extraordinary-heroes · 8 months
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X-Men Battle of Atom #1 (Cover art by Arthur Adams)
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sorenblr · 11 days
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Marsyas and the Vampyr is out now! This is the Twine game that I've been chipping away at since December. Here's the official summary from the Itch.io page:
Marsyas and the Vampyr is a comedy-horror-pastiche of the 'haunted mansion' subgenre. Explore EIGHT ROOMS and brave THREE TRIALS of occult substance in the most earth-shattering ludic experiment since Maximo: Ghosts to Glory. 
If you like reading, Halloween, and things that are fucking stupid, then please consider checking it out at the link below!
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wwprice1 · 9 months
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Amazing upcoming cover box variant by Mark Brooks!
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dnd-smash-pass-vs · 9 months
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3-8 ft (91 cm-2.4 m) peaceful rock creatures that can swim through stone! We're doing 3 today because I forgot to properly space these out. These things seem all about 3's anyway.
Edit: should also mention they're slightly smarter than the average commoner, and love eating gemstones.
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racefortheironthrone · 3 months
Speaking of Magento and his identities, wasn’t there some to do about him supposed to be Xorn originally too?
With all the best will in the world, I am not going to explain Xorneto or the post-Morrison retcon in detail, because it simply does not make sense on any kind of Watsonian level and it makes my head hurt trying to hold the whole thing in my mind at the same time.
All you need to understand is that for their own sui generis reasons having to do with their love of Silver Age comics over Bronze Age comics and their family background in the non-violent anti-nuclear movement, Morrison infamously despised Magneto. And so they set out to write the last Magneto story that could ever be told, which culminates with a drug-addled master of magnetism enacting a human genocide in Manhattan.
While Grant Morrison's New X-Men is rightfully considered to have been one of the greatest runs post-Claremont, this particular plotline and character arc (in a run that was not exactly lacking for shocking twists and unusually adult themes) proved to be the most controversial aspect of the run - to the point where Marvel editorial immediately retconned it as having been actually the work of Xorn who had pretended to be Magneto pretending to be Xorn. (And let's not even get into Zorn, and no that's not a typo.)
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For a fuller explanation, I would point you towards the excellent Cerebrocast episode featuring Spencer Ackerman, which features a respectful but passionate debate between Connor Goldsmith and Spencer over the merits of Morrison's story and the ensuing retcon. For what it's worth, I side with Spencer; I think that as powerful as the story at the time was, it was ultimately a mistake by a gifted creator who never resonated with why Claremont's original retcon was so essential to making the character one that people cared about.
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catbatart · 8 months
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Drawtober Day 22 of my RPG Monsters Prompt List Pt 2!
These guys are so weird. Even as a kid I thought Xorns were just so bizarre even for a fantasy world. But damn if they aren't fun as heck to draw!
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Deadpool & The Mercs for Money #7
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Esme: Okay, sure, I caused Sophie's death, shot mom, got hooked on drugs, and teamed up with Magneto (who wasn't actually Magneto) to commit mass murder, but Phoebe dyed her hair to look like Jean Grey so who's the real traitor here. Celeste: She makes a good point. Phoebe: Shut up, Celeste!
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radroller · 8 months
There’s nothing worse when reading an older comic than being pleasantly surprised by a character you barely know about ending up being cool or interesting only to find out that they BARELY appear afterward.
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jojoseames · 2 months
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Supporter reward art! Xorn, from "X-Men"! And also Xorn, from "X-Men"!
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louiejoyce · 11 months
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An X-Team conceived of to match a prompt from X of Words!
Cerebra returns to the past to lead a timeline saving team consisting of Dr Cecelia Reyes, Khora of the Burning Heart, Jubilee, Xorn and Domino!
Always fun trying to creat these teams from drawings I’ve done.
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tournament-of-x · 11 months
The Tournament of X
Match 31 (Destiny vs. Mystique) ended with a score of 49.6% to 50.4%. As promised, since this match ended within 2% of a tie, Destiny and Mystique will move forward in the tournament as a single unit!
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However, because of this development, there is now an open space in the bracket that needs to be filled. As such, we are allowing all of you voters to vote for which character should fill this empty slot. Information for each character can be found below their portrait.
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Tower of Flower | Klara Prast
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Zero | Kenji Uedo
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Transonic | Laurie Tromette
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Xorn | Kuan-Yin Xorn
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Sugar Man
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Zorn | Shen Xorn
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Primal | Teon Macik
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Velocidad | Gabriel Cohuelo
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oldschoolfrp · 2 years
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The xaren are relatives of the xorn, also from the Elemental Plane of Earth.  There is little difference between them, with the xaren being one foot shorter than xorn on average, slightly weaker in combat, having more severe reactions to some rock-shaping spells, and having an appetite for magic metal items that give them permanent health bonuses.  Later sources indicate their skin may appear more shiny and metallic than the rocky xorn.  (AD&D Monster Manual II, TSR, 1983)
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dnd-smash-pass-vs · 5 months
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On the left, Xorn! 3-8 ft (91 cm-2.4 m) peaceful rock creatures that can swim through stone! They're slightly smarter than the average commoner and love eating gemstones.
On the right, Manticore! 10 ft (3 m) long, sometimes have paralytic venon, and are known to work with humanoids! I suppose take "a particular fondness for human flesh" as you will.
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X-Men: Onslaught Revelation (2021) art by Bob Quinn
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dwollsadventures · 3 months
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A wide variety here.
First is the witch Sycorax drawn from the Donut Witch of Adventure Time. idk why
Next is a pig-like orc that I've yet to replicate. I tried to introduce some more reptilian elements in the left one, but it just doesn't do it for me.
Below them are various doodles of a snake-like monster, ice toads (one of them probably has the face of something more popular), a Xorn, and some explorations with fish heads on humanoid bodies, which we'll see more of next time.
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