smitt3n47 · 1 year
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Club Seilerstrasse HOMESICK - Spring Rave THE OTHER VIEW OF THINGS . . . #clubseilerstrasse #music #club #photography #nofacenocase #shinewelt #sika #seilerstraße #sony #jenslewandowski #nomainstream #zwickau #zahni #killeverygram #fabiangirard #tekk #geehee #kazilla #illgrammers #exit #fuxia #petrastruwe #holypriest #epic_captures #amazingphotohunter #minupren #picsoftheday #picoftheweek #bigpicture #exklusive_shot Fullset on Facebook <<WERBUNG DURCH VERLINKUNG>> (hier: Club Seilerstraße) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqEEZf8jXWU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bemusedlybespectacled · 9 months
Hi! Could you please tag posts for Our Flag Means Death? Thanks!
Oh, shit, have I not been? I've been trying to tag them all with #ofmd spoilers and #ofmd s2, in case anyone else needs to block them.
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ereborne · 7 months
Snippet from 'lay-on-the-floor-and-scream dot excel' please ❤❤❤
As you might have guessed from the title, this is my 'good data management solves the Clone Wars' AU! Work had me pretty agitated when I put it together, so it's more canon-divergent than originally intended, but hopefully it still holds up.
I started off thinking that the clones, coming from Kamino, would be pretty used to keeping extensive documentation on themselves/each other.  Multiple sets of books, even—the sanitized ones they show the longnecks, the informal tracking of things nobody else cares about, the multiply-encrypted ones with the honest data about how their siblings are doing—as automated and redundant as possible, and while yeah it would be difficult to maintain during wartime, they are 1) the best-trained military minds and logisticians in existence and 2) absolutely not going to pay less attention to their siblings when they’re in more danger. 
For this fic also I focused in on a worldbuilding thing that I actually thought was true a million years ago before I’d ever gotten into any Star Wars nonsense, which is that Lightside users are a sort of filtering system for the Force.  That the Dark was an agent or consequence of some sort of metaphysical entropy—the constant descriptions of it as cold and oppressive really reinforced that one for me—and Force-sensitives would dedicate themselves to opposing it on behalf of the universe.  So they’d be agents and sources of the Light, not only directly combating Darksiders (and more prosaically evil people) but also through meditation (and to some degree intrinsic aura) functioning as something like metaphysical space-heaters.  I was thinking of them kinda through a D&D lens, like galactic paladin-monks.  It made sense to me. 
Under this system, then, not only would things feel cold and depressing around a Sith, but the world would be warmer and more comforting around a Jedi.  To, say, a statistically significant degree.  You see where I’m going with this—what if there was a sweet little chart that proved, mathematically and objectively, that puppy piles around the Jedi general improve the quality of life/life expectancy of everyone involved? 
Such a chart could also indicate a general getting closer to a Fall (Krell more cleanly than Anakin, since Anakin’s baseline will be skewed after the Tusken massacre, and conflated by Obi-Wan and Ahsoka’s recurring presences) or various other ongoing issues in a battalion (Corrie Guard, my beloveds) but we have to start by convincing our ascetic galactic paladin-monks of the efficacy of wartime cuddles. 
Cody hums faintly, and still does not continue.  Obi-Wan has years of practice and does not need the Force to tell him to be patient, that if he pushes Cody now he might miss his chance to hear something important.  The Force tells him anyway.  “General.”  Cody begins again.  “You know the kark you make up so you don’t have to directly answer a direct question?”  Obi-Wan narrows his eyes.  This conversation could be about many things.  The Force tells him yes.  It is unhelpful.  It seems he takes too long to answer, and Cody continues on, delivering further defamatory accusations in his polite semi-formal voice.  “As when you refuse mandatory post-mission checkups, and Helix hunts you down and asks if whatever put the holes in your robes put any matching holes in you, and instead of telling him what he certainly knows, you spin a charming tale about some other poor sap who possibly got shot but is probably fine regardless, no need for any medics who may or may not exist to get involved?” The Force says yes.  Obi-Wan does not roll his eyes, because he is a master of the jedi order and also of himself.  “I’m familiar with the rhetorical construction of a hypothetical situation, yes.”  He replies primly.  “Good.  I’d like to discuss a situation with you, sir, with the understanding that everything I describe is purely hypothetical.”
