#What it means to follow the sun!
lorenzlund · 3 months
'Von jetzt an machen wir wieder sehr viel mehr Ernst mit Lustig auch, versprochen!!'
Deine weltweiten Kollegen vom komischen Fach - auch beim Film!
'Der heutige Film, auch der Us-amerikanische, ist nur deswegen nur noch so wenig erfolgreich an der Kasse, weil er immer nur Dramen strikt von auch sehr komischen Inhalten trennt. Das gab es früher klar so auch bei den Filmemachern aus Italien noch nicht!! Ein Duo wie zum Beispiel Bud Spencer und Terence Hill es noch waren oder darstellten während noch auch meiner eigenen glücklich verbrachten Kindheit und Jugendjahren in den 70ern und 80ern auf dem Land, dem Publikum fehlt das schlicht, fast überall auf der Welt bei den Filmschaffenden verhält sich das inzwischen so! Keiner oder kaum einer beherrscht dieses Fach so wie ich noch wirklich!' Auf diese Weise lassen sich inhaltliche Bedeutungen oder auch Botschaften, hält man sie selber auch bereit (Und so ist oder verhält es sich eigentlich ja dann fast immer!) ohnehin nur ganz schlecht überhaupt in Zukunft noch weitervermitteln - auch an andere, meine ich!'
für hill(s) & den butt sein, oder Hintern von Männern wie Frauen, at one and the same time! Bud plus Hills. Bud Spencer & Terence Hill.
'Aus dem Textinhalt zu '(What it means to) Follow the sun!!', dem gerade erst frisch fertiggestellten Film mit auch mir darin in einer der Hauptrollen (noch nicht erschienen!), stammt auch diese Kurz-Beschreibung, in ihm spiele ich mich zum Teil auch selber als späteren längst bereits schon Erwachsenem und bekannten Autoren. Dan Akroyd (Jun.) spielt mich als Jugendlichen. Auch singe ich in dem Film selber zur Gitarre und sitze wiederholt dabei auch am Klavier - u.a. gehören dazu frühere Songs des sehr erfolgreichen Sängers Howard Carpendale aus Südafrika!! (Auch Carpendale ist weiter als Sänger aktiv!)
*Grob übersetzen ins Deutsche ließe sich dieser Filmtitel in etwa mit: Was es auch für euch bedeuten kann (und für andere!), folgtet auch ihr als Mann oder noch anderen Männer fast ausschließlich nur den Ratschlägen des auch eigenen besten Freundes - oder Stückes - eines Tages stets vielleicht noch genauso! Eigens vor diesem Verhalten warnt dieser Film!
'Ich war gerade erst 16, da flog ich erstmals von der Schule und dem Gymnasium herunter. Meine Eltern zeigten sich schlicht davon geschockt.
Für sie war das ungefähr gleichbedeutend mit als bräche so etwas wie die halbe Welt dadurch für sie zusammen, wenn nicht sogar gleich die gesamte, mein Vater schmiss mich deshalb auch konsequenterweise gleich ganz von zu Hause raus!'
'Mit rausgehaltenem Daumen stand ich danach an der Autobahn, mit nur wenigen Anziehsachen am Körper überhaupt und lediglich 200 Mark in den Taschen (damals gab es in Deutschland noch die D-Mark), plante ich, ich wollte Amsterdam einen Besuch abstallten! Geendet aber bin ich am selben Abend noch in Brüssel!
'In Brüssel selber dann fand ich schnell Anschluss an u.a. die auch städtische Haschisch-Szene! (Hannover fehlte sie damals so noch fast ganz, und wenn war sie viel kleiner!). Ich hing damals besonders viel mit den sogenannten Hippies ab der Stadt! Es gab sie damals besonders zahlreich in oder für auch Brüssel, es waren ja die 7Oer Jahre!! Eine Zeitlang ließ mich auch ein Pastor bei sich wohnen!'
'Erst danach machte ich mich auf nach Amsterdam, ich wollte ins wirkliche Mekka der Blumenkinder gelangen, denn als solches wurde es damals bezeichnet! Ich war auf der Suche nach einem Mädchen, in das ich mich dort unsterblich verlieben könne, wie sie auch in mich!!
