#a good amount in a business fund for whatever dealings needed dealing
clotpolesonly · 10 months
i wonder what kind of money laundering scheme the Lynches had set up, cuz ain't nobody nowhere believed that that cattle farm would make them multi millions of dollars
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London Will Burn - A Sean Wallace/OFC Story.
I couldn't wait to share this with you, besties. Here, have the first chapter! I know that Sean is pretty niche as he doesn't seem to have all too huge a fandom, but if I can garner a few readers, and you guys could help me out by reblogging this, I would be very appreciative. Commentary is very welcome, as usual, so yes, dive on in and hopefully enjoy! If you like it enough, you can have chapter two sooner rather than later, too :)
The story begins seven years in the past, but will then run semi-canon to the Gangs of London plot and timeframe.
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Tag list - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 3,826
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI.
May 24th, 2016. 
Coffee, the financial times and resounding quiet. These were the defining components needed for Finn Wallace to begin each day within the spatial surroundings of his corner office, the floor to ceiling windows offering the widest view of the city he ruled over with an iron fist.  
“Mr Wallace, please. Sir...”  
The words of Minnie, his secretary, delivered outside of his office with mildly pleading desperation tore his attention from fastidiously studying the FTSE 100, Finn looking out from above the pink sheets of paper. He witnessed her scurrying along, her eyes pleading while trying to match the long strides of his son as he approached. “You know your father doesn’t like to be bothered...” 
...between the hours of eight and nine. He needed a full hour with nothing but a newspaper and a good supply of anything that came from Whittard of Chelsea prior to starting his day. His son had other ideas that morning, though.  
Placing his coffee down, he lifted his chin as Sean strode through the doors, a heap of paperwork within his grasp.  
“One print off of the e-contract signed late last night by Kevin Cavanagh, and one verbal assurance that the vessels may port within his dock space for the original agreed amount.” The paperwork hit the desk so hard, it was almost splashed in coffee, Sean looking thoroughly pleased with himself. As he should, his father thought. Kevin had been extremely tricky in this, his son’s first solo deal for the company. 
Reaching for the contract, Finn could scarcely believe it, but there it was. K. Cavanagh. Signed, sealed and delivered. “How the fuck did you swing that, boyo?” 
Kevin Cavanagh had shown himself to be a rather large thorn in the side of the Wallace empire for weeks, the investor digging his heels in over their proposed deal, an influx of two hundred million sterling into the company’s legitimate holdings to fund the proposed apartment complex they wished to build, and a grant of passage for boats containing large shipments of heroin porting from Pakistan to enter his docks.  
The terms and conditions set by Sean had been made clear, but having the upper hand in it all, Kevin had gone back on their proposed arrangement out of sheer greed. It had not gone down well at all. Especially since Finn considered Kevin to be a long-standing friend as well as a business associate. He wasn’t about to involve himself, though. It was Sean’s deal, and he had to learn in going it alone, friend or not. 
In their world, though, alliance and friendship were subject to change at any given moment. Friendships aside, Sean had been advised by his father to do whatever it took to secure the deal by the required deadline, which had passed at midnight the night before. 
Looking upon his son expectantly, Finn was under no illusion over Sean’s self-satisfied pride in his achievement. His poise did not slip, though. Not even for a second. “I have my ways, all of them effective.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “How?”  
His son smirked, the same bloody smirk he’d had since he was three, back when he’d usually hoodwinked his mother into the offering of a second reach into the biscuit tin. “If you knew that, then you’d know as much as me.” 
Finn felt himself losing patience at his allusivity, but couldn’t quite keep the grin from spreading across his face. “Wiley little shit.”  
He chuckled, checking his watch. “I have a meeting to get to. Lunch at The Strand, 1pm? I have a table booked. See you then.” 
“If I’m late, order my usual.” Looking over the contract once again, Finn rested his chin upon the pinch of his thumb and forefinger. If he’d gotten a result without them having to yield to Kevin, it surely didn’t matter how Sean had procured the deal.  
As time would tell, though, it would.  
Striding from the building, Sean climbed into the waiting car, ready to be whisked across London for a viewing on another apartment complex currently under construction. It would take up most of his morning, but such was the nature of his role within the company. Build big, reap big, remain on top. 
Leaning back against the plush leather upholstery within the black Mercedes, Sean winced, feeling the soreness that remained from his weekend of sexual hedonism. Clawed scratches marking the freckled alabaster of his back from his shoulders right to the rounded muscles of his arse had certainly felt good at the time, but now the scabbed wounds stung and itched.  
That itching sting was experienced internally, too, a rolling wave of cold discomfort washing over his insides once again. Guilt. Maybe even a little remorse. Who’d have thought it? Certainly not him. He had previously considered those emotions to be completely superfluous, with a nature such as his, and most definitely not when his actions had reaped such rewards.  
Sean was, if nothing else, completely ruthless in the pursuit of attainment.  
His go to in attaining a desired result didn’t always equal the exertion of moral turpitude, but in this instance it very much had. There was no going back on it either. He had struck out, used his bargaining chip of blackmail and garnered the desired results. At twenty-five years old, he’d thought himself perhaps above the actions he’d resorted to, considering his bartering and negotiation skills to be proficient enough.  
They hadn’t been.  
However, Sean knew that blackmailing Kevin Cavanagh into agreement by threatening to upload a video to the internet of himself fucking his eighteen-year-old daughter would work like a charm in securing a signature, and it had.  
He’d understandably been beyond livid with him, after receiving an edited version of the hour-long filming, showing just enough for Kevin to know that Catherine would be subjected to great personal embarrassment and emotional anguish if he didn’t comply.  
With his arm figuratively bent up his back, he had agreed, the money immediately transferred, and the contract signed the evening before, once he and his wife had returned from their weekend away. Kevin had also struck a permanent black mark against the son of his old friend, knowing that Finn likely had no part in the blackmail. As chillingly cutthroat as he could be, it wasn’t his style. Words would be had, though, and Sean knew he likely had that coming to him sooner or later.  
Just as he would when Catherine caught up with him. He highly doubted Kevin wouldn’t tell her. 
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone, placing his earbuds in and locating the video he had promised to delete. He’d been hesitant there, not because he intended to nefariously make good on his threat and upload it anyway, he had no cause to. The reason behind his stalling was much more complex, and not one he was in a hurry to admit. Not even to himself.  
Hearing her sweet moans as he watched himself on the screen, face buried between her legs, a jolt ran right through him. He could almost still taste the sweet honey of her cunt on his tongue, feel her skin against his, and with a shift in his seat, experience her nails clawing at his back.  
It was only ever meant to happen once. Once had led to an entire weekend, and there it was again, the unpleasant sting rolling through his guts as he closed his eyes and remembered it. Remembered her.  
Her... her. 
It was only ever meant to happen once... 
St Augustine’s Grammar School for Girls was one of the most exclusive private Catholic schools in the entirety of London. For an eye watering yearly fee, it boasted unsurpassed examination results, a sterling OFSTED record, and much to the fury of the young ladies within its prestigious halls, a strict code for uniform. A black skirt to the knee, high black socks, a white shirt and a navy blazer and tie.  
Even the students attending the adjoining sixth form college had to still adhere, much to their loathing. For Catherine Cavanagh, as soon as she was out of the front gates with her friends, adjustments were made.  
Her neatly pleated skirt was rolled over a few times to hitch it up, her folded over socks pulled up until they came over the knee, her blazer and tie stuffed into her bag and her shirt undone to reveal a little of the black lace bra she wore beneath, as well as being knotted at the waist. She liked to show off some of what she had. 
