#admin SPN
spnscripthunt · 2 months
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Script 1 of 7 donated by Kripke for our final fundraiser for RIP Medical Debt kicking off on April 25: an early draft of the Supernatural pilot!
Supernatural pilot script signed by Eric Kripke with a note from him on the cover page: "Original pilot that got tossed out — whole different story — enjoy this alternative reality Sam and Dean"
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spnangelbang · 10 months
2023 Angel Bang Masterlist
And it's a wrap! The 2023 SPN Angel Bang is now over and all stories and art have been posted!
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Thank you to all our teams to participated and completed the bang for this inaugural round (yes, I hope there will be another one!) Here is the final list of stories & art posted:
Devotion by FriendofCarlotta, Bees
You Promised by anyrei, queerwerewolf, PetraAmia
What We Deserve by butterflyslinky, Klayr
An Act of Humanity by seidenapfel, xfancyfranart
Loki Spake by mukur0, bakh-meliorism
Casifer's Deception by Kinetic-Passion, Keikakudom
A Light Above Descending by Hedderstheowl, enigmaticNeurologist
Plan B by akajed, golby moon
Take Me Out by TheLadyKeira, Dimitri Evans
The Law of Entanglement by AngelEyz4ever, Anyrei
Escaping the Labyrinth by Kyra_maximoff, Slurpy natural
Time Enough for Counting by angelshotgun, kingdumbass 
A Gift of Penance for Your Sins by SwirlyCloud, babyhorseshoecrabe
Apple Pie and the Apocalypse by LadyKnightSkye, sidewinder
circle, broken by autisticandroids, sketcheun
True Colours by angelofthequeers, comfycowboy
What Sacred Games by prettydizzeed, Hectatess
Jack's Angels by MercurialKitty, sidewinder
The Garden's Keeper by Gitten, Dimitri Evans
Birds of a Feather by CathiesCreations, Sketcheun
A Cupid's Work by Redamber79, LadyRandomBox
Earth Angel by Eyes_of_a_Tragedy, tfw_cas, rezal 
Dialogues of the Undead art by spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
doors unlocked and open by sidewinder, fluffsnake
Angel Academy by Crematosis, DoggoJin
Instrumental by Restlesshush, theplaidfox
Heaven is a Place on Earth by ArthursKnight, Bakh_Meliorism
The Angel with the scarred face by Dimitri Evans, Atlas_Pie
Creation Myth by howldean, dustghoul
Ethereal Feathers by Atlas_Pie, seidenapfel
Unraveling the Past by Dk323, As-lost-as-sams-shoe
Wings by Lyconite, Atlas_Pie On a personal note, to everyone who participated as artists, writers, and beta-readers: thank you for being such a great group of angel enthusiasts! And an extra-special thanks to my co-mods @bleuzombie, @deancodedcastielenby and @twinone1221 for all their help. This was my first time organizing and running and bang and while we may have hit some bumps in the road along the way, I'm really proud of all the work that came out of this.
As has been teased/mentioned before, I will be organizing a Reverse Angels & Demons bang next, the details of which will be announced within the next few weeks. So keep watching this space! Also the @dadstielminibang which I'm co-modding is set to begin posting today, so be sure to follow over there for some wonderful fic & art featuring Castiel as a father figure in both canonverse and AU settings.
Thanks again, from @hawkland
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destielfandomlore · 4 days
What happened with destiel and was it queerbaiting, queercoding, or both, and why? Also, why are we like this now, several YEARS after the finale?
Hi everyone. This blog is meant to be an archive to collect data to attempt to answer those extremely important questions and then work toward coming up with some sort of viable explanation of events for the past sixteen years. Basically, we’re trying to figure out intent on destiel and its impact on fandom.
Additional research questions we are considering:
1. Who are the players involved and what were/are their views? 
This includes the main cast, other cast, writers, crew, directors, network, general/casual audience/outsiders, con organizers, and fandom.
2. What happened in the narrative? 
This is examining the source material of the show itself to show evidence (or not) of the destiel subplot, including deleted scenes, cut or changed lines, etc.
It’s helpful to mentally break up the narrative into: s4-7 (early seasons), s8-11 (mid seasons), s12-14 (late seasons minus last season), s15, and spnwin.
3. What happened outside the show itself?
This is documenting the events and comments made surrounding the narrative and hopefully being able to come up with a comprehensive timeline of events.
When did destiel stop being a bit and start being written romantically (if it did)?
We’re also working on establishing what happened on Nov 5th and the resulting fallout since then, including destiel-related spn s16 content (referring to 2020-present, not a revival).