'Erst in Amsterdam wurde dann aus mir der heutige und nahezu auf der halben Welt - wenn nicht sogar gesamten - überaus bekannte Schauspieler und Sänger. Ich ging zum Film, endete ausgerechnet bei ihm!!'
'Mein Vater selber war noch Polizeibeamter gewesen! Meine Mutter hinggegen arbeitete als - fast überall gleichmaßen sehr beliebte - Hebamme bei Hannover!'
'Über 800 Fernseh- wie Filmproduktionen sind dem bis heute gefolgt. Immer wieder befanden sich darunter selbst Verfilmungen bedeutsamer Werke der früheren - wie auch der heutigen zeitgenössischen - Literatur, und sehr großer Autoren! Ich soll sie alle immer wieder sehr glaubwürdig auf der Bühne verkörpert haben! (So die Kritiker!) Insbesondere bei Kriminalverfilmungen wirkte ich immer wieder auch mit! Kommisare stellte ich so wiederholt auch schon dar! Selbst gelegentliche Mörder!
- (Ich beherrschte beide Fächer! Gerade in der Rolle des ermittelnden Kommisars wirkte ich auf der Bühne meist viel glaubwürdiger so - jedenfalls nach erneuter Meinung dann des Publikums - als auch andere!) -
Für 'Tod eines Handlungsreisen' erhielt ich sogar den Großen Preis der Kritik!! Bis heute zieht es mich heute manchmal so immer noch zurück auf die Bühne!'
'Fremde oder Freunde' (by Carpendale)
Fremde oder Freunde? Wie wird alles sein? Wieder unzertrennlich Oder ganz allein? Du und ich zusammen Was auch kommen mag ...!
Ein wirklich guter Freund!! (Comedian Harmonists). *Der einzig wirkliche oder echte Freund den wir am Ende alle besitzen oder haben (Wirklich jeder von uns!!), das ist oder kann nur er sein!! gut sein. Einwandfreies oder fast ausschließlich nur gutes Verhalten. Ein Guter!!
'... Und wenn die gesamte Welt dann erst zusammenfällt (Auch für euch!!) : Seid dennoch - auch ihr - nie drüber betrübt, wenn selbst euer Schatz euch von da an vielleicht nicht mehr so richtig noch genauso liebt!! (Oder es noch zu können glaubt!!) ...
Maximilian Raiter begleitet sich selber am großen Konzertflügel in: To follow the Sun!
'Sommer Ab-end(e)! Über noch blühendem Land! Schon seit Mittag stand ich am Straßenrand. Mit dem Daumen ... hab' ich erzählt von meinem Leben!! ...'
*Dan Akroyd Jun., 20, in: 'To follow the Sun' erstmals sogar selber! (In nahezu einwandfreiem und - fast -akzentfrei dabei von ihm vorgetragenen Deutsch - Auf der ihm von mir geliehenen Gitarre!!)
'Sun flowers, so go now all ... and say each other a more than fine ... Go-o-o-d Morrrrning ...!!!'
(*Nach bereits Dan schon zur Gitarre und in Deutsch war ich es diesmal der den Song so zu ende brachte, im Englischen!)
'Wenigstens wir beide erzählen Männern weltweit, auch anderen, noch die Wahrheit so, Dan, wie es sich wirklich immer damit verhält, das fand ich immer schon ganz toll auch von Dir!! Jedenfalls, singen wir dabei! oder stehen wir dabei auf der Bühne!!' 'We better say it to them in a direct way! The truth! Always! Even only as some singers!'
(Dan und ich, am zweiten Filmtag und im benachbarten Cafè des Studiogeländes - zueinander)
'So Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven? Would it be the same if I saw you in heaven? I must be strong and carry on 'Cause I know I don't belong here in heaven!!
Dan Akroyd Jun. once again im erwähnten Film, mit einem Song diesmal erstmals sogar von Rod Stewart.
'Dan, was bedeutete selbst der urplötzlich erneute Griff ins oder ans direkte Gemächt von dir - selbst mir gegenüber, in dieser Situation??'