Lashings of smoky black eyeliner were applied, her lips liberally glossed and her shoulder length blonde waves all shook free of their ponytail prison before she sauntered away, ready for a coffee with her friends, of whom also made similar adjustments to their own uniforms. They were young women at eighteen, all mildly incensed that they still had to stick to the rules of their frigidly stalwart school.  
Catherine, or Rin as she preferred to be called, was far from frigid.  
“Oi darlin’! Fancy gettin’ in the back of me van and lettin’ me give ya one, eh?” 
Ugh. Builders. The worst of the worst for shouting pervy obscenities from the open window of a slowed down Ford Transit. She immediately rolled her eyes. “No thanks, but I fancy giving you this.” Raising her middle finger, her confident smirk grew, her friends cheering on her usual chutzpah.   
“Fuck you, then! Little slag!” 
Rin snorted. “You wish, mate.”  
“I don’t get it,” Rashida, her bestie mused, fiddling with her necklace as she cocked her head. “He wanted to shag you five seconds ago, and now you’re a slag because you didn’t take him up on his offer?” Her face was a picture of bemused disgust as she barked a laugh. “Wanker.” 
“Yeah, sums him up. Right, let’s hit the coffee house. I’m fucking gasping for something strong, hot and foamy.” 
Their friend Carly couldn’t help but pipe up, laughing at her own joke before she’d even spoken it aloud. “What, you want the big fella from Game of Thrones in a bubble bath? What’s his name?” 
“Tormund,” Rin confirmed, her eyes dreamy. “You know I’m weak as fuck for a redhead!”  
While the prospect of Kristofer Hivju, the actor who played the aforementioned character awaiting her in a bubble bath was preferred, it was a double shot cappuccino she needed most at that moment. After a day of hard studying for her ongoing A Levels, Rin needed the coffee like air. For no other reason than to stay awake for the duration of her journey home.  
She wouldn’t be driving, though. Yet to pass her test, she would simply call for a driver in the employment of her father to collect her when she was ready. Being rich certainly had its perks. Entering the coffee shop a ten-minute walk from the school gates, she paid for her order and stood back to wait, sensing someone behind her before a familiar voice spoke into her ear. 
“I am unsure whether your mother would approve of that skirt, young lady.”  
Turning, her eyes widened. “Bloody hell! Hello!” It had been at least five years since she’d seen Sean Wallace other than fleeting moments in passing, the last proper time being when he was home from university in his final year. The occasion had been when her parents had thrown a garden party for her father’s friends and closest business associates, plus their families.  
“How are you, darling?” He drawled smoothly, kissing her cheek as they exchanged a brief hug. “It’s been a bloody age.” Looking down upon her, his gaze was nothing but clearly appreciative, thinking just what a beautiful young woman she’d become. In fact, beautiful was an understatement; she was an absolute knock out.  
In any other circumstance, Catherine Cavanagh would be his perfect match. She came from a similar family, steeped in criminality and staggeringly wealthy, with the best education money could buy, just as he himself had received. They were cut from the exact same cloth, she and Sean. This was not an exercise in procuring the perfect match long-term, though. Far from it.  
“It has, I was just thinking that myself,” she confirmed as they parted, feeling a little flustered. Oh, how she’d always fancied the arse off Sean. She might have been extremely confident for an elder teen, much more woman than girl in that respect, but still. Sean was the bloody holy grail as far as she was concerned. “As for me, up to my eyes in all things A Levels, only two more exams left and then its fingers crossed I do well enough to take the provisional place I’ve been offered at LSE.” 
He remembered that the London School of Economics had been her long-term goal from the last time he’d spoken to her at length, back when she was just a kid of thirteen. “I remember you telling me, yes. Forgive me, but I forget just what it is you were aiming for?” 
A flutter delighted her insides at that, how he hadn’t forgotten her desires to attend LSE when it had been so long since they’d last talked in depth. She’d thought he’d merely been entertaining her thirteen-year-old self and her long-winded plans for her future, but no. He’d actually listened. Then again, he was always very attentive when engaging with someone, no matter who they were. “BSc in mathematics, statistics and business.”  
“I bet your father is very proud,” he commented, Rin turning to pick up her coffee.  
“Well, I suppose he will be if I actually pull it off and attain the necessary grades. It’ll stand me in good stead for taking over the family business too, when he eventually retires.” They were birds of a feather in that respect, both primed to one day sit at the helm of their respective family empires. “Speaking of which, how are things with you? You’re doing very well at the Wallace Corporation, according to dad.” 
“Your father is correct, I am.” He was still very sure of himself. Anyone else would call it arrogance, but Sean was merely infectiously confident. He knew what he wanted, and he went right after it, Rin completely oblivious to the fact that his cool blue eyes were directly focused upon his present target. “Long hours and probably less pay than I should be garnering, but I must confess to be doing rather well for myself. Especially considering I have only been there just over four years.” 
They eventually became so lost in their catch-up chatter that Rin completely failed to realise that her friends had moved to a table, turning to see them wave at her. The looks on their faces spoke volumes. 
“I’ll be there in a sec,” she assured them, praying Carly didn’t open her mouth. No such luck. 
“No, no,” the girl herself chirped right on cue, waving her hands gently in Rin’s direction. “You stay there with your fancy man; we’ll be over here when you’re ready!” 
“Oh, shit off!” she chided, feeling her cheeks burn. Turning to Sean, she shook her head. “They’re embarrassing as fuck.” 
“I can’t say I’m embarrassed, being labelled as your fancy man.” Pulling out a seat, he gestured to it with a flirtatious smile, ensuring her heart virtually catapulted against her ribcage. She definitely blushed furiously at that. Ahh, it was almost too easy, but then again Sean’s charm was legendarily flawless. Being well spoken, powerful, and as dangerous as he was gorgeous didn’t hurt either.  
A red-haired bad boy in a Balmain suit. If Rin had a type at all in this world, it was Sean Wallace. And boy, how the man himself saw that loud and clear.  
“So, I hear your parents are away in France right now?” 
“Yes,” Rin confirmed, the smidgen of envy in her voice clear. How she would have loved a long weekend in the French Alps skiing, too. “They’ll be hurtling down a mountain right now, while I’m stuck here in dreary London, slogging my guts out all in the name of revision.” 
He smirked, picking up his espresso and sipping it. Sean liked his coffee one way; strong and black. “Ah, but you do get Mulford Hall all to yourself for the weekend. Quite the party palace, one would assume.” 
She crinkled her nose, shaking her head. “The staff will grass me up if I even so much as open a can of cider with more than four friends in attendance. Mother dearest likes to keep her fucking tabs on me.” Rin didn’t dislike her mother, but it was no secret that she was daddy’s girl through and through. If he had his way, he’d have arranged for the antiques to be removed from banquet hall and allowed she and her friends run wild. Diane was not quite so lenient.  
Yes. A banquet hall. The Cavanagh’s were truly that wealthy, to have such in their fifteen-bedroom, eighteen-bathroom, sprawling abode located in Westminster, just around the corner from Hyde Park. Half of their sprawling gardens backed onto the park itself, in fact.  
Mostly, Mulford Hall was used as a successful wedding and events venue, half of the house sectioned off as a private family residence and inaccessible to the public, also being a historical location of interest for tourists. It had been in her family for centuries, gifted to one of her ancestors, the very first Lord Mulford by King Charles I. Now with no elder male heir and her grandparents having passed on, it remained in the family by the residing Lady Mulford, her mother. 
“I suppose the little ones would have plenty to say, even if the staff did keep schtum.” Oh yes, Sean was correct there. Her younger brother and sisters would likely relish in telling on her to their parents. Keeping secrets that did not directly benefit them was not in the interests of your average twelve, ten and nine year old children. “I mean, if they could even hear the sounds of partying. Does your mother not keep them in a turret or similar?” 
