#Virus Snas
slifarianhawk · 1 year
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Chapter 8: A Black Lotus [weskers pov]
After placing the p30 device on Jill I instructed Ms. Lancaster to escort and lock her in a personel room. Jill was under my control only in limited bouts until I could manufacture more of the drug. Tabitha sent me a valuable asset, Ms. Lancaster did exactly as I said when I said to with out hesitation. I'm unsure if it was Sergeis descipline or my lotus's teachings that caused her to be so obident. I could tell that she execrising discretion in my presence but no matter as long as she didn't get in my way everything will be fine.
"Albert are you sure about this "Alistar" woman. I don't think having her around is a good idea, Uroboros is almost complete." Excella spoke as she opens the case with this months supply of the PG67A/W serum.
"Are you doubting my decision Excella? If you must know from what I read of my wifes research the Angelis virus will be the perfect boost to Uroboros. It would allow certain brain function, thus allowing the infected to be susceptible to control. The best part it is very selective, just as Uroboros should be. She will be beyond an asset." I explained sitting down next next to her.
I pulled up my sleve and she wrapped the band around my arm. I dispised her touch; however, I put up with it as to keep her unsuspisous to my true intentions. She was good at her job but mainly the funds she was able to provide was far more substantial than the connections ever could ever hope to muster up. That alone was the reason I kept her around.
I was very much amused when I told her I was married. She had completely lost her composure. Would it ever be said, no it would not. The only ones who will ever know that I enjoy women losing the composure is William and my lotus. At the thought of her I sighed.
"What is wrong Albert dear?" Excella asked looking at me with concern as she injected me with the serum.
"I'm just relieving tension in my muscles. This has been a difficult past few days for me." I said.
"Is it about that woman?" Excella asked looking slightly cheeky.
"Not directly, rather what information she brought to light." I sat up, "Its about my deceased wife."
Excellas face cringed at the mention of my lotus, "What do you mean?".
"It doesn't matter now, She is gone and there is nothing that can be done about it. Now Excella it is late and I haven't had a decent nights sleep since this mess started." I stood up and Excella followed my lead as I escorted her to the door.
"Alright, good night Albert." she said as she left my quarters.
Once I was sure she was out of the vacinity of my quarters I headed over to my computer and pulled the data sicks out of my pocket. Setting them down a certain one caught my eye, I picked up the one inscribed with "My game against Spencers ambitions" and flipped it over. There was an Emblem of a blue and black snake etched on the back.
"Oh my dear Lotus what did you get your self into. Spencer is long dead and his plans along with him." I mutter to myself.
With a sigh I plugged it into the hard drive under my desk and turned on the computer. After checking to insure there was no spyware on the drive I opened it. With a few clicks the screen change and the snake on the back of the drive appeared on the screen along with some text. It stated to view the files to encrypt the drive with a passcode.
I sighed, "This is just like you Tabitha, always trying to keep stuff under lock and key.".
At first I typed my usual password, William1977, then something struck me and I quickly changed it. Something told me I should protect these files more than most, so I typed something that few would know about. The only ones who could ever figure it out was me and her, and she was gone. Her voice fresh in my ears.
"Wesk, have you ever seen a black lotus flower? Is it sad that one of my dreams is to see a flower that represents both death and rebellion." her voice echoed through my memories as I typed Lotus_of_Death. Shaking my head I hit enter and the snake swallowed the code. Shortly there after a window opened up, inside were one thousand seven hundred fifty audio files. The fact they were only audio files peaked my interest. Hitting the filter button to show the oldest one first, I clicked on it. It was dated October 20th 1998.
Upon opening the file red queens voice came thru the speakers, "personel log, Agent 748 Day One.".
"Oh grand." I said sarcastically nearly hitting the close button till I heard her voice.
"So this is what Sergei thinks will prevent me from killing myself. Tsk the bastard has me locked up in this testing chamber." Tabithas voice now came from the speakers, "It has been ten days since I was thrown in here, and I believe fifteen days since being dragged to this damn facility.".
I lightly chuckle, her mouth was as foul as ever.
"He told me I had a recorder, my research, a bed and a computer. All of which I have found. Things honestly look bleek, it's bleeker than when I was here the first time in . Thats a story for another time though. Hell might as well account my whole story while I'm here alone." the file ranted slowing down to a sigh, "Should something happen to me: be it death, arrest, or me turning into a souless corpse that wanders around aimlessly, I want these recordings to reflect who I truely am, not the actions I have or will do. Here I go, I guess I should start at the begining... when I first met Ozwell E. Spencer."
At this moment in time I hit the pause button and started to transfer the files to my PDA. This was something I could tell that meant alot to her. She wasn't one to open up, not even when we were together. She had hidden this as a gift for me. Maybe in these files I can come to closure of how I feel so I can be rid of these useless emotions. After the transfer was complete I plugged in some earphones and laid on my bed. Tapping the play button and resumed listening to the womans voice who captured my heart a long time ago.
"It was nineteen seventy seven, I was sixteen years old. To be honest was I expecting to be scouted by the top pharmaceutical company, not at all. I was in my junior year and looking to get into an apprenticeship under a french pastry chef in the following year. It was just after mid terms I was in all honors classes and my grades were not released to my parents yet. During the last hour of the day I was called into the office, that was where I believe my fate changed. When I arrived to the private confrence room Spencer was there along with Dr. James Marcus. Spencer sat me down and revealed that Dr. Marcus was the one who wrote the honors biology exam. He explained that they were looking for bright young minds to join their company and my scores were at the highest percentile of the county. I was honestly confused as I didn't study at all for any of my midterms. I was busy looking after my three year old brother. They offered me a place at the management training facilty. I told them I would need to think about it as I was a minor and to allow me to speak to them tomorrow." she stopped, as I listened I heard sobbing in the back ground.
"That night I came home to find dad outside smoking on the porch. He told me that he found out Chris wasn't his son and that mom told him to move out. He said that even if he isn't Chris's dad he wanted the best for him and for me to look after him. When I think back, it was those words that drove me to go to the Management training facility. I find it ironic, that twenty two years later my family was on the run from Umbrella. That night I made up my mind. I explained the situation to my mom and said my good byes to Chris. The next day I confronted Spencer and Marcus with a condition, which they agreed to. Shortly there after I was escorted by Dr. Marcus to the management training facility. I was still confused as to what I would be doing there. Dr. Marcus explained I would be studying virology and combat arts for security firms." She clicked her tongue at this point, I couldn't tell if she was annoyed or just dealing with the stress of imprison ment.
"I was confrontational at first, who wouldn't be in my situation. I was sixteen and practically on my own. Hmph, if it weren't for the fact my condition took care of my family I proably would of declined their offer. Boy was I a naive fool. If I only knew what I know now, I probably could of done something to prevent the current state of events. That is unfortunately of little consequence now. We arrived at the facility roughly at eleven o'clock P.M. Dr. Marcus escorted me to my dormitory personally. Once he had bid me good night I went over to the twin mattress and drifted to sleep. Hell I'm exhausted now. I guess I'll end it here for now, I just hope I can rest easily in this forsaken place." Her voice had stopped.
I pulled off my sunglasses and set them on my night stand. Letting out a sigh, I ran my fingers through my hair and closed my eyes. She went there to support Chris. I despise the thought that he was the cause that lead her to me. Just like her recording I decided to head to sleep.
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ruanguntukku · 8 months
Melawan orang yang punya hal lebih dariku? Pernah.
Ya. Mereka punya lebih banyak power. Lebih terkenal. Lebih tersohor. Lebih terpandang. Lebih berkecukupan. Lebih masyhur. Lebih segala-galanya.
Lalu, kenapa? Apa yang salah?
Ketika kita berada di atas kebenaran, maka tidak ada yang perlu kita takutkan. Mereka mungkin orang-orang yang punya kuasa. Tapi sehebat apapun kuasa mereka tidak akan ada yang bisa menandingi kuasa Allah.
Kita itu sama. Sama-sama makhluk ciptaan Allah. Sama-sama akan menemui ajal. Dan kelak akan berada di dalam pengadilan Allah al-Hakim.
