multiple pronouns)
No, I prefer that people stick to one set: 47 (6.3% of participants overall, 6.8% of participants who use multiple pronouns)
I don’t have a preference: 126 (17.0% of participants overall, 18.3% of participants who use multiple pronouns)
I don’t use multiple pronouns: 55 (7.4%)
There was also an “other” option in which participants could write in their answer. Written in answers were divided into the following categories:
It depends on context: 19 (2.6% of participants overall, 2.8% of participants who use multiple pronouns)
It depends on the pronouns (for example, using he/him and she/her interchangeably is preferred, using just he/him is okay, using just she/her is considered misgendering): 18 (2.4% of participants overall, 2.6% of participants who use multiple pronouns)
Preferences change frequently: 13 (1.7% of participants overall, 1.9% of participants who use multiple pronouns)
Yes, and I don’t like it if people stick to one set, but I don’t consider it misgendering: 11 (1.5% of participants overall, 1.6% of participants who use multiple pronouns)
Other: 7 (0.9% of participants overall, 1.0% of participants who use multiple pronouns)
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Most common pronouns
Participants were asked “What pronouns do you use?” (multiple selection). For participants who only used a given set of pronouns sometimes, they were asked to select those pronouns for this question. The options provided were: 
He/him: 565 (76.0%)
She/her: 380 (51.1%)
They/them: 422 (56.8%)
It/its: 275 (37.0%)
Xe/xem: 199 (16.0%)
Fae/faer: 66 (8.9%)
Ey/em: 66 (8.9%)
Ze/hir: 52 (7.0%)
Ze/zir: 59 (7.9%)
Ae/aer: 53 (7.1%)
E/em: 53 (7.1%)
Ce/cer: 22 (3.0%)
No pronouns: 69 (9.3%)
Any/all pronouns: 135 (18.2%)
Any/all neos: 124 (16.6%)
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Additionally, there was an “other” option in which participants could write in pronouns. With the given and written in pronouns combined, a total of 171 unique subject pronouns were used. 
Participants were asked “Which of these honorifics would you want to be referred to with?” (multiple selection). The options provided were: 
Ind.: 40 (5.4%)
Lady: 14 (1.9%)
M.: 151 (20.3%)
Masteress: 33 (4.4%)
Miss/Ms./Mrs.: 165 (22.2%)
Mistrum: 47 (6.3%)
Mr.: 339 (45.6%)
Mx.: 108 (14.5%)
Sir: 328 (44.1%)
Sirlady: 62 (8.3%)
No honorific: 311 (41.9%)
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maidragoste · 1 year
The Wedding
Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader (Daughter of Rhaenyra) x Aegon II Targaryen
Masterlist Serie
Part 4 Part 6
sorry for taking so long to post, I hope you all like the chapter I remind you that my inbox is open and it always makes me happy to answer any questions or read any headcanon you have. thank you very much for all the support
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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You had your eyes closed while Alicent finished doing your hairstyle. The maids could have helped you prepare for the wedding, but your mother-in-law insisted on doing your hair and dressing.
If you concentrated hard enough, you could pretend that the fingers that were braiding your hair with such care and delicacy weren't Alicent's but your mother's. You could pretend that she was by your side. Surely he would never agree to this marriage but you knew that he would be with you, that he would never miss his only daughter's wedding… At least by his own free will, after all, no one from your family had been able to be at your first wedding, with Aemond, because there had been secret. It was just you two and the septon.
And you weren't the only one consumed by nostalgia. Alicent was also thinking of your mother, remembering her when she helped prepare her for the day Viserys named her his heir. She was also thinking of her sweet Helaena of hers, remembering how she had had to comfort and reassure her before her wedding. You didn't seem to need any words of comfort. You seemed ready to do your duty.
"You look beautiful," Alicent said breaking the spell and making you open your eyes. You tried not to feel bitter seeing her and not your mother.
