#accounting training melbourne
accountsnextgen · 9 hours
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Navigating the complexities of tax regulations can be daunting, but Expert Tax Accountants in Melbourne are here to help. Our team of seasoned professionals offers personalized tax planning, preparation, and advisory services tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're an individual or a business, we ensure compliance, optimize tax savings and provide strategic financial guidance. With our deep local knowledge and commitment to excellence, we simplify your tax matters, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on what matters most. Trust us to be your partner in financial success.
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thecoachingdirectory · 10 months
Does your business provide you with the lifestyle and income you want? Bruce Frame a Business Coach, can help you. He works specifically with Business Owners that have been in business for 3-7 years, who have passed all the reasons why businesses fail in the first few years, but are in danger of the last reason – giving up. His goal is to help small to medium business owners define their business goals and achieve them. Connect with him today!
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Top 5 Skills of a Business Management Consultant
If you want to succeed in today's competitive marketplace, it takes more than just a good idea. Know more about business management consultants in this blog.                                                                                                                          
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rewritingcanon · 11 months
ok here are some of the one part melbourne hpcc play highlights (part one only because i need to make two seperate posts… they’re too long together) in an attempted chronological order:
part one
first off, why so many dilfs? like not to be like this person about a family friendly play but seriously harry? draco? RON? RON RON RON OH MY GOD 🧎‍♀️ michael whalley please one chance
ron’s voice was very… mhmm. it was good.
harry got more attractive as he got more depressed too..
and also draco’s buttons and cuffs were sparkling and he had many silver rings on his fingers. ill leave it at that
anyways if we were to talk about actual content: the first train carriage scene was so gold omg. right before it started - karl sat down in scorpius’s carriage, seemed to realise who he was sitting with and then immediately this look of horror crossed over his face and he BOLTED away 😭😭 he ended up sitting with james sirius and craig loll
yann and polly were in a carriage together the cuties
also polly was in bicycle shorts the whole time. it was like a cloak and then just black bicycle shorts fr. idk if the actress just didnt have her pants or sum because i found out later that she was a cover (which is CRAZY because she played myrtle and polly so extremely well, she literally sounded exactly like myrtle im not kidding, aisha aidara has so much talent fr)
rose hostile side eye at scorpius when him and albus are talking for the first time i swearrrr shes so funny she was literally like this the entire time
rose looked so pleased with herself when she said “the rumour is that hes voldemort’s son! ☺️☺️” then she realises that both scorp and al are extremely uncomfortable and goes “😧😧😧well its not like its true! 😰 you clearly have a nose 😝” shes so funny bro
when albus was sorted into slytherin craig seemed to be the only one (besides scorpius) excited about it but then composed himself when he saw everyone else’s reactions
in wand dance (which is still the funkiest song of the whole score)— albus’s movement with his cloak wasnt as graceful as everyone else’s transitions in the dance, like he was messing up even that. he was more flinging it then twirling it around and his expression was one of a constant state of annoyance, like he’s aware he’s always messing up but he can’t change it because he doesn’t know how to. its why im grateful for sitting so close to the stage because i don’t think i would’ve recognised this (and other later acting i’ll talk about)
in between the first and second year with draco and harry mirroring each other was not gone unnoticed but was funny asf still.
like here’s harry trying to talk to his kid when karl runs up with his whole belly out wanting an autograph
and then you have draco who yann walks by once and he’s immediately glaring this boy down. like yann literally started ZOOMING AWAY 🏃‍♂️💨 bc draco’s intimidation tactics are so intense
scorpius sniffs rose twice whilst trying to flirt with her. w rizz.
the scene with amos, harry and albus was just ungh *chef’s kiss*
you can literally see the plan forming in albus’s head as he listens to them and his anger at his dad as he’s listening to them, harry’s discomfort at lying to amos whilst also being put to blame for cedric’s death yet again and amos’ bumbling confused pain. like idk george henare plays amos so well it was literally painful to watch
delphi’s eye makeup was so slay. tbh everything about her character was amazing
idk why i just noticed it but delphi literally acts like scorpius when her and albus first meet. awkward, unassuming, clumsy and nonthreatening and seemingly very sweet and funny. hmm.
if you take into account that she was in the background during the 9 3/4 scenes and have the opinion that she was planning on meeting albus for years, and observing him and his family the entire time, then she probably also purposefully tried to mimic the only person albus was known for getting along with, which was scorpius. HMMMM.
when delphi first meets harry she was smiling at him and looking at him with these wide eyes that can be mistaken for awe but as soon as she and amos were out of his line of sight and were leaving the stage she stopped smiling immediately but continued to look at him. the focus lights were off her and the scene was already changing but I NOTICED and it was fucking ominous
i could see how some of the effects worked when sitting up close. for instance i know that the incendio flames and the consequent fire were from tubes that were set into the pillars of st jeromes church. i could see some of the strings when things were flying around. bane’s two-body centaur was more noticeable and less smooth. when ron got kissed by the dementor i thought he was kissing back because he was discreetly holding the dementor by the waist 😭😭 then i realised he was hooking himself onto the dementor to be carried off
BUT there were some tricks that even i literally couldn’t explain and the one that comes to mind is when harry and ginny appeared in the bed during the post-nightmare bedroom scene. like how tf did that happen?? how????? i literally cannot think of anything besides the the actor and actress hiding in the mattress and then emerging BECAUSE LITERALLY HOW ELSE
ginny and harry slandering dumbledore in the bedroom scene 🫶🫶
draco looking at the audience like he’s ryan in the office every time harry says something. especially during the scene in the ministry meeting where harry says his scar is hurting. bro was so done with him.
