#absolutely love it when authors author
nikki-rook · 8 months
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from page to screen - Good Omens
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tapakah0 · 7 months
Guys, I saw something and need to clarify somethig since someone might think the same, I don't beg for attention, I don't need attention (that's how I always lived, seriously, I am absolutely okay without any and I don't see anything wrong in not having any if it's not a work that demands it), a lot of posts constantly that just bury your dash might be annoying and that's why I've been telling to block me, not follow me, in fact a lot of attention exhausts me very quickly, all I do here I do for myself, I love what I do, I specifically don't put a lot of tags on some posts because I've been making them mostly for myself and someone specific (for them just to see it and know that I care and love what they do, not react on it. That's why I'm sometimes sad when people pressurely tell me that I didn't react on something they created for me or didn't interact with them, I'm deeply sorry, I can't answer on them all if I don't feel like it and hope you understand it) *polite bow*
I mean, guys, we all will walk on separated roads sooner or later, but for now I wanna have as much fun as I can 🧡
There are a lot of beautiful people over here who already told that they are okay with my chaos, but there might be some knew who will be confused XDDD
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featherymainffins · 2 months
Me when the narrator is an external entity with its own motivations and agendas and the script it makes you follow is not the one you are confined to but be well aware that all folly has its limits and all relationships might sour
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wildgorgeousthing · 1 month
"- suddenly struck by the motion and vivacity in him, by the rise and fall of his chest and the absent scuffing of his foot. Give the internet all the saucy mirror selfies they wanted, give them every single freeze-frame. They'd never get Dan."
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melancholictearz · 1 year
to the attention of writers
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trying to write the decapitation fic and it's like there's been a Franklydear Renaissance in my head. my fucking god those two
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aj-lenoire · 1 year
david didn’t become a preacher after the world ended because he found god. no one needed teachers anymore, no one was sending their kids off to school to learn math. the only way he could keep power and authority—and specifically power and authority over children—was by turning himself into a holy man.
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entomolog-t · 4 months
GtWAC Day 1:
Reblog your go to comfort fic
If you have not read The Stranding (and by extension, The Rescue) by the darling @belethlegwen you are deeply missing out! The sheer amount of content is truly a blessing, and considering its still being updated?? ASDFJHSLK
Belle is an incredible story teller, and this shines through in her writing so well I feel like I'm getting flashbanged by talent.
You know that typical writing advice about not introducing too many characters, especially early on as it divides the reader's attention?? BELLE STOMPS ON THAT.
I genuinely can't get over how much I am in love with her characters. I must admit- I am the typical reader with one too many bonks to the head that can't seem to focus on/ remember/ care about more than 3-5 characters- that is not the case here.
Every character she introduces has my interest piqued- each one feeling alive and at home in their setting. And its not just likeable in the sense of "oh I'd be friends with them" (and she absolutely has many characters I'd love to be friends with)- its these raw and real characterizations that make you like them as a character.
They have their own mystery to them too- even if its not direct. Her characters make you wonder more about their past and why they act the way they do. They can be frustrating, immature, stubborn, even cruel- but they feel so deeply real.
Both written works from Sizeable Ship Wrecks are among my favorite things I've read- both inside and outside of the G/t sphere to the point I feel as though I could shamelessly recommend this to someone outside of the G/t community and be confident they would enjoy it.
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bleaksqueak · 3 months
Woah dang, waking up to 99+ notifs on tumblr almost always means that an old Homestuck piece is going around again... imagine my delighted surprise to see it was all notifs about Soli! That was a great thing to wake up to. Felt an actual flutter in my chest. Thank you so much, everyone! And apologies for how Elias' hair keeps subtly changing. You always kind of figure out exactly how a character looks and how to draw them as you go along with sequential art. It, funny enough, largely comes from figuring out their acting (so lots and lots of different angles and features that need to shift/change slightly to carry the weight of looking like they should feel, for lack of a better way to describe it ) At any rate, glad to see people are excited for chapter 3! next update will be next week, and will be a two page spread.
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alectology-archive · 1 year
while it’s important that rj understood how prolonged exposure to trauma would mess with you psychologically on various axes - mental, emotional, spiritual, physical - it’s also very significant that he put in the work to question and explore how people could go about healing and recovering from their experiences with a realistic attitude.
