#Upon Waking
kage-sama452 · 2 months
Ok, so there's this independent movie from 2024 (I think) called "Upon Waking" about two lesbians on a not so good first date. They get carbonmonoxided into a coma and their souls are trapped in the apartment, forced to spend time together and learn from one another.
I watched this movie during the 14. LGBT film festival in Poland and I'm so frustrated that there is literally noone talking about it. It got lesbians, catradora vibes, "and there was only one aprtment" fanfic energy and I'm like the only person on this hellsite who saw it!
Please tell me I'm not goncharoving it...
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benitannachortam · 6 months
Surely their courage wasn't an inheritance but a decision.
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wynsvre · 2 months
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housestock snoozin'
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astrateiaa · 10 days
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This school was built on sacrifice
(I've been fascinated by Ohtori Academy being modeled after a burial mound for some time now. It's such good imagery.)
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cemeterything · 5 months
To be honest I thought The Terror was your D&D campaign I didn't know it was a show
historians have often described the franklin expedition as "the world's first d&d campaign"
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tazmiilly · 10 months
FtM or as I like to call it. Fiddleford to Mcgucket
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basu-shokikita · 1 month
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ganondoodle · 8 months
me: finally im able to cope with how much i hate totk and can fuel that energy into other things :)
nintendy: the shiekah tech just dissappeared and no one knows why or cares enough to investigate it lol. lmao. its gone bc the calamity is gone or something even tho it literally isnt bc ganondorf is right there haha lol, stop asking, why do you care. just forget it existed and look at that sexy goatman and glue instead!! glue! isnt that wild?? also its totally a direct, 100% same universe and exact same characters, despite them act totally out of character, sequel to botw-
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ewwww-what · 3 months
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Biggest brownest eyes you’ve ever seen. (She understands something deeply unsettling about the nature of the universe that everyone around her seems to ignore.)
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stiinkbuug · 1 year
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suiheisen · 1 year
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sully’s 400th win gift 🎂
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anachilles · 2 months
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-> read here on AO3! <-
firefighter!bucky x bartender!buck AU
Gale works at the haunt of the local firefighters to put food on the table and a roof over his (and his cat’s) head while he studies for his doctorate.
Bucky’s ex-military, having enlisted to the Air Force straight out of high school, but is now a firefighter and dedicated patron of the station’s most beloved dive bar. Even more so when he meets who he’s convinced is the love of his life.
It becomes a running joke that Gale refuses to both A) wear a name tag and B) tell Bucky his name.
So obviously the only choice for Bucky is to flirt with him shamelessly and relentlessly every time he’s in the bar. Pulling his metaphorical pigtails and running away.
Also: “Well if you’re not gonna tell me your name, suppose we could just share mine.” And so, ‘Buck’ was born.
Even the other bartenders start calling him Buck. When they know his actual name!!
Becomes known around the station as Bucky’s teetotaller barmaid crush. Antics, mutual pining, and falling in love ensue.
Curt, Douglass, Demarco, Veal, and Hambone as fellow firefighters.
‘Chick’ Harding as Station Chief.
Crosby, Brady, Blakely, and Helen as fellow bar staff. Rosie’s also here, Buck’s good friend from college who comes and hangs out at the bar often to catch up and work on legal cases on the quiet nights, etc.
Jack Kidd as the bar manager. Of course.
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nekropsii · 2 months
can you elaborate on Latula having brain damage?
Latula was not born anosmic. That was something she gained through an accident, spoken of only in hushed whispers. She lost her sense of smell through physical trauma. She’s very intent on keeping this somewhat of a secret, and constantly downplays her anosmia being a disability. No one really knows what happened, not even Aranea. They just know that something happened, and Latula lost her ability to smell out of it. Latula is the only person that really seems to know what happened, and she’s not opening her mouth about it.
She’s a Knight of Mind, with Knights being notorious for overcompensating for their sense of having a fundamental flaw in or lack of their own Aspect.
Fundamental flaw in Mind, huh? One they keep tightly under wraps. That technically rules out Latula’s OCD- not only do we know that she’s medicated to help manage it, but she talks about it freely. Though she is, by Porrim’s words, “overcompensating for her gender”, that’s not really a Mind thing.
Do you remember her conversation with Kankri? Where it’s revealed that what Aranea meant by them having “complicated unrequited feelings for each other”, was that Kankri was creepily obsessed with her- to a literal stalkerish extent- and Latula was deeply not into it? There was a point in his ramblings where he starts talking about her Anosmia. He frames it as inspiration porn, and she’s quick to downplay.
The main bit here is calling Latula “brave” for “suffering” through a disability, when she barely counts it as one. She insists specifically on not making it into a big deal. Part of this is understandable- having your disability turned into inspiration porn right in front of your face is deeply unpleasant. But anosmia is a disability… But it doesn’t have much to do with Mind, does it?
Reveal Time: It is physically impossible to have an accident where you slam your head into something so hard that you lose your sense of smell… And not get brain damage in the process.
Her unique, extremely long-standing relationship with Mituna- you know, the one that she acts cagey about when the topic of his disability comes up- may actually be in part strengthened by a sense of kinship. It’s genuinely extremely likely her accident left her with far more than anosmia, and she’s just downplaying it out of a neurotic sense of self preservation. She is terrified of Culling.
Mituna had an incident of violent physical trauma that left him brain damaged, and now he takes a kind of medication to help mitigate problems that arise from it. No one really knows what happened except for Mituna, and Aranea can’t really get any details out of him, so she leaves it marked as an incident that made him lose his mind. Latula had an incident of violent physical trauma that left her without a sense of smell, and she takes a kind of medication to help mitigate problems caused by her mind. No one really knows what happened except for Latula, and Aranea can’t really get any details out of her, so she leaves it marked as an incident that made her lose her sense of smell.
Latula’s deeply protective of Mituna. We know that. He’s constantly stated to have “lost his mind” in the Great Act of Heroism.
Is it unlikely to assume, considering… Everything that’s going on here, that maybe they both have the same fundamental flaw in their sense of Mind?
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kamikazeworld-art · 4 months
Something I feel a lot of people seem to forget about the relationship between the peak lords and bingqiu is that, at the end, Yue Qingyuan quietly gave Shen Qingqiu his approval and support. He was the one who urged him forward towards Binghe with a smile, letting him know he always had a home there, so he should do what makes him happy right now. He saw the love his shidi and most special person held for Binghe even in the wake of all the pain and destruction, and said in his own way "I support you".
Whatever feelings there are about their past, whatever the shape of his affection for Shen Qingqiu, it is canon that Shen Qingqiu has his FULL unconditional support in his relationship with Luo Binghe. And honestly? I love that so much.
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doctorsiren · 4 months
So like if Trucy is steven and Phoenix is Rose…
MILES IS GREG?? (Also very ironic character name there)
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yeah but also if we’re talking actual SU, I think Miles would be Rose and Phoenix would be Greg simply bc the colours and also I said so /silly
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also Lamiroir is Blue Diamond (screenshot from a sketch I did a while back)
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crunchchute · 6 months
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painting like this after 300 years (bold of me to draw a face with almost no reference when i cant even imagine him properly)
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