cherubfae · 4 months
you're accidentally shrunk! || hazbin x reader
with Alastor, Lucifer, Husk, Angel Dust, Vox
tags: fluff, comedy, established relationships, gn!reader (implied masc reader for angel as always <3)
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He is quite amused by the whole ordeal, if not a touch worried for your wellbeing. You're utterly tiny, capable of sitting in the palm of his hand like a tiny doll. His claw gently nudges your cheek, tilting your chin up. Using his own magic proves to be futile. After several attempts he's still unable to change you back to your normal self. He isn't sure why his powers don't seem to be taking effect.
Alastor doesn't let anyone else touch or hold you. Legit will hold you in his hand above his head should Vaggie or Charlie try to get a better look at you.
"No, no, no," Alastor clicks his tongue. "I'm afraid I'm not comfortable in letting my dearest love be held by anyone but me. Surely, you understand." He gives you a little smile, his thumb gently stroking your head.
You aren't a little toy and the last thing he wants happening if Niffty mistaking you for a roach, so he prefers to have you sitting atop his shoulder, his head, or safely tucked into the pocket of his waistcoat with your tiny little head poking out to watch the world around you. As much as he finds you adorable and vulnerable in this state, he does prefer you as yourself. He'll probably head to Rosie first, he wants nothing to do with Lucifer. She always has her ear to the ground and he's certain he'll get you returned to normal soon.
Well, that's new. Lucifer is easily able to turn you back to yourself but he wants to have a little fun first. He lifts you up and presses little kisses all over your face, giggling to himself when you press your hands to his rosy cheeks.
"Can't help it, sweetheart! You're too cute!" He gently nuzzles your cheek, placing a loving kiss to the top of your head. He'll shapeshift himself into a mouse and pretend that you're a little fairy about to battle for Narnia.
When he turns you back, he is relieved. He much prefers you as your lovely self where you're able to snuggle into his side and hold you properly to his chest, sharing many kisses between you two.
Shit, this ain't good, but at least yer havin' fun, baby. Husk sighs, leaning his chin against his paws. His yellow eyes flick back and forth in amusement as you treat the bar counter like your own slip-and-slide, watching as you spin around on the shiny wood with a small squeak.
Husk catches you with his tail before you can slide off, lightly placing you back on your feet mirroring the grin you give him. "I'm glad you're having a good time but we gotta figure out how to turn ya back, hun." He leans back against the stool, hoping Charlie has found something or someone who may be able to offer some help.
Charlie, on queue, comes rushing down the stairs holding a light pink pearlescent vial in her hands. "Let's try this!" She stands triumphantly, proudly holding out the vial in her hands. "A drop or two on their head should bring them back to normal height. I have a feeling this will work, but as Plan B we can go to my Dad!" She beams.
Husk nods, giving you a tiny peck on top of your head that only serves to make Charlie coo. Placing you on the floor, Charlie uncaps the vial. A shimmery fuschia-purple liquid smelling of sweet berries oozes out and gently drops onto your head.
A whoosh of pink and yellow unfurls out and soon you're standing before them as mostly yourself. Your hair is now a dyed vibrant pink. Across the room, Alastor who is casually reading the newspaper, snaps his fingers and poof! Your hair is back to normal!
"You could've helped them this whole time?!" Husk hisses, fur bristling. Alastor hums, taking a sip of his black coffee, "Hmm no, just their hair. Good thing they're back in one piece, yes?" He grins. "Too bad you didn't play a little cat and mouse with them. That would have been a sight to behold!"
Angel Dust
As adorable as you are, Angel is fuckin panicking. He's not quite sure what to do and he's terrified of someone accidentally stepping on you. "Okay, baby, I've got ya, hang on!" Angel places you on his chest fluff, his hand holding you in place as he returns to his room.
Depending on how long this magic lasts, Angel will 100% want to play dress up with you and have you try on cute outfits or perhaps make a cute little dollhouse for you. He's too scared of crushing you in his sleep so until this wears off, he doesn't want to risk anything happening to you. He's also worried about Niffty mistaking you for a bug, so when he's out and about, he keeps you close to him at all times. If he has to leave and can't take you with, he instructs Vaggie and Charlie to look after you.
"Do not let Niffty or the Egg Bois around them, got it?" His stern eyes are narrowed, making an expression that he's watching Sir Pentious. "Keep the Eggies in line."
What the fuck? He blinks, a jolt of electricity nearly short-circuiting himself. Babe, what the fuck happened to you? Vox scoops you into his hands, holding you to his chest. He's doing his best not to panic, convinced this is another one of Alastor's stupid fucking pranks.
Thankfully whatever has happened wasn't permanent. A tiny explosion of sparkles and a poof blue dust has the futuristic demon stumbling back, sighing when you're standing there at your normal height with a hand pressed to your head.
"Holy shit, what the fuck happened?" Vox presses, grasping your hand and pulling you into his lap. He's cupping your face between clawed hands checking for any sign of injury. "Was it Alastor?" You shake your head, coughing out some blue sparkly dust.
"Nah, got caught under some pollen demon's magic on my way to HQ." You grumble, leaning your head onto your boyfriend's shoulder. Vox sighs, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Ok, ok, well, you're back," he grumbles. "Don't do that to me again."
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mediocrevideopodcast · 5 months
Prompt: Calling the Lackadaisy characters by their full name
A/N: University has been keeping me busy, and I've been in a bit of a writers block. So in the meantime, take this goofy little thing!
Includes: Rocky Rickaby/Reader Calvin "Freckle" McMurray/Reader Dorian "Zib" Zibowski/Reader Mordecai Heller/Reader Viktor Vasko/Reader Serafine Savoy/Reader Nicodeme "Nico" Savoy/Reader
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Rocky Rickaby: 
Rocky's always pleased to hear his name fall from your lips… "Rocky Rickaby…" he loves to occupy your attention, and he's not above doing a silly trick here and there to get you to utter his name like that. But his given name? You can't even finish "Roark" before he's at your feet, begging for forgiveness. Queue the waterworks -- his muse, his winter sunshine, his summer breeze please, please forgive him. For he is naught but a mortal man, riddled with the propensity for mistakes, but is -- Hm?  The maple syrup is in the back of the pantry, yes. Yes, next to the peanut butter. -- is that not the natural state of such mortal endeavors? Surely, such a divine being must take pity on the folly of man!
He doesn't register that you were only playing with him. Or, maybe he's realized and is just committing to the bit. You'll never know. What you do know, however, is that you'll have him at your feet for the next hour or so. 
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Calvin McMurray: 
Calvin, Cal, Freckle… Sweetheart, in private. McMurray, when you're teasing. Calvin really gets the gamut of names and nicknames when it comes to you. But when he hears his full name yelled out from the opposite end of the house, he's nothing if not panicked. The past two decades of Irish Catholicism really beats that into you. He rushes to your side, back straight, head down in silent apology for… whatever it is, that he did. 
"...Yes, dear?"
He has to bite his tongue a bit to not bring out any honorifics, but the message comes across just the same. There's only 2 times he uses "dear" as his go to-- 1.) In front of his mother, 2.) After he's done something he shouldn't. 
Decompresses instantaneously when you ask him to open the pickle jar. He exhales quietly, holding his hand out silently for the jar. His heart can't take this sort of thing. Don't do this to the poor man… too often. 
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Dorian Zibowski:
Blinks owlishly when he hears his full name shouted out from across the house. If there's any way to sober Zib up… this is it. He's leaping to his feet in an instant, rushing to where you are… and slowing down when he's just out of sight. He smooths his fur and his clothes and takes a deep breath before waltzing calmly into your line of sight. Play it cool. 
"Funny way of pronouncing "Zibowski, doll. Need something?" 
He takes it in stride, but don't be fooled -- he's quaking in his boots, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He feels the weight lifted off his chest when you ask him to grab something from the top shelf, although you'd never know that. He does, however, press a lingering kiss to your temple after he passes the item off to you. Don't read into it too much. 
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Mordecai Heller: 
He tears his eyes away from his book, glancing at you from over the rim of his teacup. "Yes?" 
He's truly unaffected. He's introduced by his first and last name all the time, and he was never scolded in such a manner as a child.  If you were looking for some outlandish reaction, all you've got is his quiet attention. And you might want to answer quickly -- he'd really like to finish this chapter tonight. This is quite a grueling read, you know. 
His true name, however, is a different story. But that's for entirely different reasons, and well, you wouldn't  know anything about that. Right? 
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Viktor Vasko: 
Yet another one who is unaffected. He looms over you a bit -- which really, isn't unusual for him considering his stature -- humming questioningly.
He's a man of few words, and even fewer reactions. You've really gotta put some emotion in your voice if you want to get any sort of reaction out of him, and even then the most you're likely to get is a raised eyebrow… maybe a bit of a head tilt if you're lucky. And you can really only do this once -- he'll remember your little trick for next time. 
(If you really want to get a reaction out of him, use some sort of petname. He secretly finds them rather sweet, and the right one will force-reset his brain a bit the first few times you use it. )
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Seraphine Savoy: 
Seraphine isn't unaffected by the use of her full name… rather, she revels in it. She's always enjoyed the flow of her name, but it always seems to fall from your lips like some goldly golden ichor. To call it heavenly would be a bit of a misnomer -- sinful, mayhaps? It's a difficult feeling to place, but she strides over to you confidently nonetheless. Her lips quirk up as she leans into your personal space.
"Yes, amou?"  
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Nicodeme Savoy: 
Truthfully, he isn't the biggest fan of you calling him by his full name. Well, his full first name, anyways. Feels too stuffy, for his liking. But he takes it in stride, waltzing up to you lazily. He rests his arm on your shoulder and leans down to be eye-level with you, eyes half lidded with a grin. He throws your own full name right back at you teasingly. Need something?  Want him to grab something, or open a jar? Hm? 
His grin stretches a bit wider when you pout -- you really thought you'd get him this time, huh? He kisses you chastely, nipping at you softly in jest. Gotta try harder than that to shake him, bebe. 
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weebsinstash · 1 year
I sent an ask responding to the Izuku parts that I hope you got.(if not fml)
But I figured I should send a separate ask to talk about Miguel.
So like my thoughts have been centering on this scenario where you're his secretary or assistant because he is the CEO. He's a beta and you're an omega.
You guys have a purely professional relationship, tbh half the time he doesnt even realize you got you're heat and just finds out you called in when you dont respond. Really the only thing he cares about is you doing your work, getting it done on time, and not half-assing it.
But then he gets the spider DNA and everything goes to shit. Not only does the spider DNA give him extra abilities and enhanced senses, but it also gives him some alpha traits/tendencies.
He goes in to work thinking it'll help distract him and get him back in the rhythm of everything only to just get fucking hit in the face with your scent. Queue him rushing past because it takes everything in him not to just pounce on you.
But as I said, he only got a few alpha traits. He didnt actually become an alpha. So while he's out here wanting to just pin you to his or your desk, knot and claim you....he's completely incapable. His body is completely incapable of performing those actions and it only leans into his yandere behavior and tendencies.
I've also been think like(depending on how one writes abo), sometimes betas dont have a sent or if they do its extremely faint. Yandere beta miguel who cant even smother you in his scent because he basically doesn't have one, meanwhile you dont even realize he's changed at all because you cant smell it.
Though because he doesnt have a scent he would absolutely sneak into your house/appartment. Its basically the only upside in his eyes.
Also anytime you go into heat and have to miss work? He is immediately taking your seat from your desk and huffing it while he touches himself. Then at night as spiderman will come just close enough to be able to smell you but still not lose control of himself, absolutely getting off on your scent and sounds of pleasure from you using a toy.
God this shits been living in my brain rent free for like the last week and wont go away 😭
I got the Izuku ask :) trust me when I say I am simply dogshit awful at getting back to people and being consistent
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Picture if Reader is actually a really competent employee of his at Alchemax but Miguel like BARELY pays any mind to you because, you know, he's got all sorts of shit constantly stressing him out and occupying his mind on top of migraine, and suddenly you're going into work and bringing him his preferred coffee as usual when, he tries to make small talk? You've worked for this man for like at least a year, basically only speaking when necessary, and one day you lean over to put a coffee or some papers on his desk and that brings you just close enough for him to take in a breath of your scent which instantly helps alleviate his headaches
You're basically done giving him what he needs and you're literally about to leave the room when he suddenly calls out (almost in a "wait I need to catch you before you leave" kind of urgency) and you pause and look at him with those big eyes of yours he suddenly can't stop staring into when Romeo hits you with "so .... how are you?"