4. Why did things happen the way they did?
What was the point of all of this? Was destiel included in and outside of the narrative as queerbaiting or queercoding (+censorship/gaslighting by TPTB) or both?
Did the creatives involved (writers, actors, crew, directors, etc) tell the story of destiel intentionally, or was all of this an accident/coincidence and/or fanon?
What were the real world social contexts that influenced all of the above events? This is considering the impact on destiel of LGBTQ+ history in the US, toxic masculinity, social/political attitudes and differences across the country, role of internet access for fandom, etc. that may help explain what happened.
5. What is the impact of destiel on fandom, tv shows, etc. going forward?
I guess this is something we'll have to wait to find out 🤷🏻‍♀️
So that's that. As always, feel free to send an ask/submission or @ us, and if you want to help us with the chaos, you are more than welcome to reach out via DM to one of the admins!! 💙💚
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spnsabrielbang · 4 months
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2024 SPN Sabriel Bang Infographic
All Sign-ups Open February 4th, 2024!
The rest of the schedule -> [ SSB24 SCHEDULE ] <- The full and complete Rules -> [ SSB24 RULES ] <- Any additional FAQ can be found here -> [ FAQ ] <-
There should be live links for our email and discord in the full and complete rules, but if they aren't working, let us know! The link below to the discord should be functional, however!
The Sabriel Discord Server -> [ Discord Invite ] <-
This post will be updated once sign ups officially open, and will continue to circulate until all sign-ups are over! Please spread the word and
Sail On, Good Ship Sabriel!
post's art by @acaademicqueer
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spnsabrielbang2023 · 11 months
SPN Sabriel Bang 2023 Masterlist
Thanks for accompanying us on this wild ride, all! Here's the masterlist for this year's submissions.
You can also fill out this form to get on the mailing list for next year!
1. broken dreams
Author: @gay-destiel Artist: @golby-moon
when gabriel is rescued from hell, his wings are torn. to heal them, they need ingredients, one of which is closely guarded by a prince of hell. belial. gabe grapples with trauma while sam does his best to protect him.
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Check out the art by Golby!
2. The Look In Your Eyes
Author: @archangelgabriellives Artists: @sagee-stuffs, @i-love-you-but-in-spanish
A strange new painting finds its way to the Singer Art Museum, and Sam Winchester feels a strange connection to it. Who is the man in the painting with the golden eyes, and who else knows that its been found?
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Art by Sage
Art by Kitsy
3. Lucifer of the Opera
Author: @ladyknightskye Artists: @sagee-stuffs, @mellow-memuries
Annoyed with his brother, Gabriel asks God to help him weave a prank for his older brother. Lucifer must act out the story of The Phantom of the Opera in order to escape his prison in the basement of a theater. But when Sam and Dean show up - and Dean is caught up in the spell on Lucifer - Gabriel ends up enlisting Sam's help in trying to mitigate the disaster looming on the horizon.
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Art by Muri
Art by Sage
4. Lost in Translation
Author: @leatafandom Artist: @lucathepanman
When Sam’s churning soul was jammed back into his body after over a thousand years of being incorporeal, the wall of Death's design had never stood a chance against the changes Sam's soul had undergone to survive the Cage. Upon waking, Sam struggles with being able to cope with the drastic change from being ethereal to being part of the physical world and the strangers he is greeted with. His memories of the human world were absent upon waking within his body. Sam doesn't know how he had ever been part of the physical world, nor how to carve out a spot within it like the youngest archangel had managed to. His empowered soul was lost without the memories of his human life, and he was unsure who to turn to in a world full of strangers that tried to imprison him.
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Check out the art by Lucas!
5. Bound
Author: @aayo-whatt Artist: @dustghoul
Gabriel chuckles, genuinely smiling for the first time in an age, "Sam, the only thing you've done is make me fall head over heels for you. And I finally thought I should tell you how far I've fallen."
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Check out the art by Angel!
6. Dante's Peak
Author: @cheerfulripley Artist: @rezal-art
Sam is a Volcanologist and Gabriel is the mayor of the town who's idyllic little home changes from heaven to hell overnight when the dormant Volcano next door wakes up!
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Check out the art by Rezal!
Author: @nonbinary-witch-sam Artist: @as-lost-as-sams-shoe
The moment the binds went loose, Sam was up, rushing to his lover's body. He was crying, begging Gabriel to wake up, for this all to be a nightmare or a trick. but, he didn't wake up. Gabriel was dead. Sam slowly lifted his head, looking at Lucifer with grief-stricken fury as the surviving archangel went to walk away. "I will kill you before I ever say yes." he vowed, "you will never fight Michael. you will never possess me. I will string up your lifeless body like a puppet and make an example out of you, Lucifer." Gabriel, the real Gabriel, stood quietly behind one of the walls, listening intently to his lover swearing revenge as he tucked his ring into his pocket with a solemn expression.  "I'm sorry, Sam." He whispered before vanishing.