Lalu, kenapa? Apa yang perlu ditakutkan? Aku tidak ada urusan dengan kecondongan hati manusia, ke arah mana mereka akan memberi dukungan dan seburuk apa mereka akan mencelaku.
Aku tidak peduli sama sekali.
Negeri kita tidak kekurangan orang pintar, akan tetapi kekurangan orang yang jujur.
Jadi, mau sampai kapan kita menimbang sebuah kebenaran dilihat dari seberapa terkenalnya seseorang? Dilihat dari seberapa berpengaruhnya dia? Dilihat dari seberapa bagusnya retorika yang dia punya?
Setiap pendusta adalah penyakit. Mau sebaik apapun dia memoles dirinya di hadapan orang banyak. Mau semanis apapun mulutnya berbicara, tetap saja apa yang dia keluarkan adalah dusta. Kotoran yang tidak ada harganya.
Melihat orang yang gemar berdusta saja tentu membuat kita jengkel. Apalagi jika kedustaannya itu dibalut oleh syari'at Allah.
Aku memerangi kedustaan yang menunggangi amal shalih.
Aku memerangi kedustaan yang dibalut kesan agamis demi meraih keuntungan pribadi.
Aku memerangi kedustaan, tidak peduli siapapun orang yang melontarkannya.
Cukup dengan menjadi hamba Allah aku mengikrarkan diriku untuk berada di jalur yang berseberangan dengan dia.
Menjaga jarak adalah jalanku untuk bisa menjaga hati dan diriku. Memilih sikap tidak mau mendekat adalah jalanku untuk menjaga diriku sendiri.
Aku tidak membenci pelakunya. Aku membenci perilakunya.
Aku tidak memvonis dengan neraka, karena aku paham hidayah itu adalah milik-Nya semata.
Namun, aku berprinsip, selama pendusta itu masih gemar berdusta dan belum terang benderang perubahan dari dirinya ke arah yang lebih baik, maka aku akan tetap menjaga jarak.
Kenapa? Apakah karena hasad? Oh, jelas bukan. Ketahuilah bahwa kedustaan yang dibalut dengan tameng agama, adalah kedustaan yang bisa merusak keselamatan agama bagi orang banyak. Manusia tipe ini gemar bermain peran, gemar menyebarkan fitnah, gemar mencari muka, gemar memanipulasi orang lain dan sangat sulit menemukan keaslian, ketulusan dan kejujuran dalam dirinya.
Sikap ini bisa menjadi virus berbahaya bagi orang-orang yang sedang belajar ilmu syar'i. Merusak hati, akal dan jiwa seseorang.
Jadi menjaga jarak adalah jalanku untuk tetap mawas diri. Bahwa aku tidak bisa mempercayainya apalagi mendekat padanya.
Allah adalah al-'Alim. Kelak akan Allah bongkar makar-makar dari manusia yang hendak menodai agama-Nya.
Jangan pernah bermain-main dengan agama Allah. Pembalasan itu pasti ada, kekalahan itu akan terjadi, meskipun saat ini seakan-akan kedustaan itu yang dimenangkan, ketahuilah hakikatnya Allah sedang membalas kedustaan mereka dengan fatamorgana yang sebentar lagi akan sirna.
Tunggulah! Sesungguhnya akupun sedang menunggu.
Jika bukan di dunia ini, maka di akhirat kelak.
—SNA, Ruang Untukku #123
Kamis, 14-09-2023 | 01.13
Venetie Van Java,
Sebuah ikrar yang akan terus tertanam, sembari melangkah maju dan terus bertumbuh.
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The Voice®, The Official Newsletter Of SNA – Vol. 14, Issue 14
This issue of The Voice® was written by Special Needs Alliance board member Mary Alice Jackson, Esq., a founding partner of the firm Boyer & Boyer, P.A. in Sarasota, Florida, where she is now of counsel.  She is a graduate of Stetson University College of Law.  Ms. Jackson enjoys assisting individuals and families with special needs trust planning, and counseling clients on long term care planning.  She is board certified in Elder Law by the Florida Bar and is licensed in Texas.  Her website is www.boyerboyer.com
During the pandemic, families have been separated for months on end from loved ones in residential communities, group homes, and nursing homes. For the professionals who run these homes, making the decision to close a campus to family members and loved ones was done after long days of research and discussion about this new and frightening threat, and in response to government regulations. Once the decision to lockdown was made, more long hours were spent developing plans and protocols to keep life as “normal” as possible for residents.
But for the residents there was nothing normal about the sudden lack of human touch, being forbidden from going out, or losing contact with everyday friends and family. Although the early lockdowns were intended to protect residents and staff from the ravages of COVID-19, there have been unintended consequences, and lessons learned. Family members who were used to stopping by at any time were suddenly completely barred, without the opportunity to prepare their loved ones or themselves. Having your loved one cared for by others creates a sense of vulnerability which is soothed by visits to oversee care, and to personally observe how things are going. In the blink of an eye, that access was cut off. No one could resolve the sense of helplessness that distance created. Many people learned to Zoom or FaceTime, but technology is no replacement for physical presence and touch.
Feelings of loneliness caused depression and anxiety, sometimes proving as dangerous to residents (and their families) as the virus itself. Pressured by interest groups and individuals, on September 17, 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) revisited its May 2020 guidelines for nursing homes and issued a better-informed set of standards, many of which are appropriate for group homes and residential communities, as well.
The new directive acknowledges that isolation can cause serious harm and that visitation decisions should focus on the totality of an individual’s physical, mental, and psychosocial welfare. When benchmarks are met, visitation becomes a resident’s right which, if denied, can be met with fines and regulatory enforcement. Although some states have passed legislation allowing family members who are “essential caregivers” to have expanded visitation rights—such as longer visits and access regardless of infection levels–the CMS guidelines do not grant special privileges to such individuals.
Potential exposure to the coronavirus remains the paramount concern, and each nursing home is permitted to determine its own visitation rules. But if the facility has seen no new COVID cases within the past 14 days, and incidence of the virus is “low” or “moderate” in the surrounding county, it is required to allow visits, based on reasonable guidelines.
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zoe-zen · 2 years
Virus Snas
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milkaisbored · 2 years
Title : Happy Lore
This is a lore for my sona named Happy
[Warning : Long]
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I don't have many fanarts of my sona but that's Happy (my Sona) with Error Sans :)
Error snas belongs to @loverofpiggies
Lore :Happy is made by someone named lami to be a prank virus for a friend. But in the process of making the prank virus, her PC crashed and the virus accidentaly got set free.Let's talk about the universe.Firat of all, there are original game/show. And then, there are Alternate Versions (or Alternate Universes (AU)) which are other versions of the original game/show. Groups of AU's make a multiverse. Groups of Multiverse's make a Megaverse. The Megaverse is the names of each fandom.For example, Happy is most common to be found in the Megaverse called Undertale.Or sometimes she is in the Megaverse called Minecraft.Anyways, let's now talk about where she lives.Ever since she got set free, she lives in Inter-Void. Now, where is that? Well, let's start at the void. A void is inside an AU/original. An Anti-void is inbetween AU's. Zero-point is inbetween Multiverse's. And Inter-Void is inbetween Megaverse's.Happy is made emotionless becase Lami hasn't gave her ones. So she uses fake emotions. By going into a Multiverse in a random Megaverse. And going to an Au or two. She is able to absorb the colours  from the AU's and feel 'emotion's.(Red = Anger/RageOrange = EuphoriaYellow = HappyGreen = DisgustDark green = ConfusionCyan = FearBlue = SadnessPurple = lust)This also depends on the AU's aura. If the aura is dark and evil she will feel and become evil.What happens when she absorb one's AU? Well, every colour will become white. And every living creature that lives and is in that AU will become emotionless and unable to feel anything. When that happens, the AU will dust itself, slowly killing everything inside of it. Sometimes, Happy will feel bad and rips the AU code and uses the 'Delete' button to quicken the dusting so no one will need to suffer. Or she will just press the 'Kill' button to kill all, so they will die quixkly and painlessly then press 'Delete'.Some times 'Nev' the son of FÂŢÈ is hunt for Happy to kill her because she is 'ruining his beautiful Megaverses'.Who is FATE and Nev?FATE is DESTINY's sister, friends with KARMA and many more.She created Nev to make more colours to this blank space. She whispered sweet things to Nev, but she warned Nev to not create too much, because one's Megaverse has a limit of 1 Bilion Megaverses. But Nev didn't listen and kept creating. That's when FATE got pissed, but she can't do anything about her son. So she DRAGGEd Happy from Lami and trapped her in Inter-Void. Happy went insane there and forgot her past and her emotions. The voices was too much for her. FATE and her other voices screamed at her. She needed to destroy. No mercy. In order to make balance between creation and destruction. FATE thought, if whispering won't work, SCREAMING will HAVE to work. And so she did.Now Happy is like a hated child to FATE.She is in a runaway from her somewhat excuse for a 'brother'.One day she snapped. She didn't absorb any AU's. Nev cheered but FATE was angry. Happy ignored the screams and whispered "I know what i'm doing to make balance" and created a portal to where Nev is. She was emotionless ans Nev knew that. He called her 'Soulless FŔƏĂĶ'. Happy walked to Nev and whispered "The balance is complicated, but all i know is that if it tips we all die. Now that i'm emotionless, and i've dealt with the over-tipped balance. I can kill you without a care. I'm a 'souless freak' right? Well because i'm emotionless i DON'T care if you die". FATE screeched at Happy to not kill her only son. Happy heard the pleads of FATE and made Nev BARELY alive. Untill now, Nev is planning a revenge to Happy and Happy locked her Inter-Void so no one could accses it.