And you're just kind of stunned for a few moments because this is a man who basically doesn't speak to you unless he needs something, even when you go to him to pass along a message or something or other about his schedule and your secretarial duties it's typically just a sort of "got it, thank you" sort of response and you're sent on your way again, or given another task, so in ao forth. You basically can't get a good read on the man's personality because he simply doesn't talk to you enough or at least about anything other than work
He officially enters the Goo Goo Eyes Zone where when you like someone almost everything about them is so cute and had more meaning than it actually does and is basically finally seeing you for the first time. He FINALLY notices what kinds of perfumes/body mists you like to use to smell nice even if it's something you've worn for ages, the ways you prefer to style yourself, which little accessories or rings or whatever may be your favorite, little mannerisms you may have like clicking pens or singing little songs when you think you're along, like when you're doing something and it's you're just like occasionally singing, like he finds you washing a coffee cup in the break room all "--and its doooOooone!"
The need to learn more about you escalates because suddenly he's like "wait I've known them for all this time and never noticed all these things, what ELSE don't I know?" And it really is an obsessive infatuation. You live in a high rise where you don't really have to worry about closing your blinds or anything which is perfect for Miguel "don't you know i have enhanced senses" O'Hara to watch you from the roof of the next building over. You never lock your windows because, what's the point? He starts learning your schedule and meticulously taking all kinds of notes until it's the level of him outright entering your apartment to snoop through all of your things and potentially plant bugs and cameras
One day you're opening your window and kind of poke your head out to look at the city and you notice weird sorts of, almost gouges in the wall outside? What are those from? (Well sweetie, turns out, when you were going to town on yourself last night to relieve a little stress, he was the equivalent of like 10 feet away, clinging to your building, listening to and potentially recording every little gasp and finger flick)
But he gets SO frustrated when you're, you know polite, but, not exactly as receptive as he's hoped? When in reality he's still being awkward as fuck and you're still kind of adjusting to him paying attention to you, and it probably feels good to have him seemingly recognizing your efforts but like, you don't wanna. date him??? At least not so suddenly or anything, so he's trying to court you, but, it's becoming harder and harder to be around you at all, let alone when your heats start coming up. He could never tell before that your scent starts changing when That Time is coming around, gradually shifting and becoming something he finds differently hypnotic, something that makes him want to bury his nose in your neck while also, being buried in you period
He'll grow the balls to be more direct with you eventually, but he justifies everything by telling himself he just wants to get to know more about you, and that the stalking is just him trying to get to know you a little more, so when he sees you face to face he can win you over and make you his mate treat you better, obviously! He'll... he'll ask you out to dinner next week, he promises! But for now, he's just gonna, stay right here perched under your window, seeing and hearing and smelling everything
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glowingbadger · 11 months
Hey remember all those things I said I had on my queue and was working on? Yeah this isn't one of those- it just, like, arrived in my brain fully formed and here it is. Far be it from me to turn away from something that breaks through my writer's block lmao. Askr's godly bull-cock got me feeling some kinda way these days I guess.
Once again this is one that I wrote almost entirely in one sitting, so I'm sure I'll spend my work shift tomorrow fixing type-os, weird phrasing and word repetition lmaooo
CW: Mating, "in heat," size kink, like, kind of unrealistic levels of size kink tbh his cock is fucking absurd and I don't care fight me
Askr (FEH) x Reader/Summoner (AFAB, no pronouns)
NSFW 18+
Askr, the God of Openness himself and namesake of the very land that the Order of Heroes calls home, is not at the bottom of the list of heroes you'd expect to run into during a clandestine midnight snack-run, but he's certainly nowhere near the top. Though, as you head from the pantry with pastry in hand, colliding with a hard wall of towering muscle does help to narrow down who you'd guess you had run into. Your face flushes just slightly as you glance up at him, still very much sharing personal space.
"Oh- Askr! Sorry, I-"
"There you are," he says, an odd note of relief in his voice. You frown a bit, confused, and instinctively move to step away. To your surprise, a strong arm wraps firmly around your waist, pulling you decisively back to him.
"Askr, what-"
His lips are on yours in an instant, the pastry in your hand tragically falling by your feet in the rush of shock, confusion, and hot, insistent arousal. A shaky moan escapes you as his tongue enters your mouth. Your hands are trembling, clenching tight around the front of his clothes, though you can hardly feel them; in fact, for some time, you can't seem to feel anything but body warmth and Askr's deep, impassioned kiss. His tongue toys with yours, firm, but never overly rough. He's a surprisingly adept kisser- it's your last coherent thought before the cavalcade of sensations washes your mind clear. At some point, he's pressed you to the closed pantry door, trapping you between it and his powerful frame. In the dizzying frenzy, it's as if you can feel his hands everywhere- fingers in your hair one moment, then his palms running the curve of your breasts, your hips, then grabbing firmly at your ass to keep you flush against him. At this, you realize that he's even lifted you a couple inches from the ground, and yet he supports you effortlessly. It's only when you notice him beginning to tug away your cloak- hastily thrown on over your sleeping clothes for this errand -that you manage to part from his lips with a ragged breath.
"What- what are you doing?!" you gasp out the words, though you can't bring yourself to even try to escape his embrace. If anything, Askr seems perplexed by your question, his brow furrowing and furry pointed ears twitching curiously as he replies,
"My Heat has begun, Summoner. I have need of a mate," your heart leaps at the words, and he nears your lips once more, warm hands sliding up your thighs and along your hips, "And I desire you far more than any other."
"Oh..." when he begins kissing you again, it's gentler- at least to start. You get the sense that he's gauging your reactions, eager to earn your little whimpers and sighs of encouragement. As you subconsciously allow yourself to melt back into him, it's not long before you feel his breath coming heavier, his hands gripping you tighter against him. It's maddening- his heat?? You'd heard that some of the other beast-folk in the castle experience similar fits of need, but you'd never considered that this land's God would be subject to the same. And to think that he wants you as his mate. Not to say that you had never considered sharing his bed, but this is all so sudden-
The thought finally occurs to you that you're pinned to the outer pantry door still, tongue tangled with a god in full view of anyone else in search of a late-night snack, and you break from him with a haggard, panting breath.
"Askr-" your hands are resting on his warm, firm chest, your body flush to his, "Not- not here."
At first, he looks about to protest. Then, he nods with an accommodating smile.
"Ahh, that's right, humans prefer a measure of discretion when mating, correct?"
"Uh, yeah, typically- woah-!"
Just as you've finally caught your breath, you're swept into Askr's arms, carried with ease down the hall towards your quarters.
The second you're beneath him on your bed, Askr begins undressing you, seemingly exerting enormous self-control to avoid damaging the seams. His own clothing comes off in bits and pieces between frantic kisses and caresses, the last of it even simply vanishing as though it had been merely manifested by his power alone. He hardly gives you time to consider the mechanics; the moment he has access to your bared upper body, his strong hands hold you close and his lips are at your breasts. His mouth is warm on your skin as he kisses you firmly, his teeth grazing just harsh enough to mark you more than once. Your fingers weave through his hair, as soft and thick as the fur of his ears, and you murmur his name,
"A... Askr, have you... been with a human before?"
"Several- it is a joy to bond more deeply with the mortals of the many realms," he says with a smile, his lips brushing your stiffening nipple as he speaks, "Though there has been none other that I was quite so fond of as I am of you."
This nonchalant response sends your heart thudding rapidly. Still, it is a comfort that he seems to understand that he must prepare you, and what's more, he seems to revel in the process. His tongue circles your nipple, and your head turns to the side with a pleasured sigh. He's practically nuzzling your breasts, his hips shifting subtly between your thighs as though he simply cannot help wanting to rut against you.
"Ohh..!" You feel the heat and pressure of his rigid cock pressing to your warmth, and the sensation sends a jolt up through your center. Askr may be in the throes of his Heat, but you're quickly finding yourself every bit as needy.
As his lips travel lower, sparking tender nerves down your torso as his hands adore your hips and thighs, you run your fingers through his hair and softly whimper his name. Then, his kiss sinks between your thighs, his fingers part your lower lips and his tongue immediately finds your clit. Now, his name is a desperate cry between breathless moans. With slow but firm strokes, he rubs and massages the little nub until it's stiff and aching for him, and your body arcs up from the bed. Without thinking, you grab hold of one of his horns and tug, hips rolling against him, grinding onto his tongue, and you feel him laugh through his nose.
"If I didn't know better, I would say you appear to be entering your own Heat."
His breath is hot against your skin, and the moment he's done speaking, his mouth is hard at work once more. Askr possesses none of the hesitation or timidity of some other men; he happily buries himself between the plush wetness of your folds, long passes of his tongue lavishing your most sensitive nerves with affection. From the flat of his tongue to the more pointed and focused feeling of the tip, he tastes you any way he can, spoils you with every kind of sensation, groans unabashedly against you when you tug at his horns. When your climax nears and your thighs begin to tremble around him, he grabs them in his hands and doubles down, kissing and sucking your quivering little clit until, with a gasping cry of his name, you feel it. The tingling heat of your orgasm rushes through you, tightening your nerves and then leaving you breathless and boneless as you slump back onto the bed. You're panting softly, your hand still fondly combing through his dark cobalt hair.
Despite the urgency of his needs, Askr allows you a few spare moments to rest. He occupies himself with kissing the softness of your inner thighs, caressing them in his large, strong hands, until it seems he simply can't delay any longer.
When he rises to kneel over you, your legs parted around him, you blink your eyes back into focus and get your first clear look at his frame. Every inch of his body is carved to perfection, his brown skin smooth across flawless muscle that flexes subtly with every movement. His tail whips impatiently behind him, though his eyes on you are warm and affectionate still. Then, your gaze lowers, and your eyes widen. His cock towers between your thighs, the shockingly thick shaft punctuated with veins leading up to a bulging head with a prominent crown that you can't help but imagine rubbing you inside. It's hard to determine whether his length or girth is more impressive, and his balls are large and heavy enough to match. You catch your breath, feeling the heat surge through your nerves.
"Oh, wow, you're uh... big..." your voice is barely audible, but he smirks at your words.
"I will start slow," he assures you, leaning down to kiss you once more as your bodies begin to move together. The moment the swollen head of his cock is nestled between your lower lips, just beginning to push into you, you gasp softly, then whimper his name as you feel each inch start to stretch you open around him. He's panting hard- you wonder if from the stimulation, or the effort to restrain himself. Likely both. His muscles are tight, his brow deeply furrowed as he drives deeper still, yet retains a slow and careful pace.
Your nails drag down his powerful arms, yet he hardly seems to notice, certainly doesn't flinch even for an instant. When your eyes catch his at last, they appear hazy and unfocused, and only become more distant as his hips begin to move.
"Oh--!!" You breathe out as his cock pistons into you, steady and firm, filling you deeper than anyone has ever reached before. You feel a jolt of pain in your belly, but also, the warm bliss of absolute satisfaction. Drooling with arousal, your cunt is wrapped tight around his length, filled utterly and completely with each sway of his hips. Just as you'd imagined, the ridge of his crown massages a thousand different tender spots with every thrust, like some sort of erotic toy- like Askr's body was made for this pleasure.
Before long, he's bucking into you faster, harder, and you're not sure he even realizes it. Without a word or a thought, he lifts your legs up onto his shoulders, never easing his pounding, punishing thrusts. His massive length is coated in your juices, allowing him to stuff you full again and again despite his overwhelming size. The only sounds he offers are occasional grunts and moans. His eyes are glazed over, lost in his drive toward relief, and it finally occurs to you how he must have strained to contain himself until now. Now, you're not even certain if he would hear you if you spoke his name, though you gasp it out into the quiet of the night all the same.
Your head tilts back on the pillow at a sudden deep and decisive thrust. If you weren't bent into a mating-press, you even wonder if you'd be able to see the bulge of his immense member throbbing within you. A particularly fierce groan of pleasure draws your focus, however, and you feel Askr's pace stutter as he fucks desperately into you. You only have a moment to wonder if he's reaching his climax, before the potent twitching and swelling of his cock catapults you towards your own.
"Ah... Askr!!"