sometimes they don’t heal - they don’t understand that they need healing, dismiss their instincts, or manage to bury all the complicated emotions they’re feeling. it’s seen when mat suffers from a severe case of survivor’s guilt whenever he survives a battle, and this is observed more obviously when he escapes from ebou dar without managing to save all the windfinders; he also doesn’t have the vocabulary to express why the abuse he suffers at tylin’s hands feels wrong, and his cultural background and his tendency to lie to himself prevents him from examining why this is the case. rand is simply incapable of dealing with the sheer physical, mental and emotional stress he’s subjected to without a support system to back him up - support that he’s specifically unwilling to ask for because he doesn’t want to be put in a position of vulnerability just like mat and has a very unique relationship with the level of autonomy he’s afforded and the abuse he may be subjected to as a result of his madness - and resorts to unhealthy coping mechanisms and internalises traits that also serve as an allegory for ideologies that toxic masculinity directly feeds off of; he reacts to aes sedai very badly although he eventually unlearns that instinct; he’s extremely suicidal, and lews therin works as an indirect metaphor for depression. egwene feels the need to be in a position of power whenever approaching a certain relationship (be it romantic, platonic or otherwise) after her time as a damane, and is often uncomfortable with setting down her guard unless she trusts the people she’s working with; rj has a very complicated track with his depiction of corporal punishment but he also touches on how it enables people in power to take advantage of it to abuse the people under their control through egwene’s arc. rand specifically laments how the sort of stigma and alienation that male channelers face will never really go away because of the fear ingrained into popular belief, and that’s also a very accurate depiction of how certain mental illnesses are received by society.
but rj puts in the extra work to explore how people who have access to support systems and are on the receiving end of patience and compassion are able to get on the path to recovery. he has nynaeve & co deal with the problem of deprogramming egeanin, the sul’dam and damane who’re thoroughly brainwashed by the seanchan. juilin is able to help amathera recover by being very sympathetic to her situation and protecting her from difficult situations that could trigger her ptsd. rj specifically spends a significant amount of time letting joline, teslyn and edesina slowly encourage the seanchan channelers to entertain the idea of their ability not being a curse and to even train to control it at the white tower. the maidens are able to get a read on rand’s discomfort with the dark and small spaces post dumai’s wells and are kind enough to always leave a light on in the dark for him; they also push rand to take his meals and care for himself. the asha’man are explicitly recognised as a group which needs to unlearn some of the toxic ideas encoded in the founding principles that rand introduced. rand himself is recognised to be in dire need of help again in the latter half of the series, although we never got to see the culmination of that arc, unfortunately* - but I have a theory that his arc as a hero is tied very closely to his ability to recover from the various traumas he’s subjected to.
wheel of time takes a very realistic stance on mental health and ptsd. more significantly, it recognises that trauma might not necessarily bring about a positive transformation in a person. and that’s okay.
*cadsuane’s arrival is the only one I can’t get a clear read on, and feels so obviously doomed to disaster from the very beginning given how her personality clashes with rand’s and with her introduction with the intent of controlling rand and never respecting his opinions or autonomy - but given how she’s criticised by the narrative, I’m inclined to believe that min’s reading might have potentially been fulfilled in a bittersweet way as her readings often are. if rand learned how to embrace his humanity again, I can’t imagine that she would have ever had a part to play in it that involved compassion or understanding.
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vibrantboredom · 9 months
I'm relistening to I am in Eskew at the same time as the Silt Verses come out and it's so fun seeing ideas introduced in Eskew resurface in TSV, like I just finished ep. 24 and the way the History Society works is so much like our new scary war saint!!! Obsessed
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lemurblog · 3 months
Is it wrong that im shipping alex the lion with my oc
it's not wrong. in fact it's important, and even essential, to ship alex the lion with your oc. if it inspires you then you're on the right path
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adamanteine · 22 days
make the fey terrifying again PLEASE
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girlprotag · 6 months
petscop and garage bad dream emulator in the same kind of genre where everyone would call it "disturbing and miserable" and while that may be true, im more inclined to describe my experience with it as "i am weirdly overly emotional over it and have deep fondness for it" . i think it is called the love element
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affiesque · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 奇蹟 | Kiseki: Dear to Me (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ai Di | Eddie/Chen Yi (Kiseki: Dear To Me) Characters: Ai Di | Eddie, Chen Yi (Kiseki: Dear To Me) Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Explicit Sexual Content, Breathplay, Explicit Language, Heavy Angst, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence, Fake Character Death, no one actually dies, an unsurprising amount of crying, but also a lot of comforting, background Bai Zong Yi Summary: Just an exploration of a couple of months post-canon. Ai Di grapples with his past and tries to figure out how to live in the present.
So this fic was an attempt to weave together some scraps of backstory we got throughout the show, along with some good old fashioned smut and a bit of fluff. (Please take careful note of the additional tags in case there’s anything that’s a no-go for you.)
Enjoy! 🖤
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seajestic · 4 months
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Recently read hell take us, heaven can wait by KivaEmber. Am now obsessed with the idea of Demi-Fiend Akechi Goro. Sometimes all you gotta do to solve your daddy issues is to just nearly die and then get turned into a half demon in the most traumatizing way possible.
If you wanna read it, link is below the read more
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