"Thank you" looking in the mirror. Your dress fitted perfectly to your body but it had no collar so you could clearly see the hickeys Aemond had left the night before. You knew she did it on purpose to remind Aegon and the rest that he was still your husband and that he was the one who had you first.
“Are you ready yet?” Aemond asked, entering your chambers. For a moment he felt as if the air had been stolen from him when he saw how beautiful you looked. Although he couldn't help feeling envious of his brother because he hadn't had the chance to see you in your white dress or see you walk down the aisle, let alone be able to hold a big celebration in honor of their union. "You look perfect," she said, ignoring his annoyance.
"Thank you" you approached him and gave him a short kiss. If Alicent hadn't been in the room, you would have prolonged the kiss "Now we can go"
Once you entered the Sept you began to feel nervous, you were afraid. Not for marrying Aegon, he had been a bad husband for Helaena but you knew that he would be good to you, he had never hurt you during the war, on the contrary, he had been your support, he was by your side in your worst moments, somehow you knew that you could trust him. You weren't afraid of Aegon, what you were afraid of was what it meant to be his wife. She would be queen. You would be responsible for all the people who were here. The welfare of the kingdom would depend on you. Any decision you make could bring misfortune to the kingdom.
You knew you had to start walking but your legs wouldn't move. Aemond, who would walk you to the end of the hall, turned to see you. If you wanted to back out of the wedding, you just had to say so and he wouldn't hesitate to get you out of there. He didn't care how many people he would have to fight, how many he would have to kill, he would get you out and keep you safe.
Suddenly you felt cold on your shoulder "You can do it" someone whispered in your aer. It was not Aemond. It was Jacaerys, you would recognize your Jace's voice anywhere "You will be a great queen" you knew it was only a product of your imagination but thinking that your dear brother was by your side, supporting you, gave you enough courage to start walking.
Some people expected to see you being dragged down the aisle by the guards while you yelled and cursed at the green ones. Others expected to see a young woman walking down the hall all shaky and whimpering. But no, you surprised them all by walking with your head held high and without any tears in your eyes. You had the countenance worthy of a future queen.
Aegon felt his heart race. You looked so beautiful no matter what you wore for him you would always look beautiful. But you looked so beautiful in your white dress, you seem taken from a dream, this was a dream for him. He couldn't help but get emotional, his eyes clouded over for a moment and he had to force himself not to cry in front of everyone, he had dreamed of this for so long and it was finally happening. I would finally be your husband.
You forgot all the lords and ladies watching you when your eyes met the Aegons. You felt your heart warm when you saw the emotion in his lavender eyes. You almost wanted to laugh when you saw how he seemed about to cry, he gave you so much tenderness. Gods, how had you been so blind and stupid not to notice before that he loved you?
Aemond felt pure bitterness and fury at the way they looked at each other. It seemed as if you two had forgotten about the rest and were the only ones present in the Sept. You weren't supposed to look at his brother like that, he thought you would look at him in disgust or directly without showing any expression. But the only thing that transmitted your eyes was warmth. Did you lie to him when you said you didn't want to marry Aegon? Had the two planned everything behind his back? No, Aemond knew you well and you would never do such a thing…So Aegon's courtship had worked? Now did you love him?
When you reached the end of the hall, Aegon smiled at you and you smiled back. Aemond felt as if someone had punched him. And as if that hadn't been enough, you didn't even seem to hesitate as you released his arm and entwined yours with his brother's. You and the king started up the steps to meet the septon so the prince had to go and stand next to his mother.
"Now you can cover the bride and place her under her protection," the septon said and you instantly turned away to let the king cover your back with her cloak in the colors and shield of the Targaryens. Once he finished you went back to your previous position. "My lords, my ladies we stand here in the presence of the gods to witness the union of a man and his wife." The septon began to wrap your hand around Aegon's. "I hereby solemnly proclaim that Y/N, of the houses Velaryon and Targaryen, and Aegon, of the Targaryen and Hightower houses, are one heart, one flesh and one soul” when I finished wrapping them both intertwined their fingers.