Your toes curl, your thighs shake, your eyes roll back. It's only when you feel a tell-tale heat dripping from your cunt and down your ass that you realize he'd cum as well, all without easing his pace for even a moment. Even the rush of his orgasm doesn't slow him in the slightest. Askr holds firm at your hips and slams into you just as vigorously, even as you feel the last throb of the aftermath of his release. The only concession he offers is to lower your legs from his shoulders, but the moment they're out of his way, he presses his larger body down onto you and his lips are at the crook of your throat.
"Mmmh, Summoner... my beloved mate..." his voice is low and lustful, the relentless sway of his hips still pounds him into you, "You feel perfect... I... I need more-"
His teeth press to your skin, quickly marking you, and it's all you can manage to run your shaky hand up his neck and into his hair. Briefly, you imagine yourself emerging from your room tomorrow morning, unsteady on your feet and covered in Askr's love-bites. If your mind had room for anything but sexual bliss, you might have felt bashful about the idea. Instead, your fingers curl, nails dragging along his scalp as his lips travel back to your breasts. Between panting breaths and bruising kisses, he groans out,
"You... take me so well, my Summoner," you feel yourself tighten around him at the word 'my,' squeezing around his rock-hard cock, "Your body... Nngh-" he throbs, grinding deep within you, "So good... I-I need... Mmmh-!"
In the throes of his mating frenzy, you're shocked he can still coordinate himself to manage it, but he slides a hand down your body to rub his thumb firm against your clit. You gasp aloud, throwing your head back and scraping your nails down his arms. Your legs tremble around his hips, still bucking and swaying against you, and in the intensity of this whirlwind of sensation, you're almost embarrassed by how quickly you cum. Slick covers his thick shaft once again, welcoming him into you still.
Gods above, are you going into a Heat of your own, just as he'd said? You can't imagine how else you've managed to take this- you're swept up into his pace, more than happy to give yourself over to his seemingly endless appetite.
"Fuh- Fill me, Askr," you moan out, barely able to meet his heated gaze, "Give it to me- muh-more! Ohh!"
His cock throbs from base to tip, stimulating your every aching nerve. The sound the utters could only be called a growl, and his grip at your hips is nearly painful.
"I- I can take it..!" you're breathless, but force the words out, "Cum for your mate, Askr!"
This time, when he cums, it shakes him from his pace. His hands slam down on the mattress on either side of you, and he sheaths every inch of that incredible bull-cock in your abused but soaking wet pussy. It hurts, yes- but gods, the pressure is mind-numbing, all-consuming bliss. As he unloads volley after volley of hot release into you, you feel your entire body tingling and your mind going white. And at last, he moans your name- not 'summoner,' not 'mate,' but your name.
The moment he's ridden out the wave of his second climax, Askr exhales heavily. Then, still fully inside of you, he wraps an arm around you and cradles you to his sturdy body, kissing you slowly and deeply. A pathetic little whimper escapes through your nose, and if you could feel any of your limbs, you'd have liked to hold him in turn. Instead, he gradually parts from your lips and eases you back down, then turns you onto your stomach.
"You should not make a habit of tempting me with such words," he says as he moves to mount you from behind, "If you indulge me, I will have no choice but to take you until sunrise and then some."
Strong hands grab roughly at your backside, spreading you open to receive him once more. The new angle awakens nerves that had begun to acclimate to your prior position. It's like he's stretching you all over again, fitting you around him in a new way that as you panting and whining beneath him, fingers clenching hard around the sheets. Askr draws close, the warmth of his body surrounding you as he fucks into you once more, your cum and his both slickening his manhood, making a mess of your inner thighs.
You lose track of time after this- how long does he take you, and how many times? There's no telling, it's all a blur of hands down your body, lips at your neck and shoulders, and his member rutting into you until he's spilled another sizeable load or two of his release into you- perhaps more, as he's proven fully capable of fucking you through his orgasm. By the time you gather yourself to speak, you're a wreck of flushed and bitten skin, disheveled hair and trembling limbs.
"Nh... Askr, you... feel so good, I-I'm not sure... how much more I can take..."
Askr gives a short and gentle laugh, holding you against him for a moment to kiss the shell of your ear.
"Rest, then- and we will continue when you are ready."
He eases his cock from you, which you note is barely any softer after all of this time. Thick and veined, its contours rub pleasurably against you even as he pulls out, and when you speak, your voice is breathy and weak,
"Are- are you sure you don't, uh, need more?"
You rally your muscles just enough to turn and look up at him, and he smiles that sweet, charming smile that you know so well.
"You are far too generous, Summoner- to all of us, I fear," he rises from the bed and takes his lower garment in hand, tying it around his waist as he gazes fondly down at you, "I will not claim to be fully sated- but I would much rather savor you than simply exhaust you," With a good-natured chuckle, he brushes a lock of your hair back into place, "I will have my fill of your pleasure- but there is no need to rush. My needs have been curbed for long enough to allow you that much, at the very least."
You smile back up at him, heart leaping at the handsome sight of him still mostly exposed and smiling with such open warmth.
"Now then," he says, turning towards the door, "You will need water, I imagine- and something to eat. Wait here, I won't be long."
Before you can say a word, he's out the door, and the thought immediately strikes you- he's simply strolling around the castle like that, with a mere sheet of fabric that doesn't even wrap all the way around his hips for cover. How many heroes might be wandering about the grounds, even at this hour? You envision Gaius on his way to raid the pantry. Linhardt or Lute on their way back from a late-night study session. Volke or Hubert doing... whatever it is that those sneaky sorts get up to at night. What are the odds that this night could stay strictly between you and Askr? Not high, with him waltzing about nearly nude, very obviously leaving and entering your bedroom. Aside from which, from the sounds of it, you have several more intensive rounds of 'mating' to come. Your face warms and your lower body aches at the thought.
"Gods..." you mutter up at the ceiling, though you can't help a weary, blissfully happy smile.
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echonidae · 1 year
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a buncha headshot portraits! three out of five portraits, i'm finishing up the last two c: the sketches here are from way back in august/september, and i fiddled with them for some weeks on end trying to make Something out of them, then proceeded to frustratedly shelf the lot of them away. so it's nice to see at least these three all finished up now :') and they were really nice to work on too ;v;
but ohoho okay, this is a lot of announcements in one single post, so bear with me a moment :3c here's a tl;dr first: 1) headshot portraits as a new commission option maybe? :0ccc 2) commissions are opening again on monday, jan. 23rd! 3) separate commission info webpage for reading convenience (particularly for folks on mobile) 4) commission rules changes: payment in full & upfront, rather than half-and-half 5) two-slots-per-person rule will be no more and folks are free to send as many orders as they want, but any ones after the second will go into the queue instead 6) also a small change with unoccupied queue slots
the rest is under the readmore :')
so, i've been thinking about adding this sort of portrait as a commission option!! fairly simple compositions but fully rendered (because i darn love painting so much; cellshading is nice and all, but coloring it all in one layer is just... heart-eyes), on the big 2600px to 3800px canvases as well c: and i'm thinking of pricing commissions like these at 28 USD (feels like a good price but i'm accepting feedback on that — the point was to add something that's just straight up fully-rendered, but for the lower end of the pricetable, and the limitations of a headshot portrait feel fitting enough on both sides ;v; )
also portraits like these are fairly quick to draw, so the turnaround time would be fairly short! add to it that 1) these are fun, 2) i could use focusing on just the face and expressions rather than elaborate poses and all, 3) portraiture lighting my beloved, and 4) these are painted, and don't take forever to figure out or paint. :D but yeah, let me know what you think of the headshot portrait option!! would you folks be interested in something like this? :0c
and now hold on a moment, i have more things to say!! xD
commissions are reopening monday, jan. 23rd, at the usual 5pm BRT (UTC -3:00)!
6 active slots (previously known as regular slots; can't believe it's taken me years to figure out a better way of calling these orz), as well as another 24 slots on queue. these will remain open until further notice; money's tight right now, hence the lack of closing date :')
there should be plenty of slots either way tho, so no rush at all! but i apologize for the super short notice orz
also, i went and got all the commission info on a separate webpage on wix instead. here you go!
should be easier to access and read through stuff, particularly on mobile — or at least i sincerely hope it is, please leave me feedback if you can!!! let me know if you encounter Problems, i've looked and combed through every bit of these four (4) pages but i might have missed stuff still, pretty please let me know if you run into any Issues! ;-;
but yeah, the website has all the rules and info and all the different options as well, with extra examples and all. on monday, you'll also be able place orders directly through there, i made a little form and all c': technically the form is already there but pls don't send requests yet, i can't reserve slots ahead of time!
also also, and these are the last things i've got to say, i promise (and thank you if you've read this far!),
a couple commission rules are changing!
1) from this new batch onwards, i'll be charging commissions in full & upfront instead of the half-half system i'd been doing up until this point. the exception is if an order exceeds $80 USD; for those ones we'll return to the half-before-sketch + half-once-finished situation instead!
but how's that? :0c i hope this is alright, but please let me know if this would make commissions just... unaffordable ;o; i do really like the half-half system, and i'd rather keep it, but it's either this or raising prices, and i don't think i can do that yet :T either way, please let me know your thoughts on the matter!!
2) the only-two-slots-per-person rule will no longer be in effect, so go ham with multiple orders if you wish on monday — the caveat is that i'll still be working only on two orders at a time per person, so if you order three things, the third one will be placed at the end of the queue c:
looking back i could've... done this from the beginning. orz it should be more convenient to send multiple orders if you have 'em!
and finally, 3) if the queue list hits its closing date with slots still available, folks who have already ordered and would like to get in the queue again can go on and grab those empty queue slots if they want, instead of being limited to two slots per person per batch, and then having to wait for an entire new batch.
i opened this exception for the last round of commissions (thank you once again to the folks who wanted repeats ;-; ) so i thought i should just make it into a proper thing instead, since it does make sense to do it anyway — the queue list is purposefully filled with a ton of slots, then left open for weeks on end to make sure everyone interested can get their orders in, so letting folks claim those remaining slots after the deadline sounds fine ;v;
that being said, there won't be a deadline for this monday's batch, so this bit technically doesn't change anything xD but i thought i should mention the New Thing #6!
and that's it! that's all!
while i'm pretty set on most of these (specially the full-upfront-payment bit — again, money's tight orz), i'm still definitely open to feedback, and to change things if something doesn't work for you folks!! please do share your thoughts on it, or send a note if you'd rather!! and let me know if you have any questions too ;v; 
i apologize for the super short notice again (and for cramming all of this into a single post) orz i'll be sorting things out until 5pm on monday, and getting these last commissions posted as well c:
thank you again for reading all of this orz and please don't feel obligated to reply to all the points if you have thoughts on only a specific one, i'd rather hear a little feedback than none at all ;o;
all in all, hope at least these portraits look nice, they were fun to work on :') Oliver, Owen and Steffan (previously known as the Swordsman/the Warlock — yup he's got a name now!); i'll get the other two of Matthew and Coriander done and posted!
thanks again folks, have a nice friday! ;w;
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ngkiscool · 1 year
Next please
The weekly prompt of @flashfictionfridayofficial was FFF202 The Devil You Forgot
Fandom: Lucifer (Good Omens if you squint), 830 words, no cw
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"Next please!" My station was empty, but no one approached it. On the one hand, if offered me a few seconds of relatively rest, but on the other hand, if forced me to shout. Can't be seen resting, not during the rush hour at the Higher Ground.
It was noon of a rather lovely day, finally a sunny day after a week of showers. People strolled in the street, couples shared brief kisses when they thought no one was looking, even the people with the really expensive suits walked a bit slower and enjoyed the rare weather.
Warm beams of sun filtered through the curtains and shed light on the coffee shop, colouring the place with picturesque shades. It also nearly blinded me unless I squinted, despite the many, many times I asked the manager to fix the curtains.
The queue was longer than I've seen in a long time, and not just because of the weather. As if the regular costumers weren't enough, there was a reinforcement – people from the comic con just around the corner.
All day long, I had to deal with costumers who gave me the most unusual names and throw a tantrum if I spelled their name wrong. Some, God forbid, had even asked me which costume they were wearing, and seemed genuinely hurt when I hadn't recognized which TV show it was from.
