#adrian a bond between people
geeky-introvert · 2 years
GIF Creations
Warrior Mads - • • • • • • • • • • •
A Bond Between People Adrian - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Music Video Alex Høgh Andersen - •
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harleystuff · 2 months
Alex Høgh Andersen Gif Pack
[LINK] In this gif pack you will find 158 gifs (275*167) of Alex Høgh Andersen as Adrian in the short film ‘Et bånd mellem mennesker / A bond between people (2019)’.  I made these gifs from scratch, so please don’t claim them as your own and do not repost them in gif hunts (instead link back to this page). You may crop/use them in crackships & stuff, but please don’t forget the credit ! (& since I’m kinda curious, I’d very much like to see :p) Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
Content warning : semi nudity, blood, slaughterhouse, facial injury, alcohol
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New Matt Engarde headcanon dropped: The chalice is filled with chocolate milk, not booze.
Makes enough sense too. Engarde is a total manchild who relies on Adrian for most of everything he does in his career; he can't do or say a lot without asking someone else first (whether those people are real is up for debate). Jury's still out on whether Phoenix ever calls him a "Mommy's Boy" - haven't found any evidence for it & I may have missed that line playing the game myself - though between this and his petty competition with Juan, he reads as a very childish man at heart.
It'd also track with Ace Attorney's tendancy to replace character's alcoholic drinks with more mundane alternatives. Juan's own glass is filled with tomato juice. Godot's bourbon was replaced with coffee and Phoenix's wine bottles are filled with bog-standard grape juice. Having big bad evil man Matt Engarde swirl a glass of what is essentially a treat for children like a Bond villain would line up well with Ace Attorney's humour and potentially his character as well.
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Can you imagine being invited to this guy's house and he hands you a whole glass chalice of flavoured dairy product. Are there people out there with a story or two of how they were invited to his room and found him pouring a carton of branded chocolate milk into a pair of drinking glasses to set the mood? Does Adrian die a little on the inside when they sit down for dinner and she eyes him slurping his choccy milk over a well-done steak, praying that her own glass of full-alcohol wine never runs out so she can drown this pathetic little man out of her head? "At least Juan drinks something more healthy than that saccharine swill", one may think to themselves.
This might be the most light-hearted thing I have to say about this guy, enjoy it while it lasts. I have plenty of other thoughts about Mr Engarde and his... escapades.
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linkysmommy · 6 months
Well here it is. My Bloodbound review/reactions/essay/idk what.
For some reason, now that it's done most of what I have are critiques 😂 I guess because there were so many amazing things about this book, such great characters and themes, that certain things ended up leaving me... disappointed. But before I get into all that, let me start with what I really, really liked. (adding a cut because I feel like this is going to end up really long lol. also, spoilers ahead. obviously)
Overall, the vibes, the characters, the themes, and the lore were immaculate. The writers put a lot of thought into the world that they created and the themes they wanted to explore through that world, and I really respect that.
I thought that the vampire council and the clans in NYC was a really cool concept and was a little bummed that we didn't get to do more with vampire politics. Despite hating most everyone on the council, I also loved them. I found them all interesting and unique, and loved seeing the backstories that involved them, such as the scene at the fair or the scene when they all teamed up to take down Gaius. I was actually sad when the Baron and Lester died lol, while it did make for a cool scene, I felt that their deaths left a hole in the story. (oops sorry I did not mean to turn this positives into a half-negatives thing lol)
I swear that the toxic, messed up relationship between Gaius, Kamilah, and Adrian has me by the throat. The concept of a cruel, thousands year old vampire gaining the love and devotion of these two people not through the use of mind control *cough Rheya cough* but through sheer charisma, magnetism, and leadership skills... and then shaping them into tools to be used in his hands. Making them into his queen and his soldier and then forcing them into a cycle of violence while still inspiring them to follow, using them while still loving them... it's one of the greatest pleasures of having read this series to have gotten a taste for this relationship. And now that I've gotten a taste I'm just hungry for more, so this will be rotating in my head for a while yet.
Adrian Raines. My darling. My BABY. There is just something so fascinating, so alluring, about a creature born and shaped for violence, whose heart manages to remain pure. I especially loved how this was explored in Bloodbound 2. You see the heartless, emotionless cruelty that Adrian was capable of at the end of book 1, and then throughout book 2 he struggles with these two sides of himself: the heartless soldier, the angel of death, versus the kind, idealistic, sweet man who's fascinated by the simple things the world has to offer like open fields and sunlight, and the incredible ingenuity and good that the human race is capable of creating. Throughout book 2, this dance of Adrian being the foil to Gaius is clear as day and oh so powerful. Gaius was Rheya's soldier, who was shaped into a killing machine at her side, who was driven to extremes by seeing the way his own people were hunted and killed. Adrian was Gaius's soldier, who was shaped into a killing machine at his side, who had to fight the anger and hatred that tried to pull him to cruelty and snuff out his goodness. Like I said in a previous post, the juxtaposition of this inner warmth and kindness against the person Gaius tried to make him will never not be fascinating.
Kamilah and Adrian siblings bond!! PLEASE they're so cute! I adored how over and over again, we saw them exchange looks and have full on worldless conversations by just their facial expressions. The way they know each other so well, inside and out, and have complete respect for one another, and the way they would die for one another, it just warms my heart and I adore them.
Also, just Kamilah. She's a badass ancient warrior queen, and I really loved seeing how no-nonsense and serious she was. Like she's been doing this for thousands of years, she's seen so much, she's killed so much, I feel that she doesn't think she truly deserves redemption or is as pure as Adrian, but she fights to protect the people under her care. Those who cannot fight for themselves the way she can fight for them.
Gaius Augustine, what a villain you were. I loved how the game never shied away from the nuances in his character. They never painted him in cartoonishly villainous colors with no remorse for his actions. You can see why he became the way he was, and while you can understand that doesn't mean you have to excuse it; it does, however, make him more of an interesting villain. The fact that love and a desire to protect his people is what drove him to extremes makes him a fascinating villain, because his actions, while inarguably evil, are rooted in something that most everyone can understand: love. Although Gaius never knew how to truly love, it doesn't mean that he didn't. He hurt Kamilah and Adrian over centuries, but he never truly wanted to kill them. I appreciated that the various times where Gaius killed someone or almost killed someone with whom he had history (such as Takeshi or when he almost killed Kamilah), he expressed remorse. It wasn't enough to make him stop, because he is a bad man, but the fact that there was remorse in the first place adds more depth and emotion to both his character and the event itself.
I enjoyed the way that MC defeated Rheya. I thought that the twist that Rheya had murdered her own daughter after having given into her anger about the fact that she thought her daughter was murdered was really great. I enjoyed that MC didn't have to physically overpower Rheya; she just had to go back to where the cycles of violence began and show to Rheya herself that was the monster in her own story. I loved that.
It would be remiss of me to not mention Lily Spencer. From start to finish, she was a delight, and I loved how MC was honestly just as geeky as Lily sometimes, she just reigned it in a little bit more. Lily's enthusiasm for life was refreshing for a vampire story, where usually becoming a vampire is compared with death, and yet Lily's take on it was that she had a whole new life to live, new experiences to try out. I really enjoyed her humor, and thought her friendship with MC was both touching and relatable. So have some Lily moments that made me laugh out loud:
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Also, the scene where MC died, and then she was Turned, and you woke up in a coffin, and you almost killed that girl in the park... peak cinema. Absolutely delicious, you'd better believe I ate that shit up. I also loved seeing the flashback where you saw how the other vampires reacted to your death. Yes, I enjoyed seeing Adrian in pain, yes, I am an angst fiend and sadist ig.
Sorry I feel like there's more to say but I've been working on this forever so I'm gonna leave the positives at that 😭
Let me first preface this by saying that I truly enjoyed Bloodbound. It latched onto my brain, and I enjoyed the journey, and it managed to make me more invested in a Choices book than I have been since I read It Lives. That being said, after finishing it, I couldn't help but feel that many things could have been done better, and a little bit let-down that many of the things that I connected to were not fully explored or expanded upon like I felt like they could have been. So this massive critique going forward is done with love. That's all. ❤️
This one isn't a huge deal, but I was disappointed by the lack of variation that your choices had in the final battle. You had the choice to kill Rheya's vampire guards or leave them, then you had the choice to kill Dracula or leave him. The first time I played I was doing a supervillain route so I was intentionally trying to choose the darker choices and was delighted to see how people were reacting:
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I thought that their dialogues were based on the fact I was going on a murderous, merciless rampage, but then when I came back and played and didn't kill everyone, their reactions were all the same. So that was disappointing.