when albus and scorpius were escaping the hogwarts express scorpius attempted to climb out onto the train’s roof first and he was sticking his leg out and pulling back in, and then sticking his leg out and pulling back in and then he turns to albus like 😧🫴 “i have never done this before bro” look on his face so albus pushes him away and just yanks himself out 💀
“my son is missing” “SO IS MINE” so good, the line delivery was perf
you know i’ve heard lots of people go on and on about how nyx calder plays the perfect scorpius and i totally get the hype now. even the way he stands is accurate to how i envision scorpius. and he’s always fidgeting with his hands, giving this impression of a cute little dorky german boy. his posture is always super straight and his hands are usually clasped which makes him look proper but awkward and very sweet, i love him, very superb acting through body language
speaking of which when amos was roasting the shit out of albus, scorpius looked so terrified. he was gripping albus’s robes and trying to pull him away 😭
“go to your room” being the first thing out of scorpius’s mouth to albus as soon as he’s polyjuiced as harry 💀
ron/albus tried to hide with scorp and delphi when hermione and harry were coming and they pushed him out of the office forcibly 😭😭
albus/ron was the number one instigator that whole scene was fucking funny and it was the first time i could watch it without cringing
when ron blocked the door from hermione he squatted and started t-posing in front of the door and went “im 🕺not🕺blocking🕺anything.” this whole scene was probably the funniest part of the play especially the “I WANT ANOTHER BABY OR A HOLIDAY AND I WILL INSIST ON IT”
also the line where hermione is like “there better not be another stink pellet in there” to ron/albus is replaced by “there better not be another romantic firework display in there” i love them sm
when ron/albus said to hermione that she married ron because of his “puckish sense of fun,” he was saying it a little flatly with this big awkward smile on his face and he was double thumbs-upping her. it looked so fourteen year old core lmfaooo
scorpius started hyperventilating on the ground when delphi and albus got swallowed by the book case and literally started crawling on all fours like *pat pat pat* cmon scorpius *pat* think!! *pat pat*
scorpius standing in between both albus and delphi talking… farther off in the forbidden forest as they were laughing. he looked so defensive like his hands were clenched and his whole body was tense, and when delphi said “wizzo” it seemed to snap scorpius out of whatever he was thinking and he went up to them and said (very sharply, mind you) “what’s wizzo?” like that’s HIS catchphrase. bro was jealoussssss heheeehehe
and when albus quizzed delphi instead of scorpius like usual, scorpius looked like he had been slapped
then when delphi said “im flattered but do you honestly think i can pass as a student” to albus scorpius started shaking his head aggressively and not so inconspicuously doing the cut-it-out hand gesture to albus 😭😭
when delphi kissed albus, scorpius flinched… and then slowly put his own cheek out and delphi literally was like “mmm no” 😭
scorpius said “you look sweaty and red” to albus after the kiss, it didnt sound light-hearted like the other times it did when i saw the play, but accusatory. hmm. interesting.
scorpius also said “sweaty and red” instead of “pale and red” like the script and i might be biased and reading too much into it, but i was thinking about why they might change something so minuscule. maybe because “sweaty” gives a grosser connotation then “pale,” and i genuinely think in this revised version of the play albus isn’t supposed to have a crush on delphi
when scorpius and albus are alone together looking at the school, and talking about how beautiful it is and how they each view their lives at present, scorpius was looking out at the view the whole time but halfway through the scene albus stops looking at the view and starts looking at scorpius instead!!! um!!! with this very soft look on his face as well, until they’re interrupted by hearing their parents come. guys. im not kidding. its so gay usually but up close the play is even worse my jaw was dropping.
albus’s “ZORRY HERZMIONE I ZINK HE HAZ GOZZEN YOU MIZZED WIZZ ZUMUN ELZZZE” in bad german accents and scorpius’s very manly, very loud “YEZZZZ 👹💪” 
when albus and scorpius got caught by harry and co. albus went “hi dad 😙” and his voice was so high, bro was scared 😭😭
i have to think about whether i miss gryffindor albus or not. maybe. i think i kinda do bc it shows how albus being a loser isn’t dependent on his house (and neither is his connection to scorpius). but yeah that whole plotline was scrapped and albus just remained in slytherin in this timeline.
when harry told albus to stay away from scorpius, harry tried to leave it at that and leave but albus started to chase harry out of the hospital because bro was that desperate. his feet were literally bare (im pretty sure this is in the script too but seeing it live is so… god.)
the seperate scene where ron and hermione meet each other in private at the top of the staircase is merged with the scene where albus meets the new not-funny ron. and they both meet on top of the staircase with the light spotlighting them, and its very clear that they are in love with each other
hermione is about to walk off when ron calls her back and she immediately turns around and goes right back to him, her face is so happy 😭
and its so sad because this whole scene mirrors scorpius and albus so exactly in the staircase ballet. like if not in love, why mirroring ron and hermione throughout the play? (even in dark world, which i’ll get into later…)
anyways, staircase ballet: scorpius and albus stare at each other total of three times. and when i mean stare, i mean the light reflects off of them and they are frozen in prolonged silence (longing). once when the staircases meet, another when albus is on the ground and scorpius is at the top of the staircase, unreachable from him. last time is when the staircases stop at a cross section, and they’re standing, looking at each other. and from my angle i could see albus’s face the best, and i feel like it could be interpreted by either seeming apologetic or desperate, either way there was this very pleading look on his face.
they both froze when the saw each other and still look on the verge of moving to one another and then the staircases move off as soon as scorpius starts walking towards him.
albus looks so disappointed because HE WANTED SCORP TO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE because he’s too scared to do it himself. he ends up just sitting on the staircase and dropping his bag beside him in defeat, and looking away. scorpius still stands and watches albus go off. yah its as queer as i remember it. glad this wasnt cut.