Honestly, I don't have anything against adult people who dress up as creatures who only exist in a fantasy world. Some of the costumes were pretty, and it was clear that making them required a lot of time and skills. But, just like I don't go around and show my latest sewing art to bus drivers, I don't pay too much attention to my clients' costumes. All I want from them is place a not complicated order and leave a big tip. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Next in line!" I called again, a bit louder this time, and it worked. A costumer approached me, and I started the usual drill of taking their order. Things went smoothly, or as smooth as can be expected when one orders coffee, and I started to relax. Maybe that costumer will act normal through our whole interaction, and won't demand me to guess what was his costume.
It was a good one, I'll give them that. The suit was expensive looking, but nothing a person of means can't find easily. The wings, thought, they looked almost real. They were white, and big, each feature moved separately, and the wings even moved in coordination with his shoulders. Even after seeing a parade of costumes all day long, they seemed special. Like I said, I'm not interested in cosplays myself, but as an artist (and yes, sewing is an art, thank-you-very-much) I can appreciate craftsmanship when I see one.
Usually, people love to get compliments on their costumes, but something vibed weird with this person, so I decided to refrain from commenting. The opportunity, thought, rose when he finished the order, and I asked for his name. The voice matched his outfit – silken, strong, and confident.
"I see you are really in the character, even the wings and everything!"
"In character?" A red glint shone in his eyes, gone before I had the chance to complain about the curtains. Maybe if the manages received complaints from customers, not just employees, he would do something about it. One can only hope.
"Yes, with the wings and everything. Very impressive, if you don't mind me saying. Are you participating in the cosplay contest? I'm sure you will win first place."
The temperature in the coffee shop dropped suddenly, and I shivered despite being all hot from being near the oven. The air conditioner hadn't changed, and it didn't look like the other clients had noticed it. Weird.
"Never mind, it's been a long day. I'll just make the order, and here is a piece of lemon cake, on the house".
At last, the coffee was ready, the cake packaged and together napkin and utensils, the take-away bag was handed to him. Our fingers touched briefly, and I felt a chill running through my body, but it was very short. Long day indeed.
I turned to clean the coffee machine, and when I finished and turned to the till again, I was surprised to find a twenty note on it. It was unexpected for two reasons: firstly, it was quite a large sum, as usually people left a fiver or a tenner. Twenty was very rare. Secondly, and even more unusual, was the fact that I hadn't served any costumer in the past few minutes.
Anyway, as my experience at costumer service taught me not to question money, I took the note. Attached to it was a small, white feather, but that hadn't helped to explain how it got there.
Confused, I shook my head, and got back to my work. "Next please!"
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badgraph1csghost · 6 months
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(Alt text in HTML)
I didnt want to add this to the original post because it's just too darn long.
You want to know how Black Friday used to be? I mean, it's always been psychological trauma for retail workers, but I'm talking like OUTSIDE the building.
People would queue up. Right? When there was a new game console or something coming out, they'd queue up, sometimes for 16 hours. They'd sleep on the queue. They'd have dinner on the queue. They'd have to limit their fluid intake because there were no toilets on the queue.
Because there were doorbusters. There were door prizes. There were savings unfathomable to the 2023 mind. People would form groups to rush the doors, people would get trampled, there was an incident at Kohl's where the manager got trampled to death by a herd of frantic soccer moms who hadn't taken a piss in 16 hours and absolutely HAD to get the best deals on cookware before anyone else.
Just 10 years ago, it was like this.
You didn't understand the phrase "every man for himself" until you saw a group of American suburbanites, half-frozen from the late November cold-snap fighting-- literally FIGHTING like fucking Mortal-ass Kombat-- to get their hands on what? A god damn toaster oven. At Best Buy one year about 10-12 years ago, a soccer mom went to jail because she cut a guy's hand off to get the last big-screen TV.
Why? Why do that? You don't know, do you? The sales were BIG. I tell you, this TV was as big as the wall in my sitting room and it was normally $995; it was on sale for $350. That's a savings of almost $700 fucking dollars, can you imagine it? No, of course you can't, because we live in the 2020s, where the prices of everything have been going up and up and up for the past 5 years.
TVs like the one I mentioned are now $1500 and go "on sale" for $1490. Yeah, save 10 bucks on a fuckin almost $2000 TV that only cost probably $200 to build in the first place. Black Friday doesn't fucking exist anymore.
And I've been saying this like it's a bad thing. It's not. I want to live long enough to stop seeing Black Friday and Cyber Monday ads in the post. But the fact that people STILL behave like they're gonna walk away with a deal just points to how thoroughly the corporate feudal state has convinced us that 700% inflation is just a fact of life.
Oh, yeah, and those stores I mentioned? The Kohl's where so many people burst into the place that the manager got trampled to death? The Best Buy where the guy got his hand cut off? They closed 2 and 3 years ago. No more business. They cut their stock back, still not enough business, and they closed. Yep, nothin' wrong with THIS economy.
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iviarellereads · 11 months
Nona the Ninth, John 1:20(1)
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For detail on The Locked Tomb coverage and the index, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(No icon) In which someone murdering one of their best friends is still not the most horrifying part of the chapter.
In the dream they go through long corridors, seeing furniture, stones, bodies, bones, little round pockmarks of bulletholes in the walls, relics of the fighting.(2) Eventually he animates some of the bones to clear the path for them, and continues his story.
They couldn't get into political conferences anymore, but the president puppet he controlled was still invited, so John got in for free by proxy. Nobody even argued about the FTL plan anymore. They only argued about what to do with John's crew. He found it funny when he had to puppet the president into speeches about how he should be brought to justice.
What he did mind was the state of the first-wave evacuee ships. None of the reports about them passed the smell test. They'd thought the worst the trillionaires would do was set up a pay-for-preference system, so the richest would leave first, with others on future waves, but that turned out to be so naive. One day, M- came to him, looking like she'd seen a ghost. She and A-'s little brother and the nun had been going over bank movements and manifests.
She said, there was no queue, no second or third wave. Half the passengers on the manifests weren't real people. There was one ship of internationals, and everyone else would have bought a ticket, or been "useful".(3) The rest of humanity was being left to die.
I had to have her breathe into a bag for a while, because she hated it when I tried to fix her anxiety attacks with necromancy. When she could talk I was just all, Are you sure. She said, John, there they go!! And I said, Not as long as I have breath in my body.
In the dream-present, the skeletons have opened an entryway, leading to another wrecked room he identifies as the kitchen. He finds cans in the cupboards, and modifies one of the skeletons to have a can opener for fingerbones. Together, he and she eat slippery sugary peach halves with their fingers, and she feels a little better.(4)
The last chance they had was to talk to their government, which was a mistake. They spooked someone, who told someone else, who told the FTL project, who accelerated the timeline to days, not weeks. John was going to have to physically stop the ships from launching, but with so many platforms, he wasn't sure he could catch them all.
C- asked if he could do some sort of miracle in good faith. A- suggested rushing the ships and pulling the occupants out to force the cryo plan instead.
John, meanwhile, was trying so hard to crack the problem of the soul. He couldn't distinguish it from the rest of the energy in the body, not even on the day he'd killed all those people. He could tell it was big, and it was what he was looking for, but not how to use it.
So I said to everyone, I can’t stop them myself, not yet. We have to stall them. We know they need Pan-Euro’s orbital gate access, so let’s make sure they can’t get it. Let’s make sure nobody wants to give them orbital gate access. He said, And all of us looked at the floorboards.
None of them really wanted to use the nuke, but it was good blackmail against the people who had given it to them. So, they went to their clients, and said, Pan-Euro can't give the trillionaires access, they're cutting and running and leaving everyone else to drown. The clients said, fine, but give us back the nuke first so you don't do something crazy.
It took so long, the FTL had started counting down to launch. When a couple of nations asked what the rush was, the project said they were doing a mock run to make sure it's all in order, since prep went so well. John wondered how anyone bought it, and who got paid how much of the money that the trillionaires obviously thought wasn't worth anything anymore, tied to the homeworld as it was.
He said, So here’s us, planning to meet these agents in neutral territory, across the ditch,(5) over in the huddle where the Territory refugees were. They wanted us to pass the nuke back. We all voted to trust them, but A— and G— and M— and I came up with a just-in-case plan. Forty-eight hours became twenty-four so quickly. G— fixed up the case and carried it over alone, with caveats. Nobody liked that. They were all, Shit, John, send someone dead, send a puppet. But I wanted G—.(6) P— volunteered to go with him, but G— said he wouldn’t arm it if P— was in range. P— went off at him, but it was one of those times where he held his ground against her. I remember. She called him a stupid kid.
John had an odd gut feeling before G- got on the plane, so he took him downstairs, and took his arm off, totally painlessly, and regrew him a new one with magic. G- didn't even question it.
He added contemplatively, Should still be around here. The arm, I mean. I stuffed it in the morgue so nobody would find it. I’ve got plans for that arm.(7)
While they waited, the nun kept pushing him about the soul, as if trying to get him to "instantiate the Trinity"(8) and save everyone. Suddenly, C- admitted she was dating N-, and everyone said they'd known for a year, and they had a nun, why not get married here, at the end of all things. N- said that wouldn't be legal, C- said what does it matter. In the dream, he points at the corner where they got married. He made flowers grow for them, but they were weird, and some of the roses had teeth. The brides thought it was hilarious though.(9)
When G- landed and got to the meetup, John informed the crew that G- was a deadman's switch. Everyone lost their minds at him.
I said to them, You think they weren’t just going to shoot him first thing? You think there aren’t six snipers with beads on G—right now? But they weren’t only aggro about G—, they were aggro that a nuke might go off and kill a couple million people. I was like, Guys, it’s fine, they’re Australian. He said, Wow. Talk about jokes with no hope of landing.
The clients, on the other hand, stayed cool and said they wouldn't talk to John until the nuke was disarmed. They weren't even at the meetup, either, they said, so who would he really be hurting? He'd thought of that, of course.
I said, Yes. On that note, do you remember the dead guy you’ve mocked up to look alive, the one who still has executive power over your own nuclear codes, who you gave me total access to?
John had got him into position, with the codes, and made sure nobody around the puppet could stop him. He told the clients they had thirty minutes to stop Pan-Euro letting their gates open for the ships. The clients think he's bluffing, but he says he'd do anything, wouldn't he? He quotes another cow fact.(10)
John's own people were angry with him, too, on the whole. C-, N-, and P- were all having a go at him, A-'s brother and the nun were trying to mediate. Only A- and M- were really on his side, and it was more "we can still save this, walk it back" than really backing him up.
N- said this was going to end with killing millions of people for nothing, this isn't the saving the world that the crew signed on for. He said this is how they would save the world. She said he cares more about punishing people than being a saviour, and be can be "appallingly vindictive".(11)
Worse, they had cultists inside and outside the cow wall, and some of them flipped sides and surrounded them with guns. This is how all the barricades, all the bodies, all the bulletholes were formed. A- thought they'd sold out, but John thought it was more about internal doubt. He wondered if he'd lost some of his friends, too.
The confrontation went down, inside and outside the cow wall. He was still in touch with G- the whole time, and he was holding up pretty well. But, John had a lot to focus on, with him, and the fighting, and the dead politician.
He lost his nerve, and locked himself in a room with Ulysses and Titania because they wouldn't argue with him.
In the dream-present, he leads her out of the kitchen, down to another place, where a body in brown clothes looks awful, and he looks anywhere but at it, but he continues the story here anyway.
M- and her nun yelled at him through the door about not pushing buttons, until M- gave up and went away. The last hour was almost up.
It was only a matter of time before someone I loved caught a bullet that I couldn’t bring them back from.(12) I needed to do something. I couldn’t do anything.
Eventually, it was the nun who turned things around. She asked how he was doing with the soul, he said poorly. After a five minute pause, the nun said she thought she could help, but he had to let her in. He did, and she'd brought P-'s gun.
Standing in the hall, in the dream-present, she recognizes the body. He tells her that's not what she looked like.
At first, he thought the nun was there to kill him, but she said that in trying times it's common to push yourself away from God, but she knows John could do this, if he concentrated. Then she prayed, and she shot herself. He saw the soul hanging there for a second, and with the thanergy conversion, he could see it, could finally conceive of what he was missing. If he could control it, he could remove the bullet from her brain and glue the soul back in.