(also as you can see this is a very fun Cody for me to write, because he and all the rest of the 212th have gone their entire wartime experience with Obi-Wan layering peace/comfort/reassurance over them like a mantle, so he’s a lot more comfortable speaking his mind and I get to lean into my favorite codywan bitch4bitch relationship dynamic from the jump)
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ipromiseimawriter · 7 months
From your WIP list, I'd love to hear more about destiel theatre bitches AU, it sounds so fun!
:')))) firstly, thank you again for tagging me; and second, oh bOY here we go (it's an honor tyty)
so I've got less for this rn but I feel like I'm always kinda chipping at it lately. it's insanely self-indulgent (i did my degrees in theatre and simply think the inner dynamics of a theatre program are so funny), and i could not help but immediately latch onto the idea of Dean as a tech theatre professor who heads the scene shop (aka where they build sets and do all that jazz) (a job that in this AU, Bobby used to do, before taking a step back and (almost) retiring). (he probably also loves to act a lil <3)
figuring out where Castiel went was a little trickier, but then it occurred to me to try him on as like -- a directing (and likely also theatre history?) professor. someone who's downright good at taking charge of a situation, knows and cares about the Lore, and he absolutely would have the most batshit taste in plays. time to get these crazy Kansas kids to do some absurdism. he's new to the department (a recommendation from dear friend Meg, an acting professor) and is gonna be a shitstarter <333
from my immensely unhelpful notes doc:
The premise is just gonna be like - a really fucking chaotic school year. I just love mess. Dean and Cas are gonna get put in charge of shit together and it’s gonna be a mess, they’re gonna be best friends and fall in love and be SO STUPID ABOUT IT. agonizing. clown town usa.
in a more concise way: i imagined that they get paired up to work on their first production of the season together and it's just. a madhouse. naturally bc they're them, they end up getting on like a house on fire while also playing in the space of we both kinda need to have control that's p familiar to their dynamic. lots of push and pull. shenanigans, even. best friends but Watch Out. teacher4teacher AU with sexual tension to the nth degree.
so many of the supporting characters get to round out the faculty and staff (Charlie in particular here is a favorite, as one of Dean's tech theatre compatriots) (along with Sam who starts on the outside but is a fervent supporter), and even the students. Jack, Claire, and Kevin, among a few others are definitely witnesses to this chaos. yes they are taking bets on it
also Chuck is the dean (lol) of their little corner of school, and his whole secret life as Carver Edlund will definitely have a role to play in this somewhere that I am trying to finalize.
also writing this out really helped encourage the process, thank you ahhhhhh <3
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emblazonet · 4 months
drop this sunflower��into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! lets spread a little sunshine ☀️
Love you, babe!!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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baladric · 1 year
The poem of the day yesterday was "Opera Singer" by Ross Gay and I thought of you :D Link: poetryfoundation(.)org/poems/92017/opera-singer
ohhhhh oh oh, this is gorgeous ohhhhhhhh, i am going to.. transcribe it here bc everyone needs to see it
Opera Singer
By Ross Gay
Today my heart is so goddamned fat with grief  that I’ve begun hauling it in a wheelbarrow. No. It’s an anvil  dragging from my neck as I swim  through choppy waters swollen with the putrid corpses of hippos, which means lurking, somewhere below, is the hungry  snout of a croc waiting to spin me into an oblivion  worse than this run-on simile, which means only to say:  I’m sad. And everyone knows what that means. 