She snorted laughing into her coffee, spraying a fine mist of foam from the large cup, “Shut up, you shit. You know we’re not that grand.” Suddenly, she felt the cold wave of discomfort when he frowned, wondering if she’d pushed it a little in calling him a shit, even in tease. After all, they did not know each other beyond the boundaries of acquaintance. It was their parents who were friends, not them.  
He then reached, wiping a fleck of foam from her cheek, the corners of his mouth upturning as he watched her blush, leaning across the table. “It takes a brave person to refer to me as a shit.” 
Regaining her confidence, she licked her top lip, shrugging lightly. “Or a gobby little twat such as myself.” 
She was a pistol. He enjoyed that perhaps more than he should have. He laughed softly through his nose, sipping his coffee again as she continued. “I actually have the place to myself, staff aside. The nanny has taken the little terrors to Legoland for the weekend, and there aren’t any weddings on, so I’m enjoying pottering around the old pile in my pants.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “Just your pants?” 
“I like to give the gardeners something nice to look at.” 
God, and how nice her body was, he wagered, his eyes sweeping her momentarily. “I bet you do.”  
Lust. Lust delivered from behind full, long auburn lashes tinged with gold, eyes that burned like cool fire as he stared her dead in the eye, Rin feeling as if she was caught in a searchlight she could not avoid. Not that she’d want to. Being illuminated by the desire of Sean Wallace was something she’d only ever fantasised about as a girl. As a young woman, acting upon it now seemed within her grasp. 
And grasp for it she would. “You’re thinking about me in nothing but my pants, aren’t you?”  
Playful, yet direct. He liked that, liked that she was so easily wandering right into the jaws of his trap with such little effort. “I am.”  
She leaned closer, watching him retrieve a packet of mints from his pocket, placing one into his mouth. The way he so effortlessly pressed the white disc onto his tongue made her shiver, imagining the skill a mouth that clever and effortlessly cool might possess. He offered the packet, but she shook her head, the strongness of Trebor’s finest too much for her delicate tastebuds. “What else are you thinking?” 
He mirrored her, leaning near, eyes fixed unblinkingly as he ran his fingertip in a circle over the back of her hand. It was an action that made every single hair upon her arm stand on end. “I’m thinking that the next thing I want on my tongue is you.”  
Fireworks exploded in her chest and gut, a fizz of excitement glittering. Unexpected afternoon sex; it was a proposal most definitely to her liking. “Where’s closer, mine or yours?” 
“Mine,” he confirmed, rising from his seat as he pulled out his phone. “Westminster is a fucking ball ache of a drive at this time in the day.”  
He wasn’t wrong. While Sean called his driver, giving him the name of the coffee shop, Rin made a phone motion to her friends while mouthing ‘I’ll call later’, Rashida and Carly looking as alert as two meerkats keeping the watch at seeing their friend leave with the handsome young mystery man.  
Rashida couldn’t help the joke she made. It was too uncanny. “Little slag.” 
“Love you too, you knob.” Leaving to the sound of her friend's laughter, Rin joined Sean at the side of the curb, only waiting a few moments for the sleek, black Mercedes to pull up before them. He opened the door for her, Rin sliding in and moving across so he didn’t have to walk around, Sean climbing in and shutting the door with a soft clunk.  
“Home please, Tony.” he spoke to the driver, his eyes remaining ahead. She turned slightly to view him, feeling somewhat uneasy when he didn’t return her glance. Dropping her gaze, her thoughts began to race a little, jumping slightly when after a few moments, she felt his hand press to her thigh.  
It was a plan of effortless execution, Sean tracking her movements from afar for a few days prior, learning her daily routine. It truly had been as simple as turning up at her regular coffee shop prior to her usual time of arrival, turning on the charm and reaping the rewards. Leaning close, his beard tickled her earlobe, sending a thrill right through her. “I can’t wait to put my mouth between these fantastic legs of yours.”  
Neither could she.
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
Looking Forward
If I trust my brother... and he did my dad's will properly... and set up my trust correctly... then I should be able to stay in the house for roughly 2 years.
If I trust my brother.
Then I can either sell the house and use that money for a small apartment or try to find a roommate situation to help me stay in the house a little longer. The nice thing about paying the mortgage is I can get most of that money back if I ever do sell the house. It's almost like a savings account with all my stuff inside.
Let's just hope the property value doesn't plummet for some reason. Though it has been around the same amount for many years.
I like living in my house. It's what I've known for 30 years. But being alone in the house is going to be a hard adjustment. After two years (or sooner) I may want to move near Katrina or Delling so I am closer to a support system. I wish we could all live next door to each other. Or live on a farm/ranch situation. And instead of chickens it is just a bunch of free range corgis.
I tried convincing Katrina to build a pool house, but she has a small backyard and no pool. HOWEVER... Apparently Florida has a lot of "mother-in-law suites." I had no idea that had a name, but I could be Katrina's mother-in-law. I have the skill set to guilt trip, make passive-aggressive comments, and judge how she raises her future kids. (And any other outdated stereotypes I've learned from 80s comedians.)
But I also like the idea of having a roommate. I could accommodate a single person or a small family. And I'd love to have an animal of some kind around. We have a huge fenced-in area left over from Otis.
I think I could offer someone a pretty sweet living situation. I have a full basement apartment that I reside in and so the entire upstairs is available for people to live in. I could charge cheaper rent than a cheap apartment in exchange for helping with chores that I struggle to do.
There is plenty of furniture and appliances ready to use. Full laundry room. I've got a really nice home theater in the living room so they can watch movies in style. I also have a few hundred TV series and several thousand movies on Plex. They get a full kitchen and bathroom to themselves. Plenty of garage space and a long driveway to park vehicles. They can have up to 5 rooms to do whatever in. They could do 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a small den area. My mom liked the den because she could watch her Judge Judy shows while my dad watched JAG in the living room.
If they don't have a family, they could convert 2 of the bedrooms into office space or craft rooms or S&M dungeons. They can decorate any way they'd like. But they have to keep the sex swing clean so I can use it. Not for sex--I just enjoy centripetal forces. And they'll have great privacy as I will be in the downstairs apartment. They'd only see me if I exit the house or if they invite me to dinner or movie night.
All they would have to pay is whatever I can't cover. I'd estimate in the $600-$800 range once the trust fund runs out. Plus the chores like cleaning and yard duty. That's a good deal, right?
The only downside is the house is in a deteriorating neighborhood. Businesses are closing and people are moving away. Our street is pretty isolated so there isn't much danger or crime. But we are adjacent to a dangerous neighborhood and the schools aren't great. That said, while there isn't much around here, in St. Louis you are always ~25 minutes from anything you need. The highway is literally down the street so driving to anywhere is fairly hassle free.
Also, I'd be happy to lend out the car for transport to a job. I'll only need it to get groceries every few weeks. They'd have to get added to my insurance and help with gas and maintenance.
Soooo... yeah, I think I have a lot to offer with my house.
They do have to be okay with my big subwoofer rattling things. The sound doesn't really travel through the floor, but the vibrations can. I can tone it down if they are sleeping though.
Oh! We also have a huge workshop on the property too. It could be used for working on cars or woodworking or an art space. It has electricity, lighting, heating and is perfect for anything that requires getting dirty. If that makes sense.
One idea I have been considering is seeking out an unhoused queer individual who was kicked out or is struggling to afford a decent place. If their parents don't want them, maybe I could provide a safe place. Things are so scary for LGBTQ+ folks right now. Especially in Missouri. St. Louis is a pretty blue city, but Missouri is a blood red state. If I could do something small for someone like that, I would be happy to help. Could be mutually beneficial.
