#ab exercises
body-hiit-workout · 9 months
6 simple exercises will help you tighten your abs in just 15 minute
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If you are among those people, that you are dreaming of losing the stomach muffin top, then you will need to undertake the abs challenge that today’s article has prepared for you because the stomach fat is something that is easy to be gained, but it is very hard to get rid of.
This challenge is quite simple and all you have to do is follow the instructions that will be presented to you. And after 4 weeks you will see positive noticeable results on the stomach.
First of all, you must remember to work your stomach at least 3 times a week, drinking plenty of water and incorporating healthy foods. That’s why you should start doing these exercises to tighten your belly.
So, follow the instructions:
1. For obliques: Lateral Plank
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Start with a side plank position. Place your arm on the floor, keeping it straight and in line with your shoulder. Lean your leg on the same side to give you support. Using the arm and leg on the opposite side, try to get your elbow and knee to touch and then return to the starting position. This is a double round because you have to do both sides.
Perform 5 sets of 20 repetitions each side.
2. Stretch arms and legs on the floor
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You should stand in the same position as in the picture and perform 5 sets of 20 repetitions without stopping for about 25 seconds. Remember to do this once a day, rest one day and then increase the number of repetitions.
3. For lower abs: V Ups
Lie on your back. Extend your arms and legs. Raise your arms as you raise your legs and try to touch the tips of your toes with your fingertips. Return to starting position and repeat. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
4. Plank
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If you are just starting to get in shape, is not necessary to use weights, but if you stay in the same position, wait one minute and after two weeks increase by 10 seconds.
5. Mountain Climber
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To start with, you can do 5 sets of 20 repetitions without stopping. This exercise should be done once a day with a rest day once a week.
6. Sit ups
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Lie on your back. Bring your legs to an angle of about 90 degrees. Spread your legs slightly and try to touch the space between them with your hands as you stand up. Perform this exercise quickly for best results.
You can do 20 repetitions of 3 sets
Share this exercises with all friends.They will thank you later when they burn belly fat!
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bodybybane · 3 months
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moniquejulia491 · 3 months
Master the Plank: Everything You Need to Know About This Core Challenge
<h2>The Lowdown on Planking</h2> <p>Planking has taken the fitness world by storm in recent years. This core-busting bodyweight exercise challenges you to maintain a straight plank position with your body weight balanced on your toes and forearms. While it may look simple, planking is deceivingly difficult and gets your entire midsection firing on all cylinders.</p> <h3>How Long Should You Plank?</h3> <p>When starting out, don't feel bad if you can only hold it for a few seconds - those abs have some major strengthening to do! As a general guideline, see if you can hit these minimum times:</p> <ul> <li>Women - Aim for 50 seconds</li> <li>Men - Shoot for 1 full minute</li> </ul> <p>Side planks are also great for targeting your obliques. Try to hold each side for at least:</p> <ul> <li>Men - 30 seconds per side</li> <li>Women - 20 seconds on each side, or a 10 second minimum if that's too tough</li> </ul> <p>Don't stress if you're not hitting the marks yet - consistency is key. You'll improve faster than you think just by planking a few times a week.</p> <h3>Proper Form > Time</h3> <p>Keep your back straight, hips square and engaged, and don't arch it up like a camel. Form is way more important than how long you hold it. Take breaks if needed but maintain that perfect plank alignment.</p> <h3>Strengthen Your Core Other Ways Too</h3> <p>Mix up your routine with other classics like situps, pushups, and cycling. Take the stairs instead of elevators when possible. A stronger midsection will help you plank with better form for longer.</p> <h3>Who Should Skip the Plank?</h3> <p>If you have high blood pressure, back issues like herniated discs, or a medical condition, check with your doctor first. Feel any shoulder, back or joint pain? Give it a rest until you're pain-free. Safety first - listen to your body.</p> <h3>Tips to Plank with Purpose</h3> <p>Focus on contracting your abs, glutes, and shoulders to really maximize the benefits. Breathe steadily throughout. For extra motivation, try incorporating planks into other exercises by pausing in the position for 30 seconds mid-set. You'll be planking like a pro in no time!</p>