The Jax/Lily death was,,, a choice. I get what they were trying to do. I do. Rheya lost her family, Gaius lost Rheya, Kamilah lost her brother, Adrian lost his family. There were cycles of loss that bred extreme behavior among our cast, and they wanted MC to experience that, too. They wanted to make her a reflection of Rheya, for the moment of losing Jax/Lily to be the trigger that makes her able to lose her humanity and become the very thing she swore to destroy. However, there were a few problems with how it played out! First of all, it's obviously suspect that the two sidelined Black or Asian LIs are the only ones who can die, while Adrian and Kamilah's plot armor protects them. Second of all, they wanted to make this big sacrifice to make MC snap but then they didn't even commit to it. If anything it would've made more sense for the LI to be the one who dies, seeing the impact that it had on MC. Because while my MC cares about Jax, he's probably the person in the crew that she's the least connected to so it felt a little odd for her in particular to lose it while the others were okay. I think that honestly, she would've reacted more like them. Sad, and angry, but without such an extreme reaction. But, the writers simultaneously tried to play it safe by ensuring that your LI doesn't die, while being "brave" and killing off part of the crew, so it just came across feeling odd to me and didn't quite hit the mark of what they were trying to do.
The romantic development was underwhelming. The romance quality skyrocketed in books 2 and 3, but unfortunately by then, the characters were already in relationships and while I enjoyed those scenes, I felt disappointed that we missed a quality relationship arc where we saw the characters fall for each other. I romanced Adrian, and I don't see what was so incredible about mc in the beginning to make him fall for her. She's just some human, and he's a powerful CEO, 300 year old clan leader and vampire council member. That's not say that I don't think he could've fallen for her - in fact, I think it's poetic and makes perfect sense that the man who's so embroiled in his vampire world and vampire politics yet adores humanity would fall for an average human - but the development simply wasn't there. The scene where you first let him drink your blood after breaking him out of jail was underwhelming and there was no emotional weight in the writing of that scene. In book one, it just really felt like the fact that something happened was supposed to be enough for us to believe that it was meaningful, instead of the writing and development showing us how it happened.
The actual plot events were in general... underwhelming. Both books 2 and 3 set up this fascinating potential for scenes and narrative arcs, with Gaius destroying NYC, and then Rheya taking over the city, and both times we just flew away to chase down artifacts and have diamond scenes in pretty places in various countries. I think it was an unfortunate choice to trade the potential of vampire politics for artifact-hunting.
The Order and Xenocrates in particular were woefully under-utilized. The tapestry paintings shed light on a fascinating dynamic between Gaius and Xenocrates, and we see that this anger and hatred has spanned millennia! Xenocrates is the reason that vampires are hated and hunted, he is the reason why Gaius is driven to extremes and decides that his plan to eradicate humans apart from keeping a blood supply for vampires is the only way to protect his people. And then... he just dies in a building collapse, and the Order is destroyed, and this thousands-year-old conflict is snuffed out pretty much immediately. It was disappointing, because there was so much potential in the lore that was created here, it just wasn't taken advantage of in the present storyline.
This one is small, but. Where the heck did MC's mom go 😭 we see one memory of her and then never hear about her again. Did she die? If she's not dead, why is MC not concerned about her while Gaius and Rheya are trying to destroy/take over the world.
This one is also small but worth mentioning - I was so annoyed that MC was forced to speak up and voice her opinion all the time in situations that really didn't involve her. It was just odd to me that Adrian's assistant thought it would be a good idea to speak up in a vampire council meeting after only having known about vampires for like. A few days lol. There were many times where I cringed at having to choose something to say because I, frankly, would have just remained silent because it wasn't my place to speak.
Maybe this is just me but... I definitely felt like Jax was done dirty by the writers. Not just in that he was sidelined and had fewer scenes and plot relevance apart from "being part of the crew", but I think his development as a character was weaker than the others. By book 3, I do feel like he came more into himself, and it was nice to see him have a character arc regarding his relationship with Takeshi, but for books 1 and 2, I personally felt like the writers didn't really know him. He was sort of just... bland, left vaguely blank aside from the "rebel vampire leader" for a while. The writers themselves said that he was the hardest character to write, which makes sense because I could tell that it took them a while to figure out who he really was.
Now for my biggest critiques, mostly centering around the handling of Gaius's character and missed potential.
First, Gaius's character development and thing with Rheya. I... was not a fan at all of the brainwashing plot point. I found that it made Gaius's character far less interesting and seemed to be almost incompatible with previous portrayals of his character and who they had been creating. For example, Rheya supposedly severed his compassion for humans, yet we see a direct contradiction of that when he had empathy for Kano, a dying child who'd lost his parents, and decided to Turn him in order to save his life and give him a chance to avenge his family. What made him so fascinating to me originally was the fact that DEVOTION was what ultimately turned him into a monster: first, devotion to Rheya, and second, devotion to his own people. By book 3, he was reduced from a terrifying vampire leader who would put his life on the line to protect his own people (as seen in crypt scene where he risks his life to save other vampires instead of running to safety) to a mindless zealot of Rheya whose only purpose seemed to be "Obey the goddess!" While the devotion to her is fine, it saddened me that his role as a leader who let fanaticism guide him as he sought to protect vampires was overshadowed by this interpersonal conflict between two individuals. I think there was a hugely missed opportunity to pit his two devotions against each other when he learns that Rheya doesn't actually care about him OR the vampires as a whole, and would happily take their lives if it meant gaining more power for herself. To watch him wrestle between his devotion to Rheya, his beloved goddess, and his devotion to his vampire progeny... now that is a character arc I'd love to dive into. Imagine if, in addition to being angry that Rheya used him like a tool, he was also angry that she wanted to hurt vampires. Just imagine something like this: "While you were asleep I was building a kingdom for our people, while you were gone I was the one who stepped up to protect them! And now you think you can come back, and use them, and kill them, and that I'll support you?" The vibes... immaculate.
Going along with the topic of Gaius being responsible for his own actions vs the concept of brainwashing, if Gaius hadn't been brainwashed and simply turned against Rheya because he realized she didn't care about the well-being of vampires and saw them as tools in her quest for power, I feel as though it would've made the alliance between Gaius and MC's crew all that much more interesting. A fragile alliance between people with a common enemy, but Gaius is still not an ally because he still disdains humanity, and once Gaius helps you get Rheya out of the way, you know that you'll have to deal with him next... mmm delicious.
As an add on, learning that it was all the result of brainwashing opens up a whole can of worms of "okay this man still committed war crimes but how much is he actually responsible for?" that I frankly don't feel was necessary, because Gaius was fully fascinating all on his own without needing to add the element of brainwashing to it. I just felt like it had the result of turning a fascinating, layered, nuanced character into "black-and-white" to make his redemption easier for lay readers to stomach.
Even after having bought every single tapestry diamond scene and plenty of diamond scenes with various characters, I was still left with lingering confusion about what happened in the past, namely: what did Gaius's empire look like and how did it work, what exactly were Kamilah and Adrian doing to spread his empire and enforce his rule, and what about him made them choose to swear fealty in the first place? They talk so much about all the people they killed and yet we really only saw them kill people who weren't exactly innocent? Iirc we only saw Adrian kill confederate soldiers, a British soldier who tried to kill him first, and a rogue vampire that had just drained a man of blood. And yeah, there was some sketchiness about it because the confederate soldiers weren't attacking him, and there was a young kid with them, but at the end of the day they were enemy soldiers fighting to maintain slavery and this is war - hardly the same thing as ruthlessly murdering strangers. Anyway the point is that I would've liked a clearer picture of what they did, to truly see them at their lowest points. And then, to see what was the catalyst that started pushing them back up again. I would've liked to know who they were sent to kill, and why, instead of vaguely "I've killed so many people." Give me the details!!
Like Part 1, I am Tired now and I feel like I've said most of what I want to say. So I am finished with my critiques section.
If you made it this far, you are the best and I appreciate you being interested enough in my thoughts to read this long, rambling review ❤️
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arrowverse-next-gen · 2 months
I'll Never Let You Go
It's the third time. The third time Wes and Jon tried to say 'i do', and things turned into a disaster again.
The first time was Lex Luthor dropping the bomb (figuratively) on Superman and Jon that he had cloned Clark, and was hiding the kid below a kryptonite bomb (literally), for fun. That of course put the wedding off. And to be honest, Wes was glad that time. Everything felt too showy. Star City's mayor and IT Goddess' foster son set to marry into Metropolis reporting dynasty.