He said, But I held her soul in my hands and I knew why it had been so hard, because I was tuned in. I was looking at the code. I knew why I hadn’t been able to see anything. He said, When I touched her soul, I touched you. He said, You were the noise that was everywhere. It was like trying to talk to someone down a phone line with someone screaming through a megaphone in the same room. You drowned everything out. You were so huge and so complicated, and you were screaming. You wouldn’t stop screaming. You were so scared. You were so goddamn mad.(13) She said, “I was?” He said, “It wasn’t your fault.”
He realized he wasn't holding two nukes, he was holding three, and compared to her, "the other two were birthday candles."
He left the nun in the bedroom, dead. He didn't even take Ulysses and Titania. While he'd been locked in, some of the faithful had also turned, when the others accused him of "plotting nuclear war or something else wildly unfair." In the kitchen, everyone was just taking turns shooting each other, and they didn't even notice him come back.
Some of the memory gets fuzzy there, barricading with A- and M-, and them being shot in front of him.
He stood there and he said: “Do you remember what I said was coming?” She said, “Yes.” He said, “This is the part where I hurt you. Are you ready?”(14) She said, “Yes.”
He wanted her to stop screaming, he wanted her, "like a caveman wants a wildfire". He reached out and hurt her, but he wasn't strong enough to finish the job. He felt P- die. G- was the last one left alive, until John stopped his heart.
He paused and said, I’m still sorry it was Melbourne, honestly. Love a working tram service.(15)
In the dream-present, he walks back to the kitchen, abruptly.
He knew the nuke hurt her. He ate every death, and he let go the puppet's nuke codes as well, and thousands of missiles and other nukes were launched in response.
He said, First, I became a demigod. I nearly fell out of my body. I put my hand around half the world’s throats. [...] I drank them in, and it wasn’t enough. I needed those ships. I needed to extend my hand. I got it around the throat of the other half. I made them go away too. Then I had control of everything on the surface, but not the ships … birds flying above the fire … kids playing keep-away. He said, I put my hands around your neck. He said, I cupped your soul in my hands. He said, I took you into myself and we became one.(16)
Well, he started to, but there was so much of her. He dropped to his knees, ate dirt until he vomited, until he realized she was too much. This was the hardest part: the human instinct is to take into yourself, and that wouldn't do.
I needed a house to put you in, if I wasn’t going to put all of you in me. I made you one on the fly … I wasn’t even thinking … I ripped half my ribs from my body and made you from the dirt, my blood, my vomit, my bone. He said, I wanted to make you the most beautiful body I could think of.
Here, he notes that he was stressed out and absolutely insane at this point. He was barely himself at all, but he recalled that his Nana had some of his mother's toys at her house, and his favourite of them…
He gave a long, shuddering sigh. “My favourite was her old Hollywood Hair Barbie,”(17) he murmured
He made for her a body, the best he was equipped to form out of his own flesh. He remade them both, putting part of himself in her and part of her in himself. Together, he became like unto God.
But it wasn't enough to stop the ships.
He said, I bit through the sun first. It’s human nature. That started things going. Once you take down the sun, you’re cooking with gas, pardon the pun.
He killed the planets, with her help, even Pluto, and every satellite and craft that was still in-system. But in the end, he could only reach one of the ships, and for a moment, he and she held it in their hand, and he felt their terror. Then they were gone, out of his reach, lost forever because he hesitated.
He said, lightly— “That’s it. That’s the story. That’s what I did.” “Oh,” she said. Then he said— “Do you remember what you said to me once I had done it? When we stood here together?” She looked at him and she said, “Yes.” He said— “You said, ‘I picked you to change, and this is how you repay me?’”(18) She said— “What else did I say?” He said: “You said, ‘What have you done to me? I am a hideousness.’”(19) She said— “What else did I say?” He said, “Where did you put the people? Where did they go?” She said, “I still love you.”(20) He said, “You said that too.”
(1) John 1:20 reads "And he confessed, and did not deny: and he confessed: I am not the Christ." This is supposedly John himself, admitting that he is only repeating the word of the man he believed to be God. Not all of the verses have directly parallelled their respective parts of Jod's story, but some of them just punch right at the core. The fact that Muir was able to synchronize this with the A1Z26 being meaningful, so closely that so many of the verses match their chapters' contents… this is god-tier, Homestuck reference fully intended. Speaking of letterizing the numbers, this nearly completes our message: THE TOWER IS REACTIVAT-. We just saw another mention of a tower last chapter, from Varun. What does it all mean? (2) I think it's worth thinking, here, about the truth of this presentation. It aligns with some of what we have been told is true, and it aligns with some of what we may assume is likely to be true. Is this really just John's idea of what it would look like if the ocean drained around his first bunker? Is it what it actually would look like, or have looked like some weeks or months afterward? Is any of this real? (3) If that word doesn't send a shiver down your spine… (4) I'm so fascinated at how Harrow(?) reacts throughout these sequences that happen in Nona's dreams. How she feels, tied to John even here. (5) At a guess, given context, I'm assuming this is NZ slang for the waters between their islands and Australia. (6) Why did he want G- specifically? Did he want a martyr for his cause? Did he think his reaction times might be subpar in a puppet? (7) What plans could he have for his best friend's arm?! Honestly, folks, the questions this series has left open… (8) Instantiate is hard to describe, but by understanding the three parts of the body (bone, flesh, spirit?) or perhaps the three forms of energy (thanergy, thalergy, soul?), or some other trio of concepts to do with the necromancy, the nun seems to have thought John could become as Jesus, become as God, with ultimate power. Christianity trains you into threes with its Trinity, you see. (9) Sometimes your life is so absurd all you can do is laugh and accept that it is what it is. Especially when the roses grow teeth, I guess.
(10) Most of the time, the cow facts have been things others have used against John in this story. How interesting that now, when he needs to prove how badass he is, how absolutely without limit he is, he quotes one back at them. Cows exhibit mourning behaviour, and I killed them, didn't I? (11) Ain't that a fact, mister "ten thousand years seeking revenge for the moment being described in this chapter". Interesting that he admits it here. (12) Ironic that he said this right before someone did. (13) Of course the Earth was mad. Of course they're screaming at us, in their own way, for what we and our ancestors have been doing to them for these last two hundred years or so, or perhaps the last several myriads of years from a certain perspective. Our lack of stewardship, as a species, over the lands we ought to know better about maintaining. It's the fault of those in power, not those on the ground, but nevertheless. (14) Sweet of him to make sure she still consents to hear the story. (15) John, you absolute goddamn asshole (fond). (16) Lyctorhood is a pale imitation of the first conversion at the Resurrection. (17) If you've ever seen Locked Tomb fans screaming at the Barbie Movie hype or Barbies in general, or a long-limbed blonde with a sword and chains, this here is why. (18) He was chosen, among all the humans on the Earth, he was chosen particularly. Why would she choose him? Just a normal guy? (19) Imagine being a whole damn planet and being stuffed into a Barbie-shaped flesh suit. How horrified must she have felt? (20) But still, her love is unconditional. She loved every one of them, and she loved him, and she loves him still though perhaps... just perhaps... she's still not entirely sure what that word means. And Nona still loves us all, because Alecto once loved us all.
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kitnita · 11 months
Asks: 5, 6, 8, 19, 29.
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
ohhh i don't like to close the door on anything forever BUT the first thing i ever wanted to write for robotter came about during worlds in 2021. i outlined the whole tournament while it was going down & while i started storyboarding certain scenes during that time, i don't think that first iteration will see the light of day. like for one thing i have since super changed how i write robo, who was the pov character in that. i will never give up shouting out latvia in my fic & i'm sure at some point i will write a latvia worlds timestamp, but that first fic idea is doa.
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
i reread everything!! i am a serial re-reader!!! i am also so sad that ao3 is down so i can't do my usual excessively cited sources. eta after going through my downloaded fics on the books app & getting titles and authors names, if not links: þæt wæs god hláford by chevalric, michigan's in the rearview by aliquis, later's better than never by canary, odour by coffeehound91 (more recent, but super good!!), quarters halves and wholes by ladyeggplant.
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
i just sent in my small fic for @inrareformfest late late last night, and i'm currently wrapping up my second Big Project for @notacowfest. i'm also looking over my outline & worldbuilding notes for my hbb fic so i can get that going as soon as my starsfest fic is done!! other than that: i'm slowly working on a tydel/otter fic that'll probably serve as a backdoor pilot to some eventual dellyotterkennedi throuple fic, + working on my outlines for a robotter bachelor au & an outline for a robotter fic that i expected to do for the starsfest & then realized i had too much to say to be able to get it in under the deadline w my other fills. my baseball au & timeloop fic + a robotter romcom longfic idea are the Big Outlines i've been workshopping for a couple months now, and i'm sure one of those will come up in the queue after my hbb fic w some <10k fic coming in throughout the rest of those ideas.
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
[frantically looking for a recent snippet from something that isn't for an imminent fest] OKAY ...... woe .......... trevorjamie supernatural perpetual wip be upon ye
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29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
Otter huffed out a little laugh over the line, but he still sounded more annoyed than amused. The part of Jason that was, despite himself, governed a little bit by alpha instincts ached for him. Jason tried to remind himself not to ache, but that didn't do anything. Otter wasn't here in the hotel with Jason anyway. What he couldn't scent couldn't hurt them. “I haven’t thought about kids, period, this much before. It sucks.” Jason rolled his head on his pillow to look over at his phone, where he could hear Otter sigh over speaker. It was a good reminder, he guessed. Jason might’ve been annoyed that what was happening to Otter was rushing the pace of their relationship — even if they’d both seemed to agree to pretend they couldn’t read between the lines of what they meant to each other. But Otter had space to be a lot more annoyed at this rushing; it was his body turning on him, making all these too-soon conversations crop up when they weren't even close enough to let their scents do all the talking. Jason dropped the attempted levity. , “I haven't either," he said, then added, maybe a little too honestly, "But, uh — I'm here to talk to you whenever you are thinking about them." "Oh yeah?" He could hear a shift in Otter's tone. All wry and breathless, like he was somewhere between touched and aroused. It hit Jason in the part of him that wasn't governed by alpha instincts but was, despite itself, governed a little by Otter. "Yeah, man," he said. "I always want you to come to me when you're feeling big stuff. That's … that's what we're here for, to each other."
a snippet i ended up cutting from if i could sink my teeth into you!
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sleepymarmot · 9 months
Guess why I haven't been posting much for the last few days? I've been spending my free time on ESO again.
So in the middle of the Undaunted event I realized that it pretty much gave double drops from the final boss, and started frantically grinding dungeons. I normally don't do them, because they're either boring or frustrating and take too much time, and you need to spend an enormous amount of time on clearing the inventory before and sorting the loot after. So this was my best chance to gather at least some of the sets I wanted for the foreseeable future. The grind was not something I'd call fun, but it sure had me spending time and energy on the game for the first time in a couple of months. And combined with the excitement of the new update (and the rush to figure out what's going to happen to jewelry prices and to sell off my hoard while it's still worth something), that suddenly gave me the motivation to take care of my huge in-game to-do list.
And one of the most important entries on that to-do list was, uh. To progress in the storyline. Where I've been stuck between Murkmire and Season of the Dragon for years. You see, ZOS really fucked me over when they decided to make group dungeons part of the storyline. I can't stand the thought of begging random strangers to take pity and wait for me to do the quest instead of doing a speedrun like 99.9% of them want, and I wouldn't be able to enjoy the quest with them breathing down my neck anyway. So I'd prefer to do these dungeons for the first time by myself — but I'm also a very casual player, not the kind of person who soloes DLC dungeons. When the companions were released, I hoped they could replace human teammates, but they turned out to be not that strong. When the armory system was released, my stamsorc main could finally become a healer, which solved the problem of long queue times and the shame of low dps — but didn't solve the problem of questing vs speedrunning. When I discovered Oakensoul after barely touching the game for a year, I hoped it would be my ticket — but it didn't turn me into a superhero either. Nevertheless, I dutifully grinded the gear (fuck Wayrest Sewers) and tried to imitate the online builds. Today, right after the end of the event, I still had leftover adrenaline and willingness to go to dungeons left, and that pushed me to tweak my gear again and hit my personal high on a trial dummy (which was still much lower than the Oakensorc parses other people post). So I decided to ride that wave, ran through the Volenfell quest on an alt to remember who Tarayya and Quintus were, and headed to Depths of Malatar (on Normal, obviously).
