#a vampire falls in love and rescues a mortal
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saraswritingtipps · 19 days
13 fantasy - Romance themed love tropes
Fated Mates: Characters are destined to be together by supernatural or magical forces.
Magical Bond: Characters share a mystical connection that binds them together, often influencing their emotions and actions.
Creature and Human Romance: A romantic relationship between a mythical creature (such as a vampire, werewolf, or fae) and a human.
Royal Romance: Characters from different social classes or kingdoms fall in love, navigating the complexities of power and duty.
Forbidden Love in a Magical Realm: Romance between characters of different magical species or factions, facing prejudice and persecution.
Rescuer and Rescued Romance: One character rescues the other, leading to a deep bond forged through shared experiences.
Magic-induced Love: Characters fall under the influence of a love spell or potion, complicating their romantic feelings.
Immortal and Mortal Romance: A romance between an immortal being and a mortal, grappling with the challenges of mortality and eternity.
Elemental Romance: Characters representing different elements (fire, water, air, earth) find love, symbolizing balance and harmony.
Shape-shifter Romance: A character with the ability to change form falls in love, exploring themes of identity and acceptance.
Guardian and Ward Romance: A romantic relationship between a guardian figure (such as a mentor or protector) and their charge, built on trust and loyalty.
Cursed Love: Characters cursed to be apart or cursed to love each other, seeking a way to break the curse and be together.
Ancient Prophecy Romance: Characters fulfill an ancient prophecy together, their love playing a crucial role in the fate of the world.
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pursuitseternal · 7 months
“Recalling:” update to ETL Astarion x Tav(OC) in “Our Blood is Thicker”
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Astarion x F!OC | E | 3.5K Dark Tragic Backstory
Summary: dawn before battle, Cordehlia ponders her past, recalling the monster she was… reassured by her companions that even monsters need someone to lead them, accept them, and in Astarion’s case, lust for her…
Dawn, Goblin Camp raid, Rescuing Halsin, Unaliving the Goblin leaders
CW: Violence, bloodshed, blood kink(umm vampire), trauma bonding with Karach and Astarion, Dark
Backstory for our F!OC, massive amounts of flirtation with the Vampire, effective use of the Tadpole as a way of communicating said Dark Backstory with everyone, NPC character death…
Previous chapter | ao3 link | Astarion Masterlist
Chapter 5: Recalling
Dawn kissed the woods, the soft light breaking, making the Emerald Glade really, truly verdant. Aptly named, Cordehlia thought to herself, sitting atop the knoll. She looked down into the sun. It had been decades since she had last stared into the sun, the dawn before battle.
But old habits die hard, as she knew. And a hundred years of shedding blood became more than muscle memory for her. A hundred years of the same pleading before her blade tasted flesh, begging for forgiveness, begging for mercy from the lives that would be taken today.
Pleading that when she falls to the slow embrace of death, that her judgment would be swift and just.
She could hear the rustling of her band awakening with the light. Strange, she pondered, musing how they all trusted her unendingly. Recalling all that she had done. Recalling all she had been. Foul and dark.
If they knew who walked among them… even the mortals, so young compared to her and the longevity of her sins… surely even they had heard tales…
Cordehlia took a deep breath, her mind turning quickly from those memories of battle. She tried to bury herself in that feeling of him…
That kiss, Gods had it felt good. Unchanged by the erosion of time, his fervor, his devotion. The pure flame that was Astarion’s soul, bright as the stars he was named for.
She could taste him, not as the vampire he became, but as… the one whose soul she had loved. It was magical, as if time itself stood still, being consumed by him, feeling his remembrance, the way his body transported her two-hundred years. It was… eerily the same. His hands… his taste… the little tangles of his tongue between her lips.
She closed her eyes. Gods, if she could give anything to reclaim that feeling, of being thrown back before… before all this darkness and blood. For both of them. Recalling what was once good about her…
Footsteps drawing up the hill made her almost leap from her skin, her fingers patting her cheeks, as if she could hide the blush that thinking of him called to her face. She didn’t want him to see her lusting after him so badly. Not yet, even though she suspected he would be more than pleased… perhaps pleasured even.
Gods, she swallowed at the thought.
Clearing her throat, she turned to smile at the uninvited company, but it wasn’t a handsome pale face leering down at her.
Karlach grinned, sparking brighter than the dawn. Her unabashedly joyful smile made her stomach sicken. “Seems I’m not the only soldier that needs a moment before battle, eh?”
“Seems that way,” she forced a smile, her hand patting the ground beside her a split second before Karlach helped herself to the company.
“You know, Cordehlia,” she spoke, drawing her knees into her chest. “I can see the way you love and hate the battle. Something you’re good at, maybe too good. But not something you chose for yourself, isn’t that it?”
“How…” the She-elf turned, every nerve in her body on fire to defend.
But Karlach just laughed quietly. “Because it’s a mirror to myself. I didn’t choose to become… what I am… Advocatus Diaboli, as Wyll was so quick to label me.”
She swallowed, voice still steady, even as Cordehlia could feel the pain flowing from her Tiefling companion. “I was also taken, not unlike your vampire boyfriend.”
Cordehlia groaned, but let the insinuation pass.
With a breath, she continued. “I was robbed of a future, imprisoned, experimented on… made into the person I am through no choice of my own.” Then, she turned those glowing eyes on the elf beside her. “But that doesn’t make me anything less than what I am. It doesn’t change my freedom now, you know, same as Astarion,” she nodded her head somberly, “same as you.”
Cordehlia scoffed. “I’m not free, however.”
The pain in her voice even pierced her own heart.
“I was never forced into being the dark thing I was… and I didn’t choose to stop being the creature I had become. I was forced to stop. I… I loved it. I lived for it, when I was in the deepest throes of that life. It was… thrilling. Addicting.” She breathed, bunching her own knees into her chest, same as her friend. “But I was brought before the High Council, deemed too dark for my own kind. I was forced to retire, to live peaceably alone. To atone for my sins and darkness…” She looked into Karach’s worried face. “You wonder why I’m not quick to condemn anyone as a monster? It’s because I would be their queen. I can’t condemn those who are less monstrous than I.”
Karlach said nothing, watching as Cordehlia turned her face into the light again. Watching those silver eyes flutter shut, her chest shaking with breaths as she struggled to continue. “They even told stories about me, to scare the young ones into submission, all along the Sword Coast, they still tell the fables about… what I was…”
A hot hand rested on the top of her knee. “If it helps, it is what you once was…” she grimaced, “once were.” She laughed at the correction. “And we monsters are glad for your company, your leadership, Cordehlia.”
The elf met her gaze then, as the tiefling’s hand slipped away. Her chin shook, eyes wet with unshed tears. Karlach just gave her a gentle, reassuring smile, “Hey, soldier, if anyone knows what it’s like to put yourself back together after being made a war machine, it’s me, okay?”
“Thank you,” she managed to reply.
“Now,” Karlach stood and smiled. “I’ve got your back, and you still got your soul, you hear me?” She waited for a teary breath and a nod. “Let’s go get a Druid who can get these things out of our brains and take out some Goblins, eh?”
Cordehlia managed a laugh, rising to her feet as well, hiding the sniffle she made as they walked back down to camp.
But her heart rapt harshly in her ribs to see the first face that sought her out as she made it back.
Astarion grinned his greeting, flashing those beautiful, terrifying fangs at her. “Morning, my sweet,” he bid, so happily. “I don’t know about you, but I had some of the most… delicious dreams…” That genteel grin twisted, desirous and bright. “Let’s just say there was a lot of pale skin, soft breasts and bright red hair everywhere I wanted it to be…”
Her stomach lurched. The rush of emotions from grief to lust, from self-loathing to desire… She placed a hand on her belly, her insides heaving at the all-too-rapid shift of her heart.
His eyes narrowed, scanning her blanching face before following the wake of the Tiefling. “What’s the matter?” he queried, harsh in tone. “Did Karlach do something to you?”
“No,” she took a breath, waiting for her body to return to her. “I’m fine.”
“You look it, darling.” He chuckled sarcastically, “Fine, I mean.”
“What? Not delicious?” she threw the taunt back. Her head clearing, her muscles easing.
“Always,” he growled, that sultry smirk instantly replacing any trace of concern. “For a moment I was worried that the idea of us fucking made your stomach sour,” he continued.
She gave a disbelieving laugh. “Once, it would have, you know,” she chimed, letting the barb catch him off guard.
He gasped in feigned injury, “Darling, I would be wounded,” he drew himself closer to her body, that slow, stealthy creep that made her shiver, “if it weren’t for the resounding past-tense of what you say…”
The implication hung in the air between them, in whatever minimal distance did remain between their bodies. And Codehlia let it, grinning, mouth twitching to think that it wasn’t inaccurate, his reading.