The second time they almost got hitched, they got all the way to the alter before a time worm ate half of Central City... He's blaming that one on Barry Allen.
And now here they are. It was supposed to be a small gathering just friends and family. But of course nothing can go right for them.
He's sitting in the bunker as Q finishes up the sutures on his right shoulder. He's telling him how to apply the balm to take care of it, and Wes should listen, otherwise he'll be left with one hell of a scar. But he can't seem to focus on anything.
Not when the image of Adrian was burned into his mind, kryptonite arrow knocked in place aiming for Jon and Lanie. His family.
The man had destroyed the city, killed his mother, and tried time and again to hurt the only people who had been willing to take him in, and now he threatened the family Wes had built for himself.
Without thinking he stepped in the way, taking the arrow straight into his shoulder. Lanie screamed, Jon reached for him but was pulled back by the other supers. It took Clark, Mon-El, Kara, and Allie to hold him still. And Wes broke watching. The one thing that could keep them apart his father used against them. And it felt like darkness across his heart.
"That's all of it," Q said as he pressed the bandage in place. "But I still want you to come in to the clinic next week for a follow up."
"Thanks doc," he quipped, trying to press a smile to his face. It's how he dealt with things when Adrian came into it. But Q's gaze told him he wasn't quite done.
"As someone with a psychotic father figure," he started but Wes cut him off.
"Don't okay," he sighed. "We can trauma bond later, but right now I can't okay?"
"That's fair."
He needed to talk to Jon, apologize for all that happened. Wes needed him to know that if this was too much, if he needed time to process Adrian being back, they could postpone again. As much as that thought broke his heart.
As if he sensed Wes' thoughts, Jon came over to them, the nervousness radiating off him in waves
"All good?" He asked, and while the question was directed at Quincy, Wes could tell Jon was talking mostly to him.
"Clear of kryptonite," Q replied. "Ronnie and HD took it off site to analyze the composite and see if we can figure out how zombie Chase got a hold of it."
"Zombie Chase?" Wes raised a brow.
Q shrugged. "Seemed shorter than recently resurrected evil dad." He looked between the two of them. " I'm gonna go go see if anyone else needs patched up."
Wes wished he hadn't left so abruptly, wanting to find a way to ease into the conversation he desperately didn't want to have with Jon. It's like he could feel the ground beneath him start to crumble. He wanted to reach out, to hold on to the life he'd been trying to build, even for just a second longer.
"I'm sorry--" "I wanna talk..."
Their words mixed and tangled together and Wes felt like his heart would crack.
"Wait?" Jon looked at him perplexed. "Why are you apologizing?"
"Because my father shot at you with the only thing on this planet that could kill you."
Jon shook his head leaning in until their foreheads pressed together. Wes breathed in the scent of hay and the aftershave Jon had been wearing since they met all those years ago. Before Wes knew he'd fall so hard for the Smallville farm boy that he felt the earth would implode on itself if anyone tried to hurt him.
"You stepped in the way," it sounded accusatory.
"He was gonna kill you."
"And he *almost* killed you," Jon pleaded. His lips dusting a kiss on Wes' cheek .
"I had to protect you and Lanie," he replied. "You two are everything to me."
The longest of silences passed before Jon spoke. "Marry me."
Wes shifted to meet Jon's eyes. His love looked as if nothing could shake his resolve.
"Kinda been tryna do that for a few months now, if you hadn't noticed?"
He shook his dark locks. "Not a month from now when we rebook a venue. Not after we pick beef or chicken or new flowers. Now. Right here, right now. Everyone I need to be there is right here. So I don't want to wait. I wanna be with you forever Wes, so let's get married."
So in the end they weren't wearing pristine tuxes, and Lanie's hair wasn't in a braid crown atop her head. They didn't have speeches or rehearsed vows, but what they did have was even more special.
They had Oliver do the ceremony and shared a hostess cupcake that Lanie insisted on the biggest bite of. And they laughed when the cream filling covered the bridge of her nose.
It wasn't grand or spectacular. But in the end, it turns out, they didn't need all those things. Not when the end result was the three of them finally being the family they had always longed for.
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Arctic Monkeys’ Alex Turner shares details of new album The Car in Big Issue exclusive
By Adrian Lobb, 24 Aug 2022
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Arctic Monkeys singer Alex Turner has lifted the lid on the creative process of new album The Car in a global exclusive interview with The Big Issue.
The Sheffield band have announced their seventh LP will be released on October 21, picking up where 2018’s jazz-inspired, intergalactic Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino left off. But “on this record, sci-fi is off the table. We are back to earth”, Turner hinted.
“I think we’ve got closer to a better version of a more dynamic overall sound with this record,” he told The Big Issue. “The strings on this record come in and out of focus and that was a deliberate move and hopefully everything has its own space. There’s time the band comes to the front and then the strings come to the front.”
After six straight No1 LPs – from 2006’s phenomenon Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not to 2018’s cinematic Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino – singer-guitarist Alex Turner, drummer Matt Helders, guitarist Jamie Cook and bassist Nick O’Malley hope The Car will be their seventh straight UK number one album.
The record was made with the band’s regular producer James Ford at Butley Priory, a converted monastery in rural Suffolk, in the summer of 2021. The decision not to go to a regular recording studio was inspired by some rock-and-roll legends, Turner said.
“There’s a bunch of Led Zeppelin and Stones records where they were in this house in the country and then they went and sorted it all out and overdubbed it elsewhere,” Turner revealed.
“We went there in the summer, took all the equipment, got the raw material and then took it on elsewhere.”  
The release of The Car comes 20 years after the band’s formation as teenagers in Sheffield in 2002. Although the sound may have mellowed and evolved beyond the raw power of 2006’s Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not — the fastest selling debut album in UK chart history — Turner says they’re still staying true to their roots.
“You have to follow your instincts in the same way you did in the first place,” he said. “In that way, it does all feel like it’s connected to us 20 years ago in the garage when it was pure instinct.”
The Big Issue enlisted Martin Compston, star of BBC1’s Line of Duty and Arctic Monkeys superfan to interview Turner. Over the course of a weekend at Sziget festival in Budapest, Hungary, he got to know the band before sitting down with Turner then watching their set from the side of the stage.
The new album, said Compston, is “fucking class”.
“Hello You is a belter. And [There’d Better Be A] Mirrorball? Wow,” he said, calling it a song with “Bond villain overtones”.
“It’s a response I’ve had to other things we’ve composed,” replied Turner, “this idea of something sounding ‘cinematic’. I never completely subscribe to it, but it’s louder this time.”
The full, wide-ranging interview between the pair will be in The Big Issue magazine on sale from Monday August 29 and is available for pre-order now from the Big Issue Shop.
Before then, the band return to the UK for their first shows on home shores for four years, headlining Reading Festival on Saturday August 27 and Leeds on Sunday August 28.
The setlist has been evolving during a string of summer festival performances, their first in three years, with new song I Ain’t Quite Where I Think I Am sending online fan forums ablaze with excitement after it was played in Switzerland on Tuesday.
And with the announcement of the new LP, speculation is growing that more of the 10 new songs — There’d Better Be A Mirrorball, I Ain’t Quite Where I Think I Am, Sculptures Of Anything Goes, Jet Skis On The Moat, Body Paint, The Car, Big Ideas, Hello You, Mr Schwartz, Perfect Sense – could be unveiled during their headline sets at this weekend’s Reading and Leeds Festivals.
“It’s quite mysterious, to me, right now, at this moment in time, the setlist and what the order of that should be,” Turner mused, such is the strength of their back catalogue.
“This time has passed over the last few years and certain things don’t feel the way you expected them to anymore. That sounds sad, but it’s not. There are just certain things that represented certain moments in the past that now feel like something else, so they should be somewhere else. I’m still definitely very much working it out.
“It’s exciting to perform again,” he added. “But we are still shuffling the deck on the setlist.”
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oseathepebble · 2 years
Damien Marwood's Profile
"You are not worth even a second of my time."
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"Twin brother to Adrian. A student popular for the wrong reasons that's frequently seen dragging his brother around places. He's extremely greedy and manipulative and will do whatever it takes to get his way."