draco was fixing and adjusting the furniture whilst duelling harry. idk if the furniture just wasnt on the mark on stage but it was fucking adorable. he kept fixing the chairs up and then patting it nervously ☹️ idc if it wasn’t intentional it seemed in character to me for him to just be a total busybody even in the midst of a duel
ginny’s micro-expressions at draco when he talks about how lonely he felt at school were amazing. harry looked a little uncomfortable when he was speaking but ginny looked really sympathetic to him, and draco notices this and thats why he speaks on “i know you must feel the same ginny” and shes like “i do” which immediately changes harry’s discomfort to shock, then i feel like he starts taking draco seriously
seen the play three times and during the fight scene with scorpius and albus, scorpius has acted differently each time. first time, scorpius was literally sobbing when talking to him, second time he was literally screaming at him in anger, third time he was just disappointed asf in him. i think this time was the best for his characterisation but god it hurt each time
mcgonagall’s “if i didn’t see you, then i didn’t see you” and she does this big over-exaggerated shrug and starts creeping away like a cartoon character to insinuate to albus and scorpius that shes leaving. i love her 😭
also when albus and scorpius were talking about their next plan i realised their bags are so different: albus has this raggedy big ass brown messenger bag and scorpius has this shiny, small, flashy, zesty little pouch. there are two types of gays.
myrtle was literally hitting on scorpius lmfao scorpius was just like 😨 the entire time
and of course myrtle’s “hello draco 😏 heloooooo harryyy 😻” nah because i get her
craig is such a fucking busy body he was trying to manage harry, ginny, draco AND mcgonagall and only stopped when draco pushed him away and death glared him 😭
erm why was umbridge hot asf. idfk the dark world looks really good on her guys
here’s part two
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racefortheironthrone · 11 months
Hey there,
So I read the Locked Tomb series a few months ago and one thing that occurred to me after reading Nona the Ninth was that the John Gauis’s account of the end of the world could not be fundamentally trusted.  While I believe that Tamsyn Muir intended for these passages to be “true” or “Accurate” to what happened I found unable to accept the chapters due to the number and severity of lies told by John.  It also led to me notice any inconsistency, irregularity, or any implausible scenario and to see it as evidence of another lie by John. 
My question I suppose is if an author uses an unreliable narrator when (or if) should the audience trust said narrator again.  
In part my extreme skepticism started when John mentioned the oxygen crisis, that such a scenario would be so sever and immediate that there would be little time for John’s necromantic schemes.  It was further stoked by John’s impractical cryogenic plan (why would you send frozen people to the Kuiper Belt), and later on John’s  mis-remembering when and how original-Gideon died and that he was telling this story to Harrow hark trying to convinced her to join him.
I am quite certain that my extreme distrust is unwarranted and that Muir intended for us to believe John’s tale but I cannot help but notice the inconsistencies and find John utterly dishonest and unbelievable.
I'm glad you asked this question, because it allows me to talk about how to apply historiographical methodology to literary analysis.
One of the terms that I was exposed to during my training as a historian is the "hermeneutics of suspicion" - the practice of reading texts such that the on-its-face meaning of the text is false and that you have to read the text solely for its deeper, hidden meanings. The problem with the hermeneutics of suspicion is that, taken to a logical conclusion, all texts and meanings become false, and for lack of evidence, all academic inquiry shuts down and we wind up sitting on the floor with our hands over our mouths.
Now, this doesn't mean that you have to take texts as 100% valid either, but rather that good methodological practice requires a careful weighing and balancing of bias, rather than simplistic binaries.
So in the case of John's narrative in Nona the Ninth, is John meant to be an unreliable narrator? Yes. However, because Tamsyn Muir does actually play fair with the readers, she makes it quite clear when John is lying to Harrow/Alecto:
"I said I made a mistake. She let it go eventually because the others were telling her to lay off. Just said Guys as careful as you shouldn't have accidents. If you've got a gun learn how to aim it. This is too big for fuckups now... "Did you ever find out what happened? With your accident?" He turned to her and he smiled a funny little smile. It only used one half of his mouth. In the dream his new eyes did not show happiness or unhappiness. And he said, "Come on, love. Guys as careful as me don't have accidents."
And here again:
"I did need to do it, Harrow. There was no other way. Once those bombs were going off, there was no hope for Melbourne anyway-- G- was dead meat." She said-- "You said that G-'s bomb went off first." "Yeah, it did," he said impatiently. "Of course it did...Look-what does it matter? In the end, why the hell does it matter?"
Unfortunately for John Gaius, Harrowhark Nonagesimus is smarter than he is when she's in her right mind and she catches the discrepancies in his story - just as we are meant to do.
So what I would say is that, unless it's something where Tamsyn Muir gives us clues like this where other characters are calling John out on his bullshit, you should treat worldbuilding issues like the population of Earth, or the logistics of cryocans, or the speed of shuttle transports in the Nine Houses, etc. as either mistakes on the part of the author (when they actually are mistakes) or just part of the overall willing suspension of disbelief that comes with speculative fiction.
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pinkbrries · 1 year
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》 BIRTH NAME: park izabella (in hangul: 박이자벨라)
》 KOREAN NAME: park chaewon (in hangul: 박채원)
》 STAGE NAME: izabella / cherry
》 REASON OF HER NAME: from Sino-Korean 采 (chae) meaning “collect, gather, pluck” or 彩 (chae) meaning “colour” combined with 原 (won) meaning “source, origin, beginning”.
》 NICKNAMES: chae oppa | wonnie hyung | iza | ella | ellie | cherry | chae-lion | prince charming | ateez golden girl | chae-culator | 4th gen it girl
》 BIRTH DATE: dec 23, 1998
》 PLACE OF BIRTH: auckland, nz
》 ZODIAC SIGN: capricorn.