But she drew back a step. “You do know it’s morning, dawn before battle? We have much to accomplish before anyone can even dream of such delightful pursuits.”
“Yes yes,” Astarion flicked his wrist before tapping both hands on the sheathed daggers at his waist. “Infiltrate the nasty little Goblins, get the Druid, get these worms out of our heads…”
“Precisely,” she began to turn, but his cold, iron grip caught her hand from her side, pulling her after him, commandingly leading her back into his tent.
“I need to tell you,” he spoke quickly, quietly, once the flap fell behind her. “I’m not too fond of the idea of a Druid joining our ranks,” he grimaced. “They are loud and hot-blooded, and so… earthy.” His eyes skimmed over her body. “And they will be eager to mate with anything and everything they set eyes upon…”
“Jealous?” she grinned, folding her arms across her chest, an amused smile teasing her lips.
“Of course,” he replied coolly, eyes narrowing to that half-lidded stare that seemed to pierce right through the clothing she wore. “After all, I am just beginning to remember who I was… what we were… I would hate for some lusty wildform to waltz in here and ruin things.”
“Funny,” she continued to taunt. “You didn’t seem too worried about a human warlock the other night.”
“Please,” he shook his head, all wry-humored and sultry. “As if…” he gagged, “Wyll,” he spat the name in disgust, “could compare to my levels of charm and good looks.” He took a breath, his face softening in a seconds, crimson eyes wide as he looked down on her. “Which brings me to the next thing I wanted to tell you. I wanted to, to thank you for all our little understanding…”
Her brows furrowed. “Of letting you feed?”
“Yes, naturally,” he nodded. Sincere in every outward way. “You were my first you know…”
Her lips pressed firmly at his words, almost imperceptible, but he took note of the reaction. A little further hint to their past, perhaps, that he stashed away.
“You are my first living blood, first thinking blood. Drinking from one such as you was forbidden me. I was made to live on rats, mice, foul vermin, or starved until I was nearly too weak to be good for anything. That was my… reward… for the victims I would lure back for Cazador.” He spat the name. “A moldering rat as a treat for my obedience.” He huffed a disparaging laugh, scanning her questioning gaze. “I can see your thoughts, darling, why not just try to feed on my own? Well, as if I could disobey his command not to even try to sample something else.”
He looked so forlorn. As if even the words he shared couldn’t possibly describe what it was he endured. Suffered.
Unphased, he continued, “That’s the thing about vampire spawn, you know, they are compelled to obey, forced in their bodies to do… whatever is ordered of them.”
A moment passed between them before he looked up. Her eyes were soft, her face rife with concern. He was glad of it.
“Thank you,” she breathed. “For telling me.”
“I only wanted you to know my plight before we add another rutting male to our midst,” he crooned with a sneer. “I depend on you, you know, darling….”
Cordehlia gave a little hum, patting the chilled cheek of her rogue. “If you wanted to make certain I value you, Astarion, you don’t need to go to such lengths to convince me, you know.” She smiled, “A simple, please allow me to keep feeding on you, would suffice. Though your way with words is so skilled and eloquent.” Her brows raised as he began to smile too, “Even more than I recall.”
“Two hundred years of living on nothing but your wits and good looks makes you learn all things new,” he taunted in reply. Even as his smile didn’t reach his eyes.
“Is that why you pulled me in here alone, Astarion?” she pressed.
“Well…” he flashed that look again, the one rife with danger that made her belly flutter. “I wanted you to be my first thinking blood, you know… I wanted to know how you tasted.”
That last word sent her stomach fluttering again, her nerves burning.
“I wanted to thank you for such a favor, darling. And after the way you kissed me yesterday…”
“You kissed me, you mean?” she taunted, her face unmoving as she watched him take the barb in perfect stride. Making him smirk all the wider. All the hungrier.
“Regardless, you seemed to… enjoy it too. It just gave me ideas… of ways to thank you properly, you know.”
“Oh,” she grinned, innocent and bouncing on her toes. “You mean like fighting in battle today? Being a critical part of our party? Keeping me from losing all control on the battlefield?”
“And why would I do that?” he purred, letting his fingers stroke up the sheathed blade that hung at her side. “You are most attractive in battle from what I have seen. Magnificent, intelligent. Do not deny yourself that chance to shine, darling.” He leaned closer until his breath passed between her panting lips. “And besides, I’m certainly hoping that bloodlust from today becomes plain, old, carnal lust by nightfall.”
Her face is hardened, a distant fire behind her eyes. Her breathing is so faint, he had to lean in close to even hear it. “Take care, Ancunín,” she hissed. “You have yet to see the real monster that lurks beneath me in battle.”
“I hope she’s fearsome to behold,” he grinned, letting his hand wander up from her weapon, grazing her hip to tug her just that bit closer, to pull her against his body. “I’m sure she is nothing to be ashamed of, as one monster to another.”
She shivered under his touch. “You are not one, not compared to me.”
“Well, as you have said to me, darling, when you’re ready, I’ll listen. I’m all pointy ears, love.”
That made her huff a laugh, a slight smile peeking at the corner of her lips.
Nothing could come from her mouth. No words. No amount of gratitude, of awe for the way he didn’t push or recoil. His hand just pressed into her lower back, his lips waiting to see what she would do.
Hells take it if she didn’t give him a little sign of her thanks. She raised on her toes, pressing her lips to his.
Almost surprised, he accepted it, her quick little peck, letting her step away, out of the shadows of his tent.
The goblin camp stank, just as they all had, Cordehlia wrinkled her nose.
At least, the Druid was freed. But victory was far from near. Halsin brimmed with gratitude, even as Astarion failed to hide his eyes rolls. “Funny way of showing thankfulness, giving us another mission,” he grumbled as they left the Druid behind. Three Goblin leaders to dispatch would be no meager task.
Cordehlia shushed him, but he only continued to hiss his complaints as they crept deeper into the camp. “I’ll try not to think of it as helping, mind you, just gaining some other opportunities to dispatch more of these Goblin trash…”
“How altruistic of you,” Gale let the sarcasm fly in reply.
Astarion turned that insincere smirk at the Wizard. “You all keep using that word to describe my choices. I’m beginning to think you’re the ones who don’t know its meaning….”
“Hush,” Cordehlia rounded on the pair of them, only making Kalrach snigger as well. “We must be cautious, these are no dumb Goblins. They think us True Souls. It will take cunning, especially against Drow warrior Minthara…”
As if on command, the entryway opened to a greet chamber, the dark skinned, ruthless Drow bellowing orders at the other end.
Her sharp gaze glanced quickly. Her smile sickeningly twisted. “Speak, are you here to join the battle?”
Cordehlia stepped with all the confidence centuries of bloodshed could give her. “Hail, True Soul,” the She-elf nodded her head. “We are sent to aid in the ravaging of the Grove.”
“Prove it,” Minthara snipped, her hand drawing her blade. “You are not Goblin nor Drow, and as such, I have no qualms with spilling your guts on the ground for fodder.”
“Very well,” Cordehlia replied, more exacting in her voice than even her foe.
She raised her hand, calling upon the worm…
The ground ran red. Blood. Elven and wizard and alien, it smelled delicious. Her feet squelched in it, the lives of her enemies drained by her hand. She resheathed her dagger, bright metal, etched with a signet near the tang.
A Raven, a black bird in a dive.
She began to brush the blood from her coal-black armor. The pattern of feathers collecting the crimson running down her body.
Cordehlia took a deep breath, looking at her field of glory one more time. For her people. For herself.
Everyone gasped as they returned to the caves, their consciousness all stunned as her band looked at Cordehlia, up and down. Their minds all linked by the worm, her vision in their heads too. The recalling of her past, dark and bloodied, as it broke upon them all.
“My my,” Minthara crooned, impressed as she resheathed her blade. “I know of that blade, that chilling reputation. The Absolute surely knows how to choose souls for her service. It has been ages since you have been seen, isn’t that right?”
“Half a century, by the reckoning of my people,” she replied, her tone distant. Harsh. “They would like to think I’m dead. Forgotten.”
“That will not be your fate with the Absolute, and not with me, my Lady Corvus,” Minthara bowed. Low, bending at the waist.
She could hear the way her band’s breath froze. But she couldn’t reply. Not yet. “My company of True Souls needs a moment of respite, if you will give it to us. Those damned Druids depleted our resources, but we know where they are. My scout will give you the location once we tend to our needs, Lady Minthara.”
“Of course,” smiled the Drow, dismissing them with a wave.