At first, I was really enjoying the leisurely stroll, taking screenshots of the lovely scenery. The first boss either glitched or hid too well, because I couldn't find him and had to reset the fight, after which it went well. Everything melted so fast I asked myself why I had been even worried — are the DLC not as scary as they seem?
Then I got to the fucking Dark Orb. And died. And died. And died. I spent fifty minutes there. I changed my champion points; changed them again; unlocked some skills because by some stroke of luck I had free skill points and had not purchased the alternate morphs on this profile. Every time the fight was very easy at the beginning, then around the final 5-10% there would be an absolutely overwhelming amount of aurorans spawning faster than I could kill them, and they would stunlock and kill me. Finally, I tried to copy a solo video where the player "cheesed the boss", and miraculously, after two or three attempts it worked. Maybe that didn't give it time to spawn enough aurorans to be deadly? On my last attempt, Bastian died pretty early, and that always meant that I'd follow him soon, so I was surprised to survive.
Even the trash mobs of aurorans after that boss were hard enough to make me drop ultimates on them. By comparison, Narilmor and Symphony of Blades were easy. Or, at least, Symphony was relatively easy after I read what I was supposed to do. During that final fight, I discovered that Bastian had apparently been traumatized by his many deaths, because he refused to fight and only walked around. Luckily, Mirri didn't have that problem when I called on her to replace him. If I remember correctly, the final fight took three attempts. On the first, I didn't know what to do with the wall. On the second, I got to the last phase in the Colored Rooms (spectacular transition btw!) and when the boss was in single digits I walked backwards from one wall and right into another.
As I type this, I'm still coming down from the adrenaline — an hour later. According to the screenshots, this single run of a normal dungeon took me almost exactly two hours. I guess I'll have to find a group for all of the following ones after all... Even this one was completed only by the skin of my teeth, and it would be awful to spend hours in a dungeon and have to give up and start over anyway. I do certainly feel a Sense of Pride and Accomplishment, though! Even one solo DLC has been a big achievement for me. But I'm still mad that ZOS balances things like this for multiple players and refuses to make a solo version. This would have been a fun adventure in a pretty location, available to any solo player without the need for grinding or a specific build. But instead, the difficulty level makes it feel like an arena — a place where you come to test yourself in combat and nothing else.
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aurorsnsadprose · 10 months
Writing this makes me nervous, somehow I had been putting it off. I will be seeing @taylorswift for the first time soon🇲🇽, still sad to me the fact that I couldn't get a ticket to the US leg. But this will finally happen and I want to cry with emotion, love and happiness everytime I thought about it.
Getting verified fan was not easy, getting a place in the virtual queue and the nerves was exhausting, finding seats was terrifying. BUT IT'S DONE.
I got tickets to be there on August 24, 25 and 26.
Even with stress and nerves, something magically helped us get the seats we wanted. AND THE BEST? 🪩✨🩵 I'll be in PLATINUM 12, ROW 1, SEAT 13. Yeah, 13 and FIRST ROW, strangely and happily I got 13 ✨🩵🪩. I can't even imagine what my view will be like on Friday the 25th of August for N2.
N1: General B
N3: GREEN 18 C (VE-18C), LINE 10, SEAT 13 (again 13)
I've been planning this with one of my best for YEARS, a long time ago, at another Foro Sol concert, we talked about how we would dress when we finally saw her live. IT'S HAPPENING🩷.
Buying shiny fabrics to combine my favorite boots and materialize one of my favorite songs: cowboy like me for N2 (btw, Taylor, could you repeat it, please?).
The last few weeks have been accompanied by imagining and making my outfits, making joking and normal friendship bracelets, preparing everything to take my polaroid with me, making amazing jackets for N1, trying to make an outfit for the line "She stole his dog and dyed it key lime green" for N3. And trust me, if I can go to N4 I'll be there.
Thank you, really thank you, I know it will take several songs for me to believe that I will be living a reality that will wait a long time and I know that I will be in tears of emotion.
I will no longer cry watching reputation Stadium Tour on my television, this time I'm gonna be THERE. I will know if 'Tis the damn season returns to the setlist or not, IN THE SAME TIME AND SPACE, I will not find out from a live on TikTok or a tweet.
Also, I'm excited that Taylor knows what Mexican crowds are like at a concert, we are really very passionate, we are going to go crazy. It's gonna be super fun for everyone.
See you in 13 nights! ⭐
P.S. I'm going to share here my surprise songs wishlist with repeats and without it. Idk. Just in case.
P.S. II I hope u @taylornation come too. Podemos enseñarles un poco de español. 🖤
🩵⭐No repeated songs:
1. So it goes please PLEASE PLEASE
2. Dancing with our hands tied
3. The very first night, please?
4. Closure pls
5. It's nice to have a friend PLEASE
6. End game
7. Long story short
8. London boy
⭐🩷With repeated songs.
1. Cowboy like me
2. Gold rush
3. So it goes
4. Would've, should've, could've
5. New romantics (I know it's not gonna happen, so, Wonderland)
6. Seven
7. Forever and always
8. The very first night
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pantherazuredevil · 1 year
Japan Trip 2023 - Day 2 (Tashirojima) Part 2
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Serenity is sitting on top of a stone looking absolutely stoned and not caring about the world at large.
Day 2 Part 1 Link
There were a mother and daughter back at Shima no Eki that weren't there before, and I had actually heard them not long after getting off the ferry. An obvious gaijin (foreigner) woman was also there with a Japanese woman, and the mother asked the woman about them both. It turned out that the woman had just made friends with the gaijin, and informed the mother the other woman was on a solo trip. So am I, I thought, but I didn't say anything. The mother then went on to say "すごい" because of course, what else would she say?
I do think the mother was so stereotypical in the way she spoke, completely like any Japanese obaasan you would expect of her age. Her daughter couldn't have been more than 15 or so too, so she must be quite a number of years older than me. It was interesting to hear her speak and say things to the cats, so to speak. Nothing out of the ordinary, it was just refreshing for me to hear her style of talking in person.
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I left after a while of enjoying the kitties and the antics they were up to with the few others at the cafe in order to ensure I would make the last boat at Nitoda at 1:55 PM. Most of us who had gotten on the first boat were also there at the same port. Though we could have got on it at Odomari at 2+, it would be a little silly as Odomari's area had no cats and everyone was largely here for them. Here's another short video of the view from Nitoda Port, and here's one of See Cat arriving for its last departure from Nitoda Port for the day.
The seas were much rougher on the way back, but this time I was in the warmer lower deck where there were better seats, and the waves splashed against the windows instead. The rocking didn't bother me as much, though I did doze off and then get woken up by it at some point.
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When we arrived back at our initial ferry terminal, everyone rushed off the boat for the next train back at Ishinomaki Station, which I already checked before we arrived and found out it would be leaving in some 16 minutes at the time of our arrival. I was like, "What's the rush? We'd definitely make it." Still, I did quicken my pace just in case. We all made the train with much time to spare, and the ride back was uneventful. I dozed off again on the ride back.
Upon arrival I once again had to head to the JR office to book my tickets for tomorrow back to Tokyo Station, and also past Tokyo Station to Mishima Station for my next part of the trip. The queue, as always, remained long, and this should be something tourists should keep in mind. There's a way to book them online but I never tried it, and it's unknown just how convenient that is or if it even works properly compared to queuing up and reserving tickets. I'm sure if you have oversized baggage that can't fit in the upper racks, going straight to queue up for help at the counter would be a lot more helpful.
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I went looking for dinner after that, and it was still early so I could finally decide to eat at one of the few places that were in the restaurant section of Sendai Station. I realized that every major station in Japan had these a bit later on.
I stopped in at Grill Minoru, and wanted to order gyutan (beef's tongue) as a side since it was Sendai's specialty, but alas, they were sold out. The gyutan alley selling that specialty had way too many people so I was quite turned off from eating there. I went for the next best thing on Grill Minoru's menu, a hamburg steak set, as shown above, and after eating the hamburg I can now see why this is so highly regarded as a great dish. The meat was so tender and lovely. The fried stuff are oysters, and I believe everything cost me a bit under ¥2000, and this also marked the first time I paid for everything in coins exactly in Japan as the coins were piling up by this time.
As is the custom while I was there, I went to 7-11 for some pudding and got a cold milk tea from the hotel's vending machine for supper. I had a shower around 6+ but waited till 8+ before I went for the public bath. Unfortunately two others were already in there, and I had no choice but to demonstrate the pathetic lack of bath etiquette I had. I hope I didn't offend them. It was harder to soak this time round with eyes watching, but the bath definitely still felt good. I was definitely looking forward to the private bath time I would have tomorrow at a planned stay in Yugashima Tatsuta.
And that's the second day, stay tuned for the third! It will likely be split up into two posts again, thanks to Tumblr's 30-images/links limitation.
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foxingpeculiar · 1 year
Video game blogging:
Finished Horizon: Forbidden West (after 96 hours and change). I didn't liveblog this one, but I definitely enjoyed it and will play it again. I know Burning Shores comes out in like 3 days, but I think I'll do the same thing here I did with Zero Dawn and save the DLC for the second playthrough. Plus, I'm playing this through the PSPlus thing, but I do wanna get it on disc, so I'll pick up a definitive edition at some point or something.
Story-wise, I think I said earlier that this feels like a trilogy and now, after seeing the ending of this one, that feels even more true. Also, they had the perfect opportunity to write Sylens out, but didn't, so I'm still curious what they're gonna do now. Like, you can't just fridge him after that... he's GOT to be part of part 3 now, so are they gonna recast him or find some creative solution?
Anyway, I am currently downloading the PS5 upgrade for Disco Elysium: The Final Cut, as voted on by Tumblr, which I very well might liveblog because it does gangbusters on here apparently. But I don't know that I'll start that tonight and I have a seminar paper to write in the next couple of weeks, so it might be a slow start. We'll see how it goes.
After that... well, it's gonna depend on how that goes. I have a preorder of Final Fantasy XVI and will be doing that when it comes out. And I do wanna get Tears of the Kingdom at some point as well. But I'm hoping to maybe get through a couple interesting games this summer and I've got a long queue of games I have access to and want to play, including (but not necessarily limited to): Tactics Ogre: Reborn Jedi: Fallen Order The Last of Us, Part II Dragon Quest XI Tails of Iron Ghosts of Tsushima Kingdom Hearts III Spider Man: Miles Morales Deathloop What Remains of Edith Finch Blasphemous Gravity Rush
And like... I haven't even looked at the classics catalog, really. And this is not including stuff I've started and want to go back and finish/redo (RDR2, Death Stranding, Like a Dragon, Nioh 2), or things I've been wanting to replay for a while (Sekiro, mostly, but also some of the early Final Fantasies, Fear Effect, a bunch of old stuff, actually).
Not enough goddamn hours in the day.
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oh-hawkeye · 1 year
I'm so angry I don't even wanna scream.
I MADE ALL THE POSTS WITH WRONG DATES PIVATE so that they don't misinform anyone.
I'm sorry :(
[EDIT: changed "max. 3" to "a few" (days)]
I knew when was the first episode aired and after that I assumed they were aired every week. I WAS SO WRONG! I don't know how I could make that mistake.
I'M THREE EPISODES AHEAD and MOST OF MY POSTS TAGGED "this moment appeared on TV exactly 50 years ago" ARE WRONGLY SO!!!
I've made gifs for 11 of the first 17 episodes and only the first two are tagged right. All the posts past E05 are dated wrong.
I have to fix it somehow, and I will, but I don't even know how.
[under the cut I'm not longer angry, but sad instead, and I explain why that matters and why the reason it matters to me so much isn't as crazy as it can seem]
I'm not sure how I'm going to fix this. I'm so angry!!!
I tried so hard to make those gifs on time, often failing, very often rushing like crazy to manage on time, more that once making it literally the last minute, doing all the posting manually because the queue couldn't handle the accuracy I needed.
I tried so bad to make the perfect anniversary blog/celebration. I wanted it so much that at times the struggle to keep up took the fun out of it.
I'm not doing this because I'm such a die-hard MASH fan. I'm not obsessed so much that I needed the anniversary celebration to be perfect for the sake of it. I came up with it because the idea itself seemed so cool, and the opportunity was too good to miss.
