#a/b/o lawrusso
thorniest-rose · 2 years
🐝 me again! hope you dont mind! i absolutely LOVED the show but now have no idea what to watch next to fill the void! i mean, i can see you are in the midst of a stranger things meltdown so should i give s4 a go? s3 was a bit hit or miss for me, plus the eps are so long!
re: yellowjackets au. you CANT say the word mate without me instantly thinking of a/b/o! which would make things even more nightmarish for poor daniel. esp if he either hadnt even presented yet or was hiding it then his medication finally runs out and the jig is up and the hunt truly is on. oh the delicious possibilities than can spiral from there. (image of the other cobras holding daniels head to the side so johnny can bite him. eek! this whole scenario is consuming me!)
hi!!! I don't mind at all, sorry for the delay while I've been losing my mind over Stranger Things and Eddie Munson!!!! I'm SO happy you enjoyed Yellowjackets, the ending was crazy right??? And how amazing was Christina Ricci? I felt blessed to see her in something good again. God I'm so excited for S2, I really hope it's on this year!! As for other shows I can rec, I'm really enjoying the latest season of Barry, which ends on Monday... it's very dark but very funny too, not sure if you've seen that. Plus I loved the latest season of Better Call Saul recently... can't remember what else I've watched haha, tbh I'm pretty selective when it comes to shows, there's so much I don't watch too.
And as for Stranger Things, I would say YES definitely give S4 a go if you haven't started it yet. I also thought S3 was just okay. Like I loved the storyline with Steve, Robin & Dustin but I felt like the show in general was running out of steam a bit. S4 has been amazing though, like I think it's the strongest season so far. The episodes are long, but it's needed for the number of characters and storylines there are now. Some bits aren't as interesting, like the Hopper in Russia storyline, but everything in Hawkins that explores the Satanic Panic; the new character Eddie who's accused of murdering kids and is based on Damien Echols from the West Memphis Three; Will's feelings for Mike; and the actual villain of the season and what he does to teenagers in Hawkins is all SO GOOD. Like I found it really fun and emotive and riveting!!! The only thing I want now is for Steve to come out as bi!!!!
God and as for the a/b/o Lord of the Flies / Yellowjackets idea I'M SO OBSESSED WITH IT I WANT TO CHEW GLASS. Like I know I've been going on about ST non-stop the past few days but this has been at the back of my head too. Like maybe Daniel's been taking his blockers, like Lottie on her medication in Yellowjackets, but it runs out a week or so after they've been stranded and it becomes more and more obvious. Like his scent gets stronger and he feels a heat coming on, and of course all the Cobras are Alphas because you can't be in Cobra Kai unless you're one, so he tries to avoid the others and hide it as much as he can, but eventually they find out.
And I'm just like. imagining Daniel going into his heat, slick running down his thighs, running from all the boys, but it doesn't matter where he goes because they can smell him even miles away, and they hunt him deep into the forest until they find him. And YES omg like you said... the others can play, but Johnny would be the only one who's allowed to knot him and claim him. Like the thought of them all holding Daniel's face to the side so Johnny can bite him on his mating gland is so hot. And Daniel tries to resist, hoping his body will reject the claim and the bite will heal, but it doesn't because Johnny's a compatible mate, and the bite quickly scabs over into a scar, showing everyone that Daniel belongs to him now.
And Daniel's terrified too, because he knows if Johnny comes inside him and knots him, he could get pregnant, and the last thing he wants to do is get pregnant while they're in the middle of the wilderness and have no idea when they'll be rescued, but Johnny doesn't care, he just wants to breed Daniel for as long and as hard as possible because Daniel is his and he's wanted to do this to him ever since they met. (Bonus points too if all the Cobras get to fuck Daniel during his heat because he can't control how his body reacts to them and it means Johnny gets a rest between his own bouts of fucking <3)
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amadeusevenstar · 1 month
okay shdbsnskjs small comic from the a/b/o fic i’m writing
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zerrah · 1 year
Next chapter of my ABO lawrusso fic is up!