》 ETHNICITY: new zealand-korean
》 LANGUAGES: english (native), korean (fluent), japanese (fluent), french (conversational), mandarin (basic), thai (learning)
》 HEIGHT: 1.57 cm || 5’1
》 VOICE CLAIM (rap): yuhnway (soloist)
》 VOICE CLAIM (vocal): kim jung eun (loona)
》 FACE CLAIM: kim jung eun (loona)
》 EMOJI: 🦁 / 🍒
》 FAVORITE COLOR: pastel pink and pastel green
》 ROLE MODELS: rosé (blackpink), cl (2ne1), bobby and hanbin (ikon), shinee, red velvet, twice, wonder girls, hyuna, cheetah, zico, iu, dynamicduo, queen, metallica.
》 POSITIONS: main rapper, main dancer, main vocal, visual.
》 INDIVIDUAL FANDOM NAME: cherries (because of her old stage name)
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SM Entertainment (signed as an actress): 2012 - 2014
Starship Entertainment: 2014 - 2016
KQ Entertainment: 2016 - present
》 TRAINEE PERIOD: 6 years and a half.
actress for several commercials
drama: heirs
drama: reply 1994
drama: schoolgirl detectives
unpretty rapstar s3 (second runner-up)
show me the money s6 (second runner-up)
kq fellaz
good girl
immortal songs
amazing saturday
hello counselor
men on a mission
the show (mc along with juyeon and kim minkyu)
inkigayo (special mc along with minhyuk and jaehyun)
show me the money s9 (first runner-up)
kpop daebak
running man
drama: a love so beautiful (korean ver)
drama: our beloved summer
drama: blue birthday
high school rapper s4 (mentor along with simon dominic and loco)
》 DEBUT DATE: october 24, 2018
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Izabella was born in Auckland, New Zealand, on december 23, 1998 to a korean family, having two older sisters, one of them being Rosé from the popular kpop girl group Blackpink. At the age of five years old Izabella and her family moved to Melbourne, Australia; there, she started taking different classes since early age: jiu jitsu (even participating in national competitions), aerial and contemporary dance, she learned how to play the drums, the piano and the guitar, and even joined the church choir along with her sister Rosé.
In 2011, at age of 13 and influenced by her dad’s words, she attended an audition in Sydney, Australia for South Korean record label SM Entertainment, ranking at the top three among 1000 participants, and just some months after that, her sister Rosé signed with YG. They both dropped out of school and moved to South Korea with their mom.
At first, she was happy with being signed only as an actress and having small roles to start with her career, but then she realized that acting wasn’t her passion, and after two years, she parted with SM on good terms.
Some months after that, she got scouted by an agent of Starship Entertainment. Izabella even trained with the (now) monsta x members and even got contemplated to join the survival show “no mercy,” but she didn’t end up joining. In the winter of 2015, Izabella opens a soundcloud account and starts releasing her own songs under the stage name of “cherry,” her popularity starting to grow, even getting considered as one of the best underground rappers back then. In 2016, she decides on parting with Starship too on good terms.
Trying to not give up even after the circumstances and after seeing her older sister’s success, she joins “unpretty rapstar” in 2016 under the stage name of ‘cherry’, making it into the finals and ranking at 3rd place. Izabella gained a lot of popularity due this survival, even getting calls from companies that were interested on signing her. It’s in october 2016 that an agent from KQ Entertainment reaches out to her, and after convincing her on giving the company a chance, she officially becomes a trainee at the beginnings of november 2016.
A year later, she joins another survival show: “show me the money,” being part of zico’s and dean’s team, making it into the finals and finishing on 3rd place.
On october 24, 2018, Izabella made her official debut with Ateez.
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j4xotto · 3 months
The minute Jax Otto had stepped off of that plane, he'd breathed a sigh of relief.
Never mind the rush of reporters that seemed to flood the airport exit, forcing Jax to pull the brim of his cap furthur down to avoid camera flashes, he was home. It wasn't exactly Sydney, but it was close enough. Everywhere he turned, that familiar Aussie lilt sounded like music to his ears. His Mum and his sisters were under two hours away by plane, and he could wake up in the morning and finally spread honest-to-god authentic Vegemite on his toast.
When he'd first started in his racing career, making his way up the ranks, Jax had been excited to travel to new countries, meet new people and try new things. The novelty had worn off quicker than he would've liked. Travelling with Ferrari meant that every new place turned into Formula One Land. No sooner was he off the plane than he was in training, or doing a grid walk with Baxter himself. Sometimes Jax thought that if it weren't for the track circuits he knew like the back of his hand, he could easily forget where in the world he was. But Australia was different, it was familiar, and for once he was thankful to Dante for pushing their travel time forward, as it meant Jax had a few days to just be.
He'd spent the first few days adjusting to the time difference, enjoying all the creature comforts of the hotel and trying to figure out which of the various restaurants within walking distance offered what Jax had taken to calling 'safe food'. Also known as, things that Jax felt comfortable eating that crossed over with Dante's list. Truth be told, not a lot of the food Dante had suggested felt particularly safe to Jax, but he was trying. He could feel himself getting stronger day by day, strong enough to be racing in Melbourne, but old habits died hard.
After scrolling for half an hour on his phone, reviewing various restaurant menu's and growing increasingly more and more frustrated, Jax decided the best thing to do was to seek out Elias. Eli didn't know the full, sordid tale when it came to Jax's troubles with food, but he figured with his friend and teammate there, Jax could at least hold himself accountable. If Eli was eating, Jax would eat.
Shoving his phone and wallet into his back pocket and his cap on his head, Jax made his way down the hall to Eli's hotel room. His hair was mussed and sticking up in all different directions from the particularly lush mid-afternoon nap he'd taken earlier, but the paps would be none the wiser with his Ferrari-red cap atop his head. Forza Ferrari, and all that.