At the same time it seemed like a good idea to do something MASH related (other than watching the same episodes over and over) to keep me interested as it's too easy to lose interest in something if there's no new content to fuel the excitement.
That's why I care about everything being on point even more than I would if it was only the matter of celebrating the anniversary. I'm doing it for the sake of the form even more that I'm doing it for the content itself.
<this paragraph was deleted - turns out I was wrong about the repetitions of calendars - the episodes were aired on Sundays and the 50th anniversary is on Saturdays>
I've just relised that means that most of my posts are/will be (I'm counting also the episodes that I didn't post yet) wrong. MOST OF THEM.
That basically means I didn't post my gifsets on the scenes' anniversary as a rule. I made them so sometimes.
That means that the whole idea failed. If at least a bare majority was right I could say that the project is full of shortcomings, is hanging by a thread, and is terribly flawed but it is at least accomplished. And this? This is just an incomplete collection of draft notes.
I was so excited about this idea, and the fact that someone with a popular MASH blog told me they think that the idea is "cool" and "fun", and that "that extra effort is admirable" (about posting on the exact anniversary of the scene) made me feel sppreciated, and even more confident it's worth the trouble.
And now what?
I have to find a way to manage the mess, as fixing it is impossible. Then I'll have to make up another tags for those posts that were originally tagged as on time. Then I'll have to change all those tags, which will be the most annoying and time-consuming part, as the mass editor can only do so much.
I have to think fast, as I can't stand the fact that almost all my blog is a lie...
I know it's just a silly internet thing, and I'm too old to care about such things, but I really feel like crap.
I could really use cheering up. Any attempt at that will be greatly appreciated, even if I doubt anyone will even read it. I'm not popular enough (actually not at all) for people to care about me spilling my guts on a fandom blog.
However if you read that through this all - thank you! My non-mash posts are usually not being read, and I think people would prefer me not to write at all. So if you do - thanks again :)
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vampiretickles · 3 years
I binge watched basically the whole thing in one sitting, I am in love!!!
Ofc as soon as i watched it i rushed to google the classic “*insert fandom here* tickle fics”. Thanqu sm for the ask, i'm so glad i could find something /pos lol, i feel u with the content starve aahh
also very sorry for the length of this lmao
(Ok so i've come to the sudden realisation that someone who works on the show could like… technically see this, so if you have anything to do with inside job… kindly wipe ur memory of this <333)
As usual, first one here & then the rest under the cut!
Ok so I’ll start with the mc and leave best to last, bc i need to contain myself somewhat, having said that: here is the main cast!
Ok this amazing(ly stressed) woman is probably super sensitive due to not being used to physical contact
I feel like at one point Bearo definitely had/has a tickle setting
*queue more trauma for reagan*
Ok so I can't tell if this is better or worse than hugging, but I think there is a chance she may not attack someone that tries to tickle her, IF they are very close
Like Brett or someone like that
I think her sides are her worst spot, and if anyone attempts to tickle them she r u n s
Her neck is also ticklish, but she can tolerate it a bit more
I don't think she is massively ticklish, but as I said, she definitely has a few sensitive spots
If you take her by surprise, be prepared to eat fist. Sorry lol
Her laughter is probably slightly strained, that slowly turns into cackles, and eventually choking lol
Maybe giggling
Swears a lottt
She will get payback. She will be deadly.
Goes straight for the worst spot, which she figures out extremely quickly
She probably has a math to figuring out someone's worst spot without fail every time
If it comes to be a common occurrence, she will create a bot for it
Will mean tease you
Tickles ppl who piss her off lol
Ok so i have like, not much for Gigi Luigi??
But I do know she does NOT like being messed with
Like 95% ler ok
She tickles Dr Andre a lot
Ok she tickles everyone, just for fun
She most likely has sensitive feet
She has her nails done and kinda long, which are super scratchy and definitely good to wreck ppl with lol
Yeah thats about it sorry lol
Hopefully she’ll get more screen time and more abt her character next season tho
Fucking. Dolphin man
So like… hes a dolphin? But hes still ticklish? Can dolphins be ticklish?
My first thought are his armpits, and tummy, like they’ve gotta be super bad
I think maybe his tail as well? Or is that too odd? Lol
I’m sorry but the first thing that came to mind is that it like.. A fetish for him. Ok im sorry that was just a bad thought, not an actual headcanon lol
Dkgjgkjdgndkjndfj im so sorry lets not dwell on that
Rougher tickles work on him a lot more than softer ones do
Ok so i also think he has a ticklish back ok
He's not suuppperrr ticklish, but he’s still really ticklish
Once you really get him laughing, he starts making dolphin noises
He has sharp scratchy claws. Get fucked. Lmao
So yeah he can definitely be a deadly ler if he wants to be
He probably doesn’t get too caught up in any of the gangs tickly shenanigans
But sometimes he will partake in the occasional tickle fight
He will win
His teases are definitely very.. Army like
Like “is that all you got, soldier? Not gonna fight back?”
Stuff like that
Ok if we are ignoring what has been,, previously stated, I think he’s neutral about the subject/ being tickled
Magic Myc:
Ok I have noo idea how he works but he definitely likes fucking around with people
So yes he likes tickling people/ engages a lot of tickle fights
I mean… look at him. He’s perfect
6 arms to tickle with and hold people down with
Oh god y’all better watch out
Since he can read minds, if he knows/meets anyone in the tkl community, he will KNOW
And he will not be afraid to let you know/ embarrass the shit out of you
Lmao have fun
Knowing him, he would probably assume its a sex thing
But either way he wouldn't rlly care
He definitely enjoys tickling ppl so yk
Mega tease
Is he ticklish? Maybe
His tummy thing is definitely ticklish
His tentacle… dicks are all a little ticklish
His laughter is very chaotic and silly
Definitely the giggler
Also makes high pitched, guttural cackles
Basically all the laughter lol
I think he likes it a little, depends on who it is tbh
He’s basically just a silly guy thing. He’s a little shit who likes to annoy ppl and have fun so he’s always up to tickling. Lee or ler.
Dr Andre:
OK so this guy. Likes to have fun
Very much ler energy, but also massive lee oh god oh fuck
His giggles throughout the series <333333
Definitely has tickle monster energy
He enjoys having tickle fights and playing a lot when he’s high, but being tickled gives him a small high lol
Snorts a lot
He’s super teasy but he’s not very good at it??
When he tickles someone he’s all over the place, he never stays in one spot for more than a second
This is very effective
Him and Myc would team up a LOT
And they make an amazing team lol
Andre is like one huge tickle spot ngl
Death by raspberry.
His ribs and armpits are definitely his worst spots
Also his feet will make him scream
He probably screeches a lot
He likes back tickles tho
Definitely likes being held down while tickled
I'm trying not to get too sexual here but… yk its Dr. Andre
He has definitely met a few ppl who are into it that way. He has done many things.
I’ll keep it at that I think lol
My boy. My baby boy.
Touch starved and craving familial love
So he definitely likes tickling
Major lee.
Sdjfhsghsakjflsfjowbgwjingwgjwr <33333333333
Like idk if there would be tickling scenes in the growing years but like, he is definitely aware that kids get tickled by their older siblings/ parents, and would be jealous of those who experienced it as a child
Also just craving any touch he can get
If you wiggle your fingers at his tummy but don’t actually touch him. So many giggles.
He has little snorts. His laughter is raspy and high pitched and especially whiny. Literally angels laughter
Hiccupy giggles
Enjoyer of tickly neck kisses.
His tummy is super duper ticklish
Even the lightest tickles will get him laughing like crazy
Especially if you kiss his tummy. Like he will go insane with laughter, also bc he feels so loved and he never wants it to stop.
Definitely cries. Like no overwhelmed but it’s just his reaction
Ok get ready for this one its revolutionary:
Like that whole area just makes him scream, especially if you dig in
Okay but his thighs are super thicc
His armpits r super bad as well
Raspberries kill this man. Absolutely destroy him.
If you tease him, call him cute, stuff like that, he’ll go bright red and giggle even more. He also genuinely takes the compliments to heart and will be thinking about it months later
Loves cuddles <3
Ok ler time lol
He’s surprisingly super gentle and loving
He’s super sweet and compliments ur smile
Definitely gives cheer up tickles
Literally “where’s that smile??!?!?”
Gives deadly raspberries
Likes tickle fights
He just likes making people happy
Tickling is definitely like another love language for him
He just. Likes tickling.
Laughs along with you
Definite tickle monster
He likes playing games and loves cute reactions
Ok just imagine his laugh some more. Ok good.
He cannot stay still tho lol
The gang love tickling him sm, especially when Myc drops that Brett likes it and missed out on those experiences as a kid
Omg myc stfu but also brett secretly thanking him bc now he gets tickles lol
Okkk that’s all I’ve got for now. Feel free to send more asks tho :))
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broadstflyers · 3 years
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A/N: Hello everyone! This is my first ever fic! It's really just an idea I've had for months, and then wrote, and then couldn't figure out which hockey boy it fit, until some mutuals were kind enough to help. I settled on our boy Barzy! It's inspired by Taylor Swift's "Gold Rush", and I really wanted to do my best in reflecting the beautiful imagery this story creates for me. I hope I did it justice. It's a little terrifying putting my writing out there, but I hope people enjoy it!
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: Two curse words, it's really just internal conflict within the reader
Summary: You're celebrating your dad's 50th birthday with some friends and family at a dinner party. You happen to land your eyes on a beautiful stranger, who you can't seem to get out of your head. You spend the rest of the night wondering, should you go up to him?
Or do you let him walk out the door?
They say when you first lay eyes on your soulmate, time stands completely still. As you gaze into their eyes, it feels as though you’ve known them for multiple lifetimes. It feels like home. Is that even remotely true?
You start to take a sip of your drink and turn your head slightly to take in your surroundings. Your eyes dance around the room, until they stumble upon another pair of wondering eyes. Your eyes lock, and you’re instantly sucked into the mysterious yet intriguing twinkling grey-blue color that compliments his navy blue suit. Suddenly, your breath hitches in your throat, every part of your body stiffens, except for your lips that part slightly and eyes that widen. The drink is long forgotten, you’re even struggling to keep it from practically falling out of your hands and onto the wooden floor. The party is now just a blur, the noise? What noise? The world is muffled, as if someone stuck your head into a hundred pillows. Images stream through your mind like an endless movie reel wrapped in shimmery gold. Endless laughter on a first date over coffee. Him rubbing the back of your hand as you take a stroll through the park. Holiday mornings, exchanging gifts. Would he participate in the tradition of opening small gifts first, or would he want the biggest gift right off the bat? Ice skating and him catching you as you stumble on a pesky track in the ice. Him tossing you into the pool while you’re trying to put up a fight in a losing battle. A sweet and quiet proposal where he promises his forever love. A kiss at the altar in front of all your friends and family. Chasing after rambunctious little kids trying to get them to nap. All these gold dripping images of a pure love plow through your brain. Your heart is the unmovable object. They are the unstoppable force.
You and him only shared a look for what was probably half a second, but the thick air that seemed to only be affecting you made time feel like it stood completely still.
You burst back into reality with the help of a slight head shake. “Woah,” you quietly whisper. You blink a few times and finally get around to taking a sip of your drink to quench your parched throat. Did you just see a whole future...with a stranger?
“Hey, are you okay?” Stella asks. Her hand gently touches your arm as she cocks her head to the side. Her brows are furrowed in what can only be described as pure confusion. Did you really space out that badly as she was talking? What were you guys even talking about?
“Oh,” you say as you gently shake your head, “yeah.” You chuckle, “yeah, I’m just fine.” You wait a beat then say, “Hey, I’m going to use the bathroom really quickly, okay?”
“Sure thing,” she nods. “Do you need me to come with?”
“I’m totally fine, I promise,” you reassure with every bone in your body while giving her your drink. You really just needed to be alone to calm your racing mind that has now turned a complete stranger into a romantic interest with the power of a golden montage.
You make your way over to the exit of the dining hall and push the creaky open with your shoulder, and the amount of force you had to use honestly hurt. Your heels click down the tiled hallway of the golf club to find the bathroom door. The rectangular bathroom mirror framed in an intricate gold design holds your reflection. You slightly tilt your head as you take a look at your face. It’s like someone took the color of a clown nose and colored in your face with it. Jeez. You shake your head and sigh. This isn’t good, and deep down, you know that. You hate when you’re like this, all flustered over someone who just happened to lock eyes with you. His eyes. They were gleaming and just all around beautiful. What were you thinking again?