So those are all of my thoughts and ideas as of now.
Again, if I trust my brother, I should have a decent amount of time to figure things out.
If things go sideways, I might be screwed.
So far he seems to be doing all the things he should be doing to get me sorted.
I'm going to choose to trust him.
With my life.
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
How good are all the ROs at math?
(I’m totallyyy not procrastinating on my math homework)
I hope you finished your homework! 📚
Blade: he's fairly good at math, he doesn't need to use it often but if you put a math problem in front of him, he could solve it fairly quickly! I'd say he's certainly more mathematically-minded than he is artistically 😅
Trouble: he's really good at doing math in his head (especially when it comes to stuff like geometry/measuring physical distance and angles--that comes part and parcel with being a sniper) but if you were to make him do math on a piece of paper and explain his process, he'd suddenly be terrible at it? And I think more "obscure" math involving lots of theorems and formulae is a little beyond him, but if you explained it to him in practical terms he can understand, he'd pick it up fairly well!
Tallys: not great at traditional math, complex mathematics isn't really a part of the Elvish curriculum, especially since many tribes don't even use currency, but not terrible at it, either! Like Trouble, she's best at calculating things like angles and distance, and she can multiply/divide pretty big numbers in her head, but she wouldn't be like incredible at calculus or algebra or anything!
Shery: she's excellent at math, probably the strongest of the Shepherds besides Riel! That's why she's a really amazing bookkeeper and is so good at tracking the Order's supplies and requisitions, inventory, balancing their books and funds, and etc.! She was really strong in math at school, which was why she was originally going to be an apprentice/bookkeeper for a merchant!
Riel: brilliant at math, as expected, especially for a businessman. It's actually not what he considers his 'strongest' subject--that would be more 'logic' (like logical puzzles or strategies) or analysis (both of data and of people/trends)--but he's pretty flawless at it and was trained by both his father and his adoptive father at running large business syndicates and trading houses, so he'd better be skilled at it!
Chase: not... great at it, and not interested in being any better! He knows just enough to keep things running with the Thieves Guild and making/stealing enough to keep afloat, but it's more of a street smarts thing than a math thing (like knowing x amount of this thing will buy them enough food to get through the winter). He deals more in ballpark figures than exact numbers! It's vastly better for him to leave the actual math of things to people like Kato and Ari. But he's also the type of person where, if you were to ask him, 'what's 96 x 32?' he'd be like, 'no idea,' but if you were to say, 'if I had 96 ruby necklaces and they each sold for 32 dukes, how much of a profit would I turn?' he would figure it out pretty quickly lol like 'well how big of a cut is your fence taking?' So I guess it's more about phrasing it in ways that interest him, which is hard to do!
Red: pretty solid at math, not like an instantaneous math genius but he was getting A's in class! He's more interested in things like history or research-based magic and arcana, but he's about the same as Blade wherein he can do big numbers in his head and could solve whatever math problem you slid in front of him with decent ease!
Ayla: not great, not horrible, about the same as Tallys! She does well enough to get by in her day-to-day life--like she'll notice if someone shortchanges you during a sale, etc.--but she's not doing math for fun, let's just put it that way! She's the type who typically has to write the numbers out in the air/dirt/on a piece of paper in order to solve them, but she's not totally hopeless, either!
Briony: horrific. truly one of her worst subjects. she's only barely gotten used to how many lyss go into a deucalion and regularly hands merchants the wrong amount of money just hoping they'll either be decent enough to tell her she's wrong or that she can take the loss if she completely bungled it lol. never ever ever ask her to do math for you. aside from basic addition/subtraction/multiplication tables, don't ask her to calculate tip for you, don't ask her to figure out angles, don't ask her how many apples are in seven bushels, she has no idea and will just look at you blankly!
Lavinet: she's pretty strong in math--I would say the scale goes Riel -> Shery -> Lavinet -> Trouble -> Red = Blade -> Halek -> Ayla = Tallys -> Chase -> Briony! She has to do a lot of math and accounting to keep Lockwood running and functioning well, and obviously she has a lot of education under her belt, so she's very good at it! It's not her favorite subject by any means, but you can count on her to have her numbers right!
Halek: he's actually pretty decent in math, he just can't be arsed. So if you were to ask him 'what's 15% of 600' he could figure it out pretty quickly, he just doesn't want to. why are you making him use in his brain that way? get an abacus
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fruitjuus · 8 months
i can't pick a favorite!!!!! DUDE LIKE okay but how do all of the ones you posted spend their lives? Like where do they work and how easy do they live at home
i'll doodle one of your OCs if you doodle one of mine 👀 i just use splatoon tag! i'd love to tell you about mine too
Sangria is like. Splatsville pretty girl. She thrives on making as many connections as possible. As for jobs- its sort of a running joke that she hops part time jobs very frequently, but she looks completely different when she works and is desperate for no one to recognize her
Lagoon is studying archaeology of human artifacts! And does salmon run shifts- theyre based in Splatsville
Ivory and Platinum are an influencer duo in Inkopolis! Ivory has deals with fashion brands and is a model, while Platinum is a singer and does a lot of vlogging.
Fig is … kind of Ivory’s bodyguard? At least thats what Ivory says, though its more of an excuse to keep her around lol
Casinos family has had a business in Splatsville thats been around for generations, with business ties to the Hohojiros- hes kind of like Pearl in the sense that the amount of money he has to spend is comical so he just does whatever. He does fund apartments for the youth of Splatsville! Its why Ellie doesnt need a job
Muffy is a DJ for hire! Shes pretty good despite it being so contrary to her usual style. She makes music for herself on the side- Splatsville based
Affogato works at a coffee place (lol) in Inkopolis but is a violinist and is hired for orchestras sometimes! He wants to do it full time but he does enjoy being a barista
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bitegore · 6 months
I’ve been wanting to get a cane for a good while now, but something in the back of my mind just feels weird about it in a way I can’t quite kill off. I have broad pectus excavatum, which compresses my heart and lungs to a certain degree. This affects my tolerance for exercise and makes me exhausted from simple things like getting up and using stairs. Doctors say that my heart isn’t compressed enough to have a tangible effect on my day-to-day life, but I still feel like it does. And my sister gets on my case for even speculating about having a disability that I haven’t been diagnosed with because she fried herself on Reddit r/fakedisability discourse and thinks I’m doing it for attention, so I don’t even know what her reaction would be to getting a cane. I guess I just don’t feel disabled enough for a mobility aid, even though intellectually I know that I can do whatever I want forever… I’m worried its some form of internalized ableism that I’ll have to unpack, lol. Idk, can you relate? Do you need to get a cane from a medical professional?
Ah, I can't say I relate - my issues are very, very different - but I know for a fact you can get a cane in places like Walgreens and CVS (and if you're outside the US, likely at other pharmacy type convenience stores as well). You'll have to pay out of pocket for them and they're not custom-made for your issues, but my mom bought one from CVS when I was a kid and it helped her out when she had issues with her ankles. So that's one issue down.
I would say to ignore your sister + if she can't mind her fucking business you can always lie and say a doctor or some other medical professional or w/e told you you could get it if you thought it'd be helpful. But I really don't think her response should be... idk, relevant? Like you said, she's fried her brain on r/fakedisability and anything she says is going to be unhelpful and stupid.