Introducing my Twisted Wonderland OC, Damien Marwood! He's twisted from Drizella, one of the evil stepsisters from Cinderella
Close Up + More Info Below
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Technical Information
Name: Damien Marwood
Japanese: ダミアン・マーウッド
Other Names: Monsieur Emerald (Rook) Omnivore (Leona) Cunner Fish (Floyd)
Meaning: His first name, Damien means "to tame" or "subdue" His family name, Marwood means "evil eye"
Voice Claim: Makoto Furukawa
Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual & Demiromantic
He does not feel any sexual or romantic attraction towards anyone unless he has formed a strong emotional bond with them. He has no preference between men and women
Age: 18
Birthday: November 24
Starsign: Scorpio
Height: 180 cm (5'11)
Eye Color: Evergreen
Hair Color: Cedar Brown
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene (Shaftlands)
Family: Father (Deceased), Mother, Stepfather, Eden Glazier (Stepbrother), Adrian Marwood (Twin Brother)
Professional Status
Dorm: Scarabia Dorm
School Year: Third
Class: 3-B, Student No. 27
Occupation: Student
Club: Film Research Club
Due to his love for acting and want to be closer to Vil, Damien auditioned to be part of the Film Research Club and was able to get in as an actor
Best Subject: Ancient Curses
Damien is very smart and excels in nearly every subject but is best in Ancient Curses due to it being the most interesting class to him
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Galette
Galettes were his father's favorite food and so he ate many throughout his childhood. He's never gotten tired of it after all these years
Least Favorite Food: Trey's Homemade Pastries
Damien's twin brother will sometimes receive pastries from Trey and share them with him. Damien refuses to eat them, though it is unclear if the reason to that is because he doesn't like the taste, or because he doesn't like Trey
Dislikes: Clingy People
He finds when people are clingy to be annoying and a nuisance. Though deep down he knows the reason why he hates clingy people is because no matter how clingy someone is to him, he'll eventually drive them away and wishes they would stop getting attached to him before that happens so neither one of the gets hurt
Hobby: Acting
Though Damien is a very talented actor, he prefers to do smaller acting jobs or community/school theater productions. He treats it more as a hobby as he doesn't feel like he has enough passion to pursue it on a larger scale
Talent: Manipulation
Damien is able to manipulate situations and people with ease. He uses his talent in order to ensure situations are in his favor and so he can get what he wants out of people
Damien is a tall, handsome man. He has green eyes and short brown hair that's parted on the right with bangs that partially cover his left eye. His nails are painted a dark red color that matches the shade of his eye shadow. Under his right eye is a beauty mark
He wears his school uniform with the first button on his blazer buttoned up in order to hide the color of his blazer. He pairs his uniform with black loafers that match the ones his twin brother wears
Though he has a beautiful face, Damien is anything but beautiful on the inside. Growing up in a rich family has caused him to become spoiled and expect only the best. This upbringing also paved the way for him to become greedy and manipulative. He's unafraid to manipulate people and situations so he can get his way nearly every time. He takes what he thinks should be his, no matter who it harms in the process
He's also money hungry. Even though he's rich, he wants to be richer and is will do nearly anything for money. He's willing to go out with someone even though he feels no romantic attraction to them if it benefits him financially
He is rude to anyone he deems "unworthy" or "below him" Though he changes personas to slightly nicer one if he believes someone is worth his time. He's very willing to socialize with those he thinks are worthy of his time and is good a forming "connections" (this is the term he uses instead of "friend")
His toxic personality was built as a defense in order to keep himself from forming meaningful relationships, even though deep down, that is what he wants more than anything. But because his toxic personality and manipulative ways are so ingrained in his mind, he's unable to get fully rid of them
Skills and Magic
Lying: Damien is a skilled liar. He's able to come up with believable lies and can produce one on the spot
Lie Detecting: With being a skilled liar, comes the ability to also sense when another person is lying. Damien is able to recognize signs a person is lying
Fire Magic: Damien is very adept at fire magic. Most of the spells he's mastered are fire spells
Unique Magic
Damien's Unique Magic is "Greedy Desire" After saying an incantation, he's able to forcibly take items from a person and have them appear in his hand or next to him. But to do this he needs to be able to envision the item(s) he wants in his min. The incantation for his Unique Magic is:
No matter the distance No matter the cost Bring me what I crave And fulfill my "Greedy Desire"
The amount of magic used depends on the size or number of items. So if he used it on a shirt, it wouldn't consume much magic, but if he used it on a whole wardrobe of clothes it'd consume a lot of magic
Damien was raised in a wealthy household where all of his needs were met and nothing was too expensive. Though because of this, he became spoiled and wouldn't accept anything but the best. His life seemed to be perfect. He was popular, had a good relationship with his mom and twin brother, and was really close to his dad. But that perfect life crumbled when he was 9 the day his dad died. He was devastated and would refuse to leave his room for anything besides school
His father's death affected his school life. His heart had grown bitter and he began to snap at others. Though he apologized, people grew wary around him. Things only got worse when his mother remarried. He had gained a stepfather and a stepbrother which he hated. He would refuse to become close to his stepfather and would be rude to his stepbrother. All the bitterness grew and it once again affected his school life. His resentment towards his stepfather and stepbrother made him toxic and manipulative. This new personality made people stay away from him and stop being his friend
After realizing he had no one else besides his twin brother, Damien felt the same sadness that came with the loss of his father. He accepted himself as a bad person. He was afraid to change because if he did, what would happen if he became toxic again? He didn't want to relieve losing all his friends so he decided it was best to keep being toxic
Upon coming to NRC, he hoped to be placed in Pomefiore as his father was the dorm leader of that dorm when he attended NRC. But he was placed in Scarabia instead. Though he kept his calm at the ceremony, he threw a fit once getting to his room in the Scarabia dorm
He continued his ways as a bully for his first two years and had no intention to change until the summer after his second year. He got into a fight with his twin brother. His twin used his Unique Magic on him and he was once reminded of how he truly wanted friends. His twin offered to help him become a better person and so in his third year, Damien stopped being a big bully. Though he is still rude and greedy and sometimes bullies people, he is doing better
Notable Relationships
Adrian Marwood: Damien's relationship with his twin brother is very strained. They know they care about each other and are there for each other when they need it. Damien is jealous of Adrian for having what he doesn't. He's in Pomefiore, can make friends, and can become a better person. Damien feels a small bit of resentment towards Adrian for that. But Damien will still do anything to keep Adrian safe
Eden Glazier: Damien also has a strained relationship with his stepbrother. He constantly reminds Eden that he doesn't like him despite his attempts at bettering their relationship. But although he doesn't express it, Damien's hate for Eden has lessened over the years, it's still not completely gone, but he doesn't hate him as much as he did before. Damien watches out for Eden, as he feels like it's his duty as (technically) the oldest brother. He once got a kid expelled for harassing Eden
Kalim Al-Asim: In his second year when Kalim came to NRC, Damien heard about how rich his family was and so he attempted to romance him for his money. But none of his flirting and romancing had any true feeling behind it. This resulted in Kalim developing a crush on Damien, but after finding out Damien's true intentions, Kalim was left heartbroken. But even after the incident, Kalim never stopped treating Damien with kindness which confused Damien. His kindness caused Damien to spare Kalim from his bullying
Jamil Viper: Jamil didn't like Damien at first, he was able to see through him when he attempted to date Kalim. Because of his little scheme, Jamil had a strong dislike towards Damien. But he still recognized him as a possible strong ally with how manipulative he is. Damien can tell Jamil is smarter than his grades show. In Jamil's second year and Damien's third year, they started having a "Don't mess with me and I won't mess with you" dynamic
Vil Shoenheit: Damien idolizes Vil as he is the reason why he started acting. He watched every single piece of media Vil starred in and joined the Film Research Club because of Vil. Though Vil doesn't approve of Damien's treatment of other students he thinks are below him, he does recognize him as a very talented actor
Trey Clover: Damien does not like Trey. A part of the reason why is because of how close he is to Adrian. He sees him as someone not worthy of his brother. He finds Trey's presence annoying though he's unavoidable due to how much he's around Adrian. Trey doesn't understand why Damien dislikes him so much and every time he asks he has not received a straight answer
Mozus Trein: Trein is Damien's uncle. Damien views Trein as a father figure as he's one of the only male figures in his life that he doesn't hate. During class, Trein treats Damien as he does any other student and makes sure not to place any favoritism toward him or his brother. Not many students know Trein and Damien are related and they like to keep it that way. And whenever Damien needs help, academic or personal, he turns to Trein
Damien wears a ring adorned with a rectangle cut emerald. It was his father's that was passed down to him when he died
Damien pretends to have crushes even though he doesn't feel any sort of romantic feelings to them just so he can feel what he perceives as "normal"
In his third year, Damien was in the top 50 students who got the highest scores on final exams
He first discovered his UM when the ring his father gave him was stolen by a student. He went 5 days without it before seeing it on a student's finger around campus. When he demanded the student give it back to him, it disappeared from the student's finger and appeared in his hand
His middle name is "Jasper"
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mikodrawnnarratives · 7 months
I still don't like the ship very much but I am still interested in the dynamic of Magpie and Max meeting and befriending each other
After some reflection they wouldn't be COMPLETELY the same as Nova x Adrian
- Nova had support in the Anarchists even at her lowest. Magpie, on the other hand, has literally NO ONE from the last time we saw her. At least no one we are aware of
- Max will be the only one without powers but from the years of isolation due to how extreme his power was, it's going to be difficult for him to grapple with that. Since Magpie respects him and has her own past with her powers (abandoned at orphanage for children with superpowers that parents didn't want to take care of, AND her superpower being the reason she's alive and STILL surviving) I think she could empathize
- literally I think it would be so funny if their dynamic was "He asked for no pickles." And I will draw that at some point
And yeah they'll also have the similarities to Nova x Adrian tho these points might change it up a little
I'm thinking of platonic scenarios where Max sees Magpie distancing herself and expressing some concern (I strongly headcanon Magpie avoids getting attached to people since that poses a risk to surviving. And Callum's death only fueling that resolve. She can't care.)