Love Me Mercilessly (5899 words) by Zerrah Chapters: 2/3 Fandom: Cobra Kai (TV), Karate Kid (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence Characters: Daniel LaRusso, Johnny Lawrence, Terry Silver Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Alpha Johnny Lawrence, Omega Daniel LaRusso, Smut, Dubious Consent Summary:
Johnny said something else, but Daniel didn’t hear it. He swayed again, weak in the knees. Okay, he hated to admit it, but Johnny was right. There was something off. He didn’t feel great.
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Johnny with sexual dysfunction is one of my favourite Johnnys, as well as omega Johnny. So I had to combine the two.
Picture (CK era) Daniel and Johnny in bed together. Daniel's fingering Johnny's hole and sucking on his sensitive tits while Johnny squirms and pants. After a while Daniel comments, "Hmm, your slick isn't increasing. I don't want to hurt you. Don't worry, I've got lube in my nightstand."
"I don't need lube. I'm 100% all omega."
Maybe it's because of his age, or because his body has been suffering from the effects of a bad diet, alcohol abuse and cheap heat suppressants for the bigger part of his life. Perhaps it's a combination of both. In any case, Johnny feels like a bad omega. And despite Daniel's reassurances that he doesn't care and is so happy with Johnny, the all too familiar feeling of failure never fully goes away.
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cobrakatharsis · 2 years
abo au where terry is johnny's alpha and robby is their pup. terry and robby are always fighting because terry is a terrible alpha, and in one of those fights terry got tired and told robby to get out of his house. robby ends up like he was at the start of cobra kai, stealing and doing dirty stuff. terry gave johnny the chance to talk to robby face to face once in a month because the omega got way too anxious and worried to even work.
robby starts to work in daniel's company after he reminded his mom's old stories the only dojo that could stand a chance against cobra kai – miyagi do.
ohhhh my god i love this
poor robby growing up in an environment like that. he’s viciously protective of his mom, grows that way out of necessity, but he’s nothing against his father. he knows this. he fights anyway. it’s no real surprise when he’s subsequently kicked out in the aftermath of a vicious fight, but johnny starts crying at terry’s decision and terry won’t let robby anywhere near his mom to comfort him. johnny begs terry - on his knees, sacrificing every bit of pride - for robby’s sake and it makes robby nauseous, watching the way terry looks down at johnny like he’s something pitiful and pathetic. like he’s just embarrassing himself, crying for his son’s safety.
it doesn’t matter anyway. he still has to leave, and he leaves with the knowledge that terry’s mad at johnny again, and whatever happens in that big house behind him he can’t stop, can’t even get in the way of. he hates it. he hates his dad. and a small, childish part of him hates his mom too for staying, but the rest of him understands it’s not nearly as easy as johnny just following robby out the door.
so, robby starts work on making a place his mom could come to. he gets a shitty room to rent and pays out of his mediocre savings as he scrounges for work, but soon enough his savings are gone and he’s stealing and committing petty crimes to make it up. he’s already burnt out to hell when his dad contacts him for the first time a couple months later, saying he’s allowed to see his mom, and despite his burning resentment robby of course jumps at the chance. he’s missed johnny so much, been worried sick, but the person he meets in the garden - they’re not allowed in the house, terry said he didn’t want robby “getting any ideas” coming inside - is like a shell.
johnny is tired and thin, dark circles under his eyes, smaller than robby remembers him. he’s trembling as he pulls robby to him and holds him tightly and presses kisses to his son’s hair, clearly trying not to cry. he tells robby he’s sorry, like this is all johnny’s fault somehow, and robby wants to throw up. he wants to kill terry. but terry’s watching them from the deck, as tall and terrifying as he was when robby couldn’t even stand yet, calmly sipping a glass of whiskey, and he’s like a monster.