Oh, right.
Well, it’s pretty obvious he has this power over you, and you don’t like that. Now is your face going to become red everytime you see him? You check your phone. There’s still two hours left, plenty of time to possibly see him again. You can’t tell if that’s necessarily a good or bad thing.
You pace around the bathroom trying to reason with your begging heart. He was pretty good looking, which means that so many people naturally want him. Who was he even talking to, anyways? You gasp and stop in your tracks, blood running cold. “He was talking to a girl,” you mumble. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t sound completely and utterly crushed. In the heat of the moment, you completely failed to realize the blonde standing next to him. You lean over the counter, the cold marble feeling on your arms making your arms break out in goosebumps. You take one last stern look in the mirror at your face. “See, this is why we can’t allow ourselves to fall that hard,” you whisper angrily, “everyone wants him, and I just...I don’t like a gold rush like that.” You shake your head again and take one last deep breath to shake out any other thoughts. You can see yourself standing barefooted at the bottom of a hole looking astounded at how tall the walls have grown, and how distant the light looks. It feels like you soared lightheartedly into the sky, just to fall and crush every bone in your body.
You roll your eyes to yourself while slightly cursing yourself out. Pushing the bathroom door open, you step out into the hallway and make a beeline back for the dining hall. Your purse starts spastically vibrating, so you hastily fish your phone out to put an end to the obnoxious noise. Scanning the text, you read that your mom is asking where you went, as the cake for your dad’s birthday is going to be cut soon. You sigh as you text, “I’m hurrying back now.”
That’s all you see before you feel a slight brush tickle your bare shoulder. Your eyes don’t dare move from your phone screen. You reason that it’s not someone you know, as they would have said something to you. Your hands shake as you put your phone back in your purse.
“Oh, sorry,” the voice trails off as he continues to walk down the hallway after he brushed up against you.
“It’s okay,” you whisper, without turning around, which is admittedly ridiculous.
As soon as you can judge his footsteps are far away enough, you make a quick glance behind to see if it really was him. And judging by the navy blue suit, it was.
Suddenly, the golden montage flows through your mind once more, showing an image of yourself wearing an old shirt of his, maybe one from when he was in high school for whatever sport he played, if he played one. Your feet feel the coolness of the wooden floor of the supposed home. The home both of you share? It’s so tangible, so real that you almost reach out to touch it. It’s right there...
Your head jerks yourself out of the vision once more, or rather the fact that you’re now faced with a white wall in front of you. You sigh a long frustrated sigh. I can’t believe I really walked by the entrance, how embarrassing, you think as you turn on your heels to backtrack. Why does this stranger have you so wrapped around his finger? No one else has been able to even come close to doing that. You feel your face with your hand, and it’s burning. I’ll go in there looking like a tomato, it’s fine.
You do your best to quite literally shake off those thoughts as you push open the dining room hall door. “There you are!” your mom says. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you. Come on, we’re going to sing happy birthday to Dad.”
“Can’t wait,” you beam. After all, your dad only turns 50 once, and this night is about him, afterall. You follow your mom to a table with a white tablecloth resting on it.
Stella pops out from behind your dad to approach you and whispers, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
You resist the urge to gently shove her in front of everyone. “Yes,” you pleadingly insist, “now stop asking me in front of Mom and Dad, they’ll think something is wrong.”
She side eyes you with an attitude. “Fine.”
“They’re my girls,” your dad says with a smile.
You and Stella laugh while leaning into him for a quick hug. “Hey dad,” you both say in unison.
The room completely dies down, people could hear a pin drop. “Ready?” your mom asks the guests. The room takes a collective deep breath.
And so the melody of Happy Birthday rings joyously through the hall, you can see the mystery stranger out of the corner of your eye. Heat radiates off your skin, it’s almost like you can feel his eyes boring into you. It takes all the willpower you can muster, but you resist the temptation to look over at him all throughout the song.
When the song is over, the room breaks out into obnoxiously loud clapping. You, Stella, and your parents share loving looks and warm smiles.
Eventually, everyone proceeds to return to normal chatter at the one rectangular table of two that they’re sitting at, and so do you, Stella and your parents.
You pull out your seat next to your sister near the middle of the middle of the table and sit, fixing your dress.
“Ahem,” Stella says in an ill attempt to cover her suspiciousness with a clearing throat noise. Queue whatever accusatory question she’s got.
“Let me just set something straight,” she starts.
“Go for it,” you say as you reach for some water.
“It’s definitely that guy a few seats down, isn’t it?” She smirks. She’s got you trapped in her little web, and she knows it.
You may or may not have fought back choking on your water or pulling a ridiculous spit take on the nice white table cloth.
You lean in and harshly whisper, “Well you didn’t have to say it that loudly.” You glance over at the mystery stranger and see his hand wrapped around his glass as he goes to drink it. He has a thick silver ring on his pointer finger?
“Hello?” Stella shifts her head to selfishly cut off your view of him.
“Okay,” you sigh in defeat, “yes it’s him. Happy?”
“Very,” she says, very satisfied because she finally pried it out of you and got you to admit it. Someone else has you wrapped around their finger. She didn’t even have to know all the details of the montages to know. She could tell by the way your eyes glossed over and how your lips would slightly part like you were in a hazy daydream.
And you were.
“Who is he anyway? And why don’t we know him?” You ask.
“I don’t know, honestly. A little strange, isn’t it? Why don’t you ask mom who he is?” She suggests, but her cheshire smile suggests that she will somehow find out, with or without your mom’s help.
“But mom’s going to absolutely harass me until I say something to him. Just you on my tail is enough,” you say with an eyebrow raised as to say ‘don’t test me.’ And Stella knows you’re right.
“Alright, fine,” she concedes, “But why don’t you, I don’t know, talk to him?”
“I did,” you nonchalantly float.
Her eyes widen and her mouth forms an “O” from disbelief. Did you really not talk to people that much?
“Really?” she practically squeals.
“Yeah, he brushed by me and said, ‘Sorry’ so I said, ‘It’s okay.’” Okay, now you get why your friends and family get mad at you for refusing to talk to people. But cracking this joke was one you could not pass up.
Her face scrunches up and she exhibits the biggest eye roll you have ever seen. She opens her mouth to start saying something, probably to scold at you, but you open your mouth to cut her off first.
“Alright no, I haven’t. And do you know why?” As you’re about to get your thought out, you’re interrupted by a fit of laughter down the stretch of the table. Your eyes scan but freeze on the stranger, whose nose is adorably scrunched up as he laughs with multiple, yes multiple, people about goodness knows what. And there’s that other blonde that you still don’t know, laughing with him. You tear your stare away and focus back on your sister.
“Look, that right there. That’s why,” you say, anger burning through your chest.
Stella raises an eyebrow in her own judgemental manner. “He talks to people? You know people do that right?”
Now it’s your turn to return the favor of a judgemental eye roll. “No, Stella, I mean just look at him and the people he’s surrounded by. It’s so obvious that everyone wants him. Just look at that girl with him. I’m not the only one who wants to love him.”
Silence ensues between you two. She picks up her phone and shoots a quick text. After a moment she says, “Well, I think if you just talked to him, you’d be pleasantly surprised with what could happen. I have to help mom with distributing gift bags. You stay here,” she instructs.
You can only assume you’re not being called to help because Stella graciously told your mom that you’re potentially working up the courage to talk to someone that’s not one of your three friends or your family. How generous of her.
A few friends of your dad stop by your seat to say goodbye before they head out. The noise slightly dies down enough to scarcely hear some other conversations. You hear nothing out of the ordinary, just a girl talking about getting into her dream school to some guy. Your ears slightly move as you pick up on a voice that sounds like the one in the hallway earlier.
“Yeah dude, but did you see the fake out on the goalie on the second goal? That had to have been the best part.”
Out of instinct you open your mouth to interject, but quickly shut it and put it under lock and key. You blink in disbelief. Hockey? Did this man just speak on hockey?
You circle the rim of the coffee cup and stare at the brown liquid. In a different universe…
In a different universe you would have actually kept your mouth open, and maybe even squeezed some words out, too.
“Actually, that seamless stretch pass down the neutral zone from the defenseman after a pretty difficult forecheck set up the play pretty well. I’d give him a lot of credit, too.”
He’d probably look a little shocked, as do most guys when you interject your two-sense about hockey. But maybe he’d break out into a small smile and offer a rebuttal. Yeah, that sounds nice. Maybe one day…
Maybe one day you’ll be sitting next to him on the couch, watching a game while cuddling and brushing the hair out of his face. Oh who are you kidding, you’ll be up and screaming at the TV. It’s your staple.
A noise of someone dropping something behind you slightly startles you and pulls you out of your once again golden daydream. You finally stop mindlessly circling the rim of your coffee cup to take a sip, but only to find it’s now ice cold.
This is why you hate looking through a pair of rose colored glasses. It distracts you from enjoying things. You glance over at your dad who’s still talking to one of his good friends that lingered after festivities. You’re supposed to be celebrating him right now, but instead you’re literally stuck in this cursedly pure golden daydream that is almost too good to break.
You can see him. He’s still there, at the end of the table, chatting away with some dude. The blonde left at some point, though.
“Well, I gotta head out, man, good to see you. My sister needs help with packing her stuff for college tomorrow, so we’ve got a busy day coming up.”
Could that girl have been his sister?
“Congratulations to her on getting into her dream school by the way,” the guy says. “I talked to her when she was here earlier, and she seemed super excited.”
A wave of cool relief washes over your body, remembering the conversation about college you picked up on earlier. It was his sister.
“Yeah she is, she worked really hard, and it also involved a whole lot of crying,” he chuckles.
Ain’t that right, you think to yourself.
The table shakes as he pushes out of his chair. Your eyes remain glued to your coffee cup no matter how much you want them to move. You just can’t gather the courage to say something, and you’re cursing yourself for it. You don’t want to sit here and dream about him anymore. You want to actually let these things happen, for once. You want to just unleash all these swirling and sickeningly sweet emotions from your body and drown him in it. You want so badly to leap up and say something, anything. Step on those voices taunting you and mocking you saying that it could never happen, it could never be so it will never be. He’s so inviting that you can’t resist any longer. You go to reach out to him, but the door shuts before you know it.
And just as fleeting as he came,
He’s gone.
Fuck. It feels as though a brick is sitting on your chest, suffocating you. You really let your worries control you, and this time it feels as though you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life. You just can’t believe you let it happen when your mind was begging you to talk to him. You always do-
“Shit,” you mumble. In your frustration, you knocked over the remnants of the coffee onto the not-so-white-anymore table cloth. Tears prickle up in your eyes, your throat closes, and your nose begins to sting. You quickly swallow these emotions down your throat and begin to use a napkin to soak up the excess coffee. Drinks have really not been your friend tonight.
For the first time, you notice as you clean that it’s just you left in the room, besides a few people cleaning up on the other end. You’re not sure where your family has gone, but you haven’t received any texts prompting you to leave yet. It’s so silent that you can hear some muffled chatter down the hall.
Suddenly, you hear the same creak of the door open with an “oof” that doesn’t quite sound like your dad. Your blood runs cold and you freeze mid press into the tablecloth. You glance up without turning around to see a lone jacket hanging on a chair suspiciously close to the chair he previously sat in. Your eyes widen and dart around the room, but you dare not move, waiting to see what he does. Even after cursing yourself out for ten minutes while cleaning up spilled coffee, you still haven’t learned to make the first move. His presence feels like a forcefield, you can feel it heavily pressing into your back.
But he isn’t moving to grab the jacket, no.
A pointer finger with a silver ring taps your shoulder.
“Hey,” the clarity of his voice rings in your ears like a bell. Your heart is racing so fast that it feels like it’s going to burst out of your rib cage and run its own 10k. You slowly crank your head around to meet his eyes for the first time-- face to face.
And you must say, his face is really pretty when you actually talk to him face to face. Maybe you should do this more often. You take in his golden features, and struggle to hide a small smirk creeping up on your face. His messy hair falls perfectly into place on his head, and his kind face makes you feel as though a mess of metallic gold swirls are playfully swirling and dashing around you both. You’ve found him in this lifetime.
“I’m Mat, can I help you clean up before I grab my jacket?”
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