Just imagine these two kids who know what it feels like to be alone. Abandoned and forgotten. Max got adopted at least but he was still isolated.
I think if he found out Magpie is homeless (I mean we don't have anything in canon that refutes this) I can imagine him wanting to tell someone but not wanting to shatter Magpie's fragile trust with him.
If the wiki is correct (I hope this information is since I haven't reread in a bit) Max was thrown out by his parents at 2 weeks old due to his powers and he was rescued and taken in by Captain Chromium.
The only thing Magpie knows of her remaining family is they left. Her sister left and abandoned her. She waited so long, holding out hope someone would claim her but no one did.
And I think Max and Maggie bonding over that shared aspect of their lives would be sweet.
I'm very soft for a soft friendship between these two.
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angels-heap · 3 months
opinions on valve rarepairs:
chellyx, valhoun, shepvance, shephoun, and uhmm gordon x chell, and uh any others ig
Not sure what prompted this, but here you go, I guess! Obligatory disclaimer that all these ships are great, even if they're not for me.
Chellyx: 5/10
I understand the appeal conceptually (there's something inherently neat about two similarly smart, hot, brave women getting together to save the world and make out), but as someone who doesn't typically enjoy crossover fanworks, it just doesn't do much for me. It would take a lot of exposition to get me invested in a fic featuring this ship, and I'm hesitant to engage with fanart from people I don't know because of The Discourse. (Specifically, that trend from a few years ago where the most annoying people in the fandom would post chellyx once in a blue moon just to say "See, I don't hate Alyx! I just hate those nasty freaks who ship her with men!!!!")
... Hm, maybe I'd be more interested in this ship if I saw more people, like, earnestly shipping it?
Valhoun: 8/10
The dynamic between Alyx and Barney appeals to me because they have the shared experience of having lived through the Combine occupation, but their roles within that society are very, very different. Alyx has virtually no concept of the Before Times and is an important figure in the Resistance, but in a kind of sheltered way, whereas Barney does remember life before the Combine and is also an important member of the Resistance, but god at what cost? It's fun to imagine how they'd try to navigate a sexual and/or romantic relationship in those circumstances and I'm tired of pretending it's not. They also have twice the snark potential compared to the mainstream ships, so bonus points for that.
(Shameless self-promotion: May I interest anyone in some porn with feelings? Or some semi-consensual voyeurism that may eventually get a sequel?)
Shephoun: 0/10
I do not care about Adrian Shephard. Sorry. His character just does nothing for me, and I don't see the version of Barney that lives in my head going for this guy. IMO, putting a military corporal and a security guard together in the early 2000s would generate the absolute worst political opinions you've ever heard... and not much else.
Shepvance: 2/10
I still don't care about Adrian Shephard, but I can kind of see the potential here. Two confused, scared young people bond with each other in stasis? The right person could probably sell me on this.
Gordon x Chell: 4/10
See chellyx, above. Still not a fan of crossovers, and this pairing has 50% less women compared to chellyx. Also, most of Gordon's appeal as a character (to me) comes from his interactions with other, more fleshed out characters, so a ship between two underdeveloped silent protags just doesn't work for my brain.
You didn't ask but I'm adding Lauren x Barney: 7/10
Lauren is barely a character, but I'm a sucker for pre-rescas content and making Barney sad. :)
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echthr0s · 2 months
Sometimes Adrian's fate feels like a failure to me, because all I can think of is what he's lost -- the heady immediacy of mortality, the warming touch of friends and lovers, and for what? To be ensconced at the center of the Milky Way, kept entity of the galaxy's chief engineer of chaos, roaming his echoing halls, surrounded by his shrines to loved ones, by their ghosts (even when they are still alive, they are unreachable -- only in the form of his strange gifts and his Song can he touch them)?
He says "inevitability" is the word for "I have fallen in love with my fate and I surrender to it with open eyes", that while it seemed like he had no choice but to become what he now is, he could have rejected ascension, turn the Catalyst's song inside out so it unmakes the Reapers entirely, and let his father-lover unmake him in return in annoyed disappointment. To the denizens of the Milky Way, the result would have been the same. He would have still saved them. But he also wanted to live. He wanted to see what was next. He was ready to experience what, exactly, he was created for.
But… it is lonely at the center of the Milky Way. Left alone for interminable stretches of time, he dreams his dreams of being Adrian Shepard, and sings a secret mournful song to himself even as his galvanising Song resonates through the galaxy and strengthens all the bonds between peoples he'd worked so hard to forge whilst he was still one of them. And I think, is this the end, then? Is that what all this was for? This is his reward, with only the capricious Ny'arlat and his ghosts for company?
There must be more for the Black Sun, for he-who-was-Shepard. There must be. A great and abiding love is waiting to be found at the center of the Milky Way, for any who can reach it. I hope someone can reach it.
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emmyrosee · 1 year
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snowy mornings
random thoughts 
#1 At 00:03 (Adrian is an Amazing Artist)
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joshlincoln · 3 months
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❝ If you ride like lightning,         you’re gonna crash like thunder. ❞
Age: 33
Gender identification: Cis male, he/him
Residential area: Bighorn Hills
Occupation: Motocross & Flat track racer + bank robber
Two positive traits: Loyal & adventurous
Two negative traits: Quiet & reticent
Length of time in Providence Peak: 33 years
Faceclaim: Ryan Gosling
a body covered in ink that tells his story, stained and torn hard worn clothing, scars detailing countless adventures, sad eyes that speak of things he cannot put words to, that near constant need for an adrenaline rush, words that have to fight their way out
abuse tw, climbing accident tw & death tw
Born and raised in Providence Peak, Joshua was the adventurous kid growing up that had a charisma to him. It always seemed to draw people in and keep them connected to him despite the fact that he’d never been a big talker and he wasn’t one for a lot of attention. The gift he had was making people feel seen. Josh looked at you when you were talking to him, remembered the things you said, and was always there to be by your side no matter the cost.
It was his rough home life that kept him out all the time or crashing at friend's houses. Going back home was something he dreaded because of all the yelling and fighting between his parents. To him they seemed to hate each other and he could never understand why they stuck together. His father was a drunk that would sometimes throw his fists but the bruising and injuries Josh would gain from those moments were explained away by his rambunctiousness. Just another accident from falling off his bike or trying to pull off another wild stunt he’d easily become known for.
The only way Josh and his father bonded was following him, begging the old man to let him enter into some races. He’d told Josh to ‘fuck off’ so the signatures were forged and once he started winning his father came around in seeing a possible cash cow in his son. It wasn’t just a passion or a rush, it was an escape. The only way to be free of everything was when he was on his bikes. Traveling around didn’t wow him or move him, there was a bit of a soul connection, racing and being on a motorcycle was something he had to do. It didn't hurt that Josh was good at it and won races all over the United States and Canada. Sponsorships came rolling in and in the world of extreme sports he became a name. That name was Linc. As soon as the nickname became a thing he went by nothing else. Only his childhood friends (which consisted of very few) were able to call him Josh.
