#a ​little Sapnap and Karl kissing ooooh
wishitweresummer · 1 year
Tickle War (Sapnap x Quackity x KarlJacobs)
Word Count: 1810
Warnings: Domestic bliss, kissing (a small bit), and feet tickling.
Karl batted Sapnap's hands away from his waist for the third time this morning.
"You're going to mess up the omelette!", he giggled. Sapnap leaned back against the counter near the furnace and smirked at Karl. When his flustered fiancé wouldn't meet his eyes he laughed and watched his hands instead. Karl delicately folded the egg over to create a beautiful omelette. It was quickly transferred onto a plate and slid onto the counter behind Sapnap. He grinned as Karl switched off the furnace and trapped him against the counter with a hand at either side of his body.
"What?", Sapnap smiled with his eyes on Karl's lips. They trailed up to find his eyes narrowed. He relaxed back into the counter and closed his eyes as soft lips overtook his. Sapnap smiled into the kiss, humming at how sweet it felt. He wrapped his arms around Karl's neck and melted.
"You're a troublemaker...", Karl murmured into his lips and suddenly there were fingers pinching at his waist. Sapnap squeaked embarrassingly into the kiss and ripped his arms down. Suddenly, Karl had him pressed against the counter and tickly hands were crawling up his shirt.
"No!!", Sapnap cried out, giggling as he squirmed back into the counter and fumbled against the hands under his shirt. "Get out of there!".
    Sapnap was finally able to wrangle the evil fingers from his shirt and the two stood there giggling, bumping noses.
"Where's our ducky?", Karl smiled, pressing his forehead to Sapnap.
"Sleeping in wayyyy too late.".
     Sapnap and Karl sat at their dining table and shared the omelette as they chatted about their weeks. It was a soft quiet morning, probably from the lack of their loudest fiancé. The sun flooding into the house got brighter and brighter with no appearance from Quackity.
"We should go wake him.". Sapnap nodded at the words, then grinned when he looked up and noticed Karl's playful smirk.
"And how should we do that?".
"His favorite thing.", Karl lifted his hand and wiggled his fingers in the air. Sapnap nodded and bumped his chair back as he stood quickly.
"Let's clean up.", he giggled giddily.
     Quackity was sprawled under the covers dead asleep. It was adorable. His mouth was open and tiny snores were drifting out.
     The plan had been to jump on top of him together and tickle him, but they found him in a position that left a different tactic wide open. His bare foot was sticking out of the blanket. The two eyed each other excitedly before crouching on the floor at the bottom of the bed together, the foot between them. Sapnap wrapped his hand around the small ankle firmly and gave Karl a nod. Karl scribbled up the bare foot with his short colorful nails. Quackity shrieked, torn out of dreamland forcefully. Strained cackles filled the bedroom as he desperately tried to tug his ankle from Sapnap's strong grip.
"Fuck you!!!", he cried. Quackity had twisted the moment he had woken up and his thrashing had quickly tangled him in the blanket. Karl eyed the mess over the edge of the bed and started giggling. They had been planning on just waking him up this way, but now Quackity looked so pathetic and his sleepy laugh was cute.
"Get him!", Karl shouted as he jumped up and scrambled on top of his trapped fiancé. Quackity yelped as skinny fingers found his sides through the blanket.
"Guys please!!!". Sapnap laughed as he took over the foot tickling. He played with the wiggling toes as he watched Quackity fall into hysterical laughter. He bucked wildly as he tried to get Karl off of him, looking pretty helpless.
      Eventually, Quackity broke an arm free from the blanket burrito and grabbed a pillow. A loud whap sounded through the room as Quackity smacked Karl with it and sent him crashing to the side full of giggles. It distracted Sapnap long enough to loosen his grip and Quackity pulled himself free and out from under the covers. He grabbed another pillow and clung it to his chest as he gasped for his breath. Sapnap crawled on the bed and Karl sat up, pillow in hand. They all stared at each other, Quackity panting softly.
The air sizzled with a dangerous level of playfulness. Eyes flicked back and forth, scanning for movement. Sapnap eyed the pillow behind Quackity and the other two tensed. He huffed and dove for it. He was able to grab it and curl up around it, but the other two let out war cries as they pummeled him with their own pillows. He giggled wildly under the playfulness. He pushed himself up, fighting through the attacks.