“i’m gonna get you out of here,” robby promises his mom, whispered against his neck so terry can’t see. johnny holds him tighter and doesn’t say anything, in the way he always does when robby says stuff like that. like when robby was eight and promised his mom that he’d “break dad’s face” if he ever pushed his mom like that again, or when robby was twelve and shouting and screaming because johnny was covered in bite marks and bruises and couldn’t even stand up properly and terry was just going to work and leaving him like that, and that’s not how alphas are supposed to be, right? that’s not how it’s supposed to be!
robby has to leave soon after, as terry’s decided. terry descends from the deck and puts an arm around johnny’s shoulders, and johnny goes silent. he looks so sad. terry tells robby, tone clipped, that he can see his mom once a month - “for his sake,” terry says, and the exaggerated, almost mocking, sympathy he wears as he strokes a hand down johnny’s arm makes robby want to rip him apart with his teeth - but robby agrees.
“make sure he’s eating,” he says as he leaves, to terry, a moment of sincere vulnerability in request of his mom being taken care of. terry’s eyes just narrow, and robby doesn’t hold out much hope.
he’s feeling more worn down than ever when he gets home. he curls up on his shitty mattress and allows himself to imagine the days he’d be curled up in bed with his mom, when terry was away for work like he so often was. when johnny would hold robby and stroke his hair and tell him stories, sometimes made-up and sometimes about johnny’s old life - he always called it his “old life”, meaning his life before terry - and with the recalled stories a connection suddenly lights up in robby’s brain.
the next day, after his shitty 3am-noon shift at a gas station, he heads to larusso auto, the place he’s seen advertised almost his whole life. he’s just intending on finding daniel larusso himself and hitting him with every question he wants to ask, but when he comes face-to-face with another suited alpha, all his nerve suddenly disappears.
daniel’s nothing like terry, though. he must pick up on something, somehow, because before he even knows what’s hit him, robby’s got an internship at good pay and daniel’s gotten him lunch. “standard fare,” he calls it, but robby doesn’t doubt that he just looks like shit. he wishes somebody could do this for his mom too, but it’s not until a few shifts later, full of daniel clearly doing everything he can to build a bond with robby, that robby finally asks.
“did you know johnny…” he hesitates, trailing off. he doesn’t know his mom’s maiden name, terry never let him mention it - it’s always silver, silver, silver - but daniel’s eyes light up with recognition anyway.
robby beams before he can stop himself. that’s it! that’s his mom’s name!
daniel asks him carefully where robby knows that name from, and his face is a picture when robby confesses, “he’s my mom.” a lot of different emotions pass daniel’s face, most of which robby can’t recognise or understand, but he feels relieved. this is really the daniel larusso, the man who knew his mom, the man who stood as miyagi-do and faced off against cobra kai.
the man who could do it again - could beat terry again.
daniel asks robby, very gently, why his mom isn’t around, why robby’s all underfed and overworking himself, and robby hesitates again. he’s quick to defend johnny, assure daniel that johnny isn’t a bad mom, didn’t just abandon robby, but continuing makes his throat want to close.
“he’s…he’s in a bad place,” he explains softly.
“how so?”
daniel looks concerned. sincerely, earnestly concerned, and he puts a gentle hand on robby’s shoulder, and suddenly it’s all spilling out. robby cries as he talks about his father, a terrible alpha who’s always treated johnny like dirt, always used him and then left him to fend for himself, always pushed him around and made him feel worthless, who has johnny still and robby wasn’t strong enough to protect his mom and he doesn’t know how to save him, and by the end of it robby isn’t crying out of sadness so much as crying out of rage. daniel pulls him into a hug, tight and fatherly and honest, something terry’s never done as long as he’s lived, and when robby’s calmed down he asks robby what his father’s name is, in that same careful tone, but this time robby can feel the danger simmering beneath it. protectiveness.
it turns into something far closer to the rage robby feels, when robby says the name “terry silver”.
daniel asks further questions. asks where terry and johnny live, asks if robby thinks johnny’s in immediate danger, asks for more details about the sort of stuff silver’s done, and robby answers it all. daniel listens attentively, and he expresses understanding and sympathy to every bit of vulnerability robby is forced to bare, and when he’s finally got enough information he pulls robby into another hug.
“listen to me,” he says, pulling back enough to look right into robby’s eyes, all care and earnestness, “we’re going to get your mother out of there.”
and when daniel’s beaten terry to the floor, and steps right past him to get to johnny but doesn’t touch him until johnny falls into his arms, at which point daniel holds him tight and promises him everything’s okay, robby feels assured for the first time that he’s seeing a good alpha. that his mom’s in good hands.