'Das ist ein international sehr weit verbreitetes Warnzeichen: Ihr, du könntest ihn sehr schnell auch schon verlieren!! Eine indirekte Warnung für uns alle: Haltet auch ihr ihn besser sehr gut von jetzt an auch fest!!' (*vor dem ersten sogar gemeinsamen Zeitungsinterview von uns)
'Nicht zu viel erzählen!!'
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tigirl-and-co · 1 year
How Finite is Love?
This is a short little piece set in @shirecorn‘s super cool mlp AU! This is just a first pass at it, I’ll definitely refine it if I post it to a fic site. I just HAD to get this out though, the au hits all my sweet spots!
Shining Armor considers the ponies he loves, and how a mortal pony can love goddesses.
Shining Armor held no resentment towards his two favourite mares. It wasn't their fault. They had no choice. Shining wasn't certain he believed in destiny, but whatever happened to his wife and baby sister sure was close.
First it was his wife, and that he could handle. She was an adult. They had fallen in love in highschool, they had grown together, Shining knew how strong Cadance was. If anypony deserved ascension, it was her.
If anypony could weather this, it was them.
He loved his wife with every bone in his body, every fiber of his being, every ounce of magic he could channel. And he knew she felt the same. If she didn't... this never would have happened.
Can love be a curse? Can loving somepony too much damn your soul? Can it save it?
About a month after Cadance gained her horn, Shining Armor decided dwelling on these questions wasn't helpful, and the answers didn't matter. He loved Cadance, and Cadance loved him. He couldn't change the past, wasn't sure if he even would -- but he was dead set on building a happy future.
At least as happy as he could give her. He couldn't guarantee that the love his mortal body held would last into her infinity, but he was determined to try.
He hoped it wouldn't destroy her to leave him behind, when the time came.
He loved her too much for that.
He had celebrated when The Sun took notice of Twilight.
The young stallion was oblivious to the looks of quiet worry on his parents' faces, the body language that said they were resigned to a cautious optimism. How could the attention of the source of Equestrian life bring anything but fortune?
He wasn't yet old enough to have heard the whispers. The old fables weren't circulated in school for fear of divine retribution, and Shining Armor was not as studious as his sibling.
Had he the power, he would have torn The Sun from the sky.
His baby sister, the sweetest and most sensitive mare he had ever known, damned to an eternity of watching her friends die.
She was a child (she was older than Cadance had been) she needed protection (she had brought down false gods) she wasn't ready (The Sun had learned from its mistakes, this new goddess was more than prepared).
She needed him.
Didn't she?
(She did, once.)
He was proud of her, of course. And if he had been watching for the signs, he wouldn't have been surprised.
Twilight Sparkle had always had an innate love for those around her. Before she had locked herself away in that tower amongst the tomes, she had been a kind filly. And even then, she had never quite managed to harden her heart.
She was still openly affectionate with him, with Cadance, with Twilight Velvet and Night Light. She shared her knowledge with them because it was how she said 'I love you.'
Leave it to a goddess to exploit that trait.
When Shining managed to find time to talk with his Twily after she had earned her wings, she had said her job as goddess was 'to spread the knowledge of friendship' and to teach others what friendship truly meant. She sounded excited, happy. She had found a purpose for her research.
Shining Armor wasn't sure if his baby sister hadn't yet considered the consequences of eternal life, or if it simply didn't bother her. He didn't ask.
He realized that while she was still his Twily, and would be until the day he died, she was more. She was Ponyville's friend. She was Celestia's Twilight Sparkle.
She was Equestria's new goddess.
He renewed his vow to remain her BBBFF forever, to keep her safe from turmoil and danger.
He swallowed down his anger and despair that night, in favour of his inevitable role as protector. He had his cutie mark, and he knew what it meant.
Shining Armor loved the mares in his life, and he would go to the ends of Equestria to keep them safe and happy, whether they needed him or not.
He was glad, at least, that they would have each other.
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Still the best lettergate evidence..
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mantisgodsdomain · 7 months
Playing 3DS games after having seen the overall fandom response to release and long-term impact and the way it's looked back on and such is... bizarre, honestly? Like, maybe it's just because we got our introduction to gaming in the 3DS era, but it's incredibly strange to know that games we knew and loved and would have considered relatively mainstream just... didn't stick in people's minds.