When he was 16 Josh left his parents and broken home behind and began living on his own. And as his racing career grew to amazing heights so did his need for the extreme. Josh and his best friend became mountaineers, climbing mountains to the summit or scaling mountain faces— it was their thing. Free climbing had become Josh's new test, the new death defying danger that only became a true dance with mortality after the accident that changed everything in his life. During a climb with Adrian, his best friend slipped and Josh did his best to grab Adrian and hold onto him while the other friends in their climbing party tried to climb up and reach the falling man. To this day Josh hasn’t spoken a word of the fall and those last moments. But the loss of his best friend and brother tore him apart.
Everything turned dark with Josh following that day. His despair became self destruction and every wild adventure he took on was really a quest for death to take him too. He dove into shark alley and never got even a bump, he surfed near 100ft waves off the coast of Portugal, he topped Everest without the assistance of oxygen, and he jumped out of planes and... well, his buddy had to pull the parachute cord. 
Grief had turned him upside down. The guy who was known for not talking much became quieter. Josh stopped chasing dreams and achievements and began doing things just to see if he could. Like robbing banks. It was a test and it was risk every time he attempted it. While he never pulled off a heist within his own city the clever man has outwitted the authorities each step of the way.
Life goals? Josh doesn’t really have any. He feels he exists when he shouldn’t, that someone else deserves to be here in his place. But that’s also why he simply lives. 
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wyyvernn · 2 years
A/n: Wyy feels like tearing your hearts out tonight so suffer or enjoy it, you masochists.
Summary: After months of friendship and bonding, Adrian is heartbroken that you would betray him like this.
Cw: Angst, death
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Alucard let the dreaded word fall from his lips as something pricked at his eyes. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the hilt of his sword.
He couldn't understand where he went wrong. He welcomed you into his space, tended to your needs, became your friend and eventually found his feelings for you so why.
Why were you now staring him down, a long blade in one hand and your dagger in the other? For a moment he thought he caught a flicker of guilt in your gaze, but it was replaced with nothing a moment later.
"I was tasked to hunt you down a year ago, I am merely fulfilling that order now-"
"But WHY!" He screamed a deafening shout, a rare thing that Alucard almost never does, "Why go through all of that trouble?! Why did you wait to kill me until now? Why did you...you..."
The tears fell at last, one after the other. It was like he was reliving that nightmare all over again. Someone comes to visit his castle, he would help them, they would bond and then they would spin around and shove a knife through his heart. The cycle felt endless.
"Well if I waited, it would've been easier for you to lop my head off," you spoke, almost humorously, "This way," you motioned towards the distance between you and him with your dagger, "It's harder, because you have feelings, because it hurts. So easier for me, harder for you...it works."
Alucard felt sick at your nonchalance. The fact that you could be so calm, so dry towards the matter and pretend as if nothing happened between the two of you after months of friendship, made the bile rise in his throat.
It was a lie, all of it was a lie and suddenly the faces of his previous guests flashed in his mind. It was happening all over again.
He wanted to die, he really felt like he didn't deserve anyone. Or other people didn't deserve him.
Slowly, he felt his weapon betray him as it slipped from his grasp and smacked the stone below. The noise was loud, too loud. It felt like his voice became clearer all of the sudden.
"I won't kill you."
A grin broke out on your lips as you got into position, "Like I said, easier for me."
Your feet kicked off the ground and your body surged forward as you readied your blades. Your dagger came up in an attempt to jab it right into his neck only for him to step to the side, grab your arm and shove you away.
"Please...please stop this...we can forget this happened."
"You know we can't, love!" You tried another attempt, this time with your sword, slashing it once and twice in the air.
It went on for a while. You would try to stab him and Alucard would be forced to dodge all of your attacks, all the while he would try to speak to you, to calm you. But he knew that all he was doing was delaying the inevitable. He knew it was either you or him.
"Look, you might as well fight me too because I'm not stopping anytime soon!" You shouted breathlessly.
Alucard repeatedly whimpered your name. His 'pleases' were weak and filled with regret. He didn't want to kill you, but he had to.
You had exhausted yourself almost completely. For a final time, you swung out your arm and as expected, he caught it. Alucard spun you around, pressing his front against your back. He snatched your dagger from your hand and with one more sorrowful gaze upon your struggling figure, he reluctantly buried the blade deep into your heart.
You exhaled a dying gasp of pain, falling effortlessly into his chest. He fell with you to the floor, gathering you in his arms as his tears streamed onto your face.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, he cried. He repeated it, and then again, chanting it over and over until you spoke your last words.
"I suppose...if I was to ever die, it would be with you, in your arms, love. I'm happy, in a way, I don't have to worry about you or anything anymore," you coughed blood, your voice getting more and more faint. "This...this isn't...so...bad."
His heart tugged at that and he pressed himself closed to you.
"Did you ever love me?" He sobbed, awaiting your response, but it was too late.
He weeped harder when he recieved nothing, when he saw the life drain from your eyes, when he felt that you were no longer thrashing about.
He pressed his cold lips to your forehead, to the last person who Adrian Tepes would ever love for the very last time.
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literally-just-there · 6 months
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⋆ 💖 ⋆‧°𖦹。⋆ Self Insert OC ⋆。𖦹°‧⋆ 💖 ⋆
.𖥔 ݁ ˖⟡⋆.ೃ࿔*:・𖤓🌻.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Seeker
She ended up in a cursed city with amnesia and a weird magic map, but she got cool powers and a found family so things are going pretty fine.
⋆ 💖 ⋆‧°𖦹。⋆ Romantic F/Os ⋆。𖦹°‧⋆ 💖 ⋆
⋅ 《•🔍⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓ The Informant
Together with Seeker, they are either two lovestruck idiots or the smartest, most unstoppable force of nature, there is no in-between.
🎱༄〰𓆩☆𓆪❀˖° Amber Lewis
A fellow investigator and an absolute badass who radiates confidence, she teaches Seeker how to play chess and pool and they both have fun during it.
⋆ 💖 ⋆‧°𖦹。⋆ Familial F/Os ⋆。𖦹°‧⋆ 💖 ⋆
⊹˚₊‧◇•┈┈┈┈୨⋅🪞⋅ Helen
A mother to Seeker, and to basically everyone in the city. Part-time mayor's assistant, full-time sweetie and badass.
🪁❀--*ੈ--✩‧₊˚ Benjamin Rosewell
Did Seeker adopt him or did he adopt Seeker ? Who knows... What is for certain is that intelligence and lack of impulse control brought them together.
▪︎ ⋅ ⋆༺જ⚔️𓆩✧𓆪 Colonel Hammerstrike
Seeker's supportive dad, a feminist who also lacks impulse control, teaches her how to use guns and forbids swearing.
⋅ 《•✺…˚ ༘ 🎩 ೀ⋆。𖤓˚ Felix Smallcat
Seeker's Tired Dad ™, who needs a hug because he is doing his best, also he teaches her how to paint and ride a bike.
.₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧🏛.⁂⤶.·͙*̩̩͙❞ Sir William Hoggarth
Seeker's grandpa who gets excited about archeology and will hit you with an authentic medieval sword if you dare attack his museum.
𖦹༄☸꒰ ⚓ ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚Captain Wang Wei
Seeker's awesome uncle who teaches her sea shanties, how to maneuver a boat and how to not get scammed. Also, he wants regular updates on her love life.
―✧˖° 🏵 °˖𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪°˖✧ Gordon Byron
A sibling to Seeker, who (half) chose to deal with the romantic bohemian guy who flees responsibility, and to be a therapist specialized in mommy issues.
❀*‧。*:・✮𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ Lady Charlotte Livingstone
Seeker's spoiled and spirited little sister, who has an intense love for pink and helping people.
✧˚ ༘ 🎭)◞ 。⋆。˚✮𓍢ִ໋ Clyde Templeton
He is Seeker's little brother even though he is older because he got an arc and she had to tick him off, and now she is extremely proud of him.
⋆ 💖 ⋆‧°𖦹。⋆ Platonic F/Os ⋆。𖦹°‧⋆ 💖 ⋆
༺。° .ᘛ𓆩💗𓆪ᘚ. Anna Sherwood
Seeker's absolute best friend, both are Dedicated ™ to their jobs, and both would throw their moral compasses out the window to protect the ones they love.
💐⋆˙⟡⋆˙˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ ⚱ Adrian Bloom
Since they are both amnesiacs, they kind of naturally gravitated towards each other. He makes her exclusive new perfumes, she teaches him puns.