"Karl how could you betray me!!!", Sapnap yelled and lifted his pillow in the air to whack Karl with. Quackity dropped his weapon and latched onto Sapnap's sides from behind. He squealed and dropped the pillow, collapsing backwards as laughter bubbled out of him. "Quackity!!". He pulled at the hands tickling into his sides. Lips brushed against his ear and a squeak flew out of his lips as he scrunched deeper into his fiancés arms.
"How could you wake me up like that?". The growl against his ear made him jolt and he sunk down as Quackity sunk his teeth softly where his shoulder met his neck.  The squeakiest giggles poured out of him as he twisted.
"Stop!!", he whined helplessly.
     Karl tossed the pillow aside and leaned in, coo'ing at Sapnap's frantic giggling as he scrambled with Quackity's sneaky fingers.
"It was his idea, by the way.", Karl lied easily. Sapnap gasped.
"It was not!!", he cried out, then yelped and leaned forward. Sapnap shook with a desperate sounding laugh as Quackity held him by his ribs and rubbed his thumbs in circles into the back of them. He made a strangled noise in protest as Quackity turned him and folded him down on the bed, brutally tickling into the back of his ribs. Sapnap cackled loudly and clawed at the blankets. "No!", was all he was able to peep out. He reached back to try and slap the tickling fingers away, but Quackity shoved his hand into his open underarm. Sapnap curled and twisted, wailing helplessly with laughter. The other two coo'ed as they could suddenly feel heat radiating from their red-faced blaze-hybrid.
Karl decided he wanted to help with the torture. He scooted in closer and started pinching at Sapnap's jumpy shoulders where they met his neck. Sapnap's survival instinct jerked his spine straight and he pushed himself up quickly. The other two were only confused for one moment before Sapnap wrapped both arms around Karl's middle and threw all his weight forward. Karl cried out as he was suddenly staring at the ceiling. A high pitched yelp was torn out of him as warm grabby hands attacked his waist.
"It was your idea and you threw me under the bus!!", Sapnap tried to sound angry, he did. But, his voice cracked twice and he couldn't stop giggling. Sapnap nosed up the shirt against Karl's squirmy tummy and pressed a raspberry directly into his bellybutton, still pinching teasingly at his hips. Karl twisted and shrieked, his laughter bubbling out through squeaks and hiccups as he squirmed and tried to pry Sapnap away from his middle. Another raspberry drew another loud cry.
Quackity leaned over Sapnap and watched Karl's face, feeling a little love-struck. Karl's laughter sounded happy and was beautiful. It entered his ears and sank into his heart. He looked down where Karl's legs were squirming underneath Sapnap's body and found an opening where he could latch above the knee. Karl screamed. Suddenly, Sapnap was tossed aside and hit the blankets with an 'oof'. The two scrambled on to their knees and suddenly all three were staring at each other again. Eyes darted. It seemed everyone was determined to not be completely ganged up on.
At the exact same time Sapnap pounced for Quackity, Quackity pounced for Karl. They were all dragged down together in a flurry of surprised laughter. Sapnap pushed himself up between them and tickled into each of their stomachs, they both squealed. With a rough tug from Karl, Sapnap found himself face down on the bed again. He scrambled against the blankets.
"Don't!!", he cried out as he was pressed back down and burst into anticipatory giggles. "Not both of you!!". He curled up in panic and screamed as four hands attacked his sides and hips.
Drowning in his own laughter, Sapnap desperately twisted himself onto his back and slapped at the attacking hands. Quackity and Karl leaned over him, their giggles sounded evil as they squeezed at his sides and dug into his ribs. Karl tugged up Sapnap's shirt and he yelled out in panic. Without thinking he reached up and grabbed a handful of each of their shirts, tugging them down forcefully on top of him. The tickling stopped as Quackity and Karl both did their best to not hurt Sapnap as they landed on him. Sapnap's giggles were frantic, squirming under the weight of his loves.
"Sap!", Quackity laughed as he carefully rolled off him and sat up, patting around the giggly blaze-hybrid. "Are you okay?". Sapnap nodded and grabbed onto Karl's hands as he also tried to make sure he was okay.