She held her head high, marching them down to the corner of the cavern. Of course, it was Gale who stared Cordehlia square in the eyes once they were alone. “The Lady Corvus, Bone Picker, most intelligent elven warrior of her kind, so ruthless in battle, every bone of her enemies was left bare.”
She shook her head. “You see now,” she sighed. Mouth twitching. Eyes cold. “You all pale in comparison to me, no one can match my monstrosity.”
“Ahem,” Astarion cleared his voice right beside her. “First of all, you say pale and monstrosity like they’re bad things….”
“Astarion!” Gale snipped to interrupt, but the Pale Elf just held up his hand to silence him.
“You don’t know half the things I’ve done… that perhaps any of us have done. And yet you don’t turn us away,” he continued. His voice was smooth, gentle, not dripping in seduction, but wrapped in comfort. “We won’t turn from you either, you know, whether you are Lady Corvus, or just Cordehlia.”
“That’s right, soldier,” Karlach was the first to pat her on the shoulder. Rough and steady. “Why, I’ve severed more heads than I’ve kissed faces.”
“I’ve damned a thousand souls for Cazador’s meals,” Astarion added, a smile on his face. “Bet I’ve done worse than you, Lady Corvus…”
“You wish to compare body count?” she gave a single, dark laugh.
“Well, we know whose hands are bloodier now at any rate,” he quipped.
“You mean face, I believe,” Karlach pointed as she guffawed.
“Shhh,” Cordehlia suddenly held up her hands. “We are supposed to be evil. Not some silly band of youths here to loot and pilfer.”
“Tch,” Astarion smirked. “You’re no fun if we can’t do that…”
Minthara did stride over, frowning at the sound laughter and merriment. “Well, it is curious to see such mirth in the warriors of Lady Corvus,” she hissed. “I’m surprised, given the tales of your deeds, your bloodshed.” Her thin lips quirked. “Have the decades of seclusion softened you? Does the Absolute know of your…”
Her breath left her body. The quick work of Cordehlia’s dagger shoved between her ribs. “The Absolute can rot, and so can these brainworms,” she hissed into Minthara’s dark, pointed ear.
Cordehlia’s eyes looked into the Drow’s, watching the light fade from them, a dark smile on her lips. Then, those silver eyes flashed at the rest of her party. “Get them,” she ordered, a nod of her head at the rest of the Goblin hoard.
Gale and Karlach snuck off, the wizard’s hands glowing already, the Tiefling’s ax ringing in her hand as she swung if off her back. But it was Astarion who lingered and grinned at her, watching as she dropped the body of their enemy at her feet. “With pleasure,” he purred, snatching her bloodied dagger in his hand. The Drow’s blood dripping down the bright blade, the etching of the Raven near the hilt darkened red.
He licked her blade clean, his eyes locked into hers, watching her chest heaving, her eyes hazy as she watched every little flick his pink tongue made along her weapon before he handed it back.
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the-stage-manager · 4 months
Here he is, his name is Urzire. He is (was) a pirate.
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(Look at how pretty he is in these blue robes. He's so tranquil UwU)
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He is a tiefling charletan bard, college of swords, former pirate captain. He fell in love with Astarion while committing scams. Unfortunately he has a condition where he only gets the Brain CellTM during the full moon (dumb of ass)
He was actually born 150ish years before the events of BG3, in a small village. His parents were farmers and he has 8 siblings and is the second youngest. He was 5 when his younger brother was born, and made it his life's mission to protect him. His parents were farmers and, unfortunately, their village was razed when Urzire was 15. He lost his entire family, and was captured and sold as a slave.
For the next seven years, he labored deep beneath the surface of the earth mining for coal and rare minerals. At one point, he and a handful of others were trapped in a cave in, where they were stuck for over three weeks waiting for rescue. So... Yeah. He's not a big fan of the Underdark. Or the caves.
He secured his freedom after seven years and found work as a sailor. Though TBH he wasn't very good at the whole "honesty" and "not stealing" thing and he was a within like three months. It was a real quick turn around.
He met Astarion in a bar—Astarion, at this point, was only eighty years or so into his slavery, so he was, admittedly, in a different mindset. A little more desperate, a little less jaded, just starting to lose hope. They met at a ball Cazador dragged his spawn to; Astarion claimed to be a magistrate, Urzire claimed to also be a magistrate, and they then proceeded to seduce each other. Astarion wanted a victim for Cazador, and Urzire wanted a victim to hold as ransom. Unfortunately neither succeeded but, by sheer happenstance, they met up again in a bar months later.
Look, it's the perfect meet-cute: boy meets boy, boy1 confesses to being a vampire, boy2 confesses to having a hostage in the basement that needs to die so "I guess I wouldn't mind so terribly much if you happened to steal her away to eat..." Look, they both think they're manipulating each other, okay? Astarion thinks he's putting on a sob story to gain a powerful ally, Urzire thinks he's doing favors for a powerful vampire who will be in his debt. UNFORTUNATELY THEY BOTH CATCH FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER.
Honestly, who could have seen it coming?
The truth is revealed, they fall in love, Urzire makes plans to kill Cazador, he also reunites with his long-lost little brother (who is married and has. Tiny baby eee!) It's all very lovely and nice.
Except then it goes to shit.
His ship sinks, and he washes ashore on a tiny island in the Feywilds, because the fey who rules the island, Callipso, fell in love with him and wants to make him her husband. He resists as best he can, but Urzire is trapped with her, and she's a fey. She charms him, and takes what she wants, even though he doesn't want to give it. Every time they are intimate, he loses a piece of himself—literally. His skin turns grey, he loses his ability to play the violin, to sing, to do much of anything, and he's losing his memories. After 12 months, Callipso finally releases him and when he washes up on the shore back in the mortal plane, he barely remembers who he even is. All he knows is that he's in love with somebody, and they're suffering, and he has to find them.
He wanders aimlessly around the city, like a zombie, before a Nautoloid appears out of nowhere and BAHM! Tadpoled.
Except, here's the thing: time passes differently in the Feywilds. While only 12 months passed for Urzire, 120 years passed in the mortal plane.
And Urzire has no idea. In fact, when he meets Astarion, he doesn't recognize him, his memories are too fractured. But Astarion looks at Urzire and sees the ghost of a man who abandoned him, who betrayed him, who left him to rot for over a century. He doesn't believe it at first. But once he realizes... It's bad. He bites the Tiefling that night with 100% the intention to drink him dry. But Urzire seems completely in the dark and that throws him off.
They fall in love slowly. Urzire continues to show Astarion relentless compassion and, at first, the vampire wants none of it. But slowly, he warms up to it. He pieces the story together from the bits and pieces Urzire tells around the campfire—the Tiefling was just as trapped as he was, in many ways. He's still bitter... But it fades. He falls in love.
By the time they reach Baldur's Gate, Uzire still doesn't recognize him, but he's fallen in love, and he feels guilty about it—after all, he loves somebody back in the city, somebody who needs him.
Astarion tries to hint at the reality of the situation but doesn't have the courage to tell him outright. So when they reach the city and Urzire realizes how much time has passed... It's a doozy.
But it gets worse. Remember that bit where Urzire reunited with his long lost little brother, who is married and has a child? Well, when Urzire disappeared, Astarion didn't handle it well. He hoped for a long, long time but eventually gave up and his hope died and became rage. He took his anger out on Urzire's brother by stealing their young child in the dead of night (Astarion had been invited into the home, he had been Urzire's partner after all) and presenting him to Cazador to be eaten.
It's a secret that Astarion intended on taking with him to his grave. Until... They arrive in Cazador's palace and three guesses who's in that cell with the rest of the malnourished spawn? That's right. It's the little boy. Urzire doesn't actually recognize him, he'd only been a baby when he saw him last, as Calliope fried his memories pretty badly. In fact, Astarion doesn't even realize he's in there because he's too emotionally charged after the confrontation with Sebastian.
But after Cazador is dead, and they're climbing up the stairs to leave the palace, the realization hits Astarion in the chest like a fucking freight train. To his credit (perhaps he's only able to do it because he's already so emotionally numb), he tells Urzire and they go find the little boy, and Urzire insists on taking him back to camp.
He and Astarion do stay partners, even though their relationship is a little bit strained for a while after, understandably so. But they work it out, and Urzire goes on to adopt his nephew. Instead of living in the underground with the spawn after the game, he and Astarion and the boy immediately head to Waterdeep with Gale (because they are homeless lol) to start researchih cures for vampirism. Which they eventually find! Because it really isn't all that hard to cure vampirism in DnD.
So that's it. That's the story of my son.
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eomma-jpeg · 10 months
Lolol i could provide a silly lil au here for you guys. It's not super well thought out but I um watched twilight and had vampires on my brain.