₊˚⊹✧˚ ༘📚⋆。˚;༊𖦹。⋆ Amelia Anders
An absolute sweetheart. Seeker and her are basically co-parenting Ben and other kids. They bonded over their love for reading and mutual fear of the dark.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・💡⁺˚⋆。°✮₊ The Inventor
An absolute cinnamon roll who will propel Darkwood in the 30th century when the outside world is still in the 19th century. Seeker does not mind if things explode or get stuck to the wall because science!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺ ⚒️.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Robert Smith (The Blacksmith)
No sir, Seeker is not bored or annoyed by your lengthy explanations of what it is you are doing in your work in the slightest. Yes sir, she and the Informant are in love and idiots about it. Please proceed with the explanations and the shipping.
✩♬ ₊˚.🩰⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧⋅ The Dancer
She is the best, most passionate and most patient dance teacher ever. She always makes sure Seeker and the Informant are paired up during lessons, then she proudly admires her good work at balls.
⛧°。 ⋆༺☾🕯𖦹⋅ Agnes the Witch
Seeker is like 'I could defeat you if needed but you teach me a lot of stuff and you are a cool person actually so it would suck to not have you around' and Agnes is like 'you are the only decent sign of intelligent life around these parts and also I have never met a more selfless person but please don't think too much of what I just said'.
⋆ 💖 ⋆‧°𖦹。⋆ Fictional Enemies ⋆。𖦹°‧⋆ 💖 ⋆
⋆✮⋆༄ʚ🗝ɞ°。 ⋆⸜ 𖦹 The Man in the Mask
Between 'cool motive, still multiples cases of kidnapping and assault' and 'he ensured Delacroix would not become mayor, he got standards'.
˙˖°✩‧ --⋆。⊹˚꩜‧₊˚⚜️ Lord Carl Delacroix
Seeker wishes for his absurdingly expensive tea to be cold, and for him to accidentally cut off his moustache because he tried to frame the Informant and because he is an asshole in general.
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kannra21 · 7 months
you’ve got this nasty habit of starting arguments with useless, baseless facts and then pretend to be all high and mighty even though none of what you said makes sense. You trying to be “badass” and “ending” people will never not be funny. you just look stupid.
this is the second time you’re doing this after the whole misogyny incident.
Eh I think you're the one who's stupid enough to come to my blog and write nonsense, accusing me of something that's absolutely not true simply bc you're not seeing the bigger picture and you're lacking critical thinking. Plus every statement I've made was backed up by evidence. You won't aknowledge it bc reality doesn't align with your frame of thinking and you're emotional.
Woman side of the fandom is very hypocritical. You can have a hoe phase and expect men not to care about your past. But when a man (in this case Gojo) does the exact same thing your feelings get hurt? Hypocrisy.
Now that you've touched the topic, no, I'm not a misogynist. I'm a woman so it doesn't make sense. I just don't support hookup culture that's so normalized nowadays. Plus men get insecure if you've slept with multiple partners bc he will never satisfy you. You had so much experience, what if some other dude you've slept with fucked u better than him? You keep comparing him with everyone you've ever been with. And if a man truly loves you he wants to be the only one who can satisfy you. The benefit goes both ways. And couples who have active sexual life are much happier, bc you're obsessed with each other. You can't be obsessed with your man if he can't fuck you correctly. You can't keep thinking about Adrian while Nate fucks you. Women with experience are difficult to please. And if he can't please you he feels less of a man.
Like, he wants you to be happy and he wants to be the only one who can give you this happiness. Why do you think men like watching their woman's face when doing the deal? Bc they care about how you feel. And it feeds their male ego if he's the only one who can make you feel this good. You're his woman. Nobody can have you. And this possessiveness and dominance makes a man so hot. And confident and secure too. It sounds primal and funny and "haha men are such cavemen" but be honest with yourself, you like it too.
I agree that he had a fboy phase but he's not a cheater. People need to understand the difference between the two. Gojo is absolutely loyal in a relationship, but he never found his girl. Bc he never got a chance at being intimate with someone on serious terms. He never formed a bond with anyone bc he knows that deep inside he's broken. And that he's lacking in many ways. He has a lousy personality. He said so himself in ch11. Plus he's the ethical type and he's not playing with anyone's feelings. I believe that Gojo is kind and he knows that love is a very serious thing, TMMTS ch1. So at least he's openly casual ab it, nobody's feelings get hurt and everyone is happy.
Since men have this hormone called testosterone and their drives are often much higher than women's (this is smtng we girls don't rly understand bc we don't need it as much as they do), there's a certain factor called "male ego". He can't jack off. It's embarrassing and humiliating. Bc of the "post nut syndrome" and the way you feel like a loser etc. etc. Like ok, women perceive it as a pleasurable experience, but with men it's not the same. They feel guilt. Bc there's no mental stimulus, like woman's praise and gratitude. When a man can make a woman happy he feels like a king, like an achiever, like he did something. He feels like THE man, he's on top of the world, he matters. He's her hero. There's a phrase "happy wife, happy life". Woman gives importance to a man. Without women, men often times feel useless or unimportant. Unfulfilled. Men will pick a real woman over a hand any day. Bc if you're a man, you know you have ultimately made it in life if you managed to become the epitome of a woman's desire. Especially in their peak years when boys simply can't help themselves.
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He's a hero and a protector.
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And Gojo happens to be handsome enough that he can afford it. What's stopping him? He can make so many girls happy and it would feed his male ego (like a mutual agreement). I mean, you can't have a massive cock down there and not do anything with it. That would be a shame and a wasted potential.
Idk I think it would be sad if he never felt a woman's touch before. V cards are for losers if you're a man. And I agree with the belief that a man appears more attractive when desired by other women. It gives him attractiveness boost. The more testosterone the manly the man. And every girl likes a manly man.
But I believe that he gave up his hoe phase when all this became old to him, when this hormonal craze stopped. And he realized that nobody will love him on a personal level. So he just stopped. Now he's an adult in his late 20s, he cares ab the safety of their world and other more important things. He's more serious, more mature and more experienced. He can confidently wife up someone. He can be a provider and a protector.
But he can't bc he's a bit messed up inside and he needs therapy first. I can fix him tho
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖
Chapter 44b - The first I love you.
Episode 2.
As Raven left the car, he quickly reached into his glove compartment, grabbing a mouth wash. He pinned it between his legs and rolled down the window, quickly taking a large sip of the strong mouthwash and swished it around in his mouth. After about 30 seconds, he spat it out the window and rolled it back up, returning the bottle to the compartment before closing it. He reached Dalton's place within a couple minutes, parking right outside. Then quickly got out of the car, locking it, then lit a cig, taking a couple big drags, before killing it on the way down the stairs to the studio. Already from the outside he could hear several voices, but entered the door, despite his urge to turn around.
Malou: She was sitting on the white couch in the room, looking lost and worried, as she suddenly noticed Adrian and quickly got up, hurrying towards him Thank gawd you're here!!! she forced a soft smile
Adrian: He nodded once, letting his eyes travel past her, observing the 3 other men in the room, 2 he hadn't met before, and Dalton, sitting slumped over on a chair, a bottle of alcohol casually dangling from his hand, in a manner that made you question why it hadn't shattered on the floor yet? He quickly stepped past her and walked straight up to Dalton, as if the others in the room didn't exist Are you alright? his voice was low, but caring and concerned as he spoke….. Dalton?
Dalton: He slowly lifted his head, his eyes looked cried out, but it was as if they slowly lit up as Adrian starred at his own reflection in them Adrian?…. you came?
Adrian: He sighed deep Of course I did!
Dalton: Then his eyes turned sad again, his head slowly lowering I'm sorry, I'm not good for anything… I'm really not worth much at all, I can't even tell people I love them, and I can't even seem to write it in a song, I have absolutely no talent, I just fake my way through it, I'm nothing more than trash, really.
Adrian: …. perhaps that's why we fit so well together then he bent down, and took the chance, quickly kissing Dalton, firm, yet full of love and passion
Dalton: He gasped surprised, but immediately kissed back, wrapping his arms around Adrian's neck, slowly dragging himself up to stand, a soft relieved moan escaping him, as he melted into Adrian's arms while they slowly wrapped around him, leaving him feeling safe and loved, his heart beating fast and excited, as he felt the intense bond he had felt between them last they were together, slowly starting to form again, like strong roots tangling between them
Adrian: He moaned soft as he felt the same intense bond return, pulling Dalton closer into their kiss
Malou: She sighed soft as she saw the two of them and how they melted together, happy, yet scared of losing her own chance, so she quickly left the room and headed upstairs, kicking her boots off angrily as she entered the hallway
Raven: He appeared only few meters away from her on a chair
Malou: JESUS!! She startled
Raven: Not quite he snorted
Malou: Funny! She answered sarcastically and passed him on the way to the kitchen I need a drink!