Like, take the Gen 6 Pokemon games. Those were great games! One of the single things about X/Y/OR/AS that we don't see people talking about but that stuck in our mind was how the developers made an effort to make it so that every single Pokemon in the games prior was spread between just those four games! We remember that just the sheer variety of potential Pokemon available was enough to get us a start into challenge runs simply by virtue of how much variety could be added to a playthrough by the sheer amount of potential on offer!
We remember spending hours just... hunting around the region to figure out where those last Pokemon we needed to fill the 'dex were, wandering around to try and find Hidden Ability pokemon from Horde battles, getting to actually interact with our Pokemon in Pokemon Amie.
Yeah, there were more obscure games out there, and yeah, they impacted us as well - Pocket Card Jockey stands out in this regard, as an extremely fun game that we're pretty sure was played by maybe three people, maximum, but it's not quite the same. These were games that we played ourself! These were games we saw other people playing, that we played with people over the internet, that felt like they were well-known! We were under the impression that these were mainstream interests, not Niche! it feels... singularly bizarre to realize that, for the majority of people out there, this game was a forgettable disappointment.
#we speak#nintendo 3ds#obviously theres the nostalgia factor and such since the 3ds was the first gaming console we ever owned#as well as our ONLY gaming console for like. right up until ~2 years ago we think?#but like. youre telling us that x/y is less popular than sun/moon?#you mean there are real actual people who think that hgss's following mechanic was more notable than xy's entire bottom screen?#you don't like petting pokemon? pat pat?#we went into hacking our spare ds today and getting some games off of hshop#and like. gods. do you know how fucking bizarre it is to go into the games that shaped our...#well. maybe not childhood but certainly a substantial part of our teen life#and discover that all of the games that we remember loving the most are like. seen as Forgotten Entries or Black Sheep?#this doesn't just extend to x/y btw#we see a lot of people dunking on like. gates to infinity? and like yeah gti wasnt the most POLISHED entry out of em#but it was still an incredibly enjoyable game that had massive impact on later entries in the series#gates to infinity's core themes carried forward into super mystery dungeon to the point that psmd can read as a direct continuation of it!#its like. augh! youre telling me that when we say we loved gti we're expressing an opinion only shared by like three people?#what are we? the Random Black Sheep Unloved By The Fandom As A Whole Guy?#...well. we mean. we kind of are that guy judging by our taste in characters but STILL#you cant tell us that the games that made up most of our communication outside of our family for over a year are Forgotten#and just expect us to like. be okay with it#when we said we were going to get more weird we didn't mean learning people think the 3ds games are The Worst In The Series#what do u MEAN u genuinely think that xy is the worst in the series and have proof we are playing it right now and its very fun#how about our proof huh. we are using a mothim for our nuzlocke run and having a great time. if u think its too easy turn off the exp share#we are in your house and home#we are also mad that swsh doesnt let you turn off the exp share from when we played it in a totally legal and not piracy related way
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criscura · 2 months
I just saw the dead boy detectives trailer..... The only way i could describe how it felt was
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aroaessidhe · 10 months
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2023 reads // twitter thread
The Sun and The Void
Venezuelan inspired high fantasy
follows a young outcast swordswoman taken in by her grandmother, the dark sorceress for a noble family, who relies on the magic to keep her alive after being attacked by monstrous creatures
and a young noblewoman who’s the shame of her family because of her mixed heritage and desire to use magic
both are manipulated by those with more power than them into a plot to free an ancient evil god
mineral based magic, politics, nonhuman MCs
#The Sun and The Void#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#hm. haha. surface level this is kinda interesting and cool but i am going to follow with so many complaints#though I feel like it didn’t go into the magic or worldbuilding as much as I wanted and it felt irrelevant to the characters#like how does the magic even work? idk man#though I feel like it didn’t go into it as much as I wanted and it felt irrelevant to the characters#very slow to start and the pacing is weird. it would also go ages without having the other POV. very disjointed?#it felt like the first 60% was just context for the group of characters getting together as a group and then it was a bit predisposed with#They’re A Group! even tho. they're barely a group for long#the authors note mentions that the story concept started with a line about the god and ritual and…..yeah I can kind of tell#I feel like everything was built up around it in a way that ultimately that part didn’t fit right#I never bought that any of them were actually like fully committed to the evil dark magic? and also there’s this plot twist#that they have to fully kill the sacrifices & I was like…did we not already know that? girl r you stupid what do you think sacrifice means#also#oh my god at like half way one of the MCs is like. oh finally this guy who I’ve been exchanging letters with for months turned up to get me#away from here! by the way I’ve been exchanging letters with this guy and we’re friends! and like. she’d been doing nothing much for the#last 10% of the book why was that not like….shown as something she was doing? and like build up the friendship for the reader instead of#just dropping it on us - and also that we know the character from the other POV. and hes a racist prick. and we're supposed to believe she'#charmed by him because of this letter writing WE DIDN’T SEE….. why.