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Check out the art by Callion!
8. Atlas Shattered
Author: mukur0 Artist: @katfixation
After spending humanity's entire history stacking his own hand, Gabriel just can't win. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, too wounded to move faster than his own feet can carry him and too scared to start up where he and Sam had left off before that night at the Elysian Fields hotel, you'd think he'd welcome the chance to hide out in a gross motel room rather than face whatever might be stalking a downed archangel. Too bad for him, he'd almost prefer it over being caught in close quarters with a Winchester who just fucking wants to talk.
Read on Ao3
Check out the art by Kat!
9. The Tales Grow Taller On Down The Line
Author: @ladylilithprime Artist: @alexiescherryslurpy
When Bobby Singer got the call from Dean Winchester - "This case is weird even for us and Sam's been compromised, we need help!" - he had expected the hunt to be unusual but still fairly straightforward. Being introduced to Loki, the Norse god of mischief and patron of tricksters, and being told the pagan was Sam's soulmate? Definitely not so straightforward!
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Check out the art by Slurpyart!
10. Carry On (Nothing Equals the Splendour)
Author: @hobbyistauthor Artist: @bakh-meliorism
The New God decides to be hands-on just one last time: there's a specific Winchester—still alive, always in grief—and one particular lost Archangel—whose graveyard didn't fight much to keep him dead—that could really use one of his miracles. To Sam, healing and hope looks like candy in every room of the Bunker and eyes like sunbeams-through-whiskey. To Gabriel, being Graceless yet still wanted gives him time to discover who he is, and who he wants to be.
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Check out the art by Bakh!
Bonus art by the author
11. The Trickster Fic
Author: @deadsuburbia Artist: @raaflingdraws
After being stabbed by his brother, Gabriel makes a last-ditch attempt to play a trick on Death itself. He reaches out to Sam Winchester, the only person who would ever look his way after his lifetime of trickery, and begs for help. Taking pity on the angel who played a God, Sam beams himself directly into Gabriel’s mind. The Trickster Fic retells the story of Gabriel from his own perspective: why he turned out the way that he did in his lifetime that spanned over a thousand years. In his very last moments, Gabriel is forced to come face-to-face with the consequences of his running, his cowardice, his own nihlism. Sam has to ask the question: can Gabriel be saved?
Read on Ao3!
Check out the art by Raafling!
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spnfanficpond · 1 month
Weekly Pond Newsletter
There may not be a newsletter next week, so keep an eye on our calendar (links at the bottom) for anything that comes up! To ask forgiveness for missing a week, have a nice Jensen gif:
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Old Business:
Fic Highlight - We did another fic highlight! It's a Destiel Russian mob AU that both fluffy and bloody as hell. Click here for our review!
SPN Rewatch: Fanfic Edition - We had a great chat yesterday about the episodes 2.05 Simon Said and 2.06 No Exit! Click here to access the Archive and read what we discussed in the episode docs!
Last week's #TweetFicTues prompts were -
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New Business:
Fishing For Treasures - Next weekend is FFT weekend at the @fanficocean! May's theme is Pairings (especially Rarepairs)! Be sure to head over there next weekend and see what wild and wonderful rare pairings people have come up with outside of the SPN fandom!
Sun Spin Stageit - Next weekend Michae Rosenbaum and his partner in music will be performing for a virtual audience on Friday at 8pm EDT. Click here for info and to buy tickets!
Question for YOU - We are considering starting up something akin to the Angel Fish Awards, but where writers tell us about awesome comments they've received on their fics! Admin Michelle spent some time during her chat yesterday bandying about different names, but didn't come up with anything that really spoke to her. Angel Turtle Awards? Ninja Angel Turtle Awards? Raphael Awards? (Because, you know, he was a TMNT and an archangel.) What do you guys think? Let us know in replies and reblogs!
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(Divider by @glygriffe!)
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! Click here for a static view in Eastern US/Canada time (desktop only, no mobile app access, sadly), and click here to add our calendar to your own Google calendar! We try to keep it as up-to-date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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spnangelsanddemons-rb · 8 months
Sign-ups are now open!
You can now sign-up here to participate in the SPN Angels & Demons Reverse Bang!
Artists, writers, and beta-readers, please be sure to read the full rules and schedule, and then you can use the sign-up form to officially register to participate.
Sign-ups for artists will remain open until December 29, 2023 and for authors until December 30.