And in my sadness I’ll walk to a café,  and not see light in the trees, nor finger the bills in my pocket  as I pass the boarded houses on the block. No,  I will be slogging through the obscure country of my sadness  in all its monotone flourish, and so imagine my surprise  when my self-absorption gets usurped  by the sound of opera streaming from an open window,  and the sun peeks ever-so-slightly from behind his shawl,  and this singing is getting closer, so that I can hear the  delicately rolled r’s like a hummingbird fluttering the tongue  which means a language more beautiful than my own,  and I don’t recognize the song  though I’m jogging toward it and can hear the woman’s  breathing through the record’s imperfections and above me  two bluebirds dive and dart and a rogue mulberry branch  leaning over an abandoned lot drags itself across my face,  staining it purple and looking, now, like a mad warrior of glee  and relief I run down the street, and I forgot to mention  the fifty or so kids running behind me, some in diapers,  some barefoot, all of them winged and waving their pacifiers  and training wheels and nearly trampling me  when in a doorway I see a woman in slippers and a floral housedress  blowing in the warm breeze who is maybe seventy painting the doorway and friends, it is not too much to say  it was heaven sailing from her mouth and all the fish in the sea  and giraffe saunter and sugar in my tea and the forgotten angles  of love and every name of the unborn and dead  from this abuelita only glancing at me  before turning back to her earnest work of brushstroke and lullaby  and because we all know the tongue’s clumsy thudding  makes of miracles anecdotes let me stop here  and tell you I said thank you.
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saintmachina · 2 years
Hi! I love your book A Dowry of Blood (I got it from my library a few years ago on interlibrary loan) and I kept thinking about it during Dracula Daily this year too. Your memorable imagery and themes have stuck with me. Thank you ❤
Thank you kindly! I'm so glad the book stuck with you and that you enjoyed it so much!
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ao3feeddestiel · 1 month
Feels Like Home
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/yWXDJ5C by zahnie During a hunt, Dean gets hit with an amnesia spell. Now he has to try to figure out how to get an injured Sam proper medical care, as well as his complicated family relationships. In particular, Dean would really like to know what he and Cas are to each other... Words: 8002, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Two Charlies Universe Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jack Kline, Castiel (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Apocalypseverse Charlie Bradbury, Mary Winchester, Rowena MacLeod, Kelly Kline (Supernatural), Eileen Leahy Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Season/Series 13, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Amnesia, Temporary Amnesia, Spells & Enchantments, Minor Injuries, Families of Choice, Charlie Bradbury Lives, Kelly Kline Lives (Supernatural), Eileen Leahy Lives, Men of Letters Bunker (Supernatural), Angel Powers (Supernatural), Requited Love read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/yWXDJ5C
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werepires · 6 months
8 and 14 for the End of the Year asks please :D
8. Game of the year?
oh Tears of the Kingdom for sure, I've had so much fun playing it and I still periodically go back to it. Just last week (and like... almost 150 hours in to the game) I finally dared to approach and defeat the king Gleeok so I'm pretty proud of myself for doing that as such a casual gamer haha
14. Favorite book you read this year?
Haven't read many books this year but I enjoyed Life after Life by Kate Atkinson. I've also been reading Emma but I'm not that far into it yet.
End of the year Asks
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smitt3n47 · 1 year
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Club Seilerstrasse HOMESICK - Spring Rave THE OTHER VIEW OF THINGS . . . #clubseilerstrasse #music #club #photography #nofacenocase #shinewelt #sika #seilerstraße #sony #jenslewandowski #nomainstream #zwickau #zahni #killeverygram #fabiangirard #tekk #geehee #kazilla #illgrammers #exit #fuxia #petrastruwe #holypriest #epic_captures #amazingphotohunter #minupren #picsoftheday #picoftheweek #bigpicture #exklusive_shot Fullset on Facebook <<WERBUNG DURCH VERLINKUNG>> (hier: Club Seilerstraße) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBYyEgj6Pt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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For the WIP asks, I'd love to know more about 'no promise sweeter than a blood pact' :D
I went into the general plot here but here, have more lines!