It didn't feel good to hear those words. You couldn't help but look at Aemond. He is your first husband, the father of your children, he is also a part of your heart and soul. No matter what the septon says, you made up your mind. Your heart belonged to both.
"And cursed be anyone who dares to come between them" the septon continued speaking making you turn your face forward "Now, look at each other and say the words"
The two faced each other “Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger" you two recited at the same time without taking their eyes off the other, again it seemed as if only the two of you existed, you felt your heart race "I am his/her, and he/she is mine" the king's smile was so big while saying those words that you couldn't help but smile too "from this day until the end of my days" they both finished safely.
Aegon could not remember ever having been so happy as he was now. You were finally his wife and best of all, you seemed to love him. He could see it in your eyes and could tell that you longed to kiss him as much as he longed for you. So he wasted no time and he cupped your face in his hands before crashing his lips against yours. He felt his heart race as you continued the kiss with the same intensity.
You had promised yourself it would be a short kiss, you didn't want to make a big show of it in front of Aemond, you knew it was hard enough for him to see you marry his brother and you didn't want to make things worse, but kissing Aegon had felt so natural. , her lips were so soft, it wasn't supposed to feel so good. The shouts and applause of the guests brought you out of your reverie. You separated from the king feeling how your cheeks warmed up. You turned to face the crowd, avoiding looking at your first husband out of guilt.
Aegon waited for the crowd to calm down before he began to speak loud and clear "Today we leave the war behind. Today is a new beginning for the kingdom. From today Y/n Targaryen will rule by my side as my equal. We, together, will watch over the kingdom."
Again the sept erupted in cheers and cheers. But instantly they all fell silent as they saw Te kneel in front of the septon.
"May the Warrior give her courage" the old man began to recite and put a smell on your forehead "May the Smith give strength to her sword and shield" he put the smell again "May the Father defend her in her need" he said The image of your father watching over you when you were little and sick or hurt came to mind. "May the Crone lift up her bright lamp and light her way to wisdom" now you thought of your grandmother Rhaenys. You hoped that wherever she was she would guide you. Everyone knew that she would have made a better queen than your grandfather.
"With you, Y/N Targaryen first of her name," Aegon said placing the crown that had been worn by your mother, your grandfather, and old King Jaehaerys years ago.
The celebration was in full swing. Everyone was enjoying the food and some laughter could be heard in the room. A couple of people were already dancing. Of course, the first to open the dance had been you and the king, as much as you and Aegon felt that their jaws would end up aching from smiling so much but they didn't care. Now you were lovingly looking at your second husband dancing with Jaehaera. They looked so happy that you would have loved to have an artist draw them so you would never forget that moment.
After dancing you were thirsty so it didn't take long for you to drink the cup that a servant brought you. You felt that the wine was sweeter than usual but you didn't care, thinking that surely Aegon ordered a new wine from Essos or Dorne.
"Your grace, may I have this dance?" Aemond said, appearing beside you and offering his hand.
"Don't call me your grace" you complained but still you took his hand and let him guide you back to the dance floor "I'm your wife" you said making him smile for a moment.
"You know I'm going to have to call you 'your grace' in front of the court, don't you?" the prince said as they began to dance.
"Absolutely not" Aemond had to suppress the urge to laugh at how you seemed about to pout "I forbid you"
"If I don't call you "your grace" people will think I don't respect you as a queen"
"I don't care about people. I know you respect me."
Did you know that people will no longer treat you the same as before. The servants would probably be more careful around you now. The lords and ladies would not stop praising you to win favors. But you didn't want your new arrivals to change their ways just because of your new title. First, you had been a sister, wife, and mother. Being queen didn't make you a different person.