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emilythefox · 3 years
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*Ahem* Before I Say ANYTHING I Had Nothin To Do :P And Well Im Running Out Of Crap So :) Hope Ya Like Whatever I Have Left, OC's VirusTale (Sans) Versioned State Or Whatever :>. Glitchy Girl :P (Oh Yea If You Have Any Questions For ANY Au Just Ask :P And They Will Answer... Lol "They")
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opalmalow-ut · 3 years
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Everyone draws Ink puking so I thought I would head-cannon error sick :) Let him rest he has a virus
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eaudecrow · 4 years
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Virus is gonna steal your identity and overdraw all your bank accounts
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urbanidesnicar · 4 years
Sam protiv sotone
"Blago onima koje politika ne interesira i kojima je sve ravno do mora". Jer na koncu se sve svodi na činjenicu, da si nemoćan i da su ti ruke vezane. A to što si dobro informiran, u ovim vremenima ne pomaže puno. Naprotiv. Živciraš se, sam u sebi pizdiš i gledaš kako nezainteresirani i ravnodušni uživaju. Upravo zbog takvih i jesmo tu gdje jesmo. Na samome dnu. Već odavno je prošlo vrijeme za zajedničku akciju ili masovni otpor. Ali kad ti pola nacije živi u neznanju i kaže da se njih to ne tiče, ostaje ti samo bubat glavom od haubu polovnog stojadina.  
Oni što su u stanju napisati realan članak s dozom optimizma, spadaju u jednu od slijedećih kategorija. Ili su genijalci, ili totalni debili? Sredina ne postoji. A nema niti jedne nijanse sive. Malo je ovih prvih. Jasno je da se nikada ne treba predavati. I to stoji. Ali moraš imati neki cilj za koga ćeš se boriti. Barem slamku spasa koja te održava na površini. E sad slijedi pitanje. Što činiti ako su ti baš sve lađe potonule? A: Izmisliti lažnu nadu B: Predati se ili C: Nešto treće. Kada bi sad napravili anketu, većina bi nas zaokružila C. Ja također. Ali kako definirati to "nešto treće"? Jako teško, gotovo nemoguće.
I prije ove lažne epidemije i povratka komunizma i policijske države, bilo je jasno da nam 2020. neće donijeti puno dobroga. Krajem prošle godine sam napisao, da me raduju samo dvije stvari. EP u nogometu i Američki izbori. Ovo prvo je otkazano, a ovo drugo se tako zakompliciralo, da je bolje i ne pokušavati ići u detalje. Jer naša duboka država je "malo dete", u poređenju s njihovom. Što se domaćih izbora tiče, tu nisam imao nikakvih iluzija. Samo me interesirao jedan jedini broj. 76. I kako ga dostići? A ni u najluđim kombinacijama, za takvo nešto nismo imali šanse. Pogodila me jedna druga stvar, za koju sam smatrao da se podrazumijeva. Reizbor Generala Glasnovića za zastupnika našeg iseljeništva. Ali služeći se Staljinističkim metodama i Sjeverno-Korejskim modelom glasovanja, i tu su nas uspjeli zajebat. Rijetko viđena KRAĐA, za koju sam mislio da nije moguća s obzirom na Generalovu popularnost među pučanstvom. Banda me nažalost demantirala. Gospođi Vidović-Krišto svaka čast. Svaka joj je riječ na mjestu i za klasu je inteligentnija od jugo-judaškog neprijatelja. Ali samo je jedan General, mada se mnogi hvale s tim činom. Bio je još jedan ali više nije među nama. DRINJANIN su ga zvali.
Sve je ovo mila majka u poređenju s onim što se događa u svijetu. Upravo statiramo u filmu: "Sve što je dobro, treba uništiti do temelja". Horror u kome umjesto preplaćenih glumaca, glavne uloge imaju naturščici. Zašto baš mi i zašto baš sad? Jebaji ga, tako nam je grah pao. Zato mi ovi lokalni problemi (zbog kojih bi se nekada živcirao), uopće više nisu bitni. Trećega dana mjeseca studenog, lomi se sudbina svijeta. TRUMP protiv SOTONE. Svi su odavno odabrali stranu i stali uz one, za koje misle da će pobijediti. Pa tako i naši guzičari. Više i ne kriju da su na strani globalista. Statistički gledano, u pravu su. Ali... Što ćemo ako kojim čudom Donald ipak pobijedi? Sjetit će se tko je stajao uz njega, kad je bilo najteže. A volio bi. Volio bi više nego bilo što....
Zato postaje pomalo dosadno pisati o svakodnevnim, običnim stvarima. Jer su totalno irelevantne. Cirkus, "vašar" i trećerazredna predstava za radne ljude i građane. Ali moraš negdje ubit' vrijeme. Pa mi je opet draže pisati istinu, nego čitati laži. Bez obzira što znam da ništa ne mogu promjeniti. Barem imam osjećaj da sam učinio nešto korisno. A u biti nisam ništa napravio. Obično mlaćenje prazne slame...
Očito je da gospodari iliti vlasnici corone, upravljaju brojkama kako im se digne neka stvar. Taman pomisliš da se situacija u određenim djelovima smirila, a oni te sutra demantiraju i poduplaju broj "zaraženih". Tu su za svaki slučaj i "slavni"(celebrities) koji screparajućim glasom opisuju svoju tešku bitku sa ovom beštijom. A ništa im nije bilo. Ne vjerujem da su im uopće platili da lažu, jer su dobili besplatan publicitet. A to se plaća suhim zlatom.  
A ovako će nas jebavat, sve dok ne bude spremno "njihovo" cjepivo. Koje navodno neće biti obvezno, ali bez potvrde da si ga primio, nećeš smjeti mrdnut iz kuće. Ako ovo nije fašizam (u punom smislu te riječi), onda ne znam što je? Čitam kako će međunarodni zračni promet ponovo profunkcionirati, na jesen IDUĆE godine. Kako oni znaju? Izuzetno pametan virus. Zajebo je čak i hodajuću enciklopediju Marasa. Mali korončići ti sve jave na vrijeme, tako da možeš planirati godišnji, svadbu, odlazak na utakmice.....
Moram se opet vratiti na rečenicu gosp. Ickea iz zadnjeg intervjua: "Oni što su izmislili virus, sad imaju punu kontrolu nad njim. Određuju gdje i kad će se pojaviti, i koliko će trajati". Kratko, jasno i točno. Od kada znam za sebe, priča se o nekoj kataklizmi, kraju svijeta..... Tu je! Upravo joj svjedočimo! Zar je netko mislio da će nas napast svemirci? Za kraj života kakvog smo poznavali, zaslužna su samo 3 slova koja tvore jednu kratku riječ. LAŽ!