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edwinteresa196 · 3 months
Tone Your Tummy with 5 Easy Pre-Bedtime Exercises
<h1>5 Pre-Sleep Exercises to Slim Your Belly</h1> <p>Did you know that before drifting off to sleep, we have some time to ourselves while our bodies wind down? Instead of just lying there, these few minutes are the perfect time for some belly-blasting moves!</p> <h2>Mermaid Yoga</h2> <p>For this exercise, lie on your stomach and use your core muscles to slowly lift your upper body while opening your shoulders. Try tilting your head back as you hold for 10 seconds. This stretch engages your waist and helps burn calories.</p> <h2>Sit-Ups</h2> <p>Everyone knows sit-ups are great for your six-pack. When doing this exercise, take it slow and focus on using just your abdominal muscles, not your arms or legs. Go at a gentle pace that your stomach can handle.</p> <h2>The Boat Pose</h2> <p>Start by sitting up straight with your legs together in front of you. Slowly raise your legs to a 45 degree angle while extending your arms parallel to the floor. Hold for 20 seconds, feeling the burn in your abs. Lower gently for the next round.</p> <h2>Leg Raises</h2> <p>Lie back and bend your knees towards your chest. Slowly straighten your legs to form a 90 degree angle above your hips, holding for 10 seconds. Repeat for multiple sets to tone your tummy.</p> <h2>Warrior Step</h2> <p>Stand tall and step one foot wide in front of the other. Twist your back foot slightly inward while extending your arms overhead. Hold for 30 seconds on each side to lengthen and strengthen your core.</p> <p>Give one or more of these simple pre-bedtime moves a try tonight. A few minutes of low-impact exercise before you snooze can leave you feeling flatter in the morning. Sweet dreams!</p>
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kristenjeremy94 · 3 months
Sculpt Your Dream Physique in 8 Weeks: A Total Muscle-Building Guide
<h2>Get Ripped - The Total Muscle Guide</h2> <p>Building muscle can boost your body and your confidence. Whether you're an athlete or just trying to look and feel fit, follow these easy steps to sculpt a shredded physique.</p> <h3>Warm It Up</h3> <p>Before hitting the weights, warm up your muscles with 5-10 mins of light exercise like jogging or jumping jacks. This gets your blood pumping so you're ready to lift without straining yourself. Don't forget to stretch too - loosen those hammies and quads for injury prevention.</p> <h3>Get Lifted Bro</h3> <p>Now you're good to go. Start with bicep curls - grab some medium dumbbells and curl them up and down slowly 10 times per arm. Do 3 sets with a short <i>H2O</i> break in between. Next, try tricep dips for that horseshoe look. Sit on a bench and lift yourself up and down 10 times, 3 sets again. Take it easy at first - form over weight, my friends!</p> <h3>Six-Pack Attack</h3> <p>Sit-ups are a classic abs exercise but they can bore you quick. Spice it up with elevated crunches - lie back with your feet on a bench and lift your shoulders off the ground for 30 reps, 5 sets. Feel the burn! Planks are awesome too - hold a straight line from your toes to forehead for 30 secs, building to 1 min over time. You'll thank me when those washboard abs emerge!</p> <h3>Push it to the Limit</h3> <p>Push-ups work your entire upper body like nothing else. Do as many good form push-ups as you can in one set. Rest 30 secs and repeat for 3 sets total. If standard pushups are too tough, try them from your knees. Every pushup brings you closer to bigger guns. Stay consistent and you'll be crushing PRs in no time.</p> <h3>Stay Strong, Stay Safe</h3> <p>Following a balanced training plan and getting enough protein will transform your physique faster than you think. Just listen to your body and don't overdo any exercises that cause pain. With the right fuel and regular work, you'll be buff and injury-free for life. Get pumping!</p>
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jeremymatthew33 · 3 months
Does Crunching Your Core Really Slim Your Waistline?