"Fine. Fuck the people" your husband said making you laugh but your laugh didn't last long because when Aemond lifted you up to spin you suddenly black dots appeared in your vision. Once your feet touched the ground again you clung to your husband, or at least you tried to because you barely had the strength to stay upright. You felt how your head began to throb. The music seems to be heard more and more distant.
"What's happening?" asked the prince concerned, holding you by the waist to prevent you from falling.
You were confused just a few minutes ago you were fine and now all of a sudden you felt like your own body was passing you by. Then you remembered the glass of wine. Shit.
"I don't want you to panic" you kept your voice as low as possible "But I think I was poisoned" saying each word took a lot of effort.
Listening to you, Aemond felt his blood run cold. He knew you weren't exaggerating, you would never scare him like that for nothing, he was sure that your eyes reflected the same terror as his. He couldn't lose you. What would he do without you? You were his, all of him, only you could see the best in him, only you could make him happy. How would he raise the boys without you? The boys. If someone poisoned you, who could make sure they wouldn't do the same to children? Desperate, he search with his eye where the twins were.
"The children," you said reaching the same conclusion as him. You started to panic. You needed to know that both your brother and the twins were okay. You couldn't die without knowing it first.
"They're fine. They're with my mother. Your brother is with her too" your husband answered and you followed his eye to find your mother-in-law, sitting, holding Aemon in her arms while Egg wiped Baelon chin which surely got dirty when he ate. "I'll take you to the maestre. You'll be fine" Aemond carried you in his arms, drawing the attention of the guests. In other circumstances he would have bothered to think of another way to get you to the maester without attracting attention, people would panic if they found out that someone had poisoned you, but now he couldn't waste time. He didn't know how fast the poison was advancing.
"Aegon. Maybe they want to poison him" you mumbled trying to keep your eyes open but the candlelight was beginning to be unbearable.
If you and Aegon died then Aemond would be king but the war would continue. There was no way Aemond would win Cregan Stark's support. The northerners will fight for your little brother to have the throne. They wanted the descendant of Rhaenyra Targaryen.
"What's going on?" The king asked approaching you, as soon as he saw the look of his younger brother he knew that something bad was happening to you.
And for a moment Aegon felt the air go out of him. Then fury took over his body. How could someone have hurt you? Who had dared to try to separate them? Whoever it was would repent, torture him for days, then have Sunfyre eat him. He would show people what happens to people who try to touch his family. No one would ever hurt you again. He knew you would recover. You had to, he couldn't bear to think about losing you.
"We need a maester! I want all the maesters right now!", he ordered even though you could hear the desperation in his voice.
And Aegon's screams were the last thing you heard before you lost consciousness.
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tag list: @hannaeditzs @multi-fandoms-stuff @zverea @m1tzifa1ry
@solacestyles @lilithskywalker @satish @justsumtuffstuff @crispmarshmallow @daduol @inmyowndefender @afro-hispwriter
@green-lxght @roroswhiterose @libdarkheart @chevelledahuman
@versaillesdrmngs @helloitsshitzulover @ladybug0095 @ietss
@serendippindots @ultraviollett @akinatrix @papery-maniac @merovingianprincess @hnybitches @m1ndbrand @giulia2372
@blubird592 @alexa4040 @noisyinfluencerstrawberry @bajadotcom @woodandwaxwings @idkjj04 @yor72 @mendes-bae
@lj127 @sustisama @imjustboredso @remuslupinwifee @sarcasticking9 @melllinaa @tswiftsthings
 @404slayer404  @letsloveimagines @zillahvathek @alexandra-001 
@hnybitches @stitchattacks @scarlettish @damienmorton
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bloctg4 · 8 months
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ábhatar: an draoi aer deiridh
seachtain fandom: lá a ceathair!
aon mholadh agat do fandom le aistriú?
any suggestions for a fandom to translate?
lá 1: she-ra sí-rá lá 2: twilight clapsholas lá 3: doctor who dochtúir cé lá 4: avatar: the last airbender ábhatar: an draoi aer deiridh lá 5: ??? lá 6: ??? lá 7: ???