Je li moguće da neki još uvijek ne vide dalje od nosa. I vjeruju svemu što im se servira? Dakako. I ne samo to, nego jedva čekaju da prime nepoznato cjepivo, protiv nepoznatog virusa (recimo da nešto postoji, ali nije ni blizu onome kako ga predstavljaju). Čak i stoka u klaonicama pruža otpor dok je vode na klanje. Trga se. Htjela bi uteć'. A ljudi, koji su navodno najinteligentnija bića na zemlji, sami stavljaju glavu na panj. Zašto to čine? Je li se stvarno toliko boje, ili možda misle da će njihova agonija završiti ako prime čudotvorni serum? Štovane dame i gospodo, nije u pitanju samo jedna doza. A ni život se neće automatski vratiti u normalu. To je scenarij iz crtanih filmova.
Cijepit će vas svake godine, sve dok ne dobiju željeni učinak. Drugo, znate li uopće što je unutra? Od čega je napravljeno cjepivo? Koje su nuspojave? I zašto im je toliko stalo da vas "izliječe" od "strašne" bolesti? Koja to nije. Jer je do sada uzela duplo manje života, od obične sezonske gripe? To su službeni podaci, koje nisam ja izmislio. Ali se NAMJERNO prešućuju. Zar vam sve to nije nimalo sumnjivo? Samo apeliram na zdrav razum i ništa više. Okanite se medija i stožera, i probajte logički razmisliti o svemu ovome. Služite se brojkama i ne podliježite njihovoj propagandi i atmosferi histerije. Ipak je u pitanju zdravlje, a s njim se nije zajebavati.
Dugo sam bio uvjeren da ovu zemlju treba resetirati, da bi konačno krenuli naprijed. Čitajući neke komentare i mišljenja, sve sam bliže opciji da treba sve potaracat. Do temelja. Za početak posadit kumpire, blitvu i mladu kapulu, dok se ne dogovorimo što ćemo dalje. A to će potrajati.....
Najteže je povjesničarima. Moraju zaboraviti sve ono što su godinama učili. Jer generacija debila koja dolazi, sa sobom nosi novu, polički korektnu povjest. Friška, vruća.., tek izašla iz pečnice. Na primjeru rušenja spomenika u SAD, smo vidjeli na što će to otprilike ličiti. Istoričarima će ipak biti malo lakše. Jer štovatelji Marxa, Engelsa, Lenjina i Staljina, ponovo dolaze na svoje. Nažalost, sin mi studira povijest. A bolje bi mu bilo da je završio za automehaničara. Neka mu je dragi Bog na pomoći...
Naša nesloga je i više nego očita. Dovoljno je baciti samo kratak pogled na društvene mreže, i sve je jasno. Ali i to je mila majka, u poređenju s pravim stanjem na terenu. Svaka platforma nudi mogućnost slanja privatnih poruka. A tu se može naći svega i svačega. Od dobronamjernih savjeta, do najprimitivnijih tračeva i stranačke propagande. Nije mi nitko pričao, nego sam vidio svojim očima. Skoro da ne prođe dan, a da ne dobijem neku sugestiju o čemu bi trebao pisati. A sve je to popraćeno navodnim "kompromitirajućim" materijalom.
Srećom, mozak mi još uvijek radi sa 10% kapaciteta, pa nisam u kategoriji Ante Tomića i ostalih debila. Ali sam sve bliže. Jer svakog dana u svakom pogledu, sve više nazadujem. Hvala svim znanim i neznanim junacima, ali sve što napišem je isključivo moje osobno mišljenje. A kao što sam već rekao, više se volim sam zajebat nego da me netko drugi napravi budalom.
Prošlost nam je krvava ali slavna, sadašnjost nikakva, a budućnost neizvjesna i vrlo zajebaTa. Dokle god pomećemo nogu jedni drugima, samo će nam biti još gore. Ovo pišem sam sebi, jer sam konačno shvatio da apele za zajedništvo i slogu, nitko ne jebe ni 2 %.
Znamo da će ruka pravde neke stići tek na onome svijetu. To nam ne bi trebala biti utjeha. Život je samo jedan, i treba učiniti sve što je u našoj moći da ispravimo nepravdu. Pa makar na kraju ostali sami. Ko' pokisli čuko na cesti.
U nedostatku bilo čega gledljivog na TV (osim nogometa), vrteći kanale naletim na Demokratsku konvenciju u SAD. Koja je to gomila idiota i patoloških lažova!? Kod njih bi i Stazić i Ostoja spadali među "umjerene". Odakle tolika mržnja prema Americi? Jer su (poput nas), dozvolili da im ljevičari u cijelosti preuzmu školstvo i obrazovanje. I sad gledaju rezultate toga, jer su prve generacije mladih kretena upravo dobile diplome. Bojim se da za par godina i nas čeka sličan scenarij. Više nije upitan samo FF u Zagrebu, nego kompletan obrazovni sustav. Ovaj trend je zahvatio većinu razvijenih zemalja, zahvaljujući financijskoj potpori raznih "filantropa i dobrotvora". Neće na dobro....
Dakle, Trump se 3.11. bori protiv: DEMONkrata, duboke države, Novog Svjetskog Poretka(NWO), 1% elite (sotonjara), izdajnika u vlastitim redovima, medija i cijelog "progresivnog" i nastranog svijeta. I zato kad kaže: "Ja sam jedini koji stoji između američkog sna i totalne anarhije", treba ga ozbiljno shvatiti. Ima li šanse za pobjedu? Nadam se, jer je tiha većina još uvijek uz njega. Ili mi se samo čini?
Brine me druga stvar. Može li on u ovakvoj situaciji ostati neovisan, i svoja predizborna obećanja ispuniti do kraja? Ili će morati napraviti neke kompromise? Odgovor ne znam i ne želim da ga znam. Upravo poput onih, o kojima sam pisao na početku teksta. Želim vjerovati u najbolju soluciju, a poslije izbora možemo diskutirati o svemu. Jer njegova pobjeda nam donosi još 4 godine nade. Kakva god da je, dobra je...Neki spominju i Putina. Kao nadu i još jednoga kome ne odgovara NWO. Možda su u pravu? Osobno, Rusa nikada nisam volio. Za mene je bio i ostao, samo jača i veća verzija četnika. Agresiju na Ukrainu još uvijek pamtim. Ali pošto se stvari mijenjaju takvom brzinom da ne možeš pohvatati sve konce, ne isključujem mogućnost da sam se zajebo? A volio bi da jesam.
Ako su vas bilo kad blokirali ili izbacili sa FB ili Twittera, to znači da ste normalni. I budite ponosni na to. Jer sve što je nama normalno, kosi se sa njihovim pravilima ponašanja. Pao mi je na pamet Branko Kockica i njegovo pitanje "deci": "Zašto ne smete, da uzmete čokoladu od nepoznatog čike? Zato što može da bude bajata ili buđava. A može čika i da vas strpa u crni kombi". Upravo takve čike (PEDOFILI) su danas dobrošle na Twitteru. Ni sam nisam vjerovao, dok nisam pročitao njihove nove (nadopunjene) "standarde zajednice".
Od sada je dozvoljeno: "pisati o seksu s malom djecom, sve dok se ne radi o tjelesnom nasilju. A nije kažnjivo ni objavljivanje slika gole djece, sve dok se to smatra umjetnošću!?" Čitam i ne vjerujem svojim očima. Od svog zla na ovoj planeti, za mene su pedofili na vrhu piramide. Svaka legalna kazna za takve zvijeri je nedovoljna. Zato, dajte roditeljima te jadne djece (žrtava): kliješta, skalpel, šrafciger, i ostavite ih par sati nasamo sa "čikom". Jedina moguća pravedna kazna.
Ovo je u principu, to njihovo "novo normalno". Ako uspiju do kraja provesti svoj sotonistički plan, stvari će biti još 10 puta gore. Sigurno. Upravo se zbog ovoga, ne mogu koncentrirati na domaću politiku i pratiti što je tko od vladajućih velikana izjavio? Svakako lažu, čim zinu.