"Disabled enough for a mobility aid" is. How do I put this. There is no such thing as 'disabled enough' for a mobility aid to Society, the message is always that you can try harder unless you literally cannot move at all and if you have even the slightest amount of mobility you shouldn't use a mobility aid at all. So it's a losing game no matter what. Instead I figure if you think it'll help you, get a cheap cane and find out how to adjust it to fit you, see if it'll help, and if it doesn't help then like idk see if you can give it to someone who'll need it. You'll never know if you don't try and you'll never satisfy the question if you don't find out, I figure. If you don't have the funds for it then that's irrelevant but a bunch of these are like, $25, that seems about reasonable to me.
I don't think I'm really the guy to ask about this, but like, idk I am on the "do whatever you want forever" train and it sounds like this is something you at least want to try. So I think you should try it. And if it works out then you should probably look into getting a real deal cane that is actually suited for you and won't hurt your hands or wrists, because I know that can be an issue with the cheaper canes, but then you'll be able to have an easier time with walking and stuff, and if it doesn't work out then you know it's not what you need.
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Dear Void,
Been having a lousy fucking day... which I'm going to tell you all about. Because let's be real here there really isn't anything else to listen and you're always here. Pleasant silence void, so here it goes.
I'm so fucking tried of fighting with seemingly everything just to deal and gwt shit taken care of! People, technology, the fucking internet, apps, more fucking people!!! It's never fucking ending! God forbid if I'm not some superhuman being that doesn't know how to slove the fucking issue or even worse because it's crime against humanity if I ask a question or need help. The world may fucking end, because I guess I'm the A bomb, short for asshole!! I just want to tell every fucking one of them guess what mf I wish I could do everything by myself! I wish I never needed help from anyone ever! Do you think I even a millisecond want to beg, gravel and look pathetic in front of anyone, especially some of them. No the fuck I don't!!
I'm seriously at the point where I'm like what can I do illegally that will make me enough money to live off of, but has the lowest prison times?! Because that's how fucking far this shit world, dealing with a shity person far to offer gets me!
It's like fuck all anyone cares anymore. Because I've had to cry help too many fucking times with no end in sight. I'm pretty sure there's quite a few people that are about to buy some kerosene and proceed to light fire to their side of the bridge that's their friendship to me. Not that I can blame truthfully. When I've become that person in there life. That only seems to connect them when I need help.
But what the fuck everyone doesn't get the fun of experiencing is watching me flounder around like goddamn fish! As I going in every fucking direction at same fucking time trying to figure out a solution, a way out, any other way that doesn't involve me asking a mf person for help! There are times that I actually do figure it out. May it be good fortunate or some benevolent deity (because when i'm in jam I'm praying to all of them, if I believe or not) or some other factor.
But there's days like this Void. When my bank account gets hacked or whatever. All but .83 cents was taken, which feels like insult! It's like take all the money fuckers don't leave. 83 cents that I can do fuck all with what mf assholes!! 🤬 So had to fight I mean call my bank so they cancel my debit card, do claim for non-authorized charges and do rest of it. Then I had horrible experience of calling the person I want speak to least in my life, explaining to them what happened with my bank to see if said person could, would, without making me feel like the stupidest person on the planet for somehow allowing my bank account to get hacked... help me give enough funds to cover the amount I need to my groceries delivered. Which of course once my bank puts the money back in my account I can give this person... but ohh that doesn't matter oh no... I'm still the idiot that somehow let thieves steal the money in the first place! 🙄 To just land a nuclear bomb on top this shit Sunday. They do help, sends money to PayPal, I go check my PayPal account... PayPal has taken more then half the money that was sent to me. I'm about ready to fucking scream, slam my head against the wall, just sit and cry for a few hours. I do none of these things because Void I just have me. Instead I fucking call PayPal, literally end up arguing with one their call center workers. Gets them to shut it. Because while they explaining some bullshit to me, I text the person that sent me the money ask if the could please send me a scene shot of the transaction from their PayPal. I ask the PayPal call center rep if I send it to them. Which they said yes, so atleast established the amount that was sent. So now PayPal has no idea why their computer system took it upon its self to take half the fucking money!! 😡 I have wait until Monday to speak to this other dept in PayPal that only open during the business week. Just fucking fabulous.
So the rest of my day has been spent having just little things popping off to. I've noticed when I've had a day of big things going to shit, little things that would mostly not be so made just seem far more frustrating then they should be!!
The truly sad thing Void is I just wanted to get my grocery delivery set up for tomorrow so I'd have food. Now I have no fucking idea when that might be...
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dadumtss · 1 year
Slenderman Headcanons: Jobs
What do the Slender Brothers do in the AU?
I realize I went over Willow’s job in a previous post but didn’t mention what any of the brothers do. Well, let’s remedy that. TLDR at the bottom. 
Because of Slender’s role as the leader of The Revolution, he naturally took on a leadership role in both building and eventually governing the resulting cryptid society. 
Currently he is in the highest position of government. Or rather, he is the highest position of government.
Every branch or body of the government ultimately answers to him. He can undo any law, override any ruling and reject any vote. However, he rarely does this. Not only is it tiring and inefficient, it’s also bad for morale and societal cohesion. 
Instead, he mostly deals with things at the highest level. The more ‘important’ the governing body the more scrutiny and oversight they receive from him. For example, the military is almost entirely under his control while any law passed by anything larger than most cities just needs to be signed off by him and the decisions of your village council probably won’t even make it to his desk.  
He’s often playing the diplomat instead of the dictator, preferring that others work things out instead of relying on him for every decision since he’s well aware that he doesn’t have the capacity or patience to micromanage things on such a large scale. 
Offender has many clubs of varying types that he owns and oversees personally. They’re all regarded as the best entertainment spots anywhere when it comes to staff, drinks, food, music and (most importantly) fun! As a result they’re also the most exclusive. Differing spots have differing levels of exclusivity but even the most ‘open’ location often has a waiting list and a line down the block of people hoping that a spot will open up.  
These clubs are wildly successful and the money they bring in would set anyone up for life, but they’re actually not where Offender gets most of his money or what he considers his job.
His considers his actual job to be an investor. He takes businesses that he thinks are / would be fun and helps them with anything they might need - from funds to advertising to a little leeway with the law - in return for ‘partial’ ownership.
Nearly every place that deals in entertainment in any form has called in a favor from Offender at some point and in return he gets whatever he wants from them. Usually its just money and the ability to use their services whenever he wants. But for those places he really likes, he takes a more hands-on approach, often taking over in all but name and adding things things like private rooms only he can access or extra services for himself.   
You see, Offender’s ‘investment’ job is a selfish endeavor only designed to ensure that he has access to things that will fuel his hedonistic lifestyle. He isn’t in it for the money or power but for the ability to have fun in as many ways as possible.
As a result of the vast network of businesses he has under his thumb, Offender makes a great spy and informant. He often works with Slender in return for help with any... difficulties he may have with the law. 
Trender is a designer through and through. 
He deals primarily in fashion but that’s certainly not where his talents end. He does makeup, architectural design, interior design, furniture, photography, and more. And thus, his business does all of that too, and does it the best. 
It’s one of the most well known and best regarded businesses out there. It is the name in design and everything they do is regarded as gospel in defining what looks good. Having anything designed by his business is a status symbol and doesn’t come cheap, both because of their name AND because of the extremely high quality and amount of work that goes into each piece. And that doesn’t even mention things done by Trender personally.  
Trender is a god in the design world and a bit of a celebrity outside it to those that care even remotely about fashion or design. The rich, the powerful and the famous beg him to create even one outfit for them, his photographs and collections are sought after by museums and if he’s seen wearing anything from another business their stocks and revenue soar.
Trender doesn’t particularly care about fame or money, however. He’s honestly just in it for his love of design. He knows he’s good at what he does and he doesn’t need validation based on his bank account or the status of the person he designs for. 