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[Image Description: A 5 panel colored Legend of Zelda AU comic  “Linked Spirit”. Panel 1: Sky looks at Briar softly, one hand to his chest, "That's all I'd hope for you." Panel 2: Briar smiles a little awkwardly, "Are you talking about your Zelda again?" Panel 3: Sky raises aer hands "What? No. I was- I..." Panel 4: The background turns into dark clouds, lightning striking, Sky looks down, brows furrowed slightly, "If anything I think... you could be related to her. Maybe. I don't know." Panel 5: The background returns to the room they're in. Sky smiles in the foreground, hands clasped in front of himself, "Nevermind. I'm glad you're doing well, that's all. It's- good when people are happy..." In the background, Hero's Spirit looks at Sky, brows furrowed. Hope holds onto Princess from behind. She looks back at him with a grin, holding a book open. End ID]
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chimeride · 12 days
the crewmates from Among Us, but they aren't wearing astronaut suits, rather their colorful bodies is their actual skin and they have one big compound eye
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sulatni-flerida11 · 3 months
[1 Notification]
it's all so incredibly loud | next part
Etho | 4:18 PM
hey cleo ! could you meet me at the rooftop of our apartment later?
Seen 4:22 PM
Cleo | 4:23 PM
uhm… why?
Seen 4:23 PM
Etho | 4:23 PM
c’mmon, indulge in me a little bit?
Seen 4:23 PM
Cleo | 4:24 PM
i already do that by being your roommate
Seen 4:24 PM
Etho | 4:26 PM
i’ll bring your favorite from the coffee shop?
Seen 4:27 PM
Cleo | 4:27 PM
Seen 4:27 PM
Etho | 4:28 PM
Seen 4:28 PM
Cleo | 4:28 PM
Seen 4:29 PM
Cleo | 4:28 PM
this is why you’re my favorite
Seen 4:29 PM
Etho | 4:29 PM
yeah sure
Seen 4:29 PM
Etho | 4:30 PM
meet me at 6 after classes?
Seen 4:30 PM
Cleo | 4:30 PM
sounds alright
Seen 4:31 PM
Etho | 5:47 PM
Not seen
Etho | 5:47 PM
so i uh.. went ahead
Not seen
Etho | 5:48 PM
[picture attached]
Not seen
Etho | 5:48 PM
feel free to come up here once you’re home :)
Not seen
Etho | 6:26 PM
Not seen
Etho | 6:26 PM
wow, i buy your favorite and now ignore me :(
Not seen
Etho | 6:28 PM
Not seen
Etho | 7:33 PM
uhm.. cleo?
Not seen
Etho | 7:36 PM
i hope you’re doing alright
Not seen
Etho | 7:36 PM
i can pick you up if you’d like?
Not seen
Etho | 8:12 PM
cleo i went back to the apartment now because grian didn’t bring his key
Not seen
Etho | 8:12 PM
i’ll probably just wait here too.. bit chilly up there, haha
Not seen
Etho | 8:29 PM
Not seen
Etho | 8:29 PM
yoru stuff isgone ?