So Knives and Vash are obviously vampires thats a given, but Knives is the recluse who lures people into their castle or whatever has no qualms about feeding on humans and Vash is so enamored with humans. He thinks they're so cute and only watches them from afar for years and years until he finally builds up the courage to go and hang and he realizes they're not these lil pets they're like Sentient Beings
Whatever whatever MILLY is a werewolf, has been from birth but grew up around humans. Her family is so integrated and intermixed with humans that their scent is often masked by the human pop, so Knives doesn't realize for a long time that there's a werewolf clan like Next Door
Blah blah blah something happens like Vash is persuaded into bringing humans to Knives bc they like Vash and don't know he's a vampire and Knives is a manipulator obviously sooooo Vash (whos powers are dulled bc of poor feeding habits) lures sweet "innocent" Milly to the castle. She's nice and she doesn't say no to things and Vash knows that unfortunately
Cue Knives rolling up and being like "ehehe this big woman will make a lovely meal" and then chomps down.
Milly: "wow your bite is nothing like my brother's"
Knives: My Ego... Owie
And obviously Milly knew she was being led into a trap but she's wanted to come to the castle for ages !!! But she never had the chance to go in bc 1. She's a werewolf and 2. Meryl would never let her go on her own (meryl was indisposed this time lol... out of town)
So Milly's just happy to find out she has vampire neighbors lol. She's not particularly happy that the first thing they did was bite her but Millys also not going to admit that she Kind of Liked It
I have.... yet to decide if werewolf blood is good or not to vampires
I could see Knives avoiding drinking it just out of pride and I could also integrate the idea that werewolf blood sucks but I don't wannnaaaa
I want Knives to obsess about Milly bc that's the only way he knows how to like... love? He met her once and now he can't stop thinking about her !!! And so he's gonna do some dumb things to get her back to the castle lol
Like venture into town for the first time in a century and maybe get himself into trouble and Milly and Vash have to come to his rescue lol
And I want the classic scene where she offers her blood to him and its sexy and cool !!!
Romanticize vampires ??? Who, me ?
Uh and this is the classic werewolf in that they lose themselves on the full moon every month and Milly normally locks herself up with her family and they just chill for the night
But what ifff the town figures out Milly is a wolf and they capture her and are mean and Oh No! Knives goes into a blind rage bc he can sense she's in trouble and he may or may not take down some townsfolk
(Much to Vash's dismay)
But yeah I just like the idea of Knives having gone unchallenged in his power for a long time only to have this podunk small town girl who is So Powerful just fight back against him ONE TIME and now he can't stop thinking about her.
Wolfwood and Livio are in this au but I haven't decided where I want them. I think just they'd be townsfolk that help protect the family secret.
(Oh and ofc there's a tragic "Immortal Monster Vash falls for a Human and they live their lives together but Meryl ofc is a mortal and can't live forever....." lil side aspect)
But mostly I wanted the silly scene of Knives biting an innocent town woman only to find out she's a supernatural being who tastes really good and why can't he stop thinking about her ????
Thank you for letting me indulge in this nonny lolol
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albatris · 1 year
Hiii tell me all about Nat I love him sm
Hi hello! Absolutely I can tell you about Nat! I’m glad you like him and thank you for the question!!
Here is a big ol' chunk of words, some bits I've nabbed from other posts, too :3
Nathaniel Felix Finch, a good boy, a sweet boy! He’s the protagonist of our silly little horror trilogy, much to his dismay
He’s 25 years old and works at Stop ‘N’ Go 24/7 Petrol and Convenience, where he is prone to falling asleep on the register and shoplifting (both encouraging it and participating in it <3). He’s a bit of a hermit, not because he doesn’t want friends, but because he’s awkward, anxious and paranoid. He’s got schizotypal personality disorder like me, so it’s tough for him to engage with the world and feel comfortable
His story kicks off when he wakes up on the side of the road in his rental car covered in dirt with no memory of the past nine days. All attempts to return to regular life are quickly thwarted when it becomes apparent he’s turning into something inhuman and ravenous. He spends a week in agony and coughing up blood and almost passing out in public and being starving and existing in constant sensory overload… which reaches a gory climax when he kills and eats someone in a botched robbery of his petrol station and he's like Ah Fuck Apparently I’m A Vampire Somehow And I Just Ripped Someone’s Throat Open I’m Going To Go Have A Panic Attack Now
He is yoinked from mortal peril by shifty fucking bastard with a mile long list of ulterior motives perfectly ordinary kind selfless human person Quinn Cooper, and a bonkers plot ensues <3 Book one mostly sees Nat struggling with his new condition and trying to figure out what happened in his blackout and why he got vampired, and slowly uncovering the grim secrets Quinn is hiding. Book two and three wander into more “Nat Finch Is Going To Kill And Eat Vampire God (The Garble)” territory
What to say about Nat… hm…
He’s an excited, friendly, cuddly lad, if you can get past his layers upon layers of anxiety! He loves people although he’s afraid of them, and believes people are good and that he can do good in the world. He’s prone to bouts of depression and apathy on occasion, though, and especially struggles to balance his kind, gentle nature with the fact that he now has to eat people to survive. He's got a big existential crisis coming hahahaha
He loves animals! He regularly donates to wildlife charities despite not having that much money to begin with, and used to volunteer at a cat café for rescue cats (with Yvonne, another of our main characters!), and only stopped due to his social anxiety. He has a sweet little rescue kitty named Grub, who's just the scrungliest ugliest thing you've ever seen (he'll cry if he hears you say that, though). He's been a vegetarian since he was 17, and still considers himself one despite the fact that he's now an entire vampire who preys on humans. So you get like..... bits in the story where Nat drains some guy like a capri sun then the next day is like "no I can't come to check out the new Korean BBQ place with you Quinn I'm a vegetarian :((( you'll have to take someone else :((("
He's also a good cook and especially loves cooking for other people and sharing meals! This is one of the most common ways he shows affection :3 If Nat drills you about your favourite food and offers to cook it for you sometime, this means he wants to be friends :-) Most of his dishes are vegetarian, but if he really, really likes you he’ll cook meat as long as you ask nicely
He loves to be useful! He’ll gladly rush around and help with errands or putting furniture together or organising things. If you tell him you appreciate him or he did a good job he will bask in that compliment for weeks like a golden retriever that’s just been told it’s a good boy haha
Tragically he can be a bit of a doormat, especially at the start of the story. Though he pretended to be fine with his solitary lifestyle and loneliness, he’s always desperately wanted connection and friendship, and this makes him prone to letting people take advantage of him or manipulate him.... purely because at least that way he feels "useful", and they're more likely to keep him around...... he improves a lot on this front, though, so don't fret! We get to see the lad's self-esteem improve! He initially doesn't really like himself that much, but the story gets to see him come into his own and find his values and worth....! He's a good, kind, intelligent person with a lot to offer, he just takes a while to figure it out!
Oh also he's a huuuuge drama queen and is completely willing to play up being sad and pathetic to get what he wants <3 this is an important Nat Fact to know
Hmmmmm.......... what else......
So, it becomes clear as the story goes on, he’s not exactly a regular vampire… he can access a lot more of the Garble hivemind’s power than other vampires can, which left unchecked can result in an overload of power affectionately referred to as Monster Mode Nat :P a big ol’ body horror vampire creecher! Violent and aggressive and jumpy, out of control. It’s usually a state of intense fear for him, something that occurs when he’s in very dire straits, when he or his friends are threatened, etc etc… a Nat too far in Protector Mode, basically, that can easily become dangerous even for the people he's meant to be defending. He is still able to recognise Friends, though it takes him more effort, but struggles to make sense of unfamiliar people as anything other than resources, food or threats
As far as regular vampire Nat in the day-to-day goes, he's prone to all the usual vampire instincts. He’s got extra anxiety and paranoia and jumpiness on top of what he already had, he's got that usual insatiable insufferable vampire curiosity, he loves to bask and be cosy and snuggle with friends. He can purr and it's extremely cute. He has a moderate to severe allergic reaction to sunlight though it won't kill him immediately, he struggles with garlic much to his despair as a cook, n he has an extremely high prey drive that he has to work very hard to manage
Oh and Nat mostly preys on rich pricks and abusive bosses, as well as the occasional creeps at bars, which is very valid of him <3
Anyway yeah! This has been Nat Posting with Monday! I hope you have enjoyed these Nat Facts <3
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mermaidsirennikita · 8 months
One thing I do love about high stakes paranormal romances is that you typically do get to see old couples with an HEA come back, and while you know their HEA will last (this is why I always scoff at IAD readers who feel like "someone" has to die in the ultimate endgame... they don't.... lol at least not permanently; you can kill randoms, but you can't kill romance couples) you get to see them imperiled a little? And the Drama?