#and then also that is like. he’s a shitbag and it’s obviously not romantic at all. he’s manipulative and terrible to her#EXCEPT at the end it implies his bad behaviour is because demon and oh uwu he gets all beat up and maybe hes sowwy now#and starts to imply she likes and is attracted to him? and I get the impression the next book is gonna be like evil power couple dynamic?#which. feels like the first concept the author had; and then tried to build up to that but not effectively lmao#for the lesbians:#I DO APPRECIATE having an assumed love interest then realising that that was idealised and actually you have feelings#for this other person you’ve become friends with! nice slow switch up. though quite brief#I do however dislike that when she admitted her feelings to the first LI and she rejected her it was still framed as the other’s fault#for not reciprocating the feelings….worst trope….also like. it kind of conflated her not feeling that way to her having a bit of class disc#which. yikes? oh my god stop villainising people for not reciprocating romantic feelings (ALSO they turn out to be related anyway 🤪)#i just feel like the romance switchover could have been done with more nuance and complexity
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lordisitmine · 3 months
this is getting seriously dark
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imaginarianisms · 1 month
1 day i will make a meta of sansa's dynamic with her metaphorical champions/suitors & how that correlates to the ashford theory (i.e sansa being betrothed to joffrey baratheon, then promised to willas tyrell, then being married to tyrion lannister, then being married to harry hardying then married to aegon vi targaryen & aurane velaryon but it is not this day. lmao. when i make that meta it'll be so over for y'all.
#out of the galaxy. || ooc.#just know that. she never marries after aurane. btw lmao#like if he like g-d forbid ever died before she did she'd like. literally never marry or love again like. thats it lmfao#but anyway like. she has a complicated relationship w/ all of them tbh & reflects on them sometimes.#she obviously hates joffrey for him abusing her but like. she can't help but feel sad for him at times bc like. he was so young.#if he had the right people around him maybe he would've turned out okay eventually. but it didnt happen. she never met willas but sometimes#she wondered what it would've been like to be lady of highgarden but she hopes he's doing alright. her dynamic w/ tyrion is. complicated#like. he was never like openly cruel to her or anything & she's grateful to him for saving her life & standing up for her but like.#there's always that grief surrounding their families & i think she resented & mostly afraid of him at the time but in hindsight she's+#grateful that he never hurt her or forced himself on her. harry she hardly knew unfortunately but like she disliked him at first#but then he actually seemed to warm up to her & she had him tied around her lil finger but she knows that she wouldn't like to be married+#to a guy who actually has children w/ sb else. like. she's seen how that played out & while she wouldn't be mean it makes her uncomfortable#but especially surrounding aegon bc like. she's not naive enough to say she loved him but like. she actually LIKED him#like. while she was wary of him at first she warmed up to him & genuinely respected him as a person & most importantly aegon was her FRIEND#they got along rly well due to their similar upbringings & what they had to do to survive & like. he's actually a decent guy in canon. lmao#he's handsome & was chivalrous & honorable & sweet w/ her but also like batshit insane in a good way. like.#he was the golden prince she always wanted since she was a little girl; the prince that joffrey was supposed to be but never was.#he gave her a future as queen of westeros that was originally HERS. so when daenerys eventually executes him she has mixed feelings about i#aegon was good to her & she'd vowed not to betray him & she actually intended to keep that vow. to her she was forever in his debt+#he gave her a future from her isolation & suffering @ winterfell bc of how much everything changed & he waited for her to love him back.#he actually showed her respect & gave her a solid future when she felt alone & abandoned & led her gently into a world of his own making+#& gave her back her honor & a future. esp when the north was divided between jon rickon & herself. most preferred jon or rickon over her.#without aegon's intervention she probably would've had to marry some northern lord below her station. the winterfell succession crisis wild#but aurane velaryon? that's the love of her life. her bold captain. he taught her how to love & coaxed her in the sun to bloom & freed her.#freed her from the chains of her family obligations. he taught her to break the rules of tradition & follow her heart & trust her instincts#he was there with her in her darkest hour. he quite literally saved her life & defended her honor when no one else had the balls to do that#no one looks @ or touches her the way aurane does she loved him madly truly & deeply he took her girlhood in his stride but when autumn cam#she escaped & had to push him into the deepest recesses of her mind in the name of survival & pragmatism but she never stopped loving him.#& his sweet memory brought too much heartache & bittersweetness for her. she lowkey waited for him for years. & they EVENTUALLY reunited !#he fought & got legitimized for HER. she's. so genuinely happy w/ that man. he's one of her best friends & the father to her children.