Not seen
Etho | 8:29 PM
Not seen
Etho | 8:30 PM
your room is epmtyo f youe stuff
Not seen
Etho | 8:30 PM
i juts messaged bdubs adn grian just callde lizzie
Not seen
Etho | 8:30 PM
they both havent seeny ou after class
Not seen
Etho | 8:30 PM
thry said you eevn rushed out of art class a whlie ago
Not seen
Etho | 8:30 PM
and joek and scara re nowhere to be foudn too
Not seen
Etho | 8:30 PM
and joel stoppef repyling tol izzie
Not seen
Etho | 8:30 PM
giran and i aer worried
Not seen
Etho | 8:31 PM
pelase reply wehn you can
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Etho | 11:07 PM
grian and i just came from the receptionist
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Etho | 11:07 PM
said you got a call from your family about your parents
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Etho | 11:08 PM
we don’t know what’s going on, but whatever it is, i hope you know grian and i are here for you
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Etho | 11:08 PM
and scar and joel of course
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Etho | 11:11 PM
i really wish you guys are alright
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Etho | 11:11 PM
and that whatever you guys are going through right now will pass
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Etho | 11:11 PM
you three are some of the strongest people i’ve ever met
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Etho | 11:11 PM
especially you
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Cleo | 2:27 AM
Seen 8:28 AM
Cleo | 2:28 AM
please don’t take any of this personally
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Cleo | 2:28 AM
i’m so sorry i couldn’t say more
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Cleo | 2:28 AM
or anything properly to you directly
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Cleo | 2:28 AM
but i will say
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Cleo | 2:29 AM
you’ve always been my favorite
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Cleo | 2:29 AM
and you’ve always had this way of making me feel loved
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Cleo | 2:29 AM
even though i don’t deserve it
Seen 8:28 AM
Cleo | 2:29 AM
please don’t burn the apartment down now i’m gone
Seen 8:28 AM
Cleo | 2:28 AM
This number has blocked you.
Seen 8:28 AM
Cleo | 3:49 AM
This number has unblocked you.
Seen 8:28 AM
Cleo | 3:49 AM
i just realized that there’s a really big chance we’ll never see each other again
Seen 8:28 AM
Cleo | 3:49 AM
so i
Seen 8:28 AM
Cleo | 3:51 AM
god this is harder than i thought
Seen 8:28 AM
Cleo | 4:07 AM
i love you
Seen 8:28 AM
Cleo | 4:07 AM
This number has blocked you.
Seen 8:28 AM
Etho | 8:30 AM
that’s what i was supposed to tell you last night
ERROR | Message cannot be sent
Etho | 8:30 AM
why didn’t i tell you sooner
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Etho | 8:30 AM
we won’t burn the apartment down
ERROR | Message cannot be sent
Etho | 8:31 AM
and you deserve all the love in the world
ERROR | Message cannot be sent
Etho | 8:31 AM
and you’ve also always been my favorite
ERROR | Message cannot be sent
Etho | 8:32 AM
i love you too
ERROR | Message cannot be sent
Etho | 8:32 AM
yall better come back to us
ERROR | Message cannot be sent
Etho | 8:36 AM
ERROR | Message cannot be sent
Etho | 4:27 PM
ERROR | Message cannot be sent
Etho | 4:28 PM
our math prof a while ago said you, scar, and joel dropped out?
ERROR | Message cannot be sent
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(also this AU is being held up by Glass Animal songs, specifically their album "How to Be A Human Being")
go to the au's next part
A/N: this snippet of cleo and etho is just a part of the big picture as this is just to set up the AU. it will touch on their... relationship (?), but it isn't the focus. the next part i'll write will depend on the poll's answers 👍
feel free to ask qs :]
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macaronichewtoyz · 7 months
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Cringetober Day 4 - Angel x Demon!
Featuring Juno (he/vir) and Skai (they/he/aer)! The prompt may mean an angel demon hybrid but uhhh I wanted to do a ship. Juno isn't normally a demon I just thought it would be cute :3
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stillbreathing-aer · 2 years
bye im on a byler blue/yellow brainrot right now 🤚
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starheirxero · 23 days
I know that, reasonably, the astral bodies fit a lot of themselves into a more "human compliant" way so that they don't accidentally hit someone with an eldritch madness beam, but I think
1) the astral bodies should have their own language,
2) they should have a "correct" way to say their names that isn't just their constellation name,
3) they should have a "bibically accurate" forms,
4) they should all use neopronouns, like that one species of aliens that used ae/aer in that rlly old novel, and
5) they should be more unsettling. bc I think all of this would be cool as fuck 👍
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copperbadge · 1 year
sam! your wall o' posters and stuff is amazing. how do you plan out a wall like that? do you move stuff around? how do you hang it all, aer you not worried the drywall will give or do you use command strips or something
Oh, let me give you the full view of the front hallway, I don't think I've ever shared the whole thing. If you're standing with your back to the green sofa I'm always sitting on, with the cat tree to your left, this is the view of the left side:
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[ID: A photograph of my hallway with white and blue rugs, a green wall, and numerous posters hung on it -- they range from hand-drawn art to commercial prints, theatrical posters, and museum exhibit ads. One looks like it's blank, but it's a framed lighting plan I did for a theatre show, and just doesn't show very well on film.]
