#ace enber
enberlight · 1 year
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Just a little Wrath Month art :3  I colored in my OC Kiienber, in hir beast-canid form.
Base by Skulldog on Twitter, you can buy it on their Ko-fi! 
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OCs I made in Gatcha for no reason. They’re based off of pride flags though.
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Here’s them without the nametags:
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Character list below the break.
Lésa (she): Lesbian, painter. Could be a great fighter, but her strength goes mostly to opening jars that got stuck.
Gae (he): Gay pirate assassin (Tom Scott reference). Also plays D&D and sews.
Bisae (she/they): Bi, jester. Has magic, but it never works exactly as expected (for example, “summon a gold coin” may make a chocolate one instead).
Pané (he/they): Pan, student. Watches Tumblr VAs. Also plays the electric saxophone (it’s a real thing).
Thomas (he) & Tifa (she): Trans characters, normal people. They are also dating. When Tifa came out, Thomas responded by doing the same. They were dating at the time and are the same size, so they just swapped their wardrobes. They joke that they traded genders as a symbol of love. Also I gave Thomas a pizza bc why not.
Cerobat (any pronouns): aroace (orientation), arrow ace (archery). Would be between fluid and agender, but they don’t really care what they are as long as they’re happy with it. They care about their friends and have also done various romantic things with them (physical sensations are still nice for them). They use DuckDuckGo, of course.
Enber (they/mirror): Non-binary android angel. I went chaos mode for this one. They also despise all unacceptants but respect their right to exist. If a member of the pride community is ever murdered, though, they will torment the murderer for life or kill them. In life, they built their sword and their headphone/HUD/tech eye thing by themself. They died in an “accident” when some unacceptants tampered with their experimental jetpack, which was replaced with wings in their afterlife.
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enberlight · 3 years
Hi! I have a couple personal questions for you, if that’s okay. First, what are your pronouns? I just learned that you are agender, and I don’t want to misidentify you when reccing your work. Second, did you pick the name enber for its similarity to the word enby? Or does it mean something else? Feel free to not answer if my questions are too personal!
I don't mind personal questions. :D (as long as they're polite like yours!)
I go by she/they pronouns. I don't mind the feminine set since I'm used to them and present femme (it's fairly inevitable with the way I look and talk even if I dress like a dude most of the time. Basic jeans and Deadpool tshirts for Days.) I don't identify as masc at all though I do like my deeper voice. That part confuses some people (yay! Chaos achieved.)
I like they/them pronouns but I don't insist on em. I use "hir" for myself if I'm feeling too dysphoric but that's kinda rare? It's downright weird feeling when it crops up though o.o Never masc pronouns but I have no problems being called dude or sir. I consider those fairly neutral anyway, and it tickles me when ppl don't automatically assume me as a girl.
Enber is originally a character name I started using at conventions a while back. It's more of a play on Ember (like a coal or small flame) but with an N instead because I've never quite grown out of dorky twists like that. Ember is a bit of a tangental play on part of my legal name and my artist "last name" of Light. They all deal with luminance of some sort :)
It was just glorious happenstance that a year or two after using Enber as my name I found out I was enby (and panrom ace). I grew up without access to LGBT circles or terms so that was. Quite a day. (Weeks really as I asked Every Question, lol) I was in my 30s already and just figured I was weird/damaged/just bicurious and had like internalized homophobia and fear of intimacy from being raised Catholic and had an ingrained uberdose of Prude but. It wasn't. I just don't get sexual attraction At All and it's a Me thing not a Brainwashing one. Which is ridiculously relieving. I've since met dozens of panrom ace folk so the initial "isn't that oddly contradictory" has worn off for me long ago. (Romantic and sexual interests and attractions can be completely separate! That was Such News to my sheltered head and resolved tons of confusion.)
Similarly I had a lot of internalized misogyny to work through that had me wondering if I really was Enby or just recoiling from childhood traumas etc. But it's been years now and I reconciled all that and am still Enby so. There ya go :)
I rambled a bit but uh. No spoons to reel in the ADHD today. XD
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enberlight · 6 years
I am a Chaos Kitchen
Though it's probably a little obvious, I'm going to indulge in a periodic reminder that I am quite queer. (Feel free to send an ask for clarifications, or a DM for a convo. Anon ask is on for friendly inquiries.)
The TLDR, though, is that I'm panromantic, asexual, and nonbinary. I present femme but that's rather incidental, and I'm more or less agender but hella tomboyish. She or they pronouns are fine, I'm set in my ways and don't have a huge preference unless I'm feeling dysphoric.
I didn't always know I wasn't cishet. I knew I didn't experience attraction like other girls. Or. Well, ANYTHING like girls. I was always more one of the boys. But I was raised sheltered and religious, and didn't know being anything other than What Was Acceptable was possible. And it was incredibly confusing to find girls attractive, but not want to be physical with anyone. For a while, I worried religion had made me kinda homophobic.
Figuring out where I am on the spectrum was a doozy and came late in life. I'm happier for it. Knowing myself has been enough, and being Out with my friends... though it isn't always enough, since I can't be out with all of my family, as they will fear for my mortal soul, but then "forgive" me because, being ace and married, I'm not going to be acting on attraction to girls. Great, huh?
Anyway, I suck at brevity. Asks are open for clarifications or if any of y'all need an ear for your own questions on your discoveries.
And know that wherever you are on the spectrum, be it romantic, sexual, or gender, YOU ARE VALID. YOU BELONG. And I support you. Whether you can live openly or not. Whether you've found your label or not. Whether you're looking for one or not.
People will try to tell you how to do you. And no two will agree on how that should be. Don't please them. Please yourself and be you however you can, even if it's in little moments where judging eyes don't watch.
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enberlight · 4 years
How being bi and ace works:
See smoking hot lady Black Panther cosplay
Visual recognition of DAYUM she did a great job and looks stunning
Thoughts immediately divert away to the wonderfully textured fabric and WHERE did she source it
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enberlight · 7 years
So. I grabbed a tumblr for art/writing and fandom geekery. And that will be 90% of what I'm up to here. But I'm a rather noisy creature beyond that. I'm passionate about certain issues, and will normally spend my rambling and such on those on Twitter (also EnberLight). You're welcome to follow me there, or message me on here if you want to pick my noisy brain on queer or other non fandom topics. I tend to be sporadically conversational but am overall friendly enough ^×^ And if I can help even one person sort through things the way my friends did for me, I'd feel honored. As for those things, that is a huge mini ramble of how Enber embraced being enby and panrom and ace while still looking perfectly cishet to the world at large (It's a blessing and a curse, and an ongoing tangle to handle sometimes. Yay, closets! ^.^;; ) If anyone is curious enough I'll begin that ramble, but for now, back to our regularly scheduled fandoming!
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enberlight · 7 years
"No, no, we totally aren't ERASING or disrespecting the character and his orientation. TRUST US. Just wait." And then half the promos for S2 are hype about a canon aro ace character dating and kissing and. Excuse please. No, I don't watch the show. No, I don't have the "full context." And no... I don't want it. I'm not cool with the decision that the character can only be appealing to or understood by mainstream audiences if he is made romantic and heterosexual. Leaving in canon aro/ace rep isn't hard, or damaging. Ffs.
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