<h2>Can Sit-Ups Really Help You Lose Belly Fat?</h2> <p>Almost all of us want to lose that stubborn belly fat. As women, it's especially difficult to feel good about yourself when you can pinch an inch of excess skin around your midsection. That's why many of us are always on the lookout for effective waist trimming methods. Thankfully, there are now plenty of options to choose from. One exercise that often comes up is sit-ups. But can sit-ups alone really do the trick?</p> <h3>What Most People Think</h3> <p>According to surveys, the vast majority of women believe sit-ups can help shrink your waistline. They see it as a low-impact aerobic move that works your core without stressing your body. Not only does it burn belly fat, but supporters say it tightens abs and improves reproductive and pelvic health too. Compared to other cardio like running, sit-ups may zap belly fat even more efficiently.</p> <p>Of those polled, 30% said they regularly do sit-ups before bed specifically to flatten their stomachs. Many claimed they saw real results over time from being consistent with this routine.</p> <h3>The Skeptics</h3> <p>On the other hand, 15% of women were less certain about sit-ups. Their view was that belly fat piles on mainly because you consume more calories than you burn off daily. Therefore, the most effective fat loss strategy is to watch your diet and supplement with higher intensity workouts like jogging, cycling, or swimming.</p> <h3>What Experts Say</h3> <p>Experts acknowledge sit-ups can slim your middle - if done correctly. The key is controlling your pace and form. Rush them and you risk injury versus benefit. Also, pure numbers aren't as important as quality reps. Make each move purposeful while breathing deep to activate your core.</p> <p>Some three main tips for an effective sit-up routine:</p> <ol> <li>Lie flat on your back with feet flat and hands behind your head.</li> <li>Inhale as you slowly curl up, engaging your abs without jerking or straining.</li> <li>Exhale as you lower back down in a controlled motion.</li> </ol> <p>So in summary - sit-ups alone may not work miracles. But as part of a balanced diet and exercise plan with proper technique, they can certainly help shred belly fat over time for a flatter tummy. Just don't neglect other aspects of a healthy lifestyle.</p> <h4>The Takeaway</h4> <p>Try experimenting with sit-ups a few times a week and see how your body responds. Pay attention to breathing and form for best results. And remember - no single exercise is a magic pill for weight loss. Consistency with nutrition and movement over the long haul is what really pays off.</p>
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kimberlydakota957 · 3 months
Strengthen Your Core in 15 Minutes with These Quick Ab Exercises
<h2>Strengthen Your Core With These Awesome Ab Exercises!</h2> <p>Having a solid core is so important for good posture, strength and athletic performance. Your core is basically your abdominal muscles and lower back - it's the powerhouse that supports all your movements. Did you know that engaging your core is one of the first things your body does before any big exercise or sport? That's because a strong midsection helps you move with power and control.</p> <p>When you're working out your abs, listen to your body. Some exercises can put unwanted strain on your lower back. As soon as you feel any sharp pain, take a break. Going too hard too fast is a recipe for an injury. It's way better to do your ab exercises with good form at a comfortable pace.</p> <h3>Leg Raises</h3> <p>Lay on your back with your legs propped up on a bench or chair. Slowly curl your shoulders up as you raise your legs straight towards the ceiling. Hold for a one count, then lower back down in control. This exercise really works your upper abs. As you get stronger, use a light dumbbell held above your head to add resistance.</p> <h3>Hanging Knee Raises</h3> <p>Grab a pull-up bar with an overhand grip. Hang with straight arms and legs. Pull your knees up towards your chest as high as you can, hold for one second, then slowly lower back down. Go slow so you really feel the burn in your abs. Lifting your knees higher makes it tougher!</p> <h3>Seated Knee Raises</h3> <p>Sit with your hands behind you for support. Extend your legs straight out in front and raise your knees up towards your chest. Hold and lower back down with control. Make each rep count by squeezing your abs at the top. Bringing your knees higher or going slower gives your core muscles more work.</p> <h3>More Effective Ab Exercises</h3> <p>Other great exercises include leg lowers while lying down, cable crunches on a fitness machine, plank holds with variations like side planks, and using ab wheels or rollers. Try mixing up 2-3 exercises in your daily routine for a well-rounded core workout. Remember - stronger abs will improve your performance in all your favorite sports and activities!</p> <p>With consistency and good form, these core exercises will have you feeling that ab burn in no time. Let me know if you have any other questions!</p>