--in Kristen Callihan's Soulbound, we have an existential threat to the hero, which in turn creates an existential threat for all the supernatural creatures he's "sired", including two!!! Former heroines. Whose heroes subsequently get to cradle their prone forms (in the case of Jack and Mary of Shadowdance) or basically burn the house down in a case of werewolfy insanity (Ian and Daisy of Moonglow, one of my favorite romance couples of all time, who only got better through him literally growling over her prone form, I swooned).
--in Kresley Cole's Lothaire, when Mariketa of Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night (a book that was 8! installments prior) attempts to reach through a mirror and rescue/kidnap Ellie, only for Lothaire's Contractually Obligated Friend to cut her hand off (it grows back it's fine). Kresley just writes that Ellie hears a "beastly roar", but if you've read all the previous books, you know that's Bowen, Mariketa's husband/beast familiar werewolf man, who is VERY UPSET.
--and on a flip side, in Kresley's Sweet Ruin a few books later, you see Lothaire being very typically flippant about a Big Danger he's been called to help with, and Ellie isn't even named; but if you're a series reader, you understand exactly how the mood shifts when he snaps to the "female vampire" next to him to get the hell out of dodge IMMEDIATELY
(Kresley does not elaborate if she does, and it's Ellie, so I assume she Does Not)
This is also a benefit of being a series reader, of course; and I'll never be over the pure geeky joy of seeing two people I watched fall in love and be stupid for 400 pages come back to be in love and stupid on the sidelines, sometimes with MORTAL DANGER.
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ipsey · 9 months
Oh so @osatokun asked about my Balor/vampire pairing. I’ll write it out so I don’t forget, and later after I’ve talked to the artist and gotten permission, I’ll share the art I have of them because they’re super cute.
So I made this ghoul, Tansy. She’s the most vanilla mortal I can make as a base, + Auspex and Potence at one. So she’s a little bit strong, and has heightened senses. She’s shy, she’s socially awkward, she’s addicted to her noise cancelling headphones and true crime podcasts. Her motivation is to find her sister, who has been missing for a few years, and her case is cold and she has no new leads. Her domitor, Gerhart, is this super old extra sexy handsome and charming guy, and he promised her he’d help her find her sister, but first he has to train her to be not shy and dress sexy and learn how to tango. This absolutely terrifies her but she’s a ghoul and has no choice. He’s also a Tremere so she is like… the absolute lowest peon in the vampire hierarchy, addicted to pleasing a man who’s only interested in shaping her to what he wants her to be.
And then his player gets booted from the game for being a sex pest. Oops!
The ST scripts his death so he dies trying to get knowledge from a Gangrel Elder swamp witch. Before he undergoes her trials, he makes her promise that if he dies, she will take Tansy as her ghoul. The session before he’s booted I make jokes about how Tansy will be way happier as the Swamp Witch’s ghoul. He fires back that she probably doesn’t have electricity or wifi and I let him know that he’s deeply underestimating the appeal of living as a bog witch.
So the ST asks me if I’m cool with being her ghoul and I say sure! I’m always up for a traumatic turn of events. The Tremere Alastor (vampire police) drags her out to the bog to find her domitor’s remains, and the forest witch tells them that Tansy belongs to her now, actually, and if they want the remains, they’re down at the bottom of the well. The Tremere makes her go down the well by herself and gather the remains and his belongings.
That’s when she meets her first fae.
She meets a wichtel (a German digger fae) and she promises to pay him in pomegranates if he lets her live and helps her escape the well. He agrees, and he shows her two doors. I’m aware of other people trying the two doors before - the wooden door is always locked, the metal door leads back to the city. Tansy tries the wooden door first, it’s still locked.
So she knocks.
It opens to a trod (not that she knows what a trod is), and she enters the dreaming for the first time. Alone, she follows the silver path into a dark and shadowy forest, where something is watching her. She tries making friends and small talk, but nobody talks to her. She follows the path to a lake, but before she goes, she writes a thank you not to the shadows, and then heads into the lake, emerging on the shore by the city bridge.
She returns all of her domitor’s things to the chantry, and they walk her out with her little cardboard box of belongings and she goes to live in the bog. She’s out there a night or two when she runs into another vampire. A huge vampire. A big, scary, intimidating punk named Nails. But he doesn’t know she’s a ghoul, and she doesn’t know he’s a vampire. But she’s in her master’s territory, so she’s safe to a degree. She warns him off, and tells him that she’s looking for her sister. He offers to help her, and she doesn’t trust him, but agrees to meet him later.
There are many adventures they go on. She figures out he’s a vampire when he rescues her from being kidnapped by a spider monster and takes her out to eat, but doesn’t eat anything. She tells him he can kiss her, but he refuses until he can show her his face - he’s a Nosferatu! But she sees him and kisses him anyway, because he’s her hero and the only man who’s ever really shown up for her.
They fall in love! She keeps going down into the well and meets dragons and chimera and monsters that try to eat her. She’s strangely not scared about this, even though she’s scared of everything else. He takes her to cover up a masquerade breech, and while she’s there, she discovers a way to open a little portal to the dreaming where she talks to a captive duchess. While she’s talking to her, she hears the voice of her sister. Tansy tries jumping into the portal but Nails stops her.
Eventually they find her sister, who is now a Boggan. Her sister recruits her to trying to free the Duchess, and Tansy gets more and more involved in the fae world and more and more fae things keeps happening to her.
Eventually she finds out she has the soul of a long lost Balor princess in her, and thus begins the struggle of learning more about Princess Tanwen and her past, and keeping her asleep so she doesn’t have to give up her beloved Nosferatu husband. Her fae parents find her - her mother heals her with blood magic and she gains the Balor flaw of scales on her skin. She rescues her father’s heart and convinces him to free the duchess.
She discovers an evil duke has been manipulating fate to keep her story in line with the way he wants it to go. She discovers he had her husband embraced on purpose because he has the fae soul of her one true love. She’s been frantically searching for a way to restore him and bring back the soul of her fae love while keeping her own fae soul asleep — and she’s getting very close to figuring out how.
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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ㅤ 𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝑻𝒐 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕
Were you a good person? How many sins have you committed? Welcome to Hell, my filthy little mortal…
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The rules are -as always- the following:
➡ No minors. This is a NSFW event. Please be polite when requestiong. Will chose from the requests which one write in no particular order.
➡ You can request charaters from One Piece & Bleach (no minors)
➡ Send as many requests as you want, I will pick some of them. No limit this time! I will however close my requests at some point, but I will post about it! 💜
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Send me your request with your preferences
Character(s): (up to 4 in case u want orgies)
Nature of your character: demon/oni*/yokai*/ human / shinigami/ hollow
Your nature: human/demon/yokai*/oni*/shinigami/hollow
Gender of reader: any is ok, please don't forget to add afab/amab if GN! (for better smut)
Kinks: any you want except non con / Sashi's choice.
Place: Jigoku (hell) / Meido (a softer Hell or Hueco Mundo)/ Earth
Any prompt?: pick one from the list underneath or I'll chose one for you
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➡ Oni
If you wanna chose special types of oni I will try to adapt them to you/your character. Some of them are:
Simple/basic demon.
Succubus / Incubus
Asura (be wise here) – Zoro’s Kyoutoriu form
Enma Daio (the devil itself)
Shiroku and Shimyō (Enma’s demonic secretaries)
Iso onna – dangerous vampires that fed of blood and hunt for fisherman/travellers/ pirates
Hinoenma – femme fatales of the demonic world, attract men with beauty and destroy them.
➡ Yokai
If you wanna pick a yokai please keep in mind that:
You can pick any type you want, such as kitsune, kitty, snake, etc
Will write yokai! characters that look like humans, take Tomoe from Kamisama Kiss as an example, he has cute little ears and a tail, but he looks like a human man.
Won’t write nsfw with them in their animal form
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➡ Optional Prompts (may add more)
Sodoma & Gomorra (orgy / party)
Rescue me from Hell.
Selling your soul to the devil
Did you seriously expect to be sent to heaven?
The King of Hell/ “If you tell a lie, Enma will rip out your tongue”
If you wanna go back to heaven, we can make a deal.
Welcome to hell – welcome party
The Snake Sin.
Can you fall in love in hell?
The chains of hell are unbreakable.
Purgatory; chose your punishment, eternal pain, or eternal pleasure?
You are a yokai?
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wickedlcvely · 4 months
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𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖚𝖉𝖎𝖆 𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖗
›  :・゚ ⧼  antonia gentry ,  cis woman ,  she/her ,  interview with the vampire.  claudia  mercier  is  a  21 ( 127 )  year  old  vampire  who’s  been  in  chance  harbor  for  2 weeks.  the  socialite & author  is  known  for  being  charismatic  on  a  good  day  and  bitter  on  a  bad  day.  they're  often  heard  listening  to  body bag  by  neoni  and  can  be  described  as  a smile half charming & half feral, clever as the devil & twice as petty, burying regrets six feet under, infamy follows in your wake.