He’ll personally only take clients based on how ‘inspired’ he feels by their request no matter what they offer him. He’s also refuses to stay stagnant, always looking for new inspirations, styles and upcoming trends and he makes sure to keep up to date with the releases of even the smallest designers.   
Slendor’s always been fascinated with non-combat magic and his vast natural talents made him extremely useful in both magic research and policy. While he may not be able to perform some types of magic himself (for example, as those exclusive to other cryptid races or that otherwise aren’t compatible with slenderbeings) his instinctual understandings of the structure behind them and his ability to see where it could backfire or be applied elsewhere was extraordinary. 
At the behest of his brother Slender and on the recommendation of their father, Splendor worked with the government on magic research. In the beginning, when cryptid society was still being built, much of his work centered around generalizing existing magic used by one cryptid race so it can be useful to the broader population, but by the end he was helping with everything from developing new spells to advising on what magic should be used for what crisis or whether its a good or bad idea to allow or deny the use of this particular magic, or even just being called out to a random location because “we found this obviously magic thing, what does it do and is it dangerous?”
The job was also extremely academically rigorous in ways Splendor found challenging, with the other researchers wanting details on mechanisms and facts and figures while oftentimes all Splendor had for them was “well that’s the way the magic feels.”  
He was relieved when he left. And honestly, by the time he quit he was confident that the magical research division had developed to a point where it was just as capable without him there as it was with him there. Though, he is still ‘on call’ if they feel they need him.
Nowadays he has a pastry and confectionary business that he loves and is very successful. While the paperwork and logistics can be a bit tedious, he loves experimenting by trying out new recipes for new products. He also may or may not use magic in the making of these sweets. Trade secret.      
Slender: Leader of the free world
Offender: Club owner and shady investor
Trender: Designer 
Splendor: Owner of a business making confectionaries and pastries 
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yunwooz · 1 year
Sorry I just saw that post, I now scrolled and saw where was all coming from! About Eden I understand you, I actually said in my post between parenthesis that it still was obviously bad so we actually thought the same😅
And for the rest I didn't say that was the only reason, that's why I said "to say one", as in just an example of other things. Also, I don't think they are mistreating them nor not doing things like the examples you put on purpose (not saying you are), but instead it all comes from a reason: not having time and also bc of planning it for another moment on purpose for marketing reasons like release this thing in another key moment bc it will have more good response(but I wouldn't agree either, I would like them to have freedom without thinking if what's the best moment to do whatever). Which is the root they need to change and put of their part. I get that the guys themselves are workaholics and love their job and also said like Mingi once that even if they don't like it they are freelance so their type of job requires them to work a lot but they still should put boundaries...I don't think there is malicious intent and I can't generalize the company either. Idk, I think is a bigger problem than that from Korea in general (tho can name more countries), of the toxic hussle culture, praising effort and passion to the point of not sleeping much and working a lot..Like, you can see this everywhere including the guys so it's hard to change a whole system and specially in such a competitive world that forces both KQ and the guys to work that much and having to put even more effort bc of being a smaller company, they truly can't afford to stop. But! They still should say no to some things and find other ways bc that's not going to be sustainable long term, everyone involved including the staff that the guys said they even worked even more than them is going to burn out so bad sooner or later🫠
But I'm assuming they will eventually manage that? I mean they will be forced to do it bc.. But also they may thought that once they reach the level of Fame they want they will be able to stop more but that's not going to happen bc they will have to maintain the fame and all that, bts Is the best example. So idk, I hope they find a way seriously😮‍💨
i honestly and truly think that kq are simply terrible at managing ateez well and properly, so yeah i don't think they're intentionally robbing certain members of opportunities but rather they don't manage ateez's time well enough or take enough care to cater to each member's interests and talents well enough either. there most definitely is that toxic hussle culture you mention prevalent all throughout kpop and this mindset of having to move fast and quick as though there's a timer counting down on them and their time as a group. however, i think kq must realize sooner rather than later that with the way they're currently pushing ateez, it's not feasible for them to be able to continue long term solely on account of burnout, mental fatigue, or physical fatigue. i'm not saying they should stop completely but rather slow down for a time. they've got plenty of money. the tours have made them a huge amount of money. ateez pretty much singlehandedly pulled kq out of debt and funded a great deal of other projects kq is doing too, not speaking from a point of bias but from what market reports have shown in recent years. i think they're got enough money to slow down on world tours, festivals, and things like kcon appearances as well.
i also really believe that kq is wildly understaffed still to this day bc they want to maintain the 'family-like' mentality of the company. kq could really make good use of a social media manager, a bigger team of stylists, and certainly more higher-ups who specialize and understand business really well. and i feel like they should have already managed that by this point in time... especially since they debuted a new boy group? like i would hope that they would have had this all sorted and figured out prior to starting a new project like that bc now it affects not only just ateez but also the new group and everyone who manages and works with that new group too. and frankly from the way ateez discuss their trajectory and their fame, i don't see them finding a happy place to be content at in terms of fame. each time they achieve something, they adjust their goals and keep pushing for something bigger and higher than before, which is likely a product of them coming from a company outside the big4 and also just their work ethic in general but i don't see them slowing down any time soon which is another layer of concern for how the company is working them right now
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cazort · 1 year
I see this attitude from a lot of people nowadays "Why should I have to pay money just to live? The basic necessities should be free!"
Let me tell you why. The answer is efficiency and sustainability. Basic necessities cost resources to produce, food, housing, clothing, it takes labor, material costs, energy, and other resources to produce these things, and it also takes resources to get these things to the people who need them. And it takes societal structures, businesses, organizations, infrastructures, to do it. And some methods of production and distribution are more efficient than others.
When people have limited money, and have to buy basic necessities, they shop around for the lowest price and for deals. And the act of doing this, helps to select for more efficient ways of producing and distributing goods. It also creates incentives to preserve things, like keeping clothing or equipment longer instead of just throwing it out. All of these things create incentives for protecting the environment too, because things that cost more to make often are using more energy or material resources that have negative environmental impact.
When people don't have enough money to buy basic necessities, instead of saying that the problem is that the necessities cost money, you could say that the problem is that they don't have money. Money is power to buy things, and the problem is that some people are so disempowered that they cannot even get their basic needs met.
Solutions like UBI or various social welfare programs address this by simply giving people money regularly.
I think this is often a better solution than simply giving people resources for free. If something is free, people will be more likely waste it, or to take more than they need. This makes the program more expensive than if people bought only what they needed. Someone is still paying for those free things, and if it's funded by a government grant, the whole supply chain of producing and distributing it probably isn't going to be as efficient. So even if no one took more free handouts than they needed, it still would be more expensive than simply giving people money and allowing people to shop around for deals.
Note also that the existence of ultra-rich people undermines the efficiency created by markets and the money system. If someone is rich past a certain point, they become insensitive to the cost of most goods, and they end up buying things for whatever prices they are available at. As a result they often end up buying things that took incredible amounts of resources to produce, and they thus end up having a disrpoportionate environmental impact too. This is why we see all this stuff about how the richest people are responsible for the most carbon emissions and pollution. It's also why you have problems like billionaires buying up tons of properties in London and driving up the cost of living, shaping the whole housing market so that developers build luxury housing instead of affordable housing.
The problem with our world isn't that money exists or that it rules the economy, the problem is simply that the money has been ridiculously concentrated in the hands of a tiny portion of people, and that the economic system and tax system and laws are designed such that it stays that way. Some people have too much money and others have too little and it creates problems on both ends. The solution isn't to eliminate money, it's to eliminate the regressive aspects of our tax code, laws, and economic system.