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yolandamichael267 · 3 months
Sculpt Six-Pack Abs with These 5 Core Exercises and Training Tips
<h1>The Complete Guide to Getting Six-Pack Abs</h1> <p>Have you ever seen movies where guys like Hercules have rock-hard abs and seem impossibly strong? As a kid, I always wondered if it was from eating spinach too! While spinach is healthy, the truth is those actors got their awesome physiques through hard work in the gym. These days, tons of guys are dedicated to staying fit through exercise.</p> <p>The most common question guys ask is: "how can I get six-pack abs fast?" Well, most "quick fix" methods you see advertised don't really work. You need a smart, sustainable plan to sculpt a shredded midsection like the superheroes. Instead of rushing the process, let me break down the key moves and strategies to help you build muscle the right way.</p> <h2>Core Exercises for Six-Pack Development</h2> <p>Here are some exercises that target the abs from all angles:</p> <h3>1. Side Bends</h3> <p>Stand up straight with your legs shoulder-width apart and arms extended out to your sides. Bend at the hips to one side, reaching your hand towards your foot. Feel the stretch in your obliques. Do 8 reps per side.</p> <h3>2. Leg Raises</h3> <p>Lie on your back and lift your straight legs upwards as high as you can without hunching your lower back. Slowly lower back down in control. Aim for 8-12 reps to start.</p> <h3>3. Bicycle Crunches</h3> <p>Pretend to pedal a bike by quickly alternating bringing each knee towards your chest. Go for 30 seconds to really torch your core muscles.</p> <h3>4. Planks</h3> <p>Get into a straight position on your forearms and toes to engage your entire midsection. Hold for 30-60 seconds for added definition.</p> <h2>Ab Training Tips and Guidelines</h2> <p>Incorporate these guidelines into your routine for fastest results:</p> <ul> <li>Warm up before sessions to prevent injury.</li> <li>Go slow and focus on form over speed - it's more effective.</li> <li>Cardio is a must too - try running, biking or swimming for 40+ mins 4x a week.</li> <li>Aim for a healthy, balanced diet to see your abs!</li> <li>Be consistent and patient - it takes time but stick with it.</li> </ul> <p>Remember that looking great takes effort. But stick to this routine and you'll be turning heads at the beach this summer with a body like your favorite superheroes. Let me know if you have any other questions!</p>
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bestfitnesslook · 6 months
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Ab Exercises
Does anyone have any good/difficult ab exercises? Also how long is everyone's longest plank (that they can remember)?
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topyourlife · 7 months
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Discover the top 7 ab exercises for a stronger core! Improve posture, functional movement, and overall strength with these effective workouts.
Read more: https://www.top.me/fitness/7-ab-exercises-for-a-stronger-core-18191.html
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fitnook · 8 months
How to lose weight in a month at home?
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The Ultimate 30-Day Weight Loss Guide
Losing weight in a healthy and sustainable manner typically requires a combination of 
Proper nutrition 
Regular physical activity
Lifestyle changes
While losing weight quickly in a month can be challenging, here are some strategies to help you achieve your goals.
Read more
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body-hiit-workout · 9 months
14-Day Abs Challenge To Lose Belly Pooch
With only two weeks, yes, you read that right, only 14 days will be enough for you to get that desired abs  and lose belly pooch with a very simple workout plan.