(he feels even more assured when daniel calls robby over too, and robby’s slotted between them to be held too like he’s a tiny pup, face buried against his mom’s neck as johnny cries. daniel squeezes them both tight and presses kisses to both their heads in turn.
yeah, robby thinks. they’re both in good hands.)
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desolateice · 1 year
Chapter 4  Ichariba choudee direct link here.
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rosesradio · 2 years
tbh i don’t typically like a/b/o fics but something about lawrusso a/b/o hits different and i’m into it
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sensei-venus · 1 year
when are u gonna post the lawrusso x reader a/o/b smut? super excited for it
Soon I promise, that thing took on a life of it's own, it's pushing 3k and I'm only like half done editing it.
Also it didn't help that I made two???
I ended up making a fic for the first part, taking place in the gym storage closet, then I made a second one that takes place later.
Which one should I post first?
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iwasnotaslasher · 2 years
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Yep, time to make a masterpost!
Links only to the fics and series in English, complete or in progress (no hiatus).
Vaniller (Joel Miller/Cobb Vanth from crossover The Last Of Us/The Mandalorian)
~ Until we collide again [multichapter 3/?: set right after Joel and Ellie leave Jacksonville. Before the Miller brothers part ways, Tommy gives Joel a radio to contact a trusted man who lives near the border with Colorado, just in case they would need help through their journey. His callsign is 'Marshal' and when they meet him Joel takes a look at him and already knows he’s fucked in so many ways. - rated E]
Dreamling (Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling from The Sandman TV show)
~ Curiosity killed the cat [multichapter 5/?: For some inexplicable reasons Morpheus keeps manifesting to Hob as a cat. In his journey to learn how to deal with a demanding Endless (and with his feelings for him), Hob will also learn how even a mere human can be as powerful as a god. - rated M]
DinCobb (Din Djarin/Cobb Vanth from Star Wars franchise)
~ Think I'll miss you forever (Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky) [multichapter 4/4: A/B/O where omega!Din and alpha!Cobb unexpectedly imprint each other and don't know how to deal with it - rated E]
~ The Ballad of the Marshall and the Bounty Hunter [series: A/B/O smut with feelings - rated E]
This is life [one-shot: post-S2E01 of 'The Mandalorian', back in Mos Pelgo omega!Cobb finds himself in a stress induced heat and alpha!Din offers to help him through it]
Break the silence (damn the dark, damn the light) [one-shot: post-S1E07 of 'The Book of Boba Fett', alpha!Din sees his omega!Cobb in the bakta tank and goes feral, they share the resulting rut]
Picture my face in your hands [multichapter 6/6: alpha!Din makes up his mind and starts courting omega!Cobb, only he doesn't know a kriff on how to court an omega, also is a bit of a problem they have to know each other for real before bonding happily ever after]
Stony (Steve Rogers/Tony Stark from MCU)
~ Je veux ton amour, et je veux ta revanche [short multichapter 2/2: post-Endgame fix-it with Superior Ironman, time travel and multiverse travel - rated E]
~ Hidden in plain sight [short one-shot: Tony is ranting about Steve with JARVIS, except there's not only JARVIS listening - rated M]
~ All flowers in time bend towards the sun [one-shot: Tony is half dryad and shows his feelings sprouting flowers from his hair, but no one can sees it except the people who truly love him - rated E]
SamBucky (Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes from MCU) 
~ Never give up (nothing comes easy) [one-shot: morning sex and intimacy between two soldiers still learning how to navigate their relationship - rated E]
LawRusso (Johnny Lawrence/Daniel LaRusso from Karate Kid franchise)
~ The one where Johnny finds out [one-shot: a funny, almost crack story heavily inspired by that FRIENDS episode where Ross and Rachel kiss for the first time - rated T]
Geraskier (Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier from The Witcher TV show)
~ His last dandelion [short one-shot: fairy tale style story with djinn!Jaskier and dragon!Geralt - rated T]
SuperBat (Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne from DCUM)
~ Under the light of a thousand stars [one-shot: A/B/O where Bruce is the last one to find out Clark is an omega and also that some “misterious” alpha had imprinted him - rated E]
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backinblack-80 · 2 years
CK/KK fanfic currently sitting in my WIP file, all waiting to be finished and published:
Johnny is a porn star
A/O/B Lawrusso long fic set in a world that does not want our boys to be together
80s rockband AU
Lawrusso kink gone wrong one shot
Johnny/Ali loosing virginity fic
Vampire fic featuring multiple parings
And more that I don't even want to give away!