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mandareeboo · 1 year
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
miss zarina what is a pixar mom
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"I believe it's a mother or a mother figure with a... shapely figure, physically appealing. Usually has big assets either in the chest area, buttocks area, or both. So it's about attraction to motherly figures with curvaceous or voluptuous bodies. I believe that's why Himeko and I get so many glances whenever we travel with everyone. Guess we fit the descriptions of Pixar Moms."
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theloopcrew · 10 months
any2awy hes in love with that monkey!!!!
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nt3000s · 11 months
im so lucky to know so many people in my life to have met so many people in my life that are just life saving ill never not feel lucky people are so beautiful and kind and talented and funny and have so much worth everyone ive ever met anyone in my life i have ever touched i just cant believe it ill never be able to understand it how important everyone is how much i love people the degree to whihc i love people and everyone i have ever met ill just never ever be able to express the depth of how important it is to me it might be the most important part of my entire life. i just need people to know how much i love them im desperate for it to be known how important everyone ive ever met is to me. all of my friends everyone whos ever been kind to me and whoever ive been kind to it will never be lost on me how important it is. and i feel so lucky to be graced i guess by my friends. i cant imagine the life i would live without every event every person who ive ever crossed. i would never sacrifice anything to not be where i am now because of the people i know and have known. the people i know and talk to everyday or the people i see in a notification or pass by. i cant overstate your importance to me. i cant overstate how important i want people to feel. i want people to see themselves how i see them. i can not overstate your importance to me and i love you. im so lucky ill never be able to take it
#i just want ti go to sleep but i cant my sleep schedule has been so miserably depressing me#not that badly. i cherish every moment i have with the people around me and i cherish how lucky i am to be surrounded by such unbe#lievable people. i am happy everyday because people love me.#this will never be lost on me. the importance of it. the importance you all have will never ever be lost on me. your worth as a human being#you are so kind. you are so talented. you are loved by people because you are seen by people that way. i will never lose this#im miserably desperate for everyone i know to feel loved or to know that i love them. nothing will ever ever ever in my whole fucking life#ever be more important to me#nothing in my fucking life will ever be more important than that. please know how much you mean to this. to everything#i dont know what changed but i cry so often now and every single time my thoughts wander to how deeply i feel about this#im just sobbing and sobbing and im like. i love the people that care for me. i love the people i care for#i know when i stop crying or when the day rolls over i get to talk to everyone again. and i feel so lucky. i feel so desperate to explain it#how. much. it. means. to me. How badly i mean this and everything I say.#i dont fucking care if yoire my mutual from fandom or someone who random followed because my blog was funny#someone i talked to once or twice. you mean so much. i swear to god. ill never be mpre genuine or more serious. i guess#thats very kind of you to do that. or like my posts or anything. youre very kind for that. you mean alot to me.#i just dont want to fall asleep when the sun rises and wake up with a few hours to talk to people before im alone#i really hate it right now. and my neutral state has genuinely just been on the brink of crying. like if i sit still too long i just sob#thats genuinely how i have been for the past few days#and thats not the fault of anyone its just how my brain has been treating me#but whdn i get like this i just remember how lucky i feel about everything. like the depth of my feelings#you really just have to trust me when i say like how forever sincere and deep snd monumental it is to me. like please understand the depth#of when i say i love you. dear god i love everyone ive ever met i love you. please please please please understand how desperate i am#i will never ever feel more strongly about anything. i cant imagine it#i have to make this exact same fucking post over and over again#i need to keep saying it man#i need people to love themselves like i love them#the degree to which i say the word need#anyway. i love you. i hope you have fun or are happy about something. or draw write something nice. talk to your best friend. something
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akkivee · 2 years
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IF I FOLLOW MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gessshoku · 1 year
Ohmygod hi everyone
Remember how I said I’d draw so so so soooo sosososososoooo really like soook much?