✧ pinterest ✧
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full name : claudia mercier nicknames : claudia age : 127 ( 21 physically ) birthday/zodiac : june 13 / gemini gender/pronouns : cis woman / she/her sexual orientation : pansexual species/affiliation : vampire occupation : socialite & author family : john romain ( father, deceased ), anna mercier ( mother, deceased ), helen romain ( aunt, deceased ), lestat de loincourt ( vampiric maker ), louis de pointe du lac ( vampiric brother ) personality traits : charismatic, bitter, vengeful, independent, cynical, careless, moody, lonely, emotional alignment : chaotic neutral
( trigger warnings : vague mentions of parental death, parental abandonment, physical abuse, death )
claudia was born in a different time and to entirely different circumstances than the ones she currently faces. her birth was a mistake, an accident of passion between two young people who weren't prepared for a child. her mother died in childbirth as was common in that time, and her father had no desire to be a father to a bastard child. instead, claudia was given to her maiden aunt, a gift, he would later claim. her early life was remarkably unremarkable in any way. she had chores, went to church on sundays, and tried to avoid beatings by her bitter aunt.
it wasn't until the fires in storyville that her life changed. she was rescued from the fire by what she thought was an angel and changed by another. only, they weren't angels but vampires. demons, her aunt would have said. but they didn't seem much like demons to her. either way, she was thrilled with the new life and what it offered her.
while she was initially enamored with the new, extravagant, carefree life she'd been given, that love soon turned to bitterness as life passed by and yet, she never changed. she initially played by the rules she'd been given, but after accidentally killing a mortal boy she'd become fascinated with, almost all morality left her. she became, sort of, a ripper for a while, killing indiscriminately and in multitudes. after being discovered and having a falling out with louis & lestat, she ventured out on her own only to find the vampiric world wasn't as welcoming as she'd anticipated.
after a few years, she returned to her makers, though she was ill-content with the status quo, leading her to eventually 'kill' lestat ( though this was unsuccessful ). she & louis ventured to europe where they met a troupe of vampires which led to her being condemned to death ( also unsuccessful ), and she found herself on her own once more.
through the years, she's made her own way in the world, making money in the few ways she could. claudia rarely stays in one place long, has little in the way of friends or companions, and still enjoys the kill. she found a niche writing vampire romance novels, though the sales have somewhat fluctuated since the reveal of vampires to the world, she's still able to continue the lifestyle she's become accustomed to.
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cosmicjoke · 2 years
So I’ve started “The Tale of the Body Thief”!  So far, I’m loving it!  I’m not far enough in yet to make many observations, but one thing I was thinking about while getting through the first about 30 pages is that while everyone acknowledges Louis’ guilt and the guilt he feels at his vampiric nature, Lestat, in his own way, feels just as much guilt, or very nearly as much, about killing and his vampiric nature as Louis does, but he’s so fundamentally different from Louis in how he approaches that guilt, how he copes with it, and just like with how Lestat’s depressions may not seem as overt or obvious because of his eternal optimism, I think the guilt he suffers from what he is isn’t quite so obvious for the same reasons.  While Louis really tends to wallow in his guilt, and allows it to often dictate his actions, or inaction even, Lestat instead chooses to cope with it by embracing what he is, leaning into it, reveling in it even.  But still, we see from this quote here, that he suffers no less for the evil of his vampiric nature than Louis:
“I’m not a pragmatist, understand.  I have a keen and merciless conscience.  I could have been a nice guy.  Maybe at times I am.  But always, I’ve been a man of action.  Grief is a waste, and so is fear.”
And that’s really reinforced in the first proper chapter here (and bear with me, because this is my first time reading this book, so please don’t anyone spoil me if I’m off the mark somehow in my assessment, lol), where we find Lestat still stalking and hunting and killing evildoers.  We find him stalking a serial killer here.  He says about that:
“Please understand, there is no nobility in this.  I don’t believe that rescuing one poor mortal from such a fiend can conceivably save my soul.  I have taken life too often- unless one believes that the power of one good deed is infinite.  I don’t know whether or not I believe that.  What I do believe is this:  The evil of one murder is infinite, and my guilt is like my beauty- eternal.  I cannot be forgiven, for there is no one to firgive me for all I’ve done.”
One of the most interesting things about Lestat is the continual conflict between his human nature (the human part of him which sought to do and believed in the possibility of good) and his vampiric nature, the overwhelming, animal lust for blood and the kill.  I think Lestat feels as if these uncontrollable urges born from his vampiric nature eradicate all goodness inside him, all possibility for goodness inside him.  But he in a way contradicts that notion by his very desire to still do good, through his still seeking it out and holding himself to certain rules, such as only killing evildoers.  And indeed, through the very guilt he feels for killing.
Lestat ends up killing the old woman whom the serial killer was stalking, taken by the desire to taste her purer, innocent blood, and afterward, he falls into a state of despair, faced once again with the monstrosity of what he is.  It’s this constant push and pull of Lestat’s humanity fighting against his monstrosity. 
But it’s really that struggle in itself which, in the end, makes Lestat the protagonist, even in a way a heroic figure, always striving and never giving up that part of him.  He’s not really evil.  His vampiric nature, certainly, is monstrous, and one might even say evil, but the human part of him, his heart and mind, remains good.
Anyway, until next time.  I’m definitely interested in where this ends up going.  I can already tell from the tone that Lestat is in a much darker place than at the end of “QotD”.  He seems much more cynical already. 
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nevertrustanoracle · 2 years
I may have had a little too much fun today going through Fall of London and saving every reference I could find to Mithras and Roger de Camden’s love for each other. This book is determined to not let you forget that the centre of it is a ~1000 year old mlm relationship.
Spoilers for FoL ahead
“[Mithras] held a dim view of the Giovanni for similar reasons, and because of the threat that they continued to pose to his loyal friend and lover Roger de Camden.”
“Two of his spies stumbled across an intimate scene between Mithras and a Kindred ancilla named Thomas who was seldom seen at Court.”
“After staking and restraining de Camden, Valerius sent word to Mithras to come to the Gunpowder Mills to rescue his lover.”
“"I know Mithras' weakness." Valerius knows Mithras loves de Camden. Not just lusts for him, or finds him a valuable ally, but loves him - and love is a dangerous weakness among vampires.”
“"Mithras is the dark center of London, and certainly of my existence - a sun so deep it swallows all other light. - ROGER DE CAMDEN”
“[Mithras] exchanges a brief glance with Pater Thomas, and Wits + Insight at Difficulty 5 lets the character sense the true love between them.”
“Mithras is, for all intents and purposes, a God. Mortals and Kindred mean nothing to him, with the exception of Roger de Camden.”
“However, if they threaten to destroy any of the artifacts, Pater Thomas surrenders instantly - each artifact is a part of the man he loves, and he cannot bear the idea of losing any of them.”
“[Roger] he is the only person who genuinely loves Mithras as opposed to worshiping him. Wits + Insight at Difficulty 3 reveals Pater Thomas's feelings for Mithras are genuine, and that he believes Mithras' for him are genuine as well.”
“Mithras is furious that Thomas is being used again, as he hates to see the man he loves manipulated and abused this way. However, when Pater Thomas asks him to leave London so they can be together, Mithras ultimately relents.”
“Mithras will be anxious that Pater Thomas isn't present but instead has the Heralds anoint the items and dress him - best to regain his power now, and then find his lover from wherever he's being kept. Mithras' concern for de Camden makes him incautious, and causes him to miss the signs of the coterie's treachery.”
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So I'm only dipping my toes in "interview..." fandom and I might be swinging on hornets' nest here but
Why is Armand/Marius such a popular ship? Wasn't Armand like 15 when they met?
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Woooo ok now this is an ask, Anon, and one I'm excited to answer!
I'm going to preference this with warnings though. Talk of Marius/Armand always leads to talk of Marius/Amadeo, which is discussion of consent, underage sex, historical changes of behavior, abuse, rape, and physical punishment. Just to round out the categories.
Yes, Armand, or Amadeo as Marius named him, was 15 when Marius bought him from a brothel and yes they were immediately lovers. Marius and Armand's relationship is between a fifteen year old mortal and a 1500 year old vampire in the body of a 40 year old man. Get that clear and out of the way.