Rapping his knuckles against Eli's door, Jax slumped lazily against the frame.
"Eli, are you there? I'm hungry." Jax whined, sounding very much like a petulant toddler. Or a spoiled, privileged playboy. The latter could very much be true, depending on which news outlet you read.
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alexiusgoesrogue · 4 months
Status update: Jan 22nd
After three failed attempts, the main flights were finally booked. The trip to England had to be cut out, because for some weird reason, (at least) one airline kept on being the reason to continuously cancel my bookings before they could even process the payments.
Instead, the trip officially starts on Feb 7th, going from Bremen Central Station by train down to Düsseldorf International Airport. From there, the first flight stops in Dubai for a brief layover (and airplane switch) to then head over to Melbourne, and after one last layover arrive in Wellington on the 9th.
My hostel is only half an hour away by bus, and fairly cheap too for the eleven nights I’ll be staying there. What my friend and I will be up to is still not fully set. I believe we’ll be spontaneous or figure out our plans the day before instead of creating a whole schedule.
Return flight will be on Feb 20th, directly from Wellington to Dubai and back to Düsseldorf on the 21st. The entire trip back will be about 35 hours, making this the longest day of my life.
Many preparations have been made, several others are still waiting to be done. The luggage and backpack near the door are a constant reminder that February is now only about two weeks away, and somehow I feel as if everything and yet nothing is done.
A bunch of things already are packed away to make sure they’re not forgotten. Others still sit in their usual spots because they’re still in use, and I have to hope I won’t forget about packing them. Yet other items are not even in my possession still, such as film for my Polaroid or a decent powerbank.
But since the most scary part had been overcome already, my nerves have calmed down significantly already. The anxiety shoots up my spine on occasion when I remember that this is actually going to happen soon. However, it also excites me that I’ll finally get to fulfil this dream of a younger, 13 year old me who dreamt of seeing the world and meeting the people they chatted with online in English every day.
And equally exciting is having my friends and family getting to see all the stupid stuff I’ll definitely be getting myself into from home, thanks to this blog. It gives me a funny feeling to see my dad made a tumblr account just to cheer me on in the comments. Not complaining at all though, I find it really sweet.
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digiguruaus · 2 years
The Top Characteristics Of A Professional Orthodontist
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When it comes to Orthodontist Melbourne, you want to make sure that you're seeing a professional. Whether this means a doctor who has gone through the proper training or someone who's been practicing for many years, there are certain characteristics that will help show whether or not they are well-versed in their field of expertise.
While it's important to be friendly with your patients, and have a good rapport with them, professionalism is the key to being a successful orthodontist. You will need to be able to remain calm and collected in any situation, no matter how stressful or chaotic it gets. A patient could be on their way to work when they find out that they don't have enough time before heading into the office for their appointment. They might even be late because they got stuck in traffic or were running late from something else happening outside of the practice! The best thing you can do during these situations is remain calm and collected yourself so that you can help them feel relaxed about what's going on too - even if you're freaking out inside! You also need to make sure that everything runs as smoothly as possible within your practice; this includes keeping track of appointments (so no one misses theirs), making sure bills are sent out on time each month (or even weekly) so patients don't get behind on payments which could lead all sorts of problems down road such as collections agencies calling constantly or worse yet lawsuits filed against us by those same companies because we didn't fulfill our end obligation under contract terms which would mean losing everything."
A professional orthodontist has a reputation. Your family's orthodontist should be someone who has been practicing for a long time and is highly respected by his or her peers. This is because a good reputation is built on trust and honesty, as well as experience, results, and dedication to patients' oral health needs.
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The most important quality of a professional orthodontist is experience. Experience is key to success and a great predictor of future success. Just look at the way it helps in your own field: if you’re an accountant, do you want someone who studied accounting 10 years ago or someone who got his/her degree this past year? The answer is obvious. In fact, let’s take a look at how experience helps out in the orthodontic field specifically:
Continuing education
Continuing education is an important part of professional development for any Orthodontist Melbourne. The more you continue to learn, the better you can serve your patients and improve your practice. In addition, continuing education helps ensure that you stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and technology in order to deliver the highest quality care possible. If you’re looking for a qualified orthodontist in your area, we would be happy to assist! Conclusion It’s important to keep in mind that each of these characteristics is not a one-and-done deal. Your orthodontist should be demonstrating all of them, consistently, over the course of your treatment. You can use our list to help you evaluate whether or not your current orthodontist is a professional, but even if they show some of these signs today it doesn’t mean they will continue doing so tomorrow. Read the full article
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It has been quite a while since I made a post on here. I’ve been wanting to for a few weeks but kept getting overwhelmed by how much has happened and where to begin. 
For this reason I’ve decided to share in dot point form
03.06.21 We began Cycle 3 of IVF at our new clinic. I felt confident going into this one as the new specialist was the right fit for us in both her expertise and patient manner. I also felt that we had a chance of getting more viable embryos because we had one in round 2. 8 eggs were collected, 4 top quality embryos were made and we waited for our PGD results.
26.06.21 we did a 7 hour round trip to pick up our puppy Kevin
02.07.21 I arranged for the result to be communicated to my partner as I was on placement and didn’t want to burst into tears if we got bad news. He got the call and despite me calling and texting him throughout the day, he would not give me any information. That was information enough.
When I called after placement he told me that none of the embryos were chromosomally normal. I cried the whole 1 hour car drive home.
-Our specialist was shocked. We were absolutely devastated.
-I had just started my Alcohol and Other Drugs 2 month placement on top of a team leader secondment in my current job and committed to the sleep, toilet and general training a puppy requires
I threw myself into work and puppy training, meaning I neglected any  processing, self-care or healing from the trauma we’d just experienced.