Izzy wants to protest the indignity of being carried and having Bonnet do it besides, but it’s true, he can’t walk, and he knows Ed’s knee won’t hold him. A different part of him wants to pull away out of shame: no one should have to carry him. Bonnet shouldn’t have to stain his fancy clothes or talk so softly for Izzy’s sake; Ed shouldn’t need to chafe Izzy’s wrists or smooth back his hair. A stronger man than Izzy, a better man, would tell them both that he’s fine, that he’ll be back on the ship before dawn tomorrow if they just let him rest here for a bit. Instead, he rests his head on Bonnet’s shoulder, and tightens the arm that’s been slung around Bonnet’s neck as best he can. Bonnet smells clean, of orange flower water and salt, and he presses his face a bit deeper into the crook of Bonnet’s neck.
Ask me about my WIPs!
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ereborne · 5 months
1, 3, 20, 23 please ❤
1) Song of the year: One for the whole year is so hard. I'm very tempted to say "Soap" by the Oh Hellos, because I keep coming back to lean on it, but that was my first Song of the Day since I started up again. Maybe "Such a Simple Thing" by Ray LaMontagne, because the fic 'a simple thing' by iridan finished in January and it's one of the greatest things I've read and has in various ways influenced an enormous percentage of my thoughts this year (I have a hard time recommending it to people, because 'nearly a million words of Boba/Din BDSM fic exploring deradicalization and rebuilding/reclaiming a culture' is such an intense and specific thing, but if that appeals to anyone, it's a gorgeous work) and I've digressed, but the fic does bring the song to mind. It also has a ton of other songs associated with it, though (at least one song rec per chapter! love that) so maybe not. One song for the whole year! I'm gonna say "Yippie-Ki-Yay" by Hippo Campus, because of the songs that have gotten the most stuck in my head this year, it's the one I never minded.
3) Favorite band I started listening to this year: I also picked 'Yippie-Ki-Yay' for song of the year so that I could mention Hippo Campus there, so I could answer Turnpike Troubadours here. "Before the Devil Knows We're Dead" and "Black Sky" and "Chipping Mill" are all really good, and "Brought Me" is my very favorite. I've spent so much time singing the 'Brought Me' chorus this year.
20) Something I learned this year: tea pets! I read the Tea Princess books by Casey Blair early this year (do recommend, very fun, clever and kind) and they have magical tea pets in them, but I didn't realize there are real-world ones until I saw this post. They're so cool and there are so many pretty ones! They astound me.
23) If I could send a message to myself back on the first day of the year, what would it be: This is such a silly answer, but--one of the heads of my college up and moved to another university mid-year. He gave us one week's notice, took his personal assistant, and left his wife behind (I suppose the cliches have to happen irl sometimes). It wouldn't be any of my business, except for how we format our reports specifically to his tastes, and if I'd known ahead of time that his opinion wasn't going to matter anymore, I'd have organized a lot of our data systems differently. Also, from a far pettier standpoint, it would have been such high-tier gossip. For a story that juicy, I might've even managed to wheedle a recipe out of the finance admin who makes the little Greek honey cookies (a highly-coveted prize. I cannot replicate them, and I have tried).
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zahny · 2 years
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Stop playing.....put call let's work Your favorite boy is on duty #zahny #ya #don #davido https://www.instagram.com/p/CgGw6Q-KsNR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ipromiseimawriter · 7 months
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @zahnie - thank you omg!!