Now as to your question, why do people ship it? Well. A lot of reasons. Let's start with the fact that TVA I. The Venice years is written as a love story. It's a romance. And I know some people will point out that it can't be a romance story, it's noncon/dubcon/statutory etc. But that doesn't mean it's not a romance. Romance can be and often is full of Proeblantic Content. Let's looks at just some of the romance tropes M/A hits on-
Teacher/Student. Tale as old as time. It's a very basic erotic fantasy, the older man, the one in authority, the one who will guide you and teach you and look after you. Marius is teacher to Amadeo, in the ways of art, history, language, culture. The power unbalance is implicit in this kink
Rescue Fantasy - another common one, as much emotional as physical or sexual. So many people who live in absusive homes or relationships or live with the trauma of that abuse fantasize about someone coming to take them away from it all, be it a pirate captain, a Viking warlord, or One Direction
Incest- like it or not incest is a hell of a kink. Everyone's mom got off to Flowers in the Attic, and there's been media for ages that deals romantically with incest. Angel Sanctuary comes to mind. Marius refers to Armand as his son and raises him as one in many ways. It's another part of the taboo power play.
Whisked Away- this is the one talked about the most in fandom circles and it's related to Rescue Fantasy. This is the captured bride, the arranged marriage, the sold to a king, the harem, the war bride, the sex slave. "Oh I can't let myself enjoy my body and my desires but what if someone stole me and made me and I had no choice?"
"ok but he's 15." Yes. But again none of that negates the previous things. And in fact it only draws me to another point- he's also not real. He isn't real. Armand isn't real. Marius isn't real. All of this is fantasy make believe and in Make Believe land you can do anything you want. Really. You can.
I think people forget that TVC is not a series written for teens. I know a TON of us read it as teens, or younger, many admit to reading it TOO YOUNG, but the fact is these are adult works written for an adult audience and such books, especially romance and horror and historical novels, often contain taboo material and not just taboo material that is explicitly condemned. Because it's assumed that the reader, as an adult, doesn't need the disclaimer to their fantasy to know it's not ok in real life. And this is *fantasy*. Vampires are not real either. I always have to wonder if people would be so upset about M/A if Marius was 1500 but physically 16 or 17. That's still not a child, that's still an immortal creature, but it's one that wouldn't set people off so much. And like. They're Vampires. They simply don't see age the same way. Even Lestat says he could make a child fall in love with me. It's part and parcel with their age.
Why do I ship Marius/Armand? Because I come from an abusive home full of religious trauma, because I was unwanted, because I had no parents who wanted me. Because I was struggling with my sexuality and gender at a young age and stories like these were my favorite fantasy. *Fantasy*. I knew this thing wasn't real but the fantasies helped me escape and it still does. Because I know that fantasy and reality don't have a one to one equal affect. Because I'm an adult and I interact with other adults who also understand this trauma and why we deal with it this way. Because their story is beautiful and horrible and romantic and tragic and dark and glittering and attractive and terrifying. Because they are fucking AMAZING characters in an amazing story and I love that.
Loving this kind of relationship is not new or novel but being so confused about it and anti behavior is.
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brinleyparke · 1 year
Moonlight Fic Ideas/Prompts
Mortal!Sick! Mick
A witch de-ages Mick. Josef has to babysit a 5-year-old Mick. (Mick can be a human 5 yr old or a vamp.)
"Out of the Past" (1x02) h/c
"The Mortal Cure" (1x12) h/c
Post "Fever" (1x04) – Josh thanks Mick; Josef finds out Mick almost died and is immediately concerned. Then Josef finds out what happened after that. At first, he teases Mick, but then he sees how Mick is beating himself up.
Post "Love Lasts Forever" – After killing Tejada, Mick called the Cleaner. They made it look like Tejada fled the country. Beth finds out the truth.
Post "Love Lasts Forever" (1x11) – Josef finds out about Beth begging Mick to turn Josh and the horrible things she said to Mick after Josh died. He is not pleased, to say the least.
Post "Sonata" (1x16) –Josef finds out about Beth's "vampires dispensing vampire justice" comment and tells Mick about Dean Foster. Mick is pissed, not bc she had Josef have Foster killed, but bc she's a hypocrite.
Post "Sonata" (1x16) Mick/Josef: After the door closes, Beth brings up the Simone incident. Even though he doesn't hate himself and what he is as much as he used to before he chose to be re-turned, he still struggles with accepting what he is. He tells her what really happened: it was Josef's idea, he told Josef not to, Josef bit her anyway, Mick asked for her consent, she gave it. It was like offering a steak to a dog. Beth tells him he should've had more self-control. He goes to Josef's. Josef lets Mick stay with him. Josef knows Beth said/did something to hurt Mick's feelings, but he doesn't know what. Josef goes to confront Beth. Mick has more self-control than any other vamp Josef's ever met. He makes sure she knows what will happen if she ever hurts Mick again (hint: remember the tar pits). He joins Mick in the freezer and comforts Mick.
Post "Sonata" – Mick decides to go look for Coraline
Wounded Mick
Mick is too ashamed of himself to feed in front of Beth.
Pre-series Mick/Josef: After Mick "kills" Coraline. Josef lets Mick stay with him.
Pre-series: Mick tells Guillermo "the charming story" of how his wife turned him into a vamp on their wedding night against his will.
Pre-series: Josef finds out that Coraline turned Mick without his consent.
Pre-series: Josef and Mick meet for the first time.
Audrey (1x08) thanks Mick for saving her life.
Audrey meets Lenni
Jacob thanks Mick for saving him.
Robert finds Mick and confronts him. He finds out the truth.
Human!Mick asks Beth to stay the night with him bc he doesn't want to sleep alone.
Josef asks Lance for a little bit of the cure to give Mick, just enough for a single dose. Lance agrees out of respect for Josef. Mick finally gets his Krispy Kreme donut.
Mick/the Cleaner
Josef realizes he hasn't seen Mick in a few days, so he decides to pay his best friend a visit. Mick has been working several cases at once and hasn't had time to feed. (I guess this could be considered h/c)
Josef runs into Mick's parents without knowing who they are. But he notices very familiar eyes when he looks at Mick's father. And very familiar dark curls when he looks at his mother. He notices other similarities, and he realizes who they are.
Maybe this is after Beth is taken. Mick's parents notice the headlines on the newspapers and magazines. They dont mention names just something like "Little girl rescued by P.I.". Maybe one of his parents says something like "poor girl," and the other says "well some parents aren't so lucky." Josef, of course, hears this with his vamp hearing.
"Fever" (1x04) (AU) – What if Mick had told Lenni to call Josef instead of Beth?
"Sleeping Beauty" (1x10) (Slight AU) – After Mick says he's going to bed. Mick's emotions are still running high from thinking Josef was dead. Josef goes upstairs and comforts Mick and reassures him that he's okay until Mick falls asleep. When Mick realizes that Josef is no longer beside him, he wakes up. After Beth abandons Mick in New York, he goes back to Josef, and they comfort each other. Can be slash or gen.
AU – Josh survives (w/o Mick turning him); him and Mick become friends, but the rest of the canon plot stays, just minus Talbot. For example, Mick still kills Tejada, and Mick still becomes human for a little bit, etc.
AU – Josh finds out what Mick is. Mick is wounded/dying and needs blood. The only source around is Josh. Josh lets him feed. Like with Beth, Mick is reluctant but eventually caves.
"What's Left Behind" (1x15) (AU) – What if the guy from 1x15 didn't kill himself, and Mick did the same thing to him that he did to Tejada, and the Cleaners luckily got there before the cops?
"Click" (1x14) (AU) – Tierney survives. Mick is beating himself up over the fact that she almost died on his watch. Tierney reassures him with the help of Beth and Josef.
Arrow x-over: What if Felicity used to be a Freshie?
Arrow x-over: Tommy, Oliver, Josef, and Mick all hang out. Maybe Josef invites them to one of his parties, or Oliver and Tommy invite Josef to one of their parties.
Flash x-over: What if Mark moonlighted (pun intended) as a Freshie after getting fired from Ivo Labs because just being a bartender wasn't enough to pay the bills?
Legend (2015) x-over: On a business trip in London, Josef meets the Krays. Maybe out of curiosity, he attends one of Ronnie's parties. Ronnie decides he likes Josef and lets him "borrow" Teddy.
Legend (2015) x-over: On a business trip in London, Josef meets the Krays. Somehow, either both brothers or just Ronnie find(s) out what Josef is. He/They agree to keep Josef's secret if he turns Teddy with Teddy's consent.
Queer Eye (TV 2018) crossover: Josef and/or Beth submit Mick to get a makeover. Bobby designs Josef's new office since Mick's penthouse is already very nice, and so is his office.