If there were only modest wealth disparities between people, all people had enough money to comfortably buy basic necessities, and no people had so much wealth as to be insensitive to cost, it wouldn't be a grave injustice that you need to pay for these things. It would just be part of the system that helps society to run more efficiently. And I think that would be a much better society to live in than one where we try to (centrally or decentrally) coordinate how to care for people without money.
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renee-writer · 1 year
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How Far is Forever?
A/N Written for the above prompt
He had many strange requests but this…
For as long as he could remember, he has had the ability to move through time. It is as simple for him as breathing. As a teenager, he discovers he can take others with him.  A plan develops, why not make money off it?  He can help others as well.
A job as a CNA in a retirement home places him where he can do both. The men and women, dying, can be taken into the future. He charges them based on how far they want to go. Usually, it is just far enough to see generation they will miss. Sometimes a bit farther. Then, after a decade, he meets George.
The whole place is talking about him. The richest person they have ever had. The home caterers to the wealthy, that is how he was able to monetize his gift, but George is in a whole other League! A billionaire!
“I heard you have a special talent.” He nods.  “Speak up. I didn’t come here for a mute.”
“Yes sir, I do.” He finds his voice as his mind dissects what he said. Did he come for me?
“Very good . How far have you traveled?”
“Twenty -five years.”
The old man frowns. “You can travel farther though?”
“Oh yes sir. It is up to my ahh, client. How far they want to go.”
“Excellent. Come closer.” He steps right up to the bed. *I want to go to the end of time, see how it all turns out.”
He stares at him, with wide eyes. “That is .”
“Doable? Is it doable?”
“I, I ahh, yes. It is.” He isn’t sure but he believes he can.
“Are you certain?”
“Yes sir,” he nods, “Yes it is.”
“Grand. I am dying . Have a matter of weeks. Have no family, my business was all I needed. No one to pass anything down too. So, this is the deal. You take me to the end, I give you every penny I have, minus whatever is needed to keep me here until I die. Deal.”
He is stunned. Having a sizable amount, a bit over a million dollars in the bank, he thought himself set. But this!
“A deal.” They shake hands, the young one engulfed by the older one.
“Brilliant. I shall have my lawyer here and the contract drawn up.”
He doesn’t sleep that night. Tossing and turning he thinks, “Where will this take us? How far is forever?”
The next day, George has the paperwork. He signs it. The old man does. It is notarized.
“When can we go? How does this work?”
“You take my hands. We stay here, in our bodies. Our spirits make the journey.” He pulls in the deepest breath he has ever taken. “Whenever you are ready.”
He eagerly reaches for his hands. The young man takes them. He closes his eyes. Breathing deeply in and out, he starts their travels.
The years fly by, like a vapor. They catch glimpses. A new building, a new child, a new war. More years, more changes. Lines around gas stations, empty shelves, hungry children. More years. Global conflict. Deep depression ( both economically and in people’s hearts). Farther. More bad news, famine, horrible diseases. A bit farther.
A huge war, unlike anything else they have seen. Blood runs freely. Then a army that comes from the sky! A man, but not a man, He stops it all with a Word. All evil, all violence, all disease. All the bad. They are ceased with a Word from The Word.
The earth gives way. They return to the room in the nursing home. The young man looks to the old one. His eyes are wide with regret. “I denied Him. Denied His way over me. I thought I knew. Thought myself a self made man. Oh forgive me God. Save me! Take me home. I give my life to You!”
Then he died. The young man still has his hands. He seats there for a moment then he bows his own head.
The money would allow him to do nothing for the rest of his life. He could just sit at leisure. But he knows the future.
There will be nothing left behind. He starts many charities. Recalling the things they have seen, he makes sure there are funds for those who will be affected by hunger, disease, war. He knows he can’t fix everything but does all he can.
He still works in the home. He still shows the dying their futures. Now though, he doesn’t charge. His skills aren’t limited to the rich. His message is God’s message. He warns all who will listen. Plants as many seedts as he can. He doesn’t want anyone to face the fire.
How far is forever? It is much closer then you think.
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sorasorakodoku · 28 days
Understanding life could be soo much easy if the government didn't need us desperate for scraps, is a very depressing thought.
I said this to my boss and he said "it's a plausible conspiracy theory"
I was confused it doesn't seem that crazy. Like if millions of people didn't have to wake up to pay bills with meager minimum wage jobs than how would the government make money?? makes sense to me.
But too many times I hear something people tell others "get a better job" "You don't have to work that low paying job" and it's yea that's true "You" don't but it's a not a singular issue. because if everyone who is supposedly complaining got a better job who would do the so called "entry level jobs" that is oddly keep the economy floating??
I'm not very political but this is 100% why roevwade was reversed. Hmm this might sound conspiracy like in explanation but it all makes a lot of sense.
It's been 51 years since that case has happened so why now was it time to reverse it. All because of covid. Now was it created for this exact result?? that much I'm not sure. But the government keep tracks of production vs employee retention rates. Of course having people at home changed things but once the government artificially pumped money into the economy some people just stopped working.
Additionally immunocompromised or often older people like baby boomers either passed or wasn't able to come back for being sick or retired early because of covid. This decreased the work force. Remember how hard companies tried to get people to come back to work?? "The great resignation they called it"
But good ole uncle sam was coming to rescue them
Tax laws is a basically legalized pyramid scheme.
Notice that birth rates wasn't keeping up with growth of capitalism. Japan is dealing with this and it's not a population issue more like and active work force problem. People wasn't having kids or people realized they can't afford them and Regardless the reason without fresh babies now, in 20-30yrs their won't be many to recruits in the pyram..work force. Well the thing is you can't force people to have kids but you can tell them you can't.......abort them. Why would force that on people... Bibical principle Tradition, family values, leaving a legacy , Religious duty , money.
The bulk of the economy funds the government by force with taxes and then they buy whatever they want with it. but you'd asked "shouldn't that money funds schools, and localized programs to fix public infrastructure and aid the communities ". but it does we just don't vote on the amounts of allocation, although that information is public record, most people are just to busy to care to look.
but wait if the government has the federal reserve to pump trillions to stimulate inflation the economy than why does it need our taxes dollars to fund it. Great question. The uncomplicated answer is they don't make money, they create debt. That later we have pay the bill off too. This HERE <<<< will show us how much we "owe" nationally and individually" to the government as well as other financial stat lines.
I'm not fully against paying taxes. But Inflation and rate hikes isn't an accident or natural enigma that take form whenever it feels like it. As well as the cost of living to income gap is widening. It's very real and deliberate all for them to keep us locked in the revolving door of financial servitude.