Raven: He quickly got up and followed her Is that an invitation?
Malou: She sighed soft as she walked towards the fridge to grab a beer Why not? Why are you here anyway?
Raven: Dalton… in case Adrian needed help.
Malou: She lifted an eyebrow as she turned around, reaching him a beer from the fridge Don't tell me you've come to make a pass on him too?
Raven: He chuckled lightly No. You don't have to worry about me.
Malou: But you have feelings for him, right?
Raven: Yes. But I also have enough on my hands at the moment.
Malou: She nodded lightly and closed the fridge behind her, grabbing a bottle opener from a drawer, quickly opening her beer, then handing the opener to Raven instead Am I doing the right thing?
Raven: Yes he nodded lightly and opened his beer, placing the opener back in the drawer
Malou: She sighed deep, then sipped her beer
Raven: Cheers he forced a soft smile, sipping his beer slowly, observing her
Malou: Am I going to lose my chance?
Raven: No… just be patient a little while longer, he will come to you, and you will work it out, I promise.
Malou: How can you be so certain?
Raven: Because he cares.
Malou: A soft smile tucking at the corners of her lips how do you know?
Raven: I just do. Trust me.
Malou: She sighed deep and sipped her beer again I'm heading to my room, you're welcome to join if you want, I'm probably just gonna put some Netflix on, it's been a stressful day and evening!
Raven: Aye he nodded confirming And you're sure I'm not intruding?
Malou: Not at all, I'd love the company to be honest, so it's not just me and my thoughts, you know? Cause nothing pretty will come out of that tonight.
Adrian: Hey he whispered softly as he broke the kiss Let's get you upstairs, please?
Dalton: He nodded softly and placed the alcohol bottle on a table I need water
Adrian: Mh… we can agree on that he slowly lead Dalton to a small kitchen, making sure he got a glass of water
Dalton: Thank you he smiled drunkenly and quickly drank it all
Adrian: Anything else?
Dalton: I just need to lay down
Adrian: He nodded agreeing Let's find your bed.
Dalton: Alright he chuckled amused
Adrian: It took them a couple minutes to make the way, but he was actually surprised how fast Dalton seemed to clear up. Not that he by any means was sober, but he wasn't as drunk as he had expected, or as he had been just 10 minutes ago when he had arrived. He had helped Dalton get out of his shoes, socks, pants, hoodie and tshirt, and was now sitting next to the laying Dalton, wondering what to say or do?
Dalton: I missed you he was the first to break the silence I'm glad you're here.
Adrian: He smiled surprised, feeling the words wash over him like warm waves of pleasure Me too.
Dalton: A more warm and loving smile spread on his face, his eyes sorta sparkling Please don't leave. Stay.
Adrian: He nodded soft and slowly stood up, taking off his socks and pants, stripping down to his boxers and tshirt, then crawled into bed, laying down next to Dalton Is this okay?
Dalton: He didn't answer, he just kept smiling, this sort of drowsy, smitten kitten face, as he reached out and grabbed one of Adrian's hands
Adrian: He quickly grabbed Dalton's free hand, squeezing them both firm but full of warmth, as to say 'I'm here, and you're safe with me'.
Dalton: His smile only grew more and more loving, the soul connection growing between them, a strong magnetism, pulling in the space between them, tying them together on a soul level. A happy, innocent chuckle escaping the now bright smiling Dalton
Adrian: He couldn't help but feel happy and full of new hope, and will to keep fighting for the boy in front of him, as he saw and felt this almost childish and highly bubbly happiness radiate from Dalton You're absolutely beautiful….
Dalton: Stop it he chuckled shyly
Adrian: But you are… all of you… but mostly your soul
Dalton: His smile only growing wider You feel exactly like the love I have been longing for
Adrian: …… he couldn't help but hope that this meant what he thought it meant
Dalton: I love you he spoke in a deep, warm voice
Adrian: He burst out a happy chuckle, tears gathering in his eyes, as he cupped Dalton's cheeks with his hands, and quickly leaned in I love you too he spoke happy and full of love, then locked them in a sealing kiss, warm, deep, loving and surrendering. Knowing that the two of them was simply meant to be, and they had finally found each other!
Dalton: He sighed soft and relieved, welcoming the kiss, and all the extra warm and exciting feelings of love rushing over him, welcoming the fact that he was falling in love again, with the person in front of him
Adrian: He wrapped his arms tight around Dalton, the strong urge to protect him catching fire in him again, digging his fingers into Dalton's back, pulling him closer into their kiss
Dalton: He moaned soft and relieved, once again feeling safer than he had in a long time, allowing himself to let his guards down, and trust the person in front of him, trusting no harm would come to him, if he allowed the closeness he was feeling to evolve. And so in that moment, he completely surrendered his heart to Adrian, an it felt good. It felt right.
Malou: She was fiddling with her hands nervously do you think they're okay?
Raven: He nodded slow, a warm smile on his lips They're okay.
Malou: Are you listening in? She asked curiously from her side of the bed
Raven: He chuckled lightly Well I did now, since you asked.
Malou: … and?
Raven: Well, they are kissing…
Malou: She frowned softly
Raven: YOU asked he chuckled soft
Malou: I know I know she chuckled awkwardly and I do want them to you know… she sighed soft I'm okay with it, I really 100% am, I'd just be more okay, if I was more certain there'd still be space for me too. You know? I'd be okay with you and Andy too. I know she shrugged lightly the 4 of us are very close in some ways… well… okay… maybe I'm not that close with Adrian, but who really is beside his partners? she chuckled softly point is, I don't think he dislikes me… and that's something at least!
Raven: He nodded agreeing
Malou: He doesn't speak rude to me, and he usually helps out with stuff when I ask. She sighed softly It's just, I finally found the one I with all my heart and soul believe and feel belongs to me, I just know it at the core of my soul…well not finally, you know, I came across him first time years ago… and I honestly think I felt that connection the first time my eyes laid upon him and- she paused, rethinking her own words ……
Raven: What? he smiled softly, already being able to guess what might be on her mind
Malou: Is that how a matebond feels? Could Dalton and I be mated?
Raven: He nodded gently Could very well be. But we would need a test to be certain.
Malou: She nodded lightly, then snorted I think it's best to wait a couple weeks before I start asking him for blood sample, I mean, we just started dating, or whatever we are? *she sighed softly at the thought of still not being quite sure of him… them? Let's not squeeze the lemon.
Raven: He nodded agreeing I think you're right.
Malou: So what about you and Adrian, you seem to be getting along better? I mean, you even sorta showed up together tonight?
Raven: A tiny secretive smirk tucking at his lips Maybe we're dating too?
Malou: She gasped from the surprise and gently hit his upper arm Really?!??!! That's so fucking awesome, Raven! I'm so happy for you!
Raven: Yes, well, it's still very new, so we are keeping it under the radars for now, while we figure it all out.
Malou: She nodded firmly I think that's a really good idea, less pressure!
Raven: Exactly he smiled softly But I AM very happy, and it's hard to contain it he chuckled happily but a time will come to let all that happiness out he smiled warmly and so will it for you and Dalton. I firmly believe so. Don't you worry he smiled encouraging You'll get him, just
Malou: Be patient a little while longer she chuckled lightly I know, thank you. It's just hard when he's so close you know… the target is just there she held her hands out, grabbing into the thin air, with a soft chuckle it's hard to stay patient.
Raven: I completely understand and agree he chuckled warmly But it's worth it. You'll get him, I promise, and the waiting time will be worth it…. just a little while longer, not a lot. I promise. He smiled reassuring
Malou: She nodded softly Thank you. She observed him a little moment do you need anything else? Are you cozy?
Raven: I could be cozy sleeping on the edge of a billboard sign he chuckled lightly don't worry about me.
Malou: Well… doesn't mean you don't deserve more than that she smiled softly tell me if there's anything you need, I'll get it if we have it.
Raven: I can literally just zap
Malou: Yes, I'm aware, Raven, but when do you ever allow someone to do something for you for a change? Really, I want to… so if there's anything… are you thirsty? Hungry? You need another blanket?
Raven: I'm more than comfortable, thank you he smiled warmly but a movie and some snacks perhaps?
Malou: Okay… how about you find the movie, and I go grab us some different snacks to choose from?
Raven: He nodded agreeing I'm on it.
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