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So this challenge is quite simple and all you have to do is follow the instructions that will be presented to you. And after 4 weeks you will see positive noticeable results on the stomach.
If you also want to join them and get a Abs come summer, these exercises that will help you. The best part? You don’t need any equipment, just a mat or a padded surface for support.
14-Day Abs Challenge To Lose Belly Pooch
Exercise 1: ‘Leg Raise Clap’. Start lying on your back with your arms extended on either side of your body. Then, raise your legs together to form a 90° angle with your trunk and clap them behind your thighs before returning to the starting position. On the way down, keep your feet off the floor and pull your abs back up. Exercise 2: Inverted crunches. The starting position is the same as in the previous movement, but this time you must raise and lower your legs as a block and, when you have them up, slightly raise your hips to push your feet towards the ceiling. Exercise 3: Spiderman plank. Now, you must turn around and get into a plank position with your body resting on the palms of your hands and the tips of your toes. Then, bring your left knee to your left elbow, and vice versa. Exercise 4: Climbs. In the same position as in the previous one, bring the left knee to the right elbow, and vice versa. Don’t forget to keep a good rhythm during these 30 seconds. Exercise 5: Russian twists. This movement is very good for the oblique ab. You should sit on the mat and rest your bent legs on your heels. Then, rotate your trunk from right to left accompanying the rotation with your arms.
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Exercise 6: Inside and outside. Sit down and rest your hands behind you, on either side of your buttocks, lift your legs off the floor slightly bent and bring your knees in and out to your chest. Exercise 7: Plank with twist. Again in the plank position, but with your forearms supported instead of your hands, rotate your hips from left to right to thoroughly work your obliques. Exercise 8: Plank with opening. Now, get into a plank position with your toes and palms flat on the floor. Then, vigorously open and close your legs in a scissors motion. Exercise 9: The 100. This time, sit down and raise your legs slightly bent half an inch off the ground. Then, place your arms extended on both sides of your body and raise and lower them with quick, short movements. Exercise 10: Crunches . Lie on the mat with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Then bend your torso through your core while bringing your hands to your knees.
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Exercise 11: Mixed plank . Start in a plank position with the palms of your hands and the balls of your feet flat on the mat. Then, support the right forearm and then the left to then go up again supporting the palm of the right hand followed by the left. Exercise 12: Static plank . Now get into a plank position with your forearms and toes flat on the floor and hold for 30 seconds. Exercise 13: Ankle touches . Lie on the mat with your legs bent and flex your hips to one side and the other, touching your right ankle with your right hand, and vice versa. Exercise 14: Bicycle Crunches . This time, with every core flexto do a sit-up you have to bring your left elbow closer to your right knee, and vice versa. Exercise 15: Reverse Crunches with Leg Extension . The movement is the same as in exercise two, but this time you should straighten your legs well in the air when you return to a horizontal position. Exercise 16: Crunches with elevated legs . With the body still lying on its back, raise both legs until they form a 90º angle with the body. Then, bend your trunk until you touch your feet with both hands. Exercise 17: Mixed plank . Finally, repeat exercise 11 again.
You’re done! Chloe recommends performing this workout every day for two weeks to achieve a more defined abs in no time. In addition, to maintain the results it is important that exercise continues to be part of your life after those 14 days.
Share these awesome exercises with all your friends.
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juliahalefitness · 11 months
The Ultimate Guide to Flat Abs
What does it take to really get flat abs? Which exercises are most effective? How should you eat to see more definition? Most people chase the flat-abs dream at least once. Here’s everything you need to know to actually get results: The Ultimate Guide to Flat Ab Training. Here are the key topics I’ll run through in this article: Ab muscle anatomy How to effectively train your abs Eating for…
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fitnessmantram · 1 year
From Exercises at Home || Ab Exercises For Men || Best Ab Exercise || #Sho...
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wordsmatter09 · 1 year
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