S.W.A.T. (2017) x-over: What if the foster parents at one of the homes Street lived in were vampires who like to feed on children? One night, Buck tries to call Street. Maybe just to check in. At first, Buck doesn't think much of it. Then, it happens again the next night. The next day at work, Buck finds out several kids have just disappeared from that neighborhood. A private investigator offers his help to find the missing kids.
Supernatural crossover: What if Josef or Mick was a friend of Benny's? Or what if Benny wasn't the only friendly vamp in purgatory?
Songfics or Fanvideos
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creativecuteness · 8 months
One of a Kind Vamp: Chapter 2 Who I was Before
Summary: After the events of Jesse's downfall Rory and Dakota take time to process and reflect the craziness of the past week, while discussing Rory's past and potential future
as I said before I wrote this and chapter one in one night while listening to Gorillaz debut album, G-Sides and Laika Come Home all of which are awesome, and you give a listen like I had so much fun vibing to them. Also this fic takes place shortly after the movie so if you can invasion Rory in his outfit at the end of the movie that would be great. And again, Dakota could either be ten or fourteen in this fic with that enjoy.
There was something about cuddling in the arms of a good friend that brought Rory insane amounts of comfort: a warm body pressed on his stomach, firm arms wrapped around his back, and a head resting on his chest as they lay there, listening to the sounds of their breathing and the silence of his still beating heart. Even though he was a newly full-fledged vampire, Rory never considered himself cold-blooded. Sure, his body temperature did fall after turning, but not to the point where he needed a heated blanket or warmer clothes, considering he could wear short sleeves and his thin flannel overshirt’s just fine.
Heck, he’s lived in Canada his whole life; he’s used to the crisp chill, fall brings and the harsh, bitter cold of winter. So maybe he truly was just used to the cold.
But if there was one thing becoming a vampire did do, was make him more aware of different heat sources, like the one holding him now, as if he’d disappear at any moment.
Now that Jesse was defeated, they all finally had the time to process everything that happened to them, and it seems now was the time for Dakota to process her shock of Rory’s near-death experience. He still couldn’t believe they came all that way to Jesse’s party to save him from being someone’s dinner or that he meant so much to them. Not to mention the fact that Dakota was falling in love with him; he never expected to catch the eyes of the new girl and her best friend, but here he was cuddling his little lover, hoping to reassure her that he’s not going anywhere. Plus, the loving warmth radiating off her from their embrace was comforting.
He could still see her face from that night—the look of fear when he was pushed in front of Sarah, forcing her to choose a world she doesn’t want to be a part of, the feeling of her small and shaky hand tightly holding his. The look of hurt and pleading as Erica shoved her out of the way to drink from him herself, and the betrayal as Erica bit down hard into his neck, draining him of his blood and replacing it with the venom that would soon change him from mortal to creature of the night. Even while fading in and out of consciousness, he was somehow acutely aware of her quickening heartbeat and her frantic breathing as chaos erupted as the rescue party began fighting for their lives. He swore he saw tear drops spilling from her eyes as she fought through the chaos, struggling to reach him, only fully leaving once Jesse reassured her that they’d be okay. And even then, Erica’s relationship with both her and Sarah has become strained, and Rory didn’t blame them.
While Erica’s new bad girl attitude was hot as fluff, he didn’t miss the fact it was also problematic. The new Erica was far from the sweet-hearted Dusk fangirl who would give anyone the time of day with a sweet smile and good-natured spirit.
“I guess what they say is true.” He thought as Dakota adjusted herself to a more comfortable position. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
“Did, did it hurt?” Dakota muttered, now burying her head into the crook of Rory’s neck, the tips of his curled hair tickling her cheek.
“What?” He asked as his friend untangled herself from Rory’s grasp to properly face him. “Did it hurt when Erica bit you?”
“Not really,” he tried to recall. “I mean, yeah, the fangs piercing into my neck was shocking, but I wouldn’t say it was excruciating or unbearable; it was oddly pleasurable.”
“Oddly pleasurable, how?”
“Well, like that girl who gave me that wicked hicky shortly before you found me.”
“Do you have a biting kink?” Dakota wondered, raising an eyebrow,
“Depends, would that trigger your sex repulsed side?”
“Yes.” She spoke simply and sternly.
“Then never mind.” He shook his head, and Dakota decided to drop the topic, laying her head back down on Rory’s chest, who began absentmindedly stroking her head.
“What were you like before? Like, what were your day-to-day actions as a human?”
“Well…” Rory had to think for a moment while it hasn’t been too long since he turned; it has been a while since he had to consciously think about his mundane routine.
“To be fair, I wouldn’t say my life was anything special, at least not like yours. I woke up, went to school with Benny and Ethan, went to class, and then went back home for dinner, homework, video games, and listened to music while I relaxed and fell asleep. wake up, and the cycle repeats. Up until recently, it was the most boring and uninteresting life I ever lived. But not a bad one; compared to you, mine isn’t anything worth writing home about.
But Dakota couldn’t disagree more as she shook her head. “At least you had a life. Sure, I’m the most extraordinary girl you’ll ever meet; I get that a lot, but you were human; you aged, lived, breathed, and slept. Now you can’t age; everyone around you will grow old and die, and you’ll be living till the end of the world, and even then, I doubt you’ll be able to move onto the afterlife; you’re basically a soulless demon. With a heart of gold to match, of course.” She added to lighten the mood,
And Rory understood, yes, there were sadly drawbacks to being immortal and all-powerful. He no longer slept as much or as deep as he used to, not to mention yes, he no longer aged; his best friends and his parents will grow old and die one by one, and he’ll stay forever young, forced to wander the earth in a cursed ageless body that is difficult to kill and easy to resurrect, or at least according to Jesse. He didn’t know how true that statement was, considering how cocky and manipulative he was.
“It’s true becoming a vampire has changed my life for better and for worse yet. Who’s to say it will stay this way?"
“What?” Dakota shot up, eyes wide.
“Well, who’s to say that in a few years I’ll change my mind and want to become human again? If there is a cure for vampirism, it’s bound to be found eventually. I mean, we’re already searching high and low for Sarah. Maybe I’ll be the one to test it to see if it works.”
“You’ll give up your immortality for us?"
He nodded. “Well, Erica won’t do it, nor will any other vampire; they’re too old; they’ll just shrivel up and turn to dust. And besides, I like you a lot, Dakota. If something happens and we start dating, that’ll place you at an unfair crossroad. I don’t want to make the same mistake Jesse made. I don’t want you to choose if you don’t want to. Not to mention the vampire counsel is against humans dating vampires, so there’s another issue. It’s a long and complicated procedure that I don’t want you caught up in; you’re too kind to be put under all that stress and pressure, and I’m willing to sacrifice my immortality and all the awesome perks that came with it just so we can live peacefully.”
“R-Rory, I I had no idea I meant that much to you.” She smiled, trying to blink back her tears and failing. "
“Well,” He chuckled. “If I don't, Emily will surely kill me. Not to mention… Hey, are you okay?” He asked, seeing her smiling, tear-stained face looking up at him.
Dakota, feeling too choked up to respond, flung her arms around the older teen, rubbing her check against his, leaning in, and whispered a phrase that made his heart melt. With that, the two melted into comfortable silence once more.
“I love you, Rory.”
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inscrutable-shadow · 1 year
In the Hall of Reality
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I debated posting this on tumblr but fuck it. It's (currently) 5.8k of vampire x cosmic entity smut. Enjoy it on AO3 cause it's probably safer for everyone if I don't post it here, lol.
Title: In the Hall of Reality
Thanatos thinks he must be verging on insanity, falling in love with one of the Twin Divines, much less trying to woo aer. The Archfey thinks he's rather cute, and funny, too. They're both right. When Thanatos, a vampire, is rescued from being burned at the stake by a group of angry villagers by the manifestation of Reality itself, he thinks he's probably been turned out of the frying pan into the fire. The Archfey doesn't seem eager to turn him to ash, though, rather, ae wants to ask him questions about vampires, and mortals, and even sex. Especially sex, he finds, Reality is handsome and really good at sucking dick. Over time as a guest in the Archfey's cottage, the two talk about love, eternity, and what it means to be a sentient being, and Thanatos starts to wonder if this might just be where he'd like to spend the rest of his very long life.
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Thanatos/The Archfey, Thanatos Iuventus (OC), The Archfey Reality (OC), Vampires, Vampire Sex, Cosmic Entities, Power Bottom, Service Top, One Hell of a Power Imbalance, Interspecies Romance, Reality uses Ae/Aer Pronouns, Anal Sex, Loss of Virginity
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47930209
Taglist: @albatris cause vampires but it is very NSFW so fair if you don't want to see it, haha @painful-pooch has already seen it but you're also on the taglist (and not robin cause they're a minor)
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