"We were supposed to be tickling him!!", he tugged Karl in closer, both of them giggling more as their noses brushed. "Help me tickle Quackity now or you're waking up tomorrow with cuffs around your wrists and my mouth on your tummy.". Karl's mouth dropped open at the threat and he pulled back, flushed.
"Okay okay okay.", he slipped out of Sapnap's hands and grabbed for Quackity, who jerked away with a squeak.
"Fuck, no!!!", he cried out as he was manhandled by Karl down onto the bed.
Now, Quackity found himself face down on the bed squirming desperately. The other two held him in place and tickled mercilessly into his wings and back. Quackity was in tears in no time, screaming with laughter.
     Karl's skinny fingers skittered through his wings and found a new muscle to tease every time they stopped. Sapnap's warm hands massaged dizzying circles into the back of his ribs and up at his shoulder blades. Quackity sputtered as he tried to beg, but would wheeze every time he tried to ask for mercy. His laughter cut out as Karl found a particularly sensitive muscle in his wing and he quietly convulsed against the bed, then a scream cut through the air. His cackles were deafening as he pounded and kicked against the bed desperately. Sapnap and Karl giggled at their helpless ducky.
"What did I do!!!", Quackity cried.
What had he even done? They could barely remember. Sleep in or something?
(Art by @kazenomegaminowanpisu )
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zukikoof · 2 years
first kiss w the crew boys??
also u seem rlly cool, can we be mutals ?? <33
first kiss with dtqk 
Ty for the ask! And ofc we can be mutuals <33 but yeah, here you go :]
Pronouns - they/them you/your
Warnings - weird creep, mentions if drinking, quite some angst for George ( I can write something for him if you want), If anything else lmk :]
 If you kissed him i dont think he would be able to process it
I love confused Dream 
So lets imagine you and him were out stargazing 
And you two were pointing out stars, talking and all but obviously he does the “looking at you whilst you look at the stars”
Cliche much
 You look over at him and just kiss him
Didnt even say anything, just did
“Its rude to stare you know?”
He shifts his focus to the painted sky again 
“ I wanted to see the sky in your eyes”
So you were at a club and dragged George out because he needed to get out
Anyways there was some rude guy there
He bought you a drink- well he tried to because you kept declining
But he was persistent
Thats when george comes in.
“ leave them alone.”
The creep didnt and said 
“What are you? Their boyfriend?”
“What if I am?”
So the guy made you two kiss, idk why probably to prove it or something
And George did, he also rushed you guys back home
He was absolutely furious with the weirdo
But you were shocked, he kissed you
Georgenotfound, your friend since childhood, longtime crush. HE KISSED YOU?
When you two got home you asked
“Why did you kiss me?”
Silence. Not even a sound emitted from him, he just walked to the stairs
“Because I’ve liked you for a long,long time”
You guys were chilling with Dream in the living room
And as you guys were hanging out you started a dance party because why not :D
You three were jamming out to your faviroute song
When you and Sap were getting really close 
Dream was vibing in the background
Sap grabbed you and just did it
Dream still dancing
While you two were in shock and just looking intently at each other
“What?”  Dream broke the silence making you two speedrun through all shades of pink
Cuddling with cartoons in the background
Its been a month of you two dating and you guys are just worried about how fast things progress in your relationship 
Karl was so scared of overstepping your boundaries so he waited for you but you were the same
And honestly you two were waiting, impatiently until
Karl asked if he could kiss you
You agreed 
The two of you didnt know what to do but get closer and closer
It ended up with you kissing him but instead of him being flustered, he said
“Awhhh I wanted to do that”
You smiled and let him
Your on a fun date with him
You guys are ice skating
Lets imagine your good at skating btw (deffo not projecting ummm)
So your so slay and hes standing there fumbling but he thinks your so pretty <3
He says when he falls its because your making him fall for you again
Anyways, you two are doing the little hand hold spinning thing and he falls
You fall with him and land right next to him
“OOooh I guess its your turn to fall for me”
He says, leaving you giggling
And you kiss him
You try to get up again but he pulls you back down and sputters
“Do ity again, do it again, do it again, do it again”
Until you do it again and resume your date
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tokyyovie · 3 years
if your requests are open can you do that one tiktok trend where you call you s/o by their real name and not their pet name with the feral boys? if not thats fine :)
that's not my name
+ (feral boys (separate) x gn!reader)
+ ofc! thank you for the request! (not proofread cause im lazy)
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- you'd be watching a movie with him and sapnap
- and i guess the popcorn would be in between him and sapnap
- you remember seeing that one tiktok trend where you call your s/o by their real name and you decide there was no harm in trying it
- "clay, can you pass the popcorn?"