And if you look to your right, this is the other side, which includes the hallway to the bathroom and bedroom:
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[ID: The same hallway, just the other side; prints here include indy artist prints, pages from calendars, a massive ad for Immersive Van Gogh, and an air intake vent painted green. A couple of cardboard boxes are in the hallway, waiting to go to recycling.]
I didn't really plan any of it, but I had a bunch of the framed posters already when I moved in, so I tended to "group" them -- some of the puzzles are together, most of the theatre posters are together, et cetera. It's not heavily regimented, and honestly I just kind of put in hooks wherever I thought things would look nice -- there are a few I used a level and a bit of string to make sure they aligned, but not many.
The drywall's not very thick -- it's basically 3/4" pasteboard -- so you can't really put up shelving on it or anything, or the whole thing would be a cat jungle gym. But it's well solid enough for hanging framed prints, most of which are just hung on those little angular hooks you nail into the wall. A few of the heftier ones are hung on screws, but the frames themselves are generally fairly lightweight. Down at the end you can see bags displayed on the wall, those are on small coat hooks anchored into it.
I forget how it looks because, you know, I live here, but watching people walk in for the first time and take in the long hallway just plastered in framed posters is pretty fun. Most of them have a sentimental meaning of some kind. I have begun to rotate them out once in a while -- the pinboard in the first picture replaced a gallery print that used to be there, which I wrapped and put in storage. But mostly I'm just using the Full Wall as a reason to prevent myself from going ham every time I'm in an Artists Alley or a print store.
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aerypear · 2 months
How do you render hands realistically like that? My hands look like potatoes.
Step 1: Question your sanity Step 2: Form a Covenant with the Devil to comprehend these weird meat sticks Step 3: Scream into a pillow Step 4: FIND. A. REFERENCE. Doesn't have to be lit the way you want it to be, but you need somewhere to start to comprehend these phalanges little shits. Step 5: Love thy box, become thy box, sketch out thine boxes
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Lengthier explanation under the cut
I like to make skin orbs... need a better term for it, but it is what it's called. I showed that it's possible to do this with all skin types by swatching out my own, and looking up gorgeous pictures of Beyonce on the beach.
ALL Skin has cool tones and warm tones. Cool town will include Blue, Pink, Purple. "But Aer!" You cry in anguish with your eyedropper "They aren't anywhere near those colors in the color wheel!" They're all in the same color groups, but in sections that make them appear what they aren't because they're next to brighter warmer tones. These are Grey color Families. SUPER important for defining skin.
Loosely sketch out your hand with your skin color of choice, I hate myself so picked bright ass peach to now buff the fuck out of when I have to place a dark along that line. AND NOW GET PLACING COLORS. If you understand how a cube works, treat EVERYTHING like a cube and swatch accordingly. If you made a flesh orb (now the name is worse), you likely already know the properties of a sphere. So areas where the muscle bulge is the sphere, areas where it's the cube, it's the cube.
Lights against darks, Darks against lights. This really is about Observing and acknowledging traits about the hand. Where there's more pink would be near the nails, where the color tone evens out is in the palm, where the blue's shine through is where you're cutting off circulation from holding the pose for too long; etc.
You won't be magically good at rendering hands, but with practice and determination, You too can make a pact with the mannequin hand devil and over come your worse adversary... the hands.
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