06.08.21 I celebrated my 29th birthday at placement and in another Melbourne lockdown meaning I couldn’t distract myself with friends or social commitments. 
-A few days after my birthday I had a really bad headache and neck pain
-After a week of doctor appointments, a CT scan and a hospital day admission I was diagnosed with Shingles behind my ear and spreading up my scalp. A migraine accompanied this 
-Mid August I put placement on hold and applied for a new job which I was successful in getting
30.08.21 I started my new job and a week later had a bit of a scare when I got another migraine and lost my ability to speak temporarily. An ambulance was called by my partner and I was diagnosed with “atypical migraine” and discharged. Continual migraines with similar vagueness, pain and aura followed me until February 2022 (shingles and stress were suggested as the main culprit).
15.11.21 had an appointment with an “Uterus Didelphys” specialist who asked me if we’d considered “being childless.” I cried on my way to the car, in the car and when I got home
24.11.21 we moved into our dream house and decided we definitely wouldn’t be doing any more rounds of IVF until 2022. 
January 22 Had an epiphany that if we want what is best for our kids as parents, how could I put our kids through inheriting my chromosome issues. Despite my partner being willing to continue with my eggs, I decided that using an egg donor would be our next step forward. He came around to the idea and I asked a friend who had offered her eggs previously if she was still interested and she said yes.
IVF was closed down in Melbourne due to pressure on hospitals and it being an ‘elective’ surgery *eye roll
11.03.22 Accounts session to discuss the costs associated with a donor cycle
16.03.22 First mandatory IVF donor counselling session 
22.03.22 Joined telehealth consultation with a nurse and our donor to discuss the process
30.03.22 Second joined mandatory counselling session with myself, my partner, our donor and her partner to determine we were all on the same page and raise any questions or concerns
31.03.22 My partner was diagnosed as having an ‘active case’ of CMV which is dangerous in pregnancy. Our IVF specialist told us she had never seen this happen before! Alas, IVF Cycle 4 postponed for 6 weeks until virus cleared from both of us (it was assumed I would contract it from him).
11.05.22 Found out through repeated blood tests that my partner never had CMV (false positive on the test) and our cycle was postponed for no reason. Given the all clear to go ahead at the start of our donor’s next period.
21.05.22 Our 4th Cycle of IVF begins and all precautions are taken to avoid covid-19 postponing our cycle again
03.06.22 Eggs are collected from our donor and fertilised. A few days later we find out that 7 eggs had fertilised and a few more days after that, 2 embryos had made it to the freezing stage. 
23.06.22 As I write this today I’m waiting for my period to start so our transfer cycle begins. We have 2 embryos, that is 2 chances of a pregnancy. Each transfer has a 50% chance of resulting in a positive pregnancy test. 
In a few weeks I’ll have a scan to check my uterus lining and have a blood test around my predicted ovulation date to time the transfer. I’m guessing it will be around July 18th but that will depend on if my period arrives soon.
My feelings towards transfer fluctuate. Some days I’m overly positive and some days I feel like it’s never going to work for us because it hasn’t yet. At this moment, I feel premenstrually grumpy and exhausted. I’ve eaten half a bag of salt and vinegar chips, have pimples galore on my chin and can’t wait to lie on the couch with my current read - Jasper Jones by Craig SIlvey. 
I want to make more of an effort to record my musings and appointments on here as it’s the only place I’ve been somewhat consistent over the past few years (a part from Instagram). I don’t care if tumblr has the reputation of an outdated teenage blog site. It’s the easiest one for my non coding brain to navigate.
Thanks for reading x
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alltonefitness2 · 23 hours
Achieving Fitness Goals with Personal Training in Greensborough and Watsonia
Fitness is an essential aspect of a healthy lifestyle, and finding the right guidance and support can make all the difference in achieving your goals. In the suburbs of Greensborough and Watsonia, personal training services are readily available to help individuals reach their fitness aspirations effectively and safely. Whether you're looking to lose weight, build muscle, or improve overall fitness, a personal trainer in Greensborough or Watsonia can provide the expertise and motivation you need.
The Benefits of Personal Training
Personal training offers numerous benefits that go beyond just having someone to guide your workouts. Here are some of the key advantages:
1. Personalized Workout Plans
One of the most significant benefits of working with a Personal Trainer Greensborough in Greensborough or Watsonia is the creation of a personalized workout plan. Unlike generic fitness programs, personal training sessions are tailored to your specific needs, goals, and fitness level. This customization ensures that you engage in exercises that are most effective for you, reducing the risk of injury and maximizing results.
2. Expert Guidance and Support
Personal trainers are certified professionals with extensive knowledge of exercise science, nutrition, and body mechanics. They provide expert guidance on proper form and technique, ensuring that you perform exercises correctly and safely. This is particularly important for beginners who may be unfamiliar with gym equipment or workout routines.
3. Motivation and Accountability
Staying motivated can be challenging, especially when working out alone. Personal trainers provide the motivation and encouragement needed to stay on track. They hold you accountable for your progress, ensuring that you remain consistent and committed to your fitness journey. Regular sessions with a personal trainer can help you push past plateaus and achieve your goals more efficiently.
4. Efficient Workouts
With a personal trainer, every minute of your workout is optimized for efficiency. They design sessions that maximize calorie burn, strength gains, and overall fitness improvements in a shorter amount of time. This is particularly beneficial for those with busy schedules who need to make the most out of their workouts.
Personal Trainer in Greensborough
Greensborough, a vibrant suburb of Melbourne, offers a variety of personal training options to suit different fitness levels and goals. Personal trainers in Greensborough are known for their dedication and professionalism, helping clients achieve their desired results through tailored training programs.