- no response
- "clay?"
- you could hear sapnap mumble "dude, give her the popcorn," but he just huffed a little and slouched in his place.
- "okay," you giggled, "baby, please give it to me,"
- he whipped his head in your direction, a small smile on his face. he held the popcorn near you, but held it tight
- "can i have it now, please?"
- he stuck out his lips exaggeratedly as he pointed at them, asking for a kiss
- you rolled your eyes but lazily pressed your lips against his anyway
- "you guys! can you please kiss in your time? gross!" sapnap shoved dream, pushing him closer to you."
- in the end, you got your popcorn, not without having to wipe dream's spit off your lips, though.
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georgenotfound (x cc!reader)
- (i dont imagine you guys calling each other pet names so this was a little hard,,)
- i feel like this wouldn’t even be on purpose
- OOOOH this would totally be a bit like you guys would do on stream
- so so so he’d be messing around with you n maybe the dream team on a random minecraft world while talking to chat right
- and maybe dream would ask you where you'd wanna go if you got free plane tickets to anywhere (pretend ur american ok)
- and just to mess with george you'd say "i'd go to london to meet the bench trio, duh, and maybe wilbur!"
- dream and sapnap start wheezing, and george was DEAD silent
- you were watching his stream, and he was staring at the screen with an unreadable expression
- "ok." he would say in the most monotone voice ever.
- the other two boys would not stop laughing
- you laughed, amused at his reaction, "george! i'm sorry, of course i'd visit you!"
- "th-they aren't even f-from london!" dream wheezed.
- "whoops!" you smiled, though they couldn't see
- "george? oh come on now, george!?" your cheeks hurt from the huge mischievous grin on your face
- "baby?" you muttered into the microphone. stream would freak out, but you weren't one to miss the opportunity to fluster your partner.
- you watched your boyfriend's cheeks become a brilliant pinkish color as his face burned on stream. he covered his mouth with his hand, a small breathy chuckle escaping his lips
- "um, y-yeah?" he stammered, his voice light, almost in a whisper. he was out of frame now, his hand still clearly over his face as he hid in his bright red hoodie that was almost identical to the color of his face and ears.
- dream and sapnap teased the both of you profusely after this
- "dreamie-poo, baby?" sapnap mocked, his voice becoming significantly higher.
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- i definitely imagine you guys at the mall shopping
- and you'd be like "karl, can you pay for this skirt? i'll pay you back, i swear, i forgot my wallet at home."
- "you'd look great in that, love, but that's not my name."
- you raised an eyebrow at him, "no y- oh! of course, baby, i'm sorry"
- he smiled, kissing your forehead. he nodded and took the skirt from your hands.
- "baby i'll buy you everything you want, cmon, you don't need to pay me back. i won't let you" he smiled, but you knew he was serious
- "karl!"
- "im serious!"
- he definitely was, because your wallet was lost for the day until you found he was keeping it with him.
- millionaire bf?
- you felt bad, but he swore as long as you were with him, he wouldn't need anything else in return
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- you’d be standing in the kitchen baking cookies maybe and
- "mi amoooor, i'm finally fucking done with my stupid essay!" he approached you happily, wrapping his arms around your waist as his head sat on your shoulder.
- "that's amazing, alex! do y-"
- "nooo, that's not my name." he pouted.
- you instantly grinned, "i’m sorry, mi amor"
- he smiled, nuzzling his face into your neck like a clingy kitten.
- "please can you move a bit, baby? i need to put the cookies in the oven." you muttered, running your hand lightly through his messy locks.
- "no." he said, his breath fanning your neck.
- "you don’t want cookies, then?"
- he, of course, let you put them in the oven after, not without being clingy too afterwards.
- "are they done yet?" he asked like a small child.
- you shook your head, as he was sitting beside you with his arm wrapped loosely around your shoulders as you two watched the tv
- "mi amor, i love you, but you’ve asked that 5 times within 2 minutes. they’re not gonna be done for a while."
- he frowned, sitting in silence until he heard the small 'ding!' of your kitchen oven
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