Each one is a pretty, shiny object and I can't just focus on one! 😭
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pilvimarja · 2 years
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers (if you would like to)!
I was too sleepy to reply to this last night, but thank you for the ask! ❤ I have over 60 fics on AO3, so I think I'm gonna pick the ones that 1) were the most fun writing experience for me and 2) fics I'm exceptionally attached to.
The Lawrusso drabbles and ficlets collection (Johnny/Daniel). I spent most of 2021 working on these and it was the most fun and inspiring fic project I've had in years! I think it was also the first time I used prompts. My personal favorites in this collection are the a/b/o fics and the Livin' On A Prayer verse.
The World Was Built For Two (Patrick Hockstetter/Richie Tozier). I originally posted all my fics for this ship under a sockpuppet account, because the IT fandom was full of antis, but writing about these two characters and their horribly toxic relationship was a fascinating and challenging experience. I think this soul mark AU was the hardest of them all.
In Your Heart Believe What In My Heart I know (Thor/Loki). This is a Jotunheim AU that I worked on for over a year! I loved the worldbuilding I got to do for this fic and I even drew some concept art for it during the process.
Lucky Ones (Thor/Loki). This AU where Thor meets a newly genderfluid Loki in the Swedish countryside was pure escapism. I wrote in the middle of winter and poured all my longing for idyllic summer days into it :)
And finally, Love You Like A Lover Should (Mav/Rooster), which absolutely consumed me. I was so attached to it that I almost didn't want to post it and share it with the world :D
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zappedbyzabka · 1 year
Hi so I can’t write for shit but I have an idea I think I might have asked already but oh well
Daniel and Johnny are already 24/7 horny for each other but what if omega Johnny gets pregnant and they like impossibly become hornier for each other. Daniel comes home from the dealership, Johnny is immediately on his dick.
You didn’t think they could become hornier for each other but here we are
Yesss 😍 I love it.
Johnny is ten times brattier and bossier (and hornier) when he’s pregnant, which Daniel didn’t think was possible until it happened, but he’s totally okay with it—he’s glad Johnny trusts him to take care of him and their baby; he’d do anything for Johnny when he’s like this, full and glowing with his pregnancy—pregnant with Daniel’s baby, every time he thinks about it, a thrill runs through him; Johnny Lawrence, big, tuff, beautiful, omega who hated him in high school, now the mother of his child—Daniel's living younger him’s dream.
Johnny’s so grateful for everything he has now: a wonderful husband and alpha, a nice house, and a healthy baby growing in his stomach. He’s still surprised Daniel chose him as his omega; Sid always told Johnny that he was too angry and bossy for an omega, and his mother told him the same thing but nicer. Unlike other alphas Johnny’s been with, Daniel lets him push him to the floor and ride his cock till it hurts, then takes off his own shirt and folds it up to soften where Johnny’s head lands when he demands that Daniel fuck his pussy properly and get manhandled (gently) onto his back and fucked within an inch of his life. (Then, of course, spoiled within an inch of his life after they’re done.)
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thorniest-rose · 2 years
Daniel needs to go therapy but he also needs to nest.
omg... omega Daniel who asks Johnny to knot him during his upcoming heat because he really needs an Alpha but only trusts Johnny to do it. Johnny "reluctantly" agrees and they spend a wet & wild heat together (wet & wild sounds like the name of a p*rn magazine with pics of nude omegas) and afterwards Daniel high on endorphins and being bred (but not really because he's on birth control) builds a nest for them. To his complete embarrassment a few days later when the heat has gone and he's come to his senses. Johnny would secretly think it's cute tho and would be marking on his calendar when Daniel's next heat should be even though Daniel never said this would be an ongoing arrangement.