Tailored Fitness Programs
Personal trainers in Greensborough work closely with clients to develop customized fitness programs that align with their specific goals, whether it's weight loss, muscle gain, or improved endurance. They take into account factors such as age, fitness level, medical history, and lifestyle to create effective and sustainable workout plans.
One-on-One Training Sessions
One-on-one personal training sessions in Greensborough provide individualized attention, allowing trainers to focus solely on your needs and progress. These sessions are ideal for those who prefer a private and personalized approach to fitness.
Group Training Options
For those who enjoy the camaraderie and motivation of group workouts, many personal trainers in Greensborough offer small group training sessions. These sessions provide the benefits of Personal training watsonia a supportive and encouraging environment.
Personal Training in Watsonia
Watsonia, another beautiful suburb of Melbourne, is home to a range of personal training services designed to help residents achieve their fitness goals. Personal training in Watsonia focuses on delivering high-quality, results-driven fitness programs.
Comprehensive Assessments
Personal trainers in Watsonia begin with comprehensive assessments to understand your current fitness level, health status, and specific goals. This assessment forms the basis of your personalized training program, ensuring that every session is tailored to your needs.
Diverse Training Techniques
Watsonia personal trainers employ a variety of training techniques to keep workouts engaging and effective. From strength training and cardio workouts to flexibility exercises and functional training, they incorporate diverse methods to help you achieve a well-rounded fitness regimen.
Ongoing Support and Education
Personal trainers in Watsonia provide ongoing support and education, empowering clients with the knowledge and skills needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. They offer guidance on nutrition, recovery, and lifestyle choices, ensuring that you have a holistic approach to fitness.
Whether you're in Greensborough or Watsonia, personal training services offer a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their fitness and achieve their health goals. With personalized workout plans, expert guidance, and unwavering support, a personal trainer can make a significant difference in your fitness journey. By investing in personal training, you're not only committing to your physical health but also gaining the confidence and knowledge to lead a healthier, more active lifestyle. Embrace the benefits of personal training in Greensborough and Watsonia, and take the first step towards a fitter, healthier you.
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accountsnextgen · 13 hours
💸 Get the Most from Your Tax Return with Accounts NextGen! 🌟
Melbourne, it's tax time! Don't leave money on the table. Our expert team at Accounts NextGen is here to maximize your refund and simplify the process. Fast, accurate, and hassle-free tax returns are just a click away.
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📞 Call us now or visit our website to get started!: +61 3 9015 8540
📅 Book Your Consultation Today! 👉 https://rb.gy/yh5z1t
🌐 Visit our website: https://www.accountsnextgen.com.au/
📍 Find us at Level 19/180 Lonsdale St, Melbourne, VIC 3000
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melbourne-movers · 6 days
Importance of Hiring Melbourne Removalist for Residential or Business Relocation!
Hiring Melbourne removalists nearby is important for a smooth and stress-free moving experience. Local removalists offer the advantage of familiarity with the area, enabling efficient route planning and time management. This decreases the likelihood of delays caused by traffic or unexpected roads, ensuring a prompt departure.
Professional removalists in Melbourne have the essential skills and equipment to properly transport your belongings. They are trained in proper packing, lifting, and transporting practices, which reduces the possibility of damage to your belongings.
Additionally, hiring local removalists results in faster response times and more flexible scheduling, which caters to your specific moving needs. Supporting local companies promotes community growth and ensures greater accountability and personalised service. Local removalists are more likely to go the extra mile to keep their reputation in the neighbourhood.
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Importance of Hiring a Regional Removalist for Business Relocation:
Hiring a regional removalist for business relocation is vital for ensuring a seamless and efficient move.Regional removalists bring specialized knowledge of the area, facilitating efficient logistics planning and reducing the risk of delays caused by unfamiliar routes or regional regulations.
Their expertise in local traffic patterns and shortcuts ensures timely delivery, minimizing business downtime.Professional regional removalists are skilled in handling office equipment, sensitive documents, and furniture, ensuring all items are transported safely. They offer tailored services, including packing, unpacking, and setting up the new office space.
Regional removalists understand the unique challenges of moving within the region, such as weather conditions and local infrastructure. This knowledge helps in preparing for and mitigating potential issues. Their commitment to maintaining a good reputation within the community means they are likely to go above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction.
Ultimately, choosing a regional removalist for the business relocation ensures a smooth transition, reduces stress, and allows the company to resume normal operations quickly.
Find a trusted removalist by visiting search engines; also, checking reviews and feedback from prior clients. Additionally, compare their customer service, reputation, and pricing in the market.
Overall, follow the steps and hirea renowned removalistnearbywho provides efficient service and ensures that the move will be handled with care and professionalism.
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akeritax · 7 days
Need Tax Assistance in Melbourne? Where Can I Find Expert Tax Agents Near Me?
It’s critical to locate knowledgeable tax agents nearby if you need assistance with your taxes and you live in Melbourne. Whether you’re an individual or a business owner, these experts provide individualised advice catered to your particular needs. With their knowledge, you can ensure local regulations are followed while manoeuvring through tax complexities with confidence. When you work with local tax agents, you can get easy assistance with everything from tax return filing to answering tax-related questions. Discovery a Local Expertise Tax Agent Near Me
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Collaborating with a trustworthy Australian tax accounting firm is crucial for effective financial management. Qualified professionals with extensive knowledge of Australian tax laws and regulations work for these firms. You can minimise liabilities, maximise your tax strategy, and confidently reach your financial objectives by utilising their expertise. Registered Tax Agent in Melton Victoria 3338
Hiring a listed tax agent in Melton, Victoria 3338 ensures dependability and excellence of service. To ensure compliance with manufacturing standards and regulations, listed tax agents go through rigorous training and authorization processes. You can select certified experts with the knowledge and identifications required to manage your tax businesses by selecting a registered tax go-between in Melton, Victoria 3338. A listed tax agent provides peace of mind from filing to picture.