Da mi je vlast samo na jedan dan. Prvo bi izašao iz EU. Drugo, počeo bi graditi stambene objekte. Točnije, zatvore. A na kraju bi popunio kapacitete istih, stokom sitnog zuba. Tek onda bi sjeli i razmislili, što i kako dalje?
I za kraj, da zaključimo. Peder, pedofil, trans, crni rasisti, antife.... imaju svoja prava, i "niko ne sme da ih bije!" Stavi trobojnicu sa prvim bijelim poljem, i najebat ćeš ko' žuti.
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specialmindz · 4 years
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“nope! try again bro,” said Sans, smiling with his arms outstretched.
“keeeep practicing pappy, you’ll get it! hee hee hee!” He laughed as Papyrus gave him an angry look, probably thinking he was being made fun of, though that really wasn’t the case. Sans had actually been trying to help Papyrus; help him stay Determined so he’d have a better chance of learning his unique Karma attack, which even his own father gave up on quite some time ago, but unfortunately, it seemed like his taunting wouldn’t be enough, as the baby bone’s frustration was beginning to become more and more apparent with each passing failure.
His brother wasn’t a full Wingdings, but he definitely shared their impatience, which was what caused that particular member of the Dingbat family to multitask. If Papyrus didn’t pick up on something as quickly as he liked, he’d soon put it aside for later and move on to something else, and if he couldn’t master the comedian’s Karma technique with his FULL attention, then, well…
Gaster stood by the Nursery’s doorway observing the two, clipboard in hand, “I believe it may have something to do with his soul’s value…”
“Sans values Integrity above all else, as represented by his soul’s blue coloring. Integrity itself is defined as doing what one believes is the right thing no matter what,” Gaster flipped through the papers attached to his clipboard.
“pfft! dad…”
Gaster stopped writing and looked up from his clipboard to see his son pointing down at Papyrus, who was staring at him with a smile from the floor. “What?”
“Are you’s gonna finish dat thought, or…?
“Hadn’t planned on it. I figured since you’re sooo much smarter and better than everyone else, you could do it yourself-”
“NYEH!” Papyrus tried the Karma attack on Gaster and failed.
“eeeasy lil’ bro…”
“Hatred is not the key Snas.”
Seeing his father leave the Nursery and shut the door behind him, Papyrus’s whined and plopped down on the floor. “Nyeh-haaaa…Daddy went away…”
“that’s probably cause’ you tried to attack him pap.”
“I’s just trying to learn the Caramel…”
“karma, pappy. it’s called the ‘karma’ attack.”
“Kar-ma…?” Papyrus scratched his skull with a tiny hand, feeling as if he’d heard that word before. “Waz karma Snas? Is popcorn?”
“nope. Those are kernals. ‘karma’ is what happens when you either do good or bad things. If you’re a good person, your karma will be good, but if you’re bad…”
“it *sigh* it’ll be bad pappy. your karma will be bad.”
Could he really not figure that out on his own?
“OOOOHHH! Is soul-glow!”
“soul-glow…?” Now Sans was confused. He hadn’t expected his baby brother to understand what he meant COMPLETELY, but Papyrus had surprised him before with his impressive intellect and “unique” way of thinking. Maybe he had figured out what Gaster meant when he said his integrity played a key role in his attack; Sans certainly hadn’t.
The ability was discovered on accident actually, when he noticed Papyrus about to do something the infant KNEW he wasn’t supposed to be doing…that being climbing on top of their father’s chair and using their computer while it was still online. They were SUPPOSED to wait in the office quietly while their father completed their checkups and put the new information into the computer as the children were no longer allowed in the Medical Ward, possibly due to it being too crowded and idea of allowing his brother into a room full of sick people being the worst one ever. Unfortunately, being impatient to move on to whatever task he had waiting next in line, Gaster had seemingly forgotten to make sure the boys had left the room before him, but no doubt he’d be back once his mistake was realized to yell at his younger sibling.
Lying on the couch and caught between not giving a crap and caring for his little brother, Sans lazily raised a hand and swiped it to the left, pretending to move Papyrus via the psychokinesis he didn’t have.
He did not expect to actually send the baby flying into a cabinet.
The sound of the cabinet doors splintering and his tiny brother’s body thudding against the wooden back from inside, made Sans wince. Any other infant would be either dead or sporting more than a few broken bones, but Papyrus’s baby formula had something in it that made him stronger and more durable than other newborns. Kicking a broken piece of door, he stomped out of the cabinet, scanning the room with his eyes for the oh-so-funny, soon-to-be dead mother FUCKER who thought they could throw him around like Scrappy Doo.
“holy cra-bro are you all right?”
“i doubt it was napstablook pappy.”
Undaunted, Papyrus ignored his older brother and waited patiently for the perpetrator to come out and admit their crime…but nobody came. He looked around the room once more, his confusion turning into concern upon seeing his lie ignored.
The Blook family were music lovers like himself, this he knew. If they weren’t listening to it, they were dancing or creating it, meaning not a single soul in their family tree was deaf. By that logic, the Verbal Font’s audio hypnosis should have worked on them…so why didn’t anyone appear? Where there more ghost monsters in the Underground? Ones Papyrus didn’t know about? Ones that liked to throw babies?
Papyrus fired his gaster blaster below him as he felt himself began to rise into the air once more. He had HOPED to hit the legs of whoever was attempting to pick him up, but it only resulted in a small crater forming in the office tile.
“heh heh heh heh…”
“you want me to throw a whole bottle of chloroform on you just to-”
“GET DA’ SLEEPY WATERRRRR!!” Screeched the panicked infant, swinging his fists and kicking his tiny legs wildly.
“iiiii dunno bro, that doesn’t sound safe. chloroform is metabolized into trichloro methanol, which metabolizes into phosgene, and that’s toxic-”
“long term effects of inhalation involve cancer, since chloroform is a confirmed carcinogen verified through multiple epidemiological studies, and i know epidemiology is the study of diseases in animals and humans, but our species is hella close baby bro.”
“i don’t really study epidemiology, but you know how dad gets when you get him talking about fonts and science, apparently virus fonts are super dangerous.”
“i can’t remember what kind of cancer he said you’d get if i gave you too much chloroform, but regardless, i don’t think you should be anywhere near it anyway to be honest. a human baby, possibly even a baby monster would be dead by now if they were in YOUR uh…feet…pajamas. why’re you looking at me like that?”
“…Why your hand up for so long?” asked the baby bones, eyeing his brother suspiciously.
“what? i exercise.”
“Only yo’ mouth. You do dis?”
Sans put his arm down and Papyrus dropped to the floor.
“hey! be careful with my little broth-”
“Shut up Snas, I know is you.”
“whaaaat? noooo, that was just coincidence baby bro,” said Sans, watching his father walk into the room. The scientist looked once at the broken cabinet and then at the crater Papyrus had made before fixing his glare on the infant.
“I know when you’s lying big Buther.”
“you don’t think it was coincidence? hmm…maybe i’m being framed. what do you think?”
“I think you’s an asshole.”
“i was asking dad.”
Not that he’ll find this impressive, but maybe the mystery will keep him from yelling about the office damage. Though what I REALLY want is to avoid another computer argument. I know he’s gonna accuse Pappy of something, even though HE’S the one who forgot to log off.
How DID I do this?
“Sans, what happened?”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Sans is a what…?”
Speak clearly Papyrus!
“he thinks i threw him into the cabinet even though i didn’t.”
“You really didn’t huh? Well dat’s good big Buther, cause’ if you did, I’d throw you in court! THEN you’d has a reason to raise your hand and lie to eryone…”
“i don’t get it,” said Sans, confused.
“In court they makes you pace yo’ hand on the bib-el and then you raise your other one and-”
“*PFFT!* did you just say ‘bib-el?” He immediately burst out laughing, much to the baby’s annoyance.
“Nyeh? Why you laugh? They not do that no more?”
“It’s pronounced BYE-ble, not ‘bib-el’ Papyrus, and it’s not something you should be reading.”