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jknip2 · 3 years
Absolutely losing my shit over all of us millenials simping over both 1984 and 2021 ralph maccio like the true thots we are
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lawrussorights · 3 years
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you're my nomad and i love you sideways, chapter III by poetdameron
Daniel gets into an unusual deal with his roommate, Johnny, and they pretend to be mates for the following six months. Even when they can't stand each other.  Chapter III: Reveals and deals are made.
Rated E | 11,531 words | Multichapter, 3/16 | Alternate Universe - A/B/O Dyanmics | Getting Together | Roommates
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desolateice · 2 months
recommend an author or fanfic you love.
This is going to be a bit long, so I'm going to start with a note. If you have any recommendations of something you'd think I may like please shoot them my way. I'm afraid my general way of hearing about new fics has gotten a little rusty. 😅
I'm trying to figure out a good way to organize this. 🤔 I guess ship alphabetical order? 😂 Note this isn't a complete list. I'm sure I'll have missed many. (Tell me your favorites in the comments so I can go oh I forgot about that one or have a new thing to read, because I for sure need recommendations) Binary Bros
let's do the time warp again! by unsaid_eddie Rating: T Complete Time loop story where I learned that the lights you see when you close your eyes real tight are called: Phosphenes. I enjoy a good time loop and kinda want to write one eventually but there's just something so fun that unsaid_eddie did with like chaos and stress and how frustrating repeating the same mistakes over and over and being unable to figure things out can cause. Binary Bros and Cobra Husbands
The Dearest Things I Know series by bat_country Rating: T Complete (There are two multi-chapter fics in this series)
There was for a while this headcanon that Demetri was secretly Silver's child and bat_country created this series where Demetri truly was secretly Silver's child. But via Dynatox experimentation he's Silver's and Daniel's. It's got cobra husbands and binary bros and angst and Demetri bullying his biological dad's who trip over themselves to try and each fight for his affection. The sass levels are high and I love that for him. Lawrusso
Just Another Heart in Need of Rescue by astla_ever Rating: T Complete
Okay so Johnny get's a mixed tape in his locker, falls in love with it during like the worst time of his life, realizes who sent it (Daniel, duh this is Lawrusso) only to realize that Daniel hadn't meant it for him. Someone put it in the wrong locker. But omg the angst in this was so evil (affectionate) and delicious.
Stunting by GoldStarGrl Rating: M Complete Cheerleader AU. It's got a non-linear time line and lots of angst but also cheerleading au both boys are cheerleaders do I have to say more? Memories Never Fade by lostmagician Rating: E Complete Amnesia fic. Set in CK, Daniel gets amnesia and doesn't remember like anyone but Johnny and Johnny's keeping secrets from him. This one is like another very angsty one but also so good. I'm realizing I read a lot of angst. 😅 Polyam Doubt series by an-sceal Rating: mixed but general E as it deals with triggering content Complete (maybe, there's a lot of multi-chapter and oneshots within this series) You will need an account to read it Both Johnny and Daniel are survivors of SA (Terry Silver) and end up finding out about what happened to the other and who else it happened to and previous students who were abused by Silver. Amanda and Daniel have an open marriage and take Johnny in and then slowly add him into their relationship. Johnny also is in a relationship in some of them with Dutch. Content is super heavy just fyi.
There are more, I know there are more but I was going through my history and hit a bunch of "deleted" which kinda bummed me out, so I'm going to stop here rather than try and find all the ones I'm thinking of in case they too are gone. Like there was a mer-Johnny fic I enjoyed where he was an octopus mer-creature that was in-progress and an a/b/o in-progress I was also reading. So I'm going to swap over real quick to writers, like real fast top of my head. Again not a complete list and I'm know for sure I'm going to go oh no I forgot ____. (Maybe rec a few writers I didn't mention in the comments?) WickedJade, Phoomwoosh, ZappedbyZabka, SecretSecret, mostpeculiarmademoiselle
from this ask list
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