Once again, the sign-up link: https://forms.gle/X1CGDVsPmk8LVGHt8
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yourfavoritenephilim · 8 months
Get in loser, I’m here
Thank you, Uncle Gabe.
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juliet-hellhound-week · 6 months
Welcome back, hellhound fans!
That’s right- Juliet week is returning!!
Do you love Juliet, Crowley’s hellhound, or any other hellhound from Supernatural? Then join us in celebration!
This year, the event will take place January 22- 28. We are so excited to see your new creations!
To submit any work, tag us at @juliet-hellhound-week, either in your post or in the comments or a reblog of the post. You can also use the tag #juliethellhoundweek, as we will also try to track there as well.
For more info, check out our pinned post or send us an ask.
To get us all in the spirit, we will be reblogging old submissions up until the new Juliet week! :)
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supernaturalimagine · 11 months
Do you have any idea what part of the show the gif from a post you all made on November 23rd, 2014 comes from (The post about Castiel and the Hellhound Glasses)? (I would just add a link for reference, but I can't). If anyone has any idea about the episode or if perhaps the gif has been altered in some way (like the gif maker edited on the wings), that would be great! The link to the original post by the original author is broken b/c they deleted their blog.
Hello! Clarence here.
Hooooo boy, did I have to do some good searching for this. So the original imagine has a gif by @rivetingtv, who is no longer active.
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It's from 5x18 Point of No Return, as seen in this clip here. It's when Cas kills a couple angels while trying to retrieve Adam.
As far as the editing of the gif, the contrast looks up, the brightness looks down, and yeah, they 100% added the wings. Unfortunately, I have no idea how they added the wings. Seems likely that it was a frame-by-frame art animation, but I can't say for sure.
This post by @dinaga has a few more gifs of Cas with wings by @rivetingtv, but they're not the original source.
Hopefully that gives you some info!
~ Clarence 🐸
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trials-era-sam · 1 year
me before the prequel: no i'm just trying to ignore everything about it it makes me sad :(((( blacklisting blacklisting
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spnscripthunt · 2 months
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The 5th script of 7 donated by Eric Kripke as a raffle prize for our final fundraiser for RIP Medical Debt (kicking off on April 25) is...
4.22 "Lucifer Rising" (his director's copy!)
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thecursed-roleplay · 13 days
ANTON DEVLAUX ( sean teale ) is looking for his EX-GIRLFRIEND/HUNTRESS. They are currently 30-35 and could look like LOGAN BROWNING, ALYCIA DEBNAM-CAREY, ELIZABETH DEBICKI, IMOGEN POOTS, ZOË KRAVTIZ, EMILIA CLARKE, OR UTP. you DON’T NEED TO contact the member first. @antondevlaux
Anton’s ex is a quiet woman, someone who he could sit with in silence and read, or debate t length about the mechanics of the universe. He wasn’t quite sure when he began pulling away — his hatred for what he was ever growing and his need to avenge his father's death. When he lost her, watching, walking away, only by fault of his own, he spiralled. On the outside, he looked devoid of emotion, but on the inside, he was distraught. He never quite got over her, and when he sees her at meetings, or on the road — he still wishes for a life he gave up. The way the writer wants to write her is completely up to them. She’s a hunter, and they met on the road working a job together. Anton likes intelligent women and likes to connect on deep levels. Anton is quite sarcastic, and very anti-social therefore, she would’ve had to deal with his moodiness. But in her presence, he lit up; he softened. The suggest faceclaim's are just ideas, you’re free to pick whoever. If you wanted to use eighties or nineteens faceclaim's or a woc !!! I'd be over the moon.
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destielfandomlore · 2 days
Update 6/3/2024: Hello new followers and also say hello to @violetmessages who also joined as admin!! 💙💚
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spnsabrielbang · 5 months
Welcome to the sabriel bang of 24 🫎✨️🪽
Ready for another year of commemoration and celebration of our favorite 2 dorks? We're here, queer & back with a bang!
🕊 Schedule, FAQ, rules & more information coming soon!
🫎 learn more about us!
📚 Interested in participating? Check out the interest check form!
🪽 Join the discord server! It's open for both participants & non participants all year round!
🍬 quicklinks: announcements, masterlist , frequently asked questions
🌲 Are you unable to participate this year? Don't worry! We've got a mailing list in the works for getting notified when next year's bang(2025) begins!
✨️ Our Askbox is always open for questions, suggestions, feedback & more! We look forward to another great year— let's go out with a bang! 🫶🏽✨️🍾
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spnsabrielbang2023 · 5 months
Hello, Sabrielblr!
The next round of the SPN Sabriel Bang is fast approaching! Please check out our new blog, @spnsabrielbang, for all the relevant details; we hope to see you there!
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