“Nuh-uh! It’s got the word ‘bib’ in it, so it MUST be for babies! Is the holy book of baes!”
“It ’twas written by Jesus and his saints-”
“that part you got right.”
“No, no he didn’t. Moses wrote the Bible Sans. Your brother speaks nonsense as per usual.”
“Nope, it was Jesus all right. Moses made condoms,” said the baby, matter-of-factly.
“moses invented ketchup?!”
“No child. Papyrus, stop filling your brother’s skull with blather! Our family already has a bad reputation and some people still talk to Sans-”
“Dat’s right big Buther! He turned a whole ocean into ketchup and then made it split apart so he and his peoples could walk across it. Today, is called da’ Red Sea.”
“Shut up Papyrus.”
“Yep, he very cool. He from Egypt too, just like da’ baby!”
“Your FONT is from Egypt, YOU are American-”
“Is too bad he not one of Jesus’s saints…least I don’t think he be. I not read the whole bib-el yet and I doesn’t know all the saints. I know there be twelve dough!” The infant tapped his chin thoughtfully as if trying to remember them all.
Not that Sans believed his brother knew a single thing about the Bible or religion in general. Their father said it was a dangerous tool humans used to harm others, including their own species, and that it slowed down scientific progress. Out of curiosity however, Sans paid a visit to the “librarby” to see for himself, having been taught early that taking his family’s word for absolutely anything was usually a poor decision. Pulling it out of the history section, he opened it to find that it was for the most part, unreadable…at least to him, though that word was often used by Sans to describe books he found boring rather than indecipherable.
He could read it all right, but there were too many names and the sentences at times made him feel as if he were having a conversation with Papyrus during one of the baby’s…odd, moments. Those uncomfortable moments where his little brother would cease his baby-talk, sometimes altogether, and suddenly age in personality, speaking to him clearly with an unmistakable air of authority. It made the comedian even more uncomfortable when he spotted the word “Egypt” several times though he was only on page seven of…Genesis 15:2…?
What kind of a name is that for a chapter?
“You don’t know anything about the Bible OR religion!” Gaster’s angry voice pulled Sans from his thoughts. “You live in a place of SCIENCE and I made sure to keep those kinds of books out of here!” exclaimed the scientist.
The Sans Serif, though curious as to what his brother thought of religion, chose not to say anything in this regard. He could understand his father’s concern. He couldn’t read a lot of the book without falling asleep, but what he did read told him that it was a collection of short stories that went either two ways; people obeyed God’s orders and turned out the better for it, or they didn’t and suffered severe consequences. With one of those orders being believe in the book, he could see how people could use the Bible to control others…how people like his brother could use it to control others. All it would take is one dedicated liar to “translate” it for people too lazy to make their own interpretations. His brother could cause a lot of damage and according to Gaster, some people already had.
Were the witch trials real or did Dad make that up?
“The librarby still gots the bib-el! I go there allll the time to get the knowledge, so I be smart when I gets big. I knows more than half the saints now,” replied the baby bones proudly. “There’s St. Nick, also known as Santa…you know him already Snas.”
Sans snickered and turned his attention to Papyrus. “i do? oh yeah! i heard santa clause was called st. nick at one point, i didn’t know he helped write the bible though…”
I don’t think he’s read it.
“bib-el. Yeah, he wrote it with Jesus and even let his widdle buther St. Stephen help too, cause’ he nice like you~”
“santa has a brother?”
“Yep! They twins like us! He born on December twenty-six dough cause’ of com-pli-cations. He liked to hide things in boxes and pay da’ tricks! He take his buther’s toys and when Santa say ‘where my toys be?’ Stephen go, ‘I don’t know big Buther, where DO your toys be?”
Sans turned his head to see Gaster pouring a bottle of aspirin onto the office table near the computer. “stephen doesn’t sound very nice bro, ha ha!”
“Nahhh, he just misunderstood. Like da’ baby. You gots to read between the lines Snas! He hide the toys so when Santa forget about them and open a box, he get all surprised and happy! ‘Wowie! I forgot I hads this! Imma pay wit it all day!’ Then sneak Stephen steal the old BORING toys and hide THEM so they seems new in the footure! Is the perfect plan big Buther…”
“is that where santa got the idea of sending gifts to people in boxes pappy?”
“Sure is! All the saints be amazing Snas. St. Patrick the lepperkahn invented the color gween. He wanted the cover of the bib-el to be gween, but Jesus say no cause’ people might drop it in the grass and lose it. Not a lot of roads in the B.C. era ya’ know?”
“Before Concrete.”
“you’re not supposed to take that much dad…”
“St. Valentine be the Saint of Sweets. He had fan trouble like Babybop.”
“she’s…she’s not babybop papyrus. i keep telling you, alphys-”
“Unfortunately, they not have pastic surgery in B.C, that came AFTER concrete, A.C.”
“i thought a.c. meant air conditioning?”
“In history it mean After Concrete. They used to use A.D. After Dinosaurs, but lossa stuff came after dinosaurs, so they changed it.”
Sans smiled at his little brother. Despite how annoying he could be with his constant lying, the comedian did in fact admire his ability to come up with bullshit on the fly. It made him wonder how useful he’d be if Sans ever were to actually get a job as a comedian. Comedians themselves were supposed to tell stories about things that happened to them in life whilst making funny commentary along the way, but HE was stuck under a mountain and had no close friends other than Papyrus and possibly Alphys. What was Sans even supposed to talk about when NOTHING ever happened to him? Being an Insult Comic was out as he only had 1 hp and was stuck seeing the same people probably for the rest of his life, puns were a spur of the moment thing and were meant to amuse the teller rather than the audience, ventriloquism wasn’t fair and wouldn’t work unless he somehow hide his text box…was he really stuck with just talking about his little brother behind his back? It certainly seemed that way.
Unless Papyrus wants to make something up for me. I’m sure he would, he’s so cool. I hope I make enough G to share with him…
“So St. Valentine? He was REAL popular. He create chalk-wit and eryone lost their minds! Too many hunnies for the chalk-wit bunny.”
“he was a rabbit pappy?”
“Nope, he was Aztec. Had a weird name baby can’t say or spell good. Quetzycoat? Quozzy motto? Dunno, but it suck…glad he move away and change it to Valentine. Moved allll the way to Europe where he met St. Peter the soon-to-be Easter Bunny. It was St. Valentine that made it happen big Buther. All the hunnies follow him saying stuff like ‘be mine, Valentine!’ and ‘give me yo’ heart!’ Not good to say to an Aztec Snas, even dough it mean something else in Europe.”
“what does it mean in aztec bro?”
“I want to remove your heart.”
Sans sockets went dark, but he chose not to say anything.
I’ll have to work with Papyrus to make sure his stories aren’t too dark before I use them.
“St. Peter got realll jealous when he saw erybody giving Valentine attention. So what if he made chalk-wit? He not cute like Peter Rabbit! St. Peter was fluffy as hell! Where was Valentine’s fluff? NOWHERE! Where was his cotton ball tail? ABSENT! HE DIDN’T EVEN APPRECIATE!”
“ugh, damn pap chill!” cried the comedian, pressing his hand against one of his earholes, “you’re not auditioning for a movie, take it down a notch…”
“I just wanted you to understand the rabbit Snas…”
“i understand the rabbit baby bro, don’t you worry.”
“Kay’. So you know why St. Peter had to steal his secrets to making chalk-wit and build his own factory in England then.”
“Is cause’ he was JEALOUS Snas! Daz why. Being a rabbit wasn’t good enough anymore, he had to be a CHALK-WIT rabbit. St. Valentine took it the wrong way dough, he see the factory and think ‘ohhhh, I gets it! If people can get chalk-wit at the store, then I won’t be popular no mores and people will go way! Dis rabbit is so nice. Dis rabbit is my friend.’ He told Jesus all about St. Peter and how nice he was and cause’ of him, he got to be a saint! Peter Rabbit was grateful too, he wasn’t a bad bunny. All he wanted was some infection…”
“Yeah that. Defection. He thought Valentine was being forgiving and stuff, so they became best friends. They shared recipes and gotted famous erywhere!”