From most recently worked on to least (roughly): (I tend to be pretty literal with these for the most part, if they don't already have a title)
destiel fix it fic - draft 2: is what it says on the tin. I will get to chipping at the end of this godforsaken series, so hELP ME. I do have a fancy lil summary though (this could get edited later but y'know!!):
“What are you doing? Dean, no–!” “You asked me to stop you. So I’m stopping you.” ( As promised, the Empty came for Castiel when his soul called. When it sang a happiness so profound that nothing else could possibly contain it. But Dean wasn’t ready to let go – and if you were to ask him, he’d swear he had failed Cas one too many times. So when the time came, he sank right down with him. )  Chuck could’ve called it, really. But there’s no biblical preparation for their journey through the Empty. It’s all up to them, now, while Sam and Jack (and friends) race to undo Chuck’s damage to the world. Alternating POV. 15x18 CODA/Fix-It Fic for end of 15x18/15x19 & beyond [15x20 who is she lmao]
destiel theatre bitches AU: an incredibly self-indulgent AU where Dean and Castiel are professors for a theatre department at a (made-up) small liberal arts school somewhere in Kansas. Cas is a new arrival to the department who's making waves (and suggesting some batshit shows for production), Dean's the gruff and well-loved scene shop head/tech professor who doesn't like his toes getting stepped on (jk yes he does), and they're gonna be soooo normal about it (me when i lie). nearly everyone and their mom is in this AU. we have fun here
Welcome to Purgatory: an original work (longform)! a story inspired by my time interacting with SPN/with other horror-fantasy adjacent medias, some characters I've had for 1000 years, and just - fucking around and finding out. I def tried to NaNoWriMo it before, to no such luck, so I just chip at it on my own time. I've got a running tag for it if you're ever interested! (old summary)
Jules Herrick went missing without a trace in the early nineties, and his hunting partner, Simon Villanova, never saw him again. We jump ahead about twenty-five years and realize why he should’ve stayed missing. Victor and Amelia are two childhood friends separated by time and responsibility, reuniting for what should be a normal road trip under less fortunate circumstances - the death of a mutual friend. However, the trip is quickly derailed by a strange pursuer that sends them on the run, and into action.  The people who catch up with them to help are not what they expect. The lives their families have led were kept from the two for safety. But between a rogue demon, its lost hellhound, and a secret organization hunting down the missing man and his cohorts, one question must be asked: What does Jules Herrick want with the end of the world, as they know it?
go catch a sunset (stanford-era dean/the outsiders bullshit): a Stanford-era Dean fic (which has 2 chapters up!) that I sort of use as my lil swimming pool for figuring ideas out? Mostly just speculation and big character thoughts on that very vulnerable time. I'm v much looking forward to introducing both Bobby and Cassie soon, getting some Winchester drama, and picking at those good backstory characters.
mama barracuda (WIP title - eldritch horror type shit): an original work (short story). "There's a monster in the woods, just off the beaten path from Hope's home. She isn't the first to be trapped into position of Keeper for the Barracuda of the Backwoods, but she is the first - in a very long time - to truly understand her. They call her Mama." So essentially - monster collects teeth for her own rotting mouth. Sisyphean effort on the Keeper's part. Symbiotic parasite/mother-daughter type shit. LOTS TO UNPACK.
honorable mention: a bunch of plays and other lil bits that would take me too long to describe <333
tagging: @subtlefires, @disabled-dean , @butchabouttown, @luckshiptoshore , and anyone who wants to play! (this includes all my friends who may see this and go "hey i have wips". give it to me. i want to see it)
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emblazonet · 6 months
11, 18, and 25 for the End of the Year Asks ❤
11 - Something you want to do again next year? Ride horses more! My local SCA chapter has an equestrian marshal now with an old calm pony she can loan out to newbies! 18 - A memorable meal this year? Oh gosh that's really hard because there's been so many. We cook a lot. I liked going out to the local restaurant with one of my out of town friends a couple months ago, that was fun, I got to meet his new gf from the states. 25 - Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one Oooooh yup! I came up with an idea for this dude who is a leader of his people who live up high in the mountains with harpies, and he can shapeshift into a borhyaena (a carnivorous marsupial who used to live in South America in the Cenozoic). He needs a name and more personality though, haha.
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