#pan enber
OCs I made in Gatcha for no reason. They’re based off of pride flags though.
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Here’s them without the nametags:
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Character list below the break.
Lésa (she): Lesbian, painter. Could be a great fighter, but her strength goes mostly to opening jars that got stuck.
Gae (he): Gay pirate assassin (Tom Scott reference). Also plays D&D and sews.
Bisae (she/they): Bi, jester. Has magic, but it never works exactly as expected (for example, “summon a gold coin” may make a chocolate one instead).
Pané (he/they): Pan, student. Watches Tumblr VAs. Also plays the electric saxophone (it’s a real thing).
Thomas (he) & Tifa (she): Trans characters, normal people. They are also dating. When Tifa came out, Thomas responded by doing the same. They were dating at the time and are the same size, so they just swapped their wardrobes. They joke that they traded genders as a symbol of love. Also I gave Thomas a pizza bc why not.
Cerobat (any pronouns): aroace (orientation), arrow ace (archery). Would be between fluid and agender, but they don’t really care what they are as long as they’re happy with it. They care about their friends and have also done various romantic things with them (physical sensations are still nice for them). They use DuckDuckGo, of course.
Enber (they/mirror): Non-binary android angel. I went chaos mode for this one. They also despise all unacceptants but respect their right to exist. If a member of the pride community is ever murdered, though, they will torment the murderer for life or kill them. In life, they built their sword and their headphone/HUD/tech eye thing by themself. They died in an “accident” when some unacceptants tampered with their experimental jetpack, which was replaced with wings in their afterlife.
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enberlight · 6 years
I am a Chaos Kitchen
Though it's probably a little obvious, I'm going to indulge in a periodic reminder that I am quite queer. (Feel free to send an ask for clarifications, or a DM for a convo. Anon ask is on for friendly inquiries.)
The TLDR, though, is that I'm panromantic, asexual, and nonbinary. I present femme but that's rather incidental, and I'm more or less agender but hella tomboyish. She or they pronouns are fine, I'm set in my ways and don't have a huge preference unless I'm feeling dysphoric.
I didn't always know I wasn't cishet. I knew I didn't experience attraction like other girls. Or. Well, ANYTHING like girls. I was always more one of the boys. But I was raised sheltered and religious, and didn't know being anything other than What Was Acceptable was possible. And it was incredibly confusing to find girls attractive, but not want to be physical with anyone. For a while, I worried religion had made me kinda homophobic.
Figuring out where I am on the spectrum was a doozy and came late in life. I'm happier for it. Knowing myself has been enough, and being Out with my friends... though it isn't always enough, since I can't be out with all of my family, as they will fear for my mortal soul, but then "forgive" me because, being ace and married, I'm not going to be acting on attraction to girls. Great, huh?
Anyway, I suck at brevity. Asks are open for clarifications or if any of y'all need an ear for your own questions on your discoveries.
And know that wherever you are on the spectrum, be it romantic, sexual, or gender, YOU ARE VALID. YOU BELONG. And I support you. Whether you can live openly or not. Whether you've found your label or not. Whether you're looking for one or not.
People will try to tell you how to do you. And no two will agree on how that should be. Don't please them. Please yourself and be you however you can, even if it's in little moments where judging eyes don't watch.
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vbartilucci · 5 years
I pre-ordered this the moment I could. Game Freak deserves sight-unseen respect for any new games they try to bring into the world. 
Even HarmoKnight was pretty cute.
Points for Axe’s single-mother Mom Enber and her fry-pan-fu.
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enberlight · 2 years
Can we get some Good Vibes? ❤
I know all of us have been having A Time the last two years. But it's been ramping up really bad for my family lately, and we've reached a rather precarious tipping point. With our mental and physical health, as well as our finances. We're dodging foreclosure and losing utilities right now, while trying to get answers on several health problems and processing the grief of losing Grandma on top of all the Other Fun Stress.
I'd appreciate some good vibes and signal boosts, both would go a long way toward cheering me up (and replacing some of this stress with positivity!)
I'm a queer neurodivergent artist (and writer) supporting a mixed-race family of four (plus pupper). My job has been on reduced hours for over a year and we can't make ends meet any more when I'm getting between 10-20 hours a week. They keep promising it'll get better so I keep hanging in there, but... It's been two years of promises now. Hub is back in school to get away from retail and help us be independent again, but that's going to take time and we're struggling now. I can't hunt up another job because I'm home with our toddler.
I take art commissions over on @caffeinatedmagpie (I do digital paintings and 3D renders of OCs, novel and series characters), and I have a ko-fi if anyone wants to drop a little tip. Art is slow at the moment as my health is iffy (appointment in May), but I will field commission inquiries on @caffeinatedmagpie.
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Further details about our situation:
Financially we're in quite a mess now. My income was cut in half last year (pandemic wrecked my industry) and has been even lower lately, so we can't even limp along any more. We have over $8k in medical debt from the hit-and-run that totaled my car at the end of 2020, plus accounts that went into collections while I couldn't work due to the recovery from my injuries. We missed the last mortgage payment, and our water was cut off today. (March 22.) I'm working on arrangements for those, but it's been difficult to scrape anything together this month. What we had went to funeral expenses and replacing a blown tire.
Health wise things are iffy too. Hub is diabetic and our older son has a new food allergy, so both are on restricted diets that make the grocery bill tricky. Kbit (12) has also been in severe stomach pain all year, we're seeing a gastroenterologist next week to find out why (avoiding the allergen hasn't helped). I'm seeing a doctor in May to find out why I've developed severe menorrhagia (which nearly sent me to the ER last week due to anemia and drop in blood pressure). That's on top of my chronic pain, chronic fatigue, anxiety, and depression. We were treating those last year but the meds caused me to get severe full body tremors for a few months until we cut them out. (I am now rather adrift with all this stress. Fun. Thus the need for good vibes!)
The littlest bit (almost 3) is pretty healthy but the State is nagging me about his speech delays, so we're getting him some options for that. He has upcoming appointments with audiology and Autism screening; I don't expect either to pan out. He's just on his own schedule, like Kbit was.
The dog is doing great and is possibly the laziest border collie mix in existence. She's been comfort cuddling our older son, and watching over me. She has a full time job of laying down with whoever needs her, basically. Good pupper.
Anyway thanks for listening, I almost never spill details like this but I've been holding all the stressors in for two damned years now and I just got overwhelmed finally. Woo.
So like. Can I get a nice big pile of good vibes to boost us up? Because I am not enjoying myself @.@
Signal boosts for my art account and ko-fi also go a long way to help. Thank you ❤
- Enber, 22 March 2022
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