“aww, well that’s nice-”
“…Then St. Peter died of the Black Plague and erything started all over again.”
“y-yeah that’s pretty much how all of your stories end. i don’t know what i was expecting.”
Need to work on his endings too.
“Don’t worry big Buther, there be a happiness dis time. St. Valentine eventually moved again and changed his name to Willy Wonka and people stopped trying to marry him. No one want the last name Wonka Snas.”
“heh, well when you’re right you’re right. papyrus wonka doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue now does it?”
“Don’t ship the baby Snas.”
“Another saint you might know be St. Michael.”
“And what holiday is he ripped from?” asked Gaster, finishing off the water he’d taken with his aspirin. Sans had forgotten he was even in the room.
“Nyeh?” Papyrus looked confused. “Michael not have a holly-day. You cwazy Daddy, nyeh heh heh!”
“No one here is stupid enough to believe you’re going to just SUDDENLY take this conversation seriously Papyrus. St. Michael might be a real saint, but I know-”
“I’s ALWAYS serious!” exclaimed the infant, interrupting the scientist. “Snas the silly bones, not me! Dis a very serious subject and I’s born to TEACH!”
“That is literally the last thing someone with your font should be doing where religion is concerned.”
“St. Michael and St. Peter were really good friends ya’ know…”
“Don’t you ignore me.”
“They pay basketball together once and saved the world even! He still alive too, even today.”
“is…is he talking about michael jorden?”
“I guarantee you, that’s exactly who he’s talking about.”
“He flies like an eagle.”
“Yeah! Daddy knows! You watched the docky-mentry right? Where the black human went to da’ center of the earth and-”
“Space Jam was NOT a documentary. It was just a video you happened to find at the Dump. You know, the place I’ve asked you countless times not to go? Admittedly, I didn’t actually watch it as I’m none too fond of guilt films, but the soundtrack alone-”
“th-that wasn’t a ‘guilt film’ dad,” said Sans hiding his face in his hands.
“It wasn’t? Are you sure?”
“It wasn’t about a black human attempting to join and fit in with a basketball team comprised of monsters?”
“Is about St. Michael helping his rabbit friend ah-scape slavery.”
“So it IS a guilt film.”
“Let me guess, the black human was their star player and he was the one to save the day?”
“Erybody wanted to be like Mike, so he gave them some magic water dat made them really good at the basketball.”
“He…gave them something to enhance their performance?”
“it wasn’t drugs dad! it wasn’t even really magic. he was trying to teach them that they had the power to be just as good as him, they just needed to believe in themselves. to put it in a way you’d understand, he used the placebo effect to his advantage.”
“Ah, deceit. Very smart…are you sure Mr. Jordan came up with this? I’m not saying all black humans are unintelligent, but he IS in the sports industry, is he not? You two have amassed quite a collection of discarded sports game videos and upon inspection, I see him playing that particular game a lot. Or at least I think I do.”
Too many shaved heads…why do they have to have shaved heads AND matching uniforms? I may as well be watching my own people…
“maybe…? i don’t actually know. pappy and i usually take the video out as soon as we see it’s another taped sports game,” replied Sans, frowning. It really was disappointing to find a video in good condition, only to realize later that it was just another boring tape of a sport they couldn’t play. Even if the boys knew the rules, the Underground didn’t have many if any big open areas where they could play “basketball” or “football.” Whatever ball they used would just go bouncing off the walls of the caverns or sail into the void/water depending on where they were.
It’s too bad, I bet Undyne would love to play one of these.
Usually when he and his brother found one of these tapes, they’d chuck it into the Boring Corner, a place filled with fitness magazines, letters they had opened that ended up containing junk mail advertising things they didn’t understand, and CDs/records/cassettes Papyrus had SOMEHOW restored and found he didn’t particularly enjoy the content of.
“heh heh heh…”
“What’s so funny big Buther?” asked the baby bones smiling.
The infant’s smile disappeared.
“For once, I’m proud of you two. The sports industry is a money-sucking trash heap of wasted potential. So many of these individuals could have been doctors, teachers, law enforcement, scientists like myself, but they chose a career in playing games that should have been left behind in high school. Disgusting.”
“…I wish to learn how to pay the basketball now.”
“Why, because I specifically asked you not to? Why do you want to intentionally cause trouble?”
“Teach me how to dunkin doughnut.”
Sans giggled, “you wanna learn how to dunk pappy?”
He raised his hand.
Papyrus sailed into the nearby wall and fell into the wastebin overflowing with papers.
“Excellent control Sans.”
“SCU YOU BABY-ABOOZER! YOU NOT FUNNAAHHHH!!” The enraged baby bones thrashed wildly around in the basket, kicking his legs in an attempt to get out. “IMMA SCRIBBLE IN YO’ BOOKS SNAS! SEE HOW GOOD YOU BE AT WITCHCRAFT THEN!!”
“How DID you manage to do that?”
“i dunno, i just sorta, did it…i saw pap doing something bad and i accidentally flung him while i was pretending to move him…with my mind,” explained Sans, embarrassed. He knew though, that if he wanted an answer himself, he needed to give as many details as possible.
“Hmm, I see.” Gaster attempted to pull Papyrus out of the wastebin using the same method he’d seen Sans use, but failed. He then tried to use it on the comedian himself, but it also had no result. “Huh, that’s VERY interesting. Moving your brother around as you would an ordinary bone attack, in theory, would mean that almost any skeleton could do the same, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.”
“uhh, we aren’t doing anything wrong dad.”
“You are. Your brother knows he can pull himself out with his wingdings, he’s pretending to be stuck and in turn choosing to be dramatic, attention-seeking, and disruptive. YOU are supposed to be looking after your brother, but instead of helping him out of the wastebin, you’re currently speaking to me. You’re BOTH doing something wrong.” Gaster tried one more time to move both boys. “But it seems even when you’re fully aware of your wrongdoings, this karma-induced attack can’t be done, not by my font at least, or perhaps it has something to do with the soul…PAPYRUS!”
“NYEH!” The baby bones jolted in surprise and tumbled forward, rolling out of the basket in a somersault before coming to a halt at his father’s feet. “Nn…what you want stink Daddy who doesn’t help da’ baby?” asked Papyrus smiling and holding his toes.
“You’re full attention. You are a large part of Sans, so surely you too could perform-”
“That was NOT your full attention.”
“IMMA LEARN WITCHCRAFT!” The baby bounced up and down excitedly, obviously not hearing his father. “Teach me da’ force big Buther and I will spare yo’ books.”
Three hours…that was three hours ago.
“three hours and we didn’t get any answers whatsoever.”
“Hey, dat sounds like me Snas!”
“huh?” Looking down, the young skeleton cringed upon realizing he had spaced out again. “sorry baby bro,” he said, giving his brother an apologetic hug. “i swear i don’t do this on purpose, i really am trying to listen, what’d i miss?”
“You asked about the soul-glow and I say is karma. Karma make your soul really bright and stuff so when you die, God go ‘Ooooh! That’s a pretty soul right there! I wants to add it to my collection’ and then he take you to Heaven and puts you on his shelf.”
“*pfft!* is that right? is that how you get into heaven pappy?”
“Yep! Daz why you gots to be good, so you can be part of the Lord’s house! He gots the coolest house ever big Buther. ERYTHING glow in the dark there! He gots souls floating in lava lamps, he gots souls floating in his waterbed, he even gots souls in his floor Snas! His floor be tiled glass and underneath the glass be a special soul that lights up each widdle square-”
“you’re talking about an LED floor.”
“a disco floor.”
“Yep, and If you’re reallll good, like, da’ bestest person ever, you get to be his night light.” The little Horror said this like it was the most amazing thing in the world, then looked around the office in apparent confusion. His daddy slept here all the time, so where was HIS nightlight? Did he use the glow of his computer?
“why are you making him sound like a 70s buff?” asked Sans, interrupting the baby’s train of thought.
“Cause’ he is! I readed it in da’ bib-el.” Crawling towards the bookshelf with the still broken cabinets, Papyrus took out the book, hidden in plain view amongst old tomes Gaster had long since read and forgotten about. The baby would have to remember to hide it again somewhere else later, less his daddy see it while fixing the doors.