Well I DID..
I just keep forgetting to posT THEEEEMMMMM
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bereft-of-frogs · 2 years
Spoilers for Into the Night/Yakamoz S-245 if that’s something anyone’s concerned about?
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I’m not sure the writer of the Yakamoz S-245 subtitles conferred with the Into the Night subtitler lol, but also getting the same scene in two different shows, from two perspectives, is a kind of cool illustration of how the subtitles can change the tone of a scene. “Everyone pays the price” vs. “You’ll pay for this”.
Like, part of this is also context. For the scene on the left, Ayaz is the protagonist. We have the full context of his confrontation with Markus, 12 episodes worth of characterization that show he is a flawed but ultimately just man, the line itself is a reference to an earlier conversation about justice and revenge. On the right, this person is a complete stranger, introduced as he’s trying to kill an unarmed person on their knees.
(Not that I really think anyone has only watched Yakamoz S-245. I mean, I guess it’s possible? It’s definitely written to be independent enough that you could in theory watch it first, I don’t think you’d miss out on any plot explanation. But I think most people will be watching it in release order. I’d personally recommend that, it’s a lot more fun when you have the Into the Night context, especially episode 5 and onwards.)
But it is the interpretation as well. The line as translated in Yakamoz S-245 is much more sinister. The personal, direct ‘you’ instead of the more general ‘everyone’. The left is really more a commentary on like, balancing the scales of justice, and the right is a pointed act of intentional violence. It’s really interesting how much more malevolent that one line shift colors the tone of this interaction, even aside from the larger narrative context.
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arklay · 2 years
very confused of the speculated disorder people have put on lady dimitrescu's wiki page 🧍🏼 cause she can go in the sun and is fine... like she literally patrols the courtyard in game?? the daughters are who that would more likely apply to considering their boss fights. and the fact that in the maid's diary, it says the "young ladies" were the ones who shrieked in unison for the maid to close the window after they had opened it
#leah.txt#like yes what they put could cause anaemia so like miss ma'am is still covered there and there is the aspect with haemoglobin but she can#go out in the sun just fine like i don't think that is ever mentioned? and she follows ethan out to where the dagger is also so idk#i know it's a heme metabolism disorder but her medical report specifically said blood disorder and not metabolic disorder so idk#am i being nitpicky because i have a blood disorder and i went !!! when i read her medical report?? absolutely. but idk i know people just#grabbed that cause the myths with vampires but she seems to be fine with photosensitivity?? idk i'm not a doctor and don't have degrees so#i'm talking out of my ass and just from my experience of having a blood disorder (vwd) but she seems to me to have a type of thalassemia#like it's obvious she has a decrease in haemoglobin production hence transfusions yada yada she can't regenerate without consuming blood#because her tissues aren't receiving enough oxygen. so obvious anaemia there. but also the fact that in her medical report miranda says#that if her regeneration (so blood consumption needed) aren't properly balanced then she will mutate uncontrollably and idk that made me#think of transfusional iron overload that can happen with thalassemia so then yeah obviously her body would go all out of whack and cause#tissue damage. you know? idk why i am thinking so hard on this she's a video game character lmaoooo#i mean i know there's also slowed growth rates with thalassemia but we don't know how tall she was before the cadou made her regeneration#cause her to grow so tall so who really knows? not me#she could just have a specific type of anaemia that is inherited so idk
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