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navarrokok32 · 1 month
Good Advice On How To Invest In Real Estate
Investing in real estate is scary for some people. You should be educated with the right information. Once you get the hang of it, you can make a great deal of money. Look at these ideas to begin. When you are knowledgeable about investing, it is easier to make good decisions. Make sure that you create a game plan for what you desire to accomplish. Figure out how much time the process will take and if it will be worth your while. When you have developed a plan, meet with the necessary parties to discuss the deal that you want to achieve. Speak with a real estate expert to help you with your plan and see whether or not there are holes in your strategy. This will help you to get a good idea of where you stand and what you need to do to accomplish your goals. They may tear the plan apart and give you an alternative plan instead. You must think about reputation when it comes to stepping foot into the real estate market. Thus, you must consistently keep your promises and maintain complete honesty in your dealings. This affords you credibility with the area and ensures loyalty from clients. Find out as much as you can about the pricing of properties in your selected area. Mortgages and rent costs will give you a good idea your property value. Your decisions are more informed when you understand it from the street level. Be careful about choosing properties with strange room layouts. You may personally find it interesting, but many people don't like these strangely developed properties. They can be extremely hard sells. Picking one up without a potential buyer in mind can lead to it sitting in your inventory for months, if not years. If you want to get into real estate investing, but do not have enough money to buy a piece of property on your own, do not fret. Look at land subdivision christchurch . Operating much like mutual funds, you can invest what funds you have available into a larger group pool and still make some money off of real estate mortgages. As you analyze business strategy when it comes to your real estate investments, understand the costs that are outside of the actual price. You've got legal fees, closing costs, staging costs and a lot more that can affect your bottom line. Consider all costs involved when determining your margin. Find a contractor to work with that you can get along with. There's no reason to get someone to help you with fixing up the real estate you invest in if you don't like how they operate. You can save yourself a lot of frustration if you just find someone that you know will work well with you. Know how much your time is worth. You may love remodeling homes; however, you should consider if the time spent doing manual labor is worth it. Would your time be better spent scoping out additional opportunities? Whatever you can outsource, do it. You will very much appreciate the free time that you will gain so that you can focus on other important things. When investing in residential real estate, make sure you know the neighborhood you are buying in. Some neighborhoods offer better resale potential, while others are better for long or short term rentals. By knowing your neighborhood, you can create a smart business plan that nets you the highest potential for future profits. Try seeking out a company involved in property management. It costs money to do so, but the investment can be worth it. The company that does the property management will screen potential renters and deal with costly repairs. This frees up time to look for more properties. Try working well with others. Rather than viewing other real estate investors as competition, try to work together. Doing this will allow resource sharing and client sharing by networking well. By helping each other out, you can build up a large and satisfied clientele. This is the key to building good will and expanding your networking possibilities. All investments come with a certain amount of risk. But the info provided here will help you to keep your risks to a minimum. Take notes from what you read here. In order to make wise choices, you need to know as much as possible. You have started this process. Continue learning so that you can enjoy real estate investing.
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postself55 · 1 month
Gold has been valued by people since the beginning of time. It has been used as money, given as gifts and turned into jewelry to show affection. Gold is a good investment because it is universally treasured. If you are looking to invest in some gold, here are some tips to help you invest wisely.
Before buying or selling gold, look into the market price for gold for the day. There are daily fluctuations on price for precious metals, so it's important for you to know what the current going rate is. This will help you understand whether the dealer is overpriced or fair in the offers made to you. Do Teen Patti Rummy Game on the fee and commission structures for the dealer you are considering. Every dealer will have slightly different commission structures. Some may be more fair to you than others, so use it as a way to comparison shop against multiple dealers. This way, you can get the best deal for you possible. Do not hesitate to sell any gold jewelry that you no longer have use for. There are many people that hold on to these pieces for no logical reason when they can be sold for a tidy profit. The money you make from the sale would do more good than unused jewelry sitting in a box. If you are going to a store to sell your gold, make sure you research the shop on the Better Business Bureau's website. You will be able to see what type of experience other consumers had, and you can determine whether or not the company was responsive to customer complaints. If you're buying gold pieces for investment reasons, stay away from proof coins. These coins are polished and mounted, and they can sometimes be worth more than regular coins. The problem is, proof coin value only matters to collectors, and it can vary on a daily basis. For investment only purposes, stick with regular coins. Make sure that you step up to the market with a sound mind and wary eye. Several markets have bad companies, but gold is notorious for containing many. There are plenty of honest dealers; however, there are also people who are only out to steal your personal information. Doing a good amount of research will ensure that you are getting the very best deal. If you are thinking about becoming a buyer or seller of gold, make sure you are legal! In the United States, you must have a license to purchase, sell or trade gold in any quantities on a regular basis. Check with your city or town about how to become licensed, and then enjoy your new entitlement to dealing in gold. The gold value of a piece of jewelry will never be equal to the amount you paid for it. That is because the gold is not pure and is diluted by alloys. The jewelry will need to be melted down to separate the gold from whatever other material it was mixed with. If you're not looking to own gold, you'll still be able to invest in it. Buying gold-focused mutual funds and stock in companies that mine gold are other options for investing in gold. If you want to get physical gold, factor in the cost of storage in a secure location. Inquire if your relatives would be interested in selling any gold they no longer want. Purchase a quality jewelry scale on which to weigh the gold. This allows you to compensate your relatives better than a pawnshop while still earning money on the deal. Keep in mind that most gold dealers are not interested in plated or gold filled pieces. They want the pieces to melt down, and they will only pay you based on the melt down value. Plated and gold filled pieces can't really be melted down for any profit, so they will usually turn those pieces away. Hopefully these tips have given you a better idea of how to go about buying gold. Whether you are looking to invest in it to make money or just to collect beautiful pieces of jewelry, gold has lasting value. It usually goes up in value. Keep these tips in mind and start your own collection of gold today.
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middletonlocklear48 · 1 month
Gold has been valued by people since the beginning of time. It has been used as money, given as gifts and turned into jewelry to show affection. Gold is a good investment because it is universally treasured. If you are looking to invest in some gold, here are some tips to help you invest wisely.
Before buying or selling gold, look into the market price for gold for the day. There are daily fluctuations on price for precious metals, so it's important for you to know what the current going rate is. This will help you understand whether the dealer is overpriced or fair in the offers made to you. Do your research on the fee and commission structures for the dealer you are considering. Every dealer will have slightly different commission structures. Some may be more fair to you than others, so use it as a way to comparison shop against multiple dealers. This way, you can get the best deal for you possible. Do not hesitate to sell any gold jewelry that you no longer have use for. There are many people that hold on to these pieces for no logical reason when they can be sold for a tidy profit. The money you make from the sale would do more good than unused jewelry sitting in a box. If you are going to a store to sell your gold, make sure you research the shop on the Better Business Bureau's website. You will be able to see what type of experience other consumers had, and you can determine whether or not the company was responsive to customer complaints. If you're buying gold pieces for investment reasons, stay away from proof coins. These coins are polished and mounted, and they can sometimes be worth more than regular coins. Three Patti Gold is, proof coin value only matters to collectors, and it can vary on a daily basis. For investment only purposes, stick with regular coins. Make sure that you step up to the market with a sound mind and wary eye. Several markets have bad companies, but gold is notorious for containing many. There are plenty of honest dealers; however, there are also people who are only out to steal your personal information. Doing a good amount of research will ensure that you are getting the very best deal. If you are thinking about becoming a buyer or seller of gold, make sure you are legal! In the United States, you must have a license to purchase, sell or trade gold in any quantities on a regular basis. Check with your city or town about how to become licensed, and then enjoy your new entitlement to dealing in gold. The gold value of a piece of jewelry will never be equal to the amount you paid for it. That is because the gold is not pure and is diluted by alloys. The jewelry will need to be melted down to separate the gold from whatever other material it was mixed with. If you're not looking to own gold, you'll still be able to invest in it. Buying gold-focused mutual funds and stock in companies that mine gold are other options for investing in gold. If you want to get physical gold, factor in the cost of storage in a secure location. Inquire if your relatives would be interested in selling any gold they no longer want. Purchase a quality jewelry scale on which to weigh the gold. This allows you to compensate your relatives better than a pawnshop while still earning money on the deal. Keep in mind that most gold dealers are not interested in plated or gold filled pieces. They want the pieces to melt down, and they will only pay you based on the melt down value. Plated and gold filled pieces can't really be melted down for any profit, so they will usually turn those pieces away. Hopefully these tips have given you a better idea of how to go about buying gold. Whether you are looking to invest in it to make money or just to collect beautiful pieces of jewelry, gold has lasting value. It usually goes up in value. Keep these tips in mind and start your own collection of gold today.
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rindommayer06 · 2 months
Looking for Philadelphia Auto Financing With Bad Credit
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