“i HIGHLY doubt that’s in there.”
“Nope, it is! Is all true Snas! The Lord all about peace! Hugs not guns, compassion’s in fashion, make love not war, he ALL about the 70s.”
His brother frowned, though he was more worried than annoyed. There were some sensitive people out there and some who were just plain awful when it came to THIS particular topic. He remembered after reading, going to several people to ask for more information and being met with criticism for not reading the whole thing himself, and lectures from monsters about certain passages when all he wanted was a translation. There were even a few who got angry at him for certain questions.
“…a mountain of fire and smoke’ that sounds like a volcano. maybe this really did happen-”
“It did!” said a monster enthusiastically, carrying a bag of groceries from Snowdin. “God stood atop the mountain in the ten commandments story and introduced himself, but it frightened the people down below.”
Suddenly, they jumped upon hearing loud laughter erupt from the child.
“hahahahaha!” The comedian leaned forward, almost spilling the contents of the bag he was helping to carry as the monster gave him an irritated look. “What’s so funny?”
“you probably don’t know what a wrestler is, me and my bro have only seen them on old human videos, but they use pyrotechnics to introduce themselves before a match. it sounds like god was trying to use the volcano to look cool and it backfired, hahaha!”
“GOD WASN’T USING PYROTECHNICS!” shouted the monster, completely offended. “That’s ridiculous! He doesn’t HAVE to try to look cool! HE IS COOL!”
“hey, relax, chill! i’m not saying he isn’t cool, i’m just saying he made a funny mistake. to be honest, it makes him seem more real-”
“then why’d he tell everyone not to come near him? volcanos are deadly, it’d make more sense for him to wanna protect his kids right?”
“Looord, give me the STRENGTH not to smack this skeletal child…!”
Sans had stopped asking questions after that.
It just didn’t seem safe, and it wasn’t safe for Papyrus either.
I can’t let Pappy go around saying the things he’s saying near other people. They aren’t going to CARE that he’s just a baby who doesn’t know any better.
He doesn’t, right?
“you know if some people hear you saying this outside the lab, they’re gonna get upset right, bro?”
“No they won’t!”
“oh no?”
“No. They’s gonna be happy to hear me! People listen and they probly think ‘Wowie! That baby sure is informed about our Lord and savior! If he read the bib-el then he can’t be ALL bad, the bib-el teaches you how to be good! I should be this baby’s friend cause’ they probably a good person.”
“that’s…that’s not what’s going to happen pappy. you’re going to get yelled at.”
“Dat’s why I needs to learn the force big Buther!”
“So I can defends myself.”
“…you have enough power papyrus, in fact, you’re OVERpowered, heh heh…”
“get it? overpowered with pow-”
“I doesn’t get it and I doesn’t WANT to get it. Sides’ Chara say you can never have enough power Snas.”
“isn’t your friend dead though? maybe you shouldn’t be taking life advice from the dead baby bro. just a thought.”
“…i’m sorry, that was mean-”
Papyrus pushed the Bible towards Sans with his foot. “You need Jesus big Buther.”
The book ended up back at the library.
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system21-au · 4 years
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Poly is a virus like Fresh(and also dangerously infatuated with Fresh), inhabiting a Frisk in one of the many universes in System 21. Can morph into any character from the Undertale folks along with their abilities and powers.
Whereas Fresh doesn't have any emotions, Poly is the opposite. But due to an unstable host with a powerful soul, Poly feels too much in too little time. Favorite form is Sans.
Snas is [...] Insists that the S is silent and not the other one. Is said to originate from [...] scarring him. He can [...]
[...] and then apprehended by Fa[...] Snas manages a [...] for now until he [...]
Both inhabit a universe in the computer System 21 that is on the verge of a collapse due to "player" neglect. Mischievous chaos ensues until the "player" returns... If they return...
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the-netjeru-oasis · 5 years
sna/ke: Your attacks are worthless against me. Every night I will rise again. You can fight me all you want, but I will always prevail and isfet will spread like a virus amongst your people
Set: Omae wa mou... Shindeiru
sna/ke: n-nani!?
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uno-duo-triotale · 5 years
My error snas boi. Cuz fresh confliction, but sayrus alternate so the need to give em a chance but its *fresh*
the fantastic fun of Big Bro is he’s not contagious as the regular Fresh folk- completely contained in the reaction of RaGe and HaTe. on the contrary he’s shown a bit of skill in doing the oposite- curing it, and preventing it. Sayrus wants to work with him, avidly, toward using his natural body to make a cure for the virus. 
anyway- hes not a contagion, so that might make him easier for error to deal with. and that said, i never expected they'd fall in the [REDACTED] obvious pairing-
but you didnt hear that from me. anyway, given [REDACTED], Big Bro has no problems with Error!Characters at all.
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trevorlaffanblog · 3 years
It's easy to criticise teachers and SNA'S - but is it fair?
It’s easy to criticise teachers and SNA’S – but is it fair?
If you still don’t know how real or how scary Covid-19 is, then you should listen back to Brendan O’Connor’s interview with Senator Marie-Louise O’Donnell about her battle with the virus. She said it was petrifying and when it had sucked all the energy out of her, she was almost prepared to give up and drift away because it would have been easier. There’s no doubt about it, the Corona virus is…
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taz-rexxo · 4 years
I Looove Youu Babyy <3
Hello my babyy gwwww i looove youuuu sooo much gwwwww i miss youuu naaaa mahaaal :( Gwwwww i love youuu baby gwwwww i miss youuu soo much gwwwww gusto na gusto na kita makitaaa babyy gwwwww sobraaa gwwwww huhuu :(( I looove youuu sooo much babyyy sna makahanap aq ng tahooo for youuu my babyy gwwww i loove youuu sobraaa mahal gwwww and i wanna see you na sobraa nakakagigil gwwww sobraaa mahaaal HAHAHAHAHAH Gwwwwww kase i miss youu sooo much mahaaal gwwwww and yung kulit mooo and kulitan and baliwans natin parehas my loove gwwww wala lang HAHAHAHAHAH talaga nakakaadik babyy to be with youuu baby gwww and i only wanna make more and more time for you <3 gwwwww and spend that time with youuuu babyy kahit san man tayu punta or anu gawin babyy gwwwww basta kasma kitaaa looove happy na aq, super happy na aq sayu and i only wanna be with youuu babyy gwwwww kas eyou make complete and  a better version of myself everyday, yes i say it always mahal kasi i want you to know what kind of impact you have in my life babyy and how super important you are my babyy gwwwww, bumabagyo nowww pero sana matapos na den agad because i really wanna see youuu my babyyy and be with youuu na gwwwww i loove youuu sooo much my babyy gwwwww thank you always for everyday mahal super grateful q lang sayu and i thank God everyday na i met youu my babyyy super crush kita baby and whenever i see you i just wanna kiss you and arrrghhh grrrr you're mine and only mine babyy and i loove youuu soo much nakakagigil gwwwww i loove youuu soobra babyy gwwwwwww wish na we could spend time with each other longer and longer in the future mahal and be together halos daily gwwww super perfect na eon gwwww i wanna be with you everyday if i could babyy gwwwww sana pag wala na virus babyyy and things can go back to normal so ic an see you again and pwede na ulit tayu umalis together babyyy pero mga sandali lang tas uwi na tayuuu because home dates padin HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH Gwwwww <3 Muaaaa super cute muaaa <3 perooo tayu padin pinaka cute sa lahat babyy HAHAHAHAHAH   gwwwwww muaaaa <3 HAYY NII KAKILIG BABYY TO BE WITH YOUUU HAYYYY I'M STILL SOOOO SMITTEN BY YOU GRRRR I WANNA KISS YOUUU NAAA and be with youuuuu babyy huhu gwwww lapit na mahaaaal onting tulog nalang tas puntahan nakita uleeet mahaaaal <3 muaaa gwwwwww i loove youuu soo much my babyy gwwwww i love you sooobra gwwwww babyyy <3
I Loooove Youuu Sobraaaa Wifeyyy <3
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rmolid · 4 years
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