Tax Agent in Werribee Victoria 3030: On-the-spotHelp for Your Tax Wants
The information of a local tax agent is advantageous to inhabitants of Werribee, Victoria 3030. A Werribee tax agent can offer specialized advice and explanations to cater to the particular requirements of local businesses and people. A tax agent in Werribeedelivers easily accessible support and reliable leadership to help you navigate the complex tax scenery, even ifyou’re looking for help with tax preparation, preparation, or compliance. Registered Tax Practitioner in Footscray Victoria 3011
Victoria 3011 promises that you will receive informed advice and support regarding your tax-related issues. By enduring by stringent ethical standards and expert guidelines, registered tax practitioners instill sureness and peace of mind in their clients. In instructionto effectively achieve your financial goalmouths, a registered tax practitioner in Footscray provides complete support and reliable expertise, irrespective of even if you require tax advice, representation, or compliance amenities.
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vicsilvertaxis · 8 days
Enjoy Your Long Journey with Silver Cabs
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Make a safe travel reservation with a reputable taxi service. Customers in Australia have a wide range of transport options to choose from, including traditional taxis and contemporary ridesharing services. This gives them the flexibility to base their decisions on aspects like dependability and safety. Taxis are unquestionably the greatest option when all of these factors are taken into account. Using taxi services as opposed to ridesharing arrangements has a number of benefits. A safe and secure ride is ensured by the tight safety regulations that taxis frequently adhere to. Additionally, the dependability of taxi services which is typically bolstered by well-maintained fleets and trained drivers may give clients greater confidence. Silver service taxi in Melbourne, particularly when reserved through services, continue to be a dependable and well-liked means of transportation for tourists in Australia, with a focus on dependability, convenience, and safety.
Silver service cabs in Melbourne offer an unmatched degree of convenience because they function similarly to a personal driver. Compared to driving your own car, taking a cab reduces the amount of time it takes you to get from one place to another because you don't have to worry about finding a spot-on congested city streets or in a parking garage. Furthermore, you can choose your own route in a cab, while public transportation follows pre-planned routes that may or may not correspond to your location. Qualified taxi drivers operate the vehicles. They can identify the quickest route while still adhering to all traffic regulations since they are familiar with city routes. As a result, you'll travel in comfort and arrive at your destination on time.
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innopack · 14 days
Expert Tips for Cleaning and Maintaining Catering Supplies
When it comes to running a successful catering business, catering supplies are the backbone of your operation. From gleaming silverware to pristine serving trays, keeping your catering supplies in top-notch condition is essential for delivering exceptional service and maintaining a positive reputation.
In this blog, we'll explore some expert tips for cleaning and maintaining your catering supplies Melbourne to ensure they sparkle and shine every time.
1. Start with the Basics: Proper Handling
Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of cleaning, let's talk about proper handling of your catering supplies. Train your staff to handle items with care, avoiding unnecessary roughness that can lead to scratches, dents, or breakage.
Utilise designated storage areas to keep catering supplies organised and protected when not in use. By instilling good handling practices from the get-go, you'll prolong the lifespan of your catering supplies and minimise the need for frequent replacements.
2. Invest in Quality Cleaning Products
When it's time to give your catering supplies a thorough cleaning, don't skimp on quality cleaning products. Opt for gentle yet effective detergents, polishes, and sanitisers that are specifically formulated for the materials you're working with.
Whether it's stainless steel, glass, or porcelain, using the right cleaning products will ensure a deep clean without causing damage. Additionally, consider investing in eco-friendly options to minimise your environmental impact while keeping your catering supplies sparkling clean.
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3. Follow Manufacturer Guidelines
One of the easiest ways to maintain your catering supplies is to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for cleaning and maintenance. These guidelines are tailored to the specific materials and finishes used in your catering supplies Melbourne, ensuring that you're using the most appropriate methods and products.
Whether it's hand washing delicate or polishing silverware with a specialised cloth, adhering to manufacturer recommendations will help preserve the integrity and appearance of your catering supplies.
4. Implement Regular Maintenance Routines
Consistency is key when it comes to catering supplies maintenance. Implementing regular cleaning and maintenance routines will help prevent the buildup of grime, stains, and odours, keeping your catering supplies looking their best at all times.
Schedule routine inspections to identify any signs of wear or damage early on, allowing you to address issues before they escalate. By staying proactive with your maintenance efforts, you'll save time and money in the long run while ensuring that your catering supplies are always ready for action.
5. Handle Stains and Spills Promptly
In the fast-paced world of catering, spills and stains are bound to happen. When they do, it's important to address them promptly to prevent permanent damage to your catering supplies. Keep a stash of cleaning supplies on hand, including stain removers, sponges, and cloths, so you can tackle spills and stains as soon as they occur.
The longer you wait to address a stain, the harder it will be to remove, so don't procrastinate when it comes to cleaning up messes.
6. Train Your Team
Last but certainly not least, ensure that your team is well-trained in proper cleaning and maintenance techniques for catering supplies. Provide comprehensive training sessions that cover everything from handling and storage to cleaning protocols and emergency spill procedures. Encourage open communication and feedback to address any issues or concerns that arise, fostering a culture of accountability and excellence within your team.
By investing in your staff's training and development, you'll empower them to take ownership of catering supplies maintenance and uphold the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene.
Final Thoughts
Maintaining clean and pristine catering supplies Melbourne is essential for delivering top-notch service and ensuring customer satisfaction.
By following these expert tips and incorporating them into your regular routine, you can keep your catering supplies in tip-top shape for years to come. Remember, a little care and attention go a long way when it comes to preserving the beauty and functionality of your catering supplies.
Source by - https://shorturl.at/CxAaa 
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